Tafenoquine For Travelers ' Malaria: Evidence, Rationale and Recommendations
Tafenoquine For Travelers ' Malaria: Evidence, Rationale and Recommendations
Tafenoquine For Travelers ' Malaria: Evidence, Rationale and Recommendations
doi: 10.1093/jtm/tay110
Submitted 25 September 2018; Revised 17 October 2018; Editorial decision 21 October 2018; Accepted 30 October 2018
Background: Endemic malaria occurring across much of the globe threatens millions of exposed travelers. While
unknown numbers of them suffer acute attacks while traveling, each year thousands return from travel and become
stricken in the weeks and months following exposure. This represents perhaps the most serious, prevalent and
complex problem faced by providers of travel medicine services. Since before World War II, travel medicine prac-
tice has relied on synthetic suppressive blood schizontocidal drugs to prevent malaria during exposure, and has
applied primaquine for presumptive anti-relapse therapy (post-travel or post-diagnosis of Plasmodium vivax) since
1952. In 2018, the US Food and Drug Administration approved the uses of a new hepatic schizontocidal and hypno-
zoitocidal 8-aminoquinoline called tafenoquine for the respective prevention of all malarias and for the treatment of
those that relapse (P. vivax and Plasmodium ovale).
Methods: The evidence and rationale for tafenoquine for the prevention and treatment of malaria was gathered by
means of a standard search of the medical literature along with the package inserts for the tafenoquine products
Arakoda™ and Krintafel™ for the prevention of all malarias and the treatment of relapsing malarias, respectively.
Results: The development of tafenoquine—an endeavor of 40 years—at last brings two powerful advantages to tra-
vel medicine practice against the malaria threat: (i) a weekly regimen of causal prophylaxis; and (ii) a single-dose
radical cure for patients infected by vivax or ovale malarias.
Conclusions: Although broad clinical experience remains to be gathered, tafenoquine appears to promise more
practical and effective prevention and treatment of malaria. Tafenoquine thus applied includes important biological
and clinical complexities explained in this review, with particular regard to the problem of hemolytic toxicity in
G6PD-deficient patients.
Key words: Malaria, prevention, treatment, travelers, primaquine, tafenoquine, G6PD deficiency
greatly mitigate the harm caused by these parasites in endemic 1978 during an era of historic neglect of antimalarial drug develop-
areas.8–10 In contrast, protection of relatively vulnerable trave- ment25,26 relative to the comparatively vigorous current efforts.27
lers almost wholly depends on the recommendations and prac- Tafenoquine thus lingered through fits and starts of clinical develop-
tices of travel medicine providers—local protections for them ment in the three decades that followed.28 Approximately 10 years
effectively do not exist beyond the passive benefit of reduced ago, dawning realization of the clinical and public health import-
transmission and risk. Among the agencies and experts offering ance of vivax malaria helped spur commitment to making tafeno-
the distinct advice to travelers and residents alike, strategic quine available for use (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
thinking has historically been focused on the species once Medicines for Malaria Venture and GSK).29,30
known as ‘malignant tertian malaria’, P. falciparum. In contrast, Complex biology governs the rationale underpinning safe
‘benign tertian malaria’, P. vivax, was deeply neglected, and the and appropriate use of tafenoquine in travel medicine. The class
tools and advice for its prevention, treatment or control were effect of hemolytic toxicity in patients having the X-linked trait
inadequate.11–14 In 2015, the World Health Organization of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency sub-
(WHO) acknowledged the mortal risk of vivax malaria and the stantially deepens the complexity of its use. This review aims to
neglect of it in public health and clinical medicine.15 explain these complexities along with the evidence and rationale
A great deal of recent work and progress begins to correct for potential roles of tafenoquine for the prevention or treat-
the problem of neglect of vivax malaria in endemic communi- ment of malaria.
ties,16 but travel medicine strategy and practices remain aimed
principally at falciparum malaria.17–19 Up to the present day,
suppressive chemoprophylaxis applying blood schizontocidal Essential Biology
drugs dominates travel medicine practice.20 A fundamental bio- The life cycles of the plasmodia guide chemotherapeutic and
logical distinction between falciparum and vivax malarias- chemopreventive strategies. The many stages of them are vari-
dormant liver stages called hypnozoites present in the latter and ably susceptible to antimalarial classes of drugs (Figure 2), most
absent in the former—explains the inadequacy of suppressive having class-specific therapeutic effects. Clinically applied blood
chemoprophylaxis alone against the malarias.21–23 Latent mal- schizontocidal drugs, for example, have no hypnozoitocidal
aria and the threat of relapse require additional (post-travel pre- activity. Nonetheless, cross-class effects among antimalarials
sumptive anti-relapse therapy (PART)) or alternative (causal occur, sometimes species-specific in manner; e.g. the blood schi-
prophylaxis) approaches to chemoprevention. zontocide chloroquine also exerts gametocytocidal activity in P.
