Grade 12 Life Science The Ear PDF
Grade 12 Life Science The Ear PDF
Grade 12 Life Science The Ear PDF
The ear
Terminology & definitions:
Mechanoreceptors: The Organs of Corti are receptors located in the cochlea of the
ear, which are stimulated by sound waves and convert the sound waves into
Ossicles: Three little bones called the hammer, anvil and stirrup located in the
middle ear and that function to amplify sound.
Otis media: inflammation and infection of the middle ear which causes pressure on
the eardrum.
The Human Ear:
The ears are the sense organs for hearing. Mechanoreceptors in the ear are
stimulated by sound waves, which are converted to impulses. The impulses are
transmitted via sensory neurons to the auditory centre in the cerebral cortex of the
brain where they are interpreted. The ears are also the organs for balance and
equilibrium. These impulses are transmitted via sensory neurons to the cerebellum
where they are interpreted to ensure balance and equilibrium.
The sacculus and utriculus contain sensory hair cells called maculae. When
the head position changes, the pull of gravity stimulates the maculae, which
convert the stimulus into an impulse, transmitted along the auditory nerve to the
cerebellum where it is interpreted. The cerebellum will send impulses to the
muscles, to restore balance.
Hearing defects: