Writing A Research Paper: From The Parts To The Whole: SSRN Electronic Journal September 2007

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Writing a Research Paper: From the Parts to the Whole

Article  in  SSRN Electronic Journal · September 2007

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.1448787


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1 author:

Antonio Dias de Figueiredo

University of Coimbra


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Volume 4, March 2010 23
The International Journal of Research and Review

Writing a Research Paper: From the Parts to the Whole

Antonio Dias de Figueiredo

University of Coimbra, Portugal

Good research paper writing can be made much simpler than most people think, provided
a few important principles are kept in mind. We cover these principles here, as we go
through a brief description of the successive parts of a typical research paper. We hope
this will help young researchers achieve in a short time the high standards expected at
top international journals and conferences.

Keywords: conference, journal, paper writing, research, scientific writing, writing.

The tradition of research paper writing and peer reviewing dates

back to 1665, when Henry Oldenburg, the German tutor of Charles Boyle’s
nephew, inspired Great Britain’s Royal Society to start to publish the
Philosophical Transactions (Boorstin, 1988). The “parliament of scientists”
resulting from this “network of correspondence” became the universal
scientific community of our days (Boorstin, 1988). In spite of the many
centuries passed since the inception of the Philosophical Transactions, we
still observe its basic model, which gradually materialized into a small and
universally agreed set of principles. Any scientist from any part of the
world who becomes familiar with those principles will become a natural
member of the worldwide parliament of scientists. He, or she, must,
however, be able the master the principles. The aim of this text is to
revisit the principles in the context of a simulated research paper that
concentrates on how to write research papers. To keep it short and easily
actionable, the paper covers only two main sections, one devoted to the
description of the conventional components of a research paper, and
another that discusses some additional considerations.

The Components of a Research Paper

The components of a research paper are presented here in the order

in which they are read. This order may not correspond, however, to the
order in which most papers are written. In practice, as we shall see, the
introduction to the paper and the final version of the abstract are often the
last parts to be written.

Title. The title describes in a logical, rigorous, brief and

grammatically sound way the essence of the paper. Sometimes it is made
up of two parts, the title and a sub-title, separated by a colon, as in the
case of this paper.

Author and affiliation. The name of the author (or authors) is given
below the title, followed by the indication of the institution to which the
author belongs. The email address of the author is often also required.

© 2010 Time Taylor International  ISSN 2094-1420

Volume 4, March 2010 24
The International Journal of Research and Review

Abstract. The abstract should not exceed 200 words, and should
clarify very concisely, but not telegraphically:

1. The work the authors did, which is described in the paper.

2. How the authors did it, if relevant (the method).
3. The key results (numerically, if possible).
4. The relevance and impact of those results.

It should be kept in mind that the abstract is not an introduction to

the paper, but a description of its whole in a concise way that highlights
all the relevant points. It must be written discursively, rather than as a
list of topics, and it should get into the subject straight off, with no
introductory circumlocutions or fill-in expressions. It must also be self-
contained, so that it can be freely reproduced in collections of abstracts,
and it must not include any references.

Keywords. To facilitate searching online for papers on a topic or set

of topics, it is helpful if each paper includes a short list of the keywords, or
index terms, that better describe these topics. If you chose a good selection
of keywords, your paper will be more easily found on digital libraries and
on the Web. For this reason, you should select keywords that are both
faithful to the topics of your paper and general enough to be used by
anyone looking for your paper. A good rule of thumb is to choose the
keywords you would use to find quickly on the Web a paper exactly like

Introduction. The introduction should characterize the context for

the proposal you present in your paper and should describe:

1. The nature of the problem you address in the paper,

2. The essence of the state of the art in the domain of the paper
(with bibliographic references),
3. The aim of the paper and its relevance to push forward the
state of the art.
4. The methods used to solve the problem, and
5. The structure of the paper, describing briefly its successive

Body of the paper. The body of the paper is the description, through
various sections and paragraphs, of all the relevant points of the work
explained in the paper. The designation “body of the paper” is used here to
refer to the collection of sections and paragraphs that make up the core of
the paper. The body of this paper has only two sections: “The Components
of a Research Paper” and “Additional Considerations”.

Conclusions. The conclusions must be stated clearly, and should


© 2010 Time Taylor International  ISSN 2094-1420

Volume 4, March 2010 25
The International Journal of Research and Review

1. A summary of what you have achieved with the work you

describe in the paper, stressing its novelty and relevance.
2. An assessment of the advantages and limitations of the
proposals you have presented in the paper.

