SpecPro - Reviewer MIDTERMS
SpecPro - Reviewer MIDTERMS
SpecPro - Reviewer MIDTERMS
Stephen Valera)
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
Do rules require proof that the foreign will Letters of Testamentary ........................... 18
has been probated in the foreign country? ... 16 Letters of Administration ......................... 18
Bar Question: What are the Jurisdictional Rule if some co-executors are disqualified .. 18
facts that must be alleged in a petition for
the allowance of the will? ........................ 16 Order of preference in granting letters of
administration under Section 6 if no executor
Nature of Probate Proceeding ...................... 16 is named in the will or the executor is
How may a lost will be probated? ............ 16 incompetent, refuses the trust, or fails to give
Bar Question: What are the requisites in bond, or a person dies intestate: ................... 18
order that a lost or destroyed will may be Is the rule on order of preference absolute?
probated? .................................................. 16 ................................................................. 19
Bar Question: Sufficient to disallow a will Other instances when the court may set aside
on the ground of mistake.......................... 16 the order of preference:................................ 19
Bar Question: May an order denying the Scope or limit of administration .............. 19
probate of a will still be overturned after RULE 79 | Opposing Issuance of Letters
period to appeal therefrom has lapsed? Testamentary Petition and Contest for Letters of
Why? ........................................................ 16 Administration ................................................. 20
Who are entitled to notice of time and place of A. Who may file a Petition for Letters of
probate proceeding? ..................................... 16 Administration? ............................................... 20
RULE 77| Allowance of Will Proved Outside B. Who is an “interested party” in estate
the Philippines and Administration of Estate proceedings? .................................................... 20
Thereunder ....................................................... 17
“Any interested person” or “any person
A Will was probated in a Foreign Country. interested in the estate” ................................ 20
Must it be re-probated in the Philippines? ... 17
Remedy given to a creditor or any interested
What must the proponent prove during a person to protect his interest in the estate .... 21
reprobate?..................................................... 17
Right of the testator to appoint an executor
Effects of allowance of a Will.................. 17 over his property .......................................... 21
May a will executed by foreigners abroad C. Contents of a petition for letters of
be probated in the Philippines even if not administration: ................................................. 21
yet proved and allowed in the country of
execution? ................................................ 17 D. Who may file an OPPOSITION to the
issuance of letters testamentary? ..................... 21
Can our courts take judicial notice of foreign
laws? ............................................................ 17 Grounds for opposition of a Petition for
administration: ............................................. 21
What is the duty of the petitioner in a probate
proceeding? .................................................. 17 RULE 80 | Special Administrator .................... 22
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
85 Phil. 268
129 SCRA 33
33 SCRA 252
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
them must be satisfactorily shown to the The absentee shall not be presumed dead for the
court. purpose of opening his succession till after an
o If all/some are present in the Philippines absence of ten years. If he disappeared after the
but outside the province where the will age of seventy-five years, an absence of five
was filed, then their deposition must be years shall be sufficient in order that his
taken. succession may be opened. (n)
NOTE: A testament may NOT be allowed just Art. 391. The following shall be presumed dead
because the attesting witnesses declare against for all purposes, including the division of the
its due execution (or do not remember or are estate among the heirs:
otherwise doubtful of credibility); neither does it
(1) A person on board a vessel lost
have to be necessarily allowed just because all
during a sea voyage, or an
attesting witnesses declare in favor of its
aeroplane which is missing, who
legalization. What is decisive is that the court is
has not been heard of for four
years since the loss of the vessel
If Holographic Will is contested or aeroplane;
- three witnesses should declare that the (2) A person in the armed forces
will was in the handwriting of the who has taken part in war, and
deceased has been missing for four years;
- in the absence of competent witnesses, (3) A person who has been in
expert testimony may be resorted. danger of death under other
circumstances and his existence
Can the probate court issue writs of execution?
has not been known for four
GR: No, because its orders usually refer to the
years. (n)
adjudication of claims against the estate which
the executor or administrator may satisfy Art. 392. If the absentee appears, or without
without the need of executor processes. appearing his existence is proved, he shall
recover his property in the condition in which it
may be found, and the price of any property that
1. To satisfy the contributive shares of the may have been alienated or the property
devisees, legatees, and heirs on acquired therewith; but he cannot claim either
possession of the decedent’s assets fruits or rents.
