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PLME Frosh

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June, 2009

Dear PLME Freshman:

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Brown's Program in Liberal Medical Education. We are

proud of our program and of the students we have admitted. I think you will share that pride
when you get to the campus and meet your classmates. As a member of the PLME, you are a
"regular" Brown undergraduate. And yet you are also a participant in a very special program. It
is because of your dual status that I am writing to you at this time.

All entering freshmen will receive numerous mailings from diverse campus offices during the
summer. They will deal with topics such as course registration, campus housing, and
extracurricular activities. My first message is, when confronted with overwhelming mailings,
relax! The medical literature contains no reported cases of death from drowning in paper.

Precisely because of the great freedom it affords, the quality of a Brown education depends to a
great extent upon the nature of the advice a student receives. For this reason, I have taken a
special interest in the creation of an advising system for all PLME students. You will be assigned
a PLME physician advising dean, who will be prepared to serve as your primary academic
advisor beginning during orientation and through your undergraduate education. Your PLME
advising dean will be assisted by one or more Meiklejohn peer counselors, upper-class PLME
students. As the PLME will form the basis for your "professional development” in medicine, we
urge you to seriously consider the guidance offered by your PLME advising dean and Meiklejohn
peer counselor(s). You will receive email addresses for your PLME advising dean and
Meiklejohn(s) late in the summer. However, like all other Brown students, you will also discover
a range of deans, counselors and advisors in the College who are available to assist you with
specific concerns. (See “Guidelines for Maximizing the PLME Advising Experience.”)

One way to get more information about classes is to sit in on them during the first week or so.
That's the best way of really getting the flavor of the course, the style of the instructor, and the
content of the instruction. Another way is to talk to upper-class students and your PLME
advising dean. Unlike high school, you are not locked into the courses for which you have

As a general rule, I recommend that you avoid taking more than two science courses in a single
semester. Look for a balance between large lecture courses and smaller seminar courses, in
particular First-Year Seminars. Your first year at Brown should be one of exploration and
general liberal education. Try out subjects that you've never been exposed to before that sound
interesting. Seek out courses taught by professors known to be stimulating and provocative.
Students in the PLME will be required to demonstrate competence in the basic sciences and
mathematics, in the behavioral sciences, and in the humanities and social sciences. See enclosed
Curriculum Guidelines for PLME Competency in Basic Sciences and Mathematics.

In the preregistration materials you received from the college, we recommend the web-based
course Chem 10-web to those students who have not taken AP chemistry or IB chemistry (see
attached flyer). If you complete this course, it will prepare you for the CHEM 0330–Equilibrium,
Rate and Structure placement exam. We highly recommend that you complete the course,
registration for which is available June 15–August 14, 2009. You may direct questions about the
course to Sandra_Russo-Rodriguez@Brown.edu.


BOX G-B222

Certain freshman courses are part of a Curricular Advising Program (CAP) which is for non-
PLME students where the professor serves as one of the student’s academic advisors. PLME
students are NOT ALLOWED to take part in the CAP lottery. However, you may enroll in the
course as a non-CAP class member when you register for courses on Tuesday, September 8.

You have chosen to enroll in a combined program which emphasizes the relationship of the
liberal arts to the education of physicians in conjunction with rigorous preparation for medical
school. Savor your education at Brown. Choose widely and wisely from all it has to offer.
Resist the temptation to view the MD degree as your singular educational goal. The journey of
learning in reaching that goal will be one of the most memorable experiences of your life. Make
the most of it!

We have scheduled the initial PLME freshman class meeting for Tuesday, September 8 from
8:00 to 9:30 am in the Brown Faculty Club, One Magee Street. It is essential that all PLME
freshmen attend this meeting. Following the class meeting, you will sign up for an individual
meeting with your advising dean and Meiklejohn advisor(s) for later that same day. It is during
the individual meeting with your advising dean that you will receive your PIN number to
complete your course registration online.



I would like to express on behalf of all of us, my delight that you have chosen to study with us at
Brown. We look forward to meeting you.


Julianne Ip, MD
Associate Dean of Medicine


Remember that concentration requirements must be fulfilled

in addition to the following program competencies.

