Praxis Core Exam Analysis
Praxis Core Exam Analysis
Praxis Core Exam Analysis
Francisco Perez
The Praxis exam is a requirement for all teachers who decide to pursue a bachelor’s in
education. It is foremost that all teachers display that they have sufficient knowledge of math,
reading, and writing skills. This is the purpose of the Praxis Exam. Students often take
comprehensive tests like these and spend many hours preparing for them. Similarly, aspiring
teachers must take this comprehensive test in order to measure their skills and show that they are
prepared to be a teacher who expects their students to be able to do well on comprehensive tests.
For the math portion of the exam, the passing score is 150, for reading it is 156, and for writing,
it is 162
In order to prepare for this test, I have been brushing up on my reading, writing, and math
in different ways. In other education courses, I have been studying through Khan Academy
which has material to study for the Praxis Exam. However, I did not continue my studying
throughout the summer break which affected my scores on the practice exam. I studied before
taking the practice exam. I have also been trying to read more books during my leisure in order
to improve my reading skills. Having the opportunity to do a practice exam has also helped me
by showing me what scores I would likely get if I were to take the real exam right now.
Truthfully, my practice exam scores were not promising. I still need to study the exam a
lot more if I expect to pass the exam. I received a 72 percent on my math practice exam. I felt I
was most prepared for this part of the exam but expected to do better. In the reading portion, I
scored a 50 percent which reflects that I need to do a significant amount of studying on this
portion before I take the real exam. Lastly, in the writing portion of the exam, I scored 70
percent. These results show that I need to study the most in reading and still need some
My test results displayed that I still have a long way to go if I expect to pass the Praxis
exam. My goal is to pass the exam before the end of November so that I can pursue my
bachelor’s in education through UNLV. In order to do this, I will study the exam more frequently
through Khan Academy. I will also try using other resources that are available to help prepare for
the exam. If there are any concepts that I am struggling with, I will seek the help of a tutor to