Survey On Throughput Enhancement Techniques For Real Time Wireless Link Deployment

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Int. J., Vol. x, No.

x, 202x 1

Survey on Throughput Enhancement Techniques for Real Time

Wireless Link Deployment

Thiyagarajan Krishnan*
Associate Professor
Department of ECE
Sona College of Technology, Salem. India.
*Corresponding author

Vetrivel Chelian. T
Ph.D Scholar,
Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai. India.

Abstract: Over the recent decades, the emergence of advanced wireless technologies has
attracted many researchers and industries to explore in the field of next generation wireless
links towards capacity optimization with minimal energy requirements. This gave
beginning to a new dimension of research in the field of “Green yet high capacity links”
which can connect our physical world to the digital reality with a support from environment
friendly networks. The phenomenal growth in wireless applications and technology
development also demands a step up in link capacity. This paper focuses on reviewing
recent concepts and methodologies to improve link capacity for the next generation wireless
systems. The main aim of this paper is to provide a conceptual understanding about the
impact of modulation techniques and error control codes towards capacity improvement.

Keywords: Hierarchical Modulation, OFDM, FBMC, LDPC, Polar codes, Turbo codes,
Spatial modulation.

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Thiyagarajan, K., Vetrivel chelian,
T.(XXXX) ‘Survey on Throughput Enhancement Techniques for Real Time Wireless Link
Deployment’, Int. J. Wireless and Mobile Computing, Vol. X, No. Y, pp.xxxx–xxxx.

Biographical notes: K.Thiyagarajan received his BE in Electronics and Communication

Engineering from Erode Sengunthar Engineering College in the year 2005 and ME in
communication systems from PSG College of Technology Coimbatore in the year 2011. He
completed his Ph.D under Anna University chennai in 2016. Currently he is working as
Associate Professor in ECE Department, Sona College of Technology, Salem, India. He is
having a teaching experience of more than 13 years in various academic institutions. His
areas of interest include wireless communication, Wavelet variants based Signal and Image
Processing, Image Processing and RF circuit design.

Mr.T. Vetrivel Chelian completed his bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication
Engineering from Raja College of Technology, Madurai in 2015. He then pursued his
masters in communication systems from College of Engineering, Guindy, Chennai in the
year 2017. Currently he is a Full-time doctoral candidate in Thiagarajar college of
engineering, Madurai, India. His current research interests are array signal processing and
Holographic MIMO systems.

Copyright © 200x Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

Int. J., Vol. x, No. x, 202x 2
techniques for a link capacity between two wireless
1 Introduction nodes with more emphasis on energy efficiency.
The next generation wireless applications The remainder of this article is organized
and services such as UHDTV, Internet telephony, as follows: In section 2, a detailed investigation of
massive online gaming, e-Health, and vehicle to recent modulation techniques such as Hierarchical
vehicle communications etc., require a Modulation (HM), Orthogonal Frequency Division
considerable bandwidth for its seamless operation. Multiplexing (OFDM), Filter-Bank Multi-Carrier
The existing wireless frame works may necessitate (FBMC) and Faster Than Nyquist (FTN) signalling
supplementary channel capacity to manage all kind are presented. Section 3 is devoted for the
of next generation applications and services discussion of recent advancements in error control
(Samimi and Rappaport 2016). As a result the coding techniques. A brief understanding of
future requisite is the need of better modulation and various types of Spatial Modulation (SM)
coding techniques. Figure 1 shows the typical techniques are presented in section 4. Finally,
wireless communication system model consisting conclusions are drawn in section 5.
of Transmitter, channel and receiver. Encoder and
modulator are the two most important modules of 2 Modulation Techniques
a transmitter. The encoder performs clever way of
handling source information and mitigates the With the accelerated advancement of next
effects of channel noise. This is achieved by using generation wireless networks, high capacity
source coding and channel coding operations at the communication systems have been the focus of
transmitter side. recent research. It is expected that the evolution of
The maximum information that can be mobile broadband services will further accelerate
reliably transmitted from source to destination is the demand for high capacity wireless networks
the channel capacity of the system (Shannon 1948). with higher channel bit rate. Use of advanced
Equation (1) is known as Shannon-Hartley channel modulation formats can reduce the required
capacity equation. Here C is the capacity of the bandwidth drastically which means for a given
channel expressed in bits per second (bps). B is the bandwidth one could improve capacity
bandwidth of the channel expressed in Hertz (Hz), significantly. Such capacity improvements can
S and N are the average received signal power and easily be achieved by using OFDM and other
noise power respectively. The encoded bit multi-carrier methods (Zhang et al., 2010).
information is embedded inside a carrier signal
2.1 Hierarchical Modulation
with appropriate frequency. The type of
Modulation employed at the transmitter decides Hierarchical Modulation is also called as Layered
how well the data is packed in the available modulation and it is used to increase the bit rate of
bandwidth. Modulation technique opted should a deployed digital communication system. Here
provide both high spectral efficiency as well as multiple data streams (Base-layer and
ample energy efficiency. Enhancement-layer) are multiplexed and
modulated into a single symbol stream. It is
 S
C  B log 2 1   (1) predominantly used in Digital TV
 N broadcasting(Jiang and Wilford 2005). The same is
regained to prefer video and scalable media
The techniques for enhancing wireless transmission through WLANs(Wang et al., 2010;
network capacity may fall under any of the Guo 2019). During transmission base layer and
following three categories. 1) Exploiting more enhancement layer are synchronously
radio spectrum, 2) Geographical reuse of spectrum, superimposed. In hierarchical modulation users
3) Expanding the throughput for every MHz of with higher quality reception and well advanced
spectrum inside a given geographic territory receivers can demodulate and decode more than
(Clarke 2014). This paper concentrates more on one data streams efficiently. The receivers with low
reviewing the recent throughput enhancement quality reception can able to decode only the data

Copyright © 200x Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

set in the base layer (Wang et al., 2008). Figure 2 N 1

illustrates an example scenario of a layering v(t )   X k e j 2kt / T , 0  t  T (2)

k 0
scheme with QPSK base layer and a 16-QAM N 1
enhancement layer. The yellow point represents 2 v(t )   X k e j 2kt / T ,  T g  t  T (3)
bit wide base layer. The signal detector needs to k 0
find in which quadrant the signal is located. This
will recover the value [01], the yellow point is in The use of cyclic prefix (CP) is a key
the lower right corner. In better signal conditions, element in enabling the OFDM signal to operate
the detector can more precisely relate the phase and reliably over the interfering channels. The basic
amplitude information to recover four more bits of concept behind cyclic prefix in OFDM is that each
data ‘0111’. Thus, the base layer carries ‘01’, and symbol is preceded by a duplicate copy of the end
the enhancement layer carries ‘0111’. part of that same symbol. Different OFDM cyclic
prefix lengths are available in various systems. For
In digital modulation techniques the example, within LTE Standard a normal length CP
minimum distance between two constellation and an extended length CP are available.
points decides its immunity level to noise. The Mathematical representation of conventional
fundamental idea behind hierarchical modulation OFDM signal is given in equation (2). Here {Xk} is
is that the minimum distance between MSB bits number of data symbols, N is number of
(2d1) is longer than that between LSB (2d2). This subcarriers, T is OFDM symbol duration, the
constraint is also used for unequal error protection. 1
The location of a state inside its quadrant is subcarrier spacing of makes them orthogonal
considered as special information in HM. The other over each symbol period. Tg is the guard interval
special information employed in HM is quadrant length, guard interval is used to mitigate ISI effects,
number (1, 2, 3 or 4) within which the state is to be cyclic prefix is added at −Tg≤ t <0, Equation (3)
found. In this approach, two separate data streams gives the mathematical representation of OFDM
are made available for transmission. It provides signal with cyclic prefix.
two independent multiplexing with high priority
enhancement layer and low priority base layer over In OFDM systems, one of the most popular
a single frequency channel. This scheme also and frequently utilized techniques is the
achieve higher data rate than the non-hierarchical transmission of one or several pilot symbols along
modulation for the same reference QAM technique with regular symbols. A pilot symbol is a complete
(Sun et al., 2015). OFDM symbol where the value of each sub-carrier
is predefined and known to transmitter and
2.2 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing receiver. It is repeated with a certain rate that
depends on how fast the channel condition is
Multi-carrier modulation, in particular OFDM has
changing. The received signal is correlated with the
been successfully applied to a wide array of digital
locally available pilot symbol to detect the starting
communication applications over the recent years.
symbol of OFDM frame. It can also be used for
In OFDM symbols are transmitted with a set of
channel estimation and also used for
orthogonal sub-carriers. The capacity of
synchronization (Weinstein 2009; Shibu and
communication system can be enhanced by using
Saminathan 2019). The Pilot symbols occupy
OFDM technique. OFDM is preferred in most of
bandwidth and leads to constant capacity loss.
the application due to its high transmission rate and
Reduction of pilot symbols will lead to better
robustness against multi-path fading. Currently,
spectral efficiency and thereby increasing the
this modulation format has been actively explored
capacity of the link (Wu et al., 2015). OFDM is
in the field of optical communications to take
mainly applied in 4G cellular standards (LTE and
advantages of its high spectral efficiency and
LTE Advanced), modern narrow and broadband
decreased equalizer complexity. The main
power line communications. OFDM does not have
advantage of OFDM modulation is its ability to
to depend only on the usage of sinusoidal carriers.
deliver a continuously detectable signal along the
There has been recent exploratory work in the use
whole transmission link (Weinstein 2009).
of prolate spheroidal and wavelet transforms (Jain transmitter and receiver are set to be rectangular.
and Myers 2003; Ghosh et al., 2010). The FBMC-based system can have the freedom to
use other pulse shapes like IOTA and PHYDYAS
Though OFDM provides excellent data- (Caus et al., 2012).
rate and multi-path operating capabilities, OFDM
is not flawless. It requires strict synchronization in Figure 3 describes the general transmitter
both time and frequency domains. Demodulation schematic of OFDM and FBMC. The OFDM block
of an OFDM signal with an offset in the frequency contains IFFT block followed by cyclic prefix,
can lead to a high bit error rate (BER). To optimize whereas in FBMC an array of digital filters
the performance of an OFDM link, accurate preceded by IFFT block is used. Polyphase filter
synchronization in symbol timing, carrier structures are usually preferred at the Transmitter
frequency and sampling frequency is needed. The and Receiver side (Farhang 2011; Sahin et al.,
other main issue is higher Peak-to-Average Power 2014). By comparing FBMC with OFDM, FBMC
Ratio (PAPR). PAPR is proportional to the number has better stability to frequency misalignments
of sub-carriers used. An OFDM system with large among end-users and it can be more flexible in
number of sub-carriers will thus have a very large cognitive radio networks for exploiting unused
PAPR. Large PAPR of a system makes the frequencies (Fusco et al., 2008; Haykin 2005).
implementation of Digital-to-Analog Converter FBMC is usually coupled with either QAM or with
(DAC) and Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) as offset QAM (OQAM) modulation formats.
extremely difficult. The design of RF amplifier also
becomes increasingly difficult as the PAPR As we knew, growth in communication
increases. In order to reduce PAPR, methods such technology makes the frequency spectrum as more
as clipping, windowing and linear peak demanded and costliest resource. A comparison of
cancellation have to be employed along with frequency spectrum occupancy of OQAM/FBMC
OFDM systems (Ramtej and Anuradha 2020; Nee and OFDM is shown in Figure.4. It shows that
and Prasad 2005). OQAM/FBMC is advantageous over OFDM.
There are many spectral side lobes in OFDM where
2.3 Filter-Bank Multi-Carrier as OQAM-FBMC has sharp cut-off and lower
spectral side lobes which offers better symbol
Even though OFDM is widely preferred for its detection even in presence of ISI. The
simple receiver design; Spectral leakage, mathematical formulation of OQAM/FBMC is
maintaining orthogonality and synchronization given (Siohan et al., 2002) in equation 4 as,
were a major challenge in mobile receivers with N M

