Rduhdh Izfrosnu, Oa Ekin.M: DK Z DK Uke DK Z Lfky Vuqekfur Ykxr Rduhdh Lohd'Fr en Iz'Kkldh Lohd'Fr Izko/Kku 1

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rduhdh izfrosnu ,oa ekin.

1 dk;Z dk uke
2 dk;Z LFky xzzke % UA iapk;r fodkl[k.M i.Mfj;k
3 vuqekfur ykxr : yk£
4 rduhdh Lohd`fr
5 en
6 iz'kkldh; Lohd`fr
7 izko/kku 1 uhoksa vkSj dqlhZ esa Q'kksZ ds uhps lhesV &dkadhV dh O;oLFkk djusk
vkSj Mkyuk]iRFkj ds 40feeh ukeh; uki ds vuqikfrr feykosa esa rjkbZ lfgr
lEiw.kZ fdUreq <wyk&cUnh dh ykxr NksMdj lhesaVdadzhV1]4]8
1lhesaV]4jsr]8fxVVh ½
2 ljnyksa ]LraHkksa ][kaHksa nhoky Nrksa vkfn esa fof'k"V dksfV dh izcfyr
lhesaV dkadzVh miyO/k djkuk ,oa mls Bhd izdkj ls fcNuk <wyk]r[rkcanh
kEiwZfr vkSj izcyu mLikr dh ykxr ds vfrfjDr ds rjkbZ ,oa lQkbZ lfgrA ¼
1%2%4 ½
3 12 feeh eksVk lhesaV iyLrj nhokj dh lrg ij lhesV elkyk 1%6 ¼1 lhesaV 6
4 bLikr dk >yk gqvk dke ] tqMh dkV okys [kaMks dSfp;ksa vkSj <kapsnkj
dke esa dkVus esa p<kus ;FkkLFkku yxkus lfgr tkfy;ksa <kpsnkj jksd
Nmksa lh<h;ks jsfyxksa n`ksdsVksa vksj ,sls gh vU; dke esa 25 eh rd ikV
vkSj 15 eh dqy mapkbZ dh dkSfp;ksa vkSj dSfp;ksnkj ikfyuksa esa
5 lQsn dkfpr Vkbysa 6 feeh eksVh ] Q'kksZ iSfM ;ksa ds iV ~ Vksa vkSj
pkSfd;ksa ij 1%3 ¼1 lhesaV] 3 jsr½ ds lhesaV elkys dk 12 feeh eksVk
vk/kkj Mkydj yxkbZ gqbZ ] lQsn lhesaV dh Hkjoka Vhi dh laiwfrZ] lfgr
6 Providing and applying 2mm thick ready mix exterior grade approved make putty (like Birla
wall care, Alltek Superfine W/R of (NCL), Asian, ICI, Nerolac, J.K. wall putty) on walls to
make the surface smooth and even.

7 bLikr vkSj vU; /kkrq dh lrgks ij Hkhrj ds dke esa cz'k ls yxkus ;ksX; buSey
jksxu djuk rkfd ,dlkj vkHkk gks tk, lrg ij ls lkjh feV~Vh /kwy vkSj vU; ckgjh
inkFkZ lkQ djus lfgr A 2 rgksa esa

8 vuqeksfnr Nki vkSj fuekZrk ds] fMLVsaij Lrj dh ,d Lrjijr] vkSj mlds Åij
vko';d jax ds rsycn~?k fMLVsaij ls ¼nksa ijrksa esa½ fMLVsaij djuk] u;s
dk;Z esa
8 nj iapk;r ,oa xzkeh.k fodkl foHkkx N-x- 'kklu] fuekZ.k ,oa la/kkj.k dk;ksZ dh nj
vuqlqph tks dh 01 twu 2015 ls izHkko'khy ds vuqlkj gSA,oa yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx }
kjk tkjh nj vuqlqph 1 tuojh 2015 ls izpfyr nj vuqlkj aA

dk;Zikyu vfHk;ark vuqfoHkkxh; vf/kdkjh mivfHk;ark

xzeh.k ;kaf=dh lsok xkzeh.k ;kaf=dh lsok xzkeh.k ;kaf=dh lsok
laHkkx do/kkZ mi laHkkx mi laHkkx

Line SOR Item Sub

Tende Config
Portal - ID Items No. Division Item of works Qty. Unit Rate Amount
r No. -ID
No. code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
uhao dk;Z gsrq dM+h feêh esa 1eh- xgjk]
90 lseh- pkSM+kbZ esa [kqnkbZ ,oa >jkbZ
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 0301(ii) iaMfj;k fd;k tkdj [kksns gq, feêh dks 50 eh- nwjh rd 133.59 ?kueh- 154.70 20666.00
tek djuk
jsr HkjkbZ dk;Z& uhao vkSj dqlhZ dk;Z ds
pkjks vksj >hjhZ ,d dejks ds vanj es jsr ls
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 402 iaMfj;k HkjkbZ dk;Z ¼ikuh Mkydj lcyhax@/kqEel 38.56 ?kueh- 429.70 16569.00
ls nckuk lfgr½ 8** ds ijr esa
eq:e HkjkbZ dk;Z& uhao vkSj dqlhZ dk;Z
ds pkjks vksj >hjhZ ,d dejks ds vanj es jsr ls
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 402 iaMfj;k 176.27 ?kueh- 222.00 39132.00
HkjkbZ dk;Z ¼ikuh Mkydj lcyhax@/kqEel
ls nckuk lfgr½ 8** ds ijr esa
[kqnkbZ fd;s x;s uhao esa csl dkadzhV
1%4%8 ds vuqikr esa ftlesa ¼1 Hkkx
lhesaV] 4 Hkkx jsr ,oa 8 Hkkx 40feeh-
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 0413(iii) iaMfj;k 35.39 ?kueh- 2454.40 86869.00
fxêh½ dks vPNs ls ikuh dh mfpr ek=k ds
lkFk feykdj Hkjk tkuk gSA ,d nqljs fnu ls
ikuh dh rjkbZ yxkrkj fd;k tkuk gSA
fyaVy <+ykbZ ¼vkj-lh-lh-½ dk;Z Nr]
fyaVy [kaHkk ¼fiyj½ cjkenk lh<+h vkfn ds
fy, 1%2%4 ds elkyk ls ikSu bZap fxêh
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 0425(iii) iaMfj;k dkadzhV dk;Z fd;k tkukA dkadzhV dk;Z 85.93 ?kueh- 3913.90 336314.00
dks Bhd ls dqVkbZ ,oa xzsfMªax lfgr ¼21
fnu rd Nr esa feêh dh D;kajh cukdj ikuh
<+ykbZ lfgr½
¼vkj-lh-lh-½ dk;Z Nr] fyaVy
[kaHkk ¼fiyj½ cjkenk lh<+h] yk¶V vkfn
NM+ dkVdj] eksM+dj ¼yksgk ypdnkj ,oa
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 904(I) iaMfj;k 7303.90 Kg. 66.00 482057.00
tax jfgr½ rFkk /kkjhnkj gksuk pkfg, lHkh
fLFkfr esa ekufp= ds vuqlkj yxkuk
¼ca/kkbZ rkj ykaxr lfgr½
uhoksa vkSj dqlhZ es izcfyr lhesaV
dkadzhV ,oa lknh lhesaV dkadzhV dk;ksZ
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 430 iaMfj;k 156.94 ?kueh- 220.90 34668.00
ds fy, <qyk vkSj r[rkcanh] FkkeksZ]
Vsadksa vkfn rFkk <wyk [kksyus lfgrA
lsaVªhax ¼lkapk½ dk;Z ydM+h ds QkVs
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 428 iaMfj;k ls ;k yksgs dh pknj ls nhoky NTtk] cjkenk] 421.21 oxZ eh 306.20 128975.00
lh<+h ,oa ltkoVh dk;Z ds fy, fQfVax lfgrA
uhao dk;Z esa gh csl dkadzhV ds Åij Js.kh
25 dk bZV ¼8** bZaV lkbt½ bZaV
tqM+kbZ tks fd 1%6 ds ¼1lhesaV] 6jsr½
vuqikr esa lhesaV elkyk cukdj uhao
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 905(X) iaMfj;k 12.35 ?kueh- 2867.50 35419.00
tqM+kbZA bZaV dks vPNh rjg ls ikuh esa
Mqck gqvk gksuk pkfg, rFkk 10 fnu rd
yxkrkj ikuh esa vPNh rjg rjkbZ fd;k tkuk
lhesaV&dkaØhV 1%2%4 ¼1lhesaV]
2eksVh jsr] 4iRFkj dk 20feeh ukeh; uki dk
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 420 iaMfj;k vuqikfrr feykok½ ds 50feeh eksVs 20.52 oxZ eh 237.20 4867.00
ueh&jksd jís dh O;oLFkk djuk vkSj
Mkyuk] rjkbZ lfgr] lEiw.kZ
IyhaFk che ds Åij ¼dqlhZ Lrj ds Åij½ Js.kh
25 dk 8** lkbZt bZaV ikuh ls Mqckdj 1%6
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 605(X) iaMfj;k 61.88 oxZ eh 3040.00 188109.00
ds elkyk ls tqM+kbZ djuk] nqljs fnu ls 10
fnu rd ikuh ls rjkbZ djukA
15 feeh eksVk lhesaV iyLrj nhokj dh
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 1009(iv) iaMfj;k [kqjnqjh lrg ij ¼?k½ lhesaV elkyk 289.92 oxZ eh 103.20 29920.00
1%6¼1 lhesaV] 6jsr½
iyLrj dk;Z nhoky ds [kqjnqjs lrg dh rjQ 12
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 1007(iv) iaMfj;k feeh- eksVkbZ 1%6 elkyk ls iyLrj dk;Z fd;k 466.57 oxZ eh 91.30 42598.00
tkuk ,oa ikuh rjkbZ 10 fnu rd fd;k tkukA
bLikr dk >yk gqvk dke] tqMh dkV okys
[kaMksa] dSfp;ksa vkSj <kapsnkj dke esa]
dkVus] p<k+ usa] ;FkkLFkku yxkus
lfgr]tkfy;ksa] <kpsnkj jksd NMksa]
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 903 iaMfj;k lhf<;ksa] jsfyaxksa] –ksdsVksa vkSj ,sls 1050.00 oxZ eh 79.00 82950.00
gh vU ; dke esa 25 eh- rd ikV vkSj 15eh-
dqy ÅpkbZ dh dSfp;ksa vkSj dSaphnkj
ifyZuksa esaA

