Midterm Theo 5
Midterm Theo 5
Midterm Theo 5
Stephanie Artates
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Standalone assignment
Theo 5, Midterm Examination, 1st Cycle, 1st Semester, AY 2020-
Here are your latest answers:
Question 1
Where can we find the social teachings of the Church?
Response: Papal pronouncement particularly those on matters of faith and morals
Response: apostolic letters or encyclical letters; code of canon law
Response: pronouncements made by ecumenical councils
Response: pronouncement made by the Synod Bishops
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 2
The main purpose of the social teachings of the Church.
Response: Salvation
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 3
Capitalism makes use of the machines solely for profit and money is assumed to be
more valuable than people.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 4
Priests are the first educators of children, it belongs to them, therefore, to exercise with
responsibility for their educational activity close and vigilant cooperation with civil and
ecclesial agencies.
Response: False
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 5
The USA mission is a premier academic community life-long learner working with one
mind and one heart to search for, discover and share the Truth for the promotion of
authentic human and societal development.
Response: False
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 6
The characteristics of the Social Teachings of the Church is permanent yet evolutionary
in character.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 7
Social Teachings of the Church according to St. John Paul II in his encyclical,
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis is the accurate formulation of the results of a careful reflection
on the complex realities of human existence, in society and in the international order, in
the light of faith and of the church tradition.
Response: False
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 8
According to St. John Paul II, ‘to claim one’s rights and ignore one’s duties, or only half
fulfill them, is like building a house with one hand and tearing it down with the other.’
With this, a person should exercise one’s right at the same time assume one’s duties
and responsibilities towards others. Here we can see the connection between rights and
Response: False
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 9
Who have a particular responsibility in the area of sexual education of the children so
as to balance the growth and appreciate the human and moral values of their sexuality?
Response: Parents
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 10
What are the sources of the Social Teachings of the Church?
Response: Natural Law
Response: Sacred Scriptures
Response: Sacred Tradition
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 11
St. John Paul II has drawn up a list of human rights in his encyclical Sollicitudo Rei
Socialis which include: the right to life, right to live in a united family, the right to develop
one’s intelligence and freedom in seeking and knowing the truth, the right to share in the
work which makes wise use of the earth’s material resources, and to derive from that
work the means to support
oneself and one’s dependents, the right to freely establish a family, and the right to
religious freedom understood as the right to live in the truth of one’s faith and in
conformity with one’s transcendent dignity as a person.
Response: False
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 12
Names and images of the church in scriptures.
Response: Body of Christ
Response: Bride of Christ
Response: Temple of the Holy Spirit
Response: People of God
Response: Sheepfold
Response: Building of God
Response: Spouse of the Spotless Lamb
Score: 0 out of 2 No
Question 13
It is the accurate formulation of the results of a careful reflection on the complex
realities, in society and in the international order, in the light of faith and of the Church
Response: Social Teachings of the Church
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 14
Human being has a personal worth, thus the task of society is to acknowledge and
develop that worth.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 15
The political community has a duty to honor the family, to assist it, and it has to ensure
the following.
Response: the freedom to establish a family which have children and bring them in
keeping with the family’s own moral and religious convictions.
Response: the procreation of the stability of the marriage bond and the institution of the
Response: the freedom to profess one’s faith, to hand it on and raise one’s children in it,
with the necessary means and institutions.
Response: the right to private property, to free enterprise, to obtain work and housing,
and the right to emigrate.
Response: the right to medical care, assistance for the aged and family benefits.
Response: the protection of security and health, especially with respect to dangers like
drugs, pornography, alcoholism, etc.,
Response: the freedom to form associations with other families and so to have
representation before civil authority.
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 16
Church’s teachings on issues that attacked the family.
Response: -the evil of abortion and euthanasia
Response: capital punishment
Response: the free sex mentality
Response: same sex marriage and homosexuality
Response: On divorce
Response: human cloning
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 17
Which are true about family?
