Migration, Refugees, and Health Risks: Conference Panel Summaries

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Conference Panel Summaries

Migration, Refugees, and Health Risks

Manuel Carballo* and Aditi Nerukar†
*International Centre for Migration and Health, Vernier, Switzerland; †Research International
Centre for Migration and Health, Vernier, Switzerland

Migration—both voluntary and forced—is increasing all over the world. People
are moving in larger numbers faster and further than at any other time in history.
This is happening at a time when many countries are ill-prepared to deal with a
changing demography and when policies and attitudes to population movement
and immigration are hardening. The health implications of this are many, and, in
some cases, illness and death rates associated with migration are exacerbated
by a lack of policies needed to make migration a healthy and socially productive
process. From a public health point of view, this is having—and will continue to
have—serious ramifications for the people that move, the family they leave
behind, and the communities that host the newcomers.

On Sunday June 18, 2000, 54 Chinese would-be immigrants Wars, natural disasters, and complex emergencies that
suffocated to death while trying to enter the United Kingdom in destroy social and cultural infrastructures are affecting more
a sealed truck designed to carry fruit from continental Europe. people than ever before, because as the world’s population
The path they took started in Fujian, a Province in southeastern grows and becomes more concentrated, so does the number of
China. From there they traveled to Beijing and then to people at risk for being affected by these events.
Kazakhstan or Russia, the Czech Republic, Austria, France, and Despite the time and effort spent on conflict prevention
across the English Channel to Dover where they died. and resolution, over the last 15 years alone over 36 countries
They covered thousands of miles, and the trip cost each of have been involved in conflicts of one kind or another. These
them an estimated $30,000 as well as their lives. About conflicts have collectively been responsible for uprooting over
100,000 people from Fujian Province attempt to emigrate 60 million people—more than the combined populations of at
each year, most of them unofficially (illegally). Fujian is just least 13 Western European countries. Such are the vagaries of
one of thousands of areas throughout the developing world peace accords and resettlement policies that many of these
sending people who believe that a better quality of life and refugees will remain stateless and homeless for years and, in
greater opportunities exist elsewhere. Modern methods of some cases, generations to come.
communication have made the world a far smaller place and Many of the same factors that influence those who
introduced people everywhere to different concepts and migrate for economic reasons also influence the movement of
increasingly shared values and expectations. refugees. Better communication and easier and faster transport
Migration is not a new phenomenon, of course. Early systems have increased the number of places they can settle.
hunting and gathering societies migrated constantly, and Thus, within months of being forced from their homes in Bosnia,
nomadic herdsmen in many parts of the world still move refugees were taken in as far afield as Malaysia, Australia,
routinely. The United States, Canada, and Australia were built Canada, and the United States as well as many other countries
on migration, and most European countries were saved by being closer to home. The same situation occurred with Kosovar
able to send millions of people to other places when confronted Albanians some 7 years later, and by the end of 1999, these
with massive agricultural, political, or economic crises. refugees were dispersed over at least 60 countries.
Today as many as 190 million people are thought to cross Were these mass movements simply demographic
borders every year, and migration has become an integral and phenomena the problem might be of purely academic interest.
inevitable part of global social and economic development. However, the reality is that, with respect to both voluntary
More importantly, the possibility of moving elsewhere is and forced migration, deaths occur. The 54 Chinese people
becoming an increasingly key part of how people view the who died in the back of the truck in Dover, England, were a
world they live in. Growing poverty in some regions is pushing small tip of a large iceberg. Mexicans trying to enter the
more and more people to look for opportunities elsewhere at United States take the same risks every day and their
the same time as politicians and social forces are trying to mortality rate is probably just as high. From Valencia, Spain,
prevent more immigration. The public health implications of down to the Straits of Gibraltar police patrols regularly find
this emerging dynamic, so replete with political contradic- the bodies of Africans who drowned trying to enter Europe
tions, are enormous. through its southernmost door. Albanians trying to get to
At the same time that voluntary migration is increasing, Italy risk meeting the same fate in the Adriatic Sea.
so are far more tragic types of uprooting and displacement. The number of migration-related deaths will continue to
grow if policies designed to keep people out of countries are
more stringently enforced just at the time when pressure on
Address for correspondence: Manuel Carballo, International Centre
for Migration and Health, 11 Rte Nant d’Avril, 1214 Vernier,
them to go to new countries is increasing. However, in
Switzerland; fax: (41 22) 783 1087; e-mail: mcarballo@icmh.ch addition to these mortality statistics and human rights

