A Study of Capital Structure Management of Commercial Banks
A Study of Capital Structure Management of Commercial Banks
A Study of Capital Structure Management of Commercial Banks
Dev Campus
T.U. Regd. No: 7-2-503-10-2002
Exam Symbol No. 6188/2063
Kathmandu, Nepal
March, 2010
This is to certify that the Thesis
Submitted by:
(With reference to NABIL Bank Ltd, Himalayan Bank Ltd
Nepal Investment Bank
has been prepared as approved by this Department in the prescribed format of the
Faculty of Management. This thesis is forwarded for examination.
Rabindra Bhattarai
(Thesis Supervisor)
(With reference to NABIL Bank Ltd, Himalayan Bank Ltd
Nepal Investment Bank
and found the thesis to be the original work of the student and written according
to the prescribed format. We recommend the thesis to be accepted as partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of
Master of Business Studies (MBS)
Viva-Voce Committee
I hereby declare that the work reported in this thesis entitled “A STUDY OF
(With reference to NABIL Bank Ltd, Himalayan Bank Ltd and Nepal
Investment Bank Ltd.)” submitted to Office of the Dean, Faculty of
Management, Tribhuvan University, is my original work done in the form of partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Business Studies (MBS)
under the supervision of Shree Bhadra Neupane and Rabindra Bhattarai of
Shanker Dev Campus.
SHRESTHA Researcher
T.U. Regd. No: 7-2-503-10-
Exam Symbol No.
I would like to thank all of those who helped me by sharing ideas, giving suggestions
and encouraging me in writing this thesis.
I would like to express special gratitude to thesis supervisors Shree Bhadra Neupane
and Rabindra Bhattrai of Shanker Dev Campus, without whose proper advice,
guidance and supervision; this study could not be completed. I am equally grateful
to all my respected teachers of SDC for their kind support and valuable suggestions.
I have taken considerable help from several well known books, articles of Nepalese
and foreign writers while preparing this study. I owe great intellectual debt to college
library, Shankar Dev Campus, Central Library of Tribhuvan University, Security
Board of Nepal and the staff members of my sampled banks.
At last, I would like to thank my family, friends and all those who helped me directly
and indirectly in course of this study preparation.
B = Value of Debt
CB = Commercial
Bank CE = Capital
Employed DA = Debt Asset
Ratio DE = Debt Equity
DF = Degree of Financial
Leverage DPR = Dividend Payout
Ratio DPS = Dividend per share
EAT = Earning after
EBIT = Earning Before interest and
EBT = Earning Before
Tax EPS = Earning per
Share F/Y = Fiscal years
HBL = Himalayan Bank
I= Interest
ICR = Interest Coverage
JVB = Joint Venture
K = Cost of Capital K=
Overall Capitalization Rate Kd
= Cost of Debt
Ke = Cost of
LTD = Long Term Debt LTDCE
= Long Term Debt to Capital Employed Ratio LTDTD
= Long Term Debt to Total Debt Ratio NBL
= Nabil Bank Ltd
NG = Nepal
NI = Net Income
NIBL = Nepal Investment Bank
NOI = Net Operating
P.E = Probable Error
PC = Permanent
r = Correlation
Rastriya Banijya
ROA = Return on Assets
ROE = Return on Equity
S = Market Value of Stock
TA = Total Assets
TD = Total Debt
V = Value of Firm
WACC =Weighted Average Cost of Capital
Recommendation CONTENTS
Viva-Voce Sheet
t Table of
Contents List of
List of Figures
Page No.
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Focus of the Study 3
1.3 Statement of the Problems 3
1.4 Objectives of the Study 5
1.5 Significance of the Study 5
1.6 Limitations of the Study 6
1.7 Organization of the Study 6
The concept of banking is developed from the history with the effort of ancient
gold smith who developed the practices of storing people’s gold and valuables. They
received valuables and used to issue a receipt to the depositors. As such receipts
are good for payment equipment to the amount mentioned, it become like the
modern cheque, as a medium of exchange and means of payment.
Thus this thesis has been commenced, analyzing different aspect of commercial
bank’s capital structure which is done by taking Nabil Bank Ltd, Himalayan Bank Ltd
and Nepal Investment Bank Ltd as reference and has been tried to map out the
current capital structure and the solvency as well as the relationship between debt
equity ratio, long term debt to debt ratio, debt ratio, Return on Assets and Return
on Equity of these three commercial banks.
The proposed study will help to enhance the level of understanding in capital
structure for other researchers, management scholars and other stakeholders.
