Jabir2019 PDF
Jabir2019 PDF
Jabir2019 PDF
PII: S1464-343X(19)30297-3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2019.103642
Reference: AES 103642
Please cite this article as: Jabir, A., Cerepi, A., Loisy, C., Rubino, J.-L., Stratigraphy, sedimentology and
paleogeography of a Paleozoic succession, Ghadames and Jefarah basin, Libya and Tunisia, Journal of
African Earth Sciences (2019), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2019.103642.
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The sedimentology and tectonics and their relationship of the Paleozoic series that fill the
Ghadames basin and its northern extension consisting of the Jefarah basin in Libya and
Tunisia was studied. These formations belong to the Gondwana cycle and are typically
interpreted as being deposited in a cratonic basin truncated by the Hercynian unconformity.
This study is based on wells. The stratigraphic correlation between the wells is based on the
definition of second order cycles, electrofacies and electrosequences notion. This allowed to
produce isopach maps of facies distributions and to reconstruct the paleogeography of the
different stratigraphic units. These data allow to address the nature of the deformation and
also clarifies the behavior of active high regional areas during the Palaeozoic. The Paleozoic
succession in the Ghadames and Jefarah basins can be divided into five first order sequences,
bounded by major tectonic unconformities with sequence durations of 40 - 70 Ma. Within
these five sequences eighteen second order sequences (10 - 40 Ma) were differentiated,
describing Sequence Boundaries (SB), Maximum Flooding Surfaces (MFS) and
sedimentological characteristics.
1 1- Introduction
The study focuses on the entire Paleozoic succession. A stratigraphic synthesis has been
presented by (Ben Rahuma 2010) on the Devonian. Furthermore based on a seismic study of
the Jefarah basin Raulin (2013) established a new structural framework of that part of the
area. The latter author also showed that there are actually two unconformities related to major
erosion events, one at the base of the Carboniferous and the other at its top. Both are
associated with an extensional regime.
Due to the economic importance of the Ghadames and Jefarah basins with regards to
hydrocarbon occurrences, numerous deep boreholes have been drilled.
The Ghadames Basin generally is considered an intracratonic sag basin which formed during
Early Paleozoic time. Many type sections and type areas of Paleozoic rock units have been
described from exposures from the Al Qarqaf Arch as well as from the subsurface of the
Ghadames basin.
This study addresses two different scientific questions, namely:
Firstly, how we can study the relationship between sedimentary environments and tectonic
evolution in Ghadames Basin? Since Paleozoic rocks do not crop out in the study area, except
in the Al Qarqaf and Nafusa Arches, these strata were studied using wireling log data (GR and
SP) originating from about 150 wells. Based on the latter, the electrofacies, electrosequence
and depositional environments have been defined in order to unravel the sedimentary and
tectonic evolution of the basin. Some authors published studies on the stratigraphy and
sedimentology of the Paleozoic succession in North Africa obtained from wireling log data.
Galeazzi et al. (2009) studied the regional geology and petroleum systems of the Illizi-
Berkine area of the Algerian platform. Relatively detailed outcrop and core-based data have
been published by Ben Rahuma (2010) who studied the stratigraphic architecture of the
Devonian succession in Western Libya.
Secondly, what is the importance of studying the relationship between paleogeography and
tectonic events in the Ghadames basin in order to understand the geodynamic evolution of a
sedimentary basin and also to predict different reservoirs and source rock levels into the
basin? Several authors have studied this area and related regions. Craig et al. (2008) focused
their study on the structural styles and prospectivity of the Precambrian and Paleozoic
hydrocarbon system of North Africa, while Eschard et al. (2011) concentrated on the regional
palaeohighs and their influence on the North African Paleozoic petroleum system.
2- Regional geological setting
The Ghadames basin is an intracratonic basin located on the North African Platform. It covers
an area of approximately 350,000 km2. It is located in the northwest of Libya, and extends to
the south of Tunisia and eastern Algeria. The basin is bounded in the west by the Amguid-El
Biod Uplift in Algeria, to the south by the Hoggar Massif in Algeria and the Qarqaf Arch in
Libya, and to the north by the Dahar-Nafusah Uplift. To the east the basin wedges out beneath
the western part of the Sirte basin. The Jefarah basin covers an area of 15,000 km2, is bounded
by the Nafusa uplift to the south and the offshore Sabrata Basin to the north, and it extends
westwards into Tunisia north of the Dahar Uplift (figure 1).