stringent power constraints. In order to overcome s (t )    p m , n (t ) x m , n ( 4)

n 0 m 0
all these undesirable effects without any
compromise on capacity, a new technique called Pn.k (t )   (t  nT ) e j (( 2 k 1) / 2T ) t (5)
FBMC (Filter-Bank Multi-Carrier) was proposed
(Jiang et al., 2017). FBMC is one of the main where ϕ(t) is the impulse response of the prototype
contenders in providing high capacity air-interface filter.
for next generation wireless communications. As it
has improved spectral efficiency due to the Generally OQAM/FBMC modulated signal
avoidance of CP. Basically, an FBMC is same as is not considered to be a perfect alternative for
OFDM format; but instead of using cyclic prefix it OFDM. In OFDM systems, the rectangular
uses specially designed filter banks. The side lobes symbols are non-overlapping to each other in the
of sub-carriers are suppressed by the filter banks. time domain. However in OQAM/FBMC systems,
The filter banks produces strictly band limited the transmitted symbols are overlapping with
version of the subcarriers. The spectrum of a single adjacent symbols. FBMC still needs a perfect CSI
sub-carrier pulse is shaped using an appropriate to outperform OFDM in terms of BER (Payaro et
synthesis and analysis filter bank structure at al., 2010). Table 1 illustrates the comparison
transmitter and receiver side respectively. In between OFDM and OQAM/FBMC systems. It
OFDM system, the preferred pulse shape at the shows OQAM/FBMC systems are more sensitive
to the time synchronization error and OFDM The pulses are generated at a rate of 1/τ. If
systems are more sensitive to the frequency a filter matched to ϕ(t) is used at the detector with
synchronization error. a sampling rate of nτT will contain both inter-
symbol interference (ISI) as well as desired signal
2.4 Faster Than Nyquist/Time Frequency Packed (Dasalukunte et al., 2014). There is always a trade-
Signalling off between pulse orthogonality and bit rate for the
same bandwidth and energy per bit. This novelty
Now a days the serious concern in wireless of intentional interference among symbols can
communication physical layer design is to maintain transmit up to twice the bits as compared to
high spectral efficiency. Sampling the analog ordinary modulation for the same values of bit
signal, quantising it and then performing digital energy, bandwidth and error rate. This method is
encoding followed by modulation were always directly applicable to OFDM and QAM signalling.
found to be a standard procedure at the transmitter But it also demands more complex signal
side. In receiver the samples are reconstructed by processing at the receiver side. (Bolcskei et al.,
extrapolating the information. Harry Nyquist 2003; Fan et al., 2017).
proposed that the sampling rate followed at the
transmitter should be at-least twice the bandwidth The graphical representation of OFDM and
of the signal for proper reconstruction at the FTN symbols are shown in Figure 5. The ‘•’ marks
receiver side. The violation of the above rule leads indicate OFDM symbols. The OFDM symbols are
to aliasing of signal components. But at recent represented in time versus frequency. Nyquist
times engineers have found a way to break the criterion is followed to achieve zero ISI. The FTN
barrier of Nyquist frequency, by clever way of symbols are represented as ‘X’ marks. The symbol
manipulating aliasing to encode and modulate the T∆F∆ indicates the time frequency product. A value
signal (Dasalukunte et al., 2011). Let the of T∆F∆<1shows the presence of both intersymbol
transmitted signal s(t) be represented as, and inter carrier interference with higher symbol
packing ability.
s(t )  E s  an (t  nT ) (6)
n For a long time, FTN was studied only as a
single carrier system, and over time it proves that
Here an describes the symbol magnitude of FTN can exploit the excess bandwidth of the single
value ±1, Es represents pulse energy, a single pulse carrier signal. The rate improvements of FTN in
is indicated as ϕ(t) with unit energy, the data rate of single carrier systems motivated FTN into multi-
the transmitted signal is Rb bps. The signal s(t) is carrier systems (Rusek and Anderson 2009).
modulated with appropriate carrier frequency. In
OFDM there are many symbols (s(t)), which are The resultant modulation formats in which
modulated in parallel manner. That is each s(t) is FTN is upgraded to multi-carrier technique are
subcarrier modulated with its own carrier. The called as Time-Frequency packed signalling (TFS).
most important requirement of a basic pulse is its The TFS systems have parameters similar to
orthogonality. This orthogonality ensures proper FBMC. So direct implementation of TFS of
reconstruction of symbols at the receiver side using FBMC-OQAM and FBMC-QAM requires
optimal receiver. But in the FTN signalling minimal adaptation (Barbieri et al., 2009). Point of
orthogonality between pulses(ϕ(t)) is not followed. view on data packing theory specify that the
