CMC 2009 PDF
CMC 2009 PDF
CMC 2009 PDF
petition were Ellen Kim (scored 13), Robert Johnson (scored 12), and Andrey Popov (scored 12). All three were
from Masterman School. The winning team was also from Masterman school.
M athe
M athe mat C
M athe mat cs C hal
M athe mat cs C hal leng
at m ic
a ha len e
m tics Ch lle ge
at C al ng
Sex (Optional):
s C hal leng e
h le e
Ch alle nge N
Ch alle nge N nt h
Ch alle nge N nt h
al n i
l e ge N nt h
ng N
th C
e i ol
N nt h Col ni a
i o
N nt h Col ni a l
i o
N nt h Col ni a l
t h Col oni a l M
Co on l M ath
Co lon ial M ath ema
Co lon ial M ath ema tics
lo ial at em tics
al Mat hem atic
M he at s
M athe mat cs C
M athe mat cs C hal
M athe mat cs C hal leng
Mathematics Department
he mat cs C hal leng e
m ic l
at s C hal eng e
s C hal leng e
h le e
Ch alle nge N
Ch alle nge N nt h
Ch alle nge N nt h
al n i
l e ge N nt h
ng i
e N nt h Col
in C o
N th ol ni a
i o
N nt h Col ni a l
i o
N nt h Col ni a l
t h Col oni a l M
Co o n l M th a
Co lon ial M ath ema
Co lon ial M ath ema tics
lo ial at em tics
al Mat hem atic
M he at s
a m i
M t he at cs
M athe mat cs C
M athe mat cs C hal
M athe mat cs C hal leng
at i
he mat cs C hal leng e
m i l
at cs C hal eng e
s C hal leng e
h le e
Ch alle nge N
Ch alle nge N nt h
al n i
l e ge N nt h
ng i
e N nt h Col
in C on
N t
in h C olon ial
N th ol
i o ia
N nt h Col ni a l
23 April 2009
t h Col oni a l
Co on lM
Co lon ial M ath
Co lon ial M ath ema
Co lon ial M ath ema tics
lo ial at em tics
ni M h e at
al i
M athe mat cs
M athe mat cs C
M athe mat cs C hal
M athe mat cs C hal leng
at i
Instructions: This is a closed-book individual examination. Calculators, rulers, compasses, and square-grid paper are
allowed. Contestants consulting with other contestants or with teachers during the examination will be disqualified.
Time: 90 minutes.
1 If
1 1 1 1 a
1− 2 1− 2 1− 2 1− 2 =
2 3 4 5 b
two thirds full of water. When a rock is put into the tank, the depth of the water increases to 42 inches. Find the
x − 357 x − 643
3 Solve the equation = for x.
643 357
X b b
b b
Figure 1: Problem 4.
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Individual Contest
5 Let n be the smallest strictly positive integer such that 2009n is a perfect cube. Find n.
6 Let n be the smallest positive integer with 100 digits whose sum of digits is 102. How many many zeros does n
9 876 543 2102 − 9 876 543 212 · 9 876 543 208 − 9 876 543 2082 + 9 876 543 209 · 9 876 543 207.
10 The pages of a book are numbered 1 through 64. It is known that the book is missing consecutive pages and
that the sum of the numbers of those pages remanining in the book is 2006. Find the product of the numbers of
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Individual Contest
11 Two semicircles of radius R are contiguous, and a third semicircle of radius R is centered at the point of contact
of the other two semicircles, as shown in figure 2. A circle of radius r is tangent to the three semicircles, as seen in
the figure. Determine the value of the fraction .
b b b b b
A O A′ O′ A′′
12 The rector of a certain school is happy! Under her plan to inflate passing rates by hiring unqualified new
faculty, the new hires obtained a passing rate of 85% of students in all classes. By giving a closer look to the
statistics, it was noticed that, 82% of the males passed and 95% of the females passed. She is ecstatic, as she didn’t
have to round up or down any of the given percentages, and rounding is not one of her strengths. If the number
of males that passed is known to be between 1110 and 1180, find the exact number of females that passed.
