Asrat 2015 PDF
Asrat 2015 PDF
Asrat 2015 PDF
A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years (2013 and 2014) during the dry pe-
riods under irrigation at Dabat District, Northwestern Ethiopia to select the best adaptable and
high yielder varieties. Five garlic varieties (BishoftuNech, Kuriftu, Tseday 92, MM-98 and the local)
were planted on randomized complete block design with three replications. Data on days to emer-
gence, days to maturity, pseudo stem height, number of leaves per plant, bulb diameter, number of
cloves per bulb, fresh bulb weight, bulb yield, and bulb dry matter content were collected and
subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SAS computer software version 9.0. Mean separa-
tion test was done by list significant difference (LSD) test at 5% probability level. The results re-
vealed that varieties were significantly differed in all parameters. BishoftuNech was early matur-
ing variety (135 days) followed by Kuriftu (143 days). MM-98 was matured lately at 176 days after
planting. Significantly highest pseudo stem height and number of leaves per plant were recorded
from the local variety. Similarly, significantly highest yield of 16.56 t∙ha−1 was recorded from the
local variety. MM-98 and the local variety were with the highest bulb dry matter content of 25.83
and 23.86%, respectively. This research proved that the improved varieties were not compared
with the local cultivar before they get released. Therefore, the result of this research can be used
as good information for the future garlic variety development program at national level. Consi-
dering the most desirable yield and yield component parameters, the local variety is recom-
mended to the producers at Dabat District. Further research on collection, characterization and
evaluation of the local cultivars should be conducted for national use.
Garlic, Varieties, Bulb Yield
Corresponding author.
How to cite this paper: Ayalew, A., Tadesse, D., Medhin, Z.G. and Fantaw, S. (2015) Evaluation of Garlic (Allium sativum L.)
Varieties for Bulb Yield and Growth at Dabat, Northwestern Ethiopia. Open Access Library Journal, 2: e1216.
A. Ayalew et al.
1. Introduction
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) belongs to the family Alliaceae and genus Allium, and is a shallow rooted vegetable
crop [1]. It is an ancient crop that originated in Central Asia and it has been grown for culinary, medicinal, and
religious purposes for several millennia [2] [3]. The alliums are distributed widely throughout the temperate,
warm temperate and boreal zones of the northern hemisphere [2].
Garlic takes one of the top places among vegetables contributing to the maintenance of good health of humans.
The species has been already grown and consumed in ancient Egypt and Rome [4]. According to Goldy [5],
evidence of garlic cultivation can be found as far back as 3200 BC in Egypt and it continues to be an important
part of Mediterranean, European and Asian diets as a food item, as well as a medicinal plant used to treat a va-
riety of ailments. Garlic has been known for many hundreds of years and has many beneficial qualities. It is a
natural antiseptic and was used as such in the First World War [6]. Not surprisingly, in view of its strength of
flavor, it is used primarily as a condiment rather than a bulk foodstuff [7]. Garlic is grown for its edible bulbs,
which are composed of a number of cloves. The bulbs can be eaten fresh, cooked in various ways, processed in-
to a dehydrated product, or saved for seed to be planted later [3].
Garlic is produced in Ethiopia mainly as a spice crop for seasoning of foods and for its medicinal values. It is
widely cultivated around home gardens in Ethiopia. But nowadays, its production is practiced in some large
farms. Garlic is exported to Europe, Middle East and North America [8].
Despite the crop is a high value crop, its production and productivity are very low due to production and
marketing constraints. According to CSA [1], the average area covered and total production of garlic in Ethiopia
are 16411.19 ha and 159093.58 tons annually. This low yield of garlic is believed to be due to lack of improved
agronomic practices, lack of improved and adaptable varieties, low soil fertility, diseases, insect pests and lack
of improved post harvest technologies [8].
Dabat District has a great potential to produce garlic under irrigation. But there is no any improved variety
under production in the woreda. Before the execution of this research, there are no any research efforts in rela-
tion to improved agronomic practices and variety adaptation trial to fully exploit the yield potential of garlic in
this woreda. Farmers use only the local varieties with their own traditional production methods. As a result, the
average yield of the crop is very low in this woreda—8 t∙ha−1 [9]. Even if the area is very suitable and the crop is
very important commercially for the farmers for income generation, productivity is still unsatisfactory. There-
fore, this research was executed to select adaptable and high yielder garlic varieties under irrigation for Dabat
and similar districts.
practices were carried out as per the recommendations for the crop.
Means followed by same letters in a column are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05.
Table 2. Mean pseudo stem height and number of leaves per plant of garlic
varieties at Dabat (2013-2014).
Number of leaves
Variety Pseudo stem height (cm)
per plant
Local 28.80a 8.31a
Means followed by same letters in a column are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05.
Means followed by same letters in a column are not significantly different at p ≤ 0.05.
significantly lowest number of cloves per bulb (Table 3). This result revealed that the local variety is superior to
the rest of the varieties for this very important yield component parameter which is the edible part of garlic.
lowed by Kuriftu (35.36 g per plant and 11.78 t∙ha−1). Significantly lowest bulb weight of 16.70 g per plant and
5.57 t∙ha−1 was recorded from Tseday 92 (Table 3). The mean fresh bulb yield of the local variety was 4.78,
8.04 and 10.99 t∙ha−1 higher than Kuriftu, MM-98 and Tseday 92, respectively. This result indicated that the lo-
cal variety is superior to the nationally released varieties.
We would like to thank the Office of Research and Community Service Vice President, Office of the Dean of
Faculty of Agriculture, and Department of Plant Sciences, University of Gondar for funding of the project and
for their technical and material support.
[1] CSA (2014) The Federal Republic of Ethiopia Central Statistics Authority Agricultural Sample Survey 20013/14 (2006
E.C), Report on Area and Production of Major Crops. Statistical Bulletin, 532.
[2] Brewster, J.L. (1994) Onions and Other Vegetable Alliums. CAB International, Wallingford.
[3] Hannan, R.M. and Sorensen, E.J. (2001) Crop Profile for Garlic in Washington. Washington State University, Pullman.
[4] Rekowska, E. and Skupien, K. (2007) Influence of Flat Covers and Sowing Density on Yield and Chemical Composi-
tion of Garlic Cultivated for Bundle-Harvest. Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin, 66, 17-24.
[5] Goldy, R. (2000) Producing Garlic in Michigan. Michigan State University Extension.
[6] Gene, B. (2009) Garlic. Huntington College of Health Sciences, Literature Education Series on Dietary Supplements.
[7] Purseglove, S.W. (1992) Tropical Crops, Monocotyledons. Vol. 2, Longman Group Ltd., London, 20-140.
[8] Debrezeit Agricultural Research Center (2006) Garlic Production Management. Debrezeit Agricultural Research Cen-
ter, Leaflet (Amharic Version), Debrezeit, Ethiopia.
[9] Dabat Woreda Office of Agriculture and Rural Development (2010) (Unpubl) Annual Report of 2007. Dabat, Ethiopia.
[10] Tewoldebrhan, T. (2009) Participatory Varietal Evaluation and Farmer Based Seed Production: A Sustainable Ap-
proach to Garlic Seed Delivery in Atsbi Womberta Wereda, Eastern Tigray. M.Sc. Thesis, College of Dry Land Agri-
culture and Natural Resources, Mekelle University, Ethiopia, 61.
[11] Yesigat, M. (2008) Yield and Growth of Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Varieties as Affected by Plant Density at Wadla,
North Ethiopia. M.Sc. Thesis, Univerity of Hawassa, Ethiopia, 50-74.