Quiz 4: Navigational 5 - Operational Use of RADAR/ARPA

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Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City


Subject: NAV5 Date: 9/25/2020

Instructor: C/M VIRMARI TAN

Navigational 5 - Operational use of RADAR/ARPA

Quiz 4

Marine Collision Regulations


1. What factors shall be taken into account in determining a safe speed by all vessels?

By all vessels

I. The state of visibility

II. The traffic density including concentrations of fishing or any other vessels.

III. The maneuverability of the vessels with special reference to stopping distance
and turning ability in the prevailing conditions

IV. At night the presence of background light such as from shore lights or from
back scatter of her own lights.

V. The state of wind, sea and current and the proximity of navigational hazards.

VI. The draught in relation to the available depth of water.

2. Additionally, by vessels with operational radar

Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

I. The characteristics, efficiency and limitations of the radar equipment

II. Any constraints imposed by their radar range scale in use

III. The effect on radar detection of the sea state, weather and other sources of

IV. The possibility that small vessels, ice and other floating objects may not be
detected by radar at an adequate range.

V. The number, location and movement of vessels detected by radar

VI. The more exact assessment of the visibility that may be possible when radar is
used to determine the range of vessels or other objects in the vicinity.

A. By all vessels

The requirement to proceed at safe speed at all times applies to every vessel. This
point may have special significance with respect to vessels constrained by their draught
and to some vessels restricted in their ability to maneuver which may not just be
justified in maintaining a high speed when other vessels are in the vicinity because their
limited maneuverability.

Every vessel shall at all times,” indicating its universal application, in good visibility as well
as poor.

Consideration of speed must always be borne in mind as a closing situation may develop
rapidly. A watch keeper should be free to make a reduction in speed without having first to
notify the master or engineers, this might mean having the engines on stand-by ready for
immediate maneuver, particularly an area of restricted visibility.
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

6a i) Visibility is conventionally the most important consideration in setting the speed of

a vessel and must always be considered when setting a safe speed.

6a ii) Traffic density is important because the probability of a collision increases with the
density of traffic. It should be remembered that slowing will allow more time to assess
the situation in dense traffic.

6a iii) The vessels maneuverability considering the vessels stopping distance and
turning circle for the condition of the vessel (loaded, lightship)

6a iv) Background lights can cause a decrease in night vision and back scatter can mean
that small or even large ships lights are lost in shore lights. More look-outs might be
need, use of the radar and a reduction in speed should be considered.
6a v) The state of wind, sea and current, and the proximity of navigational hazards
must be monitored and considered when determining a safe speed.

6a vi) Draft needs as if there is little under-keel clearance there is a likelihood of running
aground, slower speed gives more time to assess the situation and if a grounding
cannot be avoided, the damage will be less.

If a vessel’s draft means it cannot navigate outside a channel it’s options for maneuver are
limited to reducing speed or stopping. A major course alteration to avoid collision may result in
Lack of UKC may also cause squat and the proximity of banks may cause banking of the
Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo, Iloilo City

6b i) The navigator needs to be aware of any blind sectors the radar set may have, if it
is X-Band or S-Band radar
S-Band can see long ranges better and through weather. X-Band give a better image of
the surrounding area but have a limited range and are used for navigation.

6b ii) The range scale selected determines the nature of the information available to the
navigator. Short range gives good resolution and enables the detection of small targets.
Long range scales sacrifice detail to gain early detection. It is best if the navigator
switches scales regularly, or if the navigator has two or more sets, uses a different
range scale on each set.

6b iii) Clutter should be adjusted correctly sea clutter to reduce interference caused by
waves and rain clutter used with caution to reduce clutter caused by rain, so that
targets can be detected.
6b iv) The location of the vessel and activities that may take place in the area such as
fishing fleets. The season of the year are important in judging whether undetected
vessels or ice may be present.

6b V) Accurate radar plotting becomes more difficult as the number of vessels

increases. Automated radar plotting aids (ARPA) make the task easier.

6b vi) Visibility can be assessed accurately by noting when a vessel is first sighted or at
night, when the vessel’s lights are first seen.

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