1.6 Limitations of the Study
The study has been prepared by the help of the financial reports and publications of
the bank. The thesis has been initiated with view of tracing out different aspect of
capital structure of the bank and the calculation has been done by the figures given
by the bank. Further, the study has been initiated by the student rather than by
some economic or financial analyst so the study has some of its own limitations as
stated below:-
As mentioned earlier, this thesis is based on secondary data (published
annual reports of commercial banks), journals, newspapers, magazines etc and
unpublished thesis.
The study covers only 8 years data, beginning from 2001/02 to 2008/09.
The study covers only the capital structure of the bank and ignores other
aspects of banks.
Among 26 commercial banks, three of them are studied due to time and
resources constraints. Thus, we cannot have a true picture of the overall
conditions of commercial banks in Nepalese banking sector and the average
performances of this bank is not the average of all the commercial banks in
Nepal. Thus, the findings of the study cannot be generalized.
To some extent, the data published on the websites may vary sometimes, with
that of the annual reports of commercial banks. So, the data from the
websites are considered as authentic one.
Chapter I:
It is an introductory chapter, which includes general background of bank. It
also discusses about focus and significance of study, statement of problem,
objective and limitation of the study.
“Erza Soloman expresses the optimum capital structure and its implications as:
optimum leverage can be defined as that mix of debt and equity which will
maximize the market value of the claims and ownership interest represented on the
credit side of the balance sheet” (Solomon; 1969:132). Further, the advantages of
having an optimum does exist, is two fold: it maximizes the value of the company
and hence the wealth of its owners, it minimizes the company’s cost of capital
which in turn increases its ability to final new wealth creating investment
opportunities. Also, by increasing the firm’s opportunity to engage in future
wealth –creating investment, it increases the economy’s rate of investment and
Capital Structure refers to the relationship among various long term forms of
financing which includes mainly three types securities i.e. equity shares,
preference shares and debenture (Pandey; 1998:258-259). It is sometimes known as
financial plan, refers to the
composition of long term sources of funds such as debentures, long term debt,
preference share capital and equity share capital including reserves and surplus.
Financial structure refers to the composition of all sources and amount of funds
collected to use or invest in business. In other words, financial structure refers to the
‘Capital and Liabilities side of Balance Sheet’. Therefore, it includes shareholder’s
funds, long-term loans as well as short-term loans. It is different from capital
structure as capital structure includes only the long-term sources of financing while
financial structure includes both long term and short-term sources of financing.
Thus, a firm's capital structure is only a part of its financial structure.
The capital structure of the company should be most advantageous. Subject to
other considerations, it should generate maximum returns to the shareholders
without additional cost to them.
2. Risk
Optimal capital structure should be less risky. The use of excessive debt threatens
the solvency of the company. Company should use debt to that extent up to which
debt does not add significant risk, otherwise its use should be avoided.
The capital structure should be flexible. Flexibility in capital structure helps to
grab market opportunity as company can raise required funds whenever it is
needed for profitable investment opportunities. It also helps to reduce costs
(Cost of debt and preferred stock) when fund raised from debt and preferred stock
are no more required in the business.
The capital structure should be determined within the debt capacity of the company,
and this capacity should not be exceeded. The debt capacity of a company
depends on its ability to generate future cash flows. It should have enough cash to
pay creditors' fixed charges and principal sum.
Control power is the one of the most concerned part for the management.
Management always wants to maintain control over the firm. The capital
structure should involve minimum risk of loss of control of the company. Issue of
excess equity shares to new investors may bring threats to the control by existing
We also know that when times are good, we can raise capital with either stocks or
bonds, but when times are bad, suppliers of capital are much more willing to
make funds available if we give them a secured position, and this means debt.
Further, when we sell a new issue of stock, this sends a negative “signal” to investors,
so stock sales by a mature company such as ours is not desirable.
This section is developed to discuss briefly about the theoretical concept regarding
the theories of capital structure and financial leverage. All the approaches are based
on some common assumptions, which are as follows:
Cost of debt (kd) = Interest/Debt =
So, Value of Debt (B) = Interest/ k d = I/ kd
Equity or common stock
Cost of equity capital (k s)=d1 / Po
d1=next dividend
Po=Correct price per
share. g=expected growth
rate. Traditional
“The value of firm can be increased or the cost of capital can be reduced by a
judicious mix of debt and equity capital, and that an optimum capital structure exists
of every firm. This approach very clearly implies that the cost of capital decreases
within the reasonable limit of debt and then increases with leverage” (Barges;
1983:44). Thus, an optimum capital structure exists, and it occurs when the cost of
capital is minimum or the value of firm is maximum.
