LawUndergrad PDF
LawUndergrad PDF
LawUndergrad PDF
HOW TO USE THIS HANDBOOK ....................................................................................................................................2
LEGAL NOTICE – PROGRAMME & COURSES ..................................................................................................................3
DISCLAIMER – PRIZES & AWARDS ................................................................................................................................3
FACULTY DISCLAIMER .................................................................................................................................................4
ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2020/2021 ...............................................................................................................................5
THE MISSION OF THE FACULTY OF LAW........................................................................................................................6
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................................................7
DEAN’S MESSAGE .......................................................................................................................................................8
STAFF LIST ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES ADMISSIONS................................................................................................................... 12
APPLICATION PROCEDURE .........................................................................................................................................................12
SCHOLARSHIPS, BURSARIES AND PRIZES .................................................................................................................... 13
TEACHING AND EXAMINATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 14
CONFERENCES, WORKSHOPS AND PROJECTS ............................................................................................................. 15
LINKS TO PROFESSIONAL TRAINING ........................................................................................................................... 15
REGULATIONS FOR THE DEGREE OF THE BACHELOR OF LAWS (LLB) ............................................................................. 16
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................................................................................16
LEAVE OF ABSENCE ....................................................................................................................................................................16
COURSE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE LLB ......................................................................................................................................17
Course of Study and Credits...................................................................................................................................................17
Exemptions for Foundation Courses......................................................................................................................................19
Courses of Studies for Direct Entry ........................................................................................................................................19
Students Re-Admitted to the Faculty ....................................................................................................................................20
SCHEME OF EXAMINATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................21
AWARD OF DEGREE ...................................................................................................................................................................25
Aegrotat Degree.....................................................................................................................................................................27
CO-CURRICULAR COURSES.........................................................................................................................................................27
PLAGIARISM DECLARATION....................................................................................................................................... 28
APPLICATION OF REGULATIONS ................................................................................................................................................28
UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS ON PLAGIARISM .............................................................................................................................28
PLAGIARISM DECLARATION .......................................................................................................................................................31
INDIVIDUAL PLAGIARISM DECLARATION ...............................................................................................................................31
GROUP PLAGIARISM DECLARATION ......................................................................................................................................32
THE CAMPUS LIBRARIES ............................................................................................................................................ 34
Law at the Alma Jordan Library .................................................................................................................................................35
CO-CURRICULAR CREDITS .......................................................................................................................................... 36
THE STUDENT LIFE AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT (SLDD) .................................................................................... 37
CENTRE FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING (CLL) ................................................................................................................... 38
STUDENT EXCHANGE & STUDY ABROAD .................................................................................................................... 39
LAW COURSES, SYLLABI, TEACHING AND EXAMINATION METHODS FOR LAW SUBJECTS............................................... 40
FIRST YEAR COURSES .................................................................................................................................................................40
SECOND YEAR COURSES.............................................................................................................................................................44
THIRD YEAR OPTIONAL COURSES ..............................................................................................................................................50
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• Relevant Faculty Regulations – e.g. Admission Criteria, Exemptions, Progression, GPA, Leave of Absence, etc.
• Relevant University Regulations including the Plagiarism Regulations and Declaration Forms
• Other Information on Co-Curricular courses, Language courses and Support for Students with physical and other
disabilities or impairments.
• Programme Descriptions and Course Listings which include the list of courses to be pursued in each programme
(degrees, diplomas and certificates), sorted by level and semester; course credits and credits to be completed for
each programme – majors, minors and specials.
• Course Descriptions which may include details such as prerequisites and methods of assessment.
Progress through a programme of study at the University is governed by Faculty Regulations and University Regulations.
Should there be a conflict between Faculty Regulations and University Regulations, University Regulations shall prevail,
where appropriate.
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2. Owing to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching, delivery and assessment of the University’s programmes and
courses during Semester I of Academic Year 2020/2021 will be conducted primarily through virtual/online/electronic
means. The University reserves the right to extend its virtual/online/electronic modes and methods of teaching,
delivery and assessment into Semester II and “Summer School” of the 2020/2021 Academic year, if deemed
Where permitted by national laws and regulations, the University may make appropriate arrangements to facilitate
on-site teaching and/or conduct of practical components of specific programmes and courses, with such
arrangements to follow strict adherence to all relevant COVID-19 Public Health Regulations and Guidelines and the
University’s Health and Safety protocols and guidelines.
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This booklet gives information on Courses offered in the Faculty of Law at the St. Augustine Campus of The University of
the West Indies (Trinidad and Tobago). For courses offered at the other Campuses, please see Faculty booklets for the Cave
Hill (Barbados) and Mona (Jamaica) Campuses.
These regulations govern the programmes of study for all students entering in 2018/2019. Students who started
programmes in previous years are governed by the regulations in force in their year of entry which can be found online at
The information in this booklet is accurate at the time of publication. Subsequent publications may therefore reflect
updated information. Students should consult their Dean where clarification is required.
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Revised August 2020. This calendar is subject to change by the appropriate authorities. This is an abridged version of the
Academic Calendar. For the full and most up-to-date calendar, visit
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In support of these objectives, the Faculty of Law, St. Augustine is committed to:
• deepening the intellectual and humanistic content of the law curriculum to ensure that the student derives a critical
understanding of legal concepts, and a solid academic foundation for the practice of law or for the pursuit of a career
in any other field;
• the undertaking of fundamental enquiries in collaboration with relevant disciplines into the adequacy of existing laws
to meet the developmental needs of our societies;
• the organization and pursuit of research through the publication of books, monographs, internationally recognized
journals, reviews and bulletins to meet the need for critical appraisals of current legal developments in both case and
statute law;
• the thorough examination and scholarly exposition of current West Indian Law and West Indian Legal history;
• the provision of services to regional Governments pursuing legal and constitutional reform;
• the provision of intellectual support through research and training essential for the successful operation of the
Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME) and the Caribbean Court of Justice;
• the provision of continuing legal education programmes for practising attorneys, civil servants, social workers, police
officers, teachers and the general public;
• the provision of advanced training in law through the development of postgraduate programmes in such critically
needed areas as Legislative Drafting, Corporate and Commercial Law and Public Law;
• the enhancement of the Faculty's ability to serve as an intermediary in the delivery of special programmes, workshops
or projects that are funded through international agencies.
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The Faculty of Law was established at The University of the West Indies in 1970 and was initially based only at the Cave Hill
Campus. Its primary objective is to provide for an academic qualification which is a prerequisite to professional legal
training for lawyers in the Commonwealth Caribbean. However, the traditional basic legal skills of concise and pertinent
oral argument, systematic and relevant presentation of essential issues, clarity and precision of written opinions and
detached and balanced judgment are also useful and reliable skills for other professions such as the Civil and Police Service,
Accountancy, Banking and Commerce.
The Faculty of Law offers both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. The undergraduate programme is offered
only to students from territories which contribute to the Faculty, except in special circumstances. The programme is
divided into 3 parts - Part I -III and is offered at all three campuses of The UWI, St. Augustine, Cave Hill and Mona.
Graduate studies in the Faculty lead to the Graduate Diploma, the UWI LLM, MPhil and PhD. The UWI LLM is a regional
programme offered simultaneously across the campuses utilising blended learning methodology. It includes specialisations
in the areas of Corporate and Commercial Law; Legislative Drafting; and Public Law. A General LLM Degree is also offered
when subjects in the abovementioned categories are combined.
The MPhil and PhD by research are available to suitably qualified candidates.
Full details on these graduate programmes are contained in the St. Augustine Faculty’s Graduate Handbook, the Faculty of
Law office and the website .
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Dear Students,
We will be doing things a bit differently this year. We have embraced a hybrid delivery of our academic programmes.
However, the default position will be online, and only face to face where necessary and permitted under national
protocols. Safety will be our first concern. Our Faculty has already transitioned to online delivery. We will do all in our
power to assist you in this transition. Law lecturers have committed to recording all lecturers. There is also assistance for
those without computers.
Despite the changed environment, we will continue to bring innovative, dynamic enhancements to the academic
programme and life of our law students. Our exciting outreach, donor funded projects and cutting-edge academic
programs will continue. Last semester, despite not being able to travel because of Covid-19, we participated and were
among the winners in the Inter-American Commission’s Moot Competition, Washington. We have been pioneers within
the UWI Faculty of Law family in a number of important ways, such as our introduction of exciting additions to the
curriculum, such as Oil & Gas Law, Banking Law, Sports Law, Entertainment Law and the International Human Rights Clinic
course. The latter is an offshoot of the first ever International Human Rights Law Clinic, integrating academia with activism
and law practitioners, and enables us to be leaders in social justice initiatives.
I am proud to say that the Faculty of Law, St. Augustine has an excellent team of both academic and administrative staff
who have demonstrated their capacity and willingness to shape you into the capable, caring and ethical practitioners that
we need in our region. This includes a blend of young, well-qualified, dynamic professionals with experienced,
internationally recognised academics and experienced practitioners serving as adjunct lecturers, including distinguished
Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) judges. This, combined with our commitment and care make for an outstanding product.
We will continue to create opportunities for financial assistance, even more needed now. A number of Bursaries are
available. Special mention is our unique Makandal Daaga Scholarship for a person who has a record of activism, little
opportunity to be admitted and can benefit from the Faculty’s policy of increasing access to legal education. This
Scholarship is in accord with our desire to create change agents for the positive development of our societies.
Whether you aim to be an attorney-at-law or to use the law as a tool for social development, I hope that you will treat Lady
Justice with the reverence and respect which she deserves. As Dean, I am confident that your journey in the law through
the hallowed halls of The UWI, while challenging, will also be fulfilling, exciting and inspiring. Stay the course and look
positively and confidently toward the future. Law is a discipline that trains the mind to view the world in unique ways and I
know that your life will be changed forever – for the better. Be grateful for this opportunity and honour it by giving of your
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best in your studies. I am looking forward to all of us, students and staff, working together to continue to build our faculty.
As Dean, I am also committed to giving support to the Student Law Society.
We are aware of the deep stress that this Covid-19 environment brings and will do all in our power to walk this difficult
road with you, supporting you every step of the journey. The way is uncertain but our Faculty, our UWI and our care for
you is strong enough to conquer the obstacles ahead.
Once again, Welcome to the Faculty of Law, St. Augustine and Best Wishes for a successful programme of study.
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Dr Justin Koo
STAFF LIST LLB (Kent); LLM (King’s College London); PhD (King’s
College London)
Deputy Dean, Lecturer
Dr Emma Perot
ST. AUGUSTINE LLB (Kent); LLM (UCL); BPTC (BPP); PhD (King’s College
Professor Rose-Marie Belle Antoine
D. Phil (Oxon); LLM (Cambridge); LLB (UWI); Leg. Ed. Ms Jolie Rajah
Cert.; Attorney-at-Law BA (UWI); PgDip (UWI); MSc (Simmons College)
Dean; Professor of Labour Law & Offshore Law; Law Librarian
Ms Alicia Phillips
Administrative Assistant (Ag)
Ext. 82805
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Accounting Assistant
Mr Stephawn Solomon
Ext. 84181
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Applicants are reminded that the deadline date for applications must be complied with. Late applications will not be
A limited number of international students may be admitted to the Faculty of Law, provided that there is an exchange
programme or cooperative agreement in place between their home university and The University of the West Indies. Other
international students who do not fall into this category may be accommodated under the University's Study Abroad
Admissions Procedure
(i) Firm offers will be made to the students selected from those who are already qualified for entry.
(ii) A waiting list will be drawn up of persons to whom offers can only be made when it is known how many places are
available following the examination results.
All applicants will receive notification of their eligibility and the decision in relation to their case when first offers are made.
It is imperative that any deadlines for acceptance set by the University are adhered to.
Applicants should therefore read University replies with the utmost care.
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The Makandal Daaga Scholarship is available for a person applying to the Faculty of Law who has a record of activism and
can benefit from the Faculty’s policy of increasing access to the LLB degree.
There are a number of Bursaries are also available to students. The criteria for Bursaries and most grants are academic
merit, financial need and evidence of extra-curricular activities.
We encourage all eligible students, particularly those in tight or already difficult financial circumstances, to visit and download the latest Scholarships and Bursaries booklet, to see if you qualify for any
of the opportunities listed.
When to Apply
Continuing students must apply between January – May each year. New students must apply after completing the
Registration process in the month of September. Look out for ads in the press or via online platforms for exact deadline
dates. Awards are typically disbursed to returning students in October and in November for new students.
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The UWI Regulations require all students to attend ALL lectures, seminars and tutorials for which they are registered.
Failure to attend classes may result in the student being DEBARRED from examinations.
The student will be encouraged to learn the art of legal reasoning by use of the case-book method. This involves the
preparatory reading of selected materials, followed by class discussion designed to deduce the legal rules inherent in the
materials and their use and limits in future situations.
In the advanced courses, teaching may be conducted by means of seminars. This involves the preparatory reading of
selected materials with a view to analysis and presentation.
This involves the preparation and presentation of argument and counter-argument on points of law in a simulated court
situation. Success lies not only in the winning of the case but in the demonstration of legal skills in making the best
argument from the materials available. Opportunities also exist for the participation in international competitions, e.g. the
Inter-American Human Rights Moot Court Competition, the Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition and the
Caribbean Court of Justice Moot subject to the availability of funds and are determined on a competitive basis
Book lists will be issued separately for each course and detailed reading and work sheets will be made available from time
to time during the session.
Faculty Advisers will give help and advice on matters both of an academic and non-academic nature if such advice is
sought. The Faculty Adviser is to be regarded by students as an important Faculty resource.