13 The integers from 1 to 1000 inclusive are written in order around a circle. Starting at 1, every 30-th number is
marked. Thus 1, 31, 61, . . . , are marked. We continue going around the circle in this way until a previously marked
number is marked a second time. How many unmarked numbers are left?
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Individual Contest
14 Windshield wipers each of length a, are centered at points a units apart. Each covers semicircular overlapping
areas (of radius a), as shown in figure 3. What combined area of the windshield do they cover?
b b
b b b b b b
15 The sequence
1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 7, 2, 2, 2, 2, 9, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 11, . . .
consists of the consecutive positive odd integers interlaced with blocks of n 2’s in the n-th block. Find the sum of
the first 1000 terms. You may use the fact that for integer n ≥ 1,
n(n + 1)
1 + 3 + 5 + · · · + 2n − 1 = n2 , 1 + 2 + 3 + ···+ n = .
p, p2 + 2, p2 + 4, p2 + 20,
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Individual Contest
17 A jeweler has three golden rings of identical radius a welded together as in figure 4, where the points A and
B will be welded together to form the encasing of a pearl, as in figure 5. Find the radius of the largest pearl that
he can use.
A b b
18 In parallelogram ABCD in figure 6, M is the midpoint of diagonal BD, and P is a point on AD such that
AD = 4P D. If the area of the quadrilateral ABM P is a, find the area of the shaded △P M D.
b b
P b
b M
b b
19 I bought a certain amount of avocados at four for $2; I kept a fifth of them, and then sold the rest at three for
$2. If I made a profit of $2, how many avocados did I originally buy?
20 If the equation x4 − ax3 − bx2 − cx = 2007, where a, b and c are real numbers has three distinct solutions, all of
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Group Contest
21 (3 minutes) Four students, Adam, Beatrice, Carlos, and Dwayne, were taking a group math competition. After
the competition, it was discovered that the table around which they were sitting had a piece of chewing gum which
was not there before they arrived. Asking for the perpetrator, a teacher obtains the following responses:
As expected, only the perpetrator lied. Who stuck the gum on the table?
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Group Contest
22 (3 minutes) The binary operation ⊗ satisfies x ⊗ y = xy + x − y for any pair of real numbers x and y. Find a
3 ⊗ a = a ⊗ 5.
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Group Contest
23 (4 minutes) You use three standard dice in order to write three digits numbers. Thus 111 is the smallest number
you may write, and 666 is the largest number you may write. Some three digits numbers between 111 and 666, for
example 117, cannot be written with these three dice. How many numbers between 111 and 666 cannot be written
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Group Contest
24 (4 minutes) Determine all the values of the positive integer N such that N 3 − 1000 is a positive prime number.
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Group Contest
25 (4 minutes) A cube is inscribed in a sphere of radius R. If the volume of the cube is V and the volume of the
sphere is V ′ , determine the ratio .
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Group Contest
ab = 1, bc = 2, ca = 3.
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Group Contest
27 (6 minutes) In the adjoining figure, the points M ′ and N ′ are on the circle with center O and the lines XM ′
and XN ′ intersect the circle at M and N , respectively. Furthermore, XN = N N ′ = 6 and M M ′ = 10. Determine
the value of XM . b
b N
N′ b
Figure 7: Problem 27
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Group Contest
28 (5 minutes) The regular heptagon with vertices I − II − III − IV − V − V I − V II is inscribed in the circle of
center O, as in the adjoining figure 8. A bug jumps in counter-clockwise direction from one point to another. If the
bug is on an odd-numbered vertex, it will make one jump to the next vertex. If the bug is on an even-numbered
vertex, it will make two jumps. If the bug started at vertex III, where will it be after 2009 steps?
IV b
b b
Figure 8: Problem 28.
