Tony M

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Tony M.

883 E. Hydell Rd. • Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 • 618.203.2354 •


Ph.D., English, Southern Illinois University, January 2014.

Specialties: 20th/21st-Century American Literature, Contemporary Critical
Theory, and Cultural Studies. Edward Brunner, chair.
M.A., English, SUNY College at Brockport, May 2000.
B.S., English, SUNY College at Brockport, May 1998.

BOOKS ____________

Ghost, Android, Animal: Trauma and Literature Beyond the Human. Routledge, 2020.


“Shirley Jackson’s Posthumanist Ghosts: Revisiting Spectrality and Trauma in The

Haunting of Hill House.” Arizona Quarterly, vol. 75, no. 4, 2019, pp. 53-76.

“Mourning the Human: Working Through Trauma and the Posthuman Body in Lev
Grossman’s The Magicians Trilogy.” Solicited by Sheryl Vint, President of the
International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA). Journal of the
Fantastic in the Arts, vol. 28, no. 3, 2017, pp. 369-387.

“Posthuman Wounds: Posthuman Wounds: Trauma, Non-Anthropocentric Vulnerability,

and the Human/Android/Animal Dynamic in Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids
Dream of Electric Sheep?” Journal of the Midwest Modern Language
Association, vol. 47, no. 2, 2015, pp. 91-112.

“A Sound ‘Almost Human’: Trauma, Anthropocentric Authority, and Nonhuman

Otherness in Go Down, Moses.” The Faulkner Journal, vol. 27, no. 2, 2013, pp.

“Remembering Why We Once Feared the Dark: Reclaiming Humanity Through Fantasy
in Guillermo del Toro’s Hellboy II.” Journal of Popular Culture, vol. 45, no. 5,
2012, pp. 1041-59.

“‘Not an Apocalypse, the Apocalypse’: Existential Proletarization and the Possibility of

Soul in Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse.” Science Fiction Film and Television, vol. 4,
no. 2, 2011, pp. 225-48.


“‘A World of Death and Phantoms’: Auschwitz, Androids, and the Ethical Demands of
Reading Trauma and Fantasy Through Willing Un-Belief,” Topographies of
Trauma: Fissures, Disruptions, and Transfigurations, edited by Danielle Schaub
and Claudio Zanini, Brill Press International, 2019, pp. 45-61.
“Posthumanist Magic: Beyond the Boundaries of Humanist Ethics in Young Adult
Fantasy.” Posthumanism in Young Adult Fiction: Finding Humanity in a
Posthuman World, edited by Donna White and Anita Tarr. University Press of
Mississippi, 2018, pp. 227-46.

“Breaking Through the Canvas: Towards a Definition of (Meta)Cultural Blackness in the

Fantasies of Clive Barker.” Clive Barker: Dark Imaginer, edited by Sorcha Ni
Fhlainn. Manchester UP, 2017, pp. 148-63.

“The Fall of the Rebellion; or, Defiant and Obedient Heroes in a Galaxy Far, Far Away:
Individualism and Intertextuality in the Star Wars Trilogies.” Culture, Identities
and Technology in the Star Wars Films: Essays on the Two Trilogies, edited by
Carl Silvio and Tony M. Vinci. McFarland, 2006, pp. 11-33.

“Introduction: Moving Away from Myth: Star Wars as Cultural Artifact.” Culture,
Identities and Technology in the Star Wars Films: Essays on the Two Trilogies,
edited by Carl Silvio and Tony M. Vinci. McFarland, 2006, pp. 1-8.


Silvio, Carl and Tony M. Vinci, eds. Culture, Identities and Technology in the Star Wars
Films: Essays on the Two Trilogies. McFarland, 2006.


“Book Review: Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman in Literature and

Culture,” Fafnir: Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research, vol. 7,
no. 1, 2020,

“Vulnerable Creatures and the Wounded World-Soul: Clive Barker’s The Scarlet
Gospels.” Los Angeles Review of Books. 6 June 2015.


“‘Beyond the End of Her Story, of Herself’: Jeff Vandermeer’s The Strange Bird and the
Emergence of Posthumanist Sentimentality” at the IAFA (International
Association of the Fantastic in the Arts) International Conference. Orlando, FL
March, 2020. (Conference Postponed)

“Teaching Trauma, Teaching Fantasy: A Posthumanist’s Guide to Pedagogy in Three

Parts,” Keynote at Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts
(OCTELA) Conference. Columbus, OH, Spring, 2021.

“Shirley Jackson’s Posthumanist Ghosts: Revisiting Trauma and Spectrality in The

Haunting of Hill House” at the IAFA (International Association of the Fantastic in
the Arts) International Conference. Orlando, FL March, 2019.

