ARTS IN THE PHILIPPINES refer to the various forms of Never fixed but open to many possibilities
the arts that have developed and accumulated in The process of making the artwork itself
the Philippines from the beginning of civilization in the country up to
the present era. THE DIFFERENCE?
Time, Method, Medium, Approach
FOLK ARCHITECTURE – including, but not limited to, stilt . In 1910, Roger Fry and his colleagues founded the
houses, land houses, and aerial houses Contemporary Art Society. At the time, this was simply a private
MARITIME TRANSPORT – boat houses, boat-making, and society where artwork could be purchased for public museums.
maritime traditions Through the 1930’s more institutions were founded with the same
WEAVING – including, but not limited to, basket weaving, terminology. Scholars in the field distinguished Modern Art as a
back-strap loom weaving, headgear weaving, fishnet weaving, specific style that did align with a specific time period. In contrast, the
and other forms of weaving contemporary style continues to progress as over time, which adds
CARVING – including, but not limited to, woodcarving and folk to the wide variety of approaches and outcomes.
non-clay sculpture
dances, plays, and dramas ARTISTIC STYLES
FOLK (ORAL) LITERATURE – including, but not limited to, Form (era)
epics, songs, and myths Art forms: painting, sculpture & architecture
FOLK GRAPHIC AND PLASTIC ARTS – including, but not
limited to, calligraphy, tattooing, folk writing, folk drawing, and HISTORICAL VIEW
folk painting FIGURATIVE ARTS
ORNAMENT, TEXTILE, OR FIBER ART – hat-making, mask- any form of modern art that retains strong references to the
making, accessory-making, ornamental metal crafts real world.
POTTERY – including, but not limited to, ceramic making, clay NON-FIGURATIVE ARTS
pot-making, and folk clay sculpture forms and figures are not depicted realistically.
NON TRADITONAL Art that serves no other purpose than to be beautiful
DANCE – including, but not limited to, dance choreography, Art for the pleasure and sensation that it could produce, without
dance direction, and dance performance any regard to standards of morality or utility.
MUSIC – including, but not limited to, musical composition, TRANSMEDIA
musical direction, and musical performance points to new meanings of the artwork, something that crosses
THEATER – including, but not limited to, theatrical direction, and brings together different media
theatrical performance, theatrical production design, theatrical
light and sound design, and theatrical play writing STYLISTIC OVERVIEW
VISUAL ARTS – including, but not limited to painting, non-folk ABSTRACT - Art that does not attempt to represent external reality,
sculpture, printmaking, photography, installation art, mixed but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colors, and
media works, illustration, graphic arts, performance art, and textures.
imaging NEO-REALIST - Italian literary and cinematic movement, flourishing
LITERATURE – including, but not limited to, poetry, fiction, especially after world war II
essay, and literary/art criticism SURREAL - Fantastic or incongruous imagery or effects in art
FILM AND BROADCAST ARTS – including, but not limited to,
film and broadcast direction, film and broadcast writing, film
and broadcast production design, film and broadcast MODULE 2
cinematography, film and broadcast editing, film and broadcast HISTORY OF PHILIPPINE ART
animation, film and broadcast performance, and film and I. PRE-CONQUEST
broadcast new media In art historical terms, we refer to art before the coming of the first
ARCHITECTURE AND ALLIED ARTS – including, but not colonizers as "pre-conquest". In stylistic terms, we refer to it as
limited to, non-folk architecture, interior design, landscape "indigenous" to emphasize the ides that our ancestors have been
architecture, and urban design making art even before colonization. It is also described in cultural
DESIGN – including, but not limited to, industrial design, and terms as "pre colonial" as a term to use for the general way of life
fashion design before colonization.