isafVax dk;Z& njokts f[kM+dh] pSuy xsV]

cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 1335(ii) iaMfj;k xzhy vkfn esa 1 ijr izkbZej dksV yxkus ,oa 72.30 oxZ eh 64.30 4649.00
2 ijr vkby isaV yxkus lfgrA
cz'k ls vPNh rjg ls jxM+ dj elkys dh NhVsa
vkSj vU; ckgjh inkFkZ lkQ djus ds ckn fcuk
ltkoV okyh nhokj dh lrg ij [kfM;k iqrkbZ dh
,d çkFkfed ijr vkSj mlds mij vuqeksfnr Nkis
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 1323 iaMfj;k vkSj fuekZrk ds vkSj vko' ;d jax ds lw[ksa 591.17 oxZ eh 62.90 37185.00
fML Vsaij ls ¼nks ijrksa esa½ fML Vsaij
djuk rkfd ,dlkj vkHkk gks tk;sa lrg dks
jsreky djds fpduh vkSj ,dlkj rS;kj djus lfgr

nhokj dh lrg ij vko';d jax ds Lukslse ;k

cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 1318(i) iaMfj;k M;wjksalse ls 289.92 oxZ eh 15.40 4465.00
iqrkbZ djuk
lhesVdkaØhV 1%2%4 ¼1 lhesaV] 2 eksVh
jsr] 4 iRFkj dk 20 feeh ukeh; uki dk
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 1220 iaMfj;k vuqikfrr feykok½ ,d ijr esa Mkydj Q'kZ 6.51 oxZ eh 255.60 1664.00
cukuk] [kkfyl lhesaV ?kqVkbZ okyh
lEiwfrZ lfgr ¼d½ 50 feeh- eksVk
lQsn dkfpr Vkbysa 6 feeh eksVh ] Q'kksZ
iSfM ;ksa ds iV ~ Vksa vkSj pkSfd;ksa ij
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 1245 iaMfj;k 1%3 ¼1 lhesaV] 3 jsr½ ds lhesaV elkys dk 260.46 oxZ eh 948.30 246994.00
12 feeh eksVk vk/kkj Mkydj yxkbZ gqbZ ]
lQsn lhesaV dh Hkjoka Vhi dh laiwfrZ] lfgr
Providing and applying 2mm thick ready mix
exterior grade approved
make putty (like Birla wall care, Alltek Superfine
PWD SOR W/R of (NCL), Asian, ICI,
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k 680.95 oxZ eh 94.50 64350.00
2015 14.13 Nerolac, J.K. wall putty) on walls to make the
surface smooth and even

Extra for providing and fixing heavy duty stainless

steel pipe for curtain
rod with two stainless steel brackets in pelmets
PWD SOR instead of M.S. curtain rod
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k
2015 8.44 of 20mm dia and M.S. brackets. (actual length of
rod to be measured)

12 mm dia
8.44.1 16.00 eh- 98.50 1576.00
25 mm dia
8.44.3 16.00 eh- 229.00 3664.00
Providing and fixing vitreous china water
closet squatting pan (indian type) including
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2201(iii) iaMfj;k 4 Each 1240.3 4961.000
cutting and making good the walls and
floors whetever required.
Providing and fixing white vitreous chuna
wash basin including making all
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2219(ii) iaMfj;k 4 Each 2007.2 8029.000
connections but excluding the cost of white
size 630x450mm
providing and fixing C.P. brass waste fot
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2225(i) iaMfj;k wash basin or sink 32mm dia 4 Each 273.9 1096.000

providing and fixing M.I. fisher union for

cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2226(i) iaMfj;k 2 Each 218.5 437.000
basin or sink 32mm dia
providing and fixing M.I. Trap for basin or
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2227(ii) iaMfj;k 2 Each 210.2 420.000
sink 32mm dia
providing and fixing white vitreous chuna
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2211(ii) iaMfj;k urinal basin with waste fitting as. Flat back 2 Each 1128.5 2257.000
half stall urinal of size 580x380x350mm
providing and fixing one piece construction
white vitreous china squatting plate urinal
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2213(i) iaMfj;k 2 Each 1254.8 2510.000
with an integralrim longitudinal flushing
providing and fixing of wall face UV
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2232 iaMfj;k 12 Each 114.8 1378.000
stabilized Rigid PVC pipes. 80mmdia pipe.
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2232(i) iaMfj;k 80mm dia pipe. 20 Each 133.5 2670.000
providing and fixing on wall face UV
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2234(iii) iaMfj;k stabilized PVC moulded fitting. 15 Each 133.7 2006.000
plain bend 100mm bend
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2236(iiI) iaMfj;k vent covel 100 mm 4 Each 157 628.000
providing and fixing on wall surface G.I.
pipes medium class complete with G.I.
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2101(i) iaMfj;k 0 0 0 0.000
fitting and clamps.
15mm dia, nominal bore
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2101(i) iaMfj;k 15mm dia, nominal bore 6 RM. 145.4 872.000
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2101(ii) iaMfj;k 20mm dia, nominal bore 7 RM. 179.4 1256.000
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2101(iii) iaMfj;k 25mm dia, nominal bore 10.94 RM. 162.6 1779.000
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2101(V) iaMfj;k 40mm dia, nominal bore 19 RM. 349.2 6635.000
providing and fixing 15mm nominal bore
C.P. brass fitting of approved make and
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2130 iaMfj;k 3 Each 344.9 1035.000
conforming to IS:8931 including C.P. brass
exension if bib cock (450gms)
providing and fixing gun metal gate valve
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2137(i) iaMfj;k with c.i. wheel of approved quality 40 mm 2 Each 1032.2 2064.000
nominal bore
providing and fixing ball valve of apprived
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2135(iii) iaMfj;k quality high or low pressure with plastic 2 Each 718.5 1437.000
floats complete 40mm naminal bore
providing and placting on terrace
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2149(i) iaMfj;k 2000 LITER 8.6 17200.000
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2122 iaMfj;k Soap dish plate 3 Each 399.2 1198.000
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2120(ii) iaMfj;k Towel rail (600mm longx20mm dai) 3 Each 619.3 1858.000
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2116 iaMfj;k providing and fixing glass 3 Each 717.8 2153.000
Constructing masonry Chamber 60x60x75
cm, inside with modular well burnt clay
bricks of 35 kg/ cm² in cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand) for sluice valve,
with C.I. surface box 100mm. top diameter,
19.48 PwD 160 mm bottom diameter and 180 mm deep
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k 3 Each 4644 13932.000
SOR 2015 (inside) with chained lid and RCC top slab
1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone agregate 20mm nominal size)
necessary excavation foundation concrete
1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded
stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size)
and insideout
Carrying plastering with cement
the resistivity surveymortar
by VES
1:3 (1 cement
method : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick
using Schlumberger
finished with afor
configuration floating coat
locating theofproper
neat cement
for drillingasofper standard
tube designthe
well within :
pwd sor selected habitation, including photography,
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k 1 point 1502.00 1502.000
2015.21.17 interpretation of resistivity data
and submission of report in the desired
format along with resistivity
readings, necessary graph and photographs.
(only successful point is
Boring/drilling bore well perfectly vertical
for the specified depth suitable to
receive required dia for casing/ strainer
pipe, by suitable method
prescribed in IS: 2800 (part I), including
collecting samples from different
strata, preparing and submitting strata
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 21.1 iaMfj;k chart/bore log, including hire &
running charges of all equipments, tools,
plants & machineries required for
the job, all complete as per direction of
Engineer–in-charge upto 90 metre
depth below ground lev

cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k 150 mm dia 20 RM 339.00 6780.000

cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 21.1.2 iaMfj;k Rocky strata including Boulders.
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k 150 mm dia. 0.5 RM 396.00 198.000
Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing
in vertical position in bore well,
ISI marked G.I. casing pipe (Plain) medium
class in 4 to 7 meters length
one end fitted with socket as per IS: 1239
(Part-1&Part-2) 1992 with IVth
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 21.5 iaMfj;k
revision (Up-to-date amendments), of
reputed & approved make, including
required hire & labour charges, fittings &
accessories, all complete, for all
depths, as per direction of Engineer- in-
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 21.5.3 iaMfj;k 150 mm nominal dia 25 RM 1304.00 32600.000
Boring/drilling bore well perfectly vertical
for the specified depth suitable to
receive required dia for casing/ strainer
pipe, by suitable method
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 21.1 iaMfj;k prescribed in IS: 2800 (part I), including
collecting samples from different
strata, preparing and submitting strata
chart/bore log, including hire &
running charges of all equipments, tools,
Rocky& machineries
strata includingrequired for
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 21.1.2 iaMfj;k
the job, all complete as per direction of
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k 125 mm dia.
Engineer–in-charge upto 90 metre 50 RM 349.00 17450.000
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 21.11 iaMfj;k depth below
Providing andground
suitable size threaded mild steel
0 cap or spot
0 welded 0.00 0.000
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 21.11.3 iaMfj;k plate
150 mmto the
diatop of bore well housing/ casing pipe, removable
1 as
NO per 217.00 217.000
providing &supplying of submersible pump
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k set suitable for 100 mm bore size (tree 1 NO 13000.00 13000.000
phase) 80m. Head and 60 LPM deshcarge
providing &supplying of (single
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k phase)control panel suitable for 2 Hp 1 NO 3000.00 3000.000
submersible pump
providing &supplying of submersible cable
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k 79 M 63.00 4977.000
2.5 sqmm
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k providing service wire 10 sqmm 8 M 10.00 80.000
providing of 32 mm dia PVC pipe for
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k 65 M 80.00 5200.000
submersible pump &fitting
Laboure charge for lowering pump set in
the existing tobe well i/c transporation of
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k 1 job 4995.00 4995.000
material from deportmental store to work
site testing electric conection etc. complete
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in iaMfj;k SINGH BOARD AND PHOTOGRAF 1 NO 4000.00 4000.000
Total 2065470.00
Say Rs. In Lacs 20.65470

Sub.Div.Officer Sub.Enginner
RES, Sub.Div. RES, Sub.Div. Pandariya
Panariya Distt.- Kabirdham
Distt.- Kabirdham
rduhdh izfrosnu

1 dk;Z dk uke * सामुदायिक भवन fuekZ.k

2 xzke @ xzke iapk;r *

3 fodkl[k.M+ * iaMfj;k

4 vuqekfur ykxr * 30.00 yk[k

5 ;kstuk *
vuqfoHkkxh; vf/kdkjh xzk-;ka-lsok
6 rduhdh Lohd`fr vf/kdkjh * milaHkkx iaMfj;k
7 iz'kkldh; Lohd`fr * dysDVj dchj/kke ¼N-x-½
xzkeh.k ;kaf=dh lsok ds lh- ,l -vkj-
8 nj * fnukad 01-06-2015 ls izHkko'khy nj vuqlkj

vuqfoHkkxh; vf/kdkjh mi vfHk;ark

xzk-;k-ls-mi laHkkx
xzk-;k-ls-mi laHkkx iaMfj;k

Line SOR Item Sub

Tende Page Sr. Config
Portal - ID Items No. Division Item of works Qty. Unit Rate Amount
r No. no. No. -ID
No. code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
uhao dk;Z gsrq dM+h feêh esa 1eh- xgjk]
90 lseh- pkSM+kbZ esa [kqnkbZ ,oa >jkbZ
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 1 1 0301(ii) iaMfj;k fd;k tkdj [kksns gq, feêh dks 50 eh- nwjh rd 133.59 ?kueh- 154.70 20666.00
tek djuk
jsr HkjkbZ dk;Z& uhao vkSj dqlhZ dk;Z ds
pkjks vksj >hjhZ ,d dejks ds vanj es jsr ls
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 1 2 402 iaMfj;k HkjkbZ dk;Z ¼ikuh Mkydj lcyhax@/kqEel 38.56 ?kueh- 429.70 16569.00
ls nckuk lfgr½ 8** ds ijr esa
eq:e HkjkbZ dk;Z& uhao vkSj dqlhZ dk;Z
ds pkjks vksj >hjhZ ,d dejks ds vanj es jsr ls
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 1 3 402 iaMfj;k 176.27 ?kueh- 222.00 39132.00
HkjkbZ dk;Z ¼ikuh Mkydj lcyhax@/kqEel
ls nckuk lfgr½ 8** ds ijr esa
[kqnkbZ fd;s x;s uhao esa csl dkadzhV
1%4%8 ds vuqikr esa ftlesa ¼1 Hkkx
lhesaV] 4 Hkkx jsr ,oa 8 Hkkx 40feeh-
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2 4 0413(iii) iaMfj;k 35.39 ?kueh- 2454.40 86869.00
fxêh½ dks vPNs ls ikuh dh mfpr ek=k ds
lkFk feykdj Hkjk tkuk gSA ,d nqljs fnu ls
ikuh dh rjkbZ yxkrkj fd;k tkuk gSA
fyaVy <+ykbZ ¼vkj-lh-lh-½ dk;Z Nr]
fyaVy [kaHkk ¼fiyj½ cjkenk lh<+h vkfn ds
fy, 1%2%4 ds elkyk ls ikSu bZap fxêh
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2 5 0425(iii) iaMfj;k dkadzhV dk;Z fd;k tkukA dkadzhV dk;Z 85.93 ?kueh- 3913.90 336314.00
dks Bhd ls dqVkbZ ,oa xzsfMªax lfgr ¼21
fnu rd Nr esa feêh dh D;kajh cukdj ikuh
<+ykbZ lfgr½
¼vkj-lh-lh-½ dk;Z Nr] fyaVy
[kaHkk ¼fiyj½ cjkenk lh<+h] yk¶V vkfn
NM+ dkVdj] eksM+dj ¼yksgk ypdnkj ,oa
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2 6 904(I) iaMfj;k 7303.90 Kg. 66.00 482057.00
tax jfgr½ rFkk /kkjhnkj gksuk pkfg, lHkh
fLFkfr esa ekufp= ds vuqlkj yxkuk
¼ca/kkbZ rkj ykaxr lfgr½
uhoksa vkSj dqlhZ es izcfyr lhesaV
dkadzhV ,oa lknh lhesaV dkadzhV dk;ksZ
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 3 7 430 iaMfj;k 156.94 ?kueh- 220.90 34668.00
ds fy, <qyk vkSj r[rkcanh] FkkeksZ]
Vsadksa vkfn rFkk <wyk [kksyus lfgrA
lsaVªhax ¼lkapk½ dk;Z ydM+h ds QkVs
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 3 8 428 iaMfj;k ls ;k yksgs dh pknj ls nhoky NTtk] cjkenk] 421.21 oxZ eh 306.20 128975.00
lh<+h ,oa ltkoVh dk;Z ds fy, fQfVax lfgrA
uhao dk;Z esa gh csl dkadzhV ds Åij Js.kh
25 dk bZV ¼8** bZaV lkbt½ bZaV
tqM+kbZ tks fd 1%6 ds ¼1lhesaV] 6jsr½
vuqikr esa lhesaV elkyk cukdj uhao
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 4 9 905(X) iaMfj;k 12.35 ?kueh- 2867.50 35419.00
tqM+kbZA bZaV dks vPNh rjg ls ikuh esa
Mqck gqvk gksuk pkfg, rFkk 10 fnu rd
yxkrkj ikuh esa vPNh rjg rjkbZ fd;k tkuk
lhesaV&dkaØhV 1%2%4 ¼1lhesaV]
2eksVh jsr] 4iRFkj dk 20feeh ukeh; uki dk
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 4 10 420 iaMfj;k vuqikfrr feykok½ ds 50feeh eksVs 20.52 oxZ eh 237.20 4867.00
ueh&jksd jís dh O;oLFkk djuk vkSj
Mkyuk] rjkbZ lfgr] lEiw.kZ
IyhaFk che ds Åij ¼dqlhZ Lrj ds Åij½ Js.kh
25 dk 8** lkbZt bZaV ikuh ls Mqckdj 1%6
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 5 11 605(X) iaMfj;k 61.88 oxZ eh 3040.00 188109.00
ds elkyk ls tqM+kbZ djuk] nqljs fnu ls 10
fnu rd ikuh ls rjkbZ djukA
15 feeh eksVk lhesaV iyLrj nhokj dh
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 5 12 1009(iv) iaMfj;k [kqjnqjh lrg ij ¼?k½ lhesaV elkyk 289.92 oxZ eh 103.20 29920.00
1%6¼1 lhesaV] 6jsr½
iyLrj dk;Z nhoky ds [kqjnqjs lrg dh rjQ 12
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 5 13 1007(iv) iaMfj;k feeh- eksVkbZ 1%6 elkyk ls iyLrj dk;Z fd;k 466.57 oxZ eh 91.30 42598.00
tkuk ,oa ikuh rjkbZ 10 fnu rd fd;k tkukA
bLikr dk >yk gqvk dke] tqMh dkV okys
[kaMksa] dSfp;ksa vkSj <kapsnkj dke esa]
dkVus] p<k+ usa] ;FkkLFkku yxkus
lfgr]tkfy;ksa] <kpsnkj jksd NMksa]
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 5 14 903 iaMfj;k lhf<;ksa] jsfyaxksa] –ksdsVksa vkSj ,sls 1050.00 oxZ eh 79.00 82950.00
gh vU ; dke esa 25 eh- rd ikV vkSj 15eh-
dqy ÅpkbZ dh dSfp;ksa vkSj dSaphnkj
ifyZuksa esaA