“‘Her Heart Beats Shame, Shame, Shame’: Resisting the Traumatic Reading Practices of
Contemporary Fantasy” at the International Embodiment in Science Fiction and
Fantasy Conference. Hamilton, Ontario. May, 2018. 
“The Abcanny Authority of Shirley Jackson’s Publication History” at the PCA/ACA
(Popular/American Culture Associations) International Conference. Indianapolis,
Indiana. March, 2018.

“Posthuman Theory as Activism in a World Without Us: Auschwitz, Androids, and the
Ethical Demands of Reading in Willing Unbelief” at the M/MLA (Midwest
Modern Language Association) Convention. Cincinnati, OH. November, 2017.

“The Flash, the Shutter, and the Traumatic Sublime: Photographs of Animal Trauma in
Fantastic Literature and Social Media” at the PCA/ACA International Conference.
San Diego, CA. April, 2017.

“Teaching with Ghosts: Re-Enchanting Reading through Spectrality Studies” at the Ohio
Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts (OCTELA). Columbus, Ohio.
February, 2017.

“A World Without Us: Trauma and Nonhuman Identities at the End of History” at the
Speculative Fiction Across the Liberal Arts Conference. Athens, Ohio. October,

“Mapping the ‘Homeland of the Unknown’: Re-Reading Trauma and Fantasy

Through Willing Un-Belief” (revised version) at the 6th Interdisciplinary Global
Conference on Trauma. Budapest, Hungary. March, 2016.

“Mourning the Human: Working Through Trauma and the Posthuman Body in
Lev Grossman’s The Magicians Trilogy” at the PCA (Popular Culture
Association) National Conference. Seattle, Washington. March, 2016.

“Posthuman Magic and Transhuman Technology: Beyond the Boundaries of

Humanist Ethics in Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy” at the IAFA
(International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts) International Conference.
Orlando, FL. 2015.

“Sacrificing the Human for ‘Some Other Creature’: Paulo Bacigalupi’s The
Windup Girl” at the M/MLA (Midwest Modern Language Association)
Convention. Columbus, OH. November, 2015.

“‘Where Modern Minds are Weakest’: Spectrality Studies and the Post-Traumatic
Subject in Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House.” at the M/MLA
(Midwest Modern Language Association) Convention. Detroit, MI. 2014.

“Mapping the ‘Homeland of the Unknown’: Re-Reading Trauma and Fantasy Through
Willing Un-Belief” at the ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association)
Convention. NY, NY. 2014.

“Posthuman Wounds: Simulating Trauma in Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of

Electric Sheep?” at the M/MLA (Midwest Modern Language Association)
Convention. Milwaukee, WI. 2013.

“‘There is Nothing Less Like Mankind Than His Image’: The Apocalyptic Impulse and
Ontological Pluralism in Capek’s R.U.R.” at the ACLA (American Comparative
Literature Association) Conference. Providence, RI. 2012.

“Breaking Through the Canvas: Towards a Definition of (Meta)Cultural Blackness in the

Fantasies of Clive Barker” at the IAFA (International Association of the Fantastic
in the Arts) International Conference. Orlando, FL. 2012.

“‘Not an Apocalypse, the Apocalypse’: Existential Proletarization and the Possibility of

Soul in Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse” at the IAFA International Conference.
Orlando, FL. 2010.

“Remembering Why We Once Feared the Dark: Reclaiming Humanity Through Fantasy
in Guillermo del Toro’s Hellboy II” at the IAFA International Conference.
Orlando, FL. 2009.

“Student Ghosts: Students, Cell Phones, and the Study of the (Post)Humanities” at the
National Endowment for the Humanities Teaching Conference. Baltimore, MD.

“My Life Underwater” at the PCA/ACA (Popular/American Culture Associations)

National Conference. Boston, MA. 2007.

“An Old Hope and the Phantom Menace: the Valorization of Expressive Autonomy in
the Original Star Wars Trilogy and its Subversion in the Prequel Trilogy” at the
PCA/ACA (Popular/American Culture Associations) National Conference. San
Diego, CA. 2005.

“Star Wars and Culture,” keynote address at the Phi Theta Kappa Regional Conference.
Albany, NY. 2005.

“Queer Magic: Homosexuality and Spiritual Praxis in Clive Barker's Sacrament” at the
PCA/ACA National Conference. San Antonio, TX. 2004.

“A Midsummer Night’s Nightmare: Teaching the Canon With/Through/As Popular

Fiction” at the TYCA (Two Year College Association) Northeast Conference.
Boston, MA. 2004.


Associate Professor of English, Ohio University-Chillicothe, 2014-Present.