According to this view, the traditional view of capital structure which is also known
as an Intermediate approach is a compromise between the Net Income Approach
and the Net Operating Income Approach. It states that when a company starts
to borrow, the advantages and the disadvantages. The cheap cost of debt,
combined with its tax advantage, will cause the WACC to fall as borrowing
increases. However, as gearing increases, the effect of financial leverage causes
shareholders to increase their return (i.e. the cost of equity rises). At high gearing the
cost of debt also rises because the chance of
the company defaulting on the debt is higher (i.e. bankruptcy risk). So at higher
gearing the WACC will increase.
The statement that debt funds are cheaper than equity funds carries the clean
implication that the cost of debt plus the increased cost of equity together on the
weighted basis will be less than the cost of equity which existed on the equity before
debt financing. That is the weighted average cost of capital will decrease with the use
of debt up to a limit.
According to the traditional position, the manner in which the overall cost of
capital reacts to changes in capital structure can be divided into three stages.
Figure: 2.1
The effect of Leverage on Cost of Capital under Traditional
Cost of
Capital Stage-2
Stage -1 Stage -3
In figure 2.1, it is assumed that Ke rise at an increasing rate with leverage, whereas
Kd is assumed to rise only after significant leverage has occurred. At first, the
weighted cost of capital, K, declines with leverage because the rise in Ke does not
entirely offset the use of cheaper debt funds. As a result, K declines with moderate
use of leverage (Srivastav;
1984:881). After a point, however, the increase in Ke more than offset the use of
cheaper debt funds in the capital structure, and K begins to rise. The rise in k is
supported further once Kd begins to rise. The optimal capital structure is point
X. thus the traditional position implies that the cost of capital is not independent of
capital structure of the firm and that there is an optimal capital structure.
The firm can achieve optimal structure by making judicious use of debt and equity
and attempt to maximize the market price of its stock (Durand; 1959:91-116).
Graphically, the effect of leverage on the firm’s cost of capital and the total market
value of the firm is shown below.
Figure: 2.2 Figure: 2.3
The effect of Leverage on Cost of Capital The effect of leverage on
Market Value of the Firm
Cost of
K Market
Figure 2.2 shows a continuous decrease in K with the increase in debt-equity ratio,
since any decrease in K directly contributes to the value of the firm. It increases
with the increase in the debt-equity ratio (figure 2.3). Thus the financial leverage,
according to the NI approach is an important variable in the capital structure decision
of a firm. Under the NI approach, a firm can determine an optimal capital structure.
If the firm is unleveled the overall cost of capital will be just equal to the equity
capitalization rate.
In brief, the essence of the net income approach is that the firm can lower its cost
of capital by using debt. The approach is base on the crucial assumption that the use
of debt does not change the risk perception of the investor (Pandey; 1999:26).
Consequently, the interest rate of debt (Kd) and the equity capitalization rate (Ke)
remain constant to debt. Therefore, the increased use of debt results in higher
market value of shares and as a result, lower overall cost of capital (K).
34 Net Operating Income Approach
NOI approach is another behavioral approach suggested by Durand David. This
approach is diametrically opposite from the NI approach with respect to the
assumption of the behavior of equity holders and debt holders. The essence of
this approach is that the leverage/capital structure decision of the firm is irrelevant
(Khan & Jain; 1997:481). The overall cost of capital is independent of the degree
of leverage; any change in leverage will lead to change in the value of the firm
and the market price of the shares. Net operating approach is slightly different
from NI approach, unlike the NI approach in NOI approach, the overall cost of capital
and value of firm are independent of capital structure decision and change in degree
of financing. Leverage does not bring about any change in the value of firm and cost
of capital.
Under NOI approach, the Net operating income, i.e. the earning before interest and
tax (EBIT), instead of net income is taken as the base. Like the NI approach,
the NOI approach also assumes a constant rate Kd, which means that the debt
holders do not demand higher rate of interest for higher level of leverage risk.
However, unlike the assumption of NI approach, NOI approach assumes that the
equity holders do react to higher leverage risk and demand higher rate of return
for higher debt-equity ratio (Pandey; 1999:31). This approach says that the cost
of equity increases with the debt level and the higher cost of equity offset the
benefit of cheaper debt financing, resulting no effect at all on Overall Cost of Capital
The relationship between financial leverage and K, Ke, and Kd has been
graphically depicted in following figures.