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questions, other public health considerations need to be Migrants may may not be eligible for national health
addressed. Because migrants are typically poor people insurance plans, or they simply may not know where and how
moving from poor economic environments, they carry with to seek help. In some cases, when immigrants come from high
them the health profiles that result from poverty. Their TB-endemic areas, they may have high tolerance levels for
understanding of health comes from having to adapt to poor discomfort and not seek help as readily as the native
ecological conditions along with limited possibilities for population of EU countries.
change and control over their own life. Much the same can be said of hepatitis A, which, like TB,
Despite the magnitude of the migration process now is a disease of poverty and endemic in most developing
underway, many European countries have been relatively countries. Exposure to it as a result of living conditions in
unprepared to deal with it, and few have formulated policies some EU countries cannot be excluded from the risk
needed to make immigration a healthy and socially productive situations that migrants face.
process. Health indicators suggest that migrants in Europe are The link between hepatitis B and HIV/AIDS when
at considerably higher risk for contracting a number of diseases unprotected sexual contact is a factor presents many
than nonmigrant populations in the same countries. psychosocial questions, namely those surrounding migration
and social integration. To understand this better, however, it
The Process of Migration is perhaps worthwhile to take into account the risks that
Migration, even under the best of conditions, involves a travelers and tourists take because, in many ways, their
series of events that can be highly traumatizing and that can behavior is often dictated by similar conditions as those
place migrants at risk. The process involves uprooting, being experienced by migrants.
separated from family and traditional values, and being In one region of the United Kingdom, people traveling
placed in new social and cultural situations where job and abroad accounted for more than 6% of all reported cases of
legal security may be minimal. For many migrants, social hepatitis B in 1981, and from 1990 to 1994 when travel had
integration is rarely easy and for some impossible. become more popular, the proportion had more than doubled.
Resistance to their presenceeven when their work In Germany, where an estimated 50,000 new cases occur per
skills are neededoften places immigrants on the periphery year, at least 7,500 are estimated to be associated with travel
of society. Resistance to their participation in society results by Germans to other countries.
from language problems and culturally-defined behavior that Many of these same underlying factors contribute to
often reinforce stereotypes and prejudices. Not only are migrants’ risk of contracting HIV/AIDS. Many EU countries
migrants themselves affected, but, in many situations, their require migrant workers to travel alone and leave spouses and
children are also discriminated against. Studies of this partners behind. This, almost inevitably, places migrants at risk
phenomenon, carried out by the International Centre for for unsafe sexual behavior, contact with sex workers, and