English 1510: Writing and Rhetoric I

English 1510: Writing and Rhetoric I (Learning Community with Art 1141)
English 2010: Critical Analysis of Fiction and Non-Fiction
English 2020: Introduction to Poetry and Drama
English 3080J: Writing and Rhetoric II
English 3080J: Writing and Rhetoric II (The Holocaust and Popular Culture)
English 3080J: Writing and Rhetoric II (Game of Thrones and Cultural Studies)
English 3080J: Writing and Rhetoric II (The Apocalypse on Film and Television)
English 3080J: Writing and Rhetoric II (Magic and Fantasy in Western Culture)
English 3230: American Literature after 1918
English 3400: Analysis of the Moving Image
English 3560: Young Adult Literature
English 3610: Creative Writing (Fiction)
English 3990: Literary Theory
English 4600: Special Topics—Haunting and the Literary Imagination
English 4900: Special Topics—Shakespeare: Love and Madness
Film 2020: Introduction to Film Analysis
Film 2020: Introduction to Film Analysis Online
Humanities 2080: Post 17th c. through Modern
Specialized Studies 3900: Teaching and Researching in the Humanities
Specialized Studies 4940H: Honors Thesis

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Instructor of Record, English Department, Southern

Illinois University, 2010-2014.

English 101: English Composition I

English 102: English Composition II
English 290: Analytical Writing

Assistant Director of Writing Center, Southern Illinois University, Summer 2012.

Assistant Professor, Tenured, English Department, Monroe Community College, 2002-


(On professional leave during 2010-2011 academic year to begin PhD at Southern
Illinois University.)

English 285: Contemporary American Literature

English 280: Special Topics—Cinematic Adaptations of Literature
English 280: Special Topics—Popular Fiction
English 240: Reading Popular Culture
English 224: American Gothic Literature

English 215: Children's Literature
English 213: Creative Writing
English 213: Creative Writing Online
English 203: American Literature to 1865
English 105: Introduction to Literature
English 105: Introduction to Literature Online
English 101: College Composition
English 101: Learning Community with Sociology 101

Writing Tutor, Monroe Community College, 2001-2002.

Lecturer, Department of International Education, SUNY College at Brockport, 2000-


Overseas Academic Program 399: Romanticism in Great Britain

Lecturer, Delta Honors College, SUNY College at Brockport, 1998-2002.

Interdisciplinary Honors 399: Writing, Craft, and Creativity

Interdisciplinary Honors 320: Aesthetic Experience II
Interdisciplinary Honors 310: Human Heritage II
Interdisciplinary Honors 225: Integrative Learning Seminar I
Interdisciplinary Honors 220: Aesthetic Experience I
Interdisciplinary Honors 100: College Writing and Grammar

Lecturer, English Department, SUNY College at Brockport, 2000-2001.

English 112: College Composition

Teaching Assistant, SUNY College at Brockport, 1998-2000.

Women’s Studies 101: Introduction to Woman’s Studies
English 102: Fundamentals of College Composition

Writing Tutor, SUNY College at Brockport, 1997-2000.


Ohio University Presidential Teacher Award, 2019-2022

Ohio University Spring Research Grant, 2020
Ohio University Spring Research Grant, 2019
Ohio University Summer Research Grant, 2018
Popular Culture Association Summer Research Institute Grant, 2017.
Popular Culture Association’s “Best Paper” Award for Science Fiction and Fantasy Area,
National Conference, 2016.
Midwest Modern Language Association Graduate Student Paper Prize, 2013.
Dissertation Research Assistantship Award, 2013-2014. Awarded on a competitive basis
by SIU Graduate School.
Graduate Teaching Assistant of the Year Award, 2012. Awarded annually to a single
student by SIU English Department.
American Comparative Literature Association Travel Grant, 2012.
Passed Preliminary Examinations with Distinction, 2012.
SIU Graduate Student Travel Grant, 2010 & 2012.
Finalist, Whedon Studies Association Article of the Year Award, 2011.
Liberal Arts Advisor of the Year, Monroe Community College, 2006.
First Place, State University of New York College at Brockport Critical Essay Award,
First Place, State University of New York College at Brockport Critical Essay Award,
Blaine M. DeLancey Award for Excellence in Writing, 1999. Awarded annually to a
single student by SUNY Brockport English Department.
Graduate Fellowship, 1998-2000. Awarded biannually to only 3 recipients by SUNY
Brockport English Department.


Reviewer for Routledge Academic Publishing

Specialist Reviewer for The Historian
Reviewer for MELUS (Multi-Ethnic Literatures of the United States)
Reviewer for Jeunesse
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Midwest Modern Language Association (M/MLA)
American Culture Association (ACA)
American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA)
International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA)
Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP)
Popular Culture Association (PCA)

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