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Curriculum Map: Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

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Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

A. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Content Standard 1. Listens perceptively to 1. Paper and Pencil Activity 1: Cadenza A1. DepEd Curriculum
The Learner… selected 20th century Test. (complete the following Guide
a) Historical and cultural music. MU10TC-Ia-h-1 open-minded
background demonstrates 2. Sharing their opinions statements.) A2. Phoenix M,A,PE, H
b) Composers: Claude Debussy, understanding of 20th 2. Describes distinctive on the: 10
and Maurice Ravel century music styles musical elements of given Activity 2: Finale
and characteristic pieces in 20th century A. Impressionism A. (using the right notes A3.
B. Expressionism features. styles. MU10TC-Ia-h-2 a) Historical and cultural and rests, create your https://www.google.co
background b) own rhythmic patterns m/search?
a) Historical and cultural Performance Standard 3. Relates 20th century Composers: Claude for the following.) q=music+composers+of
background The Learner… music to its historical and Debussy, and Maurice B. (identify if the chord +chance+music&rlz=1C1
b) Composer: Schoenberg cultural background. Ravel is consonant or CHBD_enPH824PH824&
performs music of the: MU10TC-Ia-g-3 dissonant. Write your oq=music+composers+o
C. Others a) Historical and cultural B. Expressionism answer below each f+chance+music&aqs=c
background 4. Explains the chord. hrome.69i57.10959j0j7
a) Electronic music b) Composers: Claude performance practice a) Historical and cultural &sourceid=chrome&ie=
b) Chance music Debussy, and Maurice (setting, composition, background Activity 3: Cadenza UTF-8
Ravel role of b) Composer: (Answer the following
c) Historical and cultural composers/performers, Schoenberg questions.) A4. PowerPoint
background and audience) of 20th Presentation
d) Composer: century music. MU10TC- C. Others Activity 4: Finale
Schoenberg Ib-g-4 (half-spoken, half sung) A6. Edukasyong
e) Electronic music a) Electronic music Pangkatawan,
f) Chance music 5. sings melodic b) Chance music Activity 5: Cadenza Kalusugan at Musika.
fragments of given (Answer the following Sacdalan, Guinevere IV.
Impressionism period questions.) et al, 1999. pp.182, 203-
pieces. 208
MU10TC-Ib-5 Activity 6: Cadenza
6. Explores other arts and (Complete the following A7. Edukasyong
media that portray 20th open-ended Pangkatawan,
century elements statements) Kalusugan at Musika.
through video films or Sacdalan, Guinevere IV.
live performances. et al, 1999. pp. 203-208
A.7 Create short
electronic and chance
music pieces using
knowledge of 20th
century styles.

Grade 10 (1st Quarter)
Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

MODERN ART Content Standard 1. analyze art elements A1. Paper and Pencil A1. Designs their own A1. DepEd Curriculum
a. Impressionism The learner… and principles in the Test. canvas where the main Guide
b. Expressionism production of work subject is Modern Art
c. Cubism 1. Art elements and following a specific art A2. give their opinions A2. Phoenix M, A, PE, H
d. Dadaism processes by style from the various art on: A2. Time Clock Activity 10
e. Surrealism synthesizing and movements MODERN ART
f. Abstract Realism applying prior A10EL-Ib-1 a. Impressionism A3. Self -Reflection A3. PowerPoint
g. Pop Art knowledge and skills 2. identify distinct b. Expressionism Presentation
h. Op Art characteristics of arts c. Cubism A4. I Achieve (Act.1,2,3)
i. Performance Art 2. the arts as integral to from the various art d. Dadaism
j. Happenings and Mob the development of movements e. Surrealism A4. I Create
organizations, spiritual A10EL-Ia-2 f. Abstract Realism (create a project
I. Principles of Art belief, historical events, 3. identify representative g. Pop Art inspired by Andy
1. Rhythm, Movement scientific discoveries, artists and Filipino h. Op Art Warhol’s “soup can”)
2. Balance natural disasters/ counterparts from the i. Performance Art
3. Emphasis occurrences and other various art movements j. Happenings and Mob A5. Critique your work
4. Harmony, Unity, and Variety external phenomenon A10EL-Ia-3
5. Proportion 4. reflect on and derive I. Principles of Art A6. Unit Test
3. art elements and the mood, idea, or 1. Rhythm, Movement A7. Design their own
II. Process: processes by message from selected 2. Balance Exercise that aligns in
6. Painting and/ or Drawing synthesizing and artworks 3. Emphasis the:
7. Sculpture and Assemblage applying prior A10PL-Ih-1 4. Harmony, Unity, and a. Impressionism
8. Mounting an exhibit: knowledge and skills 5. determine the role or Variety b. Expressionism
8.1 Concept function of artworks by 5. Proportion c. Cubism
8.2 Content / Labels 8.3 Physical 4. the arts as integral to evaluating their II. Process: d. Dadaism
layout the development of utilization and 6. Painting and/ or e. Surrealism
organizations, spiritual combination of art Drawing f. Abstract Realism
belief, historical events, elements and principles 7. Sculpture and g. Pop Art
scientific discoveries, A10PL-Ih-2 Assemblage h. Op Art
natural disasters/ 6. use artworks to derive 8. Mounting an exhibit: i. Performance Art
occurrences and other the traditions/history of 8.1 Concept j. Happenings and Mob
external phenomenon the various art 8.2 Content / Labels 8.3
movements Physical layout I. Principles of Art 1.
Performance Standard A10PL-Ih-3 Rhythm, Movement
The Learner… 7. compare the 2. Balance
characteristics of 3. Emphasis
A1. performs/ artworks 4. Harmony, Unity, and
participate competently produced in the various Variety
in a presentation of a art movements 5. Proportion
creative impression A10PL-Ih-4
(verbal/nonverbal) from 8. create artworks guided II. Process:
the various art by techniques and styles 6. Painting and/ or
movements of the various art Drawing
A2. recognize the movements (e.g., 7. Sculpture and
difference and Impasto, Encaustic, etc.) Assemblage
uniqueness of the art A10PR-Ic-e-1 8. Mounting an exhibit:
styles of the various art 9. describe the influence 8.1 Concept
movements of iconic artists belonging 8.2 Content / Labels 8.3
(techniques, process, to the various art Physical layout
elements, and principles movements
of art) A10PR-Ic-e-2
10. apply different media
A3. performs/ techniques and processes
participate competently to communicate ideas,
in a presentation of a experiences, and stories
creative impression showing the
(verbal/nonverbal) from characteristics of the
the various art various art movements
movements (e.g., the use of industrial
materials or found
A4. recognize the objects, Silkscreen
difference and Printing, etc.)
uniqueness of the art A10PR-Ic-e-3
styles of the various art 11. evaluate works of art
movements in terms of artistic
(techniques, process, concepts and ideas using
elements, and principles criteria from the various
of art) art movements.
12. show the influences
of Modern Art
movements on Philippine
art forms

