MEPC 2-Circ12

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Ref. T5/5.01 MEPC.2/Circ.12

1 December 2006∗


1 Introduction

1.1 Whilst under normal circumstances chapters 17 and 18 of the IBC Code take precedence over
List 1 of the MEPC.2/Circular, in this exceptional case the entries in Annex 1 – List 1: Pure and
technically pure products, which apply to “all countries” and no expiry date, supersede those in
the IBC Code.

1.2 This circular is issued in accordance with regulation 6(3) of Annex II to MARPOL 73/78,
replacing all previously issued circulars under this title.

2 Lists of annexes

2.1 Annexes 1 to 4 provide lists of noxious liquid substances (NLS) with associated categories
and minimum carriage requirements which have been established through Tripartite Agreements and
registered with the Secretariat in accordance with the regulation referred to above. Annexes 7 to 10
are intended to facilitate the reporting of Tripartite Agreements and the interpretation of
abbreviations used in annexes 1 to 4.

annex 1: List 1: Pure or technically pure products;

annex 2: List 2: Pollutant only mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of

components already assessed by IMO;

annex 3: List 3: (Trade-named) mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of

components already assessed by IMO, presenting safety hazards;

annex 4: List 4: Pollutant only mixtures containing one or more components, forming
more than 1% by weight of the mixture, which have not yet been assessed
by IMO;

annex 5: List 5: Substances not shipped in pure form but as components in mixtures;

annex 6: Synonyms for vegetable oils;

annex 7: Country abbreviations;

Although this circular is valid after 31 December 2006, it is being issued on 1 December 2006 to provide information
to Administrations for action as appropriate.

MEPC.2/Circ.12 -2-

annex 8: Tripartite contact addresses;

annex 9: Manufacturers authorized to conduct pollutant-only assessments by

calculation; and

annex 10: Cleaning additives.

3 Observations related to the annexes

3.1 Language

3.1.1 As seen in the lists, most products are trade-named substances under n.o.s. entries. Since
tradenames are not translated, the products are entered as notified and the lists are issued in
English only.

3.2 Country Codes (Annex 7)

3.2.1 The list of country abbreviations mirrors that used in the Global Integrated Shipping
Information System (GISIS) which is based on the UN/Locode, a geographic code scheme developed
and maintained by the UNECE, a Unit of the United Nations. These codes are listed in annex 7:
Part 1 of that annex showing Code/Country and Part 2 showing Country/Code.

3.3 Shading

3.3.1 Amendments to the Tripartite Lists (annexes 1 to 4) are identified by shading the field in
which the change has been made.

3.4 Cleaning additives (Annex 10)

3.4.1 The Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its fifty-second session, adopted the
revised Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 for the regulation for the discharge of Noxious Liquid
Substances, which includes restrictions on the types of cleaning additives allowed to be used in tank
washing operations as follows:

“13.5.2 When small amounts of cleaning additives (detergent products) are added to
water in order to facilitate tank washing, no additives containing pollution
category X components shall be used except those components that are
readily biodegradable and present in a total concentration of less than 10%.
No restrictions additional to those applicable to the tank due to the previous
cargo should apply.”

3.4.2 All cleaning additives evaluated by the BLG Working Group on the Evaluation of Safety and
Pollution Hazards of Chemicals (ESPH) and found to meet the requirements of paragraph 13.5.2 of
the revised Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 are consolidated into annex 10 of the MEPC.2/Circular.

-3- MEPC.2/Circ.12

4 Notification of new entries

4.1 Guidelines for the provisional assessment of liquids transported in bulk are set out in
MEPC.1/Circ.512. When notifying the Secretariat of any provisional assessment made under
Tripartite Agreement, Administrations are requested to:

.1 specify whether in Lists 1, 2, 3 or 4; and

.2 provide all relevant data to be included in the circular.

4.2 As the majority of products notified are classified by the calculation method and are
candidates for List 2, it is particularly important to provide the information to IMO in a format that
will facilitate efficient and accurate transfer to the database used to generate the various lists
included in this circular.

4.3 For hard copies with candidates for List 2, the preferred method is to notify one product per
page in the following format:

Reporting Country :
Manufacturer :
Tradename :
List Number :

Contains Name :
Pollution Category (Cat) :
Ship Type (ST) :
n.o.s. Number :

Melting Point (°C) (Mpt) :

Flash Point (c.c., °C) (Fpt) :
Viscosity @ 20°C (mPa.s) (V20) :

Note: Incomplete data on a substance will result in the entry for its provisional assessment
being delayed while the application is returned to the originator.

4.4 For products being notified as candidates for Lists 1, 3 or 4, the format shown in appendix 3
to MEPC.1/Circ.512 is preferred.

4.5 While stressing the importance of correct data being supplied to the Secretariat, it should be
noted in particular that, when proposing a product for Lists 2 and 4, the component responsible for
the greatest pollution potential should be specified following the word “Contains” in the Shipping
Name. Such component is that with the highest value obtained from % x component factor. In the
event of there being more than one component with equal highest scores, discretion may be used in
deciding whether one or both should be identified (see MEPC.1/Circ.512). The name of the
component should be one of those appearing in chapters 17 or 18 of the IBC Code or those in Lists 1
or 5 of this circular.

MEPC.2/Circ.12 -4-

4.6 It should also be pointed out that any cargo offered for bulk shipment shall be indicated in the
shipping document by the product name under which it is listed in chapter 17 or 18 of the IBC Code
or the latest edition of the MEPC.2/Circular or under which it has been provisionally assessed. In
this respect, special attention should be given to BLG.1/Circ.17 regarding the use of the proper
shipping name in offering bulk liquid cargoes for shipment.

4.7 When shipping a pollution hazard only mixture, the appropriate n.o.s. entry in the IBC Code,
together with the tradename and product contained, would form the proper shipping name. For
example, if the trade name is IMO 1234 and it contains “Calcium long-chain alkyl salicylate (C13+)”
as the component with the greatest pollution potential, then the correct product name would be:

Noxious liquid, N.F., (5) n.o.s. (IMO 1234 contains Calcium long-chain alkyl salicylate
(C13+)) S.T. 2, Cat. Y

4.8 The Master of a type 2 ship certified to carry n.o.s. (5) products would then know that he can
accept the cargo without concern as to fire, toxicity and other safety hazards and that, in the event of
an accidental spill, he could report the name of the substance responsible for the pollution to the
coastal State authorities.

5 Tripartite contact addresses

5.1 In accordance with the MEPC resolution on Tripartite Agreements, resolution

MEPC.109(49), Administrations are requested to note that contact points which have not informed
the Organization of their latest contact details should be deemed to have accepted the
Tripartite Agreements whilst other contact points should still follow regulation 6(3) of the revised
Annex II to MARPOL 73/78.

5.2 It would, therefore, be appreciated if Administrations could verify that information included
in annex 8 of this circular is correct and supply any useful additional information, for example,
e-mail addresses. As the Secretariat has only been supplied with the addresses listed, those
Administrations which have not supplied any focal point address are requested to do so. In this
respect, it should be noted that in future the tripartite agreement contact points will also be available
through the GISIS database.


