Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual: HL Series Electric Linear Actuators
Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual: HL Series Electric Linear Actuators
Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual: HL Series Electric Linear Actuators
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................3
1.1. Purpose ...................................................................................................................3
1.2. Safety Notices .........................................................................................................3
2. Product Identification ..........................................................................................................3
2.1. Product Identification ..............................................................................................3
2.2. Initial inspection ......................................................................................................4
2.3. Storage ...................................................................................................................4
3. General Information and Features .......................................................................................5
3.1. General ...................................................................................................................5
3.2. External Parts for Standard Models .........................................................................7
3.3. Internal Parts for Standard Models ..........................................................................7
4. Installation Instruction .........................................................................................................7
4.1. Pre-Installation for ..................................................................................................7
4.2. Actuator Mounting ..................................................................................................8
4.3. Limit Switch Setting .................................................................................................9
4.4. Force Switch Setting ..............................................................................................10
4.5. Position Feedback Potentiometer (Optional) ........................................................10
4.6. Current Position Transmitter CPT (Optional) .....................................................11
4.7. Proportional Control Unit (PCU-A) ........................................................................13
4.8. Proportional Control Unit (PCU-D) ........................................................................13
4.9. AC/DC Multi-Board ...............................................................................................17
5. Wiring ...............................................................................................................................18
5.1. Electrical Connections and Preliminary Test...........................................................18
5.2. Wiring Diagrams for Standard Models ...................................................................18
6. Maintenance .....................................................................................................................20
6.1. Maintenance .........................................................................................................20
6.2. Tools .....................................................................................................................21
7. Trouble Shooting ...............................................................................................................21
7.1. The actuator does not respond ..............................................................................21
7.2. The actuator is supplied with power but does not operate .....................................21
7.3. Actuator runs erratically ........................................................................................21
7.4. Optional Equipment(s) ..........................................................................................21
8. Installation and Maintenance Tips .....................................................................................22
9. Dimensions for actuator ....................................................................................................23
9.1. 5KN,7KN, 10KN, 12KN, 15KN, 18KN, 20KN, 25KN (Standard type) ........................23
9.2. 5KN,7KN, 10KN, 12KN, 15KN, 18KN, 20KN, 25KN (LCU-B type) ............................23
9.3. 5KN,7KN, 10KN, 12KN, 15KN, 18KN, 20KN, 25KN (RBP type) ................................24
APPENDIX Ⅰ. HL Series Coding System ....................................................................................25
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
The purpose of this manual is to introduce and explain the installation, operation and
maintenance of HL-series electric actuators. This IOM Manual is distributed as a hard copy
when delivered the ordered products to customer.
1.2. Safety Notices
Safety notices in this manual outline precaution the user must take to reduce the risk of
personal injury and damage to the equipment. User(s) must read these instructions before the
installation, operation or maintenance of HL-series electric actuators.
DANGER: Refers to personal safety and alerts the user to danger or harm.
The hazard or unsafe practice will result in severe injury or death.
CAUTION: Directs the user’s attention to general precautions that, if not followed,
could result in personal injury and/or equipment damage.
Notes: Highlighted information is critical to the user’s understanding of the actuator’s
installation and operation.
2. Product Identification
2.1. Product Identification
The actuator name plate is located on the opposite side of the cable entry. The name plate
contains the following:
2.1.1. Marking
① General
HL logo (trade mark), Electrical power supply, Model, Stroke, Rated current,
Force(Thrust), Operating time , Serial No. and Option on a type of sticker
Notes :
n Sealing devices must be used and shall be fitted directly at enclosure wall when using conduit.
n Cable glands shall be suitable for the environment and shall be certified as flameproof if used
in Zone 1 application.
n Cable glands and conduit to be installed minimum 6 full threads and the length of thread is
minimum 8mm.
n Temperature of cable entry is maximum 100℃. Heat resistance wire is recommended when
you install.
n Ex d certified cable glands suitable for 100℃ must be used.
n Users should confirm all information about dimensions of flamepath with the manufacturer
n All information about the material and the allowance of LCU fasteners
- Fasteners with yield stress≥ 210MPa (stainless steel)
- Bolts type : M5*0.8, M6*1, M8*1.25, M10*1.5, M12*1.75 (Tolerance Fit 6g)
n Cable connection : Refers to the Appendix Ⅱ (Wiring Diagram)
n For cable entries or conduit entries that are not used, user or installer shall close by certified
blanking elements(stopping plugs) so that the flameproof properties of the enclosure are
n Always ground the enclosure in accordance with local electric codes. The most effective
enclosure grounding method is a direct connection to earth ground with minimal impedance.
