Rduhdh Izfrosnu, Oa Ekin.M: DK Z DK Uke DK Z Lfky Vuqekfur Ykxr Rduhdh Lohd'Fr en Iz'Kkldh Lohd'Fr Izko/Kku 1
Rduhdh Izfrosnu, Oa Ekin.M: DK Z DK Uke DK Z Lfky Vuqekfur Ykxr Rduhdh Lohd'Fr en Iz'Kkldh Lohd'Fr Izko/Kku 1
Rduhdh Izfrosnu, Oa Ekin.M: DK Z DK Uke DK Z Lfky Vuqekfur Ykxr Rduhdh Lohd'Fr en Iz'Kkldh Lohd'Fr Izko/Kku 1
1 dk;Z dk uke
2 dk;Z LFky xzzke % UA iapk;r fodkl[k.M i.Mfj;k
3 vuqekfur ykxr : yk£
4 rduhdh Lohd`fr
5 en
6 iz'kkldh; Lohd`fr
7 izko/kku 1 uhoksa vkSj dqlhZ esa Q'kksZ ds uhps lhesV &dkadhV dh O;oLFkk djusk
vkSj Mkyuk]iRFkj ds 40feeh ukeh; uki ds vuqikfrr feykosa esa rjkbZ lfgr
lEiw.kZ fdUreq <wyk&cUnh dh ykxr NksMdj lhesaVdadzhV1]4]8
1lhesaV]4jsr]8fxVVh ½
2 ljnyksa ]LraHkksa ][kaHksa nhoky Nrksa vkfn esa fof'k"V dksfV dh izcfyr
lhesaV dkadzVh miyO/k djkuk ,oa mls Bhd izdkj ls fcNuk <wyk]r[rkcanh
kEiwZfr vkSj izcyu mLikr dh ykxr ds vfrfjDr ds rjkbZ ,oa lQkbZ lfgrA ¼
1%2%4 ½
3 12 feeh eksVk lhesaV iyLrj nhokj dh lrg ij lhesV elkyk 1%6 ¼1 lhesaV 6
4 bLikr dk >yk gqvk dke ] tqMh dkV okys [kaMks dSfp;ksa vkSj <kapsnkj
dke esa dkVus esa p<kus ;FkkLFkku yxkus lfgr tkfy;ksa <kpsnkj jksd
Nmksa lh<h;ks jsfyxksa n`ksdsVksa vksj ,sls gh vU; dke esa 25 eh rd ikV
vkSj 15 eh dqy mapkbZ dh dkSfp;ksa vkSj dSfp;ksnkj ikfyuksa esa
5 lQsn dkfpr Vkbysa 6 feeh eksVh ] Q'kksZ iSfM ;ksa ds iV ~ Vksa vkSj
pkSfd;ksa ij 1%3 ¼1 lhesaV] 3 jsr½ ds lhesaV elkys dk 12 feeh eksVk
vk/kkj Mkydj yxkbZ gqbZ ] lQsn lhesaV dh Hkjoka Vhi dh laiwfrZ] lfgr
6 Providing and applying 2mm thick ready mix exterior grade approved make putty (like Birla
wall care, Alltek Superfine W/R of (NCL), Asian, ICI, Nerolac, J.K. wall putty) on walls to
make the surface smooth and even.
7 bLikr vkSj vU; /kkrq dh lrgks ij Hkhrj ds dke esa cz'k ls yxkus ;ksX; buSey
jksxu djuk rkfd ,dlkj vkHkk gks tk, lrg ij ls lkjh feV~Vh /kwy vkSj vU; ckgjh
inkFkZ lkQ djus lfgr A 2 rgksa esa
8 vuqeksfnr Nki vkSj fuekZrk ds] fMLVsaij Lrj dh ,d Lrjijr] vkSj mlds Åij
vko';d jax ds rsycn~?k fMLVsaij ls ¼nksa ijrksa esa½ fMLVsaij djuk] u;s
dk;Z esa
8 nj iapk;r ,oa xzkeh.k fodkl foHkkx N-x- 'kklu] fuekZ.k ,oa la/kkj.k dk;ksZ dh nj
vuqlqph tks dh 01 twu 2015 ls izHkko'khy ds vuqlkj gSA,oa yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx }
kjk tkjh nj vuqlqph 1 tuojh 2015 ls izpfyr nj vuqlkj aA
12 mm dia
8.44.1 16.00 eh- 98.50 1576.00
25 mm dia
8.44.3 16.00 eh- 229.00 3664.00
Providing and fixing vitreous china water
closet squatting pan (indian type) including
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2201(iii) iaMfj;k 4 Each 1240.3 4961.000
cutting and making good the walls and
floors whetever required.