Two regulatory events in the USA in 2018 offer potentially vivax but not P. falciparum.31 Tafenoquine may be unique
transformative changes in how travel medicine deals with the mal- among registered antimalarial compounds in having demon-
aria threat.24 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved strable activity among all classes of antimalarials.32,33
a new 8-aminoquinoline drug called tafenoquine for uses in the All malarias derive from the bite of infectious anopheline
treatment or prevention of malaria: Krintafel™ (GlaxoSmithKline®, mosquitos (excepting congenital or transfusion/transplant
USA) or Arakoda™ (60 Degrees Pharmaceuticals® LLC, USA), malarias). Injected plasmodial tachysporozoites invade hepatic
respectively (Figure 1). The US Army discovered tafenoquine in cells, multiply as hepatic schizonts and after a week or more
Figure 1. Evolution of the 8-aminoquinoline hypnozoitocides, including the winnowing out of irreversible severe neurotoxicity of plasmocid and
related compounds distinguished by fewer than four methylene groups separating the amino groups of the alkyl chain at the defining 8-amino pos-
ition. Plasmochin and others (including primaquine) having at least four methylene groups exhibited no such neurotoxicity but instead reversible
toxicity at sub-lethal doses involving principally hepatic, hematological and gastrointestinal systems
Journal of Travel Medicine 3
Relapsing Non-relapsing
A natural zoonosis of Southeast Asian macaques confirmed in only a single patient but perhaps more common than now appreciated.
A natural zoonosis of Southeast Asian macaques confirmed in thousands of patients.
A single dose of 0.25 mg/kg primaquine to prevent onward transmission. Not recommended in relapsing malarias because hypnozoitocidal therapy also gametocytocidal.
emerge as infectious merozoites into the bloodstream where primaquine not considered here), whereas that of the relapsing
they again multiply asexually (schizogony) in red blood cells. malarias includes a hypnozoitocide. Strategy for the prevention of
Repeated cycles of that reproduction provoke the non-specific the malarias also invokes non-relapsing and relapsing biology and
cyclic symptoms of acute malaria; typically daily bouts of spik- antimalarial drug classes; suppressive chemoprophylaxis employs
ing fever and shaking chills, often accompanied by headache, blood schizontocides against asexual reproduction in blood,
nausea, vomiting and myalgia. Some of those parasites become whereas causal chemoprophylaxis applies hepatic schizontocides
circulating sexual forms called gametocytes that may infect feed- or hypnozoitocides in killing parasites before they mature to either
ing anophelines but provoke no illness. hepatic schizonts or hypnozoites (Figure 2). Widely used suppres-
The infective bite of the relapsing malarias, P. vivax and P. ovale, sive chemoprophylactic drugs do not interfere with hepatic devel-
includes bradysporozoites that become latent hepatic hypnozoites. opment, with the exception of the causal activity of atovaquone
The timing of their activation to hepatic schizogony and subsequent against hepatic schizonts of P. falciparum34,35 but not against hyp-
clinical attacks varies greatly, between a month and several years nozoites of P. vivax36,37 or those of Plasmodium cynomolgi in rhe-
after infection. In general, attacks occurring less than a month after sus macaques.38
infection derive from tachysporozoite-borne active hepatic schizonts, This review specifically considers the role of the new 8-
whereas after 1 month attacks probably derive from the delayed aminoquinoline called tafenoquine in travel medicine practice.
hepatic schizogony of bradysporozoite-borne activated hypnozoites. In terms of chemotherapy, only the relapsing malarias and hyp-
These clinical events are called primary attacks and relapses. nozoitocidal activity are relevant here. On the other hand, che-
The malarias infecting humans may be divided into relapsing moprevention engages all malarias and activity against the
and non-relapsing species, i.e. P. vivax and P. ovale, and P. falcip- hepatic stages of any plasmodial species, be those active schi-
arum, P. malariae, and P. knowlesi, respectively (Table 1). This zonts, latent hypnozoites, or, more probably, their respective
fundamental distinction defines essential features of the treatment earliest (<48 h) post-invasion forms.39 The broad spectrum
of the malarias; therapy of non-relapsing acute malarias involves activity of tafenoquine includes relatively potent blood schizon-
only blood schizontocidal drugs (and gametocytocidal single-dose tocidal effects,40 but its clinical use as such is not recommended.
4 Journal of Travel Medicine
Figure 3. Schematic illustrating pitfalls and protections of suppressive (yellow dose indicators) or causal (orange dose indicators) chemoprevention
of non-relapsing malaria like P. falciparum (top panel; red triangles and squares for inoculation and attack, respectively) or relapsing species like
P. vivax (bottom panel; green triangles and squares)
homozygotes and female heterozygotes having <30% of normal active/inactive normal vs abnormal X-chromosomes and red blood
activity,78,79 the latter having 30–70% of normal G6PD activity cell mosaicism for G6PD deficiency.76 Recent efforts to develop sim-
will often screen as normal.80 The basis of this problem lies in the ple and practical quantitative point-of-care test technologies may
phenomenon of lyonization during embryonic development of soon bear devices that greatly increase access to such testing and
female heterozygotes resulting in apparently random frequencies of safe use of 8-aminoquinolines.81
6 Journal of Travel Medicine
Figure 4. Geographic distribution and prevalence of P. vivax (A) and P. falciparum (B) in 201065,120 reproduced here under Creative Commons
Impaired CYP2D6 metabolism body of evidence is as yet far from thorough or conclusive.
Clinical and laboratory evidence suggested that the efficacy of Tafenoquine activity may or may not come with the liability of
primaquine may depend on natural variation in cytochrome P-450 CYP2D6 dependency—decisive studies are needed to inform
2D6 (CYP2D6) isotype activity.82–84 In a trial of 177 Indonesian this important question.
patients with vivax malaria given directly observed high-dose
primaquine (0.5 mg/kg/day for 14 day) as PART in combination Weekly tafenoquine for causal prophylaxis
with artesunate, artesunate–pyronaridine or dihydroartemisinin– Tafenoquine was registered with the US FDA under the trade-
piperaquine, 26 (15%) experienced relapses during 1 year of name Arakoda™ by 60 Degrees Pharmaceuticals® (USA) in
follow-up free of reinfection risk.85 Among the 21 relapsing sub- 2018 with a labeled indication for chemoprevention of malaria
jects evaluated for CYP2D6 genotype and dextromethorphan in adult patients (≥18 year) confirmed to be G6PD-normal
metabolism phenotype, 20 exhibited significantly impaired (>70% of normal activity) and not pregnant, lactating or having
CYP2D6 activity.86 Relatively common impaired CYP2D6 alleles a history of psychoses.74 The drug is available as tablets con-
like *10 (in Asian people) coupled with other less frequent taining 100 mg base. A loading dose of 200 mg tafenoquine dai-
impaired alleles (e.g. *4, *5 or *41) appeared to explain most ly for 3 days during the week before travel is recommended,
therapeutic failures despite otherwise adequate dosing. followed by weekly maintenance doses of 200 mg commencing
Although tafenoquine activity against rodent hepatic schi- 7 days after the last loading dose. Upon return from travel, the
zonts seems to also depend on CYP2D6 activity,87 one rando- final dose should occur 7 days after the last maintenance dose
mized multi-center trial did not detect an association of taken in the malarious area.74
CYP2D6 genotypes with tafenoquine efficacy (but did with the The label for Arakoda™ includes an indication for ‘terminal
primaquine comparator arm).88 The efficacy of tafenoquine in prophylaxis’, an antiquated term for post-travel PART in con-
humans is not known to require metabolism by CYP2D6 or any nection with suppressive prophylaxis during travel.89 The term
other cytochrome P-450 isotype or monoamine oxidase, but this is not particularly apt for tafenoquine as Arakoda™ because it
Journal of Travel Medicine 7
is no more than a final weekly dose after travel rather than the incubation period of P. falciparum (i.e. less than several weeks) if
distinct dosing for PART with tafenoquine (i.e. 300 mg rather hepatic schizontocidal activity (causal) had been inadequate.