isafVax dk;Z& njokts f[kM+dh] pSuy xsV]

cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 6 15 1335(ii) iaMfj;k xzhy vkfn esa 1 ijr izkbZej dksV yxkus ,oa 72.30 oxZ eh 64.30 4649.00
2 ijr vkby isaV yxkus lfgrA
cz'k ls vPNh rjg ls jxM+ dj elkys dh NhVsa
vkSj vU; ckgjh inkFkZ lkQ djus ds ckn fcuk
ltkoV okyh nhokj dh lrg ij [kfM;k iqrkbZ dh
,d çkFkfed ijr vkSj mlds mij vuqeksfnr Nkis
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 6 16 1323 iaMfj;k vkSj fuekZrk ds vkSj vko' ;d jax ds lw[ksa 591.17 oxZ eh 62.90 37185.00
fML Vsaij ls ¼nks ijrksa esa½ fML Vsaij
djuk rkfd ,dlkj vkHkk gks tk;sa lrg dks
jsreky djds fpduh vkSj ,dlkj rS;kj djus lfgr

nhokj dh lrg ij vko';d jax ds Lukslse ;k

cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 6 17 1318(i) iaMfj;k M;wjksalse ls 289.92 oxZ eh 15.40 4465.00
iqrkbZ djuk
lhesVdkaØhV 1%2%4 ¼1 lhesaV] 2 eksVh
jsr] 4 iRFkj dk 20 feeh ukeh; uki dk
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 6 18 1220 iaMfj;k vuqikfrr feykok½ ,d ijr esa Mkydj Q'kZ 6.51 oxZ eh 255.60 1664.00
cukuk] [kkfyl lhesaV ?kqVkbZ okyh
lEiwfrZ lfgr ¼d½ 50 feeh- eksVk
lQsn dkfpr Vkbysa 6 feeh eksVh ] Q'kksZ
iSfM ;ksa ds iV ~ Vksa vkSj pkSfd;ksa ij
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 6 19 1245 iaMfj;k 1%3 ¼1 lhesaV] 3 jsr½ ds lhesaV elkys dk 260.46 oxZ eh 948.30 246994.00
12 feeh eksVk vk/kkj Mkydj yxkbZ gqbZ ]
lQsn lhesaV dh Hkjoka Vhi dh laiwfrZ] lfgr
Providing and applying 2mm thick ready mix
exterior grade approved
make putty (like Birla wall care, Alltek Superfine
PWD SOR W/R of (NCL), Asian, ICI,
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 7 20 iaMfj;k 680.95 oxZ eh 94.50 64350.00
2015 14.13 Nerolac, J.K. wall putty) on walls to make the
surface smooth and even

Extra for providing and fixing heavy duty stainless

steel pipe for curtain
rod with two stainless steel brackets in pelmets
PWD SOR instead of M.S. curtain rod
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 7 21 iaMfj;k
2015 8.44 of 20mm dia and M.S. brackets. (actual length of
rod to be measured)

12 mm dia
8.44.1 16.00 eh- 98.50 1576.00
25 mm dia
8.44.3 16.00 eh- 229.00 3664.00

Total 1893660.00
Say Rs. In Lacs 18.937

Sub.Div.Officer Sub.Enginner
RES, Sub.Div. Panariya RES, Sub.Div. Pandariya
Distt.- Kabirdham Distt.- Kabirdham


