Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
The process of examining and arranging file data in a way that helps avoid problems when
organizations use or modify them later.
Levels of Normalization
1. First Normal Form (1NF) - all the record’s attributes are well defined, and the
information can thus be stored as a flat file.
2. Second Normal Form (2NF) - it is in first normal form and all the data items in each
record depend on the record’s primary record key.
3. Third Normal Form (3NF) - It is second normal form and contains no transitive
Data Validation
The Data Definition Language (DDL) of a DBMS enables its users to define the record
structure of any particular database table.
View in database parlance.
Dictate what data each user needs.
Protect sensitive data from unauthorized access.
Data Warehouses
Free errors
Defined uniformly
Span a longer time horizon than the company’s transaction systems.
Optimized data relationships that allow users to answer complex questions.