Learning Materials: Agricultural Engineering 2 (Introduction To Water Management and Irrigation)
Learning Materials: Agricultural Engineering 2 (Introduction To Water Management and Irrigation)
Learning Materials: Agricultural Engineering 2 (Introduction To Water Management and Irrigation)
College of Agriculture
Learning Materials
(Introduction to Water Management and Irrigation)
This learning material will be used in compliance with the flexible learning approach as directed by
CHED (Commission on Higher Education) in response to the COVID19 pandemic, that has globally affected
educational institutions. The authors and publishers from where the contents were derived are well
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learning material will solely be used for instructional purposes not for commercialization.
Agriculture Department-CatSU PC
This learning material has been designed to conform with the changing times and technology. Its goal is to give
the student an up-to-date background for planning irrigation system and to manage water resources. As global
population continues to increase, it creates greater pressure on available water supplies for human consumption,
industrial production, agricultural production and sanitation. Also, flood results in property damage and loss of
life. Pollution of both surface and groundwater reduces the available supply of potable water for many uses.
Efficient water management today is necessary to ensure the availability of adequate water supplies in
the future. Agriculture students should have a background on how to manage water resources and irrigation.
This learning material - Introduction to Water Management and Irrigation is to adequate students in water
management and irrigation as one of the subjects offered in the curriculum.
The key to a successful learning DEPENDS on YOU. This instructional material for AGRICULTURAL
ENGINEERING II (Introduction to Water Management and Irrigation) was prepared for you to learn
INDEPENDENTLY. CONGRATULATIONS, you are selected to be on third year.
Knowledge on water management and irrigation will help you prepare to become an Agriculturist, Agri-
entrepreneur, farmer.
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3. There is an assessment after each chapter, these are GRADED ASSESSMENTS so please do your
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4. Do NOT miss reading every part of this learning material.
5. Do NOT miss as well to answer the non-graded assessments. Though these are not graded, you still
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6. On September 7, you will be asked to send back through correspondence the accomplished learning
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- Short and concise
- No abbreviations
1. Read all topics s and answer the pre-assessment quizzes, self-assessment , reflection , discussion
activities. Missing any of those activities will be tagged as INCOMPLETE.
2. Do the midterm and final examination
Prayer Before Study
Creator of all things, true source of light and wisdom, origin of all being, graciously let a ray of your light
penetrate the darkness of my understanding.
Take from me the double darkness in which I have been born, an obscurity of sin and ignorance.
Give me a keen understanding, a retentive memory, and the ability to grasp things correctly and fundamentally.
Grant me the talent of being exact in my explanations and the ability to express myself with thoroughness and
Point out the beginning, direct the progress, and help in the completion. I ask this through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
-Saint Thomas Aquinas, OP (patron of scholars)
Learning Outcomes
After successfully completed this learning material, you will be able to:
1. Internalize the importance of water management in irrigation system and in the future of agriculture as a
2. Compute for water requirements of crops in an irrigation system
3. Design irrigation system in an agroecosystem
4. Apply the principles of water management and irrigation in an agroecosystem
5. Integrate soil and water conservation in agricultural production system
August 25-28, 2020
Direction: This is NOT GRADED. Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your answer on a sheet of paper.
C 1. The application of engineering principles to the solution of soil & water management
problems, or any method used to fully utilize and conserve soil & water.
a. erosion control measure c. soil water conservation
b. sustainable agriculture d. none of the above
D 2. Is the science that treats of the waters of the earth, their occurrence, circulation, and
distribution, their chemical and physical properties and their reaction with their environment
a. biology b. climatology c. chemistry d. hydrology
A 4. Is the detachment and transport of soil particles from the land by wind and water action
a. erosion b. flash flood c. sedimentation d. suspension
D 5. Which is/are the effects of soil erosion
a. loss of soil fertility c. damage to agricultural lands
b. silting of reservoir d. all of the above
B 6. The application of water to the soil for the purpose of supplying moisture essential for plant
C 1O. Termed as the removal of excess water in the soil to create condition suitable for plant
a. Irrigation c. drainage
b. Precipitation d. percolation
A 13. A topographically delineated area, which drains into a reference point in the stream or river.
a. watershed b. river stage c. forest d. field
D 15. Which of these is not a function of having adequate drainage in the field…
a. Improves soil structure c. shortens the crop growing season
b. Increases the depth of root zone d. leach excess salts from the soil
Module/Concept Map
Water Management Irrigation
Definition of Key Terms
Soil and Water Conservation - The application of engineering principles to the solution of soil & water
management problems, or any method used to fully utilize and conserve soil & water.
Hydrology – is a science that treats of the waters of the Earth, their occurrence, circulation, and distribution,
their chemical and physical properties, and their reaction with their environment.
