A Project Report ON Indian Accounting and International Accounting Standard
A Project Report ON Indian Accounting and International Accounting Standard
A Project Report ON Indian Accounting and International Accounting Standard
The project report contains details about all the internal accounting
system and Indian accounting system and what is the difference between in
different aspects. Also we can understand the how it can benefit for us to
prevailing accounting system and how it functions in global scenario.
We express with a deep sense of gratitude our indebt to our Prof. Ashish
Mehta who gave us his kind permission not only to have a learning platform in
“Managerial Account-1.” but also for giving us a chance to show our capabilities.
We would like to thank for provide us his preeminent and precious support
in completion of this report without his support, this project report wouldn’t
have shaped up the way it was.
We are greatly thankful to our parent, seniors, friends and colleagues for
their kind and constant inspiration and loving support through many days when
they wondered where the priorities lay.
8. Restatement to US GAAP
9. Indian accounting standards - a perspective
• Rationale of Accounting Standards
• Accounting Standards-setting in India
• Composition of the Accounting Standards Board
• The Accounting Standards-setting Process
• Present status of Accounting Standards in India in harmonisation
with the International Accounting Standards
10. International Accounting Standards
11. Objectives of international accounting standard
12. Importance of international accounting standards
13. A Short Summary of IAS 1 through IAS 41
14. disadvantages of an international harmonization of accounting:
15. Current Problems in Accounting and Auditing
• Standards Setting
• Auditor Independence
• Corporate Governance
• Market Forces:
• Solutions:
16. Conclusion
17. Bibliography
Accounting Standards are used as one of the main compulsory regulatory
mechanisms for preparation of general-purpose financial reports and
subsequent audit of the same, in almost all countries of the world. Accounting
standards are concerned with the system of measurement and disclosure rules
for preparation and presentation of financial statements. They appear with a set
of authoritative statements of how particular types of transactions, events and
other costs should be recognized and reported in the financial statements.
Accounting standards are devised to furnish useful information to different users
of the financial statements, to such as shareholders, creditors, lenders,
management, investors, suppliers, competitors, researchers, regulatory bodies
and society at large and so on. In fact, such statements are designed and
prescribed so as to improve & benchmark the quality of financial reporting.
Similarly, British Telecom Inc. reported a net profit of £1767 for the year
ended 31-3-1994 under the UK GAAP but under the US GAAP reconciliation- the
net profit reduced to £1476.
Although there are different solutions that have been suggested to resolve
the problems associated with filling financial statements across national
boundaries like reciprocity and reconciliation, but they not free from limitations.
International accounting standards serves the purpose of reducing diversity in
Intangible Assets
Restatement to US GAAP:
A restatement of financial statements prepared under India GAAP to
U.S. GAAP requires careful planning in the following areas:
Involvement of personnel within the accounts function and the time
frame within which the task is to be completed.
Identification of significant accounting policies that would need to be
disclosed under U.S. GAAP and the differences that exist between
India GAAP and U.S. GAAP
The extent of training required within the organisation to create an
awareness of the requirements under U.S. GAAP
Subsidiaries and associate companies and restatement of their
accounts in conformity with U.S. GAAP
Adjustment entries those are required for conversion of India GAAP
Reconciliation of differences arising on restatement to U.S. GAAP in
respect of income for the periods under review and for the
statement of Shareholder's equity.
The paradigm shift in the economic environment in India during last few
years has led to increasing attention being devoted to accounting standards as
a means towards ensuring potent and transparent financial reporting by
corporate. Further, cross-border rising of huge amount of capital has also
generated considerable interest in the generally accepted accounting principles
in advanced countries such as USA. Initiatives taken by International
Organisation Securities Commission (IOSCO) towards propagating International
Accounting Standards (IASs)/ International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRSs), issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), as the
uniform language of business to protect the interests of international investors
have brought into focus the IASs/ IFRSs.
Section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956, deals with the form and
contents of balance sheet and profit and loss account. The Companies
(Amendment) Act, 1999 has inserted new sub-sections 3A, 3B and 3C to
Section 211, with a view to ensure that the financial statements are prepared in
As per the Notification, the Accounting Standards shall come into effect in
respect of accounting periods commencing on or after the publication of these
Accounting Standards, i.e., 7th December, 2006. Specific relaxations are given
to particular kinds of companies, termed as Small and Medium Sized
Companies, depending upon their size and nature.