Response: It is the first natural society, the vial cell of the church.
Response: It is presented, in the Creator’s plan, as ‘the primary place of humanization
for the person and society’ and ‘cradle of life and love.’ Thus, it is in the family that one
learns the love and faithfulness of the Lord, and the need to respond to these.
Response: Children learn first and most important lessons of practical wisdom, to which
the virtues are connected.
Response: It is born of the intimate communion of life and love founded on the marriage
between one man and one woman.
Response: It is the divine institution that stands at the foundation of life of the human
person as the prototype of every social order.
Response: Relegating it to a subordinate or secondary role, excluding it from its rightful
position in society, would be to inflict grave harm on the authentic growth of society as a
Response: It is the natural community in which human social nature is experienced,
makes a unique and irreplaceable contribution to the good of society.
Response: ts foundation is marriage where spouses unite themselves, respect for the
meaning and values of this institution that does not depend on man but on God himself.
Score: 0 out of 2 No
Question 18
Which of these encyclicals were written by Pope Paul VI?
Response: Evangelii Nuntiadi
Response: Octogesima Adveniens
Response: Populorum Progressio
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 19
The importance and centrality of the family to the person and society is repeatedly
underlined by Sacred Scripture, ‘it is not good for man to be alone’ (Gen.2:18). In God’s
plan, the two lovers are the first form of communion between persons.
Response: True
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 20
What are the aims of the Church’s Social Teachings?
Response: to interpret human realities and social situations whether they are in
conformity with or in divergence from the Gospel
Response: to guide Christian behavior, that is, how to respond to social situations which
in turn give rise to a communion to justice
Response: complete fulfill life harmoniously and peacefully
Score: 0 out of 2 No
Question 21
Importance of the family to society.
Response: it is the natural community in which human social nature is experienced,
makes a unique and irreplaceable contribution to the good of society.
Response: it is born from the communion of person; thus, community transcends this
framework and moves towards a ‘society’, a ‘we’
Response: it is born from the communion of persons; thus, communion has to do with
the personal relationship between the ‘I’ and the ‘thou’.
Response: a society built on a family scale is the best guarantee against drifting off
course into individualism or collectivisms, because within the family the person is
always at the center of attention as an end and never as a means.
Response: without families that are strong in their communion and stable in their
commitment, peoples grow weak.
Response: in the family possesses inviolable rights and finds its legitimization in human
nature and not in being recognized by the State. Thus, the family does not exist for
society or the state but not society and the state exist for the family.
Score: 0 out of 2 No
Question 22
The Church’s Social doctrines set forth the requirements of just social action as they
appear in the Gospel.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 23
To whom can we anchor the concept of salvation in the New Testament?
Response: Jesus Christ
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 24
It is known as the people of God.
Response: Church
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 25
It is the basic source and foundation of Catholic Social Teachings contained in the
Sacred Scriptures and Sacred Tradition, and faithfully interpreted and transmitted by the
Church’s Magisterium.
Response: Natural Law
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 26
Human dignity does admit degrees and is universal regardless of gender, age, religion,
creed, race, or color.
Response: False
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 27
Who is this person formed from the earth with whom God blows into His nostrils the
breath of life?
Response: Adam
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 28
What are the themes of Catholic social teaching that present ways of sharing God’s
love with each other and provide a framework upon which we based decisions, as
individuals, as families, as communities, as nations, and as a world?
Response: Care for God’s creation
Response: Solidarity
Response: The dignity of work and the rights of workers
Response: Option for the poor and vulnerable
Response: Rights and responsibilities
Response: Call to family, community, and participation
Response: Life and dignity of the human person
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 29
Which of these encyclicals was written by Pope John Paul II?
Response: Centisimus Annus
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 30
Same sex marriage opposes, first of all, to the objective of family life. It has the
impossibility of making the partnership fruitful through the transmission of life according
to the plan inscribed by God in the very structure of the human being.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 31
Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: all human beings are
born free and equal in dignity and rights; they are endowed with reason and conscience
and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 32
Which of these are considered as the Nature of the Church’s Social Doctrine?
