Survey On Throughput Enhancement Techniques For Real Time Wireless Link Deployment
Survey On Throughput Enhancement Techniques For Real Time Wireless Link Deployment
Survey On Throughput Enhancement Techniques For Real Time Wireless Link Deployment
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Thiyagarajan Krishnan*
Associate Professor
Department of ECE
Sona College of Technology, Salem. India.
*Corresponding author
Vetrivel Chelian. T
Ph.D Scholar,
Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai. India.
Abstract: Over the recent decades, the emergence of advanced wireless technologies has
attracted many researchers and industries to explore in the field of next generation wireless
links towards capacity optimization with minimal energy requirements. This gave
beginning to a new dimension of research in the field of “Green yet high capacity links”
which can connect our physical world to the digital reality with a support from environment
friendly networks. The phenomenal growth in wireless applications and technology
development also demands a step up in link capacity. This paper focuses on reviewing
recent concepts and methodologies to improve link capacity for the next generation wireless
systems. The main aim of this paper is to provide a conceptual understanding about the
impact of modulation techniques and error control codes towards capacity improvement.
Keywords: Hierarchical Modulation, OFDM, FBMC, LDPC, Polar codes, Turbo codes,
Spatial modulation.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Thiyagarajan, K., Vetrivel chelian,
T.(XXXX) ‘Survey on Throughput Enhancement Techniques for Real Time Wireless Link
Deployment’, Int. J. Wireless and Mobile Computing, Vol. X, No. Y, pp.xxxx–xxxx.
Mr.T. Vetrivel Chelian completed his bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication
Engineering from Raja College of Technology, Madurai in 2015. He then pursued his
masters in communication systems from College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai in the
year 2017. Currently he is a Full-time doctoral candidate in Thiagarajar college of
engineering, Madurai, India. His current research interests are array signal processing and
Holographic MIMO systems.
( a) Wireless
Transmitter Channel Receiver
( b)
Encoder Modulator
Figure 2 Hierarchical Modulation Layers and Constellation Diagram
Multi-carrier transmission Single carrier transmission
Parallel transmission of Sequential transmission of
data data
with low individual with high individual
symbol rate symbol rate
Highly sensitive to Less sensitive to carrier
frequency offset frequency offset
Less sensitive to spectral
Sensitive to spectral null
Bit/power loading Bit/power loading not
possible possible
Table 3 Performance between polar, 3D turbo and LDPC codes
Parameter Polar Code 3D Turbo LDPC
Complexity Nlog2N (medium) mN(low) N2 (high)
Encoder Design recursive encoder convolutional encoder matrix multiplication
Decoder Iterations fixed iterations
fixed iterations. Bursty iterations.
But can be modified Decoder stops when
Bit rate of decoder is
using early terminate code word is found.
always constant
Decoder Approximation offset min-sum scaled min-sum
max-log approximation
approximation approximation
BER Performance relatively poor
Excellent nearly equal to polar