K Total
Cost of V=B+S
Capital Market
Kd Value
Leverage Leverage
In the figure 2.4, it is shown that the curve K and Kd are parallel to the horizontal x-
axis and Ks is increasing continuously. This is because K and Kd remains constant
under all the circumstances but the Ke increases with the degree of increase in
the leverage (Gitman; 1998:791). Thus, there is no single point or range where the
capital structure is optimum. It is known obviously from figure 2.4 that under the NOI
approach, as low cost of debt is used, its advantage is exactly offset by increase in
cost of equity in such a way that the cost of capital remains constant. By this, value
of the firm also remains constant. At the extreme degree of financial leverage,
hidden cost becomes very high hence the firm’s cost of capital and its market
value are not influenced by the use of additional cheap debt fund.
36 Modigliani-Miller Approach (MM
The Modigliani-Miller thesis relating to the relation is akin to net operating
income approach. MM approach, supporting the net operating income approach,
argues that, in the absence of taxes, total market value and cost of capital of the firm
remain invariant to the capital structure changes. They make a formidable attach on
the transitional position by offering behavioral justification for having the cost of
capital, K, remain constant through all degree of leverage MM contend that
cost of capital is equal to the capitalization rate of pure equity stream of income
and the market value is ascertained by capitalizing its expected income at the
appropriate discount rate of its risk class. MM position is based on the idea that no
matter how you divide up the capital structure of a firm among debt, equity and
other claims, there is a conversion of investment value. The MM cost of capital
hypotheses can be best expressed in terms of their proposition I and II (Modigliani &
Miller; 1958:261 297). However, the following assumptions regarding the behavior
of the investors and the capital market, the actions of the firms and the tax
environment are crucial for the validity of the MM hypothesis.
1. Perfect capital markets: The implication of perfect capital market is that
securities are infinitely divisible, investors are free to buy and sell securities,
investors can borrow without restrictions on the same terms and conditions as
firms can, there are no transaction costs and investors are rational and behave
2. Firms can be grouped in to homogenous risk classes. Firms would be
considered to belong to a homogenous risk class as their expected earnings,
adjust for scale differences have identical risk characteristics. The share of
the homogeneous firm would be perfect substitute for one another.
3. Firms distribute all net earning to the shareholders, i.e. divided payout ratio is
100 percent.
4. There are no taxes. This assumption is removed later.
5. The assumption of perfect information and rationality, all investors has the
same exception of firm’s net operating income with which to evaluate the
value of any firm.
MM argues that, for the same risk class, the total market value is independent of the
debt- equity mix and is given by capitalizing the expected net operating income
by the rate appropriate to the risk class. This is their proposition I (Pandey;
1999:34). In equation this can be expressed as follows:
K=Ks in case of unleveled firm.
Proposition I can be expressed in terms of the firm’s overall capitalization rate, K,
which is the ratio of Net operating income (EBIT) to the market value of all its
securities, i.e.; K=NOI/S+B
K can also be expressed as
K=Ke(S)/S+B + Ke (B)/S+B
It means K is the weighted average of the expected rate of return on equity and
debt capital of the firm since the cost of capital is defined as the expected net
operating income divided by the total market value of the firm and since MM
conclude that the total market value of the firm is unaffected by the financing mix,
it follows that the cost of capital is independent of the capital structure and is equal to
the capitalization rate of a pure equity stream of its class.
Thus two firms identical in all respects except for their capital structure cannot
O n
different market v or have different cost of D/V 1999:37). But if there
capital ;
is discrepancy in the market values or the cost of capital, arbitrary will take place,
which will enable investors to engage in personal leverage to restore equilibrium in
the market.
MM proposition II, which defines the cost of equity, follows from their proposition I
and shows the implications of the net operating approach. The proposition II states
that the cost of equity rise proportionately with the increase in the financial
leverage in order to compensate in the form of premium for bearing additional
risk arising form the increasing leverage. The equation for the cost of equity can be
derived from the definition of the average cost of capital.