Migration and Health in the European Union (EU), indicate infection with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
that children of migrants may be at high risk for drug abuse Yet the risk of migrant workers contracting STDs other
because they use drugs to demonstrate their rejection of, and than HIV/AIDS is an issue that has not been addressed by
exclusion from, so-called mainstream society. most national health authorities. In Belgium, illness from
The labile nature of health and health-related behavior STDs is reported to be significantly higher among unmarried
makes people highly susceptible to the social dynamics and male immigrants than it is among Belgian men in general.
physical environments they live in, especially when there is Similarly, in Sweden, where there has been an overall
little or no social support to compensate for exclusionary decrease in the incidence of new cases of STDs, the number of
attitudes and poor working and living conditions. cases among foreign-born persons is superseding the number
among men born in Sweden.
The Demographics of Infectious Diseases in Migrant The incidence of HIV/AIDS is also higher among migrants
Workers living in Sweden, especially those from Africa, than among
The incidence of new cases of tuberculosis infection (TB) Swedish nationals. In Germany a similar pattern is emerging,
in 9 EU countries fell from 34.8 out of every 100,000 persons and it is becoming clear that the risk of HIV/AIDS among
in 1974 to 14.3 out of every 100,000 in 1995 in all 15 EU migrants reflects the global epidemiologic pattern of HIV/AIDS.
member states. In Denmark, the incidence of new cases Thus, in Germany where the number of AIDS cases among
increased steadily over the past 5 years, and the proportion of migrants has risen in recent years and represents approximately
cases in foreign-born persons rose from 18% in 1986 to 60% in 14% of all reported cases, it is most commonly found among
1996. In England and Wales, approximately 40% of all TB migrants from Africa, North America, Asia, and Latin America,
infections are estimated to occur in people from the Indian but migrants from Turkey and Eastern Europe have been
subcontinent. In the Netherlands, where the incidence of TB minimally affected. The picture is a complex one, however, and in
rose 45% between 1987 and 1995, over 50% of known cases of Italy the risk of HIV/AIDS in migrant populations appears to be
infection occurred among immigrants. The TB profile in lower than among nationals.
Germany and France is similar, and migrants are 3 times and
6 times, respectively, more likely to be diagnosed with the Reproductive Health Among Migrant Women
disease than are nonmigrants. Communicable diseases are by no means the only health
The irony of these figures is that, in many countries, the problems to which migrants appear to be highly susceptible.
working and living conditions of migrants may be creating Reproductive health in general, especially among women,
risk factors for them to contract TB. Social exclusion and seems to be affected by changes in social and economic
language barriers, as well as cultural attitudes to seeking environment, access to health care, changes in sexual
healthcare, often render the biomedical risks even greater. behavior, and social status.