List 1: Pure or technically pure products 1 December 2006
Page 1 of 10
Product Name Rep Countries Receive Expiry Cat D ST F G H I I'' I''' J K L N O
Date Date
Acetochlor All countries None X P 2 2G Open No Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Acetonitrile (Low purity grade) All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Cont No T1 IIA No R FT AC No 15.12.3, 15.12.4, 15.19.6
Acid oil mixture from soyabean, corn All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
(maize) and sunflower oil refining
Acrylamide solution (50% or less) All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No NF C No No 15.12.3, 15.13, 15.19.6, 16.6.1, 16.2.9
Acrylic acid All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No T2 IIA No C FT A Yes 15.11.2, 15.11.3, 15.11.4, 15.11.6,
15.11.7, 15.11.8, 15.12.3, 15.12.4,
15.13, 15.17, 15.19, 16.6.1, 16.2.9
Alcohols (C8-C11), primary, linear and All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No - - Yes R T ABC No 15.12.3, 15.2.4, 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
essentially linear
Alcohols (C12-C13), primary, linear All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
and essentially linear
Alcohols (C14-C18), primary, linear All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
and essentially linear
Iso- and cyclo-alkanes (C10-C11) All countries None Y P 3 2G Cont No - - No R F A No 15.19.6
Iso- and cyclo-alkanes (C12+) All countries None Y P 3 2G Cont No - - No R F A No
n-Alkanes (C10+) All countries None Y P 3 2G Cont No - - No R F A No 15.19.6
Alkaryl polyethers (C9-C20) All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No Yes O No AB No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Alkenoic acid ester, borated (in FRA CYM, CYM, DZA, 15/09/06 17/12/09 Y S/P 2 2G Cont No - - Yes R T ABC No 15.12.3, 15.12.4, 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
mineral oil) GBR, HKG, LBR,
Alkenyl (C11+) amide All countries None X P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Alkyl acrylate-vinylpyridine copolymer All countries None Y P 2 2G Cont No No R F A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
in toluene
Alkyl benzene distillation bottoms All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Alkylbenzene mixtures (containing at All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Cont No T1 IIA No C FT ABC No 15.12, 15.17, 15.19.6
least 50% of toluene)
Alkyl (C3-C4) benzenes All countries None Y P 2 2G Cont No No R F A No 15.19.6
Alkyl(C9+)benzenes All countries None Y P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No AB No
Alkyl (C11-C17) benzene sulphonic All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Alkylbenzene sulphonic acid, sodium All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - NF O No No 16.2.9, 15.19.6, 16.2.6
salt solution
Alkyl (C12+) dimethylamine All countries None X S/P 1 2G Cont No - - Yes C T BCD Yes 15.12, 15.17, 15.19
Alkyldithiothiadiazole (C6-C24) All countries None Y P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
List 1: Pure or technically pure products 1 December 2006
Page 2 of 10
Product Name Rep Countries Receive Expiry Cat D ST F G H I I'' I''' J K L N O
Date Date
Alkyl (C7-C9) nitrates All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No Yes O No AB No 15.19.6, 15.20, 16.6.1, 16.6.2, 16.6.3
Alkyl(C7-C11)phenol poly(4-12) All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No Yes O No A No 15.19.6
Alkyl toluene sulphonic acid, calcium FRA AUS, GBR, LBR, 03/04/06 17/12/09 Y P 3 2G Open No Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
salts PAN, KOR, SGP, USA
Alky toluene FRA BHS, CYM, CYM, 03/04/06 17/12/09 Y P 2 2G Open No Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6
2-(2-Aminoethoxy) ethanol All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Open No Yes O No AD No 15.19.6
Aminoethyldiethanolamine/Aminoethyl All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 16.2.9
ethanolamine solution
N-Aminoethylpiperazine All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Cont No Yes R T A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Ammonium chloride solution (less than GBR DNK, NLD, NOR, SGP 10/11/06 17/12/09 Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC 15.19.6
25%) drilling brines
Ammonium lignosulphonate solutions All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 16.2.9
Ammonium polyphosphate solution All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No
Ammonium thiosulphate solution (60% All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No NF O No No 16.2.9
or less)
Benzene sulphonyl chloride All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Cont No Yes R T AD No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Benzyl chloride All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No T1 IIA Yes C T AB Yes 15.12, 15.13, 15.17, 15.19
Borated calcium sulphonate USA AUS, BHS, BEL, CAN, 26/01/06 17/12/09 Y P 3 2G Open No T2 IIA Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Brake fluid base mix: Poly(2-8) All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No
alkylene (C2-C3) glycols/Polyalkylene
(C2-C10) glycols monoalkyl (C1-C4)
ethers and their borate esters
Butene oligomer All countries None X P 2 2G Open No Yes O No A No 15.19.6
Calcium hydroxide slurry All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 16.2.9
Calcium lignosulphonate solutions All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 16.2.9
Calcium long-chain alkaryl sulphonate All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 16.2.9
Calcium long-chain alkyl(C11-C40) All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
List 1: Pure or technically pure products 1 December 2006
Page 3 of 10
Product Name Rep Countries Receive Expiry Cat D ST F G H I I'' I''' J K L N O
Date Date
Calcium long-chain alkyl salicylate All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No Yes O No AB No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Calcium nitrate/Magnesium All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 16.2.9
nitrate/Potassium chloride solution
Calcium nitrate solutions (50% or less) All countries None Z NA
Carbolic oil All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No Yes C FT A No 15.12, 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Cashew nut shell oil (untreated) All countries None Y S 2 2G Cont No Yes R T AB No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Castor oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.9.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Chlorinated paraffins (C14-C17) (with All countries None X P 1 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19
50% chlorine or more, and less than
1% C13 or shorter chains)
o-Chloronitrobenzene All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No Yes C T ABD No 15.12, 15.17, 15.18, 15.19, 16.2.6,
Coal tar All countries None X S/P 2 2G Cont No T2 IIA Yes R No BD No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Coal tar naphtha solvent All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No T3 IIA No R FT AD No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Coal tar pitch (molten) All countries None X S/P 2 1G Cont No T2 IIA Yes R No BD No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Coconut oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Coconut oil fatty acid All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Coconut oil fatty acid methyl ester All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6
Copper salt of long chain (C17+) All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
alkanoic acid
Corn Oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Cotton seed oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Creosote (coal tar) All countries None X S/P 2 2G Cont No T2 IIA Yes R T AD No 15.12.3, 15.12.4, 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Cresylic acid, sodium salt solution All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No Yes O No No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Decene All countries None X P 2 2G Cont No No R F A No 15.19.6
Decyloxytetrahydrothiophene dioxide All countries None X S/P 2 2G Cont No Yes R T A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
2,6-Di-tert-butylphenol All countries None X P 1 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19, 16.2.9
1,1-Dichloroethane All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Cont No T2 IIA No R FT A Yes 15.19.6
1,6-Dichlorohexane All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No No R T AB No 15.19.6
Dichloromethane All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Cont No T1 IIA Yes R T No 15.19.6
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Open No NF O No No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
diethanolamine salt solution
List 1: Pure or technically pure products 1 December 2006
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Product Name Rep Countries Receive Expiry Cat D ST F G H I I'' I''' J K L N O
Date Date
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Open No NF O No No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
dimethylamine salt solution (70% or
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Open No NF O No No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
triisopropanolamine salt solution
2,2-Dichloropropionic acid All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Cont Dry Yes R No A No 15.11.2, 15.11.4, 15.11.6, 15.11.7,
15.11.8, 15.19.6, 16.2.9
2,6-Diethylaniline All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Open No Yes O No BCD No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Diethylene glycol dibutyl ether All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No
Diethylene glycol diethyl ether All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No
Diethylene glycol phthalate All countries None Y P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid, All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No
pentasodium salt solution
Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No Yes O No AD No 15.19.6
Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A All countries None X P 2 2G Open No Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol F All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Diisononyl adipate All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6
Diisopropylnaphthalene All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6
Dinonyl phthalate All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6
Diphenylamine (molten) All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No BD No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Diphenylamine, reaction product with All countries None Y S/P 1 2G Open No Yes O No A No 15.19, 16.2.6
Diphenylamines, alkylated All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Diphenylmethane diisocyanate All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont Dry - - Yes C T(a) ABC No 15.12, 15.16.2, 15.17, 15.19.6, 16.2.6,
(a) (b)D 16.2.9
Ditridecyl adipate All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Ditridecyl phthalate All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6
Dodecylamine/Tetradecylamine All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No Yes R T AD No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Dodecyl diphenyl ether disulphonate All countries None X S/P 2 2G Open No NF O No No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Dodecyl/Octadecyl methacrylate All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.13, 15.19.6, 16.6.1, 16.6.2
Ethoxylated long chain (C16+) All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No AB No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Ethyl acrylate All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No T2 IIB No R FT A Yes 15.13, 15.19.6, 16.6.1, 16.6.2
List 1: Pure or technically pure products 1 December 2006
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Product Name Rep Countries Receive Expiry Cat D ST F G H I I'' I''' J K L N O
Date Date
Ethyl amyl ketone All countries None Y P 3 2G Cont No No R F A No 15.19.6
Ethyl butyrate All countries None Y P 3 2G Cont No No R F A No 15.19.6
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6
tetrasodium salt solution
Ethylene glycol acetate All countries None Y P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6
Ethylene glycol methyl ether acetate All countries None Y P 3 2G Open No Yes O No A No 15.19.6
Ethylene glycol phenyl ether All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 16.2.9
Ethylene glycol phenyl All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 16.2.9
ether/Diethylene glycol phenyl ether
Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer All countries None Y P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Ethyl propionate All countries None Y P 3 2G Open No No R F A No 15.19.6
Fatty acid methyl esters (m) All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No - - Yes R T ABC No 15.12.3, 15.12.4, 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Fatty acids, 12+ All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No - - Yes R T ABC No 15.2.3, 15.12.4, 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Fatty acids, C16+ All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Fatty acids, C8-C10 All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No - - Yes R T ABC No 15.12.3, 15.12.4, 15.19, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Fish oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Fluorosilicic acid (20-30%) in water All countries None Y S/P 3 1G Cont No - - NF R T Yes 15.11, 15.19.6