𝐾𝑒 ( 𝑆 )
K= +
Kd( B)
��( 𝐵 +𝑆 ) Ke( B) ( B+S)
Ke= S
K(1+D) Kd(D)
Ke= S
– S
K +( K
Ke= −Ke)B
Ke (Cost of Equity)= = N
The above equation states that for any firm in a given risk class the cost of equity,
Ke, is equal to the constant average cost of capital, K, plus a premium for the
financial risk, which is equal to debt-equity ratio times the spread between the
constant average cost of
capital and the interest rate. As the proportion of debt increases, the Cost of
Equity increases continuously even though K and Kd are constant. The crucial past
of the MM hypothesis is that K will not rise even if very excessive use of leverage
is made. This conclusion could be valid if Kd remains constant for any degree of
leverage. But in practice, Ks increases with leverage beyond a certain
acceptable level of leverage. However, MM maintains that even if Ke is a function
of leverage, K will remain constant as Ke will increase at a decreasing rate to
compensate. This can be shown as:
Figure: 2.7
Behavior of K, Kd and Ks under M-M
Ke, Kd
It is clear from the figure that Ke will increase till the marginal rate of interest
(Kdm) is below the cost of capital. As soon as, the marginal rate of interest cuts
the Cost of Capital, Ke will start falling (Pandey; 1999:37). Financial
Financial leverage involves the use of funds obtained at fixed costs in the hope
of increasing the return to stockholders. Weston and Brigham (Weston and
1981:556) defined financial leverage as the ratio of total debt to total assets or total
of the firm. The use of the fixed charges sources of funds , such as debt and
preference share capital along with the owner’s equity in the capital structure, is
described as financial leverage or ‘trading on equity’ ( Pandey ; 1999:23).
Trading on equity is derived from the fact that it is the owner’s equity that is used
as a basis to raise debt, i.e. the equity that is traded upon. The supplier of debt
has limited participation in the company’s profit, therefore, debt holder will insist
on protection in earnings and value represented by ownership capital.
In the second part of their study, they tested their proposition II the expected yield
on common share is a linear function of debt to equity ratio. The second part of their
study is consistent with their views i.e. if the cost of borrowed funds increases, the
cost of equity will decline to offset this increases Modigliani and Miller second study.
Wiper (1960), in “Financial Structure and Value of the Firm” has made a test
to empirical relationship between financial structure and value of the firm he
tried to eliminate the principle problem of empirical study on the leverage and
attempted to offer what were hoped to be more, alternative’s in determining the
relationship between leverage and cost of capital. He found the share holder’s
wealth can be enhanced by judicious by judicious use of debt financing.
Sharma and Rao, (1969), in “Leverage and the Value of the Firm” concluded the
list of M-M hypothesis on the influence of debt on the value of a firm to a
non-regulated industry. They argued that estimate of cost of capital arrived at through
the model will be accurate only when their hypothesis on debt and dividends are
correct this is an essential condition for the employment of the model.
Calculation of variables was done in exactly the same ways done by M.M. with
two exceptions. They experimented with total assets and sale for deflecting the
variables and the result are meaningful when fixed of total assets of fixed assets was
used as the growth variable the result were some what inconsistent with economic
reasoning they therefore took the earning froth rate as the growth variable because
this would and account growth of earning due both to the utilization of existing
capacity and to the additional of new capacity they include that debt has non tax
advantage also thus this paper-support-that the investors refer corporate to personal
leverage and therefore the value of a firm sizes up to leverage rate considered
Rao and Litzaberge, (1970) in, “Leverage and the Cost of Capital in Less
Developed Capital Market Comment” conduct the study of the effect of capital
structure on the cost of capital in loss developed and less efficient capital market
(India) and in highly developed and efficient capital market(US) They used 28
India utilize and 77 American utilized. They conducted the study for five cross
section years 1962-1966. They found that the result for the American utilities are
constant to the M-M proposition except for the advantage of debt financing the cost
of capital independent of capital structure and result also supported that the M-M
hypothesis that investors are different for the firm’s dividend policy in case of India
utilities, the result are in consistent to the M-M approach and support the traditional
belief the judicious use of financial leverage will lower the firms cost of capital
and investors have a reference for current dividends. In conclusion, they contended
that the M-M approach after allowing for the tax advantage of debt the firms cost
of capital is independent of capital structure does not appear to be applicable in the
case of a developing economy.
He suggested that debt equity ratio neither should neither be highly levered to create
too much financial obligations that lie beyond capacity to meet nor should it be
much low levered to infuse operational strategy to bypass responsibilities without
performance (The Nepalese Journal of Public Administration, March 1985).
Shrestha, (1999), conducted a thesis research on, “Focus on Capital Structure
(Selected and listed Public companies)”. She found that in Nepalese public
enterprises the definition of capital structure is not a problem but what matters is the
problem of putting the definition of capital structure into practice. As for instance,
public enterprises as well as listed public limited companies have higher debt equity
mix. As a result their liabilities have increased together with higher fix charges due to
failure to utilize borrowed capital properly. Thus in market circle investors often
express dissatisfaction for not getting expected return as per commitment made by
the listed companies in the prospectus to the investing public. This is even very
serious in government owned companies.