Students must be notified of the method of assessment for each course at the start of the Semester.
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(2) Addressing Human Rights Abuses of Remand Prisoners with Special Emphasis on Domestic Violence Murder Cases, an
EU funded project which examines injustices in the criminal justice system which results in persons remaining on
remand awaiting trial for many years; and
(3) The UWI-PADF Migrant Project, an inter-disciplinary project which examines the legal and social situation of
Venezuelan migrants in Trinidad and Tobago.
Since 1975, a Legal Education Certificate is normally required by a prospective lawyer. This is granted by the (West Indian)
Council of Legal Education which was established in April 1971. The Certificate will be granted to a student who
successfully completes a two-year course of full-time training at one of the Council's three Law Schools in Trinidad, Jamaica
or The Bahamas.
The students will be taught by a system of practical instruction designed to give training in the basic and essential skills of
the practising lawyer.
Entry into a Law School will normally be granted to any applicant holding the UWI LLB degree. Students who hold law
degrees from other universities are required to sit an entrance examination which is held in July of each year. The deadline
for applications to the Law Schools is January 31 of the proposed year of study. Application forms are obtainable from the
Faculty of Law or from either of the three Law Schools at the addresses below:
The Hugh Wooding Law School The Norman Manley Law School The Eugene Dupuch Law School
P.O. Bag 323 P.O. Box 231 P.O. Box SS-6394
Tunapuna Post Office Mona Campus Nassau
Holders of a Certificate of Legal Education will be regarded by all Governments in the West Indies as having satisfied
institutional and educational requirements for practice, but local legislation may add further requirements such as the
requirement of nationality, which must be satisfied before the right to practise is granted in a particular territory.
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(a) Selection for admission into the Faculty of Law is based on a points system. The Faculty may consider
applications from persons who satisfy basic Matriculation standards but whose academic qualifications are not
competitive in relation to the points system. In particular, mature applicants over 30 and law enforcement
personnel who have shown evidence of academic and professional achievement may be considered. The
Makandal Daaga Scholarship is also assessed according to special criteria, such as a candidate’s social activism
or work in the community.
2. Applicants applying for transfer from Faculties other than law at UWI will be required to have an overall/cumulative
GPA of 3.5 or greater in order to be considered.
(b) Students who hold Commonwealth common law type degrees from other universities will not as a rule be
accepted for the LLB degree. Such students may in certain circumstances be admitted to read for the LLM
(c) Students who have already studied a single subject in the course of studies and who are granted exemption
without credit may be required to study a different subject in its stead.
5. A student may apply for a Leave of Absence where the circumstances require it.
(ii) The application is determined by the Dean and/or his or her designate on behalf of the Board of the Faculty of
Law, St. Augustine (Faculty Board).
(iii) The application must state the reason for the request.
(iv) Where granted it is subject to approval by Academic Board; leave of absence normally will not exceed 1 year in
the first instance and be granted for 2 years only in exceptional circumstances.
(v) The deadline for applications should be adhered to. Students should track their requests (updates will be sent
to their student email) in order to ascertain if additional information is required. Students must not assume
that the application constitutes approval.
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7. Courses for the LLB degree are delivered in three parts, as indicated below.
8. Students entering Part II directly through the Direct Entry programme are required to pursue the course of studies
prescribed in the Regulations for the degree of Bachelor of Laws (LLB) for Direct Entry.
10. A candidate for the LLB degree shall be registered as a full-time student only and shall be required to read for the
full complement of courses corresponding to a full-time programme of study, except where special accommodation
is made for illness or disabilities in accordance with Regulation 24 of the UWI’s Assessment Regulations For First
Degrees, Associate Degrees, Undergraduate Diplomas And Certificates.
11. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to consult the Faculty Regulations to ensure that he or she is properly
13. Subject to Regulations 21 and 22, the course of study for the LLB degree shall be in three parts and unless
otherwise permitted by the Board of the Faculty, Part I courses shall be taken in the first year, Part II courses in the
second year and Part III courses in the third year.
Course Code Course Title
LAW 1010 Law and Legal Systems
LAW 1110 Criminal Law I
LAW 1230 * Legal Methods, Research and Writing (continued in the second semester)
FOUN 1103 Argument Report and Writing
FOUN 1210 Science, Medicine and Technology in the Commonwealth Caribbean
Course Code Course Title
FOUN 1101 Caribbean Civilization
LAW 1020 Constitutional Law
LAW 1120 Criminal Law II
LAW 1230 * Legal Methods, Research and Writing (continued from the first semester)
LAW 1310 Law of Torts I
LAW 1410 Law of Contract I
15. (a) For purposes of these Regulations, a Foundation Course means any course designated a Foundation Course by
the University.
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(a) All questions relating to the permitted number of opportunities to sit a Foundation Course shall be governed
by the regulations and procedures of the relevant Faculty.
Course Code Course Title
LAW 2010 Law of Torts II
LAW 2110 Law of Contract II
LAW 2210 Real Property I
LAW 2310 Public International Law I
LAW 2510 Jurisprudence
Course Code Course Title
LAW 2220 Real Property II
LAW 2320 Public International Law II
LAW 2710 Administrative Law
LAW 2810 Equitable Remedies
LAW 2910 Commonwealth Caribbean Human Rights Law
17. (a) The courses offered in Part III for examination shall be ten courses chosen from the List of Optional Courses as
may be made available in that year.
(c) The List of Optional Courses comprises such of the following courses as are offered in the relevant Semester,
including not more than three credits offered in a Faculty other than the Faculty of Law (St. Augustine) and
approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Law (St. Augustine).
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18. Every course has a value of three 3 credits unless otherwise specified.
(b) The Board of the Faculty may recommend to the Senate of the University that a candidate who has a
Foundation English course pass be exempted from the required Foundation English Course in any part of the
LLB programme.
(c) For purposes of Regulation 19, the following definition shall apply:
A Foundation English pass means a pass in the examination for, and the completion of, a
Foundation English course in The University of the West Indies or the University of Guyana
or any other such course which the Board of the Faculty shall, on the advice of the Faculty
of Humanities and Education, recognise for the purposes of this Regulation.
(a) The courses offered for the examination for Year I for the purposes of this Regulation shall be:
Course Code Course Title
LAW 1010 Law and Legal Systems
LAW 1110 Criminal Law I
LAW 1230 Legal Methods, Research and Writing
LAW 2310 Public International Law I
LAW 2210 Real Property I
LAW 2510 Jurisprudence
Course Code Course Title
LAW 1020 Constitutional Law
LAW 1120 Criminal Law II
LAW 1230 Legal Methods, Research and Writing (continued)
LAW 1310 Law of Torts I
LAW 1410 Law of Contract I
LAW 2320 Public International Law II
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(b) The courses offered for the examination for Year II for the purposes of this Regulation shall be:
Course Code Course Title
LAW 2010 Law of Torts II
LAW 2110 Law of Contract II
Five courses chosen from the List of Optional Courses stated in Regulation 17 (c) above as
Course Code Course Title
LAW 2710 Administrative Law
LAW 2810 Equitable Remedies
LAW 2220 Real Property II
LAW 2910 Commonwealth Caribbean Human Rights Law
Three courses chosen from the List of Optional Courses stated in Regulation 17 (c) above as
24. A student who is required to withdraw for reasons of failure to progress as prescribed in the Faculty Regulations,
may be re-admitted after reapplying to the University provided that a minimum of one year has elapsed since the
date of withdrawal. A student thus admitted may be granted academic forgiveness by the Dean.
(a) Where academic forgiveness has been granted, the grades previously obtained prior to withdrawal shall not be
used in the computation of the student’s GPA.
(b) A student may, subject to the Dean’s approval, be granted exemption with credit up to a maximum of 30
credits for courses previously passed at Level I. Notwithstanding, the Board for Undergraduate Studies may, on
the recommendation of the Dean, grant exemption with credit for courses previously passed at Level II or III.
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25. The examinations for each Part may comprise all or any of the following: written papers, oral examination or
continuous assessment of semester work as shall be determined in accordance with University Examination
26. (a) A candidate must pass the examinations set for each Part.
(b) A candidate shall not be eligible to enter for the examinations for Part II unless:
(i) he or she is exempted from Part I under Regulation 19, Regulation 20 and Regulation 21;
(ii) he or she has passed the examinations for Part I; or
(iii) he or she would have passed the examinations for Part I on his or her first or second sitting but for a
failure in some of the courses in that Part.
(c) A candidate shall not be eligible to enter for the examinations for Part III unless:
(i) he or she is exempted from Part II Regulation 19, Regulation 20 and Regulation 21; or
(ii) he or she has passed the examinations for Part II; or
(iii) he or she would have passed the examinations for Part II on his or her first or second sitting but for a
failure in some of the courses in that Part.
27. (a) Where a candidate is eligible to enter for the examinations for Part II by virtue of Regulation 26 (b) (iii) he or
she shall, as a condition of such entry, enter also to sit the examinations in Part I in the courses in which he or
she has failed.
(b) If the candidate, by the end of the year in which he or she enters Part II, has not passed the courses which he
or she had failed in Part I, he or she may not, without the permission of the Board of Examiners, be permitted
to re-sit the examinations or to sit any further examinations in any Part of the LLB degree.
(c) Where a candidate is eligible to enter for the examinations for Part III by virtue of Regulation 26 (c) (iii), he or
she shall, as a condition of such entry, enter also to sit the examinations in Part II in the courses in which he or
she has failed.
(d) If the candidate, by the end of the year in which he or she enters Part III, has not passed the courses which he
or she had failed in Part II, he or she may not, without the permission of the Board of Examiners, be permitted
to re-sit the examinations or to sit any further examinations in any Part of the LLB degree.
28. Save as otherwise specified, the written Assessment or Examination for each Part I course shall be taken at the end
of the semester in which the course is registered.
(a) A student may be permitted to sit a supplemental examination. Where the student is granted a supplemental
examination, the student must be given the choice as to whether to sit the supplemental examination or do a
repeat of the course.
(b) A candidate who has failed in not more than two courses at the end of Part I may, with the permission of the
Board of the Faculty, enter for the examinations for Part II under Regulation 26 (b) (iii) above, trailing the
courses he or she has failed.
(c) A candidate who has failed in more than two courses at the end of Part 1 may, with the permission of the
Board of the Faculty, be required to repeat the courses he or she has failed while entering for the
examinations for only that number of courses from Part II as may be necessary to complete the requisite
number of courses for that academic year.
(d) A candidate that has failed all courses in Part 1 shall be required to withdraw.
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29. Save as otherwise specified, the written Assessment or Examination for each Part II course shall be taken at the end
of the semester in which the course is registered. A student may be permitted by the Faculty Board to sit
supplemental examinations for law courses in Part II. In addition, where a student is granted a supplemental
examination, the student will be given the choice as to whether to sit the supplemental examination or to do a
repeat of the course.
(a) A candidate who has failed in not more than two courses at the end of Part II may, with the permission of the
Board of the Faculty, enter for the examinations for Part III, trailing the courses he or she has failed.
(b) A candidate who has failed in more than two courses at the end of Part II may, with the permission of the
Board of the Faculty, be required to repeat the courses he or she has failed while entering for the
examinations for only that number of courses from Part III as may be necessary to complete the requisite
number of courses for an academic year.
(c) A candidate who has failed all of the courses in Part II shall be required to withdraw.
31. A candidate who has failed all of the courses he or she has taken in Part III is entitled to re-sit the whole of the Part
III examinations in the year following his or her failure, or at the next sitting of the examinations. In exceptional
circumstances, and with the permission of Academic Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board, a
candidate may repeat the whole of the Part III examinations in a year other than that following his or her failure.
32. A candidate who has failed only some of the courses he or she has taken in Part III may re-sit those courses he or
she has failed or may substitute any other courses in Part III he or she has not already passed in order to complete
the requisite number of credits for the award of the LLB degree.
34. (a) A student may be permitted by the Faculty Board to sit a supplemental examination, where the student has
failed an examination in a law course in the LLB programme.1 Where the student is granted permission to sit a
supplemental examination, the student will be given the choice as to whether to sit the supplemental
examination or do a repeat of the course.
(b) A candidate who fails four or more courses offered at the Supplemental Examinations may be required to
repeat those courses he or she has failed; or, in the alternative, substitute the equivalent number of final-year
courses he or she has not yet completed. However, the failing grades received in the courses for which other
courses have been substituted shall be taken into account in computing the candidate’s cumulative GPA.
35. Supplemental examinations for the Foundation Courses offered by other Faculties shall be governed by the
Regulations and Procedures of the relevant Faculties.
36. (a) A candidate may be granted permission by Academic Board on the recommendation of the Faculty Board to be
registered in the following Academic Year with or without attendance at classes, lectures or tutorials for the
purpose of sitting the examinations in the courses he or she has failed, at the time such examinations are
1The current Policy of the Faculty of Law (St Augustine) is that a student should only be awarded a supplemental
examination where he or she has failed two or less examinations and where these failures are F1 failures. However, the
award of supplemental examinations remains at the full discretion of the Board of Examiners, as approved by Faculty
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(b) A candidate shall be regarded as having failed an examination either, if he or she sits that examination and has
failed to pass it, or if he or she is otherwise deemed under the Examination Regulations to have failed that
37. Notwithstanding any other regulation, rule or practice to the contrary, a candidate who fails in any course after
four attempts, including Supplemental Examinations with penalty, shall not be eligible to re-sit any examination in
any course offered under the Regulations governing the Faculty of Law (St. Augustine) and will be required to
withdraw and an attempt in a course shall count as an attempt in any course substituted as provided for under
these Regulations.
