Running Head: MODULE 2 1
Running Head: MODULE 2 1
Running Head: MODULE 2 1
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Running head: MODULE 2 2
Lung cancer
The pathophysiology of lung cancer is very complicated and can be very hard for human
leads to the dysplasia epithelium of the lungs. If the exposure to these enzymes continues, it gets
into the DNA of a person and starts genetic mutations and damages the protein synthesis, which
damages the cells. The body then starts undergoing cellular changes, where abnormal cell growth
starts to occur (Chemotherapy of lung cancer, 2014). Cancer of the lungs is always in different
types, namely; large cell carcinoma, non-small cell lung cancer, large cell carcinoma.
If one is diagnosed with non-small cell and is said to be in good health, the patient is
undertaken through a surgery, where the cancerous cells are removed. This is then followed by
chemotherapy, that is done to kill other cancerous tumors that could have hidden in body tissues.
If the surgery is not advisable, mainly due to other health conditions, the patient is offered
radiotherapy to destroy the cancerous cells, this could also be accompanied by chemotherapy,
which is done with radioactive waves. If on the other hand the cancer cells are said to be
If else a patient is diagnosed with a small-cell-cancer, the physician prescribes the best
treatment to be chemotherapy. This is usually done to help prolong the life of the patient and to
relieve the symptoms. For this type of lung cancer, surgery isn't always advisable, because the
disease usually has already spread to other areas of the body, by the time of diagnosis. However,
if the disease is found very early enough, then surgery can be used. After the surgery is done, the
Running head: MODULE 2 3
patient is then done chemotherapy and radiotherapy to minimize the risk of the disease returning.
Other types of treatment that may be used to treat lung cancer are Radiofrequency ablation,
Radiofrequency ablation – This type of treatment is applied to treat non-small cell lung
cancer, where a scanner is used to direct a needle where the tumor is, once it focuses on the
tumor, waves are sent to where the cells are, then heat is generated to kill the cancer cells.
Cryotherapy is normally used after cancer majorly affects your lungs and starts blocking the
airways. Instead of undergoing surgery, a CT scan with a needle on it is used to focus on the
cancerous tumors, then a cryoprobe device is used to press against the tumor, and generates very
Photodynamic therapy is used when treating early-stage cancer if the patients are afraid
of undergoing the normal surgery. This treatment can be done in two stages; the first one, the
patient is always injected with medicine which makes the internal cells of the body redundant,
and after 72 hours, a thin tube is inserted to where the tumor is, then releases strong laser beams
that help destroy the cancerous cells. After the interview, I was able to analyze that the patient
was suffering from severe Lung cancer that he had lived with, for 2 years. The patient seemed
less healthy and he had a bit of hair loss on his head. He had been employed on a permanent job
at a prominent company, but after he was diagnosed with the disease, his company insurance
could not offer him a medical cover as they termed the disease to be much costly.
Running head: MODULE 2 4
He, therefore, had to quit and depend on the income of his family members. He had been
undergoing chemotherapy treatments and had severe symptoms such as loss of appetite, sore
mouth, hair loss, feeling tired and sick, anemia, among others (Lung cancer, 2015). The disease
also affected his body where he lost weight rapidly and has been always diagnosed with other
diseases, which means that his immune system had greatly weakened.
He had tried other therapies and since the price was too much, he could not afford to always pay
the high prices week after week. This made him take a small medical cover which now pays for
his chemotherapy procedure costs which have now eased him a large burden.
Running head: MODULE 2 5