Many non-orthogonal shaped ϕ(t) such as packing produced by hexagonal lattices improves
Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier (UFMC) and spectral efficiency as compared to rectangular or
FBMC could be employed. The symbol duration is staggered lattices. Hexagonal lattices can also be
τT, where τ <1, and the transmitted signal is directly implemented in TFS/FTN Systems
represented in equation 7 as, (Strohmer and Heath, 2003; Dashti and Fakhraie,
2014). Though the concepts of FTN/TFS exist
s(t )  E s  a n h(t  nT ) ( 7) around 40 years, realization and technology
n adaptation is still being at its infancy. More over
the introduction of FTN signalling in multi-carrier
systems directly or indirectly influences the terms of transmit power efficiency, low
realization of other signal processing blocks, As a manufacturing cost (Ohlmer et al., 2013). Despite
result every block in the existing communication the PAPR benefits of SC-FDM as opposed to
system will require some alteration to support the OFDM, it is prone to suffer from the effects of
FTN/TFS system functionality. inter-symbol interference (ISI). Hence, SC-FDM
receivers turn out to be significantly more complex
2.5 Single Carrier Modulation than OFDM receivers, which may use single-tap
equalization in the frequency domain.
Single carrier modulation techniques have a long
history and have been widely used in both uplink 3 Error Control Codes
and downlink of 1G, 2G, 3G cellular systems and
the uplink of 4G wireless communication systems The physical layer of digital communications
(Hyung and Goodman, 2008). Compared with includes mapping of digital input information into
multi-carrier modulations, single-carrier a waveform for transmission over a channel. The
modulations have some advantages: waveform transmitted over a communication
i. The peak to average power ratio (PAPR) in channel may get distorted due to noise present in
single-carrier modulation systems is very low, the channel. The main aim of the receiver is to
which is very cooperative for the stability of recover the original data from the noise corrupted
systems and the adoption of low-battery powered waveform. This noiseless data recovery process is
devices in the design of wireless communication supported by an additional encoding mechanism
system. called Error Correcting Codes (ECC) used at the
ii. Single-carrier modulation systems are less transmitter.
sensitive to frequency shift and phase noise,
which makes it easier for the time and frequency Error Correcting Codes (ECC) are
synchronizations in wireless communication mathematical functions which map a sequence of
K discrete values, into a sequence of N discrete
systems, particularly for point-to-point
values. The mapping process will introduce
communication system.
redundant bit (N-K) information to the original bit
iii. However, single-carrier modulations are less
sequence. ECC admit inverse functions capable to
capable of dealing with multipath fading
recover the data sequence A, regardless of possible
channels, resulting in less spectral efficiency. transmission errors in the code sequence X,
provided that the number of erroneous symbols
With the rapid advancement in technology,
does not exceed the error correction capability of
wireless communication systems are becoming
the code. The encoding of a data stream can be
more and more broadband. For example, current
performed in two different ways such as Block
TD-LTE occupies 20 MHz broadband and future
coding and Stream coding.
wireless communication systems may occupy 100
MHz or more. In single-carrier modulated systems, In block coding technique, the input data
higher bandwidth means smaller symbol interval, sequence are partitioned into a block of length K
leading to higher sensitivity to multipath fading and a coding function is applied separately to each
channels, which makes single-carrier modulation block to produce encoded block of length N. The
systems more vulnerable to ISI. To overcome this, examples of block coding techniques are linear
complex multitap equalizers are preferred, which block codes, cyclic codes, Reed-Solomon codes,
leads to high computational and system complexity Hamming codes, turbo codes, Low Density Parity
(Hanzo et al., 2003; Junshe et al., 2019). Check (LDPC) codes etc. In case of stream coding
the data sequence is fed into a finite state machine,
The Comparison between OFDM and
which outputs one or more coded symbols for each
SCFDMA are described in Table 2. Single-carrier
input data symbol. The examples of stream coding
Frequency Division Multiplexing (SC-FDM) has
include convolutional codes, soft-output Viterbi
drawn great attention as an alternative to OFDM,
algorithm (SOVA), forward backward (FB)
especially in the LTE uplink communications. The
algorithm etc. The amount of redundancy added
lower PAPR greatly benefits the mobile terminal in
and the error correction capability will control the performance analysis of LDPC coded
throughput value for the communication system communication system was done under fading