The above legal provisions have cast a duty upon the management to
prepare the financial statements in accordance with the accounting standards.
The corresponding provision to report on the compliance of accounting
standards has been inserted under section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956,
thereby casting a duty upon the auditor of the company to report on such
Accounting bodies in more than 140 countries the world over are
members of the IASB. So far it has issued 41 standards out of which 7 have
been withdrawn, and thus 34 are in force. The very fact that 140 countries are
its members means the standards issued by its represent a wide cross- section-
view of accounting bodies the world over and thus are supposed to reflect a
harmonized effort in the standard formulation. The standards issued by it
earlier, during the IASC days, were known as International Accounting
Standards (IASs) and now as International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRSs). IASB does not possess any authority to mandate the compliance of its
standards by its member countries but at the same time plays a major role in
influencing the accounting standards formulation on the lines of its standards in
these countries.
Table of Contents
IAS 2: Inventories
The accounting treatment of inventories is carried out according to the
historical cost system. IAS 2 defines how to determine the costs of purchase
and conversion and states that the inventories "should be measured at the
lower of cost and net realisable value". In addition, it describes treatments
which are permitted for calculating the costs of inventories.
IAS 8: Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Fundamental Errors and
Changes in Accounting Policies
This standard is supposed to guarantee that all enterprises present their
income statement in a consistent form. It defines ordinary business activities
and requires disclosing extraordinary items separately. The disclosure of single
items of income and expense is dependent upon how relevant the information is
for explaining the performance of the enterprise. In addition, it regulates how to
handle fundamental balancing errors from prior accounting periods and under
which circumstances changes in the accounting policy are permitted.
Political reasons
Nationalism- will the public accept? The U.S. is still on the standard
system for measurement, using this as an example, would a country like
ours really want to stimulate this juxtaposition?
Dennis Beresford, former chairman of the FASB states that everyone who
seriously considers global accounting harmonization as a potential method
affirms that nationalism is one of the top constraints to becoming a
The current mess arises from the inadequacy of the Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the non compliance by auditors to the
Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS). In each separate country, the
local Institute determines the requirements for companies registered in their
jurisdiction or for those reporting to local stock markets where they are listed.
In the case of international groups of companies they may be required to meet
local standards in each place they operate and then the group accounts must
follow the rules for the residency of the Head Office and places those groups
holding shares are traded. For many years there have been attempts to produce
one set of internationally recognized GAAP or GAAS rules that would harmonize
local rules and remove the reporting and related confusion. The European Union
is only now starting to arrive at one set of comprehensive standards that might
eventually apply across all their member countries.
When trying to arrive at International standards for GAAP and GAAS, the
US body has always maintained a veto position and taken the view that they
will only approve those measures that they like. This mainly means them only
approving of items they originated and rejecting attempts from all the other
bodies to widen or deepen any issues. It is hard to believe that this attitude will
change given their current general approach to almost all matters from foreign
policy on down.
2: Auditor Independence:
Costs were a main problem and so firms generally, not just the majors,
began to look for ways to control and reduce them. For many years GAAS and
academic studies had endorsed more efficient methods for conducting the audit
work, using analytical review and some reliance on the client's systems of
internal accounting control. This lessened the amount of detailed testing of
transactions that was needed to provide adequate assurance and confidence.
Many studies were also carried out to find acceptable methods for sampling that
would provide some mathematical certainty and the basis to be able to estimate
the impact of errors found in monetary terms. This should have added to the
quality and depth of coverage that was then possible for all audits.