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Difficult pregnancies and pregnancy-related illness workers in Spain. The incidence of other injuries among
among migrants are problems throughout the EU. In the people working in greenhouses is also high, and muscular
United Kingdom, babies of Asian mothers tend to have lower disease, dehydration, and heart complaints linked to high
birthweights than other babies, and perinatal and postnatal temperatures are common. Few agricultural workers receive
mortality rates are higher among immigrants born in much safety training, and few use effective protection.
Pakistan and the Caribbean than in the general population. Because many agricultural businesses are small and harvests
Data from Belgium indicate that in 1983 the highest seasonal, health authorities tend to have limited access to
perinatal and infant mortality rates were for babies born of them, and little routine evaluation of working conditions and
immigrant women from Morocco and Turkey. By 1993, the safety takes place.
situation had improved substantially for the domestic
Belgian population and for Moroccan immigrants, but among Domestic Accidents and Poisonings Among
Turkish immigrants high perinatal and infant mortality Immigrant Children
rates persisted and in 1993 were still 3.5 times higher than Immigrants also tend to be more vulnerable to other
those for Belgians. types of accidents. In Germany, non-German children 5 to 9
In Germany, perinatal and neonatal mortality rates are years old have more traffic and other accidents than German
consistently higher in foreign-born groups, especially Turkish children. Children of Moroccan and Turkish migrant workers
immigrants, than in the population as a whole. The rate of in the Netherlands also have more domestic accidents such as
perinatal mortality for babies born to German mothers is poisonings and burns, as well as traffic accidents, than Dutch
approximately 5.2% and among nonnationals approximately children. Poor quality housing is often a risk factor, and in
7%, and the incidence of congenital abnormalities and France, lead poisoning from paint in old, poorly maintained
maternal mortality is also higher among immigrants. houses is a major problem for migrant children. The frequent
In Spain, premature births, low birthweight, and absence of one or both parents due to heavy work schedules,
complications of delivery are especially common with infants along with poor childcare alternatives available to immigrants
born of women who have immigrated from sub-Saharan also contributes to putting children of migrants at risk.
Africa and Central and South America. African immigrant
women giving birth in hospitals, for example, have an Psychosocial Issues Among Immigrants
incidence of premature births almost twice as high as in Underlying many of these health issues are the
Spanish women, and low-birth-weight rates are also psychosocial determinants of health-related behavior.
approximately double those of women born in Spain. Whether migration is planned or not, voluntary or forced,
Over 8% of babies born to women from Central and South some degree of stress is always involved. Migration means
America are underweight and 6.3% are born prematurely. breaking with family, friends, and established social
Unwanted pregnancy and poor knowledge about contracep- networks, departing from traditional routines, value systems,
tion and where to get contraceptive devices and advice on and accepted ways of behaving and having to adapt to new
contraception are common problems among immigrant social and psychosocial environments.
women, and requests for abortions tend to be twice as common Despite the potential magnitude of the problem, the
among them as Spanish women, especially those coming from psychosocial health of migrants remains poorly addressed.
North Africa and the sub-Saharan region. Relatively little is known about the dynamics involved or
about what should and can be done to prevent or manage
Occupational Health and Safety Among Immigrants mental health problems related to migration. In the EU,
Migrants tend to take jobs that are temporary, require where both the number of immigrants and the amount of
few skills, and are largely unattractive to local labor forces. internal movement is increasing, social integration and
Many jobs that are available, such as those in mining, acculturation (defined as the gradual adoption of the identity,
construction, heavy manufacturing, industry, and agriculture, values, behaviors, and attitudes of the host community) are
often involve poor environmental conditions and lack of safety. linked to a number of mental health problems.
Because temporary labor markets are often seen as too Language also plays an important role in mental health,
short-term to justify major investments in training, and barriers to good communication compound feelings of
employers tend not to require instruction and careful isolation and being “unwanted.” The capacity to communicate
supervision. Language obstacles, poor communication, lack of can influence healthcare-seeking behavior, underreporting,
familiarity with some of the technology used, and different poor explanation of health problems and symptoms,
attitudes to work safety all contribute to work-related risks. inappropriate diagnoses and the capacity of immigrants to
The number of industrial accidents and injuries is higher comply with treatment regimens.
among migrant workers than among citizens in France and Some EU countries have adopted settlement policies that
Germany, especially those who work in construction and public stress the social dispersal of ethnic minorities and immigrants in
works types of jobs. Over 30% of all accidents resulting in permanent order to integrate them more quickly into “mainstream” society.
disabilities involve non-nationals. Data from Belgium similarly There is little evidence that this has been effective; indeed, the
indicate that Moroccan and Turkish workers in heavy industry have feelings of isolation that follow social dispersal are often
a higher incidence of accidents than Belgian nationals and suffer detrimental to both mental health and social integration. This
more secondary psychological sequelae. has been the case with Vietnamese refugees in Finland, where
In the agricultural sector, unprotected exposure to younger immigrants were more able than their parents to adopt
pesticides and other chemical products is a common problem, Western values and behaviors, but their “success” prompted
and chronic exposure to them has been linked to depression, anxiety and depression among mothers who felt they were
neurologic disorders, and miscarriages among migrant “losing” their children.