Response: knowledge illuminated by faith
Response: in friendly dialogue with all branches of knowledge
Response: an expression of the Church’s ministry of teaching
Response: for a society reconciled in justice and love
Response: a message for the sons and daughters of the Church and for humanity
Response: under the sign of continuity and renewal
Score: 0 out of 2 No
Question 33
A human person being in the image of God possesses a dignity, who is not just
something but someone.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 34
All social life is an expression of its unmistakable protagonist – the human person who
always remains its subject, foundation, origin, and goal.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 35
In the gospel of Mark, Jesus taught us how to be a good Christian by obeying the
greatest commandments which He summarized into ten commandments.
Response: True
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 36
What are the elements of the Social Teachings of the Church?
Response: truths
Response: principles and norms
Response: values
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 37
This encyclical is considered as the Church’s groundbreaking social encyclical that
addressed social issues as a response to the conditions faced by workers following the
onset of the Industrial Revolution.
Response: Rerum Novarum
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 38
Human rights are to be defended not only as a whole but individually. Protecting them
only partially would imply a kind of failure to recognize them. They correspond to the
demands of human dignity and entails the fulfillment of the essential needs of the
person in the material and spiritual spheres.
Response: False
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 39
They belong to the lower class of society and have been described as the masses of
workers in the newly expanded cities where their group has no internal coherence and
Response: Proletariat
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 40
God did not create man as a solitary being but wished him to be a social being,
therefore social life is exterior to man and he can only grow and realize his vocation in
relation to others.
Response: True
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 41
Jesus, the Son of God belongs to a family which we call as the Holy Family of Mary,
Joseph, and Jesus. For this reason, the Holy Family is an example of a family life.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 42
What divine institution stands at the foundation of life of the human person as the
prototype of every social order?
Response: Family
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 43
Pope Paul VI in his encyclical speaks on behalf of the millions of peoples of developing
nations, confronting the ever widening disparity between rich and poor nations by
affirming that justice is inseparable from development, for this reason, according to him,
development is the new name for peace.
Response: Mater et Magistra
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Question 44
How do you call the power given by God to act or not to act, to do this or to do that, and
so to perform deliberate actions on one’s own responsibility?
Response: Freedom
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 45
Jesus was born and lived in a concrete family, accepting all its characteristic features
and he conferred the highest dignity on the institution of marriage, making it a
sacrament of the new covenant; it is in this new perspective that the couple finds the
fullness of the dignity and its solid foundation of family life.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 46
The human being is made for love and cannot live without love; when it is manifested
as the total gift of two persons in their complementarities, love cannot be reduced to
emotions or feelings, much less to mere sexual expression.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 47
What involves a special communion with the mystery of life, as it develops in the
woman’s womb?
Response: Motherhood
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 48
In this encyclical, Pope John Paul II in 1981 sets forth the dignity of human work in the
divine plan as well as our problems with work and ways to resolve them, thus, work
earns not a living but constitution a foundation for the formation of family life.
Response: Laborem Exercens
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 49
What is the very foundation of the Family?
Response: Marriage
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 50
What is inherent in humans in which the image and likeness of God are rooted in him?
Response: Dignity
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 51
Human dignity emphasizes that social or biological handicaps affecting an individual do
not lessen his or her personal worth.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 52
The three-minutes Catholic Social Teaching video clip presentation asked us if catholic
social teaching is boring and so it is true because it shows radical teaching that allows
us to put it into actions and to transform the world.
Response: False
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 53
Human dignity implies that a man possesses freedom and reason; therefore, a person
is to be used as an object or as a means for an end.
Response: False
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 54
The constitutive dimension of the Gospel.
Response: Scriptures
Response: Sacraments
Response: Social Mission
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 55
Importance of the family to the person.