As fee and cost pressures increased, partners began to cut back on any
work they considered unnecessary, not always accompanied by a reworking of
their audit manuals and their stated standards and methods for achieving
GAAS. Documentation and evaluation of internal controls were seen as a costly
approach and required deeper training of staff. Much of this work was curtailed
More and more emphasis was placed on esoteric analytical review and
supposed use of judgment to support an audit opinion that was less and less
evidenced and documented. The final partner review and clearing of issues, as
well as their own intimate knowledge of the company and management,
became the basis of reliance. But at the same time their own interests were
more and more bound up with those of the client and in the need to gain
additional fee generating work, to meet their own annually increasing targets
and fellow partner expectations. We should not also underrate the influence and
feelings of mutual symbiosis from interchanges between the auditing firms and
their client companies - both auditors who joined management and the rarer
opportunities for senior managers to transfer to the firms as consultants as they
approached retirement.
3: Corporate Governance:
The late 80's and early 90's were littered with a series of scandals, in the
US with Savings and Loans, but elsewhere and other clients too, that disclosed
problems of optimistic accounting treatments and the accompanying lack of
auditor awareness or concern with the practices, that led to many spectacular
company failures. Partly in response to that the US Congress started a process
known as COSO to suggest and promulgate new means of corporate
accountability combined with proper standards for corporate management
practices. In Canada these were picked up and extended as CoCo and, in the
UK, recommendations that followed from the findings of the Cadbury
Commission. Australia also had their own response to the situation and ideas
that spread worldwide.
Corporate governance was seen as the necessary protection for
shareholders and other company stakeholders. By following risk management
and control principles, combined with appropriate policies and practices,
together with full accountability and annual statements of compliance from
senior management, such recurrences were not meant to happen. In the
By the late 90's the topic was passé and it slipped from everyone's
attention. Recent events have caused the terms and ideals to be reawakened
but the focus now seems to be more towards criminal punishment and personal
responsibility than in setting up a coherent and workable solution to the malaise
in business conduct. Another underlying cause was also the personal and
corporate acceptance of the notions of greed that emerged into common
business motivations from energized expectations of potential profits, fired by
the same unrealistic short-term goals that led to the bubble in Internet
companies. Morals or honesty or even reputation were no longer seem as
requirements or matters of long lasting importance. Make what you can,
however you can, while you can. Accountability seemed escapable. Make you
profits and get out quick.
4: Market Forces:
The factor of greed was widespread. Shareholders and investors were
quite happy with spectacular and irrational rewards just as long as they were
winning and share values kept rising. Over the 90's the markets rewarded
companies and their managers while they could maintain an aggressive up tick
The eventual impact of many of these rewards was the reverse of that
intended. Instead of making management focus on the real and continual
increase in shareholder value over the long term, management were able to
gain quickly by looking at short term increases and returns at the expense of
the longer term needs of the company as a whole. Many service contracts also
made provision for golden handshakes and golden parachutes either at
retirement or when they were let go early. This was also mostly underpinned by
exceedingly generous pension rights that would allow many executives to retire
with immunity after only a few years commitment.
And let’s not forget that the old shell game has always been present
where directorships are rewards for friends who use their influence and
5: Solutions:
Some of the same old remedies are being trotted out again for this set of
scandals and malfeasance as for past times when accountability issues hit the
headlines. Suggestions for new standard, tighter control and criminal
prosecutions head the list as well as suggestions for new oversight boards or
commissions. For anyone with any real memory of the past 25 years or so, this
all smacks at déja vu and gives one as much confidence as an aspirin for a
major wound. It is very likely that those in the driving seat and responsible for
the past will create yet one more shells game if they are left in place.
A revamping of the current setup certainly needs to happen and then all
the old ties need to be cut too. The main checks and balances thought to exist
where different groups or professions were supposed to cross check each other
has never really worked where they can find any mutual self interests. One
body that does sound attractive is the professional fund managers who have the
knowledge and leverage to hold management accountable and yet it can be
seen that their own results and hence remuneration can also be dependent on
and rewarded by the status quo.
Auditing firms that have no other business interests and where partners
and senior staff are required to record all their outside financial interests, just
like many politicians, could be one approach as well as extra reporting
responsibilities such as for Corporate Governance. Their total independence and
dedication to their duties must be assured to provide any confidence.
Many of the initial hurdles have been overcome and much progress
towards harmonizing accounting principles and procedures among countries has
already been achieved. Differences are still there but they are narrowing. It is
expected that the pace of progress in the sphere of harmonization will
accelerate further in the coming years.