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The Cultural Promenade - Thesis 2015' - Case study on Crafts (Museum) - Comparative Analysis

Contents National crafts museum, Delhi Khalsa heritage museum, Punjab
Entry spaces
There entry is not much enhanced but is easily
An entrance plaza which also acts as festival identifiable from the entry. The visitor enters into
Public Entry (Includes entry, reception, ticketing square is encountered before entering the exhibition space straight from the entry with
and coat check spaces.) museum or village complex. restricted access.
The reception area is located at the other end of
Elders Entry (Includes reception and gathering the entrance but is visible from the festival
space) square. N/A
School/Group Entry (Includes orientation space,
back-pack storage and restrooms) N/A N/A
Possible Second Public Collections and/or
Archives Entry (Includes Loading/Unloading
bays) N/A N/A
Store (Includes visitor support store or larger
destination store) Within the admin block. Located within the gallery space.
Located at the far end of the site in a highly
Café (Includes Kiosks) invisible zone next to the library. N/A
Next to the Amphitheatre and conservation lab in
Museum and near the workshop in village
Public Restrooms (Wash and Toilet) complex. Located within the gallery space.
Forum spaces
Large Community Meeting Room (Could be used
for native forums, community meetings and Located within the office area inside the gallery
events) Located within the admin block. building.
Small Community Meeting Room(s) (break-out Located within the office area inside the gallery
room(s) Located within the admin block. building.
Classroom(s) N/A N/A
The Cultural Promenade - Thesis 2015' - Case study on Crafts (Museum) - Comparative Analysis
Contents National crafts museum, Delhi Khalsa heritage museum, Punjab
Forum spaces

Workshops (Includes activity areas) N/A N/A

Crafts Bazaar (Includes stalls and Souvenir A lota shop near the café which is accessible to
shops) people who comes to eat. N/A
Performing centre (Includes spaces related to
performing arts) N/A N/A
Theater (Could be used for performances and An auditorium is provided next to the gallery
storytelling) N/A block which is easily accessible from the entry.
Changing Rooms (changing rooms for
performances ) N/A N/A

Kitchen (Indoor/Outdoor) N/A N/A

Located within the office area inside the gallery
Forum Storage (Includes Stacks/Rooms) Located within the admin block. building.
Content spaces

Gathering of the People and Stories (Includes The Amphitheatre next to the entry provides an The exhibition gallery at the other end of the
Major interpretive content areas that introduce opportunity for the people to gather and share temporary gallery space conveys the history of
the visitor to the Native worldview) their thoughts. Sikhs through variety of exhibits.
Cycles (Provides a sense of traditional life.
Includes exhibit and associated public education
spaces such as storytelling spaces and limited Village museum complex holds a character that
access Native Practice spaces such as prayer displays the cycle of life along with certain
spaces) shrines, chariot, prayer spaces etc... N/A
The Cultural Promenade - Thesis 2015' - Case study on Crafts (Museum) - Comparative Analysis
Contents National crafts museum, Delhi Khalsa heritage museum, Punjab
Content spaces
Memory (Provides an understanding of the
impact and conflict that came from outside
cultures. Includes exhibit and associated public
education spaces such as screening, listening,
reading and reflection areas and limited access
Native Practice spaces such as alcoves for private The village complex holds a memory of forgotten The exhibits themselves acts as memory spaces
texts and oral histories) structures. which provides the remembrance of Gurus.
Connections (Offers a perspective on Native
communities battle for survival. It includes
exhibit and associated public education spaces
such as screening and storytelling spaces and There are only mere exhibits and not any space
limited access Native Practice spaces such as that really conveys any connection to the battle of
quiet and elder zones) survival of the existence of old forms. N/A
Terrace area. Courtly crafts and outdoor
Changing Exhibits (Semi-permanent) exhibits. Temporary gallery space at the entrance.
Library and Archive spaces
Library (Includes Info/circulation desk, reading
tables, electronic & internet reference stations,
microfilm stations & shelving for reference Provided next to the permanent gallery spaces The temporary gallery space has a library located
materials) and is less accessible to the public. near the entry.
Native News and Information Exchange
(Includes Historic Information areas) N/A Located within the library.
Native History and Genealogy Research
(Includes Historic Information areas) N/A Located within the library.
Private Viewing and Consultation Area (Includes
Office areas) Located within the Library. Located within the library.
Media Room (Includes Screening and listening) Located within the Library. Located within the library.
The Cultural Promenade - Thesis 2015' - Case study on Crafts (Museum) - Comparative Analysis
Contents National crafts museum, Delhi Khalsa heritage museum, Punjab
Library and Archive spaces
Oral History Recording (Includes recording
areas) Located within the Library. N/A