(Rule 88, Sec. 6)
Is Partition proper when there remains an
2. To enforce payment of the expenses of
issue as to the expenses chargeable to the
partition (Rule 90, Sec.3) estate?
3. To satisfy the cost when a person is No. The heirs have to submit the estate to
cited for examination in probate settlement because the determination of the
proceedings (Rule 142, Sec. 13) expenses cannot be done in an action for
Presumption of Death NOTE: In an estate settlement proceeding, there
Civil Code Provisions:
is a proper procedure for the accounting of all
Art. 390. After an absence of seven years, it expenses for which the estate must answer. If
being unknown whether or not the absentee still there is any consolation at all to petitioner, the
lives, he shall be presumed dead for all purposes, heirs or distributees of the properties may take
except for those of succession. possession thereof even before the settlement of
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
be held not less than 1 month nor more than 3 under oath by the parties concerned and
months from the date of the last publication of a conditioned upon the payment of any just claim
notice which shall be published once a week for that may be filed under Section 4 of this rule.
3 consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
Presumption that the decedent left no debts
circulation ion the province, and after such other
The presumption arises if no creditor files a
notice to interested persons as the court may
petition for letters of administration within 2
direct, the court may proceed summarily to settle
years after the death of the decedent.
the estate.
The provisions of Section 4 of Rule 74 barring
distribute or heirs from objecting to an
1. Does not require Requires summary extrajudicial partition after the expiration of
court intervention adjudication. two years from such extrajudicial partition, is
applicable only to:
2. The value of the Applicable where the 1. persons who have participated or taken part or
estate is immaterial. gross estate is
had notice of the extrajudicial partition; and
P10,000. The amount
is jurisdictional 2. when the provisions of Section 1 of Rule 74,
have been strictly complied with.
3. Allowed only in Allowed in both testate
intestate succession. and intestate estates. NOTE: The publication of the settlement does
not constitute constructive notice to the heirs
Available even if there who had no knowledge or did not take part in it
4. Proper when there are no debts. because the same was notice after the fact of
are no outstanding execution. The requirement of publication is
debts of the estate at geared for the protection of creditors and was
the time of the
never intended to deprive heirs of their lawful
settlement Instituted by any
interested party and participation in the decedent’s estate.
5. Instituted by even by a creditor of If the claimant is a minor or an incapacitated
agreement of all heirs. the estate, without the person
consent of all heirs. He may present his claim within one year after
such disability is removed.
Affidavit of self adjudication RULE 74, Section 1: A petition for issuance
- An affidavit to be executed by the sole of letters of administration may be converted
heir of a deceased person in into an action for judicial partition
adjudicating to himself the entire estate
left by the decedent. When the more expeditious remedy of partition
- Filed with the Registry of Deeds. is available to the heirs, then the heirs or the
majority of them may not be compelled to
The sole heir shall file, simultaneously with and submit to administration proceedings. In this
as a condition precedent to the filing of the case, all the heirs, with the exceptions of one,
public instrument or stipulation in the action for agreed to judicial partition as they see it to be
partition, or of the affidavit in the office of the the more convenient method.
register of deeds, a bond with the said register of
deeds, in an amount equivalent to the value of
the personal property involved as certified to
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
409 SCRA 105
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
2. The testator was of SOUND and Article 806. Every will must be
DISPOSING mind at the time of the acknowledged before a notary public by the
execution of the will testator and the witnesses. The notary public
3. Consent is NOT VITIATED by any shall not be required to retain a copy of the
duress, fear, or threats will, or file another with the office of the
4. The will was NOT procured by any Clerk of Court.
beneficiary or by some other person for B. Intrinsic Validity
his benefit; and
5. The SIGNATURE of the testator is • In a special proceeding for the probate
GENUIINE. of a will, the issue is restricted to
EXTRINSIC validity.