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Group Contest
1 2 3 · · · 2008
.. .. .. .
. . . · · · ..
2008 numbers are chosen at random, with the condition that no two numbers chosen belong to either the same
row or the same column. What is the sum of the numbers chosen?
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Group Contest
30 (7 minutes) Karl is playing with five matches, each of the same length. He arranges four of them in a design
that resembles the adjoining figure. He wants to put the fifth so that the figure forms a (self-intersecting) pentagon
of sides of identical length and so that the the points O, A, A′ be collinear, as well as the points O, B, B ′ be collinear.
B ′′
B b A′′
O b
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Solutions
1 We have
1 1 1 1 3 8 15 24 3
1− 2 1− 2 1− 2 1− 2 = = .
2 3 4 5 4 9 16 25 5
So 32 + 52 = 34.
2 Observe that · 60 = 40, so the original volume is 50 · 30 · 40 = 60000 cubic inches. After the rock is added the
new volume is 50 · 30 · 42 = 63000 cubic inches, so the volume of the rock is 63000 − 60000 = 3000 cubic inches.
x−a x−b
3 Let a = 357, b = 643. Then a + b = 1000, and = =⇒ ax − a2 = bx − b2 =⇒ x(a − b) = a2 − b2 =⇒
b a
a2 − b 2 (a − b)(a + b)
x= = = a + b = 1000.
a−b a−b
BY BA 8 16
4 By similar triangles, = =⇒ BY = · 4 = . By the Pythagorean Theorem,
XY OA 6 3
p 256 20
BX = XY 2 + Y B 2 = 16 + = .
9 3
6 To minimize the number, its first digit from right to left must be a 1 and its last digits from right to left must be
9’s. Now, T U = 11, so we must use eleven 9’s and one 1 and one 2, since 9 · 11 + 1 + 2 = 102. The number looks
1 0| .{z
. . 0} 2999999999
87 zeros
7 We have
We conclude that
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Solutions
9 We have
3n − 6 3n − 3 − 3 3
= =3− .
n−1 n−1 n−1
This gives n ∈ {2, 0, 4, −2}, of which only two are strictly positive integers.
64 · 65
1 + 2 + · · · + 64 = = 2080.
n(2l + n + 1)
(l + 1) + (l + 2) + · · · + (l + n) = = 2080 − 2006 = 74 =⇒ n(2l + n + 1) = 148.
Now, for each missing page there are two numbers, and so n must be even. Observe that n and 2l + n + 1 are
integers of different parity and that n < 2l + n + 1. Moreover, n ≤ 64 and l ≤ 64. Let us factor 148 as the product
of two integers of different parity with a factor less than 64: 148 = 4 · 37. If n = 4 then 2l + n + 1 = 37 =⇒ l = 16.
This means that pages l + 1 = 17, l + 2 = 18, l + 3 = 19, l + 4 = 20 are missing. So 17 · 18 · 19 · 20 = 116280.
11 Let the center of the small circle be B. Then BO = r + R and BA′ = R − r. Also, OA′ = R and △OA′ B is
r 1
(R − r)2 + R2 = (R + r)2 =⇒ R2 − 2rR + r2 + R2 = R2 + 2rR + r2 =⇒ R2 = 4rR =⇒ = .
R 4
b b b b b
A O A′ O′ A′′
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Solutions
82m 41m
Since = is an integer, and since the only multiple of 50 between 1353 and 1439 is 1400, we must have
100 50
3 · 1400
f= = 420.
