Poultry Breeding Records
Poultry Breeding Records
Poultry Breeding Records
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Agric ult
Aside from the appearance of the bird, and the appearance of its
brothers and sisters, its pedigree is all one has to go by, unless its
parents happen to have been mated in a season previous to the one
in which it was hatched. I n such a case breeding or production
records of older brothers and sisters may be available.
arrange means of identifying each chick that hatches with its dam,
which also identifies it with its sire through the record of matings.
Each step in this series of operations must be a matter of record if
the whole purpose of the record is to be served.
A further consideration in breeding practice is the fact that mat-
ings are usually made for an entire season. While the time elaps-
ing between copulation and the appearance of a resultant fertile
egg is quite short, the laying of that egg does not end the influence
of the female’s mate. The number of sperm ejaculated during a
single copulation is enormous, and their length of life in the oviduct
is a matter of weeks. If for some reason i t is desired to mate a
given female with more than one male during one breeding season,
and a t the same time be sure of the parentage of all offspring by
both mates, it is necessary to leave the female unmated for a period
of three weeks before introducing the second male.
Such a procedure involves the production of a larger or smaller
number of infertile, and, from the standpoint of breeding, useless
eggs, and a corresponding loss of valuable time during the breed-
ing season. These considerations make the usual time unit of mat-
ing an entire breeding season.
Because of the great desirability of setting eggs soon after being
laid, and the fact that favorable hatching dates are recognized, the
progeny of any one pair does not appear as a single seasonal litter
as in the case of swine, but are hatched periodically throughout, the
season. Thus full brothers and sisters of a single season may have
varying hatching dates, and individuals hatched on one date are
likely, because at different stages of maturity, to be more desirable
as breeders the following season than those hatched a t some other
date. It is, therefore, highly desirable to make the dates of hatch-
ing a part of the record.
There are five essential steps in the yearly cycle of keeping a
complete flock breeding record which will furnish the information
discussed above. These are: (1) the recording of each mating
made; (2) making a record of each breeding male’s pedigree and
progeny; (3) making a record of each breeding female’s pedigree,
production, and progeny; (4) marking each egg of each breeding
female as i t is laid, and pedigree hatching it; and (5) marking and
recording the chicks a t hatching in such a way as to identify them
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For any given mating the first step and the last two will be com-
pleted within a single breeding season, but the second and third ob-
viously cannot be entirely completed until the breeding and pro-
ductive life of the individual is over.
season without having a t least one female escape into another breed-
ing pen and mate.
This is perhaps not so serious where but one breed is kept, except
that if not discovered the offspring of such a hen will have a false
pedigree on the record. The first requisite of breeding records is
accuracy, and a false record may easily be worse than no record.
A list of females posted in each breeding pen, so that the trap-nester
may glance a t it, as he should be required t o do each time he takes
a female from a nest, will lead to early discovery of escaped females.
A convenient form for keeping the record of a single mating is
shown in figure 2.³ It provides a space at the left for the leg-band
number of the male (172M) which heads the pen, and for his mating
number (115M 2004). The latter is made by combining the num-
bers of his sire (115M) and dam (2004), and is the basis of trac-
ing pedigrees in the record system here described. Below the leg-
band number of the male heading the pen are spaces for the leg-
band numbers of one or more males held in reserve as substitutes
in case the male chosen proves sterile or is otherwise unsatisfactory.
In figure 2 a full brother and a half brother are indicated by their
mating numbers as having been reserved.
To the right are spaces for the leg-band numbers of females in
the pen, followed by their mating numbers and yearly egg records.
Where pullets are mated, that fact may be indicated by writing
“pullet” in the egg record space, or by leaving it bIank.
The number of spaces allowed for females (in this case 12) may
be increased where considered desirable, though keeping the number
of females mated with one male comparatively small is to be recom-
mended. Such a practice probably increases the per cent of fertile
eggs, and, even more important, leads to the breeding-that is, to
the applying of the progeny test-to a larger number of males.
In the space below, headed “Notes,” it usually will be found de-
sirable t o make a record of any special reasons for making the whole
mating or for including certain females in the pen. When very few
pens are mated this is perhaps not so necessary; but even then it
is very desirable, and is increasingly so in the case of extensive
breeding operations where many pens are mated each succeeding
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season. It is not likely that all the sons will be mated in the
breeder’s own pens where a complete record of the daughters of all
of them will be available.
It is a very human tendency to overemphasize the importance
of a few successful daughters and underemphasize the importance
of the unsuccessful ones. The sire’s record should show every
daughter (and her record) of each succeeding season that he is
It is quite apparent that this record cannot be made for a sire’s
first daughters until after he has been mated, the daughters grown,
and their records brought in, by which time the sire in question
will be approaching his third breeding season. In practice, all of
a given male’s get in any one season will be listed in the “Progeny
and Sib Record” for the pen he heads that season. When the
daughters mature and are leg-banded, their numbers may be listed
in numerical order in the spaces provided on the reverse side of the
“Sire’s Record,” as shown in figure 4. The egg records of the re-
spective daughters are entered later as they are completed.
In the space provided for “notes,” brief record should be made
concerning the production of the sire’s sisters, the breeding per-
formances of his brothers, the breeding performances of his sons,
or other facts bearing on his value as a breeder. The usual fact
that offspring out of certain females are more desirable than others
should be noticed and particularly successful mates noted down.
