The Champion Legal Ads 10-15-20

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not consider late bids.

ence* October 1, 2020 @10:00 INVITATION TO BID mitted by bidders who have not
SCOPE OF SERVICES am Plumbing Contractor Services properly registered and atten-
The DeKalb County School Dis- Final Questions Due October 7, Sealed Bids will be received by ded the mandatory pre-bid con-
trict invites qualified vendors 2020 not later than 2:00 pm the DeKalb County Board of ference shall be rejected as
(here and after called “Con- Final Addendum Issued (if ne- Education (the “Owner”) at the non-responsive. Bidders are
tractor”) licensed by the State cessary) October 14, 2020 not Sam A. Moss Service Center, advised to register early as
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 15
of Georgia or authorized to
transact business in the State
later than 2:00 pm
Bids Due October 20, 2020 not
1780 Montreal Road, Tucker,
Georgia 30084, until 2:00 pm
anyone arriving after 11:15 am
will not be allowed to particip-
of Georgia, to submit bids to re- later than 2:00 pm local time on Thursday, Octo- ate in the bid process.
place plumbing fixtures at E.L. Bids Opened* October 20, ber 22, 2020 for ++ITB No. 20- SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION


Bouie Elementary School and 2020 @ 2:30 pm 752-037, for Plumbing Con- Mandatory Pre-Bid Confer-
Oak View Elementary School. Anticipated Board Review and tractor Services++. The Owner ence* October 8, 2020 @ 11:00
The ITB document will be avail- Approval December 2020 shall not consider late bids. am
able Thursday, September 17, *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- Scope of Services Final Questions Due October
2020, and may be obtained ANCE* DeKalb County School District 14, 2020 not later than 2:00 pm
from the DeKalb County School Sam A. Moss Service Center (DCSD) is seeking bids from Final Addendum Issued (if ne-

The official legal organ of DeKalb County, GA District website at:

1780 Montreal Road
Tucker, GA 33404
As security, the bid must be ac-
qualified vendors to provide
flooring installation services
district-wide. The awarded
cessary) October 19, 2020 not
later than 2:00 pm
Bids Due October 22, 2020 not
MANDATORY PRE-BID CON- companied by a BID BOND, in vendor(s) will be responsible for later than 2:00 pm
For a complete index of legal notices by page number, FERENCE & SITE VISIT the form required by DCSD for providing all labor, materials, Public Bid Opened* October
All prospective bidders are re- an amount not less than five and incidentals necessary to 22, 2020 @ 3:30 pm
upcoming deadlines as well as terms and conditions of legal quired to attend a mandatory percent (5%) of the bid if the furnish and install various floor- Anticipated Board Review and
pre-bid conference to be held bid is $100,000 or more (includ- ing in accordance with the Approval December 7, 2020
advertising notices, please see the last page of the legal Thursday, October 1, 2020 at MAIL ing the base bid plus anyFAX pos- scope of work HAND included in this *OPEN EMAIL
10:00 am at the Sam A. Moss P.O. Boxsible1347combination of alternates ITB. 114 New St. Suite E ANCE*legalads@
section. Service Center, 1780 MontrealDecatur, that could
GA result in an award of The ITB document Decatur,will beGAavail- Sam A. Moss Service Center
Road, Tucker, GA 30084. A30031-1347 $100,000 or more). able October 1, 2020,30030 and may 1780 Montreal Road
mandatory site visit will take Except as expressly provided be obtained from the DeKalb Tucker, GA 33404
place immediately following the in, or permitted by, the Bid Doc- County School District website Except as expressly provided
030-439967 10/8,10/15,10/22 Mandatory Pre-bid Conference. uments, from the date of issu- at: in, or permitted by, the Bid Doc-
Adoptions ADOPTION
Dear Mr. Hasan Majid:
Ad For Bid All attendees of the pre-bid
conference will be required to
ance of the ITB until final Own-
er action of approval of con-
uments, from the date of issu-
ance of the ITB until final Own-
You are hereby notified that on register. Proper registration re- tract award, the Contractor sub- MANDATORY PRE-BID CON- er action of approval of con-
030-439966 10/8,10/15,10/22 040-438994 9/17,10/1,10/8,
September 18, 2020 a Petition quires that the attendee has mitting a Bid shall not initiate FERENCE tract award, the Contractor sub-
for Adoption was filed in the signed his or her name to the any communication or discus- All prospective bidders are re- mitting a Bid shall not initiate
Dear Mr. Michael Briggs: ADVERTISEMENT FOR
Superior Court of DeKalb official roster and listed the sion concerning the Project, the quired to attend a mandatory any communication or discus-
You are hereby notified that on INVITATION TO BID
County for the adoption of name and address of the com- ITB or the Contractor’s Bid or pre-bid conference to be held sion concerning the Project, the
September 18, 2020, a Petition GENERAL CONTRACTOR
++Dontavious Antonio pany he or she represents on any part thereof with any em- Thursday, October 8, 2020 at ITB or the Contractor’s Bid or
for Adoption was filed in the SERVICES
Collins++, born February 18, the official roster no later than ployee, agent, or representat- 11:00 am at the Sam A. Moss any part thereof with any em-
Superior Court of Dekalb Sealed Bids will be received by
2006, in Atlanta, Georgia to the designated start time of the ive of the Owner. Any violation Service Center, 1780 Montreal ployee, agent, or representat-
County for the adoption of the DeKalb County Board of
Brittshunda Michelle Collins. pre-bid conference. Bids sub- of this restriction may result in Road, Tucker, GA 300. ive of the Owner. Any violation
++Claud Isaiah Collins++, born Education (the “Owner”) at the
You have been identified as a mitted by bidders who have not the rejection of the Contractor’s All attendees of the pre-bid of this restriction may result in
May 4, 2003, in New Haven, Sam A. Moss Service Center,
possible biological father of the properly registered and atten- Bid. conference will be required to the rejection of the Contractor’s
Connecticut to Brittshunda 1780 Montreal Road, Tucker,
child. ded the mandatory pre-bid con- The Owner reserves the right to register. Proper registration re- Bid.
Michelle Collins. You have Georgia 30084, until 2:00 pm
You are hereby notified and ad- ference shall be rejected as reject any or all bid, and to quires that the attendee has The Owner reserves the right to
been identified as a possible local time on Thursday, Octo-
vised that you will lose all rights non-responsive. Bidders are waive technicalities and inform- signed his or her name to the reject any or all bids, and to
biological father of the child. ber 20, 2020 for ++ITB No.21-
to the child and will neither re- advised to register early as alities. official roster and listed the waive technicalities and inform-
You are hereby notified and ad- 752-005,for Plumbing Fixtures
ceive notice nor be entitled to anyone arriving after 10:15 am Publish Dates: 9/17, 10/1, 10/8, name and address of the com- alities.
vised that you will lose all rights Replacement–E.L. Bouie Ele-
object to the adoption of the will not be allowed to particip- 10/15 pany her or she represents on Publish Dates: 10/1,10/8,10/15
to the child and will neither re- mentary School and Oak View
child unless, within thirty (30) ate in the bid process. the official roster no later than
ceive notice nor be entitled to Elementary School,Project
days of receipt of this notice or SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION 040-439746 10/1,10/8,10/15 the designated start time of the 040-439747 10/1,10/8,10/15
object to the adoption of the No.32135++. The Owner shall
date of last publication, you file: Mandatory Pre-Bid Confer- ADVERTISEMENT FOR pre-bid conference. Bids sub- ADVERTISEMENT FOR
child unless, within thirty (30) not consider late bids.
1. a Petition to Legitimate the ence* October 1, 2020 @10:00 INVITATION TO BID mitted by bidders who have not INVITATION TO BID
days of receipt of this notice or SCOPE OF SERVICES
child in the Superior Court of am Plumbing Contractor Services properly registered and atten- Electrical Contractor Services
date of last publication, you file: The DeKalb County School Dis-
DeKalb County, Georgia pursu- Final Questions Due October 7, Sealed Bids will be received by ded the mandatory pre-bid con- Sealed Bids will be received by
1. a Petition to Legitimate the trict invites qualified vendors
ant to the provisions of the Offi- 2020 not later than 2:00 pm the DeKalb County Board of ference shall be rejected as the DeKalb County Board of
child in the Superior Court of (here and after called “Con-
cial Code of Georgia Annot- Final Addendum Issued (if ne- Education (the “Owner”) at the non-responsive. Bidders are Education (the “Owner”) at the
DeKalb County, Georgia pursu- tractor”) licensed by the State
ated 19-7-22 as a separate leg- cessary) October 14, 2020 not Sam A. Moss Service Center, advised to register early as Sam A. Moss Service Center,
ant to the provisions of the Offi- of Georgia or authorized to
al action; later than 2:00 pm 1780 Montreal Road, Tucker, anyone arriving after 11:15 am 1780 Montreal Road, Tucker,
cial Code of Georgia Annot- transact business in the State
2. notice of the filing of the Peti- Bids Due October 20, 2020 not Georgia 30084, until 2:00 pm will not be allowed to particip- Georgia 30084, until 2:00 pm
ated 19-7-22 as a separate ac- of Georgia, to submit bids to re-
tion to Legitimate with the Ad- later than 2:00 pm local time on Thursday, Octo- ate in the bid process. local time on Thursday, Octo-
tion; place plumbing fixtures at E.L.
option Clerk, Superior Court of Bids Opened* October 20, ber 22, 2020 for ++ITB No. 20- SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION ber 22, 2020 for ++ITB No. 20-
2. notice of the filing of the Peti- Bouie Elementary School and
DeKalb County; and 2020 @ 2:30 pm 752-037, for Plumbing Con- Mandatory Pre-Bid Confer- 752-036, for Electrical Contract-
tion to Legitimate with the Ad- Oak View Elementary School.
3. notice of filing of your peti- Anticipated Board Review and tractor Services++. The Owner ence* October 8, 2020 @ 11:00 or Services++. The Owner shall
option Clerk, Superior Court of The ITB document will be avail-
tion to Legitimate with the attor- Approval December 2020 shall not consider late bids. am not consider late bids.
DeKalb County; and able Thursday, September 17,
ney for the petitioner, Christina *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- Scope of Services Final Questions Due October Scope of Services
3. notice of filing of your peti- 2020, and may be obtained
E. Campbell, 3915 Cascade ANCE* DeKalb County School District 14, 2020 not later than 2:00 pm DeKalb County School District
tion to Legitimate with the attor- from the DeKalb County School
Road, SW, Suite T 138, At- Sam A. Moss Service Center (DCSD) is seeking bids from Final Addendum Issued (if ne- (DCSD) is seeking bids from
ney for the petitioner, Christina District website at:
lanta, GA 30331. 1780 Montreal Road qualified vendors to provide cessary) October 19, 2020 not qualified vendors to provide
E. Campbell, 3915 Cascade https://dekalbschoolsga.ion-
Tucker, GA 33404 flooring installation services later than 2:00 pm flooring installation services
Road, SW, Suite T 138, At-
As security, the bid must be ac- district-wide. The awarded Bids Due October 22, 2020 not district-wide. The awarded
companied by a BID BOND, in vendor(s) will be responsible for later than 2:00 pm vendor(s) will be responsible for
the form required by DCSD for providing all labor, materials, Public Bid Opened* October providing all labor, materials,
All prospective bidders are re-
an amount not less than five and incidentals necessary to 22, 2020 @ 3:30 pm and incidentals necessary to
quired to attend a mandatory
percent (5%) of the bid if the furnish and install various floor- Anticipated Board Review and furnish and install various floor-
pre-bid conference to be held
bid is $100,000 or more (includ- ing in accordance with the Approval December 7, 2020 ing in accordance with the
Thursday, October 1, 2020 at
ing the base bid plus any pos- scope of work included in this *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- scope of work included in this
10:00 am at the Sam A. Moss
sible combination of alternates ITB. ANCE* ITB.
Service Center, 1780 Montreal
that could result in an award of The ITB document will be avail- Sam A. Moss Service Center The ITB document will be avail-
Road, Tucker, GA 30084. A
$100,000 or more). able October 1, 2020, and may 1780 Montreal Road able October 1, 2020, and may
mandatory site visit will take
Except as expressly provided be obtained from the DeKalb Tucker, GA 33404 be obtained from the DeKalb
place immediately following the
in, or permitted by, the Bid Doc- County School District website Except as expressly provided County School District website
Mandatory Pre-bid Conference.
uments, from the date of issu- at: in, or permitted by, the Bid Doc- at:
All attendees of the pre-bid
Contact Us conference will be required to Terms & Conditions
ance of the ITB until final Own- https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- Index
uments, from the date of issu- https://dekalbschoolsga.ion-
er action of approval of con- ance of the ITB until final Own-
register. Proper registration re-
tract award, the Contractor sub- MANDATORY PRE-BID CON- er action of approval of con- MANDATORY PRE-BID CON-
Mailing address: quires that the attendee has
The Champion Newspaper, tractAttorney/Court Notices N/A
Clients placing legal advertising agree to read the first publication
of a Bid
any data shall notininitiate
submitted any form toFERENCE
The Champion to verify award, the Contractor sub- FERENCE
signed his or her name to the Court Calendars N/A bidders are re-
Attn: Legal Advertising official roster and listed the anyaccuracy
its communication
and shallornotify
discus- All prospective
the newspaper bidders are re-
of any corrections mitting a Bid shall not initiate All prospective
P.O. Box 1347 name and address of the com- required by 3 p.m.
sion concerning theon the Friday
Project, the following
quired the first publication.
to attend a mandatory anyAdoption
communication Notices
or discus- quired to15 attend a mandatory
Decatur, Ga., 30031-1347 ITB and
Fax or the Contractor’s
e-mail acceptance Bidoforlegal pre-bid
advertising conference to beupon
is contingent held sionAdvertisements
concerning the Project, fortheBids pre-bid
15,60 to be held
pany he or she represents on
any part thereof
acceptance by any with anyofem-
client Thursday,
the following October
conditions and8,their
useat ITBCondemnations
or the Contractor’s Bid or Thursday, N/A October 8, 2020 at
PH: 404-373-7768the official roster no later than anyNotices of with
the designated start time of the
of fax and
ployee, e-mail
agent, orshall signify acceptance
representat- 11:00 of amtheat conditions:
the Sam A. Moss part thereof any em- 9:00 am17 at the Sam A. Moss
FAX 404-371-1359 iveThe
of the Owner. Any violation Service Notices
ployee, agent,toorDebtors
representat- & Creditors 17
pre-bid conference. Bids sub- 1. Champion will not be responsible for Center,
any errors1780thatMontreal
occur Service Center, 1780 Montreal
mitted by bidders who have not of transmission,
in this restrictionincluding
may result in Road,
identification andTucker, GA 300.
notification that an ive Divorces
of the Owner. 21Any violation Road, Tucker, GA 300.
the rejection
error of the Contractor’s
has occurred. Publication of any transmission as
All attendees of the pre-bidreceived of this restriction
Foreclosures may result in 51 of the pre-bid
All attendees
properly registered and atten- fulfills the obligation of our publication to the sending client.
Physical address: 114 New Street, Suite Bid. the Insurance
rejection of theStatements
ded the Emandatory pre-bid con- conference will be required to conference N/Awill be required to
Decatur, Ga. 30030 The
2. TheOwner reserves
Champion thenot
shall rightbetoheld responsible
register. Proper registration
for any transmis-re- Bid.Juvenile Court register. 21
Proper registration re-
ference shall be rejected as
sion any ortoallthebid, and to but not
publication received
quires that bytheit.attendee
The decisionhas TheLegislation
Owner reserves the right to quires thatN/Athe attendee has
Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Bidders are
non-responsive. of the publication shall be final on determining receipt of any
waive technicalities and inform- signed his or her name to the reject any orChanges
all bids, and to signed his
advised to register early as message. Name 23or her name to the
alities. official roster and listed the waive technicalities
Probate and inform-
Court official roster
24 and listed the
Legal advertising deadline is 12 noon Thursday foranyone arriving after 10:15 am
subsequent Publish
3. Dates: 9/17,
The Champion has10/1, 10/8,
no reasonable way to
name andconfirm
address authenticity
of the com- alities. name and
Thursday publication. Legal ad requests must specifywill not be allowed to particip-
date(s) the ad is of a transmission received or whether it was transmitted by an au- Public Hearings 30address of the com-
10/15 panynot herbeor held
she responsible
represents on Publish Dates: 10/1,10/8,10/15 pany her31 or she represents on
ate in the bid process.
to be published. Holidays may alter advertising deadlines.
thorized agent of a legal client and shall Public Notices
SCHEDULEPlease check
FOR SELECTION for determining this. the official roster no later than Public Sales the official
32roster no later than
the Legal Advertising calendar at
Mandatory Pre-Bid Confer- the designated start time of the the designated start time of the
deadlines/ prior to major holidays for early deadline notices. 4. All clients using fax or e-mail for transmission of legal data
pre-bid conference. Bids sub-
Service by Publication pre-bid 33
conference. Bids sub-
ence* October 1, 2020 @10:00 agree to hold this publication harmless for consequences of any Sheriff Sales mitted byN/A
am breach of confidentiality which might occur. mitted by bidders who have not bidders who have not
Foreclosures, Sheriff’s Sales, Marshal Sales and Tax Sales areDue
held on 7, properly registered and atten- Tax Sales 37 properly registered and atten-
Final Questions October 5. Facsimile and e-mail cannot replace the submission of ac- Trade Name Registrations 35
the courthouse steps on the first Tuesday of each month. Foreclosure
2020 not later than 2:00 pm curate source documents, but can provide ded theamandatory pre-bidway
quicker, easier con- ded the mandatory pre-bid con-
notices and Tax Sales notices publish four consecutive weeks prior to transmit such data for those who ference shall be rejected as Zoning Notices ference 36 shall be rejected as
Final Addendum Issuedto(if ne- wish to use it. We are glad to
Marshal Sales non-responsive. N/A Bidders are
the first Tuesday of each month. cooperate by implementing fax and non-responsive.
e-mail availability Bidders are
after clarify-
cessary) October 14, 2020 not
later than 2:00 pm
ing user risks as identified currently.advised to register early as *N/A = Not Applicable advised to register early as
Bids Due October 20, 2020 not anyone arriving after 11:15 am anyone arriving after 9:15 am
later than 2:00 pm will not be allowed to particip- will not be allowed to particip-
Bids Opened* October 20, ate in the bid process. ate in the bid process.
furnish and install various floor- Fax: #770-422-9361 until Noon The ITB document will be avail- tract award, the Contractor sub- 1780 Montreal Road 10:00 am
ing in accordance with the on Wednesday, October 28, able Thursday, October 15, mitting a Bid shall not initiate Tucker, GA 30084 Mandatory Site Visit October
scope of work included in this 2020. All bidding documenta- 2020, and may be obtained any communication or discus- Except as expressly provided 29, 2020
ITB. tion will be available at the C. from the DeKalb County School sion concerning the Project, the in, or permitted by, the Bid Doc- Final Questions Due Novem-
The ITB document will be avail- W. Matthews Contracting web- District website at: ITB or the Contractor’s Bid or uments, from the date of issu- ber 5, 2020 not later than 2:00
able October 1, 2020, and may site ( as h t t p : / / any part thereof with any em- ance of the ITB until final Own- pm
Page 16
be obtained from the DeKalb
County School District website
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
well as the Dekalb County web-
ployee, agent, or representat-
ive of the Owner. Any violation
er action of approval of con-
tract award, the Contractor sub-
Final Addendum Issued (if ne-
cessary) November 12, 2020
at: https://www.dekalbcountyga.go MANDATORY PRE-BID CON- 040-440049 10/15,10/22,10/29 of this restriction may result in mitting a Bid shall not initiate not later than 2:00 pm
https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- v/purchasing-contracting/bids- FERENCE & SITE VISIT 10/5 the rejection of the Contractor’s any communication or discus- Proposals Due November 19, itb-rfps If you have any ques- All prospective bidders are re- ADVERTISEMENT FOR Bid. sion concerning the Project, the 2020 not later than 2:00 pm
MANDATORY PRE-BID CON- tions regarding the project, quired to attend a mandatory INVITATION TO BID The Owner reserves the right to ITB or the Contractor’s Bid or Public Acknowledgement
FERENCE please contact Jim Peek at pre-bid conference to be held Tree Cutting and reject any or all bids, and to any part thereof with any em- November 23, 2020 not later
All prospective bidders are re- (770) 422-7520 X1271. Thursday, November 5, 2020 at Trimming Services waive technicalities and inform- ployee, agent, or representat- than 5:00 pm
quired to attend a mandatory You must register a User ID 10:00 am at the Sam A. Moss Sealed Bids will be received by alities. ive of the Owner. Any violation Anticipated Board Review and
pre-bid conference to be held and Password to access the Service Center, 1780 Montreal the DeKalb County Board of P u b l i s h D a t e s : of this restriction may result in Approval February 2021
Thursday, October 8, 2020 at CWM website. For additional Road, Tucker, GA 30084. A Education (the “Owner”) at the 10/15,10/22,10/29,11/5 the rejection of the Contractor’s *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND-
9:00 am at the Sam A. Moss website information, contact C. mandatory site visit will take Sam A. Moss Service Center, Bid. ANCE*
Service Center, 1780 Montreal W. Matthews’ Estimating De- place Friday, November 6, 1780 Montreal Road, Tucker, 040-440050 10/15,10/22,10/29 The Owner reserves the right to Sam A. Moss Service Center
Road, Tucker, GA 300. partment at 770-422-7520. 2020 at 9.00 am. Georgia 30084, until 2:00 pm 11/5 reject any or all bids, and to 1780 Montreal Road
All attendees of the pre-bid 040-440046 10/15 All attendees of the pre-bid local time on Tuesday, Novem- ADVERTISEMENT FOR waive technicalities and inform- Tucker, GA 30384
conference will be required to conference will be required to ber 17, 2020 for ++ITB No. 21- INVITATION TO BID alities. Except as expressly provided
register. Proper registration re- register. Proper registration re- 752-010, for Tree Cutting and HVAC Maintenance and P u b l i s h D a t e s : in, or permitted by, the Propos-
quires that the attendee has DeKalb County, Georgia 10/15,10/22/,10/29 and 11/5
quires that the attendee has Trimming Services++. The Repair Services al Documents, from the date of
signed his or her name to the Week of OCTOBER 15,
signed his or her name to the Owner shall not consider late Sealed Bids will be received by 040-440051 10/15,10/29,11/5, issuance of the RFP until final
official roster and listed the 2020 Request for Solicitation
official roster and listed the bids. the DeKalb County Board of 11/12 Owner action of approval of
name and address of the com- No. 20-101286 Refer to the In-
name and address of the com- Scope of Services Education (the “Owner”) at the ADVERTISEMENT FOR contract award, the Contractor
pany her or she represents on dex for the page number in
pany he or she represents on DeKalb County School District Sam A. Moss Service Center, SEALED PROPOSALS submitting a Proposal shall not
the official roster no later than which the Display ad is located
the official roster no later than (DCSD) is seeking bids from 1780 Montreal Road, Tucker, DESIGN/BUILD SERVICES initiate any communication or
the designated start time of the ++20-101286 Welding Shop
the designated start time of the qualified vendors to provide Georgia 30084, until 2:00 pm Sealed Proposals will be re- discussion concerning the
pre-bid conference. Bids sub- Drainage Improvement++
pre-bid conference. Bids sub- tree trimming and cutting ser- local time on Tuesday, Novem- ceived by the DeKalb County Project, the RFP or the Con-
mitted by bidders who have not mitted by bidders who have not vices district-wide. The awar- ber 17, 2020 for ++ITB No. 21- Board of Education (the “Own- tractor’s Proposal or any part
properly registered and atten- 040-440047 10/15,10/22 properly registered and atten- ded vendor(s) will be respons- 752-011, for HVAC Mainten- er”) at the Sam A. Moss Ser- thereof with any employee,
ded the mandatory pre-bid con- DEKALB COUNTY SCHOOL ded the mandatory pre-bid con- ible for providing all labor, ma- ance and Repair Services++. vice Center, 1780 Montreal agent, or representative of the
ference shall be rejected as DISTRICT ference shall be rejected as terials, and incidentals neces- The Owner shall not consider Road, Tucker, Georgia 30084, Owner. Any violation of this re-
non-responsive. Bidders are ADVERTISEMENT FOR non-responsive. Bidders are sary to furnish and install vari- late bids. until 2:00 p.m. local time on striction may result in the rejec-
advised to register early as SOLICITATIONS advised to register early as ous flooring in accordance with Scope of Services Thursday, November 19, 2020 tion of the Contractor’s Propos-
anyone arriving after 9:15 am Sealed responses will be re- anyone arriving after 10:15 am the scope of work included in DeKalb County School District for a Design/Build Contractor al.
will not be allowed to particip- ceived by the DeKalb County will not be allowed to particip- this ITB. (DCSD) is seeking bids from for ++RFP No. 21-752-013, The Owner reserves the right to
ate in the bid process. School District in the Purchas- ate in the bid process. The ITB document will be avail- qualified vendors to provide Design/Build Services for reject any or all proposals, and
SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION ing Department, 1701 Moun- SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION able October 15, 2020, and HVAC Maintenance and Re- Group A2 Track and Turf In- to waive technicalities and in-
Mandatory Pre-Bid Confer- tain Industrial Boulevard, Stone Mandatory Pre-Bid Confer- may be obtained from the pair Services district-wide. The stallation, Project No. 30135, formalities.
ence* October 8, 2020 @ 9:00 Mountain, Georgia 30083, be- ence* November 5, 2020 DeKalb County School District awarded vendor(s) will be re- 30235, 21235, and 21635++. Publish Dates: 10/15, 10/29,
am fore 2:00 P.M. EST, November @10:00 am website at: sponsible for providing all labor, The Owner shall not consider 11/5, 11/12
Final Questions Due October 17, 2020 for ++RFP 21-522R1, Final Questions Due Novem- https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- materials, and incidentals ne- late proposals. 040-440052 10/15.10/29,11/5
14, 2020 not later than 2:00 pm Behavior Intervention Services ber 11, 2020 not later than 2:00 cessary to furnish and install SCOPE OF SERVICES 11/12
Final Addendum Issued (if ne- for Students with Disabilities++. pm MANDATORY PRE-BID CON- various flooring in accordance The scope of this project is to ADVERTISEMENT FOR
cessary) October 19, 2020 not Responses must be received Final Addendum Issued (if ne- FERENCE with the scope of work in- provide design-build services SEALED PROPOSALS
later than 2:00 pm before 2:00 P.M. EST, Tues- cessary) November 16, 2020 All prospective bidders are re- cluded in this ITB. for replacement of the track DESIGN/BUILD SERVICES
Bids Due October 22, 2020 not day, August 25, 2020. Re- not later than 2:00 pm quired to attend a mandatory The ITB document will be avail- and practice field at Chamblee Sealed Proposals will be re-
later than 2:00 pm sponses received after the Bids Due November 19, 2020 pre-bid conference to be held able October 15, 2020, and High School, Lakeside High ceived by the DeKalb County
Public Bid Opened* October stated deadline will not be ac- not later than 2:00 pm Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at may be obtained from the School, Stephenson High Board of Education (the “Own-
22, 2020 @ 2:30 pm cepted. Responses will be ac- Bids Opened* November 19, 10:00 am at the Sam A. Moss DeKalb County School District School, Ronald E. McNair High er”) at the Sam A. Moss Ser-
Anticipated Board Review and knowledged on Tuesday, 2020 @ 2:30 pm Service Center, 1780 Montreal website at: School and Miller Grove High vice Center, 1780 Montreal
Approval December 7, 2020 November 17, 2020 beginning Anticipated Board Review and Road, Tucker, GA 30084. https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- School as specified per the Road, Tucker, Georgia 30084,
*OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- at 3:00 P.M. EST. Approval January 2021 All attendees of the pre-bid Owner’s Narrative and Scope until 2:00 p.m. local time on
ANCE* Solicitations may be down- *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- conference will be required to MANDATORY PRE-BID CON- of Work for design and con- Thursday, November 19, 2020
Sam A. Moss Service Center loaded from: ANCE* register. Proper registration re- FERENCE struction, and the Contract for a Design/Build Contractor
1780 Montreal Road Sam A. Moss Service Center quires that the attendee has All prospective bidders are re- Documents. for ++RFP No. 21-752-014,
Tucker, GA 33404 http://www.dekalbschoolsga.or 1780 Montreal Road signed his or her name to the quired to attend a mandatory Request for Proposal (“RFP”) Design/Build Services for
Except as expressly provided g/solicitations Tucker, GA 33404 official roster and listed the pre-bid conference to be held documents will be available Group B2 Track and Turf In-
in, or permitted by, the Bid Doc- The DeKalb County Board of As security, the bid must be ac- name and address of the com- Tuesday, October 27, 2020 at Thursday, October 15, 2020, stallation, Project Nos. 30135,
uments, from the date of issu- Education reserves the right to companied by a BID BOND, in pany her or she represents on 11:00 am at the Sam A. Moss and may be obtained from the 30235, and 20135++. The
ance of the ITB until final Own- reject any or all solicitations the form required by DCSD for the official roster no later than Service Center, 1780 Montreal DeKalb County Board of Edu- Owner shall not consider late
er action of approval of con- and to waive informalities or an amount not less than five the designated start time of the Road, Tucker, GA 30084. cation website at proposals.
tract award, the Contractor sub- technicalities in any solicitation percent (5%) of the bid if the pre-bid conference. Bids sub- All attendees of the pre-bid https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- SCOPE OF SERVICES
mitting a Bid shall not initiate received. bid is $100,000 or more (includ- mitted by bidders who have not conference will be required to The scope of this project is to
any communication or discus- DEKALB COUNTY BOARD OF ing the base bid plus any pos- properly registered and atten- register. Proper registration re- MANDATORY PRE-PROPOS- provide design-build services
sion concerning the Project, the EDUCATION sible combination of alternates ded the mandatory pre-bid con- quires that the attendee has AL CONFERENCE for replacement of the track
ITB or the Contractor’s Bid or Carla L. Smith, Purchasing that could result in an award of ference shall be rejected as signed his or her name to the All prospective proposers are and practice field at Towers
any part thereof with any em- Manager $100,000 or more). non-responsive. Bidders are official roster and listed the required to attend a mandatory High School, Lithonia High
ployee, agent, or representat- Mrs. Cheryl Watson-Harris, Except as expressly provided advised to register early as name and address of the com- pre-proposal conference to be School, Martin Luther King Jr.,
ive of the Owner. Any violation Superintendent in, or permitted by, the Bid Doc- anyone arriving after 10:15 am pany her or she represents on held Thursday, October 29, High School, Stone Mountain
of this restriction may result in October 7, 2020 uments, from the date of issu- will not be allowed to particip- the official roster no later than 2020 at 10:00 am at the Sam High School, Cross Keys High
the rejection of the Contractor’s Ad Control #1174 ance of the ITB until final Own- ate in the bid process. the designated start time of the A. Moss Service Center, 1780 School and Druid Hills High
Bid. 040-440048 10/15,10/29,11/5, er action of approval of con- SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION pre-bid conference. Bids sub- Montreal Road, Tucker, GA School as specified per the
The Owner reserves the right to 11/22 tract award, the Contractor sub- Mandatory Pre-Bid Confer- mitted by bidders who have not 30084. A mandatory site visit Owner’s Narrative and Scope
reject any or all bids, and to ADVERTISEMENT FOR mitting a Bid shall not initiate ence* October 27, 2020 @ properly registered and atten- will take place following the of Work for design and con-
waive technicalities and inform- INVITATION TO BID any communication or discus- 10:00 am ded the mandatory pre-bid con- Pre-Proposal Conference. struction, and the Contract
alities. GENERAL CONTRACTOR sion concerning the Project, the Final Questions Due Novem- ference shall be rejected as All attendees of the pre-propos- Documents.
SERVICES ITB or the Contractor’s Bid or ber 4, 2020 not later than 2:00 non-responsive. Bidders are al conference will be required Request for Proposal (“RFP”)
Publish Dates: 10/1,10/8,10/15 Sealed Bids will be received by any part thereof with any em- pm advised to register early as to register. Proper registration documents will be available
040-440045 10/15 the DeKalb County Board of ployee, agent, or representat- Final Addendum Issued (if ne- anyone arriving after 11:15 am requires that the attendee has Thursday, October 15, 2020,
AD FOR BID Education (the “Owner”) at the ive of the Owner. Any violation cessary) November 11, 2020 will not be allowed to particip- signed his or her name to the and may be obtained from the
C. W. Matthews Contracting Sam A. Moss Service Center, of this restriction may result in not later than 2:00 pm ate in the bid process. official roster and listed the DeKalb County Board of Edu-
Co., Inc will be accepting quo- 1780 Montreal Road, Tucker, the rejection of the Contractor’s Bids Due November 17, 2020 SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION name and address of the com- cation website at
tations from subcontractors, in- Georgia 30084, until 2:00 pm Bid. not later than 2:00 pm Mandatory Pre-Bid Confer- pany he or she represents on https://dekalbschoolsga.ion-
cluding Dekalb County certified local time on Thursday, Novem- The Owner reserves the right to Public Bid Opened* November ence* October 27, 2020 @ the official roster no later than
Local Small Business Enter- ber 19, 2020 for ++ITB No. 21- reject any or all bid, and to 17, 2020 @ 2:30 pm 11:00 am the designated start time of the MANDATORY PRE-PROPOS-
prises (LSBE), for Dekalb 752-008, for Laurel Ridge Ele- waive technicalities and inform- Anticipated Board Review and Final Questions Due Novem- pre-proposal conference. Pro- AL CONFERENCE
County ++Invitation to Bid No. mentary School Window Re- alities. Approval January 11, 2021 ber 4, 2020 not later than 2:00 posals submitted by proposers All prospective proposers are
20-101281 2020 LMIG Road placement Project++. The Publish Dates: 10/15, 10/29, *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- pm who have not properly re- required to attend a mandatory
Resurfacing Projects (365 Day Owner shall not consider late 11/5, 11/12 ANCE* Final Addendum Issued (if ne- gistered and attended the man- pre-proposal conference to be
Contract)++. bids. Sam A. Moss Service Center cessary) November 11, 2020 datory pre-proposal confer- held Thursday, October 29,
Items of work include: Hauling, SCOPE OF SERVICES 1780 Montreal Road not later than 2:00 pm ence shall be rejected as non- 2020 at 11:00 am at the Sam
Milling, Asphalt Paving and Ad- The DeKalb County School Dis- Tucker, GA 30084 Bids Due November 17, 2020 responsive. Proposers are ad- A. Moss Service Center, 1780
just Minor Structures to Grade. trict invites qualified vendors Except as expressly provided not later than 2:00 pm vised to register early as any- Montreal Road, Tucker, GA
Subcontractor quotations (in- (here and after called “Con- in, or permitted by, the Bid Doc- Public Bid Opened* November one arriving after 10:15 am will 30084. A mandatory site visit
cluding all Required Dekalb tractor”) licensed by the State uments, from the date of issu- 17, 2020 @ 3:30 pm not be allowed to participate in will take place following the
County Forms) will be accep- of Georgia or authorized to ance of the ITB until final Own- Anticipated Board Review and the proposal process. Pre-Proposal Conference.
ted by C. W. Matthews’ Estim- transact business in the State er action of approval of con- Approval January, 2021 SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION All attendees of the pre-propos-
ating Department in person, by of Georgia, to submit bids to re- tract award, the Contractor sub- *OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- (dates are subject to change) al conference will be required
e-mail: place windows at Laurel Ridge mitting a Bid shall not initiate ANCE* Mandatory Pre-Proposal Con- to register. Proper registration or Elementary School. any communication or discus- Sam A. Moss Service Center ference* October 29, 2020 @ requires that the attendee has
Fax: #770-422-9361 until Noon The ITB document will be avail- sion concerning the Project, the 1780 Montreal Road 10:00 am signed his or her name to the
on Wednesday, October 28, able Thursday, October 15, ITB or the Contractor’s Bid or Tucker, GA 30084 Mandatory Site Visit October official roster and listed the
2020. All bidding documenta- 2020, and may be obtained any part thereof with any em- Except as expressly provided 29, 2020 name and address of the com-
tion will be available at the C. from the DeKalb County School ployee, agent, or representat- in, or permitted by, the Bid Doc- Final Questions Due Novem- pany he or she represents on
W. Matthews Contracting web- District website at: ive of the Owner. Any violation uments, from the date of issu- ber 5, 2020 not later than 2:00 the official roster no later than
site ( as h t t p : / / of this restriction may result in ance of the ITB until final Own- pm the designated start time of the
well as the Dekalb County web- https://dekalbschoolsga.ion- the rejection of the Contractor’s er action of approval of con- Final Addendum Issued (if ne- pre-proposal conference. Pro-
site Bid. tract award, the Contractor sub- cessary) November 12, 2020 posals submitted by proposers
https://www.dekalbcountyga.go MANDATORY PRE-BID CON- The Owner reserves the right to mitting a Bid shall not initiate not later than 2:00 pm who have not properly re-
v/purchasing-contracting/bids- FERENCE & SITE VISIT reject any or all bids, and to any communication or discus- Proposals Due November 19, gistered and attended the man-
itb-rfps If you have any ques- All prospective bidders are re- waive technicalities and inform- sion concerning the Project, the 2020 not later than 2:00 pm datory pre-proposal confer-
tions regarding the project, quired to attend a mandatory alities. ITB or the Contractor’s Bid or Public Acknowledgement ence shall be rejected as non-
signed his or her name to the
official roster and listed the
name and address of the com-
pany he or she represents on
the official roster no later than
the designated start time of the

