The Champion Legal Ads 10-15-20
The Champion Legal Ads 10-15-20
The Champion Legal Ads 10-15-20
ence* October 1, 2020 @10:00 INVITATION TO BID mitted by bidders who have not
SCOPE OF SERVICES am Plumbing Contractor Services properly registered and atten-
The DeKalb County School Dis- Final Questions Due October 7, Sealed Bids will be received by ded the mandatory pre-bid con-
trict invites qualified vendors 2020 not later than 2:00 pm the DeKalb County Board of ference shall be rejected as
(here and after called “Con- Final Addendum Issued (if ne- Education (the “Owner”) at the non-responsive. Bidders are
tractor”) licensed by the State cessary) October 14, 2020 not Sam A. Moss Service Center, advised to register early as
The Champion Legal Section, Thursday, OCTOBER 15 - 23, 2020Page 15
of Georgia or authorized to
transact business in the State
later than 2:00 pm
Bids Due October 20, 2020 not
1780 Montreal Road, Tucker,
Georgia 30084, until 2:00 pm
anyone arriving after 11:15 am
will not be allowed to particip-
of Georgia, to submit bids to re- later than 2:00 pm local time on Thursday, Octo- ate in the bid process.
place plumbing fixtures at E.L. Bids Opened* October 20, ber 22, 2020 for ++ITB No. 20- SCHEDULE FOR SELECTION