Glucitol/glycerol blend propoxylated All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Cont No - - Yes R T ABC No 15.12.3, 15.12.4, 15.19.6
(containing less than 10% amines)
Glycerol monooleate All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Glycerol propoxylated All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Cont No - - Yes R T ABC No 15.12.3, 15.12.4, 15.19.6
Glycerol, propoxylated and All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No
Glycerol/sucrose blend propoxylated All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No
and ethoxylated
Glyoxylic acid solution (50 % or less) All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No ACD No 15.11.2, 15.11.3, 15.11.4, 15.11.6,
15.11.7, 15.11.8, 15.19.6, 16.2.9, 16.6.1,
16.6.2, 16.6.3
Groundnut oil All countries None Y P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
1,6-Hexanediol, distillation overheads All countries None Y P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.12.3, 15.12.4, 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Hydrogenated starch hydrolysate All countries None OS NA
List 1: Pure or technically pure products 1 December 2006
Page 6 of 10
Product Name Rep Countries Receive Expiry Cat D ST F G H I I'' I''' J K L N O
Date Date
Hydrogen peroxide solutions (over 8% All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Cont No NF C No No 15.5.2, 15.18, 15.19.6
but not over 60% by mass)
Illipe oil All countries None Y P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Isopropylamine (70% or less) solution All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No No C FT CD Yes 15.12, 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Lard All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Latex, ammonia (1% or less) inhibited All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Latex: Carboxylated styrene- All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 16.2.9
Butadiene copolymer; Styrene-
Butadiene rubber
Lecithin All countries None OS NA
Ligninsulphonic acid, sodium salt All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 16.2.9
Linseed oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Long-chain alkaryl sulphonic acid (C16 All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Long-chain alkylphenate/Phenol All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
sulphide mixture
Magnesium long-chain alkaryl All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
sulphonate (C11-C50)
Magnesium long-chain alkyl salicylate All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No Yes O No AB No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Maltitol solution All countries None OS NA
Mango kernel oil All countries None Y P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Methacrylic acid - alkoxypoly (alkylene All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Open No - - NF O No AC No 16.2.9
oxide) methacrylate copolymer,
sodium salt aqueous solution (45% or
2-Methyl-1,3-propanediol All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No
3-(methylthio)propionaldehyde All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No T3 IIA No C FT BC Yes 15.12, 15.17, 15.19
Molybdenum polysulfide long chain All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No - - Yes C T ABC Yes 15.12, 15.17, 15.19, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
alkyl dithiocarbamide complex
Myrcene All countries None X P 2 2G Cont No - - No R F A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Naphthalenesulphonic acid- All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 16.2.9
Formaldehyde copolymer, sodium salt
Nitroethane, 1-Nitropropane (each All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Cont No - - No R F A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.6.1, 16.6.2, 16.6.3
15% or more) mixture
List 1: Pure or technically pure products 1 December 2006
Page 7 of 10
Product Name Rep Countries Receive Expiry Cat D ST F G H I I'' I''' J K L N O
Date Date
o- or p-Nitrotoluenes All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No IIB Yes C T AB No 15.12, 15.17, 15.19.6
Non-edible industrial grade palm oil All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No - - Yes R No ABC No 15.12.3, 15.12.4, 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Nonylphenol All countries None X P 1 2G Open No Yes O No A No 15.19, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Nonylphenol poly(4+)ethoxylate All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Octanoic acid (all isomers) All countries None Y P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6
n-Octyl acetate All countries None Y P 3 2G Open No Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Octyl aldehydes All countries None Y P 3 2G Cont No - - No R F A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Octyl decyl adipate All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Olefin mixtures (C5-C7) All countries None Y P 3 2G Cont No No R F A No 15.19.6
Olefin mixtures (C5-C15) All countries None X P 2 2G Cont No No R F A No 15.19.6
alpha-Olefins (C6-C18) mixtures All countries None X P 2 2G Cont No No R F A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Oleylamine All countries None X S/P 2 2G Cont No Yes R T A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Olive oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Oxygenated aliphatic hydrocarbon All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No
Palm acid oil All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Palm fatty acid distillate All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Palm kernel acid oil All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No Yes O No ABC No 16.2.9, 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Palm kernel fatty acid distillate MYS NLD 08/11/06 17/12/09 Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Palm kernel oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Palm kernel olein All countries None Y P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Palm kernel stearin All countries None Y P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Palm mid-fraction All countries None Y P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Palm oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Palm oil fatty acid methyl ester All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Palm olein All countries None Y P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Palm stearin All countries None Y P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
1,3-Pentadiene All countries None Y P 3 2G Cont No No R FT AB No 15.13, 15.19.6, 16.6.1, 16.6.2, 16.6.3
Pentaethylenehexamine All countries None X S/P 2 2G Open No Yes O No B Yes 15.19
Petrolatum All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Phosphate esters, alkyl (C12-C14) All countries None Y P 2 2G Cont No - - No R F A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
List 1: Pure or technically pure products 1 December 2006
Page 8 of 10
Product Name Rep Countries Receive Expiry Cat D ST F G H I I'' I''' J K L N O
Date Date
Polyacrylic acid solution (40% or less) All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No AC No
Polyalkyl (C18-C22) acrylate in xylene All countries None Y P 2 2G Cont No No R F AB No 15.19.6, 16.2.6,16.2.9
Poly(2-8)alkylene glycol monoalkyl(C1 All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No
-C6) ether
Poly(2-8)alkylene glycol monoalkyl All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6
(C1-C6) ether acetate
Polybutene All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Polybutenyl succinimide All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Polyether (molecular weight 1350+) All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Polyethylene polyamines All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6
Polyethylene polyamines (more than All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No Yes O No A No 16.2.9, 15.19.6
50% C5 -C20 paraffin oil)
Polyglycerin, sodium salt solution All countries None Z NA
(containing less than 3% sodium
Poly(iminoethylene)-graft-N-poly All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Open No - - NF O No AC No 16.2.9
(ethyleneoxy) solution (90% or less)
Polymethylene polyphenyl isocyanate All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont Dry Yes C T(a) A No 15.12, 15.16.2, 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Polyolefin (molecular weight 300+) All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Polyolefin aminoester salts (molecular All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
weight 2000+)
Poly(5+)propylene All countries None Y P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Polypropylene glycol All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Cont No Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6
Potassium chloride solution All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Open No - - NF O No A No 16.2.9
Pyridine All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Cont No T1 IIA No R F A No 15.19.6
Pyrolysis gasoline (containing All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No T3 IIA No C FT AB No 15.12, 15.17, 15.19.6
Rapeseed oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Rape seed oil fatty acid methyl esters All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6
Resin oil, distilled All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No T1 IIA No C FT ABC No 15.12,15.17, 15.19.6
Rice bran oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Safflower oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Shea butter All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
List 1: Pure or technically pure products 1 December 2006
Page 9 of 10
Product Name Rep Countries Receive Expiry Cat D ST F G H I I'' I''' J K L N O
Date Date
Sodium alkyl (C14-C17) sulphonates All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No NF O No No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
(60-65% solution)
Sodium bicarbonate (less than 10%) GBR DNK, NLD, NOR, SGP 10/11/06 17/12/09 Z NA
drilling brines
Sodium bromide solution (less than GBR DNK, NLD, NOR, SGP 10/11/06 17/12/09 Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No
50% ) drilling brines
Sodium petroleum sulphonate All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Sodium poly(4+)acrylate solutions All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 16.2.9
Sorbitol solution All countries None OS NA
Soyabean oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Styrene monomer All countries None Y S/P 3 2G Cont No T1 IIA No R F AB No 15.13, 15.19.6, 16.6.1, 16.6.2
Sulphohydrocarbon (C3-C88) All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Sulphonated polyacrylate solution All countries None Z NA
Sulphurized polyolefinamide alkene All countries None Z P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No
(C28-C250) amine
Sunflower seed oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Tall oil, crude All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No - - Yes C T ABC Yes 15.12, 15.17, 15.19, 16.2.6
Tall oil, distilled All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
Tall oil fatty acid (resin acids less than All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6
Tall oil pitch All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No - - Yes C T ABC Yes 15.12, 15.17, 15.19,16.2.6, 16.2.9
Tallow All countries None Y P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Tallow fatty acid All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Tricresyl phosphate (containing less All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No Yes O No A No 15.19.6, 16.2.6
than 1% ortho-isomer)
Tridecyl acetate All countries None Y P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No A No 15.19.6
Trimethylacetic acid All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Cont No Yes R No A No 15.11.2, 15.11.3, 15.11.4, 15.11.5,
15.11.6, 15.11.7, 15.11.8, 15.19.6,
16.2.6, 16.2.9
Trimethylol propane propoxylated All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No
Tung oil All countries None Y S/P 2(k) 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Urea/Ammonium nitrate solution All countries None Z S/P 3 2G Cont No NF R T A No 16.2.9
(containing less than 1% free
Vegetable acid oils (m) All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
List 1: Pure or technically pure products 1 December 2006
Page 10 of 10
Product Name Rep Countries Receive Expiry Cat D ST F G H I I'' I''' J K L N O
Date Date
Vegetable fatty acid distillates (m) All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No ABC No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
Vegetable protein solution All countries None OS NA
Vinyl ethyl ether All countries None Z S/P 2 1G Cont Inert T3 IIB No C FT A Yes 15.4, 15.13, 15.14, 15.19, 16.6.1, 16.6.2,
Waxes All countries None Y P 2 2G Open No - - Yes O No AB No 15.19.6, 16.2.6, 16.2.9
White spirit, low (15-20%) aromatic All countries None Y P 2 2G Cont No No R F A No 15.19.6, 16.2.9
Xylenes/ethylbenzene (10% or more) All countries None Y P 2 2G Cont No - - No R F A No 15.19.6
Xylenol All countries None Y S/P 2 2G Open No IIA Yes O No AB No 15.19.6, 16.2.9