Soil Erosion – is the detachment and transport of soil particles from the land by water or wind action
Consumptive use – defined as the sum of the volumes of water used by the vegetation growth of a given area
for transpiration and building of plant tissues
Watershed – a topographically delineated area which drains into a reference point in the stream
Irrigation – the application of water to soil for the purpose of supplying moisture essential for plant growth
Irrigation Interval – the span of time from one water application to the next
Infiltration rate – the time rate at which water will percolate into the soil.
Field Capacity – (1) the amount of water a soil profile will hold against drainage by gravity at a specified time
after a thorough wetting. (2) the moisture content of the soil when gravitational water has been removed
after irrigation
Permanent wilting point – the soil moisture content when plants permanently wilt
Evapotranspiration – is the sum of transpiration and water evaporated from the soil, or exterior portions of the
plants where water may have accumulated from irrigation, rainfall, dew, or exudation from the interior of
the plant.
Transpiration – the process by which water vapor escapes from living plants principally by leaves and enters
the atmosphere.
Drainage – the removal of excess water in the soil to create condition suitable for plant growth.
August 31-September 4, 2020
Soil and Water Conservation
Soil and water conservation engineering is the application of engineering and biological
principles to the solution of soil and water management problems. Conservation implies
utilization without waste so as to make possible a continuous high level of crop production
while improving environmental quality.
The problems involved in soil and water conservation are: erosion control, irrigation,
drainage, flood control, and water resource development and conservation. Erosion problems
are caused principally by human exploitation of natural resources and the removal of the
protective cover of natural vegetation. Erosion control is essential to maintain the crop
productivity of the soil as well as to control sedimentation and pollution in streams and lakes.
These are more serious today because of high population density and severe changes in land
Irrigation and drainage involve water and its movement on the land surface or through
the soil mass to provide optimum crop growth. In order to provide water at places and times at
which it is naturally available, surface reservoir and other storage facilities. In water-short
regions, soil water should be conserved by modified tillage and crop management techniques,
level terracing, contouring, pitting, reservoirs, and other physical means of retaining moisture
on the soil and reducing evaporation losses from the soil surface.
Self-Assessment 1
What is the role of water to plant?
Water is one of the most important inputs essential for the production of crops .Plants need it
continuously during their life and in huge quantities. It profoundly influences photosynthesis,
respiration, absorption, translocation and utilization of mineral nutrients, and cell division besides
some other processes.
Water is one of the most important inputs essential for the production of crops .Plants need it
continuously during their life and in huge quantities. It profoundly influences photosynthesis,
respiration, absorption, translocation and utilization of mineral nutrients, and cell division besides
some other processes._
Role of water on Plants
Water and Nutrient Supply
Optimum soil-water supply (i.e., good irrigation practices) are critical to maintain a good crop
growth and facilitating effective uptake of nutrients. As the plants use passive transport to
transfer water and nutrients from their roots to the leaves, water supply is essential to growth.
Water is considered by most plant biologists and forest scientists to be the single most
important environmental factor influencing plant growth and distribution. Water plays an
important role in plants. It maintains the turgor pressure in the cells, and it cools the leaves as
it evaporates. Water is the largest component of plants. Actively growing tissue (leaves, root
tips) can be 80–90% water. Woody parts of trees are a much lower percent of water ranging
between 45 and 60% water by weight. Water serves as the solvent which transports minerals
and dissolved carbohydrates throughout the plant.
Water is the scarcest resource. Importance of judicious use of water in agricultural sector for
sustaining agricultural growth and to retard environmental degradation needs no elaboration.
Judicious use of water for crop production requires knowledge of weather, soil, crop, water
quality, and drainage situation.
The major weather/climatic elements important for agriculture are
- solar radiation,
- rainfall,
- maximum temperature,
- minimum temperature,
- humidity,
- sunshine duration,
- photo-period or maximum possible sunshine hour, night temperature,
- wind speed.
Earth-Sun Relationship
Basic Mechanism of Weather Variabiity
Sun-Earth Geometry
The planet “Earth” is nearly spherical with a diameter of about 12,700 Km. The earth makes
one rotation about its axis every 24 h, and completes a revolution around the sun in a period
of 365.25 days approximately. The shape of the earth orbit around the sun is about elliptical in
nature (Fig. 3.1). The mean distance of the earth from the sun is 1.5 108 Km. On 21st
December, the earth is closest to the sun (Winter Solstice in north and Summer Solstice in
south), while on 21st June it is most remote (Summer Solstice in north and Winter Solstice in
south hemisphere), being about 3.3% farther away. On March 21st and September 21st, the
earth is equidistant from the sun (Equinoxes). The earth’s axis of rotation is tilted about 66.5
with respect to its orbital plane around the sun (23.5 with respect to N–S). The spherical
shape of the earth, elliptical nature of earth orbit, and the tilted angle of earth’s axis account
for distribution of solar radiation, change of length of hours of daylight and darkness, and
change of seasons.
