Self-Medication - : A Growing Global Concern
Self-Medication - : A Growing Global Concern
Self-Medication - : A Growing Global Concern
• Individual level
• Incorrect self-diagnosis
• Failure to seek appropriate medical advice promptly
• Incorrect choice of therapy
• Failure to recognize special pharmacological risks
• Failure to recognize or self-diagnosis contraindications,
interactions, warnings and precautions
• Failure to recognize that the same active substance is
already being taken under a different name
Potential Risks
At community level:
• Improper self-medication could result in an increase in drug
induced disease and in wasteful public expenditure.
Prevention of Potential Risks
Associated with Self-Medication
Role of health profession
• Health professionals are one who has potential role in
preventing risks of self-medication. Because he is the one
who work on three main therapeutic aspects of
professionalism in his daily practice: Information, therapeutic
advice and education.
• Information
• Whenever health professionals are prescribing drugs, he
should give proper instructions and explain for what it is
prescribed so that it will be helpful for the patient to
understand and making his own decisions. Given information
should be at patient's comprehension level so that it will be
helpful for them to understand its management.
Prevention of Potential Risks
Associated with Self-Medication
• Therapeutic advice
Lack of therapeutic compliance is a serious problem in both acute and chronic treatments
and reflects a poorly-understood or incomplete description of the treatment aims. If patients
are not well-informed they are unlikely to use medication correctly. However, if the directions
for use and the limitations of a given drug are explained-for example, dose, frequency of
dose, treatment course, how to take it, etc., then patients have a set of guidelines which will
help them to use the drug correctly, both now and in the future. Inappropriate and erratic
self-medication, along with lack of compliance, will only be reduced if patients are informed
and understand clearly why certain advice has been given.
Prevention of Potential Risks
Associated with Self-Medication
• Education
Inappropriate self-medication is the result of the medical model from which people have
learnt. Proper health education should be given to the patients. By regularly adopting an
educational attitude we can have an effect on large sectors of the population, on people
who, in turn, may directly influence their friends and family. This aspect is of particular
importance with respect to the self-medication of children by their parents or takes
Prevention of Potential Risks
Associated with Self-Medication
Role of pharmacist
He is one of the key role players in educating his customers about the proper use of medicines,
which are intended for self-medication. For that necessary steps have to be taken in his training
and practice.
Pharmacists should guide their customers to consult the physician before taking any medication by
self. Unlike above role, pharmacists have following function as a:
• Communicator
In order to address the condition of the patient appropriately the pharmacist must ask the
patient key questions and pass on relevant information to him or her (e.g. How to take the
medicines and how to deal with safety issues).
Prevention of Potential Risks
Associated with Self-Medication
• Quality drug supplier
The pharmacist must ensure that the products he/she purchases are from reputable sources and
of good quality.
• Trainer and supervisor
To achieve this pharmacist must develop a protocol for referral to the pharmacist, protocols for
community health workers involved with the handling and distribution of medicines.
• Collaborator
It is imperative that pharmacists develop quality collaborative relationships with the other health
care professionals, national professional associations, the pharmaceutical industry, governments
(local/national), patients and general public.
Self-medication is an alarming
concept. This review focused on
the self-medication of allopathic
drugs, their use, its safety and
reason for using it.
It would be safe, if the people who
are using it have sufficient
knowledge about its dose, time of
intake, side-effect on over dose,
but due to lack of information it can
cause serious effects such as
antibiotic resistance, skin problem,
hypersensitivity and allergy.