(b) A candidate may register for the Independent Research Paper Course in any Semester of Year III and shall
submit the paper not later than the last day of classes for the Semester in which he or she is registered for the
(c) The candidate shall choose a topic which is capable of legal analysis in its broader social context. Where
appropriate to the topic chosen, an inter-disciplinary approach may be adopted and is encouraged. All topics
must be approved by the Faculty Board.
(d) The candidate shall, at the beginning of the Semester of registration of the course, submit an abstract of his or
her research topic indicating the coverage, the inter-disciplinary consideration and method of approach. In the
preparation of the abstract, the candidate is expected to consult teachers in the appropriate disciplines on the
Campus and may suggest a teacher who is willing to supervise his or her research paper.
(e) The Supervisor shall normally be a member of the Faculty of Law (St. Augustine). Law teachers on other
Campuses of The University of the West Indies may be involved in guiding any work conducted at those
campuses. Where an inter-disciplinary approach is taken, an additional supervisor from another Faculty may
be selected.
(f) The candidate is expected to consult at regular intervals with his or her Supervisor and, in any case, at least
once a fortnight during the semester.
(g) The research paper shall represent one full three-credit course in the final examination.
(h) The research paper shall be assessed separately by two examiners, who shall be the assigned Supervisors.
Where only one Supervisor is assigned, a second examiner will be appointed.
(i) The candidate who for good and sufficient reason fails to submit a research paper at the designated time may
be granted permission by the Board of Examiners to submit the paper as a Supplemental Examination, or at a
later date without penalty.
(j) The candidate who receives a failing grade for his or her research paper may, in a borderline case, be given a
viva voce examination or may be granted permission by the Board of Examiners to re-submit the paper as a
Supplemental Examination.
(k) The candidate who has successfully completed the Independent Research Paper Course, but who is required to
repeat Part III of the LLB programme, shall be credited with the grade he or she has received in that Course.
(l) A copy of each research paper shall be retained by the University. The second copy may be returned to the
(m) Copies of selected research papers will be placed permanently in the Library and may be consulted in
accordance with the rules of the Library.
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40. (a) A candidate who has not obtained an overall pass mark in Legal Methods, Research and Writing shall be
required to re-submit as many assignments as he or she has failed to pass but shall retain the marks which he
or she has obtained in the assignment(s) which he or she has passed.
(b) Fresh assignments shall be made available to the candidate who has failed to obtain a pass mark.
(c) Where a candidate is required to undertake additional assignments as a result of his or her failure to obtain a
pass mark, his or her mark in the new assignment shall be either pass or fail, that is, he or she shall not be
awarded more than the minimum passing mark.
(d) The candidate can pursue his or her new assignments at any time before the last date of the Supplemental
41. (a) Subject to University Examination Regulations, where a candidate’s performance in any examination to which
these Regulations apply has been affected by illness, the Faculty Board may, on the recommendation of the
Board of Examiners of the Faculty, allow the candidate an opportunity to sit the examination on a future
occasion on which another examination would be scheduled in the relevant Part of the LLB programme or
course or courses or part thereof, as the case may be, in addition to any opportunity which the candidate
might otherwise be allowed under Regulations 25 – 34 above, provided that the Faculty Board may not allow a
candidate more than four such additional opportunities.
(b) Any additional opportunities in respect of examinations held within any semester shall be counted as a single
additional opportunity only.
(b) These Regulations shall operate, subject to any other Regulation to the contrary, where provisions are made
for assessment by way of coursework together with a final examination.
(c) A candidate’s coursework marks shall be computed with the candidate’s marks in the final examination at the
end of the semester or with the marks awarded in a supplemental examination to calculate the final grade for
the course.
(d) A candidate who fails a course on the totality of the marks for both coursework and the written examination at
the end of the semester, may be entitled to sit a supplemental examination for the end-of semester
examination only, and not for the coursework.
(e) A candidate who fails the coursework component shall not be entitled to re-submit the coursework or take a
supplemental examination for coursework.
(f) Where provisions exist for coursework assessment, a candidate who fails or refuses to submit any assignments or
materials for coursework assessment will be assigned no marks for the coursework component of the course.
(g) Except where otherwise specified, a candidate who has failed a course and is allowed under these Regulations
to repeat the course and re-sit an examination in the year following his or her failure, may not carry the
coursework marks acquired in the previous year but shall redo the coursework component.
43. Where provisions exist for assessment by coursework, the examiner shall return the coursework scripts to the
student as soon as practicable after the examination process is completed.
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45. (a) Entry for the examinations for any course of the LLB programmes shall consist of registration for that course.
(b) Registration for any Part of the LLB programme shall take place during the period prescribed for registration by
the Campus Registrar and shall be subject to the conditions laid down in general University Regulations.
46. The LLB degree may be awarded with First Class Honours, with Second Class Honours, Upper and Lower Division, or
as a Pass Degree, on the basis of a Weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) for Parts II and III Courses only, save and
except where Part I courses may be taken into account in determining the class of degree for Direct Entrants.
47. The class of the degree shall be determined on the basis of a candidate’s performance in the Part II and Part III
examinations, except for candidates under the Direct Entry programme.
48. (a) Parts II and III courses shall have equal weight in the determination of the Weighted GPA;
(b) Non-Law Foundation Courses, whether taken in Year II or III, shall not count in the determination of the
Weighted GPA.
49. The GPA Scheme for the Award of Class of Degree shall be as follows:
(a) First Class Honours – Weighted GPA of 3.60 and above.
(b) Second Class Honours, Upper Division – Weighted GPA of 3.00 – 3.59.
(c) Second Class Honours, Lower Division – Weighted GPA of 2.50 – 2.99.
(d) Pass – Weighted GPA of 2.00 – 2.49.
(e) The minimum Weighted GPA required for the award of the LLB degree shall be 2.00.
50. The GPA Marking Scheme for Examinations in the Faculty of Law (St. Augustine) shall be as follows:
(a) In the determination of the GPA, the grades with corresponding quality points shall be defined in the
University Regulations governing the GPA.
(b) The authorized marking scheme for the current year is as follows:
A+ 4.3 90 – 100
A 4 80 – 89
A- 3.7 75 – 79
B+ 3.3 70 – 74
B 3 65 – 69
B- 2.7 60 – 64
C+ 2.3 55 – 59
C 2 50 – 54
F1 1.7 40 – 49
F2 1.3 30 – 39
F3 0 0 – 29
51. (a) A candidate who voluntarily withdraws from the University and who applies for re-admission within five (5)
years shall be granted exemption and credit for courses previously passed, subject to the time limit for the
maintenance of credits stipulated in the Faculty of Law (St. Augustine) Regulations and subject to the
stipulation that the courses previously passed are not determined by the Faculty Board to be obsolete.
(b) Where exemption and credit are granted in accordance with 52(a), the grades obtained at previous attempts
in such courses shall be used in the determination of the candidate’s GPA.
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52. (a) A candidate who fails to achieve a cumulative Semester GPA of 2.0 at the end of the first Semester will be
given a warning. If the candidate’s GPA is below 2.0 for a second successive semester, the candidate will be
Required to Withdraw.
(a) The cumulative GPA to be used to determine whether a candidate advances to the final year of the LLB
programme shall be that candidate’s cumulative GPA for the second year only.
53. A candidate who was required to withdraw for reasons of failure to progress as prescribed in Faculty Regulations
may be readmitted on the following conditions:
(a) In accordance with the Regulations of the University of the West-Indies or the expressed policy on
requirements for re-admission from the Board of Undergraduate Studies, a candidate who was required to
withdraw for reasons of failure to progress as prescribed in Faculty Regulations may be readmitted provided
that a minimum of one (1) year must have passed since the date of withdrawal;
(b) Work done at an institution other than The University of the West Indies during the period that the candidate
was required to withdraw from the University may be eligible for credit under these Regulations, by a decision
of Academic Board on the recommendation of the Board of the Faculty.
54. (a) For the purposes of these Regulations, where a candidate has completed a course of study in another Faculty
of The University of the West Indies and has passed the examinations in any of the Part II and Part III courses,
when not registered as a candidate in the Faculty of Law (St. Augustine), and for which courses the candidate
has received exemption and credit, subject to the University Regulation regarding time limits for the
maintenance of credits, the grades received in such Part II and Part III courses shall be taken into account in
the calculation of the candidate’s GPA for class of degree; and the candidate shall be required to take, in
addition to all Part II courses not yet completed, such number of Part III courses as would be required in order
to complete a minimum of two year’s work of 60 credits before being awarded the LLB Degree.
(b) Where, however, depending on the number of Part II and Part III courses a candidate had already completed
before enrolling as a full-time candidate in the Faculty of Law (St. Augustine), there is not a sufficient number
of Part II and Part III courses from which that candidate may choose twenty (20) for graduation, he/she will
consult with the Dean in order that, with the approval of Academic Board on the recommendation of the
Board of the Faculty, an appropriate course of study can be determined for completion of the LLB degree.
Where a candidate fails a course and subsequently repeats the course and passes it, or re-sits the examination
at a supplemental examination and passes the course, the candidate shall be awarded the final grade obtained
when he or she has passed the course; but the grade earned on the supplemental examination or upon repeat
of the course shall be computed along with the failing grade or grades that the candidate has received in that
course in determining the candidate’s cumulative GPA.
55. (a) A candidate who completes the requirements for the LLB degree after the Honours eligibility date under this
regulation shall not be eligible for the award of the LLB degree with Honours.
(b) The Honours eligibility date shall be the date following the publication of results for the last examination held
in the relevant calendar year for any course for which the candidate has at any time been registered in any
Part of the LLB programme.
(c) In the case of a candidate exempted from the courses and examinations for Part I under Regulation 19,
Regulation 20 or Regulation 21 above, the relevant calendar year shall be the third calendar year after that of
his or her date of first registration for Part II.
(d) In the case of a candidate not falling within (c) above, the relevant calendar year shall be the fourth calendar
year after that of his or her date of first registration for Part I.
(e) Where a candidate is permitted to withdraw from the examinations for any Part of the LLB programme, the
calendar year in which that examination takes place shall be excluded from the computation of the relevant
calendar year.
(f) Where a candidate does not sit the examination in any calendar year by virtue of the grant of leave of absence
from The University of the West Indies, that calendar year shall be excluded from the computation of the
relevant calendar year.
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(g) The calendar year of the date of first registration for any Part of the LLB programme shall be the calendar year
in which the first examinations are held for which the candidate was thereby registered.
56. The names of the candidates who have passed the Part I, Part II and Part III examinations, as the case may be, shall
be published in separate pass lists in which the names of the successful candidates shall be arranged alphabetically
as follows:
(a) in relation to the Part I examinations, in two divisions;
Aegrotat Degree
57. A candidate who has been absent through illness from one or more of the examinations in the courses for the
Second Semester in his or her Part III year may apply for the award of the Aegrotat degree provided that he or she
has passed or has been exempted from Part I, has passed Part II and, in the case of a candidate registered for the
Independent Research Paper Course, has successfully completed the research paper for the course.
58. Applications from or on behalf of candidates must be accompanied by a medical certificate signed by (a) the
University Health Officer, or (b) other Medical Personnel approved for this purpose by the University, and shall
reach the Registrar not later than thirty days from the date of the last course examination which should have been
taken by the candidate.
59. The Board of Examiners for the Faculty of Law (St. Augustine) shall not recommend the award of an Aegrotat
Degree to a candidate applying under Regulation 57 above, unless in the view of the tutors, the candidate has
achieved a satisfactory standard in all the coursework for those courses from the examinations of which the
candidate has been absent through illness.
60. The Chairman of the Board of Examiners and Examination Co-ordinators for Part III may designate all or any of the
examiners for any course from the examination of which a candidate applying under Regulation 59 has been absent
through illness, to hold an oral examination in that course, where, in the opinion of the Chairman of the Board of
Examiners and the Examination Coordinators for Part III, such oral examination would be appropriate in the
circumstances of the case and might further assist the Board of Examiners in determining, pursuant to Regulation
59 above, whether the candidate has achieved a satisfactory standard in all the coursework for that course.
(a) Students registered as full-time candidates in the Faculty of Law (St. Augustine) may pursue co-curricular
courses. However, credits for co-curricular courses are not counted in the GPA calculation in the LLB program.
Such courses are for general education only.
(b) Co-curricular activities may be pursued in any of the three (3) years of the LLB programme. See the section
below for details on the Co-curricular programme.
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61. A declaration must be made in accordance with the University Regulations on Plagiarism (First Degrees, Diplomas
and Certificates) and should be attached to all work submitted by a student to be assessed as part of, or as the
entire requirement of the course, other than work submitted in an invigilated examination. By signing the
declaration, a student declares that the work submitted is original and does not contain any plagiarized material.
62. (a) These Regulations shall apply in their entirety to students entering the Faculty of Law (St. Augustine) in
2018/2019 as First Year candidates, as well as to those students admitted on transfer or otherwise.
(b) Students admitted to the Faculty of prior to 2018/2019 will continue to be governed by the Regulations in
force at the time of their admission.
Definition of plagiarism
2. In these Regulations, “plagiarism” means the unacknowledged and unjustified use of the words, ideas or creations of
another, including unjustified unacknowledged quotation and unjustified unattributed borrowing;
“Level 1 plagiarism” means plagiarism which does not meet the definition of Level 2 plagiarism;
“Level 2 plagiarism” means plagiarism undertaken with the intention of passing off as original work by the plagiariser
work done by another person or persons.