No Item Item of works No. L B H/D Qty. Unit Rate Amount
1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 0301(ii) uhao dk;Z gsrq dM+h feêh esa
1eh- xgjk] 90 lseh- pkSM+kbZ
esa [kqnkbZ ,oa >jkbZ fd;k
tkdj [kksns gq, feêh dks 50 eh-
nwjh rd tek djuk
Columns 16 1.50 1.50 1.80 64.80
8 1.80 1.80 2.00 51.84
Soak Pit 1 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.20
Septik Tank 1 3.50 2.50 1.80 15.75
TOTAL 133.59 ?kueh- 154.70 20666.00
2 402 jsr HkjkbZ dk;Z& uhao vkSj
dqlhZ dk;Z ds pkjks vksj >hjhZ
,d dejks ds vanj es jsr ls
HkjkbZ dk;Z ¼ikuh Mkydj
lcyhax@/kqEel ls nckuk lfgr½
8** ds ijr esa
Columns 16 1.50 1.50 0.20 7.20
8 1.8 1.8 0.20 5.18
STAGE 1 7.00 3.00 1.20 25.20
Soak Pit 1 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.10
Septik Tank 1 3.5 2.5 0.10 0.88
TOTAL 38.56 ?kueh- 429.70 16569.00
3 402 eq:e HkjkbZ dk;Z& uhao vkSj
dqlhZ dk;Z ds pkjks vksj >hjhZ
,d dejks ds vanj es jsr ls
HkjkbZ dk;Z ¼ikuh Mkydj
lcyhax@/kqEel ls nckuk lfgr½
8** ds ijr esa
HALL 1 7.00 16.20 0.80 90.72
GEN. ROOM 1 3.10 4.40 0.80 10.91
LAD. ROOM 1 3.10 4.40 0.80 10.91
STORE ROOM 3 3.10 4.40 0.80 32.74
LOBBY 2 1.20 3.50 0.80 6.72
TOILET GEN. 1 1.70 1.80 0.80 2.45
TOILET LAD. 1 1.70 1.80 0.80 2.45
TOILET BLOCK M&F 2 3.10 2.10 0.80 10.42
PORCH 1 3.20 3.50 0.80 8.96
TOTAL 176.27 ?kueh- 222.00 39132.00
4 0413(iii) [kqnkbZ fd;s x;s uhao esa csl
dkadzhV 1%4%8 ds vuqikr esa
ftlesa ¼1 Hkkx lhesaV] 4
Hkkx jsr ,oa 8 Hkkx 40feeh-
fxêh½ dks vPNs ls ikuh dh
mfpr ek=k ds lkFk feykdj Hkjk
tkuk gSA ,d nqljs fnu ls ikuh
dh rjkbZ yxkrkj fd;k tkuk gSA
Columns 16 1.50 1.50 0.20 7.20
8 1.80 1.80 0.20 5.18
Soak Pit 1 1.00 1.00 0.10 0.10
Septik Tank 1 3.50 2.50 0.10 0.88
HALL 1 7.00 16.20 0.10 11.34
GEN. ROOM 1 3.10 4.40 0.10 1.36
LAD. ROOM 1 3.10 4.40 0.10 1.36
STORE ROOM 3 3.10 4.40 0.10 4.09
LOBBY 2 1.20 3.50 0.10 0.84
TOILET GEN. 1 1.70 1.80 0.10 0.31
TOILET LAD. 1 1.70 1.80 0.10 0.31
TOILET BLOCK M&F 2 3.10 2.10 0.10 1.30
PORCH 1 3.20 3.50 0.10 1.12
TOTAL 35.39 ?kueh- 2454.40 86869.00
5 0425(iii) fyaVy <+ykbZ ¼vkj-lh-lh-½
dk;Z Nr] fyaVy [kaHkk ¼fiyj½
cjkenk lh<+h vkfn ds fy,
1%2%4 ds elkyk ls ikSu bZap
fxêh dkadzhV dk;Z fd;k tkukA
dkadzhV dk;Z dks Bhd ls
dqVkbZ ,oa xzsfMªax lfgr ¼21
fnu rd Nr esa feêh dh D;kajh
cukdj ikuh HkjkbZ lfgr½

Columns Roft 16 1.40 1.40 0.15 4.70

8 1.60 1.60 0.15 3.07
Column footing 16x0.45 /6[(1.4)2+(0.3x0.2)+4(1.4+(0.3x0.2)/2)2 7.32
8x0.45 /6[(1.6)2+(0.4x0.6)+4((1.6)2+(0.4x0.6)/2 6.38
Column up to S.L. 9 0.30 0.20 4.70 2.54
8 0.30 0.20 5.60 2.69
8 0.30 0.50 5.60 6.72
PLINTH BEAM 2 16.60 0.20 0.40 2.66
1 13.30 0.20 0.40 1.06
3 7.40 0.20 0.40 1.78
7 3.50 0.20 0.40 1.96
1 9.50 0.20 0.40 0.76
1 3.20 0.20 0.30 0.19
3 3.50 0.20 0.30 0.63
LINTAL BEAM LW 2 16.60 0.20 0.20 1.33
1 13.30 0.20 0.20 0.53
3 7.40 0.20 0.20 0.89
7 3.50 0.20 0.20 0.98
1 9.50 0.20 0.20 0.38
1 3.20 0.20 0.20 0.13
3 3.50 0.20 0.20 0.42
CHAJJA FRONT 8 1.30 0.50 0.08 0.42
LAFT 4 3.10 0.50 0.08 0.50
SLAB BEAM LW 2 16.6 0.2 0.20 1.33
1 13.3 0.2 0.20 0.53
3 7.4 0.2 0.20 0.89
7 3.5 0.2 0.20 0.98
1 9.50 0.20 0.20 0.38
1 3.2 0.2 0.20 0.13
3 3.5 0.2 0.20 0.42
T-BEAM 4 7.40 0.30 0.55 4.88
SLAB 1 8.00 17.20 0.12 16.51
1 3.60 13.90 0.11 5.50
1 3.60 10.00 0.11 3.96
PORCH SLAB 1 3.60 3.80 0.11 1.50
SEPTIK TANK 1 3.50 2.50 0.10 0.88
TOTAL 85.93 ?kueh- 3913.90 336314.00
6 0904(i) <+ykbZ ¼vkj-lh-lh-½ dk;Z Nr]
fyaVy [kaHkk ¼fiyj½ cjkenk
lh<+h] yk¶V vkfn NM+
dkVdj] eksM+dj ¼yksgk
ypdnkj ,oa tax jfgr½ rFkk
/kkjhnkj gksuk pkfg, lHkh
fLFkfr esa ekufp= ds vuqlkj
yxkuk ¼ca/kkbZ rkj ykaxr
TOTAL 7303.90 Kg. 66.00 482057.00
7 430 uhoksa vkSj dqlhZ es izcfyr
lhesaV dkadzhV ,oa lknh
lhesaV dkadzhV dk;ksZ ds fy,
<qyk vkSj r[rkcanh] FkkeksZ]
Vsadksa vkfn rFkk <wyk
[kksyus lfgrA
Columns Roft 16x4 1.40 - 0.15 13.44
8x4 1.60 - 0.15 7.68
Column up to P.L. 16x2 0.20 - 1.60 10.24
16x2 0.30 - 1.60 15.36
8x2 0.30 - 1.80 8.64
8x2 0.50 - 1.80 14.40
PLINTH BEAM 2x2 16.60 - 0.40 26.56
1x2 13.30 - 0.40 10.64
3x2 7.00 - 0.40 16.80
7x2 3.50 - 0.40 19.60
1x2 9.50 - 0.40 7.60
1x2 3.20 - 0.30 1.92
3x2 3.50 - 0.30 6.30
Deduction Column -16 0.20 - 0.40 -1.28
-8 0.30 - 0.40 -0.96
TOTAL 156.94 ?kueh- 220.90 34668.00
8 428 lsaVªhax ¼lkapk½ dk;Z
ydM+h ds QkVs ls ;k yksgs dh
pknj ls nhoky NTtk] cjkenk]
lh<+h ,oa ltkoVh dk;Z ds fy,
fQfVax lfgrA
Column up to S.L. 9x2 0.20 3.10 11.16
9x2 0.30 3.10 16.74
8x2 0.20 3.80 12.16
8x2 0.30 3.80 18.24
8x2 0.30 3.80 18.24
8x2 0.50 3.80 30.40
LINTAL BEAM OUTER SIDE LW 2x2 16.60 - 0.20 13.28
3x2 7.00 - 0.20 5.60
7x2 3.50 - 0.20 9.80
LINTAL BEAM INNER SIDE LW 1x2 9.50 - 0.20 3.80
1x2 3.20 - 0.20 1.28
3x2 3.50 - 0.20 4.20
CHAJJA FRONT 9 1.30 0.50 - 5.85
LAFT 4 3.10 0.50 - 6.20
SLAB BEAM OUTER SIDE LW 2x2 16.60 - 0.20 19.92
1x2 13.30 - 0.20 5.32
3x2 7.00 - 0.20 5.60
7x2 3.50 - 0.20 9.80
SLAB BEAM INNER SIDE LW 1x2 9.50 - 0.20 3.80
1x2 3.20 - 0.20 1.28
T-BEAM (2 SIDE) 4x2 7.00 - 0.55 30.80
HALL 1 7.00 16.20 - 113.40
GEN. ROOM 1 3.10 4.40 - 13.64
LAD. ROOM 1 3.10 4.40 - 13.64
STORE ROOM 1 3.10 4.40 - 13.64
LOBBY 1 1.20 3.50 - 4.20
TOILET GEN. 1 1.70 1.80 - 3.06
TOILET LAD. 1 1.70 1.80 - 3.06
TOILET BLOCK M&F 2 3.10 2.10 - 13.02
PORCH 1 3.20 3.50 - 11.20
Deduction Column -16 0.20 - 0.20 -0.64
-8 0.30 - 0.20 -0.48
TOTAL 421.21 oxZ eh 306.20 128975.00
9 0605(x) uhao dk;Z esa gh csl dkadzhV
ds Åij Js.kh 25 dk bZV ¼8**
bZaV lkbt½ bZaV tqM+kbZ
tks fd 1%6 ds ¼1lhesaV] 6jsr½
vuqikr esa lhesaV elkyk cukdj
uhao tqM+kbZA bZaV dks
vPNh rjg ls ikuh esa Mqck
gqvk gksuk pkfg, rFkk 10 fnu
rd yxkrkj ikuh esa vPNh rjg
rjkbZ fd;k tkuk gSA