pre-proposal conference. Pro- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 17
posals submitted by proposers
who have not properly re- 100-439970 10/8,10/15 100-439976 10/8,10/15 100-440058 10/15,10/22 100-440154 10/15,10/22JH
gistered and attended the man-
datory pre-proposal confer-
Debtor & Creditor
ence shall be rejected as non- 100-439883 10/8,10/15 Notice is given that articles of Notice is given that Articles of Notice is given that articles of Notice is given that Articles of 110-438904 9/24,10/1,10/8
responsive. Proposers are ad- NOTICE OF INTENT TO IN- incorporation that will incorpor- Incorporation which will incor- incorporation that will incorpor- Incorporation that will incorpor- 10/15jhC
vised to register early as any- CORPORATE ate ++Doraville Senior Citizens porate ++Network for Strong ate ++WE ARE STAYING ate ++Kidz 4 Christ Academy STATE OF GEORGIA
one arriving after 11:15 am will Notice is given that Articles of In Need , Inc.++ have been de- Communities, Inc.++ have CONNECTED ATL, INC++ Inc.++ have been delivered to COUNTY OF DEKALB
not be allowed to participate in Incorporation which will incor- livered to the Secretary of State been delivered to the Secret- have been delivered to the the Secretary of State for filing NOTICE TO DEBTORS
the proposal process. porate ++Gababa Foundation, for filing in accordance with the Secretary of State for filing in AND CREDITORS
ary of State for filing in accord- in accordance with the Georgia
SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION Inc.++ have been delivered to Georgia Nonprofit Corporation accordance with the Georgia All creditors of the Estate of
ance with the Georgia Non- Non-Profit Corporation Code.
(dates are subject to change) the Secretary of State for filing Code. The initial registered of- Nonprofit Corporation Code. ++KHANOM KHALILI++, De-
Mandatory Pre-Proposal Con- fice of the corporation is loc- profit Corporation Code. The The initial registered office of The initial registered office is
in accordance with the Non- initial registered office of the located 2192 Cobb creek Dr., ceased, late of DeKalb County,
ference* October 29, 2020 @ profit Corporation Code. ated at 3665 Chestnut Drive, C- the corporation is located at Georgia, are hereby notified to
11:00 am 5, Doraville, GA, 30340 and its corporation will be located at 80 2424 Clifton Springs Manor, Decatur, GA 30032 of DeKalb
The initial registered office of Mayson Avenue NE, Atlanta, County and its initial registered render in their demands to the
Mandatory Site Visit October the corporation will be located initial registered agent at such Decatur, GA, 30034 and its ini- undersigned according to law,
29, 2020 address is Charlene Fang. GA 30307 and the initial re- tial registered agent at such ad- agent at such address is Khadi-
at 6200 Memorial Dr., Suite H, gistered agent at such address jah Farmer. and all persons indebted to
Final Questions Due Novem- Stone Mountain, Ga 30083and dress is JAMIE HIBBLER. said Estate are required to
ber 5, 2020 not later than 2:00 100-439971 10/8,10/15 is Adele MacLean. 100-440155 10/15,10/22JH
the initial registered agent at make immediate payment to
pm such address is Ibrahim Has- NOTICE OF 100-440053 10/15,10/22 100-440059 10/15,10/22 NOTICE OF the undersigned.
Final Addendum Issued (if ne- san. INCORPORATION NOTICE OF INTENT NOTICE OF INCORPORATION THIS the 10th day of Septem-
cessary) November 12, 2020 Notice is given that articles of TO INCORPORATE INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of ber, 2020.
not later than 2:00 pm 100-439922 10/8,10/15JH incorporation that will incorpor- Notice is given that Articles of Notice is given that articles of Incorporation that will incorpor- NASSER JAMALI,
Proposals Due November 19, ate ++Goddess of Love Found- Incorporation which will incor- incorporation that will incorpor- ate ++Goddess of Love Found- as Executor of the Estate of
2020 not later than 2:00 pm ation, Inc.++ have been de- porate ++CureRays Inc++ have ate ++Sincerely Symponia, ation, Inc.++ have been de- KHANOM KHALILI, Deceased
Public Acknowledgement livered to the Secretary of State been delivered to the Secret- Inc.++ have been delivered to livered to the Secretary of State WILLIAM H. ARROYO & AS-
November 23, 2020 not later Notice is given that Articles of
for filing in accordance with the ary of State for filing in accord- the Secretary of State for filing for filing in accordance with the SOCIATES
than 5:00 pm Incorporation which will incor- Georgia Nonprofit Corporation ance with the Georgia Busi- in accordance with the Georgia
porate ++Empowered Out- Georgia Non-Profit Corporation Attorneys at Law
Anticipated Board Review and Code. The initial registered of- ness Corporation Code. Nonprofit Corporation Code. 4228 First Avenue
Approval February 2021 reach and Education++ have fice of the corporation is loc- The initial registered office of Code. The initial registered of-
The initial registered office of Suite 10
*OPEN TO PUBLIC ATTEND- been delivered to the Secret- ated at 3236 Mercer University the corporation will be located the corporation is located at fice is located 3236 Mercer Uni-
ary of State for filing in accord- versity Dr., Suite 117, Tucker, Georgia 30084
ANCE* Dr., 117, Chamblee, GA, 30341 at 2076 Asgard Court NE At- 4288 Memorial Drive, Ste. A, (770) 491-0175
Sam A. Moss Service Center ance with the Georgia Non- and its initial registered agent lanta, GA 30345 and the initial Decatur, GA, 30032 and its ini- Chamblee, GA 30341 of
1780 Montreal Road profit Corporation Code. The at such address is Athena Har- registered agent at such ad- tial registered agent at such ad- DeKalb County and its initial re-
Tucker, GA 30384 initial registered office of the ris. dress is Mohammed Khan dress is Pamela Houser. gistered agent at such address
Except as expressly provided corporation will be located at is Athena Harris. 110-438905 9/24,10/1,10/8
100-440054 10/15,10/22 10/15jh
in, or permitted by, the Propos- 2368 Lynn Iris Dr, Decatur, GA 100-439972 10/8,10/15 NOTICE OF INTENT 100-440156 10/15,10/22JH
al Documents, from the date of 30032 and the initial registered NOTICE OF 100-440060 10/15,10/22 NOTICE OF INTENT NOTICE TO DEBTORS
issuance of the RFP until final agent at such address is Allis- INCORPORATION NOTICE OF TO INCORPORATE AND CREDITORS
Notice is given that Articles of
Owner action of approval of on Randall. Notice is given that articles of Incorporation which will incor- INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of All creditors of the Estate of
contract award, the Contractor incorporation that will incorpor- porate ++Thumbs Up Repair++ Notice is given that articles of Incorporation which incorpor- ++Olivia E. Dodson++, late of
100-439923 10/8,10/15JH
submitting a Proposal shall not ate ++DGREEN44 VEN- have been delivered to the incorporation that will incorpor- ate ++Encore Community As- DeKalb County, deceased, are
initiate any communication or NOTICE OF INTENT ate ++Prolific Banking, Inc.++
TURES INC++ have been de- Secretary of State for filing in sociation, Inc.++ have been de- hereby notified to render in
discussion concerning the TO INCORPORATE have been delivered to the
livered to the Secretary of State accordance with the Georgia livered to the Secretary of State their demands to the under-
Project, the RFP or the Con- Notice is given that Articles of for filing in accordance with the Secretary of State for filing in
Business Corporation Code. for filing in accordance with the signed according to law, and all
tractor’s Proposal or any part Incorporation that will incorpor- Georgia Business Corporation accordance with the Georgia
The initial registered office of Georgia Nonprofit Corporation persons indebted to said Es-
thereof with any employee, ate ++GAJ Property Solutions, Code. The initial registered of- Business Corporation Code.
the corporation will be located Code. The initial registered of- tate are required to make im-
agent, or representative of the Inc.++ have been delivered to fice of the corporation is loc- The initial registered office of
at 2044 Gladeview Parkway fice of the corporation is loc- mediate payment.
Owner. Any violation of this re- the Secretary of State for filing ated at 705 Town Blvd NE, Stone Mountain, GA 30083 and the corporation is located at
ated at 160 Clairemont Avenue, This 10th day of September,
striction may result in the rejec- in accordance with the Georgia #717, Brookhaven, GA, 30319 the initial registered agent at 223 Winnona Drive, Decatur,
Suite 650, Decatur, DeKalb 2020
tion of the Contractor’s Propos- Business Corporation Code. and its initial registered agent such address is Buddy Stewart GA, 30030 and its initial re-
al. gistered agent at such address County, Georgia 30030 and its Larry W. Dodson Sr.
The initial registered office of at such address is David Ser-
The Owner reserves the right to 100-440055 10/15,10/22 is Scott Graf. initial registered agent at such Executor of the Estate of
the corporation is located at inis.
reject any or all proposals, and NOTICE OF INTENT address is Rachel E. Conrad. Olivia E. Dodson
4578 Old Lake Dr, Decatur, GA TO INCORPORATE
to waive technicalities and in- 100-439973 10/8,10/15 100-440062 10/15,10/22 3190 Olde DeKalb Way
30034 and its initial registered Notice is given that Articles of 100-440157 10/15,10/22JH
formalities. NOTICE OF Notice of Intent to Incorporate Atlanta, GA 30340
agent at such address is Gil- Incorporation which will incor- NOTICE OF INTENT
Publish Dates: 10/15, 10/29, bert Jackson. INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of TO INCORPORATE
11/5, 11/12 porate ++Dunwoody Flag Foot-
100-439924 10/8,10/15JH Notice is given that articles of Incorporation, which will incor- Notice is given that Articles of
ball Gridiron Club, Inc.++ have 110-438906 9/24,10/1,10/8
incorporation that will incorpor- porate ++The Dollar Em- Incorporation which incorpor-
NOTICE OF INTENT been delivered to the Secret- 10/15jhC
ate ++Geo-Passion Shoppe,
Co.++ have been delivered to
ary of State for filing in accord-
powered Community, Inc.++,
have been delivered to the
ate ++Mason Flats Condomini- NOTICE TO DEBTORS
Notice is given that Articles of ance with the um Association, Inc.++ have AND CREDITOR
the Secretary of State for filing Secretary of State for filing in
070-440111 10/15,10/22 Incorporation that will incorpor- Georgia Nonprofit Corporation been delivered to the Secret-
in accordance with the Georgia accordance with the Georgia All creditors of the Estate of
NOTICE OF AMENDMENT ate ++Supply Our Students, Code ary of State for filing in accord-
Business Corporation Code. For Profit Corporation Code. ++MARY D. NICOL++, late of
Notice is also given that an Inc.++ have been delivered to The initial registered office of ance with the Georgia Non-
The initial registered office of The initial registered office of DeKalb County, Georgia, de-
amendment was later filed and the Secretary of State for filing the corporation will be located profit Corporation Code. The
the corporation is located at the corporation will be located ceased, are hereby notified to
accepted to change the busi- in accordance with the Georgia at 1441 Dunwoody Village initial registered office of the
6179 Charring Cross Court, at 1758 Harmony Trace, render in their demands to the
ness name from ++Sophie’s Parkway, Suite 200, Atlanta, corporation is located at 160
Corporation Code. The initial Lithonia, GA, 30058 and its ini- Lithonia, GA 30058, and its ini- undersigned according to law,
Foods, Ltd. to Jenovelle Com- GA 30338 and the initial re- Clairemont Avenue, Suite 650,
registered office of the corpora- tial registered agent at such ad- tial registered agent at such ad- and all persons indebted to
pany++. The initial registered gistered agent at such address Decatur, DeKalb County, Geor-
tion is located at 288 Ferguson dress is Nyessa A Dixon. dress is Kendrick Advisory & said Estate are required to
office of the corporation is loc- is Laura C. Horlock.
St NE, Atlanta, GA 30307 and Advocacy Group, LLC. gia 30030 and its initial re- make immediate payment.
ated at 3096 Galangale Way, 100-439974 10/8,10/15 100-440056 10/15,10/22 gistered agent at such address
its initial registered agent at This 2nd day of September,
Doraville, GA 30340 NOTICE OF NOTICE OF 100-440063 10/15,10/22 is Lisa A. Crawford.
such address is Troy Albright. INCORPORATION 2020.
070-440158 10/15,10/22JH INCORPORATION Notice of Intent to Incorporate 100-440159 10/15,10/22JH
100-439925 10/8,10/15JH Notice is given that articles of MARY O'HORO
NOTICE OF CHANGE OF Notice is given that articles of Notice is given that Articles of NOTICE OF INTENT
NOTICE OF INTENT incorporation which incorpor- Executor of the Estate of
CORPORATE NAME incorporation that will incorpor- Incorporation, which will incor- TO INCORPORATE
TO INCORPORATE ate the non-profit corporation MARY D. NICOL, Deceased
Notice is given that Articles of ate ++Black Too Earth Inc++ porate ++SKG Diversified, In- Notice is given that Articles of
Notice is given that Articles of ++Castanea Club of Georgia, Mary O'Horo
Amendment which will change have been delivered to the corporated++, have been de- Incorporation that will incorpor-
Incorporation that will incorpor- Secretary of State for filing in Inc.++ have been delivered to livered to the Secretary of State 2119 Impala Drive
the name of ++Soleil at Bel- the Secretary of State on ate ++The Counseling Broth- Atlanta, GA 30345
ate ++Pasame La Hookah accordance with the Georgia for filing in accordance with the
mont Community Association, 10/05/2020 for filing in accord- ers of Atlanta Inc.++ have been
Corp.++ have been delivered to Nonprofit Corporation Code. Georgia Business Corporation
Inc. to Soleil Belmont Park ance with the Georgia Non- delivered to the Secretary of
the Secretary of State for filing The initial registered office of Code. The initial registered of-
Community Association, Inc.++ profit Corporation Code. The State for filing in accordance 110-438907 9/24,10/1,10/8
in accordance with the Georgia the corporation is located at fice of the corporation will be
have been delivered to the initial registered office of the with the Georgia Business Cor- 10/15JH
Business Corporation Code. 10306 Madison Drive, Atlanta, located at 3813 Rosebay Way
Secretary of State for filing in corporation is located at 1234 poration Code. The initial re- NOTICE TO DEBTORS
The initial registered office of GA, 30346 and its initial re- SW, Conyers, GA 30094, and
accordance with the Georgia Arkwright Pl SE, Atlanta, GA gistered office of the corpora- AND CREDITORS
the corporation is located at gistered agent at such address its initial registered agent at
Nonprofit Corporation Code. 30317 and its initial registered tion is located at 3670 Pebble All creditors of the Estate of
2000 Clearview Ave, Atlanta, is Michela Williams. such address is Steven L
The registered office of the cor- agent at such address is Emily Roberts. Street, Lithonia, GA 30038 and
Georgia 30340 and its initial re- ++Courtney Ogborn Ellis++,
poration is located at 160 Hirst, Esq. its initial registered agent at
gistered agent at such address 100-439975 10/8,10/15 late of DeKalb County, de-
Clairemont Avenue, Suite 650, NOTICE OF INTENT such address is Anthony Ro- ceased, are hereby notified to
is Shamim Choudhury.
Decatur, DeKalb County, Geor- TO INCORPORATE 100-440064 10/15,10/22 gers. render in their demands to the
gia 30030. Notice is given that Articles of NOTICE OF undersigned according to law,
Incorporation which will incor- INCORPORATION and all persons indebted to
porate ++Kingdom Keys Min- Notice is given that articles of said Estate are required to
incorporation that incorporated
istry, Inc.++ have been de- make immediate payment.
++Sophie’s Foods, Ltd.++ were
livered to the Secretary of State delivered to the Secretary of This 27th day of August, 2020.
for filing in accordance with the State for filing in accordance Amina M. Bhatia
Georgia Nonprofit Corporation with the Georgia Business Cor- for of the Estate of
Code. The initial registered of- poration Code.The initial re- Courtney Ogborn Ellis
fice of the corporation will be gistered office of the corpora- Deceased: August 17, 2020
located at 2660 Bull Run Dr. tion is located at 3096 Galan- Hartman Private Law LLC
Decatur, GA 30034 and the ini- gale Way, Doraville, GA 30340 1201 Peachtree Street NE
tial registered agent at such ad- and its initial registered agent Suite 2300
dress is Taryn Golightly. at such address is Eric Greene. Atlanta, GA 30309
Page 18 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
110-438908 9/24,10/1,10/8 110-438912 9/24,10/1,10/8 110-438916 9/24,10/1,10/8 110-439093 9/24,10/1,10/8, 110-439097 9/24,10/1,10/8 110-439101 9/24,10/1,10/8 110-439761 10/1,10/8,10/15
10/15JH 10/15JHC 10/15JH 10/15 10/15 10/15 10/22
AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of CREDITORS CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of
STATE OF GEORGIA All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of ++Elbert Howard Lovell++ late All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the Estate of ++Ruth Lowen Heyman++ late
COUNTY OF DEKALB ++CHARLES BACON BELL++, ++Susan Pillans++, late of of Dekalb County, deceased, ++Carolyn Chappell Navarro ++Aguilar, Jairo++ late of of Dekalb County, deceased,
All creditors of the Estate of late of DeKalb County, Geor- DeKalb County, deceased, are are hereby notified to render in (A/K/A Carolyn C. Navarro)++, DeKalb County, deceased, are are hereby notified to render in
++EARNEST KILLUM++, de- gia, deceased, are hereby noti- hereby notified to render in their demands to the under- late of Dekalb County, de- hereby notified to render their their demands to the under-
signed according to law, and all ceased, are hereby notified to demands to the undersigned signed according to law, and all
ceased, late of DeKalb County, fied to render in their demands their demands to the under-
persons indebted to said es- render in their demands to the according to law, and all per- persons indebted to said es-
Georgia, are hereby notified to to the undersigned according to signed according to law, and all
tate are required to make im- undersigned according to law, sons i ndebted to said are re- tate are required to make im-
render in their demands to the law, and all persons indebted to persons indebted to said Es- mediate payment. and all persons indebted to quired to make mediate payment.
undersigned according to law, the Estate are required to make tate are required to make im- This 14th day of September, said estate are required to immediate payment. This 15th This 1st day of October, 2020
and all persons indebted to immediate payment. mediate payment. 2020 make immediate payment. day of September, 2020. Name: Kenneth Michael Hey-
said Estate are required to This 14th day of September, This 10th day of September, Name: Bert McKay Lovell c/o This 15th day of September, Claims and payments should man, Personal Representative
make immediate payment. 2020 2020 Broel Law, LLC 2020. be mailed to: Title: Law Office of Amy
This 10th day of September, Gail L. Bell, Rebecca Simonsen Title: Executor A. Diane Baker, Esq., Luanne M. Bonnie Yarkoni PC
2020 Personal Representative Executor of the Estate of Address: 331 N. Marietta Baker Law Group, LLC, 201 Swanton Way Address: 2002 Summit Blvd.,
Mark A.C. Robinson, Susan Pillans, Deceased Pkwy., Marietta, GA 30060 555 Sun Valley Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030 Suite 300, Brookhaven, GA
as Temporary Administrator 110-438913 9/24,10/1,10/8 Rebecca Simonsen Suite N-4, 404-371-1540 30319
of the Estate of 10/15JH 2934 Redding Rd NE Roswell, GA 30076,
EARNEST KILLUM NOTICE TO DEBTORS Atlanta, GA 30319 Attorney for William Joseph 110-439102 9/24,10/1,10/8
Mark A.C. Robinson, P.C. AND CREDITORS 110-438917 9/24,10/1,10/8, 110-439094 9/24,10/1,10/8 Blizzard, Jr., 10/15
One Decatur TownCenter, All creditors of the Estate of 10/15 Executor of the Estate of Caro- NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND 110-439762 10/1,10/8,10/15
Suite 475 ++Thomas Ager Kolvisto++, Notice to Debtors and Creditors lyn Chappell Navarro (A/K/A CREDITORS 10/22
150 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue NOTICE TO DEBTORS
late of DeKalb County, Geor- All creditors of the estate of Carolyn C. Navarro). All creditors of the Estate of Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Decatur, Georgia 30030 AND CREDITORS
gia, are hereby notified to ++Mayuari Singh++ late of 110-439098 9/24,10/1,10/8 ++CANDACE S. BROWN++, All creditors of the estate of
All creditors of the Estate of late of DeKalb County, GA are ++Paul Stevenson Swindell++
render their demands to the un- Dekalb County, deceased, are 10/15
++Kaaren Boyd Cranford++, hereby notified to render in hereby notified to render their late of Dekalb County, de-
dersigned according to law, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
110-438909 9/24,10/1,10/8 Deceased, late of DeKalb their demands to the under- demands to the undersigned ceased, are hereby notified to
and all persons indebted to CREDITORS
10/15JH County, Georgia, are hereby signed according to law, and all All creditors of the Estate of according to law, and all per- render in their demands to the
said Estate are required to notified to render in their de- sons indebted to said estate undersigned according to law,
NOTICE TO DEBTORS persons indebted to said es- ++MARY RUTH WADE
make immediate payment. mands to the undersigned ac- tate are required to make im- are required to make immedi- and all persons indebted to
September 24, 2020. cording to law, and all persons mediate payment. County, deceased, are hereby ate payment to the under- said estate are required to
All creditors of the Estate of
Catherine Rebecca Ager indebted to said Estate are re- This 11th day of September, notified to render in their de- signed. make immediate payment.
++Kalman Cohen++, late of
Co-Executor quired to make immediate pay- 2020 mands to the undersigned ac- September 14, 2020 This 18th day of September,
DeKalb County, Georgia, de-
c/o Nancy B. Goodman, Esq. ment. Name: Omkar Singh cording to law, and all persons Dennis R. Brown, Executor 2020
ceased, are hereby notified to
Attorney for the Estate of August 27, 2020 Title: Administrator indebted to said Estate are re- 1499 Idlewood Drive Name: Melissa Ruth Swindell
render in their demands to the
Thomas Ager Kolvisto, Stacey Angela Winston Address: 1782 Kings Mountain quired to make immediate pay- Tucker, GA 30084 Title: Administrator
undersigned according to law, Address: 902 Camden Ct.,
Deceased Executor Drive, Stone Mountain, GA ment.
and all persons indebted to 110-439103 9/24,10/1,10/8 Sandy Springs, GA 30327
Janice Lawrence, Co-Executor 2400 N. Decatur Road 30087 This 17TH day of SEPTEM-
said Estate are required to 10/15
c/o Nancy B. Goodman, Esq. Decatur, GA 30033 110-439095 9/24,10/1,10/8 BER, 2020
Attorney for the Estate of 110-438918 9/24,10/1,10/8, 10/15
This 31st day of August, 2020 ecutor of the Estate of MARY CREDITORS
Thomas Ager Kolvisto, 10/15JH Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Rebecca C. Simon and RUTH WADE LEIGH All creditors of the Estate of 110-439763 10/1,10/8,10/15
Deceased NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the estate of
Judith C. Sandman Bethany C. Sanders ++WALTER EDWARD 10/22
Nancy B. Goodman, PC ++Ulmont Sauls++ late of
Executors of the Estate of AND CREDITORS 3060 Mercer University Drive GLASS++ late of DeKalb Notice to Debtors and Creditors
1201 West Peachtree, NW Dekalb County, deceased, are
Kalman Cohen Ste 200 County, deceased, are hereby All creditors of the estate of
Suite 2340 hereby notified to render in
Melissa P. Walker, Esq. STATE OF GEORGIA Atlanta, GA 30341 notified to render in their de- ++Beulah Elvira Israel++ late of
Atlanta, Georgia 30309 their demands to the under-
1418 Dresden Drive Suite 240 COUNTY OF DEKALB mands to the undersigned ac- Dekalb County, deceased, are
signed according to law, and all 110-439099 9/24,10/1,10/8
Atlanta, Georgia 30319 IN RE: ESTATE OF cording to law, and all persons hereby notified to render in
110-438914 9/24,10/1,10/8 persons indebted to said es- 10/15
ROBERT QUILL GRIFFITH tate are required to make im- NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND indebted to said Estate are re- their demands to the under-
10/15JH signed according to law, and all
All creditors of the Estate of mediate payment. CREDITORS quired to make immediate pay-
110-438910 9/24,10/1,10/8 NOTICE TO DEBTORS ment. persons indebted to said es-
++ROBERT QUILL This 14th day of September, All creditors of the Estate of
10/15JH AND CREDITORS This 8 day of SEPTEMBER tate are required to make im-
GRIFFITH++, late of DeKalb 2020 ++Toni D. Voorhees++, late of
NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the Estate of 2020 mediate payment.
County, deceased, are hereby Name: Stephen Sauls c/o Broel DeKalb County, deceased, are
AND CREDITORS ++Louis Phillip Bernard++, late Law, LLC CHARLES S. THORNTON, This 1st day of October, 2020
notified to render in their de- hereby notified to render in
All creditors of the Estate of of DeKalb County, Georgia, are Title: Administration Attorney of the Estate of Name: Robert Solomon Israel
mands to the undersigned ac- their demands to the under-
++Rachel Sorrow Sheppard++, hereby notified to render their Address: 331 North Marietta WALTER EDWARD GLASS Title: Executor
cording to law, and all persons signed according to law, and all
late of DeKalb County, de- demands to the undersigned Pkwy Marietta, GA 30060 ,Deceased Address: 12190 Dancliff Trace,
indebted to said Estate are re- persons indebted to said Es-
ceased, are hereby notified to according to law, and all per- 110-439096 9/24,10/1,10/8 tate are required to make im- CHARLES S. THORNTON Alpharetta, Georgia 30009
quired to make immediate pay-
render in their demands to the sons indebted to said Estate 10/15 mediate payment. This 17th 4751 BEST ROAD, SUITE 208 110-439764 10/1,10/8,10/15
ment. ATLANTA, GA 30337
undersigned according to law, are required to make immedi- Notice to Debtors and Creditors day of September, 2020, Mark 10/22
This 27th day of August, 2020.
and all persons indebted to ate payment. All creditors of the estate of T. Langone, Executor of the 110-439760 10/1,10/8,10/15, Notice to Debtors and Creditors
said Estate are required to This 24th day of September, ++Kenneth Lee Handspike++ Estate of Toni D. Voorhees, 10/22 All creditors of the estate of
make immediate payment. 2020. late of Dekalb County, de- Deceased. Notice to Debtors and Creditors
This 3rd day of September, Louis Phillip Bernard, Jr., ceased, are hereby notified to Name: Mark T. Langone Ad- All creditors of the estate of
Deceased ++Ronald Washington++ late of County, deceased, are hereby
2020. Administrator render in their demands to the dress: 50 Mountain Hill Rd.,
3777 DOVER DRIVE undersigned according to law, Dekalb County, deceased, are notified to render in their de-
Mary Sheppard Robertson c/o Nancy B. Goodman, Esq. Plymouth, MA 02360
MOUNTAIN BROOK, AL 35223 and all persons indebted to hereby notified to render in mands to the undersigned ac-
Executor of the Estate of Attorney for the Estate of
DANA ASHFORD, ESQ. said estate are required to 110-439100 9/24,10/1,10/8 their demands to the under- cording to law, and all persons
Rachel Sorrow Sheppard Louis Phillip Bernard,
201 SWANTON WAY make immediate payment. 10/15 signed according to law, and all indebted to said estate are re-
Deceased: Estate# 2020-1072 Deceased
DECATUR, GA 30030 This 14th day of September, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND persons indebted to said es- quired to make immediate pay-
David S. Walker, Attorney Nancy B. Goodman, PC
1201 West Peachtree, NW 110-439005 9/24,10/1,10/8 2020 CREDITORS tate are required to make im- ment.
PO Box 871329 10/15 Name: Alice Norris c/o Broel GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY. mediate payment. This 17th day of September,
Stone Mountain, GA 30087 Suite 2340
Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Notice to Debtors and Creditors Law, LLC All creditors of ++Nguyen Vinh This 1st day of October, 2020 2020
All creditors of the estate of Title: Administrator Tan++, deceased, late of Name: Brooks Mackintosh Name: EVERETT LEE MOR-
++Gregory Wayne Farrar++ Address: 331 N. Marietta DeKalb County, Georgia, are Title: Attorney RIS IV
110-438911 9/24,10/1,10/8 110-438915 9/24,10/1,10/8 Title: Attorney of the Estate of
late of Dekalb County, de- Pkwy., Marietta, GA 30060 notified to render their de- Address: Mackintosh Law, LLC,
10/15JH 10/15JH 246 Sycamore Street, Ste 150, TEWODROS HAILE DAGNE
ceased, are hereby notified to mands to the undersigned ac-
NOTICE TO DEBTORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS render in their demands to the Decatur, GA 30030 Address: 3550 Lenox Rd NE,
cording to law, and all persons
AND CREDITORS AND CREDITORS undersigned according to law, Suite 1100A, Atlanta, GA
indebted to said estate are re-
All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of and all persons indebted to quired to make immediate pay- 30326
++JAMES WADE MEDLOCK ++Patricia P. Sealy++, late of said estate are required to ment to the undersigned.
a/k/a JAMES WADE MED- DeKalb County, Georgia, de- make immediate payment. This 15th day of September,
LOCK, III,++, Late of DeKalb ceased, are hereby notified to This 9th day of September, 2020.
County, deceased, are hereby render in their demands to the 2020 Mariclair Peggy Tan Executor
notified to render in their de- undersigned according to law, Name: Bertha B. Farrar of the Estate
mands to the undersigned ac- and all persons indebted to Title: Executor of Nguyen Vinh Tan, deceased
cording to law, and all persons said Estate are required to Address: 118 E. Maple Street 4 1 0 7 Sh a wn e e L a n e N E
indebted to said Estate are re- make immediate payment. Brookhaven, GA 30319-1540
quired to make immediate pay- This 27th day of August, 2020. QUIRK & QUIRK, LLC
ment. Clifford G. Sealy Attorneys
This 3rd day of September,
Executor of the Estate of
Patricia P. Sealy
Alyce Caitlin Medlock Spencer,
Executor of the Estate of 100 Jackson Bluff Court
JAMES WADE MEDLOCK Lawrenceville, Georgia 30044
a/k/a Lawrence M. Merlin, Esq.
JAMES WADE MEDLOCK, III, Friedman, Dever & Merlin, LLC
Deceased 5555 Glenridge Connector,
Alyce Caitlin Medlock Spencer N.E.
801 Medlock Road Suite 925
Decatur, GA 30030 Atlanta, Georgia 30342
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 19
110-439765 10/1,10/8,10/15 110-439769 10/1,10/8,10/15 110-439773 10/1,10/8,10/15, 110-439888 10/1,10/8,10/15 110-439892 10/1,10/8,10/15 110-439909 10/1,10/8,10/15, 110-439927 10/8,10/15,10/22
10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22JH 10/22JH 10/22JH 10/29JH
All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the Estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of
++William Henry Wiskus++, ++ASHLEE RANEA AND CREDITORS All creditors of the ESTATE ++Kathelyn Dudley++, late of ++Jerry Lyn Goodman++, late ++CLARENCE HENRY PARM-
late of DeKalb County, de- GAMBLE++ late of DeKalb All creditors of the Estate of OF ++JEWEL HYATT DeKalb County, deceased, are of DeKalb County, Georgia, are ER++, late of DeKalb County,
ceased, are hereby notified to County, deceased, are hereby ++HENRY C FARGASON++, PENNY++, late of DeKalb hereby notified to render in hereby notified to render their Georgia, are hereby notified to
render in their demands to the notified to render in their de-
deceased, of DeKalb County, County, Georgia, are hereby their demands to the under- demands to the undersigned render their demands to the un-
undersigned according to law, mands to the undersigned ac-
Georgia, are hereby notified to notified to render their de- signed according to law, and all according to law, and all per- dersigned according to law,
and all persons indebted to cording to law, and all person s
said estate are required to indebted to said Estate are re- render in their demands to the mands to the undersigned ac- persons indebted to said Es- sons indebted to said Estate and all persons indebted to
make immediate payment. quired to make immediate pay- undersigned according to law, cording to law, and all persons tate are required to make im- are required to make immedi- said Estate are hereby notified
This 21st day of September, ment. and all persons indebted to indebted to said Estate are re- mediate payment. ate payment. to make immediate payment.
2020. This 226 day of September said Estate are hereby notified quired to make immediate pay- This 24th day of September, This 1st day of October, 2020. This 24th day of September,
A. Diane Baker, Esq., 2020 to make immediate payment. ments. 2020 Matthew Joshua Ludy-Good- 2020.
Baker Law Group, LLC, GUERNEA MELITA NANCE, This the 21st day of Septem- Dated September 23, 2020 Franchetta Dudley man MYRA RICE PARMER
555 Sun Valley Drive, Executor, of the Estate of ASH- ber, 2020. JANICE PENNY Executor of the Estate of Administrator Executor
Suite N-4, LEE RANEA GAMBLE, De- Jeffrey H Fargason, Executor Executor of the Estate Kathelyn Dudley, Deceased c/o Nancy B. Goodman, Esq. c/o William G. Witcher, Jr,
Roswell, GA 30076, ceased J. Lamar Worthy, of Jewel Hyatt Penny 584 Shadow Valley Ct Attorney for the Estate of Attorney
Attorney for Dorothy Jean Mark C. Bips Attorney for Executor C/o Law Office of Lithonia, Georgia 30058 Jerry Lyn Goodman, P.O. Box 1043
Schwiesow, BlPS & BlPS. P.C. 5743 Patillo Way Peatsa C. Wallace Deceased Decatur, Georgia 30031
Administrator of the Estate of 125 Clairemont Avenue, Lithonia, GA 30058 P.O. Box 2555 Nancy B. Goodman, PC 110-439928 10/8,10/15,10/22
William Henry Wiskus. Suite 480 Tucker, GA 30085-2555 110-439906 10/1,10/8,10/15 1201 West Peachtree, NW 10/29JH
Decatur, Georgia 30030-2549 10/22jh Suite 2340 NOTICE TO DEBTORS
110-439766 10/1,10/8,10/15 110-439770 10/1,10/8,10/15 NOTICE TO DEBTORS Atlanta, Georgia 30309
110-439885 10/1,10/8,10/15 AND CREDITORS
10/22 10/22 AND CREDITORS 110-439910 10/1,10/8,10/15
10/22JH 110-439889 10/1,10/8,10/15 All creditors of the Estate of
Notice to Debtors and Creditors NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the Estate of
NOTICE TO DEBTORS 10/22JH 10/22JH ++Charles Aaron Mitchell,
All creditors of the estate of AND CREDITORS ++CYPRIAN A. VICARS ES-
++Charles Andrew Fell++ late AND CREDITORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS Jr.,++ late of DeKalb County,
All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of AND CREDITORS TATE NO. 2020-1040++, late AND CREDITORS deceased, are hereby notified
of Dekalb County, deceased,
are hereby notified to render in ++JANETTE E TIBBALS++, ++Grace Cox Kerns++, late of All creditors of the Estate of of DeKalb County, deceased, All creditors of the Estate of to render in their demands to
their demands to the under- late of DeKalb County, de- DeKalb County, Georgia, are ++William Jennings Branan, are hereby notified to render in ++Rupert Steed++, late of the undersigned according to
signed according to law, and all ceased, are hereby notified to hereby notified to render their Jr.++, late of DeKalb County, their demands to the under- DeKalb County, Georgia, are law, and all persons indebted to
persons indebted to said es- render in their demands to the demands to the undersigned Georgia, are hereby notified to signed according to law, and all hereby notified to render in said Estate are required to
tate are required to make im- undersigned according to law, according to law, and all per- render in their demands to the persons indebted to said Es- their demands to the under- make immediate payment.
mediate payment. and all persons indebted to sons indebted to said Estate undersigned according to law, tate are required to make im- signed according to law, and all This 25th day of September,
This 1st day of October, 2020 said Estate are required to are required to make immedi- and all persons indebted to mediate payment. persons indebted to said Es- 2020.
Name: Shannon M. Vogt make immediate payment. ate payment. said Estate are required to This 1st day of October, 2020. tate are required to make im- Michael T. Smith,
Title: Attorney This 21st day of September, This 17th day of September, make immediate payment. Michele C. Means mediate payment. Administrator for
Address: 3060 Mercer Uni- 2020. This 16th day of September, Aisha Success This 1st day of October, 2020 The Estate of
versity Dr, Randall A Tibbals 2020. The Success Firm Julius Leon Steed Charles Aaron Mitchell, Jr.
Ste 200, Regent Centre, Paige Arden Stanely, Esq.,
Executor of the Estate of John Cleburne Branan P.O. Box 819 Administrator Post Office Box 1246
Atlanta, GA 30341 Attorney for the Estate of
JANETTE E TIBBALS, De- as Personal Representative Decatur, GA 30031 Rupert Steed, Deceased Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046
Grace Cox Kerns
110-439767 10/1,10/8,10/15 ceased of the Estate of 129 Broom Boulevard 110-439929 10/8,10/15,10/22
10/22 Deceased
1139 Houston Mill Rd Law Office of William Jennings Branan, Jr Fayetteville, GA 30215 10/29JH
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Atlanta, GA 30329 c/o Mary Margaret Oliver 110-439907 10/1,10/8,10/15 NOTICE TO DEBTORS
Paige Arden Stanley, LLC 110-439912 10/1,10/8,10/15
CREDITORS 110-439771 10/1,10/8,10/15 10/22JH AND CREDITORS
2025 Robson Place, NE Attorney at Law 10/22JH
All creditors of the estate of 10/22 NOTICE TO DEBTORS
Atlanta, Georgia 30317 150 E. Ponce de Leon Ave NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the Estate of
Suite 260 AND CREDITORS ++Beatrice Maynard Kruger++,
Dekalb County, deceased, are CREDITORS STATE OF GEORGIA
Decatur, GA 30030 All creditors of the Estate of late of DeKalb County, Geor-
hereby notified to render in All creditors of the Estate of COUNTY OF DEKALB
their demands to the under- ++Mary Grimes Wingate++, de- gia, deceased, are hereby noti-
++DAVID LAWRENCE JAR- 110-439886 10/1,10/8,10/15 IN RE: ESTATE OF fied to render in their demands
signed according to law, and all ceased, late of DeKalb County,
VIS++, deceased late of 10/22JH 110-439890 10/1,10/8,10/15 Virginia Lee Seery, to the undersigned according to
persons indebted to said es- Georgia, are hereby notified to
DeKalb County, Georgia, are NOTICE TO DEBTORS 10/22JH DECEASED law, and all persons indebted to
tate are required to make im- hereby notified to render their render in their demands to the
mediate payment. AND CREDITORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS All creditors of the Estate of said Estate are required to
demands to the undersigned undersigned according to law,
This 22nd day of September, All creditors of the Estate of AND CREDITORS ++Virginia Lee Seery++, de- make immediate payment.
according to the law and all and all persons indebted to
2020 ++Russell G. Burnett++, late of All creditors of the Estate of ceased, late of DeKalb County, This 10th day of September,
persons indebted to said Es- said Estate are required to
Name: Wayne Fuller DeKalb County, deceased, are ++Charles Richard Ballance++, Georgia, are hereby notified to 2020
tate are required to make im- make immediate payment to
Title: Executor hereby notified to render in late of DeKalb County, Geor- render their demands and pay- Curt Van Hooven
mediate payment. the undersigned.
Address: 4212 Scenic Moun- their demands to the under- gia, are hereby notified to ments to the Personal Repres- Executor of the Estate of
This, the 21st day of Septem- Edward G. Sheppard, Jr.
tain Dr., signed according to law, and all render in their demands to the entative of the estate, accord- Beatrice Maynard Kruger
ber, 2020. Executor
Apt. 14C, Snellville, GA 30039 persons indebted to said Es- undersigned according to law, ing to law, and all persons in- Melissa P. Walker, Esq.
ESTATE OF DAVID 441 Clairemont Aveue, #401
LAWRENCE JARVIS tate are required to make im- and all persons indebted to debted to said Estate are re- 1418 Dresden Drive Suite 240
Decatur, GA 30030
110-439768 10/1,10/8,10/15 c/o Benjamin Erlitz, Esq. mediate payment. said Estate are required to quired to make immediate pay- Atlanta, Georgia 30319
10/22 This 25th day of August, 2020. 110-439926 10/8,10/15,10/22
1126 Ponce de Leon Avenue, make immediate payment. ment to the Personal Repres- 110-439930 10/8,10/15,10/22
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Regan Delaney Burnett, 10/29JH
NE Atlanta, GA 30306 This 1st day of October, 2020. entative. 10/29JH
Edmund Kemp Carson Dated: September 16, 2020 NOTICE TO DEBTORS
All creditors of the Estate of of the Estate of AND CREDITORS
110-439772 10/1,10/8,10/15, as Executor of the Estate of Martha Zimmer AND CREDITORS
++Thomas L. Murphy++ late of Russell G. Burnett All creditors of the Estate of
10/22 Charles Richard Ballance Personal Representatives All creditors of the Estate of
DeKalb County, deceased, are c/o Melissa Hills, Esq. ++WILLIAM CURTIS LEM-
STATE OF GEORGIA Edmund Kemp Carson of the Estate of ++Henry Lee Lumpkin++, late
hereby notified to render in 881 Piedmont Avenue CKE++, late of DeKalb County,
COUNTY OF DEKALB 1399 Cecilia Drive Virginia Lee Seery of DeKalb County, Georgia, are
their demands to the under- Georgia, are hereby notified to
NOTICE TO DEBTORS Atlanta, GA 30309 Charleston, SC 29407 Deceased hereby notified to render their
signed according to law, and all render their demands to the un-
persons indebted to said Es- AND CREDITORS C/O Barron & Barron, P.C. demands to the undersigned
dersigned according to law,
tate are required to make im- All creditors of the Estate of P.O.Box 87107 according to law, and all per-
and all persons indebted to
mediate payment. ++LLOYD JOHNSON++, de- 110-439887 10/1,10/8,10/15 110-439891 10/1,10/8,10/15 College Park, GA 30337 sons indebted to said Estate
said Estate are hereby notified
This 23 day of September 2020 ceased, of DeKalb County, 10/22JH 10/22JH to make immediate payment. are required to make immedi-
Benjamin Lee Murphy Execut- Georgia, are hereby notified to NOTICE TO DEBTORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS This 23rd day of September, ate payment.
or, render in their demands to the AND CREDITORS 110-439908 10/1,10/8,10/15 This 8th day of October, 2020.
Thomas L. Murphy, Deceased undersigned according to law, STATE OF GEORGIA 10/22JH Angelia Lumpkin
5186 Weatherwood Trace and all persons indebted to COUNTY OF DEKALB NOTICE TO DEBTORS Administrator
Marietta, GA 30068 said Estate are hereby notified All creditors of the Estate of AND CREDITORS c/o Nancy B. Goodman, Esq.
All creditors of the Estate of c/o William G. Witcher, Jr,
to make immediate payment. ++James Vincent O'Keeffe, All creditors of the Estate of Attorney for the Estate of
++ALVA JEAN ROSS++, de- Attorney
This the 24th day of JULY, Jr++, late of DeKalb County, ++RICK LYND BAKER++, de- Henry Lee Lumpkin,
ceased, late of DeKalb County, P.O. Box 1043
2020. Georgia, deceased, are hereby ceased, late of DeKalb County, Deceased
Georgia, are hereby notified to Decatur, Georgia 30031
Mary Jane Johnson, Executrix notified to render in their de- Georgia, are hereby notified to 1201 West Peachtree, NW
render in their demands to the
J. Lamar Worthy, mands to the undersigned ac- render in their demands to the Suite 2340
undersigned according to law,
Attorney for Executrix cording to law, and all persons undersigned according to law, Atlanta, Georgia 30309
and all persons indebted to
5743 Patillo Way indebted to said Estate are re- and all persons indebted to
said Estate are required to
Lithonia, GA 30058 quired to make immediate pay- said Estate are required to
make immediate payment.
ment. make immediate payments.
This 18th day of September,
This 23rd day of September, This 16th day of September,
2020. 2020.
Mark A.C. Robinson,
as Administrator Charles J. Hampton Megan Baker
of the Estate of Charles J. Hampton, P. C. Executor of the Estate of
ALVA JEAN ROSS 750 Hammond Drive Rick Lynd Baker
Mark A.C. Robinson, P.C. Suite 12-100 Brian M. Deutsch
One Decatur TownCenter, Atlanta, Georgia 30328 McCurdy & Candler, L.L.C.
Suite 475 Attorney for Jaime R. O'Keeffe 160 Clairemont Avenue
150 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue Administrator of the Estate of Suite 550
Decatur, Georgia 30030 James Vincent O'Keeffe, Jr. Decatur, Georgia 30030
Page 20 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
110-439977 10/8,10/15,10/22 110-439982 10/8,10/15,10/22 110-439986 10/8,10/15,10/22 110-439990 10/8,10/15,10/22 110-440066 10/15,10/22,10/29 110-440070 10/15,10/22,10/29 110-440075 10/15,10/22,10/29
10/29 10/29 10/29 10/29 11/5 11/5 11/5
Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notice to Debtors and Creditors GEORGIA, NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Notice to Debtors and Creditors
All creditors of the estate of All creditors of the estate of DEKALB COUNTY CREDITORS CREDITORS CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of
++Barbara Meeks Webb++ late ++Martha Briscoe Holcombe++ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of ++Ruby Nell Allen++ late of
of Dekalb County, deceased, late of Dekalb County, de- DEBTORS ++HAROLD CHRISTOPHER ++EDITH G. MILLER++, late of ++Virginia G. Galvin++, de- Dekalb County, deceased, are
are hereby notified to render in ceased, are hereby notified to All creditors of the Estate of JOHNSON JR.++ late of DeKalb County, deceased, are ceased, late of DeKalb County, hereby notified to render in
their demands to the under- render in their demands to the ++Karin Renee Henry++, de- DeKalb County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in are hereby notified to render their demands to the under-
signed according to law, and all undersigned according to law, ceased, late of DeKalb County, hereby notified to render in their demands to the under- their demands to the under- signed according to law, and all
persons indebted to said es- and all persons indebted to are hereby notified to render their demands to the under- signed according to law, and all signed according to law, and all persons indebted to said es-
tate are required to make im- said estate are required to their demands to the under- signed according to law, and all persons indebted to said Es- persons indebted to said Es- tate are required to make im-
mediate payment. make immediate payment. signed according to law, and all persons indebted to said Es- tate are required to make im- tate are required to make im- mediate payment.
This 8th day of October, 2020 This 28th day of September, persons indebted to said es- tate are required to make im- mediate payment. mediate payment to the under- This 2nd day of October, 2020
Name: John Davis Webb, Jr. 2020 tate are required to make im- mediate payment. This 7th day of October, 2020 signed. Name: Ronnie Lee Allen
Title: Executor Name: Vickie H. Saylor mediate payment to the under- Scott B. Fields, Esq., Attorney DWIGHT P. MILLER, Executor This 10/5/2020. Title: Administrator
Address: 1870 Joppa Lane, Title: Administrator signed. of the Estate of HAROLD of the Estate of Jennifer Carlyn Mork Drivdahl Address: 173 Hill Lane, Ellen-
Tucker, GA 30084 Address: 283 Dillard Ct., Lil- This 29th day of September, CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON EDITH G. MILLER, Deceased and Elizabeth Lula Galvin wood, GA 30294
burn, GA 30047 2020. JR., deceased P.O. BOX 517 Shannonhouse as Co-Execut-
Stephanie K. Sheppard Scott B. Fields CEDAR CREST, NM 87008 ors of the Last Will and Testa- 110-440076 10/15,10/22,10/29
110-439983 10/8,10/15,10/22 Attorney for the Estate of 4426 Hugh Howell Rd, 110-440067 10/15,10/22,10/29 ment of Virginia G. Galvin, De- 11/5
110-439978 10/8,10/15,10/22 10/29 Karin Renee Henry, deceased Suite B305 11/5 ceased. Notice to Debtors and Creditors
10/29 Notice to Debtors and Creditors c/o Sheppard Legal Services, Tucker, GA 30084 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND c/o Brent A. Howard, Esq. All creditors of the estate of
Notice to Debtors and Creditors All creditors of the estate of LLC 110-439991 10/8,10/15,10/22 CREDITORS Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner ++Isidra Cornejo-Pineda++ late
All creditors of the estate of ++Tevin Melvin Jenkins++ late 1141 Sheridan Road NE 10/29 All creditors of the Estate of LLP of Dekalb County, deceased,
++Nabil Melhem Kanso++ late of Dekalb County, deceased, Atlanta, GA 30324 NOTICE TO DEBTORS ++Louise Curtis Tucker++ late One Atlantic Center are hereby notified to render in
of Dekalb County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in (404) 503-9188 AND CREDITORS of DeKalb County, deceased, 1201 West Peachtree Street, their demands to the under-
are hereby notified to render in their demands to the under- All creditors of the Estate of are hereby notified to render in NW signed according to law, and all
signed according to law, and all 110-439987 10/8,10/15,10/22 14th Floor
their demands to the under- ++Lovonia F Bailey++, late of their demands to the under- persons indebted to said es-
persons indebted to said es- 10/29 Atlanta, Georgia 30309
signed according to law, and all DeKalb County, deceased, are signed according to law, and all tate are required to make im-
tate are required to make im- GEORGIA,
persons indebted to said es- hereby notified to render in persons indebted to said Es- 110-440071 10/15,10/22,10/29 mediate payment.
mediate payment. DEKALB COUNTY
tate are required to make im- tate are required to make im- 11/5 This 15th day of October, 2020
This 30th day of September, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND their demands to the under-
mediate payment. mediate payment. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND Name: Ann J. Herrera
2020 DEBTORS signed according to law, and all
This 8th day of October, 2020 This 15th day of October 2020 CREDITORS Title: Administrator
Name: William D. Carter, Jr. All creditors of the Estate of persons indebted to said Es-
Name: Daniel Kanso David C. Tucker Executor of All creditors of the estate of Address: 201 Swanton Way,
Title: Attorney for Estate ++Gerdine Vestas Chupp++, tate are required to make im-
Title: Executor the Estate of Louise Curtis ++Grace D. Williamson++, late Decatur, Georgia 30030
Address: 45 Technology Pkwy deceased, late of DeKalb mediate payment.
Address: c/o Mark Branden- Tucker, Deceased of Dekalb County, Georgia, are
S, Suite 240, Peachtree County, are hereby notified to This 8th day of October, 2020.
burg, 4609 Wieuca Rd NE, At- David C. Tucker hereby notified to render in
Corners, GA 30092 render their demands to the un- Franca Tweedy Administrator
lanta, GA 30342 1399 Brookside Manor Court their demands to the under- 110-440077 10/15,10/22,10/29
dersigned according to law, of the Estate of Tucker GA 30084 signed, Michael Doepke, ac- 11/5
110-439984 10/8,10/15,10/22 and all persons indebted to Lovonia F Bailey, Deceased 110-440068 10/15,10/22,10/29 cording to law, and all persons Notice to Debtors and Creditors
10/29 said estate are required to
3108 Regency Park Drive 11/5 indebted to said estate are re- All creditors of the estate of
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND make immediate payment to
110-439979 10/8,10/15,10/22 Lithonia, GA 30038 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND quired to make immediate pay- ++Aleksander Vladimrovich
CREDITORS the undersigned.
10/29 110-440061 10/15,10/22,10/29 CREDITORS ment to the undersigned. Berman++ late of Dekalb
All creditors of the Estate of This 29th day of September,
Notice to Debtors and Creditors 11/5 All creditors of the Estate of This 5th day of October, 2020 County, deceased, are hereby
++Sarah Mossavi-Sai++ late of 2020.
All creditors of the estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND ++FRIEDA BONDS RIVERS++ Michael Doepke, Executor notified to render in their de-
DeKalb County, deceased, are Stephanie K. Sheppard
++Beverly Stokes++ late of CREDITORS late of DeKalb County, de- c/o Herman Law Firm, LLC mands to the undersigned ac-
hereby notified to render their Attorney for the Estate of
Dekalb County, deceased, are All creditors of the Estate of ceased, are hereby notified to 760 Old Roswell Rd. cording to law, and all persons
demands to the Gerdine Vestas Chupp, de-
hereby notified to render in ++BENJAMIN FRANKLIN render in their demands to the Suite 119 indebted to said estate are re-
undersigned according to law, ceased
their demands to the under- DUDLEY++, deceased, late of undersigned according to law, Roswell, GA 30076 quired to make immediate pay-
and all persons indebted to c/o Sheppard Legal Services,
signed according to law, and all LLC DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, and all persons indebted to ment.
said are required to make are hereby notified to render in said Estate are required to 110-440072 10/15,10/22,10/29 This 30th day of September,
persons indebted to said es- 1141 Sheridan Road NE
immediate payment. This 8th their demands to the under- make immediat15 of October 11/5 2020
tate are required to make im- Atlanta, GA 30324
day of October, 2020. Claims signed according to law, and all 2020 DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Name: Victoria Lemberg
mediate payment. (404) 503-9188
and payments should persons indebted to said Es- JOHN E. SIMS, III and DANA NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Title: Administrator
This 8th day of October, 2020
be mailed to: 110-439988 10/8,10/15,10/22 tate are required to make im- SIMS, Co-Administrators, of the DEBTORS Address: 5400 Cameron Forest
Deane Hall Stokes, Jr. and
Luanne M. Bonnie 10/29 mediate payment. Estate of All creditors of the estate of Parkway, John’s Creek, Geor-
Elizabeth Ann Lockhart, Co-Ex-
201 Swanton Way NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND This 1st day of October, 2020. FRIEDA BONDS RIVERS, De- ++Elyse Imani Purefoy++, de- gia 3002
ecutors c/o Gregory A. Jacobs,
Decatur, Georgia 30030 CREDITORS JUDITH ALLEN DUDLEY, Ex- ceased ceased late of DekalbCounty,
Esq. 1117 Perimeter Center
404-371-1540 All creditors of the Estate of ecutor JOHN E. SIMS, III and DANA Georgia are hereby notified to
West, Suite W501, Atlanta, GA 110-440160 10/15,10/22,10/29
30338 110-439985 10/8,10/15,10/22 ++DEAN DUNWODY++ late of U/W BENJAMIN FRANKLIN SIMS render an account of their de- 11/5JH
10/29 DeKalb County, deceased, are DUDLEY 150 Riverview Drive mands to the undersigned ac-
NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND hereby notified to render in Djuric Spratt P.A. Dawsonville, Georgia 30534 cording to law, and all persons
indebted to said estate are re- AND CREDITORS
CREDITORS their demands to the under- Patricia D. Friedman, Esq. 110-440069 10/15,10/22,10/29
quired to make immediate pay- All creditors of the Estate of
All creditors of the Estate of signed according to law, and all 191 Peachtree Street, N.E., 11/5
110-439980 10/8,10/15,10/22 ++Frances Yates++ late of ment to the undersigned. ++KARSTEN LAMAUR COT-
persons indebted to said Es- Suite 4400 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
10/29 DeKalb County, deceased, are tate are required to make im- Atlanta, Georgia 30303 This 2nd day of October 2020 TON++, late of DeKalb County,
Notice to Debtors and Creditors CREDITORS deceased, are hereby notified
hereby notified to render in mediate payment. (404) 523-8337 All creditors of ++WANDA /s/ Teri Fields Teri Fields
All creditors of the estate of their demands to the under- This day of 30th day of Personal Representative of the to render in their demands to
++William Sidney Arnett++ late 110-440065 10/15,10/22,10/29 JEAN STALLINGS
signed according to law, and all September, 2020 Estate of Elyse Imani Purefoy, the undersigned according to
of Dekalb County, deceased, 11/5 LAMPELA++, deceased, are
persons indebted to said Es- JANE MURPHEY TUNNO and hereby notified to render in Deceased law, and all persons indebted to
are hereby notified to render in NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND
tate are required to make im- SUSANNE TUNNO CREDITORS their demands to the under- 157 S. McDonough St. Jones- said Estate are required to
their demands to the under- mediate payment. Executor of the Estate of DEAN boro, GA 30236 make immediate payment.
signed according to law, and all All creditors of the Estate of signed according to law, and all
This 29th day of September DUNWODY ++BARBARA JEAN RECOB++ persons indebted to said Es- 110-440074 10/15,10/22,10/29 This 30th day of September,
persons indebted to said es- 2020 Bethany C. Sanders 11/5 2020
tate are required to make im- late of DeKalb County, de- tate are required to make im-
David C Cole, Esq. Attorney of 3060 Mercer University Drive, ceased, are hereby notified to mediate payment. Notice to Debtors and Creditors DARNELL MICHAEL LIVING-
mediate payment. the Estate of Frances Yates, Ste 200 All creditors of the estate of
This 8th day of October, 2020 render in their demands to the This 2nd day of October, 2020. STON
Deceased Atlanta, GA 30341 undersigned according to law, Mr. Christopher Thomas ++Pilar F. Gonzalez++, late of Executor of the Estate of
Name: Thomas Robert Arnett David C Cole Dekalb County, deceased, are
Title: Executor and all persons indebted to Lampela KARSTEN LAMAUR COTTON
707 Whitlock Avenue, 110-439989 10/8,10/15,10/22 1303 Bush Drive, SE hereby notified to render in
Address: c/o Mark Branden- said Estate are required to Deceased
Suite A-42 10/29 Huntsville, AL 35803 their demands to the under-
burg, 4609 Wieuca Rd NE, At- make immediate payment. P.O. Box 22541
Marietta, GA 30064-4654 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND BRADLEY G. PYLES signed according to law, and all
lanta, GA 30342 This 7th day of October 2020 Pittsburgh, PA 15222
CREDITORS OF WILLIE Attorney for Executor persons indebted to said es-
Jere Alexander Executor of the
NELSON RUSHIN, JR. Post Office Box 1797 tate are required to make im-
Estate of 110-440161 10/15,10/22,10/29
All creditors of the Estate of Macon, GA 31202-1797 mediate payment.
++Willie Nelson Rushin, Jr.++ This 15th day of October, 2020 11/5JH
ceased (478) 745-1651
110-439981 10/8,10/15,10/22 deceased, late of DeKalb Maria Gonzalez-Iglesias, Ex- NOTICE TO DEBTORS
Jere Alexander
10/29 County, Georgia are hereby no- ecutor AND CREDITORS
199 Jaybird Road
Notice to Debtors and Creditors tified to render their demands c/o J. Christopher Miller, Esq. All creditors of the Estate of
Carrollton, GA 30117
All creditors of the estate of to the undersigned according to 11800 Amber Park Drive, Ste ++LINDA MARIE CALLISON
++Annie Ruth Tyus++ late of law, and all persons indebted to 130, Alpharetta, GA 30009 /k/a LINDA JANE CALLISON,
Dekalb County, deceased, are said Estate are required to a/k/a LINDA HANE ORTON,
hereby notified to render in make payment to me. a/k/a LINDA MARIE JOSEPH
their demands to the under- This 1st day of October, 2020. CALLISON++, Late of DeKalb
signed according to law, and all /s/Jacqueline Johnson
County, deceased, are hereby
persons indebted to said es- Administrator of the Estate of
notified to render in their de-
tate are required to make im- Willie Nelson Rushin, Jr.
Kim H. Stroup mands to the undersigned ac-
mediate payment.
Attorney for the Estate of Willie cording to law, and all persons
This 29th day of September,
2020 Nelson Rushin, Jr. indebted to said Estate are re-
Name: Deborah E. Forts James-Bates-Brannan- quired to make immediate pay-
Title: Daughter Groover-LLP ment.
Address: 5908 Poplin Court 231 Riverside Drive, Suite 100 This 30th day of September,
Lithonia, GA 30058 PO Box 4283 2020
Macon, Georgia 31208-4283 DAVID FOSTER ORTON
Executor of the Estate of
mands to the undersigned ac-
cording to law, and all persons You are required to file with
indebted to said Estate are re- the Clerk of Superior Court, and
quired to make immediate pay- to serve upon the plaintiff's at-
ment. torney whose name and ad-
This 30th day of September, dress is: Richard M. Jones, Jr.,
2020 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 21 P.O. Box 371031, Decatur, GA
DAVID FOSTER ORTON 30037 Answer in writing within
Executor of the Estate of 110-440166 10/15,10/22,10/29 110-440169 10/15,10/22,10/29 110-440172 10/15,10/22,10/29 110-440176 10/15,10/22,10/29 sixty (60) days of August 31, 120-439892 10/1,10/8,10/15
LINDA MARIE CALLISON, 11/5JH 11/5jh 11/5JH 11/5JH 2020. 10/22JHC
a/k/a LINDA MARIE JOSEPH All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of All creditors of the Estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS the DeKalb Superior Court. of DeKalb County
CALLISON ++JIMMIE B. BIRD++, de- ++James Campbell Napier, ++Sara Lowther++, deceased, AND CREDITORS This the 31st day of August, State of Georgia
Deceased ceased, late of DeKalb County, Jr.++, late of DeKalb County, late of DeKalb County, Geor- All creditors of the Estate of 2020. Civil Action# ++20FM4270++
290 Twin Fawns Trail Georgia, are hereby notified to Georgia, deceased, are hereby gia, are hereby notified to ++Larry Samuel Winsberg++, Debra DeBerry Willie Howie, Jr.
Dahlonega, GA 30030 render in their demands to the notified to render their de- render their demands to the un- late of DeKalb County, Geor- Clerk of Superior Court Plaintiff
undersigned according to law, mands to the undersigned ac- dersigned according to law, gia, deceased, are hereby noti- 556 N. McDonough Street vs.
110-440162 10/15,10/22,10/29
and all persons indebted to cording to law, and all persons and all persons indebted to fied to render in their demands G-130 Annex Hyesha B. Dallas-Howie
said Estate are required to indebted to said Estate are re- said Estate are required to to the undersigned according to Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 Defendant
make immediate payments. quired to make immediate pay- make immediate payment to law, and all persons indebted to To: Hyesha B. Dallas- Howie
This 1st day of October, 2020. ment thereto. the undersigned. said Estate are required to ADDRESS UNKNOWN
All creditors of the Estate of 120-439104 9/24,10/1,10/8
Carol B. Buhler and This 6th day of October, 2020. This 2nd day of October, 2020. make immediate payment. By Order of the Court service
Douglas Bateson James Campbell Napier, III Biruta Lowther This 15th day of October, 2020. for service by publication dated
Co-Executors of the Estate of Jennifer Napier Nolen Administrator of the Estate of Brenda S. Winsberg, Executor the 31st day of August, 2020.
County, deceased, are hereby In the Superior Court
Jimmie B. Bird Co-Executors of the Estate of Sara Lowther, the deceased c/o David F. Golden, Esq. You are hereby notified that on
notified to render in their de- TROUTMAN PEPPER of DeKalb County
John Walter Drake James Campbell Napier, Jr. c/o deAndrade Mangieri LLC the 27th day of May, 2020, The
mands to the undersigned ac- HAMILTON SANDERS LLP State of Georgia
McCurdy & Candler, L.L.C. Estate Number 2020-1211 Two Ravinia Drive above-named Plaintiff filed suit
cording to law, and all persons Suite 3000 Civil Action#
160 Clairemont Avenue c/o Glenn M. Wall, Suite 1530 against you for: Divorce.
indebted to said Estate are re- 600 Peachtree Street N.E. ++19FM11203-10++
Suite 550 Attorney at Law Atlanta, GA 30346 You are required to file with
quired to make immediate pay- Atlanta, GA 30308 Hiram Robinson
Decatur, Georgia 30030 4411 Suwanee Dam Road 110-440173 10/15,10/22,10/29 the Clerk of Superior Court, and
ment. Plaintiff
110-440167 10/15,10/22,10/29 Suite 610 11/5JH to serve upon the plaintiff or
This 29th day of September, vs.
2020 11/5JH Suwanee, Georgia 30024 NOTICE TO DEBTORS Divorce Lavante Robinson
plaintiff's attorney whose name
and address is: 3044 Harold
Daphne Sue Tippett NOTICE TO DEBTORS 110-440170 10/15,10/22,10/29 AND CREDITORS
Defendant Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30316 an
Administrator of the Estate of AND CREDITORS 11/5JH All creditors of the Estate of 120-438920 9/24,10/1,10/8 To: Lavante Robinson Answer in writing within sixty
RACHEL LETOURNEAU HULL All creditors of the Estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS ++Derrick A. Anderson, Estate 10/15JHC By Order of the Court service (60) days of the date of the Or-
Deceased ++Marjorie June Washburn++, AND CREDITORS Number 2020-1034++, late of NOTICE OF PUBLICATION for service by publication dated der of Publication.
315 W. Ponce de Leon Ave late of DeKalb County, Geor- STATE OF GEORGIA DeKalb County, deceased, are In the Superior Court August 3, 2020 You are hereby Witness the Honorable Shon-
Suite 600 gia, deceased, are hereby noti- COUNTY OF DEKALB hereby notified to render in of DeKalb County notified that on March 9, 2020 deana C. Morris, Judge of the
Decatur, Georgia 30030 fied to render in their demands IN RE: ESTATE OF their demands to the under- State of Georgia The above-named Plaintiff filed DeKalb Superior Court.
to the undersigned according to GRACE HILL PUGH signed according to law, and all Civil Action# ++20FM3316++
110-440163 10/15,10/22,10/29 suit against you for: Divorce. This the 31st day of August,
law, and all persons indebted to Estate No. 2020-0810 persons indebted to said Es- Audley A. Miller
11/5JH You are required to file with 2020.
said Estate are required to All creditors of the Estate of tate are required to make im- Plaintiff
NOTICE TO DEBTORS the Clerk of Superior Court, and Debra DeBerry
make immediate payment. ++GRACE HILL mediate payment. vs.
AND CREDITORS to serve upon the plaintiff's at- Clerk of Superior Court
This 23rd day of September, PUGH++, deceased, late of This 5th day of October, 2020. Sierria Pole
All creditors of the Estate of torney whose name and ad- 556 N. McDonough Street
2020 DeKalb County, Georgia are Melanie Adia Anderson Defendant
++CAROL SUE TEMPLE++, dress is: Hiram Robinson, PO Ground Floor
James A. Washburn hereby notified to render in Aisha Success To: Sierria Pole
Late of DeKalb County, de- Executor of the Estate of Box 366117 Atlanta, GA 30336 Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
their demands to the under- The Success Firm Unknown Address
ceased, are hereby notified to Marjorie June Washburn Answer in writing within sixty
signed according to law, and all P.O. Box 819 By Order of the Court, for ser-
render in their demands to the Melissa P. Walker, Esq. (60) days of of the date of the
undersigned according to law, 1418 Dresden Drive Suite 240
persons indebted to said Es-
tate are required to make im-
Decatur, GA 30031
110-440174 10/15,10/22,10/29
vice by publication dated the
4th day of September, 2020
Order of Publication. Deprived
and all persons indebted to Atlanta, Georgia 30319 Witness the Honorable Tan-
mediate payment to the under- 11/5JH You are hereby notified that on
said Estate are required to 110-440168 10/15,10/22,10/29 gela Barrie, Judge of the 160-439105 9/24,10/1,10/8
signed. NOTICE TO DEBTORS the 18th day of March, 2020
make immediate payment. 11/5jh DeKalb Superior Court. 10/15
October 2, 2020. AND CREDITORS The above-named Plaintiff filed NOTICE TO APPEAR
This 21st day of September, NOTICE TO DEBTORS This the 3rd day of March,
Sherry Wallis GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY suit against you for: Divorce. STATE OF GEORGIA
1530 Fincerville Road All creditors of the Estate of You are required to file with COUNTY OF DEKALB
Linda T. Kyles STATE OF GEORGIA Debra DeBerry
Jackson, GA 30233 ++Walter Herman Hall++, late the Clerk of Superior Court, and IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF
Executor of the Estate of COUNTY OF DEKALB Clerk of Superior Court
Amy M. Fletcher, Esq. of DeKalb County, deceased, to serve upon the plaintiff's at- DEKALB COUNTY.
SMITH, WELCH, WEBB & are hereby notified to render in torney whose name and ad- In the interest of ++C.M.,
Deceased 2020-0991 G-130 Annex
WHITE, LLC their demands to the under- dress is: Lee & Peynado Im- Sex:M,DOB:10-12-10, Case
1933 Carlington Court, NE All creditors of the Estate of Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
P.O. Box 10 signed according to law, and all migration Law Group, 100 Number 044-20J01653;
Atlanta, GA 30345 ++Lucille Catherine Anderson, 2200 Keys Ferry Court persons indebted to said Es- North Point Ctr East, Suite 530, C.M.,Sex:M,DOB:05-10-
110-440164 10/15,10/22,10/29 a/k/a Lucille Anderson Mullin- McDonough, Georgia 30253 tate are required to make im- Alpharetta, GA 30022 Answer 120-439774 10/1,10/8,10/15 12,Case Number 044-
11/5JH ax++, deceased, late of DeKalb 110-440171 10/15,10/22,10/29 mediate payment. in writing within sixty (60) days 10/22 20J01654;K.M.,Sex:M,DOB:04-
NOTICE TO DEBTORS County, Georgia, are hereby 11/5JH This 7th day of October, 2020 of the date of the Order of Pub- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 10-13,Case Number 044-
AND CREDITORS notified to render their de- NOTICE TO DEBTORS Patricia Carmen Tyroff lication. OF DEKALB COUNTY 20J01655++
All creditors of the Estate of mands to the undersigned ac- AND CREDITORS Executor of the Estate of STATE OF GEORGIA TO: SANQUETTA MAT-
Witness the Honorable Lat-
cording to law, and all persons TIA A. STEPHENS, THEWS, Mother and KEITH
++HELEN SONGER CHURCH- STATE OF GEORGIA Walter Herman Hall isha Dear Jackson, Judge of
indebted to said Estate are re- a/k/n TIA A. MCNEAR, GILBERT, Putative Father,
WELL++, Late of DeKalb COUNTY OF DEKALB Estate No. 2020-1337 the DeKalb Superior Court.
quired to make immediate pay- Plaintiff, JEREMY FLORENCE, Putat-
County, deceased, are hereby All creditors of the Estate of 110-440175 10/15,10/22,10/29 This the 4th day of September, ive Father, and ALL
ment to me. vs.
notified to render in their de- ++LAWRENCE NZEKWE++, 11/5JH 2020. KNOWN/UNKNOWN AND UN-
This 28th day of September, LENNOX PORTER,
mands to the undersigned ac- deceased, late of DeKalb NOTICE TO DEBTORS Debra DeBerry NAMED PUTATIVE, LEGAL or
2020. Defendant.
cording to law, and all persons County, Georgia, are hereby AND CREDITORS Clerk of Superior Court CIVIL ACTION BIOLOGICAL FATHERS
indebted to said Estate are re- LYDIA ANNE CONANT notified to render in their de- All creditors of the Estate of 556 N. McDonough Street GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or-
FILE NO. ++20FM5835++
quired to make immediate pay- Executrix of the Estate of mands to the undersigned ac- ++Henry Thomas Steele Jr.++, G-130 Annex der of this Court, you are
ment. Lucille Catherine Anderson, cording to law, and all persons late of DeKalb County, Geor- Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 STATE OF GEORGIA hereby notified that on or about
This 21st day of September, a/k/a Lucille Anderson Mullinax indebted to said Estate are re- gia, are hereby notified to COUNTY OF DEKALB August 26, 2020, a Petition For
120-438921 9/24,10/1,10/8
2020 Deceased quired to make immediate pay- render in their demands to the Notice is hereby given that Tia Permanent Guardianship was
ELAINE CHURCHWELL HAR- c/o Jack F. Witcher ment. undersigned according to law, A. Stephens, through her coun- filed in this Court by the Geor-
RIS Attorney at Law This 6th day of October, 2020 and all persons indebted to sel, John B. Jackson, the un- gia Department of Human Ser-
In the Superior Court
Executor of the Estate of P.O. Drawer 1330 Mark A.C. Robinson, said Estate are required to dersigned, filed a Verified Com- vices, through its agent ,
of DeKalb County
HELEN SONGER CHURCH- Bremen, GA 30110 as Administrator plaint for Divorce with the Su- DeKalb County Division of
make immediate payment. State of Georgia
WELL of the Estate of perior Court of Dekalb County, Family and Children Services
This (Tuesday) 6th day of Octo- Civil Action#
Deceased LAWRENCE NZEKWE Georgia, on the 17th day of Au- (Division), whose address is
ber, 2020 ++20FM6112++ 178 Sams Street, Decatur,
3096 Northbrook Drive Mark A.C. Robinson, P.C. gust, 2020, praying for a di-
Jacquelyn Steele THEODORE NELSON Georgia 30030, alleging the
Atlanta, GA 30341 One Decatur TownCenter, vorce from LENNOX PORTER.
for the Estate of Plaintiff whereabouts of the above-
Suite 475 Notice is hereby given pursu-
110-440165 10/15,10/22,10/29 150 E. Ponce de Leon Avenue Henry Thomas Steele, Jr. vs. ant to law to any interested or named parties are unknown.
11/5JH Decatur, Georgia 30030 Deceased BRENDA SUE BELL SCOTT affected party to appear in said The above-named children are
NOTICE TO DEBTORS 3264 Stratton Lane Defendant Court and to file objections to in the temporary custody of the
AND CREDITORS Scottdale, Georgia 30079-1415 To: BRENDA SUE BELL such Complaint. Objections Division pursuant to a prior or-
All creditors of the Estate of SCOTT must be filed with said Court der of the Court finding the chil-
++Dennis Urban Wenzlick++, Address Unknown within thirty (30) of the date dren to be dependent. The Pe-
late of DeKalb County, de- By Order of the Court service hereof. tition asks the Court to place
ceased, are hereby notified to for service by publication dated This 21st day of September, the children under the perman-
render their demands to the un- August 31, 2020, You are 2020. ent guardianship of a relative. A
hereby notified that on August PREPARED BY: free copy of the Petition may be
dersigned according to law,
26, 2020, The above-named /s/ John B. Jackson obtained from the Clerk of the
and all persons indebted to Juvenile Court of DeKalb
said Estate are required to Plaintiff filed suit against you John B. Jackson
Georgia Bar No. 387190 County, 4309 Memorial Drive,
make immediate payment. for: Divorce.
Attorney for Plaintiff Decatur, Georgia 30030, on
This 15th day of September, You are required to file with any day, Monday through Fri-
2020 the Clerk of Superior Court, and day, between the hours 8:30
Urban Duane Wenzlick to serve upon the plaintiff's at- 110 Wagon Yard Plaza a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Executor of the Estate of torney whose name and ad- Carrollton, Georgia 30117 You are hereby commanded to
Dennis Urban Wenzlick dress is: Richard M. Jones, Jr., Phone: (770) 834-0345 be and appear at the DeKalb
8203 Johnstone Road P.O. Box 371031, Decatur, GA Fax: (770) 406-6609 County Juvenile Court, 4309
New Lothrop, MI 48460 30037 Answer in writing within Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor-
sixty (60) days of August 31, gia 30030 on September 25,
2020. 2020 at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to
Witness the Honorable show cause why the request of
Gregory A. Adams, Judge of the Division to grant the guardi-
Decatur, Georgia 30030, on any day, Monday through Fri- be and appear at the DeKalb on the 15th of October 2020 at via Zoom. The Zoom Id num- Zoom. In addition, computer on
any day, Monday through Fri- day, between the hours 8:30 County Juvenile Court, 4309 9:00 o’clock a.m. to show ber is 9970-509-5447. Com- access will be available at the November 4, 2020 at 9:00
day, between the hours 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- cause why the request of the puters will be available for your DeKalb County Juvenile Court o’clock a.m., before Judge
a.m. until 5:00 p.m. You are hereby commanded to gia 30030 on October 16, 2020 Department regarding legal access at the DeKalb County if needed. Temika W. Murry to show
You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the DeKalb at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to show custody of the above-named Juvenile Court if needed. You You may file in the office of the cause why the request of the
be and appear at the DeKalb County Juvenile Court, 4309 cause why the request of the child should not be granted. may file in the office of the Clerk of this Court and serve Division regarding legal cus-
Page 22
County Juvenile Court, 4309
Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor-
gia 30030 on September 28,
Division for a non-reunification
permanency plan should not be
Due to the COVID-19 pandem- Clerk of this Court and serve
upon Petitioner’s attorney,
upon Petitioner’s attorney, tody of the above-named
child(ren) should not be gran-
ic this matter may be held virtu- Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306;
gia 30030 on September 25, 2020 at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to granted. You may file in the of- ally via Zoom. Computer ac- Jerry W. Thacker, PO. Box Decatur, Georgia 30031, within ted. Due to the pandemic
2020 at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to show cause why the request of fice of the Clerk of this Court cess will be available at the 83480 Conyers, Georgia sixty (60) days of the date of caused by COVID-19 this mat-
show cause why the request of the Division to grant the guardi- and serve upon Plaintiff’s attor- DeKalb County Juvenile Court 30013, within sixty days (60) of the first publication, your an- ter may be held virtually via
the Division to grant the guardi- anship should not be granted. ney, Eleasah Waller, ESQ, PO if needed. The Zoom ID # for October 14, 2019 your answer swer to the Division’s petition. Zoom. In addition, computer
anship should not be granted. You may file in the office of the Box 360275; Decatur, Georgia this hearing is 9970-509-5447. to the Department’s Petition. A A party is entitled to counsel in access will be available at the
You may file in the office of the Clerk of this Court and serve 30036, within thirty (30) days of You may file in the office of the party is entitled to counsel in these proceedings and the DeKalb County Juvenile Court
Clerk of this Court and serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney , the date of the first publication, Clerk of this Court and serve these proceedings and the Court will appoint an attorney if needed.
upon Plaintiff’s attorney , Eleasah Waller, ESQ. PO Box your answer to the Division’s upon Petitioner’s attorney, Court will appoint an attorney for you if you are unable, You may file in the office of the
Eleasah Waller, ESQ. PO Box 360275; Decatur, Georgia request. Jerry W. Thacker, PO. Box for you if you are unable, without undue financial hard- Clerk of this Court and serve
360275; Decatur, Georgia 30036, within (30) days of the The Hearing is scheduled to be 83480 Conyers, Georgia without undue financial hard- ship to employ counsel. Notice upon Petitioner’s attorney,
30036, within (30) days of the date of the first publication, held virtually. You may also ac- 30013, within sixty days (60) of ship, to employ counsel. is hereby given that a provi- Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306;
date of the first publication, your answer to the Division’s cess the DeKalb County Juven- October 15, 2020 your answer WITNESS, the Honorable De- sional hearing may be conduc- Decatur, Georgia 30031, within
your answer to the Division’s Petition. ile Court website to obtain the to the Department’s Petition. A siree Sutton Peagler, Judge ted on the date listed above by sixty (60) days of the date of
Petition. The putative father(s) shall lose Zoom hearing ID. The website party is entitled to counsel in This 8th day of September, the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. the first publication, your an-
The putative father(s) shall lose all rights to object to the ap- address is www.dekalbjuvenile- these proceedings and the 2020. § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact swer to the Division’s petition.
all rights to object to the ap- pointment of a permanent You may also contact Court will appoint an attorney /S/ Madana Butler and orders of disposition made A party is entitled to counsel in
pointment of a permanent guardian for the minor unless the Clerk’s office at 678-409- for you if you are unable, Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb at the provisional hearing may these proceedings and the
guardian for the minor unless he files an objection with the 4252 for further information and without undue financial hard- 160-439775 10/1,10/8,10/15 become final at a final hearing Court will appoint an attorney
he files an objection with the court within 14 days of this no- assistance accessing the virtu- ship, to employ counsel. 10/22 unless parties served by public- for you if you are unable,
court within 14 days of this no- tice and files a petition to legit- al hearing. WITNESS, the Honorable De- NOTICE TO APPEAR ation appear at the final hear- without undue financial hard-
tice and files a petition to legit- imate the minor within 30 days A party is entitled to counsel in siree Sutton Peagler STATE OF GEORGIA ing. ship to employ counsel. Notice
imate the minor within 30 days of the hearing on the objection. these proceedings and the This 4th day of September, COUNTY OF DEKALB WITNESS, the Honorable Vin- is hereby given that a provi-
of the hearing on the objection. The Hearing is scheduled to be Court will appoint an attorney 2020. IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF cent C. Crawford, Judge sional hearing may be conduc-
The Hearing is scheduled to be held virtually. You may also ac- for you if you are unable, /S/ Manda Butler DEKALB COUNTY This the 24th day of Septem- ted on the date listed above by
held virtually. You may also ac- cess the DeKalb County Juven- without undue financial hard- Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb In the interest of: ++M.C-T., ber, 2020. the court pursuant to O.C.G.A.
cess the DeKalb County Juven- ile Court website to obtain the ship to employ counsel. Notice S.T. Sex:F, F, DOB:3/21/20, Antoninette L. Brantley, § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact
ile Court website to obtain the Zoom hearing ID. The website is hereby given that prior to a fi- 160-439109 9/24,10/1,10/8 9/2/11, Age:6 MOS, 9 YRS., Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb and orders of disposition made
Zoom hearing ID. The website address is www.dekalbjuvenile- nal hearing, a provisional hear- 10/15 Case Number 20J01516, County at the provisional hearing may
address is www.dekalbjuvenile- You may also contact ing may be conducted by IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF 20J01515++ become final at a final hearing You may also contact the Clerk’s office at 678-409- the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. DEKALB COUNTY NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY 160-439776 10/1,10/8,10/15 unless parties served by public-
the Clerk’s office at 678-409- 4252 for further information and 15-11-29. Findings of Fact and STATE OF GEORGIA PROCEEDINGS 10/22 ation appear at the final hear-
4252 for further information and assistance accessing the virtu- orders of disposition made at IN THE INTEREST OF: ++FILE TO: VENUS TAYLOR, MOTH- NOTICE TO APPEAR ing.
assistance accessing the virtu- al hearing. the provisional hearing may be- Nos.@182898, 182902, ER, DEMARCUS CONLEY, STATE OF GEORGIA WITNESS, the Honorable Vin-
al hearing. A party is entitled to counsel in come final at a final hearing un- 182903 BLESS HOWARD FATHER, and ALL KNOWN, COUNTY OF DEKALB cent C. Crawford, Judge
A party is entitled to counsel in these proceedings and the less parties served by publica- SEX:F AGE:14 DOB:09-09-05 UNKNOWN, AND UNNAMED IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF This the 24th day of Septem-
these proceedings and the Court will appoint an attorney tion appear at the final hearing. Case 20J01572 ZION PUTATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLO- DEKALB COUNTY ber, 2020.
Court will appoint an attorney for you if you are unable, WITNESS, the Honorable HOWARD SEX:F AGE:12 GICAL FATHERS of the above- In the interest of: ++B.A., Sex: Antoninette L. Brantley,
for you if you are unable, without undue financial hard- Fatima El-Amin, Judge DOB:12-28-07 Case 20J01573 named child(ren), WHOSE M, DOB: 12/3/06, Age: 14 Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb
without undue financial hard- ship to employ counsel. Notice This the 3rd day of September, JOY PERRYMAN SEX:F WHEREABOUTS ARE UN- YRS., Case Number County
ship to employ counsel. Notice is hereby given that prior to a fi- 2020. AGE:11 DOB:12-12-09 Case KNOWN. 20J01623++
is hereby given that prior to a fi- nal hearing, a provisional hear- Antoninette Johnson-Brantley, 20J01574++ GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY 160-439992 10/8,10/15,10/22,
nal hearing, a provisional hear- ing may be conducted by CLERK OF COURT A Child/Children Under 18 der of this Court, you are PROCEEDINGS 10/29
ing may be conducted by the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. 160-439108 9/24,10/1,10/8 Years of Age hereby notified that on August TO: LATARA ADAMS, MOTH- NOTICE TO APPEAR
the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. 15-11-29. Findings of Fact and 10/15 NOTICE OF GUARDIANSHIP 25, 2020 a Petition of Depend- ER, BRANDON (LAST NAME STATE OF GEORGIA
15-11-29. Findings of Fact and orders of disposition made at IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF PROCEEDINGS ency was filed in this Court by UNKNOWN), FATHER, and COUNTY OF DEKALB
orders of disposition made at the provisional hearing may be- DEKALB COUNTY TO: Angel Perryman, the biolo- the Georgia Department of Hu- ALL KNOWN, UNKNOWN, IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF
the provisional hearing may be- come final at a final hearing un- STATE OF GEORGIA gical mother and Antonio Perry- man Services, through its AND UNNAMED PUTATIVE, DEKALB COUNTY.
come final at a final hearing un- less parties served by publica- IN THE INTEREST OF ++FILE man the father of the above- agent, with the DeKalb County LEGAL or BIOLOGICAL FATH- In the interest of:
less parties served by publica- tion appear at the final hearing. NO. 990375845 Z. S. F AGE: 0 named children and any un- Division of Family and Children ERS of the above-named ++L.B., Sex: M, DOB: Un-
tion appear at the final hearing. WITNESS, the Honorable DOB: 4/29/20 CASE # known unnamed, putative, leg- Services (hereinafter referred to child(ren), WHOSE WHERE- known, Age: 3 YRS.,
WITNESS, the Honorable Fatima El-Amin, Judge 20J01207++ al or biological father, whose as “the Division”), whose ad- ABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN. Case Number 20J00746++
Fatima El-Amin, Judge This the 3rd day of September, Child/Children Under the Age of whereabouts are unknown: dress is 2300 Parklake Drive GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY
This the 3rd day of September, 2020. 18 GREETINGS: Pursuant to an NE, Atlanta, DeKalb County, der of this Court, you are PROCEEDINGS
2020. Antoninette Johnson-Brantley, NOTICE OF DEPENDENCY Order of this Court dated Georgia 30345, alleging the hereby notified that on Septem- TO: IANNA ANDERSON aka
Antoninette Johnson-Brantley, CLERK OF COURT PROCEEDINGS September 8, 2020 you are whereabouts of the above men- ber 15, 2020 a Petition of De- KEYONA SHUFFLE, MOTH-
CLERK OF COURT TO: Zakiyyah Sullivan, the bio- hereby notified that a Petition to tioned partie(s) are unknown. pendency was filed in this ER and ALL KNOWN, UN-
160-439107 9/24,10/1,10/8 logical mother and Terrol Bey, Establish Permanent Guardian- The Petitioner asks the Court to Court by the Georgia Depart- KNOWN, AND UNNAMED PU-
160-439106 9/24,10/1,10/8 10/15 the legal father and Cornelius ship was filed against you in transfer temporary legal cus- ment of Human Services, TATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLOGIC-
10/15 NOTICE TO APPEAR Broughton, the putative father this Court by the Georgia De- tody of the above-named through its agent, with the AL FATHERS of the above-
NOTICE TO APPEAR STATE OF GEORGIA and any unknown, legal, biolo- partment of Human Resources, child(ren) to the Division of DeKalb County Division of named child, WHOSE WHERE-
STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF DEKALB gical or unnamed father of the through its agent, the DeKalb Family and Children Services Family and Children Services ABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN.
COUNTY OF DEKALB IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF above-named child, WHOSE County Division of Family and on the grounds that the (hereinafter referred to as “the GREETINGS:
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY. In the in- WHEREABOUTS ARE UN- Children Services child(ren) is/are dependent as Division”), whose address is Pursuant to Order of this Court,
DEKALB COUNTY. terest of KNOWN: (Department), alleging that the that term is defined by 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- you are hereby notified that a
In the interest of ++E.J.E., Sex: ++C.S., Sex: F, Age: 16 YRS. GREETINGS: Pursuant to an whereabouts of the biological O.C.G.A. § 15-11-2(22). lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia NON-REUNIFICATION CASE
F, DOB: 12-05-14, Case Num- DOB: 04-20-04, Case Number Order of this Court dated parents of the above-named A free copy of the Petition may 30345, alleging the where- PLAN was filed on September
ber 044-20J01666++ 18J01733++ September. 4, 2020 you are child are unknown. The Peti- be obtained from the Clerk of abouts of the above mentioned 29, 2020 in the Juvenile Court
TO: JAMES EVERETT, Father TO: Shea Scheidel, Mother hereby notified that a Depend- tion asks the Court to end re- the Juvenile Court of DeKalb partie(s) are unknown. The Pe- of DeKalb County by the Geor-
GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- ency Petition was filed against unification services and place County, 4309 Memorial Drive, titioner asks the Court to trans- gia Department of Human Ser-
der of this Court, you are der of this Court, you are you in this Court by the Geor- legal custody of the above- Decatur, Georgia 30030, on fer temporary legal custody of vices, through its agent ,
hereby notified that on or about hereby notified that on or about gia Department of Human Re- named children with a third any day, Monday through Fri- the above-named child(ren) to DeKalb County Division of
August 31, 2020, a Petition For August 31, 2020, the Georgia sources, through its agent, the party until the children each day, between the hours 8:30 the Division of Family and Chil- Family and Children Services
Permanent Guardianship was Department of Human Ser- DeKalb County Division of reaches eighteen (18) years old a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- dren Services on the grounds (hereinafter referred to as “the
filed in this Court by the Geor- vices, through its agent, Family and Children Services on the grounds that the chil- tact the Clerk’s office at 678- that the child(ren) is/are de- Division”), whose address is
gia Department of Human Ser- DeKalb County Division of (Department), alleging that the dren are dependent as defined 409-4252 or email pendent as that term is defined 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At-
vices, through its agent, Family and Children Service whereabouts of the biological by O.C.G.A. sec. 15-11-2 (22). piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g by O.C.G.A. § 15-11-2(22). lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia
DeKalb County Division of (Division or DFCS), whose ad- parents of the above-named A free copy of the petition may ov for information regarding A free copy of the Petition may 30345 alleging the where-
Family and Children Services dress is 2300 Parklake Drive child is unknown. The Petition be obtained from the Clerk of electronic filing and virtual ac- be obtained from the Clerk of abouts of the above mentioned
(Division), whose address is NE; Atlanta, DeKalb County, asks the Court to find that the the Juvenile Court of DeKalb cess. the Juvenile Court of DeKalb partie(s) are unknown. The
178 Sams Street, Decatur, Georgia 30345, alleged that the child is dependent as defined County, 4309 Memorial Dr., You are hereby commanded to County, 4309 Memorial Drive, above-named child(ren) is in
Georgia 30030, alleging the whereabouts of the above- by O.C.G.A. sec. 15-11-2 (22) Decatur, Georgia 30032, on be and appear at the DeKalb Decatur, Georgia 30030, on the temporary custody of the
whereabouts of the above- named parties are unknown and that it is contrary to child’s any day, Monday through Fri- County Juvenile Court, 4309 any day, Monday through Fri- Division pursuant to a prior or-
named parties are unknown. and requested that the Court best interest to provide reason- day, between the hours of 8:30 Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- day, between the hours 8:30 der of the Court finding the
The above-named child is in enter a non-reunification per- able efforts to reunify the fam- a.m. and 5:00 p.m. gia 30030 by person or via a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- child(ren) to be dependent. The
the temporary custody of the manency plan for the above- ily. A free copy of the petition You are commanded to be and Zoom (Zoom ID 581 751 2155) tact the Clerk’s office at 678- NON-REUNIFICATION Case
Division pursuant to a prior or- named child. The above-named may be obtained from the Clerk appear at the DeKalb County on 409-4252 or email Plan asks the Court to issue an
der of the Court finding the child is in the temporary cus- of the Juvenile Court of DeKalb Juvenile Court 4309 Memorial November 4, 2020 at 10:45 piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g order authorizing the Division to
child to be dependent. The Pe- tody of the Division pursuant to County, 4309 Memorial Dr., Dr., Decatur, Georgia 30032, o’clock a.m., before Judge ov for information regarding cease providing reunification
tition asks the Court to place a prior order of the Court find- Decatur, Georgia 30032, on on the 14th of October 2020 at Temika W. Murry to show electronic filing and virtual ac- services to the parents. At said
the child under the permanent ing the child to be dependent. any day, Monday through Fri- 9:00 o’clock a.m. to show cause why the request of the cess. hearing, the Court will review
guardianship of a relative. A The Petitioner asks the Court to day, between the hours of 8:30 cause why the request of the Division regarding legal cus- You are hereby commanded to and consider the Division’s re-
free copy of the Petition may be find that the provision of reuni- a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Department regarding legal tody of the above-named be and appear at the DeKalb commended permanency plan
obtained from the Clerk of the fication services is detrimental You are commanded to be and custody of the above-named child(ren) should not be gran- County Juvenile Court, 4309 of concurrent non-reunification
Juvenile Court of DeKalb to the child and not in the appear at the DeKalb County children should not be granted. ted. Due to the pandemic Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- and adoption submitted by the
County, 4309 Memorial Drive, child’s best interest. Juvenile Court 4309 Memorial Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic caused by COVID-19 this mat- gia 30030 by person or via Division pursuant to O.C.G.A. §
Decatur, Georgia 30030, on You are hereby commanded to Dr., Decatur, Georgia 30032, this matter will be held virtually ter may be held virtually via Zoom (Zoom ID 581 751 2155) 15-11-231, §15-11-203, §15-
any day, Monday through Fri- be and appear at the DeKalb on the 15th of October 2020 at via Zoom. The Zoom Id num- Zoom. In addition, computer on 11-204.
day, between the hours 8:30 County Juvenile Court, 4309 9:00 o’clock a.m. to show ber is 9970-509-5447. Com- access will be available at the November 4, 2020 at 9:00 A free copy of the Order may
a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- cause why the request of the puters will be available for your DeKalb County Juvenile Court o’clock a.m., before Judge be obtained from the Clerk of
You are hereby commanded to gia 30030 on October 16, 2020 Department regarding legal access at the DeKalb County if needed. Temika W. Murry to show the Juvenile Courtof DeKalb
be and appear at the DeKalb at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to show custody of the above-named Juvenile Court if needed. You You may file in the office of the cause why the request of the County, 4309 Memorial Drive,
County Juvenile Court, 4309 cause why the request of the child should not be granted. may file in the office of the Clerk of this Court and serve Division regarding legal cus- Decatur, Georgia 30030, on
Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- Division for a non-reunification Due to the COVID-19 pandem- Clerk of this Court and serve upon Petitioner’s attorney, tody of the above-named any day, Monday through Fri-
gia 30030 on September 28, permanency plan should not be ic this matter may be held virtu- upon Petitioner’s attorney, Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306; child(ren) should not be gran- day, between the hours 8:30
2020 at 8:30 o’clock a.m. to granted. You may file in the of- ally via Zoom. Computer ac- Jerry W. Thacker, PO. Box Decatur, Georgia 30031, within ted. Due to the pandemic a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con-
show cause why the request of fice of the Clerk of this Court cess will be available at the 83480 Conyers, Georgia sixty (60) days of the date of caused by COVID-19 this mat- tact the Clerk’s office at 678-
the Division to grant the guardi- and serve upon Plaintiff’s attor- DeKalb County Juvenile Court 30013, within sixty days (60) of the first publication, your an- ter may be held virtually via 409-4252 or email
anship should not be granted. ney, Eleasah Waller, ESQ, PO if needed. The Zoom ID # for October 14, 2019 your answer swer to the Division’s petition. Zoom. In addition, computer piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g
11-204. the above-named child to the any known/unknown, you in this Court by the Geor- TO: Edward Kimble Johnakin BIOLOGICAL FATHERS, is hereby given that a provi-
A free copy of the Order may Division of Family and Children named/unnamed putative, bio- gia Department of Human Ser- 1172 DeLeon Court WHOSE WHEREABOUTS sional hearing may be conduc-
be obtained from the Clerk of Services on the grounds that logical and or legal father are vices, through its agent, the Clarkston, GA 30021 ARE UNKNOWN. ted on the date listed above by
the Juvenile Courtof DeKalb the child is dependent as that unknown. The Petition asks the DeKalb County Division of YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- the court pursuant to O.C.G.A.
County, 4309 Memorial Drive, term is defined by O.C.G.A. § Court to modify custody of the Family and Children Services, action for Joint Petition for Ter- der of this Court, you are § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact
Decatur, Georgia 30030, on 15-11-2(22). child from the Division of Fam- 178 Sams Street, Decatur, mination of Parental Rights hereby notified that on or about and orders of disposition made