3. What may otherwise meet the definition of plagiarism may be justified for the purposes of Regulation 2 where the
particular unacknowledged use of the words, ideas and creations of another is by the standards of the relevant
academic discipline a function of part or all of the object of the work for evaluation whether or not for credit, for
a. The unacknowledged use is required for conformity with presentation standards;
b. The task set or undertaken is one of translation of the work of another into a different language or format;
c. The task set or undertaken requires producing a result by teamwork for joint credit regardless of the level of
individual contribution;
d. The task set or undertaken requires extensive adaptation of models within a time period of such brevity as to
exclude extensive attribution;
e. The task set or undertaken requires the use of an artificial language, such as is the case with computer
programming, where the use of unoriginal verbal formulae is essential.
4. It is not a justification under Regulations 2 and 3 for the unacknowledged use of the words, ideas and creations of
another that the user enjoys the right of use of those words, ideas and creations as a matter of intellectual property.
Other definitions
5. In these Regulations,
“Chairman” means the Chairman of the relevant Campus Committee on Examinations;
“Examination Regulations” means the Examination and other forms of Assessment Regulations for First Degrees
Associate Degrees Diplomas and Certificates of the University;
“set of facts” means a fact or combination of facts.
Evidence of plagiarism
6. In order to constitute evidence of plagiarism under these Regulations, there shall be identified as a minimum the
passage or passages in the student’s work which are considered to have been plagiarised and the passage or passages
from which the passages in the student’s work are considered to have been taken.
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8. Quotation or paraphrase is attributed for the purpose of Regulation 7 if the writer has indicated using conventions
appropriate to the discipline that the work is not the writer’s own.
9. The University is not prohibited from proceeding with a charge of plagiarism where there is no statement as
prescribed under Regulation 7.
Level 1 plagiarism
11. In work submitted for examination where the Examiner is satisfied that Level 1 plagiarism has been committed,
he/she shall penalise the student by reducing the mark which would have otherwise been awarded taking into
account any relevant Faculty regulations.
Level 2 plagiarism
12. Where an examiner has evidence of Level 2 plagiarism in the material being examined, that examiner shall report it to
the Head of Department or the Dean and may at any time provide the Registrar with a copy of that report. In cases
where the examiner and the Dean are one and the same, the report shall be referred to the Head of the Department
and also to the Campus Registrar.
13. Where any other person who in the course of duty sees material being examined which he or she believes is evidence
of Level 2 plagiarism that other person may report it to the Head of Department or the Dean and may at any time
report it to the Campus Registrar who shall take such action as may be appropriate.
14. Where a Dean or Head of Department receives a report either under Regulation 12 or 13, the Dean or Head of
Department, as the case may be, shall
a. where in concurrence with the report’s identification of evidence of Level 2 plagiarism, report the matter to the
Campus Registrar; or
b. where not concurring in the identification of evidence of plagiarism, reply to the examiner declining to proceed
further on the report; or
c. where concluding that there is evidence of Level 1 plagiarism, reply to the examiner indicating that conclusion
and the Examiner shall proceed as under Regulation 11.
15. Where a report is made to the Campus Registrar under Regulation 14a or 16, the Campus Registrar shall lay a charge
and refer the matter to the Campus Committee on Examinations.
16. Where the Campus Registrar receives a report alleging Level 2 plagiarism from the Examiner or any other person
except the Dean or Head of Department, the Campus Registrar shall refer the matter to a senior academic to
determine whether there is sufficient evidence to ground a charge of plagiarism and where such evidence is found,
the Campus Registrar shall proceed as under Regulation 15.
17. Where the matter has been referred to the Campus Committee on Examinations pursuant to Regulation 15, the
proceedings under these Regulations prevail, over any other disciplinary proceedings within the University initiated
against the student based on the same facts and, without prejudice to Regulation 21, any other such disciplinary
proceedings shall be stayed, subject to being reopened.
18 If the Campus Committee on Examinations is satisfied, after holding a hearing, that the student has committed Level 2
plagiarism, it shall in making a determination on the severity of the penalty take into consideration:
a. the circumstances of the particular case;
b. the seniority of the student; and
c. whether this is the first or a repeated incidence of Level 2 plagiarism.
19 Where the Campus Committee is of the view that the appropriate penalty for an offence of Level 2 plagiarism is for
the student to be:
(i) awarded a fail mark;
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(ii) excluded from some or all further examinations of the University for such period as it may determine;
(iii) be dismissed from the University,
it shall make such recommendation to the Academic Board.
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The Office of the Board for Undergraduate Studies
This declaration is being made in accordance with the University Regulations on Plagiarism (First Degrees,
Diplomas and Certificates) and must be attached to all work, submitted by a student to be assessed in partial
or complete fulfilment of the course requirement(s), other than work submitted in an invigilated examination.
1. I have read the Plagiarism Regulations as set out in the Faculty or Open Campus Student Handbook and on
University websites related to the submission of coursework for assessment.
2. I declare that I understand that plagiarism is a serious academic offence for which the University may
impose severe penalties.
3. I declare that the submitted work indicated above is my own work, except where duly acknowledged and
referenced and does not contain any plagiarized material.
4. I also declare that this work has not been previously submitted for credit either in its entirety or in part
within the UWI or elsewhere. Where work was previously submitted, permission has been granted by my
Supervisor/Lecturer/Instructor as reflected by the attached Accountability Statement.
5. I understand that I may be required to submit the work in electronic form and accept that the University
may subject the work to a computer-based similarity detention service.
DATE _____________________________________________________________________________________
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When submitting a group assignment for assessment each member of the group will be required to sign the
following declaration of ownership which will appear on the coursework submission sheet.
1. We have read the Plagiarism Regulations as set out in the Faculty or Open Campus Student Handbook and
on University websites related to the submission of coursework for assessment.
2. We declare that I understand that plagiarism is a serious academic offence for which the University may
impose severe penalties.
3. The submitted work indicated above is our own work, except where duly acknowledged and referenced.
4. This work has not been previously submitted for credit either in its entirety or in part within the UWI or
elsewhere. Where work was previously submitted, permission has been granted by our
Supervisor/Lecturer/Instructor as reflected by the attached Accountability Statement.
5. We understand that we may be required to submit the work in electronic form and accept that the
University may check the originality of the work using a computer-based similarity detention service.
DATE _____________________________________________________________________________________
Return to Table of Contents
1. I/We have set out in an attached statement the details regarding the circumstances under which this
paper or parts thereof has been previously submitted.
2. I/We have received written permission from my Supervisor/Lecturer/Instructor regarding the submission
of this paper and I have attached a copy of that written permission to this statement.
3. I/We hereby declare that the submission of this paper is in keeping with the permission granted.
DATE _____________________________________________________________________________________
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The Campus Libraries support the teaching, learning and research activities of The University of the West Indies (UWI), St.
Augustine Campus (STA) community. These libraries include:
• The Alma Jordan Library
• The Medical Sciences Library
• The Norman Girvan Library of The Institute of International Relations
• The Republic Bank Library and Information Resource Centre of the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business
• The School of Education Library
• The Patience-Theunissen Memorial Library of the Seminary of St. John Vianney & the Uganda Martyrs Theological
Institute at Mt St Benedict, and
• The Seismic Research Centre Library.
Moreover, a sizeable body of Caribbean research may be accessed from maps, microforms, newspapers, theses,
photographs, oral history interviews, and over 150 special collections in the West Indiana and Special Collections Division.
Library Services
In addition to traditional loan services, the Libraries provide personal and small group research consultations; reference
assistance; interlibrary loan/document delivery; dissertation/thesis checking , web-based guides, etc. They conduct
orientation tours and year-round Information literacy sessions and provide facilities ranging from audio-visual rooms, to
computer laboratories with photocopying and printing equipment, as well as group study rooms and areas for quiet study.
The Institutional Repository, UWISpace, ( facilitates the collection, preservation and
distribution of the scholarly/research output of the University. UWIScholar ( is our
research information management system designed to aggregate and manage researcher (faculty and students) profiles,
and facilitate global networking and expertise discovery. In addition, the Campus Libraries through their Dataverse
platform ( allow researchers to archive and preserve datasets generated in the course of
their research activities. The Libraries also provide services and software that enable UWI faculty, staff, and students to
publish their own subscription and open access online journals ( These journals are
published using Open Journals System (OJS), an open-source editorial management and publishing system, which can
manage some or all of the stages of the journal publishing process including submissions, peer review, the editorial
process, online publishing, and indexing. The Alma Jordan Library (AJL) in collaboration with the St. Augustine Centre for
Innovation and Entrepreneurship (STACIE), and the Intellectual Property Office of the Ministry of the Attorney General and
Legal Affairs provides an Intellectual Property Help Desk Service to help support researchers.
Please refer to the Library’s website or contact your Faculty Liaison Librarian listed below for further information.
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The highlight of the collection is the provision of access to several renowned subscribed electronic databases (local,
regional and international), that conveniently make thousands of sources of legal information available to faculty and
students, on and / or off campus.
The physical law collection is located on the 4th Floor of the Library, within the Social Sciences Division.
The Law collection is supported by a dedicated Liaison Librarian who offers reference and research guidance, customized
information literacy instruction, database training and technical assistance to faculty and students.
For members of the teaching faculty, the Liaison Librarian also offers assistance with requests for materials, course and
syllabus changes, current awareness and much more. Please refer to the Library’s website for further information on those
and additional services.
Ms Jolie Rajah
Law Librarian
Rm. 227, 2nd Floor
The Alma Jordan Library
Tel.: 868-662-2002, Exts. 82276, 83360
Fax: 868-662-9238
Alma Jordan Library:
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The University of the West Indies is committed to providing students with opportunities for a well-rounded educational
experience. The Co-curricular programme at the St. Augustine Campus focuses on allowing you to develop a range of
important life skills and to acquire characteristics to excel in life in the 21st century.
i. Students are eligible to register for co-curricular credits from the first semester of studies.
ii. Each student is eligible to count for no more than six (6) credits towards his/her degree for involvement in co-
curricular activities.
iii. If you exceed your credit limit you must request an override from your faculty co-curricular coordinator to pursue
the course. To request an override, select the course you wish to pursue from the drop-down menu, and type in
your request. Your request will be routed to your faculty coordinator.
iv. The Division of Student Services and Development is responsible for the administration of the Co-curricular
v. Co-curricular credits will be awarded on the following basis:
a. students must be involved in the activity for an entire semester and complete the
assessment(s) to receive credit for the course.
b. explicit learning outcomes must be identified for each activity
c. there must be clearly defined mode(s) of assessment for each activity
vi. The grading of co-curricular activities will be on a pass/fail basis and will not contribute to a student’s GPA.
vii. The Level I credits earned for involvement in co-curricular activities may be included as part of the overall general
credit requirement for the award of the Bachelors Degree. However, such credits earned shall NOT be used in the
computation of a student's Weighted Grade Point Average for determining the Class of Honours.
viii. For further details on co-curricular offerings, please email or visit the website
Course Code Course Title Credits
COCR 1001 Minding SPEC: Exploring Sports, Physical Education and Health & Wellness 3
COCR 1012 Workplace Protocol for Students 3
COCR 1013 Financial Literacy and Training 3
COCR 1030 Technology Literacy 3
COCR 1033 Mind the Gap: Towards Psychological Health & Wellness 1
COCR 1034 Public Speaking and Voice Training: Towards a More Confident You 3
COCR 1036 Ethics and Integrity: Building Moral Competencies 3
COCR 1045 Foreign Language Theatre in Performance 2
COCR 1039 First Aid, CPR, AED 2
COCR 1047 Defensive Driving (Simulation) 1
COCR 1050 The Basics of Steelpan 2
Microsoft Office
COCR 1040 Microsoft Access 2016 2
COCR 1041 Microsoft Excel 2016 2
COCR 1042 Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 2
COCR 1043 Microsoft Word 2016 2
*NOTE: All co-curricular course codes begin with COCR. Visit for course descriptions,
availability and registration instructions. New courses are to be introduced so keep checking the website for updates
during the academic year.
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The Department is the first and most important stop for high quality academic support for the diverse populations of
students throughout The University including full-time, part– time and evening and mature students, international and
regional students, student athletes and students with special needs (disabilities and medical conditions ).
(a) Support Services for STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS (Temporary and Permanent)
• Provision of aids and devices such as laptops, USB drives, tape recorders and special software
• Special accommodation for examinations –mid-term and final
• Classroom accommodations
• Liaison with faculties and departments, Deans, HODs, Lecturers
• Special arrangements for accessible parking
• Support Group
Students with special needs should make contact before or during registration. Every effort will be made to facilitate
your on-campus requirements in terms of mobility, accommodation, coursework, examinations, and other areas. No
student of The UWI will be discriminated against on the basis of having special needs. Sharing your needs before
registration will enable us to serve you better as a member of the Campus Community.
All Students experiencing academic challenges should communicate with Dr. Jacqueline Huggins, Manager, Student Life
and Development Department (SLDD), Heart Ease Building, Heart Ease Car Park, Wooding Drive, St. Augustine Campus
Tel: 662-2002 Exts. 83866, 83921, 83923, 84254. OR 645-7526
Hours: 8:30 am- 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday
Registration forms are available at the office or from the website at
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Its aim is to empower students to use the target language in order to understand information, to express themselves orally
and in writing, to communicate with native and non-native speakers of the language and engage with the culture of the
Students can register at the CLL and attend classes in any language, upon payment of a small registration fee. Students can
also pursue credit courses in Chinese, French, Japanese and Spanish. Registration is online using BANNER. Students must
complete registration on the CLL website before their BANNER registration. The normal per credit fee applies.
For course descriptions, please download the Faculty of Humanities & Education Undergraduate Handbook.