Here we will give a general overview of the Paleozoic succession. In following chapters the
different formations will be addressed in detail. The Ghadames and Jefarah basins form
important petroleum systems. The early Paleozoic history of the Ghadames basin was
controlled by the northwest-southeast Pan African tectonic trend. However a detailed
reconstruction is hampered due to the great thickness of the overlying sediments (Hallett,
The Pan African tectonic phase continued until the Ordovician. During the middle Ordovician
(Llandeilian) uplift and erosion occurred on the Tihemboka Arch, and during late Ordovician
(Caradocian) folding, faulting uplift and erosion occurred which removed much of the early
and middle Ordovician succession on the Dahar Uplift in Tunisia, resulting in an irregular
surface which became covered by an ice sheet in late Ordovician.
A strong global glaciation is reflected in late Ashgillian deposits, and resulted of the position
of northwestern Africa at a paleo South Pole position. This glaciation event led to a global sea
level low stand. The deposits of the sedimentary record of the episode of the Late Ordovician
glaciation are exposed in different places of the Gondwanan platform. They are present on a
large part of the African continent. (Le Heron and Craig, 2007) they presented their studies on
palaeo-glaciological reconstruction of the late Ordovician Saharan ice sheet, whose ice
margin extended 4000 km from the Atlantic coast of Morocco to Egypt. (Ghienne et al. 2007)
they are studied a large-scale reconstruction of the North Gondwana platform in present-day
North and West Africa during the Late Ordovician glaciation. Whilst previous authors have
discussed the maximum size and shape of the Late Ordovician ice masses across Western
Gondwana (Sutcliffe et al. 2000, Le Heron, 2004).
Due to subsequent ice melting, a major post-glacial transgressive event occurred in the Late
Ordovician, The shales were deposited directly above upper Ordovician peri-glacial
sandstones which represented by the Tanezuft Formation (Rhuddanian) (Lüning et al., 2000).
The regression of the Silurian sea resulted in the deposition of the overlying Acacus
Formation (Middle–Upper Silurian). The Caledonian unconformity separates the Silurian
deposits from the overlying Devonian succession. This orogeny caused, uplift and erosion of
the late Silurian deposits. This event is associated with uplift of the Al Qarqaf Arch and
separation of the Libyan Ghadames from the Murzuk basin to the south. Lochkovian - Pragian
sandstone deposits directly occur upon the Caledonian unconformity. The Devonian
succession consists dominantly of clastic coastal to shallow marine and offshore deposits.
The Frasnian organic-rich shales was deposited during this major continental flooding event.
Frasnian source rocks are well known throughout North African. The Frasnian Hot Shale
consists of black shales with few thin black limestone layers, deposited in an outer shelf
marine environment under anoxic conditions (Lüning et al., 2003; Galeazzi et al., 2009).
Shallow marine and deltaic sediments were deposited during the Late Devonian and
Carboniferous times (Belhaj, 1996). The Hercynian orogeny reached its peak during the late
Carboniferous, and major new tectonic structures were formed, such as the Al Qarqaf and
Nafusah Uplifts in Libya, the Dahar Arch in Tunisia and the Talemzane and El Biod Arches
in Algeria. During this event, the entire area was uplifted and became subjected to intense
erosion during the Permian. For example the Nafusah and Al Qarqaf Arches were eroded to
their Cambro-Ordovician roots. Many of the wells drilled in Jefarah basin reveal a
stratigraphy extending from Paleozoic to Miocene in age. North of the Jefarah basin a thick
Permian sequence has been found in numerous wells in Tunisia and Libya (Hallett, 2002).
The stratigraphy of the Ghadames and Jefarah basins is summarized in figure 2, which shows
the stratigraphic nomenclature and dating of the Paleozoic series as defined in the northern
Ghadames basin (Tripolitania and south Tunisia) and in the southern Ghadames basin (Al
Qarqaf area geological section).
In this section the different formations present in the Ghadames and Jefarah basins will be
briefly addressed. The well numbers, their location, different cross sections used in this study
and referred in the text can be found in figure 3.
3.1- Hassaouna Formation (Cambrian)
In the subsurface of the Ghadames basin, the Cambrian Hassaouna Formation consists of
medium to coarse-grained cross-bedded sandstone, up to 1021 m thick in the ST-1 (figure 3)
well in Tunisia and 672 m in the A1-23 (figure 3) well in Libya, (Massa, 1988). In the Al
Qarqaf arch it reaches more than 300 m (Hallett, 2002). The fauna is poor and contains
Cruziana, Tigillites and Harlania. Fluvial and deltaic conditions were dominant in the lower
part of Hassaouna Formation in Al Qarqaf arch, with intertidal – subtidal conditions reflected
in the middle part and dominance of marine conditions in the upper part. In the Jefarah basin
and north Ghadames basin (Tripolitania) this formation is called Sidi Toui.
The Ashebiat Formation has a thickness of up to 65 m in the Al Qarqaf area, while in the
subsurface of Ghadames basin it is about 100 m thick (Massa, 1988). This formation is
equivalent to the Sanrhar Formation in the Jefarah basin. It represents a marine transgression
with silty sandstone containing abundant Tigillites, Cruziana and Harlania.