Formalities of a will o E.g. The question of ownership
is an extraneous matter which
Article 805. Every will, other than a the probate court cannot resolve
holographic will, must be subscribed at the with finality.
end thereof by the testator himself or by the
testator's name written by some other person “Such allowance of the will shall be conclusive
in his presence, and by his express direction, as to its due execution”
and attested and subscribed by three or more
• precludes any interested person from
credible witnesses in the presence of the
testator and of one another. questioning the due execution of the will
but NOT the intrinsic validity of its
The testator or the person requested by him to testamentary provisions.
write his name and the instrumental witnesses o Governed by substantive law on
of the will, shall also sign, as aforesaid, each inheritance and partition.
and every page thereof, except the last, on the
left margin, and all the pages shall be C. Doctrine of Estoppel in Probate
numbered correlatively in letters placed on the Proceedings
upper part of each page.
• Not applicable since the presentation of
The attestation shall state the number of pages the probate of a will are required by
used upon which the will is written, and the public policy.
fact that the testator signed the will and every D. Limited Jurisdiction
page thereof, or caused some other person to
write his name, under his express direction, in • The probate court is a court of limited
the presence of the instrumental witnesses, jurisdiction
and that the latter witnessed and signed the • The probate court may only determine
will and all the pages thereof in the presence
and rule upon issues that relate to
of the testator and of one another.
settlement of the estate of deceased
If the attestation clause is in a language not person such as the administration,
known to the witnesses, it shall be interpreted liquidation, and distribution of the estate.
to them. o also includes the determination
of whether a property should be
included in the inventory is
within the jurisdiction of a
probate court.
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
4. The name of the person whom letters are 2. The will must have been in existence at
prayed; the time of the death of the testator;
5. If the will has not been delivered to the 3. There must be at least two credible
court, the name of the person having witnesses.
custody of it.
Bar Question: Sufficient to disallow a will on the
Do rules require proof that the foreign will ground of mistake.
has been probated in the foreign country? The testator intended a donation inter vivos but
No. The rules do not require proof that the unwittingly executed a will.
foreign will has already been allowed and
probated in the country of its execution. Bar Question: May an order denying the
probate of a will still be overturned after period
Bar Question: What are the Jurisdictional facts to appeal therefrom has lapsed? Why?
that must be alleged in a petition for the Yes, an order denying the probate of a will may
allowance of the will? be overturned after the period to appeal
1. Death of the decedent; therefrom has lapsed. A petition for relief may
2. His residence at the time of his death in be filed on the grounds of fraud, accident,
the province of where the probate court mistake or excusable negligence within a period
is sitting; or of 60 days after the petitioner learns of the
3. If he is an inhabitant of a foreign judgment or final order and not more than 6
country, his leaving his estate in such months after such judgment or final order was
province. entered.
Nature of Probate Proceeding Who are entitled to notice of time and place
Probate proceeding is in rem. The notice by of probate proceeding?
publication as a prerequisite to the allowance of Sec. 4, Rule 76 provides that known heirs,
a will, is a constructive notice to the whole legatees and devisees of the testator are entitled
world, and when probate is granted the judgment to notices.
is binding upon everybody, even against the
Publication is notice to the whole world that
How may a lost will be probated? the proceeding has for its object to bar
The Rules declares that no will shall be proved indefinitely all who might be minded to make
as a lost or destroyed will unless the execution an objection of any sort against the right
and validity of the same be established, and the sought to be established. It is the publication
will is proved to have been in existence at the of such notice that brings in the whole world
time of death of the testator, or is shown to have as a party in the case and vests the court with
jurisdiction to hear and decide it. Thus, even
been fraudulently or accidentally destroyed in
though petitioner were not mentioned in the
the lifetime of the testator without his petition for probate, they eventually became
knowledge, nor unless its provisions are clearly parties thereto as a consequence of the
and distinctly proved by at least two credible publication of the notice of hearing.