Physical Education
Grade 10 (1st Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

Lifestyle and Weight CONTENT STANDARDS A1. assesses physical A1. Paper and Pencil A1. Physical Fitness A1.
Management (physical activity The learner . . . activity, exercise and Test Test 1. OHSP PE 1 Q1 –
and eating habits) eating habits module 1
demonstrates PE10PF-Ia-h39 A2. give their Opinions A2. Self-Reflection 2. Edukasyong
understanding of on: Pangkatawan,
Active Recreation (sports) lifestyle and weight A2. determines risk Lifestyle and Weight A3. Group Exercises Kalusugan at Musika III.
management to factors related to lifestyle Management (physical Adriano, Celia T. et.al.
Suggested activities promote societal fitness diseases (obesity, activity and eating A4. Knowledge booth 1999. pp. 19-25.
diabetes, heart disease) habits) (completing the tables) 3. Edukasyong
1. individual and dual sports PERFORMANCE PE10PF-Ia-40 Pangkatawan,
2. team sports STANDARDS A3. Design their own A5. What if Kalusugan at Musika I.
3. fitness activities (strength The learner . . . A3. engages in moderate Exercise that aligns in (research about body DepEd. Abejo, Mary
training, running and walking for to vigorous physical the: conditioning exercises Placid. et.al. 1994. pp.
fitness, yoga, group exercises) maintains an active activities for at least 60 1. individual and dual that improve the fitness 76-80
lifestyle to influence the minutes a day in and out sports level) 4. Enjoy life with P.E
physical activity of school 2. team sports and Health II. Darilag,
participation of the PE10PF-Ib-h45 3. fitness activities A6. Come to think of it Agripino G. et.al. 2012.
community and society (strength training, (Knowledge booth) pp. 40-45.
A4. applies correct running and walking for
practices healthy eating techniques to minimize fitness, yoga, group A7. Unit Test A2. OHSP PE 1 Q1 –
habits that support an risk of injuries exercises) module 1
active lifestyle PE10PF-Ib-h56
A5. analyzes the effects 1. OHSP PE 1 Q1 –
of media and technology module 1
on fitness and physical 2. OHSP PE 1 Q2 –
activity module 1
PE10PF-Ib-46 3. OHSP PE 1 Q2 –
module 2
A6. critiques (verifies and 4. OHSP PE 1 Q2 –
validates) media module 3
information on fitness 5. OHSP PE 1 Q3 –
and physical activity module 1
issues PE10PF-Ib-47
A4. DepEd Curriculum
A7. expresses a sense of Guide
purpose and
belongingness by A5. Phoenix M, A, PE, H
participating in physical 10
community services and A6. PowerPoint
programs Presentation