(Franceschini et al., 2009; Hasan et al., 2105). channel by Deveil. The simulation result shows an
LDPC encoded information performs better than
3.1 LDPC Coded Modulation uuencoded information in terms of BER (Deveil
and Kabalci, 2016).
Recently low density parity check encoding is
getting increased attention from academia and 3.2 3D Turbo Codes
industry. Even though the original invention of
LDPC codes was found from 1960s, the Future wireless generations have strict requirement
advancements in processor computational ability of very low Frame Error Rate (FER) down to 10−8.
provides a new beginning in error control codes. In Such low FER may claim real-time and more
memory less channels LDPC coded information demanding video applications such as TV
achieves near theoretical capacity performance broadcasting, Video conferencing (Matsumine and
(Ten et al., 2004). An LDPC code is coming under Ochiai, 2018). The minimum Hamming distance
the category of a (N,K) linear block code in which dmin of an LDPC code may not be enough to offer
K number of message bits are used to produce such FER at the required SNR. The increase of
codeword of N bits. The interpretation low density code length will increase the dmin of that coding
says the number of ones (density) in the parity- technique. The longer dmin will reduce FER, at the
check matrix H is very less (Low) compared to the same time longer dmin will increase the
number of zeros in H. The size of the H matrix is computational complexity. Other way to increase
decided as usual what we follow in the LBC. The dmin is to put appropriate internal permutations in
column size will decide the size of code word and both encoder and decoder. But this will affect
the number of parity bits used in encoding is multiplicity of the code and require lots of power
decided by row size of the H Matrix. A notation to compute. Alternative way to improve dmin is to
(wc,wr) is followed for the construction of regular concatenate the component encoders in series
LDPC code. In that row weight (wr) describes the rather than in parallel.
number of ‘1’ bits in every row of H matrix and
column weight (wc) describes number of ‘1’ bits in Turbo is a message passing principle in
every column of H matrix. which simple component codes are concatenated.
Parallel concatenation was originally used in turbo
LDPC codes can be classified into the for its fast convergence. If serial concatenation is
following two groups according to wr and wc. used, dmin and the convergence threshold are
i. Regular (Gallager codes) - (Number of 1s is increased substantially (Berrou and Glavieux,
constant in each row and column). 1996). In 3D Turbo codes (3D-TC) a fusion of both
ii. Irregular (Richardson codes) - (Varying parallel and serial concatenation will be done in the
number of 1s in each row and column). original turbo coder. 3D-TC is simply derived from
the classical TC by adding a partial-rate-1 third
The construction of a regular (2,4) LDPC dimension. A rate-1 post-encoder is concatenated
code is shown in Figure 6. The parity check matrix at the output of the standard turbo encoder and
is constructed with predefined rows and columns. encoding only a fraction λ of the parity bits
The matrix is constructed with the help of graph stemming from each encoder.
which deals with two types of nodes; variable
nodes represented as yellow circles and check This characteristic of the 3D-TC makes it
nodes represented as green squares. LDPC Coded very versatile from the standpoint of block size and
Modulation is an LDPC encoder concatenated with coding rate. Furthermore, the max-log-MAP
a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel component decoding algorithm is simple and
modulator. It shows a practical way of achieving straightforward that does not require any CSI.
good performance in a wide variety of channels Finally, the internal permutations of the 3D-TC are
with the currently available technology (Qian and based on very simple models allowing large
Mow, 2017; Priyanka and shukla, 2018). A BER parallel decoding. 3D turbo code is memoryless, so
the code can still be optimized to handle improvements in polar codes include finding
accumulate coding using a memory block (Anwar simple butterfly like structures in decoding and
and Matsumoto, 2012).Turbo codes are primarily then exploiting random properties of a channel to
used today in MU-MIMO and Hybrid Automatic pack higher capacity than conventional error
ReQuest (HARQ) systems (Parvathy and Ganesan, control codes (Balogun 2017).
2018; Sugiura et al., 2012).
4 Spatial Modulation
3.3 Polar Codes
Polar codes are one of the recently discovered It is well known fact that the existing MIMO
capacity achieving channel codes. It is designed technique will offer very high capacity & high
mathematically and its performance is well proven spectral efficiency with the use of a large number
(Arikan 2009). The mutual information between of antennas. MIMO-OFDM employed in current