See footnotes in chapter 17 of the IBC Code if applicable.

List 2: Pollutant only mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of components already assessed by IMO 1 December 2006
Page 1 of 9
Tradename n.o.s. Contains Rep Receive Date Cat ST Remark Company
Anglamol 99 5 Oleylamine USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
AP 1317 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
AP 1332 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
AP 1343 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
AP 1361 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
AP 1394 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
AP 9396 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
AP 13126 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
AP 93127 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
B121212 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
BAR 176 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
BAR 350 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
BAR 360 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
BAR 470 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
BAR 490 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
BAR 900 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
BE 95 SE 5 Alkanes (C6-C9) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
BOC 6654 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
BPT 3222 5 Calcium alkyl phenate sulphide (C8-C40) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
CA 303 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
CA 925 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
CF 2000 7 Iso- and cylcloalkanes (C10-C11) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
CF 2100 7 Alkanes (C6-C9) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
CFX 2000 7 Iso- and cylcloalkanes (C12+) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
CFX 2100 7 Iso- and cylcloalkanes (C10-C11) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
CFX 2100 7 Iso- and cylcloalkanes (C12+) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
CHEMADD 528K 5 Calcium alkyl phenate sulphide (C8-C40) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Clairisol NS 10 N-alkanes (C10+) GBR 11/04/06 Z 3 Petrochem Careless
ECOROL 24 5 Dodecyl alcohol JPN 10/03/06 Y 2
EPF S20 5 Alkanes (C6-C9) SGP 25/09/09 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Epikote TN 1001-X-75 4 Diphenol propane epichlorohydrin resins NLD 02/03/06 X 2 Hexion Spec. Ch. BV
Escaid 100 3 Alkyl (C5-C8) benzenes BEL 18/09/06 X 2 ExxonMobil
List 2: Pollutant only mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of components already assessed by IMO 1 December 2006
Page 2 of 9
Tradename n.o.s. Contains Rep Receive Date Cat ST Remark Company
Escaid 110 7 Iso- and cylcloalkanes (C12+) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Escaid 120 7 Iso- and cylcloalkanes (C12+) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Exxal 7 Alcohol 7 Heptanol (all isomers) USA 24/11/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Exxal 8 Alcohol 5 Octanol (all isomers) USA 16/11/06 Y 2 ExxonMobil
Exxal 9 5 Nonyl alcohol NLD 19/10/06 Y 2 ExxonMobil
Exxal 10 Alcohol 5 Decyl Alcohol (all isomers) USA 16/11/06 Y 2 ExxonMobil
Exxal 13 5 Alcohols (C13+) NLD 19/10/06 Y 2 ExxonMobil
Exxol D60(S) 5 Iso- and cylcoalkanes (C12+) SGP 25/09/09 Z 3 ExxonMobil
Exxol D110 5 Alkyl (C5-C8) benzenes SGP 25/09/09 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Exx-Print M 75 A 7 Iso- and cylcloalkanes (C12+) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Exx-Print T 76 A 7 Iso- and cylcloalkanes (C12+) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Exx-Print T 82A 7 Iso- and cylcloalkanes (C12+) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Exxsol D 30 3 Alkanes (C6-C9) BEL 18/09/06 X 2 ExxonMobil
Exxsol D 40 5 Alkanes (C6-C9) BEL 18/09/06 Y 2 ExxonMobil
Exxsol D 60 7 Iso- and cylcloalkanes (C10-C11) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Exxsol D 80 7 Iso- and cylcloalkanes (C12+) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Exxsol D 100 7 Alkyl (C5-C8) benzenes BEL 01/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Exxsol D 100 S 7 Alkyl (C5-C8) benzenes BEL 01/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Exxsol D 120 9 Iso- and cycloalkanes (C12+) BEL 01/09/06 Z 3 ExxonMobil
Exxsol D 140 9 Iso- and cycloalkanes (C12+) BEL 01/09/06 Z 3 ExxonMobil
Exxsol D 180/200 SP 7 Iso- and cylcloalkanes (C10-C11) BEL 18/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Exxsol D 220/230 9 Iso- and cycloalkanes (C12+) BEL 01/09/06 Z 3 ExxonMobil
Exxsol DSP 60/95 S 4 Alkanes (C6-C9) BEL 01/09/06 X 2 ExxonMobil
Exxsol DSP 60/95 SH 4 Alkanes (C6-C9) BEL 01/09/06 X 2 ExxonMobil
Exxsol DSP 100/140 4 Alkanes (C6-C9) BEL 01/09/06 X 2 ExxonMobil
Exxsol DSP 145/160 3 Alkanes (C6-C9) BEL 01/09/06 Y 2 ExxonMobil
HAN 8070 3 Alkyl (C5-C8) benzenes BEL 01/09/06 X 2 ExxonMobil
HAN 8572 1 Poly(2+)cyclic aromatics BEL 01/09/06 X 1 ExxonMobil
HDM 10 Base 7 Rapeseed oil GBR 10/11/06 Y 3 High Viscosity Alchemy Oilfield
Hexene Dimate 5 Nonene all isomers USA 07/11/06 Y 2 ExxonMobil
Infineum D1688 5 Mineral oil SGP 26/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum D3424 5 Mineral oil SGP 26/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
List 2: Pollutant only mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of components already assessed by IMO 1 December 2006
Page 3 of 9
Tradename n.o.s. Contains Rep Receive Date Cat ST Remark Company
Infineum D3434 5 Mineral oil SGP 26/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum D 3348 5 Mineral oil ITA 23/11/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum D 3354 5 Mineral oil ITA 23/11/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum D 3356 5 Mineral oil ITA 23/11/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum D1284 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) SGP 26/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum D1288 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophsphate (C3-C14) SGP 26/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum D1294 5 Mineral oil ITA 23/11/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum M7071 5 Mineral oil SGP 26/09/06 Y 2 Infineum
Infineum M7081A 5 Mineral oil SGP 26/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum M7089 5 Mineral oil SGP 26/09/06 Y 2 Infineum
Infineum M7090 5 Mineral oil SGP 26/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum P 5151 5 Mineral oil ITA 23/11/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum P 6212 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphates ITA 23/11/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum P 6213 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphates ITA 23/11/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum P 6216 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphates ITA 23/11/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum P5066 5 Mineral oil SGP 26/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum P5314 5 Mineral oil SGP 26/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Infineum P5315 5 Mineral oil SGP 26/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Infineum
Isopar G 7 Iso- and cycloalkanes (C10-C11) BEL 01/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Isopar H 7 Iso- and cycloalkanes (C10-C11) BEL 01/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Isopar L 9 Iso- and cycloalkanes (C12+) BEL 01/09/06 Z 3 ExxonMobil
Isopar M 9 Iso- and cycloalkanes (C12+) BEL 01/09/06 Z 3 ExxonMobil
KALCOL 1260 5 Dodecyl alcohol MYS 10/11/06 Y 2 Fatty Chemical (MYS)
KALCOL 2465 5 Dodecyl alcohol USA 14/06/06 Y 2 Fatty Chemical (MYS)
KALCOL 2470 5 Dodecyl alcohol USA 14/06/06 Y 2 Fatty Chemical (MYS)
L-1062 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
LB-633 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
LI 36 5 Pentane (all isomers) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
LI 200 5 White spirit, low (15-20%) aromatic FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
LI 220 HF 5 White spirit low (15-20%) aromatic FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
LIAV 75 5 Heaxne (all isomers) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
LIAV 110 5 Alkanes (C6-C9) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
List 2: Pollutant only mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of components already assessed by IMO 1 December 2006
Page 4 of 9
Tradename n.o.s. Contains Rep Receive Date Cat ST Remark Company
LIAV 200 5 Alkanes (C6-C9) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
LIAV 230 5 Cycloalkanes (C10-C11) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
LIAV 250 5 Iso- and cycloalkanes (C10-C11) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
LIAV 270 5 n-Alkanes (C10+) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
LIAV 300 5 Iso- and cylco-alkanes (C12+) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
LOA 963 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
LUBAD 166 5 Oleylamine USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
LUBAD 1014 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
LUBAD 1062 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
LUBAD 1078 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
LUBAD 1120 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
LUBAD 1126 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
LUBAD 1146 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
LUBAD 1233 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
LUBAD 1397 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
LUBAD 1427 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 601S 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 3501 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 3530 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 3576J 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 3589 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 3589C 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 3589C 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 16/10/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 3589D 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 3589T 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 3594A 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 3601 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 3700 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4800R 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4816M 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4952A 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4970 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
List 2: Pollutant only mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of components already assessed by IMO 1 December 2006
Page 5 of 9
Tradename n.o.s. Contains Rep Receive Date Cat ST Remark Company
Lubrizol 4980A 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4980J 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4981A 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4981C 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4981JD 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4981X 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4981XA 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4981XD 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4982B 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4982S 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4991C 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4991D 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4998 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 4999 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 5340MW 5 Sulphohydrocarbon (C3-C88) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 6499A 5 Calcium alkyl phenate sulphide (C8-C40) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 6701E 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 6830 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 6950J 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 7819A 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 7819H 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 7901 5 Dodecyl hydroxypropyl sulphide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 8666 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 8691 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 8695 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 8900 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 8900C 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 8900D 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 8900X 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 8989 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9220 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9222 5 Calcium alkyl phenate sulphide (C8-C40) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
List 2: Pollutant only mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of components already assessed by IMO 1 December 2006
Page 6 of 9
Tradename n.o.s. Contains Rep Receive Date Cat ST Remark Company
Lubrizol 9222R 5 Calcium alkyl phenate sulphide (C8-C40) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9225 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9229 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9231A 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9245 5 Calcium alkyl phenate sulphide (C8-C40) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9296 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9297 5 Calcium alkyl phenate sulphide (C8-C40) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9298 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9692A 5 Zinc alkaryl dithiophosphate (C7-C16) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9827 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9828 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9828T 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9828V 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9915A 5 Zinc alkaryl dithiophosphate (C7-C16) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 9990A 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 16010 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 17001 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 17005 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 17006 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 17007 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 19010 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 20000A 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 20001 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 20002B 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 20003 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 20003K 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 20004 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 20009 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 20009A 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 20010 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 21021 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 70103 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
List 2: Pollutant only mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of components already assessed by IMO 1 December 2006
Page 7 of 9
Tradename n.o.s. Contains Rep Receive Date Cat ST Remark Company
Lubrizol 70106 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 70116 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 70116 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 70128 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 70135 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 74090 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 74191 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 74262 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 74900 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 76103 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 76460 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 76892 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 78015 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 78040 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 79023 5 Calcium alkyl phenate sulphide (C8-C40) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 79522 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 79728 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol 79831 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Lubrizol A99 5 Oleylamine USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
MP 572 D 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Nappar 10 9 Alkanes (C6-C9) BEL 01/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
NEXBASE®2002 5 Polyolefin (mw +300) BEL 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
NEXBASE®2004 5 Polyolefin (mw +300) BEL 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
NEXBASE®2006 5 Polyolefin (mw +300) BEL 29/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Neste Oil
NEXBASE®2008 5 Polyolefin (mw +300) BEL 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
NEXBASE®3020 5 Cycloalkanes (C12+) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
NEXBASE®3030 5 Cycloalkanes (C12+) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
NEXBASE®3043 5 Cycloalkanes (C12+) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
NEXBASE®3050 5 Cycloalkanes (C12+) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
NEXBASE®3060 5 Cycloalkanes (C12+) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
NEXBASE®3080 5 n-Alkanes (C10+) FIN 29/09/06 Y 2 Neste Oil
OLOA 49813 5 Mineral oil FRA 29/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Chevron Oronite SA
List 2: Pollutant only mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of components already assessed by IMO 1 December 2006
Page 8 of 9
Tradename n.o.s. Contains Rep Receive Date Cat ST Remark Company
OLOA 50904 5 Mineral oil USA 05/05/06 Y 2 Chevron
OLOA 50908 5 Mineral oil FRA 28/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Chevron Oronite SA
PAZAD 93 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Product 78040 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
R05890 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
R05890B 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
R09723A 5 Calcium alkyl phenate sulphide (C8-C40) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
R097671A 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
RM 50142 5 Propylene tetramer USA 03/06/06 X 2 Chevron
SA 266 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
SA 267 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
SA 401 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
SA 453 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
SA 464 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
SA 491 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
SA 533 5 Calcium alkyl phenate sulphide (C8-C40) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
SBP 60-95 4 Hexane (all isomers) ISR 30/09/06 X 2 Gadiv
SOLGAD 100 4 Alkyl (C3-C5) benzenes ISR 30/09/06 X 2 Gadiv
SOLGAD 150 3 Alkyl (C5-C8) benzenes ISR 30/09/06 X 2 Gadiv
SOLGAD 150ULN 3 Alkyl (C3-C4) benzenes ISR 30/09/06 X 2 Gadiv
SOLGAD 200 3 Methyl naphtalene (molten) ISR 30/09/06 X 2 Gadiv
SOLGAD 200ULN 3 Methyl naphtalene (molten) ISR 30/10/06 X 2 Gadiv
Solvesso 100 5 Alkyl (C3-C4) benzenes BEL 01/09/06 Y 2 ExxonMobil
Solvesso 150 1 Poly(2+)cyclic aromatics BEL 01/09/06 X 1 ExxonMobil
Solvesso 200 1 Poly(2+)cyclic aromatics BEL 01/09/06 X 1 ExxonMobil
STOCK 3046 5 Alkenyl (C11+) amide USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
STOCK 22012 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
Varsol 30 3 Alkanes (C6-C9) BEL 18/09/06 X 2 ExxonMobil
Varsol 40 5 Alkyl (C3-C4) benzenes BEL 18/09/06 Y 2 ExxonMobil
Varsol 60 3 Alkyl (C5-C8) benzenes BEL 18/09/06 X 2 ExxonMobil
Varsol 80 3 Alkyl (C5-C8) benzenes BEL 18/09/06 X 2 ExxonMobil
Varsol 140 7 Alkyl (C9+) benzenes BEL 01/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
List 2: Pollutant only mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of components already assessed by IMO 1 December 2006
Page 9 of 9
Tradename n.o.s. Contains Rep Receive Date Cat ST Remark Company
Varsol 140 7 Alkyl (C5-C8) benzenes BEL 01/09/06 Y 3 ExxonMobil
Xylenes Concentrates 6 Ethylbenzene GBR 30/09/06 Y 2 ExxonMobil
Y-1680 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
YA 266 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
YA 267 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
YA 451 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
YA 453 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
YA 464 5 Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3-C14) USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol
YPAD 81 5 Mineral oil USA 30/09/06 Y 2 High Viscosity Lubrizol

List 3: (Trade-named) mixtures containing at least 99% by weight of components already assessed by IMO, presenting safety hazards 1 December 2006
Page 1 of 1
Product Name Contains Rep Countries Receive Expiry Cat D ST F G H I I'' I''' J K L N O Company
Date Date

No entries to date.

Annex 4
List 4: Pollutant only mixtures containing one or more components, forming more than 1% by weight of the mixture, which have not yet
1 December 2006
been assessed by IMO
Page 1 of 1
Tradename n.o.s. Contains Rep Countries Receive Expiry Cat ST Remark Company
Date Date

No entries to date.