Specifically, variation of weather most often results from temperature differences from one
place to another, and the temperature variation results from the intensity of solar radiation. On
large scales, temperature differences occur because areas closer to the equator receive more
energy per unit area from the sun than that of the regions closer to the poles. On local scales,
temperature differences can occur because different surfaces have different physical
characteristic such as roughness, reflectivity, and/or moisture. Surface temperature
differences in turn cause pressure differences.
Yes, because the climate of the area concerns the average of the weather conditions.
Different parts of the Earth have different climates because of different amount of heat coming from
the Sun.
Below are links to understand the earth-sun geometry from Penn State University (PSU) Engineering
Go For It (eGFI)
You can also watch this videos to help you further
Water: An Element of Irrigation
Water is the source of all life on earth. Water has many unique properties that allow it to be
such a universal material. One special characteristic of water is its ability to change state very
easily under earth conditions. These forms play a great part in the hydrologic cycle. For
irrigation, a typical characteristic of water (termed as “water quality”) is important. This
“characteristic” feature influences the suitability of water for an intended use. To irrigate in a
sustainable fashion, it is important to assess the water quality characteristics, land suitability,
and crop limitations.
Water covers about 70% of the earth’s surface, but it is difficult to comprehend the total
amount of water when we only see a small portion of it. The oceans contain about 97.5% of
the earth’s water, land 2.4%, and the atmosphere holds less than 0.001%, which may seem
surprising because water plays such an important role in weather. The annual precipitation for
the earth is more than 30 times the atmosphere’s total capacity to hold water. This fact
indicates the rapid recycling of water that must occur between the earth’s surface and the
atmosphere. Basically, the source of all water in the earth is rainwater. Conceptually, the main
sources of water from where we meet our needs are the following:
1. Surface water - from rivers, ponds, lakes, etc.
2. Ground water - through dug wells, shallow tube-wells, deep tube-wells, springs, etc.
3. Rain water - from direct rainfall, rain water harvesting.
Water is essential to life. Without it, the biosphere that exists on the surface of the earth would
not be possible. Besides consumptions of biosphere, water resources are harnessed for
drinking, irrigation, municipal and industrial uses, hydropower generation, fish farming, flood
management, navigation, ecological needs, and recreation
The hydrologic cycle otherwise known as the water cycle studies the movement of
water as it occurs in the atmosphere as well as on and below the surface of the earth. As
shown above, the water cycle is a continuous process involving cloud formation that over time
transform itself into rain. The clouds, nurtured by climatic factors result to rain that falls upon
land surfaces and deposited on plant leaves, some infiltrated and percolated into the soil
becoming ground water while others runoff the surface settling on streams and rivers
eventually on the seas and oceans. These surface water evaporates to the atmosphere to
become clouds again. Other moisture on land and plant materials goes back to the
atmosphere via process of evaporation and transpiration. This basic movement of water in its
liquid and gaseous forms or even solid forms is a process or cycle that is repeated over and
over again to become the water cycle or the hydrologic cycle.
Understanding the flow of water will help us conserve it especially the precipitation
(rainfall) which is the primary source of water in the field or in the groundwater as irrigation or
for domestic use. Water (in the form of precipitation) is very important to conserve for future
use, and the best way to conserve it is by storing it as ground water. Here’s how, precipitation
can be conserved. Plant, plant, plant more trees to increase our vegetation or cover in the
soil. We want our soil to absorb more water during a rainfall for it to be stored down as
groundwater. Since we cannot modify the soil texture and structure of our soil, the best
alternative is to plant trees. Trees especially its canopy or the foliage trap or intercept rainfall
droplets thereby breaking it down into smaller droplets and decreasing its energy . It also
helps delayed the droplets from falling in the soil. With this, it gives the water to have more
time to infiltrate into the soil rather than runoff. Studies shows that soils that have cover or
vegetation increases its infiltration rate and capacity.
So planting trees in the forest will increase infiltration and reduce runoff, and therefore
more water will percolate downward and become groundwater that we can extract through
wells by pumping. More groundwater means more fresh water we can use for irrigation.
Runoff water are destructive because it creates soil erosion, and once the water runoff, it
goes straight thru canals, streams, rivers and finally into the sea and ocean where it cannot
be use productively.
Groundwater flow ( to springs, streams, rivers, lakes, seas, ocean, or stay below
Interflow - water infiltrated into the soil but eventually comes out the surface
Self-Assessment 2 .
1. Draw the Hydrologic Cycle and label the different processes involved.
2. Explain in your own words how the processes works in the Hydrologic cycle.
From my own observation the processes of hydrologic cycle is the conservation of water on
earth .Water cycle help the crops to be more productive .. I think Hydrologic cycle can give clean
water to the crops and other living things.