Library & Research Staff (Includes Office areas) Located within the Library. Located within the library.
Paper Archives (Includes Stack and Seating
areas) Located within the Library. Located within the library.
Media Archives (Includes Computer terminals
and seating areas) Located within the Library. Located within the library.
Tribal Treasure store
The museum celebrates 500 years of Sikh history
Village complex has various house forms from and the 300th anniversary of the Khalsa, the
Treasures storage (Includes storage for general almost all states of India. The museum also has scriptures written by the 10th and last Guru,
access treasures, living treasures, large treasures gallery spaces that are used for the display of Gobind Singh, founder of the modern
and limited access private treasures) craft items from various parts of India. Sikh faith.
There are buffer spaces in-between the exhibits
of the village complex which acts as traditional
Private Ceremony/ Prayer (Indoor and outdoor areas that are used for the purpose of ceremonies,
space for ceremonies, prayer, smudging) prayer etc... N/A
Changing Room (Changing for ceremonies) N/A N/A
Private Viewing and Research N/A N/A
Conservation Labs (Includes work and training
areas associated with lab) Located near the exhibition areas & galleries. N/A
Photo Lab (Lab area) N/A N/A
Curatorial Library (Includes Reading table,
electronic reference station, and shelving for
reference materials for curatorial research) N/A N/A
The Cultural Promenade - Thesis 2015' - Case study on Crafts (Museum) - Comparative Analysis
Contents National crafts museum, Delhi Khalsa heritage museum, Punjab
Tribal Treasure store
Exhibition Prep/Curatorial Workroom (Includes a
clear layout for movement) N/A Located within the Heritage Museum Complex.
The festival square has crafts store and are easily
Exhibition Shop (Stalls and workshop areas) accessible to the public. N/A
The heritage museum is reached through a
Museum Loading Dock (Includes Large truck reflecting pool depicting the water architecture of
bay) Located near the admin block. Punjab.
Secure Receiving/ Holding (Holding and storage
areas) Located near the admin block. Located within the Heritage Museum Complex.

Crate & Display Storage (Includes Store rooms) Located near the admin block. Located within the Heritage Museum Complex.
Office and support spaces
The admin office is located near the entry and
Staff (Includes Mix of closed office and open offers easy accessibility to the general public as Located in the temporary gallery near the
workstations) well as monitors the movement. entrance.
Community Resources and Services (Includes Located in the temporary gallery near the
Mix of closed office and open workstations) Located within the admin block. entrance.
Office Space for other Organizations (Includes Located in the temporary gallery near the
Resources to share office and copy) Located within the admin block. entrance.
Located in the temporary gallery near the
Staff Conference Room Located within the admin block. entrance.
Located in the temporary gallery near the
Staff Restrooms Located within the admin block. entrance.
Located in the temporary gallery near the
Staff Locker Rooms Located within the admin block. entrance.
Artisans in Residence N/A N/A
The Cultural Promenade - Thesis 2015' - Case study on Crafts (Museum) - Comparative Analysis
Contents National crafts museum, Delhi Khalsa heritage museum, Punjab
Office and support spaces
Tourist Accommodation (Includes ethnic resort
associated with the tourist stay or guest
accommodation.) N/A N/A
Mechanical and Electrical Provided as part of the site at various areas. Within the museum complex.
Outdoor entry spaces
Gateway (A space to mark entrance) A road from Pragathi maidan. Entrance plaza.
Landing | Arrival Zone (A resting/landing area
where pedestrians and bicyclists are welcomed to
the Cultural Village) Pragathi maidan. Entrance plaza.
Drop-Off Area (Bus and vehicle drop-off at main
entry to Cultural Village) Pragathi maidan. Entrance plaza.
No such space is provided but the visitors gets
dispersed in the overhead bridge above the water
Entry Courtyard (Round open space linking which connects the temporary and permanent
Cultural Village facilities) Festival square at the entry. galleries.
Outdoor forum spaces

Playing Field for demonstration of Native Games N/A N/A

Public Events Area Amphitheatre acts as a performance area as well
as a gathering space for events. N/A

Traditional Meeting Area/ Campfire / Ceremonial

Events N/A N/A
Storytelling | Demonstration Areas (Medium to
small size areas with seating, shade, access to
Physically challenged.) N/A N/A
The Cultural Promenade - Thesis 2015' - Case study on Crafts (Museum) - Comparative Analysis
Contents National crafts museum, Delhi Khalsa heritage museum, Punjab
Outdoor content spaces
Indigenous Plant Garden (Restored and reclaimed
natural environment. The site should be the
garden.) N/A The site contours are restored.
Organic Farm (Organic farming and open market
for the general public) N/A N/A
Traditional Village(s) (Elements of traditional
villages could be replicated on site) Shrines, Pillars, chariot, pigeon house etc… N/A
Outdoor support spaces
Support Facilities: Restrooms, Showers, Cooking
Areas N/A Located within the museum complex.
Camping Grounds N/A N/A
Parking In the grounds of Pragathi maidan. Near the entrance.

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