Course Code Course Title Credits
CHIN 1003 Level 1A Chinese (Mandarin) I 2
CHIN 1004 Level 1B Chinese (Mandarin) II 2
CHIN 1005 Level 2A Chinese (Mandarin) 2
CHIN 1006 Level 2B Chinese (Mandarin) 2
Course Code Course Title Credits
FREN 1001 Level 1A French I & II 2
FREN 1002 Level 1B French I & II 2
FREN 1003 Level 2A French 2
FREN 1004 Level 2B French 2
FREN 1005 Level 3A French 2
FREN 1006 Level 3B French 2
Course Code Course Title Credits
JAPA 1003 Level 1A Japanese I 2
JAPA 1004 Level 1B Japanese II 2
JAPA 1005 Level 2A Japanese 2
JAPA 1006 Level 2B Japanese 2
Course Code Course Title Credits
SPAN 1101 Level 1A Spanish I & II 2
SPAN 1102 Level 1B Spanish I & II 2
SPAN 1103 Level 2A Spanish 2
SPAN 1104 Level 2B Spanish 2
SPAN 1105 Level 3A Spanish 2
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The St. Augustine Campus has a range of partnership agreements managed through the International Office, OIAI that
facilitates exchanges by UWI students as well as students from our international partners to spend time at each other’s
campuses. The Office also enables student mobility with institutions where we do not have such formal partnerships.
The UWI Student Exchange programme will allow you to study at one of our many international partners around the world,
including in North America, Europe, South America, Africa, Asia and the Caribbean in addition to other UWI Campuses.
This type of international immersion has many educational and personal benefits. Students who have participated in the
past have all spoken about the tremendous experiences and learnings not only in the classroom, but also from the people
and places that they were able to interact with. They have become more independent in their thinking, self-sufficient and
confident. They have also been able to make new friends, learn new languages and experience the world first-hand as true
global citizens. A number of options for student exchanges are available to undergraduate and postgraduate students
which are:
For further information on funding as well as Student Exchange and Student Mobility, please visit our website: or visit our Facebook Page for the latest news on mobility opportunities at:, or contact:
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2. Course Objective
The fundamental objective of this course is to provide students with knowledge of the historical, institutional and legal
context of law in the Commonwealth Caribbean, including the important comparative law dimension. The issues dealt with
in the course cover not only institutions within the legal system, but also significant legal functionaries within it.
3. Course Content
The topics covered in this course are as follows:
i. The Nature and Functions of Law
ii. Legal Families and Traditions, including Hybrid Legal Systems
iii. The Reception of Law in the Commonwealth Caribbean and its historical context.
iv. Sources of Law
v. The Court System and Administration of Justice.
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of three sessions per week. Lectures will be of two hour’s duration and there will be a
one-hour tutorial session.
5. Method of Assessment
Assessment is by way of a 100% examination whereby the student is required to answer three questions from a total of
not less than six questions.
2. Course Objective
All of the independent states of the Commonwealth Caribbean have written constitutions which represent their basic law.
It is therefore crucial that students be exposed very early in their law course to a study of this basic law. The aim of the
Constitutional Law course, then, is to provide such exposure.
3. Course Content
Because of its importance, the Constitutional Law course coverage aims at both depth and breadth.
The topics covered include:
i. The General Characteristics of the Constitution
ii. General Constitutional Principles including Judicial Review
iii. The Legislature
iv. The Executive
v. The Judiciary
vi. The Machinery for Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
vii. Constitutional Reform
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4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration.
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed by way of both course work and a written final examination at the end of the first semester.
For the former, assessments will incorporate three aspects, namely: attendance and participation in weekly tutorials,
contribution to an online exercise and multiple-choice questions. For the final examination, students will be required to
answer two out of four questions.
• Tutorial attendance & participation: 10%
• Online exercise: 20%
• Multiple choice questions: 10%
• Final examination: 60%
2. Course Objective
The course is intended to expose students to a critical appreciation of the nature and purpose of the Criminal Law and to
the general principles of criminal responsibility which are or may be applicable in the context of specific crimes.
3. Course Content
The course will include the following topics:
i. nature and purpose of the Criminal Law
ii. proof
iii. elements of a crime - actus reus and mens rea
iv. strict liability
v. participation in crimes
vi. causation
vii. general defenses
viii. inchoate crimes - incitement, conspiracy, attempt
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration. Students will be expected to prepare in advance for these classes, which are
intended not only to impart knowledge and understanding but also to promote those analytical and critical skills which are
essential in legal argument.
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed by way of both course work and a written final examination at the end of the first semester.
For the former, assessments will incorporate three aspects, namely: attendance and participation in weekly tutorials,
contribution to an online exercise and multiple-choice questions. For the final examination, students will be required to
answer two out of four questions.
• Tutorial attendance: 10%
• Online exercise: 10%
• Multiple choice questions: 20%
• Final examination: 60%
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2. Course Objective
The course is intended to complement Criminal Law I by a close study of specific crimes.
3. Course Content
The course will include the following topics:
i. homicide - murder and manslaughter
ii. defenses to murder - provocation and diminished responsibility
iii. non-fatal offences against the person
iv. (sexual offences
v. minor crimes
vi. offences against property - theft, deception, criminal damage
4. Method of Teaching
As for Criminal Law I.
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed by way of a final examination. Students are required to answer 3 questions from a choice of 6.
Candidates will not be examined specifically on those areas covered by Criminal Law I but will be expected to retain
sufficient knowledge and understanding of that course to be able to recognise and illustrate its relevance.
2. Course Objective
The basic objectives of this course are to introduce students to the methodology of legal research and to lay a foundation
for the understanding of legal concepts and the effective written presentation of legal argument and analysis.
3. Course Content
i. The basics of legal reasoning
ii. The case brief
iii. The case note
iv. Fundamentals of effective legal writing
v. Fundamentals of legal research
vi. Forms of citation and elements of style
vii. Basics of editing
viii. The office memorandum/opinion
ix. Writing essays and answering problem questions
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by lectures, seminars and workshops.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by coursework.
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2. Course Objective
The law of torts is essentially concerned with regulating the means of redressing losses incurred by a person where the
person does not rely on a contractual relationship with that person who caused the loss. The issues considered in this
course, therefore, concern the type of loss for which the law grants compensation. The course analyses the legal concepts
which the court uses and the public policy positions implicit in these concepts.
3. Course Content
Torts I concentrates on the historical development of torts and the nature of the law of torts. The following topics are
i. History and the Nature of Law of Torts
ii. Trespass and Malicious Prosecution
iii. Negligence
iv. Nuisance
v. Rylands v. Fletcher
vi. Occupiers’ Liability
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture and tutorial will be of one hour’s
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of a two-hour final examination at the end of the Semester. Students will be required
to answer three questions selected from a total of six questions. The examination paper may be divided into two parts,
with students being required to answer at least one question from each part.
2. Course Objective
The primary objective of this course is to examine the purpose and scope of the legal protection accorded to agreements.
To achieve this, the course attempts to deal with the general principles applicable to the types of bargain transactions
found in contemporary West Indian society.
3. Course Content
Contract I focuses on problems of contract formation, the doctrine of consideration, the problem of third party
beneficiaries, intention as an element in contractual objections, and the problem of determining the boundaries of
obligations created by the contracts, with special reference to exemption clauses. The topics covered are:
i. Offer and Acceptance
ii. Intention to Create Legal Relations
iii. Consideration
iv. Privity
v. Contractual Terms
vi. Exemption Clauses
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration.
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed by means of:
1. A mid-term Multiple choice examination;
2. 1 in-class short answer assessment; or take-home assessment; and
3. A final examination:
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(a) Multiple Choice Questions-Students will be given 20 questions after the first 2 topics on MyeLearning. The
questions will rotate and will be randomly selected from an online bank. The Quiz will be opened for 24
hours. This will account for 10 % of the total mark for the course.
(b) In-Class Short Answer Questions or Take-Home Assessment-There will be 4 questions in a supervised in-class
assessment. Each question will be worth 5 marks. The assessment will last 1 hour. This will account for 20%
of the total mark for the course.
(c) Final Examination-There will be 2 mandatory questions in a final 2- hour examination at the end of the
semester. This will account for 70% of the total mark for the course.
2. Course Objective
This course builds on the knowledge developed in Law of Torts I and introduces the student to other specific torts. It will be
assumed in this course that students have sufficient knowledge of the basic principles of Negligence.
3. Course Content
The topics covered in Torts II are as follows:
i. Vicarious Liability
ii. Employers’ Liability
iii. Liability for Animals
iv. Defamation
v. Damages for Personal Injuries
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of a two hours of lecture and a one-hour tutorial per week.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of both coursework and written final examination at the end of the Semester.
Coursework will take the form of a take home assignment for a total of 30% of the final mark. For the final examination,
there will be two (2) mandatory questions in a two-hour exam, this will account for 70% of the total mark for the course.
2. Course Objective
The primary objective of this course is to examine the purpose and scope of particular areas of the Law of Contract.
3. Course Content
i. Mistake
ii. Misrepresentation
iii. Illegality
iv. Breach of Contract
v. Frustration of Contract
vi. Remedies including quasi contractual remedies
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4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration.
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed1by means of:
1) A mid-term Multiple choice examination;
2) 1 in-class short answer assessment or take-home assessment; and
3) A final examination.
(a) Multiple Choice Questions- Students will be given 20 MCQs after the first 2 topics on My eLearning. The
questions will rotate and will be randomly selected from an online bank. The Quiz will be opened for 24
hours. This will account for 10 % of the total mark for the course.
(b) In-Class Short Answer Questions or Take-Home Assessment-There will be 4 questions in a supervised in-class
assessment. Each question will be worth 5 marks. The assessment will last 1 hour. This will account for 20%
of the total mark for the course.
(c) Final Examination-There will be 2 mandatory questions in a final two-hour examination at the end of the
semester. This will account for 70% of the total mark for the course.
2. Course Objective
The purpose of this course is to examine the fundamental principles governing the holding, use and disposition of land in
the Commonwealth Caribbean.
3. Course Content
The areas to be covered in Real property I are as follows:
i. Historical Introduction, Classification and Meaning of Land
ii. Tenures and Estates
iii. Nature of Equitable Interests, Priorities and Licences
iv. Outline of Registration of Title and Registration of Deeds
v. Adverse Possession
vi. Settlements and Trusts for Sale
vii. Co-ownership.
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two hours of lectures and an one hour tutorial per week. .
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of both coursework and written final examination at the end of the semester. For
coursework, assessments will incorporate tutorial participation, one group, or individual assignment. Total coursework
equals 30%. For the final examination, students will write a 2- hour final exam worth 70%.
2. Course Objective
This course builds on the knowledge conveyed in Real Property I and introduces the student to the five most important
areas of modern land law.
3. Course Content
This course will deal with the following topics:
i. Leases and Tenancies
ii. Condominium Law
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iii. Easements
iv. Restrictive Covenants
v. Mortgages.
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two hours of lectures and a one-hour tutorial per week.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of both coursework and written final examination at the end of the semester. For
coursework, assessments will incorporate tutorial participation, one group, or individual assignment. Total coursework
equals 30%. For the final examination, students will write a two-hour final exam worth 70%.
2. Course Objective
The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to the principles, customs and rules of International Law. Students
after completing this course should be able to tackle most advanced International Law topics.
3. Course Content
The course will deal with the following topics:
i. Nature and History of International Law
ii. Sources of International Law
iii. Law of Treaties
iv. Subjects of International Law and Recognition of States and Governments
v. International Law and Municipal Law
vi. International Dispute Settlement
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by:
i. Course Work : 40%
The course work assessment will take the form of a tutorial attendance, presentation and participation (that will
account for10%), online forum discussion or take-home exam (that will account for 10%), and multiple-choice
questions (that will account for 20%);
2. Course Objective
This course builds on the knowledge acquired in Public International Law I and introduces advanced topics of International
3. Course Content
i. Title to Territory
ii. Law of the Sea
iii. Nationality
iv. State Responsibility
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v. Criminal Jurisdiction
vi. Immunity
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration.
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed by means of:
1) mid-term Multiple choice examination;
2) 1 in-class short answer assessment;or take-home assessment; and
3) Final examination.
(a) Multiple Choice Questions-Students will be given 20 MCQs after the first 2 topics on My eLearning. The
questions will rotate and will be randomly selected from an online bank. The Quiz will be opened for 24
hours. This will account for 10 % of the total mark for the course.
(b) In-Class Short Answer Questions or Take-Home Assessment-There will be 4 questions in a supervised in-class
assessment. Each question will be worth 5 marks. The assessment will last 1 hour. This will account for 20%
of the total mark for the course.
(c) Final Examination-There will be 2 mandatory questions in a final two-hour examination at the end of the
semester. This will account for 70% of the total mark for the course.
2. Course Objective
The general objective of this course is to examine the theories of jurisprudence and provide students with a philosophical
approach to understanding the nature of law.
3. Course Content
The areas to be covered are as follows:
i. Natural Law
ii. Positivism
iii. Realism
iv. Dworkin
v. Kelsen
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by:
i. Course Work Assessment: 40%
This assessment may take the form of multiple-choice questions (30%) and tutorial attendance and participation
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2. Course Objective
The course surveys the legal principles of governance by administrative agencies. It emphasises judicial control of
administrative action but also explores other controls of administrative action.