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Among rural Turkish workers in Amsterdam, only a few the migration of drug users coming to the UK in search of
are able to speak Dutch, and the capacity to function and better living conditions has become a serious problem.
integrate into mainstream society has often been limited. In Amsterdam, about half of people using methadone bus
Mental health problems such as neuroses are common, and outreach programs are non-Dutch, and about a quarter of all
over half of these immigrants say they worry and often regret young women who leave drug Youth Advice Centers prematurely
their decision to move away from home. Less than 50% of are from other countries; 45% of detainees in youth
those who are married are able to bring their families because penitentiaries are migrant children. The reasons for drug abuse
work contracts and conditions do not allow it. among children of immigrants vary considerably, but in France,
In Germany, an estimated 13% of immigrants seen for it is seen as a manifestation of social marginalization and an
depressive disorders develop problems during their initial 12 expression of anger at the problems of integration. A study of
months away from home. Another 25% tend to have problems psychological stress and coping among Greek immigrant
within the following 2 to 5 years. Many immigrants say they adolescents in Sweden tends to confirm this, and similar
“long for home” and report exaggerated memories of familial observations have been reported in Germany.
events, the ways they lived, and things they experienced as Patterns of drug abuse among migrants and refugees,
children. Fantasies about home and returning home are often however, may not necessarily be different from those of local
described as “migrant’s opium,” and although these responses populations, and evidence is growing that what really
are not necessarily serious, they are often psychologically differentiates immigrants and their children from nationals,
debilitating. In no case is this more true than when families is the limited ability or unwillingness of immigrants to use
are forced to migrate and are violently dispersed. High levels local health and social services for fear of being reported or
of anxiety among Bosnian refugees in Austria have been because they do not receive culturally sensitive support.
linked to their inability to trace lost family members, and this
is felt to have become one of the main barriers to any real Conclusion
improvement in their overall quality of life in many host Migration nurtures economic development, encourages
countries. interdependence between countries and regions, and also
The relatively high incidence of depression among immigrants provides important links for the exchange of resources
and their children in many EU countries has also been associated between the EU and other countries. The economic need for
with high rates of suicide, possibly linked to unemployment. In the this movement of human resources is well-established, and it
Netherlands, where the unemployment rate among migrants in is unlikely that the trend will diminish of its own accord in the
1994 was 31% compared to 13% for Dutch nationals, the suicide rate foreseeable future. Indeed, the free movement of people that
among children of immigrants was also considerably higher than in has become a basic principle of the EU will no doubt be
the general population. In Rotterdam, children of Turkish extended to include other countries as they are admitted to
immigrants were five times as likely as Dutch children to commit the Union.
suicide and Moroccan children three times as likely. Children, Despite the magnitude of the public health issues
particularly girls, of Surinamese immigrants had a suicide rate 27.6 involved, relatively little attention has been given to the role
times higher than that of Dutch children. In the United Kingdom, of migration in changing the epidemiologic profile of receiving
suicide rates for women from the Indian subcontinent are also communities or the impact migration and resettlement have
markedly higher than for men and are highest among girls ages 15 on the health of immigrants. Even less attention has been
to 24. On the whole, suicide among this immigrant group is twice as paid to conditions possibly linked to poor health in the context
high as the national average and in the 25 to 34 year old age group, of migration. National health statistics rarely reflect the
60% higher. Attempted suicide among young women from south process or its implications, and there has been relatively little
Asia is also high. interest in the phenomenon by health and social scientists.
For many people, migration and resettlement result in What data are available tend to be from small studies and
social isolation and loneliness. This is especially so when people anecdotal reports. They nevertheless indicate that the health
move alone. The relief found in temporary friendships and circumstances that characterize uprooting and migration
supportive social environments at ethnic bars often heightens merit more consideration.
dependency on alcohol and other substances, and alcohol abuse Much, of course, depends on the type of population
is a frequent problem among single immigrants. movement, why and where it occurs, and the profiles of the
people involved. However, the fact that most migrants move
Substance Abuse Among Immigrants because of the “push” of poverty rather than the “pull” of better
Alcohol abuse among male Indian immigrants, especially living conditions means that many of them inevitably come from
Sikhs, is increasing and reflected in higher mortality rates socioeconomically deprived backgrounds where they are not able
associated with cirrhosis of the liver, which are twice as high to provide a good quality of life or health for themselves.
as they are for men born in England. This trend is not typical Migrants moving because of poverty arrive with health profiles
of all Asian immigrants, however; Pakistani males (who tend typical of those in their previous surroundings. Poverty breeds
to be Moslem) are far less likely to consume any alcohol. diseases of poverty no matter where or when it exists.
Irrespective of religious background, women from the Indian The range of health issues that can be associated with
subcontinent are also unlikely to consume alcohol, and their migration is inevitably broad. It includes communicable and
death rates from alcohol-related causes are similar to those noncommunicable diseases, injuries associated with work
for English women. environments, and psychological problems. All or any of them
Drug abuse also may be an emerging problem among can be debilitating to the health of migrants and their
immigrants. In the United Kingdom, immigrant drug users who families. They can also have serious consequences for
have tested HIV-positive have begun to attract attention, and societies and communities into which they move and work.