Methods for grounding the enclosure include:
- Internal ground connection : The internal ground is located in the terminal block #1. Refer
to the enclosed wiring diagram.
- External ground connection : The ground lug is located on the centre of cable entries.
- For more information, refer to the Appendix Ⅲ (Grounding)
2.2. Initial inspection
When the user receives the actuators, inspect the condition of the product and ensure the name
plate comparing with order sheet.
2.2.1. Remove packing wrap or wooden box carefully. Inspect the product for any physical
damage that may have occurred during shipment.
2.2.2. Check the product specification with product ordered. If an wrong product have been
shipped, immediately inform to our coordinator.
2.3. Storage
Actuators must be stored in a clean, cool and dray area. The unit should be stored with the
cover installed and the cable entry openings sealed. Storage must be off the floor, covered with
a sealed dust protector. When actuators are to be stored outdoor, they must be stored off the
ground, high enough to prevent from being immersed in water or buried in snow.
3.1.1. Performance
Open (Up)
Auto => Manual Close
Note ; The override engagement lever returns automatically to auto position when the
actuator is electrically operated.
3.1.7. Lubrication
HL is a totally enclosed unit with a permanently lubricated gear train (Moly EP Grease).
Once installed lubrication should not be required. However, periodic preventative
maintenance will extend the operating life of the actuator.
External Parts
1 Top Cover
① ⑤ 2 Body
3 Declutch lever
4 Cover bolt
③ 5 Cable Entries (NPT 3/4”)x2
6 Manual hand wheel
7 Upper Base
⑦ ⑮
8 Bridge Base
9 Guide rod
⑯ 10 Guide rod Holder
⑨ 11 Driving rod
⑪ 12 Locking plate
⑫ 13 Union joint & nut
14 Guide rod nut
⑬ ⑭ 15 LCU Unit (Optional)
16 Driving rod rubber (Optional)
3.3. Internal Parts for Standard Models
① ⑥
Internal Parts
1 Motor ② ⑦
2 Potentiometer
3 Terminal ③ ⑧
⑥4 Open force switch ④ ⑨
(RED Color)
Close force switch ⑤
⑦5 (BLUE Color)
6 Close limit switch
⑧7 Open limit switch
8 Capacitor
9 PCU Board
10 Heater
4. Installation Instruction
4.1. Pre-Installation for
4.1.1. use in general service
Verify the actuators nameplate to ensure correct model number, force, operating speed,
voltage and enclosure type before installation or use.
It is important to verify that the output force of the actuator is appropriate for the force
requirements of the valve and that the actuator duty cycle is appropriate of the intended
4.1.2. use in potentially explosive atmosphere
Model HL - . . . 1 . 0 . . . 0 1)
Type of enclosure II 2G Ex d IIB T4
Warning : Read this installation and maintenance manual carefully and completely before
attempting to install, operate, or troubleshoot the HKC actuator.
Note :
n Prior to mounting the linear actuator must be checked for any damage.
n Damaged parts must be replaced by original spare parts.
Mounting is most easily done with the valve shaft pointing vertically upward. But mounting is also
possible in any other position.
The HL- Series actuators are supplied with a Union joint & nut.
The actuator Union joint is removable for ease of machining.
Caution ;
Do not attempt to work on your HKC actuator without first shutting off incoming power.
Do not attach ropes or hooks to the hand wheel for the purpose of lifting by hoist.
4.2.1. Actuator Mounting Details
If the linear actuator and the valve are supplied separately you will have to mount the linear
actuator on the valve.