any day, Monday through Fri- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 23
A free copy of the Petition may ily and Children’s Services to a Georgia 30030, alleging that Pending Adoption of Olive June June 17, 2019, a Petition For at the provisional hearing may
day, between the hours 8:30 be obtained from the Clerk of permanent guardian. A free the whereabouts of the parents Johnakin, Minor Child, has Termination of Parental Rights become final at a final hearing
a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- the Juvenile Court of DeKalb copy of the petition may be ob- are unknown. The above- been filed against you and that was filed in this Court by the unless parties served by public-
tact the Clerk’s office at 678- County, 4309 Memorial Drive, tained from the Clerk of the Ju- named children are in the tem- you are required to serve a Georgia Department of Human ation appear at the final hear-
409-4252 or email Decatur, Georgia 30030, on venile Court of DeKalb County, porary custody of the Depart- copy of your written defenses, if Services, through its agent, ing.
piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g any day, Monday through Fri- 4309 Memorial Drive, Decatur, ment pursuant to a prior order any, to it, on CHARLES and DeKalb County Division of WITNESS, the Honorable Vin-
ovfor information regarding day, between the hours 8:30 Georgia 30032, on any day, of the Court finding the chil- JANET ELMER, whose ad- Family and Children Services cent C. Crawford, Judge
electronic filing and virtual ac- a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- Monday through Friday, dren to be dependent. The Pe- dress is: c/o Valerie C. Faltemi- (hereinafter referred to as “the This the 24th day of Septem-
cess. tact the Clerk’s office at 678- between the hours of 8:30 a.m. tition asks the Court to termin- er, Esq., Faltemier Rogers Division”), whose address is ber, 2020.
You are hereby commanded to 409-4252 or email and 5:00 p.m. ate the parental rights and ob- PLLC, 10 South 7th Street, 2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- Antoninette L. Brantley,
be and appear at the DeKalb piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g On the 3rd day of November ligations of the parents, with re- Suite 1, Fernandina Beach, FL lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb
County Juvenile Court, 4309 ov for information regarding 2020 at 11:30 A.M. you are spect to the children, and of the 32034, and file the original with 30345, alleging the where- County
Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- electronic filing and virtual ac- commanded to be and appear children to the parent arising the Clerk of this Court at: Nas- abouts of the above-named
gia 30030by person or via cess. at the DeKalb County Juvenile out of the parental relationship, sau County Clerk of Court, parties are unknown. The
Zoom via Zoom (Zoom ID 963- You are hereby commanded to Court, 4309 Memorial Drive, including the right to inherit- 76347 Veterans Way, Yulee, above-named child is in the
656-85416) on November 9, be and appear at the DeKalb Decatur, Georgia 30032 or sign ance, and that the children be FL 32097 before service on Pe- temporary custody of the Divi- Name Change
2020 at 9:00 o’clock a.m., be- County Juvenile Court, 4309 into your hearing using the committed to the Georgia De- titioner, or immediately there- sion pursuant to a prior order of
fore Judge Linda Bratton Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor- Zoom Meeting ID for Chief partment of Human Services, after. If you fail to do so, a de- the Court finding the child to be 200-439114 9/24,10/1,10/8
Haynes to show cause why the gia 30030 by person or via Judge Vincent Crawford and with the right to proceed for ad- fault may be entered against dependent. The Petition asks 10/15
request of the Division of the Zoom (Zoom ID 581 751 2155) show cause why the request of option. A free copy of the peti- you for the relief demanded in the Court to terminate parental NOTICE OF PETITION TO
above-named child should not on the Department to grant per- tion may be obtained from the the petition. rights and obligations of the CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
be granted. Due to the pan- November 3, 2020 at 9:30 manent guardianship of the Clerk of the Juvenile Court of The minor child is identified as parents, with respect to the
DeKalb County Superior Court
demic caused by COVID-19 o’clock a.m., before Judge above-named child should not DeKalb County, 4309 Memori- follows: child arising out of the parental
this matter may be held virtu- al Drive, Decatur, Georgia relationship, including the right State of Georgia
Temika W. Murry to show be granted. You need to con- Olive June Johnakin, born
ally via Zoom. In addition, com- cause why the request of the tact the DeKalb County Juven- 30032 on any day, Monday December 13, 2016 in Fulton to inheritance, and that the Civil Action Case Number
puter access will be available at Division regarding legal cus- ile Court to receive further in- through Friday, between the County, Georgia. child be committed to the Geor- ++20FM6568++
the DeKalb County Juvenile tody of the above-named child struction on how to participate hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 Copies of all court documents gia Department of Human Ser- Ryan Shaleah Boseman filed
Court if needed. should not be granted. Due to in the hearing prior to this date. p.m. in this case, including orders, vices with the right to proceed a petition in the DeKalb County
You may file in the office of the the pandemic caused by COV- The website for the court is You are commanded to be and are available at the Clerk of the for adoption. Superior Court on 9/16/2020, to
Clerk of this Court and serve ID-19 this matter may be held appear at the DeKalb County Circuit Court’s office. You may A free copy of the Petition may change the name from: Ryan
upon Petitioner’s attorney, virtually via Zoom. In addition, The DeKalb County Juvenile Juvenile Court, 4309 Memorial review these documents upon be obtained from the Clerk of Shaleah Boseman to Ryan
Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306; computer access will be avail- Court has resumed hearing Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30032 request. the Juvenile Court of DeKalb Shaleah Boseman Hutchinson
Decatur, Georgia 30031, within able at the DeKalb County Ju- most cases. Hearings are on the 19th day of November at You must keep the Clerk of the County, 4309 Memorial Drive, Any interested party has the
sixty (60) days of the date of venile Court if needed. presently convened remotely, 9:30 a.m. to show cause why Circuit Court’s office notified of Decatur, Georgia 30030, on right to appear in this case and
the first publication, your an- You may file in the office of the via Zoom video conferencing. the request of the Department your current address. (You may any day, Monday through Fri- file objections within 30 days
swer to the Division’s petition. Clerk of this Court and serve The Court is operating via to terminate your parental file Designation of Current Mail- day, between the hours 8:30 after the Petition was filed.
A party is entitled to counsel in upon Petitioner’s attorney, video conferencing pursuant to rights to the above-named child ing and E-Mail Address, Flor- a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Please con- Dated: 9/16/2020
these proceedings and the Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306; the Order Declaring a Judicial should not be granted, and you ida Supreme Court Approved tact the Clerk’s office at 678- Ryan Shaleah Boseman
Court will appoint an attorney Decatur, Georgia 30031, within Emergency. Said emergency may file in the office of the Family Law Form 12.915.) Fu- 409-4252 or email Petitioner, Pro se
for you if you are unable, sixty (60) days of the date of declaration was made pursu- Clerk of this Court and serve ture papers in this lawsuit will piojuvenile@dekalbcountyga.g 3114 Gables Way NE
without undue financial hard- the first publication, your an- ant to O.C.G.A. § 38-3- upon Petitioner’s attorney, Gl- be mailed or e-mailed to the ov for information regarding Atlanta, GA 30329
ship to employ counsel. Notice swer to the Division’s petition. 60(2)(D), O.C.G.A. § 38-3-61, enda Harper, P.O. Box 191, addresses on record at the electronic filing and virtual ac-
Debra DeBerry
is hereby given that a provi- A party is entitled to counsel in O.C.G.A. § 38-3-62, and Clarkston, GA 30021, within clerk’s office. cess.
sional hearing may be conduc- sixty (60) days of the 19th day You are hereby commanded to Clerk of Superior Court
these proceedings and the O.C.G.A. § 38-3-63 and is due WARNING: Rule 12.285, Flor-
ted on the date listed above by Court will appoint an attorney to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. of November your answer to ida Family Law Rules of Pro- be and appear at the DeKalb
the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. for you if you are unable, For more information regarding the Department’s Petition. cedure, requires certain auto- County Juvenile Court, 4309
§ 15-11-163. Findings of Fact without undue financial hard- a scheduled hearing, please Hearings are presently con- matic disclosure of documents Memorial Drive, Decatur, Geor-
and orders of disposition made ship to employ counsel. Notice call or send mail to: Court Ad- vened remotely, via Zoom and information. Failure to gia 30030 by person or via 200-439115 9/24,10/1,10/8
at the provisional hearing may is hereby given that a provi- ministration: 404-294-2777 and video conferencing. The Court comply can result in sanctions, Zoom (Zoom ID 963-656- 10/15
become final at a final hearing sional hearing may be conduc- Clerk’s Office: 678-409-4252, is operating via video conferen- including dismissal or striking of 85416) on IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
unless parties served by public- ted on the date listed above by DeKalb County Juvenile Court, cing pursuant to the Order De- pleadings. December 7, 2020 at 9:00 OF DEKALB COUNTY, STATE
ation appear at the final hear- the court pursuant to O.C.G.A. 4309 Memorial Dive Decatur, claring a Judicial Emergency. THIS IS AN ACTION FOR o’clock a.m., before Judge OF GEORGIA
ing. § 15-11-163. Findings of Fact GA 30032. Said emergency declaration TERMINATION OF PARENT- Linda Bratton Haynes to show CIVIL ACTION FILE#:
WITNESS, the Honorable and orders of disposition made You may file in the office of the was made pursuant to AL RIGHTS. FAILURE TO cause why the request of the ++20FM6542++
LindaBratton Haynes,Judge at the provisional hearing may Clerk of this Court and serve O.C.G.A. § 38-3-60(2)(D), PERSONALLY APPEAR AT Division to grant the Termina- NOTICE OF PETITION TO
This the 29th day of Septem- become final at a final hearing upon Petitioner’s attorney Gl- O.C.G.A. § 38-3-61, O.C.G.A. § THE HEARING CONSTI- tion of Parental Rights should CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
ber, 2020. unless parties served by public- enda Harper, P.O. Box 191, 38-3-62, and O.C.G.A. § 38-3- TUTES CONSENT TO THE not be granted. Due to the pan- You are hereby notified that on
Antoninette L. Brantley, ation appear at the final hear- Clarkston, GA 30021. A party is 63 and is due to the Coronavir- TERMINATION OF PARENT- demic caused by COVID-19 the day of 9/15/2020, Mitchell
Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb ing. entitled to counsel in these pro- us/COVID-19. You may sign in- AL RIGHTS OF THIS CHILD. this matter may be held virtu- Allen III, filed a Petition to
County WITNESS, the Honorable Vin- ceedings and the Court will ap- to your hearing by using a IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AT ally via Zoom. In addition, com- Change Name in the Superior
cent C. Crawford, Judge point an attorney for you if you Zoom Meeting ID. Please con- THE HEARING, YOU MAY puter access will be available at Court of DeKalb County from
160-439993 10/8,10/15,10/22 Mitchell Anthony Allen III to
10/29 This the 29th day of Septem- are unable, without undue fin- tact the court for additional in- LOSE ALL LEGAL RIGHTS AS the DeKalb County Juvenile
ber, 2020. ancial hardship, to employ formation. Court Administration: A PARENT TO THE CHILD Court if needed. Asazay Imari Luvaiku. Any in-
NOTICE TO APPEAR terested party has the right to
STATE OF GEORGIA Antoninette L. Brantley, counsel. 404-294-2777 and Clerk’s Of- SUBJECT TO THIS ACTION. You may file in the office of the
Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb Witness: The Honorable Chief fice: 678-409-4252. A party is This notice shall be published Clerk of this Court and serve appear in this case and file ob-
COUNTY OF DEKALB jections within 30 days after the
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF County Judge Vincent Crawford. this entitled to counsel in these pro- once a week for four (4) con- upon Petitioner’s Attorney,
1st day of October 2020. ceedings and the Court will ap- secutive weeks in the The Leslie Y. Abbott , PO Box 3306; Petition to Change Name was
DEKALB COUNTY 160-440078 10/15,10/22 filed.9/14/2020
In the interest of: ++A.S., Sex: IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF Antoninette Brantley, Clerk, Ju- point an attorney for you if you Champion, a publication of Decatur, Georgia 30031, within
venile Court of DeKalb County are unable, without undue fin- general circulation in the county sixty (60) days of the date of Mitchell Allen III
M, DOB: 3/7/03, Age: 17 YRS., DEKALB COUNTY Petitioner, Pro Se
Case Number 20J01635++ STATE OF GEORGIA ancial hardship, to employ where Respondent’s last the first publication, your an-
counsel. known address in the court file swer to the Division’s petition. Address: 416 Orchards Walk
PROCEEDINGS ++90375808, 990375809, WITNESS the Honorable Pro is located. The putative father(s) shall lose
TO: TRACEY SMITH, MOTH- 990375807, 990375806 E.S. Termination Tem Judge TUNDE AK- WITNESS my hand and the all rights to the child and will
ER, and ALL KNOWN, UN- SEX: M DOB: 08/04/19 CASE # INYELE for Chief Judge Vin- seal of said court, in Nassau not be entitled to object to the
KNOWN, AND UNNAMED PU- 20J01769 E.S. SEX: F DOB: 170-439111 9/24,10/1,108 cent Crawford, Juvenile Court County, Florida on this 18TH termination of his rights unless
of DeKalb County Georgia. day of SEPTEMBER, 2020. within thirty (30) days from the 200-439116 9/24,10/1,10/8
TATIVE, LEGAL or BIOLOGIC- 08/04/19 CASE # 20J01770 10/15
AL FATHERS of the above- IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF ANTONINETTE BRANTLEY, JOHN A. CRAWFORD receipt of this Petition, he files 10/15
K.S. SEX: M DOB: 03/29/16
named child, WHOSE WHERE- CASE # 20J01771 S.S SEX: F DEKALB COUNTY Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT a petition to legitimate the child NOTICE OF PETITION
ABOUTS ARE UNKNOWN. DOB: 04/28/15 CASE # STATE OF GEORGIA County COURT and files notice of the filing of TO CHANGE NAME(S)
GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- 20J01772++ IN THE INTEREST OF: ++FILE 170-439182 9/24,10/1,10/8 By: Deputy Clerk the petition to legitimate with OF MINOR CHILD(REN)
der of this Court, you are Children Under the Age of 18 NO.@156168, 156171 J.M.T. 10/15 the DeKalb County Juvenile DeKalb County Superior Court
hereby notified that on Septem- To: Shedrika Stephenson, DOB:MAY 30, 2007 SEX:F IN THE COUNTY COURT, 170-439777 10/1,10/8,10/15 Court. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. State of Georgia
ber 1, 2020 a Petition of De- mother, AND ANY known/un- CASE#20J00535 M.J.J.T. FOURTH, JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, 10/22 §15-11-283 Civil Action Case Number
pendency was filed in this known, named/unnamed putat- DOB:OCTOBER 24, 2009 IN AND FOR NOTICE TO APPEAR A party is entitled to counsel in ++20FM6524++
Court by the Georgia Depart- ive, biological and or legal fath- SEX:F CASE#20J00536++ NASSAU COUNTY, FLORIDA, STATE OF GEORGIA these proceedings and the Sandeep Kumar filed a peti-
ment of Human Services, er, whereabouts unknown. Children under 18 years of age PROBATE DIVISION COUNTY OF DEKALB Court will appoint an attorney tion in the DeKalb County Su-
through its agent, with the Greetings: Pursuant to an Or- TO: MARCUS PHILLIPS, PU- ++CASE NUMBER: 2020-DR- IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF for you if you are unable, perior Court on 9/10/2020, to
DeKalb County Division of der of this Court dated October TATIVE FATHER AND Any 366++ DEKALB COUNTY without undue financial hard- change the name(s) of the fol-
Family and Children Services 02, 2020; you are hereby noti- known/unknown, named/un- DIVISION: A In the interest of ship to employ counsel. Notice lowing minor child(ren) from:
(hereinafter referred to as “the fied that a Petition for Perman- named putative, biological and IN RE: TERMINATION OF ++C.E., Sex: M, DOB: is hereby given that a provi-
Division”), whose address is ent Guardianship against you or legal father, whereabouts PARENTAL RIGHTS 06/14/18, Case Number sional hearing may be conduc-
ted on the date listed above by INAV SHARMA and from
2300 Parklake Drive NE, At- has been filed in this Court by unknown. PENDING ADOPTION OF: 19J02044++; ASHVIN SHARMA to ASHPAL
lanta, DeKalb County, Georgia the Georgia Department of Hu- Greetings: Pursuant to the Or- OLIVE JUNE JOHNAKIN, NOTICE OF TERMINATION the court pursuant to O.C.G.A.
§ 15-11-163. Findings of Fact SHARMA
30345, alleging the where- man Services, through its der of this Court signed on Minor Child. PROCEEDINGS
September 10, 2020, you are TO: JORDAN EHRLICH, and orders of disposition made Any interested party has the
abouts of the above mentioned agent, the DeKalb County Divi- NOTICE OF ACTION FOR PE-
partie(s) are unknown. The Pe- sion of Family and Children hereby notified that a Petition TITION FOR TERMINATION MOTHER, and ALL at the provisional hearing may right to appear in this case and
titioner asks the Court to trans- Services alleging that the for Termination of Parental OF PARENTAL RIGHTS KNOWN/UNKNOWN AND UN- become final at a final hearing file objections within the time
fer temporary legal custody of whereabouts of the mother and Rights has been filed against PENDING ADOPTION NAMED PUTATIVE, LEGAL or unless parties served by public- prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1
the above-named child to the any known/unknown, you in this Court by the Geor- TO: Edward Kimble Johnakin BIOLOGICAL FATHERS, ation appear at the final hear- (f)(2) and (3).
Division of Family and Children named/unnamed putative, bio- gia Department of Human Ser- 1172 DeLeon Court WHOSE WHEREABOUTS ing. Dated: 9/10/2020
Services on the grounds that logical and or legal father are vices, through its agent, the Clarkston, GA 30021 ARE UNKNOWN. WITNESS, the Honorable Vin- Sandeep Kumar
the child is dependent as that unknown. The Petition asks the DeKalb County Division of YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an GREETINGS: Pursuant to Or- cent C. Crawford, Judge Petitioner, Pro se
term is defined by O.C.G.A. § Court to modify custody of the Family and Children Services, action for Joint Petition for Ter- der of this Court, you are This the 24th day of Septem- 1105 Clairemont Ave
15-11-2(22). child from the Division of Fam- 178 Sams Street, Decatur, mination of Parental Rights hereby notified that on or about ber, 2020. Apt L
A free copy of the Petition may ily and Children’s Services to a Georgia 30030, alleging that Pending Adoption of Olive June June 17, 2019, a Petition For Antoninette L. Brantley, Decatur, GA 30030
be obtained from the Clerk of permanent guardian. A free the whereabouts of the parents Johnakin, Minor Child, has Termination of Parental Rights Clerk, Juvenile Court of DeKalb
the Juvenile Court of DeKalb copy of the petition may be ob- are unknown. The above- been filed against you and that was filed in this Court by the County
County, 4309 Memorial Drive, tained from the Clerk of the Ju- named children are in the tem- you are required to serve a Georgia Department of Human
Decatur, Georgia 30030, on venile Court of DeKalb County, porary custody of the Depart- copy of your written defenses, if Services, through its agent,
any day, Monday through Fri- 4309 Memorial Drive, Decatur, ment pursuant to a prior order any, to it, on CHARLES and DeKalb County Division of
Page 24 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
200-439117 9/24,10/1,10/8, 200-439193 9/24,10/1,10/8, 200-439196 9/24,10/1,10/8 200-440039 10/8,10/15,10/22, 200-440081 10/15,10/22,10/29 220-439121 9/24, 10/1, 10/8,
Administration 10/15
GEORGIA DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court DeKalb County Superior Court STATE OF GEORGIA 10/08,10/15 TO: All Interested Parties and
In re: State of Georgia State of Georgia State of Georgia In re: NOTICE to whom it may concern:
Cameron De' Andre Hughey Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number MICHAEL BALDWIN ++2020-1325++ KASONDRA ANN CANNON
a/k/a Ja'necia Barbie Jordan ++20FM4727-10++ ++20FM6044++ ++20FM6831++ MAUGHON TO: All Interested Parties and has petitioned to be appointed
Petitioner. Petition to Change Name to to whom it may concern: Administrator of the estate of
Richard Ian Smith filed a peti- Mariah LeRae Lucas filed a Pamela Tawana Davis filed a
tion in the DeKalb County Su- petition in the DeKalb County petition in the DeKalb County
File Number Civil Action File No. HAYNES has petitioned to be deceased, of said County. The
++20FM6493++ perior Court on June 23, 2020 Superior Court on August 24, Superior Court on 9/29/2020, to ++20FM6983++ Petitioner has also applied for
to change the name from: 2020, to change the name change the name from: Pamela appointed Administrator of the
NOTICE OF PETITION TO NOTICE OF PETITION TO estate of LAWRENCE STEVEN waiver of bond and/or grant of
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Richard Ian Smith to Richard from: Mariah LeRae Lucas to Tawana Davis to Pamela CHANGE NAME OF ADULT certain powers contained in
Ian Wuersch. Iaah LeRae Lucas. Tawana Boyd. LITTLEJOHN deceased, of
Petitioner herein filed a petition Michael Baldwin Maughon filed said County. The Petitioner(s) O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
in the Superior Court of DeKalb Any interested party has the Any interested party has the Any interested party has the a Petition in the Superior Court ested parties are hereby noti-
right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and right to appear in this case and has also applied for waiver of
County on the 11th day of of DeKalb County on the 6th bond and/or grant of certain fied to show cause why said
September 2020, for a legal file objections within 30 days file objections within 30 days file objections within 30 days day of October, 2020, to Petition should not be granted.
powers contained in O.C.G.A. §
name change from Cameron after the Petition was filed. after the Petition was filed. after the Petition was filed. change Petitioner’s name from 53-12-261. All interested All objections to the Petition
De Andre Hughey to Ja' necia Dated: June 23, 2020 Dated: August 24, 2020 Dated: 9/28/2020 Michael Baldwin Maughon to parties are hereby notified to must be in writing, setting forth
Barbie Jordan. Any interested Richard Ian Smith Mariah LeRae Lucas Pamela Tawana Davis Callendra Baldwin Maughon. show cause why said Petition the grounds of any such objec-
party has the right to appear in Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se Notice is hereby given pursu- should not be granted. All ob- tions, and must be filed with the
this case and file objections 2583 Redding Rd NE 710 N. Crossing Way 634 Stonebridge Loop ant to law to any interested or jections to the Petition must be Court on or before 10/19/2020.
within 30 days after the Peti- Brookhaven, GA 30319 Decatur, GA 30033 Lithonia, GA 30058 affected party to appear in said in writing, setting forth the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
tion was filed. Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Court and to file objections to grounds of any such objections, pleadings/objections must be
This 11th day of September, Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court such name change. Any inter- and must be filed with the Court signed under oath before a not-
2020 ested party has the right to ap- on or before 10/19/2020. ary public or before a probate
Susan E. Foxworth 200-439194 9/24,10/1,10/8 200-439778 10/1,10/8,10/15 200-440079 10/15,10/22,10/29 pear in this case and file objec- court clerk, and filing fees must
10/15JH 10/22 11/5 BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
tions within 30 days after the pleadings/objections must be be tendered with your plead-
NOTICE OF PETITION TO SUPERIOR COURT DEKALB IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Petition was filed. ings/objections, unless you
200-439137 9/24,10/1,10/8 signed under oath before a not-
10/15JH Civil Action OF GEORGIA ary public or before a probate
NOTICE OF PETITION TO DeKalb County Superior Court this 6th day of October, 2020. party. Contact probate court
State of Georgia Case Number CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. court clerk, and filing fees must
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT KITCHENS NEW CLEGHORN, be tendered with your plead- personnel at the following ad-
Civil Action Case Number ++20FM6628++ ++20FM6933++ LLC dress/telephone number for the
DeKalb County Superior Court NOTICE OF PETITION TO NOTICE OF PETITION TO ings/objections, unless you
State of Georgia ++20FM6169++ By: /s/ John A. DiNatale qualify to file as an indigent required amount of filing fees. If
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT CHANGE NAME OF A MINOR JOHN A. DiNATALE, ESQ. any objections are filed, a hear-
Civil Action Case Number Sarah Niezer Rice filed a peti- party. Contact probate court
Carol Ann Simon filed a peti- CHILD Ga. State Bar No. 776464 ing will be scheduled at a later
++20FM5918++ tion in the DeKalb County Su- personnel at the following ad-
tion in the Superior Court of STATE OF GEORGIA 2973 Hardman Court NE date. If no objections are filed,
Gina Renae Martin filed a peti- perior Court on August 2020, DeKalb County on 9/21/2020 to DeKalb County dress/telephone number for the
2020, to change the name Atlanta, GA 30305 required amount of filing fees. If the petition may be granted
tion in the DeKalb County Su- change the name from: Carol Notice is hereby given that In- 678-244-2880 – Telephone without a hearing.
perior Court on August 18, from: Sarah Niezer Rice to Eli Ann Simon to Carrson P. Si- daue Ieda Giriboni de Mello, by any objections are filed, a hear-
Noah Rice. 678-244-2883 – Facsimile ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove
2020, to change the name mon Any interested party has and through her undersigned Judge of the Probate Court
from: Gina Renae Martin to Any interested party has the the right to appear in this case counsel, filed Petition for a date. If no objections are filed,
Attorney for Petitioner the petition may be granted Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
Gina Renae Mathiason. right to appear in this case and and file objections within 30 Name Change of a Minor Child
without a hearing. Probate Court
Any interested party has the file objections within 30 days days after the Petition was in the Superior Court of DeKalb
Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
right to appear in this case and after the Petition was filed. filed. County, Georgia on the5thday 1100
Dated: August 20, 2020 Dated: 9/21/2020 of October, 2020, praying for a 200-440152 10/15,10/22,10/29 Judge of the Probate Court
file objections within 30 days Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Decatur, Georgia 30030
Sarah Niezer Rice /s/ Carol Ann Simon change in the name of minor 11/5JH 404-371-2601
after the Petition was filed. Probate Court
Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se child from Chloe Iara Giriboni NOTICE OF PETITION TO
Dated: August 18, 2020 Carol Ann Simon de Mello Hughes Hall to Chloe 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 220-439122 9/24, 10/1, 10/8,
Gina Martin 1585 Marlbrook Drive NE CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
2880 Country Squire LN Mello Hall. 1100 10/15
Petitioner, Pro se Atlanta, GA 30307 DeKalb County Superior Court NOTICE
Decatur,GA 30033 Notice is hereby given pursu- Decatur, Georgia 30030
2600 Milscott Dr., Apt 2228 Debra DeBerry State of Georgia ++2020-1302++
200-439932 10/15,10/22,10/29 ant to law to any interested or 404-371-2601
Decatur, GA 30033 Clerk of Superior Court Civil Action Case Number TO: All Interested Parties and
11/5JH affected party to appear in said 220-439120 09/24, 10/01,
Debra DeBerry 200-439195 9/24,10/1,10/8, ++20FM6397++ to whom it may concern:
NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Court and to file objections to 10/08, 10/15
Clerk of Superior Court 10/15JH such name change. Objections April Billingsley Williams filed STARLETTE C BARRETT has
In The Superior Court NOTICE
NOTICE OF PETITION must be filed with said Court a petition in the DeKalb County ++2020-0333++ petitioned to be appointed Ad-
200-439192 9/24,10/1,10/8 of DeKalb County
TO CHANGE NAME(S) within 30 days of the filing of Superior Court on September TO: All Interested Parties and ministrator of the estate of
10/15JH State of Georgia
OF MINOR CHILD(REN) said petition. 3, 2020, to change the name to whom it may concern: ALICE MAXINE HADAWAY de-
DeKalb County Superior Court This 5th day of October, 2020 from: April Billingsely Williams GREGORY JEROME JONES ceased, of said County. The
CHANGE NAME OF ADULT ++20FM6541++ Petitioner has also applied for
State of Georgia VANLANDUYT GREER, LLC to April Elizabeth Billingsley- has petitioned to be appointed
DeKalb County Superior Court You are hereby notified that waiver of bond and/or grant of
Civil Action Case# 160 Clairemont Avenue, Suite Williams. Administrator of the estate of
State of Georgia on 9/1/2020, Werku Mengistu, certain powers contained in
++20FM6081++ 450 Any interested party has the FLOYD JONES deceased, of
Civil Action Case Number filed a Petition to Change O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
MARK A.C. ROBINSON filed Decatur, Georgia 30030 right to appear in this case and said County. The Petitioner has
++20FM6330++ Name in the Superior Court of ested parties are hereby noti-
a petition in the DeKalb County 404-373-9446 file objections within 30 days also applied for waiver of bond
Shunza Revonn Thomas filed DeKalb County. Werku Men- /s/ Denise D. VanLanduyt fied to show cause why said
Superior Court on 8/25/2020, to after the Petition was filed. and/or grant of certain powers
a petition in the DeKalb County gistu desires to change his/ her Attorney for Petitioner contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- Petition should not be granted.
change the name(s) of the fol- Dated: September 3, 2020
Superior Court on September name from Werku Mengistu to 261. All interested parties are All objections to the Petition
lowing minor child(ren) from: 200-440080 10/15,10/22,10/29 April Billingsley Williams
2, 2020, to change the name Worku Mengistu. hereby notified to show cause must be in writing, setting forth
MAGGIE HOPE ROBINSON to 11/5 Petitioner, Pro se
from: Shunza Revonn Thomas why said Petition should not be the grounds of any such objec-
HADLEY HOPE ROBINSON. Any interested party has the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT 383 East Side Ave SE
to Shunza Revonn Williams- granted. All objections to the tions, and must be filed with the
Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE Atlanta, GA 30316
Thomas. Petition must be in writing, set- Court on or before 10/19/2020.
right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days OF GEORGIA Debra DeBerry
Any interested party has the ting forth the grounds of any BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
file objections within the time after the Petition to Change CIVIL ACTION FILE NUMBER: Clerk of Superior Court
right to appear in this case and such objections, and must be pleadings/objections must be
name was filed. ++20FM6913++
file objections within 30 days prescribed in OCGA §§19-12-1 filed with the Court on or be- signed under oath before a not-
Signed this 9/1/2020. NOTICE OF PETITION TO
after the Petition was filed. (f)(2)and(3). fore 10/19/2020. ary public or before a probate
AUGUST-25-2020 200-440153 10/15,10/22,10/29 BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All court clerk, and filing fees must
Dated: September 2, 2020 Petitioner Pro se Petitioner having filed a peti-
MARK A.C. ROBINSON pleadings/objections must be be tendered with your plead-
Shunza Revonn Thomas 3547 Old Chamblee Tucker Rd tion in the Dekalb County Su- 11/5JH
Petitioner, Pro se signed under oath before a not- ings/objections, unless you
Petitioner, Pro se perior Court on October 1, NOTICE OF PETITION TO
150 EAST PONCE DE LEON Apt E ary public or before a probate qualify to file as an indigent
8025 Norris Lake Road 2020, to change the name from CHANGE NAME OF ADULT
AVE Atlanta, GA 30340 court clerk and filing fees must party. Contact probate court
Snellville, Georgia 30039 Maria Elizabeth Lianne Rodrig- In the Superior Court
SUITE 475, be tendered with your plead- personnel at the following ad-
Debra DeBerry uez Cabonce to Maria Eliza- of DeKalb County
ings/objections, unless you dress/telephone number for the
Clerk of Superior Court DECATUR, GEORGIA 30030 beth Lianne Rodriguez Ca- State of Georgia
qualify to file as an indigent required amount of filing fees. If
Debra DeBerry bonce-Fletcher. Any interested Civil Action File No.
party. Contact probate court any objections are filed, a hear-
Clerk of Superior Court party has the right to appear in ++20FM6634++ personnel at the following ad- ing will be scheduled at a later
this case and file objections
CHRISTIANE J. LEVINE filed dress/telephone number for the date. If no objections are filed,
within 30 days after the Peti-
a Petition in DeKalb County Su- required amount of filing fees. If the petition may be granted
tion was filed.
perior Court on 9/21/2020, to any objections are filed, a hear- without a hearing.
This 2nd day of October, 2020.
change her name from: CHRIS- ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove
/s/ Brett W. Clark
TIANE JEANNINE LEVINE to date. If no objections are filed, Judge of the Probate Court
Attorney for Petitioner
CHRISTIANE JEANNINE the petition may be granted Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
Georgia Bar No. 126931
PALDER- LEVINE. Any inter- without a hearing. Probate Court
Law Office of Brett W. Clark,
ested party has the right to ap- Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
pear in this case and file objec- Judge of the Probate Court 1100
P.O. Box 813641 Smyrna, GA
Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Decatur, Georgia 30030
30081 tions within 30 days after the
Probate Court 404-371-2601
(404) 981-2950 Petition was filed.
This 9/21/2020 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Tammy T. Brady 1100
Ellis Hoyle King de Klerk LLC Decatur, Georgia 30030
Attorney for Petitioner 404-371-2601
One West Court Square,
Suite 550
Decatur, GA 30030
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 25
220-439123 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 220-439125 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 220-439127 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 220-439129 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 220-439131 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 220-439133 9/24, 10/01, 10/08, 220-439135 09/24, 10/01,
10/15 10/15 10/15 10/15 10/15 10/15 10/08, 10/15
++2020-1320++ ++2020-1322++ ++2020-1331++ ++2020-1349++ ++2015-2451++ ++2020-1371++ ++2020-1382++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties: TO: ALL INTERESDTED TO: All Insterested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: SHERNANDA CENNETTE PARTIES and to whom it may to whom it may concern:
titioned to be appointed Admin- TRICE has petitioned to be ap- petitioned to be appointed Ad- titioned to be appointed Admin- have CEDRIC SUMPTER ap- BERNICE WILLIAMS has peti- titioned to be appointed Admin-
istrator of the estate of DAR- pointed Administrator of the es- ministrator of the estate of istrator of the estate of SUZ- pointed Successor Administrat- tioned to be appointed Adminis- istrator(s) of the estate of DAN-
RELL LUVELL BAKER de- tate of RICHARDINE TRICE GARRY FIELDS deceased, of ANNE MARIA KEARNEY de- or of the estate of WARD D. trator of the estate of WILLIE NETTE ZULA WASHINGTON
ceased, of said County. The deceased, of said County. The said County. The Petitioner has ceased, of said County. The SUMPTER deceased, of said JAMES THOMAS deceased, of deceased, of said County. The
Petitioner has also applied for Petitioner has also applied for also applied for waiver of bond Petitioner has also applied for County. The Petitioner has also said County. The Petitioner has Petitioner(s) has also applied
waiver of bond and/or grant of waiver of bond and/or grant of and/or grant of certain powers waiver of bond and/or grant of applied for waiver of bond also applied for waiver of bond for waiver of bond and/or grant
certain powers contained in certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers and/or grant of certain powers of certain powers contained in
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti-
fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said
Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted.
All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition
must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth
the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec-
tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the
Court on or before 10/19/2020. Court on or before 10/19/2020. fore 10/19/2020. Court on or before 10/19/2020. filed with the Court on or be- filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 10/19/2020.
pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be
signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not-
ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate
court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must
be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk and filing fees must be tendered with your plead-
ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you
qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent
party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court
personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad-
dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the
required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the
Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Kim Guyton, Clerk of the Pro- Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
220-439124 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 220-439126 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 220-439128 09/24, 10/01, 220-439130 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 220-439136 9/24, 10/01, 10/08,
10/15 10/15 10/08, 10/15 10/15 220-439132 09/24, 10/01, 220-439134 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, 10/15
++2020-1321++ ++2020-1327++ ++2020-1348++ ++2020-1358++ NOTICE NOTICE ++2020-1389++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties: TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and ++2020-1369++ ++2020-1381++ TO: ALL INTERESTED
to whom it may concern: DR. CAROL YVONNE FO- to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and TO: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES and to whom it may
TENE ASHAKI COLLINS has STON WILSON has petitioned ADRIANNE PATRICE MONICA DANIS MILKS has to whom it may concern: PARTIES and to whom it may concern:
petitioned to be appointed Ad- to be appointed Administrator BARBER has petitioned to be petitioned to be appointed Ad- ROBERT N CLARKE has peti- concern: GERALDINE LEMON-MOORE
ministrator of the estate of of the estate of TIMOTHY FO- appointed Administrator(s) of ministrator of the estate of WIL- tioned to be appointed Adminis- BARBARA MAY ANTHONY has petitioned to be appointed
BARRINGTON ANTHONY STON, JR. deceased, of said the estate of ETHEL LEE LIAM DEAN MILKS deceased, trator(s) of the estate of LAS- has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of
O'MEALLY deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also BARBER deceased, of said of said County. The Petitioner CELLE GEORGE CLARKE de- Administrator of the estate of ARTHUR GENE LEMON de-
County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond County. The Petitioner(s) has has also applied for waiver of ceased, of said County. The NOEL HENRY ROBINSON de- ceased, of said County. The
applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers also applied for waiver of bond bond and/or grant of certain Petitioner(s) has also applied ceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for
and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- and/or grant of certain powers powers contained in O.C.G.A. § for waiver of bond and/or grant Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- 261. All interested parties are contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- 53-12-261. All interested of certain powers contained in waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in
261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause 261. All interested parties are parties are hereby notified to O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
hereby notified to show cause why said Petition should not be hereby notified to show cause show cause why said Petition ested parties are hereby noti- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- ested parties are hereby noti-
why said Petition should not be granted. All objections to the why said Petition should not be should not be granted. All ob- fied to show cause why said ested parties are hereby noti- fied to show cause why said
granted. All objections to the Petition must be in writing, set- granted. All objections to the jections to the Petition must be Petition should not be granted. fied to show cause why said Petition should not be granted.
Petition must be in writing, set- ting forth the grounds of any Petition must be in writing, set- in writing, setting forth the All objections to the Petition Petition should not be granted. All objections to the Petition
ting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be ting forth the grounds of any grounds of any such objections, must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth
such objections, and must be filed with the Court on or be- such objections, and must be and must be filed with the Court the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec-
filed with the Court on or be- fore 10/19/2020. filed with the Court on or be- on or before 10/19/2020. tions, and must be filed with the the grounds of any such objec- tions, and must be filed with the
fore 10/19/2020. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 10/19/2020. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before 10/19/2020. tions, and must be filed with the Court on or before October 19,
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before October 19, 2020.
pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be 2020. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be
ary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not-
court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate
be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- ary public or before a probate court clerk and filing fees must
ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you court clerk and filing fees must be tendered with your plead-
qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you
party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent
personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court
dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad-
required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the
any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If
ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear-
date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later
the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed,
without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted
Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove the petition may be granted without a hearing.
Judge of the Probate Court Kim Guyton, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the bate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court
Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro-
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- bate Court
1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030
Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
Page 26 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
220-439137 9/24, 10/01, 10/08, 220-439780 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 220-439782 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 220-439784 10/01, 10/08, 220-440021 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 220-440023 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 220-440025 10/8, 10/15, 10/22,
10/15 10/22 10/22 10/15, 10/22 10/29 10/29 10/29
++2020-1372++ ++2020-1379++ ++2020-1412++ ++2020-1435++ ++2020-1449++ ++2020-1455++ ++2020-1478++
TO: CHRISTOPHER MCDON- TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: ALL INTERESTED TO: ALL INTERESTED TO: ALL INTERESTED
ALD, CHARLES BALL JR., MI- to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: PARTIES and to whom it may PARTIES and to whom it may PARTIES and to whom it may
CHAEL BALL and to whom it FREDERICK THOMPSON has NADINE THOMPSON has peti- CHAQUIAS MILLER concern: concern: concern:
may concern: petitioned to be appointed Ad- tioned to be appointed Adminis- THORNTON has petitioned to ENDRIAS WOLDEYSUS EN- AMBER KATRIECE THOMAS ZURIASH BIRUK ISAYAS has
DOROTHY MAE BALL has pe- ministrator of the estate of trator(s) of the estate of LORI be appointed Administrator of DRIAS has petitioned to be ap- has petitioned to be appointed petitioned to be appointed Ad-
titioned to be appointed Admin- JOHN ROBERT THOMPSON, ANNE SYMMERS deceased, of the estate of STEPHANIE pointed Administrator of the es- Administrator of the estate of ministrator of the estate of
is tra to r of t h e es ta te o f SR. deceased, of said County. said County. The Petitioner(s) BAUGH JONES deceased, of tate of KIBROM WOLDEYSUS PATRICIA ANN THOMAS de- TEDLA WONDAFRASH
CHARLIE BALL deceased, of The Petitioner has also applied has also applied for waiver of said County. The Petitioner(s) ENDIRIAS deceased, of said ceased, of said County. The HABTE deceased, of said
said County. The Petitioner has for waiver of bond and/or grant bond and/or grant of certain has also applied for waiver of County. The Petitioner has also Petitioner has also applied for County. The Petitioner has also
also applied for waiver of bond of certain powers contained in powers contained in O.C.G.A. § bond and/or grant of certain applied for waiver of bond waiver of bond and/or grant of applied for waiver of bond
and/or grant of certain powers O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 53-12-261. All interested powers contained in O.C.G.A. § and/or grant of certain powers certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- ested parties are hereby noti- parties are hereby notified to 53-12-261. All interested contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
261. All interested parties are fied to show cause why said show cause why said Petition parties are hereby notified to 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are
hereby notified to show cause Petition should not be granted. should not be granted. All ob- show cause why said Petition hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause
why said Petition should not be All objections to the Petition jections to the Petition must be should not be granted. All ob- why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be
granted. All objections to the must be in writing, setting forth in writing, setting forth the jections to the Petition must be granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the
Petition must be in writing, set- the grounds of any such objec- grounds of any such objections, in writing, setting forth the Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set-
ting forth the grounds of any tions, and must be filed with the and must be filed with the Court grounds of any such objections, ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any
such objections, and must be Court on or before 10/26/2020. on or before 10/26/2020. and must be filed with the Court such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be
filed with the Court on or be- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All on or before 10/26/2020. filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before NOVEM- filed with the Court on or be-
fore October 19, 2020. pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore November 02, 2020. BER 02, 2020. fore NOVEMBER 02, 2020.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
pleadings/objections must be ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be
signed under oath before a not- court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not-
ary public or before a probate be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate
court clerk and filing fees must ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- court clerk and filing fees must court clerk and filing fees must court clerk and filing fees must
be tendered with your plead- qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead-
ings/objections, unless you party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you
qualify to file as an indigent personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent
party. Contact probate court dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court
personnel at the following ad- required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad-
dress/telephone number for the any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the
required amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro-
bate Court 1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court bate Court bate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 220-439781 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 220-439783 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 10/22 10/22 220-440020 10/08, 10/15, 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
220-439779 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, NOTICE NOTICE 10/22, 10/29 220-440022 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 220-440024 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 220-440026 10/08, 10/15,
10/22 ++2020-1396++ ++2020-1394++ NOTICE 10/29 10/29 10/22, 10/29
NOTICE TO: All Interested Parties: TO: All Interested Parties and ++2020-1356++ NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE
++2020-1376++ SHARON DIONE MCFAR- to whom it may concern: TO: All Interested Parties and ++2020-1453++ ++2020-1474++ ++2020-1479++
TO: All Interested Parties: LAND has petitioned to be ap- MINH HOANG VO has peti- to whom it may concern: TO: ALL INTERESTED TO: ALL INTERESTED TO: ALL INTERESTED
MARY EMILY GROSSMAN pointed Administrator of the es- tioned to be appointed Adminis- ALYCE FRANCINA DAVIS has PARTIES and to whom it may PARTIES and to whom it may PARTIES and to whom it may
has petitioned to be appointed tate of HUBERT PETERSON trator(s) of the estate of LAI THI petitioned to be appointed Ad- concern: concern: concern:
Administrator of the estate of deceased, of said County. The NGUYEN deceased, of said ministrator(s) of the estate of FLORENCE VIRGINIA FRANK- ANTOINETTE BAKER has peti- CYNTHIA RENEE GILMER has
LARRY ALLEN GROSSMAN Petitioner has also applied for County. The Petitioner(s) has MARY L COOPER deceased, LIN has petitioned to be ap- tioned to be appointed Adminis- petitioned to be appointed Ad-
deceased, of said County. The waiver of bond and/or grant of also applied for waiver of bond of said County. The pointed Administrator of the es- trator of the estate of SHERRI- ministrator of the estate of
Petitioner has also applied for certain powers contained in and/or grant of certain powers Petitioner(s) has also applied tate of BELINDA FRANKLIN AN SHERROD MACK de- JOHNNIE RUTH IVORY de-
waiver of bond and/or grant of O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- for waiver of bond and/or grant AMMONS deceased, of said ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The
certain powers contained in ested parties are hereby noti- 261. All interested parties are of certain powers contained in County. The Petitioner has also Petitioner has also applied for Petitioner has also applied for
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- fied to show cause why said hereby notified to show cause O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- applied for waiver of bond waiver of bond and/or grant of waiver of bond and/or grant of
ested parties are hereby noti- Petition should not be granted. why said Petition should not be ested parties are hereby noti- and/or grant of certain powers certain powers contained in certain powers contained in
fied to show cause why said All objections to the Petition granted. All objections to the fied to show cause why said contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
Petition should not be granted. must be in writing, setting forth Petition must be in writing, set- Petition should not be granted. 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti-
All objections to the Petition the grounds of any such objec- ting forth the grounds of any All objections to the Petition hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said
must be in writing, setting forth tions, and must be filed with the such objections, and must be must be in writing, setting forth why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted.
the grounds of any such objec- Court on or before 10/26/2020. filed with the Court on or be- the grounds of any such objec- granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
tions, and must be filed with the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 10/26/2020. tions, and must be filed with the Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
Court on or before 10/26/2020. pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before 11/02/2020. ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the
pleadings/objections must be ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before NOVEM- Court on or before NOVEM-
signed under oath before a not- court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- fore NOVEMBER 02, 2020. BER 02, 2020. BER 02, 2020.
ary public or before a probate be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
court clerk, and filing fees must ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be
be tendered with your plead- qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not-
ings/objections, unless you party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate
qualify to file as an indigent personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent court clerk and filing fees must court clerk and filing fees must court clerk and filing fees must
party. Contact probate court dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead-
personnel at the following ad- required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you
dress/telephone number for the any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent
required amount of filing fees. If ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court
any objections are filed, a hear- date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad-
ing will be scheduled at a later the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the
date. If no objections are filed, without a hearing. the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If
the petition may be granted Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. the petition may be granted any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear-
without a hearing. Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later
Bedelia C Hargrove Kim Guyton, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed,
Judge of the Probate Court bate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted
Kim Guyton, Clerk of the Pro- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing.
bate Court 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court
1100 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro-
Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 bate Court bate Court bate Court
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 27
220-440082 10/15, 10/22, 220-440084 10/15, 10/22, 220-440086 10/15, 10/22, 220-440088 10/15, 10/22, 220-440090 10/15, 10/22, 220-440092 10/15, 10/22, 220-440094 10/15, 10/22,
10/29, 11/05 10/29, 11/5 10/29, 11/5 10/29, 11/5 10/29, 11/5 10/29, 11/05 10/29, 11/5
++2020-1397++ ++2020-1418++ ++2020-1434++ ++2020-1450++ ++2020-1467++ ++2020-1501++ ++2020-1502++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: WILLIE BUTLER and to TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: whom it may concern: to whom it may concern:
be appointed Administrator(s) petitioned to be appointed Ad- ER has petitioned to be appoin- petitioned to be appointed Ad- be appointed Administrator(s) tioned to be appointed Adminis- tioned to be appointed Adminis-
of the estate of MARY ELAINE ministrator(s) of the estate of ted Administrator(s) of the es- ministrator of the estate of of the estate of EUSTACIE trator of the estate of RE- trator(s) of the estate of
County. The Petitioner(s) has ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The said County. The Petitioner(s) deceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The
also applied for waiver of bond Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied has also applied for waiver of Petitioner has also applied for Petitioner(s) has also applied
and/or grant of certain powers for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant bond and/or grant of certain waiver of bond and/or grant of for waiver of bond and/or grant
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in powers contained in O.C.G.A. § certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in
261. All interested parties are O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 53-12-261. All interested O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
hereby notified to show cause ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- parties are hereby notified to ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti-
why said Petition should not be fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said show cause why said Petition fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said
granted. All objections to the Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. should not be granted. All ob- Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted.
Petition must be in writing, set- All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition jections to the Petition must be All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition
ting forth the grounds of any must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth in writing, setting forth the must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth
such objections, and must be the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- grounds of any such objections, the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec-
filed with the Court on or be- tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the and must be filed with the Court tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the
fore 11/09/2020. Court on or before 11/09/2020. Court on or before 11/09/2020. Court on or before 11/09/2020. on or before 11/09/2020. Court on or before NOVEM- Court on or before 11/09/2020.
pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be
signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not-
ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate
court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must
be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- court clerk and filing fees must be tendered with your plead-
ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you
qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent
party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court
personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad-
dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the
required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear-
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed,
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court
Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
220-440083 10/15, 10/22, 220-440085 10/15, 10/22, 220-440087 10/15, 10/22, 220-440089 10/15, 10/22, 220-440091 10/15, 10/22, 404-371-2601 220-440095 10/15, 10/22,
10/29, 11/5 10/29, 11/05 10/29, 11/5 10/29, 11/5 10/29, 11/5 220-440093 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/05
++2020-1417++ ++2020-1420++ ++2020-1436++ ++2020-1466++ ++2020-1500++ NOTICE ++2020-1503++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and ++2019-0817++ TO: All Interested Parties and
to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: TO: Yolanda Lewis, Wilson to whom it may concern:
has petitioned to be appointed tioned to be appointed Adminis- to be appointed Administrator petitioned to be appointed Ad- OUGH has petitioned to be ap- whom it may concern: HAN has petitioned to be ap-
Administrator of the estate of trator(s) of the estate of DEN- of the estate of LUEVENIA ministrator(s) of the estate of pointed Administrator(s) of the MARK A.C. ROBINSON has pointed Administrator(s) of the
SEAN KEVIN MCCARTHY de- NIS GILBERT DAHLKA de- BURSON HUNTER deceased, KENT ESTRADA deceased, of estate of JOHNNY ROSEBOR- petitioned to be appointed Ad- estate of NORMA ANN MANA-
ceased, of said County. The ceased, of said County. The of said County. The said County. The Petitioner(s) OUGH deceased, of said ministrator(s) of the estate of HAN deceased, of said County.
Petitioner has also applied for Petitioner(s) has also applied Petitioner(s) has also applied has also applied for waiver of County. The Petitioner(s) has CHARLIE BAKER, JR. de- The Petitioner(s) has also ap-
waiver of bond and/or grant of for waiver of bond and/or grant for waiver of bond and/or grant bond and/or grant of certain also applied for waiver of bond ceased, of said County. The plied for waiver of bond and/or
certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in of certain powers contained in powers contained in O.C.G.A. § and/or grant of certain powers Petitioner(s) has also applied grant of certain powers con-
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 53-12-261. All interested contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- for waiver of bond and/or grant tained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261.
ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- ested parties are hereby noti- parties are hereby notified to 261. All interested parties are of certain powers contained in All interested parties are
fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said fied to show cause why said show cause why said Petition hereby notified to show cause O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- hereby notified to show cause
Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. Petition should not be granted. should not be granted. All ob- why said Petition should not be ested parties are hereby noti- why said Petition should not be
All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition jections to the Petition must be granted. All objections to the fied to show cause why said granted. All objections to the
must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth in writing, setting forth the Petition must be in writing, set- Petition should not be granted. Petition must be in writing, set-
the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- grounds of any such objections, ting forth the grounds of any All objections to the Petition ting forth the grounds of any
tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the tions, and must be filed with the and must be filed with the Court such objections, and must be must be in writing, setting forth such objections, and must be
Court on or before 11/09/2020. Court on or before 11/09/2020. Court on or before 11/09/2020. on or before 11/09/2020. filed with the Court on or be- the grounds of any such objec- filed with the Court on or be-
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 11/09/2020. tions, and must be filed with the fore 11/09/2020.
pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before 11/09/2020. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be
ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not-
court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate
be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must
ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your plead-
qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you
party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent
personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court
dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad-
required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear-
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later
the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed,
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing.
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court
Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Probate Court
1100 1100 1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601
Page 28 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
220-440096 10/15, 10/22, 220-440098 10/15, 10/22, 220-440100 10/15, 10/22, 220-440102 10/15, 10/22, 220-440104 10/15, 10/22, 220-440106 10/15, 10/22, 220-440108 10/15, 10/22,
10/29, 11/5 10/29, 11/05 10/29, 11/5 10/29, 11/5 10/29, 11/05 10/29, 11/05 10/29, 11/05
++2020-1504++ ++2020-1525++ ++2020-1528++ ++2020-1532++ ++2020-1523++ ++2020-1531++ ++2020-1554++
TO: All Interested Parties and TO: ALL INTERESTED TO: All Interested Parties and TO: All Interested Parties and TO: ALL INTERESTED TO: ALL INTERESTED TO: ALL INTERESTED
to whom it may concern: PARTIES and to whom it may to whom it may concern: to whom it may concern: PARTIES and to whom it may PARTIES and to whom it may PARTIES and to whom it may
SANDERS has petitioned to be SHAYADA K. HARRIS has pe- BARNES has petitioned to be petitioned to be appointed Ad- RALPH GREGORY MITCHELL GLORIA J MCCALL has peti- ROBERT EARL HATCHETT
appointed Administrator(s) of titioned to be appointed Admin- appointed Administrator(s) of ministrator(s) of the estate of has petitioned to be appointed tioned to be appointed Adminis- JR. has petitioned to be ap-
the estate of AMY NICOLE istrator of the estate of DEQUA- the estate of ASLEY LLOYD ANNIE RUTH NEWTON de- Administrator of the estate of trator of the estate of IRENE pointed Administrator of the es-
SANDERS deceased, of said VIOUS C. HARRIS deceased, BARNES deceased, of said ceased, of said County. The BRENDA JOYCE MITCHELL HILL JACKSON deceased, of tate of SANDRA K. DUNCAN-
County. The Petitioner(s) has of said County. The Petitioner County. The Petitioner(s) has Petitioner(s) has also applied deceased, of said County. The said County. The Petitioner has WEBB deceased, of said
also applied for waiver of bond has also applied for waiver of also applied for waiver of bond for waiver of bond and/or grant Petitioner has also applied for also applied for waiver of bond County. The Petitioner has also
and/or grant of certain powers bond and/or grant of certain and/or grant of certain powers of certain powers contained in waiver of bond and/or grant of and/or grant of certain powers applied for waiver of bond
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- powers contained in O.C.G.A. § contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- certain powers contained in contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- and/or grant of certain powers
261. All interested parties are 53-12-261. All interested 261. All interested parties are ested parties are hereby noti- O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- 261. All interested parties are contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
hereby notified to show cause parties are hereby notified to hereby notified to show cause fied to show cause why said ested parties are hereby noti- hereby notified to show cause 261. All interested parties are
why said Petition should not be show cause why said Petition why said Petition should not be Petition should not be granted. fied to show cause why said why said Petition should not be hereby notified to show cause
granted. All objections to the should not be granted. All ob- granted. All objections to the All objections to the Petition Petition should not be granted. granted. All objections to the why said Petition should not be
Petition must be in writing, set- jections to the Petition must be Petition must be in writing, set- must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition Petition must be in writing, set- granted. All objections to the
ting forth the grounds of any in writing, setting forth the ting forth the grounds of any the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth ting forth the grounds of any Petition must be in writing, set-
such objections, and must be grounds of any such objections, such objections, and must be tions, and must be filed with the the grounds of any such objec- such objections, and must be ting forth the grounds of any
filed with the Court on or be- and must be filed with the Court filed with the Court on or be- Court on or before 11/09/2020. tions, and must be filed with the filed with the Court on or be- such objections, and must be
fore 11/09/2020. on or before NOVEMBER 09, fore 11/09/2020. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All Court on or before NOVEM- fore NOVEMBER 09, 2020. filed with the Court on or be-
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All 2020. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be BER 09, 2020. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore NOVEMBER 09, 2020.
pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be
ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not-
court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your plead- ary public or before a probate court clerk and filing fees must ary public or before a probate
be tendered with your plead- court clerk and filing fees must be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you court clerk and filing fees must be tendered with your plead- court clerk and filing fees must
ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead-
qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent ings/objections, unless you
party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad- qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent
personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad- party. Contact probate court
dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the personnel at the following ad-
required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the
any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If
ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear-
date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later
the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed,
without a hearing. the petition may be granted without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove the petition may be granted without a hearing. the petition may be granted
Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing.
Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court
Probate Court Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- bate Court Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro-
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 bate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court
1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100
404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 220-440103 10/15, 10/22, Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030
220-440097 10/15, 10/22, 404-371-2601 220-440101 10/15, 10/22, 10/29 11/5 404-371-2601 404-371-2601
10/29, 11/05 220-440099 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/5 NOTICE 220-440105 10/15, 10/22, 220-440109 10/15, 10/22,
NOTICE 10/29, 11/05 NOTICE ++2020-1533++ 10/29, 11/05 10/29, 11/05
++2020-1505++ NOTICE ++2020-1529++ TO: All Interested Parties and NOTICE 220-440107 10/15, 10/22, NOTICE
TO: All Interested Parties and ++2020-1527++ TO: All Interested Parties and to whom it may concern: ++2020-1536++ 10/29, 11/05 ++2020-1555++
D'UNDRE LUSHAWN ANDER- PARTIES and to whom it may BONNIE REBECCA POWE has petitioned to be appointed PARTIES and to whom it may ++2020-1546++ PARTIES and to whom it may
SON has petitioned to be ap- concern: has petitioned to be appointed Administrator(s) of the estate of concern: TO: ALL INTERESTED concern:
pointed Administrator(s) of the NAOD KAZALI has petitioned Administrator(s) of the estate of LERON LEE SPRAGIN de- TAMI B. DYE has petitioned to PARTIES and to whom it may AYANNA BRENA WALKER
estate of DANNETTE JEAN to be appointed Administrator DANIEL HOWARD POWE de- ceased, of said County. The be appointed Administrator of concern: has petitioned to be appointed
DUNN deceased, of said of the estate of ABDUSALAM ceased, of said County. The Petitioner(s) has also applied the estate of DEBRA CHERYL MADINE HUGHES CUM- Administrator of the estate of
County. The Petitioner(s) has MOHAMED KAZALI deceased, Petitioner(s) has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant BROWN deceased, of said MINGS and JAMES WILLIE SANDRA WALKER-BITIHENE
also applied for waiver of bond of said County. The Petitioner for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in County. The Petitioner has also CUMMINGS have petitioned to deceased, of said County. The
and/or grant of certain powers has also applied for waiver of of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- applied for waiver of bond be appointed Administrators of Petitioner has also applied for
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- bond and/or grant of certain O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- ested parties are hereby noti- and/or grant of certain powers the estate of GERMAINE DEN- waiver of bond and/or grant of
261. All interested parties are powers contained in O.C.G.A. § ested parties are hereby noti- fied to show cause why said contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- ISE CUMMINGS deceased, of certain powers contained in
hereby notified to show cause 53-12-261. All interested fied to show cause why said Petition should not be granted. 261. All interested parties are said County. The Petitioners O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter-
why said Petition should not be parties are hereby notified to Petition should not be granted. All objections to the Petition hereby notified to show cause has also applied for waiver of ested parties are hereby noti-
granted. All objections to the show cause why said Petition All objections to the Petition must be in writing, setting forth why said Petition should not be bond and/or grant of certain fied to show cause why said
Petition must be in writing, set- should not be granted. All ob- must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec- granted. All objections to the powers contained in O.C.G.A. § Petition should not be granted.
ting forth the grounds of any jections to the Petition must be the grounds of any such objec- tions, and must be filed with the Petition must be in writing, set- 53-12-261. All interested All objections to the Petition
such objections, and must be in writing, setting forth the tions, and must be filed with the Court on or before 11/09/2020. ting forth the grounds of any parties are hereby notified to must be in writing, setting forth
filed with the Court on or be- grounds of any such objections, Court on or before 11/09/2020. BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All such objections, and must be show cause why said Petition the grounds of any such objec-
fore 11/09/2020. and must be filed with the Court BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All pleadings/objections must be filed with the Court on or be- should not be granted. All ob- tions, and must be filed with the
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All on or before NOVEMBER 09, pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a not- fore NOVEMBER 09, 2020. jections to the Petition must be Court on or before NOVEM-
pleadings/objections must be 2020. signed under oath before a not- ary public or before a probate BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All in writing, setting forth the BER 09, 2020.
signed under oath before a not- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All ary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must pleadings/objections must be grounds of any such objections, BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
ary public or before a probate pleadings/objections must be court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your plead- signed under oath before a not- and must be filed with the Court pleadings/objections must be
court clerk, and filing fees must signed under oath before a not- be tendered with your plead- ings/objections, unless you ary public or before a probate on or before November 09, signed under oath before a not-
be tendered with your plead- ary public or before a probate ings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent court clerk and filing fees must 2020. ary public or before a probate
ings/objections, unless you court clerk and filing fees must qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court be tendered with your plead- BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All court clerk and filing fees must
qualify to file as an indigent be tendered with your plead- party. Contact probate court personnel at the following ad- ings/objections, unless you pleadings/objections must be be tendered with your plead-
party. Contact probate court ings/objections, unless you personnel at the following ad- dress/telephone number for the qualify to file as an indigent signed under oath before a not- ings/objections, unless you
personnel at the following ad- qualify to file as an indigent dress/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If party. Contact probate court ary public or before a probate qualify to file as an indigent
dress/telephone number for the party. Contact probate court required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hear- personnel at the following ad- court clerk and filing fees must party. Contact probate court
required amount of filing fees. If personnel at the following ad- any objections are filed, a hear- ing will be scheduled at a later dress/telephone number for the be tendered with your plead- personnel at the following ad-
any objections are filed, a hear- dress/telephone number for the ing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, required amount of filing fees. If ings/objections, unless you dress/telephone number for the
ing will be scheduled at a later required amount of filing fees. If date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted any objections are filed, a hear- qualify to file as an indigent required amount of filing fees. If
date. If no objections are filed, any objections are filed, a hear- the petition may be granted without a hearing. ing will be scheduled at a later party. Contact probate court any objections are filed, a hear-
the petition may be granted ing will be scheduled at a later without a hearing. Bedelia C Hargrove date. If no objections are filed, personnel at the following ad- ing will be scheduled at a later
without a hearing. date. If no objections are filed, Bedelia C Hargrove Judge of the Probate Court the petition may be granted dress/telephone number for the date. If no objections are filed,
Bedelia C Hargrove the petition may be granted Judge of the Probate Court Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the without a hearing. required amount of filing fees. If the petition may be granted
Judge of the Probate Court without a hearing. Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove any objections are filed, a hear- without a hearing.
Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the Bedelia C Hargrove Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Judge of the Probate Court ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove
Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 1100 Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- date. If no objections are filed, Judge of the Probate Court
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 bate Court the petition may be granted Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro-
1100 bate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. without a hearing. bate Court
Decatur, Georgia 30030 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 404-371-2601 1100 Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
404-371-2601 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Judge of the Probate Court 1100
Decatur, Georgia 30030 404-371-2601 Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-2601 bate Court 404-371-2601
556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
Decatur, Georgia 30030
personnel for the required the Petition must be in writing, signed under oath before a not- with your objections, unless
amount of filing fees. setting forth the grounds of any ary public or before a probate you qualify to file as an indi-
NOTE: If a natural guardian such objections, and must be court clerk, and filing fees must gent party. Contact Probate
files a timely objection to the filed with the Court on or be- be tendered with your plead- Court personnel for the re-
creation of the temporary fore October 19, 2020. ings/objections, unless you quired amount of filing fees. If
guardianship, the Petition will BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All qualify to file as an indigent any objections are filed, a hear-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 29
be dismissed. If a natural pleadings/objections must be party. Contact probate court ing will be scheduled at a later
guardian files an objection to signed under oath before a not- personnel at the following ad- date. If no objections are filed,
220-440110 10/15, 10/22, 250-440113 10/15 250-440115 10/15/2020 the appointment of the Petition- ary public or before a probate dress/telephone number for the the Petition may be granted
10/29, 11/5 NOTICE NOTICE ers as guardians, or if a parent court clerk, and filing fees must required amount of filing fees. If without a hearing.
NOTICE ++2019-1871++ ++2019-1315++ who is not a natural guardian be tendered with your plead- any objections are filed, a hear- Bedelia C Hargrove
++2020-1487++ PROBATE COURT OF PROBATE COURT OF files an objection to the Peti- ings/objections, unless you ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court
TO: All Interested Parties and DEKALB COUNTY DEKALB COUNTY tion, a hearing on the matter qualify to file as an indigent date. If no objections are filed, Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro-
to whom it may concern: RE: PETITION of THOMAS RE: PETITION of EDITH ELISE shall be scheduled at a later party. Contact probate court the petition may be granted bate Court
DIANA EDWARDS has peti- ANTHONY NICOL for DIS- MACDONALD for DIS- date. If no objection is filed, the personnel at the following ad- without a hearing. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
tioned to be appointed Adminis- CHARGE as EXECUTOR OF CHARGE as EXECUTOR OF Petition may be granted without dress/telephone number for the Bedelia C Hargrove 1100
trator of the estate of CLARA THE ESTATE OF JOHN THE ESTATE OF JAMES a hearing. required amount of filing fees. Judge of the Probate Court Decatur, Georgia 30030
OWENS deceased, of said NICOL, DECEASED TODD MACDONALD, DE- BEDELIA C HARGROVE Bedelia C Hargrove Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the 404-371-2601
County. The Petitioner has also TO: All Interested Parties CEASED PROBATE JUDGE Judge of the Probate Court Probate Court
applied for waiver of bond This is to notify you to file ob- TO: All Interested Parties By:Kimberly H. Curry Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
and/or grant of certain powers jection, if there is any, to the This is to notify you to file ob- PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY Probate Court 1100
300-439808 10/01, 10/08,
contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- above referenced petition, in jection, if there is any, to the CLERK 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Decatur, Georgia 30030
10/15, 10/22
261. All interested parties are this Court on or before OCTO- above referenced petition, in 556 N. McDonough Street, Rm 1100 404-371-2601
hereby notified to show cause BER 26, 2020. this Court on or before OCTO- 1100 Decatur, Georgia 30030 290-440121 10/15, 10/22, ++2020-1312++
why said Petition should not be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All BER 26, 2020. Decatur, GA 30030 404-371-2601 10/29, 11/05/2020 RE: PETITION OF ANN J HER-
granted. All objections to the objections to the petition must BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All 404-371-2663 IN RE: Estate of RONALD E
290-439807 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, RERA TO PROBATE IN SOL-
Petition must be in writing, set- be in writing, setting forth objections to the petition must HERRICK
ting forth the grounds of any grounds of any such objections. be in writing, setting forth
such objections, and must be All pleadings/objections must grounds of any such objections. Leave To Sale IN RE: Estate of HELEN JOAN
Estate No. ++2020-1485++
Petition By Personal Repres-
filed with the Court on or be- be signed before a notary pub- All pleadings/objections must entative for
++2020-1355++ ORDER OR SERVICE WAS
fore 11/09/2020. lic or before a probate court be signed before a notary pub- 280-439806 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, Waiver of Bond and Grant of
Petition By Personal Repres- GRANTED BY THIS COURT.
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All clerk and filing fees must be lic or before a probate court 10/22 Certain Powers
entative for Waiver of Bond and TO: uknown heirs
pleadings/objections must be tendered with your clerk and filing fees must be NOTICE NOTICE
Grant of Certain Powers This is to notify you to file ob-
signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections, unless tendered with your ++2019-0203++ To: All Interested Parties
NOTICE jection, if there is any, to the
ary public or before a probate you qualify to file as an indi- pleadings/objections, unless PROBATE COURT OF GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY
GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY Petition to Probate Will in Sol-
court clerk, and filing fees must gent party. Contact probate you qualify to file as an indi- DEKALB COUNTY PROBATE COURT
PROBATE COURT emn Form, in this Court on or
be tendered with your plead- court personnel at the follow- gent party. Contact probate RE: PETITION OF Sonya DANIEL C HERRICK has peti-
DONNA VON WALDNER RA- before 10/26/2020.
ings/objections, unless you ing address/telephone number court personnel at the follow- Smith Anderson FOR LEAVE tioned for waiver of bond and
POSA has petitioned for waiver BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
qualify to file as an indigent for the required amount of fil- ing address/telephone number TO SELL PROPERTY OF ES- for the grant of certain powers
of bond and for the grant of cer- objections to the Petition must
party. Contact probate court ing fees. If any objections are for the required amount of fil- TATE OF Jo Evelyn Smith, DE- contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12-
tain powers contained in be in writing, setting forth the
personnel at the following ad- filed, a hearing will be sched- ing fees. If any objections are CEASED. 261. All interested parties are
O.C.G.A. § 53-12-261. All inter- grounds of any such objections.
dress/telephone number for the uled at a later date. If no objec- filed, a hearing will be sched- TO: Anthony Smith hereby notified to show cause
ested parties are hereby noti- All objections should be sworn
required amount of filing fees. If tions are filed, the petition may uled at a later date. If no objec- All interested parties and to why said Petition should not be
fied to show cause why said to before a notary public or be-
any objections are filed, a hear- be granted without a hearing. tions are filed, the petition may whom it may concern: This is to granted. All objections to the
Petition should not be granted. fore a Probate Court Clerk, and
ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove be granted without a hearing. notify you to file objection, if Petition must be in writing, set-
All objections to the Petition filing fees must be tendered
date. If no objections are filed, Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove there is any, to the above refer- ting forth the grounds of any
must be in writing, setting forth with your objections, unless
the petition may be granted Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- Judge of the Probate Court ence petition, in this Court on such objections, and must be
the grounds of any such objec- you qualify to file as an indi-
without a hearing. bate Court Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- or before OCTOBER 26, 2020 filed with the Court on or be-
tions, and must be filed with the gent party. Contact Probate
Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. bate Court BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore 11/09/2020.
Court on or before 10/26/2020. Court personnel for the re-
Judge of the Probate Court 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. pleadings/objections must be BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All quired amount of filing fees. If
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 signed under oath before a not- pleadings/objections must be
pleadings/objections must be any objections are filed, a hear-
Probate Court 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 ary public or before a probate signed under oath before a not-
signed under oath before a not- ing will be scheduled at a later
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 250-440114 10/15 404-371-2601 court clerk, and filing fees must ary public or before a probate
ary public or before a probate date. If no objections are filed,
1100 NOTICE be tendered with your plead- court clerk, and filing fees must
court clerk, and filing fees must the Petition may be granted
Decatur, Georgia 30030 ++2019-0551++ ings/objections, unless you be tendered with your plead-
404-371-2601 PROBATE COURT OF Temp Guardian qualify to file as an indigent
be tendered with your plead-
ings/objections, unless you ings/objections, unless you
without a hearing.
Bedelia C Hargrove
DEKALB COUNTY party. Contact probate court qualify to file as an indigent Judge of the Probate Court
qualify to file as an indigent
Dismiss Executor RE: PETITION of STEPHEN
270-440117 10/15,10/22
Estate No:
personnel at the following ad-
dress/telephone number for the
party. Contact probate court party. Contact probate court
personnel at the following ad-
Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the
Probate Court
personnel at the following ad-
FIELDING BAXTER for DIS- ++2020-0957++ required amount of filing fees. If dress/telephone number for the 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
250-440112 10/15 dress/telephone number for the
CHARGE as EXECUTOR OF CITATION any objections are filed, a hear- required amount of filing fees. If 1100
NOTICE required amount of filing fees. If
THE ESTATE OF VIOLA EL- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- Decatur, Georgia 30030
++2018-0308++ any objections are filed, a hear-
LIS BAXTER, DECEASED IN RE: PETITION OF ASMER- date. If no objections are filed, ing will be scheduled at a later 404-371-2601
PROBATE COURT OF ing will be scheduled at a later
TO: All Interested Parties ET TEWELDE AND SAMSON the petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed,
DEKALB COUNTY date. If no objections are filed,
This is to notify you to file ob- ANDEMARIAM FOR TEMPOR- without a hearing. the petition may be granted
RE: PETITION of DARIEL the petition may be granted
jection, if there is any, to the ARY LETTERS OF GUARDI- Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing.
HENDY for DISCHARGE as without a hearing.
above referenced petition, in ANSHIP Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove 300-440119 10/15, 10/22,
this Court on or before OCTO- ESTATE OF FRANCISCO VIN- Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the Judge of the Probate Court 10/29, 11/5
OF RICHARD A. LUE, DE- Judge of the Probate Court
BER 26, 2020. CENTE VOLINSKI, JR. Probate Court Tiffany Ragland, Clerk of the NOTICE
CEASED Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All DATE OF MAILING, IF ANY: 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court ++2020-1398++
TO: All Interested Parties Probate Court
objections to the petition must NA 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. RE: PETITION OF STEVE
This is to notify you to file ob- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
be in writing, setting forth DATE OF SECOND PUBLICA- Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 WAYNE SCOTT TO PRO-
jection, if there is any, to the 1100
grounds of any such objections. TION, IF ANY: 10/22 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 BATE IN SOLEMN FORM THE
above referenced petition, in Decatur, Georgia 30030
All pleadings/objections must TO: UNKNOWN FATHER OF 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 WILL OF MICKEY HOWARD
this Court on or before OCTO- be signed before a notary pub- FRANCISCO VINCENTE VOL- LANDERS, DECEASED,
BER 26, 2020. lic or before a probate court INSKI, JR., (MINOR) Miscellaneous 290-440033 10/8,10/15,10/22 UPON WHICH AN ORDER OR
objections to the petition must
clerk and filing fees must be You are hereby notified that 10/29 Will SERVICE WAS GRANTED BY
tendered with your ASMERET TEWELDE and 290-439155 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, IN RE: Estate of SUSAN THIS COURT.
be in writing, setting forth pleadings/objections, unless SAMSON ANDEMARIAM have 10/15 BECHAUD Estate No. ++2020- 300-439156: 9/24, 10/1, 10/8, TO: Teresa Heart, Donnie
grounds of any such objections. you qualify to file as an indi- filed a Petition seeking to be RE: JERRY ALLEN JONES, 0895++ 10/15 Landers, Thomas Landers,
All pleadings/objections must gent party. Contact probate appointed temporary guardi- Deceased a/k/a SUSAN ELIZABETH NOTICE Shirley Brookshire
be signed before a notary pub- court personnel at the follow- ans of the above-named Minor. Estate No. ++2019-0843++ BECHAUD ++2020-0108++ This is to notify you to file ob-
lic or before a probate court ing address/telephone number All objections to the Petition to NOTICE Petition By Personal Repres- RE: PETITION OF EVELYN jection, if there is any, to the
clerk and filing fees must be for the required amount of fil- the appointment of a tempor- GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY entative for LUCILLE BAERMAN TO PRO- Petition to Probate Will in Sol-
tendered with your ing fees. If any objections are ary guardian or the appoint- PROBATE COURT Waiver of Bond and Grant of BATE IN SOLEMN FORM THE emn Form, in this Court on or
pleadings/objections, unless filed, a hearing will be sched- ment of the Petitioners as tem- To: Any and All Known and Un- Certain Powers WILL OF MARGARIE WALK- before 11/09/2020.
you qualify to file as an indi- uled at a later date. If no objec- porary guardians, must be in known Heirs NOTICE ER MAERZ, DECEASED, BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All
gent party. Contact probate tions are filed, the petition may writing, setting forth the CAROL MICHAEL RAINBOLT, GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY UPON WHICH AN ORDER OR objections to the Petition must
court personnel at the follow- be granted without a hearing. grounds of any such objections, CHARLES LUNDGREN, PROBATE COURT SERVICE WAS GRANTED BY be in writing, setting forth the
ing address/telephone number Bedelia C Hargrove and be filed with this Court no CHARLOTTE HARTMAN, JEANNE SNIDER has peti- THIS COURT. grounds of any such objections.
for the required amount of fil- Judge of the Probate Court later than fourteen (14) days DEBRA ALEXANDER, JODI tioned for waiver of bond and TO: JAMIE GIBSON WINTER All objections should be sworn
ing fees. If any objections are Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- after this notice is mailed, or SMITH WIGAL, LARRY LUND- for the grant of certain powers This is to notify you to file ob- to before a notary public or be-
filed, a hearing will be sched- bate Court ten (10) days after this notice is GREN, LINDA HARGROVE, contained in O.C.G.A. § 53-12- jection, if there is any, to the fore a Probate Court Clerk, and
uled at a later date. If no objec- 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. personally served upon you, or LORI SMITH JOHNSON, MAR- 261. All interested parties are Petition to Probate Will in Sol- filing fees must be tendered
tions are filed, the petition may 1100 ten (10) days after the second JORIE KELLY, MARK LUND- hereby notified to show cause emn Form, in this Court on or with your objections, unless
be granted without a hearing. Decatur, Georgia 30030 publication of this notice if you GREN, PAMELA J. VOIGT, why said Petition should not be before OCTOBER 19, 2020. you qualify to file as an indi-
Bedelia C Hargrove 404-371-2601 are served by publication. All VENICE SMITH and WILLIAM granted. All objections to the BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All gent party. Contact Probate
Judge of the Probate Court objections should be sworn to D JEFFERSON has petitioned Petition must be in writing, set- objections to the Petition must Court personnel for the re-
Doris F. Scott, Clerk of the Pro- before a notary public or Geor- for a Determination of Heirs re- ting forth the grounds of any be in writing, setting forth the quired amount of filing fees. If
bate Court gia probate court clerk and fil- garding the Estate of Jerry Al- such objections, and must be grounds of any such objections. any objections are filed, a hear-
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. ing fees must be tendered with len Jones. All interested parties filed with the Court on or be- All objections should be sworn ing will be scheduled at a later
1100 your objections, unless you are hereby notified to show fore NOVEMBER 2, 2020. to before a notary public or be- date. If no objections are filed,
Decatur, Georgia 30030 qualify to file as an indigent cause why said Petition should BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All fore a Probate Court Clerk, and the Petition may be granted
404-371-2601 party. Contact Probate Court not be granted. All objections to pleadings/objections must be filing fees must be tendered without a hearing.
personnel for the required the Petition must be in writing, signed under oath before a not- with your objections, unless Bedelia C Hargrove
amount of filing fees. setting forth the grounds of any ary public or before a probate you qualify to file as an indi- Judge of the Probate Court
NOTE: If a natural guardian such objections, and must be court clerk, and filing fees must gent party. Contact Probate Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the
files a timely objection to the filed with the Court on or be- be tendered with your plead- Court personnel for the re- Probate Court
creation of the temporary fore October 19, 2020. ings/objections, unless you quired amount of filing fees. If 556 N. McDonough St., Rm.
guardianship, the Petition will BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All qualify to file as an indigent any objections are filed, a hear- 1100
be dismissed. If a natural pleadings/objections must be party. Contact probate court ing will be scheduled at a later Decatur, Georgia 30030
guardian files an objection to signed under oath before a not- personnel at the following ad- date. If no objections are filed, 404-371-2601
the appointment of the Petition- ary public or before a probate dress/telephone number for the the Petition may be granted
ers as guardians, or if a parent court clerk, and filing fees must required amount of filing fees. If without a hearing.
who is not a natural guardian be tendered with your plead- any objections are filed, a hear- Bedelia C Hargrove
files an objection to the Peti- ings/objections, unless you ing will be scheduled at a later Judge of the Probate Court
constructed thereon, including, Please note that if you choose
without limitation, tenant im- to participate by phone, your
provements conveyable by number may be visible to other
Branch Ashwood Associates, meeting attendees.
LP (the “Company”), to the Is- This hearing will be to receive
suer that are constructed in comments on the proposed air
Page 30 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020  conjunction with the leasing of
such improvements to subten-
quality permit amendment
2879-089-00255-V-02-3. Arch
300-440120 10/15, 10/22, 310-439810 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 3 1 0 -4 4 0 0 3 7 1 0 / 8 , 1 0 / 1 5 , 310-440123 10/15, 10/22, ants, and building fixtures and Wood Protection, Inc. is re- 320-440125 10/15
10/29, 11/5 10/22 10/22,10/29 10/29, 11/5 building equipment installed questing authorization to modi- NOTICE OF PUBLIC
NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE and to be installed thereat, to fy their existing facility, adding HEARING ON
++2020-1452++ ++2020-1188++ ++2020-1433++ ++2020-0799++ be leased by the Issuer to the a new wood preservative in- AMENDMENT TO URBAN
RE: PETITION OF LILLIE TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties TO: All Interested Parties Company for use by one or gredient manufacturing pro- REDEVELOPMENT PLAN OF
PEARL MITCHELL COX TO The Petition of JOHN Th e Pe t i t i o n o f MARCI A The Petition of LAURA SMAL- more tenants or subtenants as cess, including a 16.7 million THE CITY OF DECATUR
PROBATE IN SOLEMN FORM CLAYTON WEBSTER, for a ADAMS, for a year’s support LEY FREEMAN FOR BAR- an upscale community shop- British thermal units per hour TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN
THE WILL OF CARRIE BELL year’s support from the estate from the estate of CLARENCE BARA COLEMAN SMALLEY, ping center (the “Project”), and (MMBtu/hr) natural gas-fired YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED
MITCHELL, DECEASED, of JANE SOOY WEBSTER, FITZGERALD ADAMS, SR., for a year’s support from the as an economic development boiler and a cooling tower. that on the ++19th day of Octo-
UPON WHICH AN ORDER OR Deceased, for Decedent’s Sur- Deceased, for Decedent’s Sur- estate of RICHARD LAYE project as defined in O.C.G.A § The permit application is avail- ber, 2020, at 4:45 p.m.++ the
SERVICE WAS GRANTED BY viving Spouse and minor child, viving Spouse and minor child, SMALLEY, Deceased, for De- 36-62-2(6)(N) (and not a able for review online using the City Commission of the City of
THIS COURT. having been duly filed, all inter- having been duly filed, all inter- cedent’s Surviving Spouse and “project” described in O.C.G.A. GEOS public portal at: Decatur will hold a public hear-
TO: Annie Mitchell Howard, ested persons are hereby noti- ested persons are hereby noti- minor child, having been duly § 36-62-2(6)(J) or in any other ing on an amendment to the
SirNorris Mitchell fied to show cause, if any they fied to show cause, if any they filed, all interested persons are provision of O.C.G.A. § 36 62 existing urban redevelopment
This is to notify you to file ob- have, on or before OCTOBER have, on or before NOVEM- hereby notified to show cause, 1, et seq., as amended, defin- A/GEOS/Public/Client/GA_GE plan entitled “Urban Redevel-
jection, if there is any, to the 26, 2020, why said Petition BER 2, 2020, why said Petition if any they have, on or before ing the term “project” or author- OS/Public/Pages/PublicApplic- opment Plan of the City of Dec-
Petition to Probate Will in Sol- should not be granted. should not be granted. NOVEMBER 9, 2020, why said izing “projects”). In such pro- ationList.aspx submittal num- atur” (the “Amended Urban Re-
emn Form, in this Court on or All objections to the Petition All objections to the Petition Petition should not be granted. ceeding, the Court will also (a) ber 474759 development Plan”). To mitig-
before 11/09/2020. must be in writing, setting forth must be in writing, setting forth All objections to the Petition hear and determine the validity This notice, the original public ate the spread of the COVID-19
BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: All the grounds of any such objec- the grounds of any such objec- must be in writing, setting forth of instruments relating to and comment notice, the draft per- pandemic, protect the public
objections to the Petition must tions, and must be filed on or tions, and must be filed on or the grounds of any such objec- providing security for the Bond, mit, and the accompanying health, and provide essential
be in writing, setting forth the before the time stated in the before the time stated in the tions, and must be filed on or and (b) hear and determine background document “narrat- protections to City of Decatur
grounds of any such objections. preceding sentence. All plead- preceding sentence. All plead- before the time stated in the such other questions of law and ive” are available for review at: residents, the City of Decatur
All objections should be sworn ings/objections should be ings/objections should be preceding sentence. All plead- fact pertaining to the right of the will conduct this hearing by
to before a notary public or be- sworn to before a notary public sworn to before a notary public ings/objections should be Issuer to issue the Bond and to title-v-permitsamendments video teleconference. Any
fore a Probate Court Clerk, and or before a Probate Court or before a Probate Court sworn to before a notary public provide the security therefor. At the public hearing, EPD will member of the public wishing to
filing fees must be tendered Clerk, and filing fees must be Clerk, and filing fees must be or before a Probate Court The Bond shall be a special receive formal comments; any- listen to the proceedings or
with your objections, unless tendered with your objections, tendered with your objections, Clerk, and filing fees must be and limited obligation of the Is- one may present data, make a provide public comment may
you qualify to file as an indi- unless you qualify to file as an unless you qualify to file as an tendered with your objections, suer, payable from funds statement, comment or offer a do so by using the following hy-
gent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate indigent party. Contact Probate unless you qualify to file as an provided by the Company or its viewpoint or argument either or- perlink and Meeting ID or
Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- Court personnel for the re- indigent party. Contact Probate successors, shall not be pay- ally or in writing. Lengthy state- phone numbers:
quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If quired amount of filing fees. If Court personnel for the re- able from taxes or other public ments or statements of a con-
any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- any objections are filed, a hear- quired amount of filing fees. If funds, and NO PERFORM- siderable technical or econom- Meeting ID: 979 8482 8090 +1
ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later ing will be scheduled at a later any objections are filed, a hear- ANCE AUDIT OR PERFORM- ic nature, as well as previously 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1
date. If no objections are filed, date. If no objections are filed date. If no objections are filed ing will be scheduled at a later ANCE REVIEW SHALL BE recorded messages, should be 929 205 6099 US (New York).
the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted the Petition may be granted date. If no objections are filed CONDUCTED WITH RE- submitted in writing. The Amended Urban Redevel-
without a hearing. without a hearing. without a hearing. the Petition may be granted SPECT TO SUCH BOND IS- Persons wishing to comment opment Plan sets forth urban
Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove Bedelia C Hargrove without a hearing. SUE. Any citizen of the State of on the proposed permit are in- redevelopment projects for a
Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Judge of the Probate Court Bedelia C Hargrove Georgia residing in the DeKalb vited to submit their comments new urban redevelopment area
Donna Whitehead, Clerk of the By: Morgan Johnson, Clerk of By: Judge of the Probate Court County, or any other person in writing via email to epdcom- designated the East Lake Drive
Probate Court the Probate Court Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the By: Morgan Johnson, Clerk of wherever residing who has a or to: Urban Redevelopment Area
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Probate Court the Probate Court right to object, may intervene GA EPD Air Protection Branch consisting generally of (a) ap-
1100 1100 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. and become a party to these Stationary Source Permitting proximately 5.4 acres of recre-
Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 1100 1100 proceedings. Program ational use property located at
404-371-2601 404-371-2601 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Decatur, Georgia 30030 Clerk, Superior Court, DeKalb 4244 International Parkway, 450 East Lake Drive in Dec-
310-439811 10/1, 10/8, 10/15, 404-371-2601 404-371-2601 County, Georgia Suite 120 atur, Georgia 30030, in DeKalb
County, with a parcel identifica-
Year’s Support 10/22
310-440122 10/15, 10/22,
10/29, 11/5
320-440057 10/15
Atlanta, GA 30354
no later than November 20, tion number of 15-213-04-178
310-439809 10/1, 10/8, 10/15,
++2020-1131++ NOTICE Public Hearing DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL 2020. Any emailed comments containing a 22,500 square foot
TO: All Interested Parties ++2020-1507++ RESOURCES must include “Arch Wood air recreation center building in-
10/22 The Petition of MINAMI YODA, 320-440019 10/8,10/15 ENVIRONMENTAL permit” in the subject line. EPD cluding a 5-lane indoor pool fa-
TO: All Interested Parties
NOTICE for a year’s support from the NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC PROTECTION DIVISION will consider all comments pri- cility, a dog park and outdoor
The Petition of SHELLEY
++2020-0736++ estate of ALEXANDER JACO- YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED COUNTY OF DEKALB or to any final agency action on athletic fields currently known
BRIGHT LECLAIR, for a year’s
TO: All Interested Parties BUS MARIA VAN DER that on October 19, 2020 at NOTICE OF the permit. as the Samuel L. Jones Boys &
support from the estate of ED-
The Petition of CURTISS VELDEN, Deceased, for De- 9:00 a.m. Judge LaTisha Dear PUBLIC HEARING For additional information, con- Girls Club (collectively, the
PINKNEY MOSS, for a year’s cedent’s Surviving Spouse and Jackson of the Superior Court REGARDING THE tact Eric Cornwell, Program “Boys & Girls Club Property”),
ceased, for Decedent’s Surviv-
support from the estate of DI- minor child, having been duly of DeKalb County will hear the PROPOSED AIR QUALITY Manager, Stationary Source and (b) approximately 6.62
ing Spouse and minor child,
ANNE ELIZABETH MOSS, De- filed, all interested persons are case of STATE OF GEORGIA PERMIT AMENDMENT FOR Permitting Program at the email acres of recreational use prop-
having been duly filed, all inter-
ceased, for Decedent’s Surviv- hereby notified to show cause, vs. ++DUNWOODY DEVELOP- ARCH WOOD or address above, or by phone erty located at 307 Feld Aven-
ested persons are hereby noti-
ing Spouse and minor child, if any they have, on or before MENT AUTHORITY and PROTECTION, INC. at 404/363-7000. Please refer ue in Decatur, Georgia 30030,
fied to show cause, if any they
having been duly filed, all inter- OCTOBER 26, 2020, why said BRANCH ASHWOOD ASSO- CONLEY, GEORGIA to this notice when requesting in DeKalb County, with a par-
have, on or before NOVEM-
ested persons are hereby noti- Petition should not be granted. CIATES, LP, Civil Action File TO ALL INTERESTED PER- information. cel identification number of 15-
BER 9, 2020, why said Petition
fied to show cause, if any they All objections to the Petition No. 20CV6835++ in the Superi- SONS AND PARTIES 213-04-177 containing two mul-
should not be granted. 320-440124 10/15,10/22
have, on or before OCTOBER must be in writing, setting forth or Court of DeKalb County, as You are hereby notified that a tipurpose fields, a picnic pavil-
All objections to the Petition Notice of Public Hearing
26, 2020, why said Petition the grounds of any such objec- a remote proceeding via video public hearing will be held at ion with restrooms, a conces-
must be in writing, setting forth The Board of Mayor and Com-
should not be granted. tions, and must be filed on or conference, by which the Court, ++4:00 pm on November 16, sion /scoring building, two
the grounds of any such objec- missioners shall conduct a
All objections to the Petition before the time stated in the parties, counsel, and any inter- 2020++. lighted tennis courts, a basket-
tions, and must be filed on or hearing on ++Monday, Octo-
must be in writing, setting forth preceding sentence. All plead- ested member of the public In accordance with EPD’s ball court and a playground
before the time stated in the ber 26, 2020 at 6:30 PM++ to
the grounds of any such objec- ings/objections should be who may desire to appear shall safety precautions regarding area currently known as
preceding sentence. All plead- consider a conditional use per-
tions, and must be filed on or sworn to before a notary public participate by use of the via the the COVID-19 virus, the hear- Oakhurst Park (collectively, the
ings/objections should be mit application (City of
before the time stated in the or before a Probate Court following information: ing will be conducted virtually “Oakhurst Park Property”). The
sworn to before a notary public Avondale Estates Zoning Or-
preceding sentence. All plead- Clerk, and filing fees must be Zoom Link: : https://dekalb- using the Zoom video conferen- general scope of the urban re-
or before a Probate Court dinance Code Section 822.I)
ings/objections should be tendered with your objections, cing service. Zoom is a free development projects in the
Clerk, and filing fees must be from Kelly Edge to establish a
sworn to before a notary public unless you qualify to file as an 41 [] web conferencing platform that East Lake Drive Redevelop-
tendered with your objections, Veterinary practice at 2740 E.
or before a Probate Court indigent party. Contact Probate Password: 640117 also allows participation by ment Area consists of (a) the
unless you qualify to file as an College Avenue, Suite 211A,
Clerk, and filing fees must be Court personnel for the re- Said Hearing shall be a pro- phone. The link to the event is: acquisition of the Boys & Girls
indigent party. Contact Probate Decatur, GA 30030.
tendered with your objections, quired amount of filing fees. If ceeding to confirm and valid- Link to join: Club Property by the City of
Court personnel for the re- The hearings will be held via
unless you qualify to file as an any objections are filed, a hear- ate a Taxable Revenue Bond Decatur Urban Redevelopment
quired amount of filing fees. If Zoom webinar. Please use one
indigent party. Contact Probate ing will be scheduled at a later (Branch Ashwood Associates, Agency from the Boys & Girls
any objections are filed, a hear- of the following to join the we-
Court personnel for the re- date. If no objections are filed LP Project), Series 2020, in a 11220?pwd=cW5Yd1FlWnFN- Clubs of Metro Atlanta to be re-
ing will be scheduled at a later binar.
quired amount of filing fees. If the Petition may be granted maximum principal amount of ZEo0dEJnVE16SFZZUT09 tained by the City for recre-
date. If no objections are filed Online:
any objections are filed, a hear- without a hearing. $45,000,000 (the “Bond”), to be ational facilities and future re-
the Petition may be granted
ing will be scheduled at a later Bedelia C Hargrove issued by the Dunwoody Devel- Meeting ID: 946 6531 1220 development and (b) recre-
without a hearing. 7859381
date. If no objections are filed Judge of the Probate Court opment Authority (the “Issuer”) Passcode: 447742 ational improvements to the
Bedelia C Hargrove Telephone: 301.715.8592
the Petition may be granted By: Morgan Johnson, Clerk of pursuant to the terms of a res- To ensure that you are ready to Oakhurst Park Property. Any in-
Judge of the Probate Court Webinar ID: 846 1785 9381
without a hearing. the Probate Court olution adopted by the Issuer, participate when the meeting terested person may submit or-
By: All interested parties are in-
Bedelia C Hargrove 556 N. McDonough St., Rm. in order to promote and ex- begins, we recommend that al or written comments on the
Morgan Johnson, Clerk of the vited to attend.
Judge of the Probate Court 1100 pand for the public good and you download Zoom in ad- Amended Urban Redevelop-
Probate Court Ken Morris
By: Morgan Johnson, Clerk of Decatur, Georgia 30030 general welfare, industry, trade, vance. Zoom can be found ment Plan at the hearing. The
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. Planner & Permit Services Co-
the Probate Court 404-371-2601 commerce, and employment here: Those proposed Amended Urban Re-
1100 ordinator
556 N. McDonough St., Rm. opportunities within the City of joining via computer can use development Plan is on file at
Decatur, Georgia 30030 City of Avondale Estates
1100 Dunwoody, Georgia (the “City”). their computer audio, or may City Hall, 509 McDonough
Decatur, Georgia 30030 The Bond is to be issued for also dial-in. Dial-in number: Street, Decatur, Georgia
404-371-2601 the purpose of acquiring a cap- (470) 381-2552 30030, and a copy of the pro-
ital project consisting of land in Meeting ID: 946 6531 1220 posed Amended Urban Re-
the City, improvements to be Passcode: 447742 development Plan may be ob-
constructed thereon, including, Please note that if you choose tained from the City Clerk of the
without limitation, tenant im- to participate by phone, your City.
provements conveyable by number may be visible to other By: Meredith Roark, City Clerk,
Branch Ashwood Associates, meeting attendees. City of Decatur, Georgia.
LP (the “Company”), to the Is- This hearing will be to receive
suer that are constructed in comments on the proposed air
conjunction with the leasing of quality permit amendment
such improvements to subten- 2879-089-00255-V-02-3. Arch
ants, and building fixtures and Wood Protection, Inc. is re-
building equipment installed questing authorization to modi-
and to be installed thereat, to fy their existing facility, adding
be leased by the Issuer to the a new wood preservative in-
TAG# P0872407 GA V.I.N. # 1ZVHT85H455218215 NA NA Answer forms may be found in as occupant of the executor of- opportunity to submit written nal Title V permit will be added
J TJ G F 1 0 U 3 2 0 1 2 0 9 1 5 re - 20V44112 the Magistrate Court Clerk's of- fice, I will not be responsible for public comments concerning to the information already avail-
moved from 2075 Candler Rd fice located at: 32 Waddell St the debts of the United the draft Title V Air Quality Op- able at the internet address giv-
Decatur GA 30032. FORD 03 WINDSTAR SE, Marietta, GA 30090. States/ erating Permit. Persons wish- en above.
2FMDA53423BB51561 Forms may also be obtained STATES/United States of ing to comment on the draft For additional information, con-
2004 Nissan Altima Red TAG# 11KB781 AL 20V44114 online at www.georgiamagis- America and any of its Per- Title V Operating Permit are re- tact the manager of the Station-
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 31
<unknown> V.I.N. # sons, and neither will I pay or quired to submit their com- ary Source Permitting Program,
1N4AL11DX4C131627 re- FORD 03 EXPEDETION 1FM- be responsible or forced pay for ments, in writing, to EPD at the at the Atlanta address, or by
moved from 856 Debelle Ct, RU15W93LA11415 3BF9431 Vehicle make: BMW the debts of any U.S. Person, above Atlanta Air Protection phone at 404/363-7000. Please
Public Notice Clarkston, GA 30021. AL 20V44097 Year: 1998
Model: 328 I AUTOMATIC
See Senate Document No.43,
73rd Congress, 1st Session.
Branch address, or via email
[ p r e f e r r e d ] t o
refer to this notice when re-
questing information. You can
330-439161 9/24,10/1,10/8 2013 Nissan VERSA Black FORD 99 E350 Vehicle I.D# Should any one chose to rebut sign up to receive weekly
10/15 TAG# PNW1860 GA V.I.N. # 1FTSE34FXXHA50054 NA NA WBACD4324WAV65499 this matter please email the Ex- (email comments must include emails regarding Air Public No-
PUBLIC NOTICE 3N1CN7AP8DL820129 re- 20V44102 Vehicle License #: ecutor, office AT OUR EMAIL the facility name and “Air Per- t i c e s a t
Tucker-Northlake Community moved from 6099 Covington HU647 mit” in subject line). Comments
Improvement District Board Hwy Decatur GA 30035. GEO 96 PRIZM State: RI within 21 days of this Notice. must be received by the EPD scribe-air-protection-branch-up-
Election NOTICE IS HEREBY 1Y1SK5267TZ004415 NA NA Magistrate Court Case No.: see: 12 CFR § 5.8/17 U.S.C. no later than 30 days after the dates.
GIVEN as provided in the 2007 Saturn AURA Burgandy 20V44105 20-L-02408 §§ 101 - 810.All Rights Re- date on which this notice is
DEKALB COUNTY COM- TAG# RRG7888 GA V.I.N. # served. ALL RIGHTS RE- published in the newspaper. 330-440043 10/8,10/15,10/22
MUNITY IMPROVEMENT DIS- 1G8ZS57N47F131403 re - HONDA 04 ACCORD Vehicle make: CHEVROLET SERVED. (Should the comment period NOTICE OF EAST METRO
TRICT ACT OF 2008 (Ga. L. moved from 2892 Eastwyck Cir, 1HGCM56314A125154 Year: 1997 ======================== end on a weekend or holiday, DEKALB COMMUNITY IM-
2008, p. 3817) that a caucus of Decatur, GA 30032. PSG8613 GA 20V44098 Model: C 1500 Notice from the Office of the comments will be accepted up PROVEMENT DISTRICT
Electors of the Tucker-North- Vehicle I.D# Executor aka Estate Protector- until the next working day.) The ELECTION
lake Community Improvement 2000 Honda CR-V Green (Dk) HONDA 04 ACCORD 1GBEC19R6VE200707 ate. Division, in making its final de- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN as
District (CID), due to the Gov- TAG# RWK 7739 GA V.I.N. # 1HGCM56884A093668 Vehicle License #: ======================== cision to issue the Title V per- provided in the DEKALB
ernor’s emergency orders, shall JHLRD2845YC003309 re- RSR7809 GA 20V44099 PFH2048 ++Brightley, Reeshemah, Ja- mit, will consider all comments COUNTY COMMUNITY IM-
be held on the 21st day of Oc- moved from 5978 COVING- State: GA millah aka Reeshemah Jamil- received on or prior to that PROVEMENT DISTRICTS
tober, 2020 at 1:00 PM in the TON HWY, DECATUR GA JEEP 08 CHEROKEE Magistrate Court Case No.: lah: Brightley++ date. ACT OF 2008 (Ga. L. 2008, p.
Tucker Professional Building, 30035. 1J8GR48K98C120237 20-L-02394 330-440040 10/15 Any requests for a public hear- 3817) that a ++Caucus of
4228 First Avenue, Tucker GA RSE9984 GA 20V44111 ++BMW 1998 328 I NOTICE OF THE ing must be made within the Electors of the East Metro
30084. The purpose of the 2015 Honda Accord Silver WBACD4324WAV65499/20-L- OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC 30-day public comment period. DeKalb Community Improve-
caucus is to ++elect one Board TAG# CJT4814 GA V.I.N. # K I A 1 0 S O U L 02408 CHEVROLET 1997 C COMMENT A request for a hearing should ment District (CID)++ shall be
Member to Post 3 and another 1HGCR2F37FA163703 re- KNDJT2A25A7136933 1 5 0 0 GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF be in writing and should spe- held on the 26th day of Octo-
to post 4++ on the Tucker- moved from 1086 Montreal Rd, P0800008GA 20V44104 1GBEC19R6VE200707/20-L- NATURAL RESOURCES cify, in as much detail as pos- ber 2020. Due to the current
Northlake Community Improve- Clarkston, GA 30021. 02394++ ENVIRONMENTAL sible, the air quality related is- health emergency, the meeting
ment District Board. Registra- LEXUS 07 300 PROTECTION DIVISION sues that constitute the basis of the caucus of electors will be
tion for the election shall be 2003 Nissan Altima Black JTHBJ46G572033865 AIR PROTECTION BRANCH for the request. Where pos- held via Zoom video Conferen-
held from 12:30 PM to 1:00 TAG# RSV9385 GA V.I.N. # REJ9821 GA 20V44120 330-440001 10/8,10/15,10/22 STATE OF GEORGIA sible, the individual making the cing tool at
PM. Voting will occur immedi- 1N4AL11D23C327401 re- MY WITWORD. LEGAL NEWS COUNTY OF DEKALB request should also identify the
ately after each Elector who moved from 3800 Flat Shoals LEXUS 09 350 PAPER. NOTICE OF DRAFT TITLE V portion(s) of the Georgia Rules 225799.
has arrived at the registration Pkwy, Decatur, GA 30034. 2T2HK31U89C131403 REESHEMAH JAMILLAH OPERATING PERMIT for Air Quality Control and/or The purpose of the caucus is to
table by 1:00 PM has re- BZF7366 GA 20V44121 BRIGHTLEY, ESTATE To All Interested Parties: the Federal Rules that the indi- elect a post position, post 3, an
gistered. Registration closes at Anyone with an ownership in- Commercial NOTICE! The Georgia Environmental vidual making the request is equity post, as a Board Mem-
1:00 PM. No proxy votes may terest in any of these vehicles LEXUS 04 330 Commercial. Protection Division announces concerned may not have been ber to serve on the East Metro
be cast. A map of said District should contact the following JTHBA30G645045438 NA NA With all inherent rights given to its intent to issue a Title V Air adequately incorporated into DeKalb Community Improve-
is on file with the DeKalb business immediately: 20V44122 me of Yahweh my Elohyim. Quality Operating Permit to the draft permit. If a public ment District Board. Nomina-
County Commission Clerk. All Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- NOTICE! To all Municipalities, ++Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc.++ hearing on the draft Title V Op- tions for the post will be accep-
Electors as designated under ing, and Recovery LEXUS 97 400 Corporations; Local, National The facility is located at 3310 erating Permit is to be held, the ted from October 15, 2020 at
the Act are invited to attend 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW JT8CH32Y8V1000435 NA NA and International Governments; Panthersville Road, Decatur, date, time, and location of the 8:00 o'clock AM and will close
and cast their votes. A quorum Conyers GA 30012 20V44100 Congress'; STATES; U.S.; Georgia. The primary purpose hearing will be provided in a on October 16 at 5:00 o'clock
shall consist of those Electors 678-210-0245 Agents; Agencies; Attorney's; of this permit is to identify and subsequent, separate public PM. Nominations can be sent
present. 330-439995 10/8,10/15 MITS 11 GALANT BAR associations; Exchequers; consolidate existing State and notice. At that hearing, anyone by email to elections@east-
ABANDONED MOTOR 4A32B3FF4BE016642 Judges; Persons; Vessels; Federal air requirements applic- may present data, make a Registration for
330-439994 10/8,10/15 VEHICLE PETITION CJR3325 GA 20V44108 Counties; Townships; Militaries; able to Bimbo Bakeries USA, statement or comment, or offer the election shall be held from
ABANDONED MOTOR ADVERTISEMENT Courts; Courts Martial; Schools; Inc. and to provide practical a viewpoint or argument either October 15, 2020 at 8:00
VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT Notice that a petition was filed NISSAN 05 MAXIMA Universities; the United methods for determining com- orally or in writing concerning o'clock A.M. until October 19,
NOTICE in the Magistrate Court of 1N4BA41E35C854225 States/Democracy; United pliance with these require- the draft Title V permit. During 2020 at 5:00 o'clock P.M. Re-
You are hereby notified, in ac- Dekalb County to foreclose a li- 66470Z8 TX 20V44115 States of America/Republic; ments. The Georgia Environ- the Division’s decision-making gistration packets may be re-
cordance with OCGA § 40-11- en for all amounts owed. If the federal UNITED STATES; mental Protection Division procedures to issue the Title V quested by sending an email to
19(a) (2), that each of the be- lien is foreclosed, a court shall NISSAN 15 SENTRA UNITED NATIONS; United Na- (EPD) is preparing Title V Op- permit, any information re-
low-referenced vehicles are order the sale of the below lis- 3N1AB7AP0FY303591 tions Security Council; Territor- erating Permits in accordance ceived during a public hearing Voting will occur by emailed
subject to a lien and a petition ted vehicles to satisfy a debt. CJK2452 GA 20V44116 ies in Possession of UNITED with Title V of the Clean Air Act. will be considered together with ballots from October 21, 2020
may be filed in court to fore- Your vehicle is presently loc- STATES; United States Armed This permit will be enforceable information received during the at 8:00 o'clock A.M until Octo-
close a lien for all amounts ated at: South Metro Towing OLDS 94 CUTLASS Forces, JAG, United States De- by the Georgia EPD, the U.S. comment period. During the ber 22, 2020 at 5:00 o'clock
owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a Inc 1920 Moreland Ave SE At- 1G3WH55M5RD334784 fense Dept. US Postal Union, Environmental Protection current COVID-19 pandemic, P.M. Completed ballots must
court shall order the sale of the lanta, GA 30316 CBQ188 IN 20V44103 United States Department of Agency, and other persons as the Division will only conduct be returned to elections@east-
vehicle to satisfy the debt. Anyone with an ownership in- Agriculture; United States De- otherwise authorized by law. public hearings in “virtual” by Thursday, Oc-
The vehicles are currently loc- terest in any vehicle listed may PONTIAC 04 GRAND/PRIX partment of Commerce; United The operation of a commercial format using Zoom meeting ap- tober 22nd at 5:00 o'clock P.M.
ated at 2481 Old Covington file an answer to this petition on 2G2WS522141206202 NA NA States d/b/a Department of baking facility. plications. to be counted. Procedures will
Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 or before the 24th day from 20V44101 Home Land Security; United The draft permit and all inform- Following this 30 day public be listed on the CID website. A
The vehicles subject to liens as when the advertisement first States Department of Treasury; ation used to develop the draft comment period, the draft per- map of said District is on file
stated above are identified as: runs. Answer forms may be PONTIAC 08 G8 Vatican; Indian Tribes; B.I.A.; permit are available for review. mit will undergo a 45 day re- with the DeKalb County Com-
found in the Magistrate Court 6G2EC57Y08L138046 Associated Bands and Clans,“I” This includes the application view by U.S. EPA in accord- mission Clerk. All Electors as
++2007 Ford F250 SD White Clerk’s office located at: Magis- RLK8544 GA 20V44109 Brightley, Reeshemah, Jamil- and all other relevant materials ance with 40 CFR 70.8. Inform- designated under the Act are
TAG# RMQ5654 GA V.I.N. # trate Court Clerk 556 N. Mc- lah aka Reeshemah Jamil- available to the permitting au- ation pertaining to U.S. EPA’s invited to attend and cast their
1FTSW21P27EA53777++ re- Donough St Decatur, GA TOYOTA 05 CAMRY lah: Brightley aka Reeshemah thority. This information is avail- review period can be found on votes.
moved from 4946 Snapfinger 30030. 4T1BE32K85U070268 aka Reeshemah Jamillah able for review at the office of their website at 330-440126 10/15,10/22
Woods Dr, Decatur, GA 30035. Forms may also be obtained QAI6404 GA 20V44106 house of Brightley, a National the Air Protection Branch, 4244 ABANDONED MOTOR
online at www.georgiamagis- of America, inhabitant of the International Parkway, Atlanta ting/georgia-proposed-title-v- VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT
2015 Toyota Camry Black TOYOTA 08 PRIUS land currently standing at Latit- Tradeport - Suite 120, Atlanta, permits. NOTICE
TAG# 2DL6557 MD V.I.N. # Make Year Model VIN Tag JTDKB20U983331445 ude: 40.7128° N Longitude: Georgia 30354. Due to the After the comment period has (TOWING OR STORAGE
4T1BF1FKXFU094973 re- Number State Case Number CMV1735 NA 20V44123 74.0060° W, on Amaruca / COVID-19 pandemic, all visits expired, the EPD will consider COMPANY)
moved from 4946 Snapfinger West Alkebulan / Amexem / Al to EPD’s offices are by appoint- all comments, make any neces- You are hereby notified, in ac-
Woods Dr, Decatur, GA 30035. ++ACURA 07 TL 330-439998 10/8,10/15 Moruc / Amaruca / aka Amer- ment only. To set an appoint- sary changes, and issue the cordance with OCGA 40-11-
19UUA66287A010128 ABANDONED MOTOR ica (u.S.A.] / The United States m e n t , e m a i l Title V Operating Permit. Cop- 19{a)(2), that each of the be-
2002 Ford Explorer Tan TAG# RVP4354 GA 20V44110++ VEHICLE PETITION of America republic, one with your ies of the final Title V Operat- low--referenced vehicles are
4359BA8 AL V.I.N. # ADVERTISEMENT hereby acknowledges my elec- name, email and phone num- ing Permit, comments received, subject to a lien and a petition
1FMZU73E72ZB00716 re- CHEVY 04 TRAIL BLAZER You are hereby notified, in ac- tion and occupancy of the of- ber and an associate will reach EPD’s responses to comments, may be filed in court to fore-
moved from 4946 Snapfinger 1GNES16S046126268 cordance with O.C.G.A. Sec- fice of General Executor, Ad- out to you. Copies of the draft and any other relevant informa- close a lien for all amounts
Woods Dr, Decatur, GA 30035. P1100974GA 20V44107 tion 40-11-19.1, that petitions ministrative Trustee, General permit, explanatory narrative, tion will then be made avail- owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a
were filed in the Magistrate Guardian, Protectorate, Benefi- and associated permit applica- able for public review at the of- court shall order the sale of the
2004 Hyundai Accent Green CHEVY 10 COBALT Court of Cobb County to fore- cial Owner, Beneficial Interest tion may also be requested by fice of the Air Protection Branch vehicle to satisfy the debt.
(Dk) TAG# <unknown> V.I.N. # 1G1AB5F53A7145890 close liens against the vehicles holder and Beneficiary of the contacting Eric Cornwell, by appointment only during the The vehicles are currently loc-
KMHCG45C84U534702 re- RJG6873 GA 20V44113 listed below for all amounts divine estate “REESHEMAH COVID-19 pandemic. A sum- ated at 344 Kathleen Dr. SE,
moved from 4946 Snapfinger owed. If a lien is foreclosed, the JAMILLAH BRIGHTLEY” a Copies of the draft permit, nar- mary of comments and any Marietta, GA.30067
Woods Dr, Decatur, GA 30035. DODGE 09 JOURNEY Court shall order the sale of the united States of America per- rative, and permit application changes made to the final per- The vehicles subject to liens as
3D4GG57V39T529826 vehicle to satisfy the debt. The son, who has elected, gifted will be available through our in- mit will be found in an ad- stated above are identified as:
2000 Mazda Miata Blue (Dk) LNM2392 GA 20V44118 present location of the vehicle and granted ME by its Divine t e r n e t s i t e dendum to the narrative. A Vehicle make: KIA
TAG# <unknown> V.I.N. # is: 344 Kathleen Dr. Se, Mari- Creator, State of NEW YORK, copy of this narrative and the fi- Year: 2008
JM1NB3538Y0153788 re- DODGE 18 CHARGER etta GA 30067. on JULY 9th, 1986. My elec- title-v-permitsamendments. nal Title V permit will be added Model: RIO BASE/LX/SX
moved from 10 Friendly Hills 2C3CDXBG7JH248168 Anyone with an ownership in- tion to Executor office was held (Please note that the Internet is to the information already avail- Vehicle ID#:
Dr, Decatur, GA 30035. PTZ530 SC 20V44119 terest in a vehicle listed herein in the County of New York, generally accessible from most able at the internet address giv- KNADE123686306934
may file an answer to the peti- New York state at 8:45 a.m. public libraries in Georgia.) en above. Vehicle License: NA
2002 Lexus RX300 White FORD 05 MUSTANG tion on or before: 10/20/2020. Therefore, I affirm and declare You are hereby notified of the For additional information, con- State:
TAG# P0872407 GA V.I.N. # 1ZVHT85H455218215 NA NA Answer forms may be found in as occupant of the executor of- opportunity to submit written tact the manager of the Station-
JTJGF10U320120915 re- 20V44112 the Magistrate Court Clerk's of- fice, I will not be responsible for public comments concerning ary Source Permitting Program, Vehicle make: FORD
moved from 2075 Candler Rd fice located at: 32 Waddell St the debts of the United the draft Title V Air Quality Op- at the Atlanta address, or by Year: 2010
Decatur GA 30032. FORD 03 WINDSTAR SE, Marietta, GA 30090. States/ erating Permit. Persons wish- phone at 404/363-7000. Please Model: EDGE
2FMDA53423BB51561 Forms may also be obtained STATES/United States of ing to comment on the draft refer to this notice when re- Vehicle ID#:
2004 Nissan Altima Red TAG# 11KB781 AL 20V44114 online at www.georgiamagis- America and any of its Per- Title V Operating Permit are re- questing information. You can 2FMDK3JC5ABB20569
<unknown> V.I.N. # sons, and neither will I pay or quired to submit their com- sign up to receive weekly Vehicle License: NA
1N4AL11DX4C131627 re- FORD 03 EXPEDETION 1FM- be responsible or forced pay for ments, in writing, to EPD at the emails regarding Air Public No- State:
moved from 856 Debelle Ct, RU15W93LA11415 3BF9431 Vehicle make: BMW the debts of any U.S. Person, above Atlanta Air Protection t i c e s a t
Clarkston, GA 30021. AL 20V44097 Year: 1998 See Senate Document No.43, Branch address, or via email Vehicle make: NISSAN
Model: 328 I AUTOMATIC 73rd Congress, 1st Session. [ p r e f e r r e d ] t o scribe-air-protection-branch-up- Year: 2016
2013 Nissan VERSA Black FORD 99 E350 Vehicle I.D# Should any one chose to rebut dates. Model: ALTIMA
Georgia be amended so as to al officers and employees to TAG# <unknown> 1Y1SK5287YZ417461
Vehicle make: FORD authorize the General As- cease violations of the Georgia 20-2077 DER
Year: 2010 sembly to dedicate revenues Constitution, the laws of the Dodge 2006 Stratus
Model: EDGE derived from fees or taxes to State of Georgia, or the United 1B3EL46X86N128024 1998 HONDA CR-V
Vehicle ID#: the public purpose for which States Constitution, beginning TAG# <unknown> JHLRD2846WC004286
2FMDK3JC5ABB20569 such fees or taxes were inten- with violations occurring on or 20-1167 DER
Page 32
Vehicle License: NA
ded?" The Champion Legal Section, Thursday,
quires that such suits be
OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
after January 1, 2021. It re-
Nissan 2003 Altima
1N4AL11DX3C311043 2001 NISSAN ALTIMA
Summary brought only against the State 330-440129 10/15,10/22 TAG# PZF4116 GA 1N4DL01D01C157625
Vehicle make: NISSAN
Year: 2016
of Georgia, or in the case of a
local government, against the
VEHICLE Lincoln 2002 LS
Public Sale 19-3208
This proposal authorizes the
Model: ALTIMA Georgia General Assembly by specific local government. It re- RE: ++2017 MASERATI LE- 1LNHM87A22Y683758 340-440009 10/8,10/15 2007 DODGE NITRO
Vehicle ID#: general law to require that fees quires superior courts to dis- VANTE TAG# Z64-22N TN PUBLIC SALE 1D8GU28K27W619941
1N4AL3AP4GN339811 or taxes collected for some miss any such lawsuit that VIN: ZN661XUA8HX237663++ Pursuant to the Georgia Self- 19-1773
Vehicle License: NA specific intended public pur- names any individual state or To Whom It May Concern: Chrysler 2005 Town & Country service Storage Facility Act of
State: pose be used as so intended. It local public officer or employee The above automobile was re- 1C4GP45R75B270203 2013, notice is hereby given 1994 FORD EXPLORER
++KIA 2008 RIO BASE/LX/SX requires any such general law as a defendant. It maintains the moved from 1907 ROGER TAG# P1169184 GA that SS Shepherd Drive, LLC 1FMDU34X2RUD39391
KNADE123686306934++ to identify the specific public ability of superior courts to dis- LAKE RD LITHONIA GA . It is d/b/a Simply Self Storage at 19-3738
330-440127 10/15,10/22 purpose, name the state miss such suits based on other presently located at 1907 RO- Chevrolet 2010 EXPRESS 2804 H.F. Shepherd Drive Dec-
ABANDONED MOTOR agency to administer the funds, appropriate legal or equitable GER LAKE RD LITHONIA GA 2500 atur, GA 30034 will sell at pub- 2006 DODGE CARAVAN
VEHICLE PETITION require the agency to make an- grounds or limitation on review in possession of PARKER 1GCZGFAG9A1153635 lic auction the personal prop- 1D4GP25B36B629901
ADVERTISEMENT nual reports of revenues and in superior court. It prohibits AUTO REPAIR on 5/08/2020, TAG# RTI3896 GA erty in the below-listed occu- 19-1836
You are hereby notified, in ac- expenses, and automatically any type of monetary award, in- telephone number 404-855- pants' leased spaces to satisfy
cordance with O.C.G.A. Sec- end the fee or tax within ten cluding attorney's fees or costs 5705. Attempts to locate the Anyone with an ownership in- the owner's lien. The personal 2007 DODGE CARAVAN
tion 40-11-19.1, that petitions years. It prohibits the General of litigation, unless authorized owner have been unsuccessful. terest in any of these vehicles property stored therein by the 1D4GP45R57B175791
were filed in the Magistrate Assembly from designating by an Act of the Georgia Gen- The vehicle is deemed aban- should contact the following following occupants may in- 19-3905
Court of Cobb County to fore- funds when total revenues so eral Assembly. It does not pro- doned under O.C.G.A. 40-11-2 business immediately: clude but is not limited to gen-
close liens against the vehicles dedicated equal or exceed one hibit the General Assembly and will be disposed of if not re- Quick Drop Impounding, Tow- eral household, office and per- 2002 FORD F150
listed below for all amounts percent of the total state reven- from further waiving certain oth- deemed. ing, and Recovery sonal items, furniture, boxes, 1FTRF17W22NB83445
owed. If a lien is foreclosed, the ues based on the previous fisc- er immunities provided for un- 2481 Old Covington Hwy SW clothes, and appliances. The 19-0301
Court shall order the sale of the al year's appropriated state rev- der Georgia's Constitution, 330-440130 10/15 Conyers GA 30012 unit(s) will be sold at public
vehicle to satisfy the debt. The enues. It exempts such gener- though it does not waive any Major Spill Notice: 4168 Redan 678-210-0245 auction through online auction 2012 CHRYSLER 200
present location of the vehicle al laws from certain state con- immunity provided for by the Road, Stone Mountain, GA, services of www.StorageTreas- 1C3CCBBB0CN125218
is: 344 Kathleen Dr. Se, Mari- stitutional restrictions. It re- United States Constitution. It 30083 330-440133 10/15,10/22 with bids opening at 19-0654
etta GA 30067. quires that such general laws, amends Article I, Section II, On October 5, 2020, DeKalb ABANDONED MOTOR ++12pm. on October 17, 2020
Anyone with an ownership in- including amendments, be ap- Paragraph V of the Georgia County notified EPD and the VEHICLE ADVERTISEMENT and closing at 12pm. on Octo- 2007 TOYOTA CAMRY
terest in a vehicle listed herein proved by two-thirds of each Constitution by rendering the public pursuant to EPD 391-3- NOTICE ber 24, 2020++. 4T1CE30P27U754741
may file an answer to the peti- chamber of the General As- current text subparagraph (a) 6-.05 of an 18,975-gallon (SOUTH DEKALB TOWING) UNIT# NAME CONTENTS 19-0494
tion on or before: 10/27/2020. sembly, but allows for repeal of and adding a new subpara- wastewater spill that occurred You are hereby notified, in ac-
Answer forms may be found in such general laws by simple graph (b). on October 5, 2020, at 14:26 cordance with OCGA 40-11- C095 Aeryn Vickery MISC. 1999 FORD EXPEDITION
the Magistrate Court Clerk's of- majority vote. It prohibits at- A copy of this entire proposed hours, at ++4168 Redan Road, 19(a)(2), that each of the fol- BOXES, BAGS, TOTES, & 1FMRU17L6XLA81639
fice located at: 32 Waddell St tempts to reallocate dedicated constitutional amendment is on Stone Mountain, into an un- lowing below-referenced LUGGAGE 19-2828
SE, Marietta, GA 30090. funds through any appropri- file in the office of the judge of named tributary of Snapfinger vehicles are subject to a lien
Forms may also be obtained ations act or amendment. It the probate court and is avail- Creek++. The spill was due to a and a petition may be filed in C103 Xavier Bryant ATM MA- 2007 JEEP CHEROKEE
online at provides for temporary suspen- able for public inspection. malfunctioning 12-inch bypass court to foreclose a lien for all CHINE, TV, 2 DRINK COOL- 1J8GS48K87C678633
www.georgiamagistratecouncil. sion of such general laws by SUMMARIES OF pump causing manhole 15-227- amounts owed. If the lien is ERS, & MISC. BOXES 19-3159
com the Governor or by the Gener- PROPOSED STATE-WIDE s060 to spill into the unnamed foreclosed, a court shall order
al Assembly in the event of a REFERENDUM tributary. The problem was cor- the sale of the vehicle to satis- C208A Mark Best TOOLS, 1998 HONDA CIVIC
Vehicle make: HONDA financial emergency, subject to QUESTIONS rected on October 5, 2020 at fy the debt. TOTES, & MISC. BOXES 1HGEJ667XWL003474
Year: 2000 certain limitations. It amends Pursuant to Code Section 21-2- 15:35 hours when the respond- The vehicles are currently loc- 19-2154
Model: ACCORD Article III, Section IX, Para- 4 of the O.C.G.A., the Secret- ing DeKalb County Depart- ated at South Dekalb Towing, C258 Nakenya McDowell 3
Vehicle I.D# graph VI of the Georgia Consti- ary of State is authorized to in- ment of Watershed Manage- 7043 Rogers Lake Rd, Lithonia MATTRESSES & TOTE 2004 CHEVROLET T.BLAZER
JHMCG6654YC036555 tution by redesignating the clude with the summaries of ment crew repaired and restar- GA 30058. 1GNDS13S442151715
Vehicle License #: NA second subparagraph (o), relat- proposed constitutional amend- ted the bypass pump. The vehicles subject to liens as E006 Phyliss Ellison 3 LAMPS, 19-2143
State: ing to the dedication of the ex- ments summaries of any state- stated above are identified as: TIRE, SOFA, LUGGAGE, 2
Magistrate Court Case No.: cise tax on the sale of fire- wide referendum questions to 330-440131 10/15 Year, Make, Model, Vin: TABLES, 3 CHAIRS, 2009 TOYOTA CAMRY
20-L-02464 works, as subparagraph (p), by be voted on at the same gener- PUBLIC NOTICE MISC. FURNITURE, MISC. 4T1BE46K09U362048
redesignating subparagraph al election: An application has been filed ++2007 FORD MUSTANG BOXES & TOTES 19-0717
Vehicle make: HONDA (p), relating to the Georgia Out- for Liquor, Beer and Wine Re- 1ZVFT80N575310618++
Year: 2001 door Stewardship Fund, as -A- tail Dealer License for ++Shree 77334 2006 CHEVROLET IMPALA
Model: CRV LX subparagraph (q), and by G a n e s h 77 7 , LL C. d/ b / a 2G1WB58K269354813
Vehicle I.D# adding a new subparagraph (r). Provides tax exemption for cer- Rockey's Package Store++, WBADN6345XGM63545 340-440010 10/8,10/15 18-2621
JHLRD28481C001382 A copy of this entire proposed tain single-family homes owned located at 2088 Briarcliff Rd. 1999 BMW 540I PUBLIC NOTICE
Vehicle License #: constitutional amendment is on by tax exempt charities. NE Suite 6 Atlanta, GA 30329 77339 STATEWIDE WRECKER 2007 FORD FREESTAR
RJB5357 file in the office of the judge of The Owners are: SERVICE 2FMZA51607BA09905
State: GA the probate court and is avail- House Bill No. 344 Shree Ganesh 777, LLC. 2088 2007 HONDA CIVIC SOUTH, INC. 19-4028
Magistrate Court Case No.: able for public inspection. Act No. 149 Briarcliff Rd. NE Suite 6 At- 1HGFA16887L027306 OCTOBER 17, 2020
20-L-02458 Ga. L. 2019, p. 438 lanta, GA 30329 Hasmukh Pa- 77365 YEAR, MAKE, MODEL, 1989 FORD CROWN VICTOR-
++HONDA 2000 ACCORD -2- tel (Managing Member) 541 VIN, IA
JHMCG6654YC036555 20-L- "( ) YES Creekstone Dr., Jonesboro, GA 2008 HYUNDAI ACCENT TICKET 2FABP74F1KX228689
02464/ HONDA 2001 : CRV Waives state and local sover- Bhavik Patel (Member) 1713 KMHCN46C78U207640 20-0447
LXJHLRD28481C001382 20-L- eign immunity for violation of ( ) NO Shall the Act be ap- Bristol Trail, Johns Creek, GA 77384 2000 MERCEDES ML430
02458++ state laws, state and federal proved which provides an ex- 30022 4JGAB72E5YA185972 2002 FORD F-150
constitutions. emption from ad valorem taxes 2007 DODGE CALIBER 19-3192 1FTRF17262NA39958
330-440128 10/15,10/22,10/29 for all real property owned by a 19-2291
330-440132 10/15,10/22 1B3HB48B37D553644
SUMMARIES OF PROPOSED purely public charity, if such
House Resolution 1023 ABANDONED MOTOR 77390 2015 KIA OPTIMA
CONSTITUTIONAL charity is exempt from taxation 2005 LINCOLN LS
Ga. L. 2020, p. 917 under Section 501(c)(3) of the NOTICE 2009 NISSAN SENTRA 19-0268 1LNHM86S45Y605190
Pursuant to requirements of the federal Internal Revenue Code 20-1004 DER
You are hereby notified, in ac- 3N1AB61EX9L620627
Georgia Constitution, Attorney and such real property is held
"( ) YES cordance with OCGA § 40-11- 77393 2003 FORD EXPEDITION
General Christopher Carr, Sec- exclusively for the purpose of 2012 DODGE AVENGER
retary of State Brad Raffen- 19(a) (2), that each of the be- 1FMFU18L13LB93017
( ) NO Shall the Constitution of building or repairing single-fam- low-referenced vehicles are 2009 BUICK LUCERN 20-0515 1C3CDZAB9CN274900
sperger, and Legislative Coun- ily homes to be financed by 19-3861
Georgia be amended to waive subject to a lien and a petition 1G4HD57M29U101751
sel Richard C. Ruskell hereby such charity to individuals us-
sovereign immunity and allow may be filed in court to fore- 77407 2016 KIA SOUL
provide the ++summaries of the ing loans that shall not bear in- 2004 HYUNDAI ELANTRA
proposed constitutional amend- the people of Georgia to peti- close a lien for all amounts KNDJN2A20G7850777
tion the superior court for relief terest?" owed. If the lien is foreclosed, a 2000 CHEVROLET TAHOE 19-4397 KMHDN46DX4U726317
ments++ that will appear on the Summary 20-1854 DER
from governmental acts done court shall order the sale of the 1GNEC13T1YJ155694
November 3, 2020, general
outside the scope of lawful au- vehicle to satisfy the debt. 77408 2003 NISSAN ALTIMA
election ballot for consideration This proposal authorizes a new 1991 MITSUBISHI GALANT
by the people of Georgia (short thority or which violate the laws The vehicles are currently loc- 1N4AL11DX3C338176
of this state, the Constitution of exemption from ad valorem ated at 2481 Old Covington List additional vehicles as ne- 20-2201 DER JA3CR56V1MZ004805
captions are those adopted by taxes for all real property 20-1000 DER
Georgia, or the Constitution of Hwy SW Conyers, GA 30012 cessary.
the Constitut ional Amend- owned by a purely public char-
the United States?" The vehicles subject to liens as Anyone with an ownership in- 1994 TOYOTA CAMRY
ments Publication Board): ity, if such charity is exempt 2005 NISSAN MURANO
stated above are identified as: terest in any of these vehicles 4T1SK12E4RU398140
-1- from federal taxation and such JN8AZ08W15W437873
Summary should contact the following 20-2126 DER
Authorizes dedication of fees property is used only for build- 20-1108 DER
++Ford 1998 Mustang business immediately.
and taxes to their intended pur- ing or repairing single-family
This proposal waives state and 1FAFP4042WF246074++ South Dekalb Towing & Trans- 2002 NISSAN MAXIMA
poses by general state law. homes to be financed by such SAID VEHICLES WILL BE
local sovereign immunity so as TAG# <unknown> port, Inc. JN1DA31D42T205438
to allow citizens to sue the charity to individuals using zero Address: 7043 Rogers Lake Rd 20-0980 DER SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION
House Resolution No. 164 interest loans. It amends Code ON OR ABOUT ++OCTOBER
State of Georgia, its depart- Mitsubishi 2004 Lancer Lithonia, GA 30058
Resolution Act No. 597 Section 48-5-41 of the Official 17, 2020 AT 10:00 A.M.++
ments and other agencies, and JA3AJ26E74U037298 Telephone#: Phone: (404)508- 2001 NISSAN MAXIMA
Ga. L. 2020, p. 919 Code of Georgia Annotated by LOCATION WILL BE 6995
its local governments in superi- TAG# RUW2394 GA 0246 JN1CA31A91T308340
or courts and authorizes superi- deleting "and" at the end of Fax: (770)482-3041 20-1225 DER COVINGTON HWY,
"( ) YES paragraph (14), by replacing LITHONIA GA 30058(770)322-
or courts to order state and loc- Nissan 2004 Maxima
al officers and employees to the period with "; and" at the 1N4BA41E14C887481 2000 CHEVROLET PRISM 9688. ALL WILL BE
( ) NO Shall the Constitution of end of paragraph (15), and by SOLD AS IS WITH NO WAR-
Georgia be amended so as to cease violations of the Georgia TAG# <unknown> 1Y1SK5287YZ417461
Constitution, the laws of the adding a new paragraph. 20-2077 DER RANTIES EXPRESSED
authorize the General As- If approved by a majority of the OR IMPLIED, CONTENTS IN-
sembly to dedicate revenues State of Georgia, or the United Dodge 2006 Stratus
States Constitution, beginning voters, the Act becomes effect- 1B3EL46X86N128024 1998 HONDA CR-V CLUDED.
derived from fees or taxes to ive on January 1, 2021, and ap- PREVIEW 9:00 TO 10:00 A.M.
the public purpose for which with violations occurring on or TAG# <unknown> JHLRD2846WC004286
after January 1, 2021. It re- plies to all tax years beginning 20-1167 DER DAY OF SALE ONLY.
such fees or taxes were inten- on or after that date. CASH ONLY WILL BE ACCEP-
ded?" quires that such suits be Nissan 2003 Altima
brought only against the State 1N4AL11DX3C311043 2001 NISSAN ALTIMA TED AT TIME OF BID!!!!
of Georgia, or in the case of a TAG# PZF4116 GA 1N4DL01D01C157625 FOR A PREVIEW AND AUC-
local government, against the 19-3208
specific local government. It re- Lincoln 2002 LS OUR WEBSITE AT
This proposal authorizes the WWW.STATWIDEWRECK-
quires superior courts to dis- 1LNHM87A22Y683758 2007 DODGE NITRO
COVINGTON HWY, items bed set, washer and dryer, H25 any bid. Terms of sale are cash
LITHONIA GA 30058(770)322- boxes Tenisha Joyner or money order only. The fol-
9688. ALL WILL BE Andre Willis Bed, couch toys, personal lowing units will be sold:
SOLD AS IS WITH NO WAR- H101L Amir Bennett 1205, Boxes, items • 068 Shianna Fields- appears
RANTIES EXPRESSED bicycles, leaf blower and pes- Bags, Totes, Clothes to contain laptop, luggage,
OR IMPLIED, CONTENTS IN- onal items I52 bags, lamp, futon frame
CLUDED. The Champion Legal Section, Thursday,
Leneeka Bell 1214, Bed, OCTOBER
Haneefah Muhammad 15 - 23, 2020Page 33 • 115 Paul Acloque- appears to
PREVIEW 9:00 TO 10:00 A.M. Tiffany Kingcannon Dresser, Night Stand, Sofa, Ta- Personal items, boxes, clothes contain grandfather clock,
DAY OF SALE ONLY. H13 340-440013 10/8,10/15 ble, Chairs, Boxes 340-440038 10/8,10/15 shoes, clothes, boxes, games,
CASH ONLY WILL BE ACCEP- furniture, mattress, boxes, PUBLIC SALE I55 PUBLIC SALE movies, keyboard, cooler, tele-
TED AT TIME OF BID!!!! totes, kids items Extra Space Storage will hold a Tyese King 1223, 3 beds, bed- Patrica Jackson Morningstar Storage 3979 vision, luggage
FOR A PREVIEW AND AUC- public auction to sell personal ding, Sofa, Dining Table,books, Boxes and personal items Buford Hwy, Suite 100, Atlanta, • 128 Paul Acloque- appears to
TION GUIDELINES GO TO Tarence MccLure property described below be- bookshelves, 3 TVs, GA 30345 contain luggage, fake palm
OUR WEBSITE AT H35 longing to those individuals lis- K76 will hold a public auction to sell trees, boxes, fan, heater
WWW.STATWIDEWRECK- powerwheel, foot stool, bags, ted below at the location indic- Karen David 1825, Catering Orleesa Jones personal property described • 182 Paul Acloque- appears to
ERGA.COM tv, personal items ated: equipment,and washer/dryer queen mattress headboard, below belonging to those indi- contain boxes, bags, dresser,
Location Address: chest, dresser, couch/ loveseat, viduals listed below at the loca- movies, tool box, cell phone
SHANTE MURRAY 3076 Memorial Drive Everett Dukes 1909, Bin with washer/dryer, table/4 chairs, tion indicated:
340-440011 10/8,10/15 H36 Atlanta,Georgia 30317 clothes, New Born clothes, TV/ stereo, and boxes Location:
STORAGE TREASURES dryer, totes, luggage, scroller shoes
AUCTION and personal items ++Date of Auction:10/23/2020 K8
Extra Space Storage will hold a Time of auction: 12:00 pm ++ Dan Russell 2007, Mattress, Marcus Caffey Sale Date: ++Monday October 340-440140 10/15,10/22
public auction to sell personal Karol Flowers Bed, Boxes, Totes, Dining Ta- mattress, box spring, and a 28th 2020 Time: 9:00 AM++ PUBLIC SALE
property described below be- H42 #1 ble Chairs, Couch, End Tables couple of crates Purchases must be made with Pursuant to Georgia Self Stor-
longing to those individuals lis- Elliptical [Tenant Name- Latoya Murray cash only and paid at the age Act 10-4-213 through 215,
ted below at the location indic- [Unit Number- 1002 Khalil Davis 2148, bed, w/d, rid- L108 above referenced facility in or- Doraville Self Storage will con-
ated: Phillip Major [General Description of Prop- ing lawn mower, misc boxes prenton williams der to complete the transaction. duct an online auction for 4268
735 Hambrick Rd Stone Moun- H69 erty- Furniture and clothing and items Boxes and bags Morningstar Storage may re- Winters Chapel Rd that will end
tain, Ga 30083 404-276-4304, stroller, baby mattress, clothes, fuse any bid and may rescind on ++Saturday, October 24,
++October 23, 2020 @ shoes, toys and personal items #2 Sandra Nolley 324, Bed, Dress- L126 any purchase up until the win- 2020, at 8:00 am++. Contents
10am++ [Tenant Name-- - Marimeko er, Chairs, Night Stand, Sofa, Darrell Jones ning bidder takes possession of of all units will be sold for cash
Chauncey Printup Elie Dining Table, Boxes Furniture, clothes boxes, elec- the personal property. to the highest bidder. Manage-
Chiquita Kirkwood H89L [ Unit Number- 2005 tronics Unit D115 Dawn Leak House- ment reserves the right to re-
A19 2 twins mattress and 1 king, [General Description of Prop- Cynthia Butler 326, bedroom hold Items fuse any bids
boxes, baby items, totes and personal items erty-- Furniture and clothing set w/dresser and chest of L134
personal items drawers, mirror, night stand, Susan Malphurs Unit EE162 Renee Royal Units Tenant
The auction will be listed and #3 computer, Boxes totes tools equipment Household items B120 Sean Fender
Betty Kelly advertised on www.stor- [Tenant Name--Robyn Curring- china cab, grandfather clock
A31 Purchases ton L144 Un it GG219 Renee Royal
household goods, large must be made with cash only [Unit Number--2110 Saquata Delanoy 339, Bed, Jo-angela Marks Household Items
vases/jars and paid at the above refer- [General Description of prop- Dresser, Chairs, Night Stand, clothes electronics personal
enced facility in order to com- erty-- Clothing Sofa, table, Boxes items Unit E142 Hanna Bohannon
Darius Beamon plete the transaction. Extra
Household Items Service By Pub
A45 Space Storage may refuse any #4 Sammy Garrett 505, clothes
queen bed and lumber and bid and may rescind any pur- [Tenant Name--Doree Henry and shoes Tracey Smith Unit NN294 Mark Davis Misc. 350-439177 9/24,10/1,10/8
household items chase up until the winning bid- [Unit Number-- 2220 Boxes totes furniture washer Items 10/15
der takes possession of the [General description of prop- Jasmine Dixon 521, sofa sec- dryer IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
Erica Kemp personal property. erty-- furniture and clothing tional clothing and personal Unit NN298 Mark Davis Misc. OF GWINNETT COUNTY
A57 340-440012 10/8,10/15 N29 Items STATE OF GEORGIA
House hold furniture STORAGE TREASURES Shimelle Jones 715, Speakers, Ceashia Hollie BRUCE ERIC MORRIS, JR.
AUCTION #5 Mattress, Bed, Boxes, Totes, Couches love seat personal and,
Ricky Jakeith ONE FACILITY – MULTIPLE [Tenant Name-- Renee Harts- Dining Table Chairs, Couch items boxes totes 340-440134 10/15,10/22 NICOLE MORRIS,
B34 UNITS field NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE plaintiffs,
household, king bedroom , Extra Space Storage will hold a [Unit Number-- 2313 Kiara Pierce 800, Table, TV, The auction will be listed and Transport Funding, LLC, Over- VS
queen bedroom,love set and public auction to sell personal [General description of prop- and home goods advertised on www.stor- land Park, Kansas will offer the SHANNON HUTTO, MULT-
chairs, tables,dressers property described below be- erty-- Furniture and clothing Purchases following property at public sale IBANK 2009-1, RES-ADC VEN-
longing to those individuals lis- Felicia Swinger 813, Clothes, must be made with cash only at Arrow Truck Sales, Inc. 3233 TURE, LLC,
Yerufael Kabeto ted below at the location indic- #6 Boxes, Toys, Microwave and paid at the above refer- Moreland Ave., Conley, GA BRANCH BANKING AND
C33 ated: [Tenant Name--Patricia Eddins enced facility in order to com- 30288 on 10/29/20 commen- TRUST COMPANY n/k/a Tru-
sectional, boxes and personal 1257 S Hairston Rd, Stone [Unit Number-- 3033 Alexus Graddic 815, Couch plete the transaction. Extra cing at 10:00 am ist Bank, Inc.,
items Mountain, GA 30088, ++Octo- [General description of prop- and Dinette set Space Storage may refuse any ++2014 International Prostar And all persons unknown who
ber 23, 2020 at 11:00 AM++ erty-- Furniture and clothing bid and may rescind any pur- 3HSDJSNRXEN795307++ claim or might claim adversely
Eon Lamothe Herlanda Turpin 820, King size chase up until the winning bid- The property may be inspected to plaintiffs’ title to all that tract
C44 F620 Kara Grover Boxes Cloth- #7 bedroom, clothes, shoes n toi- der takes possession of the by appointment prior to the or parcel of land lying and be-
Furniture and Household Good ing [Tenant Name-- Syreeta Hose letries personal property. sale. Inquiries: 404-366-5121 ing in Land Lot 32 and part of
[Unit Number-- 3079 Cash sales only. Lot 33 of the subdivision of
Edward Abbott G742 Natasha Colbert dress- [General description of prop- Charles Moore 828, bed set,re- M.M. George’s property, as per
C49 ers, boxes erty-- Furniture and clothing frigerator, table and boxes 340-440016 10/8,10/15 plat recorded in plat book 11,
household items, boxes,and The auction will be listed and NOTICE OF SALE 340-440135 10/15,10/22 page 3, DeKalb County, Geor-
clothes ,tots G710 Penny Pace household The auction will be listed and advertised on www.stor- Chestnut Self Storage, pursu- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE gia records,
advertised on www.stor- Purchases ant to the Georgia Self Storage The following self-storage Cube defendants.
TaZhanae Johnson H814A Christopher Fontaine Purchases must be made with cash only Act, 10-4-213, shall conduct a contents containing household Civil Action File No:
D22 furniture dressers hutches must be made with cash only and paid at the above refer- public sale of the following units and other goods will be sold for ++20-A-04250++
king bed set, 2 dresser, deep and paid at the above refer- enced facility in order to com- at 3134 Chestnut Drive, cash by CubeSmart 1801 Sa- TO: Any persons who claim or
freezer, tv and personal items A106C Tangee Goodnight enced facility in order to com- plete the transaction. Extra Doraville, GA 30340; 770-986- voy Drive. Chamblee, Ga. might claim adversely to
clothes plete the transaction. Extra Space Storage may refuse any 8154; ++After 12:30 p.m. on or 30341 to satisfy a lien on plaintiffs’ title to all that tract or
Alric Simmonds Jr Space Storage may refuse any bid and may rescind any pur- after Monday, October 26, ++11/11/2020 at approx. 12:00 parcel of land lying and being in
D62 F679 Gregory Teasley 5/5/ stu- bid and may rescind any pur- chase up until the winning bid- 2020++. All bids will be accep- pm++ at Land Lot 32 and part of Lot 33
dining set, electronics, clothing, dio equipment, Love Seat, Mi- chase up until the winning bid- der takes possession of the ted online through www.stor- of the subdivision of M.M.
boxes and personal items crophones, Insulation, 1 Table der takes possession of the personal property. Chestnut George’s property, as per plat
Etc. personal property. Self Storage reserves the right Cube #2011 Franklin Way recorded in plat book 11, page
Latanya Boykin 340-440015 10/8,10/15 to withdraw units from such Cube #2091 Jason Moore 3, DeKalb County, Georgia re-
E23A G747 Zahi Pierce queen bed, 2 340-440014 10/8,10/15 STORAGE TREASURES sale and reject any bid. Terms Cube #2099 Latarra O Ellis cords, also known as 4260
Boxes tv's, game system, clothes, STORAGE TREASURES AUCTION of sale are cash or money or- Cube #3097 Latasha Bailey Mercer Road, Decatur, Geor-
baby crib, futon, household AUCTION ONE FACILITY – MULTIPLE der only. The following units will Cube #5108 Shanina Darling gia 30035.
nickcole rener items Extra Space Storage will hold a UNITS be sold: NOTICE OF ORDER FOR
E23F public auction to sell personal Extra Space Storage will hold a SERVICE BY PUBLICATION
tvs boxes G715B Matthew Warren Tiles, property described below be- public auction to sell personal A103: appears to contain radio, 340-440136 10/15,10/22 By Order for service by publica-
Tools and supplies longing to those individuals lis- property described below be- toaster oven, bins, bags, PUBLIC AUCTION tion dated the 28th day of Au-
Steven Seaton ted below at the location indic- longing to those individuals lis- clothes, blankets, cleaning NOTICE OF SALE gust 2020, you are hereby noti-
E55L F675 Mishonda Larry Queen ated: ted below at the location indic- products Pleasantdale Self Storage, pur- fied that on the 23rd day of
desk and personal items Bedroom Set, Living Room Fur- ated: suant to the Georgia Self Stor- June, 2020, Bruce Eric Morris,
niture, and Boxes. 2329 Panola RD. Lithonia, GA 5502 Memorial Drive A157 : appears to contain age Act, 10-4-213, shall con- Jr. and Nicole Morris filed suit
Harry Taylor 30058 ++10/23/2020 at 12:00 Stone Mountain, GA 30083 laptops, crib, small mattress, duct a public sale of the follow- against you for a Suit to Quiet
F10 The auction will be listed and PM++ ++10/23/2020 at 1:00 PM++ glass book shelves, chairs, ing units at 3810 Pleasantdale Title to property located at Land
bags of cement and pallets advertised on www.stor- computer mother board Road, Atlanta, GA 30340; Lot 195 of the 15th District of Purchases Demenia Duvall 1018, Bed B24 770.492.3333; after 2 p.m. on DeKalb County, Georgia, be-
Denzel Acie must be made with cash only Dresser, Boxes, Totes Timeeka Ann Bruton B093 : appears to contain ta- ++Friday, October 30, 2020++. ing Lot 32 and part of Lot 33 of
F25 and paid at the above refer- House hold items, furniture, ble, clothing, bags All bids will be accepted online the subdivision of M.M.
household and personal items enced facility in order to com- Riley Doziar 1024, 3 Beds, through George’s Property, also known
plete the transaction. Extra Dresser, Night Stand, Sofa, ta- C1 E022 : appears to contain lad- as 4260 Mercer Road, Decatur,
Renee Watts Space Storage may refuse any ble, Boxes Maureen Noble ders, ceiling fan, shoe boxes, Pleasantdale Self Storage re- Georgia 30035.
F28 bid and may rescind any pur- Tables, office equitment mirrors, hair dryer, shelving serves the right to withdraw You are required to file with the
clothing, shoes and personal chase up until the winning bid- Kaye Cochran 1126, queen units, artificial flowers, light fix- units from such sale and reject Clerk of the Gwinnett County
items der takes possession of the bed set, washer and dryer, H25 ture any bid. Terms of sale are cash Superior Court, and to serve
personal property. boxes Tenisha Joyner or money order only. The fol- upon plaintiff's attorney, Don-
Andre Willis Bed, couch toys, personal lowing units will be sold: ald C. Suessmith, Jr. an An-
H101L Amir Bennett 1205, Boxes, items • 068 Shianna Fields- appears swer in writing within sixty days
bicycles, leaf blower and pes- Bags, Totes, Clothes to contain laptop, luggage, of the date of the order for pub-
onal items I52 bags, lamp, futon frame lication.
Leneeka Bell 1214, Bed, Haneefah Muhammad • 115 Paul Acloque- appears to Clerk, Gwinnett County Superi-
Tiffany Kingcannon Dresser, Night Stand, Sofa, Ta- Personal items, boxes, clothes contain grandfather clock, or Court
H13 ble, Chairs, Boxes shoes, clothes, boxes, games,
furniture, mattress, boxes, I55 movies, keyboard, cooler, tele-
totes, kids items Tyese King 1223, 3 beds, bed- Patrica Jackson vision, luggage
ding, Sofa, Dining Table,books, Boxes and personal items • 128 Paul Acloque- appears to
The property may be re- and date stated above by pay- tice follows: September 14, 2020,you are
deemed on or before the time ment of the redemption price as To: "A. Richards," Trustee of hereby commanded and re- Midland Funding LLC
and date stated above by pay- fixed and provided by law to the the Millwood Springs Planta- quired to file with the Clerk of c/o Corporation Service Com-
ment of the redemption price as undersigned at the following tion of Utah Trust 2532 North said Court and serve upon pany, Registered Agent
fixed and provided by law to the address: Decatur Road Unit 1104 , Dec- Cynthia Harrison, Petitioner's 8040 Excelsior Dr Ste 400
undersigned at the following BLUE SKY PROPERTY SOLU- atur , Georgia 30033 and Ann- attorney whose address is: Madison, WI 53717-2915
Page 34 address:
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
TION c/o
Carolina Dallal Bryant, Esq.
Marie Bailey 7724 White Oak
Loop Lithonia, Georgia 30038,
2302 Parklake Drive, Suite 420,
Cottonwood Financial Wiscon-
Atlanta, Georgia 30345, any
350-439178 9/24,10/1,10/8 Carolina D. Bryant, Esq. 350-439845 10/1,10/8,10/15 Ayoub, Mansour & Bryant, LLC YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED objeciton within sixty (60) days sin LLC
10/15 Ayoub, Mansour & Bryant, LLC 10/22 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite pursuant to Order of the Super- of this notice. c/o CT Corporation System,
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE 301 ior Court of DeKalb County This the 14th day of Septem- Registered Agent
OF RIGHT TO REDEEM 301 OF RIGHT TO REDEEM Atlanta, Georgia 30307 entered by Judge Linda Hunter, ber, 2020. 301 S Bedford St Ste 1
[REF. O.C.G.A., Section 48-4-5 Atlanta, Georgia 30307 [REF. O.C.G.A., Section 48-4-5 404.892.2599 dated Aug us t 31, 2020, that Debra DeBerry Madison, WI 53703-3691
et seq.; 48-4-45 & 48-4-46] 404.892.2599 et seq.; 48-4-45 & 48-4-46] Please be governed accord- an Amended Verified Com- Clerk of Superior Court
TO: Please be governed accord- TO: ingly. plaint for Declaratory Judg- Tammy Rutkowski
556 N. McDonough Street
VIRGINIA MARTIN ingly. CAROLYN WRIGHT WARE ++1805 WHITEHALL FOREST ment, Permanent Injunctive Re 5432 N 107th St
CHARLES BENNAFIELD ++4141 FLAT ROCK ROAD / DIANE BRAUN COURT S.E., ATLANTA, GA lief, and Damages, Civil Action G-130 Annex Milwaukee, WI 53225-3106
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA 16 079 01 002++ DAVID BRAUN 30316 /15 077 04 107++ File No. 20CV3207, seeking in- Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
OCCUPANT OF 4141 FLAT 350-439198 10/1,10/8,10/15 THE HERTZ CORPORATION junctive relief and damages for 350-440018 10/8,10/15,10/22, Burnham 4401 LP
350-439846 10/1.10/8.10/15
ROCK ROAD, LITHONIA, GA 10/22JH WHITEHALL FOREST CON- violations was filed against you 10/29 c/o Corporation Service Com-
30038 AND ALL PERSONS NOTICE OF PUBLICATION DOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, in the Superior Court of DeKalb pany, Registered Agent
KNOWN AND UNKNOWN INC. County, Georgia on May 26, 8040 Excelsior Dr Ste 400
In the Superior Court In the State Court STATE OF GEORGIA
HAVING ANY RIGHT, TITLE OCCUPANT OF 1805 WHITE- 2020. The other parties in the Madison, WI 53717-2915
INTEREST IN, OR LIEN of DeKalb County HALL FOREST COURT S.E., of DeKalb County Complaint are Smart Homes In The Geheren Firm, P.C.,
UPON, 4141 FLAT ROCK State of Georgia ATLANTA, GA 30316 AND ALL State of Georgia vestment Properties, Inc. and Plaintiff, Jonella D. Hewings
ROAD, LITHONIA, GA 30038, Civil Action NO. PERSONS KNOWN AND UN- Action No. Raugier A. Richards. If the re- v. 2865 N 51st St
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA ++20FM5554++ KNOWN HAVING ANY RIGHT, ++20A81619++ lief sought in the Complaint is Fred L. Barksdale, Known and Milwaukee, WI 53210-1602
RE: FORECLOSURE OF Tiawanda Williams TITLE INTEREST IN, OR LIEN Apah Johnson, granted, it will result in an in- Un k n o wn He i rs o f Es l e y
EQUITY OF REDEMPTION Plaintiff UPON, 1805 WHITEHALL Plaintiff junction and an award of a Dubose, Jr., and Secretary of State of Wisconsin
FOR TAX SALE DEED (REF. vs. FOREST COURT S.E., AT- vs. money judgment in an amount Housing and Urban Develop- c/o Attorney General
O.C.G.A. § 48-4-45, 46) Brian Leo Green LANTA, GA 30316, DEKALB John Doe, to be determined by the Court, ment, as an Officer of the 114 East State Capitol
Take notice that: Defendant COUNTY, GEORGIA Defendant plus reasonable attorneys' fees United States, Madison, WI 53703
The right to redeem the follow- To: Brian Leo Gren RE: FORECLOSURE OF To: John Doe actually incurred, and other re- Defendants.
ing described property, to wit 2728 Highway 49 South EQUITY OF REDEMPTION By Order for service by public- lief as stated in the Complaint. ++Civil Action No. Portfolio Recovery Associates
will expire and be forever fore- Oglethorpe, GA 31068 FOR TAX SALE DEED (REF. ation dated 9/4/2020, you are Further, by reason of an Order 19CV9901++ 130 Corporate Blvd
closed and barred as of five By Order of the Court service O.C.G.A. § 48-4-45, 46) hereby notified that on Granting Plaintiff's Motion for NOTICE OF PUBLICATION Norfolk, VA 23502-4952
o’clock (5 p.m.) on October 29, for service by publication dated Take notice that: Service by Publication entered By order for service by publica-
8/17/2020, Apah Johnson filed
2020 or 30 days after legal ser- 8/4/2020 You are hereby noti- The right to redeem the follow- by the Court on August 31, tion dated June 30, 2020, De- The United States of America
suit against you for $TBD prin-
vice of the Notice pursuant to ing described property, to wit 2020, you are hereby com- fendants, Known and Un- c/o US Attorney
fied that on 3rd day of Septem- cipal, $TBD interest, and $TBD
OCGA 48-4-45 et seq., will expire and be forever fore- manded and required to file known Heirs of Esley Dubose, 517 East Wisconsin Avenue
ber, 2020 The above-named attorney's fees. Jr., individually are hereby noti-
whichever date is later: closed and barred as of five with the Clerk of said Court and Milwaukee, WI 53202
Plaintiff filed suit against you for You are required to file with fied that The Geheren Firm,
All that tract or parcel of land ly- o’clock (5 p.m.) on November serve upon the law firm of &
ing and being in Land Lot 79 of Name Change- Minor. 9, 2020 or 30 days after legal the Clerk of the State Court, LAZEGA & JOHANSON LLC , P.C., filed suit against him for c/o US Attorney General
the 16th District of Dekalb You are required to file with service of the Notice pursuant and to serve upon plaintiff's at- P.O. BOX 250800, ATLANTA, an Interpleader on September 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Rm
County, Georgia and being the Clerk of Superior Court, and to OCGA 48-4-45 et seq., torney, John Doe an Answer in GA 30325, an Answer to that 26, 2019. B-103
more fully described as follows: to serve upon plaintiff's attor- whichever date is later: writing within sixty (60) days of Complaint within sixty (60) days Defendants, Known and Un- Washington, DC 20530-0001
Begin at a point located at the ney whose name and address ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- the date of the order for public- of August 31, 2020 by serving known Heirs of Esley Dubose,
intersection of the Northwest is: Tiawanda Williams, 4080 CEL OF LAND LYING AND ation. Plaintiff's attorney, Jennifer L. Jr., are required to file with the
right-of-way of Flat Rock Road Ward Lake Trl. Ellenwood, GA BEING IN LAND LOT 77 OF Witness the Honorable Roberts, Lazega & Johanson Clerk of Superior Court, and Square One Holdings LLC
(60'R/W) and the West line of 30294 Answer in writing within THE 15TH DISTRICT OF Johnny Panos, Judge of this LLC, P.O. Box 250800, Atlanta, serve upon Plaintiff's Attorney, c/o Ghassan Batayneh, Re-
Land Lot 79, said point being sixty (60) days of the Order of DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, State Court. Georgia 30325 and file said re- Patrick J. Geheren, an answer gistered Agent
the point of beginning; thence Publication. AND BEING MORE PARTICU- This the 14th day of Septem- sponse with the Clerk of Super- in writing within thirty (30) days 1169 N 50th St
leaving the said Northwest Witness the Honorable Asha F LARLY DESCRIBED AS ber, 2020. ior Court of DeKalb County, of the date of the order for pub- Milwaukee, WI 53208-2604
right-of-way of Flat Rock Road Jackson, Judge of the DeKalb DWELLING NO. 1805 OF R. Javoyne Hicks, Clerk Georgia. lication.
and from the point of beginning Superior Court. BUILDING 6 OF THE WHITE- Witness the Honorable Linda WITNESS, the Honorable Short Term Financial LLC
State Court of DeKalb County
running N 02° 33' 00" E along This the 9/3/2020. HALL FOREST EAST CON- Hunter, Judge, Superior Court Shondeana Morris of this Su- c/o National Registered Agents,
By: Shirley Pipkins
the said West line of Land Lot DOMINIUMS AS SHOWN ON of DeKalb County perior Court. Inc, Registered Ag
Debra DeBerry Deputy Clerk
79 a distance of 281.48 feet to PLAT OF SURVEY DATED This 1st day of September, This the 24th day of Septem- 301 S Bedford St Ste 1
Clerk of Superior Court For: State Court
an open top pipe found; thence THE 27TH OF MARCH, 1973, 2020. ber, 2020. Madison, WI 53703-3691
556 N. McDonough Street of DeKalb County Clerk, Superior Court
running N 01° 42'00"E along MADE BY VEAL ASSO- Debra DeBerry Clerk,
the said West line of Land Lot G-130 Annex CIATES, INC., REGISTERED DeKalb County Courthouse Superior Court of DeKalb Prepared and Presented By: Heights Finance Corporation
79 a distance of 132.64 feet to Decatur, GA. 30030-3356 LAND SURVEYORS, WHICH 556 N. McDonough Street County The Geheren Firm, P.C. c/o National Registered Agents,
a point; thence leaving the said 350-439229 10/1,10/8,10/15 PLAT IS RECORDED IN CON- Decatur, Georgia 30030 Submitted By: _/s/ Patrick J. Geheren Inc, Registered Ag
West line of Land Lot 79 and 10/22JH DOMINIUM PLAT BOOK 2, 350-439847 10/1,10/8,10/15 LAZEGA & JOHANSON LLC Patrick J. Geheren 301 S Bedford St Ste 1
running S 19 degrees 58' 11"E IN THE STATE COURT OF PAGE 157, DEKALB COUNTY, 10/22 Jennifer L. Roberts Ga Bar No. 288801 Madison, WI 53703-3691
a distance of 296.58 feet to a DEKALB COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Georgia Bar No 608530 4828 Ashford Dunwoody Road,
point located on the said North- GEORGIA DWELLING IS A PART OF OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE Attorneys for Plaintiff 2nd Floor Concordia University of Wis-
west right-of-way of Flat Rock Jarvis North THAT PROPERTY SHOWN OF GEORGIA P O Box 250800 Atlanta, Georgia 30338 consin, Inc.
Road; thence running S50 de- VS. ON PLAT OF SURVEY OF LEGACY MILL COMMUNITY Atlanta, GA 30325 T: (678) 587-9500/ F: (678) c/o Allen Prochnow, Re-
grees 28' 41"W along the said Patrick Ward WHITEHALL FOREST EAST ASSOCIATION, INC., 404.350.1192 587-9098 gistered Agent
Northwest right-of-way of Flat Civil Action Number CO ND O M I NI UM S D ATE D Plaintiff, 350-439911 10/1,10/8,10/15 12800 N Lake Shore Dr
Rock Road a distance of 31.64 ++20A79559++ APRIL 14, 1972, AND FILED V. Mequon, WI 53097-2418
feet to a point; continue thence NOTICE of PUBLICATION THE 14TH DAY OF APRIL, SMART HOMES INVEST- 350-440142 10/15,10/22,10/29
running Southwesterly along To: Patrick Ward 1972, AND RECORDED IN MENT PROPERTIES, INC.," A STATE OF WISCONSIN ALCO Capital Group LLC
1691 Line Circle, Apt 3 In the Superior Court
the said Northwest right-of-way DEED BOOK 2800, PAGE 607, . RICHARDS," CIRCUIT COURT c/o J Adam Dobberstein, Re-
Decatur, GA 30092 of DeKalb County
of Flat Rock Road and follow- AFORESAID RECORDS, SAID Trustee of the Millwood Springs MILWAUKEE COUNTY gistered Agent
ing the arc of a curve to the By order for service by publica- DECLARATION BY THIS REF- State of Georgia 225 S Executive Dr Ste 200
Plantation of Utah Trust, ANN- Case No. ++20FM6419++ U.S. Bank National Associ-
right, an arc distance of 149.02 tion dated September 18, 2020 ERENCE BEING INCORPOR- MARIE BAILEY, and ation, as successor in interest Brookfield, WI 53005-4257
feet (said arc having a chord , you are hereby notified that on ATED HEREIN AND MADE A IN RE:
RAUGIER A. RICHARDS, to Bank of America National
bearing of S39° 05' 13"W and a March 09, 2020, Jarvis North PART HEREOF. THE IN- The Name Change of a LVNV Funding LLC
Defendants. Association, successor by mer-
chord distance of 148.04 feet filed suit against you for $TBD TEREST CONVEYED IN- Civil Action File No. Minor Child ger to LaSalle Bank National c/o Corporation Service Com-
and a radius of 374.78 feet) to principal, TBD interest , and CLUDES, WITHOUT LIMITA- ++20CV3207++ Shira Rivka Lewis-Rosenblatt Association, as Trustee for C- pany, Registered Agent
a point located on the West line $TBD attorney' s fees. TION, THE GENERALITY OF NOTICE OF PUBLICATION BASS Mortgage Loan Asset- 508 Meeting St
of Land Lot 79 and the point of You are required to file with the THE FOREGOING, AN UNDI- The Undersigned hereby sub- Andrea Sharon Lewis Levine Backed Certificates, Series West Columbia, SC 29169-
beginning. Said tract or parcel Clerk of the State Court , and to VIDED 7/8% INTEREST IN mits this Notice of Publication Petitioner. 2007-SP1 7535
containing 0.50 acres or 21,780 serve upon plaintiffs attorney, THE COMMON AREAS AND for acceptance to the Clerk of c/o PHH Mortgage Corporation Defendants.
square feet. Steven A. Miller, an Answer in FACILITIES OF SAID CON- Superior Court prior to publica- To: JONATHAN ROBERT One Mortgage Way; MailStop: PUBLICATION SUMMONS
That property known as 4141 writing within sixty (60) days of DOMINIUM. tion as directed by the clerk's ROSENBLATT SV03 ++Case No. 20-CV-004931++
FLAT ROCK ROAD according the date of the Order for Public- That property known as 1805 office, and according to instruc- You are hereby notified that Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 The Honorable
to the present system of num- ation. WHITEHALL FOREST COURT tions received thereby, as fol- Plaintiff, Laura Gramling Perez
The above-styled action seek-
bering homes and having tax WITNESS, the Honorable Dax S.E. according to the present lows, which shall be forwarded vs. Case Code 30404
ing a name change of your
parcel identification number 16 Lopez, Judge of this State system of numbering homes for the legal organ of the county (Foreclosure of Mortgage)
Court. minor child and that by reason
079 01 002. and having tax parcel identifica- for publication once accepted. John B. Williams Jr. The amount claimed exceeds
This 25th day of September, of an Order for Service by Pub-
The tax deed to which this no- tion number 15 077 04 107. Further, the address of the 5789 Dorian Ct $10,000.00
2020 lication entered by the Court on
tice relates is dated September The tax deed to which this no- parties to be served is known, Lithonia, GA 30058-5603 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN
3, 2019, and is recorded in the R. Javoyne Hicks, Clerk tice relates is dated June 4, September 14, 2020,you are To each person named above
as stated below, and the Clerk hereby commanded and re-
Office of the Clerk of the Super- State Court of DeKalb County 2019, and is recorded in the Of- is respectfully requested to Jane Doe Williams as a defendant:
ior Court of DeKalb County, By: M. Roberts fice of the Clerk of the Superior quired to file with the Clerk of You are hereby notified that the
provide the notice together wit 5789 Dorian Ct
Georgia in Deed Book 27814 Deputy Clerk Court of DeKalb County, Geor- h a copy of the order for ser- said Court and serve upon Lithonia, GA 30058-5603 plaintiff named above has filed
Page 271. (See also Quitclaim For: State Court gia in Deed Book 28494 Page vice by publication and com- Cynthia Harrison, Petitioner's a lawsuit or other legal action
Deed at Deed Book 28086 of DeKalb County 261. plaint as required by O.C.G.A. attorney whose address is: Milwaukee County Clerk of Cir- against you.
Page 402.) DeKalb County Courthouse The property may be re- § 9-1 i-4(f)(l)(C) (a copy of said 2302 Parklake Drive, Suite 420, cuit Court Within 40 days after October
The property may be re- 556 N. McDonough Street deemed on or before the time documents has previously been Atlanta, Georgia 30345, any 901 N 9th St 15, 2020 you must respond
deemed on or before the time Decatur, GA 30030 and date stated above by pay- provided for convenience): No- objeciton within sixty (60) days Milwaukee, WI 53233-1425 with a written demand for a
and date stated above by pay- ment of the redemption price as tice follows: of this notice. copy of the complaint. The de-
ment of the redemption price as fixed and provided by law to the To: "A. Richards," Trustee of This the 14th day of Septem- Midland Funding LLC mand must be sent or de-
fixed and provided by law to the undersigned at the following the Millwood Springs Planta- ber, 2020. c/o Corporation Service Com- livered to the court, whose ad-
undersigned at the following address: tion of Utah Trust 2532 North Debra DeBerry pany, Registered Agent dress is 901 N. Ninth Street,
address: BLUE SKY PROPERTY SOLU- Decatur Road Unit 1104 , Dec- Clerk of Superior Court 8040 Excelsior Dr Ste 400 Milwaukee, WI 53233-1425 and
LENA HOLDINGS, LLC c/o TION c/o atur , Georgia 30033 and Ann- 556 N. McDonough Street Madison, WI 53717-2915 to Gray & Associates, L.L.P.,
Carolina D. Bryant, Esq. Carolina Dallal Bryant, Esq. Marie Bailey 7724 White Oak plaintiff's attorney, whose ad-
G-130 Annex
Ayoub, Mansour & Bryant, LLC Ayoub, Mansour & Bryant, LLC Loop Lithonia, Georgia 30038, Cottonwood Financial Wiscon- dress is 16345 West Glendale
Decatur, GA. 30030-3356
675 Seminole Avenue, Suite 675 Seminole Avenue, Suite YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED sin LLC Drive, New Berlin, WI 53151-
301 301 pursuant to Order of the Super- c/o CT Corporation System, 2841. You may have an attor-
Atlanta, Georgia 30307 Atlanta, Georgia 30307 ior Court of DeKalb County Registered Agent ney help or represent you.
404.892.2599 404.892.2599 entered by Judge Linda Hunter, 301 S Bedford St Ste 1 If you do not demand a copy of
copy of the complaint. The de- of November 2014 and is recor- NOTICE! You have been sued. quisitos para obtener servicios ance Group++. Said business
mand must be sent or de- ded in the office of the Clerk of The court may decide against lega/es gratuitos de un pro- has been registered under
livered to the court, whose ad- the Superior Court of DeKalb you without your being heard grama de servicios legales sin GreenRush Compliance, Inc.
dress is 901 N. Ninth Street, County, Georgia, in Deed Book unless you respond within 30 fines de lucro. Puede encon- This affidavit is made in compli-
Milwaukee, WI 53233-1425 and 24699, Page 132. days. Read the information be- trar estos grupos sin fines de ance with GA Code Annotated,
to Gray & Associates, L.L.P., The property may be re- low. /ucro en el sitio web de Califor- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section