Annex 5
1 December 2006
Page 1 of 1
Relevant columns of the
GESAMP Hazard Profile
Product Name A1 A2 B1 B2* D3 E2 Ship Type

No entries to date.


* BLG 6 had agreed that, in the absence of measured chronic toxicity data, surrogate data using the GHS system to estimate missing chronic aquatic
toxicity data could be used and that the estimation of chronic toxicity would be determined as shown below:
1. if, in the GESAMP Hazard Profile, Col B2 is ‘NI’ or Col A1 is ‘NI’ or Col A2 is ‘NI’, then there are not enough data to apply
the OECD criteria, and therefore the product is deemed to be chronically toxic to aquatic organisms; but

2. if the aquatic LC50 is <100mg/l (Col B1 is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6); and the product is Not Readily Biodegradable (Col A2 is ‘NR’) or
the product is bio-accumulated (Col A1 is 4, 5 or 6), then the product is deemed to have a chronic toxicity of <1mg/l which is
equivalent to a ‘1’ in column B2; otherwise

3. the product is deemed not to be chronically toxic.

Annex 6
Page 1 of 5

CASTOR OIL Refined, Bleached and Winterized Corn Oil

BP Castor Oil
Castor Oil First Special Grade Cotton Oil
Commercial Castor Oil Fractionated Cottonseed Oil
First Pressure Castor Oil Hydrogenated Cottonseed Oil
Fractionated Castor Oil Interesterified Cottonseed Oil
Hydrogenated Castor Oil PBSY Cottonseed Oil
Interesterified Castor Oil Semi-refined Cottonseed Oil
No 1 Castor Oil
Pharmaceutical Grade Castor Oil FISH OIL
Ricinus Oil
Anchovy Oil
Capelin Oil
Cod Oil
Cocoa Butter Degummed Crude Fish Oil
Cocoa Butter Pressed Degummed Deodorized Fractionated Fish Oil
Crude Cocoa Butter Herring Oil
Deodorized Cocoa Butter Hydrogenated Fish Oil
Deodorized Degummed Cocoa Butter Interesterified Fish Oil
PPP (Pure Prime Pressed) Cocoa Butter Menhaden Oil
Menhaden Stearin
Sardine Oil
Cochin Coconut Oil
Coconut Palm Oil
Crude Coconut Oil Arachis Oil
Degummed Coconut Oil Crude Groundnut Oil
Fractionated Coconut Oil Fractionated Groundnut Oil
Free Coconut Oil Hydrogenated Groundnut Oil
Hydrogenated Coconut Oil Interesterified Groundnut Oil
Interesterfied Coconut Oil Peanut Oil
RBD Coconut Oil Refined Groundnut Oil


Crude Corn Oil Borneo Tallow
Crude Degummed Corn Oil Fractionated Illipe Oil
Fractionated Corn Oil Green Butter
Hydrogenated Corn Oil Hydrogenated Illipe Oil
Interesterified Corn Oil Illipe Butter
Maize Oil Interesterfied Illipe Oil
RBD Maize Oil Tengkawang Butter
RBD Corn Oil
RBDW Maize Oil
Choice Kettle Lard
Refined and Bleached Corn Oil
Crude Lard
Annex 6
Page 2 of 5


Fractionated Lard
Distilled Palm Fatty Acid Distillate
Hydrogenated Lard
Fatty Acid Distillate from Palm Oil Refining
Inedible Lard
Hydrogenated Palm Fatty Acid Distillate (HPFAD)
Interesterified Lard
Palm Deodorizer Distillate
Leaf Lard
Palm Oil Fatty Acid Distillate
Steam Lard


Acidulated Palm Kernel Oil Soapstock
Crude Linseed Oil
Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Acid Oil
Flaxseed Oil
Fractionated Linseed Oil
Hydrogenated Linseed Oil
Interesterified Linseed Oil Bleached Palm Kernel Oil
Raw Linseed Oil Crude Palm Kernel Oil (CPKO)
Fractionated Palm Kernel Oil
MANGO KERNEL OIL Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Oil
Interesterfied Palm Kernel Oil
Fractionated Mango Kernel Oil
NBD Palm Kernel Oil
Hydrogenated Mango Kernel Oil
Neutralized Palm Kernel Oil
Interesterified Mango Kernel Oil
Palm Kernel Oil Fraction
Mangifea Indica Oil
RBD Palm Kernel Oil
Mango Butter
Refined Palm Kernel Oil
Mango Seed Oil
Sustainable Palm Kernel Oil


High FFA Crude Palm Oil
Bleached Palm Kernel Olein
High FFA Technical Palm Oil
Crude Palm Kernel Olein
Low Grade Palm Oil
Fractionated Palm Kernel Olein
Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Olein
OLIVE OIL Interesterified Palm Kernel Olein
Crude Olive Oil Liquid Fraction of Palm Kernel Olein
Extra Virgin Olive Oil NBD Palm Kernel Olein
Lampante Virgin Olive Oil Neutralized Palm Kernel Olein
Olive-Pomace Oil RBD Palm Kernel Olein
Ordinary Virgin Olive Oil Sustainable Palm Kernel Olein
Refined Olive Oil
Bleached Palm Kernel Stearin
PALM ACID OIL Crude Palm Kernel Stearin
Acid Oil from Palm Oil Fractionated Palm Kernel Stearin
Acid Oil from Palm Oil Refining Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Stearin
Acidulated Palm Oil Soapstock Interesterfied Palm Kernel Stearin
Hydrogenated Palm Acid Oil NBD Palm Kernel Stearin
Neutralized Palm Kernel Stearin
RBD Palm Kernel Stearin
Annex 6
Page 3 of 5

Sustainable Palm Kernel Stearin Interesterified Palm Stearin

NBD Palm Stearin
PALM MID-FRACTION Neutralized Bleached Palm Stearin
Neutralized Palm Stearin
Crude Palm Mid Fraction
RBD Palm Stearin
NBD Palm Mid Fraction
Red Palm Stearin
Neutralized and Bleached Palm Mid Fraction
Refined Bleached Palm Stearin
Neutralized Palm Mid Fraction
Refined Palm Stearin
RBD Palm Mid Fraction
Soft Stearin
Red Palm Mid Fraction
Sustainable Palm Stearin
Sustainable Palm Mid Fraction

Canola Oil
Bleached Palm Oil
Crude Degummed Rapeseed Oil
Crude Palm Oil (CPO)
Crude Rapeseed Oil
Fractionated Palm Oil
Fractionated HE Rapeseed Oil
Hydrogenated Palm Oil
Fractionated Rapeseed Oil
Interesterified Palm Oil
Genetically Modified Rapeseed Oil
NBD Palm Oil
Neutralized Palm Oil
HE Rapeseed Oil
Palm Mesocarp Oil
High Erucic Acid Rapeseed Oil
Palm Fruit Oil
Hydrogenated HE Rapeseed Oil
RBD Palm Oil
Hydrogenated Rapeseed Oil
Red Palm Oil
Interesterified HE Rapeseed Oil
Sustainable Palm Oil
Interesterified Rapeseed Oil
Technical Palm Oil
Low Eruric Acid Rapeseed Oil
Bleached Palm Olein RBD Rapeseed Oil
Crude Palm Olein Refined Canola Oil
Double Fractionated Palm Olein Refined Rapeseed Oil
Fractionated Palm Olein Tehnical Rapeseed Oil
Hydrogenated Palm Olein
Interesterified Palm Olein RICE BRAN OIL
NBD Palm Olein
Fractionated Rice Bran Oil
Neutralized Palm Olein
Hydrogenated Rice Bran Oil
Palm Superolein
Interesterified Rice Bran Oil
RBD Palm Olein
Red Palm Olein
Refined Palm Olein SAFFLOWER OIL
Sustainable Palm Olein Fractionated Safflower Oil
Hydrogenated Safflower Oil
PALM STEARIN Interesterified Safflower Oil
Safflowerseed Oil
Bleached Palm Stearin
Thistleseed Oil
Crude Palm Stearin
Fractionated Palm Stearin
Hydrogenated Palm Stearin
Annex 6
Page 4 of 5


Karité Butter "A" Tallow
Kariténut Butter All Beef Packer Tallow
Shea Butter Oil All White Tallow
Shea Butter Olein Barso Tallow
Shea Butter Stearin Beef Tallow
Sheanut Butter Bleachable Fancy Tallow
Bulk Tallow
SOYABEAN OIL Choice White Grease
Choice White Tallow
Aceite Crude Desgomado de Soja (S)
Crude Tallow Oil
Aceite Crudo de Soja (S)
Edible Tallow
Aceite de Soja (S)
Extra Fancy Tallow
Crude Degummed Soyabean Oil
Fancy Tallow
Crude Degummed Soyabean Oil of Edible Grade
Feed Grade Tallow
Crude Degummed Soybean Oil
Fractionated Tallow
Crude Soyabean Oil
Gannet Tallow
Crude Soybean Oil
Good Soap Tallow
Crude Supergummed Soyabean Oil
Government Certified Edible Beef Tallow
Expelled Soyabean Oil
High Energy Feed Fat
Fractionated Soyabean Oil
Hydrogenated Tallow
Genetically Modified Soyabean Oil
Inedible Tallow
Huile Brute de Soja (F)
Inedible Beef Tallow
Huile Brute de Soja Desgommee (F)
Inedible Unbleached Technical Tallow
Huile de Soja (F)
Interesterified Tallow
Hydrogenated Soyabean Oil
Laundry Grade Tallow
Interesterified Soyabean Oil
Low Grade Tallow
RBD Soyabean Oil
Low Titre Tallow
RBD Soy Oil
Mutton Tallow
Refined Soy Oil
Poultry Oil
Soybean Oil
Prime Tallow
Soy Oil
Pure Beef Tallow
Special Tallow
Crude Sunflower Oil Technical Edible Tallow
Crude Sunflowerseed Oil Technical Tallow
Crude Sunflowerseed Oil of Edible Grade Toilet Grade Tallow
Fractionated Sunflowerseed Oil Top White Tallow
Genetically Modified Sunflowerseed Oil Yellow Grease
High Oleic Sun Oil
Hydrogenated Sunflowerseed Oil TUNG OIL
Interesterified Sunflowerseed Oil
China Wood Oil
Refined Sunflowerseed Oil
Raw Tung Oil
Sun Oil
Raw Wood Oil
Sunflower Oil
Wood Oil
Annex 6
Page 5 of 5

BSP - British Pharmacopeia
BSS - British Standard Specification
RBD - Refined Bleached Deodorised
NBD - Neutralised Bleached Deodorised
RBDW - Refined Bleached Deodorised
PBSY - Prime Bleached Summer Yellow
HE - High Erucic
HEAR - High Erucic Acid Rapeseed
LEAR - Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed
Note: Product names are in bold. All other
names are synonyms.

Part 1 - Code Order 1 December 2006
Page 1 of 3
Code Country Code Country
AFG Afghanistan COG Congo
AGO Angola COK Cook Islands
ALB Albania COL Colombia
AND Andorra COM Comoros
ARE United Arab Emirates CPV Cape Verde
ARG Argentina CRI Costa Rica
ARM Armenia CUB Cuba
ATG Antigua and Barbuda CXR Christmas Island
AUS Australia CYM Cayman Islands (United Kingdom)
AUT Austria CYP Cyprus
AZE Azerbaijan CZE Czech Republic
BDI Burundi DEU Germany
BEL Belgium DJI Djibouti
BEN Benin DMA Dominica
BFA Burkina Faso DNK Denmark
BGD Bangladesh DOM Dominican Republic
BGR Bulgaria DZA Algeria
BHR Bahrain ECU Ecuador
BHS Bahamas EGY Egypt
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina ERI Eritrea
BLR Belarus ESP Spain
BLZ Belize EST Estonia
BOL Bolivia ETH Ethiopia
BRA Brazil FIN Finland
BRB Barbados FJI Fiji
BRN Brunei Darussalam FRA France
BTN Bhutan FSM Micronesia
BWA Botswana GAB Gabon
CAF Central African Republic GBR United Kingdom
CAN Canada GEO Georgia
CHE Switzerland GHA Ghana
CHL Chile GIN Guinea
CHN China GMB Gambia
CIV Côte d'Ivoire GNB Guinea-Bissau
CMR Cameroon GNQ Equatorial Guinea
COD Democratic Rep. of the Congo GRC Greece
Annex 7
1 December 2006
Page 2 of 3
Code Country Code Country
GRD Grenada LUX Luxembourg
GTM Guatemala LVA Latvia
GUY Guyana MAR Morocco
HKG Hong Kong, China MCO Monaco
HND Honduras MDA Republic of Moldova
HRV Croatia MDG Madagascar
HTI Haiti MDV Maldives
HUN Hungary MEX Mexico
IDN Indonesia MHL Marshall Islands
IND India MKD The former Yugoslav Republic of
IRL Ireland
MLI Mali
IRN Iran, Islamic Republic of
MLT Malta
IRQ Iraq
MMR Myanmar
ISL Iceland
MNE Montenegro
ISR Israel
MNG Mongolia
ITA Italy
MOZ Mozambique
JAM Jamaica
MRT Mauritania
JOR Jordan
MUS Mauritius
JPN Japan
MWI Malawi
KAZ Kazakhstan
MYS Malaysia
KEN Kenya
NAM Namibia
KGZ Kyrgyzstan
NER Niger
KHM Cambodia
NGA Nigeria
KIR Kiribati
NIC Nicaragua
KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis
NIU Niue
KOR Republic of Korea
NLD Netherlands
KWT Kuwait
NOR Norway
LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic
NPL Nepal
LBN Lebanon
NRU Nauru
LBR Liberia
NZL New Zealand
LBY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
OMN Oman
LCA Saint Lucia
PAK Pakistan
LIE Liechtenstein
PAN Panama
LKA Sri Lanka
PER Peru
LSO Lesotho
PHL Philippines
LTU Lithuania
PLW Palau
Annex 7
1 December 2006
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Code Country Code Country
PNG Papua New Guinea TUR Turkey
POL Poland TUV Tuvalu
PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea TZA United Republic of Tanzania
PRT Portugal UGA Uganda
PRY Paraguay UKR Ukraine
QAT Qatar URY Uruguay
ROU Romania USA United States
RUS Russian Federation UZB Uzbekistan
RWA Rwanda VAT Holy See
SAU Saudi Arabia VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
SDN Sudan VEN Venezuela
SEN Senegal VNM Viet Nam
SGP Singapore VUT Vanuatu
SLB Solomon Islands WSM Samoa
SLE Sierra Leone YEM Yemen
SLV El Salvador ZAF South Africa
SMR San Marino ZMB Zambia
SOM Somalia ZWE Zimbabwe
SRB Serbia
STP Sao Tome and Principe
SUR Suriname
SVK Slovakia
SVN Slovenia
SWE Sweden
SWZ Swaziland
SYC Seychelles
SYR Syrian Arab Republic
TCD Chad
TGO Togo
THA Thailand
TJK Tajikistan
TKM Turkmenistan
TLS Timor-Leste
TON Tonga
TTO Trinidad and Tobago
TUN Tunisia
Part 2 - Country Order 1 December 2006
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Code Country Code Country
AFG Afghanistan CHN China
ALB Albania CXR Christmas Island
DZA Algeria COL Colombia
AND Andorra COM Comoros
AGO Angola COG Congo
ATG Antigua and Barbuda COK Cook Islands
ARG Argentina CRI Costa Rica
ARM Armenia CIV Côte d'Ivoire
AUS Australia HRV Croatia
AUT Austria CUB Cuba
AZE Azerbaijan CYP Cyprus
BHS Bahamas CZE Czech Republic
BHR Bahrain PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea
BGD Bangladesh COD Democratic Rep. of the Congo
BRB Barbados DNK Denmark
BLR Belarus DJI Djibouti
BEL Belgium DMA Dominica
BLZ Belize DOM Dominican Republic
BEN Benin ECU Ecuador
BTN Bhutan EGY Egypt
BOL Bolivia SLV El Salvador
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina GNQ Equatorial Guinea
BWA Botswana ERI Eritrea
BRA Brazil EST Estonia
BRN Brunei Darussalam ETH Ethiopia
BGR Bulgaria FJI Fiji
BFA Burkina Faso FIN Finland
BDI Burundi FRA France
KHM Cambodia GAB Gabon
CMR Cameroon GMB Gambia
CAN Canada GEO Georgia
CPV Cape Verde DEU Germany
CYM Cayman Islands (United Kingdom) GHA Ghana
CAF Central African Republic GRC Greece
TCD Chad GRD Grenada
CHL Chile GTM Guatemala
Annex 7
1 December 2006
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Code Country Code Country
GIN Guinea MDV Maldives
GNB Guinea-Bissau MLI Mali
GUY Guyana MLT Malta
HTI Haiti MHL Marshall Islands
VAT Holy See MRT Mauritania
HND Honduras MUS Mauritius
HKG Hong Kong, China MEX Mexico
HUN Hungary FSM Micronesia
ISL Iceland MCO Monaco
IND India MNG Mongolia
IDN Indonesia MNE Montenegro
IRN Iran, Islamic Republic of MAR Morocco
IRQ Iraq MOZ Mozambique
IRL Ireland MMR Myanmar
ISR Israel NAM Namibia
ITA Italy NRU Nauru
JAM Jamaica NPL Nepal
JPN Japan NLD Netherlands
JOR Jordan NZL New Zealand
KAZ Kazakhstan NIC Nicaragua
KEN Kenya NER Niger
KIR Kiribati NGA Nigeria
KWT Kuwait NIU Niue
KGZ Kyrgyzstan NOR Norway
LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic OMN Oman
LVA Latvia PAK Pakistan
LBN Lebanon PLW Palau
LSO Lesotho PAN Panama
LBR Liberia PNG Papua New Guinea
LBY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya PRY Paraguay
LIE Liechtenstein PER Peru
LTU Lithuania PHL Philippines
LUX Luxembourg POL Poland
MDG Madagascar PRT Portugal
MWI Malawi QAT Qatar
MYS Malaysia KOR Republic of Korea
Annex 7
1 December 2006
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Code Country Code Country
MDA Republic of Moldova TUN Tunisia
ROU Romania TUR Turkey
RUS Russian Federation TKM Turkmenistan
RWA Rwanda TUV Tuvalu
KNA Saint Kitts and Nevis UGA Uganda
LCA Saint Lucia UKR Ukraine
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ARE United Arab Emirates
WSM Samoa GBR United Kingdom
SMR San Marino TZA United Republic of Tanzania
STP Sao Tome and Principe USA United States
SAU Saudi Arabia URY Uruguay
SEN Senegal UZB Uzbekistan
SRB Serbia VUT Vanuatu
SYC Seychelles VEN Venezuela
SLE Sierra Leone VNM Viet Nam
SGP Singapore YEM Yemen
SVK Slovakia ZMB Zambia
SVN Slovenia ZWE Zimbabwe
SLB Solomon Islands
SOM Somalia
ZAF South Africa
ESP Spain
LKA Sri Lanka
SDN Sudan
SUR Suriname
SWZ Swaziland
SWE Sweden
CHE Switzerland
SYR Syrian Arab Republic
TJK Tajikistan
THA Thailand
MKD The former Yugoslav Republic of
TLS Timor-Leste
TGO Togo
TON Tonga
TTO Trinidad and Tobago

Annex 8
1 December 2006
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Sr. Director Tel: +54-11-4314-3746

Dirección de Protección del Medio Ambiente Fax: +54-11-4318-7474
Prefectura Naval Argentina (Argentine Coast Guard)
Av. E. Madero 235 - 4° Piso - Oficina 4.42
C.P. 1106 Capítal Federal


General Manager Tel: +61-2-6279-5050

Maritime Safety & Environmental Strategy Fax: +61-2-6279-5966
Australian Maritime Safety Authority E-mail:
GPO Box 2181


The Bahamas Maritime Authority Tel: +44-20-7264-2550
2nd floor, Latham House Fax: +44-20-7264-2579
16 Minories E-mail:
London EC3N 1EH
United Kingdom


Mr. A. Suttels Tel: +32-22773530

FOD Mobiliteit en Vervoer Fax: +32-22774051
Directoraat Generaal Vervoer E-mail:
Vooruitganstraat 56
B-1210 Brussels


Diretoria de Portos e Costas (DPC-20) Tel: +55-21-2104 5202

Rua Teofilo Otoni, 4 +55-21-2104 5203
Centro Fax: +55-21-2104 5202
Rio de Janeiro E-mail:
CEP 20090-070


Capt. V. Ivanov Tel: +359-2-930-09-10

Executive Director Fax: +359-2-930-09-20
Bulgarian Maritime Administration E-mail:
9 Diakon Ignatii Street
1000 Sofia


Director General Marine Safety (AMS) Tel: +1-613-998-0610

Transport Canada Fax: +1-613-954-1032
Ottawa, Ontario E-mail:
Annex 8
1 December 2006
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Dirección General del Territoria Maritimo y de la Marine Tel: +56-32-258091

Mercante Fax: +56-32-252539
Errazuriz No. 537


Department of Ship Safety and Pollution Prevention Tel: +86-10-6529-2872

China Maritime Safety Administration Fax: +86-10-6529-2875
11 Jianguomennei Ave. E-mail:
Beijing 100736


Dirección General Maritima (DIMAR) Tel: +57-1-222-0382

Division de Transports Maritimo (DITRA) Fax: +57-1-222-2636
Calle 41 No. 46-20 CAN
Santafe de Bogota D.C.