13 The first time around the numbers of the form 1 + 30n are deleted. The last one of this satisfies 1 + 30n ≤
1000 − 1
1000 =⇒ n = = 33, so 1 + 30 · 33 = 991 is the last number deleted. In this first round we have deleted
1 + 33 = 34 numbers. The next number to be deleted is 991 + 30 − 1000 = 21. Thus in the next round numbers of
the form 21 + 30n are deleted. The last one of this satisfies
1000 − 21
21 + 30n ≤ 1000 =⇒ n = = 32,
so 21 + 30 · 32 = 981 is the last number deleted. In the second round we have deleted 1 + 32 = 33 numbers. The
next number to be deleted is 981 + 30 − 1000 = 11. In the next round, 1 + 32 = 33 numbers of the form 11 + 30n are
deleted, with 11 + 30 · 32 = 971 being the last one deleted. The next number to be deleted is 971 + 30 − 1000 = 1,
which already has been deleted. So we have deleted 34 + 33 + 33 = 100 numbers and 1000 − 100 = 900.
14 The area sought is the area of the two semicircles minus the area of the “Gothic window” which they intersect,
πa2 πa2
as this area is counted twice. The area of the two semicircles is + = πa2 . The area of the Gothic window
2 2
√ 2
is the area of an equilateral triangle of side a (which is ) plus the area of two circular segments of a circle of
π 1 π πa2
radius a subtending an angle of . The area of the sector to which this segment belongs is · · a2 = . Thus
3 2 3 6
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Solutions
√ 2 √ 2
πa2 3a πa2 3a
the area of a segment is − and the area of the Gothic window is 2 − . Hence the area sought
6 4 6 4
is finally,
√ 2! √ 2
2 πa2 3a 2πa2 3a
πa − 2 − = + .
6 4 3 4
15 Recall that
n(n + 1)
1 + 3 + 5 + · · · 2n − 1 = n2 , 1 + 2 + 3 + ··· + n = .
Consider the k-th block of 2’s, which is written after 2k − 1. After the last 2 in this block has been written, we have
k(k + 1)
k + 1+ 2+ 3 + ··· + k = k +
k(k + 1)
numbers. If k + = 1000 then k ≈ 43. After writing the last 2 in the block of 43 2’s, we have listed
43(43 + 1)
43 + = 989
integers. The 990th is 2 · 44 − 1 = 87, and then we need the first ten 2’s of the block containing 44 2’s. The desired
sum is thus
1 + 3 + 5 + · · · + 87 + 2 + (2 + 2) + (2 + 2 + 2) + · · · + (2 + · · · + 2) +10 · 2.
| {z }
43 2′ s
1 + 3 + 5 + · · · + 87 = 442 = 1936,
16 Observe that for p = 3, all of 3, 11, 13, 29 are prime. The question is, are there any other p for which this is true?
Let us prove that this is not the case. Any prime p > 3 either p = 3k + 1 or p = 3k + 2. In the former case,
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Solutions
another multiple of 3.
17 The points of contact of the three rings form an equilateral triangle of side 2a, whose centroid will be the center
of the largest encased pearl. From figure 10 and by the Pythagorean Theorem,
CH 2 = 4a2 − a2 = 3a2 =⇒ CH = 3a.
The radius of the largest encased pearl is CO, which is of the distance CH, thus the radius sought is
2 3
CO = a.
b b b
18 By joining AM we see that [△ADM ] = 4[△P DM ], as the triangles have the same height, so their areas are
proportional to their bases. Also, subtracting common areas, [△AP M ] = 3[△P DM ]. Using the same argument,
[△AM B] = [△AM D], as the bases M B and M D are equal. Therefore, [△AM B] = 4[△P DM ] . This yields, upon
adding the areas of △AP M and △AM B that the area of the quadrilateral [ABM P ] = 7[△P DM ] , so [△P DM ] =
x x x 4x
19 If x is the amount originally bought, then I spent 2 = dollars. Since I kept , I must have sold of
4 2 5 5
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Solutions
them, making 2 5 =
dollars on this sale. My net gain is thus
3 15
8x x
− = 2.
15 2
8x x
30 − = 2(30) =⇒ 16x − 15x = 60.
15 2
20 Let f (x) = x4 − ax3 − bx2 − cx − 2007 = (x − α)2 (x − β)(x − γ), with α, β, γ distinct integers. Comparing
α2 + 2α(β + γ) + βγ = −b.