3.5 Memouniat Formation (Ordovician: Ashgillian)
The Memouniat Formation consists mainly of fine grained sandstone and coarse grained
conglomeratic sandstone. It is up to 140 m in thickness and contains rare Tigillites,
brachiopods and pelecypods. This formation, in the Jefarah and northern Ghadames basin is
called Jefarah Formation, where it also contains brachiopods, ostracods and acritarchs of
Caradocian age. The Jefarah Formation contains a carbonate sequence, which attain a
thickness of 140 m, containing conodonts of Ashgillian age (Hallett, 2002).
3.10 Ouan Kaza Formation (Devonian: Emsian)
The Ouan Kaza Formation is 365 m thick in well E1-8 (figure 3) in eastern Ghadames basin
(Belhaj, 1996), where it consists of fine to medium grained sandstone, siltstone and dolomites.
Palynological analysis assigns this formation to the Emsian (Massa and Moreau-Benoit,
1976). A shallow marine environment dominated during deposition of the Ouan Kaza
3.15 Dembaba Formation (Carboniferous: Bashkirian-Moscovian)
The Dembaba Formation is a marine unit composed of carbonates, with intercalated thin, fine
sandstone. In the center of the Ghadames basin its thickness reaches 129 m (Hallett 2002).
This formation contains brachiopods and fusulinid foraminifera which indicates a Bashkirian
to early Moscovian age.
4- Tectonics
The structural history of study area during the Paleozoic is characterised by several major
tectonic phases, namely:
The first of these phases corresponds to the Pan African orogeny (900-600 Ma age), which
resulted from collision between the West African Craton, the East Saharan Craton and several
island arcs (Caby et al., 1981; Vail, 1991; Boullier, 1991; Black et al., 1994; Greiling et al.,
1994; Jacobs and Thomas, 2004). Widespread metamorphism has been associated with the
Pan African, in which some of cratonic margins were remobilised. These belts have been
metamorphosed to green schist facies, which are found in the Al Qarqaf Arch and Al Haruj Al
Aswad area with an age of about 520 Ma (Hallett, 2002). The basement rocks were
significantly folded and faulted and the tectonic lineation was northwest- southeast oriented.
The arc accretion and continent-continent collision during the Pan-African Orogeny resulted
in the “fusing-together” of various cratonic nuclei and the development of two major orogenic
belts, the East African Orogen and the Chaine Pan African. That together form the basement
to the Paleozoic successions in North Africa and Arabia (Craig et al., 2008).
During the infracambrian an extensional movement occurred. The structures of this period are
the result of some shearing along the Trans –African lineament (Schandelmeier et al., 1987),
and/or creation of half-graben correlated with the extensional collapse of the Pan African
orogeny (Greiling et al., 1994). Infracambrian deposits in the Murzuq basin have been named
as Intermediate series, that occurs between the slightly metamorphized schists of the
Pharusian and the overlying Hassaouna Formation, which contains conglomeratic and shaly
sandstone and siltstone (Jacqué, 1962; Bellini and Massa, 1980; Hallett, 2002; Burollet and
Byramjee, 1969). In the northern Ghadames basin it is probably locally present (Bellini and
Massa, 1980). The end of the Cambrian is admitted to be occurred with a regional uplift
called Sardinian tectonic deformation. This event was responsible for many stratigraphic gaps
or slight hiatuses and unconformities in the North Africa (Guiraud et al., 2005).
The Cambro-Ordovician deposits in North Africa were dominated by continental and shallow
marine siliciclastics, with the main sediment source corresponding to the large Gondwana
hinterland to the south (Craig et al., 2008). A large platform was initiated in the Early
Cambrian, that unconformably overlies Proterozoic sediments or metamorphic rocks. During
the late Cambrian, a brief drop in sea level was recorded along the North Africa margin that
corresponds to regional uplift caused by gentle tectonic deformation (Fabre, 1988; Guiraud et
al., 2005). Minor unconformities along the North Africa platform are caused by the tectonic
event that occurred at the Cambrian – Ordovician transition (Booth et al., 1998).
Marine transgressions dominated along North Africa during the early Ordovician
(Tremadocian). During this period, the erosion of Cambrian strata in Paleozoic uplifts in
North Africa such as the Ahara and Tihemboka Archs reflects an instability situation. The
tectonic activity reached its peak in the late Llanvirnian and affected the Illizi basin, southern
Ghadames basin and Al Qarqaf Arch. Erosional troughs that resulted from faulting and
localized erosion were filled by glacial deposits during the late Ordovician (Echikh, 1998).
The Taconian unconformity is a widespread event developed in the late Ordovician
(Ashgilian) and is interpreted as a combination of traditional tectonic movements and
glaciotectonics (Craig et al., 2008). This unconformity locally reflected some deep erosion
which reached previous underlying deposits.
In the Late Ordovician, the North African margin of Gondwana drifted over the South Pole,
and this influenced global climate change and promoted the growth of an ice sheet (Le Heron
et al., 2004). Extensive glaciation across North Africa during the Late Ordovician resulted in
the establishment of glacial–periglacial conditions on the southern margins of the Ghadames
Basin (Carruba et al., 2014).
Melting of the ice cap caused a sea level to rise in the Early Silurian which led to a major
transgression that flooded the North African shelf. Organic – rich graptolite shales formed
during this period (Le Heron and Craig, 2007).
Several erosional unconformities mark the latest Silurian and Devonian series in North Africa.
The most important are the Caledonian and the intra-Eifelian events. During the late Silurian,
compression in western Libya and eastern Algeria is reflected by major uplift of the
Tihemboka and Al Qarqaf Arches. This resulted in the separation of the Ghadames basin from
the Murzuq basin and caused widespread erosion (Dardour et al., 2004). Coastal sand bar,
tidal and fluvial deposits are deposited in the Ghadames and Illizi basins during the latest
Silurian and Early Devonian as a result of major eustatic sea level fall (Craig et al., 2008).
The first phase of the Hercynian Orogeny that relates to the collision between Gondwana and
Laurasia occurred in the mid-Devonian. This deformation along the North Africa continent
occurred at same period where major uplift of the Ghadames and Illizi basins took place. It
also affected the Tihemboka, Ahara, Al Qarqaf and Brak- Bin Ghanimah Arches during Mid
Eifelian, i.e. late Givetian (Boudjema and Tremolliers, 1987).
The major tectonic phase in late Devonian is pre- Frasnian in age (Echikh and Sola, 2000).
Major eustatic sea-level rise in the late Devonian, are marked by the deposition of shales,
limestones and marls in North Africa. During Late Frasnian and early Famennian an organic-
rich shale and limestone was deposited within the Algerian and Libyan basins (Lüning et al.,
2003; Galeazzi et al., 2009).
During the Strunian (latest Devonian) a sea-level fall caused deposition of fluvial and deltaic
A tectonic event was registered at the transition of the Devonian – Carboniferous along North
Africa. The latter is marked by the frequent breaks in the cycles as well as the development of
angular unconformities (Guiraud and Bosworth, 1999). Deformations associated with this
event correspond to movement of major N-S trending strike-slip faults which are associated
with local folding and uplifts. This tectonic event corresponds to the first stage of the
Hercynian Orogeny (Acadian Unconformity) (Guiraud et al., 2005). In the Murzuq and Al
Kufrah basins (southern Libya) Intra-Carboniferous deformation has been identified, while
time-equivalent deformation features are missing westward (Algerian basins). Echikh (1998)
indicated that Early Tournaisian deposits are absent within most of the Ghadames and Illizi
Early Carboniferous shallow marine to deltaic deposits occurred over most parts of North
Africa and reflect a rising sea-level, while the Late Carboniferous is dominated by marine
4.7- Late Carboniferous – Early Permian (Hercynian Orogeny):
In the Latest Carboniferous, due to uplift of the Hercynian folding and thrusting, continental
depositional settings dominated over most North-west Africa (except North-west Libya and
Tunisia). Before this major phase of uplift and deformations, Carboniferous and Permian
sediments were deposited and became exposed to extensive erosion during the Early and Mid-
Triassic. The Arches in central and northern Africa were activated during the Early
Carboniferous and Permian. This resulted in the removal of most of the Paleozoic sequence in
the Sirte basin (Jassim et al., 2002).
The data for this study relies on wireline logs from about 150 wells corresponding to gamma
ray (GR) and spontaneous potential (SP). These logs were used for facies correlation,
determining the position of marker beds allowing to infer the thickness of facies units and
defining electrofacies and electrosequences as well as depositional environments.
1 Fifteen stratigraphic cross-sections which covers the whole study area (Ghadames and Jefarah
2 basins) figure 3, were reconstructed by the use the software of PETREL.
3 Many published stratigraphical, sedimentological and tectonic studies have been used in this
4 synthesis, also including unpublished petroleum reports providing valuable geological and
5 biostratigraphical data.
In this study GR and SP log shapes were used to define the so-called log facies and to deduce
the depositional environment. Analysis of the GR logs allowed defining three major patterns
- Funnel pattern: reflecting a coarsening upward trend. This is typical of beach sands, barrier
and stream bar deposits and marine - delta fringe sediments deposited within a shoreface
and/or deltaic setting (figure 4 A).
- Bell pattern: reflecting a fining upward trend, marked by a gradual upward increase in the
GR value due to a gradual increase in clay content (figure 4 D). This patterns is typical for
depositional environments such as fluvial point bar, tidal point bar, deep sea channel, and
transgressive shelf sands (Rider, 2002).