3.Explain how vegetation or trees increase infiltration and reduce water run-off
Trees especially its canopy or the foliage trap or intercept rainfall droplets there by breaking it down
into smaller droplets and decreasing its energy. It also helps delayed the droplets from falling in the
soil. It gives the water to have more time to infiltrate into the soil rather than the run-off.
September 14-18, 2020
Forms of Precipitation
Any product of condensation of atmospheric water vapor formed in the free air
or at earth’s surface is a hydrometeor
Drizzle – or mist, consist of tiny liquid droplets, usually with diameters between
0.1 and 0.5 mm, which occasionally appear to float. Drizzle usually falls from
low stratus and rarely exceeds 1mm/hr.
Rain – consists of liquid water drops mostly larger than 0.5mm in diameter.
Rainfall usually refers to amounts of liquid precipitation
Glaze – is the ice coating generally clear and smooth, formed on exposed
surfaces by the freezing of supercooled water deposited by rain or drizzle
Rime – is a white, opaque deposit of ice granules more or less separated by
trapped air and formed by rapid freezing of supercooled water drop impinging
on exposed objects.
Snow – is composed of ice crystals, chiefly in complex, branched hexagonal
form, and often agglomerated into snowflakes, which may result 100mm in
Hail – is precipitation in the form of balls of ice, produced in convective clouds,
mostly cumulonimbus, hailstones may be spheroidal, conical, or irregular in
shape, and range from about 5 to over 125mm in diameter.
Sleet - consists of transparent, globular, solid grains of ice formed by the
freezing of raindrops or refreezing of largely melted ice crystals falling through a
layer of subfreezing air near the earth’s surface.
devastating floods. These unusually heavy storms are generally associated with warm
front precipitation.
Classification of Storms
Since no two rainstorms have exactly the same time-intensity relationships, it is often
convenient to group storms with regard to their characteristics. The most common
characteristics used in such groupings are the intensity of the storm and the pattern of the
rainfall intensity histogram. Storm patterns are important because they are one of the factors
determining the shape of the runoff hydrograph. Storm patterns of rainfall intensities are
uniform intensity, advanced pattern, intermediate pattern and delayed pattern.(see graph
Fig.2.2 below) The advanced pattern of rainfall brings higher intensities when the infiltration
rate is the greatest thus causing some reduction in the runoff peaks. On the other hand, the
delayed pattern causes higher runoff peaks, as the high intensities occur when the infiltration
is at a minimum and depression storage has been largely satisfied. In general, the cold front
produces a storm of an advanced type, and the warm front a uniform or intermediate pattern.
Self Assessment 3
1. Give the different forms of precipitation?
Forms of Precipitation
Any product of condensation of atmospheric water vapor formed in the free air
or at earth’s surface is a hydrometeor
Drizzle – or mist, consist of tiny liquid droplets, usually with diameters between
0.1 and 0.5 mm, which occasionally appear to float. Drizzle usually falls from
low stratus and rarely exceeds 1mm/hr.
Rain – consists of liquid water drops mostly larger than 0.5mm in diameter.
Rainfall usually refers to amounts of liquid precipitation
Glaze – is the ice coating generally clear and smooth, formed on exposed
surfaces by the freezing of supercooled water deposited by rain or drizzle
Rime – is a white, opaque deposit of ice granules more or less separated by
trapped air and formed by rapid freezing of supercooled water drop impinging
on exposed objects.
Snow – is composed of ice crystals, chiefly in complex, branched hexagonal
form, and often agglomerated into snowflakes, which may result 100mm in
Hail – is precipitation in the form of balls of ice, produced in convective clouds,
mostly cumulonimbus, hailstones may be spheroidal, conical, or irregular in
shape, and range from about 5 to over 125mm in diameter.
Sleet - consists of transparent, globular, solid grains of ice formed by the
freezing of raindrops or refreezing of largely melted ice crystals falling through a
layer of subfreezing air near the earth’s surface.
2. What is the importance of precipitation in agriculture?
Precipitation is important because it helps maintain the atmospheric balance. Without
precipitation, all of the land on the planet would be desert. Precipitation helps farmers grow crops and
provides a fresh water supply for us to drink.
Work: Please do a 3-5 page report about rain water harvesting
In regards to Urban agriculture, rainwater harvesting in urban areas reduces the impact of runoff and
flooding. The combination of urban ‘green’ rooftops with rainwater catchments have been found to reduce
building temperatures by more than 1.3 degrees Celsius. Rainwater harvesting in conjunction with urban
agriculture would be a viable way to help meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for
cleaner and sustainable cities, health and wellbeing, and food and water security. The technology is
available, however, it needs to be remodeled in order to use water more efficiently, especially in an urban
Kenya has already been successfully harvesting rainwater for toilets, laundry, and irrigation and areas in
Australia use harvested rainwater for cooking and drinking. Studies done by Stout et al researching the
feasibility in India found RWH was most beneficial used for small scale irrigation, which provides income
with the sales of produce, and overflow used for groundwater recharge.