The Director Tel: +357-5-330320

Department of Merchant Shipping Fax: +357+5-330264
Ministry of Communications and Works
P.O. Box 6193
42 Ayias Philaxeos Str.


National Agency of Environmental Protection Tel: +45-31-57-83-10 x2410

International Division Fax: +45-32-66-04-78
Strandgade 29
DK-1401 Copenhagen K


Director General Tel: +593-4-320400

Dirección General de la Marina Mercante y del Litoral +593-4-324714
Elizalde 101 y Malecan Simon Bolivar Fax: +593-4-324246
Apartado Postal PO Box No.7112 +593-4-320385


Rear Adm. S.H. Mahmoud Tel: +203- 480-2299

Head Fax: +203- 487-5633
Maritime Transport Sector E-mail:
Egyptian Authority for Maritime Safety
4 Ptolemy Street
Alexandria 21514
Annex 8
1 December 2006
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Mr. J. Vähätalo Tel: +358-204-484-317

Finnish Maritime Administration Fax: +358-204-484-500
P.O. Box 171 +358-204-484-336
FI-00181 Helsinki E-mail:


Mme O. Pestel Lefèvre Tel: +33-1-40-81-86-49

Sous-direction de la Sécurité maritime Fax: +33-1-40-81-10-65
Ministère des Transports, de l' Equipement, du Tourisme et E-mail:
de la Mer
Arche Sud 92055
La Defense cedex


Mr. B. Kolberg Tel: +49-40-3613-70

See-Berufsgenossenschaft Fax: +49-40-3613-7204
Ship Safety Division E-mail:
Reimerstwiete 2
2000 Hamburg 11


Cdr (HCG) E. Sampatakakis Tel: +30-210-419-1132

Marine Environmental Protection Fax: +30-210-422-0441
Greek Ministry of Mercantile Marine E-mail:
109 Ipsilantou & Tsamadou Str.
185 32 Piraeus

Lt. Cdr. Ch Kontralouris Tel: +30-210- 411-1304

Department of International Cooperation Fax: +30-210- 422-0441
Greek Ministry of Mercantile Marine E-mail:
109 Ipsilantou & Tsamadou Str.
185 32 Piraeus


Multi-lateral Policy Division Tel: +852 2852 4603

Marine Department Fax: +852 2542 4841
21/F, Harbour Building E-mail:
38 Pier Road, Central


Dr. H. Jensson Tel: +354-1-25844

Marine Environmental Department Fax: +354-1-29835
Directorate of Shipping
P.O. Box 7200
IS-127 Reykjavik
Annex 8
1 December 2006
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Mr. A. Chatterjee Tel: +91 22 2261 1788

Directorate General of Shipping +91 22 2261 3651/54
Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways Fax: +91 22 2269 4353
"Jahaz Bhavan" +91 22 2261 3655
Walchand Hirachand marg E-mail:
Mumbai - 400 001


Direktorat Perkapalan & Pelayara (Directorate of Marine Tel: +62-21-384-0788

Safety) Fax: +62-21-385-7690
Directorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut
Jl. Merdeka Timur No. 5
Jakarta Pusat


Mr. G Saletti Tel: +39-010-5385-437

RINA SpA Fax: +39-010-5351-130
Head Office E-mail:
Via Corsica 12
16128 Genova


Mr Y Adachi Tel: +81-3-5521-8246

Section Chief Fax: +81-3-3581-3348
Global Environment Issues Division E-mail:
Global Environment Bureau
Ministry of Environment
1-2-2 Kasumigaseki
1-2-2 Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-8975


Chief, Technical Division

Maritime Safety Department
Bureau of Maritime Affairs

Liberian Services Inc. Tel: +1-703-620-4880 Ext 512
Reston International Centre Fax: +1-703-476-8522
11800 Sunrise Valley Drive
Virginia 22091
United States


Mr. K. Pengarah Tel: +603 3346 7777

Jabatan Laut Malaysia Fax: +603 3168 5289
Ibu Pejabat, Peti Surat 12 E-mail:
Jalan Limbungan
42007 Pelalsuhan Kelang
Selangoor Darut Ehsan
Annex 8
1 December 2006
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Capt M Chapelle Tel: +356-21250360

Technical Manager +356-99494318
Merchant Shipping Directorate Fax: +356-21241460
Malta Maritime Authority E-mail:
Maritime House
Lascaris Wharf


Technical, Maritime Operations Department Tel: +1-707-620-4880

Office of the Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator Fax: +1-703-476-8522
Republic of the Marshall Islands
11495, Commerce Park Drive
Reston, Virginia 20191-1507
United States


Dirección General de Puertos y Marina Mercante Tel: +52-688-0003

Municipio Libre 377 +52-688-7213
C.P. 03310 Fax: +52-604-3889
Santa Cruz Atoyac


Mr. P. Oost Tel: +31-70-4562157

Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate Fax: +31-10-2022400
P.O. Box 8634 E-mail:
3009 AP Rotterdam


Mr J. Mansell Tel: +64-4-473-0111

Maritime Operations Fax: +64-4-494-1263
Maritime New Zealand E-mail:
Level 8, gen-I Tower
109 Featherson Sreet
PO Box 27006


Mr. H. Vikse Tel: +47-52-74-5000

Cargo Ship Department Fax: +47-52-74-5001
Norwegian Maritime Directorate E-mail:
P.O. Box 2222
5509 Haugesund
Annex 8
1 December 2006
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Captain F. Perez Salamero Tel: +1-212-869-6440

Panama Maritime Authority Fax: +1-212-575-2285
International Representative Office +1-212-575-2288
6 West 48th Street - 10th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10036
United States of America


Director General e Capitanias y Guardacostas Tel: +51-1-412-1116

Comandancia de Operaciones Guardacostas +51-1-714-2011
Jr. Constitucion No. 150 Fax: +51-1-412-1116
Callao E-mail:


Mr. V.T. Suazo Jr. Tel: +63-2-521-1017

Administrator Fax: +63-2-524-2746
Maritime Industry Authority E-mail:
5th Floor, PPL Bldgs.,
U.N. Avenue


Polski Regestr Statkow Tel: +48-58-461700 Ext. 109

al. Gen. J. Hallera 126 Fax: +48-58-460392
80-416 Gdansk


The Director General Tel: +351-1-395-7866

Direccao-Geral da Navegacao e dos Transportes Maritimos Fax: +351-1-395-7863
Edificio Vasco Gama
Cais Alcantra


Maritime Safety Policy Division Tel: +82-2-3674-6312

Maritime Safety Management Bureau Fax: +82-2-3674-6317
Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MOMAF)
140-2 Gye-dong


Mr. S. Dabinovic Tel: +377 93 104450

Commissioner for Maritime Affairs of St. Vincent and the Fax: +377 93 104499
Monte Carlo Sun E/F
74 Boulevard d'Italie
Annex 8
1 December 2006
Page 7 of 8


Mr. P.G. Lai Tel: +65-6325-2419

Port Master's Department Fax: +65-6224-5776
Port of Singapore Authority E-mail:
Tanjong Pagar Complex
7B Keppel Road, No. 19-00
Singapore 0208


Capt. R.J. Zanders Tel: +27-31-3071501

South African Maritime Safety Authority Fax: +27-31-3064983
Private Bag X 54309
Durban 4000


Head of Division of Marine Pollution Control Tel: +34-91-597-9273

Direccion General de la Marina Mercante Fax: +34-91-597-9287
Ministerio de Fomento E-mail:
C/Ruiz de Alarcon 1
28071 Madrid


Swedish Maritime Administration Tel: +46-11-191000

Maritime Safety Inspectorate Fax: +46-11-239934
SE-601 78 Norrköping E-mail:


Swiss Maritime Navigation Office Tel: +41-61-270-9120

CH-4002 Basel Fax: +41-61-270-9129


Mr. L. Faycal Tel: +216-1-259-117

Chef de Service des Ports Fax: +216-1-354-244
Direction Générale de la Marine Marchande
Ministère du Transport
24 avenue de la République
1001 Tunis


Prime Ministry Tel: +90-312-2127419

Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs +90-312-2127427
Anit cad.No:8 Tandogan Fax: +90-312-2123197
Ankara +90-312-2125479


Mr. K. Bradley Tel: +44-2380-320141

Environmental Quality Branch Fax: +44-2380-329204
Maritime and Coastguard Agency E-mail:
Spring Place
105 Commercial Road
SO15 1EG
Annex 8
1 December 2006
Page 8 of 8


Cdr. R. J. Raksnis Tel: +1-202-374-1425

Head of Delegation to BLG Fax: +1-202-374-1926
United States Coast Guard
2100 Second Street, S.W.
Washington DC 20593-0001


Prefectura Nacional Naval

Dirección Registral y de Marina Mercante
Edificio Aduana 5º Piso


c/o Deputy Commissioner of Maritime Affairs Tel: +1 212 425 9600

Vanuatu Maritime Services Limited Fax: + 212 425 9652
42 Broadway, Suite 1200-18 E-mail:
New York, N.Y. 10004

Annex 9
1 December 2006
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Authorized by Germany for Degussa AG

Ms. I. de Wilde
Degussa AG
Procurement Services
Logistics Safety Management
45764 Marl

Authorized by United Kingdom for Exxon Chemicals Ltd

Dr. A.G. Holton

Exxon Chemicals Ltd
4600 Parkway
PO15 7AP

Authorized by United States for The Lubrizol Corporation

Ms. D. Hooper
The Lubrizol Corporation
29400 Lakeland Boulevard
Ohio 44092-2298

Annex 10
1 December 2006
Page 1 of 8
Manufacturer Name of Cleaning Additive

A/S E. Brosstad MARCLEAN CO - 1

AQUAMARINE Chemicals Aluminium Cleaner
Alkaline Cleaner
Rust Remover
H.D. Cleaner
H.D. Strong Alkaline Cleaner
Tank Cleaner H.D.
Arbochim NV Acrychem SD
Ashland Chemical Company (Drew Ameroid Marine Division) ENVIROCARE 770
ENVIROCARE 120 Cleaner Dispersant
ENVIROCARE 480 Tank Cleaner
ENVIROCARE 440 Tank Cleaner
ENVIROCARE 880 Heavy Duty Cleaner
ENVIROMATE® 2000 General Purpose Cleaner
ENVIROCARE™ 485 Heavy Duty Cleaner
Ameroid Rust Stain Remover
Atlas Chemical Inc. KRUSHER
Beauty Co. Ltd. Coco Clean
Chemtec Consulting Gmbh KT - PLUS
KT - Special
Chemtec Consulting GmbH CTC - Cleaner - VLC
Corpex Technologies KIRASOL 361
Annex 10
1 December 2006
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Manufacturer Name of Cleaning Additive