When justified, it should also include:

3. A description of possible applications and implications of the

results presented in the paper.
4. Recommendations for future work.

Acknowledgement. A good paper often results from the commitment

of many people beyond the authors (members of the research team and
friends who contributed one way or the other), and this commitment
should be acknowledged. When the research activity leading to the paper
is totally or partially financed by external institutions, their support
should also be acknowledged, even when they do not explicitly request it.

References. The references correspond to the list of papers, book

chapters, books, and other bibliographic elements that have been
referenced throughout the paper. Various referencing guidelines exist.
This paper follows those of the American Psychological Association (APA,
2009), but you must use the guidelines of the journal or conference where
you intend to publish.

Additional Considerations

Language. Badly written papers tend to loose their scientific

credibility almost instantly. For this reason, the authors who are not used
to write in English should make sure their papers are revised by
knowledgeable English writers.

Relevance. Your paper must be clearly relevant to the audience of

the journal or conference where you intend to publish it. Otherwise, you
are likely to have it rejected by the reviewers.

Rigor. There is no room in a research paper for unsupported

expressions of belief. Every single claim of your paper must be fully
supported by empirical or analytical evidence, or by the authority of a
reputable source. Any source you refer to must be mentioned in the text
and included in your reference list. You should avoid by all means the use
of sources (namely those found on the Internet) whose scientific reputation
is unknown.

Abstract. The abstract convinces the reader that the paper is worth
reading. This is why it should be made as objective, readable and catching
as possible, in spite of its small length.

© 2010 Time Taylor International  ISSN 2094-1420

Volume 4, March 2010 26
The International Journal of Research and Review

Introduction. The introduction must be able to grab the interest of

the reader, from the very first sentence, into the second sentence, the
third, and so on. A dull introduction is halfway to losing the readers even
before they start getting to the substance of the paper. To save time and
preserve flexibility, it may be useful to write the introduction only when
the rest of the text is finished. This is so because writing is, to as large
extent, a sort of experimental ground that helps us structure our own
thoughts. As we write, the text tends to gain a life of its own, and often
ends up becoming much different (and much better) than originally
intended. This means that there is no point in writing the introduction (or
producing the final version of the abstract) of a text that we do not know
yet how it is going to become.

Conclusions. Most authors write the conclusions in a hurry, when

they are already tired of their paper and anxious to get it out of their
sight. This is a bad practice because most of the impression the readers
keep in their minds, after reading a paper, is (re)built by the conclusions.
The conclusions should, thus, be written with a fresh mind and with the
concern of leaving a structured and lasting favorable impression in the
mind of the reader.

Self-referencing. Authors should avoid unnecessarily referencing

themselves. A paper is a humble, hopefully solid, contribution to the
progress of human knowledge in a given field, usually inspired by the
contributions of many other authors. It should not be seen as fanfare of
the author’s past achievements or as a stage where the spotlights are
turned to the author in detriment of the credits due to other, earlier,
authors. Of course, if some of the author’s former work is essential to
understand the paper, it should by all means be referred to, but this
should be done with discretion and elegance.


We have quickly gone through the successive steps of a research

paper, describing the role played by each one of its parts and offering
simple hints on how their effectiveness, impact, and appeal can be greatly
improved. We hope that this will help young authors get their papers
together in a short time, while achieving a high level of paper quality. The
small size we have intentionally imposed upon our paper obviously leaves
out many more elaborate principles, but, following a corollary of Pareto’s
law, we have tried to make sure that the readers would become aware of
the 20% of paper writing principles that let them achieve 80% of the
desired effectiveness, impact, and appeal.

© 2010 Time Taylor International  ISSN 2094-1420

Volume 4, March 2010 27
The International Journal of Research and Review


Boorstin, D. J. (1988). The discoverers (1st ed.). Random House USA Inc.

APA (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological

Association (6th ed.). American Psychological Association.


The author is grateful to his Ph.D. and M.Sc. students for their generous
contribution, over the years, to the improvement of this text.

About the Author

Dr. Antonio Dias de Figueiredo is emeritus professor of Information

Systems at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of
Coimbra, Portugal. He is also an independent consultant and researcher.
Correspondence can be sent to him at: adf@dei.uc.pt.

© 2010 Time Taylor International  ISSN 2094-1420

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