3. Course Content
The areas to be covered in this course include:
i. Constitutional Basis of the Review of Administrative Action
ii. Delegated Legislation
iii. The Doctrine of Ultra Vires
iv. Judicial Review of Administrative Decisions
v. Natural Justice
vi. Public Law Remedies
vii. The Civil Liability of the State
viii. The Office of the Ombudsman
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way will of coursework and a two-hour written final examination. The coursework includes
tutorial attendance and participation, in-class or take-home assignment and a multiple choice examination.
• Tutorial attendance and participation: 10%
• In-class or take-home assignment: 10%
• Multiple choice examination: 20%
• Final examination: 60%
2. Course Objective
The gamut of equitable remedies is very wide and growing. The objective of the course, therefore, is to expose students to
the subject by focusing on specific equitable remedies which reflect recent developments in the area, and by analysing the
modern approach to their application.
3. Course Content
i. Equity in an historical context
ii. The Injunction: particularly interlocutory injunction, such as the Mareva injunction and the Anton Piller order
iii. Specific Performance and Part Performance
iv. Damages in Equity
v. The Trust as a Remedy and
vi. Proprietary Estoppel and Licenses
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will also be of one hour’s duration.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of a two- hour final examination at the end of the semester. Students will be required
to answer three questions selected from a total of six questions. The examination question paper may be divided into two
parts, with students being required to answer at least one question from each part of the paper.
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2. Course Objective
The aim of this course is to strengthen the student’s understanding of constitutional law and of the importance of “Bills of
Rights” as part of the system of democratic governance and constitutionalism in the Caribbean.
3. Course Content
(i) Introduction to background and structure of the “Bill of Rights” and to the concept of fundamental rights.
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration.
5. Method of Assessment
During the semester, assessment by way of course work will cover multiple forms, namely attendance and participation in
weekly tutorials (15%) and a written ‘take-home’ assignment (25%). At the end of the semester students will be required to
answer two out of three questions in a final examination (60%), one of which will be a compulsory question.
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2. Course Objective
The general objective of this course is to introduce students to the major principles of law which govern industrial relations
and trade unions. The course aims at breadth without sacrificing depth and prepares students interested in Industrial
Relations Law for advanced courses in this area.
3. Course Content
i. Trade Unions and their Legal Structure
ii. Trade Unions: their Membership and Internal Government
iii. Trade Union Disputes
iv. The Law on Strikes
v. Freedom of Association
vi. Picketing
vii. Tort Liability of Trade Unions
viii. The Collective Bargaining Process and the Collective Agreement
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught in two lectures and one tutorial per week, each lecture and tutorial being of one hour’s duration.
A seminar approach would be optional, depending on numbers.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by means of a two-hour final examination at the end of the semester in which it is taught.
Students will be required to answer two questions out of a total of a minimum of four questions, one of which will be a
compulsory question.
2. Course Objective
The general objective of this course is to introduce students to the major principles of law that govern the contract of
employment and their terms and conditions of work. The course aims at breadth without sacrificing depth and prepares
students interested in Employment Law for advanced courses in this area.
3. Course Content
i. Identifying the Contract of Employment
ii. Terms and Conditions of the Contract of Employment
iii. Termination of the Contract of Employment
iv. Occupational Safety and Health Legislation
v. Redundancy
vi. The Relationship of the Collective Agreement to the Contract of Employment
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration. A seminar approach would be optional, depending on numbers.
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed by a final examination to account for 70% of the final mark and a course work component
accounting for 30% of the final mark. The course work component will be either a ‘take home’ semester assignment in the
form of a research paper, or project, OR a mid-term ‘in-house’ examination. The final examination will be a two-hour
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examination in which students will be required to answer two questions out of four questions, one of which may be a
compulsory question.
2. Course Objective
This course will examine the several broad areas of discrimination which exist in employment and posit solutions to the
problem. It will draw on the increasing legislation on specific areas (such as race, equal pay), the ILO Conventions and case-
law on the subject, and the dynamic and contemporary jurisprudence which is emerging from the courts.
The course will also attempt to straddle the public law arena, since underlying notions supporting legal solutions to the
problem of discrimination in employment are derived from public law.
3. Course Content
The following topics will be examined:
i. Public Law elements involved in Discrimination in Employment Issues - The Constitution Judicial Review and
ii. Discrimination on Ground of Religion.
iii. The role of the ILO in eliminating discrimination in employment - The conventions and ILO case-law.
iv. Gender Issues – Philosophical Underpinnings of Gender in Employment.
v. Equal Pay and Equal Remuneration for Work of Equal Value.
vi. Equal Access to Employment (Gender, Race)
vii. Privacy and Discrimination – Pregnancy and Maternity.
viii. HIV/AIDS and Employment Law.
ix. Issues of Race - New Legislative Initiatives on Relevant Case-law.
x. Discrimination against Trade Union members - legislative protection and the use of Judicial Review proceedings.
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of lectures and seminars, each lecture will be two hour’s duration and seminars will be
one hour per week.
5. Method of Assessment
Students will be assessed by the following:
(a) either an in-class test or, a take home assignment for 30 %; and
(b) a final examination which may be divided into two parts, with students being required to answer at least one
question from each part of the paper for 70%.
2. Course Objective
The main objective is to introduce students to the concept of the Company and to equip students for in-depth study in the
Law of Corporate Finance and/or the Law of Corporate Management.
3. Course Content
i. Corporate Personality and Limited Liability
ii. Promotion and Pre-Incorporation Contracts
iii. Equity Financing and Debt Contracts
iv. The question of Corporate Capacity
v. The Relationship between the Company and Corporate Investors (in particular - Shareholders)
vi. Company Officers (in particular – Directors and the Corporate Secretary)
vii. Shareholder Protection
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4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of a two-hour lecture and a one-hour tutorial per week.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of both coursework and written final examination at the end of the semester. For the
coursework, there will be a take home assignment that covers an area of the course selected by the lecturer to be
examined by a take home assignment worth 30%. For the final examination, there will be 2 compulsory questions in a final
two-hour examination at the end of the Semester worth 70%.
2. Course Objective
The main objective of this course is to explore the major legal and related problems of Corporate Management. Particular
emphasis will be placed on the competing interests of shareholders, creditors and management in the affairs of the
3. Course Content
i. The Distribution of Power within a Company
ii. Company Officers (in particular the Director and the Company Secretary)
iii. Directors’ Duties
iv. Insider Trading
v. Investor Protection (in particular Minority Protection)
vi. Remedies
4. Method of Teaching
The course will be conducted on the basis of a two-hour weekly seminar and a one-hour weekly workshop.
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed by way of one “take home” written assignment during the Semester for 33 1/3 % of the mark,
and one two-hour examination at the end of the Semester for the remaining percentage of the mark. Students will be
required to answer two questions selected from a total of six questions in the two-hour examination.
2. Course Objective
The main objective of this course is to engender in the student an appreciation of the rules of corporate finance and the
various interests which these rules protect or infringe upon.
3. Course Content
i. The concept of Capital and Financing of Companies
ii. Raising Share Capital and the Capital Maintenance doctrine
iii. Corporate Self Dealings
iv. Corporate Distribution
v. Classes of Shares (and Class rights)
vi. Loan Capital (in particular – Debt Financing)
vii. The Taxation of Companies
4. Method of Teaching
The course will be conducted on the basis of a two-hour weekly seminar and a one-hour weekly workshop.
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5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of one “take home” written assignment for 33 1/3 % of the mark during the semester
and a two-hour examination at the end of the semester for the remaining percentage of the mark. Students will be
required to answer two questions from a total of four questions.
2. Course Objective
In the last twenty-five years or so, businesses have been assuming more and more importance in the economic life of
CARICOM countries. Many of these businesses are incorporated and many of them fail. One result of all this is that the
corporate lawyers in the Caribbean are having to confront more and more corporate insolvency legal issues, the rules
applicable to the resolution of these issues, and the legal policies which underline those rules.
3. Course Content
(i) Framework of Corporate Insolvency Law
a. Theory and Sources of Corporate Insolvency Law
b. Corporate Debt and Securities
c. Creditor Protection and Registration of Company Charges
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be conducted on the basis of a two-hour weekly seminar and a one-hour weekly workshop.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of one “take home” written assignment during the second semester and a two-hour
written examination at the end of the second semester. Students will be required to answer two questions from a total of
six which will cover topics taught in the course. The “take-home” assignment will account for 33 1/3% of the final marks.
2. Course Objective
The course is based mostly on income taxation of the individual and as such is about technical income tax law. The
overriding objective of the course, however, is to develop in students, skills to deal with tax statutes and tax policy which
guide courts in resolving tax problems.
3. Course Content
Given its fundamental objectives, the topics covered in this course are as follows:
i. Constitutional and Fiscal Background to Taxation
ii. Lawyer and Taxing Statutes
iii. Chargeability: Residence and Source Concepts
iv. The Income Concept
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v. Business Income
vi. Employment Income
vii. Income from Property
viii. Deductibility Concept
ix. Computation
x. Tax Planning and the Concept of Fiscal Nullity.
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of a two- hour lecture and a one-hour seminar per week.
5. Method of Assessment
Students will be assessed by one written assignment, one group project and a two-hour examination.
• Written assignment: 40%
• Group project: 10%
• Final examination: 50%
2. Course Objective
The primary objective of the course is to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the modern trust. This
knowledge is believed to be especially useful in estate planning and tax planning.
3. Course Content
Given its basic objectives, the topics which will be covered in the course are as follows:
i. Trusts distinguished from other legal relationships
ii. Formalities and Constitution of Trusts
iii. Charitable Trusts
iv. Non-charitable Purpose Trusts
v. Secret Trusts and Mutual Wills
vi. Donationes mortis causa
vii. Resulting Trusts
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration.
5. Method of Assessment
Students will be assessed by a research assignment either in class or take home, and a final written examination.
• Research Assignment: 40%
• Examination: 60%
2. Course Objective
The primary objective of the course is to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the administration of trusts,
including the duties and powers of trustees, and of the administration of the estates of deceased persons, including the
duties and powers of executors and administrators.
3. Course Content
Given its basic objectives, the topics which will be covered in the course are as follows:
i. Categories of Trustee
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4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of three one-hour seminars per week.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of a two-hour written final examination at the end of the Semester in which it is taught,
and students will be required to answer three questions selected from a total of six questions. The examination paper may
be divided into two parts, with students being required to answer at least one question from each part of the paper.
2. Course Objective
This course explains the principles and policies which guide the law relating to domestic relationships in the
Commonwealth Caribbean as well as proposals for reform.
3. Course Content
The topics to be covered in this course include:
i. Introduction to the Family Law of the Commonwealth Caribbean.
ii. Marriage
a. Engagement Contracts
b. Contracts of Marriage, Capacity, Formalities, etc.
c. Annulment of Marriages
iii. Husband and Wife
a. Legal Effects of Marriage, e.g. unity of man and wife, contractual capacity of married women, right of
consortium, criminal and tort liability, marital communications
b. Separation agreements
c. Maintenance and property adjustment
d. Proceedings for resolving property disputes
e. Ownership and occupation of matrimonial home
f. Devolution of property on death
g. Property rights of de facto spouses
h. Protection against domestic violence
iv. Divorce
a. grounds for divorce
b. bars (defences) to divorce.
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of a two-hour lecture and a one-hour seminar per week.
5. Method of Assessment
Students will be assessed by the following:
(a) either an in-class test or a take home assignment for 30%; and
(b) a final examination which may be divided into two parts, with students being required to answer at least one
question from each part of the paper for 70%.
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This course will be taught in the second semester of the third year of the LLB degree programme. The course is optional.
2. Course Objective
This course explains the principles and policies which guide the law relating to children in the Commonwealth Caribbean,
including proposals for reform.
3. Course Content
The topics to be covered in this course include:
i. Introduction to the law relating to children of the Commonwealth Caribbean
ii. Status of Children at Common Law, Presumption of Legitimacy
iii. Status of Children’s Legislation, Presumption of Paternity, Blood Test Evidence
iv. Maintenance
v. Property Rights
vi. Inheritance, including Inheritance Family Provision Legislation
vii. Affiliation Proceedings
viii. Adoption
ix. Custody Proceedings under Guardianship, Matrimonial Causes, Maintenance and Affiliation Acts
x. Wardship Proceedings
xi. Child Abduction
xii. Miscellaneous Parental Rights and Duties
xiii. Child Care Law and Child Protection Legislation
xiv. Domestic Violence
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of a two-hour lecture and a one-hour seminar per week.
5. Method of Assessment
Students will be assessed by the following:
(a) either an in-class test or a take home assignment; and
(b) a final examination which may be divided into two parts, with students being required to answer at least one
question from each part of the paper.
• In-class test or take–home assignment: 30%
• Final examination: 70%
2. Course Objective
The main objective of this course is to examine issues of gender and the law in the Commonwealth Caribbean. The first
part of the course will introduce students to some relevant theoretical issues and themes. The second part of the course
will examine gender in some substantive areas such as wage work, the family, family violence, reproduction and
pornography, focusing on the constitutions, legislation, common law and legal systems of the Commonwealth Caribbean.
3. Course Content
Part I - Theories and Themes
i. Introduction to Feminist Theory
ii. The “Neutrality” of Law
iii. Equality
iv. Public/Private Divide
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4. Method of Teaching
The course will be conducted by a two-hour weekly seminar. On select weeks, a 3rd seminar hour will be utilised for
enhanced discussions.
5. Method of Assessment
Students will be assessed by way of two written “take home” essays during the semester: short paper: 30%; long paper:
60%; and participation in class discussion: 10%. Topics for Short Paper and Long Paper vary from year to year and will be
distributed to students at the beginning of the semester.
2. Course Objective
This course will prepare students for participation in selected international moot court competitions. It will develop skills
related to research, writing, and oral and written advocacy.