Grade 10 (2nd Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

A. Guidelines and Criteria in the CONTENT STANDARDS A1. differentiates reliable A1. Paper and Pencil A1. Self-Reflection A1.
Selection and Evaluation of: The learner… from unreliable health Test Edukasyong
1. Health information information, products A2. Group Exercises Pangkatawan,
2. Health products understands the and services A2. Interview an expert Kalusugan, at Musika III.
3. Health services guidelines and criteria H10CH-Ia-b19 using talk show on: A3. Health Check-Up Adriano,Celia,et.al.
in the selection and A. Guidelines and (Enumeration) 1999. pp.195-196
B. Health Service Providers 1. evaluation of health A2. explains the Criteria in the Selection
health professionals information, products, guidelines and criteria in and Evaluation of: A4. Health Activity A2.
2. health facilities and services. the selection and 1. Health information (Compare and Contrast) Edukasyong
3. health care plans and financing evaluation of health 2. Health products Pangkatawan,
systems (PhilHealth, Health PERFORMANCE information, products 3. Health services A5. Health Check-Up Kalusugan, at Musika III.
Maintenance Organization, STANDARDS and services (Identification) Adriano,Celia,et.al.
private health insurance) The learner… H10CH-Ia-b20 B. Health Service 1999. pp.202-204
Providers A6. Health Activity
C. Quackery: Types (medical, demonstrates critical A3. discusses the various 1. health professionals (Interview 2 Health A3.
nutrition, device) and Harmful thinking and decision- forms of health service 2. health facilities Workers) 1. EASE Health
Physical and Psychological Effects making skills in the providers and healthcare 3. health care plans and Education III Module 6
5 selection, evaluation plans financing systems A7. Health Check-Up Lesson 3 pp.11
and utilization of health H10CH-Ia-b21 (PhilHealth, Health (Matching Type) 2. PDF 24 BLLM
D. Complementary and information, products Maintenance Halamang Gamot Aralin
Alternative Healthcare and services A4. selects health Organization, private A8. Unit Test. 1, Manwal pp.1-7
Modalities: professionals, specialists health insurance)
and health care services A4.
Herbal medicine (medicinal wisely Edukasyong
plants approved by the H10CH-Ic-22 C. Quackery: Types Pangkatawan,
Department of Health) A5. explains the nature (medical, nutrition, Kalusugan, at Musika III.
1. Acupuncture and dangers of quackery device) and Harmful Adriano,Celia,et.al.
2. Ventosa massage cupping H10CH-Ic-23 Physical and 1999. pp.203-206
therapy A6. reports fraudulent Psychological Effects
3. Reflexology health services 5 A5. DepEd Curriculum
4. Naturopathy. H10CH-Ic-24 Guide
A7. explains the different D. Complementary and
E. Consumer welfare and kinds of complementary Alternative Healthcare A6. Phoenix M, A, PE, H
protection and alternative health Modalities: 10
1. Consumer law care modalities.
2. Consumer protection agencies H10CH-Id-25 Herbal medicine A7. PowerPoint
and organizations A8. explains the (medicinal plants Presentation
importance of consumer approved by the
laws to protect public Department of Health)
health 1. Acupuncture
H10CH-Id-26 2. Ventosa massage
A9. identifies national cupping therapy
and international 3. Reflexology
government agencies and 4. Naturopathy.
private organizations that
implement programs for E. Consumer welfare
consumer protection and protection
H10CH-Ie-f27 1. Consumer law
A10. participates in 2. Consumer protection
programs for consumer agencies and
welfare and protection organizations

Grade 10 (2nd Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

AFRO-LATIN AND POPULAR Content Standard 1. observes dance styles, A1. Paper and Pencil Activity 1: Lend me A1. DepEd Curriculum
MUSIC The learner… instruments, and rhythms Test. your Ears. (Listen Guide
of Afro Latin American Perceptively, and sing
1. Historical and (cultural demonstrates and popular music
A2. Performs the songs studied in
background of African and Latin understanding of through video, movies
instruments or in a this Quarter A2. The 21st Century
American music characteristic features and live
2. Background of Popular music of Afro-Latin American MU10AP-IIa-g1 vocal forms about Mapeh In Action 10
3. African music music and Popular the Latin-American Activity 2: Essay. (Give
a. Rhythms: Maracatu music 2. describes the historical music a brief explanations
b. Vocal forms: blues, soul, and cultural background about the history and A3. Phoenix M,A,PE,H
spiritual, call and response Performance Standard of AfroLatin American A3. Create a talk show background of Latin- 10
4. Latin American music The learner… and popular music;
a. Instruments MU10AP-IIa-g2 regarding about the America and
b. Vocal and Dance form: performs vocal and History and Cultural Popular music
Cumbia, tango, cha-cha. Rumba, dance forms of Afro- 3. sings selections of background of Afro- A4. Physical Fitness
bossanova, reggae, foxtrot, pasa Latin American music Afro-Latin American and Latin music and also Activity 3: Music Test (Template)
doble and selections of popular music in
popular music Appreciation
5. Jazz Popular music appropriate pitch,
(Through video
a. Instrumental forms: ragtime, rhythm, style, and
big band, bebop, jazz rock expression; streaming, Write A5. Powerpoint
6. Popular music MU10AP-IIa-h6 words about the Presentation
a. Ballad, standard, rock and roll, music style observed
alternative music, disco in Latin- America and
Popular music.

