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✓ The abolition of privileges enjoyed by the laborers of the Cavite arsenal of exemption from the tribute

was, according to some, the cause of the mutiny. There were, however, other causes. These are the

 The Spanish revolution which overthrew a secular throne

 The propaganda carried on by an unbridled press against monarchical principles, attentatory of the
most sacred respects towards the dethroned majesty; the democratic and republican books and

 The speeches and preachings of the apostles of these new ideas in Spain.

 The outbursts Of the American publicists and the criminal policy of the senseless Governor whom the
Revolutionary government sent to govern the Philippines, and who put into practice these ideas were
the determining circumstances which gave rise, among certain Filipinos, to the idea of attaining their
independence. It was towards this goal that they started to work, with the powerful assistance of a
certain section of the native clergy, who out of spite toward friars, made common cause with the
enemies of the mother country.

✓ At various times but especially in the beginning of year 1872, the authorities received anonymous
communications with the information that a great uprising would break out against the Spaniards, the
minute the fleet at Cavite left for the South, and that all would be assassinated, including the friars. But
nobody gave importance to these notices. The conspiracy had been going on since the days of La Torre
with utmost secrecy. At times, the principal leaders met either in the house of Filipino Spaniard, D.
Joaquin Pardo de Tavera, or in that of the native priest, Jacinto Zamora, and these meetings were
usually attended by the curate of Bacoor, the soul of the movement, whose energetic character and
immense wealth enabled him to exercise a strong influence.

✓ On 20 January 1872, the district of Sampaloc celebrated the feast of the Virgin of Loreto, and came
with it were some fireworks display. The Cavitefios allegedly mistook this as the signal to commence
with the attack. The 200-men contingent led by Sergeant Lamadrid attacked Spanish officers at sight and
seized the arsenal.

The account of Jose Montero y Vidal, a prolific Spanish historian and Spanish official in 1872 wants to
convey that the revolution in Cavite was part of a larger revolution with the same aim for independence
of the Philippines from the Spaniards. He also mentioned that mutiny in Cavite was headed by the
GOMBURZA together with its pastoral colleagues in Manila and Cavite. GOMBURZA are the collective
name of the three martyred priest namely Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora. However,
in the account of Gov. Gen. Rafael Izquierdo, the Gov. Gen insisted that the mutiny was planned to put
Father Jose Burgos or Father Jacinto Zamora at the supreme of the government, either of the two priest.
Meanwhile, Vidal's account proved that GOMBURZA was not executed because of the labor issue but
because they were blamed for being the brain of the Cavite mutiny.

