Erosion Protection at Diversion Tunnel Outlets With Concrete Prisms
Erosion Protection at Diversion Tunnel Outlets With Concrete Prisms
Erosion Protection at Diversion Tunnel Outlets With Concrete Prisms
Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineering
Tehran, Iran
Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Lausanne, Switzerland
In order to establish appropriate design criteria for a new protection measure downstream of
diversion tunnels or large culverts ending in mobile riverbed, systematic physical tests have been
performed using a hydraulic model. This protection measure consists of concrete prisms obtained
by dividing cubes diagonally. They are placed in such a way that in case of undermining, the whole
system is able to deform and to reduce erosion by still covering most of the bed in the protected
area. Two series of experiments have been carried out. The first series have been devoted to the
prediction of localized scour at diversion tunnel outlets in mobile riverbeds without protection
measures. In the second series of experiments, the performance of concrete prisms placed
downstream of the outlets for riverbed protection has been studied. Based on the systematic tests,
general applicable design charts and formulas for estimating the local scour depth, the required size
of the prisms and the total area to be protected have been developed.
1 Introduction
to establish appropriate design criteria for this new protection method with concrete
prisms, systematic physical tests have been performed using a hydraulic model.
Several researchers have investigated the scour caused by a horizontal jet over an
erodible bed which occur downstream of culverts. Several scour formulas have been
developed mainly for low velocities (1 to 2 m/s) (Abida & Townsend, 1991; Abt et al.,
1982, 1984, 1987; Chiew & Lim, 1996; Day et al., 2001; Mendoza, 1980; Mendoza et
al., 1983; Rajaratnum & Diebel, 1981; Rajaratnum, 1998). Only a few of these formulas
can be applied for flow conditions at diversion tunnel outlets.
A survey of relevant literature indicates that for protection measure with blocks, the
most experimental investigations have concentrated on riprap design procedure
(Maynord, 1978, 1988; Reese, 1984; Stevens & Simons, 1971). This protection measure
can be used when the maximum flow velocity is about 5 m/s. In case of diversion tunnels
the velocity at outlets could be reach until 10 to 15 m/s. Large concrete blocks are
therefore required to protect the area downstream of diversion outlets (Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Scour in alluvial bed downstream of a diversion tunnel outlet (left), riprap protection on a river bank
(middle), concrete prisms as erosion protection (right)
3 Experimental facility
Slope = 3%
Alluvial bed
The experimental results with and without using protection prisms were analyzed in
order to compare the downstream local scour development under these two different
It was observed that tailwater significantly influences scour hole geometry. Figure 3
illustrates different formation of the scour hole due to low and high tailwater levels.
Figure 3: Scour hole for D = 10 cm and Q =12.5 l/s; high tailwater hTW/D = 1.1 (left), low tailwater
hTW/D = 0.2 (right)
A linear regression was compiled correlating the experimental data of the scour hole
characteristics with the prism number Fb defined as u 0 (ρ b ρ - 1) ⋅ g ⋅ V1 / 3 . The best
dimensionless relationships for the maximum scour depth dsc/D, scour depth at pipe
outlet dtoe/D and maximum scour width W/D are presented in Figure 4. The location of
the upstream and downstream boundary of the scour hole (X1/LP, X3/LP) as well as its
deepest point (X2/LP) are given in Figure 5.
3.00 1.00
dtoe / D
dsc / D
1.50 0.50
H5 H5
1.00 H8 H8
0.50 L5 L5
L8 L8
0.00 0.00
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
Prism number, F b Prism number, Fb
Figure 4: Relationship between scour hole depths and prism number; maximum scour depth (left), scour depth
at pipe outlet (right) – “H” and “L” describe high and low tailwater depths and the numbers “5” and “8”
represent the dimension of prisms.
3.00 3.00
X3 X3
2.50 2.50
2.00 2.00
X1, 2, 3 / LP
X1, 2, 3 / LP
1.50 1.50
1.00 1.00
H5 L5
0.50 0.50
H8 X1 L8 X1
0.00 0.00
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00
Prism number, Fb Prism number, Fb
Figure 5: Relationship between scour hole location and prism number; high tailwater hTW/D = 1.1 (left),
low tailwater hTW/D = 0.2 (right)
No movement
0.16 Failure
movement of prisms
hTW / Lp
0.08 H8
h TW
L8 Fb = 3.32 - 4.26·
0.04 H5
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00
Prisms number, Fb
Figure 6: Failure diagram of prisms as a function of hTW/LP and prism number (left), Example of a failure at the
protected area (right)
4.2.3 Formulas for calculating the scour hole geometry in the protected area
A linear regression with high correlation coefficients could be fitted through the data
by using an equation of the form:
y = a·Fb + b where the prism number Fb = u 0 (ρ b ρ - 1) ⋅ g ⋅ V1 / 3 (1)
The values of coefficients “a” and “b” were plotted versus hTW/V for the different
dimensionless parameters of the scour hole. Interpolation lines were obtained for these
values using the four tested tailwater depths. The equations with the form of
“a = f (hTW/V1/3)” and “b = f (hTW/V1/3)” are summarized in Table 1. Scour hole
dimensions can be estimated introducing the corresponding values of “a” and “b” in
Eq. (1).