Sequence stratigraphy aims to divide the vertical and lateral variations in sedimentary
successions into cycles which are thought to be controlled by relative sea level changes.
Trends seen in the wireline logs are therefore important because they indicate patterns of
progradation, retrogradation and/or aggradation which in turn can be related to changes in sea
level (Emery and Myers, 1996).
Figure 4 E, F, G, H, and I shows characteristic patterns of gamma ray recordings and related
interpretations of depositional environments. For example, in Figure 4 E a symmetrical
response of the GR and SP is displayed, which represents a prograding and retrograding
succession, while Figure 4 F shows the GR response in the hot shales zone, registering high
values. Figure 4 G shows the response of the GR in glacial sediments containing different
grain sizes, and in Figure 4 H the GR response in carbonates is shown with typical low values.
Figure 4 I shows the GR response in igneous rock (dolerite).
Galeazzi et al., (2009), presented sequence stratigraphic framework in the Illizi-Berkin area
(figure 1). Based on the duration of the first order sequence (10-50 Ma) or/and major tectonic
phases, the Paleozoic succession was divided into eight megasequences (second order),
namely: Mid to Late Cambrian, Early Ordovician to Early Arenigian, Arenigian to Early
Ashgillian, Late Ordovician to Late Silurian, Early Devonian (Lochkovian) to Middle
Devonian (Givetian), Frasnian to Famennian, Early Carboniferous (Tournaisian) to early Late
Carboniferous (Namurian) and Mid Namurian to Early Permian.
In this study, the Paleozoic in the Ghadames and Jefarah basins was divided into five first
order sequences, bounded by major unconformities with a sequence duration of about 40 -70
Ma. We differentiated: Cambrian to (Ashgillian unconformity) Late Ordovician, Ashgilian
unconformity to Late Silurian (Caledonian unconformity), Early Devonian to (Acadian
unconformity) Upper Devonian, Early Carboniferous to (first phase of Hercynian
unconformity), and Permian to second phase of Hercynian unconformity.
Within these five first order sequences eighteen second order sequences (with a duration of
about 10 - 40 Ma) have been defined as illustrated in the synthetic logs shown in figures 5 and
6. Further details of the Paleozoic sequence stratigraphical succession will be discussed
below, describing Sequence Boundaries (SB), Maximum Flooding Surface (MFS) and
sedimentological characteristics.
The study concentrates on the sequence stratigraphic first and second order in the Ghadames
and Jefarah Basins on all Paleozoic time (Cambrian to Permian). While previous studies were
on a wider scale (North Africa) or they were not on all the Paleozoic time. The results of this
study compatible with the results of (Carr 2002) regarding to the first order sequence for
North African Paleozoic.
- The first second order sequence extends up to the Middle Cambrian and it is marked at the
top by the Mid-Cambrian SB. This sequence is characterised by fluvial and deltaic coarse
sand and sandy conglomerates.
- The second order sequence starts from the Mid-Cambrian SB till the Cambrian-Ordovician
SB, which represents a LST, with shallow marine sandstone.
- The third second order sequence starts with shallow marine to offshore marine sediments
represented by the Tremadocian Ashebiat Formation and its equivalent the Sanrhar Formation
in the Jefarah basin. This sequence terminates at the Arenigian (Taconian) unconformity.
- The fourth second order sequence represents first a regressive succession with fluvial
sandstones of the Hawaz Formation. This is followed by a maximum transgression of this
sequence in the Caradocian corresponding to the Melez Chograne Formation which is
dominated by marine shales with interbedded sandstones. This sequence ends at the
Ashgillian unconformity (figure 7). The cross section noted that the maximum subsidence in
the Cambrian at the well SN-1 in the Jefarah basin and minimum subsidence at the will A1-8
west Ghadames basin. During the Ordovician filling the basin began in the Cambrian is
effective and thickness of sediments is more homogeneous in the Ghadames and Jefarah
The available wells data indicate that eighteen wells reached to the Cambrian, seven of them
even were drilled into the basement (i.e. A1-8, A1-9, A1-23, A1-70, PGA-1, SN-1, and ST-1)
(Figure 3).
surface (MFS) in the sequence. The (MFS) only coincides with the gradational shale-
sandstone contact in the southernmost parts of the North African shelf, e.g., in the southern
Kufra Basin (Chad, Sudan). In most other areas of North Africa and Arabia, the (MFS) lies
within the Silurian shale package and is lithologically almost imperceptible because the
deltaic sandstones had not reached these areas by the early Aeronian (Lüning et al., 2000).
The latter are filling up the glacial erosion surface. Offshore mudstones deposits (Graptolitic
Shales) dominate this sequence.