Providing and fixing white vitreous chuna
wash basin including making all
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2219(ii) iaMfj;k 4 Each 2007.2 8029.000
connections but excluding the cost of white
size 630x450mm
providing and fixing C.P. brass waste fot
cgres.cgeprocurement. gov.in 2225(i) iaMfj;k wash basin or sink 32mm dia 4 Each 273.9 1096.000
Sub.Div.Officer Sub.Enginner
RES, Sub.Div. RES, Sub.Div. Pandariya
Panariya Distt.- Kabirdham
Distt.- Kabirdham
rduhdh izfrosnu
5 ;kstuk *
vuqfoHkkxh; vf/kdkjh xzk-;ka-lsok
6 rduhdh Lohd`fr vf/kdkjh * milaHkkx iaMfj;k
7 iz'kkldh; Lohd`fr * dysDVj dchj/kke ¼N-x-½
xzkeh.k ;kaf=dh lsok ds lh- ,l -vkj-
8 nj * fnukad 01-06-2015 ls izHkko'khy nj vuqlkj
12 mm dia
8.44.1 16.00 eh- 98.50 1576.00
25 mm dia
8.44.3 16.00 eh- 229.00 3664.00
Total 1893660.00
Say Rs. In Lacs 18.937
Sub.Div.Officer Sub.Enginner
RES, Sub.Div. Panariya RES, Sub.Div. Pandariya
Distt.- Kabirdham Distt.- Kabirdham
7 uhoksa vkSj dqlhZ esa ,oa dqlhZ ds mij izofyr lhesaV dkadhV dk;ksZ ds fy;s
<wyk vkSj r[rkcanh ] Fkkeksa ]Vsdks vkfn rFkk <wyk [ksyus lfgr
8 uhoksa vkSj dqlhZ es ,oa dqlhZ ds mij a 25 oZx uke dh [kqyk ÒV]Vk ls idh
gqà bZVksa esa bZV fpukbZ dk dke lhesaV elkyk 1%6 ¼1 lhesaV 6
jsr½¶ykbZ ,'k gsrq vfrfjDr Hkqxrku
9 dqlhZ ry ls Åij dh lajpuk esa 25 oxZ uke dh [kqyk HkV~ Vk ;k itok fof/k ls
idkbZ gqbZ bZVksa ls vk/kh bZV dh fpukbZ dk dke ¼[k½ lhesaV elkys esa
10 1%6
15 feeh ,o 12 feeh eksVk lhesaV iyLrj nhokj dh lrg ij lhesV elkyk 1%6 ¼1
lhesaV 6 jsr½
11 bLikr dk >yk gqvk dke ] tqMh dkV okys [kaMks dSfp;ksa vkSj <kapsnkj
dke esa dkVus esa p<kus ;FkkLFkku yxkus lfgr tkfy;ksa <kpsnkj jksd
Nmksa lh<h;ks jsfyxksa n`ksdsVksa vksj ,sls gh vU; dke esa 25 eh rd ikV
vkSj 15 eh dqy mapkbZ dh dkSfp;ksa vkSj dSfp;ksnkj ikfyuksa esa
12 bLikr dk dke] bdgjs [kaMksa esa] dkVus] p<k+ us] ;FkkLFkkuyxkus lfgr
/kjuksa] dfM;ksa] psuyksa] ,safxyks vkSj Vh;ksa esa tks fcuk ;kstd iV~ V
13 yxk;s
visf{krvyx&vyx tqMh
varj ls yxh uje gks
bLikr ifÙk;ksa] pkS[kVksa] vkSj xksy ;k pkSdksj
lfj;ks ds visf{kr uewus ds uje bLikr taxyks dhO;oLFkk djuk vkSj f[kMfd;ksa
vkfn dh ydMh dh pkS[kVksa esa
14 xksy& eR Fkksokys
lQsn dkfpr Vkbysa 6dkcys&f<cfj;ksa ;k ispksa
feeh eksVh ] Q'kksZ iSfMls;ksa
~ Vksa vkSj
pkSfd;ksa ij 1%3 ¼1 lhesaV] 3 jsr½ ds lhesaV elkys dk 12 feeh eksVk
vk/kkj Mkydj yxkbZ gqbZ ] lQsn lhesaV dh Hkjoka Vhi dh laiwfrZ] lfgr
15 Providing and applying 2mm thick ready mix exterior grade approved make putty (like Birla
wall care, Alltek Superfine W/R of (NCL), Asian, ICI, Nerolac, J.K. wall putty) on walls to
make the surface smooth and even.
16 bLikr vkSj vU; /kkrq dh lrgks ij Hkhrj ds dke esa cz'k ls yxkus ;ksX; buSey
jksxu djuk rkfd ,dlkj vkHkk gks tk, lrg ij ls lkjh feV~Vh /kwy vkSj vU; ckgjh
inkFkZ lkQ djus lfgr A 2 rgksa esa
17 vuqeksfnr Nki vkSj fuekZrk ds] fMLVsaij Lrj dh ,d Lrjijr] vkSj mlds Åij
vko';d jax ds rsycn~?k fMLVsaij ls ¼nksa ijrksa esa½ fMLVsaij djuk] u;s
dk;Z esa
18 For furniture non sor item purchesing government e marketing
8 nj iapk;r ,oa xzkeh.k fodkl foHkkx N-x- 'kklu] fuekZ.k ,oa la/kkj.k dk;ksZ dh nj
vuqlqph tks dh 01 twu 2015 ls izHkko'khy ds vuqlkj gSA,oa yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx }
kjk tkjh nj vuqlqph 1 tuojh 2015 ls izpfyr nj vuqlkj aA
Total RS 77811.000
SAY RS 77810.000
Detailed Estimate For Drilling of Tube Well
l-d ,lks- fooj.k ux y pkS Å@x ek=k bZdk nj
vks- bZ
Carrying out the resistivity survey by VES
method using Schlumberger
configuration for locating the proper spot
for drilling of tube well within the
selected habitation, including
photography, interpretation of resistivity
pwd and submission of report in the desired
sor format along with resistivity
1 1 - - - 1 point 1502.00
2015.2 readings, necessary graph and
1.17 photographs. (only successful point is
k milaHkkx iaMfj;k