Grade 10 (2nd Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

TECHNOLOGY-BASED ART Content Standard 1. identify art elements A1. Paper and Pencil Activity 1. Match the A1. DepEd Curriculum
I. Computer/Digital Arts in the technology-based Test. pictures (students Guide
1. Cellular Phones (photos and The learner… production arts will match the column
videos) A10EL-IIb-1
A which is the
2. Computer-generated Images 3. new technologies that
A2. Create a short film different artworks in A2. The 21st Century
Digital Photography (DLSR and allow new expressions 2. identify distinct
Point-and-Shoot) in arts using art characteristics of arts with a theme of this quarter with Mapeh In Action 10
4. Video Games elements and processes during in the 21st century “Montago” using the column B the
5. Digital Painting and Imaging new technologies that in terms of: 2.1 different types of characteristics of each
Videos – TV & Film allow new expressions production 2.2 Digital Arts art elements. A3. Phoenix M,A,PE,H
in arts using art functionality range of 10
II. Principles of Art elements and processes audience reach Activity 2: Compare
6. Rhythm, Movement A10EL-IIa-2 A3. Using and Contrast. (Using
7. Balance Performance Standard advertisement the Venn diagram, A4. Physical Fitness
8. Emphasis 4. identify artworks Students will create a Differentiate Point- Test (Template)
9. Harmony, Unity, and Variety The learner… produced by technology commercial video and-shoot camera
Proportion from other countries and using different types from DSLR camera
create a tech-based their adaptation by
of digital arts and A5. Powerpoint
III. Process: artwork (video clips and Philippine artists
graphic software Activity 3: Pass that Presentation
10. computer manipulation printed media such as A10EL-IIa-3
Mystery Box. (By the
11. light setting posters, menus,
used of drew lots, the
12. digital enhancements brochures etc.) relating 5. compare the
student will choose one
13. printing to a selected topic from characteristics of
picture and guess what
14. digital circulation the different learning artworks in the21st
kind of digital arts is
areas using available century A4. By means of
TECHNOLOGY-BASED ART technologies, e.g., food A10PL-IIh-4 “Debate” students
I. Computer/Digital Arts and fashion will come up with
1. Cellular Phones (photos and 6. use artworks to derive defending a one’s
videos) the traditions/history of a opinion regarding the
2. Computer-generated Images 3. community (e.g., characteristics of
Digital Photography (DLSR and landscapes, images of
artworks in the 21st
Point-and-Shoot) people at work and play,
4. Video Games portrait studies, etc.)
5. Digital Painting and Imaging A10PL-IIh-3
Videos – TV & Film
7. apply different media
II. Principles of Art techniques and processes
6. Rhythm, Movement to communicate ideas,
7. Balance experiences, and stories
8. Emphasis showing the
9. Harmony, Unity, and Variety characteristics of
Proportion 21stcenturyart (e.g., the
use of graphic software
III. Process: like Photoshop, InDesign,
10. computer manipulation etc.)
11. light setting A10PR-IIb-e-3
12. digital enhancements
13. printing
14. digital circulation

Physical Education
Grade 10 (2nd Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

Exercise Programs: Content Standard 1. undertakes physical A1. Paper and Pencil Activity 1: Getting A1. DepEd Curriculum
The learner… activity and physical Test. Ready. (Students will Guide
Training Guidelines, FITT fitness assessments be having a one
Principles demonstrates PE8PF-Iia-h-23
minute warm up
understanding of
A2. Performs/ exercises in A2. The 21st Century
Endurance, Muscle- and Bone- guidelines and 2. describes the nature
strengthening Activities: team principles in exercise and background of the execute the basic preparation for the Mapeh In Action 10
sports (basketball, volleyball, program design to sport PE8GS-Iic-1 fundamental executions of Basic
football/futsal, goalball, softball, achieve fitness positions in Muscle Positions in the said
baseball) 3. executes the skills and Bone sports. A3. Phoenix M,A,PE,H
Performance Standard involved in the sport strengthening 10
The learner… PE8GS-IId-h-4 activities Activity 2: Fact or
Note: Activities dependent on Myth. (Using
teacher capability and school modifies physical 4.performs appropriate construction papers, A4. Physical Fitness
resources. activity program for the first aid for injuries and Students will Test (Template)
family/school peers to emergency situations in determine the history
achieve fitness physical activity and sport
settings and background of
PE8PF-IId-30 the following sports. A5. Powerpoint