The second and third second order sequences (Wenlockian – Pridolian) indicate a regional
northward progradation of the deposits as can be deduced from the cross sections (figure 8). It
reflects a coarsing upward trend starting from deep marine shales to deltaic sandstones.
The maximum thickness of the deltaic sandstones in the south-east of the Ghadames basin and
it decreases towards the north-west while increasing the thickness of deep marine shales.
Therefore, the sediments were sourced from the Al Qarqaf Arch.
We can also deduce the continuity of the hot shales of Tanezuft in the Ghadames and Jefarah
basins. The difference of the uplift rates between the Nafusa-Dahar and Al Qarqaf Archs
makes the great effect of the Caledonian event in Jefarah basin, which caused in erosion of the
most of the Silurian.
The Upper Silurian succession ends with the Caledonian unconformity, which corresponds
with the most important tectonic activity near the Silurian – Devonian boundary. The largest
thickness of Silurian sediments is found in the center and eastern part of the Ghadames basin,
and thickness decrease towards the north as shown in the isopach map figure 9.
The second order sequence (Emsian- Eifelian) is represented by the Ouan Kaza Formation,
and consists of a marine transgressive sequence. This formation in the Ghadames basin is
subdivided into two members, i.e. a lower member which is very sandy in the south and shaly
with carbonate interbeds in the northern part of the basin. The upper member consists of an
alternation of sands, silts and shales (Belhaj, 1996; Echikh, 1998). This cycle reflects a
shallow marine depositional environment.
The third second order sequence (Eifelian – Givetian) corresponds with the lower part of the
Aouinat Ouenine Formation (Aouinat Ouenine I). It reflects the marine transgression
registered during the Emsian, with shallow marine sandstones to offshore marine mudstones.
The sediment source was from Al Qarqaf Arch (Carr, 2002).
The fourth second order sequence (Givetian – Frasnian) is made up by the Aouinat Ouenine II
succession. It is dominated by marine shales, with the continued arrival of sediment from the
Al Qarqaf Arch situated in the south (Carr, 2002).
The fifth second order sequence (Frasnian – Famennian) corresponds to the Aouinat Ouenine
III succession. It is characterized by the existence of the Cues Limestone horizon (Frasnian
source rocks), which occurs in the Ghadames basin. It is equivalent to the Dabdab Formation
in the Murzuk basin and Argile Radioactive of the Berkine region (Echikh, 1992; Hallett,
The sixth second order sequence (Famennian – Strunian) is corresponding to the Aouinat
Ouenine IV succession. It represents a regressive system. The sequence is dominated by shaly
to silty lithologies with carbonate interlayers at the base (Bellini and Massa, 1980) and
reflecting a coarsening upward cycle (Massa and Moreau-Benoit, 1976).
The seventh second order sequence (Strunian) is represented by the Tahara Formation, which
is of uppermost Devonian age. The cycle shows sandy – shaly lithologies, reflecting a deltaic
depositional environment (Bellini and Massa, 1980). The Devonian succession is locally
bounded at its top by the Acadian unconformity.
Figure 10 shows a SE-NW cross section, correlating 6 wells with Silurian deposits. The
section indicates that the sediments were sourced from the south to the north, with the well
NN1-66 located near of the Al Qarqaf source area, and the wells B1-NC188 and D1-NC100
located in the center of the basin accumulating the thickest succession within this section, as
shown in the isopach map given in figure 11. We can deduce from the cross section the
absence of the Devonian in the Jeffarah basin due to the effect of the Hercynian event which
was considerable, resulted by rise of Nafusa- Dahar arch greater than the Al Qarqaf Arch. The
axis of the subsidence is east – west.
6.4- First order Carboniferous sequence:
The Carboniferous sequence consists of marine clastic and carbonates deposits, and is up to
1300 m thick in the Ghadames basin (Bellini and Massa, 1980; Galeazzi et al., 2009). It is
bounded below by the Acadian unconformity and above by Hercynian unconformity. This
sequence consists of two second order sequences. The early Tournaisian is absent in most part
of western Libya (Massa et al., 1974; Echikh, 1998), explained by uplift and erosion of these
The first second order sequence (Tournaisian – Visean) is represented by the M’rar Formation
and reflects a transgressive system, which comprises an alternation of shales, siltstones and
sandstones. Belhaj (1996) documented a local south to north proximal - distal trend in the
Ghadames basin, while proximal to distal trends are recognizes from the Al Qarqaf Arch to
the Murzuq basin (Carr, 2002).