The researcher clearly suggested that the capital structure of both selected
public enterprises and listed companies have high proportion of debt mixed with
equity. Most of them have to face high interest burden on one side and increasing
accumulated losses on the other hand. She further suggests to the government that it
is important to monitor the use of debt and its impact on the overall earnings of
enterprises. This factor has been neglected by HMG. The bitter experience reveals
that government in these enterprises has not been able to specify the capital
structure mix (Pravaha Journal of Management, Vol 10: 1, 1999)
2.3 Review of Thesis
Pathak, (1995), conducted research on, “Study on Capital Structure
Management of Gorakhkali Rubber Udyog Ltd” The basic objective was to analyze
the debt equity ratio, interest coverage ratio with some of the measures to improve the
policy. He had analyzed all the variables in the form of ratio analysis.
In his findings especially to the capital structure and profitability
position, following issues has drawn.
As compared to the shareholder’s equity and the trend of debt –equity the ratio
was increasing everyday.
Company’s debt serving capacity was very poor due to the negative
coverage ratio.
The operational performance was not satisfactory due to negative earnings and
low volume of sales revenue.
The company was not able to utilize its capacity more than 50% which result
the huge losses.
At last, he suggested lowering down the amount of debt and obtaining
additional funds through issue of equity share, improving its working capital
and reducing over staff, making strategic plans and developing the motivations
He also observed that manufacturing companies had a higher risk with higher
return on the interest and debt and low dividend. The study further indicated that
the amount of profit earned could only meet the interest and because of that had to
suffer losses.
It has concluded that there was not enough return to pay interest, debt and dividend
for both types of companies although maintaining a high risk of debt.
And he finally recommended for a regular check up the level of debt, earning
before interest and tax (EBIT), earning before tax (EBT) and earning per share
(EPS) by monitoring authority, so that the companies would not fall into a weaker
Prashai, (1999), has made a study on, “The Capital Structure of Nepal Bank Ltd”.
The basic objective of the study made by him was to analyze the interrelationship
and trends among some of the component parts of capital and assets structure
and to provide suggestions for the development of an appropriate capital structure.
It has used financial tools such as ratio analysis and statistical tools such as
Karl Pearson’s co- efficient ratio percentage, Index and average to analyze the
relation between various variables.
It is known that the bank is composition of loan and advances, cash investment and
other assets. Between all these components, loan and advance are the major
portions. During the study, total assets and capitals are in increasing trend. But
increasing rate of component is different. So the interrelationship of the
component is fluctuating. The average growth rate of total deposits and other
liabilities is higher than the average growth rate of net profit, and higher than the
growth rate of total expenses. The total income and total expenses aren’t under
control of the bank, and the net profit is only
40.64% of the total income. The study suggested that the bank must control total
deposit and the bank must also control investment. The bank needs to reduce its
expenses and control fluctuations in the earnings per share to improve its market price
per share.
Kafle suggested that it should change the debt equity ratio for sound capital
structure management to maintain it in 1:1 ratio.
He remarked that the total deposit and total investment were not significantly related.
He concluded that the net worth was used in unproductive assets of the bank and
further commended that the bank needs to have productive use of its net worth.
Shah, (2006), made the study on, “A Study of the Capital Structure of
Selected Manufacturing Companies” with a purpose to access the debt serving
capacity of the mentioned manufacturing companies, examine the relation between
return on equity and total debt, return on equity and debt ratio. Earning after tax and
total debt and interest and earning before interest and tax.
The methodology used in the study included both financial as well as statistical tools.
The financial tools used were ratio analysis and statistical tools used were
correlation coefficient and regression analysis.
The study revealed that Nepal lever Ltd has not been using long term debt and it
was fully equity based. The bottlers Nepal Ltd is free of long term debt because of
improved cash flows and effective management. The Sriram spinning mills has
66.33% of assets financed with debt and hence there is less flexibility to the
owners. The degree of
financial leverage analysis of Jyoti spinning mills shows the failure of the
company to gain expected profits. And the Arun Vanaspati Udhyog has a
fluctuation Debt Equity ratio. Its long term debt is decreasing and only creditors
make a small share of equity.