Corpex Technologies KIRASOL - 360

CP Metal Chemicals BV Metal Brightner
CP Leadclean
Super Degreaser
Drew Ameroid LAC Liquid Alkaline Cleaner
Eazychem Ltd. Eazy Aquaclean
Eazy RSR
Eazy Tankwash
Eazy NBD
Eazy Aqualac
Ellis & Everard NALFLEET 9088
NALFLEET 010 - Oil Spill Concentrate
Enviro Clean Products LLC Enviro Clean TF-3
Enviro Clean 165
Environmental Scientific Inc. KIRASOL - 340
Envirotec Envirosorb 2
Enviro-Tech Specialities Enviro Kleen Blue
Liquid Alkaline Kleen / LAC / S-LAC / #5
Enviro Kleen Safe
HCF Neutral Kleen
Enviro Chlor / #7
Acrylate Kleen
Alka Kleen SAF S-C / #3
Owl #8 / Buffer Clean
Owl #8 / Buffer Clean / Inhibitor Cleaner
Sodium Perborate
Pickling Kleen L
Passivation Kleen L
Latex Remover
Rust Kleen
Owl #12 / Teepol
Citri Klean WB
Waterbased Alkaline / B-3
Waterbased Alka Kleen / LAC / #5
Owl #10 / Acrylate Cleaner
Coal Tar Clean
Metal Brightener / S-D / #4
Fuji Coral Co. Ltd. Fujicoral III
Fuji Coral Co. Ltd.. US Clean
Gyro Chemical & Equipment Co. Hydrocarbon Cleaner
A-V-O Liquid
Gyro 3025
Annex 10
1 December 2006
Page 3 of 8
Manufacturer Name of Cleaning Additive

Gyro Chemical & Equipment Co. Gyro Bunker "C" Solvent

Dye Out Compound
Gyro Exhaust Gas Cleaner
Henkel P3-X
P3 - GRATO 80 Marine
P3 - NA Marine
P3 - GRATO STLS Marine
P3 - GRATO 14 Marine
P3 - FD Marine
P3 - GRATO 60 Marine
P3 - GRATO 50 Marine
P3 - T 1166 Marine
Henkel Surface Technologies P3 Ferrofos 8441
P3 Grato Sol Plus
Novaclean 400 marine
Novaclean 100 marine
Novaclean 200 marine
Novaclean 300 Marine
Magnus 6646
Magnusol 747
P3 Croniclean 113
HVR Milieumanagement BV FF-AR
Infinity Enterprises Inc. SC-1000
JME Technische Handelsonderneming BV BC 10
BC 20
Jpec Co. Ltd Ion and alkali cleaning agent of Jpal
Kurita Water Industries Ltd. KURIPAL PK-842
Lion Corp. LIPOMIX M
Loctite Japan LOCTITE Natural Blue
LOCTITE Fragrance Free Natural Blue
MARICHEM MARIGASES Worldwide Rust Remover
Pickling Liquid
Passivation Liquid
Rust Shield Phos
Tank Cleaner - S
Tank Cleaner
Marichem PCS
Marichem DG-25
Lime Cleaner
Marichem PCS C
Annex 10
1 December 2006
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Manufacturer Name of Cleaning Additive

MARICHEM MARIGASES Worldwide Oil & Grease Remover HD-999

Marichem TTC
Marichem Pet Coke-Remover
Descaler Liquid 555
Carbon Remover
General Cleaning & Solvent
Cement Remover
Alkactive Liquids
Alka Kleen HD
Biological Cleaner
Bilge Cleaner
Marine Care Careclean Neutral HCF
Careclean HD Split
Careclean Hydro Carbon Free
Careclean Rust
Careclean Voyage
Careclean Passivating Liquid
Careclean Pickling Liquid
Careclean Alkaline Extra
Careclean Aquawash
Careclean Airfresh
Careclean Alkaline
Careclean Buffer
Careclean GP
Careclean HD
Careclean Chlor
Careclean Degreaser GP
Maritech Marine Technologies AB MARISOL FC, Fuel oil separator circ. cleaner
MARISOL DC, Separator disc cleaner
MARISOL HD, Heavy duty cleaner
MARISOL GD, General cleaner & degreaser
MARISOL AC, Air cooler cleaner
MARISOL AP, All purpose cleaner
MARISOL CR, Carbon remover
MARISOL CD, Cleaner & degreaser
MARISOL RC, Reefer cleaner
MARISOL Rw+, Rust wash, strengthened
MARISOL SR, Soot remover
MARISOL PC, Pipe cleaner
MARISOL LC, Liquid alkaline cleaner
MARISOL LR, Limestone remover
MARISOL MB, Metal brightener
MASTEC Co. Ltd. MAC HC-100
Annex 10
1 December 2006
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Manufacturer Name of Cleaning Additive


NALFLEET Marine Chemicals NALFLEET 79102 "Sea Shield" Oil Dispersant
NALFLEET 79103 "Sea Shield" Clearbreak
NALFLEET 79104 "Sea Shield" Heavy Duty Cleaner
79110 "Sea Shield" Multiclean
NALFLEET Electroclean
Alkaline Cleaner
NALFLEET 79115 "Sea Shield" Degreaser
NALFLEET 79118 "Sea Shield" Detergent Cleaner
NALFLEET 79105 "Sea Shield" Alkaline Cleaner
NALFLEET 79109 "Sea Shield" Tank Alkleen
NALFLEET 79112 "Sea Shield" Metal Brightener
NALFLEET Safe Acid Powder
79116 "Sea Shield" Safe Acid Powder
79107 "Sea Shield" Disc/Filter Clean
NALFLEET Rust Remover & Metal Brightener (9-061)
NEOS Company Ltd. NEOS ONE 2
NEOS REGLIGHY M-ONE 2S (Water soluble)
Nihon Kosan Co. Ltd. NICOL Clean
NICOL Clean 80
Nippon Yuka Kogyo Co. Ltd. HI - NOC
Nippon Yuka Kogyo Co. Ltd.. YUNISOL AC
Performance Chemicals Ltd. Quickbreak
Alkleen Buffered
Schmitt und Finkelmann (INLABCO) Watensol S
Watensol N
Schmitt und Fintelmann (INLABCO) Watensol
Settsu Oil Mill Ltd. Diver Clean
Metalon M
TS -1
Settsu Clean
Seven Rivers Co. Ltd. GOAL L-3
Marclean XP0321
MarClean HD
Annex 10
1 December 2006
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Manufacturer Name of Cleaning Additive

StarMarine Chemical Alkaline (CAUS)

Metal Deruster
Liquid Soap
Alkaline (POT)
Neutral HCF
TAIHO Industries Comp. Ltd. KURICLEAN #12
Teepol Ltd. Teepol Eight
Teepol Green S
Teepol Green
Super Teepol
New Teepol
C Clean
Tesco Co. Ltd. Toho Cactus Clean L-10A
Toho Cactus Clean FC
Toho Cactus Clean W1
Toho Cactus Clean H-2
Tevan Vetvrij
TriStar Industries BV Steamer 130 HD
Stainless Steel Cleaner Special
Metal treat 535 NF
Super Cleaner Y-SP 2
AC Clean 1 JT
Liquid 35 NF
Air Cooler Cleaner
Rust Remover
Rust Off
Alkaclean Safety
Uniclean OSD Enviro
Uniclean HD
Cold Wash
Uniclean Tank
Hydrocarbon Remover
Uniclean Break
Uniclean AP Powder
Annex 10
1 December 2006
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Manufacturer Name of Cleaning Additive

UNISERVE Americas Inc. Uniclean AP Enviro

Uniclean Carbon
Bleach Substitute
Uniclean GP
UNITOR Chemicals HP Wash
Zinc Coat Conditioner
Metal Bright HD
Fore & Aft
Enviro Clean
Alkleen Buffer
Aquabreak PX
Alkleen Powder
Alkleen Safety Liquid
Alkleen Liquid
Aquatuff High Foam
Sea Clean Plus
Unitor Amwash
Van Beek Ecoproducts B.V. Aquaquick 2000
Aquaquick 2000 SP
VECOM Veclean Tank
Veclean Electro
Vecosan Rustcleaner
Passivating Liquid / L-800
S-X (Acrylate neutralizer)
Veclean Clear Break
Veclean Blue / Blauw
Caustic Alkaline Cleaner (LAC) #5
Waterbased Neutral HCF/B-4
Degreaser GP / B-24-B
ECS Quick Dry
Degreaser Super #2
Neutral Vegoil Cleaner #3
Lead Cleaner #8
Multi Cleaner / TP-02
Waterbased Alkaline HD / Steamclean B-2 Liquid
Waterbased Alkaline / B-3
Steamclean HPC-NF
S-C (Edible Oil Remover)
Annex 10
1 December 2006
Page 8 of 8
Manufacturer Name of Cleaning Additive

VECOM S-D (Metal Brightner)

S-B (Degreaser HD)
Product Formula No. 7 (Dye out)
Product Formula No. 8/11 (Lead Remover / Inhibitor Killer)
Tankclean HCF
Tankclean at Sea
S-LAC (Caustic Alkaline Cleaner)
S-E (Liquid caustic soda)
S-HCF (Hydrocarbon Remover)
Product Formula No. 12 (Liquid soap)
Product Formula No. 2 (Degreaser HD)
Product Formula No. 3 (Edible Oil Remover)
Pickling Liquid / L-600
Pickling Spray
Product Formula No. 10 (Acrylate neutralizer)
Product Formula No. 4 (Metal Brightner)
Product Formula No. 5 (Caustic Alkaline Cleaner)
Product Formula No. 6 (Hydrocarbon Remover)
Wash Specialties, Inc. Paratrooper
Yule Catto Consumer Chemicals Nalfloc Alkats Cleaner 65 (NALC 65)
Nalfloc Maxiclean 2
MOD Quick Break Degreaser
Nalfloc Alkats Cleaner 65 (NALD 65)

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