plaintiff's attorney, whose ad- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 35
deemed at any time before the You have 30 CALENDAR nia Legal Services, 490.
dress is 16345 West Glendale 11th day of December, 2020, or DAYS after this summons and (, en Adeboye, Lesa
Drive, New Berlin, WI 53151- 30 days from service of notice, 350-440146 10/15,10/22,10/29 legal papers are served on you el Centro de Ayuda de las Cor- Applicant / Owner 370-440182 10/15,10/22JH
2841. You may have an attor- by payment of the redemption 11/5 to file a written response at this tes de California, Sworn to and subscribed this AFFIDAVIT FOR
ney help or represent you. price as fixed and provided by IN THE STATE COURT OF court and have a copy ( o 19th day of August, 2020. REGISTRATION
If you do not demand a copy of law to the undersigned at the DEKALB COUNTY STATE OF served on the plaintiff. A letter poniendose en contacto con la Instrument number OF TRADE NAME
the complaint within 40 days, following address: David A. GEORGIA or phone call will not protect carte o el colegio de abogados 2020TN00391 State of Georgia,
the court may grant judgment Basil, LLC, 301 Bradley Street, Civil Action Number you. Your written response locales. AV /SO: Por ley, la Filed on 8/19/2020 County of DeKalb
against you for the award of Suite B-7, Carrollton, Georgia, ++20A80566++ must be in proper legal form if carte tiene derecho a reclamar Debra DeBerry The undersigned hereby
money or other legal action re- 30117. Marcus Baham you want the court to hear your las cuotas y los costos exentos Clerk of Superior Court certifies that they are conduct-
quested in the complaint, and Please be governed accord- VS. case. There may be a court por imponer un gravamen In DeKalb County, Georgia ing a business in the County of
you may lose your right to ob- ingly. DeWayne Murray; form that you can use for your sabre cualquier recuperaci6n DeKalb, at 1626 Springbrook
ject to anything that is or may M.I.G., L.LC response. You can find these de $ 10 ,000 6 mas de valor Drive Decatur, GA 30033, in
be incorrect in the complaint. A To: DeWayne Murray court forms and more informa- recibida mediante un acuerdo o the State of Georgia, under the
judgment may be enforced as 2009 Dallas Highway SW tion at the California Courts On- una concesi6n de arbitraje en 370-440179 10/15,10/22JH name ++Bright Hare++. Said
provided by law. A judgment 350-440144 10/15,10/22,10/29 Marietta, GA 30064 line Self-Help Center ( un caso de derecho civil. Tiene AFFIDAVIT FOR business has been registered.
awarding money may become 11/5 NOTICE of PUBLICATION ), que pagar el gravamen de la REGISTRATION This affidavit is made in compli-
a lien against any real estate IN THE SUPERIOR COURT By order for service by publica- your county law library, or the corte antes de que la corte OF TRADE NAME ance with GA Code Annotated,
you own now or in the future, OF DEKALB COUNTY STATE tion dated September 25, 2020, courthouse nearest you. If you pueda desechar el caso. State of Georgia, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490
and may also be enforced by OF GEORGIA you are hereby notified that on cannot pay the filing fee, ask CASE NUMBER: County of DeKalb .
garnishment or seizure of prop- CIVIL ACTION NO. June 01, 2020, Marcus Baham the court clerk for a fee waiver (Numero de/ Caso): The undersigned hereby Richards, Staci L
erty. ++20CV1718++ filed suit against you for $TBD form. If you do not file your re- ++37-2019-0044962-CU-MM- certifies that they are conduct- Applicant / Owner
Dated this 6 day of October, KEYSTONE GATES CON- princial, $TBD interest, and sponse on time, you may lose CTL++ ing a business in the County of Sworn to and subscribed this
2020. DOMINIUM ASSOCIATION $TBD attorney's fees. the case by default, and your The name and address of the DeKalb, at 154 Airport Road 20th day of August, 2020 .
Gray & Associates, L.L.P. INC., You are required to file with the wages, money, and property court is: Chamblee, GA 30341, in the Instrument number
Attorneys for Plaintiff PLAINTIFF Clerk of the State Court, and to may be taken without further (El nombre y direccion de la State of Georgia, under the 2020TN00395
By: Robert M. Piette v. serve upon plaintiffs attorney, warning from the court. carte es): SUPERIOR COURT name ++S S Accounting Ser- Filed on 8/20/2020
State Bar No. 1018058 CARL DALEY, VON A DUBOSE, an Answer in There are other legal require- OF CALIFORNIA vices++. Said business has Debra DeBerry
Case No. 20-CV-004931 DEFENDANT writing within sixty (60 ) days of ments. You may want to call an 330 W. Broadway, San Diego, been registered under SHAIKH Clerk of Superior Court
16345 West Glendale Drive TO: CARL DALEY the date of the Order for Public- attorney right away. If you do CA 92101 Central Division LOGISTICS LLC. In DeKalb County, Georgia
New Berlin, WI 53151-2841 2673 STONEKEY BEND ation. not know an attorney, you may The name, address, and tele- This affidavit is made in compli-
LITHONIA, GEORGIA 30058 ance with GA Code Annotated, 370-440183 10/15,10/22JH
(414) 224-1987 WITNESS, the Honorable Alvin want to call an attorney phone number of plaintiffs at- AFFIDAVIT FOR
Gray & Associates, L.L.P. is at- (LAST KNOWN ADDRESS) T. Wong, Judge of this State referral service. If you cannot torney, or plaintiff without an at- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
tempting to collect a debt and Court. This 1st day of October, afford an attorney, you may be torney, is: OF TRADE NAME
any information obtained will be Order for service by publica- 2020 eligible for free legal services (El nombre, la direcci6n y el nu- Bahar, Shaikh Sefatul
tion dated the 3rd day of Febru- Applicant / Owner State of Georgia,
used for that purpose. If you R. Javoyne Hicks, Clerk from a nonprofit legal services mero de telefono def abogado County of DeKalb
have previously received a dis- ary, 2020. You are hereby noti- State Court of DeKalb County program. You can locate these def demandante, o def de- Sworn to and subscribed this
fied that on the 31st day of Au- 19th day of August, 2020. The undersigned hereby
charge in a chapter 7 bank- By Patricia Harris nonprofit groups at the Califor- mandante que no tiene certifies that they are conduct-
ruptcy case, this communica- gust, 2020, Keystone Gates Deputy Clerk nia Legal Services Web site ( abogado, es): Instrument number
Condominium Association, Inc., 2020TN00392 ing a business in the County of
tion should not be construed as County Courthouse}, the Mitchel Zager, Esq., S BN DeKalb, at 5 Ravinia Drive At-
an attempt to hold you person- filed suit against you for dam- 556 N. McDonough Street California Courts Online Self- 103992, 5580 La Jolla Blvd. , Filed on 8/19/2020
ages and judicial foreclosure of Debra DeBerry lanta, GA 30346, in the State of
ally liable for the debt. Decatur, GA 30030 Help Center Suite 83, La Jolla, CA 92037; Georgia, under the name
Keystone Gates Condominium ( (858) 456-9471 Clerk of Superior Court
Association, Inc.' s lien. You In DeKalb County, Georgia ++HINES++. Said business has
350-440143 10/15,10/22,10/29 350-440147 10/15,10/22,10/29 /fhelp ), or by contacting your been registered under Hines In-
are required to file with the local court or county bar asso-
NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Clerk of Superior Court, and to
IN THE STATE COURT OF ciation. NOTE: The court has a Trade Name 370-440180 10/15,10/22JH
terests Limited Partnership.
This affidavit is made in compli-
OF RIGHT OF REDEMPTION serve upon the plaintiffs Attor- DEKALB COUNTY STATE OF statutory lien for waived fees
ney, Harrison AFFIDAVIT FOR ance with GA Code Annotated,
STATE OF GEORGIA and costs on any settlement or 370-440177 10/15,10/22JH
J. Woodworth, Lueder Larkin & REGISTRATION Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
GEORGIA/COUNTY OF Civil Action Number arbitration award of $10,000 or AFFIDAVIT FOR
Hunter LLC 5900 Windward OF TRADE NAME 490.
DEKALB ++20A80130++ more in a civil case. The court's REGISTRATION
Parkway, Suite 390, Alpharetta, State of Georgia, McCord, Evan
TO: 1) Henry Walker, 2) Un- Lakila Richardson lien must be paid before the OF TRADE NAME
GA 30005, an answer in writ- County of DeKalb Applicant / Owner
known Heirs and Assigns of VS . court will dismiss the case. State of Georgia,
ing within sixty (60) days of the The undersigned hereby Sworn to and subscribed this
Henry Walker, 3) Spring Valley Damien Gordon ;AVISOI Lo han demandado. Si County of DeKalb
date of the order of publication. certifies that they are conduct- 21st day of August, 2020.
Civic Association, Inc., 4) To: Damien Gordon no responde dentro de 30 dfa The undersigned hereby
WITNESS the Honorable Clar- ing a business in the County of Instrument number
Spring Valley Club, Inc., 5) 1400 Catherine Street s, la carte puede decidir en su certifies that they are conduct-
ence Seeliger, Judge of the Su- DeKalb, at 4497 Pleasant Point 2020TN00396
DeKalb County Tax Commis- Decatur, GA 30030 contra sin escuchar su versi6n. ing a business in the County of
perior Court. Dr Decatur, GA 30034, in the Filed on 8/21/2020
sioner, 6) Tenant/Resident/Oc- NOTICE of PUBLICATION Lea la informaci6n a con- DeKalb, at 2579 Lawrenceville
This day 31st of August 2020. State of Georgia, under the Debra DeBerry
cupant, and 7) all persons By order for service by publica- tinuaci6n. Highway, Suite A Decatur, GA
DEBRA DEBERRY, name ++Webster Cleaning Ser- Clerk of Superior Court
known or unknown who may tion dated September 16, 2020, Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALEN- 30033, in the State of Georgia,
CLERK OF SUPERIOR vices++. Said business has In DeKalb County, Georgia
claim an interest in property you are hereby notified that on DAR/0 despues de que le en- under the name ++ACROSS
COURT SPECIALTY PHARMACY++. been registered. 370-440184 10/15,10/22JH
known as ++3469 Finesse Dr., April 22, 2020, Lakila Richard- treguen esta citaci6n y papeles This affidavit is made in compli-
legales para presentar una Said business has been re- AFFIDAVIT FOR
Decatur, Georgia 30032++ son filed suit against you for ance with GA Code Annotated,
respuesta por escrito en esta gistered under ACROSS SPE- REGISTRATION
TAKE NOTICE THAT: $TBD principal, $TBD interest, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
corte y hacer que se entregue CIALTY PHARMACIES LLC. OF TRADE NAME
The right to redeem the de- and $TBD attorney's fees. 490.
una copia al demandante. Una This affidavit is made in compli- State of Georgia,
scribed property as 3469 Fin- 350-440145 10/15,10/22,10/29 You are required to file with the Webster, Tameam
carta o una 1/amada telef6nica ance with GA Code Annotated, County of DeKalb
esse Dr., Decatur, Georgia 11/5 Clerk of the State Court, and to Applicant / Owner
no lo protegen. Su respuesta Title 10, Chapter 1, Section The undersigned hereby
30032, (Tax Parcel 15 134 01 IN THE STATE COURT OF serve upon plaintiffs attorney, Sworn to and subscribed this
por escrito tiene que estar en 490. certifies that they are conduct-
054), as follows, to wit: DEKALB COUNTY STATE OF Jacinda Walker, an Answer in 19th day of August, 2020 .
formato legal correcto si desea PATEL, MAHESH ing a business in the County of
ALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND GEORGIA writing within sixty (60) days of Instrument number
que procesen su caso en la Applicant / Owner DeKalb, at 1438 Bouldercrest
BEING IN DEKALB COUNTY Civil Action Number the date of the Order for Public- 2020TN00393
corte. Es posible que haya un Sworn to and subscribed this Road, SE Atlanta, GA 30316, in
DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ++20A78544++ ation. Filed on 8/19/2020
formulario que usted pueda 19th day of August, 2020. the State of Georgia, under the
DISTRICT 15, LANDLOT 134, Roderick Nickson and WITNESS , the Honorable Debra DeBerry
usar para su respuesta. Instrument number name ++Artesian East
DEED BOOK 4439, PAGE 475 Rhondette Jones Wayne M. Purdom, Judge of Clerk of Superior Court
Puede encontrar estos formu- 2020TN00390 Village++. Said business has
PLAT AND DEED ARE A VS. this State Court. This 1st day of In DeKalb County, Georgia
larios de la carte y mas inform- Filed on 8/19/2020 been registered under Fogel-
PART HEREOF, EXCLUDING Winston Mitchell October, 2020
aci6n en el Centro de Ayuda de Debra DeBerry man Properties, LLC.
RIGHTS OF WAY AND EASE- To: Winston Mitchell R. Javoyne Hicks, Clerk
las Cortes de Cal ifornia Clerk of Superior Court This affidavit is made in compli-
MENTS. 710 Barrington Hills Dr State Court of DeKalb County 370-440181 10/15,10/22JH
(, en la In DeKalb County, Georgia ance with GA Code Annotated,
biblioteca de /eyes de su 370-440178 10/15,10/22JH Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
condado o en la corte que le AFFIDAVIT FOR 490.
DR By order for service by publica- County Courthouse OF TRADE NAME
quede mas cerca. Si no puede REGISTRATION Austin, Lyn
AND PARCEL 15 134 01 054 tion dated September 24, 2020, 556 N. McDonough Street State of Georgia,
pagar la cuota de presentaci6n, OF TRADE NAME Applicant / Owner
PER RECORDS OF THE TAX you are hereby notified that on Decatur, GA 30030 County of DeKalb
pida al secretario de la carte State of Georgia, Sworn to and subscribed this
COMMISSIONER AND TAX January l 0, 2020 , Roderick The undersigned hereby
que le de un formulario de ex- County of DeKalb 21st day of August, 2020.
ASSESSORS. Nickson and Rhondette Jones certifies that they are conduct-
enci6n de pago de cuotas. Si The undersigned hereby Instrument number
LESS AND EXCEPT: ALL filed suit against you for $TBD 350-440148 10/15,10/22,10/29 ing a business in the County of
no presenta su respuesta a certifies that they are conduct- 2020TN00397
PARCELS OTHER THAN 15 principal, $TBD interest, and 11/5 DeKalb, at 694 Post Road
tiempo, puede perder el caso ing a business in the County of Filed on 8/21/2020
134 01 054. $TBD attorney ' s fees. SUMMONS Drive Stone Mountain, GA
por incumplimiento y la corte le DeKalb, at 10 Perimeter Sum- Debra DeBerry
Will expire and be forever fore- You are required to file with the (CITACION JUDICIAL) 30088, in the State of Georgia,
podra quitar su sue/do, dinero y mit Blvd Unit 4203 Brookhaven, Clerk of Superior Court
closed and barred on and after Clerk of the State Court, and to NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: under the name ++The EPIC
bienes sin mas advertencia. GA 30319, in the State of Geor- In DeKalb County, Georgia
the 11th day of December, serve upon plaintiff's attorney , (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): Educator++. Said business has
2020, or 30 days from service Jennifer Neal-Jones, an An- ABBAS CHAMSUDDIN , M.D., Hay otros requisitos /ega/e s. gia, under the name ++Alli- been registered under PL
of notice. swer in writing within sixty (60) JOEL SIGETI, M.D., and DOES Es recomendable que /lame a ance Group++. Said business Roberts Solutions, LLC.
The tax deed to which this no- days of the date of the Order 1-1 00, INCLUSIVE un abogado inmediatamente. has been registered under This affidavit is made in compli-
tice relates is dated the 4th day for Publication. YOU ARE BEING SUED BY Si no conoce a un abogado , GreenRush Compliance, Inc. ance with GA Code Annotated,
of November 2014 and is recor- WITNESS , the Honorable PLAINTIFF: puede 1/amar a un servicio de This affidavit is made in compli- Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
ded in the office of the Clerk of Johnny N. Panos, Judge of this (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL remisi6n a abogados. Si no ance with GA Code Annotated, 490.
the Superior Court of DeKalb State Court. This 28th day of DEMANDANTE): puede pagar a un abogado , es Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Roberts, Patrice H
County, Georgia, in Deed Book September, 2020 CLINT SCOTT posible que cumpla con los re- 490. Applicant / Owner
24699, Page 132. R. Javoyne Hicks, Clerk NOTICE! You have been sued. quisitos para obtener servicios Adeboye, Lesa Sworn to and subscribed this
The property may be re- State Court of DeKalb County The court may decide against lega/es gratuitos de un pro- Applicant / Owner 20th day of August, 2020.
deemed at any time before the By Patricia Harris you without your being heard grama de servicios legales sin Sworn to and subscribed this Instrument number
11th day of December, 2020, or Deputy Clerk unless you respond within 30 fines de lucro. Puede encon- 19th day of August, 2020. 2020TN00394
30 days from service of notice, County Courthouse days. Read the information be- trar estos grupos sin fines de Instrument number Filed on 8/20/2020
by payment of the redemption 556 N. McDonough Street low. /ucro en el sitio web de Califor- 2020TN00391 Debra DeBerry
price as fixed and provided by Decatur, GA 30030 You have 30 CALENDAR nia Legal Services, Filed on 8/19/2020 Clerk of Superior Court
law to the undersigned at the DAYS after this summons and (, en Debra DeBerry In DeKalb County, Georgia
following address: David A. legal papers are served on you el Centro de Ayuda de las Cor- Clerk of Superior Court
Basil, LLC, 301 Bradley Street, to file a written response at this tes de California, In DeKalb County, Georgia
Suite B-7, Carrollton, Georgia, court and have a copy ( o
30117. served on the plaintiff. A letter poniendose en contacto con la
ments for inclusion into the offi- of Marbut Road, approximately 18-012-13-003, 18-012-13-004,
cial record by submitting such 655 feet west of Clayton Ridge, 18-012-13-005,
materials by 5:30 pm on the at 5797 Marbut Road, Lithonia 18-012-13-006, 18-012-13-007,
date of the public hearing. Georgia. The property has ap- 18-012-13-008, 18-012-13-009,
Email the Dekalb County Plan- proximately 72 feet of frontage 18-012-13-010,
ning Commission at plansus- on Marbut Road and contains 18-012-13-011, 18-012-13-013,
Page 36 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020
Email the DeKalb County Board
0.29 acre. 18-012-13-015, 18-012-13-020,
370-440185 10/15,10/22JH 370-440188 10/15,10/22JH 370-440191 10/15,10/22JH 370-440194 10/15,10/22JH of Commissioners at Public- N2 SLUP-20-1244230 2020- 4775 MEMORIAL DR, DEC-
State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, State of Georgia, D1 LP-20-1244107 2020-0834 1880 SINGER WAY, Special Land Use Permit
County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb County of DeKalb Commission District 02 Super LITHONIA, GA 30058 (SLUP) to allow fuel pumps for
The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby District 06 Application of Michelle Bennett a new 4,993 square foot con-
certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- 18-196-04-029, 18-196-04-033, for a Special Land Use Permit venience store (Quik Trip) with-
ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of 18-196-04-034, 18-196-04-035, (SLUP) for a Personal Care in the C-1 (Local Commercial)
DeKalb, at 3156 Briarcliff Road DeKalb, at 3222 Chamblee DeKalb, at 3687 McElroy Road DeKalb, at 4413 Wesleyan 18-196-04-037, Home to allow for up to six District, in accordance with
NE, Apt G Atlanta, GA 30329, Dunwoody Rd. Apt. C Atlanta, Atlanta, GA 30340, in the State Pointe Decatur, GA 30034, in 18-196-04-038, 18-196-04-039, adults in accordance with Chapter 27, Article 4, Table 4.1
in the State of Georgia, under GA 30341, in the State of Geor- of Georgia, under the name the State of Georgia, under the 18-196-04-040, 18-196-04-041 Chapter 27, Article 4, Table 4.1 Use Table and Section 4.2.28
the name ++Marieski gia, under the name ++A Bet- ++United Building name ++C.E.B. Dispatching 2814 CLAIRMONT RD, AT- Use Table and Section 2-4.2.41 Supplemental Regulations of
Jewels++. Said business has ter Quality Roofing++. Said Automation++. Said business Services++. Said business has LANTA, GA 30329 Supplemental Regulations of the DeKalb County Code. The
been registered under Marieski business has been registered. has been registered under been registered under Carters Application of Stein Investment the DeKalb County Code. The property is located on the east
Designs LLC. This affidavit is made in compli- United Maintenance, Inc. Holdings LLC. Co., LLC c/o Dennis J Webb for property is located on the north side of Memorial Drive and the
This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- a future land use amendment side of Singer Way, approxim- north side of Collingwood Drive
ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, request to change from Neigh- ately 116 feet east of Taffeta at 4729, 4731, 4745, 4737,
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Title 10, Chapter 1, Section borhood Center (NC) to Re- Trail, at 1880 Singer Way in 4744, 4759, 4761, 4763, 4765,
490. Martin Chavez, Armando B 490. 490. gional Center (RC) to allow for Lithonia, Georgia. The prop- 4767, 4773, 4775, and 4777
Shafer, Katrina Applicant / Owner Harter, Nancy M Brown, Antoinette a mixed-use development com- erty has approximately 129 feet Memorial Drive in Decatur,
Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner prising approximately 14,000 of frontage along Singer Way Georgia. The property has ap-
Sworn to and subscribed this 24th day of August, 2020. Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this square feet of accessory res- and contains 0.34 acre. proximately 916 feet of front-
22nd day of August, 2020. Instrument number 24th day of August, 2020. 25th day of August, 2020. taurant and retail space and age along Memorial Drive and
Instrument number 2020TN00401 Instrument number Instrument number 264 multi-family apartments. N3 Z-20-1244231 2020-1167 140 feet of frontage along
2020TN00398 Filed on 8/24/2020 2020TN00404 2020TN00408 The property is located on the Commission District 05 Super Collingwood Drive and con-
Filed on 8/22/2020 Debra DeBerry Filed on 8/24/2020 Filed on 8/25/2020 northwest corner of Clairmont District 07 tains 5.32 acres.
Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Road and Briarcliff Road, ap- 15-228-01-003; 15-228-01-005;
Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court proximately 120 feet south of 15-228-01-093; 15-288-01-094 N6 Z-20-1244238 2020-1171
In DeKalb County, Georgia 370-440189 10/15,10/22JH In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia Interstate 85 at 2794, 2778, 1014 ELDER LN, STONE Commission District 04 Super
370-440186 10/15,10/22JH AFFIDAVIT FOR 370-440192 10/15,10/22JH 2804, 2806, 2810, 2814, 3080 MOUNTAIN, GA 30083 District 06
AFFIDAVIT FOR REGISTRATION AFFIDAVIT FOR and 3070 Clairmont Road; and Application of Kaplan Residen- 18-121-02-001, 18-121-12-007
REGISTRATION OF TRADE NAME REGISTRATION Zoning Matters 3068 Briarcliff Road in Atlanta, tial to rezone property in the In- 4549 ERSKINE RD, CLARK-
OF TRADE NAME State of Georgia, OF TRADE NAME Georgia. The property has ap- dian Creek Overlay District STON, GA 30021
State of Georgia, County of DeKalb State of Georgia, 380-440149 10/15 proximately 670 feet of front- from O-I (Office Institutional) to Application of Lennar Corpora-
County of DeKalb The undersigned hereby County of DeKalb ZONING MATTERS age along Clairmont Road, ap- MR-1 (Medium Density Resid- tion c/o Battle Law P.C. to
The undersigned hereby certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby Notice is hereby given that the proximately 196 feet of front- ential-1) to allow for a 230-unit rezone properties from R-85
certifies that they are conduct- ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct- DeKalb County Planning Com- age on Briarcliff Road and con- townhome development. The (Single-Family Residential) Dis-
ing a business in the County of DeKalb, at 1223 Potomac Rd. ing a business in the County of mission and the tains 3.85 acres. property is located on the west trict to RSM (Small Lot Resid-
DeKalb, at 3545 Robins Land- Atlanta, GA 30338, in the State DeKalb, at 225-B Laredo Dr DeKalb County Board of Com- side of Elder Lane and the ential Mix) District to construct
ing Way #2 Decatur, GA of Georgia, under the name Decatur, GA 30030, in the missioners will hold online pub- north side of Redan Road, at up to 63 urban detached town-
30032, in the State of Georgia, ++HomeVestors-Real Results State of Georgia, under the lic hearings for the D2 Z-20-1244108 2020-0835 1014 and 1015 Elder Lane and homes at a density of 5.2 units
under the name ++Hottie Realty++. Said business has name ++Signarama of Dec- following application(s)on the Commission District 02 Super 3892 and 3960 Redan Road, per acre. The property is loc-
Thotty++. Said business has been registered under Real atur++. Said business has been following dates: District 06 Stone Mountain, Georgia. The ated on the south side of Er-
been registered. Results Realty Inc. registered under Danya King Planning Commission Meeting 18-196-04-029, 18-196-04-033, property has approximately skine Road, the west side of
This affidavit is made in compli- This affidavit is made in compli- Signs, Inc. Date – ++Thursday, November 18-196-04-034, 18-196-04-035, 1,175 feet of frontage along Oakmont Drive, and the north-
ance with GA Code Annotated, ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli- 5, 2020 5:30 PM++ 18-196-04-037, Redan Road and approxim- eastern terminus of Oakmont
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490 Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated, This meeting will be held via 18-196-04-038, 18-196-04-039, ately 908 feet of frontage along Drive, approximately 430 feet
. 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section Zoom and simultaneous broad- 18-196-04-040, 18-196-04-041 Elder Lane and contains 19.98 west of Rays Road at 4549 Er-
Addison, Tony Duignan, Sheri 490. cast available on DCTV's 2814 CLAIRMONT RD, AT- acres. skine Road and 1247 Oakmont
Applicant / Owner Applicant / Owner King, Danya U S t r e a m l i n k LANTA, GA 30329 Drive in Clarkston, Georgia.
Sworn to and subscribed this Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner Application of Stein Investment N4 SLUP-20-1244236 2020- The property has approxim-
24th day of August, 2020. 24th day of August, 2020. Sworn to and subscribed this ctv-channel-23 Co., LLC c/o Dennis J Webb to 1169 Commission District 04 ately 288 feet of frontage along
Instrument number Instrument number 24th day of August, 2020. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS request a rezoning of proper- Super District 06 Erskine Road and 250 feet of
2020TN00399 2020TN00402 Instrument number or Android: Join from PC, Mac, ties from C-1 (Local Commer- 18-012-13-001, 18-012-13-002, frontage along Oakmont Drive
Filed on 8/24/2020 Filed on 8/24/2020 2020TN00405 Linux, iOS or Android: cial) and C-2 (General Com- 18-012-13-003, 18-012-13-004, and contains 12.11 acres.
Debra DeBerry Debra DeBerry Filed on 8/24/2020 mercial) to HR-3 (High Density 18-012-13-005,
Clerk of Superior Court Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry /j/94261560575 Residential-3) district to allow 18-012-13-006, 18-012-13-007, N7 SLUP-20-1244241 2020-
In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court Or Telephone: for the construction of a mixed 18-012-13-008, 18-012-13-009, 1172 Commission District 01
In DeKalb County, Georgia Dial: use development consisting of 18-012-13-010, Super District 07
370-440187 10/15,10/22JH 370-440190 10/15,10/22JH
USA 8882709936 (US Toll approximately 14,000 square 18-012-13-011, 18-012-13-013, 18-191-01-010
AFFIDAVIT FOR AFFIDAVIT FOR 370-440193 10/15,10/22JH
Free) feet of accessory restaurant 18-012-13-015, 18-012-13-020, 1896 LUDOVIE LN, DECATUR,
Conference code: 934462 and retail space and 264 multi- 18-012-13-021 GA 30033
Find local AT&T Numbers: ht- family apartments. The prop- 4775 MEMORIAL DR, DEC- Application of Azalea House for
State of Georgia, State of Georgia, OF TRADE NAME
tps:// erty is located on the northw- ATUR, GA 30032 a Special Land Use Permit
County of DeKalb County of DeKalb State of Georgia,
m/servlet/glbAccess?process=1 est corner of Clairmont Road Application of Quik Trip Corpor- (SLUP) in the Northlake Over-
The undersigned hereby The undersigned hereby County of DeKalb
&accessNumber=2532158782 and Briarcliff Road, approxim- ation c/o Battle Law P.C. for a lay District, Tier 2 and the O-I
certifies that they are conduct- certifies that they are conduct- The undersigned hereby
&accessCode=934462 ately 120 feet south of Inter- Special Land Use Permit (Office Institutional) (Condition-
ing a business in the County of ing a business in the County of certifies that they are conduct-
Or Skype for Business (Lync): state 85 at 2794, 2778, 2804, (SLUP) to allow an alcohol out- al-CZ-00078) District to ex-
DeKalb, at 4400 Ashford Dun- DeKalb, at 1605 Church Street ing a business in the County of 2806, 2810, 2814, 3080 and let within a new 4,993 square pand an existing community
woody Road Atlanta, GA Decatur, GA 30033, in the DeKalb, at 1885 Clairmont
/skype/94261560575 3070 Clairmont Road; and foot convenience store (Quik personal care home. The prop-
30346, in the State of Georgia, State of Georgia, under the Road Decatur, GA 30033, in
Board of Commissioners Meet- 3068 Briarcliff Road in Atlanta, Trip) within the C-1 (Local erty is located on the west side
under the name + +HOL- name ++The Baxter Decatur the State of Georgia, under the
ing Date – Thursday, Novem- Georgia. The property has ap- Commercial) District in accord- of Ludovie Lane, approxim-
LISTER CO.++. Said business Apartments++. Said business name ++CLAIRMONT FOOD
ber 19, 2020 5:30 PM proximately 670 feet of front- ance with Chapter 27, Article 4, ately 364 feet north of LaVista
has been registered under has been registered under MART++. Said business has
This meeting will be held via age along Clairmont Road, ap- Table 4.1 Use Table and Sec- Road, at 1896 Ludovie Lane in
Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, SREIT Decatur, LLC. been registered under CIRCLE
Zoom and simultaneous broad- proximately 196 feet of front- tion 4.2.8 Supplemental Regu- Decatur, Georgia. The property
Inc. This affidavit is made in compli- 9 C-STORE LLC.
cast available via live stream age on Briarcliff Road and con- lations of the DeKalb County has approximately 153 feet of
This affidavit is made in compli- ance with GA Code Annotated, This affidavit is made in compli-
on DCTV’s tains 3.85 acres. Code. The property is located frontage along Ludovie Lane
ance with GA Code Annotated, Title 10, Chapter 1, Section ance with GA Code Annotated,
webpage, and on DCTVChan- on the east side of Memorial and contains 1.02 acres.
Title 10, Chapter 1, Section 490. Title 10, Chapter 1, Section
nel23.TV. NEW CASES: Drive and the north side of
490. Antonopoulos, Nick 490.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS N1 SLUP-20-1244121 2020- Collingwood Drive at 4729, N8 SLUP-20-1244242 2020-
Gallagher, Everett E, Jr. Applicant / Owner PATEL, BINAL
or Android: https://dekalb- 1163 Commission District 05 4731, 4745, 4737, 4744, 4759, 1174 Commission District 05
Applicant / Owner Sworn to and subscribed this Applicant / Owner Super District 07 4761, 4763, 4765, 4767, 4773, Super District 07
Sworn to and subscribed this 24th day of August, 2020. Sworn to and subscribed this
23 16-070-08-039 4775, and 4777 Memorial Drive 15-159-09-007, 15-159-09-071
24th day of August, 2020. Instrument number 25th day of August, 2020.
Or Telephone: 5797 MARBUT RD, LITHONIA, in Decatur, Georgia. The prop- 2030 WESLEY CHAPEL RD,
Instrument number 2020TN00403 Instrument number
Dial: GA 30058 erty has approximately 916 feet DECATUR, GA 30035
2020TN00400 Filed on 8/24/2020 2020TN00407
USA 602 333 0032 Application of Halim Najib for a of frontage along Memorial Application of Shy Temple CME
Filed on 8/24/2020 Debra DeBerry Filed on 8/25/2020
USA 8882709936 (US Toll Special Land Use Permit Drive and 140 feet of frontage Church, Inc. for a Special Land
Debra DeBerry Clerk of Superior Court Debra DeBerry
Free) (SLUP) to operate a Child along Collingwood Drive and Use Permit in the R-85 (Resid-
Clerk of Superior Court In DeKalb County, Georgia Clerk of Superior Court
Conference code: 217687 Caring Institution for teenage contains 5.32 acres. ential Medium Lot--85) District
In DeKalb County, Georgia In DeKalb County, Georgia
Meeting participant’s or caller’s mothers in an MR-1 (Medium to expand a place of worship
phone numbers may be dis- Density Residential-1) District, approved pursuant to SLUP-19-
played to the public viewing or in accordance with Chapter 27 N5 SLUP-20-1244237 2020- 1243513 by constructing the
participating in the online meet- of the DeKalb County Code, 1170 Commission District 04 new sanctuary on expanded
ing. Table 4.1 Use Table. The prop- Super District 06 property, in accordance with
Citizens may also email docu- erty is located on the south side 18-012-13-001, 18-012-13-002, Chapter 27, Article 4 of the
ments for inclusion into the offi- of Marbut Road, approximately 18-012-13-003, 18-012-13-004, DeKalb County Zoning Ordin-
cial record by submitting such 655 feet west of Clayton Ridge, 18-012-13-005, ance, Table 4.1. The property
materials by 5:30 pm on the at 5797 Marbut Road, Lithonia 18-012-13-006, 18-012-13-007, is located on the east side of
date of the public hearing. Georgia. The property has ap- 18-012-13-008, 18-012-13-009, Wesley Chapel Road, at 2030
Email the Dekalb County Plan- proximately 72 feet of frontage 18-012-13-010, and 2020 Wesley Chapel
ning Commission at plansus- on Marbut Road and contains 18-012-13-011, 18-012-13-013, Road, Decatur, GA. The prop- 0.29 acre. 18-012-13-015, 18-012-13-020, erty has approximately 372 feet
Email the DeKalb County Board 18-012-13-021 of frontage on the east side of
of Commissioners at Public- N2 SLUP-20-1244230 2020- 4775 MEMORIAL DR, DEC- Wesley Chapel Road and con- 1166 Commission District 05 ATUR, GA 30032 tains 12 acres.
AGENDA Super District 07 Application of Quik Trip Corpor-
DEFERRED CASES: 16-060-03-039 ation c/o Battle Law P.C. for a N9 TA-20-1244234 2020-1175
DeKalb County Zoning Ordin-
ance, Table 4.1. The property 65159
is located on the east side of **SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
Wesley Chapel Road, at 2030 CHECK CITY WEBSITE FOR
and 2020 Wesley Chapel UPDATE
Road, Decatur, GA. The prop- THE FOLLOWING LAND USE