The second second order sequence (Serpukhovian – Gzhelian) includes the Asadjefar,
Dembaba and Tiguentourine Formations. The first one consists of two members, with the
lower member containing sandstones and the upper member is composed of calcareous
deposits (Hallett, 2002). The Dembaba Formation represents the last Paleozoic marine
deposits in the Ghadames basin, corresponding to limestones and dolomitic marls. The
Tiguentourine Formation contains dolomitic shales, shaly dolomites and anhydrites. The
shallowing upward trend continued with the uplift of the area during the latest Carboniferous,
accompanied by local sedimentation of the Tiguentourine Formation in the Al Qarqaf Arch in
the south eastern part of the Ghadames basin. This sequence is bounded at its top by the
Hercynian unconformity. This orogeny caused uplift and thrusting in northwest North Africa,
whereas its effect is decreasing in intensity eastwards, with the occurrence of folding and
erosion in the northwest creating low-angle unconformities and disconformities (Craig et al.,
The cross section of the Carboniferous in the Ghadames basin, shown in figure 12, indicates
that the source of the sediments originated from the south, where wells B1-49 and NN1-66 are
located near the Al Qarqaf Arch to the NW. The largest thicknesses occur in the southern part
of the basin, and are decreasing northwards. The cross section also illustrates a regional
northward retrogradation of the deposits in the Visean and a regional northward progradation
in Gzhelian late Carboniferous. Rapid uplift in Nafusa-Dahar arch resulted to erosion of the
carboniferous succession in the Northwest Ghadames Basin while slow uplift in the Al Qarqaf
arch which preserve the carboniferous succession (figure 12). Carboniferous deposits in the
Jefarah basin were encountered in wells A1-23, A1- 131, and J1-23. In well A1-23 it reaches
a thickness up to 236 m. The axis of subsidence located in the southern the Ghadames basin
toward east-west (figure 13).
This sequence consists of two second order sequences. Palynological evidences proved that
the Tiguentourine Formation extends till the early Permian (Asselian stage), in the southern
Ghadames and Murzuq basin. Thin clastic beds are present in the northwest of Ghadames
basin south of the Nafusa uplift. However, rose rapidly during the early Permian, while at the
same time, the east – west Jefarah basin directly north of the Nafusa uplift consisted of a
depression in which a thick succession of Permian clastic and carbonate deposits was
deposited (Bishop, 1975; Burollet et al., 1978). Thick marine late Permian carbonates are
exposed in Tunisia (Jabal Tebaga, 30 km West - Northwest of Medenine) which is supposed
to extend into offshore Libya.
Deposition during the Middle – Upper Permian was dominated by unfossiliferous sandstones
and shales with iron–bearing horizons and abundant lignite debris of the Al Watyah
Formation (Mennig et al., 1963; Adlorff et al., 1985 & 1986). This name was given to the
sequences of claystones and sandstones found in the K1-23 (figure3) well.
The deposits represent a marginal marine to fluvial environment as well as a delta-front, tidal-
channel and distributary – mouth bar environment. The Al Watyah Formation is Sakmarian to
Ufimian in age (Hallett, 2002).
Wells that penetrated the Permian deposits are limited A1-34, A1-9, A1-131, TT-1, KGH-1,
KLF-1, BMT-1, AT-1, NM-1 and TB-1 (figure 3). Other wells did not reach the base of the
Permian namely, A1-23, K1-23, KGF-1, KJD-1, MAR-1 and TB-1 (figure 3). The largest
thickness in the available data is 3918.60 m in TB-1 well.
In figure 14 a cross section through the Permian intersected in seven wells, is shown. In the
KLF-1 well the upper Permian carbonates are 1540 m thick, below which 197 m of lower
Permian clastic deposits follows. The thickness of the Permian thins south toward the Libyan
border. The A1-131 and A1-9 wells (figures 1 and 3) are located north of the Nafusa Uplift in
Libya. Here the thickness increases towards the north. The thickness of Permian in the A1-9
well (figure 3) is 970 m, which is located to the north of well A1-131 (figure 3). The Permian
in the latter has a thickness of about 300 m.
In figure 15 the isopach map of the Permian is given. It can be seen that no Permian deposits
occur south of the Nafusa Uplift. The thickness increases to the north.
7- Conclusions
The Ghadames basin is an intracratonic basin on the North African Platform, which formed
during the Early Paleozoic. The Paleozoic succession is composed of a sequence of mostly
clastic sediments. The Paleozoic in the study area contains two mature source rock levels, one
occurring in the lower Silurian Tanezzuft Formation and the second of Middle – Upper
Devonian age in the Aouinat Ouenine Formation. In addition many reservoir rocks exist
(including the Cambrian Hassaouna Formation, Middle Ordovician Haouaz Formation, Upper
Ordovician Memouniat Formation, Middle to Upper Silurian Acacus Formation, Lower
Devonian Tadrart Formation, and Upper Devonian Tahara Formation). Significant
transgressions occurred during the Early Cambrian, Tremadocian, Llandovery, Middle to Late
Devonian and Early Carboniferous. Major phases of deformation affected the Saharan
platform causing several regional unconformities that cut across large parts of the Paleozoic
deposits extending across the basin. These unconformities include the Pan African Orogeny
unconformity, Acadian unconformity (Middle Ordovician), Caledonian Orogeny
unconformity (separating the Silurian deposits from the overlying Devonian succession),
intra-Eifelian unconformity (Middle Devonian), and Hercynian Orogeny unconformity (late
Paleozoic early Mesozoic).