PLINTH BEAM 2 16.60 0.20 0.40 2.66

1 13.30 0.20 0.40 1.06
3 7.00 0.20 0.40 1.68
7 3.50 0.20 0.40 1.96
1 9.50 0.20 0.40 0.76
1 3.20 0.20 0.40 0.26
3 3.50 0.20 0.40 0.84
SEPTIK TANK LW 2 3.50 0.20 1.60 2.24
2 2.10 0.20 1.60 1.34
Deduction Column -16 0.20 0.20 0.40 -0.26
-8 0.30 0.20 0.40 -0.19
TOTAL 12.35 ?kueh- 2867.50 35419.00
10 420 lhesaV&dkaØhV 1%2%4
¼1lhesaV] 2eksVh jsr] 4iRFkj
dk 20feeh ukeh; uki dk
vuqikfrr feykok½ ds 50feeh
eksVs ueh&jksd jís dh
O;oLFkk djuk vkSj Mkyuk]
rjkbZ lfgr] lEiw.kZ
PLINTH BEAM 2 16.60 0.20 - 6.64
1 13.30 0.20 - 2.66
2 7.00 0.20 - 2.80
7 3.50 0.20 - 4.90
1 9.50 0.20 - 1.90
1 3.20 0.20 - 0.64
3 3.50 0.20 - 2.10
Deduction Column -16 0.20 0.20 -0.64
-8 0.30 0.20 -0.48
TOTAL 20.52 oxZ eh 237.20 4867.00
11 0605(x) IyhaFk che ds Åij ¼dqlhZ Lrj
ds Åij½ Js.kh 25 dk 8** lkbZt
bZaV ikuh ls Mqckdj 1%6 ds
elkyk ls tqM+kbZ djuk] nqljs
fnu ls 10 fnu rd ikuh ls rjkbZ
djukA 21.25
SUPER STRUCTERE LW 2 16.60 0.20 3.20
1 13.30 0.20 2.90 7.71
2 7.00 0.20 3.20 8.96
STAGE WALL 1 7.40 0.20 1.20 1.78
7 3.50 0.20 2.90 14.21
1 9.50 0.20 2.90 5.51
2 3.20 0.20 2.90 3.71
3 3.50 0.20 2.90 6.09
4 1.20 0.10 2.10 1.01
TOTAL 70.23
Deduction Column 16 0.20 0.20 2.90 0.64
8 0.30 0.20 3.20 0.48
D 1 2.00 0.20 2.10 0.84
D1 3 0.90 0.20 2.10 1.13
D2 6 0.80 0.20 2.10 2.02
W 8 0.90 0.20 1.20 1.73
V 28 0.90 0.20 0.30 1.51
TOTAL 8.35
Net Qty. 61.88 oxZ eh 3040.00 188109.00
12 1009(iv) 15 feeh eksVk lhesaV iyLrj
nhokj dh [kqjnqjh lrg ij
¼?k½ lhesaV elkyk 1%6¼1
lhesaV] 6jsr½
PLINTH BEAM OUTER SIDE LW 2 16.6 - 4.80 159.36
SW 2 7.00 - 4.80 67.20
4 3.3 - 4.80 63.36
TOTAL 289.92 oxZ eh 103.20 29920.00
13 1007(iv) iyLrj dk;Z nhoky ds [kqjnqjs
lrg dh rjQ 12 feeh- eksVkbZ
1%6 elkyk ls iyLrj dk;Z fd;k
tkuk ,oa ikuh rjkbZ 10 fnu rd
fd;k tkukA
INNER SIDE LW 2 16.20 - 4.00 129.60
2 7.00 - 4.00 56.00
12 3.10 - 3.20 119.04
8 4.40 - 3.20 112.64
4 3.50 - 3.20 44.80
2 1.70 - 3.20 10.88
8 1.20 - 2.10 20.16
1 8.00 - 1.20 9.60
TOTAL 502.72
D 1 2.00 - 2.10 4.20
D1 3 0.90 - 2.10 5.67
D2 6 0.80 - 2.10 10.08
W 8 0.90 - 1.20 8.64
V 28 0.90 - 0.30 7.56
TOTAL 36.15
Net Qty. Total 466.57 oxZ eh 91.30 42598.00
14 903 bLikr dk >yk gqvk dke] tqMh
dkV okys [kaMksa] dSfp;ksa
vkSj <kapsnkj dke esa] dkVus]
p<k+ usa] ;FkkLFkku yxkus
lfgr]tkfy;ksa] <kpsnkj jksd
NMksa] lhf<;ksa] jsfyaxksa] –
ksdsVksa vkSj ,sls
gh vU ; dke esa 25 eh- rd ikV
vkSj 15eh- dqy ÅpkbZ dh
dSfp;ksa vkSj dSaphnkj
D 1 2.00 - 2.10
ifyZuksa esaA 85 kg./ nos 85.00 85.00
D1 3 0.90 - 2.10
55 kg./ nos 55.00 165.00
D2 6 0.80 - 2.10
50 kg./ nos 50.00 300.00
W GRILL 8 0.90 - 1.20
45kg./ nos 45.00 360.00
V 28 0.90 - 0.30
5 kg./ nos 5.00 140.00
TOTAL 1050.00 oxZ eh 79.00 82950.00
15 1335(ii) isafVax dk;Z& njokts
f[kM+dh] pSuy xsV] xzhy
vkfn esa 1 ijr izkbZej dksV
yxkus ,oa 2 ijr vkby isaV
lfgrA 1 2.00 2 2.10 8.40
D1 3 0.90 2 2.10 11.34
D2 6 0.80 2 2.10 20.16
W 8 0.90 2 1.20 17.28
V 28 0.90 2 0.30 15.12
TOTAL 72.30 oxZ eh 64.30 4649.00
16 1320 cz'k ls vPNh rjg ls jxM+ dj
elkys dh NhVsa vkSj vU;
ckgjh inkFkZ lkQ djus ds ckn
fcuk ltkoV okyh nhokj dh lrg ij
[kfM;k iqrkbZ dh ,d çkFkfed
ijr vkSj mlds mij vuqeksfnr
Nkis vkSj fuekZrk ds vkSj vko'
;d jax ds lw[ksa fML Vsaij ls
¼nks ijrksa esa½ fML Vsaij
djuk rkfd ,dlkj vkHkk gks tk;sa
lrg dks jsreky djds fpduh
vkSj ,dlkj rS;kj djus lfgr