erty has approximately 372 feet The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020
of frontage on the east side of ERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE
Wesley Chapel Road and con- CITY OF BROOKHAVEN IS 390-439231 390-439236 390-439241 390-439245 390-439249
tains 12 acres. SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
HEARINGS AS STATED 20-R10 113-NOV-SYG 20-R22452601-NOV-SYG 20-R22453721-NOV-GNG 20-R22457166-NOV-SYG 20-R22458193-NOV-GNG
N9 TA-20-1244234 2020-1175 ABOVE. To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
District 06 ++LUP20-00008++ AZELLA HARRIS Defendant: DEVELOPMENT CO INC SHAWN DEV & Defendant:
Planning and Sustainability to TIAL ALVIN HARRIS All that parcel of land being de- CONLEY Defendant: All that parcel of land being de-
amend Section 27-3.39.3 (Per- PROPERTY LOCATION: 1396 AZELLA HARRIS scribed as Parcel 15 005 03 DEVELOPMENT CO INC SE HYON MORO scribed as Parcel 15 169 02
mitted Uses and Structures) of & 1400 LAKE HEARN DRIVE All that parcel of land being de- 003 and 3623 LINECREST RD All that parcel of land being de- SHAWN DEV & 286 and 1958 R DON JUAN LN
the Bouldercrest-Cedar Grove- ACREAGE: ± 21.41 ACRES scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 in deed book 04208 page scribed as Parcel 15 024 03 INVESTMENT CORP REAR in deed book 02733
Moreland Overlay District to PROPOSAL: REZONING OF 033 and 3184 GRANBY AVE in 00097 less and except all par- 061 and 2669 BOULDER All that parcel of land being de- page 00298 less and except all
modify, add, or delete permit- SUBJECT PROPERTY FROM deed book 01144 page 00003 cels other than 15 005 03 003. POINTE CT in deed book scribed as Parcel 15 131 01 parcels other than 15 169 02
ted land uses, prohibited land O-I (OFFICE – INSTITUTION less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 09964 page 00594 less and ex- 113 and 2312 GREENWAY DR 286.
uses, land uses allowed by DISTRICT) TO MPD (MAS- er than 18 046 03 033. amount of $5,377.11 to satisfy cept all parcels other than 15 in deed book 11102 page Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Special Land Use Permit, and TER PLANNED DEVELOP- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city 024 03 061. 00709 less and except all par- amount of $809.36 to satisfy
land uses allowed by Special MENT DISTRICT) TO ALLOW amount of $1,778.60 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 15 131 01 113. certain state, county, and city
Administrative Permit, and to A MIXED-USE DEVELOP- certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for amount of to satisfy certain Levied on 09/11/2020 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
amend Section 27-9.1.3 (Defin- MENT WITH CONCURRENT fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, state, county, and city fieri fa- amount of $2,910.77 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
itions) to create definitions in- VARIANCES interest and legal cost for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, cias For tax, penalties, interest certain state, county, and city year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012,
cluding major truck repair, 380-440151 10/15 year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and legal cost for year(s) 2005, fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
minor truck repair, self-storage CITY OF BROOKHAVEN 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2018, 2019. 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, interest and legal cost for 2018, 2019.
mini, and self-storage multi, NOTICE OF 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 390-439238 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 390-439250
and to create Section 27-3.39.8 PUBLIC HEARING 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
(Supplemental Regulations) to PLANNING COMMISSION 390-439232 20-R22453579-NOV-GNG 390-439242 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 20-R22458275-NOV-BHF
create Supplemental Regula- PUBLIC HEARING: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 2018, 2019. To: Owner/Tenant:
tions for various land uses with- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 20-R22368294-NOV-GNG I-20 EAST INC 20-R22454474-NOV-SYG LINTON TRANARD SKINNER
in the Bouldercrest-Cedar 2020 AT 7:00 P.M. To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439246 RUTH NORA WHITE
Grove-Moreland Overlay Dis- MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ECHM DEVELOPMENT I-20 EAST INC MARCUS WALLACE 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS Defendant:
trict, and for other purposes. PUBLIC HEARING: Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: 20-R22457242-NOV-SYG LINTON TRANARD SKINNER
The properties are located with- TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, ECHM DEVELOPMENT scribed as Parcel 15 020 02 MARCUS WALLACE To: Owner/Tenant: RUTH NORA WHITE
in the boundaries of the 2020 AT 7:00 P.M. All that parcel of land being de- 056 and 3942 MOORE RD in All that parcel of land being de- WESLEY D GRIFFIN ADMIN All that parcel of land being de-
Bouldercrest-Cedar Grove-Mo- CITY OF BROOKHAVEN scribed as Parcel 15 064 09 deed book 11202 page 00025 scribed as Parcel 15 084 01 J W GRIFFIN EST scribed as Parcel 15 166 07
reland Overlay District. COUNCIL CHAMBER 052 and 3530 EAGLE RISE in less and except all parcels oth- 217 and 3033 R ROLLING- Defendant: 024 and 1010 COLUMBIA DR
ADDRESS: 4362 PEACHTREE deed book 14690 page 00742 er than 15 020 02 056. WOOD DR in deed book 14786 WESLEY D GRIFFIN ADMIN in deed book 18515 page
N10 TA-20-1244276 2020- ROAD, BROOKHAVEN, less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the page 00617 less and except all J W GRIFFIN EST 00760 less and except all par-
1183 County-wide (All Districts) GEORGIA 30319 er than 15 064 09 052. amount of $1,565.18 to satisfy parcels other than 15 084 01 All that parcel of land being de- cels other than 15 166 07 024.
Application of the Director of VIRTUAL MEETING Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city 217. scribed as Parcel 15 149 09 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Planning and Sustainability for WEB ADDRESS: amount of to satisfy certain fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 026 and 2004 R GARDEN CIR amount of $3,744.10 to satisfy
a text amendment to the Zon- state, county, and city fieri fa- interest and legal cost for amount of $2,215.61 to satisfy REAR in deed book 00881 certain state, county, and city
ing Ordinance, Chapter 27, 65159 cias For tax, penalties, interest year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, certain state, county, and city page 00584 less and except all fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Article 2.11.2. Dimensional Re- **SUBJECT TO CHANGE. and legal cost for year(s) 2008, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, fieri facias For tax, penalties, parcels other than 15 149 09 interest and legal cost for
quirements. To amend Table CHECK CITY WEBSITE FOR 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, interest and legal cost for 026. year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013,
2.4 Medium and High-Density UPDATE 2017, 2018, 2019. 2018, 2019. year(s) 2008, 2009, 2010, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
Residential Zoning Districts THE FOLLOWING LAND USE 390-439233 390-439239 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, amount of $3,301.19 to satisfy 2019.
Dimensional Requirements to PETITION INVOLVING PROP- 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. certain state, county, and city 390-439251
allow 500 square foot minim- ERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE 20-R22402933-NOV-SYG 20-R22453591-NOV-SYG 390-439243 fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
um unit size in multi-family zon- CITY OF BROOKHAVEN IS To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for 20-R22458282-NOV-CLJ
ing districts HR-2 and HR-3. SCHEDULED FOR PUBLIC HIDDEN CREEK HAROLD DAVID EHRMAN 20-R22456683-NOV-SYG year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, To: Owner/Tenant:
This text amendment is HEARINGS AS STATED COMMUNITY ASSOC Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ROSA MAE GOODRUM
County-wide. ABOVE. Defendant: HAROLD DAVID EHRMAN UNKNOWN OWNER 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Defendant:
N11 TA-20-1244277 2020- ++LUP20-00010++ COMMUNITY ASSOC scribed as Parcel 15 024 01 Defendant: All that parcel of land being de-
1184 County-Wide (All Dis- PETITIONER: KEN WARLICK All that parcel of land being de- 022 and 4062 R PANTHERS- UNKNOWN OWNER 390-439247 scribed as Parcel 15 169 02
tricts) PROPERTY LOCATION: 1329 scribed as Parcel 16 007 01 VILLE RD REAR in deed book UNRETURNED PROPERTY 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 296 and 1951 R WILLA WAY
Application of the Director of & 1331 SYLVAN CIRCLE 146 and 2128 HIDDEN CREEK 06216 page 00115 less and ex- All that parcel of land being de- 20-R22457243-NOV-BHF REAR in deed book 03470
Planning and Sustainability for ACREAGE: ± 0.06 ACRES DR in deed book 11765 page cept all parcels other than 15 scribed as Parcel 15 143 11 To: Owner/Tenant: page 00130 less and except all
a text amendment to the Zon- PROPOSAL: REZONE SUB- 00475 less and except all par- 024 01 022. 018 and 1591 R EASTLAND WESLEY D GRIFFIN ADMIN parcels other than 15 169 02
ing Ordinance, Chapter 27 to JECT PROPERTIES FROM cels other than 16 007 01 146. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the RD in deed book - page less J W GRIFFIN EST 296.
amend Section 4.2.35. Mini- RS-75 TO RS-50 TO ALLOW Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $4,120.64 to satisfy and except all parcels other Defendant: Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
warehouse, Section 9.1.3. FOR A 2-LOT RECONFIGUR- amount of $3,451.99 to satisfy certain state, county, and city than 15 143 11 018. WESLEY D GRIFFIN ADMIN amount of $3,260.48 to satisfy
Defined Terms for Self-Storage ATION PLAT. certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the J W GRIFFIN EST certain state, county, and city
and Mini-warehouse, and Sec- fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for amount of $2,534.43 to satisfy All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties,
tion 4.1 Use Table pertaining to
Self-Storage and Mini-ware- Tax Sales interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2007, 2008,2010,2011,
year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties,
scribed as Parcel 15 149 09 interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
house. This text amendment is 027 and 2006 R GARDEN CIR
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for REAR in deed book 00881 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
County-wide. 390-000000 2017, 2018, 2019. year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
390-439240 page 00584 less and except all 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
TAX COMMISSIONER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
390-439235 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS parcels other than 15 149 09 2018, 2019.
N12 TA-20-1244271 2020- Ex-Officio Sheriff 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
1188 County-wide (All Districts) Tax Sales 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R22453601-NOV-BHF 027. 390-439252
20-R22451970-NOV-SYG To: Owner/Tenant: 2018, 2019. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
Application of the Director of Georgia, DeKalb County
Planning & Sustainability for a Will be sold the first Tuesday in To: Owner/Tenant: GEORGE ROBINSION 390-439244 amount of $2982.42 to satisfy 20-R22458285-NOV-CLJ
text amendment to adopt the NOVEMBER next at public out- B L BOWDEN ANDY TAM 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS certain state, county, and city To: Owner/Tenant:
2021 Zoning Calendar and cry before the Courthouse door EDDIE LEE BOWDEN Defendant: 20-R22457145-NOV-SYG fieri facias For tax, penalties, FARRIER KENNETH N
Resolution. This text amend- in said county within the legal Defendant: GEORGE ROBINSION To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for UNRETURNED PROPERTY
ment affects all districts. hours of sale to the highest bid- B L BOWDEN ANDY TAM C.E.AKINS year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, Defendant:
der for cash, unless previously EDDIE LEE BOWDEN All that parcel of land being de- UNRETURNED PROPERTY 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, FARRIER KENNETH N
paid the following described All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 034 01 Defendant: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, UNRETURNED PROPERTY
380-440150 10/15 C.E.AKINS
properties to wit: scribed as Parcel 15 006 01 007 and 4426 R OLD LAKE DR 2018, 2019. All that parcel of land being de-
"Real Property" 040 and 4409 DAVANA DR in in deed book 12322 page scribed as Parcel 15 169 02
NOTICE OF All that parcel of land being de-
deed book 02052 page 00405 00609 less and except all par- 299 and 1925 WILLA WAY in
PUBLIC HEARING scribed as Parcel 15 149 07 390-439248
less and except all parcels oth- cels other than 15 034 01 007. deed book 02674 page 00630
PLANNING COMMISSION 033 and 2124 R 2ND ST in 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
er than 15 006 01 040. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the less and except all parcels oth-
PUBLIC HEARING: deed book - page less and ex- 20-R22457904-NOV-BHF
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $6,823.15 to satisfy er than 15 169 02 299.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, cept all parcels other than 15 To: Owner/Tenant:
amount of $6,953.81 to satisfy certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
2020 AT 7:00 P.M. 149 07 033. UNKNOWN OWNER
certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $3,340.48 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city
PUBLIC HEARING: amount of $3,493.48 to satisfy Defendant:
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2008, 2009, 2010, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, certain state, county, and city UNKNOWN OWNER
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, interest and legal cost for
2020 AT 7:00 P.M. fieri facias For tax, penalties, UNRETURNED PROPERTY
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
CITY OF BROOKHAVEN interest and legal cost for All that parcel of land being de-
COUNCIL CHAMBER 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, scribed as Parcel 15 139 02
ADDRESS: 4362 PEACHTREE 2018, 2019. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 003 and 0 TILSON RD in deed
ROAD, BROOKHAVEN, book - page less and except all 2018, 2019.
2013,2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
GEORGIA 30319 2018, 2019. parcels other than 15 139 02
WEB ADDRESS: Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $1,726.56 to satisfy
65159 certain state, county, and city
**SUBJECT TO CHANGE. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
CHECK CITY WEBSITE FOR interest and legal cost for
UPDATE year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
THE FOLLOWING LAND USE 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
PETITION INVOLVING PROP- 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
Page 38 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
390-439254 390-439258 390-439262 390-439266 390-439270 390-439274 390-439278
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R22459303-NOV-GNG 20-R22463276-NOV-BHF 20-R22464929-NOV-GNG 20-R22466536-NOV-GNG 20-R22467972-NOV-BHF 20-R22469877-NOV-BHF 20-R22470195-NOV-BHF
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
DARNELL DODSON All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: ALICE HUDSON HIGHTOWER Defendant: All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- 208 and 4113 SCOFIELD PL in ANDREW JAMES All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- EXEC & HEIRS KNWN 016 and 3147 FERRELL AVE
scribed as Parcel 15 170 15 deed book 04618 page 00756 DEVELOPMENT CORP scribed as Parcel 16 099 01 scribed as Parcel 16 256 03 & UNKNWN in deed book 05182 page
006 and 2642 CANTERBURY less and except all parcels oth- All that parcel of land being de- 047 and 1298 SILVER SPUR 039 and 0 R HIDDEN CREEK All that parcel of land being de- 00784 less and except all par-
ST in deed book 06814 page er than 15 254 01 208. scribed as Parcel 16 038 02 CT in deed book 08039 page CIR in deed book 14378 page scribed as Parcel 18 010 09 cels other than 18 046 02 016.
00163 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 068 and 2044 PANOLA WAY 00019 less and except all par- 00775 less and except all par- 015 and 374 7TH AVE in deed Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
cels other than 15 170 15 006. amount of $5,065.30 to satisfy CT in deed book 17496 page cels other than 16 099 01 047. cels other than 16 256 03 039. book 00134 page 00249 less amount of $2,364.32 to satisfy
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city 00338 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the and except all parcels other certain state, county, and city
amount of $1,038.04 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 16 038 02 068. amount of $2,442.50 to satisfy amount of $2,484.21 to satisfy than 18 010 09 015. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2007, 2008, 2009, amount of $2,726.06 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $8,535.53 to satisfy year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
interest and legal cost for 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012, year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013, fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 390-439259 interest and legal cost for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, interest and legal cost for 2018, 2019.
2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2018, 2019. 2019. year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 390-439279
20-R22463471-NOV-GNG 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 390-439267 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 20-R22470199-NOV-BHF
DELMO CORPORATION 2019. 20-R22466947-NOV-GNG 2018, 2019. To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439271 REID BURTON SCOTT JR
DELMO CORPORATION BRUCE W WATSON 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS Defendant:
20-R22459955-NOV-SYG 390-439275
All that parcel of land being de- ROBERT J WITHERSPOON 20-R22469135-NOV-GNG REID BURTON SCOTT JR
To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439263 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
scribed as Parcel 16 028 01 Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de-
GATEWAY FAMILY 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R22469966-NOV-GNG
165 and 5032 HIGHLAND BRUCE W WATSON UNKNOW OWNER scribed as Parcel 18 046 02
WORSHIP CENTERS 20-R22465053-NOV-GNG To: Owner/Tenant:
09387 page 00739 less and ex- All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: in deed book 05182 page
cept all parcels other than 16 scribed as Parcel 16 153 04 UNKNOWN OWNER 00784 less and except all par-
Defendant: SOUTHLAND Defendant:
028 01 165. 081 and 2517 BRUCE ST in UNRETURNED PROPERTY cels other than 18 046 02 020.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the deed book 19072 page 00654 All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of to satisfy certain less and except all parcels oth- scribed as Parcel 18 009 24 amount of $2,367.49 to satisfy
VICTORY WORSHIP HOPKINS & ASSOCIATES All that parcel of land being de-
state, county, and city fieri fa- er than 16 153 04 081. 004 and 340 R OHM AVE in certain state, county, and city
CTR INTERNATIO SOUTHLAND scribed as Parcel 18 046 04
cias Levied on 09/11/2020 for the deed book 08378 page 00572 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
All that parcel of land being de- DEVELOPMENT CORP 122 and 3321 N DECATUR RD
For tax, penalties, interest and amount of $2,592.01 to satisfy less and except all parcels oth- interest and legal cost for
scribed as Parcel 15 191 01 All that parcel of land being de- in deed book - page less and
legal cost for year(s) 2006, certain state, county, and city er than 18 009 24 004. year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
150 and 4512 DENISE DR in scribed as Parcel 16 064 03 except all parcels other than 18
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
deed book 10073 page 00695 118 and 5773 SOUTHLAND 046 04 122.
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, interest and legal cost for amount of $629.76 to satisfy 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
less and except all parcels oth- DR in deed book 09524 page Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
2017, 2018, 2019. year(s) 2007, 2008, 2009, certain state, county, and city 2018, 2019.
er than 15 191 01 150. 00441 less and except all par- amount of $1142.46 to satisfy
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 390-439260 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-439280
cels other than 16 064 03 118. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
amount of $2,448.60 to satisfy 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS Levied on 09/11/2020 for the year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, fieri facias For tax, penalties, 20-R22470297-NOV-GNG
certain state, county, and city 20-R22463472-NOV-GNG 390-439268
amount of $1046.32 to satisfy 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant:
fieri facias For tax, penalties, To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
certain state, county, and city 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, E D SHONE JR
interest and legal cost for DELMO CORPORATION 20-R22466950-NOV-SYG
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2018, 2019. 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, Defendant:
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant:
interest and legal cost for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, E D SHONE JR
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, DELMO CORPORATION DAPHNE KAY MATHIS
year(s) 2013,2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019. All that parcel of land being de-
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, All that parcel of land being de- Defendant:
2017, 2018, 2019. scribed as Parcel 18 043 02
2018, 2019. scribed as Parcel 16 028 01 DAPHNE KAY MATHIS
166 and 5076 VILLAS TER in All that parcel of land being de- 390-439272 083 and 558 R DOYAL MILLS
deed book 09387 page 00739 scribed as Parcel 16 153 06 390-439276 CT in deed book 02064 page
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
less and except all parcels oth- 001 and 7011 R WALKER ST 20-R22469136-NOV-GNG 00397 less and except all par-
390-439256 390-439264 20-R22470044-NOV-CLJ cels other than 18 043 02 083.
er than 16 028 01 166. in deed book 21679 page To: Owner/Tenant:
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00730 less and except all par- CBC INVESTMENTS INC
20-R22460832-NOV-GNG 20-R22466236-NOV-GNG ANNE B DEMORAN amount of $1,070.26 to satisfy
amount of $505.84 to satisfy cels other than 16 153 06 001. PROPERTY UNRETURNED
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: CHARNA DEMORAN certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Defendant:
fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $1,488.65 to satisfy CBC INVESTMENTS INC
Defendant: DIVISION LLC Defendant: interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city PROPERTY UNRETURNED
SOUTHERN PARS LLC Defendant: ANNE B DEMORAN year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, fieri facias For tax, penalties, All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- NATIONAL TITLE CLEARING CHARNA DEMORAN 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, interest and legal cost for scribed as Parcel 18 009 24
scribed as Parcel 15 190 01 DIVISION LLC WALLACE 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012, 005 and 330 OHM AVE in deed
101 and 1747 LEE ST in deed All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- 2018, 2019.
2019. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, book 08378 page 00572 less
book 17316 page 00433 less scribed as Parcel 16 069 02 scribed as Parcel 18 046 04
390-439261 2018, 2019. and except all parcels other 390-439281
and except all parcels other 097 and 5777 HILTON RIDGE 163 and 496 BELL BLVD in
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS RD in deed book 21609 page 390-439269 than 18 009 24 005. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
than 15 190 01 101. deed book 02014 page 00117
20-R22464011-NOV-DJE 00291 less and except all par- 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 20-R22470304-NOV-SYG
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the less and except all parcels oth-
To: Owner/Tenant: cels other than 16 069 02 097. 20-R22467193-NOV-GNG amount of $629.76 to satisfy To: Owner/Tenant:
amount of $4,288.38 to satisfy er than 18 046 04 163.
FARON MATISSE WILLIAMS Levied on 09/11/2020 for the To: Owner/Tenant: certain state, county, and city 3154 ROBINSON
certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Defendant: amount of $2,608.64 to satisfy THELMA JEAN HAZEL TR fieri facias For tax, penalties, AVE REVOCABLE
fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $6,910.15 to satisfy
FARON MATISSE WILLIAMS certain state, county, and city Defendant: interest and legal cost for LIVING TRUST
interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city
All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties, THELMA JEAN HAZEL TR year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, Defendant:
year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
scribed as Parcel 16 001 14 interest and legal cost for All that parcel of land being de- 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 3154 ROBINSON
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, interest and legal cost for
006 and 790 HERITAGE OAKS year(s), 2013, 2014, 2015, scribed as Parcel 16 137 08 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, AVE REVOCABLE
2019. year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
DR in deed book 08863 page 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. 019 and 2639 WILLIAMS 2019. LIVING TRUST
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
00264 less and except all par- GRANT REYNO DR in deed All that parcel of land being de-
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
cels other than 16 001 14 006. book 09331 page 00770 less scribed as Parcel 18 046 03
2018, 2019.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the and except all parcels other 007 and 3154 ROBINSON AVE
390-439257 in deed book 27058 page
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS amount of $623.92 to satisfy 390-439265 than 16 137 08 019. 390-439273
certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00342 less and except all par-
20-R22461235-NOV-SYG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439277
fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $2,155.34 to satisfy cels other than 18 046 03 007.
To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R22466419-NOV-GNG 20-R22469470-NOV-GNG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
THOMAS H ENGLISH EST To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R22470193-NOV-BHF
year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012, fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $4670.74 to satisfy
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016. interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city
year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
THOMAS H ENGLISH EST Defendant: Defendant: Defendant:
2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for
All that parcel of land being de- ARREOLA MARTINES SHERRI D BROWN All that parcel of land being de- 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,2017,
scribed as Parcel 15 202 01 REESE SAULTER All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 046 02 2018, 2019.
008 and 1379 DEERWOOD DR All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 034 08 014 and 3151 FERRELL AVE
in deed book 16317 page scribed as Parcel 16 097 01 005 and 526 ALLANA CT in in deed book 05182 page
00405 less and except all par- 256 and 6552 ROBINS TRCE deed book 09560 page 00242 00784 less and except all par-
cels other than 15 202 01 008. in deed book 22264 page less and except all parcels oth- cels other than 18 046 02 014.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00725 less and except all par- er than 18 034 08 005. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $6,971.17 to satisfy cels other than 16 097 01 256. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $2,320.10 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $2,177.21 to satisfy certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $2,538.47 to satisfy certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, interest and legal cost for year(s) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
2018, 2019. 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. 2018, 2019.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 Page 39
390-439282 390-439286 390-439290 390-439294 390-439298 390-439302 390-439307
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R22470365-NOV-BHF 20-R22470443-NOV-GNG 20-R22470624-NOV-SYG 20-R22470870-NOV-BHF 20-R22471109-NOV-SYG 20-R22472569-NOV-CLJ 20-R22477659-NOV-SYG
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To:Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: MARION REESE JENNIE F SANSOM ADMIN EXEC & Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- LUCY REESE WINSTON WELLS ALL THE WORLD & All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 MARION REESE JENNIE F SANSOM TO ALL THE WORLD scribed as Parcel 18 112 04 scribed as Parcel 18 370 01
041 and 3185 GRANBY AVE in 100 and 3190 KELLY ST in All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- HARLA MCCURDY BROWN 041 and 2066 SYLVANIA DR in 001 and 2198 R STARCROSS
deed book 05182 page 00784 deed book 00152 page 00311 scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 scribed as Parcel 18 046 04 Defendant: deed book 01532 page 00540 CT REAR in deed book 03275
less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth- 195 and 3218 BLANTON DR in 067 and 3363 PRESSLEY DR WILLIAM T MCCURDY EST less and except all parcels oth- page 00578 less and except all
er than 18 046 03 041. er than 18 046 03 100. deed book 00130 page 00429 in deed book 09915 page ADMIN EXEC & er than 18 112 04 041. parcels other than 18 370 01
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the less and except all parcels oth- 00216 less and except all par- HEIRS KNWN & UNWN & TO Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 001.
amount of $1,968.97 to satisfy amount of $2,315.39 to satisfy er than 18 046 03 195. cels other than 18 046 04 067. ALL THE WORLD & amount of $5,040.89 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the TO ALL THE WORLD certain state, county, and city amount of $3,554.19 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $2528.50 to satisfy amount of $5,261.56 to satisfy HARLA MCCURDY BROWN fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city All that parcel of land being de- interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, scribed as Parcel 18 090 05 year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, interest and legal cost for
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for 004 and 5101 CENTRAL DR in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, year(s) 2006, 2007, 2008, deed book 22832 page 00580 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
2018, 2019. 2018, 2019. 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, less and except all parcels oth- 2018, 2019. 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
390-439283 390-439287 2013,2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, er than 18 090 05 004. 2018, 2019.
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 2018, 2019. 2019. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 390-439308
amount of $3,012.81 to satisfy 390-439303
20-R22470376-NOV-SYG 20-R22470452-NOV-BHF 390-439295 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
certain state, county, and city 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R22483647-NOV-GNG
390-439291 fieri facias For tax, penalties, 20-R22473887-NOV-BHF
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: ALLEN J STOWE
20-R22470630-NOV-GNG year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012, MONTREAL STATION LLC
To: Owner/Tenant: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- EXEC & HEIRS KNWN & ALLEN J STOWE
scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 scribed as Parcel 18 047 22 UNWN & TO ALL THE WORLD STOWE ALLEN J HIS ES-
Defendant: All that parcel of land being de-
053 and 3174 BLANTON DR in 017 and 464 OHM AVE in deed Defendant: TATE ADMINISTRATOR
MARY STONE scribed as Parcel 18 190 04
deed book 00136 page 00306 book 05182 page 00784 less JULIA JOINTER EST ADMIN All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- 390-439299 009 and 1855 R MONTREAL
less and except all parcels oth- and except all parcels other EXEC & HEIRS KNWN & scribed as Parcel 15 116 10
scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS RD W REAR in deed book
er than 18 046 03 053. than 18 047 22 017. UNWN & TO ALL THE WORLD 063 and 2767 ROLLING-
211 and 3222 ALTACREST DR 20-R22472012-NOV-CLJ 18373 page 00713 less and ex-
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the All that parcel of land being de- WOOD LN in deed book 02935
in deed book 04729 page To: Owner/Tenant: cept all parcels other than 18
amount of $2541.54 to satisfy amount of $1,928.63 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 18 046 04 page 00405 less and except all
00795 less and except all par- KEITH JOHNSON 190 04 009.
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 070 and 3375 PRESSLEY DR parcels other than 15 116 10
cels other than 18 046 03 211. Defendant: Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, in deed book 00280 page 063.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the KEITH JOHNSON amount of $5,011.94 to satisfy
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for 00384 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $2219.24 to satisfy All that parcel of land being de- certain state, county, and city
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, cels other than 18 046 04 070. amount of $1,529.10 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city scribed as Parcel 18 068 11 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 091 and 6719 HESTERS CT in interest and legal cost for
2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, amount of $5,306.73 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for deed book 22464 page 00202 year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013,
2019. 2018, 2019. certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2006, 2007, 2008, less and except all parcels oth- 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
390-439284 390-439288 fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015,
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, er than 18 068 11 091. 2019.
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
20-R22470378-NOV-SYG 20-R22470558-NOV-SYG year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 390-439309
2019. amount of $2,771.73 to satisfy
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 390-439304 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
PATIENCE BALLARD CAVALIER RECOVERY LLC 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, certain state, county, and city 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 20-R22483707-NOV-SYG
Defendant: Defendant: 390-439292 2018, 2019. 20-R22476735-NOV-SYG To: Owner/Tenant:
PATIENCE BALLARD CAVALIER RECOVERY LLC 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439296 interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant:
year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013, UNKNOWN OWNER
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- 20-R22470687-NOV-SYG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS LONG NICK JR HIS ESTATE, UNRETURNED PROPERTY
scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R22470872-NOV-CLJ 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ADMINISTRATOR,
2019. Defendant:
deed book 00119 page 00006 in deed book 27544 page PERSONAL JULIA JOINTER KNOWN AND UNKNOWN & UNRETURNED PROPERTY
less and except all parcels oth- 00199 less and except all par- REP& HIERS KNOWN AND Defendant: TO ALL THE WORLD All that parcel of land being de-
er than 18 046 03 055. cels other than 18 046 03 172. UNKNWN JULIA JOINTER 390-439300 PROPERTY UNRETURNED scribed as Parcel 15 127 01
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the & TO ALL THE WORLD. All that parcel of land being de- 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS Defendant: 104 and 2610 PLEASANT
amount of $4,971.78 to satisfy amount of $4,848.52 to satisfy HATTIE RILEY DUNCAN scribed as Parcel 18 046 04 20-R22472187-NOV-BHF LONG NICK JR HIS ESTATE, WOOD DR in deed book 00445
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city Defendant: 071 and 3419 LAWRENCE ST To: Owner/Tenant: ADMINISTRATOR, page 00185 less and except all
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, SALLIE RILEY EST, in deed book 00280 page F L ALBERSON EXECUTOR, AND HEIRS parcels other than 15 127 01
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for PERSONAL 00384 less and except all par- Defendant: KNOWN 104.
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, REP& HIERS KNOWN AND cels other than 18 046 04 071. F L ALBERSON AND UNKNOWN & Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, UNKNWN Levied on 09/11/2020 for the All that parcel of land being de- TO ALL THE WORLD amount of $2,856.03 to satisfy
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, & TO ALL THE WORLD. amount of $2,250.29 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 18 102 09 PROPERTY UNRETURNED certain state, county, and city
2018, 2019. 2018, 2019. HATTIE RILEY DUNCAN certain state, county, and city 036 and 2415 R HUNTING All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties,
All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties, VALLEY DR REAR in deed scribed as Parcel 18 309 07
390-439285 390-439289 interest and legal cost for
scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 interest and legal cost for book 00935 page 00592 less 038 and 2302 TERRELL DR in
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
222 and 3227 ALTACREST DR year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, and except all parcels other deed book page less and ex-
20-R22470432-NOV-SYG 20-R22470565-NOV-SYG 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
in deed book 00147 page 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, than 18 102 09 036. cept all parcels other than 18
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
00376 less and except all par- 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 309 07 038.
cels other than 18 046 03 222. 2018, 2019. amount of $2,291.90 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
MARY MITCHELL MATTHEWS SURVARIA BREWER certain state, county, and city 390-439310
Defendant: Defendant: Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 390-439297 amount of $5,445.95 to satisfy 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
amount of $4,852.77 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
MARY M MATTHEWS MARY EMILY BREWER 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R22483732-NOV-SYG
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, interest and legal cost for
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant: ROBERT B LATHAM
interest and legal cost for 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, year(s) 2006, 2008, 2009,
scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 scribed as Parcel 18 047 26 EASTSIDE LAND CO INC Defendant:
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014,
069 and 3192 ALTACREST DR 017 and 3132 WALKER ST in Defendant: ROBERT B LATHAM
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2018, 2019. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
in deed book 00951 page deed book 03387 page 00185 EASTSIDE LAND CO INC All that parcel of land being de-
00304 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 132 09
cels other than 18 046 03 069. er than 18 047 26 017. 2018, 2019. scribed as Parcel 18 072 09 006 and 4028 GREEN HAWK
118 and 869 MOUNTAIN VIEW 390-439301 390-439305
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the TRL in deed book 03008 page
DR in deed book 05925 page 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
amount of $4,822.62 to satisfy amount of $2,500.84 to satisfy 00300 less and except all par-
390-439293 20-R22472215-NOV-BHF 20-R22476747-NOV-SYG
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 00657 less and except all par- cels other than 15 132 09 006.
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 18 072 09 118. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $1,152.00 to satisfy
To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: Defendant:
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, amount of $2,930.99 to satisfy certain state, county, and city
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
WOODROW EDWARDS scribed as Parcel 18 102 09 scribed as Parcel 18 327 01
2018, 2019. 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
All that parcel of land being de- 040 and 2361 R HUNTING 110 and 3820 W NANCY
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015,
scribed as Parcel 18 046 04 VALLEY DR REAR in deed CREEK PL in deed book 10381
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
002 and 488 JOINTER AVE in book 00935 page 00592 less page 00457 less and except all
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
deed book 27481 page 00134 and except all parcels other parcels other than 18 327 01
2018, 2019.
less and except all parcels oth- than 18 102 09 040. 110.
er than 18 046 04 002. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $1,078.26 to satisfy amount of $5,436.36 to satisfy
amount of $5,229.24 to satisfy certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
2018, 2019. 2018, 2019. 2018, 2019.
Page 40 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
390-439311 390-439315 390-439319 390-439323 390-439327 390-439331 390-439335
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R22483936-NOV-SYG 20-R22490425-NOV-GNG 20-R30007107-NOV-BHF 20-R30024375-NOV-SYG 20-R30038454-NOV-GNG 20-R30040464-NOV-BHF 20-R30056538-NOV-GNG
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
UNKNOWN OWNER All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: G FLOYD BLANTON All that parcel of land being de- SOUTHLAND All that parcel of land being de-
UNRETURNED PROPERTY scribed as Parcel 18 186 03 HOPE ANGELIQUE MARTHA ANN BLANTON scribed as Parcel 18 068 10 DEVELOPERS OF GA scribed as Parcel 18 068 10
All that parcel of land being de- 139 and 4131 PINE VALLEY BROUSSARD All that parcel of land being de- 039 and 6586 OLD All that parcel of land being de- 122 and 6612 OLD HAMPTON
scribed as Parcel 15 146 04 RD in deed book 02041 page DOROTHY DEAN GUSTER scribed as Parcel 16 255 06 SINGLETON LN in deed book scribed as Parcel 15 057 07 DR in deed book 14229 page
025 and 1301 BLACK OAK DR 00335 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de- 017 and 4360 BOWMAN WAY 19823 page 00583 less and ex- 190 and 2757 SARATOGA 00662 less and except all par-
in deed book - page less and cels other than 18 186 03 139. scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 in deed book 20862 page cept all parcels other than 18 LAKE VW in deed book 19528 cels other than 18 068 10 122.
except all parcels other than 15 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 164 and 3206 ROBINSON AVE 00387 less and except all par- 068 10 039. page 00001 less and except all Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
146 04 025. amount of $2,486.06 to satisfy in deed book 23324 page cels other than 16 255 06 017. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the parcels other than 15 057 07 amount of $506.00 to satisfy
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city 00078 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $2,073.27 to satisfy 190. certain state, county, and city
amount of $3,009.12 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 18 046 03 164. amount of $2,279.30 to satisfy certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $5,542.49 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s)2014, 2013, 2015, 2016, amount of $4,417.42 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city year(s) 2014,2016
interest and legal cost for 2017, 2018, 2019. certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for year(s) 2013, 2014, 2016, fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-439336
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, 390-439316 fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. 390-439328 year(s) 2011, 2012, 2013, 20-R30056540-NOV-DJE
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 20-R22490546-NOV-BHF year(s) 2012, 2013, 2014, 390-439324 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, To: Owner/Tenant:
2018, 2019. To: Owner/Tenant: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30039772-NOV-BHF 2019. MANEIRA WILLIAMS
P D HOPKINS 390-439320 20-R30026317-NOV-BHF To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439332 Defendant:
Defendant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: INTOWN REAL ESTATE 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS MANEIRA WILLIAMS
P D HOPKINS 20-R30021824-NOV-BHF TRUST TRENTON HOLDINGS LL 20-R30040465-NOV-BHF All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant: FUNG TAN TRUSTEE REST VEST LLC To: Owner/Tenant: scribed as Parcel 18 068 10
scribed as Parcel 18 225 03 DOROTHY DEAN GUSTER Defendant: Defendant: SOUTHLAND 128 and 6638 OLD HAMPTON
To: Owner/Tenant:
in deed book 00659 page Defendant: FUNG TAN TRUSTEE HOLDINGS LL Defendant: 00097 less and except all par-
00419 less and except all par- DOROTHY DEAN GUSTER All that parcel of land being de- REST VEST LLC SOUTHLAND cels other than 18 068 10 128.
cels other than 18 225 03 022. BELLE A JENKINS scribed as Parcel 15 177 04 All that parcel of land being de- DEVELOPERS OF GA Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the All that parcel of land being de- 020 and 1206 TRENTON ST scribed as Parcel 15 224 01 All that parcel of land being de- amount of $1,369.87 to satisfy
amount of $2,206.48 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 18 068 10 SE in deed book 25054 page 170 and 1233 S HAIRSTON scribed as Parcel 15 057 07 certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city 141 and 6651 OLD HAMPTON 00199 less and except all par- RD in deed book 25745 page 191 and 2756 SARATOGA fieri facias For tax, penalties,
All that parcel of land being de-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, DR in deed book 17989 page cels other than 15 177 04 020. 00596 less and except all par- LAKE VW in deed book 19528 interest and legal cost for
scribed as Parcel 15 169 02
interest and legal cost for 00572 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 15 224 01 170. page 00001 less and except all year(s) 2014, 2015, 2016,
279 and 1919 R WILLA WAY
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007, cels other than 18 068 10 141. amount of $848.88 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the parcels other than 15 057 07 2017, 2018, 2019.
REAR in deed book - page less
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city amount of $6,169.05 to satisfy 191. 390-439337
and except all parcels other
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, amount of $3,844.86 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
than 15 169 02 279.
2018, 2019. certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $6,196.58 to satisfy 20-R30056541-NOV-DJE
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
390-439317 fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city To: Owner/Tenant:
amount of $3,210.48 to satisfy
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, fieri facias For tax, penalties, MSI GROUP LLC
certain state, county, and city
20-R22490837-NOV-BHF year(s) 2009, 2010, 2011, 390-439325 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for FREEPORT TITLE
fieri facias For tax, penalties,
To: Owner/Tenant: 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439329 year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012, & GUARANTY INC
interest and legal cost for
SHALLOWFORD 2018, 2019. 20-R30028802-NOV-SYG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Defendant:
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
DEVELOPMENT CORP 390-439321 To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30039773-NOV-BHF 2018, 2019. MSI GROUP LLC
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, Defendant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS ROLLING ACRES INC To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439333 FREEPORT TITLE &
2018, 2019. SHALLOWFORD 20-R30021986-NOV-CLJ APT A REST VEST LLC 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS GUARANTY INC
DEVELOPMENT CORP To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: INTOWN REAL 20-R30044234-NOV-GNG All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- BARKAH SHIRLEY D ROLLING ACRES INC ESTATE HOLDINGS LL To: Owner/Tenant: scribed as Parcel 18 068 10
scribed as Parcel 18 246 02 Defendant: APT A Defendant: PUSH M AND P ATLANTA LLC 131 and 6631 OLD HAMPTON
390-439313 058 and 2593 COSMOS DR in BARKAH SHIRLEY D All that parcel of land being de- REST VEST LLC TAWANNA THOMPSON DR in deed book 24214 page
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS deed book 01520 page 00223 All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 109 06 INTOWN REAL Defendant: 00617 less and except all par-
20-R22484762-NOV-BHF less and except all parcels oth- scribed as Parcel 18 017 02 045 and 2821 R STANLEY ESTATE HOLDINGS LL PUSH M AND P ATLANTA LLC cels other than 18 068 10 131.
To: Owner/Tenant: er than 18 246 02 058. 005 and 595 S HAIRSTON RD WAY in deed book 01640 page All that parcel of land being de- TAWANNA THOMPSON Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
NILOFER ALADIN Levied on 09/11/2020 for the in deed book 21655 page 00485 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 15 224 01 All that parcel of land being de- amount of $1,426.10 to satisfy
J C BLACKMON amount of to satisfy certain 00170 less and except all par- cels other than 15 109 06 045. 171 and 1229 S HAIRSTON scribed as Parcel 15 001 02 certain state, county, and city
Defendant: state, county, and city fieri fa- cels other than 18 017 02 005. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the RD in deed book 25745 page 033 and 4721 CANDY CV in fieri facias For tax, penalties,
NILOFER ALADIN cias For tax, penalties, interest Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $1,403.38 to satisfy 00596 less and except all par- deed book 27124 page 00524 interest and legal cost for
J C BLACKMON and legal cost for year(s) 2005, amount of $4,102.90 to satisfy certain state, county, and city cels other than 15 224 01 171. less and except all parcels oth- year(s) 2013, 2015, 2016,
All that parcel of land being de- 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the er than 15 001 02 033. 2017, 2018, 2019.
scribed as Parcel 15 177 04 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for amount of $3,786.24 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 390-439338
022 and 1196 PARKER ST in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, certain state, county, and city amount of $3,773.97 to satisfy 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
deed book 21183 page 00776 390-439318 year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city 20-R30056546-NOV-CLJ
less and except all parcels oth- 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 390-439326 interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, To: Owner/Tenant:
er than 15 177 04 022. 20-R30004299-NOV-BHF 2018, 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, interest and legal cost for ABDULKADIR AHMED
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439322 20-R30033627-NOV-SYG 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, SOL CAPITAL
amount of $2,728.06 to satisfy DOROTHY DEAN GUSTER 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439330 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. CORPORATION
certain state, county, and city ALFRED SIMMONS JR 20-R30023812-NOV-SYG LEONARD E BUFFINGTON 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439334 Defendant:
fieri facias For tax, penalties, Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: 20-R30040056-NOV-SYG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS ABDULKADIR AHMED
year(s) 2010, 2011, 2012, ALFRED SIMMONS JR APT A All that parcel of land being de- REBECCA BYRD To: Owner/Tenant: CORPORATION
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: scribed as Parcel 18 145 02 JOHN C BYRD JR DAVID MUNGO All that parcel of land being de-
2018, 2019. scribed as Parcel 18 185 04 ROLLING ACRES INC 114 and 1479 LINKWOOD LN Defendant: JESSIE ANN MUNGO scribed as Parcel 18 068 11
068 and 1882 HERBERT DR in APT A in deed book 22080 page REBECCA BYRD Defendant: 027 and 6722 BAYNES HILL
deed book 18202 page 00635 All that parcel of land being de- 00356 less and except all par- JOHN C BYRD JR DAVID MUNGO CIR in deed book 21548 page
less and except all parcels oth- scribed as Parcel 15 109 05 cels other than 18 145 02 114. All that parcel of land being de- JESSIE ANN MUNGO 00355 less and except all par-
390-439314 All that parcel of land being de- cels other than 18 068 11 027.
er than 18 185 04 068. 006 and 2826 R WEE KIRK RD Levied on 09/11/2020 for the scribed as Parcel 16 169 04
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS scribed as Parcel 16 033 01 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the in deed book 01640 page amount of $1,045.29 to satisfy 059 and 7600 CONYERS ST in
20-R22490411-NOV-BHF 139 and 5425 WALKER RD in amount of $1,753.73 to satisfy
amount of $3,462.86 to satisfy 00485 less and except all par- certain state, county, and city deed book 05170 page 00349
To: Owner/Tenant: deed book 24817 page 00275 certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city cels other than 15 109 05 006. fieri facias For tax, penalties, less and except all parcels oth-
UNKNOWN OWNER less and except all parcels oth- fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the interest and legal cost for er than 16 169 04 059.
UNRETURNED PROPERTY er than 16 033 01 139. interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for amount of $1,139.99 to satisfy year(s) 2018, 2019. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Defendant: Levied on 09/11/2020 for the year(s) 2014, 2015, 2016,
year(s) 2009, 2010, 2011, certain state, county, and city amount of $1,516.48 to satisfy
UNKNOWN OWNER amount of $1,963.05 to satisfy 2017, 2018, 2019.
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
UNRETURNED PROPERTY certain state, county, and city
2017, 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
All that parcel of land being de- fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2013, 2014, 2015, interest and legal cost for
scribed as Parcel 18 179 01 interest and legal cost for
2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. year(s) 2012, 2013, 2015,
0 6 1 a n d 19 3 8 L I L B U R N year(s) 2018, 2019.
2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
book page less and except all
parcels other than 18 179 01
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $939.09 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2005, 2006, 2007,
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,
2018, 2019.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 Page 41
390-439339 390-439343 390-439347 390-439351 390-439355 390-439362 390-439367
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30056866-NOV-SYG 20-R30067376-NOV-SYG 20-R30072214-NOV-BHF 20-R30079773-NOV-BHF 20-R30090353-NOV-DJE 20-R30102589-NOV-GNG 20-R30111448-NOV-DJE
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
All that parcel of land being de- UNKNOWN OWNER DAYNIER BROWN MARGARET L COLEMAN All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: JANICE D STRONG
017 and 722 CLIFTON RD S in All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- 022 and 457 PROCTOR AVE SAVAGE All that parcel of land being de-
deed book 24410 page 00723 scribed as Parcel 16 007 02 scribed as Parcel 16 159 01 scribed as Parcel 18 046 04 in deed book 11752 page FLOY ANN HENDERSON scribed as Parcel 15 144 03
less and except all parcels oth- 002 and 5656 COVINGTON 246 and 7018 BRECKEN PL in 132 and 566 BELL BLVD in 00127 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de- 062 and 2290 RIPPLEWATER
er than 15 174 02 017. HWY in deed book - page less deed book 24777 page 00793 deed book 12737 page 00309 cels other than 18 047 23 022. scribed as Parcel 18 046 04 DR in deed book 20717 page
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the and except all parcels other less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 164 and 3287 N DECATUR RD 00396 less and except all par-
amount of $957.52 to satisfy than 16 007 02 002. er than 16 159 01 246. er than 18 046 04 132. amount of $722.98 to satisfy in deed book 04739 page cels other than 15 144 03 062.
certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city 00195 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $582.78 to satisfy amount of $806.47 to satisfy amount of $2,365.29 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 18 046 04 164. amount of $755.04 to satisfy
interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city
year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2016, 2017, 2018, amount of $732.62 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties,
2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for 2019. certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for
390-439340 year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017, year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017, year(s) 2016, 2017, 2018, 390-439356 fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019.
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 2018, 2019. 2018, 2019. 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for
20-R30057040-NOV-SYG 390-439344 390-439348 390-439352 20-R30091451-NOV-DJE year(s) 2016, 2017, 2018, 390-439368
To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
BRANNON HILLS 20-R30069197-NOV-GNG 20-R30072801-NOV-BHF 20-R30081126-NOV-BHF WENDY BANJO 390-439363 20-R30112676-NOV-SYG
CONDOMINIUM To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: INVESTMENTS INC 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: KEENAN JONES DEVELOPMEN WENDY BANJO To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant:
CONDOMINIUM All that parcel of land being de- DAYNIER BROWN GLOBAL PROFESSIONAL All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: All that parcel of land being de-
ASSOCIATION scribed as Parcel 15 107 09 KEENAN JONES DEVELOPMEN scribed as Parcel 18 068 10 JESSICA GOVAN scribed as Parcel 15 174 08
All that parcel of land being de- 032 and 2353 AURIE DR in All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- 137 and 6657 OLD HAMPTON All that parcel of land being de- 033 and 676 CLIFTON RD S in
scribed as Parcel 18 068 11 deed book 22970 page 00303 scribed as Parcel 16 069 02 scribed as Parcel 18 074 02 DR in deed book 20458 page scribed as Parcel 15 255 05 deed book 10553 page 00509
090 and 6718 HESTERS CT in less and except all parcels oth- 177 and 5935 S DESHON CT 048 and 5331 CHARITY WAY 00395 less and except all par- 103 and 4458 ROWLAND less and except all parcels oth-
deed book 19607 page 00711 er than 15 107 09 032. in deed book 24777 page in deed book 11546 page cels other than 18 068 10 137. NORTH DR in deed book er than 15 174 08 033.
less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00792 less and except all par- 00161 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 27979 page 00230 less and ex- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
er than 18 068 11 090. amount of $866.96 to satisfy cels other than 16 069 02 177. cels other than 18 074 02 048. amount of $575.46 to satisfy cept all parcels other than 15 amount of $605.70 to satisfy
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city 255 05 103. certain state, county, and city
amount of $1,205.92 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $874.05 to satisfy amount of $5,635.76 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for amount of $888.39 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2016, 2017, 2018, certain state, county, and city year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019.
interest and legal cost for 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2014, 2015, 2016, 390-439345 year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017, year(s) 2007, 2008, 2009, 390-439358 interest and legal cost for 390-439371
2017, 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 2018, 2019. 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2016, 2017, 2018, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
390-439341 20-R30069693-NOV-BHF 390-439349 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. 20-R30094049-NOV-DJE 2019. 20-R30116111-NOV-GNG
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439353 To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439364 To: Owner/Tenant:
20-R30059032-NOV-SYG UNKNOWN OWNER 20-R30074513-NOV-GNG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS MACIE J DENNIS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS VICTOR WILLS
To: Owner/Tenant: UNRETURNED PROPERTY To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30081129-NOV-SYG Defendant: 20-R30107662-NOV-SYG Defendant:
Defendant: UNKNOWN OWNER SHEMSHIA ABDULKERIM CARLTON ADAMS All that parcel of land being de- MORELAND LOFT All that parcel of land being de-
JAMES DANIEL BROCK UNRETURNED PROPERTY Defendant: NORMAN ADAMS scribed as Parcel 16 169 01 TOWNHOMES LLC scribed as Parcel 16 034 04
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- NEGASH AREFA Defendant: 037 and 7212 R MCDANIEL ST Defendant: 026 and 1063 CHAPMAN LN in
scribed as Parcel 18 095 09 scribed as Parcel 15 174 08 SHEMSHIA ABDULKERIM CARLTON ADAMS REAR in deed book 03995 MORELAND LOFT deed book 26352 page 00190
012 and 1106 R NIELSEN DR 065 and 1857 WINTHROP DR All that parcel of land being de- NORMAN ADAMS page 00263 less and except all TOWNHOMES LLC less and except all parcels oth-
in deed book 17260 page in deed book - page less and scribed as Parcel 18 068 12 All that parcel of land being de- parcels other than 16 169 01 All that parcel of land being de- er than 16 034 04 026.
00109 less and except all par- except all parcels other than 15 099 and 6941 BRANNON HILL scribed as Parcel 18 074 03 037. scribed as Parcel 15 208 05 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
cels other than 18 095 09 012. 174 08 065. RD in deed book 18416 page 023 and 631 STONE MOUN- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 009 and 110 MORELAND AVE amount of $1,191.43 to satisfy
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00645 less and except all par- TAIN LITHO RD in deed book amount of $712.84 to satisfy SE in deed book 13115 page certain state, county, and city
amount of $1,702.41 to satisfy amount of $959.61 to satisfy cels other than 18 068 12 099. 06349 page 00732 less and ex- certain state, county, and city 00347 less and except all par- fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cept all parcels other than 18 fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 15 208 05 009. interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $366.28 to satisfy 074 03 023. interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019.
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the year(s) 2016, 2017, 2018, amount of $563.91 to satisfy
year(s) 2014, 2015, 2016, year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017, fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $544.94 to satisfy 2019. certain state, county, and city 390-439372
2017, 2018, 2019. 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
390-439342 390-439346 year(s), 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for 20-R30118839-NOV-SYG
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439350 interest and legal cost for 20-R30097497-NOV-SYG year(s) 2016, 2017, 2018. To: Owner/Tenant:
20-R30064721-NOV-BHF 20-R30069922-NOV-BHF 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017, To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439365 EDWARD ROBINSON
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30077124-NOV-CLJ 2018, 2019. ADSD INC 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS PATRICIA ROBINSON
EMERGE PROGRAM INTOWN HOMES INC To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439354 Defendant: 20-R30109366-NOV-CLJ Defendant:
SERVICES LLC Defendant: JAMES JONES 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS ADSD INC To: Owner/Tenant: EDWARD ROBINSON
Defendant: INTOWN HOMES INC Defendant: 20-R30082899-NOV-GNG All that parcel of land being de- ZELDA HENDERSON PATRICIA ROBINSON
EMERGE PROGRAM All that parcel of land being de- JAMES JONES To: Owner/Tenant: scribed as Parcel 15 149 04 Defendant: All that parcel of land being de-
SERVICES LLC scribed as Parcel 15 240 02 All that parcel of land being de- OLD RIVER TRUST 144 and 2129 ROCKHAVEN ZELDA HENDERSON scribed as Parcel 16 252 01
All that parcel of land being de- 081 and 0 HOOPER AVE NE in scribed as Parcel 15 183 26 TAN FUNG AS TRUSTEE CIR in deed book 25713 page All that parcel of land being de- 059 and 8320 PLEASANT HILL
scribed as Parcel 15 098 02 deed book 08151 page 00587 005 and 3178 GLENWOOD RD Defendant: 00501 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 15 060 06 RD in deed book 24810 page
010 and 2795 SNAPFINGER less and except all parcels oth- in deed book 24201 page OLD RIVER TRUST cels other than 15 149 04 144. 036 and 3501 SHEPHERDS 00632 less and except all par-
RD in deed book 22913 page er than 15 240 02 081. 00009 less and except all par- TAN FUNG AS TRUSTEE Levied on 09/11/2020 for the PATH in deed book 25486 cels other than 16 252 01 059.
00350 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 15 183 26 005. All that parcel of land being de- amount of $600.72 to satisfy page 00565 less and except all Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
cels other than 15 098 02 010. amount of $2,719.00 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the scribed as Parcel 15 028 05 certain state, county, and city parcels other than 15 060 06 amount of $741.30 to satisfy
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city amount of $1,783.65 to satisfy 003 and 4075 OLD RIVER RD fieri facias For tax, penalties, 036. certain state, county, and city
amount of $1,335.97 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city in deed book 25054 page interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, 00193 less and except all par- year(s) 2016, 2017, 2018, amount of $890.46 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017, interest and legal cost for cels other than 15 028 05 003. 2019. certain state, county, and city year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019.
interest and legal cost for 2018, 2019. year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017, amount of $2,529.1961 to satis- interest and legal cost for
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439373
2018, 2019. fy certain state, county, and city year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019.
20-R30098543-NOV-DJE 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
fieri facias For tax, penalties, To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30118908-NOV-CLJ
interest and legal cost for NINA BALLARD ELLIS To: Owner/Tenant:
year(s) 2015, 2016, 2017, Defendant: VIRGINIA E WHITE
2018, 2019. NINA BALLARD ELLIS Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- VIRGINIA E WHITE
scribed as Parcel 15 056 01 All that parcel of land being de-
053 and 2775 ROVENA CT in scribed as Parcel 16 255 05
deed book 04619 page 00159 030 and 1002 LAKE DR in
less and except all parcels oth- deed book 24710 page 00743
er than 15 056 01 053. less and except all parcels oth-
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the er than 16 255 05 030.
amount of $774.36 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
certain state, county, and city amount of $870.08 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2016, 2017, 2018, interest and legal cost for
2019. year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019.
Page 42 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
390-439374 390-439379 390-439384 390-439389 390-439393 390-439397 390-439403
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30120140-NOV-SYG 20-R30120649-NOV-DJE 20-R30122514-NOV-SYG 20-R30126763-NOV-SYG 20-R30127630-NOV-SYG 20-R30127829-NOV-GNG 20-R30129248-NOV-DJE
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- TAX DEPT Defendant: JOHNNIE L GILL ROBERT D BEAN Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 18 046 02 scribed as Parcel 18 068 11 All that parcel of land being de- STONE GATE COTTAGES JOHN GILL MICHAEL R BEAN BARBARA DOWDELL EST
042 and 544 DIXON ST in 096 and 6734 HESTERS CT in scribed as Parcel 18 198 06 CONDOMINIUM All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- MICHELLE & TINIKA
deed book 24267 page 00589 deed book 16681 page 00555 012 and 1900 CURTIS DR in ASSOCIATION INC scribed as Parcel 15 004 01 scribed as Parcel 15 016 02 DOWDELL ADMI
less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth- deed book 05657 page 00459 All that parcel of land being de- 004 and 4577 FLAKES MILL 001 and 4380 THURMAN DR All that parcel of land being de-
er than 18 046 02 042. er than 18 068 11 096. less and except all parcels oth- scribed as Parcel 15 207 03 RD in deed book 10993 page in deed book 14248 page scribed as Parcel 15 087 06
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the er than 18 198 06 012. 109 and 0 MEMORIAL DR in 00437 less and except all par- 00087 less and except all par- 022 and 2427 PINE SPRINGS
amount of $574.41 to satisfy amount of $880.72 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the deed book 11945 page 00738 cels other than 15 004 01 004. cels other than 15 016 02 001. CT in deed book 06488 page
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city amount of $603.16 to satisfy less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00374 less and except all par-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city er than 15 207 03 109. amount of $1,375.24 to satisfy amount of $778.58 to satisfy cels other than 15 087 06 022.
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
year(s) 2017, 2019. year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for amount of $481.22 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $558.26 to satisfy
year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019. certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city
390-439380 fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2018, 2019 year(s) 2018, 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
390-439375 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439385
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for 390-439394 interest and legal cost for
20-R30120924-NOV-SYG year(s) 2017, 2018. 390-439398 year(s) 2018, 2019.
20-R30120148-NOV-SYG To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30122554-NOV-BHF 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439390 20-R30127715-NOV-SYG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
LEGACY AT PINE VALLEY 20-R30127867-NOV-SYG 390-439404
CYNTHIA EDWARDS WOODS CITIZENS AND SOUTHERN 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
Defendant: REALTY INVESTORS 20-R30126765-NOV-SYG LEROY HARRIS To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: TERRI EDWARDS JONES
085 and 3177 ALTACREST DR All that parcel of land being de- STONE GATE COTTAGE JUANITA HARRIS COVE LAKE
in deed book 12389 page HOMEOWNERS scribed as Parcel 18 199 17 CONDO ASSO All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
00487 less and except all par- 001 and 1724 N DRUID HILLS Defendant: scribed as Parcel 15 006 02 All that parcel of land being de-
ASSOCIATION INC scribed as Parcel 15 020 02 scribed as Parcel 15 091 08
cels other than 18 046 03 085. All that parcel of land being de- RD in deed book 03690 page STONE GATE COTTAGES 016 and 3487 VELMA CT in 009 and 3049 SPRINGSIDE
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00368 less and except all par- LLC deed book 01668 page 00462 166 and 0 JAMES LAKE DR in
scribed as Parcel 18 079 02 deed book 18543 page 00752 RUN in deed book 06790 page
amount of $558.78 to satisfy 077 and 6603 PINE VALLEY cels other than 18 199 17 001. STONE GATE COTTAGE less and except all parcels oth- 00754 less and except all par-
certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the CONDO ASSO er than 15 006 02 016. less and except all parcels oth-
TRCE in deed book 19466 er than 15 020 02 166. cels other than 15 091 08 009.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, page 00464 less and except all amount of to satisfy certain All that parcel of land being de- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
interest and legal cost for state, county, and city fieri fa- scribed as Parcel 15 207 03 amount of $631.04 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
parcels other than 18 079 02 amount of $558.20 to satisfy amount of $969.67 to satisfy
year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019. 077. cias For tax, penalties, interest 130 and 0 MEMORIAL DR in certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
and legal cost for year(s) 2017, deed book 11945 page 00738 fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
390-439376 amount of $573.38 to satisfy 2018, 2019. less and except all parcels oth- interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
er than 15 207 03 130. year(s) 2018. interest and legal cost for
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS certain state, county, and city 390-439386 year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019.
20-R30120269-NOV-GNG fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 390-439395
To: Owner/Tenant: amount of $481.22 to satisfy 390-439405
interest and legal cost for 20-R30122636-NOV-SYG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439399
LUKE D FRIESEN certain state, county, and city 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019. To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30127784-NOV-GNG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
JULIE M FRIESEN fieri facias For tax, penalties, 20-R30129377-NOV-BHF
RYAN HOMES INC To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30127874-NOV-CLJ
Defendant: 390-439381 interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: LAMBERT BISHOP To: Owner/Tenant:
LUKE D FRIESEN 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2017, 2018. MRS R MCCLUSKY
All that parcel of land being de- LAMBERT BISHOP MADELINE T MITCHELL
All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 18 201 15 All that parcel of land being de- Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 18 050 09 ROBERT B TAPPAN 20-R30127042-NOV-SYG MRS R MCCLUSKY
022 and 1485 KEYS XING in scribed as Parcel 15 011 01 JUANITA T JOY
001 and 1330 SCOTT BLVD in Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: EDDIE L MCLUSKY
deed book 06241 page 00142 011 and 4310 LOVELESS PL MADELINE T MITCHELL
deed book 26547 page 00168 ROBERT B TAPPAN ATLANTA INDEPENDENT All that parcel of land being de-
less and except all parcels oth- in deed book 18757 page All that parcel of land being de-
less and except all parcels oth- All that parcel of land being de- SCHOOL SYS scribed as Parcel 15 092 01
er than 18 201 15 022. 00575 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 15 021 05
er than 18 050 09 001. scribed as Parcel 18 142 04 Defendant: 132 and 3001 COLUMBIA TRL
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 15 011 01 011. 004 and 2131 CEDAR GROVE
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 089 and 3889 CEDAR CIR in All that parcel of land being de- in deed book 05193 page
amount of $600.30 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the RD in deed book 05777 page
amount of $724.78 to satisfy deed book 09670 page 00353 scribed as Parcel 15 241 01 00181 less and except all par-
certain state, county, and city amount of $663.54 to satisfy 00449 less and except all par-
certain state, county, and city less and except all parcels oth- 019 and 1246 PONCE DE LE- cels other than 15 092 01 132.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city cels other than 15 021 05 004.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, er than 18 142 04 089. ON AVE Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the in deed book page less and ex- amount of to satisfy certain
year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for amount of $852.18 to satisfy
year(s) 2017, 2019. amount of $958.66 to satisfy cept all parcels other than 15 state, county, and city fieri fa-
390-439387 year(s) 2018, 2019. certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city 241 01 019. cias For tax, penalties, interest
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439396 fieri facias For tax, penalties, and legal cost for year(s) 2018,
390-439377 20-R30123324-NOV-SYG Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for amount of $427.17 to satisfy 2019.
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019. To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30127819-NOV-GNG year(s) 2018, 2019.
20-R30120627-NOV-DJE LEONARD E BUFFINGTON certain state, county, and city To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439406
To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439382 LEONARD E BUFFINGTON fieri facias For tax, penalties, MARIE A FREEMAN 390-439400 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
BRANNON HILL 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS BUILDERS interest and legal cost for DAVID A FREEMAN 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30129731-NOV-SYG
CONDOMINIUM ASSOC 20-R30121937-NOV-CLJ Defendant: year(s) 2017, 2018. Defendant: 20-R30128434-NOV-DJE To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: LEONARD E BUFFINGTON 390-439392 MARIE A FREEMAN To: Owner/Tenant: WAYNE D COX
CONDOMINIUM ASSOC Defendant: BUILDERS 20-R30127550-NOV-SYG All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: WAYNE D COX
All that parcel of land being de- TOMARIO DSHAUN ROWE All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant: scribed as Parcel 15 014 01 RONALD S THOMPSON All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 18 068 10 All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 248 01 SYLVIA MARTIN 008 and 4471 BOWMAN IN- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 107 01
132 and 6632 OLD HAMPTON scribed as Parcel 18 148 01 222 and 2599 RANGEWOOD Defendant: DUSTRIAL CT in deed book scribed as Parcel 15 055 01 097 and 888 R ALAMEDA TRL
DR in deed book 23151 page 083 and 2932 LAVISTA RD in DR in deed book 02070 page SYLVIA MARTIN 11168 page 00624 less and ex- 033 and 2588 RIVER RD in in deed book 21701 page
00110 less and except all par- deed book 25862 page 00702 00687 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de- cept all parcels other than 15 deed book 11766 page 00014 00303 less and except all par-
cels other than 18 068 10 132. less and except all parcels oth- cels other than 18 248 01 222. scribed as Parcel 12 229 02 014 01 008. less and except all parcels oth- cels other than 15 107 01 097.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the er than 18 148 01 083. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 021 and 4932 GOLD MILL RD Levied on 09/11/2020 for the er than 15 055 01 033. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $788.70 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $280.12 to satisfy in deed book 21859 page amount of $678.32 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $613.58 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city amount of $842.32 to satisfy certain state, county, and city 00349 less and except all par- certain state, county, and city amount of $779.42 to satisfy certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 12 229 02 021. fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2017. amount of $667.26 to satisfy year(s) 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2018, 2019.
year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019. certain state, county, and city year(s) 2018, 2019.
390-439388 390-439407
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
390-439378 390-439383 390-439402
20-R30124136-NOV-GNG interest and legal cost for 20-R30129826-NOV-CLJ
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2018, 2019. To: Owner/Tenant:
20-R30120638-NOV-CLJ 20-R30122070-NOV-BHF 20-R30129062-NOV-GNG
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: MOSAIC HOMES LLC To: Owner/Tenant: SHIRLEY GIBSON
Defendant: Defendant: MOSAIC HOMES LLC Defendant: SHIRLEY GIBSON
MUNA PLUS FIVE LLC F COIN CAMPBELL JR All that parcel of land being de- ANTHONY C JONES All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 306 10 All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 109 01
scribed as Parcel 18 068 11 scribed as Parcel 18 157 08 025 and 1500 DONALDSON scribed as Parcel 15 081 01 064 and 2791 HIDDEN
046 and 6765 BAYNES HILL 001 and 1680 WOODCLIFF DR PARK DR in deed book 19482 016 and 1118 HILLCREST DR FOREST CT SE in deed book
DR in deed book 24815 page in deed book 03023 page page 00559 less and except all SE in deed book 12488 page 08732 page 00143 less and ex-
00553 less and except all par- 00351 less and except all par- parcels other than 18 306 10 00610 less and except all par- cept all parcels other than 15
cels other than 18 068 11 046. cels other than 18 157 08 001. 025. cels other than 15 081 01 016. 109 01 064.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $947.54 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain amount of $645.90 to satisfy amount of $625.72 to satisfy amount of $936.20 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa- certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias For tax, penalties, interest fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for and legal cost for year(s) 2017, interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019. 2018, 2019. year(s) 2017, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 Page 43
390-439410 390-439417 390-439422 390-439428 390-439433 390-439439 390-439444
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30129998-NOV-DJE 20-R30130965-NOV-GNG 20-R30131638-NOV-GNG 20-R30134127-NOV-BHF 20-R30135175-NOV-BHF 20-R30136270-NOV-DJE 20-R30137564-NOV-CLJ
To: Owner/Tenant: To:Owner/Tenant: To:Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: JEFFREY D MUNDAY MENTS L Defendant: CAROL ANGELA
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- TERESSA LYNN MUNDAY NAXA HOME GROUP LLC All that parcel of land being de- Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 15 116 06 scribed as Parcel 15 145 01 scribed as Parcel 15 159 10 JEFFREY D MUNDAY All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 059 01 OSWALD W DILLON
004 and 1859 VICKI LN SE in 003 and 858 MORELAND AVE 007 and 2091 TUDOR CASTLE All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 009 03 387 and 5532 DOWNS WAY in CAROL ANGELA
deed book 26514 page 00728 in deed book 25529 page CIR in deed book 26732 page scribed as Parcel 15 221 08 046 and 2800 SHELL BARK deed book 26512 page 00712 REID DILLON
less and except all parcels oth- 00708 less and except all par- 00083 less and except all par- 013 and 1201 S INDIAN RD in deed book 28088 page less and except all parcels oth- All that parcel of land being de-
er than 15 116 06 004. cels other than 15 145 01 003. cels other than 15 159 10 007. CREEK DR in deed book 00034 less and except all par- er than 16 059 01 387. scribed as Parcel 16 103 01
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 26362 page 00450 less and ex- cels other than 16 009 03 046. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 072 and 6153 CREEKFORD
amount of $853.90 to satisfy amount of $650.00 to satisfy amount of $1,181.48 to satisfy cept all parcels other than 15 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $819.61 to satisfy DR in deed book 24551 page
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 221 08 013. amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city 00619 less and except all par-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 16 103 01 072.
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for amount of to satisfy certain cias interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
year(s) 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019. state, county, and city fieri fa- For tax, penalties, interest and year(s) 2018, 2019. amount of $872.94 to satisfy
390-439418 cias For tax, penalties, interest legal cost for year(s) 2018, certain state, county, and city
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS and legal cost for year(s) 2018, 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
390-439412 390-439423 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30131463-NOV-BHF 2019. interest and legal cost for
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439434 20-R30136482-NOV-CLJ
To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2018, 2019.
20-R30130237-NOV-BHF 20-R30131749-NOV-GNG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: KENNY D AUSTIN To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439429 OSS AFFORDABLE 390-439447
Defendant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30135180-NOV-GNG
SANDRA GAYLE AUSTIN EST 20-R30134424-NOV-GNG To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: LARRY D CARR ADMIN Defendant: 20-R30138286-NOV-BHF
All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: MICHAELA YOUNGE
scribed as Parcel 15 155 11 CATHERINE PARKER All that parcel of land being de-
081 and 3207 ABBEYWOOD All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- Defendant:
005 and 2063 WILLAMETTE All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 009 04
DR in deed book 26854 page scribed as Parcel 15 163 07 scribed as Parcel 16 065 01 TREVOR THOMPSON
WAY in deed book 27394 page scribed as Parcel 15 235 03 032 and 4922 WALDEN LAKE
00503 less and except all par- 036 and 1865 SELWYN DR in 352 and 6037 SOUTHLAND ERIC A STRINGER
00683 less and except all par- 057 and 216 ANSLEY ST in SQ in deed book 26634 page
cels other than 15 122 06 081. deed book 09797 page 00062 DR in deed book 27387 page All that parcel of land being de-
cels other than 15 155 11 005. deed book 26386 page 00495 00519 less and except all par-
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the less and except all parcels oth- 00487 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 16 153 09
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the less and except all parcels oth- cels other than 16 009 04 032.
amount of to satisfy certain er than 15 163 07 036. cels other than 16 065 01 352. 006 and 2366 AVERY ST in
amount of to satisfy certain er than 15 235 03 057. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
state, county, and city fieri fa- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the deed book 25348 page 00669
state, county, and city fieri fa- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $725.12 to satisfy
cias For tax, penalties, interest amount of $745.80 to satisfy amount of $1,802.10 to satisfy less and except all parcels oth-
cias amount of $703.36 to satisfy certain state, county, and city
and legal cost for year(s) 2018, certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city er than 16 153 09 006.
For tax, penalties, interest and certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
legal cost for year(s) 2018, fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for amount of to satisfy certain
2019. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2018,
year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018,2019. state, county, and city fieri fa-
390-439413 year(s) 2018, 2019. cias For tax, penalties, interest
390-439419 390-439435
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439441 and legal cost for year(s) 2018,
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30130272-NOV-BHF 390-439424 390-439430 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 2019.
20-R30131587-NOV-DJE 20-R30135328-NOV-BHF
To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30136492-NOV-DJE
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439448
MICHELE L SMITH 20-R30131810-NOV-BHF 20-R30134519-NOV-BHF To: Owner/Tenant:
WILLIE J CLARK BOBBY BREWER 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: AMERICAN NOTE
Defendant: Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant:
All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: UNRETURNED PROPERTY Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 15 123 10 STIX AND STONE Defendant: EQUITY FIRST
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- JAMIE G HARPER
deed book 26888 page 00185 All that parcel of land being de- UNRETURNED PROPERTY All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 158 07 scribed as Parcel 16 016 02 All that parcel of land being de-
less and except all parcels oth- scribed as Parcel 15 165 02 All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 066 03
046 and 4148 EMERALD 001 and 5599 RIVER RD in scribed as Parcel 16 153 13
er than 15 123 10 003. 022 and 1853 GLENMAR DR in scribed as Parcel 15 240 01 013 and 6038 SHADOW ROCK
NORTH DR in deed book deed book 15470 page 00682 021 and 2669 ROCK CHAPEL
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the deed book 28126 page 00473 063 and 0 R OAKDALE RD NE DR in deed book 27935 page
28402 page 00699 less and ex- less and except all parcels oth- RD in deed book 27634 page
amount of to satisfy certain less and except all parcels oth- REAR in deed book - page less 00221 less and except all par-
cept all parcels other than 15 er than 16 016 02 001.
cels other than 16 066 03 013. 00797 less and except all par-
state, county, and city fieri fa- er than 15 165 02 022. and except all parcels other
158 07 046. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 16 153 13 021.
cias For tax, penalties, interest Levied on 09/11/2020 for the than 15 240 01 063.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of to satisfy certain
amount of $829.60 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
and legal cost for year(s) 2018, amount of to satisfy certain Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $2,288.61 to satisfy state, county, and city fieri fa-
certain state, county, and city amount of $868.50 to satisfy
2019. state, county, and city fieri fa- amount of $926.78 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city cias For tax, penalties, interest
fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
cias For tax, penalties, interest certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, and legal cost for year(s) 2018,
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
and legal cost for year(s) 2018, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
390-439414 interest and legal cost for 2019. interest and legal cost for
2019. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2018, 2019.
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2018 & 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019.
year(s) 2018, 2019 390-439436
20-R30130455-NOV-DJE 390-439420 390-439442 390-439449
To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439425 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439431 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
PILCHER FAMILY TRUST 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30135513-NOV-CLJ 20-R30137305-NOV-CLJ
20-R30131596-NOV-SYG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30138489-NOV-SYG
WILLIAM S MERRITT EST 20-R30131838-NOV-GNG To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30134536-NOV-CLJ To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- BRENDA ANN SMITH All that parcel of land being de- CRAIG A MARTIN
scribed as Parcel 15 132 02 All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 029 01 CRAIG A MARTIN II
AARON TAYLOR All that parcel of land being de- UNRETURNED PROPERTY
001 and 1970 SNAPFINGER scribed as Parcel 15 166 01 063 and 5196 FIELDGREEN All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 240 07 All that parcel of land being de-
RD in deed book 26722 page scribed as Parcel 15 158 11 075 and 4079 GLENWOOD RD XING in deed book 22912 page scribed as Parcel 16 093 06
001 and 1332 EUCLID AVE A scribed as Parcel 16 169 01
00078 less and except all par- SE in deed book 21021 page 00063 less and except all par- 016 and 1582 WELLBORN RD
045 and 4090 CANBY LN in in deed book 14884 page 047 and 7086 MCDANIEL ST
cels other than 15 132 02 001. deed book 19259 page 00451 00289 less and except all par- cels other than 16 029 01 063. in deed book 26651 page
00661 less and except all par- in deed book - page less and
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the less and except all parcels oth- cels other than 15 166 01 075. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00702 less and except all par-
cels other than 15 240 07 001. except all parcels other than 16
amount of $770.82 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $840.60 to satisfy cels other than 16 093 06 016.
er than 15 158 11 045. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 169 01 047.
certain state, county, and city amount of $710.12 to satisfy certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $876.70 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $896.70 to satisfy
amount of $581.50 to satisfy certain state, county, and city amount of $569.10 to satisfy
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
year(s) 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for ear(s) year(s) 2018. interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2018. 390-439437
2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019.
390-439415 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439421 390-439427 390-439432 20-R30135842-NOV-GNG 390-439443 390-439450
20-R30130556-NOV-SYG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30131597-NOV-SYG 20-R30133869-NOV-CLJ 20-R30134758-NOV-DJE ERIC JONES 20-R30137314-NOV-GNG 20-R30138845-NOV-CLJ
THOMAS H WILLIS To:Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: MARITZA GRANT To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
THOMAS H WILLIS Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: ERIC JONES Defendant: Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 15 135 12 All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
045 and 3146 COLUMBIA scribed as Parcel 15 158 11 scribed as Parcel 15 213 03 scribed as Parcel 15 252 04 scribed as Parcel 16 038 07 scribed as Parcel 16 094 01 scribed as Parcel 16 224 02
WOODS DR in deed book 046 and 4084 CANBY LN in 039 and 308 2ND AVE in deed 023 and 650 HEATHMOOR PL 154 and 5267 KINSDALE LN in 073 and 6026 PAUL RD in 016 and 719 N HILEAH in deed
02920 page 00571 less and ex- deed book 24673 page 00507 book 23605 page 00604 less in deed book 23364 page deed book 20980 page 00699 deed book 21084 page 00372 book 26740 page 00620 less
cept all parcels other than 15 less and except all parcels oth- and except all parcels other 00697 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth- and except all parcels other
135 12 045. er than 15 158 11 046. than 15 213 03 039. cels other than 15 252 04 023. er than 16 038 07 154. er than 16 094 01 073. than 16 224 02 016.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $592.48 to satisfy amount of $581.50 to satisfy amount of $832.74 to satisfy amount of $2,823.45 to satisfy amount of $829.60 to satisfy amount of $644.49 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias or tax, penalties, in- cias For tax, penalties, interest
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for terest and legal cost for year(s) and legal cost for year(s) 2018,
year(s) 2018. year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019. 2018, 2019.
Page 44 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
390-439451 390-439458 390-439463 390-439468 390-439474 390-439479 390-439485
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30139210-NOV-GNG 20-R30140296-NOV-DJE 20-R30140560-NOV-SYG 20-R30140841-NOV-DJE 20-R30140979-NOV-SYG 20-R30142048-NOV-CLJ 20-R30143462-NOV-BHF
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: INAS MAHDI Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: TRUST OF MARGARE
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 18 006 01 scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 scribed as Parcel 18 057 14 scribed as Parcel 18 068 10 scribed as Parcel 18 072 02 scribed as Parcel 18 124 04 MARGARET H TURNER TR
091 and 112 MEDLOCK RD in 070 and 3194 ALTACREST DR 001 and 1683 BRIARCLIFF RD 032 and 6567 OLD HAMPTON 008 and 226 KENILWORTH 026 and 4948 DEMERE CT in TRUST OF MARGARET
deed book 27915 page 00288 in deed book 05173 page 1 in deed book 24235 page DR in deed book 20519 page CIR in deed book 10897 page deed book 05528 page 00336 H TURNER
less and except all parcels oth- 00315 less and except all par- 00460 less and except all par- 00411 less and except all par- 00769 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- All that parcel of land being de-
er than 18 006 01 091. cels other than 18 046 03 070. cels other than 18 057 14 001. cels other than 18 068 10 032. cels other than 18 072 02 008. er than 18 124 04 026. scribed as Parcel 18 237 02
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 039 and 2543 ALTA VISTA DR
amount of $622. 53 to satisfy amount of $734.92 to satisfy amount of $599.30 to satisfy amount of $686.64 to satisfy amount of $604.35 to satisfy amount of $978.08 to satisfy in deed book 23969 page
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 00039 less and except all par-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, cels other than 18 237 02 039.
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
year(s) 2018. year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018. year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019. amount of to satisfy certain
390-439481 state, county, and city fieri fa-
390-439452 390-439459 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS cias For tax, penalties, interest
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439464 20-R30142246-NOV-BHF and legal cost for year(s) 2018,
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439475
20-R30139691-NOV-BHF 20-R30140342-NOV-GNG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: 2019.
20-R30140849-NOV-GNG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30140588-NOV-SYG J VICTOR RUSSELL
To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30141174-NOV-DJE
SUSAN WALTON DONNA SINIORA To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: 390-439486
Defendant: Defendant: JEAN HARSCH J VICTOR RUSSELL 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
SUSAN WALTON DONNA SINIORA Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- 20-R30144048-NOV-GNG
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- JEAN HARSCH scribed as Parcel 18 142 04 To: Owner/Tenant:
All that parcel of land being de- RONALD BARKER
scribed as Parcel 18 024 01 scribed as Parcel 18 046 04 All that parcel of land being de- 036 and 3934 CEDAR CIR in JUAN F LUGO
scribed as Parcel 18 068 10 All that parcel of land being de-
001 and 6700 ROCKBRIDGE 069 and 3350 LAWRENCE ST scribed as Parcel 18 060 20 deed book 13054 page 00524 Defendant:
059 and 6642 OLD scribed as Parcel 18 074 16
RD in deed book 18180 page in deed book 26901 page 002 and 1800 CLAIRMONT LK less and except all parcels oth- JUAN F LUGO
SINGLETON LN in deed book 016 and 802 3RD ST in deed
00764 less and except all par- 00788 less and except all par- A 120 in deed book 24994 er than 18 142 04 036. All that parcel of land being de-
20112 page 00032 less and ex- book 08234 page 00605 less
cels other than 18 024 01 001. cels other than 18 046 04 069. page 00106 less and except all Levied on 09/11/2020 for the scribed as Parcel 18 278 11
cept all parcels other than 18 and except all parcels other
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the parcels other than 18 060 20 amount of to satisfy certain 020 and 4150 CLAIRMONT RD
068 10 059. than 18 074 16 016.
amount of 957.18 to satisfy cer- amount of $714.22 to satisfy 002. state, county, and city fieri fa- in deed book 13167 page
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
tain state, county, and city fieri certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cias 00595 less and except all par-
amount of $485.38 to satisfy amount of $765.74 to satisfy
facias For tax, penalties, in- fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $623.48 to satisfy For tax, penalties, interest and cels other than 18 278 11 020.
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
terest and legal cost for year(s) interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city legal cost for year(s) 2018, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
2019. year(s) 2018. fieri facias For tax, penalties, 2019. amount of $695.68 to satisfy
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for 390-439483 certain state, county, and city
year(s) 2018. year(s) 2018, 2019.
year(s) 2018. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS fieri facias For tax, penalties,
390-439453 390-439460
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30142603-NOV-SYG interest and legal cost for
20-R30139909-NOV-DJE 20-R30140347-NOV-SYG 390-439470 To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2018, 2019.
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439465 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439476 RAFAEL DIAZ
CHARLES E BROWN H H TEEGARDIN 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30140854-NOV-SYG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS MICHAEL W SAUCIER 390-439487
ETHEL BROWN HULL EMMA 20-R30140657-NOV-DJE To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30141944-NOV-BHF Defendant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
Defendant: Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: MIRWAIS KOHISTANY To: Owner/Tenant: RAFAEL DIAZ 20-R30144153-NOV-CLJ
ETHEL BROWN HULL EMMA Defendant: MIRWAIS KOHISTANY Defendant: HAROLD ROWE All that parcel of land being de- ANNETTE H PASCHAL
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- MARIA BUDHWANI All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 168 11 Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 18 037 01 scribed as Parcel 18 046 04 All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 068 10 scribed as Parcel 18 119 10 008 and 1714 WISCASSET PL ANNETTE H PASCHAL
006 and 426 R PALMER DR in 120 and 3315 N DECATUR RD scribed as Parcel 18 062 09 099 and 6579 BRANNON HILL 051 and 3790 TREE CREEK in deed book 22466 page All that parcel of land being de-
deed book 11407 page 00694 in deed book 00444 page 017 and 2508 WOOD TRAIL RD in deed book 24582 page LN in deed book 12654 page 00310 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 18 285 11
less and except all parcels oth- 00220 less and except all par- LN in deed book 23997 page 00495 less and except all par- 00299 less and except all par- cels other than 18 168 11 008. 033 and 3224 HENDERSON
er than 18 037 01 006. cels other than 18 046 04 120. 00609 less and except all par- cels other than 18 068 10 099. cels other than 18 119 10 051. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the MILL RD # 1 in deed book
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 18 062 09 017. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $627.64 to satisfy 04459 page 00499 less and ex-
amount of $719.28 to satisfy amount of $563.69 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $642.18 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city cept all parcels other than 18
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city amount of $809.57 to satisfy certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties, 285 11 033.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias For tax, penalties, interest interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for and legal cost for year(s) 2018, year(s) 2018, 2019. amount of $914.92 to satisfy
year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2018, 2019. 2019. certain state, county, and city
year(s) 2018, 2019. 390-439484 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for
390-439454 390-439461 390-439471 20-R30142744-NOV-GNG year(s) 2018, 2019.
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439477 To: Owner/Tenant:
390-439466 20-R30140874-NOV-GNG
20-R30140078-NOV-DJE 20-R30140406-NOV-BHF 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS JOSE MANCIA
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439488
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30141986-NOV-GNG RICHARD HINES
20-R30140804-NOV-DJE NESREDDIN IDRIS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
MOZELL M BROWN WARWICK LAND LLC To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant:
To: Owner/Tenant: JERRY A VAUGHAN 20-R30144373-NOV-GNG
ANNE E OCONNOR Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: RICHARD HINES
MOZELL M BROWN WARWICK LAND LLC MARIE SESAY All that parcel of land being de-
GARY S FULLER J A GUFFIN All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 185 05
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- VINCENT LU
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 121 06 019 and 1952 CLARK DR in
scribed as Parcel 18 067 02 scribed as Parcel 18 068 11 All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 18 041 08 scribed as Parcel 18 047 30 048 and 4275 OAKWOODS CT deed book 26698 page 00561
186 and 780 RIDGELAND TRL 101 and 6739 HESTERS CT in scribed as Parcel 18 298 11
135 and 452 MAGNOLIA DR in 010 and 549 WOODLAND AVE in deed book 22515 page less and except all parcels oth-
in deed book 09293 page deed book 16898 page 00046 020 and 3406 BLACKBURN
deed book 27013 page 00014 in deed book 26539 page 00465 less and except all par- er than 18 185 05 019.
00175 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- WAY in deed book 22105 page
less and except all parcels oth- 00438 less and except all par- cels other than 18 121 06 048. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
cels other than 18 067 02 186. er than 18 068 11 101. 00585 less and except all par-
er than 18 041 08 135. cels other than 18 047 30 010. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $676.38 to satisfy
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 18 298 11 020.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $700.02 to satisfy certain state, county, and city
amount of $713.36 to satisfy amount of $486.13 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $1,338.98 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city amount of to satisfy certain
certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, state, county, and city fieri fa-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias For tax, penalties, interest interest and legal cost for year(s) 2018, 2019.
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for cias For tax, penalties, interest
interest and legal cost for and legal cost for year(s) 2018, year(s) 2018.
year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2018,
year(s) 2018, 2019. 2019. 2019.