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Conference Panel Summaries

Communicable and noncommunicable diseases, as well as confront women with difficult psychological barriers.
occupational injuries, psychosocial problems, and family Psychological stress may also contribute to the problems
breakdown, can all be equally important with regard to the immigrants face, and the deprivation, employment difficul-
care and treatment required to deal with them and the work ties, and problems of cultural and social adaptation
and school days that can be lost because of them. The health experienced by migrants deserve more consideration. Early
of migrants thus has social and economic consequences for identification of people at risk and counseling for these people
host countries as well as for migrants and their families. are urgently called for.
The process of migration within and into the EU includes The fact that migrants are often qualified for only low-
changing and emerging trends in health. TB is a disease of skilled jobs also means they are often confined to high-risk
poverty, and it is not surprising that migrants from poor and irregular occupational settings. The fact that they come
countries are at high risk of contracting it. Much could be done into them with little previous experience and receive little
to avoid TB by ensuring better standards of living for low training and safety support means that they are often exposed
income migrants who must often deal with poor housing and to health problems and accidents associated with low-skilled
overcrowded conditions. Early identification and treatment of jobs.
TB is also important and screening should be seen as a way of For ethical as well as public health reasons, occupational
identifying people who need treatment. However, associating hazards for immigrants is an area that calls for much more
health screening with the possibility of expulsion does little to attention than it has received to date. The fact that
encourage migrants to participate and indeed may defeat the documentation in this area is so weak is, in itself, indicative of
whole purpose of it. Illegal immigrants are possibly at the little attention it has been given. As a first step, better
particularly high risk of TB and reluctant to be tested for fear training given by people who speak the languages of migrants
of being expelled. Screening for other diseases such as would be an important contribution to solving these problems.
hepatitis, which also constitutes a growing threat, could also Culture conflict is a common and serious problem in
be useful if it is done in a constructive way. migration. It affects people in different ways, some more
Problems associated with maternal and child health overtly than others. To what extent culture conflict or clash is
among migrants have long been a matter of concern in most linked to mental health problems reported among migrants is
EU countries. Migrant women make poor use of contraceptive not clear, but there is reason to believe that it is a factor. Just
services and have more difficult pregnancies than other as with other health indicators, however, there is a paucity of
women. They have more low-birth-weight babies and tend to information on the incidence and prevalence of mental health
deliver prematurely more often. In some countries, migrant problems among migrants. Available data suggest that
women also terminate pregnancies more often than other cultural background plays an important role in predisposing
women. In some migrant communities, women are still some immigrants to some diseases such as depression,
regarded as second-class citizens. Different cultural practices chronic anxiety, and neuroses. Alcohol and drug abuse may
within families and attitudes toward women often seriously also be used as coping responses that expose migrants to other
limit their access to, and use of, antenatal care and other health problems such as HIV/AIDS. However, in general, the
services. Conflicting pressures are brought to bear on women trauma and exclusion that all immigrants face increase their
caught between traditional domestic values and practices and risk of behaviors that, in turn, increases their susceptibility to
those of the social environment they work and live in and thus all diseases.

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