Dow Chemical FINAL
Dow Chemical FINAL
Dow Chemical FINAL
EMBA XX - Executive Entrepreneurship - Dr. De Noble
Internal Entrepreneurship at Dow Chemical
June 24, 2010
was experiencing a decrease in sales turnover compared to figures from the mid-90s. As the
company explored various avenues to increase sales in turnover, they focused on a variety of
initiatives within stagnant divisions. The subject of this case is an entrepreneurial venture which
focused on increasing sales turnover within the corporation's Epoxy Products and Intermediates
The EP&I line of business is a highly capital intensive, high profit margin, B2B segment.
The top 20% of customers generate 80% of the division's revenues. EP&I is structured to deliver
the product through two key avenues. First, the aforementioned top accounts are supplied directly
Second, the product is distributed to smaller customers using local distributors who service wide
geographic areas (usually entire countries). In 1998 EP&I launched a new centralized customer
service center (Epicenter) that services accounts by providing access to technical assistance and
account management.
Ian Telford, an 18-year Dow veteran with significant experience in chemical sales, proposed
using the rapidly growing Internet as an opportunity to reduce overhead and drive sales volume.
According to Telford, the sales model EP&I used at that time ignored a significant segment of the
market. Telford noticed that while key customers were serviced by CAEs and midrange clients had
access to the Epicenter, there was room to grow sales by focusing on lower volume, lower margin
customers. The core concept focused on using the Internet to reduce the significant overhead
associated with servicing larger, high-volume accounts. The venture aimed to use a rigid rule-based
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Brendan R. Shannon
EMBA XX - Executive Entrepreneurship - Dr. De Noble
Internal Entrepreneurship at Dow Chemical
June 24, 2010
system to ensure that the new business generated by would meet the low overhead
projections of the business model. Specifically set pricing, quantity minimums and terms would be
The prospects for the proposed line of business were good; however, they are associated
with some key risks. Most importantly, with the top 20% of customers driving 80% of current
profits, care must be taken not to alienate existing high-margin customers when implementing this
new venture aimed at smaller clients. Specifically, using the Internet for sales requires publicizing
pricing. While larger customers are, of course, loosely aware of their competitors’ pricing based on
which to measure their contracts. One aspect that could be improved in Telford’s plan is to analyze
the extent to which Dow may benefit from expanding the model to include midrange clients who
A key element that increased the potential of this venture is the growth of the Internet as a B2B
and B2C business tool. It was highly evident by 2000 that the Internet could no longer be ignored or
dismissed as a fad. Many industries were being completely revamped due to Internet supply chain
management, funds transfer and transaction processing. As key competitors launched online ventures,
the costs of trailing the market grew exponentially. The greatest potential for the venture to fail came
from internal stationary inertia. Simply put, the compensation of existing executives and sales
representatives was commission and profit based. A revamp in pricing and delivery structure could
highlight the extent to which employees' short-term self-interest might conflict with long-term
organizational success. Stated another way, the compensation structure existing at that time might
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Brendan R. Shannon
EMBA XX - Executive Entrepreneurship - Dr. De Noble
Internal Entrepreneurship at Dow Chemical
June 24, 2010
As is the case with many businesses adapting their structure to the new potential of e-
commerce, the proposed venture did not fit under Dow's corporate umbrella. The
newly created venture did not fit neatly into any particular place on the corporation's organizational
chart and Telfer proposed to introduce a radically different way for customers to interact with the
company. The delivery process change for lower end customers had obvious long term potential to
change relationships with mid and top range customers as well. However, it is important to
examine whether Dow's structure at that time and its corporate umbrella would facilitate future
success in the EP&I group. Focusing too heavily on the status quo can cause the market to leave
even the greatest companies behind. In this case, if the innovative succeeded, it would
expand/change the Company's corporate umbrella; if it failed, the short-term anomaly would have a
investment for Dow. The proposed, "think big, start smart, scale fast" strategy offered the benefit of
experimenting within a new market segment with low risk. While the concept is radically different
from what was the existing sales/delivery model, the proposed venture allowed Dow to develop an
It is clear that Telford utilized some unique strategies in selling the idea within
Dow. His tactics included internal guerilla marketing via fabricated emails and a spoof
article which were designed to create hype surrounding an upcoming Biz TV announcement, which
was also a spoof. How do you know when you have crossed the line? There are a million potential
answers to that question, but one very important person, Verrnaak, EP&I's business VP, was
"annoyed" by the video stunt. Telford's stir-things-up strategy went too far because he used so
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Brendan R. Shannon
EMBA XX - Executive Entrepreneurship - Dr. De Noble
Internal Entrepreneurship at Dow Chemical
June 24, 2010
many unconventional tactics together. One of the aforementioned stunts, perhaps a toned down
version of the video, could have generated the same buzz without generating the corresponding
negative feedback.
when two key EP&I executives who had originally approved the project were replaced. The
project's budget was suspended until further notice. The second time around, Telford used more
conventional strategies, one being a passionate presentation to win over fellow managers, the IS
group and Cook (Vermaak's replacement). Cook facilitated a meeting during which Telford used
the “fire in his belly" to convince the Group's president to fund the venture. The push for final
approval highlighted two key takeaways for Telford: (1) use conventional presentation tactics and
enthusiasm as key tools for selling internal entrepreneurial ventures; and (2) involve key decision
makers early, and proceed quickly after gaining approval to avoid encountering future hang-ups.
Despite the scarcity of entrepreneurial talents such as Telford's, was definitely
an effective use of Telford as a resource. It is difficult to generate change in large corporations with
long-established methods of doing business. Without the passion of entrepreneurs and risk-takers
such as Telford, business as usual can become a cancer. This can be especially true in corporations
such as Dow, where senior management tends to be promoted from traditionally non-
entrepreneurial fields such as chemical engineering. Telford used his drive and enthusiasm to
champion a project that allowed the EP&I division to keep pace with the changes caused by the
Internet marketplace.
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Brendan R. Shannon
EMBA XX - Executive Entrepreneurship - Dr. De Noble
Internal Entrepreneurship at Dow Chemical
June 24, 2010
A change in senior leadership during Telford's venture had a significant impact
on the project’s course. Henry Vermaak, Business Group President for EP&I had a large role in the
early success of the project. As Telford's direct supervisor at the project’s inception, he gave the
initial authorization for Telford to develop the business plan that eventually became
was willing to take the risk of providing a $100,000 budget for the project's early development.
In May of 2000,Vermaak retired and was replaced by Phil Cook. After assuming his new
role, the project gained approval based largely on his efforts. His recognition of Telford's drive and
enthusiasm were key in his support of the project. Most notably, Cook organized a key meeting
among managers that reinitiated the enthusiasm surrounding the project and was also instrumental
in Telford gaining access to Bob Wood, Thermoset Business Group President, who had final
authority to approve the project. When making his decision whether to support Telford’s concept,
Wood was most concerned with determining whether Telford had, "fire in his belly." Fortunately
Telford's enthusiasm and drive to see the project succeed were self-evident.
Philippe de Fitte served as commercial director for EP&I’s Europe division before leaving in
2000. De Fitte was enthusiastic about and had a history of championing internal
technology-based solutions at Dow. He was responsible for founding EP&I's Commercial Interface
Initiative (CCI) which used technology to streamline the way the division interacted with and
In summary, the chief effect of the leadership change was a setback in the project’s progress
while Telford fostered confidence among new decision makers. The common thread among all four
leaders was their belief in Telford over the project itself based on his enthusiasm.
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