Allotment of Shares
Allotment of Shares
Allotment of Shares
Name of Director
Address of Director
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company shall be
held as per the following schedule:
Date: of Meeting
Time: of Meeting
Venue: of Meeting
Name of Director
DIN: --------------------
Add: of Director
Name of Director
DIN: --------------------
Add: of Director
1) Mr. Name of Director
Dear Sir,
With reference to the board meeting of the company to be held on date of mewing, it is hereby
submitted that due to preoccupations, I am not in a position to attend the same. You are requested
to grant the leave of absence.
Thanking you,
"RESOLVED THAT in pursuance of Section 62 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with The
Companies (Share Capital and Debenture) Rules, 2014 the approval of the Board be and is
hereby accorded to the Company to issue -------------No. of equity shares of Rs. ------------
each (hereinafter referred to as new shares) of an aggregate nominal value of Rs.
---------------------------------(Rupees in Word), for cash to the shareholders at a premium of
1) The issue of shares will be made in the proportion of one new share for every one
equity share held on DATE OF MEETING.
2) The said offer to the members shall be made by an offer letter which shall indicate
the number of shares held by each member and the number of shares to which each
is entitled as rights shares, the value per share and the total amount due in case the
offer of shares is accepted in full.
3) The aforesaid offer shall be valid upto the MAXIMUM 30 DAYS , and includes a right
exercisable by the person to whom the aforesaid offer being made to renounce the
new shares offered to him in favour of any other person.
4) The offer after the expiry of the MAXIMUM 30 DAYS FROM MEETING or on receipt
of earlier intimation from the person(s) to whom such notice was given that he
declines to accept the new shares offered, the Board of Directors of the company be
authorized to dispose of unsubscribed part of the new shares in such manner as
they think most beneficial to the company.
5) The Equity Shares so issued shall upon allotment have the same rights of voting as
the existing equity shares and be treated for all other purposes pari-passu with the
existing equity shares of the Company and that the equity shares so allotted during
the financial year shall be entitled to dividend, if any, proportionately in the year of
the allotment of these shares.
7) Share Certificates shall be issued to those to whom the further new shares are
allotted within the time prescribed in the Companies Act, 2013.
RESOLVED FURTHER that the Board of Directors be and is hereby authorize to take all
steps to implement the above resolutions, finalize and issue the letter of offer of rights and
take all actions in connections with the further issue and allotment of shares to the
members and others where applicable”.
Certified true copy
Dear Sirs,
We hereby apply for the _________Shares of the Company, having a face value of Rs __/- per __, as
stated below in BLOCK 3. We have remitted the amount specified in Block 5 being the amount
payable on application @ Rs -------/- per equity share (inclusive of share premium of
Rs----------------/- per share).
We agree to accept the equity shares applied for or such lesser number as may be allotted to us
by the Company subject to the terms and conditions set forth in letter of offer and mutually
agreed between us and the and the Company subject to the provisions of Foreign Exchange
Management Act, 1999 and the Rules /Regulations/Notifications/Guidelines issued by the Govt
of India/Reserve Bank of India in this behalf and the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and
the rules and regulations made thereunder and the provisions of the Memorandum and Articles
of Association of the Company, this Application Form, Share Certificates and any other Law,
Rules and Regulations and other documents as may be relevant/applicable, if any,
We undertake that we will comply with the aforesaid as may be applicable to us from time to
time and will sign all such other documents and do all such other acts, deeds and things, if any,
that may be necessary on our part in this regard and to enable us to be registered as the
holder(s) of the equity shares which may be allotted to us by the Company. We authorize you to
place our name(s) on the Register of Members of the Company as the holder(s) of Equity
Share(s) that may be so allotted to us.
Amount paid
(Currency and also
equivalent Rs. in
Drawn on
(Name of Bank and
By Cheque / Draft / T.T. No. Dated
Wire transfer /
Payable at/transferred
(Name of Bank and
SIGNATURE (with Company stamp/seal)
Specimen signature of applicant
Dear Sirs,
Name of Shareholder
Address of Shareholder
Name of Shareholder
Address of Share holder
(B) I received a letter of offer from Name of Company regarding issue of equity shares
on right issue basis in proportion to one equity share for each equity share held
by the Company
(C) I intends to subscribe to ---------------- No. of Equity Shares new equity shares of of
Rs.=---------- each at a premium of Rs. ------------------ per share in the share capital
of Name of Company by the me amounting to INR -----------------.
Name of Shareholder
Address of Shareholder
“RESOLVED THAT in terms of authority given to the Board by the Articles of Association of
the Company, NAME OF SHARHOLDER be and is hereby allotted and issued
--------------------- (No. of Equity Shares) equity shares each having a nominal value of
Rs-------/-(---------- Only) at a price of Rs. ------------------/- (Rupees -------------------------
Only) per share, -in lieu of subscription monies of Rs. ------------------/- ---------- received
from it as per the details given below:
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT, a letter of allotment in relation to the above equity shares
issued and allotted as aforesaid be issued to name of shareholder by the Company.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT name of directors of company or any other Director of the
Company be and is hereby authorized to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be
required to be done to give effect to the above resolution, including issuance of duly
stamped share certificates in relation to the above equity shares issued and allotted as
aforesaid to name of shareholder in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act,
2013 and rules made there under and the Articles of Association of the Company and do all
other acts consequent to the issuance and allotment, including, in particular the payment of
the requisite stamp duty, for issuing duly stamped share certificates evidencing the
allotment of equity shares and give such directions as may be required, necessary,
expedient or desirable for giving effect to the aforesaid resolutions.”
(Author – CS Divesh Goyal, ACS is a Company Secretary in Practice from Delhi and can be
contacted at Disclaimer: The entire contents of this document have
been prepared on the basis of relevant provisions and as per the information existing at the time of
the preparation. Though utmost efforts has made to provide authentic information, it is suggested
that to have better understanding kindly cross-check the relevant sections, rules under the
Companies Act, 2013. The observations of the author are personal view and the authors do not take
responsibility of the same and this cannot be quoted before any authority without the written
CS Divesh Goyal
Practicing Company Secretary