390-439455 390-439462 390-439467 390-439473 390-439478 390-439489

10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30140080-NOV-GNG 20-R30140505-NOV-GNG 20-R30140840-NOV-GNG 20-R30140944-NOV-DJE 20-R30142037-NOV-BHF 20-R30144568-NOV-DJE
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 18 041 08 scribed as Parcel 18 054 09 scribed as Parcel 18 068 10 scribed as Parcel 18 070 09 scribed as Parcel 18 123 02 scribed as Parcel 18 311 04
186 and 490 HEMLOCK DR in 037 and 1292 OXFORD RD NE 019 and 6542 OLD HAMPTON 121 and 781 WINDCHASE LN 128 and 1328 R KELTON DR 033 and 3631 STEWART RD in
deed book 12579 page 00689 in deed book 05016 page DR in deed book 13525 page in deed book 18204 page in deed book 14386 page deed book 26207 page 00436
less and except all parcels oth- 00339 less and except all par- 00292 less and except all par- 00307 less and except all par- 00208 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth-
er than 18 041 08 186. cels other than 18 054 09 037. cels other than 18 068 10 019. cels other than 18 070 09 121. cels other than 18 123 02 128. er than 18 311 04 033.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $677.50 to satisfy amount of $638.42 to satisfy amount of $286.63 to satisfy amount of $743.32 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain amount of $721.40 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa- certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias For tax, penalties, interest fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for and legal cost for year(s) 2018, interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018. year(s) 2018, 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019. 2019. year(s) 2018, 2019.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 Page 45
390-439490 390-439494 390-439498 390-439502 390-439508 390-439514 390-439519
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30144702-NOV-SYG 20-R30148195-NOV-SYG 20-R30148471-NOV-SYG 20-R30148814-NOV-CLJ 20-R30148890-NOV-DJE 20-R30149224-NOV-DJE 20-R30149466-NOV-GNG
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: LIVING TRUST XIOMARA MEJIA Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: GROUP INC
All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: LEONARDO MEJIA All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- ST REDEVELOPMENT
scribed as Parcel 18 324 08 LEON RECHTMAN XIOMARA MEJIA scribed as Parcel 15 023 04 scribed as Parcel 15 029 01 scribed as Parcel 15 043 05 GROUP INC
066 and 3788 MONTFORD DR LIVING TRUST All that parcel of land being de- 001 and 3853 BOULDER- 148 and 3969 DAY TRL N in 010 and 3882 BLUE GRANITE All that parcel of land being de-
in deed book 25685 page C ANN SCOTT RECHTMAN scribed as Parcel 15 001 02 CREST RD SE in deed book deed book 27693 page 00006 WAY in deed book 08437 page scribed as Parcel 15 060 06
00086 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de- 019 and 5206 RIVER RD in 10372 page 00785 less and ex- less and except all parcels oth- 00441 less and except all par- 027 and 3512 SHEPHERDS
cels other than 18 324 08 066. scribed as Parcel 06 307 09 deed book 23846 page 00745 cept all parcels other than 15 er than 15 029 01 148. cels other than 15 043 05 010. PATH in deed book 24319
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 038 and 5288 WINTERS less and except all parcels oth- 023 04 001. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the page 00001 less and except all
amount of $383.21 to satisfy CHAPEL RD in deed book er than 15 001 02 019. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $798.04 to satisfy amount of $770.72 to satisfy parcels other than 15 060 06
certain state, county, and city 24710 page 00516 less and ex- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $897.06 to satisfy certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 027.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, cept all parcels other than 06 amount of $632.76 to satisfy certain state, county, and city fieri facias or tax, penalties, in- fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
interest and legal cost for 307 09 038. certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, terest and legal cost for year(s) interest and legal cost for amount of $606.25 to satisfy
year(s) 2018. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for 2019. year(s) 2019. certain state, county, and city
390-439491 amount of $638.93 to satisfy interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019. 390-439510 390-439516 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS certain state, county, and city year(s) 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for
20-R30145122-NOV-GNG fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-439499 20-R30148979-NOV-GNG 20-R30149278-NOV-SYG year(s) 2019.
interest and legal cost for 390-439503
To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
20-R30148822-NOV-BHF 390-439520
RESTORATIONS LLC 390-439495 To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: HAMPTON EST EXEC & 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
RESTORATIONS LLC To: Owner/Tenant: UNWN & TO ALL THE WORLD Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: DELORES W JACKSON
scribed as Parcel 18 349 10 ADMIN EXEC & HEIRS KNWN EXEC & HEIRS KNWN & All that parcel of land being de- HAMPTON EST EXEC & DELORES W JACKSON
059 and 4561 OLDE PERI- & UNWN & TO UNWN & TO ALL THE WORLD scribed as Parcel 15 024 01 ROSE LEE ABRAHAM HEIRS KNWN & UNWN All that parcel of land being de-
METER WAY 1409 in deed ALL THE WORLD Defendant: 010 and 4066 PANTHERS- HAMPTON & TO ALL THE WORLD scribed as Parcel 15 068 03
book 22109 page 00336 less Defendant: HUGH HARRIS EST, ADMIN VILLE RD in deed book 27790 All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- 003 and 4707 FLAT SHOALS
and except all parcels other MARTHA M LUBEL EST EXEC & HEIRS KNWN & page 00328 less and except all scribed as Parcel 15 033 06 scribed as Parcel 15 053 06 PKWY in deed book 07684
than 18 349 10 059. ADMIN EXEC & HEIRS KNWN UNWN & TO ALL THE WORLD parcels other than 15 024 01 0 1 3 a n d 37 8 3 R A I D E R S 013 and 3670 ASTRONAUT page 00127 less and except all
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the & UNWN & TO HENRY JOE HARRIS ADMIN 010. RIDGE DR in deed book 24594 DR in deed book 05506 page parcels other than 15 068 03
amount of $682.42 to satisfy ALL THE WORLD EXEC & HEIRS KNWN & Levied on 09/11/2020 for the page 00436 less and except all 00703 less and except all par- 003.
certain state, county, and city All that parcel of land being de- UNWN & TO ALL THE WORLD amount of to satisfy certain parcels other than 15 033 06 cels other than 15 053 06 013. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
fieri facias For tax, penalties, scribed as Parcel 06 341 01 All that parcel of land being de- state, county, and city fieri fa- 013. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of to satisfy certain
interest and legal cost for 106 and 1998 WINCHELSEA scribed as Parcel 15 006 04 cias For tax, penalties, interest Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $622.32 to satisfy state, county, and city fieri fa-
year(s) 2018, 2019. CT E in deed book 20833 page 009 and 4446 LINECREST RD and legal cost for year(s) 2019. amount of $364.24 to satisfy certain state, county, and city cias For tax, penalties, interest
390-439492 00175 less and except all par- in deed book 17612 page certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS cels other than 06 341 01 106. 00760 less and except all par- fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
20-R30147850-NOV-GNG Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 15 006 04 009. 390-439504 interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
To: Owner/Tenant: amount of $902.88 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2019. 390-439517 390-439521
BRENDA GAYLE MCGILL certain state, county, and city amount of $605.22 to satisfy 20-R30148840-NOV-BHF 390-439511 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
Defendant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30149310-NOV-SYG 20-R30149706-NOV-BHF
BRENDA GAYLE MCGILL interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, STEPHANIE ALBERT CLARK 20-R30149031-NOV-BHF To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
All that parcel of land being de- year(s) 2019. interest and legal cost for Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: KINGS VIEW HOLDINGS LLC OLUWAKEMI ADENIRAN
scribed as Parcel 15 210 03 390-439496 year(s) 2019. STEPHANIE ALBERT CLARK SHARON ROGERS HELEN WESLEY EST Defendant:
110 and 104 WESLEY AVE NE 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439500 All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: Defendant: OLUWAKEMI ADENIRAN
in deed book 05721 page 20-R30148412-NOV-CLJ 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS scribed as Parcel 15 027 01 SHARON ROGERS KINGS VIEW HOLDINGS LLC All that parcel of land being de-
00399 less and except all par- To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30148593-NOV-DJE 149 and 3410 FLINT AVE in All that parcel of land being de- HELEN WESLEY EST scribed as Parcel 15 071 03
cels other than 15 210 03 110. TERRY LAWRENCE To: Owner/Tenant: deed book 23286 page 00061 scribed as Parcel 15 035 01 All that parcel of land being de- 019 and 3830 WALDROP LN in
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the HOPE PIERCE LAWRENCE DANIEL JACKSON less and except all parcels oth- 159 and 4164 MARIST CT in scribed as Parcel 15 054 06 deed book 24978 page 00044
amount of $703.58 to satisfy Defendant: Defendant: er than 15 027 01 149. deed book 22952 page 00386 037 and 3677 SATELLITE less and except all parcels oth-
certain state, county, and city TERRY LAWRENCE DANIEL JACKSON Levied on 09/11/2020 for the less and except all parcels oth- BLVD in deed book 27508 er than 15 071 03 019.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, HOPE PIERCE LAWRENCE All that parcel of land being de- amount of $518.73 to satisfy er than 15 035 01 159. page 00531 less and except all Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
interest and legal cost for All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 006 07 certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the parcels other than 15 054 06 amount of to satisfy certain
year(s) 2018, 2019. scribed as Parcel 12 228 02 001 and 4482 CLEVEMONT fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of to satisfy certain 037. state, county, and city fieri fa-
036 and 4847 AMSLER RD in RD in deed book 27604 page interest and legal cost for state, county, and city fieri fa- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cias For tax, penalties, interest
deed book 09173 page 00129 00629 less and except all par- year(s) 2019. cias For tax, penalties, interest amount of $372.04 to satisfy and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
20-R30148049-NOV-SYG less and except all parcels oth- cels other than 15 006 07 001. and legal cost for year(s) 2019. certain state, county, and city
To: Owner/Tenant: er than 12 228 02 036. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 390-439506 390-439512 fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-439522
GOLDSBORO Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $755.24 to satisfy 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
PARTNERS LLC amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city 20-R30148874-NOV-CLJ 20-R30149151-NOV-DJE year(s) 2019. 20-R30149761-NOV-DJE
Defendant: state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties, To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439518 To: Owner/Tenant:
GOLDSBORO cias interest and legal cost for LAMICHAEL LANGFORD LINDA L ROBINSON 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS DANA M COVERT
PARTNERS LLC For tax, penalties, interest and year(s) 2019. Defendant: Defendant: 20-R30149367-NOV-GNG Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- legal cost for year(s) 2019. 390-439501 LAMICHAEL LANGFORD LINDA L ROBINSON To: Owner/Tenant: DANA M COVERT
scribed as Parcel 15 240 07 390-439497 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- WILLIAM DAVID ALLISON All that parcel of land being de-
045 and 0 GOLDSBORO RD 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30148694-NOV-SYG scribed as Parcel 15 029 01 scribed as Parcel 15 040 02 Defendant: scribed as Parcel 15 072 03
NE in deed book 11538 page 20-R30148447-NOV-BHF To: Owner/Tenant: 014 and 4017 CHIMNEY 328 and 2863 RIVER CLOSE WILLIAM DAVID ALLISON 046 and 16302 WALDROP CV
00017 less and except all par- To: Owner/Tenant: AXIS IMPORTS INC RIDGE WAY in deed book DR n deed book 23099 page All that parcel of land being de- in deed book 22502 page
cels other than 15 240 07 045. HOWARD ELLIOTT Defendant: 21833 page 00603 less and ex- 00388 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 15 057 07 00035 less and except all par-
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Defendant: AXIS IMPORTS INC cept all parcels other than 15 cels other than 15 040 02 328. 054 and 3575 OAKVALE RD cels other than 15 072 03 046.
amount of $963.85 to satisfy HOWARD ELLIOTT All that parcel of land being de- 029 01 014. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 508 in deed book 27084 page Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
certain state, county, and city All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 015 08 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $731.67 to satisfy 00364 less and except all par- amount of $766.76 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, scribed as Parcel 12 252 03 003 and 1350 CONLEY RD in amount of $887.03 to satisfy certain state, county, and city cels other than 15 057 07 054. certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for 037 and 3749 TARA CREEK deed book 08391 page 00493 certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2018. CT in deed book 08810 page less and except all parcels oth- fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for amount of $705.92 to satisfy interest and legal cost for ear(s)
00035 less and except all par- er than 15 015 08 003. interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019. certain state, county, and city 2019.
cels other than 12 252 03 037. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the year(s) 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $585.76 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439524
amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city year(s) 2019.
390-439507 20-R30149195-NOV-SYG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties, To: Owner/Tenant:
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30149794-NOV-SYG
cias interest and legal cost for LEWIS MITCHELL
20-R30148881-NOV-SYG To: Owner/Tenant:
For tax, penalties, interest and year(s) 2019. IRREVOCABLE TR
To: Owner/Tenant: MORAN ELI HASUT
legal cost for year(s) 2019. Defendant: Defendant:
PATRICIA S EDWARDS IRREVOCABLE TR All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 077 04
scribed as Parcel 15 029 01 scribed as Parcel 15 042 05 061 and 1739 WHITEHALL
085 and 3843 NATALIE WAY 020 and 3779 RIVER LAKE FOREST CT SE in deed book
in deed book 12391 page SHR in deed book 21366 page 27344 page 00553 less and ex-
00700 less and except all par- 00049 less and except all par- cept all parcels other than 15
cels other than 15 029 01 085. cels other than 15 042 05 020. 077 04 061.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $603.10 to satisfy amount of $608.42 to satisfy amount of $599.64 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019.
Page 46 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
390-439525 390-439533 390-439538 390-439542 390-439548 390-439554 390-439559
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30149797-NOV-DJE 20-R30149943-NOV-BHF 20-R30150032-NOV-DJE 20-R30150331-NOV-GNG 20-R30150780-NOV-GNG 20-R30150942-NOV-SYG 20-R30150959-NOV-BHF
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: JEROME STROUD Defendant: TINSLEY EST Defendant: Defendant: ROBERT EBERHARDT NEAL
All that parcel of land being de- GLEMASE STROUD All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- TIM ASHI
scribed as Parcel 15 077 04 JEROME STROUD scribed as Parcel 15 089 05 JAMES MARSHALL scribed as Parcel 15 117 01 scribed as Parcel 15 122 06 ROBERT EBERHARDT NEAL
075 and 1905 WHITEHALL All that parcel of land being de- 008 and 3213 PANTHERS TINSLEY EST 036 and 2619 FLAT SHOALS 017 and 3284 ABBEYWOOD All that parcel of land being de-
FOREST CT in deed book scribed as Parcel 15 085 11 TRCE in deed book 23844 WILLIE M TINSLEY RD in deed book 24543 page DR in deed book 13142 page scribed as Parcel 15 122 06
21288 page 00044 less and ex- 038 and 3150 CANDACE DR page 00228 less and except all All that parcel of land being de- 00289 less and except all par- 00741 less and except all par- 095 and 3193 ABBEYWOOD
cept all parcels other than 15 SE in deed book 20419 page parcels other than 15 089 05 scribed as Parcel 15 098 11 cels other than 15 117 01 036. cels other than 15 122 06 017. DR in deed book 27434 page
077 04 075. 00446 less and except all par- 008. 004 and 4390 STERLING Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00296 less and except all par-
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 15 085 11 038. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the FOREST DR in deed book amount of $700.00 to satisfy amount of $620.11 to satisfy cels other than 15 122 06 095.
amount of $803.90 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $805.60 to satisfy 05474 page 00703 less and ex- certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
certain state, county, and city amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city cept all parcels other than 15 fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of to satisfy certain
fieri facias For tax, penalties, state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties, 098 11 004. interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for state, county, and city fieri fa-
interest and legal cost for cias interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. cias For tax, penalties, interest
year(s) 2019. For tax, penalties, interest and year(s) 2019. amount of $676.28 to satisfy and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
390-439526 legal cost for year(s) 2019. 390-439539 certain state, county, and city 390-439560
390-439549 390-439555
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
390-439534 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30149804-NOV-DJE 20-R30150034-NOV-BHF interest and legal cost for ear(s) 20-R30150962-NOV-BHF
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30150787-NOV-CLJ 20-R30150944-NOV-BHF
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 2019. To: Owner/Tenant:
20-R30149956-NOV-SYG To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS Defendant:
Defendant: LAKEEM DWIGHT RENEE CALHOUN All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de-
STARLIGHT HOMES DRAKE CONSULTING LLC All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 122 06
scribed as Parcel 15 077 04 JOSEPH J WILSON scribed as Parcel 15 122 06
GEORGIA LLC All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 117 01 099 and 3189 ABBEYWOOD
098 and 1829 WHITEHALL Defendant: 025 and 3275 ABBEYWOOD
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 089 05 097 and 2085 PARKER DR in deed book 27341 page
FOREST CT in deed book JOSEPH J WILSON DR in deed book 27556 page
scribed as Parcel 15 086 01 024 and 3079 PANTHERS RANCH RD SE in deed book 00245 less and except all par-
25269 page 00029 less and ex- All that parcel of land being de- 08968 page 00414 less and ex- 00704 less and except all par-
073 and 3179 TARIAN WAY in TRCE in deed book 27075 cels other than 15 122 06 099.
cept all parcels other than 15 scribed as Parcel 15 106 09 cels other than 15 122 06 025.
deed book 27695 page 00563 page 00678 less and except all cept all parcels other than 15 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
077 04 098. 009 and 2837 PENDANT PL in Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
less and except all parcels oth- parcels other than 15 089 05 117 01 097. amount of to satisfy certain
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the deed book 02979 page 00371 amount of to satisfy certain
er than 15 086 01 073. 024. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the state, county, and city fieri fa-
amount of $803.90 to satisfy less and except all parcels oth- state, county, and city fieri fa-
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $920.18 to satisfy cias
certain state, county, and city er than 15 106 09 009. cias For tax, penalties, interest
amount of $492.24 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city For tax, penalties, interest and
fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties, legal cost for year(s) 2019.
interest and legal cost for amount of to satisfy certain
fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias For tax, penalties, interest interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2019. state, county, and city fieri fa- 390-439561
interest and legal cost for and legal cost for year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. 390-439556
390-439527 year(s) 2019. cias For tax, penalties, interest 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
390-439540 and legal cost for year(s) 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30151016-NOV-DJE
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30150946-NOV-BHF To: Owner/Tenant:
20-R30149806-NOV-DJE 390-439535 390-439550
20-R30150101-NOV-BHF 390-439544 To: Owner/Tenant: JAMES E KINSEY EST ADMIN
To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS MS LIEW BEE EAN EXEC & HEIRS KNWN &
TAMYRA MACKEY 20-R30149961-NOV-SYG 20-R30150847-NOV-BHF
Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: LILLIE MERIT PORTER EST All that parcel of land being de- ADMIN EXEC &
All that parcel of land being de- CONERLIOUS W MCIVER III MISTY SHAY STEPHENS
scribed as Parcel 15 077 04 Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- LILLIE MERIT PORTER EST DR in deed book 23080 page Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 15 091 01 TRENEE JOHNNIE BROOKS 00170 less and except all par- JAMES E KINSEY
27362 page 00020 less and ex- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
185 and 3337 SPRINGSIDE All that parcel of land being de- cels other than 15 122 06 033. JACQUELINE KINSEY
cept all parcels other than 15 scribed as Parcel 15 086 01 scribed as Parcel 15 118 08
TRCE in deed book 16268 scribed as Parcel 15 108 10 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the All that parcel of land being de-
077 04 105. 099 and 3196 TARIAN WAY in 006 and 2604 DAWN DR in
page 00755 less and except all 012 and 2801 ZANE GREY DR amount of to satisfy certain scribed as Parcel 15 125 03
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the deed book 27798 page 00777 deed book 24296 page 00686
parcels other than 15 091 01 SE in deed book 24903 page state, county, and city fieri fa- 008 and 2756 COCKLEBUR
amount of $731.92 to satisfy less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth-
185. 00704 less and except all par- cias RD in deed book 04574 page
certain state, county, and city er than 15 086 01 099. er than 15 118 08 006.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 15 108 10 012. For tax, penalties, interest and 00200 less and except all par-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of to satisfy certain legal cost for year(s) 2019. cels other than 15 125 03 008.
interest and legal cost for amount of $252.92 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain amount of to satisfy certain
year(s) 2019. certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa- state, county, and city fieri fa- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
cias For tax, penalties, interest state, county, and city fieri fa- amount of $837.80 to satisfy
390-439528 fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias For tax, penalties, interest cias For tax, penalties, interest 390-439557
interest and legal cost for and legal cost for year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS certain state, county, and city
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS and legal cost for year(s) 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
20-R30149838-NOV-DJE year(s) 2019. 390-439541 20-R30150947-NOV-BHF
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439545 To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for
To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2019.
390-439536 20-R30150141-NOV-SYG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439551 ELIZABETH ARGUE
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30150664-NOV-BHF 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS Defendant: 390-439562
20-R30150002-NOV-CLJ H S HARRELL To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30150870-NOV-GNG ELIZABETH ARGUE 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: MICHAEL WILLIAMS To: Owner/Tenant: All that parcel of land being de- 20-R30151038-NOV-DJE
ANTHONY STINSON H S HARRELL Defendant: SFR ATL OWNER 1 LP scribed as Parcel 15 122 06 To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- MICHAEL WILLIAMS Defendant: 034 and 3265 ABBEYWOOD SONJA M KILGORE
ANTHONY STINSON scribed as Parcel 15 092 01 All that parcel of land being de- DARRELL R HOLMES DR in deed book 25692 page Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- 159 and 3568 LYNVIEW CT E scribed as Parcel 15 114 10 All that parcel of land being de- 00249 less and except all par- SONJA M KILGORE
All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 087 03 in deed book 08036 page 068 and 1410 FOXHALL LN scribed as Parcel 15 119 01 cels other than 15 122 06 034. All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 080 08
006 and 2509 PINE BRANCH 00457 less and except all par- SE 12 in deed book 25227 140 and 2759 LLOYD RD in Levied on 09/11/2020 for the scribed as Parcel 15 126 08
015 and 2524 MORELAND
WAY in deed book 25069 page cels other than 15 092 01 159. page 00143 less and except all deed book 27859 page 00532 amount of to satisfy certain 002 and 2624 OLD WESLEY
AVE SE in deed book 12056
00710 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the parcels other than 15 114 10 less and except all parcels oth- state, county, and city fieri fa- CHAPEL RD in deed book
page 00253 less and except all
cels other than 15 087 03 006. amount of $624.20 to satisfy 068. er than 15 119 01 140. cias 08605 page 00639 less and ex-
parcels other than 15 080 08
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the For tax, penalties, interest and cept all parcels other than 15
amount of $686.06 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of to satisfy certain amount of $628.58 to satisfy legal cost for year(s) 2019. 126 08 002.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for state, county, and city fieri fa- certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $384.93 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2019. cias fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $826.32 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city 390-439558
interest and legal cost for For tax, penalties, interest and interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
year(s) 2019. legal cost for year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for 20-R30150957-NOV-DJE
year(s) 2019. interest and legal cost for
390-439537 390-439546 To: Owner/Tenant: year(s) 2019.
390-439531 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439553 GREG M SMART EST ADMIN
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30150019-NOV-SYG 20-R30150666-NOV-SYG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS EXEC & HEIRS KNWN &
20-R30149874-NOV-BHF To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30150939-NOV-BHF UNWN & TO ALL THE WORLD
To: Owner/Tenant: CEDRIC MOORE SADE LOPEZ To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant:
PCZ RENTAL LLC All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- TARA S LEE UNWN & TO ALL THE WORLD
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 089 05 scribed as Parcel 15 114 10 All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 081 16 028 and 3095 PANTHERS 091 and 1418 FOXHALL LN scribed as Parcel 15 122 06 scribed as Parcel 15 122 06
003 and 1143 HILLCREST DR TRCE in deed book 24031 SE 17 in deed book 26501 011 and 3290 ABBEYWOOD 088 and 3198 ABBEYWOOD
in deed book 23107 page page 00344 less and except all page 00412 less and except all DR in deed book 09091 page DR in deed book 07443 page
00271 less and except all par- parcels other than 15 089 05 parcels other than 15 114 10 00105 less and except all par- 00182 less and except all par-
cels other than 15 081 16 003. 028. 091. cels other than 15 122 06 011. cels other than 15 122 06 088.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of to satisfy certain amount of $601.89 to satisfy amount of $591.82 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain amount of $807.60 to satisfy
state, county, and city fieri fa- certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa- certain state, county, and city
cias fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias fieri facias For tax, penalties,
For tax, penalties, interest and interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for For tax, penalties, interest and interest and legal cost for
legal cost for year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. legal cost for year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 Page 47
390-439563 390-439568 390-439573 390-439580 390-439585 390-439591 390-439597
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30151057-NOV-CLJ 20-R30151233-NOV-BHF 20-R30151383-NOV-BHF 20-R30151738-NOV-SYG 20-R30152114-NOV-DJE 20-R30152474-NOV-SYG 20-R30152871-NOV-BHF
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: GAIL MORRISON Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- 018 and 3155 GAY DR in deed All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 127 03 book 03701 page 00530 less scribed as Parcel 15 138 13 scribed as Parcel 15 148 02 scribed as Parcel 15 155 04 scribed as Parcel 15 166 01 scribed as Parcel 15 175 01
037 and 4347 PLEASANT and except all parcels other 065 and 2516 BRENTFORD PL 145 and 2057 LILAC LN n deed 005 and 2167 COLUMBIA DR 109 and 3459 R ELGIN DR in 146 and 1680 VAN VLECK
FOREST DR in deed book than 15 135 02 018. in deed book 03259 page book 19921 page 00237 less in deed book 13995 page deed book 21724 page 00720 AVE SE in deed book 03191
06374 page 00615 less and ex- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00524 less and except all par- and except all parcels other 00270 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- page 00416 less and except all
cept all parcels other than 15 amount of to satisfy certain cels other than 15 138 13 065. than 15 148 02 145. cels other than 15 155 04 005. er than 15 166 01 109. parcels other than 15 175 01
127 03 037. state, county, and city fieri fa- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 146.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cias amount of to satisfy certain amount of $619.58 to satisfy amount of $786.82 to satisfy amount of $618.84 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $911.84 to satisfy For tax, penalties, interest and state, county, and city fieri fa- certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city amount of to satisfy certain
certain state, county, and city legal cost for year(s) 2019. cias For tax, penalties, interest fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, state, county, and city fieri fa-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, and legal cost for year(s) 2019. interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for cias For tax, penalties, interest
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
year(s) 2019. 390-439582 390-439599
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439574
20-R30151302-NOV-BHF 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439592 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439586
390-439564 To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30151838-NOV-DJE 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30152914-NOV-GNG
20-R30151392-NOV-GNG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS SYDNEY L ROBERTS To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30152525-NOV-DJE To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30152256-NOV-BHF
20-R30151097-NOV-BHF Defendant: SANDRA L MCKENZIE To: Owner/Tenant: ELLIOT R BOLTON
VERONA F JOHNSON All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: ELLIOT R BOLTON
Defendant: Defendant:
Defendant: scribed as Parcel 15 136 11 SANDRA L MCKENZIE EVA CLEMENTS VERONICA BOLTON
VERONA F JOHNSON 006 and 2492 MIRIAM LN in BEVERLY J STEED All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
HELEN SARAH PRUITT All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- deed book 18531 page 00544 All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 167 11 scribed as Parcel 15 176 01
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 158 11
scribed as Parcel 15 130 01 less and except all parcels oth- scribed as Parcel 15 150 03 025 and 1893 DERRILL DR in 166 and 666 STOKESWOOD
scribed as Parcel 15 139 03 049 and 4064 CANBY LN in
098 and 2327 PEBBLE ROCK er than 15 136 11 006. 011 and 2216 PINEWOOD DR deed book 18852 page 00447 AVE SE in deed book 15952
024 and 2368 CRANBROOKE deed book 24651 page 00064
WAY in deed book 06713 page Levied on 09/11/2020 for the in deed book 12914 page less and except all parcels oth- page 00393 less and except all
DR in deed book 24553 page less and except all parcels oth-
00163 less and except all par- amount of to satisfy certain 00193 less and except all par- er than 15 167 11 025. parcels other than 15 176 01
00550 less and except all par- er than 15 158 11 049.
cels other than 15 130 01 098. state, county, and city fieri fa- cels other than 15 150 03 011. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 166.
cels other than 15 139 03 024. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cias For tax, penalties, interest Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of to satisfy certain Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of to satisfy certain
amount of to satisfy certain and legal cost for year(s) 2019. amount of $659.81 to satisfy state, county, and city fieri fa- amount of $635.97 to satisfy
amount of $720.15 to satisfy state, county, and city fieri fa-
state, county, and city fieri fa- certain state, county, and city cias For tax, penalties, interest certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city cias For tax, penalties, interest
cias For tax, penalties, interest fieri facias For tax, penalties, and legal cost for year(s) 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
fieri facias For tax, penalties, and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
and legal cost for year(s) 2019. 390-439570 interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for 390-439594
year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019.
20-R30151303-NOV-GNG year(s) 2019. 390-439587 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
390-439583 390-439600
390-439565 To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30152766-NOV-SYG
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS ERNEST WILLIAMS JR 20-R30152295-NOV-GNG To: Owner/Tenant:
390-439576 20-R30151870-NOV-BHF 20-R30152979-NOV-CLJ
20-R30151098-NOV-GNG Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: MORANT
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
HOMELYFT PROPERTY All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: Defendant:
Defendant: 025 and 2435 GREEN FOR- All that parcel of land being de- CONSTRUCTION INC
Defendant: RICHARD W ANDREWS EST Defendant:
SAMMY C ROEBUCK REST DR in deed book 05846 scribed as Parcel 15 159 09 All that parcel of land being de-
LINDA G ROEBUCK page 00063 less and except all 044 and 4452 JOHN WESLEY scribed as Parcel 15 172 08
All that parcel of land being de- PETITIONER GROUP LLC T
All that parcel of land being de- parcels other than 15 136 11 DR in deed book 25333 page 034 and 1967 COGAR DR in
scribed as Parcel 15 143 10 All that parcel of land being de- OTIS LEE RUTHERFORD JR
scribed as Parcel 15 130 01 025. 00618 less and except all par- deed book 27380 page 00035
004 and 1375 DIAMOND AVE scribed as Parcel 15 150 15 All that parcel of land being de-
117 and 2403 S HAIRSTON Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 15 159 09 044. less and except all parcels oth-
SE in deed book 03221 page 035 and 2512 TILSON RD in scribed as Parcel 15 178 03
RD in deed book 27712 page amount of $360.48 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the er than 15 172 08 034.
00596 less and except all par- deed book 28513 page 00180 056 and 417 PASLEY AVE in
00513 less and except all par- certain state, county, and city amount of $689.70 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
cels other than 15 143 10 004. less and except all parcels oth- deed book 27670 page 00282
cels other than 15 130 01 117. fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city amount of $601.84 to satisfy
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the er than 15 150 15 035. less and except all parcels oth-
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city
amount of to satisfy certain Levied on 09/11/2020 for the er than 15 178 03 056.
amount of $703.88 to satisfy year(s) 2019. interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
state, county, and city fieri fa- amount of to satisfy certain Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
certain state, county, and city year(s) 2019. interest and legal cost for
cias For tax, penalties, interest state, county, and city fieri fa- amount of $821.81 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2019.
390-439571 and legal cost for year(s) 2019. cias For tax, penalties, interest certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS and legal cost for year(s) 2019. 390-439589 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2019. 390-439595
20-R30151367-NOV-BHF 390-439584 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for
390-439577 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2019.
To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30152383-NOV-DJE
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30152773-NOV-CLJ
390-439566 AARON BLAKENEY EST 20-R30151884-NOV-CLJ To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439601
20-R30151601-NOV-SYG To: Owner/Tenant:
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS ADMIN EXEC & HEIRS KNWN To: Owner/Tenant: DARIO REYES 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: WILLIE E ELDER
To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: ADMIN EXEC & Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant:
RICHARD CAMPBELL All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 172 10
PORTIA L RICHARD & HEIRS KNWN & UNWKNWN RONNIE RIVERS All that parcel of land being de- Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 15 144 04 043 and 1949 WEST STAR-
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: scribed as Parcel 15 163 05 ROBERT KENDRICK
006 and 1250 CUSTER AVE MOUNT WAY in deed book
scribed as Parcel 15 130 05 scribed as Parcel 15 138 10 RENNA TAYLOR ONEAL EST 009 and 4172 HANES DR in BERYLENE D KENDRICK EST
SE in deed book 27898 page 02623 page 00533 less and ex-
015 and 2203 RIVERBROOK 035 and 2561 TYLER WAY in ADMIN EXEC & deed book 22121 page 00517 All that parcel of land being de-
00799 less and except all par- cept all parcels other than 15
RD in deed book 05038 page deed book 28501 page 00041 HEIRS KNWN & UNWN & less and except all parcels oth- scribed as Parcel 15 182 01
cels other than 15 144 04 006. 172 10 043.
00061 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- TO ALL THE WORLD er than 15 163 05 009. 037 and 2877 MEMORIAL DR
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
cels other than 15 130 05 015. er than 15 138 10 035. RONNIE RIVERS Levied on 09/11/2020 for the SE in deed book 11693 page
amount of to satisfy certain amount of $862.22 to satisfy
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the All that parcel of land being de- amount of $800.58 to satisfy 00752 less and except all par-
state, county, and city fieri fa- certain state, county, and city
amount of to satisfy certain amount of to satisfy certain scribed as Parcel 15 151 03 certain state, county, and city cels other than 15 182 01 037.
cias For tax, penalties, interest fieri facias For tax, penalties,
state, county, and city fieri fa- state, county, and city fieri fa- 009 and 2150 WHITES MILL fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
and legal cost for year(s) 2019. interest and legal cost for
cias For tax, penalties, interest cias For tax, penalties, interest RD in deed book 17104 page interest and legal cost for amount of $838.05 to satisfy
year(s) 2019.
and legal cost for year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019. 00727 less and except all par- year(s) 2019. certain state, county, and city
390-439578 cels other than 15 151 03 009. 390-439596 fieri facias For tax, penalties,
390-439567 390-439572 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 390-439590 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30151670-NOV-SYG amount of $911.16 to satisfy 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30152798-NOV-GNG year(s) 2019.
20-R30151177-NOV-GNG 20-R30151379-NOV-CLJ To: Owner/Tenant: certain state, county, and city 20-R30152384-NOV-SYG To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: GWENDOLYN B JONES fieri facias or tax, penalties, in- To: Owner/Tenant: TED THOMAS
Defendant: Defendant: GWENDOLYN B JONES 2019. Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 146 10 All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 132 07 scribed as Parcel 15 138 13 009 and 846 FLAT SHOALS scribed as Parcel 15 163 05 scribed as Parcel 15 172 12
025 and 4043 GREENSTONE 026 and 2372 FONTAINE CIR WAY SE in deed book 03720 005 and 4150 HANES DR in 022 and 673 PARKER AVE in
CT in deed book 05692 page in deed book 04623 page page 00331 less and except all deed book 04831 page 00382 deed book 28475 page 00738
00097 less and except all par- 00257 less and except all par- parcels other than 15 146 10 less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth-
cels other than 15 132 07 025. cels other than 15 138 13 026. 009. er than 15 163 05 005. er than 15 172 12 022.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $732.02 to satisfy amount of $886.80 to satisfy amount of $600.75 to satisfy amount of $650.50 to satisfy amount of $352.03 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2019. year(s) 2017, 2018, 2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019.
Page 48 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
390-439603 390-439608 390-439613 390-439618 390-439624 390-439629 390-439634
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30153212-NOV-BHF 20-R30153571-NOV-CLJ 20-R30153781-NOV-DJE 20-R30154442-NOV-BHF 20-R30155099-NOV-BHF 20-R30155518-NOV-BHF 20-R30156207-NOV-BHF
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: HELEN R FLOWERS Defendant: Defendant: TERRELL H GOODING Defendant: SOLUTIONS LLC
All that parcel of land being de- MART C FLOWERS II All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- MARIE C GOODING All that parcel of land being de- AC INVESTMENT
scribed as Parcel 15 185 01 HELEN R FLOWERS scribed as Parcel 15 198 05 scribed as Parcel 15 216 11 TERRELL H GOODING scribed as Parcel 16 009 02 SOLUTIONS LLC
020 and 2999 SAN JOSE DR in All that parcel of land being de- 065 and 3556 MARYVALE DR 033 and 1231 THOMAS RD in All that parcel of land being de- 016 and 31 QUAIL RUN in All that parcel of land being de-
deed book 03402 page 00445 scribed as Parcel 15 192 06 in deed book 09619 page deed book 26825 page 00198 scribed as Parcel 15 247 09 deed book 23567 page 00180 scribed as Parcel 16 038 07
less and except all parcels oth- 150 and 1775 BIG VALLEY LN 00567 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- 015 and 510 E PONCE DE LE- less and except all parcels oth- 153 and 5277 KINSDALE LN in
er than 15 185 01 020. in deed book 04915 page cels other than 15 198 05 065. er than 15 216 11 033. ON AVE N in deed book 27302 er than 16 009 02 016. deed book 27417 page 00232
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00026 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the page 00353 less and except all Levied on 09/11/2020 for the less and except all parcels oth-
amount of to satisfy certain cels other than 15 192 06 150. amount of $818.76 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain parcels other than 15 247 09 amount of to satisfy certain er than 16 038 07 153.
state, county, and city fieri fa- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa- 015. state, county, and city fieri fa- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
cias For tax, penalties, interest amount of $927.21 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias For tax, penalties, interest Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cias For tax, penalties, interest amount of to satisfy certain
and legal cost for year(s) 2019. certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for and legal cost for year(s) 2019. amount of to satisfy certain and legal cost for year(s) 2019. state, county, and city fieri fa-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2019. state, county, and city fieri fa- cias For tax, penalties, interest
interest and legal cost for cias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
390-439604 year(s) 2019. 390-439614 and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439619
390-439630 390-439635
20-R30153352-NOV-GNG 20-R30153983-NOV-DJE 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439625
390-439609 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30154612-NOV-DJE 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30155879-NOV-BHF 20-R30156213-NOV-SYG
20-R30153582-NOV-SYG To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: WILVIA M KILLINGSWORTH To: Owner/Tenant:
RONNIE LEE Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- WILVIA M KILLINGSWORTH Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 15 187 07 scribed as Parcel 15 202 12 All that parcel of land being de- CORNELIS OSKAM
Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
053 and 3453 COBBS FERRY 024 and 1464 CATHERINE ST scribed as Parcel 15 221 06 All that parcel of land being de-
RONNIE LEE scribed as Parcel 16 030 05 scribed as Parcel 16 038 08
DR in deed book 04040 page in deed book 11288 page 075 and 1315 JUNE DR in scribed as Parcel 15 256 01
00399 less and except all par- 00026 less and except all par- deed book 17989 page 00587 131 and 4806 RUBY FOR-
All that parcel of land being de- XING in deed book 06018 page REAR in deed book 00712
cels other than 15 187 07 053. cels other than 15 202 12 024. less and except all parcels oth- REST DR in deed book 26203
scribed as Parcel 15 193 02 00507 less and except all par- page 00046 less and except all
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the er than 15 221 06 075. page 00201 less and except all
017 and 1582 FIELDGREEN cels other than 16 030 05 007. parcels other than 16 038 08
amount of $667.96 to satisfy amount of $743.47 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the parcels other than 15 256 01
CT in deed book 19022 page Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 001.
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city amount of $386.82 to satisfy 131.
00652 less and except all par- amount of to satisfy certain Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
cels other than 15 193 02 017. state, county, and city fieri fa- amount of $621.02 to satisfy
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for fieri facias or tax, penalties, in- amount of $583.82 to satisfy
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cias For tax, penalties, interest certain state, county, and city
year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. terest and legal cost for year(s) certain state, county, and city
amount of $629.29 to satisfy and legal cost for year(s) 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city 390-439615 interest and legal cost for
interest and legal cost for
390-439605 fieri facias For tax, penalties, 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2019.
year(s) 2019.
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for 20-R30154081-NOV-BHF
year(s) 2019. To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439620 390-439631
20-R30153373-NOV-BHF 390-439626
UNKNOWN OWNER 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439636
To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
UNRETURNED PROPERTY 20-R30154671-NOV-BHF 20-R30155996-NOV-DJE 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
ALFREDA DOWNIE 390-439610 20-R30155326-NOV-BHF
Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30156530-NOV-SYG
JAMES BERRY 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: 20-R30153600-NOV-SYG CHARLTON HUDNELL
ALFREDA DOWNIE To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: DORETT EUSTON Defendant:
scribed as Parcel 15 205 04 LORRAINE MARIE SMITH All that parcel of land being de- KENYA P JONES
All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: All that parcel of land being de-
129 and 0 R HOSEA L WILLI- RODNEY E SMITH EST scribed as Parcel 16 033 08 All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 188 03 VERNA H MEDOWS scribed as Parcel 16 001 14
AMS DR NE REAR in deed All that parcel of land being de- 082 and 755 FOREST PATH in scribed as Parcel 16 058 07
060 and 1637 FREEDOM VLY All that parcel of land being de- 062 and 805 HERITAGE OAKS
book - page less and except all scribed as Parcel 15 223 01 deed book 06896 page 00236 030 and 5885 STRATHMOOR
in deed book 21870 page scribed as Parcel 15 193 09 DR in deed book 23035 page
parcels other than 15 205 04 098 and 1172 MANNBROOK less and except all parcels oth- MANOR CIR in deed book
00310 less and except all par- 004 and 1608 AUTUMN 00048 less and except all par-
129. DR in deed book 24408 page er than 16 033 08 082. 27754 page 00278 less and ex-
cels other than 15 188 03 060. HURST TRL in deed book cels other than 16 001 14 062.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00514 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cept all parcels other than 16
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 06873 page 00595 less and ex- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of to satisfy certain cels other than 15 223 01 098. amount of $750.68 to satisfy 058 07 030.
amount of to satisfy certain cept all parcels other than 15 amount of to satisfy certain
state, county, and city fieri fa- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
state, county, and city fieri fa- 193 09 004. state, county, and city fieri fa-
cias For tax, penalties, interest amount of to satisfy certain fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $600.21 to satisfy
cias For tax, penalties, interest Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cias For tax, penalties, interest
and legal cost for year(s) 2019. state, county, and city fieri fa- interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city
and legal cost for year(s) 2019. amount of $623.84 to satisfy and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
cias For tax, penalties, interest year(s) 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city and legal cost for year(s) 2019. interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, 390-439616 390-439627
390-439606 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2019.
interest and legal cost for
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2019. 20-R30154103-NOV-CLJ 20-R30155504-NOV-CLJ
20-R30153406-NOV-CLJ To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439632 390-439637
To: Owner/Tenant: TIMOTHY LACY ROBCON HOLDINGS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
390-439611 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
MRS VAN LEC CHERYL LACY Defendant: 20-R30156059-NOV-SYG 20-R30156677-NOV-BHF
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30154750-NOV-BHF
MCWHORTER HUGHES Defendant: JAPANESE LINGUISTIC To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
20-R30153720-NOV-BHF To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: CROSSROADS
MRS VAN LEC CHERYL LACY All that parcel of land being de- Defendant: Defendant:
MCWHORTER HUGHES All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 008 06 STEPHEN GENTLE III SHARON L HALL
Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 15 206 02 007 and 2499 TERRACE TRL All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 15 188 13 226 and 0 BIXBY TER SE n in deed book 28016 page scribed as Parcel 16 034 11 scribed as Parcel 16 061 11
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
015 and 3686 BROOKCREST deed book 26247 page 00657 00226 less and except all par- 039 and 964 CHAPMAN CIR in 132 and 1518 STONELEIGH
scribed as Parcel 15 197 01 scribed as Parcel 15 225 01
CIR in deed book 02156 page less and except all parcels oth- cels other than 16 008 06 007. deed book 26718 page 00377 WAY in deed book 24758 page
104 and 3287 TULIP DR in 161 and 4766 BRASAC DR in
00166 less and except all par- er than 15 206 02 226. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the less and except all parcels oth- 00376 less and except all par-
deed book 05050 page 00165 deed book 27991 page 00004
cels other than 15 188 13 015. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $840.74 to satisfy er than 16 034 11 039. cels other than 16 061 11 132.
less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth-
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $827.85 to satisfy certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
er than 15 197 01 104. er than 15 225 01 161.
amount of $909.72 to satisfy certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $570.67 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa-
amount of to satisfy certain amount of to satisfy certain
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias For tax, penalties, interest
state, county, and city fieri fa- state, county, and city fieri fa-
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019. interest and legal cost for and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
cias For tax, penalties, interest cias For tax, penalties, interest
year(s) 2019. 390-439628 year(s) 2019.
and legal cost for year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
390-439617 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30155516-NOV-BHF 390-439639
390-439607 390-439612 20-R30154226-NOV-BHF To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439623 HORIZON TRUST COMPANY 390-439633 20-R30156927-NOV-CLJ
20-R30153509-NOV-SYG 20-R30153762-NOV-CLJ WALTER MCCLOUD EST 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS DRACY CAPITAL 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: RODRICK MCCLOUD 20-R30155031-NOV-BHF 401K PLAN CFBO 20-R30156100-NOV-BHF MARVIN SPEIGHTS EST
RALPH M MEDLOCK JR 730 WENDYS DECATUR LLC Defendant: To:Owner/Tenant: Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant: ADMIN EXEC &
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- MARJORIE ANN RODI CFBO LAKETA JOHNSON BEATRIZ COLLINS
scribed as Parcel 15 191 01 scribed as Parcel 15 197 18 scribed as Parcel 15 209 02 All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- ADMINISTARTOR
036 and 624 HIGHLAND PL in 001 and 4071 COVINGTON 049 and 239 LOWRY ST NE in scribed as Parcel 15 244 06 scribed as Parcel 16 009 02 scribed as Parcel 16 035 02 Defendant:
deed book 01071 page 00466 HWY in deed book 20185 page deed book 04630 page 00571 055 and 510 COVENTRY RD 011 and 36 QUAIL RUN in 037 and 5463 BRANDON CT in MARVIN SPEIGHTS EST
less and except all parcels oth- 00721 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- 14 B in deed book 26369 page deed book 24624 page 00013 deed book 24639 page 00615 ADMIN EXEC &
er than 15 191 01 036. cels other than 15 197 18 001. er than 15 209 02 049. 00597 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth- HEIRS KNWN & UNWN &
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 15 244 06 055. er than 16 009 02 011. er than 16 035 02 037. TO ALL THE WORLD
amount of $580.38 to satisfy amount of $845.56 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the BEATRIZ COLLINS
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa- amount of to satisfy certain amount of to satisfy certain amount of to satisfy certain ADMINISTARTOR
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias state, county, and city fieri fa- state, county, and city fieri fa- state, county, and city fieri fa- All that parcel of land being de-
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for For tax, penalties, interest and cias For tax, penalties, interest cias For tax, penalties, interest cias For tax, penalties, interest scribed as Parcel 16 071 06
year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. legal cost for year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2018. 004 and 5903 CRESCENT
RIDGE CT in deed book 08140
page 00004 less and except all
parcels other than 16 071 06
All that parcel of land being de-

scribed as Parcel 16 071 06 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 Page 49
004 and 5903 CRESCENT
RIDGE CT in deed book 08140 390-439645 390-439651 390-439656 390-439661 390-439666 390-439674
page 00004 less and except all 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
parcels other than 16 071 06 20-R30158152-NOV-DJE 20-R30158386-NOV-SYG 20-R30158565-NOV-SYG 20-R30158923-NOV-DJE 20-R30159406-NOV-CLJ 20-R30159753-NOV-DJE
004. To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
amount of $855.53 to satisfy Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant:
fieri facias For tax, penalties, All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
interest and legal cost for scribed as Parcel 16 131 01 scribed as Parcel 16 153 04 scribed as Parcel 16 161 02 scribed as Parcel 16 255 02 scribed as Parcel 18 017 01 scribed as Parcel 18 035 01
year(s) 2019. 014 and 6864 YORKDALE CT 056 and 2613 BRUCE ST in 066 and 7304 ASBURY DR in 064 and 8410 LAKE DR in 131 and 490 BARBASHELA 058 and 465 JOHNSON DR in
in deed book 22774 page deed book 21769 page 00623 deed book 26583 page 00185 deed book 21905 page 00687 DR in deed book 25511 page deed book 09371 page 00674
00524 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth- 00066 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth-
cels other than 16 131 01 014. er than 16 153 04 056. er than 16 161 02 066. er than 16 255 02 064. cels other than 18 017 01 131. er than 18 035 01 058.
390-439640 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS amount of to satisfy certain amount of $388.79 to satisfy amount of $609.58 to satisfy amount of $764.76 to satisfy amount of $416.12 to satisfy amount of $846.87 to satisfy
20-R30157455-NOV-CLJ state, county, and city fieri fa- certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
To: Owner/Tenant: cias fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
RONNIE WALKER For tax, penalties, interest and interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
DORIS A CHILES legal cost for year(s)2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019 year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019.
Defendant: 390-439675
RONNIE WALKER 390-439646 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
390-439652 390-439667
DORIS A CHILES 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439657 390-439662 20-R30159924-NOV-CLJ
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
All that parcel of land being de- 20-R30158207-NOV-GNG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant:
20-R30158402-NOV-CLJ 20-R30159407-NOV-CLJ
scribed as Parcel 16 090 01 To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30158574-NOV-BHF 20-R30159141-NOV-SYG HASSNAA IBRAHIM
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
181 and 2335 CHEROKEE CHARLES ASH To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: INTISAR IDRIS
Defendant: Defendant:
15919 page 00440 less and ex- Defendant: Defendant: TRUSTEE HASSNAA IBRAHIM
cept all parcels other than 16 CHARLES ASH VICCI LEE Defendant: INTISAR IDRIS
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
090 01 181. SARAH M LEE All that parcel of land being de- ELIZABETH L TURNER All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 16 153 08 scribed as Parcel 18 017 01
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 161 03 TRUSTEE scribed as Parcel 18 040 03
010 and 7057 PINE MOUN- 132 and 500 BARBASHELA
amount of $873.43 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 16 136 01 126 and 7189 MONTEREY All that parcel of land being de- 013 and 413 N HAIRSTON RD
TAIN RD in deed book 11480 DR in deed book 25511 page
certain state, county, and city 015 and 2522 ALBERT WAY in AVE in deed book 22512 page scribed as Parcel 18 006 03 in deed book 22140 page
page 00747 less and except all 00066 less and except all par-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, deed book 08988 page 00085 00772 less and except all par- 113 and 534 CLAIREMONT 00647 less and except all par-
parcels other than 16 153 08 cels other than 18 017 01 132.
interest and legal cost for less and except all parcels oth- cels other than 16 161 03 126. AVE in deed book 26623 page cels other than 18 040 03 013.
010. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
year(s) 2019. er than 16 136 01 015. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00449 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $445.24 to satisfy
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of to satisfy certain cels other than 18 006 03 113. amount of $897.64 to satisfy
amount of $922.00 to satisfy certain state, county, and city
amount of $706.40 to satisfy state, county, and city fieri fa- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city
certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city cias For tax, penalties, interest amount of $595.42 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties,
390-439641 fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, and legal cost for year(s) 2019. certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2019.
20-R30157549-NOV-SYG year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. interest and legal cost for
To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439658 year(s) 2019 390-439670 390-439676
MICHELLE R HAYNES 390-439648 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
390-439653 20-R30159498-NOV-BHF 20-R30159953-NOV-DJE
ROBERT K WATTS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30158619-NOV-SYG
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: 20-R30158368-NOV-DJE To:Owner/Tenant: 390-439663
MICHELLE R HAYNES To: Owner/Tenant: RICKEY E REYNOLDS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: PROPERTIES INC Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- HARPER Defendant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: KELLY RICH TRUSTEE scribed as Parcel 18 041 08
009 and 955 S DESHON CT in Defendant: ALISON REYNOLDS Defendant:
UNKNOWN OWNER All that parcel of land being de- 156 and 520 MAGNOLIA DR in
deed book 18109 page 00238 ANNETTE CHRISTIAN All that parcel of land being de- FEKADU ASGEDOM
UNRETURNED PROPERTY scribed as Parcel 18 020 09 deed book 14764 page 00397
less and except all parcels oth- HARPER scribed as Parcel 16 169 01 All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- 140 and 5731 WELLS CIR in less and except all parcels oth-
er than 16 092 05 009. WILLIE ALFRED HARPER 029 and 7156 MCDANIEL ST scribed as Parcel 18 006 06
scribed as Parcel 16 159 01 deed book 27465 page 00438 er than 18 041 08 156.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the All that parcel of land being de- in deed book 15344 page 025 and 411 WILLOW LN 4 in
179 and 6981 0 BRECKEN less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $592.34 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 16 152 11 00565 less and except all par- deed book 23081 page 00179
TRCE in deed book - page less er than 18 020 09 140. amount of $736.96 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city 013 and 7215 SWIFT ST in cels other than 16 169 01 029. less and except all parcels oth-
and except all parcels other Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, deed book 06989 page 00007 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the er than 18 006 06 025.
than 16 159 01 179. amount of to satisfy certain fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for less and except all parcels oth- amount of $588.40 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the state, county, and city fieri fa- interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2019. er than 16 152 11 013. certain state, county, and city amount of to satisfy certain
amount of $649.98 to satisfy cias For tax, penalties, interest year(s) 2019.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, state, county, and city fieri fa-
certain state, county, and city and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
amount of $795.86 to satisfy interest and legal cost for cias 390-439677
fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city year(s) 2019. For tax, penalties, interest and 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
390-439643 interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2019. legal cost for year(s) 2019. 390-439671 20-R30160003-NOV-SYG
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant:
20-R30157796-NOV-DJE year(s) 2019. 390-439659 20-R30159506-NOV-CLJ THEODORE V WILLIAMS
To: Owner/Tenant: 390-439654 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439664 To:Owner/Tenant: EARL L VIAR
KENNETH E MITCHELL 390-439649 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30158640-NOV-CLJ 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS EQUITY TRUST COMPANY Defendant:
Defendant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30158500-NOV-GNG To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30159242-NOV-GNG CUSTODIAN MYRNA THEODORE V WILLIAMS
All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant: STEVEN TAYLOR Defendant: LANG ENTERPRISES LTD CO Defendant: All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 16 103 01 VANNERIAH WYNN Defendant: YENASRY MOHAMMED Defendant: EQUITY TRUST COMPANY scribed as Parcel 18 042 08
289 and 6300 CREEKFORD Defendant: STEVEN TAYLOR All that parcel of land being de- LANG ENTERPRISES LTD CO CUSTODIAN MYRNA PHIL- 077 and 4184 VILLAGE
LN in deed book 12000 page VANNERIAH WYNN All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 169 09 All that parcel of land being de- LIPS JONES SQUARE LN in deed book
00203 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 159 02 003 and 7665 CONYERS ST in scribed as Parcel 18 010 12 All that parcel of land being de- 26844 page 00207 less and ex-
cels other than 16 103 01 289. scribed as Parcel 16 152 12 016 and 6926 TIMBERS EAST deed book 21536 page 00090 001 and 3191 CEDAR ST in scribed as Parcel 18 021 01 cept all parcels other than 18
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 027 and 7464 CONYERS ST in DR in deed book 22739 page less and except all parcels oth- deed book 26328 page 00738 118 and 590 SIMONE WAY in 042 08 077.
amount of $591.67 to satisfy deed book 24166 page 00151 00165 less and except all par- er than 16 169 09 003. less and except all parcels oth- deed book 24177 page 00625 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
certain state, county, and city less and except all parcels oth- cels other than 16 159 02 016. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the er than 18 010 12 001. less and except all parcels oth- amount of $560.45 to satisfy
fieri facias For tax, penalties, er than 16 152 12 027. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $1,706.84 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the er than 18 021 01 118. certain state, county, and city
interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $768.16 to satisfy certain state, county, and city amount of $710.40 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties,
year(s) 2019. amount of $920.31 to satisfy certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city amount of $920.44 to satisfy interest and legal cost for
certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties, certain state, county, and city year(s) 2019.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019. interest and legal cost for fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. interest and legal cost for
390-439644 year(s) 2019.
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439660 year(s) 2019.
20-R30158121-NOV-SYG 390-439650 390-439655 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439665
To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30158729-NOV-BHF 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439672
CLIFFORD WILLIAMS 20-R30158385-NOV-SYG 20-R30158560-NOV-CLJ To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30159405-NOV-CLJ 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
DELORES WILLIAMS To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: DAVID O HOSTEN To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30159711-NOV-BHF
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 16 191 01 All that parcel of land being de- LINDA GALE GREGORY
scribed as Parcel 16 129 02 scribed as Parcel 16 153 04 scribed as Parcel 16 161 03 042 and 7510 KIMBERLY scribed as Parcel 18 017 01 All that parcel of land being de-
033 and 6777 TIMBERS EAST 055 and 2605 BRUCE ST in 030 and 836 BRISTOL WAY in LYNN CT in deed book 09032 130 and 482 BARBASHELA scribed as Parcel 18 032 01
DR in deed book 18007 page deed book 21769 page 00623 deed book 25314 page 00251 page 00129 less and except all DR in deed book 25511 page 007 and 6750 ROCKBRIDGE
00126 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- less and except all parcels oth- parcels other than 16 191 01 00066 less and except all par- RD in deed book 07021 page
cels other than 16 129 02 033. er than 16 153 04 055. er than 16 161 03 030. 042. cels other than 18 017 01 130. 00328 less and except all par-
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 18 032 01 007.
amount of $597.36 to satisfy amount of $402.07 to satisfy amount of $906.44 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain amount of $416.12 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa- certain state, county, and city amount of to satisfy certain
fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias fieri facias For tax, penalties, state, county, and city fieri fa-
interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for For tax, penalties, interest and interest and legal cost for cias For tax, penalties, interest
year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. legal cost for year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
Page 50 The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
390-439678 390-439683 390-439687 390-439692 390-439697 390-439703 390-439708
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30160044-NOV-CLJ 20-R30160147-NOV-GNG 20-R30160242-NOV-CLJ 20-R30160346-NOV-DJE 20-R30160351-NOV-DJE 20-R30160646-NOV-SYG 20-R30160913-NOV-GNG
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
GUARANTY INC REID BURTON SCOTT JR ABEBE HOLDINGS LLC Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant:
Defendant: CHARLES S PHARR JOEL FINEGOLD All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
FREEPORT TITLE & REID BURTON SCOTT JR ABEBE HOLDINGS LLC scribed as Parcel 18 054 11 scribed as Parcel 18 054 11 scribed as Parcel 18 068 07 scribed as Parcel 18 074 07
GUARANTY INC All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- 053 and 1338 GREY FOX CT 065 and 1504 RED FOX DR 034 and 3974 STONEVIEW 022 and 838 BEAVER RUN RD
AS TRUSTEE scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 scribed as Parcel 18 047 31 UNIT 4 in deed book 25593 UNIT D in deed book 25593 CIR in deed book 22997 page in deed book 22562 page
All that parcel of land being de- 115 and 3174 ZION ST in deed 003 and 556 WOODLAND AVE page 00062 less and except all page 00062 less and except all 00353 less and except all par- 00362 less and except all par-
scribed as Parcel 18 044 09 book 09915 page 00194 less in deed book 24177 page parcels other than 18 054 11 parcels other than 18 054 11 cels other than 18 068 07 034. cels other than 18 074 07 022.
039 and 628 RIDGECREEK and except all parcels other 00626 less and except all par- 053. 065. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
DR in deed book 25718 page than 18 046 03 115. cels other than 18 047 31 003. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $622.10 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain
00308 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of to satisfy certain amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa-
cels other than 18 044 09 039. amount of $390.62 to satisfy amount of $936.84 to satisfy state, county, and city fieri fa- state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias For tax, penalties, interest
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city cias For tax, penalties, interest cias interest and legal cost for and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
amount of $846.58 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, and legal cost for year(s) 2019. For tax, penalties, interest and year(s) 2019.
certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for legal cost for year(s) 2019. 390-439709
fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
interest and legal cost for 390-439693 390-439704
390-439684 20-R30160918-NOV-GNG
year(s) 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439688 390-439698 To: Owner/Tenant:
20-R30160347-NOV-DJE 20-R30160734-NOV-GNG
20-R30160152-NOV-BHF 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS LOIS RANDALL
390-439679 To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30160338-NOV-DJE 20-R30160352-NOV-DJE CONNY MOORE
UNKNOWN OWNER To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant:
20-R30160045-NOV-BHF Defendant: Defendant:
Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: MOORE CONNY
ANGELA GENUS All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
Defendant: scribed as Parcel 18 054 11 scribed as Parcel 18 070 08
UNRETURNED PROPERTY All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 074 08
ANGELA GENUS 054 and 1340 GREY FOX CT 041 and 571 WINDCHASE LN
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 054 11 scribed as Parcel 18 054 11 001 and 869 3RD ST in deed
All that parcel of land being de- UNIT 5 in deed book 25593 in deed book 24221 page
scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 067 and 1504 RED FOX DR 066 and 1504 RED FOX DR book 03877 page 00479 less
scribed as Parcel 18 044 09 page 00062 less and except all 00600 less and except all par-
111 and 3183 KELLY ST in UNIT F in deed book 25593 UNIT E in deed book 25593 and except all parcels other
051 and 518 RIDGECREEK parcels other than 18 054 11 cels other than 18 070 08 041.
deed book 20147 page 00516 page 00062 less and except all page 00062 less and except all than 18 074 08 001.
DR in deed book 27299 page 054. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
less and except all parcels oth- parcels other than 18 054 11 parcels other than 18 054 11 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
00290 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $687.83 to satisfy
er than 18 046 03 111. 067. 066. amount of to satisfy certain
cels other than 18 044 09 051. amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the state, county, and city fieri fa-
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties,
amount of $981.18 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain amount of to satisfy certain cias For tax, penalties, interest
amount of to satisfy certain cias interest and legal cost for
certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa- state, county, and city fieri fa- and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
state, county, and city fieri fa- For tax, penalties, interest and year(s) 2019.
fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias For tax, penalties, interest cias For tax, penalties, interest
cias For tax, penalties, interest legal cost for year(s) 2019.
interest and legal cost for and legal cost for year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019. 390-439710
and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
year(s) 2019. 390-439705 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
390-439680 390-439685 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30160919-NOV-CLJ
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439689 390-439694 20-R30160739-NOV-DJE To: Owner/Tenant:
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439699
20-R30160172-NOV-GNG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant: MAMIE ELLA LANE
20-R30160086-NOV-DJE 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30160343-NOV-DJE 20-R30160348-NOV-DJE W D STEPHERSON Defendant:
To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30160353-NOV-DJE
CHARLES S PHARR To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: MAMIE ELLA LANE
TERRY A WILLIS To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 074 09
CHARLES S PHARR MH BRIARCLIFF LLC MH BRIARCLIFF LLC scribed as Parcel 18 070 08 002 and 865 2ND ST S in deed
All that parcel of land being de- MH BRIARCLIFF LLC
REID BURTON SCOTT JR All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- 067 and 606 WINDCHASE LN book 19565 page 00651 less
scribed as Parcel 18 045 17 All that parcel of land being de-
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 054 11 scribed as Parcel 18 054 11 in deed book 22738 page and except all parcels other
017 and 3562 LANTERN VIEW scribed as Parcel 18 054 11
scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 050 and 1332 GREY FOX CT 062 and 504 RED FOX DR 00031 less and except all par- than 18 074 09 002.
LN in deed book 22091 page 070 and 1494 RED FOX DR C
197 and 3242 BLANTON DR in UNIT 1 in deed book 25593 UNIT A in deed book 25593 cels other than 18 070 08 067. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
00162 less and except all par- in deed book 25593 page
deed book 09915 page 00182 page 00062 less and except all page 00062 less and except all Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $280.87 to satisfy
cels other than 18 045 17 017. 00062 less and except all par-
less and except all parcels oth- parcels other than 18 054 11 parcels other than 18 054 11 amount of $810.39 to satisfy certain state, county, and city
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 18 054 11 070.
er than 18 046 03 197. 050. 062. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties,
amount of $757.70 to satisfy
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of to satisfy certain fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for
certain state, county, and city
amount of $434.02 to satisfy amount of to satisfy certain amount of to satisfy certain state, county, and city fieri fa- interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
fieri facias For tax, penalties,
certain state, county, and city state, county, and city fieri fa- state, county, and city fieri fa- cias For tax, penalties, interest year(s) 2019.
interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, cias For tax, penalties, interest cias For tax, penalties, interest
year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019. 390-439711
interest and legal cost for and legal cost for year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019.
390-439681 year(s) 2019. 390-439706 20-R30160962-NOV-DJE
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439690 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant:
390-439686 390-439695 390-439700
20-R30160114-NOV-GNG 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30160907-NOV-DJE STONE MOUNTAIN
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30160344-NOV-DJE To: Owner/Tenant: MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION
20-R30160207-NOV-SYG 20-R30160349-NOV-DJE 20-R30160371-NOV-BHF
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant:
Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION
ENTERPRISES LLC Defendant: Defendant:
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- UNRETURNED PROPERTY scribed as Parcel 18 079 02
WILVA M KILLINGSWORTH All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 18 046 01 scribed as Parcel 18 054 11 All that parcel of land being de- 002 and 905 STEWART MILL
WILVIA M KILLINGSWORTH scribed as Parcel 18 054 11 scribed as Parcel 18 056 01
145 and 612 WARREN AVE in 051 and 1334 GREY FOX CT scribed as Parcel 18 074 05 RD in deed book 25869 page
All that parcel of land being de- 063 and 1504 RED FOX DR 018 and 1735 HELEN DR in
deed book 27371 page 00195 UNIT 2 in deed book 25593 009 and 5456 SIGMAN ST in 00029 less and except all par-
scribed as Parcel 18 046 04 UNIT B in deed book 25593 deed book 20395 page 00541
less and except all parcels oth- page 00062 less and except all deed book 04372 page 00401 cels other than 18 079 02 002.
197 and 3254 R KELLY ST in page 00062 less and except all less and except all parcels oth-
er than 18 046 01 145. parcels other than 18 054 11 less and except all parcels oth- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
deed book 28279 page 28279 parcels other than 18 054 11 er than 18 056 01 018.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 051. er than 18 074 05 009. amount of $240.96 to satisfy
less and except all parcels oth- 063. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $628.58 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city
er than 18 046 04 197. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of to satisfy certain
certain state, county, and city amount of to satisfy certain amount of $812.58 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties,
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of to satisfy certain state, county, and city fieri fa-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, state, county, and city fieri fa- certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for
amount of $287.86 to satisfy state, county, and city fieri fa- cias
interest and legal cost for cias For tax, penalties, interest fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2019.
certain state, county, and city cias For tax, penalties, interest For tax, penalties, interest and
year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019. interest and legal cost for
fieri facias For tax, penalties, and legal cost for year(s) 2019. legal cost for year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019.
390-439682 interest and legal cost for 390-439712
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS year(s) 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
20-R30160140-NOV-SYG 390-439691 390-439696 390-439702 390-439707 20-R30160987-NOV-DJE
To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant:
MITCHELL BECKMAN 20-R30160345-NOV-DJE 20-R30160350-NOV-DJE 20-R30160503-NOV-DJE 20-R30160908-NOV-DJE STONE MOUNTAIN
ENTERPRISES LLC To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION
WILVA M KILLINGSWORTH Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: Defendant: STONE MOUNTAIN
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de-
scribed as Parcel 18 046 03 scribed as Parcel 18 054 11 scribed as Parcel 18 054 11 scribed as Parcel 18 062 11 scribed as Parcel 18 074 05 scribed as Parcel 18 084 03
064 and 3170 ALTACREST DR 052 and 1336 GREY FOX CT 064 and 1504 RED FOX DR 076 and 1524 TUXWORTH 027 and 5462 SIGMAN ST in 001 and 6669 BERMUDA RD
in deed book 28279 page UNIT 3 in deed book 25593 UNIT C in deed book 25593 CIR in deed book 20882 page deed book 09166 page 00175 in deed book 25869 page
00196 less and except all par- page 00062 less and except all page 00062 less and except all 00335 less and except all par- less and except all parcels oth- 00029 less and except all par-
cels other than 18 046 03 064. parcels other than 18 054 11 parcels other than 18 054 11 cels other than 18 062 11 076. er than 18 074 05 027. cels other than 18 084 03 001.
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 052. 064. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $287.86 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $741.00 to satisfy amount of $844.50 to satisfy amount of $747.37 to satisfy
certain state, county, and city amount of to satisfy certain amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, state, county, and city fieri fa- state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties,
interest and legal cost for cias For tax, penalties, interest cias For tax, penalties, interest interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for
year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019.
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 51
390-439713 390-439718 390-439725 390-439731 390-439736 390-439742
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS Foreclosures: Residential
20-R30160993-NOV-CLJ 20-R30161363-NOV-SYG 20-R30162199-NOV-DJE 20-R30162725-NOV-SYG 20-R30163338-NOV-GNG 20-R30164194-NOV-SYG
To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: 420-437742 7/9,7/16,7/23,7/30,
Defendant: DAISY R LEMONS Defendant: BRIARWOOD LLC Defendant: ROAD LLC 7,6/24,10/1,10/8,10/15,10/22,1
All that parcel of land being de- WILVA M KILLINGSWORTH All that parcel of land being de- TOWNHOMES OF All that parcel of land being de- CORP STATE OF GEORGIA
scribed as Parcel 18 089 09 DAISY R LEMONS scribed as Parcel 18 157 10 BRIARWOOD LLC scribed as Parcel 18 246 06 Defendant: COUNTY OF DEKALB
002 and 873 3RD ST in deed All that parcel of land being de- 193 and 1100 WESTCHESTER All that parcel of land being de- 115 and 3121 COLONIAL WAY 5796 NEW PEACHTREE NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
book 19565 page 00651 less scribed as Parcel 18 102 09 RDG in deed book 16625 page scribed as Parcel 18 201 19 B in deed book 27683 page ROAD LLC POWER
and except all parcels other 037 and 2317 R HUNTING 00483 less and except all par- 014 and 2300 LIMEHURST DR 00350 less and except all par- GRANT DEVELOPMENT Because of a default under the
than 18 089 09 002. VALLEY DR REAR in deed cels other than 18 157 10 193. in deed book 18080 page cels other than 18 246 06 115. CORP terms of the Security Deed ex-
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the book 18197 page 00500 less Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 00322 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the All that parcel of land being de- ecuted by Cordarius M. Atchis-
amount of $780.74 to satisfy and except all parcels other amount of $713.32 to satisfy cels other than 18 201 19 014. amount of $661.98 to satisfy scribed as Parcel 18 310 05 on to Mortgage Electronic Re-
certain state, county, and city than 18 102 09 037. certain state, county, and city Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city 006 and 5796 NEW gistration Systems, Inc., as
fieri facias For tax, penalties, Levied on 09/11/2020 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, amount of $583.88 to satisfy fieri facias For tax, penalties, PEACHTREE RD in deed book grantee, as nominee for
interest and legal cost for amount of $422.84 to satisfy interest and legal cost for certain state, county, and city interest and legal cost for 25213 page 00550 less and ex-, LLC, its suc-
year(s) 2019. certain state, county, and city year(s) 2019. fieri facias For tax, penalties, year(s) 2019. cept all parcels other than 18 cessors and assigns dated
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for 310 05 006. June 26, 2018, and recorded in
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019. 390-439737 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Deed Book 26994, Page 385,
year(s) 2019. 390-439727 amount of $572.53 to satisfy
390-439714 390-439732 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS DeKalb County Records, said
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS certain state, county, and city
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 390-439719 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30163356-NOV-BHF Security Deed having been last
20-R30162463-NOV-DJE fieri facias For tax, penalties,
20-R30161171-NOV-BHF 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30162773-NOV-DJE To: Owner/Tenant: sold, assigned, transferred and
To: Owner/Tenant: interest and legal cost for
To: Owner/Tenant: 20-R30161394-NOV-CLJ To: Owner/Tenant: KEVIN SCOTT WEATHERS conveyed to Nationstar Mort-
CHARLES W CAMPBELL To: Owner/Tenant: DOUGLAS S BLEICHNER Defendant: gage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper, se-
Defendant: Defendant: LAURA K BLEICHNER TRUST All that parcel of land being de- principal amount of
All that parcel of land being de-
CHARLES W CAMPBELL EVANNE L BROCK Defendant: scribed as Parcel 18 247 11 390-439743 $117,826.00, the holder there-
scribed as Parcel 18 185 04
MARITAL LLC All that parcel of land being de- SARAH HARPING EXEC 031 and 3097 COLONIAL WAY 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS of pursuant to said Deed and
014 and 1902 HERBERT DR in
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 104 05 DOUGLAS B in deed book 26243 page 20-R30164268-NOV-GNG Note thereby secured has de-
deed book 22787 page 00540
scribed as Parcel 18 091 10 060 and 1158 MCCONNELL ELWOOD MURPHY 00216 less and except all par- To: Owner/Tenant: clared the entire amount of said
less and except all parcels oth-
008 and 1034 THORN WOODE DR in deed book 09797 page All that parcel of land being de- cels other than 18 247 11 031. CHARLES LYNN COKE indebtedness due and payable
er than 18 185 04 014.
LN in deed book 26745 page 00452 less and except all par- scribed as Parcel 18 203 09 Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Defendant: and, pursuant to the power of
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
00341 less and except all par- cels other than 18 104 05 060. 021 and 3214 CLAIRMONT amount of to satisfy certain CHARLES LYNN COKE sale contained in said Deed,
amount of $789.56 to satisfy
cels other than 18 091 10 008. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the NORTH NE in deed book state, county, and city fieri fa- All that parcel of land being de- will on the first Tuesday,
certain state, county, and city
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $823.12 to satisfy 27401 page 00380 less and ex- cias scribed as Parcel 18 319 01 December 1, 2020, during the
fieri facias For tax, penalties,
amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city cept all parcels other than 18 For tax, penalties, interest and 017 and 3269 OAKCLIFF RD in legal hours of sale, before the
interest and legal cost for
state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties, 203 09 021. legal cost for year(s) 2019. deed book 09274 page 00667 Courthouse door in said
year(s) 2019.
cias For tax, penalties, interest interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the less and except all parcels oth- County, sell at public outcry to
and legal cost for year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. amount of $825.72 to satisfy 390-439738 er than 18 319 01 017. the highest bidder for cash, the
390-439728 certain state, county, and city 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS Levied on 09/11/2020 for the property described in said
390-439720 fieri facias For tax, penalties, 20-R30163426-NOV-SYG amount of $722.08 to satisfy Deed, to-wit:
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS interest and legal cost for To: Owner/Tenant: certain state, county, and city All that tract or parcel of land ly-
390-439715 20-R30162628-NOV-DJE
20-R30161709-NOV-BHF year(s) 2019. JOEL SIMONTON fieri facias For tax, penalties, ing and being in Land Lot 163,
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant:
To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: interest and legal cost for of the 15th District, DeKalb
20-R30161179-NOV-BHF ABRK LLC 390-439733
KISHANE TAYLOR TEMPIE E HAYES year(s) 2019. County, Georgia, being Lot 33,
To: Owner/Tenant: Defendant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- Glenhaven Acres, as per plat
MELISSA SUE STARKS scribed as Parcel 18 255 05 recorded in Plat Book 20, Page
Defendant: All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant:
All that parcel of land being de- 0 3 1 a n d 4 5 9 1 47, DeKalb County, Georgia
MEKEDES KEDANE scribed as Parcel 18 196 01 DAVID RUFFIN REDWINE SR 390-439744
scribed as Parcel 18 119 12 LAWRENCEVILLE HWY in Records, which plat is incorpor-
All that parcel of land being de- 045 and 2900 CLAIRMONT RD Defendant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
030 and 1366 BROCKETT PL deed book 27662 page 00270 ated herein by reference for a
scribed as Parcel 18 092 05 in deed book 24328 page DAVID RUFFIN REDWINE SR 20-R30164485-NOV-CLJ
in deed book 27355 page less and except all parcels oth- more complete description. Be-
021 and 4697 FELLSWOOD 00475 less and except all par- All that parcel of land being de- To: Owner/Tenant:
00238 less and except all par- er than 18 255 05 031. ing the same property de-
DR in deed book 23737 page cels other than 18 196 01 045. scribed as Parcel 18 213 10 MARIA D ALVAREZ PEREZ
cels other than 18 119 12 030. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the scribed in Deed Book 25769,
00327 less and except all par- Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 011 and 2306 2ND ST in deed Defendant:
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $665.84 to satisfy Page 744 and Deed Book
cels other than 18 092 05 021. amount of $825.72 to satisfy book 05644 page 00742 less MARIA D ALVAREZ PEREZ
amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city 4922, Page 73, re-recorded at
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the certain state, county, and city and except all parcels other All that parcel of land being de-
state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties, Deed Book 5465, Page 132,
amount of to satisfy certain fieri facias For tax, penalties, than 18 213 10 011. scribed as Parcel 18 335 07
cias For tax, penalties, interest interest and legal cost for aforesaid records.
state, county, and city fieri fa- interest and legal cost for Levied on 09/11/2020 for the 031 and 4090 TILLY MILL RD
and legal cost for year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. Subject Property Address:
cias year(s) 2019. amount of to satisfy certain in deed book 24227 page
For tax, penalties, interest and 390-439722 state, county, and city fieri fa- 00701 less and except all par- 4191 Hanes Drive, Decatur, GA
legal cost for year(s) 2019. 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS cias For tax, penalties, interest 390-439739 cels other than 18 335 07 031. 30035
20-R30161815-NOV-DJE 390-439729 and legal cost for year(s) 2019. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Parcel ID: 15-163-03-013
To: Owner/Tenant: 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS amount of $883.18 to satisfy Said property is known as 4191
390-439734 20-R30163430-NOV-CLJ
HUNT CHILDREN 20-R30162648-NOV-SYG certain state, county, and city Hanes Drive, Decatur, GA
390-439716 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS To: Owner/Tenant:
EDUCATION TRUST To: Owner/Tenant: fieri facias For tax, penalties, 30035, together with all fix-
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30163148-NOV-BHF BANK OF NEW YORK
C M HUNT SR MARTHA CATHERYN BOONE interest and legal cost for tures and personal property at-
20-R30161186-NOV-DJE To: Owner/Tenant: MELLON TR CO
Defendant: WELLS FARGO BANK NA year(s) 2019. tached to and constituting a
To: Owner/Tenant: BELLHORN INVESTMENTS Defendant:
HUNT CHILDREN Defendant: part of said property, if any.
EDUCATION TRUST MARTHA CATHERYN BOONE Said property will be sold sub-
Defendant: Defendant: All that parcel of land being de-
C M HUNT SR WELLS FARGO BANK NA ject to any outstanding ad
MARMI INVESTMENTS LLC BELLHORN INVESTMENTS scribed as Parcel 18 256 02 390-439745
All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- valorem taxes (including taxes
All that parcel of land being de- LP SKYLAND ESTATES INC 041 and 4795 DARLENE WAY 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS
scribed as Parcel 18 126 06 scribed as Parcel 18 199 11 which are a lien, whether or not
scribed as Parcel 18 092 07 All that parcel of land being de- in deed book 28314 page 20-R30164773-NOV-DJE
002 and 6803 JAMES B 025 and 1688 N DRUID HILLS now due and payable), the right
007 and 1016 MARINERS CT scribed as Parcel 18 236 14 00508 less and except all par- To: Owner/Tenant:
RIVERS MEMOR DR in deed RD in deed book 24705 page of redemption of any taxing au-
in deed book 26182 page 016 and 3486 CLAIRMONT RD cels other than 18 256 02 041. WILVIA M KILLINGSWORTH
book 24992 page 00624 less 00106 less and except all par- thority, any matters which might
00390 less and except all par- in deed book 27239 page Levied on 09/11/2020 for the RICHARD J TELESFORD
and except all parcels other cels other than 18 199 11 025. be disclosed by an accurate
cels other than 18 092 07 007. 00616 less and except all par- amount of $850.22 to satisfy Defendant:
than 18 126 06 002. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the survey and inspection of the
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the cels other than 18 236 14 016. certain state, county, and city WILVIA M KILLINGSWORTH
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $626.84 to satisfy property, any assessments, li-
amount of $784.45 to satisfy Levied on 09/11/2020 for the fieri facias For tax, penalties, RICHARD J TELESFORD
amount of $729.03 to satisfy certain state, county, and city ens, encumbrances, zoning or-
certain state, county, and city amount of to satisfy certain interest and legal cost for All that parcel of land being de-
certain state, county, and city fieri facias For tax, penalties, dinances, restrictions, coven-
fieri facias For tax, penalties, state, county, and city fieri fa- year(s) 2019. scribed as Parcel 18 355 01
fieri facias For tax, penalties, interest and legal cost for ants, and matters of record su-
interest and legal cost for cias For tax, penalties, interest 117 and 4625 SHARON VAL-
interest and legal cost for year(s) 2019. perior to the Security Deed first
year(s) 2019. and legal cost for year(s) 2019. 390-439740 LEY CT in deed book 17989
year(s) 2019. page 00585 less and except all set out above.
390-439735 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS The proceeds of said sale will
390-439723 390-439730 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30163609-NOV-GNG parcels other than 18 355 01
117. be applied to the payment of
390-439717 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30163276-NOV-CLJ To: Owner/Tenant: said indebtedness and all ex-
10/8,10/15,10/22,10/29DS 20-R30161872-NOV-DJE 20-R30162700-NOV-SYG To: Owner/Tenant: THOMAS S BYRD SR Levied on 09/11/2020 for the
amount of $272.08 to satisfy penses of said sale as provided
20-R30161298-NOV-DJE To: Owner/Tenant: To: Owner/Tenant: DO RIGHT HOUSING LLC TERESA WINGARD in said Deed, and the balance,
To: Owner/Tenant: GUY H RICHARDS JR BRIARWOOD HOMES LLC Defendant: Defendant: certain state, county, and city
fieri facias For tax, penalties, if any, will be distributed as
KYLE W SAGER Defendant: Defendant: CONSTANCE LEE THOMAS S BYRD SR provided by law.
year(s) 2019. The sale will be conducted sub-
KARA LYTTON All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- All that parcel of land being de- ject (1) to confirmation that the
All that parcel of land being de- scribed as Parcel 18 139 10 scribed as Parcel 18 201 03 scribed as Parcel 18 242 05 scribed as Parcel 18 275 02 sale is not prohibited under the
scribed as Parcel 18 097 10 020 and 1473 INVERNESS DR 004 and 1539 BRIARWOOD 010 and 1637 DRESDEN DR 005 and 3108 MABRY RD NE U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
021 and 958 PECAN ST in in deed book 06881 page RD in deed book 18384 page NE in deed book 27681 page in deed book 21863 page 390-999999 to final confirmation and audit
deed book 27148 page 00018 00199 less and except all par- 00541 less and except all par- 00796 less and except all par- 00333 less and except all par- TAX COMMISSIONER of the status of the loan with
less and except all parcels oth- cels other than 18 139 10 020. cels other than 18 201 03 004. cels other than 18 242 05 010. cels other than 18 275 02 005. Ex-Officio Sheriff the secured creditor.
er than 18 097 10 021. Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the Levied on 09/11/2020 for the DeKalb County The property is or may be in
Levied on 09/11/2020 for the amount of $781.74 to satisfy amount of $559.06 to satisfy amount of $928.24 to satisfy amount of $676.64 to satisfy Suite 100 the possession of Cordarius M.
amount of to satisfy certain certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city certain state, county, and city 4380 Memorial Dr Atchison, successor in interest
state, county, and city fieri fa- fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, fieri facias For tax, penalties, Decatur, GA 30032 or tenant(s).
cias For tax, penalties, interest interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for interest and legal cost for Refer to: Delinquent Collections Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a
and legal cost for year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. year(s) 2019. 404-298-3053 Mr. Cooper as Attorney-in-Fact
for Cordarius M. Atchison
File no. ++19-075151/Atchis-
to final confirmation and audit holds the duly endorsed Note assignee of the Security Deed TRUSTEE OF CITIGROUP VOTING AS PROVIDED IN AS TRUSTEE OF CITIGROUP
of the status of the loan with and is the current assignee of to the property. FAY SERVI- MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST THE AFORESAID DECLARA- MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST
the secured creditor. the Security Deed to the prop- CING LLC, acting on behalf of 2019 C. (the Secured Creditor), TION 2019 C. as Attorney in Fact for
The property is or may be in erty. GREGORY FUNDING and, as necessary, in consulta- by assignment, conveying the AND BY AUTHORITY SET CRAIG WILLIAMS. THIS LAW
the possession of Cordarius M. LLC, acting on behalf of and, tion with CITIBANK, N.A., AS after described property to se- FORTH UNDER THE DE- FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT
Atchison, successor in interest as necessary, in consultation TRUSTEE FOR CMLTI AS- cure a Note of even date in the CLARATION OF TRUST COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING
Page 52
or tenant(s).
Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
with U.S. BANK NATIONAL SET TRUST (the current in-
vestor on the loan), is the en-
original principal amount of
$83,300.00, with interest at the
Mr. Cooper as Attorney-in-Fact TURE TRUSTEE ON BEHALF 420-439934 10/8,10/15,10/22 tity with the full authority to ne- rate specified therein, there will DER MAY ACT FOR ALL OF WILL BE USED FOR THAT
for Cordarius M. Atchison OF AND WITH RESPECT TO 10/29 gotiate, amend, and modify all be sold by the undersigned at THE TRUSTEES. The debt se- P U R P O S E .
File no. ++19-075151/Atchis- AJAX MORTGAGE LOA N Notice of Sale Under Power terms of the loan. Pursuant to public outcry to the highest bid- cured by said Deed to Secure ++00000009004821/ WILLI-
on++ TRUST 2019 C, MORTGAGE State of Georgia, O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, FAY der for cash at the DEKALB Debt has been and is hereby AMS++ BARRETT DAFFIN
SHAPIRO PENDERGAST & BACKED SECURITIES, County of DEKALB SERVICING LLC may be con- County Courthouse within the declared due because of, FRAPPIER TURNER & EN-
HASTY, LLP* SERIES 2019 C (the current in- Under and by virtue of the tacted at: FAY SERVICING legal hours of sale on the first among other possible events of GEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line Road,
Attorneys and Counselors at vestor on the loan), is the en- Power of Sale contained in a LLC, 425 S. FINANCI AL Tuesday in November, 2020, default, failure to pay the in- Suite 100 Addison, Texas
Law tity with the full authority to ne- Deed to Secure Debt given by PLACE, SUITE 2000, CHICA- the following described prop- debtedness as and when due 75001 Telephone: (972) 341
211 Perimeter Center Parkway, gotiate, amend, and modify all CARL MCCOY to MORT- GO, IL 60605, 800 495 7166. erty: ALL THAT TRACT OR and in the manner provided in 5398.
N.E., Suite 300 terms of the loan. Pursuant to GAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- Please note that, pursuant to PARCEL OF LAND LYING the Note and Deed to Secure
Atlanta, GA 30346 O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, TRATION SYSTEMS, INC., O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, the se- AND BEING IN LAND LOT 189 Debt. Because the debt re- 420-439936 10/8,10/15,10/22
(770) 220-2535/CH GREGORY FUNDING LLC ("MERS"), AS NOMINEE FOR cured creditor is not required to OF THE 15TH DISTRICT OF mains in default, this sale will 10/29 may be contacted at: COUNTRYWIDE BANK, N.A., amend or modify the terms of DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, be made for the purpose of Notice of Sale Under Power
*THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING GREGORY FUNDING LLC, PO ITS SUCCESSORS AND AS- the loan. To the best know- AND BEING A CONDOMINI- paying the same and all ex- State of Georgia
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. BOX 25430, PORTLAND, OR SIGNS , dated 01/30/2007, and ledge and belief of the under- UM UNIT KNOWN AS 110 penses of this sale, as provided County of DEKALB
ANY INFORMATION OB - 97298, 866 712 5698. Please Recorded on 02/15/2007 as signed, the party/parties in pos- GLEN ACRES COURT, LOC- in the Deed to Secure Debt and Under and by virtue of the
TAINED WILL BE USED FOR note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. Book No. 19671 and Page No. session of the subject property ATED AT GLENSHIRE CON- by law, including attorney’s Power of Sale contained in a
THAT PURPOSE. § 44 14 162.2, the secured 126, AS AFFECTED BY BOOK known as 4975 SALEM RD, DOMINIUM AS SHOWN ON A fees (notice of intent to collect Deed to Secure Debt given by
420-439933 10/8,10/15,10/22, creditor is not required to 26003, PAGE 407, DEKALB LITHONIA, GEORGIA 30038 PLAT DATED JULY 6, 1972 BY attorney’s fees having been VERZETTE JOHNSON to
10/29 amend or modify the terms of County, Georgia records, as is/are: CARL MCCOY or ten- ANSEL POPE & ASSO- given). U.S. BANK TRUST NA- MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC
Notice of Sale Under Power the loan. To the best know- last assigned to CITIBANK, ant/tenants. Said property will CIATES, INC. (ANSEL J. TIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,
State of Georgia ledge and belief of the under- N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR CM- be sold subject to (a) any out- POPE, REGISTERED LAND IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPA- INC. (‘’MERS’’) AS NOMINEE
County of DEKALB signed, the party/parties in pos- LTI ASSET TRUST (the Se- standing ad valorem taxes (in- SURVEYOR), WHICH PLAT IS CITY, BUT SOLELY AS FOR RBMG, INC., A
Under and by virtue of the session of the subject property cured Creditor), by assignment, cluding taxes which are a lien, RECORDED IN CONDOMIN- TRUSTEE OF CITIGROUP DELAWARE CORPORATION,
Power of Sale contained in a known as 2318 GLENDALE conveying the after described but not yet due and payable), UM PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 84, MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST ITS SUCCESSORS AND AS-
Deed to Secure Debt given by DRIVE, DECATUR, GEORGIA property to secure a Note of (b) any matters which might be DEKALB COUNTY RECORDS, 2019 C. holds the duly en- SIGNS , dated 07/15/2003, and
CLAUDE SHIVERS AND 30032 is/are: CLAUDE even date in the original prin- disclosed by an accurate sur- TOGETHER WITH ALL OF dorsed Note and is the current Recorded on 08/15/2003 as
BETTY J. SHIVERS to SHIVERS AND BETTY J. cipal amount of $192,000.00, vey and inspection of the prop- THE RIGHT, TITLE AND IN- assignee of the Security Deed Book No. 15072 and Page No.
CHOICE CAPITAL FUNDING SHIVERS or tenant/tenants. with interest at the rate spe- erty, and (c) all matters of re- TEREST OF GRANTOR IN to the property. FAY SERVI- 25, DEKALB County, Georgia
INC. , dated 12/10/2003, and Said property will be sold sub- cified therein, there will be sold cord superior to the Deed to SAID CONDOMINIUM UNIT CING LLC, acting on behalf of records, as last assigned to
Recorded on 12/18/2003 as ject to (a) any outstanding ad by the undersigned at public Secure Debt first set out above, AND THE APPURTENANCES and, as necessary, in consulta- WILMINGTON SAVINGS
Book No. 15615 and Page No. valorem taxes (including taxes outcry to the highest bidder for including, but not limited to, as- THERETO AS DEFINED IN tion with U.S. BANK TRUST FUND SOCIETY DBA CHRIS-
111, DEKALB County, Georgia which are a lien, but not yet cash at the DEKALB County sessments, liens, encum- THE “CONDOMINIUM DE- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, TIANA TRUST, NOT INDI-
records, as last assigned to due and payable), (b) any mat- Courthouse within the legal brances, zoning ordinances, CLARATION FOR GLEN - NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CA- VIDUALLY, BUT SOLELY AS
U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- ters which might be disclosed hours of sale on the first Tues- easements, restrictions, coven- SHIRE CONDOMINUM" RE- PACITY, BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR NYMT LOAN
CIATION, AS INDENTURE by an accurate survey and in- day in November, 2020, the fol- ants, etc. The sale will be con- CORDED ON JULY 19, 1972, TRUSTEE OF CITIGROUP TRUST I (the Secured
TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF spection of the property, and lowing described property: ALL ducted subject to (1) confirma- IN DEED BOOK 2851, PAGE MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST Creditor), by assignment, con-
AND WITH RESPECT TO (c) all matters of record superi- THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF tion that the sale is not prohib- 163, DEKALB COUNTY RE- 2019 C. (the current investor on veying the after described prop-
AJAX MORTGAGE LOAN or to the Deed to Secure Debt LAND LYING AND BEING IN ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy CORDS, AMENDED SEPTEM- the loan), is the entity with the erty to secure a Note of even
TRUST 2019 C, MORTGAGE first set out above, including, LAND LOT 20 OF THE 16TH Code; and (2) final confirma- BER 27, 1972, AND RECOR- full authority to negotiate, date in the original principal
BACKED SECURITIES, but not limited to, assessments, DISTRICT OF DEKALB tion and audit of the status of DED IN DEED BOOK 2888, amend, and modify all terms of amount of $127,000.00, with in-
SERIES 2019 C (the Secured liens, encumbrances, zoning COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE- the loan with the holder of the PAGE 503, AFORESAID RE- the loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. terest at the rate specified
Creditor), by assignment, con- ordinances, easements, restric- ING MORE PARTICULARLY security deed. Pursuant to CORDS, AND FURTHER § 44 14 162.2, FAY SERVI- therein, there will be sold by the
veying the after described prop- tions, covenants, etc. The sale DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, AMENDED DECEMBER 11, CING LLC may be contacted undersigned at public outcry to
erty to secure a Note of even will be conducted subject to (1) BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN which allows for certain proced- 1972 AND RECORDED IN at: FAY SERVICING LLC, 425 the highest bidder for cash at
date in the original principal confirmation that the sale is not SOUTHEASTERN RIGHT OF ures regarding the rescission of DEED BOOK 2925, PAGE 392, S. FINANCIAL PLACE, SUITE the DEKALB County Court-
amount of $77,000.00, with in- prohibited under the U.S. Bank- WAY LINE OF SALEM ROAD judicial and nonjudicial sales in AFORESAID RECORDS, 2000, CHICAGO, IL 60605, house within the legal hours of
terest at the rate specified ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- (70 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY) the State of Georgia, the Deed WHICH PLAT AND DECLARA- 800 495 7166. Please note sale on the first Tuesday in
therein, there will be sold by the firmation and audit of the status 480.0 FEET OF ITS INTER- Under Power and other fore- TION AS THEY MAY BE that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44 November, 2020, the following
undersigned at public outcry to of the loan with the holder of SECTION WITH THE NORTH- closure documents may not be AMENDED FROM TIME TO 14 162.2, the secured creditor described property: ALL THAT
the highest bidder for cash at the security deed. Pursuant to ERN RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF provided until final confirmation TIME ARE INCORPORATED is not required to amend or TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND
the DEKALB County Court- O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, BROWNS MILL ROAD (100 and audit of the status of the HEREIN AND MADE A PART modify the terms of the loan. To LYING AND BEING IN LAND
house within the legal hours of which allows for certain proced- FOOT RIGHT OF WAY); RUN- loan as provided in the preced- HEREOF BY REFERENCE. the best knowledge and belief LOT 33 OF THE 15TH DIS-
sale on the first Tuesday in ures regarding the rescission of NING THENCE NORTH 47 DE- ing paragraph. CITIBANK, N.A., THE INTEREST CONVEYED of the undersigned, the TRICT OF DEKALB COUNTY,
November, 2020, the following judicial and nonjudicial sales in GREES 45 MINUTES 51 AS TRUSTEE FOR CMLTI AS- HEREBY INCLUDES party/parties in possession of GEORGIA, BEING LOT 38,
described property: ALL THAT the State of Georgia, the Deed SECONDS EAST 256.89 FEET SET TRUST as Attorney in (WITHOUT IN ANY MANNER the subject property known as BLOCK D, OF CHIMNEY
GEORGIA BEING LOT 2, loan as provided in the preced- TO AN IRON PIN; RUNNING DEBT. ANY INFORMATION GLENSHIRE CONDOMINIUM, will be sold subject to (a) any PLAT BOOK 96, PAGE 78, IN
COUNTY GEORGIA RE- GAGE LOAN TRUST 2019 C, 47 DEGREES 47 MINUTES 21 4004 Belt Line Road, Suite 100 SIONS OF THE AFORESAID ate survey and inspection of HEREIN BY REFERENCE
CORDS WHICH PLAT IS IN- MORTGAGE BACKED SE- SECONDS WEST 199.9 7 Addison, Texas 75001 Tele- DECLARATION AS THE SAME the property, and (c) all mat- THERETO. The debt secured
CORPORATED HEREIN BY CURITIES, SERIES 2019 C as FEET TO AN IRON PIN ON phone: (972) 341 5398. MAY BE AMENDED FROM ters of record superior to the by said Deed to Secure Debt
REFERENCE AND MADE A Attorney in Fact for CLAUDE THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 22, TIME TO TIME; AND (B) THE Deed to Secure Debt first set has been and is hereby de-
PART OF THIS DESCRIP- SHIVERS AND BETTY J. SPRINGTREE SUBDIVISION; 420-439935 10/8,10/15,10/22 PROVISIONS OF THE GEOR- out above, including, but not clared due because of, among
TION. The debt secured by SHIVERS. THIS LAW FIRM IS RUNNING THENCE NORTH 10/29 GIA APARTMENT OWNER- limited to, assessments, liens, other possible events of de-
said Deed to Secure Debt has ACTING AS A DEBT COL- 79 DEGREES 13 MINUTES 58 Notice of Sale Under Power SHIP ACT (GEORGIA LAWS encumbrances, zoning ordin- fault, failure to pay the in-
been and is hereby declared LECTOR ATTEMPTING TO SECONDS WEST 272.0 FEET State of Georgia 1963, PAGE 561, ET. SEQ., ances, easements, restrictions, debtedness as and when due
due because of, among other COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- TO THE POINT OF BEGIN- County of DEKALB CHAPTER 85 16B OF THE covenants, etc. The sale will be and in the manner provided in
possible events of default, fail- FORMATION OBTAINED WILL NING. The debt secured by Under and by virtue of the CODE OF GEORGIA ANNOT- conducted subject to (1) con- the Note and Deed to Secure
ure to pay the indebtedness as BE USED FOR THAT PUR- said Deed to Secure Debt has Power of Sale contained in a ATED). firmation that the sale is not Debt. Because the debt re-
and when due and in the man- POSE. ++00000009086539/ been and is hereby declared Deed to Secure Debt given by THE PROPERTY HEREBY prohibited under the U.S. Bank- mains in default, this sale will
ner provided in the Note and SHIVERS++ due because of, among other CRAIG WILLIAMS to MORT- CONVEYED SHALL BE USED ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- be made for the purpose of
Deed to Secure Debt. Because BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER possible events of default, fail- GAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS- FOR RESIDENTIAL PUR- firmation and audit of the status paying the same and all ex-
the debt remains in default, this TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 4004 ure to pay the indebtedness as TRATION SYSTEMS, INC. POSES ONLY, SUBJECT TO of the loan with the holder of penses of this sale, as provided
sale will be made for the pur- Belt Line Road, Suite 100 Ad- and when due and in the man- (‘’MERS’’) AS NOMINEE FOR THE PROVISIONS OF THE the security deed. Pursuant to in the Deed to Secure Debt and
pose of paying the same and dison, Texas 75001 Telephone: ner provided in the Note and HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL AFORESAID DECLARATION. O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, by law, including attorney’s
all expenses of this sale, as (972) 341 5398. Deed to Secure Debt. Because NETWORK, INC., ITS SUC- THE GRANTEE BY THE AC- which allows for certain proced- fees (notice of intent to collect
provided in the Deed to Secure the debt remains in default, this CESSORS AND ASSIGNS , CEPTANCE OF THIS DEED ures regarding the rescission of attorney’s fees having been
Debt and by law, including at- sale will be made for the pur- dated 12/16/2003, and Recor- HEREBY EXPRESSLY CON- judicial and nonjudicial sales in given). WILMINGTON SAV-
torney’s fees (notice of intent to pose of paying the same and ded on 12/23/2003 as Book No. SENTS TO THE ADOPTION the State of Georgia, the Deed INGS FUND SOCIETY DBA
collect attorney’s fees having all expenses of this sale, as 15617 and Page No. 564, AS AND RECORDATION OF AN Under Power and other fore- CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT IN-
been given). U.S. BANK NA- provided in the Deed to Secure AFFECTED BY BOOK 25193, AMENDMENT TO THE closure documents may not be DIVIDUALLY, BUT SOLELY
TIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS Debt and by law, including at- PAGE 625 AND BOOK 24533, AFORESAID DECLARATION provided until final confirmation AS TRUSTEE FOR NYMT
INDENTURE TRUSTEE ON torney’s fees (notice of intent to PAGE 249, DEKALB County, CONTAINING A SCHEDULE and audit of the status of the LOAN TRUST I holds the duly
BEHALF OF AND WITH RE- collect attorney’s fees having Georgia records, as last as- OF RE ASSIGNED PERCENT- loan as provided in the preced- endorsed Note and is the cur-
SPECT TO AJAX MORT- been given). CITIBANK, N.A., signed to U.S. BANK TRUST AGE OF UNDIVIDED IN- ing paragraph. U.S. BANK rent assignee of the Security
CURITIES, SERIES 2019 C dorsed Note and is the current PACITY, BUT SOLELY AS AREA AND FACILITIES AND AL CAPACITY, BUT SOLELY half of and, as necessary, in
holds the duly endorsed Note assignee of the Security Deed TRUSTEE OF CITIGROUP VOTING AS PROVIDED IN AS TRUSTEE OF CITIGROUP consultation with WILMING-
the Security Deed to the prop- CING LLC, acting on behalf of 2019 C. (the Secured Creditor), TION 2019 C. as Attorney in Fact for ETY DBA CHRISTIANA
erty. GREGORY FUNDING and, as necessary, in consulta- by assignment, conveying the AND BY AUTHORITY SET CRAIG WILLIAMS. THIS LAW TRUST, NOT INDIVIDUALLY,
LLC, acting on behalf of and, tion with CITIBANK, N.A., AS after described property to se- FORTH UNDER THE DE- FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE
as necessary, in consultation TRUSTEE FOR CMLTI AS- cure a Note of even date in the CLARATION OF TRUST COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING FOR NYMT LOAN TRUST I
with U.S. BANK NATIONAL SET TRUST (the current in- original principal amount of DATED APRIL 15, 1970, ANY TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY (the current investor on the
ASSOCIATION, AS INDEN- vestor on the loan), is the en- $83,300.00, with interest at the TWO TRUSTEES THEREUN- INFORMATION OBTAINED loan), is the entity with the full
TURE TRUSTEE ON BEHALF tity with the full authority to ne- rate specified therein, there will DER MAY ACT FOR ALL OF WILL BE USED FOR THAT authority to negotiate, amend,
OF AND WITH RESPECT TO gotiate, amend, and modify all be sold by the undersigned at THE TRUSTEES. The debt se- P U R P O S E . and modify all terms of the
AJAX MORTGAGE LOAN terms of the loan. Pursuant to public outcry to the highest bid- cured by said Deed to Secure ++00000009004821/ WILLI- loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §
TRUST 2019 C, MORTGAGE O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, FAY der for cash at the DEKALB Debt has been and is hereby AMS++ BARRETT DAFFIN 44 14 162.2, FAY SERVICING
consultation with WILMING- New York Mellon, F/K/A The gia, the Deed Under Power and tent to collect attorney’s fees thereon as set forth therein, ants and matters of record su-
TON SAVINGS FUND SOCI- Bank of New York as trustee for other foreclosure documents having been given). there will be sold at public out- perior to the Security Deed first
ETY DBA CHRISTIANA registered Holders of CWABS, may not be provided until final Your mortgage servicer can be cry to the highest bidder for set out above.
TRUST, NOT INDIVIDUALLY, Inc., Asset-Backed Certificates, confirmation and audit of the contacted at 800-327-7861 - cash before the courthouse To the best of the knowledge of
BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE Series 2005-6 by assignment status of the loan as provided Loss Mitigation Dept., or by door of Dekalb County, Geor- Grantee, title to said property is
FOR NYMT LOAN TRUST I that is or to be recorded in the in the preceding paragraph. writing to BSI Financial Ser- gia, within the legal hours of vested in the name of Dean