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

Exercise Programs: Content Standard 1. undertakes physical A1. Paper and Pencil Activity 1: Getting A1. DepEd Curriculum
The learner… activity and physical Test. Ready. (Students will Guide
Training Guidelines, FITT fitness assessments be having a one
Principles demonstrates PE8PF-Iia-h-23
minute warm up
understanding of
A2. Performs/ exercises in A2. The 21st Century
Endurance, Muscle- and Bone- guidelines and 2. describes the nature
strengthening Activities: team principles in exercise and background of the execute the basic preparation for the Mapeh In Action 10
sports (basketball, volleyball, program design to sport PE8GS-Iic-1 fundamental executions of Basic
football/futsal, goalball, softball, achieve fitness positions in Muscle Positions in the said
baseball) 3. executes the skills and Bone sports. A3. Phoenix M,A,PE,H
Performance Standard involved in the sport strengthening 10
The learner… PE8GS-IId-h-4 activities Activity 2: Fact or
Note: Activities dependent on Myth. (Using
teacher capability and school modifies physical 4.performs appropriate construction papers, A4. Physical Fitness
resources. activity program for the first aid for injuries and Students will Test (Template)
family/school peers to emergency situations in determine the history
achieve fitness physical activity and sport
and background of
the following sports. A5. Powerpoint
Grade 10 (2nd Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

HEALTH TRENDS, ISSUES AND Content Standard 1. discusses the existing A1. Paper and Pencil Activity 1: Pass that A1. DepEd Curriculum
CONCERNS (National Level) The learner… health related laws Test. Mystery Box. (By the Guide
H10HC-IIa-1 used of drew lots, the
A. Existing National Laws Related demonstrates student will guess the
to Health Trends, Issues, and understanding of 2. explains the different types of health
A2. By means of A2. The 21st Century
Concerns current health trends, significance of the issues in the picture
1. Responsible Parenthood and issues and concerns in existing health related “Debate” students Mapeh In Action 10
presented to them.
Reproductive Health the local, regional, and laws in safeguarding will come up with
Act(RA10354) national, levels people’s health; defending a one’s
Activity 2: Slogan
H10HC-IIb-2 opinion regarding the A3. Phoenix M,A,PE,H
(Student will create a
2. Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 Performance Standard Existing National Law 10
simple slogan that
(RA 9211) The learner… 3. recommends ways of Related to Health
managing health issues, portrays the different
3. Comprehensive Dangerous consistently trends and concerns laws in health issues
A4. Physical Fitness
Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165) demonstrates critical H10HC-IIe-g5 studied in this chapter
Test (Template)
thinking skills in A3. Create a talk show
4. Consumer Act (RA 7394) exploring local, regional 4. critically analyzes the Activity 3: Role Play
regarding about the
and national health impact of current health (Students will choose
5. National Environmental trends, issues, and trends, issues, and National Laws related A5. Powerpoint
one specific health
Awareness and Education Act of concerns concerns to Health Issues Presentation
issues and that should
2008 (RA 9512)Traditional and H10HC-IIc-d4 be used in creating
Alternative Medicine Act of 1997 their role play
(RA 8423)

6. Philippine AIDS Prevention and

Control Act of 1998 (RA 8504)

7. National Blood Services Act of

1994 (RA 7719)

8. Seat Belts Use Act of 1999 (RA


9. Cybercrime Prevention Act of

2012 (RA 10175) 10. Anti-
Pornography Act (RA 9775)
Grade 10 (3rd Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

CONTEMPORARY PHILIPPINE Content Standard 1. listens perceptively to A1. Paper and Pencil Activity 1: Lend me A1. DepEd Curriculum
MUSIC (Minimum of 4 excerpts of major Test. your Ears. (Listen Guide
composers for each) The learner… Contemporary works; Perceptively, and sing
MU10CM-IIIah-1 the songs studied in
1. Traditional Composers 1. demonstrates A2. Performs/ sing A2. The 21st Century
this Quarter
understanding of songs from the Mapeh In Action 10
a. Lucio San Pedro characteristic features 2. describes following composers
b. Antonino Buenaventura of contemporary music. characteristics of mentioned in this Activity 2: Compare
c. Antonio Molina traditional and new quarter and Contrast. (Using A3. Phoenix M,A,PE,H
d. Alfredo Buenaventura Performance Standard music; the Venn diagram, 10
e. Rodolfo Cornejo MU10CM-IIIah-2 Differentiate
f. Bernardino Custodio The Learner… A3. Create a simple traditional music from
g. Antonio Buencamino h. song composition/ new music A4. Physical Fitness Test
Hilarion Rubio 1. sings contemporary 3. gives a brief biography jingle related to any (Template)
i. Rosendo Santos songs of selected Contemporary type of genre nor topic Activity 3: Fact or
j. Ryan Cayabyab Philippine composer/s ; such as romance, social Myth. (Using
MU10CM-IIIcg-3 issues, education, A5. Powerpoint
construction papers,
2. New Music nature, etc. Presentation
Students will
a. Chino Toledo 4. sings selections of
determine each
b. Ramon Santos Contemporary music with composer’s
c. Jose Maceda appropriate pitch, autobiography.
d. Manuel Maramba rhythm, style, and
e. Lucresia Kasilag expression;
f. Francisco Feliciano MU10CM-IIIbh-4
g. Jerry Dadap h. Jonas Baes