Guide Rod
Nuts 2ea
Allow for about 200 mm space above the cover at the site of installation. Check the working
environment before assembling and commissioning the linear actuator. Ensure that the valve is
correctly fitted. For details please see assembly instructions for valve. Determine the assembly position
of the linear actuator. Do not arrange linear actuators in a hanging position.
4.3. Limit Switch Setting
Assembly positions for linear actuator and valve
Caution ; Do not reset force switch to a setting higher than the maximum recommended by
the manufacturer.
For HL 10,12,15,18,20,25KN
0% →0Ω
Open(up) *Tighten the point gear set screw
100% →1kΩ with a hex wrench.(HL-05,07KN)
PCU-Rev-4 Features
Model PCU-Rev-4
Power 85 ~ 260 VAC Free Voltage ± 10%, 50/60Hz 4 VA Max
Input Signal 4~20mA DC, 1~5V DC, 2~10V DC, 0~5V DC, 0~10V DC
Input Impedance 250Ω
Output Signal 4~20mA DC, 1~5V DC, 2~10V DC, 0~5V DC, 0~10V DC
Output Impedance 750Ω Max
Output Contact 1 (Fault monitor)
Delay Time Adjustment 0.05~7.5 seconds
Deadband Adjustment 0.12mA DC Max
Resolution Adjustment 0.0625~1mA (0.0625mA + step no. x 0.0625mA, 15 steps total)
Ambient Temperature -10 ℃ to +70 ℃
Ambient Humidity 90% RH Max (non-condensation)
NOTE :The factory settings of the PCU card are normally set according to the customer
requirements at the time of order. However, we strongly recommend that input power,
signal input selection and dip switches are to be verified prior to the actuator start up.
PCU-Rev-D1 Features
Model PCU-Rev-D1
Power 24V DC Voltage ± 15% (36V DC Max)
Input Signal 4~20mA DC, 1~5V DC, 2~10V DC, 0~5V DC, 0~10V DC
Input Impedance 250Ω
Output Signal 4~20mA DC, 1~5V DC, 2~10V DC, 0~5V DC, 0~10V DC
Output Impedance 750Ω Max
Output Contact 1 (Fault monitor)
Delay Time Adjustment 0.05 ~ 7.5 seconds
Deadband Adjustment 0.12mA DC Max
Resolution Adjustment 0.0625~1mA (0.0625mA + step no. x 0.0625mA, 15 steps total)
Ambient Temperature -25 ℃ to +80 ℃
Ambient Humidity 90% RH Max (non-condensation)
If not specified, the factory setting of the input signal is 4 - 20mA.
4 – 20mA dc Output
NOTE : If not specified, the factory setting of the input signal is 4 - 20mA.
Fail Close
Fail Open
⑤ Auto Setting
l This function is used for automatic setting of the PCU card to the predefined limits.
l While the actuator is corrected mounted on the valve, check input power, input and
output signal connections. Press ASCAN button
once, regardless of the position of the actuator,
then the actuator will perform the Auto Setting
u The blue LED flicker
u Opening (the red LED flickering) for 5 seconds
u Pause for 2 seconds
u Fully closing (the green LED flickering)
u Pause (the green LED on) for 3 seconds
u Fully opening (the red LED flickering)
u Pause (the red LED on) for 3 seconds
u Moving back to the previous position
Since the unit is already set at the factory, no further setting is required unless
the user has adjusted the mounting state of Limit Switch or the Potentiometer.
⑥ Manual Operation
l Pressing the ZERO button will move the actuator to close and pressing the SPAN
button will move the actuator to open
l If no operation occurs within 5 seconds, the PCU automatically terminates the
Manual Operation mode or alternatively press the ZERO and SPAN buttons
simultaneously for 2 seconds. In either case, the yellow LED will be lit off to indicate
the termination of the Manual Operation Mode.
During the Manual Operation mode, the input signal is ignored.
Dial 8 9 A B C D E F
sec 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5
⑩ Resolution
l The deadband adjusts the limits of the valve’s deviation between an actual position
and a target position. The deadband is set to 0.12mA DC Max.
l Resolution indicates the extent of the reaction on the input signal.
l Low resolution setting may cause the actuator to hunt or to unnecessarily respond to
a fluctuating input signal.