There are various studies accepted on capital structure management of various
state owned banks and public limited companies of Nepal. Most of the study
indicates that a sound principle of capital structure and its management haven’t
been followed by the enterprises in Nepal. The basic objective in all of the
studies shows analysis of components parts of capital structure ratios, its
interrelationship, debt serving capacity, relation between return on equity-debt,
earning before tax and interest. However, their study reveals that they have not
been using long term debt effectively. The net worth of the bank was used in
unproductive assets, shows low debt equity ratio. Even then, different studies
have been carried out regarding the subject matter of gap structure previously by
different researchers. But, the research gap among the previous studies and this
current study lies firstly in fiscal years under which the current study has undertaken.
Secondly, the sample companies are new from the previous studies. Previously
made studies included manufacturing companies, bank etc. The current study
however is a comparative study of capital structure of three commercial banks.
The researcher may feel comfort if the gap created by the previous studies can
be filled up. Besides the analysis of capital structure ratios this study has made an
attempt to analyze the effect of capital structure on the value of the companies.
Further, this study will help research student to carry further studies as well as, it
will helpful to the interested groups in the selected companies to analyze their
position at present and search for the prospective investors.
The required financial ratios for this study are enabling in detail as
a. Debt Equity Ratio (Leverage
Leverage Ratio measures the contribution of financing by owners compared
with financial provided by the outsiders. They also provide some measure of
the debt financing by the calculation of the coverage of fixed charge. It is one of the
most popular tools of the long term financial solvency of the firm. It can be
calculated by the long term debt divided by shareholders’ equity. In the calculation ,
shareholders’ equity preference share capital accumulated losses, discount on issue
of share etc, so the shareholders’ equity is defined as net worth and D/E ratio
also called debt to net worth ratio related with the total debt. This debt equity
measures the claim of the creditors an owner against
the company’s assets. In this study following leverage ratios have been
A high Debt equity ratio indicates that the claim of creditors is greater than that of
the owners and vice-versa.
The ratio however gives some what similar in dictation as debt equity ratio.
leverage this may be calculated
% Change in EPS
Degree of Financial Leverage
% change in EBIT
Degree of Financial Leverage
Where, R represents fixed financial costs which are interest and preference
f. Interest Coverage
It is also known as time interest earned ratio. This ratio measures the debt
servicing capacity of a firm in so far as fixed interest on long term loan is earned. It
is determined by dividing the operating profits or earning before interest and taxes
(EBIT) by the fixed interest charges on loans. The interest coverage ratio shows
many firms the interest charges are covered by funds that are ordinarily available
to pay the interest. This is
Interest Coverage Ratio
earning indicates the better achievements of the profitability of the banks by
mobilizing their funds and vice versa. This ratio can be computed by dividing the
earning available to common shareholders by the total number of common stock
outstanding of banks. Thus,
h. Dividend Per Share (DPS)
Dividend per share indicates the rupee earnings actually distributed to common
stockholders per share held by them. It measures the dividend distribution to each
equity shareholders. Generally, the higher DPS creates positive attitude of the
shareholders toward the bank, which consequently helps to increase the market
value of the shares.
Thus, Profitability
Profitability Ratio gives final answers about how effectively the firm is being
managed. In the study following profitability ratio are calculated.
a. Return on Total
It is also known as Return to Investment or R o 1 before tax basis. Return on total
assets ratio measures the profitability of bank that explains a firm to earn satisfactory
return on all financial resources invested in the bank assets. The ratio explains net
income for each unit of assets. Higher ratio indicates efficiency in utilizing its
overall resources and vice
Return on Total Assets
Total Assets
While on after tax basis, because of the tax shelter benefit of interest, we add the after
interest expenses to net income for the numerator of the ratio.
Net Profit after tax
Return on Total Assets
Total Assets
b. Return on Net worth (Ordinary Shareholders Equity)
The ratio of net profit taxes to net worth measure the state of return on the stock
holder’s investment is computed by dividing EAT with net worth. This ratio tells
us the earning power on shareholders equity and is frequently used in comparing
two or more firms in an industry. It also indicates that the funds supplied by owners.
The higher ratio indicates that the funds using have effective in the company. It
reflects the extent to which the objective of profit maximization has been
achieved. Here net worth represents only equity capital.
√NX2 −(∑ X)2 √NY2−(∑ Y)2
r = Pearson's correlation coefficient
N = No. of Observation
X, Y =
If one variable increases or decreases then r will fall between O and I i.e. the
inverses relationship exists on the other sided, it one variable increases the other
also increases and the value of r will be ranged between O and I i.e. the relationship
When the value of r = + 1, the variables are perfectively correlated
When the value of r = -1, the variables have perfect negative
correlation When the value of r = 0, there is no correlation between
the variables.