3. Song Composer 5. improvises simple

a. Constancio de Guzman accompaniments to
b. Mike Velarde selected songs;
c. Ernani Cuenco MU10CM-IIIde-5
d. Restie Umali
e. George Canseco
f. Levi Celerio
g. Angel Pena
h. Leopoldo Silos
i. Santiago Suarez

Grade 10 (3rd Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

MEDIA-BASED ARTS AND DESIGN Content Standard 1. 1. identify art elements A1. Paper and Pencil Activity 1: Pass that A1. DepEd Curriculum
IN THE PHILIPPINES The learner… in the various media- Test. Mystery Box. (By the Guide
based arts in the used of drew lots, the
I. Photography 1. art elements and Philippines student will guess the
1. George Tapan processes by A10EL-IIIb-1 A2. Create a short film/ different art elements A2. The 21st Century
2. John Chua synthesizing and advertisements that studied in these quarter Mapeh In Action 10
applying prior promotes Philippine
II. Film knowledge and skills 2. identify representative Culture. They can make Activity 3: Fact or
1. Brillante Mendoza 2. new technologies artists as well as distinct use of graphic Myth. (Using A3. Phoenix M,A,PE,H
2. Maryo J. de los Reyes that allow new characteristics of software’s for more construction papers, 10
3. Laurice Guillen expressions in the arts mediabased arts and illusion.
Students will
design in the Philippines
determine each
III. Animation Performance Standard A10EL-IIIa-2 A4. Physical Fitness Test
4. Animation Council of the The learner… A3. Create an artwork artist’s characteristic (Template)
Philippines using either local in media based arts..
5. Philippine Animation Studio create artworks using 3. create artworks that material or recycled
Inc. available media and can be assembled with materials such us; Activity 3: Short Film A5. Powerpoint
natural resources on local materials plastic bottles, boxes, (Create an Presentation
IV. Print Media local topics, issues, and A10PR-IIIc-e-1 straw, etc. advertisement video
6. Advertisements concerns such as with the use of graphic
7. Comic books environmental software
advocacies ecotourism,
and economic and 4. describe the
livelihood projects characteristics of media
V. Digital Media based arts and design in
8. Webpage Design the Philippines
9. Game Development A10PR-IIIc-e-2
VI. Innovations in Product & 5. apply different media
Industrial Design techniques and processes
10. Kenneth Cobonpue, Monique to communicate ideas,
Lhuillier, Josie Natori, Lulu Tan experiences, and stories
Gan, Ditas Sandico-Ong, Rajo (the use of software to
Laurel, Aze Ong enhance/animate images
like Flash, Movie Maker,
VII. Principles of Art Dreamweaver, etc.)
11. Rhythm, Movement A10PR-IIIc-e-3
12. Balance
13. Emphasis
14. Harmony, Unity, and Variety

VIII. Process:
15. painting
16. drawing
17. constructing
18. assembling
19. printing
20. carving

Physical Education
Grade 10 (3rd Quarter)
Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

Exercise Programs: Content Standard 1. undertakes physical A1. Paper and Pencil Activity 1: Getting A1. DepEd Curriculum
activity and physical Test. Ready. (Students will Guide
Training Guidelines, FITT The learner… fitness assessments be having a one
Principles PE8PF-Iia-h-23 minute warm up
1. demonstrates A2. A2. Performs/ A2. The 21st Century
exercises in
Endurance, Muscle- and Bone- understanding of 2. describes the nature execute the basic Mapeh In Action 10
preparation for the
strengthening Activities: guidelines and and background of the fundamental
principles in exercise sport PE8GS-Iic-1 executions of Basic
positions in Muscle Positions in the said
program design to A3. Phoenix M,A,PE,H
and Bone sports.
team sports (basketball, achieve fitness. 3. executes the skills 10
volleyball, football/futsal, involved in the sport
goalball, softball, baseball) Performance Standard PE8GS-IId-h-4 activities Activity 2: Fact or
Myth. (Using A4. Physical Fitness Test
The Learner… 4.performs appropriate construction papers, (Template)
Note: Activities dependent on first aid for injuries and Students will
teacher capability and school 1. modifies a physical emergency situations in determine the history
resources. activity program for the physical activity and sport A5. Powerpoint
and background of
family/school peers to settings Presentation
the following sports
achieve fitness PE8PF-IId-30
Grade 10 (3rd Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