(the current investor on the The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 53
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Funds used at sale shall be in vices (Servicer), 314 S. Frank- sale on November 3, 2020, the Gardner.
loan), is the entity with the full cords, there will be sold by the certified funds and payable to lin Street, PO Box 517, Titus- following described property: MREH of GEORGIA, LLC, as
authority to negotiate, amend, undersigned at public outcry to “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, ville, PA 16354, to discuss pos- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- 420-439940 10/8,10/15,10/22 Attorney-in-fact for ++Dean
and modify all terms of the the highest bidder for cash at LLC”. sible alternatives to avoid fore- CEL OF LAND LYING AND 10/29 Gardner++
loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § the DeKalb County Court- The Bank of New York Mellon, closure. BEING IN LAND LOT 154 OF NOTICE OF SALE UNDER By: Ernst Legal Group
44 14 162.2, FAY SERVICING house within the legal hours of F/K/A The Bank of New York as Said property will be sold sub- THE 15TH DISTRICT OF POWER Monica L. Vining
LLC may be contacted at: FAY sale on the first Tuesday in trustee for registered Holders of ject to any outstanding ad DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, By virtue of the power of sale Attorney for MREH of GEOR-
SERVICING LLC, 425 S. FIN- November, 2020, the following CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed valorem taxes (including taxes AND BEING IDENTIFIED AND contained in the certain Deed GIA
ANCIAL PLACE, SUITE 2000, described property: Certificates, Series 2005-6 as which are a lien, but not yet DEPICTED AS UNIT NUM- to Secure Debt, Assignment of 1854 Airport Road
CHICAGO, IL 60605, 800 495 All that tract or parcel of land ly- Attorney in Fact for ++Cather- due and payable), any matters BER 43, PHASE 9, OF SHEF- Rents and Security Agreement Suite 112
7166. Please note that, pursu- ing and being in Land Lot 211 ine Y. Gibson++. which might be disclosed by an FIELD CONDOMINIUM, TO- from DEAN GARDNER (herein- Atlanta, GA 30341
ant to O.C.G.A. § 44 14 162.2, of the 18th District of DeKalb Any information obtained on accurate survey and inspection GETHER WITH ALL RIGHT, after the “Borrower”) to YALE (678) 392-5297
the secured creditor is not re- County, Georgia and being Lot this matter may be used by the of the property, any assess- TITLE AND INTEREST IN THE MORTGAGE CORPORATION THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPT-
quired to amend or modify the 16, Block B, Midvale Subdivi- debt collector to collect the ments, liens, encumbrances, UNIT AND THE APPURTEN- dated August 2, 2007, and re- ING TO COLLECT A DEBT;
terms of the loan. To the best sion, as per plat recorded in debt. Bell Carrington Price & zoning ordinances, restrictions, ANCES THERETO UNDER corded August 9, 2007, in Deed ANY INFORMATION OB-
knowledge and belief of the un- Plat Book 33, page 151, Gregg, LLC, 339 Heyward covenants, and matters of re- THAT CERTAIN DECLARA- Book 20204, Page 222, of the TAINED WILL BE USED FOR
dersigned, the party/parties in DeKalb County records, said Street, 2nd Floor, Columbia, cord superior to the Security TION OF CONDOMINIUM RE- records of the Clerk of Superi- THAT PURPOSE.
possession of the subject prop- plat being incorporated herein SC 29201 (803)-509-5078. File: Deed first set out above. CORDED IN DEED BOOK or Court, DeKalb County, Geor-
erty known as 3775 HOLLOW by reference hereto, being 20-46570 To the best knowledge and be- 17440, PAGE 209, ET SEQ., IN gia Records; then assigned to 420-439941 10/8,10/15,10/22
OAK LN, LITHONIA, GEOR- known as 2292 Midvale Circle, lief of the undersigned, the THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK Branch Banking and Trust 10/29
GIA 30038 is/are: VERZETTE Tucker, Georgia. party in possession of the prop- OF SUPERIOR COURT OF Company by instrument recor- STATE OF GEORGIA
JOHNSON or tenant/tenants. The debt secured by said Se- 420-439938 10/8,10/15,10/22 erty is Naria Musgrove-Hines DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA ded at Deed Book 20204, Page COUNTY OF DeKalb
Said property will be sold sub- curity Deed has been and is 10/29 a/k/a Na Ria Musgrove or ten- RECORDS. THE INTEREST 240, aforesaid records; then NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
ject to (a) any outstanding ad hereby declared due because NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE ant(s); and said property is HEREBY CONVEYED IN- assigned to Muller Real Estate POWER
valorem taxes (including taxes of, among other possible SALE UNDER POWER more commonly known as CLUDES, WITHOUT LIMIT- Holdings, LLC by instrument re- Pursuant to the power of sale
which are a lien, but not yet events of default, failure to pay DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA 1727 Vauxhall Drive, Lithonia, ING THE GENERALITY OF corded at Deed Book 22965, contained in the Security Deed
due and payable), (b) any mat- the indebtedness as and when THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO GA 30058. THE FOREGOING, SUCH Page 758, aforesaid records; executed by KAREN E. MC-
ters which might be disclosed due and in the manner COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- The sale will be conducted sub- UNIT'S UNDIVIDED PER- then assigned to MREH of DONALD to FIRST FRANKLIN
by an accurate survey and in- provided in the Note and Se- FORMATION OBTAINED WILL ject (1) to confirmation that the CENTAGE INTEREST IN THE GEORGIA, LLC by instrument FINANCIAL CORP., SUBSIDI-
spection of the property, and curity Deed. Because the debt BE USED FOR THAT PUR- sale is not prohibited under the COMMON ELEMENTS OF recorded at Deed Book 25463, ARY OF NATIONAL CITY
(c) all matters of record superi- remains in default, this sale will POSE. U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) SHEFFIELD CONDOMINIUM. Page 716, originally having BANK OF INDIANA in the ori-
or to the Deed to Secure Debt be made for the purpose of Under and by virtue of the to final confirmation and audit The debt secured by said Se- been given to secure a Promis- ginal principal amount of
first set out above, including, paying the same and all ex- Power of Sale contained in a of the status of the loan with curity Deed has been and is sory Note in the amount of $96,520.00 dated February 27,
but not limited to, assessments, penses of this sale, as provided Security Deed given by Naria the holder of the security deed. hereby declared due because $91,000.00, will be sold by the 2004 and recorded in Deed
liens, encumbrances, zoning in the Security Deed and by Musgrove-Hines a/k/a Na Ria U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- of, among other possible undersigned at public outcry to Book 15972, Page 65, DeKalb
ordinances, easements, restric- law, including attorney's fees Musgrove to Argent Mortgage ciation, as Trustee of the events of default, failure to pay the highest bidder for cash be- County records, said Security
tions, covenants, etc. The sale (notice of intent to collect attor- Company, LLC, dated June 7, Cabana Series IV Trust as At- the indebtedness as and when fore the Courthouse door at Deed being last transferred to
will be conducted subject to (1) ney's fees having been given). 2004, and recorded in Deed torney in Fact for due and in the manner DeKalb County, Georgia, with- NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE
confirmation that the sale is not The Bank of New York Mellon, Book 16337, Page 170, Dekalb ++Naria Musgrove-Hines a/k/a provided in the Note and Se- in the legal hours of sale on the LLC D/B/A MR. COOPER as
prohibited under the U.S. Bank- F/K/A The Bank of New York as County, Georgia Records, as Na Ria Musgrove++. curity Deed. The debt remain- first Tuesday in NOVEMBER recorded in the final order and
ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- trustee for registered Holders of last transferred to U.S. Bank Bowen Quinn, P.A. ing in default, this sale will be 2020, the property described in default judgment in Deed Book
firmation and audit of the status CWABS, Inc., Asset-Backed Trust National Association, as 25400 US Hwy 19 N, Suite 150 made for the purpose of pay- said deed, to wit: 28347, Page 119, DeKalb
of the loan with the holder of Certificates, Series 2005-6 Trustee of the Cabana Series Clearwater, FL 33763 ing the same and all expenses All that tract or parcel of land ly- County records, the under-
the security deed. Pursuant to holds the duly endorsed Note IV Trust by assignment recor- Phone: (727) 474-9603 of this sale, as provided in Se- ing and being in Land Lot 212 signed will sell at public outcry
O.C.G.A. Section 9 13 172.1, and is the current assignee of ded in Deed Book 28117, Page curity Deed and by law, includ- of the 15th District, DeKalb. to the highest bidder for cash,
which allows for certain proced- the Security Deed to the prop- 234 in the Office of the Clerk of By: /s/ Erin M. Rose Quinn ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- County, Georgia, being Lot 20, before the Courthouse door in
ures regarding the rescission of erty. Carrington Mortgage Ser- Superior Court of Dekalb Erin M. Rose Quinn, Esq. tent to collect attorney’s fees Block 4 of Northmoore Subdivi- said County, or at such other
judicial and nonjudicial sales in vices, LLC is the entity with the County, Georgia Records, con- Georgia Bar Number 547833 having been given). sion, as per plat recorded in place as lawfully designated,
the State of Georgia, the Deed full authority to negotiate, veying the after-described 420-439939 10/8,10/15,10/22 The entity having full authority Plat Book 8, Page 151, DeKalb within the legal hours of sale,
Under Power and other fore- amend, and modify all terms of property to secure a Note in the 10/24 to negotiate, amend or modify County, Georgia Records, said on November 03, 2020, the
closure documents may not be the loan. original principal amount of NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE all terms of the loan (although plat is by this reference being property in said Security Deed
provided until final confirmation Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §44-14- ninety-four thousand five hun- SALE UNDER POWER not required by law to do so) is: incorporated herein and made and described as follows:
and audit of the status of the 162.2, Carrington Mortgage dred and 00/100 ($94,500.00), DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Selene Finance they can be a part hereof for a more com- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
loan as provided in the preced- Services, LLC may be contac- with interest thereon as set Under and by virtue of the contacted at (877) 735-3637 for plete description. CEL OF LAND LYING AND
ing paragraph. WILMINGTON ted at: 1-800-790-9502 or by forth therein, there will be sold Power of Sale contained in a Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writ- Subject Property Address: 208 BEING IN LAND LOT 69, 18TH
SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY writing to 1600 South Dou- at public outcry to the highest Security Deed given by Mi- ing to 9990 Richmond Avenue, Sisson Avenue, Atlanta, GA DISTRICT, DEKALB COUNTY,
DBA CHRISTIANA TRUST, glass Road, Suite 110 and 200- bidder for cash before the chael L. Powell to Mortgage Suite 400 South, Houston, 30317 GEORGIA, AND BEING MORE
NOT INDIVIDUALLY, BUT A, Anaheim, CA 92806-5951. courthouse door of Dekalb Electronic Registration Sys- Texas 77042, to discuss pos- The debt secured by said Se- PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED
SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR Please note that, pursuant to County, Georgia, within the leg- tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom- sible alternatives to avoid fore- curity Deed has been and is AS FOLLOWS:
NYMT LOAN TRUST I as Attor- O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, the se- al hours of sale on Tuesday inee for Opteum Financial Ser- closure. hereby declared due and pay- BEGIN AT A POINT ON THE
ney in Fact for VERZETTE cured creditor is not required to November 3, 2020, the follow- vices, LLC, dated October 27, Said property will be sold sub- able in full by reason of default SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY
JOHNSON. THIS LAW FIRM IS amend or modify the terms of ing described property: 2006, and recorded in Deed ject to any outstanding ad under the terms and provisions OF RAYS COURT (A 20 FOOT
ACTING AS A DEBT COL- the loan. ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Book 19391, Page 664, Dekalb valorem taxes (including taxes of said Security Deed and the RIGHT OF WAY) WHERE IT
LECTOR ATTEMPTING TO To the best knowledge and be- CEL OF LAND LYING AND County, Georgia Records, sub- which are a lien, but not yet terms of the Note and Agree- INTERSECTS WITH THE
COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- lief of the undersigned, the BEING IN LAND LOT 37, OF sequently modified by a Loan due and payable), any matters ment secured thereby. The EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY
FORMATION OBTAINED WILL party/parties in possession of THE 16TH DISTRICT, OF Modification Agreement recor- which might be disclosed by an debt remaining in default, this OF RAYS ROAD (A 70 FOOT
BE USED FOR THAT PUR- the subject property known as DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, ded October 28, 2014 in Book accurate survey and inspection sale will be made for the pur- RIGHT OF WAY); RUN
POSE.++ 00000008902389/ 22 9 2 M I D V A L E C I R C L E , BEING LOT 14, UNIT III, 24635, Page 356 in the amount of the property, any assess- pose of paying the indebted- THENCE ALONG THE RIGHT
JOHNSON++ BARRETT TUCKER, GA 30084 is/are: KINGS CROSS SUBDIVISION, of One Hundred Ninety Thou- ments, liens, encumbrances, ness and interest thereon, to- OF WAY OF RAYS ROAD
DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER Catherine Y. Gibson or AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN sand Four Hundred Twenty- zoning ordinances, restrictions, gether with any other indebted- NORTH 16 DEGREES 26
& ENGEL, LLP 4004 Belt Line tenant/tenants. Said property PLAT BOOK 14, PAGE 169, One and 81/100 ($190,421.81) covenants, and matters of re- ness due and owing by Grant- MINUTES 53 SECONDS EAST
Road, Suite 100 Addison, will be sold subject to (a) any DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA Dekalb County, Georgia Re- cord superior to the Security or to Grantee, all expenses of 125.00 FEET TO A REBAR
Texas 75001 Telephone: (972) outstanding ad valorem taxes RECORDS, WHICH RECOR- cords, subsequently modified Deed first set out above. this sale, including attorney’s FOUND; RUN THENCE
341 5398. (including taxes which are a li- DED PLAT IS INCORPOR- by a Loan Modification Agree- To the best knowledge and be- fees, notice of intent to collect SOUTH 83 DEGREES 34
420-439937 10/8,10/15,10/22 en, but not yet due and pay- ATED HEREIN AND MADE A ment recorded November 14, lief of the undersigned, the attorney’s fees having been MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST
10/29 able), (b) any matters which PART HEREOF BY REFER- 2018 in Book 27251, Page 55 party in possession of the prop- given. 294.09 FEET TO A REBAR
Notice of Sale Under Power might be disclosed by an accur- ENCE AND BEING KNOWN in the amount of One Hundred erty is Michael L. Powell or ten- The entity that has full author- FOUND; RUN THENCE
State of Georgia ate survey and inspection of AS 1727 VAUXHILL DRIVE, Eighty-Eight Thousand Seven ant(s); and said property is ity to negotiate, amend, and SOUTH 16 DEGREES 54
County of DeKalb the property, and (c) all mat- LITHONIA, GEORGIA 30058, Hundred Twenty-Five and more commonly known as modify all terms of the mort- MINUTES 48 SECONDS
Under and by virtue of the ters of record superior to the ACCORDING TO THE 68/100 ($188,725.68) Dekalb 3057 Momerath Court, Decatur, gage with the debtor is: MREH WEST 95.07 FEET TO A RE-
Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed first set out PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- County, Georgia Records, as GA 30032. of Georgia, LLC, 148 Ham- BAR FOUND ON THE
Security Deed given by Cather- above, including, but not lim- BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB last transferred to Wilmington The sale will be conducted sub- mond Drive, Sandy Springs, NORHTERLY RIGHT OF WAY
ine Y. Gibson to Mortgage ited to, assessments, liens, en- COUNTY, GEORGIA. Savings Fund Society, FSB, ject to (1) confirmation that the Georgia 30062. Please under- OF RAYS COURT; RUN
Electronic Registration Sys- cumbrances, zoning ordin- The debt secured by said Se- d/b/a Christiana Trust, not indi- sale is not prohibited under the stand that the secured creditor THENCE ALONG THE RIGHT
tems, Inc., as nominee for ances, easements, restrictions, curity Deed has been and is vidually but as trustee for Pre- U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final is not required to negotiate, OF WAY OF RAYS COURT
Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. covenants, etc. hereby declared due because tium Mortgage Acquisition Trust confirmation and audit of the amend, or modify the terms of NORTH 89 DEGREES 13
(the Secured Creditor), dated The sale will be conducted sub- of, among other possible by assignment recorded on status of the loan with the hold- the mortgage instrument. MINUTES 50 SECONDS
April 13, 2005, and Recorded ject to (1) confirmation that the events of default, failure to pay March 26, 2020 in Book 28195 er of the security deed and (3) Said property will be sold sub- WEST 300.00 FEET TO A
on April 18, 2005 as Book No. sale is not prohibited under the the indebtedness as and when Page 716 in the Office of the any right of redemption or oth- ject to any outstanding ad POINT, BEING THE POINT OF
17330 and Page No. 612, U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) due and in the manner Clerk of Superior Court of er lien not extinguished by fore- valorem taxes including taxes BEGINNING, ALL AS PER
DeKalb County, Georgia re- final confirmation and audit of provided in the Note and Se- Dekalb County, Georgia Re- closure. which are a lien, but not yet SURVEY FOR ROBERT AN-
cords, conveying the after-de- the status of the loan with the curity Deed. The debt remain- cords, conveying the after-de- Wilmington Savings Fund Soci- due and payable, any matters THONY ADAMS AND JAMES
scribed property to secure a holder of the security deed. ing in default, this sale will be scribed property to secure a ety, FSB, d/b/a Christiana which might be disclosed by an L ADAMS, JR BY SURVEY
Note of even date in the origin- Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §9-13- made for the purpose of pay- Note in the original principal Trust, not individually but as accurate survey and inspection SYSTEMS, INC, DATED JUNE
al principal amount of 172.1, which allows for certain ing the same and all expenses amount of Two Hundred Four trustee for Pretium Mortgage of the property, any assess- 27, 1999 AND BEING KNOWN
$213,000.00, with interest at procedures regarding the res- of this sale, as provided in Se- Thousand Three Hundred Acquisition Trust as Attorney in ments, liens, deeds to secure AS 825 RAYS ROAD, AC-
the rate specified therein, as cission of judicial and nonjudi- curity Deed and by law, includ- Ninety-Five and 0/100 dollars Fact for Michael L. Powell. debt, encumbrances, zoning or- CORDING TO THE PRESENT
last assigned to The Bank of cial sales in the State of Geor- ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- ($204,395.00), with interest Brock & Scott, PLLC dinances, restrictions, coven- SYSTEM OF NUMBERING
New York Mellon, F/K/A The gia, the Deed Under Power and tent to collect attorney’s fees thereon as set forth therein, 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody ants and matters of record su- HOUSES IN DEKALB
Bank of New York as trustee for other foreclosure documents having been given). there will be sold at public out- Road perior to the Security Deed first COUNTY, GEORGIA.
registered Holders of CWABS, may not be provided until final Your mortgage servicer can be cry to the highest bidder for Suite 310 set out above. Said property being known as:
Inc., Asset-Backed Certificates, confirmation and audit of the contacted at 800-327-7861 - cash before the courthouse Atlanta, GA 30341 To the best of the knowledge of 825 RAYS RD, STONE MOUN-
Series 2005-6 by assignment status of the loan as provided Loss Mitigation Dept., or by door of Dekalb County, Geor- 404-789-2661 Grantee, title to said property is TAIN, GA 30083
that is or to be recorded in the in the preceding paragraph. writing to BSI Financial Ser- gia, within the legal hours of B&S file no.: ++20-06530/ vested in the name of Dean To the best of the
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Funds used at sale shall be in vices (Servicer), 314 S. Frank- sale on November 3, 2020, the Powell++ Gardner. undersigned’s knowledge, the
cords, there will be sold by the certified funds and payable to lin Street, PO Box 517, Titus- following described property: MREH of GEORGIA, LLC, as party or parties in possession
undersigned at public outcry to “Bell Carrington Price & Gregg, ville, PA 16354, to discuss pos- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Attorney-in-fact for ++Dean of said property is/are KAREN
the highest bidder for cash at LLC”. sible alternatives to avoid fore- CEL OF LAND LYING AND Gardner++ E. MCDONALD or tenant(s).
the DeKalb County Court- The Bank of New York Mellon, closure. BEING IN LAND LOT 154 OF By: Ernst Legal Group The debt secured by said Se-
house within the legal hours of F/K/A The Bank of New York as Said property will be sold sub- THE 15TH DISTRICT OF Monica L. Vining curity Deed has been and is
COUNTY, GEORGIA. DeKalb County records, the un- FOR THAT PURPOSE. ity; (3) any matters which might VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM, A SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR said indebtedness and all ex-
Said property being known as: dersigned will sell at public out- WILMINGTON SAVINGS be disclosed by an accurate CONDOMINIUM, RECORDED TOWD POINT MASTER penses of said sale as provided
825 RAYS RD, STONE MOUN- cry to the highest bidder for FUND SOCIETY, FSB, D/B/A survey and inspection of the IN DEED BOOK 18546, PAGE FUNDING TRUST REO, in said Deed, and the balance,
TAIN, GA 30083 cash, before the Courthouse CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT IN- property; and (4) any assess- 622, ET SEG., DEKALB SERIES 2017-PM13, as Attor- if any, will be distributed as
To the best of the door in said County, or at such DIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUST- ments, liens, encumbrances, COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- ney-in-Fact for provided by law.
Page 54
undersigned’s knowledge, the
party or parties in possession
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
other place as lawfully desig-
nated, within the legal hours of
zoning ordinances, restrictions,
covenants, and matters of re-
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid
The sale will be conducted sub-
ject (1) to confirmation that the
of said property is/are KAREN sale, on November 03, 2020, TRUST, as Attorney-in-Fact for cord superior to the Security THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE & Crane LLC 10700 Abbott’s sale is not prohibited under the
E. MCDONALD or tenant(s). the property in said Security CHRISTOPHER L. CAR- Deed first set out above. SUBJECT TO THE DECLARA- Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth, U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2)
The debt secured by said Se- Deed and described as follows: MOUCHE Said sale will be conducted TION AND ALL MATTERS GA 30097 Phone: to final confirmation and audit
curity Deed has been and is ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid subject to the following: (1) REFERENCED THEREIN, ALL 470.321.7112 of the status of the loan with
hereby declared due and pay- CEL OF LAND LYING AND & Crane LLC 10700 Abbott’s confirmation that the sale is not MATTERS SHOWN ON THE Firm File No. ++18-196108 - the secured creditor.
able because of, among other BEING IN LAND LOTS 121 Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth, prohibited under the U.S. Bank- PLAT RECORDED IN CON- AmE/ FOREMAN++ The property is or may be in
possible events of default, fail- AND 141, OF THE 18TH DIS- GA 30097 Phone: ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- DOMINIUM PLAT BOOK 170, the possession of Tiffanie
ure to pay the indebtedness as TRICT, DEKALB COUNTY, 470.321.7112 firmation and audit of the status PAGE 50, AFORESAID RE- Grayson and Chanda Grayson,
provided for in the Note and GEORGIA, BEING LOT 11 OF Firm File No. ++19-384089 - of the loan with the holder of CORDS, AS THE SAME MAY successor in interest or
said Security Deed. The debt IDLEWOOD PARC, AS PER AmE /CARMOUCHE++ the Security Deed. BE AMENDED, AND THE tenant(s).
remaining in default, this sale PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT The name, address, and tele- FLOOR PLANS RECORDED 420-439945 10/8,10/15,10/22 Broker Solutions Inc. dba New
will be made for the purpose of BOOK 146, PAGES 52-55, 420-439943 10/8,10/15,10/22 phone number of the individual IN CONDOMINIUM FLOOR 10/29 American Funding as Attorney-
paying the same and all ex- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA 10/26 or entity who has full authority PLANS BOOK 164, PAGE 9, STATE OF GEORGIA in-Fact for Tiffanie Grayson and
penses of sale, including attor- RECORDS, AS REVISED AT STATE OF GEORGIA to negotiate, amend, and modi- ET SEQ., DEKALB COUNTY, COUNTY OF DEKALB Chanda Grayson
ney’s fees (notice of intent to PLAT BOOK 147, PAGES 64- COUNTY OF DeKalb fy all terms of the mortgage is GEORGIA, RECORDS, AS NOTICE OF SALE UNDER File no. ++19-
collect attorney’s fees having 67, AS REVISED AT PLAT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER as follows: THE SAME MAY BE POWER 075657/GRAYSON++
been given). BOOK 150, PAGES 62-65, POWER Groundfloor Holdings GA LLC AMENDED. Because of a default under the SHAPIRO PENDERGAST &
Said property will be sold sub- AFORESAID RECORDS SAID Pursuant to the power of sale 75 Fifth St. NW Suite 2070, At- Said property being known as: terms of the Security Deed ex- HASTY, LLP*
ject to the following: (1) any PLAT BEING INCORPOR- contained in the Security Deed lanta, GA, 30308 1282 JANDRAS LN, ATLANTA, ecuted by Tiffanie Grayson and Attorneys and Counselors at
outstanding ad valorem taxes ATED HEREIN AND MADE executed by ATL INTOWN IN- Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. GA 30316 Chanda Grayson to Mortgage Law
(including taxes which are a li- REFERENCE HERETO. BE- VESTMENTS LLC to § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- To the best of the Electronic Registration Sys- 211 Perimeter Center Parkway,
en, whether or not yet due and ING KNOWN AS 4113 IDLE- GROUNDFLOOR HOLDINGS vidual or entity is not required undersigned’s knowledge, the tems, Inc., as grantee, as nom- N.E., Suite 300
payable); (2) the right of re- WOOD PARC COURT, AC- GA LLC in the original principal by law to negotiate, amend, or party or parties in possession inee for Broker Solutions, Inc. Atlanta, GA 30346
demption of any taxing author- CORDING TO THE PRESENT amount of $289,950.00 dated modify the terms of the mort- of said property is/are DARON dba New American Funding, its (770) 220-2535/HG
ity; (3) any matters which might SYSTEM OF NUMBERING IN August 14, 2019 and recorded gage. FOREMAN or tenant(s). successors and assigns dated
be disclosed by an accurate DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA. in Deed Book 27766, Page THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING The debt secured by said Se- May 18, 2018, and recorded in *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING
survey and inspection of the Said property being known as: 773, DeKalb County records, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- curity Deed has been and is Deed Book 26938, Page 131, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR.
property; and (4) any assess- 41 1 3 I D L E W O O D P A R C the undersigned will sell at pub- TEMPTING TO COLLECT A hereby declared due and pay- DeKalb County Records, said ANY INFORMATION OB-
ments, liens, encumbrances, COURT, TUCKER, GA 30084 lic outcry to the highest bidder DEBT. ANY INFORMATION able because of, among other Security Deed having been last TAINED WILL BE USED FOR
zoning ordinances, restrictions, To the best of the for cash, before the Court- OBTAINED MAY BE USED possible events of default, fail- sold, assigned, transferred and THAT PURPOSE.
covenants, and matters of re- undersigned’s knowledge, the house door in said County, or FOR THAT PURPOSE. ure to pay the indebtedness as conveyed to Broker Solutions
cord superior to the Security party or parties in possession at such other place as lawfully GROUNDFLOOR HOLDINGS provided for in the Note and Inc. dba New American Fund- 420-439946 10/8,10/15,10/22
Deed first set out above. of said property is/are CHRIS- designated, within the legal GA LLC., A GEORGIA LIM- said Security Deed. The debt ing, securing a Note in the ori- 10/29
Said sale will be conducted TOPHER L. CARMOUCHE or hours of sale, on November 03, ITED LIABILITY COMPANY, remaining in default, this sale ginal principal amount of NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
subject to the following: (1) tenant(s). 2020, the property in said Se- as Attorney-in-Fact for ATL IN- will be made for the purpose of $366,208.00, the holder there- POWER
confirmation that the sale is not The debt secured by said Se- curity Deed and described as TOWN INVESTMENTS LLC paying the same and all ex- of pursuant to said Deed and DEKALB COUNTY
prohibited under the U.S. Bank- curity Deed has been and is follows: Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid penses of sale, including attor- Note thereby secured has de- Pursuant to the Power of Sale
ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- hereby declared due and pay- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- & Crane LLC 10700 Abbott’s ney’s fees (notice of intent to clared the entire amount of said contained in a Security Deed
firmation and audit of the status able because of, among other CEL OF LAND LYING AND Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth, collect attorney’s fees having indebtedness due and payable given by Idella C. Grimmette to
of the loan with the holder of possible events of default, fail- BEING IN LAND LOT 142 OF GA 30097 Phone: been given). and, pursuant to the power of Mortgage Electronic Registra-
the Security Deed. ure to pay the indebtedness as THE 15TH DISTRICT, TWO 470.321.7112 Said property will be sold sub- sale contained in said Deed, tion Systems, Inc. as nominee
The name, address, and tele- provided for in the Note and SECTION OF DEKALB Firm File No. ++20-055784 - ject to the following: (1) any will on the first Tuesday, for BancMortgage Financial
phone number of the individual said Security Deed. The debt COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING AmE /ATL INTOWN INVEST- outstanding ad valorem taxes November 3, 2020, during the Corp. dated 8/6/2002 and re-
or entity who has full authority remaining in default, this sale KNOWN AS LOT 28, BLOCK MENTS LLC++ (including taxes which are a li- legal hours of sale, before the corded in Deed Book 13524
to negotiate, amend, and modi- will be made for the purpose of D, BOULDERCREST ACRES; en, whether or not yet due and Courthouse door in said Page 382 and modified at Deed
fy all terms of the mortgage is paying the same and all ex- UNIT SEVEN, AS PER PLAT 420-439944 10/8,10/15,10/22, payable); (2) the right of re- County, sell at public outcry to Book 15781 Page 461 and fur-
as follows: penses of sale, including attor- OF SAME OF RECORD AT 10/29 demption of any taxing author- the highest bidder for cash, the ther modified at Deed Book
Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a ney’s fees (notice of intent to PLAT BOOK 31, PAGE 41, STATE OF GEORGIA ity; (3) any matters which might property described in said 15781 Page 464 Dekalb
Mr. Cooper 8950 Cypress Wa- collect attorney’s fees having DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA COUNTY OF DeKalb be disclosed by an accurate Deed, to-wit: County, Georgia records; as
ters Blvd. , Coppell, TX, 75019 been given). RECORDS. SAID PLAT IS NOTICE OF SALE UNDER survey and inspection of the A certain tract or parcel of land last transferred to or acquired
1-888-480-2432 Said property will be sold sub- SPECIFICALLY INCORPOR- POWER property; and (4) any assess- in Dekalb County, Georgia, de- by U.S. Bank Trust National As-
Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. ject to the following: (1) any ATED HEREIN BY REFER- Pursuant to the power of sale ments, liens, encumbrances, scribed as follows to wit; sociation, not in its individual
§ 44-14-162.2, the above indi- outstanding ad valorem taxes ENCE AND MADE A PART contained in the Security Deed zoning ordinances, restrictions, All that tract or parcel of land ly- capacity but solely as owner
vidual or entity is not required (including taxes which are a li- HEREOF FOR A MORE COM- executed by DARON FORE- covenants, and matters of re- ing and being in Land Lot 147 trustee for Legacy Mortgage
by law to negotiate, amend, or en, whether or not yet due and PLETE AND ACCURATE LEG- MAN to MORTGAGE ELEC- cord superior to the Security of the 18th District of Dekalb Asset Trust 2017-RPL2, con-
modify the terms of the mort- payable); (2) the right of re- AL DESCRIPTION. SUBJECT TRO NI C REG I STRATI O N Deed first set out above. County, Georgia, being Lot 14, veying the after-described
gage. demption of any taxing author- TO ALL COVENANTS, CONDI- SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMIN- Said sale will be conducted of Pangborn Station Subdivi- property to secure a Note in the
THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING ity; (3) any matters which might TIONS, ZONING ORDIN- EE FOR AVANTI FINANCIAL subject to the following: (1) sion, as per plat recorded at original principal amount of
AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- be disclosed by an accurate ANCES, RESTRICTIONS AND NETWORK LLC, its suc- confirmation that the sale is not Plat Book 83, Page 150, $239,500.00, with interest at
TEMPTING TO COLLECT A survey and inspection of the EASEMENTS OR RECORD. cessors and assigns, in the ori- prohibited under the U.S. Bank- Dekalb County, Georgia, re- the rate specified therein, there
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION property; and (4) any assess- SUBJECT PROPERTY AD- ginal principal amount of ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- cords which Plat is incorpor- will be sold by the undersigned
OBTAINED MAY BE USED ments, liens, encumbrances, DRESS: 2373 BOULDER- $205,000.00 dated March 20, firmation and audit of the status ated herein and made a part at public outcry to the highest
FOR THAT PURPOSE. zoning ordinances, restrictions, CLIFF WAY SE, ATLANTA, 2007 and recorded in Deed of the loan with the holder of hereof by reference. bidder for cash before the
NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE covenants, and matters of re- GEORGIA 30316 PARCEL ID: Book 19984, Page 550, DeKalb the Security Deed. Being the same property con- Courthouse door of Dekalb
LLC D/B/A MR. COOPER, as cord superior to the Security 15 142 01 093 County records, said Security The name, address, and tele- veyed to Michael T. Fortson County, Georgia (or such other
Attorney-in-Fact for Deed first set out above. Said property being known as: Deed being last transferred to phone number of the individual and Brian Willis, Joint tenants area as designated by Order of
KAREN E. MCDONALD Said sale will be conducted 2373 BOULDERCLIFF WAY U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- or entity who has full authority with Full Right of Survivorship, the Superior Court of said
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid subject to the following: (1) SOUTHEAST, ATLANTA, GA CIATION, NOT IN ITS INDI- to negotiate, amend, and modi- by Limited Warranty Deed from county), within the legal hours
& Crane LLC 10700 Abbott’s confirmation that the sale is not 30316 VIDUAL CAPACITY BUT fy all terms of the mortgage is Brian Willis dated 02/19/2008, of sale on November 3, 2020
Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth, prohibited under the U.S. Bank- To the best of the SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR as follows: recorded 05/13/2008, of record (being the first Tuesday of said
GA 30097 Phone: ruptcy Code; and (2) final con- undersigned’s knowledge, the TOWD POINT MASTER Selene Finance LP Attn: BK in Book 20815, Page 188, Re- month unless said date falls on
470.321.7112 firmation and audit of the status party or parties in possession FUNDING TRUST REO, Dept. 9990 Richmond, Hous- gister's Office for Dekalb a Federal Holiday, in which
Firm File No. ++19-385903 - of the loan with the holder of of said property is/are ATL IN- SERIES 2017-PM13, DeKalb ton, TX, 77042 County, Georgia. case being the first Wednes-
AmE / MCDONALD++ the Security Deed. TOWN INVESTMENTS LLC or County records, the under- 877-768-3759 Said property is known as 1554 day of said month), the follow-
The name, address, and tele- tenant(s). signed will sell at public outcry Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. Pangborn Station Drive, Dec- ing described property:
420-439942 10/8,10/15,10/22 phone number of the individual The debt secured by said Se- to the highest bidder for cash, § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- atur, GA 30033, together with ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
10/29 or entity who has full authority curity Deed has been and is before the Courthouse door in vidual or entity is not required all fixtures and personal prop- CEL OF LAND LYING AND
STATE OF GEORGIA to negotiate, amend, and modi- hereby declared due and pay- said County, or at such other by law to negotiate, amend, or erty attached to and constitut- BEING IN LAND LOT 96 OF
COUNTY OF DeKalb fy all terms of the mortgage is able because of, among other place as lawfully designated, modify the terms of the mort- ing a part of said property, if THE 16TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER as follows: possible events of default, fail- within the legal hours of sale, gage. any. COUNTY, GEORGIA BEING
POWER Selene Finance LP Attn: BK ure to pay the indebtedness as on November 03, 2020, the THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING Said property will be sold sub- LOT 6 OF PATILLO ESTATES,
Pursuant to the power of sale Dept. 9990 Richmond, Hous- provided for in the Note and property in said Security Deed AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- ject to any outstanding ad UNIT ONE, ACCORDING TO
contained in the Security Deed ton, TX, 77042 said Security Deed. The debt and described as follows: TEMPTING TO COLLECT A valorem taxes (including taxes SURVEY BY JAMES H.
executed by CHRISTOPHER L. 877-768-3759 remaining in default, this sale ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION which are a lien, whether or not CARTER, REGISTERED SUR-
CARMOUCHE to in the origin- Note that pursuant to O.C.G.A. will be made for the purpose of CEL OF LAND LYING AND OBTAINED MAY BE USED now due and payable), the right VEYOR,DATED FEBRUARY
al principal amount of § 44-14-162.2, the above indi- paying the same and all ex- BEING IN LAND LOT 144 OF FOR THAT PURPOSE. of redemption of any taxing au- 10, 1981, AND RECORDED IN
$242,260.00 dated September vidual or entity is not required penses of sale, including attor- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- thority, any matters which might PLAT BOOK 72, PAGE 76,
30, 2005 and recorded in Deed by law to negotiate, amend, or ney’s fees (notice of intent to COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING CIATION, NOT IN ITS INDI- be disclosed by an accurate DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
Book 17984, Page 506, DeKalb modify the terms of the mort- collect attorney’s fees having MORE PARTICULARLY DE- VIDUAL CAPACITY BUT survey and inspection of the WHICH PLAT IS BY REFER-
County records, said Security gage. been given). SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR property, any assessments, li- ENCE INCORPORATED
Deed being last transferred to THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING Said property will be sold sub- CONDOMINIUM UNIT #1282 TOWD POINT MASTER ens, encumbrances, zoning or- HEREIN AND MADE A PART
WILMINGTON SAVINGS AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT- ject to the following: (1) any OF EASTLAND VILLAGE FUNDING TRUST REO, dinances, restrictions, coven- HEREOF.
FUND SOCIETY, FSB, D/B/A TEMPTING TO COLLECT A outstanding ad valorem taxes CONDOMINIUM, AS MORE SERIES 2017-PM13, as Attor- ants, and matters of record su- Less and Except:
CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT IN- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION (including taxes which are a li- PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ney-in-Fact for perior to the Security Deed first ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
EE FOR PRETIUM MORT- FOR THAT PURPOSE. payable); (2) the right of re- DECLARATION OF CON- Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid The proceeds of said sale will BEING IN LAND LOT 127 OF
GAGE ACQUISITION TRUST, WILMINGTON SAVINGS demption of any taxing author- DOMINIUM FOR EASTLAND & Crane LLC 10700 Abbott’s be applied to the payment of THE 16TH DISTRICT OF
DeKalb County records, the un- FUND SOCIETY, FSB, D/B/A ity; (3) any matters which might VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM, A Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth, said indebtedness and all ex- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
dersigned will sell at public out- CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT IN- be disclosed by an accurate CONDOMINIUM, RECORDED GA 30097 Phone: penses of said sale as provided AND BEING LOT 4, BLOCK A,
cry to the highest bidder for DIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUST- survey and inspection of the IN DEED BOOK 18546, PAGE 470.321.7112 in said Deed, and the balance, OF CARRIAGE POINT,
cash, before the Courthouse EE FOR PRETIUM MORT- property; and (4) any assess- 622, ET SEG., DEKALB Firm File No. ++18-196108 - if any, will be distributed as PHASE ONE, AS PER PLAT
door in said County, or at such GAGE ACQUISITION ments, liens, encumbrances, COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- AmE/ FOREMAN++ provided by law. RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK
other place as lawfully desig- TRUST, as Attorney-in-Fact for zoning ordinances, restrictions, CORDS, AS THE SAME MAY The sale will be conducted sub- 86, PAGE 96 OF DEKALB
nated, within the legal hours of CHRISTOPHER L. CAR- covenants, and matters of re- BE AMENDED. ject (1) to confirmation that the COUNTY,GEORGIA RE-
sale, on November 03, 2020, MOUCHE cord superior to the Security THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE sale is not prohibited under the CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN-
the property in said Security Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid Deed first set out above. SUBJECT TO THE DECLARA- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) CORPORATED
Deed and described as follows: & Crane LLC 10700 Abbott’s Said sale will be conducted TION AND ALL MATTERS to final confirmation and audit HEREIN AND MADE A PART
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Bridge Road Suite 170 Duluth, subject to the following: (1) REFERENCED THEREIN, ALL of the status of the loan with HEREOF BY REFERENCE.
THE 16TH DISTRICT OF Trust 2017-RPL2 as agent and (are): Ezekiel Polite or tenant or area as designated by Order of documents may not be 56.85 feet to a concrete monu- er of the Security Deed.
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, Attorney in Fact for Idella C. tenants. the Superior Court of said provided until final confirmation ment found on the southwest- Wilfort & Co. Enterprises, LLC
AND BEING LOT 4, BLOCK A, Grimmette Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing county), within the legal hours and audit of the status of the erly right-of-way line of North- as Attorney-in-Fact for James
OF CARRIAGE POINT, Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- is the entity or individual desig- of sale on November 3, 2020 loan as provided immediately lake Parkway; thence running E. Dopson, M.D.
PHASE ONE, AS PER PLAT mont Center, 3575 Piedmont nated who shall have full au- (being the first Tuesday of said above. along the southwesterly right- Contact: Williams Teusink, LLC
RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, thority to negotiate, amend and month unless said date falls on Bank of New York Mellon Trust of-way line of Northlake Park- The High House

86, PAGE 96 OF DEKALB The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 55
Georgia 30305, (404) 994- modify all terms of the mort- a Federal Holiday, in which Company, N.A. as Trustee for way and following the curvature 309 Sycamore Street
COUNTY,GEORGIA RE- 7637. gage. case being the first Wednes- Mortgage Assets Management thereof an arc distance of Decatur, Georgia 30030
CORDS, WHICH PLAT IS IN- 1208-2374A Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing day of said month), the follow- Series I Trust as agent and At- 139.512 feet, said arc having a (404) 373-9590
CORPORATED THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- PO Box 10826 ing described property: torney in Fact for Lonnie B. radius of 529.96 feet and hav- Ad run date: 10/08/20, 10/15/20
HEREIN AND MADE A PART ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR Greenville, SC 29603-0826 ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Hardemon ing a cord bearing of south 66? 10/22/20, 10/29/20
HEREOF BY REFERENCE. ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A 1-800-365-7107 CEL OF LAND LYING AND Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- 27’ 35” east and having a cord THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
The debt secured by said Se- DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Note, however, that such entity BEING IN LAND LOT 98 OF mont Center, 3575 Piedmont distance of 139.11 feet, to an AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND
curity Deed has been and is OBTAINED WILL BE USED or individual is not required by THE 18TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, iron pin set on the southwest- IS ATTEMPTING TO COL-
hereby declared due because FOR THAT PURPOSE. law to negotiate, amend or COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Georgia 30305, (404) 994- erly right-of-way line of North- LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORM-
of, among other possible ++1208-2374A/ Grimmette++ modify the terms of the loan. LOT 12, BLOCK D, SECTION 7637. lake Parkway, said iron pin set ATION OBTAINED WILL BE
events of default, failure to pay Said property will be sold sub- ONE - UNIT III, VENETIAN ES- 1823-100A being the TRUE POINT OF BE- USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.
the indebtedness as and when ject to: (a) any outstanding ad TATES, AS PER PLAT RE- THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- GINNING.
due and in the manner 420-439947 10/8,10/15,10/22 valorem taxes (including taxes CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 34, ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR The above-described property 420-439954 10/8,10/15,10/22
provided in the Note and Se- 10/29 which are a lien, but not yet PAGE 159, DEKALB COUNTY, ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A being shown as Tract B (0.580 10/29
curity Deed. The debt remain- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER due and payable), (b) unpaid GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Acres) according to the bound- STATE OF GEORGIA
ing in default, this sale will be POWER water or sewage bills that con- RECORDED PLAT IS INCOR- OBTAINED WILL BE USED ary survey for NPC Associates DEKALB COUNTY
made for the purpose of pay- DEKALB COUNTY stitute a lien against the prop- PORATED HEREIN BY THIS FOR THAT PURPOSE. and Decatur Federal Savings NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
ing the same and all expenses Pursuant to the Power of Sale erty whether due and payable REFERENCE AND MADE A ++1823-100A/ Hardemon++ and Loan Association, said sur- POWER
of this sale, as provided in the contained in a Security Deed or not yet due and payable and PART OF THIS DESCRIP- vey being prepared by Patter- By virtue of the power of sale
Security Deed and by law, in- given by Ezekiel O. Polite and which may not be of record, (c) TION. 420-439953 10/8,10/15,10/22 son & Dewar Engineers, Inc., contained in that certain Deed
cluding attorney’s fees (notice Carolyn Dupree-Polite to Mort- the right of redemption of any The debt secured by said Se- 10/29 George E. Ingram, RLS No. to Secure Debt from Alvarez In-
of intent to collect attorney’s gage Electronic Registration taxing authority, (d) any mat- curity Deed has been and is NOTICE OF SALE UNDER 1980, said survey being dated vestment Group LLC to Capital
fees having been given). Systems, Inc., as grantee, as ters which might be disclosed hereby declared due because POWER June 26, 1987, and being last Funding Financial LLC, dated
Said property is commonly nominee for Loan America, by an accurate survey and in- of, among other possible STATE OF GEORGIA revised on May 21, 1990. 10/07/2019, recorded
known as 5939 Pattillo Way, Inc., its successors and as- spection of the property, and events of default, failure to pay COUNTY OF DEKALB The aforedescribed real prop- 10/21/2019 i recorded in Deed
Stone Mountain, GA 30087 to- signs dated 9/25/2007 and re- (e) any assessments, liens, en- the indebtedness as and when By virtue of a Power of Sale erty is also known as 1918 Book 27871, Page 473, afore-
gether with all fixtures and per- corded in Deed Book 20343 cumbrances, zoning ordin- due and in the manner contained in that certain Geor- Northlake PKWY, Tucker, said records., as last assigned
sonal property attached to and Page 768 and re-recorded at ances, restrictions, covenants, provided in the Note and Se- gia Security Deed and Security Georgia 30084, according to to U.S. Bank Trust National As-
constituting a part of said prop- Deed Book 20441 Page 552 and matters of record superior curity Deed. The debt remain- Agreement dated August 23, the present system of number- sociation, not in its individual
erty, if any. To the best know- Dekalb County, Georgia re- to the Security Deed first set ing in default, this sale will be 2010, from James E. Dopson, ing houses in DeKalb County, capacity but solely as trustee
ledge and belief of the under- cords; as last transferred to or out above. made for the purpose of pay- MD, to Branch Banking and Georgia. for Fidelity & Guaranty Life
signed, the party (or parties) in acquired by Mill City Mortgage The sale will be conducted sub- ing the same and all expenses Trust Company, recorded in The debt secured by said Se- Mortgage Trust 2018-1, at
possession of the subject prop- Loan Trust 2018-1, Wilmington ject to (1) confirmation that the of this sale, as provided in the Deed Book 22106, Page 568, curity Deed has been and is Deed Book 28436, Page 716,
erty is (are): Luanne Bonnie, Savings Fund Society, FSB, as sale is not prohibited under the Security Deed and by law, in- DeKalb County, Georgia Deed hereby declared due because DeKalb County, Georgia Re-
Tempoary Administrator of Trustee, conveying the after- U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) cluding attorney’s fees (notice Records, and securing a Note of, among other possible cords
Idella C. Grimmette or tenant or described property to secure a final confirmation and audit of of intent to collect attorney’s in the original principal amount events of default, non-payment , said Deed to Secure Debt
tenants. Note in the original principal the status of the loan with the fees having been given). of $366,738.90 with interest of the monthly installments on having been given to secure a
Rushmore Loan Management amount of $260,500.00, with in- holder of the Security Deed. Said property is commonly thereon, as subsequently modi- said loan. The debt remaining Note dated OCTOBER 7,2019
Services, LLC is the entity or in- terest at the rate specified Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section known as 997 Verdi Way, fied and assigned to Wilfort & in default, this sale will be in the original principal sum of
dividual designated who shall therein, there will be sold by the 9-13-172.1, which allows for Clarkston, GA 30021 together Co Enterprises, LLC by Assign- made for the purpose of pay- One Hundred Twenty-Two
have full authority to negotiate, undersigned at public outcry to certain procedures regarding with all fixtures and personal ment of Security Instruments ing the same and all expenses Thousand Four Hundred and
amend and modify all terms of the highest bidder for cash be- the rescission of judicial and property attached to and consti- dated July 26, 2017, and recor- of this sale, including attorneys’ 00/100 Dollars (U.S.
the mortgage. fore the Courthouse door of non-judicial sales in the State tuting a part of said property, if ded on August 1, 2017 in Deed fees (notice of intent to collect $122,400.00),, with interest
Rushmore Loan Management Dekalb County, Georgia (or of Georgia, the Deed Under any. To the best knowledge Book 26406, Page 55, DeKalb attorneys’ fees having been from date at the rate stated in
Services, LLC such other area as designated Power and other foreclosure and belief of the undersigned, County, Georgia Deed Re- given). said Note on the unpaid bal-
PO Box 52708 by Order of the Superior Court documents may not be the party (or parties) in posses- cords will be sold at public out- The individual or entity that has ance until paid, there will be
Irvine, CA 92619 of said county), within the legal provided until final confirmation sion of the subject property is cry to the highest bidder for full authority to negotiate, sold by the undersigned at pub-
888.504.7300 hours of sale on November 3, and audit of the status of the (are): Lonnie B. Hardemon or cash before the courthouse amend, and modify all terms of lic outcry to the highest bidder
Note, however, that such entity 2020 (being the first Tuesday of loan as provided immediately tenant or tenants. door of DeKalb County, Geor- the loan is Wilfort & Co Enter- for cash before the Courthouse
or individual is not required by said month unless said date above. CeLink is the entity or individu- gia, or at such place as has or prises, LLC c/o Williams Teu- door at DEKALB County, Geor-
law to negotiate, amend or falls on a Federal Holiday, in Mill City Mortgage Loan Trust al designated who shall have may be lawfully designated as sink, LLC, The High House, gia, within the legal hours of
modify the terms of the loan. which case being the first Wed- 2018-1, Wilmington Savings full authority to negotiate, an alternative location, within 309 Sycamore Street, Decatur, sale on the first Tuesday in
Said property will be sold sub- nesday of said month), the fol- Fund Society, FSB, as Trustee amend and modify all terms of the legal hours of sale on the Georgia 30030. The telephone NOVEMBER, 2020. (Novem-
ject to: (a) any outstanding ad lowing described property: as agent and Attorney in Fact the mortgage. first Tuesday of November number is (404) 373-9590. ber 3, 2020) the following de-
valorem taxes (including taxes All that tract or parcel of land ly- for Ezekiel O. Polite and Caro- CeLink 2020, all property described in Said real property will be sold scribed property:
which are a lien, but not yet ing and being in Land Lot 14 of lyn Dupree-Polite Loss Mitigation Department said Security Deed, including on an as-is basis without any All that tract or parcel of land ly-
due and payable), (b) unpaid the 16th District, DeKalb Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- 2900 Esperanza Crossing but not limited to the following representation, warranty or re- ing and being in Land Lot 225
water or sewage bills that con- County, Georgia, being Lot mont Center, 3575 Piedmont Austin, TX 78758 described property: course against the above- of the 15th District, DeKalb
stitute a lien against the prop- 316, Block A, Burlington Subdi- Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, 866-727-4303 All that tract or parcel of land ly- named or the undersigned. The County, Georgia, being Lot 8,
erty whether due and payable vision, Unit III, Phase I, as per Georgia 30305, (404) 994- Note, however, that such entity ing and being in Land Lot 188 sale will also be subject to the Building 2, Pinnacle Heights
or not yet due and payable and plat recorded in Plat Book 126, 7637. or individual is not required by of the 18th District of DeKalb following items which may af- Subdivision, as per plat recor-
which may not be of record, (c) Page 65-70, DeKalb County, 1263-1838A law to negotiate, amend or County, Georgia, and being fect the title: a) zoning ordin- ded in Plat Book 139, Pages
the right of redemption of any Georgia records, which recor- THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- modify the terms of the loan. more particularly described as ances; b) matters which would 14-15, DeKalb County, Geor-
taxing authority, (d) any mat- ded plat is incorporated herein ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR Said property will be sold sub- follows: be disclosed by an accurate gia Records, which plat is incor-
ters which might be disclosed by this reference and made a ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A ject to: (a) any outstanding ad TO FIND THE TRUE POINT survey or by an inspection of porated herein by reference
by an accurate survey and in- part of this description. Said DEBT. ANY INFORMATION valorem taxes (including taxes OF BEGINNING begin at the the property; c) any outstand- and made a part of this descrip-
spection of the property, and property being known as 4912 OBTAINED WILL BE USED which are a lien, but not yet intersection of the southwest- ing ad valorem taxes, including tion. Said property being known
(e) any assessments, liens, en- Topsfield Lane according to the FOR THAT PURPOSE. due and payable), (b) unpaid erly right-of-way line of North- taxes, which constitute liens as 4878 Pinnacle Drive accord-
cumbrances, zoning ordin- present system of numbering ++1263-1838A/ Polite , water or sewage bills that con- lake Parkway with the center upon said property whether or ing to the present system of
ances, restrictions, covenants, property in DeKalb County, Dupree-Polite++ stitute a lien against the prop- line of U.S. Highway 29 (80 foot not now due and payable, d) numbering property in DeKalb
and matters of record superior Georgia. erty whether due and payable right-of-way); run thence along special assessments; e) the County, Georgia.
to the Security Deed first set The debt secured by said Se- 420-439949 10/8,10/15,10/22 or not yet due and payable and the southwesterly right-of- way right of redemption of any tax- Tax ID#: 15-225-06-008
out above. curity Deed has been and is 10/29 which may not be of record, (c) line of Northlake Parkway in a ing authority; f) all outstanding Subject to any Easements or
The sale will be conducted sub- hereby declared due because NOTICE OF SALE UNDER the right of redemption of any generally northwesterly direc- bills for public utilities which Restrictions of Record
ject to (1) confirmation that the of, among other possible POWER taxing authority, (d) any mat- tion, a distance of 297.26 feet constitute liens upon said prop- The debt secured by said Deed
sale is not prohibited under the events of default, failure to pay DEKALB COUNTY ters which might be disclosed to an iron pin set on the south- erty; g) all restrictive covenants, to Secure Debt has been and is
U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) the indebtedness as and when Pursuant to the Power of Sale by an accurate survey and in- westerly right-of-way line of easements, rights-of-way and hereby declared due because
final confirmation and audit of due and in the manner contained in a Security Deed spection of the property, and Northlake Parkway, which iron any other matters of record su- of, among other possible
the status of the loan with the provided in the Note and Se- given by Lonnie B. Hardemon (e) any assessments, liens, en- pin set is the TRUE POINT OF perior to said Security Deed. To events of default, non-payment
holder of the Security Deed. curity Deed. The debt remain- to RBC Centura Bank dated cumbrances, zoning ordin- BEGINNING; running thence the best of the knowledge and of the monthly installments on
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section ing in default, this sale will be 7/28/2006 and recorded in ances, restrictions, covenants, south 56? 12’ 0” west a dis- belief of the undersigned, the said loan. The debt remaining
9-13-172.1, which allows for made for the purpose of pay- Deed Book 19077 Page 686 and matters of record superior tance of 234.09 feet to an iron owners and party in posses- in default, this sale will be
certain procedures regarding ing the same and all expenses DeKalb County, Georgia re- to the Security Deed first set pin set, said iron pin set being sion of the property are made for the purpose of pay-
the rescission of judicial and of this sale, as provided in the cords; as last transferred to or out above. located on the northwesterly ++James E. Dopson, and ing the same and all expenses
non-judicial sales in the State Security Deed and by law, in- acquired by Bank of New York The sale will be conducted sub- boundary line of property now James E. Dopson, M.D., of this sale, as provided in the
of Georgia, the Deed Under cluding attorney’s fees (notice Mellon Trust Company, N.A. as ject to (1) confirmation that the or being formerly owned by P.C.++ and/or tenant(s). The Note and Security Deed and by
Power and other foreclosure of intent to collect attorney’s Trustee for Mortgage Assets sale is not prohibited under the Narris L. Green, et. al.; thence sale will be conducted subject law, including attorney’s fees
documents may not be fees having been given). Management Series I Trust, U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) running north 33º 48’ 00” west (1) to confirmation that the sale (notice of intent to collect attor-
provided until final confirmation Said property is commonly conveying the after-described final confirmation and audit of a distance of 102.64 feet to a is not prohibited under the U.S. ney’s fees having been given).
and audit of the status of the known as 4912 Topsfield Lane, property to secure a Note in the the status of the loan with the nail set; thence running north Bankruptcy Code, and (2) final VC RTL HOLDINGS, LLC is the
loan as provided immediately Lithonia, GA 30038 together original principal amount of holder of the Security Deed. 56? 35’ 42” east a distance of confirmation and audit as to the current owner of the loan. Said
above. with all fixtures and personal $240,000.00, with interest at Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 25.18 feet to a nail set; thence status of the loan with the hold- property is commonly known as
U.S. Bank Trust National Asso- property attached to and consti- the rate specified therein, there 9-13-172.1, which allows for running north 25? 19’ 50” east er of the Security Deed. 4871 PINNACLE DR, STONE
ciation, not in its individual ca- tuting a part of said property, if will be sold by the undersigned certain procedures regarding a distance of 113.8 feet to a Wilfort & Co. Enterprises, LLC MOUNTAIN, GA 30088 togeth-
pacity but solely as owner trust- any. To the best knowledge at public outcry to the highest the rescission of judicial and point; thence continuing along as Attorney-in-Fact for James er with all fixtures and personal
ee for Legacy Mortgage Asset and belief of the undersigned, bidder for cash before the non-judicial sales in the State the southwesterly right- of-way E. Dopson, M.D. property attached to and consti-
Trust 2017-RPL2 as agent and the party (or parties) in posses- Courthouse door of DeKalb of Georgia, the Deed Under line of Northlake Parkway south Contact: Williams Teusink, LLC tuting a part of said property, if
Attorney in Fact for Idella C. sion of the subject property is County, Georgia (or such other Power and other foreclosure 74? 0’ 13” east a distance of The High House any. To the best knowledge
Grimmette (are): Ezekiel Polite or tenant or area as designated by Order of documents may not be 56.85 feet to a concrete monu- 309 Sycamore Street and belief of the undersigned,
Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- tenants. the Superior Court of said provided until final confirmation ment found on the southwest- Decatur, Georgia 30030 the party (or parties) in posses-
mont Center, 3575 Piedmont Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing county), within the legal hours and audit of the status of the erly right-of-way line of North- (404) 373-9590 sion of the subject property is
Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, is the entity or individual desig- of sale on November 3, 2020 loan as provided immediately lake Parkway; thence running Ad run date: 10/08/20, 10/15/20 (are): ALVAREZ IN-
Georgia 30305, (404) 994- nated who shall have full au- (being the first Tuesday of said above. along the southwesterly right- 10/22/20, 10/29/20 VESTEMENT GROUP, LLC or
7637. thority to negotiate, amend and month unless said date falls on Bank of New York Mellon Trust of-way line of Northlake Park- THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING tenant or tenants.
1208-2374A modify all terms of the mort- a Federal Holiday, in which Company, N.A. as Trustee for way and following the curvature AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND The individual or entity that has
THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACT- gage. case being the first Wednes- Mortgage Assets Management thereof an arc distance of IS ATTEMPTING TO COL- full authority to negotiate,
ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR Shellpoint Mortgage Servicing day of said month), the follow- Series I Trust as agent and At- 139.512 feet, said arc having a LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORM- amend, and modify all terms of
ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A PO Box 10826 ing described property: torney in Fact for Lonnie B. radius of 529.96 feet and hav- ATION OBTAINED WILL BE the mortgage with the debtor is:
DEBT. ANY INFORMATION Greenville, SC 29603-0826 ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Hardemon ing a cord bearing of south 66? USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. FCI LENDER SERVICES, INC.
OBTAINED WILL BE USED 1-800-365-7107 CEL OF LAND LYING AND Aldridge Pite, LLP, 15 Pied- 27’ 35” east and having a cord PO BOX 27370 ANAHEIM, CA
and belief of the undersigned, Debt having been given to se- and inspection of the property, of this sale, as provided in Se- curity Deed including but not special assessments; e) the
the party (or parties) in posses- cure a Note dated OCTOBER and (e) any assessments, liens, curity Deed and by law, includ- limited to the following de- right of redemption of any tax-
sion of the subject property is 25, 2019 in the original princip- encumbrances, zoning ordin- ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- scribed property: ing authority; f) all outstanding
(are): ALVAREZ IN- al sum of Four Hundred Eighty- ances, restrictions, covenants, tent to collect attorney’s fees ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- bills for public utilities which
VESTEMENT GROUP, LLC or Seven Thousand One Hun- and matters of record superior having been given). CEL OF LAND lying and being constitute liens upon said prop-
tenant or tenants. dred and 00/100 Dollars (U.S. to the Security Deed first set Your mortgage servicer, BSI in Land Lot 247 of the 15th Dis- erty; g) all restrictive covenants,
Page 56
The individual or entity that has
full authority to negotiate,
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
$487,100.00),, with interest
from date at the rate stated in
out above. The sale will be con-
ducted subject to (1) confirma-
Financial Services, as servicer trict of DeKalb County, Geor- easements, rights-of-way and
any other matters of record su-
for U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- gia, being Lot 37, Block D,
amend, and modify all terms of said Note on the unpaid bal- tion that the sale is not prohib- SOCIATION AS INDEN- Glenwood Estates, Inc., as per 420-439958 10/8,10/15,10/22 perior to said Security Deed. To
the mortgage with the debtor is: ance until paid, there will be ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy TURED TRUSTEE FOR AN- plat recorded in Plat Book 11, 10/29 the best of the knowledge and
FCI LENDER SERVICES, INC. sold by the undersigned at pub- Code; and (2) final confirma- GEL OAK MORTGAGE TRUST Page 14, DeKalb County re- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER belief of the undersigned, the
PO BOX 27370 ANAHEIM, CA lic outcry to the highest bidder tion and audit of the status of I, LLC 2018-PB1, can be con- cords, which plat is hereby re- POWER owners and party in posses-
92809 (714-282-2424). Please for cash before the Courthouse the loan with the holder of the tacted at 1-866-581-4514 or by ferred to and made a part of STATE OF GEORGIA, sion of the property are Re-
understand that the secured door at DEKALB County, Geor- Security Deed. Pursuant to writing to 314 S. Franklin this description, being im- COUNTY OF DEKALB becca M. Odom and or
creditor is not required to nego- gia, within the legal hours of O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, Street, Titusville, PA 16354, to proved property known as No. By virtue of a Power of Sale tenant(s). The sale will be con-
tiate, amend, or modify the sale on the first Tuesday in which allows for certain proced- discuss possible alternatives to 140 Pinecrest Avenue, accord- contained in that certain Secur- ducted subject to 1) confirma-
terms of the mortgage instru- NOVEMBER, 2020. (Novem- ures regarding the rescission of avoid foreclosure. ing to the present system of ity Deed from Rebecca M. tion that the sale is not prohib-
ment. ber 3, 2020) the following de- judicial and non-judicial sales in Said property will be sold sub- numbering houses in DeKalb Odom to Home Mortgage Cor- ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy
Said property will be sold sub- scribed property: the State of Georgia, the Deed ject to any outstanding ad County, Georgia, and being poration, dated March 31, 2003 code and 2) final confirmation
ject to: (a) any outstanding ad All that tract or parcel of land ly- Under Power and other fore- valorem taxes (including taxes more particularly shown on a and recorded on April 14, 2003 and audit of the status of the
valorem taxes (including taxes ing and being in Land Lot 204 closure documents may not be which are a lien, but not yet survey prepared by Georgia in Deed Book 14462, Page loan with the holder of the Se-
which are a lien, but not yet of the 15th District, Dekalb provided until final confirmation due and payable), any matters Land Surveying Co., Inc., dated 100, in the Office of the Clerk of curity Deed.
due and payable), (b) the right County, Georgia, being Lot 5, and audit of the status of the which might be disclosed by an March 6, 1990. Superior Court of Dekalb U.S. Bank National Associ-
of redemption of any taxing au- Block 2, East Lake Heights loan as provided immediately accurate survey and inspection Said property may more com- County, Georgia, said Security ation, not in its individual capa-
thority, (c) any matters which Subdivision, as per plat recor- above. of the property, any assess- monly be known as 140 Deed having been given to se- city but solely as trustee of
might be disclosed by an accur- ded in Plat Book 12, Page 27, VC RTL HOLDINGS, LLC., At- ments, liens, encumbrances, Pinecrest Avenue, Decatur, GA cure a Note of even date, in the NRZ Pass-Through Trust V-B
ate survey and inspection of Dekalb County, Georgia Re- torney-in-Fact for zoning ordinances, restrictions, 30030. original principal amount of as Attorney-in-Fact for ++Re-
the property, and (d) any as- cords, which plat is incorpor- ++TRITON HOLDINGS REIT, covenants, and matters of re- The debt secured by said Se- Ninety-Seven Thousand Sev- becca M. Odom++
sessments, liens, encum- ated herein by reference and LLC ++ cord superior to the Security curity Deed has been and is en Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Contact: Padgett Law Group:
brances, zoning ordinances, re- made a part of this description. Cruikshank Ersin, LLC Deed first set out above. hereby declared due because dollars ($97,750.00) with in- 6267 Old Water Oak Road,
strictions, covenants, and mat- Tax ID#: 15-204-04-074 Attorneys at Law To the best knowledge and be- of, among other possible terest thereon as provided Suite 203, Tallahassee, FL
ters of record superior to the Subject to any Easements or 6065 Roswell Road, Ste 680 lief of the undersigned, the events of default, non-payment therein, as last transferred to 32312; (850) 422-2520
Security Deed first set out Restrictions of Record Atlanta, GA 30328 parties in possession of the of the monthly installments on U.S. Bank National Associ- Ad Run Dates: 10/08/20;
above. Said property will be The debt secured by said Deed 770-884-8184 property are HBF Investments, said loan. The debt remaining ation, not in its individual capa- 10/15/20; 10/22/20; 10/29/20
sold subject to: (a) any out- to Secure Debt has been and is Fax 770-884-8114 LLC or tenant(s); and said in default, this sale will be city but solely as trustee of
standing ad valorem taxes (in- hereby declared due because 420-439956 10/8,10/15,10/22 property is more commonly made for the purpose of pay- NRZ Pass-Through Trust V-B, 420-439959 10/8,10/15,10/22
cluding taxes which are a lien, of, among other possible 10/29 known as 360 Seventh Ave, ing the same and all expenses recorded in Deed Book 27124, 10/29
but not yet due and payable), events of default, non-payment NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE Scottdale, GA 30079. of this sale, including attorney’s Page 481, aforesaid records, STATE OF GEORGIA
(b) unpaid water or sewage bills of the monthly installments on SALE UNDER POWER The sale will be conducted sub- fees (notice of intent to collect will be sold at public outcry to COUNTY of DEKALB
that constitute a lien against the said loan. The debt remaining DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA ject (1) to confirmation that the attorney’s fees having been the highest bidder for cash be- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
property whether due and pay- in default, this sale will be THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO sale is not prohibited under the given). fore the courthouse door of POWER
able or not yet due and pay- made for the purpose of pay- COLLECT A DEBT. ANY IN- U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) The individual or entity that has Dekalb County, Georgia, or at By virtue of the power of sale
able and which may not be of ing the same and all expenses FORMATION OBTAINED WILL to final confirmation and audit full authority to negotiate, such place as has or may be contained in that certain Deed
record, (c) the right of redemp- of this sale, as provided in the BE USED FOR THAT PUR- of the status of the loan with amend and modify all terms of lawfully designated as an al- to Secure Debt from ANNE M.
tion of any taxing authority, (d) Note and Security Deed and by POSE. the holder of the security deed. the loan is Shellpoint Mortgage ternative location, within the ROBOTHAM to MORTGAGE
any matters which might be dis- law, including attorney’s fees Under and by virtue of the U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSO- Servicing, 55 Beattie Place, legal hours of sale on the first ELECTRONIC REGISTRA-
closed by an accurate survey (notice of intent to collect attor- Power of Sale contained in a CIATION AS INDENTURED Suite 100 MS 561, Greenville, Tuesday in November, 2020, TION SYSTEMS, INC., AS
and inspection of the property, ney’s fees having been given). Security Deed given by HBF In- TRUSTEE FOR ANGEL OAK SC 29601, 1-800-365-7107. all property described in said NOMINEE FOR FIRST NA-
and (e) any assessments, liens, VC RTL HOLDINGS, LLC is the vestments, LLC to Angel Oak MORTGAGE TRUST I, LLC Said property will be sold on an Security Deed including but not TIONAL BANK OF NASSAU
encumbrances, zoning ordin- current owner of the loan. Said Prime Bridge LLC dated July 2018-PB1 as Attorney in Fact “as-is” basis without any rep- limited to the following de- COUNTY, A DIVISION OF
ances, restrictions, covenants, property is commonly known as 24, 2019 and recorded on July for HBF Investments, LLC resentation, warranty or re- scribed property: CBC NATIONAL BANK dated
and matters of record superior 14 CARTER AVE, SE, AT- 31, 2019 in Deed Book 27700, McMichael Taylor Gray, LLC course against the above- ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of October 1, 2008, filed for re-
to the Security Deed first set LANTA, GA 30317 together Page 673, DeKalb County, 3550 Engineering Drive, Suite named or the undersigned. The land lying and being in Land cord October 10, 2008, and re-
out above. The sale will be con- with all fixtures and personal Georgia Records, and later as- 260 sale will also be subject to the Lot 139 of the 18th District, corded in Deed Book 21088,
ducted subject to (1) confirma- property attached to and consti- signed to U.S. BANK NATION- Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 following items which may af- DeKalb County, Georgia, be- Page 786, DEKALB County,
tion that the sale is not prohib- tuting a part of said property, if AL ASSOCIATION AS INDEN- 404-474-7149 fect the title: a) zoning ordin- ing Lot 33, of Inverness Woods Georgia Records, as last trans-
ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy any. To the best knowledge TURED TRUSTEE FOR AN- MTG File No.: ++GA2020- ances; b) matters which would Subdivision, Phase III, as per ferred to SPECIALIZED LOAN
Code; and (2) final confirma- and belief of the undersigned, GEL OAK MORTGAGE TRUST 00626/ HBF Investments, be disclosed by an accurate plat recorded in Plat Book 80, SERVICING LLC by assign-
tion and audit of the status of the party (or parties) in posses- I, LLC 2018-PB1 by Assign- LLC++ survey or by an inspection of Page 141, DeKalb County, ment recorded in Deed Book
the loan with the holder of the sion of the subject property is ment of Security Deed recor- 420-439957 10/8,10/15,10/22 the property; c) any outstand- Georgia Records, which plat is 27722, Page 102, DEKALB
Security Deed. Pursuant to (are): TRITON HOLDINGS RE- ded on April 24, 2020 in Deed 10/29 ing ad valorem taxes, including Incorporated herein by this ref- County, Georgia Records. Said
O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, IT, LLC and TRENT WHITE or Book 28267, Page 282, DeKalb NOTICE OF SALE UNDER taxes, which constitute liens erence and made a part of this Deed to Secure Debt having
which allows for certain proced- tenant or tenants. County, Georgia Records, con- POWER upon said property whether or description. been given to secure a Note
ures regarding the rescission of The individual or entity that has veying the after-described STATE OF GEORGIA, not now due and payable; d) Said property may more com- dated October 1, 2008 in the
judicial and non-judicial sales in full authority to negotiate, property to secure a Note in the COUNTY OF DEKALB special assessments; e) the monly be known as 1412 original principal sum of TWO
the State of Georgia, the Deed amend, and modify all terms of original principal amount of By virtue of a Power of Sale right of redemption of any tax- Stonegate Court, Stone Moun- HUNDRED EIGHT THOU-
Under Power and other fore- the mortgage with the debtor is: Four Hundred Fourteen Thou- contained in that certain Secur- ing authority; f) all outstanding tain, GA 30083. SAND AND 0/100 DOLLARS
closure documents may not be FCI LENDER SERVICES, INC. sand And 00/100 Dollars ity Deed from Nora M. Tocups bills for public utilities which The debt secured by said Se- ($208,000.00), with interest
provided until final confirmation PO BOX 27370 ANAHEIM, CA ($414,000.00), with interest and Jeff B. Slagle to Mortgage constitute liens upon said prop- curity Deed has been and is from date at the rate stated in
and audit of the status of the 92809 (714-282-2424). Please thereon as set forth therein, Electronic Registration Sys- erty; g) all restrictive covenants, hereby declared due because said Note on the unpaid bal-
loan as provided immediately understand that the secured there will be sold at public out- tems, Inc. as grantee, as nom- easements, rights-of-way and of, among other possible ance until paid, there will be
above. creditor is not required to nego- cry to the highest bidder for inee for Provident Funding As- any other matters of record su- events of default, non-payment sold by the undersigned at pub-
VC RTL HOLDINGS, LLC., At- tiate, amend, or modify the cash before the courthouse sociates, L.P., its successors perior to said Security Deed. To of the monthly installments on lic outcry to the highest bidder
torney-in-Fact for terms of the mortgage instru- door of DeKalb County, Geor- and assigns, dated December the best of the knowledge and said loan. The debt remaining for cash before the Courthouse
++ALVAREZ INVESTEMENT ment. gia, within the legal hours of 23, 2004 and recorded on belief of the undersigned, the in default, this sale will be door at DEKALB County, Geor-
GROUP, LLC++ Said property will be sold sub- sale on November 3, 2020 the January 6, 2005 in Deed Book owners and party in posses- made for the purpose of pay- gia, or at such place as has or
Cruikshank Ersin, LLC ject to: (a) any outstanding ad following described property: 16983, Page 578, in the Office sion of the property are Nora ing the same and all expenses may be lawfully designated as
Attorneys at Law valorem taxes (including taxes All that tract or parcel of land ly- of the Clerk of Superior Court of M. Tocups and Jeff B. Slagle of this sale, including attorney’s an alternative location, within
6065 Roswell Road, Ste 680 which are a lien, but not yet ing and being in Land Lot 10 of DeKalb County, Georgia, said and or tenant(s). The sale will fees (notice of intent to collect the legal hours of sale on the
Atlanta, GA 30328 due and payable), (b) the right the 18th District, DeKalb Security Deed having been giv- be conducted subject to 1) con- attorney’s fees having been first Tuesday in November,
770-884-8184 of redemption of any taxing au- County, Georgia, being Tract 1, en to secure a Note of even firmation that the sale is not given). 2020, the following described
Fax 770-884-8114 thority, (c) any matters which Number 360, Block Six, date, in the original principal prohibited under the U.S. Bank- The individual or entity that has property:
might be disclosed by an accur- Ingleside Subdivision as per amount of Three Hundred ruptcy code and 2) final con- full authority to negotiate, ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
ate survey and inspection of plat of Lot Division proposal Thirty-Three Thousand Seven firmation and audit of the status amend and modify all terms of CEL OF LAND LYING AND
420-439955 10/8,10/15,10/22 the property, and (d) any as- survey for HBF Investments Hundred and 00/100 dollars of the loan with the holder of the loan is Shellpoint Mortgage BEING IN LAND LOT 212 OF
10/29 sessments, liens, encum- LLC recorded in Plat Book 262, ($333,700.00) with interest the Security Deed. Servicing, 55 Beattie Place, THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB
STATE OF GEORGIA brances, zoning ordinances, re- Page 76-78, DeKalb County thereon as provided therein, as U.S. Bank National Associ- Suite 100 MS 561, Greenville, COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BE-
DEKALB COUNTY strictions, covenants, and mat- Records, which recorded plat is last transferred to U.S. Bank ation, not in its individual capa- SC 29601, 1-800-365-7107. ING MORE PARTICULARLY
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ters of record superior to the incorporated herein by refer- National Association, not in its city, but solely as Trustee of the Said property will be sold on an DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:
POWER Security Deed first set out ence and made a part of this individual capacity, but solely NRZ Pass-Through Trust VIII-B “as-is” basis without any rep- BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN
By virtue of the power of sale above. Said property will be description. as Trustee of the NRZ Pass- as Attorney-in-Fact for ++Nora resentation, warranty or re- FOUND ON THE WESTERLY
contained in that certain Deed sold subject to: (a) any out- Tax ID #: 18 010 09 019 Through Trust VIII-B, recorded M. Tocups and Jeff B. Slagle++ course against the above- SIDE OF ROCKYFORD ROAD
to Secure Debt from Triton standing ad valorem taxes (in- The debt secured by said Se- in Deed Book 28586, Page Contact: Padgett Law Group: named or the undersigned. The 100 FEET NORTHERLY, AS
Holdings REIT, LLC to Americ- cluding taxes which are a lien, curity Deed has been and is 371, aforesaid records, will be 6267 Old Water Oak Road, sale will also be subject to the MEASURED ALONG THE
an Heritage Lending, Inc, dated but not yet due and payable), hereby declared due because sold at public outcry to the Suite 203, Tallahassee, FL following items which may af- WESTERLY SIDE OF ROCKY-
October 25, 2019, recorded (b) unpaid water or sewage bills of, among other possible highest bidder for cash before 32312; (850) 422-2520 fect the title: a) zoning ordin- FORD ROAD FROM THE IN-
October 30, 2019 recorded in that constitute a lien against the events of default, failure to pay the courthouse door of DeKalb Ad Run Dates: 10/08/20; ances; b) matters which would TERSECTION OF THE WEST-
Deed Book 27893, Page 265, property whether due and pay- the indebtedness as and when County, Georgia, or at such 10/15/20; 10/22/20; 10/29/20 be disclosed by an accurate ERLY SIDE OF ROCKYFORD
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- able or not yet due and pay- due and in the manner place as has or may be law- survey or by an inspection of ROAD AND THE NORTH-
cords as last transferred to VC able and which may not be of provided in the Note and Se- fully designated as an alternat- the property; c) any outstand- ERLY SIDE OF FOWLER
RTL HOLDINGS, LLC by as- record, (c) the right of redemp- curity Deed. The debt remain- ive location, within the legal ing ad valorem taxes, including STREET; RUNNING THENCE
signment to be recorded in tion of any taxing authority, (d) ing in default, this sale will be hours of sale on the first Tues- taxes, which constitute liens NORTHERLY ALONG THE
DeKalb County, Georgia Re- any matters which might be dis- made for the purpose of pay- day in November, 2020, all upon said property whether or WESTERLY SIDE OF ROCKY-
cords. , said Deed to Secure closed by an accurate survey ing the same and all expenses property described in said Se- not now due and payable; d) FORD ROAD 50 FEET TO AN
Debt having been given to se- and inspection of the property, of this sale, as provided in Se- curity Deed including but not special assessments; e) the IRON PIN FOUND; RUNNING
cure a Note dated OCTOBER and (e) any assessments, liens, curity Deed and by law, includ- limited to the following de- right of redemption of any tax- THENCE WESTERLY 172
25, 2019 in the original princip- encumbrances, zoning ordin- ing attorney’s fees (notice of in- scribed property: ing authority; f) all outstanding FEET TO AN IRON PIN; RUN-
al sum of Four Hundred Eighty- ances, restrictions, covenants, tent to collect attorney’s fees ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- bills for public utilities which NING THENCE SOUTHERLY
Seven Thousand One Hun- and matters of record superior having been given). CEL OF LAND lying and being constitute liens upon said prop- 41.7 FEET TO AN IRON PIN;
dred and 00/100 Dollars (U.S. to the Security Deed first set Your mortgage servicer, BSI in Land Lot 247 of the 15th Dis- erty; g) all restrictive covenants, RUNNING THENCE EAST-
$487,100.00),, with interest out above. The sale will be con- Financial Services, as servicer trict of DeKalb County, Geor- easements, rights-of-way and ERLY 170.8 FEET TO AN
from date at the rate stated in ducted subject to (1) confirma- for U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- gia, being Lot 37, Block D, any other matters of record su- IRON PIN FOUND AND THE
said Note on the unpaid bal- tion that the sale is not prohib- SOCIATION AS INDEN- Glenwood Estates, Inc., as per perior to said Security Deed. To POINT OF BEGINNING; AND
ance until paid, there will be ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy TURED TRUSTEE FOR AN- plat recorded in Plat Book 11, the best of the knowledge and BEING IMPROVED PROP-
sold by the undersigned at pub- Code; and (2) final confirma- GEL OAK MORTGAGE TRUST Page 14, DeKalb County re- belief of the undersigned, the ERTY KNOWN AS #246
lic outcry to the highest bidder tion and audit of the status of I, LLC 2018-PB1, can be con- cords, which plat is hereby re- owners and party in posses- ROCKYFORD ROAD AC-
IRON PIN FOUND; RUNNING 529, et seq., of the DeKalb The sale will be conducted sub- curate survey or by an inspec- and recorded June 24, 2015 in
THENCE WESTERLY 172 County, Georgia land records. ject to (1) confirmation that the tion of the property; all zoning Deed Book 25011, beginning at
FEET TO AN IRON PIN; RUN- Said Security Deed being giv- sale is not prohibited under the ordinances; assessments; li- Page 728 in the DeKalb County
NING THENCE SOUTHERLY en to secure a Promissory Note U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ens; encumbrances; restric- Records, as bargained, sold,
41.7 FEET TO AN IRON PIN; (“Note”) made by Borrower in final confirmation and audit as tions; covenants, and any oth- given, granted, conveyed,
RUNNING THENCE EAST- favor of Lender, dated October to the status of the amounts er matters of record superior to transferred, set over and as-