If so, the resolution must be increased.
l Turning the Resolution Dial in clockwise
direction will increase the resolution (Range
0.0625mA to 1mA).
Dial 0 1 2 3
mA DC 0.0625 0.125 0.1875 0.25
Dial 4 5 6 7
mA DC 0.3125 0.375 0.4375 0.5
Dial 8 9 A B
mA DC 0.5625 0.625 0.6875 0.75
Dial C D E F
mA DC 0.8125 0.875 0.9375 1
NOTE: Don’t turn on both switch #1 and #2 at the same time that
become a reason of damage of the board
5. Wiring
5.1. Electrical Connections and Preliminary Test
ü When working in potentially explosive atmospheres, observe the European Standards EN
60079-14 “Electrical Installation in Hazardous Areas” and EN 60079-17 “Inspection and
Maintenance of Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas”.
Work on the electrical system or equipment must only be carried out by a skilled electrician
himself or by specially instructed personnel under the control and supervision of such an
electrician and in accordance with the applicable electrical engineering rules.
ü For cable gland or cable entries that are not used, user or installer shall close by certified
blanking elements so that the flameproof properties of the enclosure are maintained
ü Flameproof enclosure! Treat cover with care. Gap surfaces must not be damaged in any way. Do
not jam cover during fitting.
5.1.1. For testing purposes, loosen the bolts on the actuator cover and remove the cover.
5.1.2. Make sure that the power supply voltage is in accordance with the data on the nameplate
of the actuator.
5.1.3. Pass cables through the cable glands: NPT 3/4” or M25 for Ex “d”
5.1.4. Connect wires according to the enclosed wiring diagram.
5.1.5. Manually move the valve to half-open position. Then electrically operate the actuator to
fully open position and check if the motor rotates in correct direction; standards units are
counter-clockwise to open.
5.1.6. Test the actuator and check whether the limit switches work correctly
5.1.7. After the testing, check that all cable glands are correctly tightened. Applicable cable
glands should be selected to meet the application’s condition. It is recommended to use
the grade of IP67 cable gland or higher in potentially explosive atmosphere.
5.1.8. Put carefully the cover on the body and tighten the bolts.
5.2. Wiring Diagrams for Standard Models
5.2.1. On/off type
(HL 5KN,7KN,10KN,12KN,15KN)
(HL 18KN,20KN,25KN)
5.2.3. HL 10KN,12KN,15KN,18KN,20KN,25KN
6. Maintenance
6.1. Maintenance
ü Turn off all power before attempting to perform maintenance on the actuator.
ü POTENTIALLY HIGH PRESSURE VESSEL. Before removing or disassembling your actuator,
ensure that the valve or other actuated device is isolated and not under pressure.
Under the normal conditions, maintenance should be carried out at six month intervals. But
when the conditions are more severe, more frequent inspections may be advisable.
6.1.1. Ensure that the actuator is properly aligned with the valve or other actuated device
6.1.2. Ensure that all wirings are insulated, connected and terminated properly
6.1.3. Ensure that all screws are present and tight
6.1.4. Ensure cleanness of internal electrical devices
6.1.5. Ensure that cable connections are properly installed and are dried
6.1.6. Check the internal devices for any condensation
6.1.7. Check the power to the internal heater
6.1.8. Verify the declutch mechanism
6.1.9. Visually inspect the open/close cycle
6.1.10. Check whether the o-ring for Ex d enclosure is damaged or not
6.1.11. Inspect the identification labels for wear and replace it if necessary
ü Flameproof Enclosure! Before opening, ensure the absence of any gas and voltage
ü Treat cover with care. Gap surfaces must not be damaged or dirtied in any way. Do not jam
the cover during fitting.
6.2. Tools
6.2.1. Metric Allen Key (Hex Wrench) × 1
6.2.2. Screw Driver × 1
6.2.3. Metric Spanner × 1
6.2.4. Wrench 200mm × 1
6.2.5. Wrench 300mm × 1
6.2.6. Wire Stripper Long Nose × 1
6.2.7. Multi-meter (AC, Dc, Resistance) × 1
6.2.8. PCU Board Option: DC Signal Generator (4 20mA DC) × 1
7. Trouble Shooting
The following instructions are listed in the order of the most common difficulties encountered during
the installation and start-up.