Biology: We strongly encourage PLME students to take BIOL 0200 (The Foundations of Living
Systems) in their freshman or sophomore year to demonstrate competency in biology. This
course will provide a strong foundation for other biology courses and is required for a
concentration in biology. Those students with an advanced placement score of 4 or 5, and those
who pass the biology placement exam administered by the Biology Department during
Orientation Week, will have met the PLME competency for BIOL 0200 and may “place out” of
it. PLME students are required to complete two additional biology courses in order to best
prepare them for the basic medical science courses in the medical curriculum. These two courses
must be chosen from a list provided in your PLME Handbook, a hardcopy of which will be given
to you at Orientation. Courses completed to fulfill the biology competency must be taken
for a grade, and a minimum grade of “B” must be attained.

Chemistry: The majority of PLME students beginning chemistry this year will be prepared to
enter CHEM 0330 (Equilibrium, Rate and Structure) in Semester I, though students may wait
until sophomore year to begin taking chemistry. Students with minimal preparation in chemistry
should not take CHEM 0330, but should discuss options with their PLME advising dean.
Additional questions may be directed to the Chemistry Department. Following CHEM 0330,
students should plan to take CHEM 0350 (Organic Chemistry) in Semester II. Some of you may
elect to take CHEM 0360, the second semester of Organic Chemistry, too. However, this is not
required for PLME Chemistry competency. Rather, you may decide to take CHEM 0360 for a
specific concentration requirement or out of individual interest.

Physics: PHYS 0030/0040 is recommended for competency in physics. Students can wait until
their sophomore year or later to take these courses. PHYS 0050/006, PHYS 0070/0080 (for
physics concentrators) or ENGN 0030/0040 are other options to consider for a basic
understanding of physics and count towards PLME physics competency. Please discuss your
competency with your PLME advising dean.

Mathematics: Competence should be demonstrated in calculus. Advanced placement credit for

high school calculus fulfills the PLME calculus competency. For those with little or no
background in calculus, MATH 0090 (Introductory Calculus) is suggested as an appropriate
course. A calculus placement test is available to you by the Math Department during Orientation
Week. Your PLME advising dean will be able to assist you with selecting the appropriate course
for your background. Note: Students considering a concentration in the sciences should consult
with individual departments regarding mathematics requirements. Generally, science
concentrators are expected to take two semesters of calculus or the equivalent. However, many
PLME students receive advanced placement in math.

Humanities and Social Sciences: As this is a liberal medical education program, we highly
recommend competency in the humanities and social sciences. This will be discussed after your
arrival at Brown.

You will be able to review your course selections with your PLME advising dean during the
orientation period.

*Note: We highly recommend that all PLME competencies be completed by the end of your
junior year.

The relationship between you and your PLME advising dean will be a significant one in your
overall professional development during the course of your education at Brown. The relationship
will begin during Orientation and continue officially through the early years of your medical
education. Throughout your undergraduate years, you will be guided by your PLME advising
dean in shaping your academic curriculum. You will also be supported by your advising dean in
establishing lifelong learning habits, and maintaining a healthy personal lifestyle. Your PLME
advising dean will work with PLME Meiklejohn advisors (sophomore, junior or senior PLME
students) in these endeavors. This advising dean will assist you as you design your overall
PLME Educational Plan and meet with you regularly.

What are the responsibilities of the PLME student in the advising relationship?

Faculty advisors, deans, student advisors and a myriad of other individuals are available to help
PLME students create their academic plans and to encourage exploration of all that Brown offers.
Your PLME advising dean and Meiklejohn advisor will play a key role in supporting your
academic pursuits and in helping you to navigate the Brown network. However, the unique
opportunity to create a highly individualized educational path will be your responsibility. It is
important that you become familiar with the academic competencies expected of PLME students,
as well as the many educational, professional development, and enrichment resources available to
you. Please take the time to review the PLME Academic Affairs Handbook which will be given
to you at Orientation, and feel free to speak to your PLME advising dean with any questions you
may have about a competency. Your job is to get to know your PLME advising dean during the
semester and to help them get to know you. Try to keep track of your time and to inform your
PLME advising dean of how you schedule your day. This will give your advising dean a better
sense of how to assist you as you plan your program. Being aware of how you allot your time
will help you to manage it better.

Also, ask your advising dean for guidance on ways to improve and to shape your educational
plan. They have the long-range picture. Find courses that encourage collegial work. You will be
part of the medical profession, which works as a team. It is good to practice these skills now.
Get involved in group activities, especially PLME activities. You will learn about the process of
becoming a physician and you will start to develop a sense of "professionalism."

What is the role of the PLME advising dean in the advising relationship?