two discrete random variables is exploited in polar LTE standard also fails for meeting 5G
codes. Here the code is designed such that the requirements. Therefore there is a need to focus a
channel outputs depend on the other inputs as well. modulation technique for the data rate
requirements of future wireless communication.
Working principle of Polar codes is as follows Recently spatial modulation (SM) is getting more
• Consider the discrete memory-less channel. interest as next generation modulation concept
• Let N be the length of information sequence. (Wen et al, 2017).
• Consider the transmission of two information
bits u1 and u2. The intention of SM is to scale down
deployment cost and energy requirement with the
The simplest polar encoder structure for N= 2, i.e., compromise on decreased overall capacity
(Sugiura et al, 2012). In SM the index of the active
for u[u1 u2 ] is depicted in Figure7. From figure,
antenna used at the transmitter/receiver will
convey extra information. Therefore at any time
𝑥1 = 𝑢1 ⨁ 𝑢2 and 𝑥2 = 𝑢2 (8)
instant the information bits to be transmitted are
𝑥̅ = 𝑢̅ 𝐺 (9) divided into two parts. The first part is mapped to
a symbol chosen from the signalling constellation
1 0 and the second part determines the index of the
where G    Similarly one can extend N of selected antenna from the available antennas
1 1 . (Renzo et al, 2011). Space Shift Keying and
the polar codes and arrive at more sophisticated Transmit Antenna Selection are the two precursors
solutions. In the polar encoder structure shown in of SM (Jeganathan et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2003).
figure 7 there are two W blocks. Which is a unique
A generalized physical layer schematic of
phenomenon in polar codes called channel
spatial modulation is provided in Figure 8. The
splitting i.e., they make the channel into a binary working principle of SM is based on the following
symmetric channel. Whenever decoding is needed facts:
they combine those split channels into single and
then decode. It is an innovative way to approach • The wireless environment naturally
Shannon Capacity limit (Gazi 2013). modulates the transmitted signal as the location
specific attributes for the link between Tx antenna
The purpose of special polar coded generator to Rx antenna. It will be unique in a high scattering
matrix is used to make sure that the outputs depend environment.
on other inputs. A clever way of decoding at the
receiver is achieved either by employing recursive • The receiver employs apriori channel
successive cancellation or by using likelihood knowledge to detect both transmitted signal and the
functions (Tal and Vardy, 2015). Table 3 shows the antenna index.
performance comparison between polar, 3D turbo
and LDPC codes (Tahir et al., 2017). Recent
Accordingly, SM differs from space division two active transmit antennas. The secondary signal
multiple access (SDMA) as well. In SDMA the constellations are derived from the primary
differences in the channel impulse responses are constellation by means of geometric interpolation
exploited for multiple-access and are not used for in the signal space. The receiver complexity
data modulation (Mietzner et al., 2009). SM is a analysis of ML detection revealed that while ESM
hybrid MIMO modulation technique as it achieves a substantial performance gain (3dB) over
instinctively combines signal and spatial conventional SM, it also significantly reduces the
information from the tri-dimensional constellation. complexity of the optimum decoder (Cheng et al.,
The aggregate result of transmit-antenna position 2015).
and modulated signals is jointly used. Figure 9
illustrates the 3-D spatial constellation diagram of 4.2 Generalized Spatial Modulation
SM. Antenna Index is considered along Z axis.
Consider an example as 4 bit data ‘0010’. The first The Generalized SM (GSM) scheme improves
2bits ‘00’ select the antenna and the remaining the spectral efficiency of SM by increasing the
2bits ‘10’ are selected from the corresponding number of active transmit antennas and arbitrary
QPSK signal constellation. The advantages of number of transmit antennas are activated
single active antenna SM over conventional MIMO simultaneously (Renzo et al., 2014). It follows the
Systems are listed in Table 4. notation GSM(M,P), where M is the number of
transmit antennas and P is the number of activated
4.1 Enhanced Spatial Modulation & Quadrature antennas, a case where M = P i.e., GSM(M,M) is
Spatial Modulation equivalent to the conventional BLAST scheme
with M number of independent symbols are
The conventional SM technique uses only the embedded in a code word. In designing GSM, a
real part of the spatial modulation constellation. complete CSI at transmitter side is to be available.
The Quadrature method extends this to in-phase It is usually realized by a precoding between a set
and quadrature phase dimensions. In deploying of transmitter antenna schemes and a digital
quadrature spatial modulation (QSM) pre- modulation technique
processing is essential at the transmitter side. QSM
