Objective:: - To Be Acquainted With Various Highway Features, Structures Around The Highway
Objective:: - To Be Acquainted With Various Highway Features, Structures Around The Highway
Objective:: - To Be Acquainted With Various Highway Features, Structures Around The Highway
slope protection measures, drainage construction, energy dissipating structures and highway
strengthening measures.
The rapid growth in road traffic in terms of number of vehicle as well as increase in magnitude
and frequency of vehicle has become a challenging problems to the highway engineers.
Transportation has a very important role to play in general development of the country and
especially in its economic development. It has been described as the arteries and veins for the
flow of economy of the nation. In developing country like ours, the goal of industrial
development can be achieved through an efficient transportation system. The adequacy of
transportation system of a country indicates its economic and social development. For
sustainable transportation system overall field knowledge is inevitable. Basically the highway
engineer has to meet the challenges in the knowledge of highway materials, design of
structures around the highway, slope protection measures, drainage system and highway
strengthening measures is required. Basic theme of above mentioned details as noticed in the
field can be elaborated as follows.
The road is of surface dressing in some places and asphalt concrete in other places.
a.Culvert: - A culvert is a closed conduit placed under the embankment to carry water across
the roadway. Culverts are preferred than minor bridges since culvert is always beneath the
carriageway whereas bridge forms a part of carriageway.
1. Collecting and leading water across the road, so as not to cause damage to road bank or the
stream bed by scour.
2 To allow sufficient waterway to prevent heading up of water above the road surface.
Types of culvert: - Culverts may be of various types based on function which can be
enumerated as follows.
1. Pipe culvert:-When thestream carries low discharge and having high embankment, pipe
culverts are considered more suitable. Pipes are laid slightly inclined. There should be at least
50cm cover of soil so that traffic load transmitted on pipe of small intensity and without
vibrations. Pipes may be made of stone ware, concrete, RCC etc. Standard size of pipe culverts
are 0.5m,0.75m,1m,1.25m and 2.0m in diameter. Pipe culvert may be single pipe, double pipe
or others as per necessity. They can be shown as follows. The inner pipe is water supply pipe.
Box culvert: - These culverts are constructed where the nature of the soil below the foundation
isn’t suitable for individual footing under piers and abutments .The size of rectangular passage
shouldn’t be less than 60*60cm for easy cleaning of debris.
Fig.Box culvert
A bridge is a structure over a water course to carry traffic over it. The clear spans greater than
6m are known as bridges. Bridges may be classified either from the consideration of the
construction materials such as steel bridges, concrete bridges, timber bridges etc. From the
structural point of view bridges may be classified as cantilever, moveable, suspension etc.
According to span length it can be classified as minor bridge (to 30m) major bridge (above 30m)
or long bridge (above 120m).Structurally bridges may be divided as:-
1. Foundation:-The foundation of bridge should be on hard strata. It should be stable and wall
may be constructed to protect from erosion.
2. Substructure:-The various components of bridge which form the substructure are abutments,
piers, wing walls etc.
1. Timber
2. Steel
3. RCC
Spur / Gryones :-Structure constructed transverse to the flow and extended from bank to flow
channel. It protects the river bank by deflecting, repelling or attracting the flow of river. It
contacts the wide shallow river channel to improve navigation.
Fall or drop structures:-Provided in hill roads where the bed slope of existing drainage is very
Retaining structures: - A retaining structure is usually a wall constructed for the purpose of
supporting or retaining a vertical or nearly vertical earth bank which in turn may support
vertical loads. Based on materials used in construction of retaining walls they may be dry stone
masonry, stone filled in gabion wall crates, stone masonry with cement and mortar, and
composite, plain cement concrete, RCC and in some cases steel and timber.
Retaining Wall
Masonry Wall
Gabion Wall
For the percolation of water a pipe is inserted in the wall, so the wall of such type is also known
as energy dissipating structures.
2. Other structures:-
Stone patching
Drainage structures:-Highway drainage may be defined as the process of interception
and removal of water from over, under and vicinity of the road surface. Basically two
types of drainage systems are existing on the highway we visited namely surface and
Surface drainage Chutes
Typical cross section:-The typical cross section of road is cut and fills type. A School has been
Some outstanding steps of construction:-As the road was constructed in aid of Japanese government,
engineering technology has been successfully implemented. In some places we noticed, for the
strengthening of highway wall has been constructed below the road surface with lot of expenditure.
CONCLUSION: - Indeed, one day tour of transportation was very much fruitful in our real feasible life.
We were rendered with apt chance to implement our theoretical knowledge with the real field
knowledge. It has assisted entirely to boost up our confidence and act accordingly. Wholesome, the
ideas and views as noticed in the field will be marking steps in our further engineering practices.