Bar Question: What are the requisites in order
that a lost or destroyed will may be probated?
1. Execution and validity of the will must
be established;
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
Remedy given to a creditor or any interested Grounds for opposition of a Petition for
person to protect his interest in the estate: administration:
1. Incompetency of the person for whom
The Rules do not provide for the right to the letters are prayed therein; and
participate in the estate proceeding, however, 2. On the ground of the contestant’s own
they may be allowed to seek certain prayers or right to the administration.
reliefs from the intestate court not explicitly
provided for under the Rules, if the prayer or AMELIA GARCIA –QUIAZON vs
relief sought is necessary to protect their interest BELEN
in the estate. An “interested party” in the estate proceeding,
is one who would be benefited in the estate,
Right of the testator to appoint an executor such as an heir, or one who has a claim
over his property: against the estate, such as a creditor. Also, in
estate proceedings, the phrase “next of kin”
The choice of his executor is a precious
refers to those whose relationship with the
prerogative of a testator, a necessary decedent is such that they are entitled to share
concomitant of his right to dispose of his in the estate as distributes
property in the manner he wishes. It is natural
that the testator should desire to appoint one of
his confidence, one who can be trusted to carry
out his wishes in the disposal of his estate.
NOTE: The curtailment of this right may be
considered a curtailment of the right to dispose.
C. Contents of a petition for letters of
1. Jurisdictional facts;
2. The names, ages, and residence of the
heirs, and the names and residence of
the creditors;
3. The probable value and character of the
property of the estate;
4. The name of the person for whom letters
of administration are prayed.
NOTE: No defect on the petition shall render
void the issuance of letters of administration.
D. Who may file an OPPOSITION to the
issuance of letters testamentary?
ANY person interested in the will may state in
writing the grounds why letters testamentary
should not be issued to the persons named
therein as executors.
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
RULE 81| Bonds of Executors obligations incumbent upon him. Its object
and purpose is to safeguard the properties of
and Administrators the decedent, hence should not be considered
as part of the necessary expenses chargeable
• An executor or administrator before he against the estate.
enters upon the execution of his trust,
and letters testamentary or of
A special administrator before entering upon
administration issue, he shall give a
the duties of his trust shall:
1. Give a bond conditioned that he will make
A. Conditions of a Bond and return a true inventory of the goods,
1. To make and return to the court, within 3 chattels, rights, credits and estate of the
months, a true and complete inventory of all deceased which shall come to his possession
goods, chattels, rights, credits and estate of or knowledge; AND
the deceased which shall come to his 2. That he will truly account for such as are
possession or knowledge or to the received by him when required by the court
possession of any other person for him; and will deliver the same to the person
2. To administer according to these rules, and appointed executor or administrator, or to
if an executor, according to the will of the such other person as may be authorized to
testator, all goods, chattels, rights, credits, receive them.
and estate which shall at any time come to ----------------------------------------------------------
his possession or to the possession of any
other person for him, and from the proceeds
to pay and discharge all debts, legacies, and
charges on the same, or such dividends
thereon as shall be decreed by the court;
3. To render a true and just account of his
administration to the court within 1 year,
and at any other time when required by the
4. To perform all orders of the court by him to
be performed.
B. Purpose of a bond
It is intended as an indemnity to the creditors,
the heirs and the estate. It shall be held
accountable for any breach of duty that may be
done by the administrator or executor.
Such liability may be enforced by motion or in a
separate action.
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
the protection of the interests of such The exception is when the court directs because
estate, attorney’s fees is chargeable to of extensions of the time for presenting claims
the estate. against the estate or for paying the debts.