increases the total throughput of conventional SM let us consider an example of four transmit
systems by using an extra spatial dimension inside antennas and 2 antennas is always active i.e., M =
modulation. It is shown that substantial 4, P = 2 and a BPSK scheme is employed, then for
performance enhancements can be achieved at the input bits ‘001’, the antennas 1 and 2 are active and
expense of synchronizing the transmit antennas only symbol of ‘0’(−1) is transmitted. A newly
(Mesleh et al., 2015). A new technique called introduced concept called ‘Massive MIMO but few
interleaving division multiplexing is considered as Active’ is an extension to GSM. It works by
an improved version for multiple antenna system. leveraging the antenna modulation principle to a
The antenna index sets are applied along with larger extent. In that the antenna activation pattern
antenna number to a spreader for information is based on a large combination dispersion matrix
transmission (Dyasti et al., 2018). approach. An optimization is followed in both
space time block duration as well as the number of
Enhanced spatial modulation (ESM) method dispersion matrices in addition to the number of
uses one or two active antennas and multiple signal transmit and receive antennas (Sugiura et al.,
constellations information. The encoded data will 2010).
have the information related to active antennas and
its corresponding primary or secondary In GSM the number of index combinations is
constellation. The key feature of Enhanced SM is usually not a power of two. To solve this problem,
that it uses a primary signal constellation during the many effective schemes have been designed such
single active antenna periods and some other as fractional bit encoding, bit padding and
secondary constellations during the periods with constellation order varying etc.
4.3 Differential Spatial Modulation MIMO-OFDM-Index Modulation (IM)
selects an array of active and inactive subcarriers
Prerequisite of channel state information in either to give additional information along with
transmitter or receiver side is a minor drawback in transmitted signal and it can also be easily
spatial modulation. i.e., only coherent reception extended towards Massive MIMO and MU-MIMO
was conceivable in SM. So a technique called support (Basar, 2015). Still MIMO-OFDM-IM has
differential spatial modulation (DSM) was its own downsides, considering N subcarriers and
introduced to bypass the need for CSI (Bian, 2013). selecting L inactive subcarriers is a tedious process
In that information bits are differentiated into two especially when N is very large. So precoding is
portions; the first portion choose a space-time needed at the transmitter to avoid ICI (Wen et al.,
matrix representing the antenna activation order 2015). Introduction of FTN instead of OFDM-IM
and the remaining portion uses the modulated was proposed in Ultra HDTV transmission due to
symbols. The increase in number of transmit its extreme high capacity for a given bandwidth.
antennas or modulation order will lead to more The conventional SISO FTN is very poor in
complexity burden during ML detection at the decoding at the receiver side. But the use of both
receiver side. A simple solution is to introduce MIMO and Index Modulation drastically improves
memory to receiver and employ Viterbi like the reception and decoding of FTN signal at the
algorithm to achieve low complexity (Wen et al., receiver side (Jo et al., 2016). MIMO-OFDM-IM
2015). techniques can offer low-complexity as well as
spectrum and energy efficient solutions towards
To achieve full diversity in DSM, a cyclic next generation wireless link capacity
signal constellation technique was adapted requirements.
(Rajashekar et al., 2017). The antenna activation
orders are set to follow the ascending order, which 5. Conclusion
lead to huge bit difference between two similar
orders. So to avoid that, a gray coded antenna This paper reviews the recent wireless
activation pattern was proposed to further improve communication techniques and methods from the
the diversity gain and coding gain (Li et al., 2016). perspective of providing high throughput for
Most recent work in DSM is precoded-DSM. The applications demanding low energy requirements.
transmitter precoding helps to map the information A major focus was given to the methods originated
bits at the receiver side. When the required from modulation techniques, error control coding
performance is achieved with limited number of and spatial modulation techniques. The upcoming
antennas, the receiver can sometimes even switch 5G wireless standard demands a spectral efficiency
off a few receiver antennas (Zhang et al., 2015). of at least 23 bits/seconds/Hz. The future industrial
technologies such as IoT and artificial intelligence
4.4 MIMO-OFDM- Index Modulation may have a key requirements on data rate and
spectral efficiency. The modulation techniques like
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Figures and Tables