Response: The persons are recognized and learn responsibility in the wholeness of
their personhood
Response: It is where children develop their potentialities.
Response: The cradle of life and love where people are born and grow.
Response: The person receives his first formative ideas about truth and goodness
Response: The person learns what it means to love and to be loved.
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 56
The mission of the Church to spread the good news of our salvation.
Response: Evangelization
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 57
The rights and duties of parents.
Response: to educate their children, it is essential, original, primary, irreplaceable, and
inalienable right
Response: to impart a religious education and moral formation
Response: to found and support educational institutions
Score: 1.5 out of 2
Question 58
What characteristics of human rights are present in the human being without exception
of time, place or subject?
Response: Universal
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 59
This is contrary to the dignity of human procreation as it takes place in the total
absence of an act of personal love between spouses who are capable of agamic and
asexual reproduction.
Response: Human Cloning
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 60
The mission of the Church is to proclaim and establish the Kingdom of God founded by
Jesus Christ among all the peoples. Thus, the Church constitutes on earth the seed
whose end is humanity’s salvific Kingdom.
Response: False
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 61
It is one of the characteristics of the Social Teachings of the Church that adopts its
principles to the existing social situations in a given particular period of history. It also
means that because of the changing social situation, the social teaching of the Church
evolves; it has to be interpreted and applied according to changing and varying
situations where the Church’s Social Teaching is continually updated and developed.
Response: Evolutionary character
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 62
Inviolable human rights are present in all human beings without exception of time,
place or subject.
Response: False
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 63
The family must be helped and defended by appropriate social measures. When
members of the family cannot fulfill their responsibilities, other social bodies have the
duty of helping and supporting the institution of the family.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 64
To respect the rights of human persons will allow them to develop their own potential,
to make some personal contribution to common goals, and to feel at home in an
environment within which they are known and acknowledged.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 65
It is a failure to genuinely love God and neighbor because of a perverse attachment to
certain goods.
Response: Sin
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 66
Factors that give rise to the great social question.
Response: Industrial Revolution
Response: Capitalism
Response: Widespread economic oppression
Response: Rise of Marxist Socialism
Score: 2 out of 2 Yes
Question 67
The characteristic traits of marriage.
Response: Totality till death do they part
Response: Unity, couple become one flesh
Response: Fruitfulness open for life
Response: marriage is ordered to the procreation and education of children.
Response: indissolubility and fidelity which are mutual giving of self
Score: 0 out of 2 No
Question 68
Condemnation is always more important than proclamation, and the latter cannot
ignore the former, which gives it true solidarity and the force of higher motivation.
Response: False
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 69
The person’s possession of basic rights is an essential right which involves the right to
free self- expression within the context of social cooperation, and the right to basic
equality before the law.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 70
The Church, sharing mankind’s joys and hopes, in its anxieties and sadness, stands
with every man and woman of every place and time, to bring them the good news of the
Kingdom of God, which in Jesus Christ has come and continues to be present among
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 71
Who is this essentially social being and not a solitary being?
Response: Person
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 72
Civil authority should consider it a grave duty to acknowledge the true nature of
marriage and the family, to protect and foster them as domestic property.
Response: True
Score: 1 out of 1 Yes
Question 73
Human rights must be acknowledged in their totality and be protected in favor of
ideological falsifications and so all people especially Christians must speak up when
human rights violations become known or when certain human rights are not recognized
in some countries.
Response: True
Score: 0 out of 1 No
Type: Quiz
Max score: 90
Category: Test
Start: Oct 8, 10:00 am
Due: Oct 8, 11:30 am
Your latest submission is used
Category Progress
Grade 78.33333333333333
None 21.66666666666667
71/90 (78%)
Submitted: Oct 8, 1:27 pm
Time taken: 204 m, 26 s.
Late by about 2 hours
Attempts: 1
Max. attempts: 2
Allow late submissions: Yes
Submission 1 @ 1:27 pm Oct 8, 2020