Remedies: May a party whose claim is contingent
a. Bring and independent action personally compel the administrator to render an
against the executor or administrator; or accounting?
b. File a petition in the administration NO. The administrator is required to render an
proceedings for the probate court to account of his administration within one year
allow the same and to direct the from receipt of letters of administration. These
payment of his fees as expenses of are reliefs available to compel and administrator
administration. to perform either duty, but not to the person
whose claim is still contingent.
When should an executor or administrator
render an account? To whom notice must be given: (Sec. 10 Rule
Render an account of his administration within Persons interested of time and place of
one year from the time of receiving letters examining and allowing the same, such notice
testamentary or of administration, unless the must be given personally to such persons
court otherwise directs because of extensions of interested or by advertisement in a newspaper or
time for presenting claims against, or paying the newspaper, or both, as the court directs.
debts of, the estate, or for disposing of the estate;
he shall render further accounts as the court may To what instances are interested parties
require until the estate is wholly settled. entitled to notice:
a. Time and place of examining and
Administrator’s duty to render an accounting: allowing the account of the executor and
Administrator or executor is under obligation to administrator;
render a true and just account of his b. Concerning the petition to authorize the
administration to the court. executor or administrator to sell
personal estate, or to sell, mortgage or
Hearing is held before an administrator’s
otherwise encumber real estates; and
account is approved, especially when interested
c. Hearing for the application for an order
parties raises objections to certain items in the
for distribution of the estate residue.
accounting report.
During the hearing, the administrator to take the
witness stand, testify under oath on his accounts
and identify the receipts vouchers and
documents evidencing his disbursements which
are offered as exhibits.
Oppositor may present proofs for rebuttal.
Is the one year period to render an
accounting mandatory?
Yes, rendering account is mandatory within 1
year from his appointment.
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
RULE 86 | Claims against the RATIONALE: (of fixing the period) To insure a
speedy settlement of the affairs of the deceased
Estate person and the early delivery of the property to
the person entitled to the same.
A. Equitable Lien of Creditors
Extension of Period
Upon the death of a person, all of his property is
• Allowed; money claims against the
burdened with all his debts, creating an
estate may be allowed any time before
equitable lien for the benefit of the creditors –
an order of distribution is entered, at the
which continues until the debts are extinguished
discretion of the court for cause and
either by:
upon such terms as are equitable.
a) Payment
Publication of Notice
b) Prescription
• Works as a constructive notice to all;
c) Satisfaction in one of the modes
hence, a creditor cannot be permitted to
recognized by law
file his claim beyond the period fixed in
Statute of Non-Claims said notice on the bare ground that he
- Period fixed by Sec.2, Rule 86 for the had no knowledge of the administration
filing of the claims against the estate proceedings.
- Mandates certain creditors of a deceased
B. Types of Claim that must be filed with the
person to present their claims for
probate court under the Notice
examination and allowance within a
specified period. 1. All money claims against the decedent
o PURPOSE: to settle the estate arising from contract, express or implied,
with dispatch, so that the whether the same be due, not due, or
residue may be delivered to the contingent;
persons entitled thereto without 2. All claims for funeral expenses and
their being afterwards called expenses for the last sickness of the
upon to respond in actions for decedent
claims, which under the 3. Judgment for money against the
ordinary statute of limitations, decedent. The judgment must be
have not yet prescribed. presented as a claim against the estate,
- Requires that the money claims be filed where the judgment debtor dies before
with the clerk of court within the time levy execution of his properties.
prescribed by the rules
Rule 86, Section 5 vs. Rule 6, Section 11
Period to file the Claim • Rule 86, Section 5 prevails in case of
• Not less than 6 months nor more than 12 conflict.
months from the day of the first • The settlement of the estate of the
publication of the notice deceased is primarily governed by the
• Specific period discretionary upon the rules on SpecPro.
court, as long as within the range • Rule 6, Section 11 will apply only
provided suppletorily.
• Such period becomes mandatory upon
fixing of the probate court NOTE: The enumeration for the types of claim
is EXCLUSIVE. Claims other than those
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)
Special Proceedings (Based on FESTIN 2015; Syllabus by Atty. Stephen Valera)