A. Existing Global Health Content Standard 1. discuss the significance A1. Paper and Pencil Activity 1: Pass that A1. DepEd Curriculum
Initiatives of global health Test. Mystery Box. (By the Guide
The learner… initiatives; used of drew lots, the
1. Millennium Development H10HC-IIIa-1 student will guess the
Goals (MDGs) 1. demonstrates A2. By means of different types existing A2. The 21st Century
2. WHO Framework Convention awareness of global 2. describes how global “Debate” students global health initiatives Mapeh In Action 10
on Tobacco Control health initiatives health initiatives will come up with
3. Global Mental Health Action positively impact people’s defending a one’s Activity 2: Slogan
Plan Performance Standard health in various (Student will create a A3. Phoenix M,A,PE,H
opinion regarding the
4. Global Strategy to Reduce the countries; simple slogan that 10
Existing of Global
Harmful Use of Alcohol The Learner… H10HC-IIIb-c2
Health Initiatives. describes the impact
5. Global Alliance for Vaccines
of global health
and Immunizations 1. demonstrates 3. analyzes the issues in A4. Physical Fitness Test
competence in applying the implementation of initiatives to every (Template)
knowledge of global global health initiatives; A3. Create a talk show peoples lives.
health to local or H10HC-IIIb-c3 regarding about ways
national context global of intervention of Activity 3: Role Play A5. Powerpoint
initiatives 4. recommends ways of diseases in Global (Students will create a Presentation
adopting global health Health Initiatives role play that tells
initiatives to local or about the ways of
national context adopting global
H10HC-IIId-e4 health initiatives

Grade 10 (4th Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

ORIGINAL PERFORMANCE WITH CONTENT STANDARDS A1. describes how an idea A1. Paper and Pencil A1. Self-Reflection A1. DepEd Curriculum
THE USE OF MEDIA The learner… or story in a musical play Test Guide
is presented in a live A2. Finale
I. Philippine Theater Groups 1. demonstrates performance or video. A2. give their Opinions (Group Work) A2. Phoenix M, A, PE, H
1. PETA understanding of MU10MM-IIIah-1 on: 10
2. Repertory Philippines characteristic features 20th and 21st century A3. Cadenza
3. Trumpets of 20th and 21st A2. explains how MULTIMEDIA FORMS (Name a Song) A3. PowerPoint
4. Tanghalang Pilipino century opera musical theatrical elements in a Presentation
5. New Voice Company play, ballet and other selected part of a musical 1. OPERA A4. Unit Test
6. Atlantis Productions multimedia forms. play are combined with a) La Loba Negra
music and media to b) Noli Me Tangere
II. Local Performing Groups 2. demonstrates achieve certain effects. c) El Filibusterismo
III. Roles in a production understanding of the MU10MM-IIIah-2
7. director relationship among 2. BALLET
8. actor music, technology, and A3. sings selections from a) Lola Basyang
9. choreographer media. musical plays and opera b) Rama Hari
10. stage manager expressively.
11. light designer PERFORMANCE MU10MM-IIIch-3 3. MUSICAL PLAY
12. set designer STANDARDS a) Andres Bonifacio
The Learner... A4. creates / improvises b) Atang
appropriate sounds, c) Katy
1. performs selections music, gestures, d) Florante at Laura
from musical plays, movements, and costume e) Daragang Magayon
ballet, opera in a using media and f) Noli Me Tangere
satisfactory level of technology for a selected g) El Filibusterismo
performance. part of a musical play. h) Magsimula ka
2. creates a musical
work using media & A5. present an excerpt
technology. from a 20th or 21st
century Philippine
musical and highlight its
similarities and
differences to other
western musical play.
Grade 10 (4th Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

