Tutorial1 EOB Hardik N045
Tutorial1 EOB Hardik N045
Tutorial1 EOB Hardik N045
Tutorial 1
The essence of science is inquiry; the essence of engineering is design. Scientific inquiry
expands the scope of human perception and understanding; engineering design expands the
scope of human plans and results. Inquiry and design are perfectly distinct as concepts, but
often interwoven in practice, whether within a field, a research program, a development team,
or a single creative mind.
Engineers use the scientific knowledge to build processes, structures and equipment. Both
engineers and scientists have sound knowledge of science, mathematics and technology, but
engineers are trained to use these principles in designing creative solutions to the challenges.
Science is about studying what is existing, engineering is about creating what never was.
Science and engineering, both complement each other, for to transform nature effectively
requires proper understanding, and to discover nature’s secrets requires instruments to modify
it in experiments.
The Bullet Train, Japan
Japan is renowned for the incredible speed and efficiency of their trains. However, with speeds
in excess of 300km/h, bullet trains presented a problem in creating huge sonic boom every time
they emerged from a tunnel. An unfortunate result of changing air pressures, this source of
noise pollution greatly disturbed local residents and placed pressure on engineers to address
the problem. This they did, and drew inspiration from a rather unlikely source: the Kingfisher.
Kingfishers are masters in travelling between the mediums of air water, with very little splash.
Just like the Kingfisher, the bullet train is equipped with a long beak-shaped nose. This
significantly reduces the amount of noise the train makes, but also uses 15 per cent less
electricity, and travels 10 per cent faster than before.
Biology is the science that provides an in-depth, scientific understanding of how all living and
non-living organisms interact with each other. It encompasses other fields of research that are
related to the sustainability of life, including the environment, ecosystem, food quality, causes
of illnesses, the development of medicines, the study of the human body, to name a few.
The study of life has, helped in shaping the world. It has also given so many credible and
reliable answers that explain why things happen in a more scientific manner.
Here are some points on the importance of Biology:
1. Biology gives insights on the human body
by studying biology, everyone will be able to know the reasons behind the sudden
changes happening in their respective bodies. For instance, when kids unexpectedly
grow taller, and they experience changes in their physical appearances and sleeping
patterns, these mean that their bodies have started releasing hormones in preparation
for their puberty stage.