Application of Plant Biotechnology For Sustainable Agriculture
Application of Plant Biotechnology For Sustainable Agriculture
Application of Plant Biotechnology For Sustainable Agriculture
The term genetically modified (GM), as it is commonly used, refers to the transfer
of genes between organisms using a series of laboratory techniques for cloning
genes, splicing DNA segments together, and inserting genes into cells.
Collectively, these techniques are known as recombinant DNA technology. Other
terms used for GM plants or foods derived from them are genetically modified
organism (GMO), genetically engineered (GE), bioengineered, and
transgenic. ‘Genetically modified’ is an imprecise term and a potentially confusing
one, in that virtually everything we eat has been modified genetically through
domestication from wild species and many generations of selection by humans for
desirable traits. The term is used here because it is the one most widely used to
indicate the use of recombinant DNA technology. According to USDA standards
for organic agriculture, seeds or other substances derived through GM technology
are not allowed in organic production.
The golden rice is the famous GMO crop in the world used mostly for the purpose
of providing of nutritional balance as vitamin A.
2.Corn (field & sweet)
The GM version of field corn protects the crop against corn rootworms
and the Asian corn borer. Like GM field corn, GM sweet corn also protects the
crop against destructive pests.
The GM soybean plant is resistant to pests and disease as well as being tolerant
of herbicides that are most effective, allowing for less herbicide use overall.
GM cotton requires fewer pesticides and protects against the cotton bollworm.
Canola has been modified through biotechnology to make it tolerant to some
herbicides. This allows for a reduced amount of chemicals needed for weed
control. The modified plant also has resistance to pests and fungus.
The GM version of alfalfa is tolerant of some herbicides, allowing for a
reduced amount of chemicals needed for weed control.
7.Sugar Beets
The GM sugar beet has increased tolerance to some herbicides, allowing for a
reduced amount of chemicals needed for weed control. GM sugar beets also
have virus and pest resistance traits.
The GM version of papaya makes the plant resistant to the prevalent Papaya
Ringspot Virus.
GM squash has traits that improve the plant’s defense against viruses.
10.Arctic Apple
Developed by Okanagan Specialty Fruits of British Columbia, Canada,
this new fruit was developed by turning off the enzyme in apples that cause
them to brown when cut, bruised or bitten.
11.Innate Potato
This new potato that resists browning and has fewer unsightly wasteful bruises
has been approved by the USDA for commercial planting.
In order to identify a desirable new trait scientist most often look to nature.
Successful discovery of a new genetic trait of interest is often a combination of
critical thinking and luck. For example, if researchers are searching for a trait that
would allow a crop to survive in a specific environment, they would look for
organisms that naturally are able to survive in that specific environment. Or if
researchers are aiming to improve the nutritional content of a crop, they would
screen a list of plants that they hypothesize produce a nutrient of interest.
An example of a trait currently in GMOs that was identified through this
combination of luck and critical thinking is tolerance to the herbicide Roundup.
Monsanto created “Roundup Ready” plants after finding bacteria growing near a
Roundup factory that contained a gene that allowed them to survive in the presence
of the herbicide [8]. Although it is not on the market in the United States, Syngenta
has designed Golden Rice with an increased amount of pro-vitamin A, which the
human body may turn into the vitamin A. Researchers at Syngenta identified the
gene sequence that produces pro-vitamin A and compiled a list of plants to screen
with that sequence . With a little luck, there was a plant in nature, maize, that
contained a gene that would make Golden Rice produce pro-vitamin A at a level
that could meet the nutritional needs of vitamin A deficient communities.
In order to expedite this process, Monsanto has developed and patented a method
known as seed chipping. Through this method Monsanto shaves off parts of seeds
for high-throughput genetic sequencing while leaving the rest of the seeds viable
for planting. This creates a genetic database for plants before they are even grown,
where a barcode system is used to match plants to their genotypes. Researchers
may then use this database to identify new traits of interest as well as to optimize
the desirable traits in a crop by selecting for the best genotypes based on plant
Process formats adopted for plant cell culture systems that are either operational or
at pilot plant stage favour a two-stage approach using mainly batch cultures. The
ftrst stage is used for biomass growth and the second stage for production which
involves the change of medium from growth promoting to product promoting. The
bioreactors used in different stages may be the same type. Shikonin was the fIrst
commercial product obtained from plant cell culture (Fujita,1988a). Shikonin and
its derivatives are purple-red compounds with naphthazalin skeleton which are
found in the outer surface of the roots of Lithospermum erythrorhizon
(Boraginaceae). Shikonin derivatives are used as an antibacterial agent for external
injuries, as an anti-ulcer agent, and as a food pigment. The plant which is almost
extinct in Japan and difflcult to cultivate, normally contains 1-2 % shikonin
derivatives in its roots.
From the very fIrst experiments of Mizukami et al. 1978, callus cultures have been
selected for their high pigment content eventually leading to callus cultures which
produced shikonin derivatives at higher levels than the whole plant. Experiments
with suspension cultures indicated that the type of nitrogen source affected
production significantly. When nitrate was the sole source, production was stable,
but, when ammonium was the nitrogen source, it inhibited production.
In the original two-stage process, biomass growth takes place in Linsmaier and
Skoog medium and in the second stage the medium is changed to White's medium
to produce shikonin derivatives. The effect of the concentration of each component
of these media led to new media formulation for growth and production resulting
in about 1400 mg/l of shikonin derivatives. For the growth stage 200 I tanks are
used while production takes place in 750 I tanks. The period of production is 23
days (Fujita, 1988b).
The maximum oxygen consumption rate of L. erythrorhizon cells is 0.5-1.0 mM
oxygen! g cell- h. The volumetric oxygen mass transfer coefficient is 10 h-l.
1. Nutrient Supplementation
One of the biggest uses of biotechnology is the infusion of nutrients into food in
situations such as aid. Therefore, it provides food with heavy nutrients that are
necessary in such situations. An example of this application is the
production Golden Rice where the rice is infused with beta-carotene. The rice has
Vitamin A, which the body can easily synthesise.
2. Abiotic Stress Resistance
There is actually very little land on earth that is arable with some estimates place it
at around 20 percent. With an increase in the world’s population, there is a need for
the food sources available to be as effective as possible to produce as much food in
as little space as possible. There is also needed to have the crops grown to be able
to make use of the less arable regions of the world.
This means that there is a need to develop crops that can handle these abiotic
stresses such as salinity, drought and frost from cold. In Africa and the Middle
East, for instance, where the climate can be unforgiving, the practice has played a
significant role in the development of crops that can withstand the prevailing harsh
3. Industrial Biotechnology
4. Strength Fibres
One of the materials with the strongest tensile strength is spider webs. Amongst
other materials with the same cross-sectional width, spider webs can take more
tensional force before breaking than even steel. This silk has created a lot of
interest with the possible production of materials made from silk including body
armour such as bullet proof jackets. Silk is used because it is stronger than Kevlar
(the material most commonly used to make body armour).
Biotechnological techniques have been used to pick the genes found in spiders and
their infusion in goats to produce the silk proteins in their milk. With this initiative,
it makes production easier as goats are much easier to handle compared to spiders
and the production of silk via milk also help make the processing and handling
much easier compared to handling the actual silk strands.
5. Biofuels
6. Healthcare