ORIGINAL PERFORMANCE WITH Content Standard 1. explains how an idea or A1. Paper and Pencil Activity 1: Pass that A1. DepEd Curriculum
THE USE OF MEDIA The learner… theme is communicated Test. Mystery Box. (By the Guide
in a selected performance used of drew lots, the
I. Philippine Theater Groups 1. how theatrical through the integration student will guess the
1. PETA elements (sound, music, of musical sounds, songs, A2. Make a collage title of that movie in the A2. The 21st Century
2. Repertory Philippines gesture, movement, dialogue and dance about the best actor picture presented to Mapeh In Action 10
3. Trumpets and costume) affect the A10EL-IVb-4 and actresses in each them.
4. Tanghalang Pilipino creation and Philippine Theater
5. New Voice Company communication of 2. define the uniqueness Group A3. Phoenix M,A,PE, H 7
6. Atlantis Productions meaning in a theater of each original Activity 2: “Pick a Pic”
play/performance performance A10PL-IVh-1 (Choose from the
II. Local Performing Groups incorporated with A10PL-IVh-1 A3. Perform/ create a following Theater Group A4. Physical Fitness Test
III. Roles in a production media role play pertaining to in the Philippines, (Template)
7. director 2. theater and 3. assume the role of a the major roles in a Define one and explain
8. actor performance as a character as an production. it in front of the class.
9. choreographer synthesis of arts actor/performance, or A5. Powerpoint
10. stage manager production staff (director, Presentation
11. light designer Performance Standard choreography, light A4. Group discussion, Activity 3: Movie
12. set designer The Learner… designer, stage manager) they list down three Mirrorng (Imitate each
A10PR-IVh-2 theatre group and character’s poses in the
1. create appropriate explains one. pictures. Cite words
costumes, props, set 4. choreograph the that best describe the
accessories, costumes movements and gestures major roles in theatre
improvised lighting and needed in the effective A5. Group discussion, production.
other décor for delivery of an original They will choose one
Philippine plays performance with the use major role in a
of media production and explay
2. create/improvise A10PR-IVf-g-5 why’d they choose that
appropriate sound, specific role.
music, gesture, and
movements for a
chosen theatrical

3. participate in an
original performance
inspired by local
Philippine stories,
myths, and events
relevant to current
Physical Education
Grade 10 (4th Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

Other Dance Forms (Hip-hop, Content Standard 1. assesses physical A1. Paper and Pencil Activity 1: Pass that A1. DepEd Curriculum
Street dance, Cheer dance, The learner… activities, exercises and Test. Mystery Box. (Execute Guide
Contemporary dance) eating habits the Basic Fundamental
1. demonstrates PE10PF-IVah-39 A2. Choreograph a Positions in Cheer
understanding of cheer dance using the leading studied in this A2. The 21st Century
lifestyle and 2. determines risk factors basic fundamental Quarter Mapeh In Action 10
2. theater and related to lifestyle position in cheer
performance as a diseases (obesity, leading Activity 2: Movie
synthesis of arts weight diabetes, heart disease) Mirrorng (Imitate each A3. Phoenix M,A,PE,H
management to PE10PF-IVa40 A3. Using the Venn cheerleading squad 10
promote societal fitness diagram, Differentiate poses in the pictures.
3. applies correct Contemporary Dance Whoever group has the
Performance Standard techniques to minimize from Lyrical Dance closest poses will A4. Physical Fitness Test
The Learner… risk of injuries declare as the winner. (Template)
maintains an active PE10PF-IVc-h56
lifestyle to influence the
physical activity 4. expresses a sense of A5. Powerpoint
participation of the purpose and Presentation
Philippine plays belongingness by
community and society participating in physical
practices healthy eating PE10PF-IVc-h48
habits that support an
active lifestyle
Grade 10 (4th Quarter)

Unit Topic Standard Competencies Assessment Activities Resources

Planning for a Health Career Planning for a Health A1. discusses the A1. Paper and Pencil A1. Health Check-Up A1. DepEd Curriculum
Career components and steps in Test (Identification) Guide
1. Importance making a personal health
2. Components Steps 1. Importance career plan; A2. give their Opinions A2. Self-Reflection A2. Phoenix M, A, PE, H
3. Health Career Pathways 2. Components Steps H10PC-Iva-b1 on: 10
Disease prevention and control 3. Health Career Planning for a Health A3. Health Activity
(Public health) Pathways Disease A2. prepares a personal Career (table completion) A3. PowerPoint
4. Personal health care prevention and control health career following Presentation
5. Maternal and Child care (Public health) the prescribed 1. Importance A4. Unit Test
6. Mental health Occupational 4. Personal health care components and steps; 2. Components Steps
health and safety 5. Maternal and Child H10PC-Iva-b2 3. Health Career
7. Community health care Pathways Disease
8. Environmental health Drug 6. Mental health A3. explores the various prevention and control
Prevention and Control Occupational health and health career paths (Public health)
9. Nutrition and dietetics safety selects a particular health 4. Personal health care
10. Health education 7. Community health career pathway based on 5. Maternal and Child
11. Health promotion Dental 8. Environmental health personal competence and care
health Drug Prevention and interest; participates in a 6. Mental health
12. Nursing Control health career orientation Occupational health and
13. Medical and Allied Health 9. Nutrition and program safety
Emergency Medical Services dietetics H10PC-IVc-d3 7. Community health
(EMS) 10. Health education 8. Environmental health
14. Health Career Orientation 11. Health promotion Drug Prevention and
Program Dental health Control
12. Nursing A4. decides on an 9. Nutrition and
13. Medical and Allied appropriate health career dietetics
Health Emergency path 10. Health education
Medical Services (EMS) H10PC-IVc-d4 11. Health promotion
14. Health Career Dental health
Orientation Program 12. Nursing
13. Medical and Allied
Health Emergency
Medical Services (EMS)
14. Health Career
Orientation Program

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