1 Qty.of item no 13 591.17

TOTAL 591.17 oxZ eh 62.90 37185.00
17 1318(i) nhokj dh lrg ij vko';d jax ds
Lukslse ;k M;wjksalse ls
iqrkbZ djuk
¼d½ u;s dke ij nks ijrsa 1 Qty.of item no 12 289.92
TOTAL 289.92 oxZ eh 15.40 4465.00
18 1220 lhesVdkaØhV 1%2%4 ¼1
lhesaV] 2 eksVh jsr] 4 iRFkj
dk 20 feeh ukeh; uki dk
vuqikfrr feykok½ ,d ijr esa
Mkydj Q'kZ cukuk] [kkfyl
lhesaV ?kqVkbZ okyh lEiwfrZ
lfgr ¼d½ 50 feeh- eksVk
SEPTIK TANK 1 3.10 2.10 - 6.51
6.51 oxZ eh 255.60 1664.00
19 1245 lQsn dkfpr Vkbysa 6 feeh
eksVh ] Q'kksZ iSfM ;ksa ds
iV ~ Vksa vkSj pkSfd;ksa ij
1%3 ¼1 lhesaV] 3 jsr½ ds
lhesaV elkys dk 12 feeh eksVk
vk/kkj Mkydj yxkbZ gqbZ ]
lQsn lhesaV dh Hkjoka Vhi dh
laiwfrZ] lfgr
HALL 1 7.00 16.20 - 113.40
GEN. ROOM 1 3.10 4.40 - 13.64
LAD. ROOM 1 3.10 4.40 - 13.64
STORE ROOM 1 3.10 4.40 - 13.64
TOILET BLOCK M&F 2 3.10 2.10 - 13.02
8 1.20 1.20 - 11.52
2 3.10 1.20 - 7.44
2 2.10 1.20 - 5.04
2 1.30 1.20 - 3.12
LOBBY 1 1.20 3.50 - 4.20
TOILET GEN. 1 1.70 1.80 - 3.06
4 1.70 2.10 14.28
TOILET LAD. 1 1.70 1.80 - 3.06
4 1.70 2.10 14.28
STEP 12 1.00 0.20 2.40
10 1.00 0.20 2.00
SCATTING 1 115.20 0.10 11.52
PORCH 1 3.20 3.50 - 11.20
TOTAL 260.46 oxZ eh 948.30 246994.00
20 PWD Providing and applying 2mm thick ready
SOR mix exterior grade approved
2015 make putty (like Birla wall care, Alltek
14.13 Superfine W/R of (NCL), Asian, ICI,
Nerolac, J.K. wall putty) on walls to
make the surface smooth and even
¼d½ u;s dke ij nks ijrsa 1 Qty.of item no. 12& 13 466.57
1 Qty.of item no.19 260.46
DEDUCTION Toilet wall -4 1.70 - 2.10 -14.28
Toilet wall -4 1.80 - 2.10 -15.12
screting Rm -1 111.20 - 0.15 -16.68
TOTAL 680.95 oxZ eh 94.50 64350.00
21 PWD Extra for providing and fixing heavy
SOR duty stainless steel pipe for curtain
2015 rod with two stainless steel brackets in
8.44 pelmets instead of M.S. curtain rod
of 20mm dia and M.S. brackets. (actual
length of rod to be measured)
8.44.1 12 mm dia 2 8 - - 16.00 eh- 98.50 1576.00
8.44.3 25 mm dia 2 8 - - 16.00 eh- 229.00 3664.00
Total Rs. 1893660.00
Bor Drilling And Fitting , Sainetary fitting and water supply work charge 167810.00
Add for Furnicture work 120000.00
Contengecy work charge 5% 94683.00
Electrification work charge 8 % 151493.00
Tender charge 15% 284049.00
Services charge 15% 284049.00
G. Total Rs. 2999744.00
SAY Rs. LACS 30.00


rduhdh izfrosnu ,oa ekin.M
2 dk;Z LFky xzzke % xzke iapk;r fodkl[k.M i.Mfj;k
3 vuqekfur ykxr : yk£
4 rduhdh Lohd`fr
5 en :cZu ;kstuk
6 iz'kkldh; Lohd`fr
7 izko/kku 1 feV~Vh dk dke ¼xgjkbZ esa 30lseh pkSMkbZ esa 1-5eh vkSj {ks=Qy esa
10oxZ eh ls vf/kd½{ks=ksa dh xgjkbZ esa]50eh rdnwjh rFkk 1-5eh rd
ÅpkbZ esa [kksnh gqbZ feV~Vh ds fuiVku vkSj Qsdh gqbZ feV~Vh lery
djus rFkk lQkbZ ls njslh djus ds lfgr
2 vfrfjä Hkq xrku 1-5 eh- ;k mlds Hkkx ds fy;s mBku gsrq A
3 [kkb;ksa] dqlhZ] uhoa dh cxyksa vkfn esa d<h eqje dh HkjkbZ] nqjeqBksa ls
dqVkbZ] ikuh&flpkbZa lfgrA
4 uhoksa vkSj dqlhZ esa Q'kksZ ds uhps lhesV &dkadhV dh O;oLFkk djusk
vkSj Mkyuk]iRFkj ds 40feeh ukeh; uki ds vuqikfrr feykosa esa rjkbZ lfgr
lEiw.kZ fdUreq <wyk&cUnh dh ykxr NksMdj lhesaVdadzhV1]4]8
1lhesaV]4jsr]8fxVVh ½
5 ljnyksa ]LraHkksa ][kaHksa nhoky Nrksa vkfn esa fof'k"V dksfV dh izcfyr
lhesaV dkadzVh miyO/k djkuk ,oa mls Bhd izdkj ls fcNuk <wyk]r[rkcanh
kEiwZfr vkSj izcyu mLikr dh ykxr ds vfrfjDr ds rjkbZ ,oa lQkbZ lfgrA ¼
1%2%4 ½
6 Q'kZ ry 2 rd izcfyr lhesV dkadhV ds dke ds fy, VsLVM bLikr izcyu dh
ekufp= ds vuqlkj O;oLFkk djus ]mls eksMus ]cka/kus vkSj ;FkkLFku j[kus
cka/kus ds rkj dh dher ,oa osLVst lfgr laiw.kZ dksYM VohLVsM@gkWM
jksYM fMQkEMZ @FkeksZ esdsfudy VhVsM Lvhy ckj

7 uhoksa vkSj dqlhZ esa ,oa dqlhZ ds mij izofyr lhesaV dkadhV dk;ksZ ds fy;s
<wyk vkSj r[rkcanh ] Fkkeksa ]Vsdks vkfn rFkk <wyk [ksyus lfgr
8 uhoksa vkSj dqlhZ es ,oa dqlhZ ds mij a 25 oZx uke dh [kqyk ÒV]Vk ls idh
gqà bZVksa esa bZV fpukbZ dk dke lhesaV elkyk 1%6 ¼1 lhesaV 6
jsr½¶ykbZ ,'k gsrq vfrfjDr Hkqxrku
9 dqlhZ ry ls Åij dh lajpuk esa 25 oxZ uke dh [kqyk HkV~ Vk ;k itok fof/k ls
idkbZ gqbZ bZVksa ls vk/kh bZV dh fpukbZ dk dke ¼[k½ lhesaV elkys esa
10 1%6
15 feeh ,o 12 feeh eksVk lhesaV iyLrj nhokj dh lrg ij lhesV elkyk 1%6 ¼1
lhesaV 6 jsr½
11 bLikr dk >yk gqvk dke ] tqMh dkV okys [kaMks dSfp;ksa vkSj <kapsnkj
dke esa dkVus esa p<kus ;FkkLFkku yxkus lfgr tkfy;ksa <kpsnkj jksd
Nmksa lh<h;ks jsfyxksa n`ksdsVksa vksj ,sls gh vU; dke esa 25 eh rd ikV
vkSj 15 eh dqy mapkbZ dh dkSfp;ksa vkSj dSfp;ksnkj ikfyuksa esa
12 bLikr dk dke] bdgjs [kaMksa esa] dkVus] p<k+ us] ;FkkLFkkuyxkus lfgr
/kjuksa] dfM;ksa] psuyksa] ,safxyks vkSj Vh;ksa esa tks fcuk ;kstd iV~ V
13 yxk;s
visf{krvyx&vyx tqMh
varj ls yxh uje gks
bLikr ifÙk;ksa] pkS[kVksa] vkSj xksy ;k pkSdksj
lfj;ks ds visf{kr uewus ds uje bLikr taxyks dhO;oLFkk djuk vkSj f[kMfd;ksa
vkfn dh ydMh dh pkS[kVksa esa
14 xksy& eR Fkksokys
lQsn dkfpr Vkbysa 6dkcys&f<cfj;ksa ;k ispksa
feeh eksVh ] Q'kksZ iSfMls;ksa
~ Vksa vkSj
pkSfd;ksa ij 1%3 ¼1 lhesaV] 3 jsr½ ds lhesaV elkys dk 12 feeh eksVk
vk/kkj Mkydj yxkbZ gqbZ ] lQsn lhesaV dh Hkjoka Vhi dh laiwfrZ] lfgr
15 Providing and applying 2mm thick ready mix exterior grade approved make putty (like Birla
wall care, Alltek Superfine W/R of (NCL), Asian, ICI, Nerolac, J.K. wall putty) on walls to
make the surface smooth and even.
16 bLikr vkSj vU; /kkrq dh lrgks ij Hkhrj ds dke esa cz'k ls yxkus ;ksX; buSey
jksxu djuk rkfd ,dlkj vkHkk gks tk, lrg ij ls lkjh feV~Vh /kwy vkSj vU; ckgjh
inkFkZ lkQ djus lfgr A 2 rgksa esa

17 vuqeksfnr Nki vkSj fuekZrk ds] fMLVsaij Lrj dh ,d Lrjijr] vkSj mlds Åij
vko';d jax ds rsycn~?k fMLVsaij ls ¼nksa ijrksa esa½ fMLVsaij djuk] u;s
dk;Z esa
18 For furniture non sor item purchesing government e marketing