Figure 16 summarizes the stratigraphy, sedimentary and tectonic of the study area. The figure
shows the principle unconformities during the Paleozoic and the sequences stratigraphy (first
and second order) for each time. It can be deduced from the figure 16 that the absences of the
Paleozoic secession in the Jefarah basin due to the rapid rise of the Nafusa-Dahar arch and the
severity of the events was occurred during the Paleozoic time. While the presence of Permian
secession in the Jefarah basin and its absence in the Ghadames basin.
The Paleozoic of the Ghadames and Jefarah basins can be divided into five first order
sequences, bounded by major tectonic unconformities and with sequence durations 40 to 70
Ma. Within these five first order sequences eighteen second order sequences (with duration of
10 - 40 Ma). They are:
1. Upper Carboniferous Gzhelian (Hercynian unconformity
1) to Late Wordian (Middle Permian.
2. Late Wordian to Hercynian unconformity 2.
This work is part of a University of Bordeaux Montaigne PH.D. thesis undertaken in the
laboratory EA 4592 of ENSEGID-Bordeaux INP. The authors wish to acknowledge with
thanks the TOTAL Oil Company for providing database and we would like to thank very
much Rudy Swennen who provided a thorough review and edited the English language of the
text. The authors gratefully acknowledge to the journal reviewers, which greatly improved the
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Figure captions:
Figure 1: Geological map showing location and boundaries of the Ghadames and Jefarah
basins. (Modified after Khalifa and Morad 2015).
Figure 2: Stratigraphic nomenclature and dating of the Paleozoic series as defined in the
northern Ghadames basin (Tripolitania and south Tunisia) and in the southern Ghadames
basin (Al Qarqaf area geological section) after Massa (1988).
Figure 3: A map illustrate the location of wells and cross sections in the Ghadames and
Jefarah basins.
Figure 4: Characteristic pattern of gamma ray recordings. (A) Part of well log (TT-1) which
illustrates a funnel patterns. (B) Part of well log (J1-NC100) which illustrates a cylindrical
pattern. (C) Part of well log (D1-NC100) which illustrates a serrated pattern. (D) Part of well
log (D1-NC100) which illustrates a bell pattern. (E) Part of well log (A1-NC179) which
illustrates a symmetrical pattern. (F) Part of well log (A1-NC40B) which illustrates a GR
response of “hot shale”. (G) Part of well log (A1-NC143) which illustrates a GR response of
glacial deposits. (H) Part of well log (C1-NC143) which illustrates a GR response of
carbonates. (I) Part of well log (A1-70 and SN-1) which illustrates a GR response of dolerite.
Figure 5: Synthetic log, Cambrian (A1-70 well), Ordovician and Devonian (D1-66 well),
including the sequence (first and second order) and biozone stratigraphy.
Figure 6: Synthetic log, Carboniferous (B1-90 well), Permian (KLF-1 well), including the
sequence (first and second order) and biozone stratigraphy.
Figure 7: Cross section (Cambrian - Ordovician) illustrating the depositional environment and
sequence stratigraphy.
Figure 8: SE-NW cross section of the Silurian illustrating the depositional environment and
sequence stratigraphy.
Figure 9: Isopach map of the Silurian hot shale to Caledonian, showing the thickness of the
deposits in the study area.
Figure 10: SE-NW cross section of the Devonian, illustrating the depositional environment
and sequence stratigraphy.
Figure 11: Isopach map of the Caledonian - MFS Frasnian, showing the thickness of the
deposits in the study area.
Figure 12: Cross section of the Carboniferous, illustrating the depositional environment and
sequence stratigraphy.
Figure 13: Isopach map of the Acadian unconformity – MFS M’rar Formation, showing the
thickness of the deposits in the study area.
Figure 14: Cross section of the Permian, illustrating the depositional environment and
sequence stratigraphy.
Figure 15: Isopach map of the Hercynian 1 – Hercynian 2 (Permian), showing the thickness of
the deposits in the study area.
Figure 16: NW-SE Paleozoic chronostratigraphic chart of the Ghadames and Jefarah basins.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4 A, B, C, D, E, F
Figure 4 G, H, I
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
1 - We study the Paleozoic series of the Ghadames and Jefarah basins.
2 - We define five first order sequences and eighteen second order sequences.
3 - We study the relationship between paleogeography and tectonic events in the
4 Ghadames basin.