Your PLME advising dean will play an essential role in supporting you to make your course
selections and in discussing ways in which you will map out a path to meet the PLME academic
competencies. While advising deans may not know all the answers, they will assist you by
guiding and referring you to the appropriate parties regarding your questions and interests. It is
the advising dean’s role to question and to explore your decision-making process with you in
order to offer support with your choices. Your advising dean may ask, "What is your goal for the
semester?" Also, "How does that fit into your overall goal of becoming a physician?" Not to
imply that all must be medically related, but that you have the opportunity to reflect upon and
process your choices with your advising dean. Your PLME advising dean will serve as a key link
in your network to the College (i.e. the College Dean, the College advising network and on
campus resources) and to the Medical School. As physicians, PLME advising deans are role
models for their advisees and participate with them in unique PLME activities and professional
development opportunities.
PLME advising deans may also serve as mentors to their advisees by providing them with early
"shadowing opportunities" in the clinical setting (Medicine In Action Program,
http://bms.brown.edu/plme/MIAP_plme.html). During the freshman year, the Whole Patient
Program brings advising deans and advisees together to attend patient case presentations by
Brown medical faculty members.

What is the role of the PLME Meiklejohn student advisor?

The PLME Meiklejohn advisor (a sophomore, junior, or senior PLME student) will play a special
role in welcoming and orienting freshmen to Brown. As a key member of the PLME advising
team, the Meiklejohn advisor will participate in PLME advising dean and advisee meetings,
particularly during the Orientation period, and will serve as a primary advising support to
you and to your PLME advising dean throughout the freshman year. The Meiklejohn
advisor will participate in the Whole Patient Program too, joining the PLME advising dean and
advising group for patient case presentations. Meiklejohn advisors will assist you in maintaining
regular contact with your PLME advising dean. Meiklejohns will have information on specific
courses, course loads, types of programs, and can offer suggestions as you plan for your semester
schedules. Also, they will provide a wealth of information on life at Brown and in the PLME.

If you have questions about Brown, the PLME, or courses and would like to be in contact with a
Meiklejohn advisor during the summer, feel free to contact one of them. (See attached sheet.)

How will I meet my advising team at Orientation?

• At a class meeting—Tuesday, September 8 from 8:00-9:30 a.m., at the

Brown Faculty Club, One Magee Street.
• At an individual meeting—Tuesday, September 8 (sign up during class meeting).

How often should PLME advisees arrange to meet with their advisors?

You are encouraged to arrange meetings with your PLME advising dean and Meiklejohn advisors
as needed throughout the academic year. The College Dean's Office suggests the following
schedule for freshman advisees and advisors in planning their meeting times. An effort is made
to schedule the PLME Whole Patient Program at important advising periods during the freshman
Suggested Minimal Schedule for Meetings
With Your PLME Advising Dean and Meiklejohn Advisor

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Orientation Two weeks into Prior to Beginning of Prior to
Sept, 2009 Semester 1 Registration Semester II Registration
Sept, 2009 Period Feb, 2010 Period
Oct, 2009 Apr, 2010
Meet to review and Meet to follow-up Meet to discuss One week into Meet to discuss
discuss your on planning and course registration Semester II is a course registration
course registration discussions, which for Semester II. useful time to for Semester I,
and consider took place during You may need to review your course 2010–11.
modifications in Orientation and obtain permission selections for the
course selections Brown’s unofficial for specific semester and to
(based on “shopping period.” courses. discuss any
individual interests modifications of
and new your schedule.
placement exam
scores, etc.) prior
to the beginning of

This is a minimal suggested meeting schedule for PLME advisees and advising deans. In the
sophomore year, an additional class meeting for PLME sophomores and PLME advising deans
will be held in early December to review the PLME Educational Planning Process. As a PLME
sophomore, you will arrange for an individual appointment with your advising dean to begin the
educational planning process that culminates with the submission of your PLME Educational
Plan in the spring.

As the PLME emphasizes individualization of the educational process for each student, the
responsibility for shaping the academic plan rests with the student. To this end you are
strongly urged to maintain communication with your PLME advising dean, PLME
Meiklejohn advisors, and with the other PLME deans, and to contact them if you would like
to arrange for an appointment.
Brown University
Chemistry Department
Congratulations on your admission to Brown University!

• Practice for the fall Chem 330 placement

exam online.
• Refresh or expand your introductory
chemistry knowledge.
• Get feedback about your level of
• Get a head start for the fall.
• Do it all online and at your own pace.

Chem.100-web is a free online course that helps incoming first-year students

review general chemistry. It includes a diagnostic exam and covers
stoichiometry, atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, solutions,
chemical reactions, and thermochemistry.