Not infrequently the space allotted for this information as shown
in figure 4 will be insufficient, and must be supplemented by an
additional sheet.
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In so incubating eggs that the chicks out of each hen may be iden-
tified, ordinary practice is followed until the eighteenth day of the
incubation period, with two exceptions. First, it saves time later
if care is taken that all eggs that have accumulated from any one
hen go into the same egg tray. Second, the second testing for live
eggs should be delayed until the eighteenth day. Or if preferred,
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the customary fourteenth day testing may be made, and a third test
made on the eighteenth day.
The reason for this is that a considerable proportion of the fertile
eggs which die do so between the seventh and eighteenth, or between
On the eighteenth day the eggs of each mated female are all put
in a separate sack, small tray, or wire basket (figs. 10, 11, 12 and
13), so arranged that the chicks cannot escape after hatching and
can be identified with their mother by the numbers on the shells.
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After the hatch is over, the next step is t o mark the chicks. This
is done by a small numbered band placed on the leg or in the wing.
Usually when leg banding is practiced, the band is later changed
from the leg to the wing, where i t remains during the life of the bird,
If left on the leg it must be loosened from time to time as the chick
grows, or it causes lameness, soon followed by deformity. In a com-
paratively short time the small band is outgrown and must be re-
placed by a larger one, which with some breeds must in turn be re-
placed by a still larger leg band. Considerable labor is saved during
the busy hatching and rearing season if at the time a band is first
loosened i t is taken from the leg and slipped through an incision
made in the skin of the web of the wing (figure 15), where it re-
mains permanently.
The labor of changing the bands from the leg to the wing, a con-
siderable item where large numbers of chicks are handled, is saved
if the bands are placed in the wing a t hatching time, as is being
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done in figure 16. The band in place is shown in figure 17, and on a
mature bird in figure 18. In either case a small per cent of bands
are lost, and therewith the identity of the chicks.
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tion, the practice of first putting the chick band on the leg was dis-
continued. The chicks are now wing-banded as they are taken from
the pedigree sacks. If properly done, the insertion of the wing bands
causes little discomfort, almost no bleeding, and the bands need no
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further attention. If not properly placed (figure 19) they may slip
around the wrist joint of the wing, as shown in figure 20, where as
the wing grows they cause great discomfort, and ultimately a de-
formity of the wing.
The wing bands are numbered serially. Owing to their small size
it is undesirable to have the figures run up into many places. This
may be avoided by having the numbers begin with 1 each season,
and having the year date appear on each band in small numerals, as
shown in figure 1. In this way no confusion arises through using the
same series of numbers season after season.
At the time the chick is banded the number on the band should be
recorded with its mating number. If the chicks are recorded by
matings in the Progeny and Sib Record, the first page of which is
the reverse side of the Mating Record (figure 21), it is necessary
only to record the wing-band number in the column of the proper
It will save time a t a very busy season, however, if use is made
of a blank form as shown in figure 22, called the “Chick Index,” and
the wing-band numbers entered serially in advance. It is then neces-
sary only to enter the mating number of each chick as it is banded,
opposite the number of the wing band it has been given. The bands
are used serially, having previously been strung in order. At some
later and less busy season, after the stock is mature enough for leg-
banding, the Progeny and Sib Record may be made up from the
Chick Index.
Two forms of the Chick Index are shown in figures 22 and 23.
The first is more compact and saves space. The second makes
allowance for entering brief but often very valuable notes, made
from time to time during the progress of rearing.
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pullets are put in the laying house in the fall and the best cockerels
are reserved as possible breeders, the leg-band numbers given must
be recorded opposite the respective wing-band numbers. The cock-
erels destined for sale as breeders, and this also applies to any pullets
to be sold, should not be leg-banded. Purchasers will wish to use
their own leg bands, and the identity of the birds may be determined
by the wing bands.
Where a sire’s record is kept for every male used as a breeder, and
individual egg records are used for all females trap-nested, it is un-
necessary to keep a separate flock breeding record corresponding to
the official herdbooks of other pure-bred live stock. Such a record is
automatically kept by the two records named above. Each chick
hatched has its mating number, which makes known its sire and dam.
The sire’s record (figure 2) shows the sire’s mating number, which
makes known the chick’s paternal grandsire and granddam. The
dam’s egg record (figure 5) shows her mating number. The mating
numbers of the grandparents will be shown on their respective rec-
ords and the numbers of the eight great-grandparents learned. The
mating numbers of these individuals in turn will appear on their
records, and so the ancestry may be traced back to the foundation
breeders of the flock, or to those individuals which were the first
For the sake of making clear the use of the mating number in writ-
ing pedigrees, without unduly increasing the number of illustrations,
as would be necessary t o show all the sires’ records and egg records of
the individuals involved, pages from a “Flock Breeding Record” are
shown in figures 9 and 24, from which the pedigree in the “Sire’s
Record” shown in figure 3 may be traced. It should be clearly under-
stood, however, that these figures are for convenience of illustration
only and are not essential to keeping a complete breeding record un-
less one is not keeping egg records. I n this case the “Flock Breed-
ing Record” would be necessary for the females.
In order to encourage the keeping of poultry breeding records,
copies of the blanks shown in this circular will be furnished without
cost to Kansas breeders who will indicate the numbers of females to
be trap-nested and pens to be mated. Address: Department of
Poultry Husbandry, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan,
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