Table 1: Summary of coefficients of equation 1 for scour hole characteristics (valid for 0.10 < hTW/V1/3 < 2.90)
h TW h TW
Maximum scour depth dsc / D -0.01· ( ) + 0.87 0.38· ( ) - 1.00
V1 / 3 V1 / 3
h TW h TW
Scour depth at pipe outlet dtoe / D -0.11· ( ) + 0.38 0.09· ( ) - 0.37
V1 / 3 V1 / 3
Maximum scour width W/ D 2.00 1.50
h TW h TW
Beginning of the scour hole X1 / LP -0.27· ( ) + 0.09 0.88· ( ) - 0.29
V1 / 3 V1 / 3
h TW h TW
Distance of dsc from pipe outlet X2 / LP -0.07· ( ) + 0.36 0.62· ( ) - 0.50
V1 / 3 V1 / 3
h TW h TW
Maximum scour length X3 / LP -0.25· ( ) + 1.13 1.00· ( ) - 1.45
V1 / 3 V1 / 3
h TW h TW
Required length of the protected area LREQ / D -0.37· ( ) + 3.63 0.39· ( ) + 0.38
V1 / 3 V1 / 3
5 Conclusions
According to the tests results the following may be concluded:
• In the case of low tailwater depths, the scour hole formed close to the pipe outlet.
The location of the scour hole moves downstream while increasing the tailwater
level (Fig. 7).
• For similar values of the prism number Fb, the scour depth directly at pipe outlet
was found approximately 3 times higher than for low tailwater depths.
Figure 7: Location of scour hole as a function of tailwater level for Q = 12.5 l/s; high tailwater hTW/D = 1.1
(left), low tailwater hTW/D = 0.2 (right)
Comparison of the scour hole with and without using protection prisms led to the
following results:
• For low tailwater depths (hTW/D < 0.2), the location of the maximum scour depth
from the pipe outlet with/without using the prisms was found the same but the
maximum scour depth was 2.5 to 5 times smaller when using the protection
• For high tailwater depths (hTW/D > 1.1), the distance of the scour hole from the
pipe outlet increased when using the protection prisms. The location of the scour
hole from the pipe outlet was found approximately 1.5 to 2.5 times farther in
comparison to the scour hole location in a unprotected mobile bed. Furthermore,
the protection prisms reduce the maximum scour depth by 35 to 70% compared to
the case without protection.
By the systematic experimental study it could be shown that the protection prisms
placed on mobile riverbeds reduce significantly the erosion and protect the downstream
area next to diversion tunnel outlets in a very efficient way against scouring.
6 Design recommendations
The design discharge for checking the stability of the prisms is given by the risk
analysis of the diversion system considering construction costs and damages during
floods at construction site. The required size of prisms should then be determined by
using a safety factor. For the design discharge a safety factor of β = 1.3 is recommended,
which is applied on the prism number when using the failure diagram (β·Fb). Furthermore
the stability of the prisms should be checked for the safety discharge (B≥1).
For the range of application of the developed scour formulas
(0.10 < hTW/V1/3 < 2.90), the minimum required size of prisms ab min should be 45% of
tailwater depth (ab min = 0.45·hTW). The required dimension of the prisms can be obtained
by using the failure diagram (Fig. 6). The maximum spacing between prisms should not
exceed 40% of the prism size (0.40·ab). A minimum prism spacing of 0.50 m is
recommended for construction reasons.
The prisms can be casted in place after excavation of the cube and creating the prisms
with a lost diagonal formwork (Fig. 8 left). The alternate solution is to precast a
reinforced formwork and fill it on site with mass concrete (Fig. 8 right).
Figure 8: Prisms construction methods, without using sides’ formwork and reinforcement (left), precast
formwork filled with mass concrete (right)
The following symbols are used in this article:
a, b constants
ab length, width and height of prism (diagonally divided cube)
D diameter of the pipe
dsc maximum depth of scour
dtoe scour depth at pipe outlet
d50 median particle size at which 50% of particles are retained
F0 densimetric Froude number defined as u 0 (ρ s ρ - 1) ⋅ g ⋅ d 50
Fb prism number defined as u 0 (ρ b ρ - 1) ⋅ g ⋅ V 1 / 3
hTW the difference in pipe invert elevation and elevation of tailwater level
LP length of the protected area
LREQ required length of the protected area to avoid any failure
Q discharge at pipe/tunnel outlet
u0 velocity at pipe/tunnel outlet
V1/3 equivalent volume of cube defined as 3 (a 3b / 2)
W maximum scour hole width
X1 distance of start of erosion from the pipe/tunnel outlet
X2 distance of the maximum erosion depth from the pipe/tunnel outlet
X3 scour hole length
β safety factor
ρ mass density of the fluid
ρs mass density of the bed material
ρb mass density of the concrete prisms
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The study was carried out as a diploma thesis of the postgraduate courses in hydraulic schemes
under a scholarship of the Laboratory of Hydraulic Constructions of the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland.