Course Basic Welding Skills Purpose

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Basic Welding Skills

Course Basic Welding Skills

Purpose To equip unemployed and little educated youths with the essential welding skills, concepts,
tools and techniques needed to carry out welding works efficiently and effectively for
employment and self-employment within the country and abroad.

Structure This is a one month pre service training course. This training is structured 20% theory and
80% practical the training focuses mainly on weld with Gas and Arc Welding process on
different Joints and Positions. The course will be conducted in Nepal.

Target Group Jobless youths who are able to read and write Nepali and left education because of poverty
and entry and other reasons.
criteria Physically and mentally fit.

Goals At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

 Measure, Mark, Cut, Saw, File, Grind, Drill / Counter sink, Tap / Thread the job
observing work and personal safety.
 Weld with Gas Welding process on different Joints and Positions.
 Solder the sheet metals.
 Braze the common metals i.e. Mild steel (MS), Cast iron (CI), Stainless steel (SS)
and Copper (Cu).
 Weld with Arc Welding process on different Joints and Positions.
 Inspect and Test the welded joints.
 Weld the simple structural shapes.
Methodology Modeling, brain-storming, visualizing, group work, simulations, demonstration, guided and
individual practice, project work will be used for application and reinforcement of skill and
concepts principles of adult learning will guide the overall process. Input followed by
practice and application will be facilitated. Theory into practice (Guided and individual)
will be utilized as training approach.
Evaluation Each exercises provided for practical will be evaluated and adequate feedback will be
provided on performance gaps. Pre-test and post-test will be taken for provided theory.
Grading will be done according to the grade sheet attached pass criteria for theory is 40%
and practical 60%
Training 90% participants go for employment and self-employment.
success 90% employer and community leaders express high satisfaction on performance of
criteria participants on the job.
90% graduates express that the training helped them to earn 50% more than before.
90% graduates express ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’ in final course evaluation.
Certification A successful completion certificate will be awarded to successful participants. A letter of
attendance will be given to those who fails and whose attendance is below 90%

Training: Basic Welding Skills Course
Course outline: Skill / concept /Objectives
Skill or concept (What is to be done or learned)

Duty: 1 Apply safety precautions in metal works

Skills / Task Related Knowledge Enabling objectives Time

1. Follow general safety rules 1.1 Workshop safety rules 1.a Explain personal safety precautions to 0.25 day
while working in a carpentry shop 1.1.1 Neat and clean workshop be taken while working in a workshop
1.1.2 Management of scrapes 1.b Explain workshop safety rules
1.1.3 Proper storage of shop tools
1.1.4 Safeguards in machines
1.1.5 Use of safety posters
1.1.6 Use of enough space
1.1.7 Lighting & ventilation
1.1.8 Use of personal safety dress(Gloves ,Goggle
.Apron .Boot etc)
2.Use safety belts while working 2.1 Safety belt types 2.a Identify components of safety belt
or welding in tall building 2.2 Fastening procedure 2.b Explain different safety belt
2.c Demonstrate fastening of safety belt
3. Use of safety Googles and 3.1 Different types of googles and gloves 3.a Identify different types of googles and
gloves safely 3.2 Google and glove using procedure gloves
3.b Show google and glove using

4. Prepare scaffolds needed in tall 4.1 Different types of scaffolds 4.1 Prepare scaffold assembling different
building 4.2 Scaffold assembling procedure parts

5. Prevent from electrical socks 5.1 Basic electrical concepts(power, volt, cables, how 5.a Explain power and power flow
electricity flows)
5.2 Nickel wire and electrical safety 5.b Tape necked wires
5.3 Electrical safety signs/symbols 5.c Identify electricity safety sign and
Time: Estimated time for performing activities
Duty: 2 Basic Metal work.

Skills / Task Related Knowledge Enabling objectives Time

1. Bench work. 1.1 Identify select and use the Measuring tools: 1a.Explain and show basic metal working 0.25
1.1.1 Identify select and use the Marking tools: tools. day
1.1.2 Identify select and use the Cutting tools: 1b. Explain how to select the suitable tool for
1.1.3 Identify select and use the Files and Scrapers the job.
1.1.4 Identify select and use the Grinding
1.1.5 Identify select and use the Drills / Counter Sinks
1.1.6 Identify select and use the Threading

2. Kinds of Welding their 2.1 Different Kinds of Welding 2a Explain the different Kinds of welding,
principles and use their principles and use.

Duty: 3 Identification of Gas Welding Equipment and positions

Skills / Task Related Knowledge Enabling objectives Time


1. Gas Welding 1.1. Identify gas welding tools, equipment, care and use 1a. Identify and select the Gas welding 0.25 day
them observing safety rules and regulations. equipment and accessories: Gas cylinders and
1.2 Explain welding joints and positions. Acetylene generator, Regulators, Hoses with fittings, Goggles,
Spark lighter, Gas welding and Cutting Torches with nozzles /
tips, Flashback arrestors, Filler rods, Burner pliers, their care
and safety rules.
1b. Identify and Explain the types of
welding joints: Butt joint, Corner joint, Tee joint, Lap
Joint, Edge Joint.
1c. Identify and Explain the types of
welding positions: Flat position, Horizontal position,
Vertical position, Overhead position.

Duty: 4. Gas Welding Techniques

Skills / Task Related Knowledge Enabling objectives Time


1. Gas Welding Techniques 1.1. Determine the gas welding and cutting techniques. 1a. Explain and select the Welding 0.25 day
techniques: Forehand welding, Backhand welding.
1.2. Identify gas and arc welding defects and adopt 1b. Select and use the Oxy-Acetylene
remedies. Cutting techniques: Flame cutting process,
freehand cutting, Guide bar cutting, Curve and Circular
1c. Identify Welding defects (Arc &
Gas), causes and select remedies: Lack of
Fusion, Under cut, Blowholes, Porosity, Slag inclusion,
Cracks, Their causes and remedies.

Duty: 5. Soldering and Brazing.

Skills / Task Related Knowledge Enabling objectives Time


1. Soldering and Brazing 1.1. Select the proper tools equipment and accessories 0.5 day
for the soldering and brazing job. 1a. Solder the Joints on various metals.
Lap joint soldering on MS, GI, Cu and brass sheets. Butt
joint soldering on MS, GI, Cu and brass sheets.
1.2 Select the solder or brazing filler metals and fluxes.
1b. Identify and select the Brazing
1.3. Solder and braze the different metals. accessories.
I. Brazing process, II. Types of brazing filler metals, III.
Brazing fluxes, IV. Melting Temperature of different metals,
1.4.Select the Soldering accessories. I. Soldering Process, II. V. Melting temperature of brazing filler metals.
Types of soldering iron, III. Kinds of solders, IV. Soldering fluxes
1c. Braze the jobs on different metals.
Lap joint brazing on MS sheet. Butt joint brazing on MS
sheet. Double lap joint brazing on MS sheet. Brazing
Nonferrous metals Cu, Brass, Stainless Steel. Pipe on sheet /
plate brazing

Duty: 6. Arc Welding Techniques

Skills / Task Related Knowledge Enabling objectives Time


1 Arc welding Provide knowledge and skill on welding process, tools, 1a. Explain Basic electricity, welding 0.5 day
equipment, accessories, electricity, welding machines, current.
welding different joints. I1b. Explain welding machines, equipment,
and terminology.
1c. Select the electrode, care and storage.
1d. Strike an Arc and maintain the desired
arc length.

Duty:7 Fabrication of Steel articles.

Skills / Task Related Knowledge Enabling objectives Time

1. Design and Weld the steel 1.1Imitate and draw the different designs seen 1a.Explain the Actual size and Fabrication size 1 day
articles. surroundings i.e. gate, windows, grills, railings Actual size of place, Tolerance / Margins of
and fences etc. fitting, Actual making size, Type of design,
1.2. Make templates, dies and fixtures for equal size Size of design.
and uniform shape / design. 1b.Determine the steps of work process in
1.3. Assemble and weld the fabricated parts in making the articles considering the design.
correct shape, design and size I. Cutting of metals in size.
II. Shaping or bending the pieces
III. Placing the pieces in the fixture.
IV. Tacking of pieces.
V. Welding of pieces.
VI. Hinge making
VII. Hinge welding.
VIII. Making door bolt.
IX. Welding door bolt.
X. Grinding and Finishing

Duty: 8 Develop drawings for Metal work
Skills / Task Related Knowledge Enabling objectives Time
1. Sketch free hand drawings 1.1 Fundamentals of technical drawing 1.a Identify drawing instruments. 1 day
1.2 Sketching rules 1.b Identify types of line.
1.3 Layout and spacing 1.c Write drawing letters .
1.e Draw freehand sketch of different wooden

Total theory time in 1 months is 4 days.

Practical Schedule

Subject: Practical

P. No Practical Name Days

1 Observe safety in a workshop and recommend improvement needed. 0.5 day

2 Lightening of flame. 0.5 day

3 Adjusting of flames (Carburizing, Neutral and Oxidizing). 0.5 day

4 Blind weld flat (Puddling procedure). 1 day

5 Double flange edge weld. 1 day

6 Butt joint flat. 1 day

7 Corner joint (outside) flat. 1 day

8 Corner joint outside horizontal. 1 day

9 T-joint horizontal. 1 day

10 Butt joint horizontal. 1 day

11 Square butt joint vertical. 1 day

12 Square butt joint on pipe flat. 0.5 days

13 Square butt joint on pipe horizontal. 0.5 days

14 Square butt joint on pipe fix. 0.5 days

16 Striking the arc MS 200x100x6mm (1piece). 0.5 days

17 Running short beads. 0.5 days

18 Breaking and restarting the arc. 0.5 days

19 Straight bead weld. 1 day

20 Depositing metal by weaving motion between straight beads 1 day

21 A project in a group of 4-5 trainees. i. Window with safety grill. (Hinges doors / Sliding doors). 15 days
ii. Door with solid sheet fitted with Threshold. iii. Door with safety grill and lattice fitted. iv. Railing
in different design.

Theoretical inputs will be provided by following the practical. It will consume 20% time ie about 6 days out of
30 days.
Grading System
The grading system presented here is simple, easy to understand and effective. It is based on the belief that
knowledge, skills and attitudes are all important in becoming an effective carpenter.

The grading criteria are:


Written Test: Subject wise

Trade Theory 100
Workshop calculation 100

Internal Exercises 100
Final Exam 100
Practical 400
Engineering drawing 100

Attitude 100
Contribution to the overall training effort


Criteria for Rating and Certification

Minimum Course Grades Performance Grade Certificate

Percentile Points Awarded Description Points Awarded
Required Required Awarded

90 -100 900-1000 A Excellent 4 Yes

80 - 90 800-899 B Very good 3 Yes
70 - 80 700-799 C Good 2 Yes
60 -70 600-700 D Satisfactory 1 Yes

Below 60 Below No Fail 1 No* (Letter of

600 attendance provided)

Note: Minimum 90% attendance is essential for successful completion of the course.


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