than 200 mg). Post-travel PART, i.e. terminal prophylaxis, is Nonetheless, given the proven causal activity of primaquine
not necessary with tafenoquine (or primaquine) causal prophy- against acute P. falciparum and acute or latent P. vivax mal-
laxis. On the other hand, when suppressive chemoprophylaxis aria,39 the structural relatedness of primaquine to tafenoquine
is used and post-travel PART is indicated, tafenoquine as a sin- (Figure 1), and evidence from an experiment in rhesus macaques
gle 300-mg dose may suffice in lieu of 14 days of primaquine challenged with P, cynomolgi sporozoites,38 a causal mechanism
(Table 2). of prophylaxis very likely pre-empts the suppressive activity of
The clinical experience with 200-mg weekly tafenoquine tafenoquine. Nonetheless, some workers argue that tafenoquine
prophylaxis is now limited to trials conducted in 462 non- prophylaxis may include a significant suppressive activity compo-
immune subjects naturally exposed to falciparum and vivax nent.97 A randomized, placebo-controlled trial at Gabon mea-
malaria in Southeast Asia90; 152 semi-immune subjects exposed sured the durability of post-treatment prophylaxis of tafenoquine
to falciparum malaria in holoendemic sub-Saharan Africa91,92 at variable daily doses administered for only 3 days: after 77
and 12 non-immune, malaria-naïve volunteers experimentally days, 14 of 82 placebos experienced P. falciparum, whereas 16/
challenged with blood stages of P. falciparum.74 Comparators 79, 3/86, 1/79 and 0/84 subjects did with daily doses of 31.25,
in these trials included mefloquine (with or without post-travel 62.5, 125 and 250 mg tafenoquine, respectively.98 Such protec-
PART with primaquine) or placebo (Table 3). There was no pla- tion very long after dosing logically hints at suppressive prophy-
cebo control in Trial 1 (Australian soldiers in Timor Leste), but laxis, but this is not relevant with weekly tafenoquine dosing.
a comparator of weekly mefloquine followed by post-travel Efficacious monthly dosing of tafenoquine during long-term tra-
PART with primaquine; four post-exposure attacks occurred vel, perhaps exploiting both causal and suppressive activities,
among subjects taking tafenoquine, and one also occurred in may yet be demonstrated.
that period among mefloquine-treated subjects. Another ana- The label for Arakoda™ warns that adverse reactions may be
lysis of this trial mathematically derived a hypothetical malaria delayed in onset or prolonged in duration due to the relatively
attack rate (8%) and estimated 100% protective efficacies of very long plasma half-life of tafenoquine.99 The listed warnings
tafenoquine or mefloquine against primary attacks.93 The and precautions include hemolytic anemia, G6PD deficiency in
placebo-controlled trial of tafenoquine prophylaxis in Kenyan pregnancy and lactation, methemoglobinemia, psychiatric effects
adults91 showed 86% protective efficacy during 15 weeks of and hypersensitivity reactions. An integrated safety analysis by
heavy exposure to risk of P. falciparum (Trial 2, Table 3). the developers of Arakoda™ reported that diarrhea, nausea,
Another trial in Ghana also included a placebo control but with vomiting, sinusitis, gastroenteritis and back/neck pain occurred at
a mefloquine comparator (Trial 3, Table 3):92 after 12 weeks higher frequencies (≥1%) relative to placebo; only the latter two
the protective efficacy of tafenoquine or mefloquine was 87% occurring at >5%.100 Two trials followed up on the observed
for each for P. falciparum. A separate analysis of these African high rate (93%) of mild reversible vortex keratopathy and retinal
trials estimated 94% and 95% protective efficacies for tafeno- abnormalities (39%) in the subjects of the trial in Southeast Asia
quine and mefloquine, respectively.94 The African studies did and Australia91 and reported no concerns with regard to func-
not assess efficacy against late attacks by relapsing malarias. tional visual impairment.101,102 The 6-month limitation on tafe-
Shanks95 explained the limitations and obstacles to conducting noquine prophylaxis in the Arakoda™ label stems from a lack of
chemoprophylaxis trials. While head-to-head trials of the data rather than any indication of harm beyond that period.
chemoprophylactic options against primary and delayed attacks Necessity in practice with tafenoquine will likely extend that
would be ideal, they are also unlikely to be possible. exposure period, and the reporting of adverse events in practice
No clinical trial of tafenoquine has definitively demonstrated will later inform evidence-based limitations of use (https://www.
a causal vs suppressive prophylaxis mechanism. An early human fda.gov/safety/MedWatch/default.htm).
challenge trial demonstrated a single 600 mg dose of tafenoquine For most G6PD-normal, non-pregnant adult travelers at sub-
successfully prevented P. falciparum in three of four subjects chal- stantial risk of any malaria, weekly tafenoquine as causal prophy-
lenged.96 At such a dose, slowly eliminated tafenoquine would laxis provisionally (pending greater clinical experience with it)
have exerted blood schizontocidal activity over the normal offers a superior option to either causal daily primaquine or any
Chemoprophylaxis strategy
Suppressive Causal
Table 3. Human trials of 200 mg weekly tafenoquine for prophylaxis against malaria
TQ, tafenoquine administered weekly 200 mg; MQ, mefloquine administered weekly 250 mg; PQ, primaquine administered daily 30 mg for 14 days immediately following travel.
Figure 5. Hypothesized relative attack rates in the months following radical cure illustrate possible impacts of variable risks of relapse or reinfection
on the estimation hypnozoitocidal efficacy of tafenoquine (TQ) fixed at a presumed ‘actual’ 95% rate compared to a chloroquine (CQ) arm without
hypnozoitocidal therapy (relapse and reinfection attacks)
suppressive malaria prophylactic regimen (weekly or daily with Single-dose tafenoquine for radical cure of relapsing
or without post-travel PART). It is compatible with both short- malaria
notice or short-duration travel and particularly favored where The introduction of tafenoquine into practice as a hypnozoitoci-
endemic vivax or ovale malaria transmission occurs. Mainstream dal 8-aminoquinoline requires examination of the therapeutic
use of tafenoquine for the prevention of malaria in travelers principles at work. The primaquine standard-of-care, problematic
offers a potential solution to the problem of delayed attacks by as it may be, defines those with decades of experience and many
the relapsing malarias. millions of patients.103–106 Primaquine nonethless imposes the
• Suppressive malaria prophylaxis standard-of-care is not adequate to the threat of delayed attacks after travel by the
relapsing malarias.
• Relapsing malarias occur wherever there is falciparum malaria, with few and minor exceptions.
• Causal prophylaxis is effective against all malarias and prevents delayed attacks after travel.
• Causal prophylaxis is suitable for both short-notice and short-duration travel.
• Tafenoquine is a new drug that offers the advantages of causal prophylaxis with a weekly dosing regimen.
• Tafenoquine is hemolytically toxic to patients having inherited G6PD deficiency, so is prohibited in those patients along
with pregnant and lactating women. Safety in children is not yet established.
Journal of Travel Medicine 9
Table 4. Randomized clinical trials of tafenoquine for PART against vivax malaria
Location Multi-centers in Asia, Africa, and Multi-centers in Asia, Africa and Multi-centers in Asia, Africa and
Americas Americas Americas
Subjects Adult non-pregnant G6PD-normal Adult non-pregnant G6PD-normal Adult non-pregnant G6PD-normal
residents with acute vivax malaria residents with acute vivax malaria residents with acute vivax malaria
Treatment arms, and TQ + CQ = 57 TQ + CQ = 260 TQ + CQ = 166
numbers of subjectsa PQ + CQ = 50 PQ + CQ = 129 PQ + CQ = 85
Placebo + CQ = 54 Placebo + CQ = 133
% Recurrence-free after TQ + CQ = 89 TQ + CQ = 62 TQ + CQ = 73
6 months PQ + CQ = 77 PQ + CQ = 70 PQ + CQ = 75
Placebo + CQ = 38 Placebo + CQ = 28
Reference 105 106 106
TQ, 300 mg single dose tafenoquine; CQ, 1500 mg chloroquine in three daily doses; PQ, 15 mg primaquine daily for 14 days.
difficulties of unknown mechanism of therapeutic activity against Ethiopia, Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines (Trials 1 and
a cryptic and highly nuanced stage of some plasmodia—the hyp- 2, Table 4).110,111 A total of 187 subjects in those trials received
nozoite—coupled with a vitally important hemolytic toxicity chloroquine and a placebo of tafenoquine. Subjects were fol-
problem also of unknown mechanism in patients having a highly lowed for recurrent infections for six months. A total of 226 of
prevalent and diverse genetic abnormality, G6PD deficiency. 317 (71%) subjects did not experience recurrence within 6
Estimates of primaquine efficacy as impacted by parasite biology, months of tafenoquine and chloroquine therapy, whereas 79 of
epidemiology and partner blood schizontocides imposes great 187 (42%) subjects treated with chloroquine and placebo did so.
