EMI Class Notes Assignment 1
EMI Class Notes Assignment 1
EMI Class Notes Assignment 1
Example 1.1: A moving coil ammeter has a uniform scale with 50 divisions and
gives a full-scale reading of 5A. The instrument can read upto Vth of a scale
division with a fair degree of certainty .Determine the resolution of the
instrument in mA.
The magnitude of the current being measured is 10A. The relative error at this
current is r=A/A =0.25/10 =0.025
Example 1.5: The measured value of a resistance is 10.25 , whereas its value is
10.22. Determine the absolute error of the measurement.
Example 1.6: The measured value of a capacitor is 205.3µF, whreras its true
value is 201.4µF. Determine the relative error.
Example 1.7: A wattmeter reads 25.34 watts. The absolute error in the
measurement is -0.11 watt. Determine the true value of power.