If α2 = 1, then βγ = −2007 and −b = −2006 ± 2(β + γ). In this case, the smallest value of −b will be obtained
β + γ = −669 + 3 = −666. In either case, b = 3338. If α2 = 9, then βγ = −223 and −b = −214 ± 2 · 3(β + γ). In this
case, the smallest value of −b is obtained if either α = −3 and β + γ is maximal, giving β + γ = 223 − 1 = 222, or if
α = 3 and β + γ is minimal, giving β + γ = −223 + 1 = −222. In either case, b = 1546. So b = 3338 is the maximal.
21 Since three students said the truth and one lied, the perpetrators could only be Carlos or Dwayne. But Dwayne
22 We have
3 ⊗ a = a ⊗ 5 =⇒ 3a + 3 − a = 5a + a − 5 =⇒ a = 2.
23 With the three dice, you can write 63 = 216 numbers. Between 111 and 666 inclusive there are 666−111+1 = 556
integers, and thus 556 − 216 = 340 cannot be written with the dice.
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Solutions
24 N 3 − 1000 = (N − 10)(N 2 + 10N + 100). Since N − 10 < N 2 + 10N + 100 and the product is a prime, we must
25 The diagonal of the cube is 2R. If a is the side of the cube, then a2 + a2 + a2 = 4R2 and so a2 = =⇒ a3 =
√ . The ratio is therefore
3 3
V a3 √
3 3 2
= 4 = 4 =√ .
V′ 3 πR
3 πR
3 3π
26 We have
a2 b2 c2 = (ab)(bc)(ca) = 6.
a 2 b 2 c2 6 3
a2 = 2
= = ,
(bc) 4 2
a 2 b 2 c2 6 2
b2 = 2
= = ,
(ca) 9 3
a 2 b 2 c2 6
c2 = 2
= = 6,
(ab) 1
3 2 49
a 2 + b 2 + c2 = + +6= .
2 3 6
6 · 12 √
XN · XN ′ = XM · XM ′ =⇒ XM = =⇒ XM = 97 − 5.
XM + 10
28 After the first jump, the bug will be at IV. After the second, it will be at VI. After the third, it will be at I. After the
fourth, it will be at II. After the fifth, it will be at IV, and now the pattern continues in cycles of four: for numbers
leaving remainder 0 upon division by 4, the bug is at II; for numbers leaving remainder 1 upon division by 4, the
bug is at IV; for numbers leaving remainder 2 upon division by 4, the bug is at VI; for numbers leaving remainder
3 upon division by 4, the bug is at I. Since 2009 leaves remainder 1 when divided by four, the bug will be at IV.
Community College of Philadelphia Colonial Maths Challenge Spring 2009 Solutions
29 Observe that the entry situated on the first column and the k-th row is 2008(k − 1) + 1, 1 ≤ k ≤ 2008. Let a
(depending on k) be the difference between the chosen entry on this row and 2008(k − 1) + 1. Then a attains every
integral value between 0 and 2007 exactly once. Letting n = 2008 the desired sum is a sum of entries of the form
n(k − 1) + 1 + a where a and k − 1 attain every integral value between O and 2007. The desired sum is thus
2008 · (20082 + 1)
Putting n = 2008 we obtain = 4048193260.
\′ = BA
30 △BOA′ is isosceles at B and so BOA \ \
′ O := α. Now, A \
′ BO = 180◦ − 2α, which means that B ′ BA′ = 2α.
Since △B ′ A′ B is isosceles at A′ , we must have BB \
′ A′ = B ′ BA′ = 2α. Using a completely symmetrical argument,
AA′ B ′ = 2α. Hence △A′ OB ′ is isosceles at O with angle sum
α + 2α + 2α = 180◦ =⇒ α = 36◦ .
B′ b
B b
O b
A b