7.1. The actuator does not respond
7.1.1. Visually inspect the actuator to check no shipping or handling damage has occurred
7.1.2. Verify the line voltage supplied to the actuator; check that the line voltage matches with
the rating on the actuator’s nameplate
7.1.3. Check the internal wiring against the supplied wiring diagram of the actuator
7.1.4. Check the limit switch cams
7.2. The actuator is supplied with power but does not operate
7.2.1. Verify the line voltage supplied to the actuator; check that the line voltage matches with
the rating on the actuator’s nameplate.
7.2.2. Check that the actuator torque is greater than the valve torque
7.2.3. Check the limit switch cams
7.2.4. Check that the torque switches have not been tripped
7.2.5. Check the mechanical travel stop adjustment
7.2.6. Verify that the actuator against the rotation of the valve (standard units are counter-
clockwise rotation to open)
7.2.7. Check for any corrosion and condensation that any of the electrical or mechanical devices
have not been contaminated
7.2.8. Verify that coupler/bracket is correctly installed and is not causing any binding
7.3. Actuator runs erratically
7.3.1. Check the ambient temperature
7.3.2. Verify that the duty cycle has not been exceeded
7.3.3. Check the position of manual override lever
7.4. Optional Equipment(s)
7.4.1. Potentiometer Current Position Transmitter
① Check the resistance value
② Check potentiometer gear for jamming
③ Check ZERO and SPAN calibration
④ Check the board for any damage
7.4.2. Current Position Transmitter
① Verify the input signal
② Check the configuration of the dip switches
③ Check the board for any damage
ü When working in potentially explosive areas, be sure to comply with the standard EN 60079-
14 “Electrical Installations in Hazardous Areas”.
ü Working on the actuator that is in open position and under voltage must only be performed if
it is assured that there is no danger of explosion for the duration of the work.
ü Flameproof Enclosure! Before opening, ensure the absence of any gas and voltage
ü [When operation, maintenance, or installation shall be verified that O-rings are not damaged
or pinched between their parts. ---- 15 Rev1]
For any installation and maintenance work, the followings should be noted:
8.1. Check the quarter turn actuators visually. Ensure that no external damage or changes are
visible. The electrical cables must not be damaged and wired correctly.
8.2. Cable entries, cable glands, plugs, etc. have to be checked whether they are correctly tightened
and sealed.
8.3. Check that the Ex-connections are correctly fastened.
8.4. Check for the possible discoloration of the terminals and wires as this may indicate an increased
8.5. Check the flame path gaps of the flameproof enclosures for any dirt and corrosion. Since the
dimensions of all Ex gaps are strictly defined and inspected, no mechanical work shall be
performed on them.
8.6. All cables and motor protection elements have to be checked.
8.7. During the maintenance if any defects are detected that may affect the safety, repair measures
have to be taken immediately.
8.8. Any kind of surface coating for the gap surface is not permitted.
8.9. When replacing parts, seals, etc., only original spare ones must be used.
9.2. 5KN,7KN, 10KN, 12KN, 15KN, 18KN, 20KN, 25KN (LCU-B type)
9.3. 5KN,7KN, 10KN, 12KN, 15KN, 18KN, 20KN, 25KN (RBP type)
b= Input Voltage
1 : 110 V ac / 1 Ph
2 : 220 V ac / 1 Ph
3 : 220 V ac / 3 Ph
4 : 380 V ac / 3 Ph
5 : 440 V ac / 3 Ph
6 : 460 V ac / 3 Ph
7 : 24 V ac
8 : 24 V dc
d= Option 2 : Software
0 : Without PIU / CPT / PCU
1 : PIU (Potentiometer Unit : 0~1kΩ)
2 : CPT (Current Position Transmitter : 4~20mA)
3 : PCU (Proportional Control Unit : IN/OUT 0~10V , 4~20mA)