Chem.100-web is a voluntary non-credit course that is offered only during the

summer. The alternative is to take Chem 0100, a semester-long class offered
during the fall semester, then take Chem 0330 in the spring semester.

This program is cost-free and is appropriate for students of all backgrounds.

Registration for Chem.100-web 2009 opens June 15 and closes August 14.

Students with Brown usernames and passwords can register for Chem.100-web
at http://www.brown.edu/cis/services/academic/itg/classReg/student.php.
Select Chem.100-web 2009. After a few days, you will be able to access the
course in mycourses.brown.edu.

To learn more about Chem.100-web, please contact


To learn more about the chemistry program at Brown, visit


Dr. Anne Cushing-Brescia Dr. Mercedes Domenech

Meiklejohns: Meiklejohns:
Austin Ha Gina Chen
Jessica Kang Tiffany Hsu
Amrin Khander Emily Li
Allison J. Chen Gerica Alvarado
Andrew Y. Choi Marcos C. Aranda
Hyun Woo Choo Nora E. Avalos
Annika G. Havnaer Emily S. Davis
Alyssa R. Kahn Julia P. Gutierrez
Kamaris M. Loor Christina M. Lam
Anuj D. Patel Jennifer Lee
Lakir D. Patel Danly O. Omil
Mangaladevi S. Patil Heejung Park
Samantha F. Sanders Salvador Rosales
Tina V. Sankhla Sahar Shahamatdar
Rachel E. Sargent Erica O. Silverstein
Shawn S. Verma Laura Ucik

Dr. Julianne Ip Dr. Timothy Empkie

Meiklejohns: Meiklejohns:
Douglas Jacobs Erica Alexander
Ruhan Nagra Zachary Marcus
Jillian Robbins Claire Williams
Dominic Wu Norin Ansari
Susie Ahn Prashanthi Divakar
David N. Booy Rajiv J. Iyengar
Maggie Chung Andrew P. Katz
Alexandra E. Grieb Susie Y. Kim
Adam W. Henderson Gopika R. Krishna
Caroline G. Kelley Joyce E. Nguyen
Natasha R. Kumar Philippa J. Nicklin
Amy U. LaCount Dane A. Russell
Sophia D. Lin Nova Shu
Sean A. Maroongroge Sanchita Singal
Amy J. Rasmussen Travis M. Spangler
Tayler M. Schwartz Connie M. Wu
Hong Gi Shim
Yesenia B. Vidal
Adela Wu
Annie M. Wu
Shirou Wu

Anne Cushing-Brescia, MD
Anne_Cushing-Brescia@Brown.edu Amrin_Khander@Brown.edu
Mercedes Domenech, MD, PhD
Timothy Empkie, MD
Julianne Ip, MD Ruhan_Nagra@Brown.edu
Julianne_Ip@Brown.edu Jillian_Robbins@Brown.edu
June, 2009

Welcome, PLME Class of 2013!

As Co-Presidents of the PLME Senate, we—Rachel Kahn ’10/‘14 and Doug Jacobs
‘11/‘15—want to congratulate you on all of your accomplishments and your
decision to come to Brown.

As a PLME, you will encounter many opportunities to become involved. We are

writing to introduce you to a unique and multifaceted organization—the PLME
Senate, the undergraduate student body for PLMEs. Students representing all
four undergraduate years are involved in planning community service projects,
social events, lectures, panels, and other interesting events. Some past
activities include:

• Autism Lecture Series

• Advising group kickball tournament
• Movie nights and House or Grey’s Anatomy marathons
• The Whole Patient and Whole Physician Programs (more details when
you arrive)
• Study groups for inorganic and organic chemistry, biology classes,
and any other subjects

We plan to continue hosting similar programs and other events/activities

based on your suggestions! In the fall, we will be holding elections for
Senate representatives for the Class of 2013. All PLMEs are encouraged to
attend our meetings, and we welcome your ideas and support. There is always a
project for you to participate in or even create! Our first meeting will be
held September 20th. We will email you with further information in early

In the meantime, if you have any questions about the PLME Senate, the PLME,
Brown, classes, etc., feel free to send us an email. We would be happy to
help you! We can be reached at Rachel_Kahn@brown.edu or

Every year we sell apparel to PLME students. This past year the logo was
revamped and we are very excited about it. Typically we sell t-shirts,
sweatpants, and sweatshirts. If you are interested in purchasing please email

We look forward to meeting you in September. Enjoy your summer and get ready
for an amazing eight years at Brown!


Rachel Kahn, PLME 2010

Doug Jacobs, PLME 2011

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