ERLY 170.8 FEET TO AN The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 57
5, 2018, in the original princip- owed with the holder of the Se- said Security Deed. signed by MERS to Holder pur-
IRON PIN FOUND AND THE al amount of SIXTY-THREE curity Deed. To the best of the knowledge suant to that certain Assign-
POINT OF BEGINNING; AND 420-439962 10/8,10/15,10/22 420-439963 10/8,10/15,10/22 THOUSAND DOLLARS 00/100 Jon David W. Huffman, at and belief of the undersigned, ment of Deed to Secure Debt
BEING IMPROVED PROP- 10/29 10/29 ($63,000.00), together with in- Poole Huffman, LLC, 3562 the owner and party in posses- and Security Agreement, and
ERTY KNOWN AS #246 STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF SALE UNDER terest on the Note from the Habersham at Northlake, Build- sion of the property is TEKA D. UCC Financing Statement, ef-
ROCKYFORD ROAD AC- COUNTY OF DEKALB POWER date thereof at the rate as ing J, Suite 200, Tucker, Geor- BEAMON, BRYAN TERRELL fective as of June 1, 2015, filed
CORDING TO THE PRESENT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER GEORGIA DEKALB COUNTY provided therein on the unpaid gia 30084, Telephone: 404- BEAMON, or tenants(s). and recorded March 23, 2017
SYSTEM OF NUMBERING POWER OF SALE IN Under and by virtue of the balance until paid, there will be 373-4008, a representative for The sale will be conducted sub- in Deed Book 26151, begin-
HOUSES IN DEKALB SECURITY DEED power of sale contained in a sold by the undersigned at pub- Lender, is the individual who ject (1) to confirmation that the ning at Page 429 and re-filed
COUNTY, GEORGIA. Pursuant to a power of sale Security Deed given by JOSE lic outcry to the highest bidder has full authority to negotiate, sale is not prohibited under the and re-recorded April 5, 2017 in
To the best of the knowledge contained in a Deed to Secure RUIZ to Kristen Brady dated for cash before the courthouse amend, and modify all terms of U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) Deed Book 26176, beginning at
and belief of the undersigned, Debt from Pleasant Properties 03/10/2010 , recorded in Deed door at DeKalb County, Geor- the Note and Security Deed. to final confirmation and audit Page 241 in the DeKalb County
the party in possession of the of Georgia, Inc. to D. Boddiford Book 21907, Page 67, Kristen gia, within the legal hours of 420-439965 10/8,10/15,10/22 of the status of the loan with Records, and as amended pur-
property is ANNE M. RO- as Trustee of Evergreen Oaks Brady transferred and as- sale on the first Tuesday in 10/29 the holder of the Security Deed. suant to that certain Second
BOTHAM or a tenant or ten- Investment Trust dated Decem- signed his interest to Franklin November 2020, the following NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Please note that, pursuant to Amendment to Deed to Secure
ants. Said property may more ber 5, 2017 and recorded in Capital Group, LLC, a described property (the “Prop- POWER O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, you Debt and Security Agreement,
commonly be known as: 246 Deed Book 26641, page 33, Delaware Series Limited Liabil- erty”): GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY are not entitled by law to an dated as of August 8, 2017, by
ROCKYFORD RD NE, AT- DeKalb County, Georgia re- ity Company, Investment All that certain condominium By virtue of a Power of Sale amendment or modification of and between Borrower and
LANTA, GA 30317-1348. cords; there will be sold by the Series No 1 in Deed Book situate in Land Lots 187 and contained in that certain Secur- the terms of your loan. The en- Holder, filed and recorded Au-
The debt secured by said Deed undersigned at public outcry to 23939 Page 635 in the Office of 188 of the 18th District, County ity Deed from TEKA D. BEA- tity having full authority to ne- gust 17, 2017 in Deed Book
to Secure Debt has been and is the highest bidder for cash be- the Clerk of Superior Court of DeKalb and State of Geor- MON to BANK OF AMERICA gotiate, amend or modify all 26438, beginning at Page 693
hereby declared due because fore the Courthouse door in Dekalb County, Georgia Re- gia being known and desig- N.A, dated April 27, 2007, re- terms of the loan (although not in the DeKalb County Records
of, among other possible DeKalb County, Decatur, Geor- cords, given to secure a Note in nated as unit number 3605D of corded May 11, 2007, in Deed required by law to do so) is: Ne- (said Security Deed, as so as-
events of default, non-payment gia within the legal hours of the original principal amount of the Northlake Manor Con- Book 19938, Page 461 , wRez LLC, F/K/A New Penn signed and amended, being
of the monthly installments on sale on the first Tuesday in $122,000.00 with interest from dominium, as per plat recorded DeKalb County, Georgia Re- Financial, LLC, D/B/A Shell- hereinafter called the “Security
said loan. The debt remaining November, 2020, the following the date as stated therein; will in Plat Book 122, Page 73, and cords, said Security Deed hav- point Mortgage Servicing, Loss Instrument”); and
in default, this sale will be described property: be sold at public outcry to the as subsequently amended by ing been given to secure a Mitigation Dept., 75 Beattie WHEREAS, under and pursu-
made for the purpose of pay- All that tract or parcel of land ly- highest bidder for cash before plat recorded in Plat Book 148, Note of even date in the origin- Place, Ste. 300, Greenville, SC ant to the Security Instrument,
ing the same and all expenses ing and being in Land Lot 77 of the courthouse door of Dekalb Page 80, DeKalb County, al principal amount of One 29601, Telephone Number: Borrower did thereby irrevoc-
of this sale, including attorney's the 16th District of DeKalb County, Georgia, within the leg- Georgia records; Being subject Hundred Eighty-Eight Thou- 800-365-7107. ably grant, bargain, sell,
fees (notice of intent to collect County, Georgia, being known al hours of sale on the first to that certain Declaration of sand and 00/100 dollars WILMINGTON SAVINGS pledge, assign, warrant, trans-
attorney's fees having been giv- as Lot 1, Block E of Bramble- Tuesday in November, 2020. Condominium for Northlake ($188,000.00), with interest FUND SOCIETY, FSB, D/B/A fer, convey and grant a secur-
en). wood Subdivision, Unit Two ac- All that tract or parcel of land ly- Manor Condominiums recor- thereon as provided for therein, CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT IN ity interest to Holder (as suc-
The individual or entity that has cording to survey by Carol M. ing and being in Land Lot 4, ded in Deed Book 12353, Page said Security Deed having ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY cessor and assign of Original
full authority to negotiate, Maddox Surveyor, dated Octo- 16th, Dekalb County, Georgia, 172, DeKalb County, Georgia been last sold, assigned and BUT AS TRUSTEE OF SE- Lender), and its successors
amend, and modify all terms of ber 26, 1973 and being more and being known and desig- records, said Declaration being transferred to Wilmington Sav- CURITIZED MORTGAGE AS- and assigns the following prop-
the loan is SPECIALIZED particularly described as fol- nated as Lot 28, Hidden Oaks incorporated herein by refer- ings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a SET LOAN TRUST 2015-1 erty, rights, interests and es-
LOAN SERVICING, P.O. BOX lows: Beginning at an iron pin Subdivision as per plat recor- ence thereto the interest herein Christiana Trust, not in its indi- as Attorney in Fact for tates then owned, or thereafter
636005, LITTLETON, CO found where the easterly side ded in Plat Book 87, Page 86, includes, without limiting the vidual capacity but as Trustee TEKA D. BEAMON acquired by Borrower (collect-
80163-3005; (800) 315-4757. of Bramblevine Circle (60’ R/W) Dekalb County Records which generality of the foregoing, the of Securitized Mortgage Asset THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY ively, the “Property”):
Said property will be sold sub- intersects the southwesterly plat is incorporated herein and undivided percentage interest Loan Trust 2015-1, there will be BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS (a) Ground Lease. That certain
ject to any outstanding ad side of Fieldstone Drive (60’ made a part hereof. Being in the common elements of the sold at public outcry to the A DEBT COLLECTOR, UN- (a)(i) ground lease dated as of
valorem taxes (including taxes R/W) running thence southerly known as 1611 Canberra Dr., Northlake Manor Condominium highest bidder for cash at the DER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, January 1, 2001, by and
which are a lien, whether or not and southeasterly along the Stone Mountain, Georgia. Appurtenant to the Unit, as the DeKalb County Courthouse, ANY INFORMATION OB- between the Development Au-
now due and payable), the right easterly and northeasterly side The debt secured by Security same is specified in the Declar- within the legal hours of sale on TAINED WILL BE USED FOR thority of DeKalb County, Geor-
of redemption of any taxing au- of Bramblevine Circle and fol- Deed has been and is hereby ation. the first Tuesday in November, THAT PURPOSE. gia (together with any future
thority, any matters which might lowing the curvature thereof, declared due because of, Tax ID No.: 18-187-07-062. 2020, all property described in Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, owner(s) of the lessor’s in-
be disclosed by an accurate 180.0 feet to an iron pin set; among other possible events of The debt secured by said Se- said Security Deed including LLC, 3145 Avalon Ridge Place, terest in the Ground Lease,
survey and inspection of the running thence northeasterly default, failure to pay the in- curity Deed has been and is but not limited to the following Suite 100, Peachtree Corners, “Fee Owner”), as lessor, and
property, any assessments, li- 130.7 feet to an iron pin found; debtedness as and when due hereby declared due because described property: GA 30071 Stonecrest Mall, LLC, prede-
ens, encumbrances, zoning or- running thence northerly 100.0 and in the manner provided in of, among other possible ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Telephone Number: (877) 813- cessor-in-interest to Borrower,
dinances, restrictions, coven- feet to an iron pin found on the the Note and Security Deed. events of default, failure to CEL OF LAND LYING AND 0992 Case No. ++SHP-16- as lessee (“Tenant”), (ii) that
ants, and matters of record su- southwesterly side of Field- The debt remaining in default, comply with the repayment BEING IN LAND LOT 45 OF 03088-7/ BEAMON++ certain Memorandum of Lease
perior to the Security Deed first stone Drive; running thence this sale will be made for the terms of the Note. The debt re- THE 15TH DISTRICT, DEKALB Ad Run Dates 10/08/2020, dated February 26, 2001 and
set out above. northwesterly along the south- purpose of paying the same maining in default, this sale will COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING 10/15/2020, 10/22/2020, recorded on February 27, 2001
The sale will be conducted sub- westerly side of Fieldstone and all expenses of the sale, as be made for the purpose of LOT 67B, BOULDER FOREST, 10/29/2020 in Deed Book 11897, Page 148
ject (1) to confirmation that the Drive 145.0 feet to said inter- provided in the Security Deed paying the same and all ex- PHASE I, AS PER PLAT RE- in the DeKalb County Records,
sale is not prohibited under the section and the point of begin- and by law. penses of this sale, including CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 139, (iii) that certain Assignment of
U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) ning, being improved property Said property will be sold sub- attorneys’ fees (notice of intent PAGES 16-24, DEKALB Ground Lease dated Septem-
to final confirmation and audit known as NO. 3600 ject to any outstanding ad to collect attorneys’ fees hav- COUNTY, GEORGIA RE- Foreclosures: Commercial ber 5, 2003 from Tenant to Bor-
of the status of the loan with BRAMBLEVINE CIRCLE, valorem taxes (including taxes ing been given) and all other CORDS, SAID PLAT BEING rower and recorded on Septem-
the holder of the Security Deed. LITHONIA, GA 30038, accord- which are liens, but not yet due payments provided for under INCORPORATED HEREIN 430-439951 10/8,10/15,10/22, ber 8, 2003 in Deed Book
Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section ing to the present system of and payable), any matters the terms of the Note. AND MADE REFERENCE 10/29 14975, Page 380 in the DeKalb
9-13-172.1, which allows for numbering houses in DeKalb which might be disclosed by an Said property will be sold on an THERETO. STATE OF GEORGIA County Records and refiled for
certain procedures regarding County, Georgia. accurate survey and inspection “as-is” basis without any rep- Said legal description being COUNTY OF DEKALB record September 9, 2003 in
the rescission of judicial and The debt secured by said se- of the property, any assess- resentation, warranty or re- controlling, however the prop- NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Deed Book 14981, Page 116 in
nonjudicial sales in the State of curity deed and the note given ments, liens, encumbrances, course against the above- erty is more commonly known POWER the DeKalb County Records,
Georgia, the Deed Under in evidence thereof has been zoning ordinances, restrictions, named or the undersigned. The as 2 241 BOULDER RUN WHEREAS, ++Stonecrest Mall and (iv) that certain Lessor Es-
Power and other foreclosure and is hereby declared due be- covenants and any matters of sale will be held subject to the TRAIL, ELLENWOOD, GA SPE, LLC++, a Delaware lim- toppel Certificate (“Estoppel
documents may not be cause of failure in payment of record superior to the Security following items which may af- 30294. ited liability company (“Borrow- Agreement”) dated June 18,
provided until final confirmation certain amounts required by the Deeds first set out above. fect the title: any outstanding The indebtedness secured by er”), executed and delivered to 2015 made by Fee Owner and
and audit of the status of the security deed. This sale will be Franklin Capital Group, LLC ad valorem taxes (including said Security Deed has been Mortgage Electronic Registra- others for the benefit of Origin-
loan as provided in the preced- made for the purpose of pay- As attorney in fact for ++Jose taxes which are a lien, whether and is hereby declared due be- tion Systems, Inc., a Delaware al Lender ((a)(i)-(a)(iv) collect-
ing paragraph. *Auction ser- ing the same and all expenses Ruiz++ or not now due and payable); cause of default under the stock corporation (“MERS”), as ively referred to herein as the
vices to be provided by Auc- of this sale. To the best of the FCG LLC the right of redemption of any terms of said Security Deed. nominee for Bank of America, “Land Lease”) and (b)(i) Lease (* undersigned’s knowledge the 3870 Homestead Ridge Dr taxing authority; matters which The indebtedness remaining in N.A., a national banking associ- Agreement dated as of Janu-
SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVI- party presently in possession of Cumming, GA 30041 would be disclosed by an ac- default, this sale will be made ation (“Original Lender”), that ary 1, 2001, by and between
CING LLC subject property is unknown. 678-749-9111 curate survey or by an inspec- for the purpose of paying the certain Deed to Secure Debt Fee Owner and Tenant, (ii) that
As Attorney-in-Fact for Said property will be sold as 420-439964 10/8,10/15,10/22 tion of the property; all zoning same, all expenses of the sale, and Security Agreement (the certain Memorandum of Lease
ANNE M. ROBOTHAM the property of Pleasant Prop- 10/29 ordinances; assessments; li- including attorneys’ fees (no- “Security Deed”), made as of dated February 26, 2001 and
Phelan Hallinan Diamond & erties of Georgia, Inc., subject NOTICE OF SALE UNDER ens; encumbrances; restric- tice to collect same having October 1, 2004, filed and re- recorded on February 27, 2001
Jones, PLLC to the outstanding ad valorem POWER tions; covenants, and any oth- been given) and all other pay- corded October 4, 2004 in in Deed Book 11897, Page 601
11675 Great Oaks Way, Suite taxes, easements and restric- DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA er matters of records superior ments provided for under the Deed Book 16659, beginning at in the DeKalb County Records,
320 tions of record, assessments Under and by virtue of the to said Security Deed. terms of the Security Deed. Page 37, with the Clerk of Su- (iii) that certain Assignment of
Alpharetta, GA 30022 and water bill liens, if any. No Power of Sale contained in that To the best knowledge and be- Said property will be sold on an perior Court of DeKalb County, Lease dated September 5,
Telephone: 770-393-4300 warranties of title or condition certain Security Deed given by lief of Lender, the described “as-is” basis without any rep- Georgia (the “DeKalb County 2003 from Tenant to Borrower
Fax: 770-393-4310 of property are offered. ++Zerezghi Haile++ Property is in the possession of resentation, warranty or re- Records”), as amended pursu- and recorded on September 8,
PH # ++44076 /ROBOTHAM++ D. Boddiford as Trustee of (“Borrower”) to and in favor of Borrowers or tenant(s), and course against the above- ant to that certain First Amend- 2003 in Deed Book 14975,
This law firm is acting as a debt Evergreen Oaks Investment Yuliya Korabelnikova (“Lender”) said Property is more com- named or the undersigned. The ment to Deed to Secure Debt Page 518 in the DeKalb County
collector. Any information ob- Trust dated October 5, 2018, and re- monly known as 3605 Woodbri- sale will also be subject to the and Security Agreement, dated Records and refiled for record
tained will be used for that pur- as attorney-in-fact for corded in Deed Book 27197, ar Circle, Unit D, Tucker, Geor- following items which may af- as of June 18, 2015, between September 9, 2003 in Deed
pose. ++Pleasant Properties of Geor- Page 618, et seq., of the gia 30084. fect the title: any outstanding Borrower and Wells Fargo Book 14981, Page 129 in the
gia, Inc.++ DeKalb County, Georgia land The sale will be conducted sub- ad valorem taxes (including Bank, N.A., as trustee for the DeKalb County Records, and
and its successors in title records, and assigned to North- ject to (1) confirmation that the taxes which are a lien, whether registered holders of Banc of (iv) that certain Lessor Estop-
Lender Contact: D. Boddiford lake Loans, LLC by that certain sale is not prohibited under the or not now due and payable); America Commercial Mortgage pel Certificate (Lease Agree-
as Trustee, P.O. Box 505, Mari- Assignment of Security Deed U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) the right of redemption of any Inc. Commercial Mortgage ment) dated June 18, 2015
etta, GA 30061; Telephone: dated July 7, 2020, and recor- final confirmation and audit as taxing authority; matters which Pass-Through Certificates, made by Fee Owner and oth-
678-438-6553 ded in Deed Book 28467. Page to the status of the amounts would be disclosed by an ac- Series 2005-1 (“Holder”), filed ers for the benefit of Original
Attorney Contact: Robert P. 529, et seq., of the DeKalb owed with the holder of the Se- curate survey or by an inspec- and recorded June 24, 2015 in Lender ((b)(i)-(b)(iv) collect-
Witcher, 148 Gordon Street, County, Georgia land records. curity Deed. tion of the property; all zoning Deed Book 25011, beginning at ively referred to herein as the
Charleston, SC 29403; Tele- Said Security Deed being giv- Jon David W. Huffman, at ordinances; assessments; li- Page 728 in the DeKalb County “Building Lease”; the Land
phone: 404-467-4327 en to secure a Promissory Note Poole Huffman, LLC, 3562 ens; encumbrances; restric- Records, as bargained, sold, Lease and the Building Lease
(“Note”) made by Borrower in Habersham at Northlake, Build- tions; covenants, and any oth- given, granted, conveyed, as the same may be amended,
favor of Lender, dated October ing J, Suite 200, Tucker, Geor- er matters of record superior to transferred, set over and as- restated, replaced, supplemen-
5, 2018, in the original princip- gia 30084, Telephone: 404- said Security Deed. signed by MERS to Holder pur- ted or otherwise modified from
al amount of SIXTY-THREE 373-4008, a representative for To the best of the knowledge suant to that certain Assign- time to time shall individually
THOUSAND DOLLARS 00/100 Lender, is the individual who and belief of the undersigned, ment of Deed to Secure Debt and collectively, as the context
($63,000.00), together with in- has full authority to negotiate, the owner and party in posses- and Security Agreement, and may require, referred to herein
terest on the Note from the amend, and modify all terms of sion of the property is TEKA D. UCC Financing Statement, ef- as the “Ground Lease”), and
date thereof at the rate as the Note and Security Deed. BEAMON, BRYAN TERRELL fective as of June 1, 2015, filed the leasehold estate created
Lender ((b)(i)-(b)(iv) collect- point; run thence South 69 de- degrees 00 minutes 00 a point; run thence North 37 ded in Deed Book 11897, Page renewals of the Ground Lease and by the virtue of the Ground
ively referred to herein as the grees 22 minutes 30 seconds seconds West a distance of degrees 46 minutes 11 186, aforesaid Records; and all credits, deposits, op- Lease, and every part and par-
“Building Lease”; the Land East a distance of 105.50 feet 60.00 feet to a point; run seconds West a distance of ALSO TOGETHER WITH and tions, privileges and rights of cel thereof, with the appurten-
Lease and the Building Lease to a point; run thence North 20 thence South 75 degrees 00 621.53 feet to a point; run benefiting the subject property Borrower as tenant under the ances thereto;
as the same may be amended, degrees 37 minutes 30 minutes 00 seconds East a dis- thence along a curve to the the easements created in that Ground Lease, including, but (e) Fixtures and Personal Prop-
restated, replaced, supplemen- seconds East a distance of tance of 34.50 feet to a point; right an arc distance of 51.46 certain Declaration of Ease- not limited to, the right, if any, erty. All machinery, equipment,
Page 58
ted or otherwise modified from
time to time shall individually
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
282.33 feet to a point; run
thence North 69 degrees 22
run thence South 15 degrees
00 minutes 00 seconds West a
feet (said arc being subtended
by a chord bearing North 35
ments, Covenants, Conditions
& Restrictions by Development
to renew or extend the Ground
Lease for a succeeding term or
fixtures (including, but not lim-
ited to, all heating, air condi-
and collectively, as the context minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 68.00 feet to a degrees 55 minutes 37 Authority of DeKalb County, terms or the right to purchase tioning, plumbing, lighting, com-
may require, referred to herein distance of 48.34 feet to a point; run thence South 75 de- seconds West a chord dis- Georgia, a public body corpor- fee title to the Land, and also munications and elevator fix-
as the “Ground Lease”), and point; run thence North 31 de- grees 00 minutes 00 seconds tance of 51.45 feet and having ate and politic, DeKalb Center including all the right, title, tures), furniture, software used
the leasehold estate created grees 06 minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 200.59 feet a radius of 800.00 feet) to THE Associates, a Georgia limited claim or demand whatsoever of in or to operate any of the fore-
thereby in the real property de- West a distance of 344.07 feet to a point; run thence South 15 TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; partnership, and CFN (I-20), Borrower either in law or in going and other property of
scribed as follows (the “Land”): to a point; run thence South 60 degrees 00 minutes 00 as shown on that certain plat of Inc., a Delaware corporation, equity, in possession or expect- every kind and nature whatso-
ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of survey entitled “ALTA/ACSM dated February 26, 2001, filed ancy, of, in and to Original ever owned by Borrower, or in
CEL OF LAND lying and being seconds West a distance of 53.32 feet to a point; run Land Title Survey for Forest for record February 27, 2001 at Lender’s right, as tenant under which Borrower then had or
in Land Lots 151 and 170 of the 89.91 feet to a point; run thence South 75 degrees 00 City Enterprises, Bank of Amer- 12:00 p.m., recorded in Deed the Ground Lease, to elect un- shall thereafter have an in-
16th Land District, DeKalb thence North 30 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a dis- ica, N.A., Chicago Title Insur- Book 11897, Page 70, afore- der Section 365(h)(l) of the terest, then or thereafter loc-
County, Georgia, containing minutes 00 seconds West a tance of 52.61 feet to a point; ance Company”, prepared by said Records; as affected by Bankruptcy Code, Title 11 ated upon the Land and the Im-
1,257,610 square feet (28.871 distance of 310.81 feet to a run thence South 35 degrees Development Consultants Assignment of Declarant’s U.S.C.A. - 101 et seq. (as the provements, or appurtenant
acres), more or less, and being point; run thence along a curve 37 minutes 30 seconds East a Group, bearing the seal and Rights and Powers under De- same may be amended from thereto, and usable in connec-
more particularly described as to the right an arc distance of distance of 501.01 feet to a certification of Donald G. Hol- claration of Easements, Coven- time to time, the “Bankruptcy tion with the present or future
follows: 213.73 feet (said arc being sub- point; run thence South 52 de- land, Georgia Registered Land ants, Conditions & Restrictions Code”) to terminate or treat the operation and occupancy of the
TO FIND THE TRUE POINT tended by a chord bearing grees 08 minutes 05 seconds Surveyor No. 2637, dated Au- by and between DeKalb Cen- Ground Lease as terminated or Land and the Improvements
OF BEGINNING, commence at North 69 degrees 28 minutes East a distance of 73.05 feet to gust 13, 2003, last revised ter Associates, a Georgia lim- to consent to the transfer of the and all building equipment, ma-
an iron pin at the intersection of 24 seconds East a chord dis- a point; run thence along a September 20, 2004, Job No. ited partnership, and Stone- Fee Owner’s interest in the terials and supplies of any
the northeasterly right of way tance of 212.90 feet and hav- curve to the right an arc dis- 89011; crest Mall, LLC, a Georgia lim- Land and the Improvements nature whatsoever owned by
line of Mall Parkway (100-foot ing a radius of 700.00 feet) to a tance of 232.83 feet (said arc TOGETHER WITH and benefit- ited liability company, dated (as hereinafter defined) free Borrower, or in which Borrower
right of way) and the southeast- point; run thence South 30 de- being subtended by a chord ing the subject property the February 26, 2001, filed for re- and clear of the Ground Lease then had or thereafter shall
erly terminus of the right of way grees 00 minutes 00 seconds bearing South 47 degrees 45 easement created by that cer- cord February 27, 2001 at under Section 363 of the Bank- have an interest, then or there-
of Stonecrest Trace; run thence East a distance of 572.77 feet minutes 54 seconds West a tain Declaration of Surface and 12:00 p.m., recorded in Deed ruptcy Code in the event (i) of after located upon the Land
along said easterly right of way to a point; run thence South 60 chord distance of 232.30 feet Storm Water Drainage Ease- Book 11898, Page 29, afore- the bankruptcy, reorganization and the Improvements, or ap-
line of Stonecrest Trace the fol- degrees 00 minutes 00 and having a radius of 1000.00 ments by DeKalb Center Asso- said Records; as further af- or insolvency of the Fee Own- purtenant thereto, or usable in
lowing courses and distances: seconds West a distance of feet) to a point; run thence ciates, a Georgia limited part- fected by Supplemental Declar- er, and (ii) (A) the rejection of connection with the present or
North 37 degrees 21 minutes 60.00 feet to a point; run North 35 degrees 37 minutes nership, dated May 13, 1986, ation of Covenants, Conditions the Ground Lease by such Fee future operation and occu-
54 seconds West a distance of thence South 30 degrees 00 30 seconds West a distance of filed for record May 14, 1986 at and Restrictions by CFN (I-20), Owner, as debtor in posses- pancy of the Land and the Im-
32.62 feet to a point; North 50 minutes 00 seconds East a dis- 658.52 feet to a point; run 9:33 a.m., recorded in Deed Inc., a Delaware corporation, sion, or by a trustee for such provements (collectively, the
degrees 44 minutes 17 tance of 63.00 feet to a point; thence North 09 degrees 22 Book 5470, Page 390, Re- dated February 26, 2001, filed Fee Owner, pursuant to Sec- “Personal Property”), and the
seconds West, 149.76 feet to a run thence South 75 degrees minutes 30 seconds East a dis- cords of DeKalb County, Geor- for record March 1, 2001 at tion 365 of the Bankruptcy right, title and interest of Bor-
point; along a curve to the right 00 minutes 00 seconds East a tance of 24.29 feet to a point; gia; as amended by that cer- 12:03 p.m., recorded in Deed Code or (B) any attempt by rower in and to any of the Per-
an arc distance of 62.81 feet distance of 80.40 feet to a run thence North 80 degrees tain First Amendment to Declar- Book 11899, Page 311, afore- such Fee Owner, as debtor in sonal Property which may be
(said arc being subtended by a point; run thence South 15 de- 37 minutes 30 seconds West a ation of Surface and Storm Wa- said Records; as further af- possession, or by a trustee for subject to any security in-
chord bearing North 05 de- grees 00 minutes 00 seconds distance of 387.53 feet to a ter Drainage Easement by and fected by Supplement to De- such Fee Owner, to sell or terests, as defined in the Uni-
grees 45 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of 55.28 feet to point; run thence South 69 de- between DeKalb Center Asso- claration of Easements, Coven- transfer such Fee Owner’s in- form Commercial Code, as ad-
West a chord distance of 56.55 a point; run thence South 69 grees 22 minutes 30 seconds ciates, a Georgia limited part- ants, Conditions and Restric- terest in the Land and the Im- opted and enacted by the state
feet and having a radius of degrees 22 minutes 30 West a distance of 47.25 feet to nership and JDN Associates, tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC, provements under Section 363 or states where any of the
40.00 feet) to a point; North 39 seconds East a distance of a point; run thence South 20 Ltd, Turner Hill Road, a Geor- a Georgia limited liability com- of the Bankruptcy Code; Property is located (the “Uni-
degrees 13 minutes 41 21.82 feet to a point; run degrees 37 minutes 30 gia limited partnership, dated pany, and Stonecrest Land In- (b) Additional Land. All addi- form Commercial Code”), and
seconds East, 648.29 feet to a thence South 15 degrees 00 seconds East a distance of May 2, 1986, filed for record vestment, LLC, a Georgia lim- tional lands, estates and devel- all proceeds and products of
point; along a curve to the right minutes 00 seconds West a 35.00 feet to a point; run June 4, 1986 at 8:57 a.m., re- ited liability company, dated opment rights thereafter ac- the above;
an arc distance of 92.51 feet distance of 53.33 feet to a thence South 69 degrees 22 corded in Deed Book 5486, October 4, 2001, filed for re- quired by Borrower for use in (f) Leases and Rents. All
(said arc being subtended by a point; run thence South 74 de- minutes 30 seconds West a Page 511, aforesaid Records; cord December 20, 2001 at connection with the Land and leases, (including the Ground
chord bearing North 45 de- grees 59 minutes 59 seconds distance of 326.68 feet to a as further amended by that cer- 11:33 a.m., recorded in Deed the development of the Land Lease) subleases, subsub-
grees 36 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 273.86 feet point; run thence South 20 de- tain Second Amendment to De- Book 12759, Page 483, afore- and all additional lands and es- leases, lettings, licenses, con-
East a chord distance of 92.32 to a point; run thence North 15 grees 37 minutes 30 seconds claration of Surface and Storm said Records; as further af- tates therein which may, from cessions or other agreements
feet and having a radius of degrees 00 minutes 00 East a distance of 30.00 feet to Water Drainage Easements by fected by Supplement to De- time to time, by supplemental (whether written or oral) pursu-
415.87 feet) to a point; along a seconds East a distance of a point; run thence North 69 and between DeKalb Center claration of Easements, Coven- deed to secure debt or other- ant to which any Person (as
curve to the right an arc dis- 60.00 feet to a point; run degrees 22 minutes 30 Associates, a Georgia limited ants, Conditions and Restric- wise be expressly made sub- defined in the Loan Agreement)
tance of 94.30 feet (said arc thence South 74 degrees 59 seconds East a distance of partnership and Atlanta East tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC, ject to the lien of security title is granted a possessory in-
being subtended by a chord minutes 59 seconds East a dis- 9.00 feet to a point; run thence Mall Limited Partnership, a a Georgia limited liability com- granted pursuant to the Secur- terest in, or right to use or oc-
bearing South 83 degrees 22 tance of 28.75 feet to a point; South 20 degrees 37 minutes Georgia limited partnership pany, and Stafford Stonecrest, ity Instrument; cupy all or any portion of, the
minutes 24 seconds East a run thence North 37 degrees 30 seconds East a distance of dated February 28, 1989, filed LLC, a Georgia limited liability (c) Improvements. The build- Land and the Improvements,
chord distance of 85.04 feet 30 minutes 00 seconds East a 30.00 feet to a point; run for record May 2, 1989 at 10:12 company, dated October 11, ings, structures, fixtures, pads, and every modification, amend-
and having a radius of 60.50 distance of 35.36 feet to a thence South 69 degrees 22 a.m., recorded in Deed Book 2001, filed for record March 18, additions, enlargements, exten- ment or other agreement relat-
feet) to a point; North 55 de- point; run thence South 52 de- minutes 30 seconds West, 6421, Page 271, aforesaid Re- 2002 at 12:10 p.m., recorded in sions, modifications, repairs, re- ing to such leases, subleases,
grees 54 minutes 57 seconds grees 30 minutes 00 seconds 210.24 feet to a point; run cords; as further amended by Deed Book 13040, Page 347, placements and improvements subsubleases, or other agree-
East, 17.46 feet to THE TRUE East a distance of 102.78 feet thence South 37 degrees 46 that certain Third Amendment aforesaid Records; as affected then or thereafter erected or ments entered into in connec-
POINT OF BEGINNING; FROM to a point; run thence South 60 minutes 11 seconds East, to Declaration of Surface and by that certain Supplement to located on the Land (collect- tion with such leases, sub-
THE TRUE POINT OF BEGIN- degrees 00 minutes 00 69.06 feet to a point; run Storm Water Drainage Ease- Declaration of Easements, Cov- ively, the “Improvements”); leases, subsubleases, or other
N I NG A S THU S E S T A B- seconds West a distance of thence along a curve to the left ments by and between DeKalb enants, Conditions and Restric- (d) Easements. All easements, agreements and every guaran-
LISHED, run thence along a 122.22 feet to a point; run an arc distance of 514.99 feet Center Associates, a Georgia tions from Stonecrest Mall, rights-of-way or use, rights, tee of the performance and ob-
curve to the right an arc dis- thence South 30 degrees 00 (said arc being subtended by a limited partnership, Lewis G. LLC, a Georgia limited liability strips and gores of land, servance of the covenants,
tance of 95.36 feet (said arc minutes 00 seconds East a dis- chord bearing South 48 de- Abbott, Betty L. Abbott, Pat Ab- company, to Stonecrest Land streets, ways, alleys, passages, conditions and agreements to
being subtended by a chord tance of 256.00 feet to a point; grees 07 minutes 36 seconds bott, as Executrix of the Estate Investment, LLC, a Georgia sewer rights, water, water be performed and observed by
bearing North 30 degrees 40 run thence North 60 degrees East a chord distance of 512.19 of Robert G. Abbott, and limited liability company, dated courses, water rights and the other party thereto, thereto-
minutes 09 seconds West a 00 minutes 00 seconds East a feet and having a radius of Joseph Abbott as Executor of November 4, 2002, filed for re- powers, air rights and develop- fore or thereafter entered into,
chord distance of 95.31 feet distance of 12.02 feet to a 1424.50 feet) to a point; run Joseph Ernest Abbott, dated cord November 8, 2002 at ment rights, and all estates, whether before or after the fil-
and having a radius of 800.00 point; run thence South 30 de- thence along a curve to the left November 13, 1989, filed for 10:22 a.m., recorded in Deed rights, titles, interests, priv- ing by or against Borrower of
feet) to a point; run thence grees 00 minutes 00 seconds an arc distance of 281.65 feet record June 31, 1990 at 8:30 Book 13810, Page 675, afore- ileges, liberties, servitudes, any petition for relief under any
along a curve to the right an arc East a distance of 12.75 feet to (said arc being subtended by a a.m., recorded in Deed Book said Records; as further af- tenements, hereditaments and Creditors Rights Laws (collect-
distance of 20.01 feet (said arc a point; run thence North 60 chord bearing South 70 de- 6629, Page 189, aforesaid Re- fected by Supplement to De- appurtenances of any nature ively, the “Leases”) and all
being subtended by a chord degrees 00 minutes 00 grees 43 minutes 14 seconds cords; claration of Easements, Coven- whatsoever, in any way then or right, title and interest of Bor-
bearing North 64 degrees 33 seconds East a distance of East a chord distance of 279.49 ALSO TOGETHER WITH and ants, Conditions and Restric- thereafter belonging, relating or rower, its successors and as-
minutes 46 seconds East a 111.77 feet to a point; run feet and having a radius of benefiting the subject property tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC, pertaining to the Land and/or signs therein and thereunder,
chord distance of 20.01 feet thence South 30 degrees 00 656.50 feet) to a point; run the easements created in that a Georgia limited liability com- the Improvements, including, including, without limitation,
and having a radius of 458.37 minutes 00 seconds East a dis- thence South 06 degrees 59 certain Construction, Opera- pany, and Stonecrest Land In- but not limited to, those arising cash or securities deposited
feet) to a point; run thence tance of 93.30 feet to a point; minutes 21 seconds West a tion and Reciprocal Easement vestment, LLC, a Georgia lim- under and by the virtue of the thereunder to secure the per-
along a curve to the right an arc run thence South 07 degrees distance of 25.50 feet to a Agreement by and between ited liability company, dated as Ground Lease, and the Im- formance by the lessees of
distance of 200.51 feet (said 55 minutes 20 seconds West a point; run thence along a curve Stonecrest Mall, LLC, a Geor- of June 11, 2003, filed for re- provements and the reversions their obligations thereunder and
arc being subtended by a chord distance of 83.82 feet to a to the right an arc distance of gia limited liability company, cord June 20, 2003 at 2:24 and remainders, and all land ly- all rents, additional rents, rent
bearing North 19 degrees 56 point; run thence South 07 de- 290.25 feet (said arc being sub- Development Authority of p.m., recorded in Deed Book ing in the bed of any street, equivalents, moneys payable
minutes 11 seconds West a grees 30 minutes 00 seconds tended by a chord bearing DeKalb County, a public body 14654, Page 742, aforesaid road or avenue, opened or pro- as damages or in lieu of rent or
chord distance of 199.96 feet East a distance of 42.48 feet to North 70 degrees 49 minutes corporate and politic of the Records, as further affected by posed, in front of or adjoining rent equivalents, royalties (in-
and having a radius of 780.00 a point; run thence North 75 08 seconds West a chord dis- State of Georgia, Dillards, Inc., Supplemental Declaration of the Land, to the center line cluding, without limitation, all oil
feet) to a point; run thence degrees 00 minutes 00 tance of 288.06 feet and hav- a Delaware corporation, Sears, Covenants, Conditions and Re- thereof and all the estates, and gas or other mineral royal-
North 69 degrees 22 minutes seconds West a distance of ing a radius of 682.00 feet) to a Roebuck and Co., a New York strictions by CFN (I-20), Inc., rights, titles, interests, rights of ties and bonuses), income, re-
30 seconds East a distance of 156.02 feet to a point; run point; run thence along a curve corporation, J.C. Penney Com- Delaware corporation, dated as dower, rights of curtesy, prop- ceivables, receipts, revenues,
550.91 feet to a point; run thence South 15 degrees 00 to the right an arc distance of pany Inc., a Delaware corpora- of July 14, 2004, filed for re- erty, possession, claim and de- deposits (including, without lim-
thence South 69 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds West a 526.53 feet (said arc being sub- tion, Parisian, Inc., an Alabama cord July 16, 2004 at 11:55 mand whatsoever, both at law itation, security, utility and oth-
minutes 30 seconds East a dis- distance of 68.00 feet to a tended by a chord bearing corporation and Rich’s Depart- a.m., recorded in Deed Book and in equity, of Borrower of, in er deposits), accounts, cash, is-
tance of 164.62 feet to a point; point; run thence North 75 de- North 48 degrees 10 minutes ment Stores, Inc., an Ohio cor- 16379, Page 414, aforesaid and to the Land and the Im- sues, profits, charges for ser-
run thence North 20 degrees grees 00 minutes 00 seconds 20 seconds West a chord dis- poration, dated February 26, Records; provements and/or the Im- vices rendered, and other con-
37 minutes 30 seconds East a West a distance of 34.50 feet to tance of 523.64 feet and hav- 2001, filed for record February INCLUDING all assignments, provements, including, but not sideration of whatever form or
distance of 37.58 feet to a a point; run thence South 15 ing a radius of 1450.00 feet) to 27, 2001 at 12:00 p.m., recor- modifications, extensions and limited to, those arising under nature received by or paid to or
point; run thence South 69 de- degrees 00 minutes 00 a point; run thence North 37 ded in Deed Book 11897, Page renewals of the Ground Lease and by the virtue of the Ground for the account of or benefit of
grees 22 minutes 30 seconds seconds West a distance of degrees 46 minutes 11 186, aforesaid Records; and all credits, deposits, op- Lease, and every part and par- Borrower or its agents or em-
East a distance of 105.50 feet 60.00 feet to a point; run seconds West a distance of ALSO TOGETHER WITH and tions, privileges and rights of cel thereof, with the appurten- ployees from any and all
to a point; run thence North 20 thence South 75 degrees 00 621.53 feet to a point; run benefiting the subject property Borrower as tenant under the ances thereto; sources arising from or attribut-
degrees 37 minutes 30 minutes 00 seconds East a dis- thence along a curve to the the easements created in that Ground Lease, including, but (e) Fixtures and Personal Prop- able to the Property, including,
seconds East a distance of tance of 34.50 feet to a point; right an arc distance of 51.46 certain Declaration of Ease- not limited to, the right, if any, erty. All machinery, equipment, all receivables, customer oblig-
282.33 feet to a point; run run thence South 15 degrees feet (said arc being subtended ments, Covenants, Conditions to renew or extend the Ground fixtures (including, but not lim- ations, installment payment ob-
thence North 69 degrees 22 00 minutes 00 seconds West a by a chord bearing North 35 & Restrictions by Development Lease for a succeeding term or ited to, all heating, air condi- ligations and other obligations
minutes 30 seconds West a distance of 68.00 feet to a degrees 55 minutes 37 Authority of DeKalb County, terms or the right to purchase tioning, plumbing, lighting, com- then existing or thereafter
distance of 48.34 feet to a point; run thence South 75 de- seconds West a chord dis- Georgia, a public body corpor- fee title to the Land, and also munications and elevator fix- arising or created out of the
point; run thence North 31 de- grees 00 minutes 00 seconds tance of 51.45 feet and having ate and politic, DeKalb Center including all the right, title, tures), furniture, software used sale, lease, sublease, license,
grees 06 minutes 08 seconds East a distance of 200.59 feet a radius of 800.00 feet) to THE Associates, a Georgia limited claim or demand whatsoever of in or to operate any of the fore- concession or other grant of the
for the account of or benefit of of the Property; NOW, THEREFORE, under Executor of Joseph Ernest Ab- (c) 20-foot sanitary sewer ease- dated October 11, 2001, filed ant to O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2,
Borrower or its agents or em- (m) Accounts. All reserves, es- and pursuant to the power of bott, dated November 13, 1989, ments with sanitary sewer lines for record March 18, 2002, re- has been provided by Holder to
ployees from any and all crows and deposit accounts sale contained in the Security filed for record June 31, 1990, and manholes crossing south- corded in Deed Book 13040, Borrower in accordance with
sources arising from or attribut- maintained by Borrower with re- Instrument and according to the recorded in Deed Book 6629, westerly portion of the Property; Page 347, DeKalb County Re- said O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2.
able to the Property, including, spect to the Property, including, terms of the Security Instru- Page 189, DeKalb County Re- (d) 8-foot by 7-foot box culvert cords; as affected by that cer- The undersigned may sell the
all receivables, customer oblig- without limitation, the Reserve ment and the laws in such cords; crossing westerly portion of the tain Supplement to Declaration Property (less and except the

ations, installment payment ob- The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 59
Accounts, the Lockbox Ac- cases made and provided, 8. Perpetual drainage ease- Property; of Easements, Covenants, Funds) or any part of the Prop-
ligations and other obligations count, the Cash Management Holder will expose the Property ment as contained in that cer- (e) Drainage facilities with catch Conditions and Restrictions erty (less and except the
then existing or thereafter Account (each as defined in the (less and except the Funds) for tain Right of Way Deed and basins, junction boxes and from Stonecrest Mall, LLC to Funds) in such manner and or-
arising or created out of the Loan Agreement) and all ac- sale, at public sale to the Easement Agreement by and grate inlets throughout the Stonecrest Land Investment, der as Holder may elect and
sale, lease, sublease, license, counts established pursuant to highest bidder, for cash on that between DeKalb Center Asso- Property; LLC, dated November 4, 2002, may sell that portion of the
concession or other grant of the Article 10 of the Loan Agree- certain first Tuesday in Novem- ciates whose sole general part- (f) Water valves throughout the filed for record November 8, Property (less and except the
right of the use and occupancy ment together with all deposits ber, 2020, being November 3, ner is CFI-20E Associates hav- Property; 2002, recorded in Deed Book Funds), which, under the laws
of property or rendering of ser- or wire transfers made to the 2020, during the legal hours for ing as a general partner Ca- (g) Electric membership corpor- 13810, Page 675, DeKalb of the State of Georgia, consti-
vices by Borrower or its agents Lockbox Account and all cash, sale, before the courthouse dillac Fairview Shopping Cen- ation manhole in southeasterly County Records; as further af- tutes an estate or interest in
and proceeds, if any, from busi- checks, drafts, certificates, se- door in DeKalb County, Geor- ter Properties (Georgia) Inc., portion of the Property; fected by Supplement to De- real estate separately from that
ness interruption or other loss curities, investment property, gia. The Property (less and ex- JDN Associates, Ltd., Turner (h) Power manholes in west- claration of Easements, Coven- portion of the Property (less
of income insurance whether financial assets, instruments cept the Funds) will be sold Hill Road whose sole general erly portion of the Property; ants, Conditions and Restric- and except the Funds), which,
paid or accruing before or after and other property held therein subject to the following: partner is JDN Equities, Inc., (i) Fire hydrants throughout the tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC under the laws of the State of
the filing by or against Borrow- from time to time and all pro- 1. All outstanding taxes and as- and DeKalb County, a political Property; and and Stonecrest Land Invest- Georgia, constitutes personalty
er of any petition for relief un- ceeds, products, distributions sessments, and any additional subdivision, dated November (j) Ring Road (a private road) ment, LLC, dated as of June and not an interest in the real
der any Creditors Rights Laws or dividends or substitutions taxes which result from a reas- 30, 1988, filed for record lies across portions of the Prop- 11, 2003, filed for record June estate, in which case separate
(collectively, the “Rents”) and thereon and thereof; sessment of the Property; December 5, 1988, recorded in erty; 20, 2003, recorded in Deed bids will be taken therefor, or
all proceeds from the sale or (n) Conversion. All proceeds of 2. Rights and obligations of ten- Deed Book 6304, Page 65, 15. Construction, Operation Book 14654, Page 742, DeKalb collectively in a single sale or
other disposition of the Leases the conversion, voluntary or in- ants in possession under unre- DeKalb County Records (af- and Reciprocal Easement County Records; as further af- lot, in which case a single bid
and the right to receive and ap- voluntary, of any of the forego- corded leases, if any, as ten- fects only appurtenant rights Agreement by and between fected by Supplemental Declar- will be taken therefor. Notice of
ply the Rents to the payment of ing items set forth in subsec- ants only, with no option to pur- under the REA); Stonecrest Mall, LLC, Develop- ation of Covenants, Conditions the undersigned’s intent shall
the Debt (as defined in the tions (a) through (m) including, chase or right of first refusal; 9. Limitation of access rights to ment Authority of DeKalb and Restrictions by CFN (I-20), be given by announcement
Loan Agreement); without limitation, Insurance 3. Slope and Drainage rights as I-20 as contained in that cer- County, a public body corpor- Inc., dated as of July 14, 2004, made at the commencement of
(g) Insurance Proceeds. All In- Proceeds and Awards, into contained in that certain Right tain Department of Transporta- ate and politic of the State of filed for record July 16, 2004, the public sale.
surance Proceeds (as defined cash or liquidation claims; and of Way Deed from E.V. Reagin tion Right of Way Deed from Georgia, Dillards, Inc., Sears, recorded in Deed Book 16379, The recitals set forth herein-
in the Loan Agreement) in re- (o) Other Rights. Any and all to the State Highway Board of DeKalb Center Associates by Roebuck and Co., J.C. Penney Page 414, DeKalb County Re- above are hereby incorporated
spect of the Property under any other rights of Borrower in and Georgia, dated May 1, 1930, CFI-20E Associates with its Company Inc., Parisian, Inc., cords; in and made a part of this No-
Policies (as defined in the Loan to the items set forth in subsec- filed for record May 29, 1930, general partner being Cadillac and Rich’s Department Stores, 18. Unrecorded Stonecrest Mall tice of Sale Under Power.
Agreement) covering the Prop- tions (a) through (n) above. recorded in Deed Book 329, Fairview Shopping Center Inc., with consent by the and Supplemental Agreement by WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.,
erty, including, without limita- WHEREAS, the Security Instru- Page 430, DeKalb County Re- Properties (Georgia), Inc. to SunTrust Bank, as Bond trust- and among Stonecrest Mall, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE RE-
tion, the right to receive and ap- ment secures, in part, that cer- cords (affects only appurtenant Department of Transportation, ee, dated February 26, 2001, LLC and Dillard’s, Inc., dated GISTERED HOLDERS OF
ply the proceeds of any insur- tain loan (the “Loan”) to Bor- rights under the Reciprocal dated November 23, 1988, filed filed for record February 27, as of February 26, 2001; BANC OF AMERICA COM-
ance, judgments, or settle- rower made by Original Lender, Easement Agreement listed in for record December 19, 1988, 2001, recorded in Deed Book 19. Unrecorded Separate MERCIAL MORTGAGE INC.
ments made in lieu thereof, for as evidenced by that certain Item 15 below (“the REA”)); recorded in Deed Book 6318, 11897, Page 186, DeKalb Agreement by and between COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE
damage to the Property; Promissory Note (as the same 4. Slope and Drainage rights as Page 49, DeKalb County Re- County Records; as amended Stonecrest Mall, LLC and PASS-THROUGH CERTIFIC-
(h) Condemnation Awards. All may have been amended, contained in that certain Ease- cord (affects only appurtenant by that certain First Amend- Sears, Roebuck and Co. dated ATES, SERIES 2005-1, as
Awards (as defined in the Loan modified or restated, the ment from Mrs. B.F. George to rights under the REA); ment to Construction, Opera- as of February 26, 2001; agent and attorney-in-fact for
Agreement), including interest “Note”), dated as of October 1, State Highway Board of Geor- 10. DeKalb County Water Main tion and Reciprocal Easement 20. Unrecorded Separate STONECREST MALL SPE,
thereon, which may theretofore 2004 in the original principal gia, dated February 19, 1931, Easement from DeKalb Center Agreement, filed for record Au- Agreement by and between LLC, a Delaware limited liabil-
and thereafter be made with re- amount of $108,500,000.00, filed for record July 8, 1931, re- Associates to DeKalb County, gust 3, 2007 in Deed Book Stonecrest Mall, LLC and ity company
spect to the Property by reas- executed by Borrower and pay- corded in Deed Book 353, Georgia, dated March 13, 20185, Page 668 and refiled for Parisian, Inc., dated as of Feb- By: Greystone Servicing Com-
on of Condemnation (as able to the order of Original Page 186, DeKalb County Re- 1989, filed for record March 24, record October 23, 2007 in ruary 26, 2001; pany LLC, a Delaware limited li-
defined in the Loan Lender, as such Note was en- cords (affects only appurtenant 1989, recorded in Deed Book Deed Book 20391, Page 690, 21. Unrecorded Separate ability company, in its capacity
Agreement), whether from the dorsed and assigned to Holder; rights under the REA); 6392, Page 5, DeKalb County DeKalb County Records; Agreement by and between as special servicer pursuant to
exercise of the right of eminent and 5. Right of Way Easement from Records (affects only appurten- 16. Sewer Easement from Stonecrest Mall, LLC and J. C. that certain Pooling and Servi-
domain (including, but not lim- WHEREAS, Defaults and A.J. Almand, Estate to Snap- ant rights under the REA); DeKalb Center Associates and Penney Company, Inc., dated cing Agreement dated April 1,
ited to, any transfer made in Events of Default (each as ping Shoal Electric Member- 11. Easement Relocation CFN (I-20) Inc. to DeKalb as of February 26, 2001; 2005
lieu of or in anticipation of the defined in the Loan Agreement) ship Corporation dated Novem- Agreement by and between County, Georgia dated Novem- 22. Unrecorded Separate By: its attorney-at-law:
exercise of the right), or for a have occurred and are continu- ber 4, 1938, filed for record American Telephone and Tele- ber 22, 2000, filed for record Agreement between Stone- /S. Bob Stupar/
change of grade, or for any oth- ing under the Note, the Loan June 20, 1940, recorded in graph Company acting by and December 11, 2000, recorded crest Mall, LLC and Rich’s De- S. Bob Stupar, Esq.
er injury to or decrease in the Agreement, the Security Instru- Deed Book 518, Page 252, through its agent AT&T Com- in Deed Book 11745, Page partment Stores, Inc., dated as Kilpatrick Townsend & Stock-
value of the Property; ment and the other Loan Docu- DeKalb County Records; munications, Inc. and DeKalb 728, DeKalb County Records; of February 26, 2001; ton LLP
(i) Tax Certiorari. All refunds, ments (as defined in the Loan 6. Right of Way Easement from Center Associates, dated July 17. Declaration of Easements, 23. All valid zoning ordinances; 1100 Peachtree Street, Suite
rebates or credits in connec- Agreement), specifically includ- Thos. W. Stewart to Snapping 5, 1989, filed for record August Covenants, Conditions & Re- and 2800
tion with reduction in real es- ing, without limitation, the fail- Shoals Electric Membership 4, 1989, recorded in Deed strictions by Development Au- 24. All other, if any, easements, Atlanta, Georgia 30309-4530
tate taxes and assessments ure of Borrower to pay to the Corporation dated June 14, Book 6492, Page 597, DeKalb thority of DeKalb County, Geor- limitations, reservations, coven- 404-815-6500
charged against the Property Holder the payments due un- 1938, filed for record June 27, County Records (affects only gia, a public body corporate ants, restrictions, deeds to se- 430-439952 10/8,10/15,10/22
as a result of tax certiorari or der the Note when due and ow- 1940, recorded in Deed Book appurtenant rights under the and politic, DeKalb Center As- cure debt, liens and other en- 10/29
any applications or proceed- ing; and 518, Page 282, DeKalb County REA); sociates, and CFN (I-20), Inc., cumbrances and matters of NOTICE OF SALE UNDER
ings for reduction; WHEREAS, by reason of such Records; 12. DeKalb County Sewer dated February 26, 2001, filed public records to which the Se- POWER
(i) Rights. The right, in the defaults and Events of De- 7. Declaration of Surface and Easement from DeKalb Center for record February 27, 2001, curity Instrument is junior and STATE OF GEORGIA
name and on behalf of Borrow- faults, the Debt is and remains Storm Water Drainage Ease- Associates to CFN (I-20), Inc. recorded in Deed Book 11897, subordinate in terms of priority COUNTY OF DEKALB
er, to appear in and defend any delinquent, due and payable in ments by DeKalb Center Asso- to DeKalb County, Georgia Page 70, DeKalb County Re- under the laws of the State of By virtue of a Power of Sale
action or proceeding brought its entirety and the Security In- ciates, dated May 13, 1986, dated June 10, 1992, filed for cords; as affected by Assign- Georgia. contained in that certain Secur-
with respect to the Property strument has become, is, and filed for record May 14, 1986, record July 2, 1992, recorded in ment of Declarant’s Rights and The Debt remaining in default ity Deed from Daniell Collyer
and to commence any action or is hereby subject to foreclos- recorded in Deed Book 5470, Deed Book 7319, Page 518, Powers under Declaration of and the aforesaid Defaults and and Enhanced HD Properties
proceeding to protect the in- ure as provided by law, the Page 390, DeKalb County Re- DeKalb County Records (af- Easements, Covenants, Condi- Events of Default continuing, LLC to TVC Funding II, LLC,
terest of Lender in the Property; Note, the Loan Agreement, and cords; as amended by that cer- fects only appurtenant rights tions & Restrictions by and the sale of the Property (less dated May 15, 2019 and recor-
(k) Agreements. All rights, title the Security Instrument; and tain First Amendment to Declar- under the REA); between DeKalb Center Asso- and except the Funds) under ded on May 30, 2019 in Deed
and interest of Borrower in, to WHEREAS, prior to the con- ation of Surface and Storm Wa- 13. Easement from DeKalb ciates and Stonecrest Mall, and pursuant to the power of Book 27578, Page 318, in the
and under all agreements, con- summation of the exercise of ter Drainage Easement by and Center Associates to Bell South LLC, dated February 26, 2001, sale contained in the Security Office of the Clerk of Superior
tracts, certificates, instruments, the power of sale contained in between DeKalb Center Asso- Telecommunications, Inc., filed for record February 27, Instrument will be made for the Court of Dekalb County, Geor-
franchises, permits, licenses, the Security Instrument and the ciates and JDN Associates, dated May 11, 1993, filed for 2001, recorded in Deed Book purpose of applying the pro- gia, said Security Deed having
plans, specifications and other consummation of the foreclos- Ltd, Turner Hill Road dated record May 25, 1993, recorded 11898, Page 29, DeKalb ceeds thereof, as provided for been given to secure a Note of
documents, then or thereafter ure sale of the Property, any May 2, 1986, filed for record in Deed Book 7685, Page 573, County Records; as further af- in the Security Instrument and even date, in the original prin-
entered into, and all rights and all funds, cash, letters of June 4, 1986, recorded in Deed DeKalb County Records (af- fected by Supplemental Declar- pursuant to applicable law. cipal amount of One Million
therein and thereto, respecting credit and other sums, if any, Book 5486, Page 511, DeKalb fects only appurtenant rights ation of Covenants, Conditions The Property (less and except Four Hundred Thousand and
or pertaining to the use, occu- held by Holder for or on behalf County Records; as further under the REA); and Restrictions by CFN (I-20), the Funds) will be sold on an 00/100 dollars ($1,400,000.00)
pation, construction, manage- of Borrower, in the Reserve Ac- amended by that certain 14. Those matters as dis- Inc., dated February 26, 2001, “as is, where is” basis without with interest thereon as
ment or operation of the Land counts, or any other escrow, re- Second Amendment to Declar- closed by that certain survey filed for record March 1, 2001, recourse against Holder and provided therein, as last trans-
and any part thereof and any serve or accounts established ation of Surface and Storm Wa- entitled “ALTA/ACSM Land recorded in Deed Book 11899, without representation or war- ferred to DLJ Mortgage Capital,
Improvements or any business under the Note, the Loan ter Drainage Easements by and Title Survey for Forest City En- Page 311, DeKalb County Re- ranty of any kind or nature Inc., recorded in Deed Book
or activity conducted on the Agreement, the Security Instru- between DeKalb Center Asso- terprises, Bank of America, cords; as further affected by whatsoever with respect 28651, Page 651, aforesaid re-
Land and any part thereof, in- ment and/or any other Loan ciates and Atlanta East Mall N.A., Chicago Title Insurance Supplement to Declaration of thereto, with no assurance af- cords, will be sold at public out-
cluding, without limitation, the Document, for payment of Limited Partnership dated Feb- Company”, prepared by Devel- Easements, Covenants, Condi- forded as to the exact acreage cry to the highest bidder for
right, upon the happening of taxes, assessments and other ruary 28, 1989, filed for record opment Consultants Group, tions and Restrictions by of the Land. cash before the courthouse
any default thereunder, to re- similar charges levied against May 2, 1989, recorded in Deed bearing the seal and certifica- Stonecrest Mall, LLC and To the best of Holder’s know- door of Dekalb County, Geor-
ceive and collect any sums the Property, insurance, capital Book 6421, Page 271, DeKalb tion of Donald G. Holland, Stonecrest Land Investment, ledge and belief, the Property gia, or at such place as has or
payable to Borrower thereun- improvements, replacements, County Records; as further Georgia Registered Land Sur- LLC, dated October 4, 2001, (less and except the Funds) is may be lawfully designated as
der; tenant improvements, leasing amended by that certain Third veyor No. 2637, dated August filed for record December 20, presently owned by Borrower, an alternative location, within
(l) Intangibles. All rights, title commissions or otherwise (col- Amendment to Declaration of 13, 2003, last revised Septem- 2001, recorded in Deed Book subject to the aforesaid in- the legal hours of sale on the
and interest of Borrower in and lectively, the “Funds”) have Surface and Storm Water ber 20, 2004, Job No. 89011, 12759, Page 483, DeKalb terests of Holder and the mat- first Tuesday in November,
to all tradenames, trademarks, been or shall be applied by Drainage Easements by and as follows: County Records; as further af- ters set forth herein, and Bor- 2020, all property described in
servicemarks, logos, copy- Holder toward payment of the between DeKalb Center Asso- (a) Box culvert crossing south- fected by Supplement to De- rower is the party in posses- said Security Deed including
rights, goodwill, books and re- Debt, to the extent provided in ciates, Lewis G. Abbott, Betty westerly portion of the Property; claration of Easements, Coven- sion of the Property (less and but not limited to the following
cords and all other general in- the Note, the Loan Agreement, L. Abbott, Pat Abbott, as Exec- (b) Storm drain easement ants, Conditions and Restric- except the Funds), subject to described property:
tangibles relating to or used in the Security Instrument and the utrix of the Estate of Robert G. crossing southwesterly portion tions by Stonecrest Mall, LLC the aforesaid interests. ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-
connection with the operation other Loan Documents. Abbott, and Joseph Abbott as of the Property; and Stafford Stonecrest, LLC, The notice to Borrower, pursu- CEL OF LAND LYING AND
of the Property; NOW, THEREFORE, under Executor of Joseph Ernest Ab- (c) 20-foot sanitary sewer ease- dated October 11, 2001, filed ant to O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2, BEING IN LAND LOT 1, OF
(m) Accounts. All reserves, es- and pursuant to the power of bott, dated November 13, 1989, ments with sanitary sewer lines for record March 18, 2002, re- has been provided by Holder to THE 18TH DISTRICT OF
crows and deposit accounts sale contained in the Security filed for record June 31, 1990, and manholes crossing south- corded in Deed Book 13040, Borrower in accordance with DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA,
maintained by Borrower with re- Instrument and according to the recorded in Deed Book 6629, westerly portion of the Property; Page 347, DeKalb County Re- said O.C.G.A. §44-14-162.2. BEING LOT 48. BLOCK 3,
spect to the Property, including, terms of the Security Instru- Page 189, DeKalb County Re- (d) 8-foot by 7-foot box culvert cords; as affected by that cer- The undersigned may sell the DRUID HILLS SUBDIVISION,
without limitation, the Reserve ment and the laws in such cords; crossing westerly portion of the tain Supplement to Declaration Property (less and except the BEING MORE PARTICU-
Accounts, the Lockbox Ac- cases made and provided, 8. Perpetual drainage ease- Property; of Easements, Covenants, Funds) or any part of the Prop- LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL-
count, the Cash Management Holder will expose the Property ment as contained in that cer- (e) Drainage facilities with catch Conditions and Restrictions erty (less and except the LOWS: BEGINNING AT A
Account (each as defined in the (less and except the Funds) for tain Right of Way Deed and basins, junction boxes and from Stonecrest Mall, LLC to Funds) in such manner and or- POINT ON THE SOUTHEAST
Loan Agreement) and all ac- sale, at public sale to the Easement Agreement by and grate inlets throughout the Stonecrest Land Investment, der as Holder may elect and SIDE OF BRIARCLIFF ROAD,
counts established pursuant to highest bidder, for cash on that between DeKalb Center Asso- Property; LLC, dated November 4, 2002, may sell that portion of the 2829.4 FEET NORTHEAST-
Article 10 of the Loan Agree- certain first Tuesday in Novem- ciates whose sole general part- (f) Water valves throughout the filed for record November 8, Property (less and except the ERLY FROM PONCE DE LE-
BEING IN LAND LOT 1, OF tenant(s). The sale will be con- FEET ALONG A BEARING OF GREES 38 MINUTES 20
THE 18TH DISTRICT OF ducted subject to 1) confirma- NORTH 81 DEGREES 00 SECONDS EAST A DIS-
DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, tion that the sale is not prohib- MINUTES 43 SECONDS TANCE OF 142.62 FEET TO
BEING LOT 48. BLOCK 3, ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy EAST) A DISTANCE OF AN IRON PIN FOUND;
DRUID HILLS SUBDIVISION, code and 2) final confirmation 136.33 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE LEAVING THE
Page 60
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020 
loan with the holder of the Se- TO THE LEFT (SAID CURVE
SIDE OF BRIARCLIFF ROAD, INC as Attorney-in-Fact for OF 288.83 FEET ALONG A SECONDS WEST A DIS- 040-440046 10/15
++Daniell Collyer and En-
hanced HD Properties LLC++
Contact: Padgett Law Group:
6267 Old Water Oak Road,
Advertisement for Thursday, October 15, 2020
Suite 203, Tallahassee, FL
32312; (850) 422-2520
Sealed bids wil be received in the Department of Purchasing and Contracting, The Maloof Center, 1300 Commerce Drive,
RUNNING NORTHEASTERLY Ad Run Dates: 10/08/20; EAST A DISTANCE OF 95.51 THENCE RUNNING NORTH 0 2nd Floor, Decatur, Georgia 30030, for the following until 3:00 P.M. on date(s) designated below:
100 FEET; THENCE SOUTH- 430-439961 10/8,10/15,10/22 ING OF NORTH 52 DEGREES
By virtue of the power of sale
contained in the Georgia Se-
20-101286 Welding Shop Drainage Improvement November 5, 2020
10, 2007, recorded in Deed 00 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 30 The debt secured by said Se- Specifications and other details wil be available in the Purchasing and Contracting Department, The Maloof Center, 2nd
Book 19938, page 157 of the
records of DeKalb County, TANCE OF 191.00 FEET TO A hereby declared due because Floor, 1300 Commerce Drive, Decatur, Georgia 30030. For additional information, please view the DeKalb County
N.E., ACCORDING TO THE Georgia (the "Security Deed") POINT; THENCE RUNNING of, among other possible
PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUM- to secure a Note in the original SOUTH 89 DEGREES 37 events of default, non-payment Website at:
BERING HOUSES IN DEKALB principal amount of One Million MINUTES 00 SECONDS of the installments due upon
COUNTY, GEORGIA. SUB- Four Hundred Ninety-Five WEST A DISTANCE OF the said indebtedness. The DeKalb County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof, to waive any technicalities, and to re-
JECT TO ANY EASEMENTS Thousand Dollars and No 297.10 FEET ALONG THE debt remaining in default, this
OR RESTRICTIONS OF RE- Cents ($1,495,000.00), as NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY sale will be made for the pur- advertise.
CORD. modified, assigned to LBC1 LINE OF BRENTWOOD ROAD pose of paying the same and
Said property may more com- Trust by Assignment, a copy of TO AN IRON PIN FOUND; all expenses of this sale, in-
monly be known as 957 Bri- which is recorded at Deed THENCE RUNNING NORTH cluding attorney's fees.
arcliff Road Northeast, Atlanta,
GA 30306.
Book 27930, Page 3 of said re- 00 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 00
The sale will be conducted sub-
ject to confirmation that the
By: Cathryn G. Horner, Chief Procurement Officer
cords, there will be sold by the
The debt secured by said Se- undersigned at public outcry to TANCE OF 455.00 FEET TO sale is not prohibited under the DeKalb County, Purchasing and Contracting Department
curity Deed has been and is the highest and best bidder for AN IRON PIN FOUND ALONG U.S. Bankruptcy Code and sub-
hereby declared due because cash before the Courthouse THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF ject to final confirmation and
of, among other possible door of DeKalb County, Geor- WAY LINE OF TILSON ROAD audit of the status of the loan
events of default, non-payment gia, within the legal hours of AND THE POINT OF BEGIN- with the holder of the Security
of the monthly installments on sale on November 3, 2020 the NING AND BEING KNOWN AS Deed. Said property will be sold
said loan. The debt remaining property, including all fixtures 2589 TILSON ROAD, AC- subject to the following matters,
in default, this sale will be and personal property con- CORDING TO THE PRESENT which may affect the title to
made for the purpose of pay- veyed by said Security Deed, SYSTEM OF NUMBERING IN said property: zoning ordin-
ing the same and all expenses more particularly described as DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA. ances; matters that would be
of this sale, including attorney’s TRACT ONE: TRACT TWO: disclosed by an accurate sur-
fees (notice of intent to collect ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- vey or by an inspection of the
attorney’s fees having been CEL OF LAND LYING AND CEL OF LAND LYING AND property; taxes, including but
given). BEING IN LAND LOT 151 OF BEING IN LAND LOT 151 OF not limited to ad valorem taxes,
The individual or entity that has THE 15TH DISTRICT OF THE 15TH DISTRICT OF which constitute liens upon said
full authority to negotiate, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA, property; special assessments;
amend and modify all terms of CONTAINING 3.28 ACRES, CONTAINING 1.02 ACRES all outstanding bills for public
the loan is BSI Financial Ser- MORE OR LESS, ACCORD- ACCORDING TO SURVEY BY utilities that constitute liens
vices, Inc., 314 S Franklin St., ING TO SURVEY FOR CHICA- W.E. CLONTS, GEORGIA RLS upon said property; all restrict-
Titusville, PA 16354, (972) 347- GO TITLE INSURANCE COM- NO. 2166 FOR PILGRIM ive covenants, easements,
4350. PANY, CITIZENS TRUST CHURCH OF ATLANTA, IN- rights of way, and matters of re-
Said property will be sold on an BANK AND THE PILGRIM CORPORATED, CITIZENS cord superior to the said Secur-
“as-is” basis without any rep- CHURCH OF ATLANTA, IN- TRUST BANK AND FIRST ity Deed and applicable laws as
resentation, warranty or re- CORPORATED BY EAST AMERICAN TITLE INSUR- may govern the rights of suc-
course against the above- METRO SURVEYORS & EN- ANCE COMPANY DATED cessors in interest pursuant to
named or the undersigned. The GINEERS, INC., UNDER SEAL NOVEMBER 12, 2001, AND foreclosure. To the best know-
sale will also be subject to the OF E.G. DAVIS, GEORGIA BEING MORE PARTICU- ledge and belief of the under-
following items which may af- RLS #2363, DATED SEPTEM- LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL- signed, PILGRIM CHURCH OF
fect the title: a) zoning ordin- BER 29, 1998, REVISED LOWS: ATLANTA, INC. or tenants
ances; b) matters which would APRIL 20, 2000, AND BEING BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN therefrom may be in posses-
be disclosed by an accurate MORE PARTICULARLY DE- FOUND ON THE SOUTH- sion of the subject property,
survey or by an inspection of SCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY which may be known as 2589
the property; c) any outstand- BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN LINE OF TILSON ROAD (60 and 2613 Tilson Road, Dec-
ing ad valorem taxes, including FOUND ALONG THE SOUTH- FOOT RIGHT OF WAY) AT A atur, GA 30032. However,
taxes, which constitute liens ERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF DISTANCE OF 408 FEET please rely only on the legal
upon said property whether or TILSON ROAD (VARIABLE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG description contained in this
not now due and payable; d) RIGHT OF WAY) SAID POINT THE SOUTHEASTERLY Notice for a description and loc-
special assessments; e) the BEING 77.6 FEET EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF ation of the subject property.
right of redemption of any tax- ALONG THE SOUTHERLY TILSON ROAD FROM THE IN- The name, address and phone
ing authority; f) all outstanding RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF TERSECTION OF THE number of the person with full
bills for public utilities which TILSON ROAD FROM THE IN- SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF authority to negotiate, amend
constitute liens upon said prop- TERSECTION OF THE WAY LINE OF TILSON ROAD and modify all terms of the ref-
erty; g) all restrictive covenants, SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY AND THE WEST LIEN OF erenced instrument(s) is Brad
easements, rights-of-way and LINE OF TILSON ROAD WITH LAND LOT 151; RUNNING Hrebenar, Willow River, LLC,
any other matters of record su- THE WESTERLY LAND LOT THENCE NORTHEASTERLY 106 Chestnut Street East, Still-
perior to said Security Deed. To LINE OF LAND LOT 151; ALONG THE SOUTHEAST- water, MN 55082; Phone: 651-
the best of the knowledge and THENCE RUNNING ALONG ERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE 5 7 1 - 3 4 4 3 ;
belief of the undersigned, the THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF OF TILSON ROAD THE FOL-
sion of the property are Daniell THE FOLLOWING COURSES TANCES: ALONG AN ARC OF Attorney in fact for
tenant(s). The sale will be con- SECONDS EAST A DIS- DISTANCE OF 24.37 FEET Attorneys:
ducted subject to 1) confirma- TANCE OF 45.86 FEET TO A ALONG A BEARING OF Robert W. Scholz, LLC
tion that the sale is not prohib- POINT; ALONG AN ARC OF A NORTH 42 DEGREES 41 3490 Piedmont Road, NE,
ited under the U.S. Bankruptcy CURVE TO THE LEFT (SAID MINUTES 58 SECONDS Suite 400
code and 2) final confirmation CURVE HAVING A CHORD EAST) A DISTANCE OF 24.38 Atlanta, Georgia 30305
and audit of the status of the DISTANCE OF 135.49 FEET FEET TO A POINT; THENCE THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING
loan with the holder of the Se- AND A RADIUS OF 355.05 RUNNING NORTH 40 DE- AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AT-
hanced HD Properties LLC++ 136.33 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE LEAVING THE
32312; (850) 422-2520 135.49 FEET AND A RADIUS GREE 13 MINUTES 19
Ad Run Dates: 10/08/20; OF 288.83 FEET ALONG A SECONDS WEST A DIS-
10/15/20; 10/22/20; 10/29/20 BEARING OF NORTH 81 DE- TANCE OF 485.95 FEET TO A

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