Prior to colonization, art of the ancient Filipinos were woven
MODERN ARTS ( 1860S-1960S) into fabric of everyday life. Everyday expressions were all
Modern art and modernism was a radical departure from the integrated within rituals marked significant moments in a
kinds of art that had gone before. community's life, like:
Modern artists do not aim to copy and idealize reality, instead Planting and Harvesting, Funeral Ceremonies, Weddings
change the colors and flatten the picture – doesn’t follow the Our ancestors, just like all others in the world during those
norm times, were hunter-gatherers.
People of the Cordilleras carve the BULUL, regarded as a granary With the coming of the Spaniards, who brought western musical
god that plays an important role in rituals. instruments like:
Pipe organ, Piano, Violin, Guitar
The ifugaos also produce the HAGABI, wooden bench that marks Philippine musical forms also took on a very European flavor ---- with
the socioeconomic status of the owner. new rhythms, melodies, and musical forms, that Filipinos proceeded
Christianized communities in Laguna and Pampanga are known for to adopt them and make their own. Catholic liturgical music was
carving santos or sculptures of secular or non-religious orientation. introduce in 1742 when the then Archbishop of Manila, Juan
In Southern Philippines, curvilinear decorations called the OKIR Rodriguez Angel, established a singing school at the Manila
(termed ukkil in Tausug/Samal/Badjao) are employed in Cathedral that taught western church music.
Manunggul jar, discovered at Manunggul Cave, Lipuun Point, In 1734, the Jesuit priest Fr. Pedro Murillo Velarde collaborated with
Palawan is dated to the late neolithic period. It is a secondary burial homegrown talents, the artist Francisco Suarez and the engraver
vessel, where buried and exhumed bones are placed. Nicolas de la Cruz Bagat to produce Carta Hydrographica y
Chorographica de las Yslas Filipinas, the first scientific map of the
Another cherished living tradition is weaving. According to Respicio, philippines.
textile weaving has a long history that Philippine ethnolinguistic
groups have a rich textile weaving tradition. Textile are not only The rise of this new elite would also manifest in town organization.
functional, they also impart knowledge about people's belief system. Among those that occupied the plaza complex were the bahay na
bato which housed rich and prominent families. .Simon Flores's
A backstrap loom or a pedal loom is used to weave designs that hold painting Portrait of the Quiazon Family, 1800 documents the family's
special meaning for a particular cultural group. Examples of woven influence: the magnificent interior of the family's home, the mother's
textiles include the pis siyabit, a headpiece woven by the Tausug of jewerly, the delicate fabric and embroidery of their clothing, and their
Sulu and malong with exquisite tapestry panels called langkit woven dignified poses.
the Maranao of Lanao del Sur.
Other renowned miniature painters includes Antonio Malantic, Isidro
Arceo, Dionsio de Castro, and Justiniano Asuncion who also
rendered portraits of individuals. Attention to detail in painting can
also be observed in Letras y Figuras. Combining names of
individuals and vignettes of everyday life, this painting style became
popular when Filipino natives acquired Spanish names in compliance
with a decree implemented in 1884.
The Pampanga-born Simon Flores also produces genre scenes.A
distinct example is the painting, Primeras Letras, 1890, which
features a woman teaching a child how to read.
Art that flourished during the Spanish colonial period conformed to
the demands of the church and the colonial state. Religious orders
were dispatched to convert the natives to Catholicism as part of the
Luna won gold for Spoliarium; while Hidalgo garnered a silver medal
for Virgenes christianas expuestas al populacho. Both works testify
larger project of colonization. The art forms from that period are
to Filipino artistic excellence which proved to be at par with the Many of Manansala's paintings are characterized by transparent
standards set by the European academy. cubism, a style marked by the soft fragmentation of figures using
transparent planes instead of hard-edges ones. as exemplified in the
IV. AMERICAN COLONIAL PERIOD (1898-1940) TO THE painting Tuba Drinkers, 1954, Legaspi's Gadget II, 1949 depicts half
POSTWAR REPUBLIC (1946-1969) naked men almost engulfed in the presence of machines.