Missions to five Caribbean countries have shown that the capture and storage of rainwater runoff for later
use is able to significantly reduce the risk of losing some or all of the year's harvest because of soil or water
scarcity. In addition, the risks associated with flooding and soil erosion during high rainfall seasons would
decrease. Small farmers, especially those farming on hillsides, could benefit the most from rainwater
harvesting because they are able to capture runoff and decrease the effects of soil erosion.
Many countries, especially those with arid environments, use rainwater harvesting as a cheap and reliable
source of clean water.] To enhance irrigation in arid environments, ridges of soil are constructed to trap
and prevent rainwater from running down hills and slopes. Even in periods of low rainfall, enough water is
collected for crops to grow. Water can be collected from roofs, dams and ponds can be constructed to hold
large quantities of rainwater so that even on days when little to no rainfall occurs, enough is available to
irrigate crops.
Domestic use[
In China, Argentina, and Brazil, rooftop rainwater harvesting is used to provide drinking water,
domestic water, water for livestock, water for small irrigation, and a way to replenish groundwater
levels. Gansu province in China and semiarid northeast Brazil have the largest rooftop rainwater
harvesting projects going on.
About 40% of Thailand's rural population utilizes rainwater harvesting. Rainwater harvesting was
promoted heavily by the government in the 1950s. In the 1990s, after government funding for the
collection tanks ran out, the private sector stepped in and provided several million tanks to private
households, many of which continue to be used today. This is one of the largest examples of supply of
water worldwide.
Rainwater harvesting is mandatory for new homes built in Santa Fe Mexico.
Texas offers a sales tax exemption for the purchase of rainwater harvesting equipment.
Both Texas and Ohio allow rainwater harvesting to be used even for potable purposes.
Oklahoma passed the Water for 2060 Act in 2012, to promote pilot projects for rainwater and gray
water use among other water-saving techniques.
In the United kingdom, water butts are often found in domestic gardens and on allotments to collect
rainwater, which is then used to water the garden.
Frankfurt Airport has the biggest rainwater harvesting system in Germany. The system helps save
approximately 1 million cubic meters of water per year. The cost of the system was 1.5 million dm
(US$63,000) in 1993. This system collects water from roofs of the new terminal which has an area of
26,800 square meters. The water is collected in the basement of the airport in six tanks with a storage
capacity of 100 cubic meters. The water is mainly used for toilet flushing, watering plants and cleaning the
air conditioning system.
Rainwater harvesting was adopted at The Velodrome – The London Olympic park – in order to increase the
sustainability of the facility. A 73% decrease in potable water demand by the park was estimated. Despite
this, it was deemed that rainwater harvesting was a less efficient use of financial resources to increase
sustainability than the park's blackwater recycling program.
Rainwater harvesting system, also called rainwater collection system or rainwater catchment
system, technology that collects and stores rainwater for human use. Rainwater harvesting systems
range from simple rain barrels to more elaborate structures with pumps, tanks, and purification
systems. The non potable water can be used to irrigate landscaping, flush toilets, wash cars, or launder
clothes, and it can even be purified for human consumption. With water scarcity a pressing problem
for many densely populated regions, rainwater harvesting systems can supply households and
businesses with water for use in dry seasons and lessen the demand on municipal systems.
Given that rainfall is sporadic and that only a small proportion of global precipitation is easily
available for human use, rainwater harvesting can be an efficient means of capturing
that precious resource. In cities, much of the rain that falls on buildings, roofs, roads, and other hard
landscaping does not percolate into the soil and is instead directed into storm sewers for disposal.
Impermeable surfaces cause urban flooding in many areas and generate contaminated unusable water
that is directed away from potable water resources. During dry months, local groundwater can be
depleted, and many localities struggle to consistently provide enough potable water to meet demand.
Rainwater harvesting for non potable functions, such as gardening and washing clothes, significantly
reduces both the demanded amount of the total fresh water and the strain on
stormwater infrastructure. That saving in the demand and supply of potable fresh water is significant
in large cities. Although many localities encourage and even subsidize rain barrels and other rainwater
harvesting systems, some areas, particularly those in the southwestern United States, view rainwater
harvesting as a water rights issue and place restrictions on such collections.
Infiltration is the passage of water into the soil surface and is distinguished from
percolation which is the movement of water through the soil profile or the downward
movement of water.
Evaporation is the process by which water is returned to the air from liquid to a
gaseous state.
Transpiration is evaporation from plants
These three phases of the hydrologic cycle is of particular interest in agriculture.