1872 Cavite Mutiny: Spanish Perspective

Jose Montero y Vidal, a prolific Spanish historian documented the event and
highlighted it as an attempt of the Indios to overthrow the Spanish
government in the Philippines. Meanwhile, Gov. Gen. Rafael Izquierdo’s
official report magnified the event
and made use of it to implicate the native clergy, which was then active in
the call for secularization. The two accounts complemented and corroborated
with one other, only that the general's report was more spiteful. Initially,
both Montero and Izquierdo scored out that the abolition of privileges
enjoyed by the workers of Cavite arsenal such as non- payment of tributes
and exemption from forced labor were the main reasons of the "revolution"
as to how they called it, however, other causes were enumerated by them
including the Spanish Revolution which overthrew the secular throne, dirty
propagandas proliferated by unrestrained press, democratic, liberal and
republican books and pamphlets reaching the Philippines, and most
importantly, the presence of the native clergy who out of animosity against
the Spanish friars, "conspired and supported" the rebels and enemies of
Spain. In particular, Izquierdo blamed the unruly Spanish Press for
“stockpiling” malicious propagandas grasped by the Filipinos. He reported to
the King of Spain that the “rebels” wanted to overthrow the Spanish
government to install a new “hari" in the likes of Fathers Burgos and
Zamora. The general even added that the native clergy enticed other
participants by giving them a charismatic assurance that their fight will not
fail because God is with them coupled with handsome promises of rewards
such as employment, wealth, and ranks in the army. Izquierdo, in his report,
lambasted the Indios as gullible and possessed an innate propensity for
The two Spaniards deemed that the event of 1872 was planned earlier and
was thought of it as a big conspiracy among educated leaders, mestizos,
abogadillos or native lawyers, residents of Manila and Cavite and the native
clergy. They insinuated that the conspirators of Manila and Cavite planned to
liquidate high-ranking Spanish officers to be followed by the massacre of the
friars. The alleged pre-concerted signal among the conspirators of Manila
and Cavite was the firing of rockets from the walls of Intramuros.
According to the accounts of the two, on 20 January 1872, the district of
Sampaloc celebrated the feast of the Virgin of Loreto, unfortunately,
participants to the feast celebrated the occasion with the usual fireworks
displays. Allegedly, those in Cavite mistook the fireworks as the sign for the
attack, and just like what was agreed upon, the 200-men contingent headed
by Sergeant Lamadrid launched an attack targeting Spanish officers at sight
and seized the arsenal.
When the news reached the iron-fisted Gov. Izquierdo, he readily ordered
the reinforcement of the Spanish forces in Cavite to quell the revolt. The
“revolution” was easily crushed when the expected reinforcement from
Manila did not come ashore. Major instigators including Sergeant Lamadrid
were killed in the skirmish, while the GOMBURZA were tried by a court-
martial and were sentenced to die by strangulation. Patriots like Joaquin
Pardo de Tavera, Antonio Ma. Regidor, Jose and Pio Basa and other
abogadillos were suspended by the Audencia (High Court) from the practice
of law, arrested and were sentenced with life imprisonment at the Marianas
Island. Furthermore, Gov. Izquierdo dissolved the native regiments of
artillery and ordered the creation of artillery force to be composed
exclusively of the Peninsulares.
believe that the scheme was true without any attempt to investigate the real
facts or extent of the alleged “revolution” reported by Izquierdo and the
Convicted educated men who participated in the mutiny were sentenced life
imprisonment while members of the native clergy headed by the GOMBURZA
were tried and executed by garrote. This episode leads to the awakening of
nationalism and eventually to the outbreak of Philippine Revolution of 1896.
The French writer Edmund Plauchut’s account complimented Tavera’s
account by confirming that the event happened due to discontentment of the
arsenal workers and soldiers in Cavite fort. The Frenchman, however, dwelt
more on the execution of the three martyr priests which he actually
DIRECTIONS: Identify what is being referred to in the following statement.
___ 1. He is a prolific Spanish historian who documented the event and
highlighted it as an attempt of the Indios to overthrow the Spanish
government in the Philippines. ___ 2. He is the Governor-General of the
Philippines when Cavite Mutiny transpired. ___ 3. The native clergy were
actively calling for this movement and transformation which the idea was
primarily originated in Spain. ___ 4. Izquierdo’s report was address to
whom? ___ 5. This is Izquierdo’s description of the 1872 Cavite
mutiny. ___ 6. He is a Filipino scholar and researcher who wrote the Filipino
version of the bloody incident in Cavite. ___ 7. This is Tavera’s description
of the 1872 Cavite mutiny. ___ 8. The date when 200 men comprised of
soldiers, laborers of the arsenal and residents of Cavite rose in arms. ___ 9.
He is the leader of the 200 men conspired to assassinate the commanding
officer and Spanish officers in the Cavite arsenal. ___ 10. They were native
clergies associated with the Cavite mutiny and were sentenced to death
through strangulation.
1. Jose Montero y Vidal
2. Gov. Gen. Rafael Izquierdo
3. Secularization
4. King of Spain
5. Rebellion
6. Dr. Trinidad Hermenigildo Pardo de Tavera
7. Mutiny
8. January 20, 1872
9. Sergeant Lamadrid

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