complexity of interpretation.107 These issues all also bear on tafe- In a third trial lacking a placebo control, tafenoquine (n = 166)
noquine and its use in radical cure of the relapsing malarias. or primaquine (n = 85) combined with chloroquine resulted in
Estimates of the efficacy of hypnozoitocides like tafenoquine 73% and 75% remaining free of recurrence for 6 months (Trial
are subject to important confounding factors. The natural acti- 3, Table 4), consistent with non-inferiority of single-dose tafeno-
vation of hypnozoites typically occurs over months following quine relative to daily 15 mg primaquine for 14 days.110
infection.108 When relapse occurs in the presence of risk of An important factor regarding hypnozoitocidal therapy bear-
reinfection, these two sources of acute malaria temporally min- ing upon both efficacy and safety is co-administration with var-
gle and no molecular laboratory technology differentiates them. ied blood schizontocidal therapies. Indeed, the discovery effort
Post-hypnozoitocidal recurrences in endemic areas may thus be leading to primaquine stemmed from an unexpected drug–drug
represented by both therapeutic failures (relapse) and the pri- interaction (DDI) between atabrine (mepacrine) and plasmochin
mary attacks of mosquito-borne reinfection—recrudescence (pamaquine) disqualifying co-administration for radical cure.112
with blood schizontocidal failure may also occur but is not con- The developers of plasmochin and primaquine each reported
sidered here. The rates of both relapse and reinfection naturally DDI phenomena with varied partner blood schizontocides
vary widely across endemic zones and each may impact inher- impacting efficacy, safety or both. Tafenoquine has thus far
ently variable estimates of hypnozoitocidal efficacy. Figure 5 been examined only in combination with chloroquine in vivax
presents hypothetical rates of each in high and low transmission malaria patients. However, it was evaluated with several distinct
settings in order to illustrate these potential impacts. High trans- partner blood schizontocides against P. cynomolgi relapses in
mission with low relapse risk (e.g. <30%) may greatly under- rhesus macaques.113 Those investigators reported a 10-fold
estimate efficacy (left panels), an effect mitigated by high relapse increase in tafenoquine efficacy when administered with chloro-
risk (e.g. >70%), especially where there is low risk of reinfection quine, mefloquine or artemether–lumefantrine compared to tafe-
(right panels). Reported estimates of efficacy from endemic noquine alone. Over 60 years ago, Alving et al. reported
areas are thus not absolute but reported as the fraction of essentially similar findings with primaquine given concurrent vs
patients not experiencing a recurrent parasitemia during months consecutive quinine or chloroquine.114 How these purely blood
of follow-up, often relative to a hypnozoitocidal comparator or schizontocidal drugs so dramatically impact the hypnozoitocidal
placebo control group (also called a relapse control). efficacy of 8-aminoquinolines remains unknown.
Conducting treatment and follow-up where reinfection does not While chloroquine or artemether–lumefantrine did not sig-
occur and with a relapse control arm largely resolves these nificantly impact tafenoquine pharmacokinetics in healthy sub-
ambiguities.85,109 Such a trial for tafenoquine has yet to be com- jects, dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine increased the Cmax of
pleted, though one is in progress in Indonesia in 2018. tafenoquine by 38%, the area under the concentration (AUC)
The two multi-center, double-blind and placebo-controlled curve by 12%, and the plasma half-life by 29%.115,116
randomized clinical trials estimating efficacy of tafenoquine at a Tafenoquine did not appear to impact the pharmacokinetics or
single dose of 300 mg combined with standard chloroquine ther- dynamics of chloroquine, artemether–lumefantrine, or dihy-
apy (1500 mg base over 3 days) included 317 subjects thus dosed droartemisinin–piperaquine. The FDA label for Krintafel™ cites
against naturally acquired P. vivax infections in Brazil, Peru, chloroquine as an example of appropriate companion therapy,
10 Journal of Travel Medicine
• Suppressive malaria prophylaxis standard-of-care requires post-travel presumptive anti-relapse therapy (PART) to des-
troy latent hypnozoites and prevent delayed attacks in the months following travel.
• A diagnosis of acute relapsing malaria (P. vivax or P. ovale) in any patient requires PART to destroy latent hypnozoites
and prevent subsequent attacks by them.
• Primaquine has been the standard-of-care for PART as 14 daily doses of 0.5 mg/kg for the past 66 years.
• Tafenoquine is a new drug with an indication for post-travel or post-diagnosis PART against relapsing malarias as a sin-
gle adult dose of 300 mg.
• Tafenoquine is, like primaquine, hemolytically toxic to patients having inherited G6PD deficiency, so is prohibited in
those patients along with pregnant and lactating women. Safety in children is not yet established.
Journal of Travel Medicine 11
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