3. Course Content
i. Introduction to the substantive areas of law related to each moot (public international law and international
human rights law).
ii. Research techniques
iii. Memorial writing techniques
iv. Independent research
v. Oral skills sessions/practice moots
vi. International moot participation
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught in small seminars and workshops. It will involve significant independent research.
5. Method of Assessment
Students will be assessed on the basis of their participation in seminars and workshops (20%), written memorials (40%),
and practice moots (40%).
Students will not be allowed to continue with this course without the Course Director’s approval of their abstract. Students
registering for this course without an approved abstract will be de-registered.
Students need to identify a member of staff, with relevant background in the area, who is willing to supervise their
independent research paper.
Students must meet regularly with their supervisor and submit periodic drafts of their paper to the supervisor over the
course of the semester.
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Students are required to submit 2 hard copies of their completed research paper to the Faculty Office on the last day of the
semester. Late submissions will incur a penalty. See Regulation 36 for further details regarding the research paper.
2. Course Objective
This course aims to ignite in students the interest in legal research and writing competitions. It will develop skills such as
creative analysis, problem solving, distillation of complex ideas and clarity of thought and writing that are vital to success in
the legal profession.
3. Method of Assessment
Students will be assessed 100% on coursework. Students will be required to deliver an oral presentation of argument
either to their supervisor or their research peers. The presentation is compulsory but does not carry any marks. Students
are required to submit a final paper of 8,000 – 10,000 words which will be worth 100%.
2. Course Objective
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts and principles underlying the WTO multilateral trading
system and WTO dispute settlement. It also sensitizes students to CARICOM’s experiences with and perspectives on the
3. Course Content
The areas to be covered:
i. Historical background to the International Trading System/GATT 1947
ii. The World Trade Organisation
iii. Schedules of Concessions and Border measures
iv. Most-Favoured Nation Obligation
v. National Treatment Obligation
vi. General Exceptions
vii. Regional Trade Agreements/Free Trade Areas
viii. Dispute Settlement
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week, each lecture and tutorial being of one hour’s
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed by way of a two-hour examination at the end of the semester in which it is taught. Students
will be required to answer two out of a total of four questions. The examination paper will be divided into two parts with
students being required to answer at least one question from each part of the paper.
2. Course Objective
The primary objective of this course is to provide students with a clear understanding of the structure and operation of
European Union Law relating to and surrounding the Internal Market of the EU. All matters will be considered both from
the perspective of businesses established within Member States and from that of businesses established outside the EU
but involved in business activities or investment, or both, within the EU.
3. Course Content
Particular attention will be paid to:
i. Fundamental principles relating to the free movement of goods between Member States of the EU; the
prohibition of discriminatory internal taxation; the prohibition of quantitative restrictions and measures
having equivalent effect; exceptions to that prohibition.
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ii. Intellectual property rights under the EC Treaty, including parallel imports of protected goods from outside
the EU.
iii. The free movement of persons, citizenship of the EU, derogation based on public policy, public security and
public health.
iv. The freedom of establishment (Arts. 43-48 TFEU) and freedom to provide and receive services (ART 49-55
v. EC Competition Law including the Examination of Arts. 101 and 102 TFEU and Merger Regulation 139/2004,
the enforcement of EU Competition Law and its extraterritorial application.
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be delivered by means of a weekly two-hour lecture and one-hour seminar. Lectures will be used to
provide a conceptual framework and perspectives on the internal market. The main objective of a seminar will be to
analyse and evaluate the particular area of law under the consideration and to provide students with the opportunity of
discussing controversial and difficult topics in the light of the relevant case law. Students will be invited to develop their
own ideas about some of the more problematic aspects of EU law.
5. Method of Assessment
The Assessment will be twofold: by one assignment of no more than 1500 words in the form of a case study. The
assignment will be handed out to the students in the third week of the semester for the completion by week 8. This work
will account for 40% of the total mark. Students will be required to sit an end of semester formal examination, which will
account for 60% of the total mark. The examination paper will contain four questions. Students will be asked to answer
only two of these. There will be no compulsory questions.
2. Course Objective
This course is designed to give students an understanding of the fundamental legal issues associated with the oil and gas
industry. It includes a study of the legal rights attached to the petroleum sector, an analysis of the nature and protection of
interests and legal arrangements found in the oil and gas industry including applicable Licenses, Product Sharing Contracts
and Joint Operating Agreements.
Also, the main environmental impacts of the oil and gas cycle, from exploration to abandonment / decommissioning is
taught and the key functions of the relevant legislation, regulations as well as international treaties are studied.
3. Course Content
i. The Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Law – Domestic and International Framework
ii. Nature and Protection of Oil and Gas Legal Rights
iii. Joint Operating Agreements
iv. Production Sharing Contracts
v. Unitization Agreements / Treaties
vi. Environmental Regulation and Liability
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of a two-hour lecture and a one-hour seminar per week.
5. Method of Assessment
The course work assessment will take the form of:
- a seminar attendance and participation (10%);
- Seminar presentation (that will account for15%);
- a research paper (that will account for 40%);
- online forum discussion or take-home examination (that will account for 10%), and
- in class multiple choice questions (that will account for 25%).
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2. Course Objective
This course is designed to explore basic principles of modern Insurance Law and to introduce students to specialized
problems in particular areas of the subject.
3. Course Content
The topics to be covered in the course may include all or any of the following:
i. Introductory Principles
Nature of Insurance Law - The Contract of Insurance - Regulation.
iv. Risk
Terms of policy - Construction - Causation.
v. Indemnity
Claims - Settlement - Subrogation -
Contribution - Double Insurance.
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught either by way of two one-hour lectures or by way of one two-hour seminar, plus one one-hour
enhancement session per week. Students will be notified of the teaching method to be adopted for the Semester in which
they register to read the course during the first week of the Semester.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of a two-hour final examination at the end of the semester in which it is taught.
Students will be required to answer three questions, one of which may be a compulsory question, from a total of six
2. Course Objective
The course is designed to examine the methods by which the law has sought to place limits on human activity having
adverse impacts on the environment. In particular, the course explores the evolution from common law control to
regulatory means established primarily by statute, with particular reference to environmental laws in force and decided
cases in Commonwealth Caribbean countries.
3. Course Content
The topics to be covered in the course may include all or any of the following:
i. Introduction to Environmental Law
ii. Constitutional Aspects
iii. Regulation of Land Development
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4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by a combination of lectures and seminars. There will be one two-hour lecture and one-hour
seminar each week, unless notified otherwise.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by:
i. Course Work : 50% comprising of (a) a Research paper (40%) and (b) a Tutorial and field trip attendance and
participation (10%); and
ii. End of Semester Final Exam for 50%. Students will be required to answer two questions.
2. Course Objective
This course examines the evolution and content of International Law rules which limit human activity having adverse
impacts on the global environment. An important objective is to highlight the relevance of international environmental law
solutions to general international law problems.
International Environmental Law is complementary to LAW 3450, Caribbean Environmental Law, but may be studied
independently of that other option. The course presumes knowledge of Public International Law; familiarity with
International Development and Economic Law and the International Law of Human Rights would be an advantage but is
not required.
3. Course Content
The topics to be covered in the course may include any of the following:
i. The Development of International Environmental Policy and Law
ii. State Responsibility for Pollution and Environmental Harm
• customary international law and the prevention of environmental harm;
• interstate claims;
• enforcement through national law.
iii. Marine pollution
iv. Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes
v. Air Pollution
vi. Protection of Endangered Species
vii. Conservation of Marine Mammals
viii. International Regulation of the Global Environment
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration. A seminar approach would be optional, depending on numbers.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by 100% Course Work Assessment.
The course work will take the form of a seminar attendance and participation (10%);
Seminar presentation (that will account for15%);
A research paper (that will account for 40%);
Online forum discussion; or take-home examination(that will account for 10%); and
In class multiple choice questions (that will account for 25%).
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2. Course Objective
The fundamental objective of this course is to provide students with an insight into the ways in which Caribbean courts
deal with legal problems that are connected with foreign jurisdictions. The problems considered are drawn from those
affecting private individuals as well as States acting in their private capacity. The course forms an essential basis for
advanced work in all forms of transnational litigation.
3. Course Content
Part I - Preliminary Topics
i. Definition, nature and scope of private international law
ii. Historical development and current theories
iii. Classification and Renvoi
iv. Exclusion of foreign law
v. Domicile and residence
Part II - Procedure
i. Substance and procedure
ii. Proof of foreign law
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two one-hour lectures and a one-hour tutorial per week.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by a written final examination at the end of the semester in which it is taught.
2. Course Objective
This course builds upon the understanding of the General Principles of Private International Law. It examines the ways in
which Caribbean courts deal with specific types of contractual and non-contractual litigation as well as family law disputes
that are connected with foreign jurisdictions. An overriding objective is to facilitate understanding of the implications of
transnational litigation and globalization trends for the Caribbean society.
3. Course Content
i. Nature of Private International Law Litigation
ii. Transnational Contracts
iii. Multi-jurisdictional torts
iv. Offshore investments
v. Transnational Marriages and Matrimonial Causes
vi. Polygamous Unions
vii. Children
4. Method of Teaching
This is a one-semester optional course. It will be taught by a combination of lectures, seminars and workshops.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of a written final examination at the end of the semester in which it is taught. Students
will be required to answer three out of six questions. Students have the option of writing a term paper accounting for
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33.3% of the final mark. In the event that the mark on the term paper is higher than the lowest mark obtained in the final
examination, the mark for the term paper will be substituted for the examination mark.
An overriding objective of the course is to evaluate the extent to which such institutions can be seen as alternative to the
state system rather than as extensions of it.
3. Course Content
i. Institutionalization of the World Structure - Historical Overview
ii. Universal International Organizations
iii. Regional Organizations
iv. International Judicial Institutions
v. Common Features of International Organizations
vi. The Prospects for the Future: Restructuring the U.N.
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught in two lectures and one tutorial per week, each lecture and tutorial being of one hour’s duration.
This course will be assessed by way of one essay assignment during the semester which will account for 30% of the final
mark and one two-hour examination at the end of the semester accounting for 70% of the final mark. Students will be
required to answer two questions selected from a total of four questions in the examination.
2. Course Objective
The general objective is to introduce students to forms of integration structures to enable the development of a
jurisprudence which addresses Caribbean Community issues.
3. Course Content
i. Introduction: Broad Issues and Legal Concepts
ii. Historical Development of Regional Organisations
iii. Caribbean: Community Organs, Rule-Making Processes and Enforcement
iv. European: Community Organs, Rule-Making Processes and Enforcement
v. Internal Relations
vi. External Relations and Policies
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of a combination of lectures and workshops for three hours per week.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of one “take home” written assignment during the Semester in which it is taught and
one two-hour examination at the end of the Semester in which it is taught. Students will be required to answer two
questions selected from a total of four questions in the two-hour examination. The “take-home” assignment will account
for 30% of the final mark and the two-hour examination 70% of the final mark.
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2. Course Objective
The course aims to give an appreciation of the legal aspects of new, diverse and contemporary subject areas of offshore
investment. It straddles several other legal disciplines such as the law of banking, fiscal law, the law of trusts and the
conflict of laws. Still, the study is a unique and holistic subject in itself as several legal concepts are innovative and distinct.
Students taking this course should have a background in either revenue law, the law of trusts or the conflict of laws.
3. Course Content
The areas to be covered are as follows:
i. The Anatomy of Offshore Financial Structures, their Development and Rationale
ii. The Nature of the Offshore Trust
iii. Problems facing the Offshore Trust
iv. Confidentiality and Disclosure Initiatives in Offshore Financial Regimes
v. Offshore Vehicles for Tax Avoidance
vi. Conflicts of Laws and Offshore Investment
vii. The Captive Insurance Model
viii. Ethical and Constitutional Issues in Offshore Investment
ix. Developmental Issues and Offshore Investment
4. Method of Teaching
The course will be taught by way of a combination of seminars, workshops and lectures for three hours per week.
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed by a final examination to account for 70% of the final mark and a course work component
accounting for 30% of the final mark. The course work component will be either a ‘take home’ semester assignment in the
form of a research paper, or project, OR a mid-term ‘in-house’ examination.
The final examination will be a two-hour examination in which students will be required to answer two questions out of
four questions, one of which may be a compulsory question.
2. Course Objective
The course aims to introduce students to the fundamental legal principles relating to sport in the Commonwealth
Caribbean, and to provide students with an understanding of how these principles may impact upon participants,
practitioners and administrators at all levels. Through examination and analysis of contemporary statutory, case law,
arbitration and codification frameworks, students will develop a detailed knowledge of the substantive law, policies and
practices on sport, thereby enabling them to critically evaluate the present law, and identify, explain and apply key legal
principles to complex real world scenarios and analytical academic questions. By situating the law in the Caribbean’s
unique social and economic contexts, this course seeks to highlight key legal and ethical issues which may arise in this area,
and it allows students to appreciate the practical impact and growing importance of this area of law in the lives of
Caribbean nationals.
3. Course Content
The areas to be covered are as follows:
i. Introduction to Commonwealth Caribbean Sports
ii. Contractual Aspects of Commonwealth Caribbean Sports Law
iii. The Commercial Exploitation of Sports
iv. Civil Liability in Sports
v. Criminal Liability in Sports
vi. Regulating Drugs in Sports
vii. Governance in Sports
iii. The Future of Commonwealth Caribbean Sports Law
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4. Method of Teaching
The course will be taught by way of a combination of lectures (2 hours per week) and tutorials (1 hour per week).