Infiltration, evaporation and percolation. These affect the irrigation water computation and
availability of water to crops. About three fourths of the total precipitation on the land areas of
the world returns directly to the atmosphere by evaporation or transpiration. Most of the
balance returns to the ocean as surface or subsurface flow. Evaporation and transpiration
are difficult to separate and are often considered together and called evapotranspiration.
Infiltration is of particular interest, for if water to be conserved in the soil and made
available to plants, it must first pass through the soil surface. If the infiltration rate is high, less
water will pass over the soil surface and erosion will be reduced. In this way runoff quantities
and peaks are lowered.
Evaporation, which may occur either from the water surface or from water on soil
particles, is important for water conservation. Evapotranspiration is required for determining
irrigation requirements for crops as well as water storage in ponds and reservoirs. High
evapotranspiration from such crops as grass is beneficial for drainage because of the
increased capacity of the soil for storing water.
Infiltration is measured as volume per unit time per unit of area. These units can be
reduce to depth per unit time. Infiltration is the sole source of soil water to sustain the growth
of vegetation and of the ground water supply of wells, springs, and streams.
The movement of water into the soil by infiltration may be limited by any restriction to
flow of water through the soil profile. Although such restriction often occurs at the soil surface.
The most important items influencing the rate of infiltration have to do with the physical
characteristics of the soil and the cover on the soil surface, but such other factors as soil
water, temperature and rainfall intensity are also involved.
Other factors. Other factors affecting infiltration include land slope, antecedent soil
moisture, and water temperature. The effect of slope on rate of infiltration has generally been
shown to be small. In general, the steeper the slope the slower the infiltration rate because
the water runoff the soil surface allowing small time in contact with the soil thus infiltration rate
is lower. Soil water generally reduces or limits the infiltration rate. The reduction is due in
large part to the fact that water causes some of the colloids in the soil to swell and thereby
reduces both the pore space and the rate of water movement. The effect of water
temperature on infiltration is not significant because the soil changes the temperature of the
entering water and the size of the pore spaces may change with temperature changes.
Although freezing of the soil surface greatly reduces its infiltration rate
For convenience, evaporation and transpiration are combined into evapotranspiration
(ET), often referred to as consumptive use. Many practical applications can be made of
evapotranspiration estimates, but the principal use is to predict soil water deficits for irrigation.
Analyzing weather records and estimating evapotranspiration rates, drought frequencies, and
excess water periods can show potential needs for irrigation and drainage.
Self Assessment 4
1. Define in your own words the following terms: (1) Infiltration, (2) Evaporation and (3)
INFILTRATION- is a process by which the water go downward in the soil
EVAPORATION-The vaporization on the surface of a liquid and changes into gas phase
TRANSPIRATION-the water movement to a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts ,like
leaves, stems and flowers.
2. What is the importance of the three processes in agriculture?
Trees help to reduce run-off , trees are valued for the beauty and many other benefits
they bring to our landscapes and neighborhoods. Their leaf canopies help reduce erosion
caused by falling rain. They also provide surface area where rain water lands and evaporate.
3. How can we increase infiltration of water in the soil? What are the different factors
that influence .
The main factors that influence the infiltration are:
• Reduce tillage
• Avoid soil compaction
• Crop rotation
• Keeping the soil covered with good infiltration and utilize and store plant available water
and reduce water run-off which cause flooding.
Runoff is that portion of the precipitation that makes its way toward stream channels,
lakes, or oceans as surface or subsurface flow. The term runoff usually means surface flow.
The important properties of runoff are peak rates of runoff and runoff volume.
Rainfall ( Precipitation)
Rainfall duration, intensity, and areal distribution influence the rate and volume of
runoff. Total runoff for a storm is clearly related to the duration for a given intensity. Infiltration
decreases with time in initial stages of a storm. Thus, a storm of short duration may produce
no runoff, whereas a storm of the same intensity but of long duration will result in runoff.
Rainfall intensity influences both the rate and volume of runoff. An intense storm
exceeds the infiltration capacity than does a gentle rain; thus the total volume of runoff is
greater for the intense storm even though total precipitation for the two rain is the same. The
intense storm actually may decrease the infiltration rate because of its destructive action on
the soil structure at the surface.
Watershed (soil)
Watershed factors affecting runoff are size, shape, orientation, topography, geology
and surface culture or characteristics. Both runoff volumes and rates increase as watershed
size increases. Long narrow watersheds are likely to have lower runoff rates than more
compact watersheds of the same size. When the long axis of a watershed is parallel to the
storm path, storms moving upstream cause a lower peak runoff rate than storms moving
downstream. Topographic features, such as slope of upland areas, the degree of
development and gradients of channels, and the extent and number of areas affect rate sand
volumes of runoff. Watersheds having extensive flat areas or depressed areas without
surface outlets have lower runoff than areas with steep, well defined drainage patterns. The
geologic or soil materials determine to a large degree the infiltration rate, and thus affect
runoff. Vegetation and the practices incident to agriculture and forestry also influence
infiltration. Vegetation retards overland flow and increases surface detention to reduce runoff
rates. Structure such as dams, levees, bridges, and culverts all influence runoff rates.
