Synopsis Akash

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Project Synopsis

NAME OF STUDENT : Akash Bhattacharya


Title of the Project :“A study on customer relationship management at

‘Spencers’ retail outlet in KOLKATA”
1.1 Statement of the problem

Indian organized retailing is under transition today, bringing a lot of changes in format of retailing. In
this regard measuring customer relationship management in organized ‘Spencers’ retail outlets in
Kolkata, preferences, techniques and experiences will be of use to shape the CRM strategies of retail
outlets and their offerings.

1.2Objectives of the study

 To do the comparative analysis of CRM style on dimensions at Spencers retail outlet.

 To study the perception of customers towards the CRM strategies implemented by the Spencers Stores.
 To study the association between the Customers’s Services & the Customer Loyalty.
 To get an insight of the Retailer’s perspective towards the customer’s expectation in terms of CRM

1.3Research Methodology

Research is the systematic process of collecting and analyzing information (data) in order to increase our
understanding of the phenomenon about which we are concerned or interested. Research is a common
parlance refers to a search for knowledge. The urge of understand things may be rightly termed as
research, in other words we can also refer research as a scientific and systematic search of pertinent
information of specific topic. The concept of research is thus closely linked with human endeavor for
better understanding of his evolution, environment and growth through diverse stages of human history.

Research therefore, has been an integral part of academic pursuits in the past. It has served two fold
purpose, intellectual sharpening and evolving new theories to explain diverse phenomenon through which
mankind survived with the progress of modern era. Human curiosity has leads to understand his
environment in different angles. This process of studying this awareness of man manifested in a process
known as research

The research instrument used was developed to measure both the expectations and perceptions of the
customers of the Stores. The questionnaire were developed hypothesis were formulated to reflect the
Lifestyle Spencers and the customer service offered by them. Also to evaluate the different Gender’s
opinions towards the Customer services they are getting from the stores & to evaluate the retailer’s
perception about the customer’s expectations.
Tools of Data Collection

In present study both primary as well as secondary data will be used, which will helps in identifying the
customer relation towards ‘Spencers’ retail outlets to identify the latest CRM trends of retailing in India.

Data Sources

In present study both primary as well as secondary data will be used, which will helps in identifying the
customer relation towards ‘Spencers’ retail outlets to identify the latest CRM trends of retailing in India.

Primary Data

The primary data for the study will be collected by means of structured questionnaire and will be
distributed personally to the 100 respondents to get their responses.

Secondary data

The secondary data will be collected from company websites, lounge books, referrals, internet browsing,

Design of Questionnaire
The questionnaire will be designed to collect the data to keep in view the objective of the study. It will be
mostly closed ended and open ended short questions for the convenience of respondents

1.4 Sampling Plan

Sampling is that part of statistical practice concerned with the selection of a subset of individual
observations within a population of individuals intended to yield some knowledge about the population of
concern, especially for the purposes of making predictions based on statistical inference.The statistical
treatment of the study included the determination of the association between the stepsin the CRM model
and the customer service offered by the organization. Use was made of Pearson’s
coefficient to determine the level of association between the store attributes, customer service & the
customer loyalty.
Sampling Method: Convenience Sampling

Convenience sampling procedure was adopted for selecting respondents; the respondents will be mainly
from Bangalore city, where the company has its retail outlets. Samples will be collected by survey
method and the response of 100 respondents will be considered for analysis of data & interpretation.

Sampling Unit: The sampling unit will be customers who will shop in the retail store or the
similar store.
Sample Size: Sample size will be taken as 100 respondents with respondents from inside and outside the
similar retail outlet.

1.5Planning and Analysis

The primary data will be collected by means of structured questionnaire from 100 respondents and the
secondary data will be collected from websites, company reports, magazines, referrals and lounge books.
The data collected from the study will be analyzed and will be represented by simple graph, tables, and
charts and will be interpreted for providing relevant recommendation.

Field work

The data is collected from the people doing shopping in Kolkata city where the company has outlets.

Data presentation and analysis

The primary data was collected by means of structured questionnaire from 100 respondents the secondary
data was collected from websites, company reports, magazines, referrals and lounge books. The data
collected from the study is analyzed by simple graph, tables, and charts and interpreted for providing
relevant recommendation.

1.6 Chapter Scheme

Chapter 1: Introduction

It provides an insight and Introduction about the broad area of the topic chosen and also the theoretical
background of the study.
Chapter 2: Research Methodology

It consists of detailed coverage of the manner in which the report is prepared. Research methodology
helps to understand the practical steps adopted to reach the data and methods of analysis and interpreting
the response. It also includes Need for study, Statement of Problem, Objective, Research Design, Source
of Data, Tools of Analysis, Scope and Limitation of Study, Literature review.

Chapter 3: Industry Profile

The chapter is concerned with the introduction and the background of Retail Industry with reference to
Spencers as a whole which gives detailed information about the origin, growth, development and its

Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation

The data collected from the study will be presented and analyzed using appropriate statistical tools for
interpretation and providing relevant suggestions.

Chapter 5: Summary of Findings

The summary of findings is based on analysis and interpretation of primary and secondary data collected
for this study with respect to the objectives.

Chapter 6: Suggestions & Conclusion

The suggestions are based on findings of the study and conclusion is made.

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