8 nj iapk;r ,oa xzkeh.k fodkl foHkkx N-x- 'kklu] fuekZ.k ,oa la/kkj.k dk;ksZ dh nj
vuqlqph tks dh 01 twu 2015 ls izHkko'khy ds vuqlkj gSA,oa yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx }
kjk tkjh nj vuqlqph 1 tuojh 2015 ls izpfyr nj vuqlkj aA

dk;Zikyu vfHk;ark vuqfoHkkxh; vf/kdkjh mivfHk;ark

xzeh.k ;kaf=dh lsok xkzeh.k ;kaf=dh lsok xzkeh.k ;kaf=dh lsok
laHkkx do/kkZ mi laHkkx mi laHkkx


Providing and fixing vitreous china water closet

1 2201(iii) squatting pan (indian type) including cutting and making Each 4.000 - -
good the walls and floors whetever required.
Providing and fixing white vitreous chuna wash basin
2 2219(ii) including making all connections but excluding the cost Each 4.000 - -
of white size 630x450mm
providing and fixing C.P. brass waste fot wash basin or
3 2225(i) sink 32mm dia Each 4.000 - -

providing and fixing M.I. fisher union for basin or sink

4 2226(i) 32mm dia Each 2.000 - -

providing and fixing M.I. Trap for basin or sink 32mm

5 2227(ii) dia Each 2.000 - -

providing and fixing white vitreous chuna urinal basin

6 2211(ii) with waste fitting as. Flat back half stall urinal of size Each 2.000 - -
providing and fixing one piece construction white
7 2213(i) vitreous china squatting plate urinal with an integralrim Each 2.000 - -
longitudinal flushing pipe.
providing and fixing of wall face UV stabilized Rigid PVC
8 2232 pipes. 80mmdia pipe. Each 12.000 - -

80mm dia pipe.

9 2232(i) Each 20.000 - -

providing and fixing on wall face UV stabilized PVC

10 2234(iii) moulded fitting. Each 15.000 - -
plain bend 100mm bend

11 2236(iiI) vent covel 100 mm Each 4.000 - -

providing and fixing on wall surface G.I. pipes medium
12 2101(i) class complete with G.I. fitting and clamps.
15mm dia, nominal bore
13 2101(i) 15mm dia, nominal bore RM. 6.000 - -
14 2101(ii) 20mm dia, nominal bore RM. 7.000 - -
15 2101(iii) 25mm dia, nominal bore RM. 10.940 - -
16 2101(V) 40mm dia, nominal bore RM. 19.000 - -
providing and fixing 15mm nominal bore C.P. brass
17 2130 fitting of approved make and conforming to IS:8931 Each 3.000 - -
including C.P. brass exension if bib cock (450gms)
providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with c.i. wheel
18 2137(i) of approved quality 40 mm nominal bore Each 2.000 - -

providing and fixing ball valve of apprived quality high

19 2135(iii) or low pressure with plastic floats complete 40mm Each 2.000 - -
naminal bore
providing and placting on terrace polyethylence
20 2149(i) LITER 2000.000 - -
21 2122 Soap dish plate Each 3.000 - -
22 2120(ii) Towel rail (600mm longx20mm dai) Each 3.000 - -
23 2116 providing and fixing glass Each 3.000 - -
19.48 PwD Constructing masonry Chamber 60x60x75 cm, inside
SOR 2015 with modular well burnt clay bricks of 35 kg/ cm² in
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) for sluice
valve, with C.I. surface box 100mm. top diameter, 160
mm bottom diameter and 180 mm deep (inside) with
chained lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone agregate 20mm nominal
size) necessary excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10
24 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 Each 3.000 - -
mm nominal size)
and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a
floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard
design :


- 4.000 1240.300 4961.000

- 4.000 2007.200 8029.000

- 4.000 273.900 1096.000

- 2.000 218.500 437.000

- 2.000 210.200 420.000

- 2.000 1128.500 2257.000

- 2.000 1254.800 2510.000

- 12.000 114.800 1378.000

- 20.000 133.500 2670.000

- 15.000 133.700 2005.000

- 4.000 157.000 628.000

- 6.000 145.400 872.000

- 7.000 179.400 1256.000
- 10.940 162.600 1779.000
- 19.000 349.200 6635.000

- 3.000 344.900 1035.000

- 2.000 1032.200 2064.000

- 2.000 718.500 1437.000

- 2000.000 8.600 17200.000
- 3.000 399.200 1198.000
- 3.000 619.300 1858.000
- 3.000 717.800 2153.000

- 3.000 4644.000 13932.000

Total RS 77811.000
SAY RS 77810.000
Detailed Estimate For Drilling of Tube Well
l-d ,lks- fooj.k ux y pkS Å@x ek=k bZdk nj
vks- bZ
Carrying out the resistivity survey by VES
method using Schlumberger
configuration for locating the proper spot
for drilling of tube well within the
selected habitation, including
photography, interpretation of resistivity
pwd and submission of report in the desired
sor format along with resistivity
1 1 - - - 1 point 1502.00
2015.2 readings, necessary graph and
1.17 photographs. (only successful point is

Boring/drilling bore well perfectly vertical

for the specified depth suitable to
receive required dia for casing/ strainer
pipe, by suitable method
prescribed in IS: 2800 (part I), including
collecting samples from different
strata, preparing and submitting strata
chart/bore log, including hire &
running charges of all equipments, tools,
plants & machineries required for
2 21.1 the job, all complete as per direction of
Engineer–in-charge upto 90 metre
depth below ground lev

21.1.1. 150 mm dia 1 20.00 - - 20.00 RM 339.00

3 21.1.2 Rocky strata including Boulders.
150 mm dia. 1 0.50 - - 0.50 RM 396.00
Supplying, assembling, lowering and
fixing in vertical position in bore well,
4 21.5 ISI marked G.I. casing pipe (Plain)
medium class in 4 to 7 meters length
one end fitted with socket as per IS: 1239
(Part-1&Part-2) 1992 with IVth
revision (Up-to-date amendments), of
reputed & approved make, including
required hire & labour charges, fittings &
accessories, all complete, for all
depths, as per direction of Engineer- in-
21.5.3 150 mm nominal dia 1 25.00 - - 25.00 RM 1304.00
Boring/drilling bore well perfectly vertical
for the specified depth suitable to
receive required dia for casing/ strainer
pipe, by suitable method
prescribed in IS: 2800 (part I), including
collecting samples from different
strata, preparing and submitting strata
chart/bore log, including hire &
running charges of all equipments, tools,
plants & machineries required for
5 21.1 the job, all complete as per direction of
Engineer–in-charge upto 90 metre
depth below ground lev

21.1.2 Rocky strata including Boulders.

21.1.2. 125 mm dia. 1 50.00 - - 50.00 RM 349.00

Providing and fixing suitable size

threaded mild steel cap or spot welded
21.11 plate to the top of bore well housing/
6 casing pipe, removable as per
requirement, all complete for bore well
21.11.3 150 mm dia 1 1 NO 217.00
Detailed Estimate for providing&installation of singal phase submersible pump set
l-d ,lks- fooj.k ux y pkS Å@x ek=k bZdk nj
vks- bZ
providing &supplying of submersible
1 pump set suitable for 100 mm bore size 1 - - - 1 NO 13000
(tree phase) 80m. Head and 60 LPM
providing &supplying of (single
2 phase)control panel suitable for 2 Hp 1 - - - 1 NO 3000
submersible pump
3 providing &supplying of submersible 1 79.00 - - 79.00 M 63.00
cable 2.5 sqmm
4 providing service wire 10 sqmm 1 8.00 - - 8.00 M 10.00
5 providing of 32 mm dia PVC pipe for 1 65.00 - - 65.00 M 80.00
submersible pump &fitting

Laboure charge for lowering pump set in

the existing tobe well i/c transporation of
6 material from deportmental store to 1 - - - 1 job 4995
work site testing electric conection etc.
Total Rs :--
SAY Rs :--

vfuqfoHkkxh; vf/kdkjh mivfHk;ark

xzkeh.k ;kaf=dh lsok milaHkkx iaMfj;k xzkeh.k ;kaf=dh lsok milaHkkx iaMfj











k milaHkkx iaMfj;k

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