2. Soil Conservation Service Method – was originally developed for uniform rainfall
using the assumptions for a triangular hydrograph. A hydrograph is a plot of the runoff
rate versus time.
Tp = D/2 + TL = D/2 + 0.6 Tc
Where Tp = time to peak
D = duration of excess rainfall
TL = time to lag
Tc = time of concentration
3. Flood Frequency Analysis Method – one method of flood estimation, called flood
frequency analysis, depends on the existence of a number of years of record from the
watershed/basin under study. These records then constitute a statistical array that
defines the probable frequency of recurrence of floods of given magnitudes.
Extrapolation of the frequency curves enables the hydrologist to predict flood peaks for
a range of return periods.
Runoff Volume
It is often desirable to predict the total volume of runoff that may come from a
watershed during a design flood. Total volume is of primary interest in the design of flood
control reservoirs. The method use to estimate runoff volume is:
1. Soil conservation Service Method – was developed from many years of storm flow
records for agricultural watersheds in many parts of the United States.
(I −0.25)2
I +0.8 S
Where Q = direct surface runoff depth in mm (area under hydrograph),
I = storm rainfall in mm
S = maximum potential difference between rainfall and runoff in mm, starting at the
time the storm
Water Yield
When surface runoff is to be stored in ponds or reservoirs, the total runoff volume for a
period of several months, usually annual volume, is of more interest than the runoff from a
design storm. The annual runoff is often referred to as the water yield.
Self Assessment 5
1. What is runoff? Explain the runoff process?
is the water that is pulled by gravity across the lands surface, replenishing
groundwave and surface water as it percolates into an aquifer or moves into a
river, stream or watershed.
Erosion is one of the most important agricultural problems in the world. It is a primary
source of sediment that pollutes streams and fills reservoirs. Earlier years have already given
emphasis to erosion as a contributor to nonpoint pollution. Nonpoint refers to erosion from the
land surface rather than from channels and gullies. Eroded sediment can carry nutrients,
particularly phosphates, to waterways, and contribute to eutrophication of lakes and streams.
Adsorbed pesticides are also carried with the eroded sediments, adversely affecting surface
water quality.
The two major types of erosion are geological erosion and erosion from human or
animal activities. Geological erosion includes soil-forming as well as soil-eroding processes
that maintain the soil in a favorable balance, suitable for the growth of most plants. Human- or
animal-induced erosion includes a breakdown of soil aggregates and accelerated removal of
organic and mineral particles resulting from tillage and removal of natural vegetation.
Geological erosion has contributed to the formation of our soils and their distribution on the
surface of the earth. This caused most of our present topographic features such as canyons,
stream channels, and valleys.
Water erosion is the detachment and transport of soil from the land by water, including
runoff from melted snow and ice. Water erosion is accelerated by farming, forestry, and
construction activities.
Sheet Erosion – is the uniform removal of soil in the layers from sloping land, resulting
from sheet or overland flow. Minute rilling takes place almost simultaneously with the first
detachment and movement of soil particles. The beating action of raindrops combined with
surface flow causes initial microscopic rilling. Raindrops detach the soil particles, and the
detached sediment can reduce the infiltration by sealing the soil pore spaces.
Interrill Erosion – splash (raindrop) and sheet erosion are sometimes combined and
called interrill erosion. Research has shown interrill erosion to be a function of soil properties,
rainfall intensity, and slope.
Rill Erosion – is the detachment and transport of soil by a concentrated flow of water
and is the predominant form of erosion under most conditions. Rills are small enough to be
removed by normal tillage operations. It is most serious where intense storms occur on soils
with high runoff producing characteristics and highly erodible topsoil.
Gully Erosion – gully erosion produces channels larger than rills. These channels
carry water during and immediately after rains, and as distinguished from rills, gullies cannot
be obliterated by tillage. The rate of gully erosion depends primarily on the runoff-producing
characteristics of the watershed; the drainage area; soil characteristics; the alignment, size,
and shape of the gully, and the slope in the channel.
Stream Channel Erosion – is the soil removal from stream banks or soil movements
in the channel. Stream banks erode either by runoff flowing over the side of the stream or by
scouring and undercutting below the water surface.
Soil Losses
The importance of soil losses is indicated by the effect of erosion phase on crop yield.