Plays such as Juan Abad's Tanikalang Guinto or "Golden
Chain" , 1902 Juan Matapang Cruz's Hindi ako Patay or "I Am Not The 1950s also saw the construction of modern architectural
Dead", 1903 and Aurelio Tolentino's Kahapon Ngayon, at Bukas structures, particularly churches that modified or veered away from
or"Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow", 1903 echoed not only the traditional cruciform designs. Within the UP Diliman campus,
nationalist sentiments of their playwrights but also served as medium examples include the Church of Holy Sacrifice, 1955 and the Church
for political protest, openly attacking the Americans. Known as of the Risen Lord, which both employed concrete as primary material
drama simbolico, these one-act plays came to represent a deep and and experimented with rounded o parabolic forms. Another
profound yearning for freedom. remarkable example is the Chapel of St. Joseph the Worker in
Victorias, Negros, built by the Czech-American architect Antonin
Inspired by the City Beautiful Movement introduced in 1893 at the Raymond.
Chicago World Fair, the new urban design employed Neoclassic
architecture for its government edifices and integrated parks and
lawns to make the city attractive by making its buildings impressive V. 70S TO CONTEMPORARY
and places more inviting for leisure amid urban blight. Amidst claims of national chaos of emergency proportions,
Martial Law was declared on September 21, 1972. Under Martial
De la Rosa was known for his naturalist paintings characterized by Law, Marcos envisioned a New Society or Bagong Lipunan, which
restraint and formality in brushwork, choice of somber colors, and worked toward the rebirth of a long lost civilization and aspiration to
subject matter, as seen in the works Planting Rice,1921 and El modernization and development.
Kundiman, 1930. The discourse of rebirth can also be discerned in the anthem or
songs the regime sponsored and circulated through the media and
Guillermo Tolentino is credited for the iconic Oblation (1935, public education channels. The optimism toward a new beginning
original/1958, bronze cast found at the UP Oblation plaza) of the was articulated for example, in Levi Celerio and Felipe Padilla de
University of the Philippines and the Bonifacio Monument, 1933 in Leon's composition for the New Society titled Bagong Pagsiglang.
Caloocan. Cultural Center Of the Philippines
"Botong" Fransisco is known for his magisterial murals, particularly, Albano (Chabet's successor) argued that although some
Filipino Struggles Through History 1964, one of the largest and most experimental forms seemed wholly foreign, he invoke the practice of
ambitious in scope, which he did for the Manila City Hall. adoring ephemeral and familiar objects in fiestas, which shared
processes and features with installation art. An early example of
installation art is Junyee's Wood Things, 1981, made of kapok or
Japanese Occupation (1941-1945) cotton pods, installed on the walls and floor of the CCP's white cube
Early moderns and conservative alike continued to produce art spaces to make these look like crawlers encroaching on the museum
and even participated in KALIBAPI (Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod ng space.
Bagong Pilipinas) sponsored art competitions.n 1943 and 1944,
Purugganan and Francisco won KALIBAPI, respectively. SOCIAL REALISM(SR)
Slogans such as "Asia for Asians" made its way to the public A significant strand that emerged during the intense political ferment
through posters, ephemera, comics, and Japanese sponsored of the 70s and the 80s. Using various mediums, techniques, and
publications such as Shin-Seiki, and in newspapers and magazines styles, SR, is a form of protest art that exposed the sociopolitical
such as Liwayway and Tribune. In music, the composer National issues and struggles of the times.
Artist Felipe P. De Leon was said to have been "commanded at the Antipas Delotavo's Itak Sa Puso Ni Mang Juan
point of the gun" to write Awit sa Paglikha ng Bagong Pilipinas. Edgar Fernandez, Kinupot
Declared as the anthem specifically for the period, it conveyed Varied forms of expression can be observed from the period which
allegiance to the nation reared in East Asia, where Japan was spilled over from the previous decades.EDUARDO CASTRILLO's
actively asserting its political power. gigantic metal work PIETA, 1969