Figure 1 Wireless Communication System

( a) Wireless
Transmitter Channel Receiver

( b)
Encoder Modulator

Figure 2 Hierarchical Modulation Layers and Constellation Diagram

Figure 3 (a) OFDM Transmitter Schematic (b) FBMC Transmitter Schematic

Figure 4 Spectrum comparison between OFDM and OQAM-FBMC

Figure 5 FTN and OFDM symbols on a discrete time–frequency plot

Figure 6 Construction diagram of a regular (2,4) LDPC code

Figure 7 Structure of N=2 polar encoder

Figure 8 Physical Layer schematic of spatial Modulation

Figure 9 3-Dimensional Constellation of Spatial Modulation

Table 1 Performance Comparison between OFDM and FBMC Modulation

Property OFDM FBMC

Cyclic CP required Mostly CP is not needed
Prefix Hence spectrum efficient
MIMO Highly Limited flexibility
Support Flexible
Doppler Highly Less sensitive to
Effect sensitive to carrier frequency offset.
carrier Hence performs better
frequency under mobility.
Complexity Low Relatively high
computational computational
complexity complexity

Table 2 Comparison between OFDM and SCFDMA

Multi-carrier transmission Single carrier transmission
Parallel transmission of Sequential transmission of
data data
with low individual with high individual
symbol rate symbol rate
Highly sensitive to Less sensitive to carrier
frequency offset frequency offset
Less sensitive to spectral
Sensitive to spectral null
Bit/power loading Bit/power loading not
possible possible
Table 3 Performance between polar, 3D turbo and LDPC codes
Parameter Polar Code 3D Turbo LDPC
Complexity Nlog2N (medium) mN(low) N2 (high)
Encoder Design recursive encoder convolutional encoder matrix multiplication
Decoder Iterations fixed iterations
fixed iterations. Bursty iterations.
But can be modified Decoder stops when
Bit rate of decoder is
using early terminate code word is found.
always constant
Decoder Approximation offset min-sum scaled min-sum
max-log approximation
approximation approximation
BER Performance relatively poor
Excellent nearly equal to polar

Table 4 Advantages of single active antenna SM over conventional MIMO Systems

Parameters Conventional MIMO Spatial Modulation

Number of active Antennas Multiple active antennas Only one active antenna
Inter-Carrier Interference Severe Inter-Carrier No Inter-Carrier Interference
Synchronization Inter-antenna No synchronization required
synchronization required for as only 1 antenna is active
RF Chains Require multiple-RF Chains Requires only one RF chain
Power requirement Very high due to multiple RF Lower power required
Receiver Complexity Very High Simple Receiver is sufficient

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