Researchers reported that much of the reduced yield observed on eroded soils was due to a
decrease in the amount of water available to the plant on eroded soils. On some soils, these
crop yield decreases can be largely overcome by higher fertilization levels. On other soils,
particularly more shallow soils on sloping terrain, erosion may completely destroy productivity
if appropriate conservation practices are not initiated.
Soil losses, or relatively erosion rates for different management systems, are estimated
to assist farmers and government agencies in evaluating existing farming systems or in
planning to decrease soil losses. A method of estimating losses based on statistical analyses
of field plots resulted in the development of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). A
revised version of the USLE (RUSLE) has been developed for computer applications,
allowing more detailed consideration of farming practices and topography for erosion
Self-Assessment 6 .
1. Define erosion.
is the geological process in which earthen materials are worn away and
transported by natural forces such as wind or water.
The action of surface process , this natural process is caused by the dynamic
activity of erosive agents, that is water, ice, snow, air, plants, animals, and
2. What are the different types of water erosion?
• Streambank Erosion – caused by fast-running rivers and streams cutting into
banks. Can be found at the lower end of stream tributaries and in streams that
have relatively caused flat gradients.
• Rill Erosion- caused by the concentrated flow of water in small rivulets
sometimes referred to as sheet erosion.
• Gully Erosion- the movement of soil by larger streams of water scours
channels in the soil.
• Inter-Rill Erosion- is the movement of the soil by rainfall and its resulting
surface flow . The first and most important step in the water erosion process as
a whole
3. How can you prevent water erosion?
• Planting vegetation
• Laying down mulch
• Terracing
• Contouring
• Strip cropping
Here are the following erosion control practices that can reduced the effect of erosion
to sustain crop productivity and conserve soil and water.
This practice is the performing of field operations, such as plowing, planting,
cultivating, and harvesting, approximately on the contour. It reduces surface runoff by
impounding water in small depressions, and decreases the development of rills. The benefits
of contouring is erosion reduction and conservation of water. Contouring on areas with steep
slopes or under conditions of high rainfall intensity and soil erodibility are not recommended
because row breaks may release the stored water creating gullies and damage the slopes.
Strip Cropping
Strip cropping is the practice of growing alternate strips of different crops in the same
field. For controlling water erosion, the strips are on the contour, but in dry regions, strips are
placed normal to the prevailing wind direction for wind erosion control. The three general
types of strip cropping are (1) contour strip cropping, (2) field strip cropping, (3) buffer strip
cropping. In contour strip cropping, layout and tillage are held closely to the contour and the
crops follow a definite rotational sequence. With field strip cropping, strips of uniform width
are placed across the general slope. Field strip cropping may also be used for wind erosion
control. Buffer strip cropping has strips of grass of a grass or legume crop between contour
strips crops in the regular rotation. Buffers may be even or irregular in width or placed crops
on critical slope areas of the field. Their main purpose is to give protection from erosion or
allow for areas of deposition. Choosing the types of strip cropping to be used depends on
cropping system, topography, and types of erosion hazards. Rotations that provide strips of
close-growing perennial grasses and legumes alternating with grain and row crops are the
most effective for strip cropping.
The recommended maximum widths for contour strip cropping, shown in Table 5.3,
reduce the soil loss by the corresponding conservation practice P c. Strip width should be
convenient for multiple-row equipment operation.
Tillage Practices
The essential basis for tillage is the preparation of a seed bed, but the role of tillage
has become increasingly important as a conservation tool. Its primary purpose is to provide
an adequate soil and water environment for the plant; its role as a means of weed control has
diminished with increased use of herbicides and improved timing of operations.
The effect of tillage on erosion is a function of its effect on such factors as surface
residue, aggregation, surface sealing, infiltration, and resistance to wind and water
movement. Excessive tillage destroys structure, increasing the susceptibility of soil to erosion.
One of the major benefits of minimum tillage is to increased residue left on the surface.
Such residue is extremely effective in reducing erosion.
cropping generally does not conserve as much water as contour strip cropping, but it is
somewhat more effective in reducing surface wind velocities.
Good crop and soil management practices are necessary to maintain a desired soil
structure. The organic matter in the soil should maintained at a high level and lime and
fertilizers should be applied where necessary.
Schwab, G.O. et al., Soil and water Conservation Engineering 4 th ed. 1993 John Wiley and
Hansen V.E., Israelsen O.W. Stringham G.E. Irrigation Principles and Practices . 4 th edition
John and Wiley Sons
Orcullo, N.A. Irrigation Systems Handbook 1st edition Busybook Distributors Pasig City
M.H Ali, Practices of Irrigation and On-Farm Water Management Volume 2, Springer
M.H. Ali, Fundamentals of Irrigation and On-farm Water Management Volume 1, Springer
Harpal S Mavi, Graeme J Tupper, Agrometeorology, Principles and Applications of Climate
Studies in Agriculture, Food Products Press