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed by means of an end of term examination (70% of the final grade) of a two-hour duration,
whereby students will be required to answer two questions from a total of four. The final exam will consist of essay and
problem-type questions. Students will also be assessed through a presentation (30% of the final grade) whereby they will
be required to research and present (possibly in teams of 3) on a particular sporting scenario(s) that is particularly
provocative and relevant to the Caribbean at around the mid-semester point.
2. Course Objective
The principal aim of the course is to introduce students to competition law and policy in the Caribbean region bearing in
mind that it has either already influenced the CARICOM Single Market and Economy competition law or is likely to
influence it, to provide students with a comparative perspective on the application and enforcement of competition law
from a different jurisdiction.
3. Course Content
i. Introduction:
The Development of Competition Law in the Caribbean Region: The Concept of Sustainable Competition
Law; Competition Law in Small Market Economies; Challenges for Competition Authorities in Small
iii. Comparing and contrasting Article 30(i) of Chapter 8 of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas with Article 81
iv. Comparing and contrasting Article 30 (j) (k) of Chapter 8 of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas with Article
82 EC.
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two hours of lectures and a one-hour seminar per week.
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed by way of a two-hour written final examination at the end of the semester in which it is taught.
Students will be required to answer two questions from a total of four questions.
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2. Course Objective
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of international human rights standards and of the
international machinery of the United Nations, the Council of Europe, and the OAS for the implementing of these
standards. It also examines the evolution of international human rights, the theoretical foundations of the idea of human
rights in various civilizations and cultures, and the meaning and relevance of international human rights law in dealing with
major issues in the contemporary world.
3. Course Content
Part I of course deals with the system of the United Nations for the protection and promotion of international human
rights law. Part II of the course focuses on the rules, institutional structures and processes of regional systems for the
protection and promotional of human rights, in particular in the European and Inter-American systems.
4. Method of Teaching
The course will be taught by way of lectures and seminars throughout the semester. Each lecture will be of two-hour
duration and the seminar will also be of a two-hour duration.
5. Assessment
The course will be assessed by way of seminar attendance and participation, which includes a presentation on one topic
chosen by the student, a take home assignment and a two-hour written final examination at the end of the semester in
which it is taught. For the final examination, students will be required to answer two out of four questions.
• Seminar attendance and participation: 15%
• Take-home assignment: 25%
• Final examination: 60%
2. Course Objective
The main objective of this course is to introduce students to the general principles of intellectual property law.
3. Course Content
The areas to be covered include:
i. The nature and objectives of intellectual property
ii. Copyright
iii. Trademarks
iv. Patents
v. Confidential Information
vi. Designs
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4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial per week. Each lecture will be of one hour’s duration and
the tutorial will be of one hour’s duration.
5. Method of Assessment
The course will be assessed by way of a take home assignment and a two-hour written final examination at the end of the
semester in which it is taught. For the final examination, students will be required to answer two out of three questions.
The examination paper may be divided into two parts, with students being required to answer at least one question from
each part of the paper.
• Take-home assignment: 40%
• Final examination: 60%
2. Course Objective
The course aims to enable students to appreciate the nature of Alternative Disputes Resolution (ADR); to examine the
different ADR processes on the ADR Spectrum, paying particular attention to Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration. The
course considers how these processes compare to the processes for the resolution of dispute before the civil High Court. It
also considers applications of ADR techniques to Public Law issues; and criminal law.
3. Course Content
i. The ADR Spectrum
ii. Assessment of the role of ADR in Public Law through the Ombudsman
iii. Negotiation Ne
iv. Mediation
v. Arbitration Restorative Justice
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of a two-hour lecture and a one-hour seminar per week.
5. Method of Assessment
Students will be assessed by the following: (a) either an in-class test or a take home assignment and (b) a final examination
which may be divided into two parts, with students being required to answer at least one question from each part of the
• In-class test or take-home assignment: 30%’
• Final examination: 70%
2. Course Objective
The course is an introduction to the legal issues that arise in media and entertainment industries. It provides an overview
of certain key areas, including artist rights, trademarks in entertainment, publicity rights, defamation, entertainment
contracts, gambling and emerging entertainment law issues in the digital age.
3. Course Content
i. Introduction
ii. Intellectual Property and Related Rights
iii. Entertainment Contracts
iv. Defamation
v. Gambling
vi. Trade Issues
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4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two hours of lectures and a one-hour tutorial per week.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of a written paper (70%) and a drafting exercise (30%).
The written paper shall be between 3,500 – 4,500 words, in an area of entertainment law to be approved by the instructor.
The paper is intended to be an in-depth and critical examination of an aspect of entertainment law covered during the
Students will also draft a contract specific to the area of entertainment law (whether in film, music, television or
otherwise). The drafting of that contract will emphasize the experiential components of the course.
2. Course Objective
The course is intended to expose the student to an area of law which has become increasingly important in recent years. In
this regard the course will focus on specific Public Law Remedies as well as the recent development of the law and the
need for reform in this area.
3. Course Content
The areas to be covered in this course are:
i. The historical context of Public Law Remedies
ii. The Prerogative Remedies
iii. The Civil Liability of the State
iv. Public Law Remedies under Statute
v. Public Law Remedies under Caribbean Constitutions
vi. Procedures for Redress
vii. The need for Reform
4. Method of Teaching
This course will be taught by way of two lectures and one tutorial, each of one hour’s duration, per week.
5. Method of Assessment
This course will be assessed by way of a two-hour written final examination at the end of the Semester in which it is
Students will be required to answer three questions selected from a total of six questions.
2. Course Objective
The course is designed to promote an understanding of varied experiences and perspectives in the inter-relationship of law
and social deprivation and of legal, ethical and social dilemmas in the context of intersecting vulnerabilities. It seeks to
promote fundamental inquiries into the nature, function and suitability of the law, both domestic and international, in
addressing overlapping vulnerabilities within the communities of developing societies of the Commonwealth Caribbean,
particularly with respect to the legal framework for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
While students work with civil society organizations to tackle issues affecting marginalized or vulnerable communities, they
are able to integrate the legal methodologies, research and writing in a concrete setting.
This course is designed to ground the theoretical knowledge gained through the first years of their law degree in an
advanced course that grapples with the practical aspects of the law. In so doing, it provides final-year students with a solid
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introduction to the fundamental legal skills necessary to the practice of law, such that UWI students will maintain a
competitive advantage in their transition to The Hugh Wooding Law School and subsequently, their professional careers.
Ultimately, the final beneficiaries of this course will be the students, the legal profession and the communities at large in
the Commonwealth Caribbean.
3. Course Content
This course examines the nature and causes of poverty through a human rights lens, providing a unique practical
experience for its students, with opportunities to gain vital knowledge and skills for effective and successful advocacy and
litigation strategy in addressing the issue.
While focusing on a specific project that addresses intersecting vectors of marginalization and vulnerability, students will
also be exposed to a broad range of topics that will comprehensively cover the international human rights standard
implicated and varied domestic and international legal strategies for intervention through the seminar component.
Each semester, students (under the supervision of the course director) will take on a project, in collaboration with local
civil society actors, aimed at addressing the human rights violations impacting underprivileged members of the public.
Students will prepare reports on the basis of domestic and/or international human rights legal standards and make
recommendations for further action.
4. Method of Teaching:
The course will be taught by a combination of a weekly two-hour seminar and periodic project management and/or
individual office-hour sessions. It has a hybrid format, incorporating elements of traditional lecture/discussion and
clinical/experiential learning.
Students are expected to be up-to-date with the information required to have an active, in-depth conversation about the
subject matter covered in each class.
5. Method of Assessment
Student grades will be based on the following breakdown: 70% project work; 20% journals and 10% class participation.
2. Course Objective
The course is designed to promote an understanding of varied experiences and perspectives in the inter-relationship of law
and social deprivation and of legal, ethical and social dilemmas in the context of poverty. It seeks to promote fundamental
inquiries into the nature, function and suitability of laws in the context of poverty within the developing societies of the
Commonwealth Caribbean.
3. Course Content
The teaching component of the course will include the following: -
i. consumer protection
ii. welfare
iii. divorce and maintenance
iv. taxation and National Insurance
v. redundancy and wrongful dismissal
vi. ADR - the role of the Ombudsman and mediation
The clinics will continue. The journal will be kept. Students will produce a research paper of upwards of 3 000 words which
relates to some aspect of the course.
4. Method of Teaching
The academic component of the course will be taught through a two-hour lecture/seminar each week. Further instruction
will be given through the work of the clinics.
5. Method of Assessment
Students will be assessed through a two-hour written examination in which candidates will answer two from a total of six
questions. This examination will carry 40% of the total marks awarded. A maximum of 30% of the total marks will be
awarded after assessment of the research paper and 20% after assessment of the journal.
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The remaining 10% may be awarded by continuous assessment of input to the course by the student.
6. Quotas
Because of its complex administrative nature, admission to the course will normally be limited to 20 students. These
students are required to register for both Poverty Law I and Poverty Law II. Students may not register for Poverty Law II
unless they have completed Poverty Law I. Early registration is advised.
2. Course Objective
The course aims to acquaint students with the rationale for banking law, give them an understanding of key statutory
regulations in banking law and develop in them practical understanding of banking law principles and policies. It also aims
to apply the principles and policies underpinning banking law statutory provisions and case law to broader legal and
regulatory issues.
3. Course Content
The course is a blend of domestic and international banking law. The following areas will be covered in the course:
• Introduction to Banking Law
• Banker-Customer Relationships
• Money-Laundering and Financing of Terrorism
• Loan Sales and Securitization
• Trade Finance – Bills of Exchange, Bank Guarantees and Letters of Credit
• International Banking – Cross Border Banking
4. Method of Teaching
The course will be taught by way of a two-hour lecture and one tutorial per week. The tutorial will be of one hour’s
5. Method of Assessment
The students’ progress on this course will be assessed by means of a take home written assignment which will account for
40% of the final mark and a written two hour closed book examination (60%). In the closed book examination, students will
be required to answer two questions selected from a total of six questions. The examination paper may be divided into
two parts, with students being required to answer at least one question from each part.
As an educational institution, the Clinic transforms its mission into a unique practical experience for its students, providing
opportunities to gain vital knowledge and skills for effective and successful legal advocacy on behalf of victims of human
rights abuses. At the same time, through the strategic use of international and regional mechanisms for the protection of
human rights, the Clinic provides exceptional pro bono legal assistance and empowers victims of human rights violations,
and the organizations representing them, as well as governments, to utilize international and regional standards and
2. Course Objective
This course examines the strategic, procedural and practical aspects of addressing the human rights and fundamental
freedoms of all human beings in Caribbean societies, providing a unique practical experience for its students, with
opportunities to gain vital knowledge and skills for effective and successful advocacy and litigation strategy in the future.
This course provides final-year students with a solid introduction to the fundamental legal skills necessary to the practice
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of law, such that UWI students will maintain a competitive advantage in their transition to The Hugh Wooding Law School
and subsequently, their professional careers.
3. Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify traditional litigation and advocacy tools applied by human rights lawyers
2. Facilitate cultural competency and trauma-informed engagement with clients and NGO partners
3. Apply effective interviewing skills associated with litigation or human rights fact-finding.
4. Conduct international human rights legal research and factual data collection
5. Discuss various regional and international human rights processes which allow for litigation and advocacy
6. Differentiate the intersecting areas of international human rights, humanitarian and refugee law
7. Conduct team-based activities with cooperative objectives and goals
8. Increased self-awareness through self-reflection and self-evaluation
4. Course Content
While engaging in human rights projects, whether individual cases or reports that the course instructor will select for the
semester, students will also be exposed to a broad range of legal and advocacy strategies through case studies, guest NGOs
and traditional lecture and seminar style teaching. Thus, the theoretical components of the course will inform the
students’ work as they engage in international human rights litigation and advocacy under the supervision of the course
Each semester, students (under the supervision of the course director) will take on a project(s), in collaboration with local
civil society actors, aimed at addressing systemic human rights issues. Students will either prepare shadow reports, reports
to government, international litigation or amicus curiae briefs, or thematic and/or country-specific hearings before
international bodies on the basis of international human rights, humanitarian and refugee law standards. The number and
type of concurrent projects will depend on the complexity of each project and the number of students.
Still, the substantive topics explored over the course of the semester include Strategic International Human Rights
Advocacy, Human Rights Fact-Finding and Reporting, Shadow Reporting, Strategic Drafting of International Litigation Briefs,
Ethical Duties to Clients and Trauma-Informed Engagement, Interviewing Skills, and International Diplomacy.
5. Method of Teaching
The course will be taught by a combination of a weekly two-hour seminar and periodic project management and/or
individual office-hour sessions. It has a hybrid format, incorporating elements of traditional lecture/discussion and
clinical/experiential learning. Students are expected to be up-to-date with the information required to have an active, in-
depth conversation about the subject matter covered in each class.
6. Method of Assessment
Student grades will be based on the following breakdown:
- 70% project work
- 15% journals
- 15% class participation
Project work is defined broadly to include all interim outlines, drafts, investigative activities, memos, data/fact gathering
activities, presentations or other such work as may be required to complete the project.
Journal exercises will provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their project work, readings, class discussions, skills
training and development as attorneys. These exercises will also enable the Clinic instructor to monitor progress and
address any questions or concerns.
Class Participation The students are expected to participate in class exercises and discussions. Students must put forward a
good faith effort to understand the materials and engage in the seminar dialogue, as well as contribute equally to the
project work as it unfolds over the semester. Participation will be assessed on the basis of attendance, tardiness, and
participation in the dialogue.
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