Read The Mind of SBR Marker Part2
Read The Mind of SBR Marker Part2
Read The Mind of SBR Marker Part2
Strategic Business Reporting
Read the mind of an SBR marker – Part 2
Introduction 3
Question 3 4
Question 4 7
Note 3 Note 7
The mark has been given here for the attempt to use Mark given for applying the definition of value in use to
some of the scenario information, ie the 20% reduction the coal in the scenario.
to explain how the NRV would be calculated (although
Note 8
other parts of the explanation are clearly incorrect).
Mark given for partially correct analysis of current
Note 4 relationship.
Mark given for application of the “obligation” principle
Note 9
to the scenario.
Two marks given for the correct explanation that the 72%
Note 5 ownership does not give control, and the conclusion that
Mark for correct application of IAS 36 to the scenario. this means that the transaction would not lead to the mine
Note no marks have been given for simply listing out all being fully consolidated by Fill.
of the impairment indicators mentioned in the standard. The mark for candidate one for Q3 is 9/25.
Note 7
Note 1 Mark given for attempt to explain impact of changing tax
The answer does partly address the requirement, linking rates in future.
some basic knowledge to the requirement for “arguments
Note 8
for and against”, so as the points have been applied in
Two marks given for some basic description of deferred
this way, two marks are given.
tax, but capped at two due to lack of application to
Note 2 question. The “MAX” annotations show where this cap
Credit has been given for all three points here, again due has been applied. There is always a limit to the number of
to the fact that an attempt has been made to apply the marks that can be given for pure rote learned knowledge.
points to the Management Commentary.
Note 9
Note 3 Mark given for application of knowledge to scenario.
Two marks awarded here as points are being made that
Note 10
are relevant to explaining the information to the investor.
One professional mark given as the answer shows some
Note 4 clarity of argument and presentation, but would need to
Mark given here as there is some application apparent in demonstrate more consideration of the “stakeholder”
reference to foreign subsidiaries. perspective to get the full two marks.
The mark for candidate two for Q4 is 15/25.
Note 5
Two separate marks awarded to this paragraph as there
is an attempt to explain two separate entries in the
30 November 20x6 - low carbon content - low quality
0 Note 2
3 year forecast g price of coal to be 20% less than the current spot price
4. O
nce price for coal is generated, the price for 1 Note 3
the lower carbon content coal can be generated.
Relevant notes
Fill should then perform an impairment review, to work out whether the
carrying value of the mining equipment is more than its recoverable
1 Note 6
amount. Recoverable amount is the higher of:
- - Fair value less costs to sell, and
- - Value in use
Value in use is the future cash flows from use of the asset 1 Note 7
(estimated future sales of coal, discounted to present value).
Relevant notes
The current share hold of Fill of the coal mine, of 28% gives rise to an
influence. This arises where a shareholding is above 20%, but below 50%, 1 Note 8
and so although there is influence, there is no control.
However, the additional purchase of the 24% will give Fill a 52% ownership
which might indicate control in some situations, but there is an operating
agreement in place which requires 72% ownership prior to the approval of 1
any major decisions.
Note 9
As Fill does not have control of the mine, it would not need to produce 1
consolidated financial statements for itself and the coal mine.
Relevant notes
Net realisable value is the expected sales value less any costs to sell
so to calculate the NRV of the coal now we would need to know the
current spot rate and use this to value the coal less any costs needed 1 Note 2
to get the coal ready to sell and to deliver it to customers.
Fill would want to fix the NRV of the lower quality coal now based
on the spot rate and take out a future that fixes the guaranteed price
of the coal probably at a slightly lower rate than the current spot 0 Note 3
rate. This would guarantee the NRV of the coal in three years time.
The time value of money should be accounted for by using a suitable
discount rate to get the present value of the future C/F and then at
each year end for 3 years unwind the discount expense through P/L 0 Note 4
Finance Costs.
Relevant notes
Relevant notes
Relevant notes
Q4 (a)(i)
With there not being a binding framework this may mean that different
companies may produce the commentaries differently which may mean it 1
may be difficult to compare.
Also the company may not produce the report the same year on year so
the comparison may be difficult. With the comparison being difficult this 1 Note 1
may mean the user may not be able to understand.
The management commentary should be produced on the same basis every
year so comparability can be obtained when reviewing previous versions 1
and future versions.
Relevant notes
When tax is calculated it also gives rise to deferred tax. This can either
be an asset or liability. The reason for this is because the companies and 0
tax authorities use different rates.
When a company has a deferred tax asset these can only be applied if the 1 Note 4
company is making a profit or going to make a profit in the future.
Also there will be an adjustment to the tax charge to take into account 1
any under or over-estimate in the previous period.
With the proposed change to the tax rate in future periods the tax 1 Note 5
charges in future years financial statements will increase.
The $95m shown as current tax paid in the statement of cash flows is not
equal to the tax charge for the year because payments are not made at
the same time as the amounts are charged. The amount paid in the year 1
will have included some of last year’s tax charge and not all of this year’s
charge will have been paid.
Prof 0 Note 6
Relevant notes
Q4 (a)(i)
The practice statement should be an IFRS because:
Management Commentary is an important tool to help investors
determine the performance of a company and enhance their 1
understanding of the financial performance of a company.
However, the commentary can sometimes be biased and incomplete.
Important bits of information can be omitted and due to there being 1 Note 1
no real control over the commentary, users can be misled.
Management commentary can be a useful tool if it is of good
quality. The three characteristics to ensure this are:
Understandability - present information in a clear and concise 1
manner, using terminology the end user can understand.
Relevance – only include information the user needs and not too 1 Note 2
much information.
Comparability – year on year the commentary needs to link and
show a progressive picture of performance.
Relevant notes
Relevant notes
The tax rate used for deferred tax is an estimate, based on rates
enacted by the year end. So the rate of 25% should be used as the 1 Note 9
legislation was approved on 12 November 20X7.
The current tax liability in the statement of financial position is
adjusted for the deferred tax liability/asset before reaching the 0
current tax payable in the statement of profit or loss.
Prof 1 Note 10
Relevant notes