If -1 < r < 0 then two variables either increase or decrease but it is the opposite
r=correlation coefficient
N=no. of parts of observation
If the value of r is less than the P.E. there is no evidence of correlation i.e.
the value of r is not significant.
If the value of r is more than 6 times of P.E. the coefficient of
correlation is practically certain i.e. the value of r is significant.
It is a statistical tool which helps to estimate or predict the one variable when the
value of other variable is known. The unknown variable which we have to
predict is called dependent variable and the variable whose value is known is called
independent variable. The analysis used to describe the average relationship between
two variables is known as simple linear regression analysis.
Regression equation of y on
y = a + bx
Regression Constant
Regression constant synonymous with the numerical constant determines
the distance of the fitted line directly above or below the origin. The value
of the constant which is the intercept of the model indicates the average level of
dependent variable when independent variable (s) is zero. In other words, a
constant indicates the mean or average effect on dependent variable if all
variables omitted from the model.
Regression Coefficient
The regression coefficient of each dependent variable indicates the
marginal relationship between that variable and value of dependent variable,
holding constant the effect of all other independent variable in the regression
model. In other words, the coefficient describes how much change in independent
variables; affect t he value of dependent variables estimate. It is also known that
the numerical constant which determines the changes in dependent variable
per unit changes in independent variables (i.e. slope of the line).
4.1 Introduction
This is the most important chapter of the study. In this chapter the data collected
will be analyzed and presented mathematically. All the above-mentioned financial
and statistical tools will be used to present the data.
The debt equity ratio and average ratio has been calculated in the above table. Eight
years data have been presented here:
The table shows that D/E ratio of NABIL is 0.36, 0.73, 0.16, 0.01, 0.09, 0.44, 0.58
0.55 in fiscal years 2001/02 to 2008/09 respectively. The average D/E ratio of
36.66%. It shows that creditors have 36.66% claims on assets where the last three
years ratio are lower than average ratio, it indicates that claim of owners is higher
than the creditors. It also indicates that the company has lesser amount to be paid
as interest on debt.
Calculated value of HBL shows D/E ratio have decreasing trend upto year
2008/09 except in year 2007/08. D/E ratio is 0.29 in the year 2002/03 which remains
constant 0.29 in F/Y 2003/04 too. The ratio decreases to 0.20 in following year then
again decreases to
0.17 in the year 2005/06. The average D/E ratio is 25.4% which implies that the
claim of creditors is 25.00% in compare to owner of the company.
In case of NIBL, above calculation shows that D/E ratio have fluctuating trend over
the study period. The table shows that D/E ratio of NIBL is 0.19 in the year 2001/02
and then it decreases to 0.01 in the year 2002/03. Then it increases to 0.50 in the year
2003/04. In the year 2004/05 it decreases to 0.30 after which its D/E ratio increases to
0.39 in the year
2005/06 and same in fluctuating regularly till 2008/09. This shows that NIBL have
very fluctuating trend of D/E ratio. The average D/E ratio is 30.00% which implies
that the claim of creditors is 30.00% in compare to owner of the company.
0.4 0.2
0.35 0.15
NABIL has fluctuating trend of long term debt to capital employed ratio. In F/Y
2001/02 the ratio is 0.27 that means long term debt to capital employed is 27%
and owner of companies contributed remaining 73%. In the following year 2002/03
the ratio increases to 0.42 and in F/Y 03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08 & 08/09 ratio
are 0.13, 0.01, 0.08,
0.31, 0.37 & 0.36 respectively. The average ratio shows a ratio of
The Table 4.2 shows that HBL have a decreasing trend in term of LTD to
capital employed ratio till year 2006/07 and in 2007/08 increment upto 0.27
then also in declining phase of 0.14 in 2008/09. In F/Y 2001/02 the ratio is 0.26 that
means 26% of capital is employed by long-term debt and remaining is contributed
by shareholder’s equity. And the ratio is decreasing year by year gradually. The
average ratio is 20.00%.
In case of NIBL also ratio of LTD to capital employed is in fluctuating trend as that
NABIL. In F/Y 2001/02 the ratio is 0.16 that means long term debt to capital
employed is
16% and owner of the company contributed remaining 84%. In the following
2002/03 the ratio decreases to 0.01 and in F/Y 03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08 &
08/09 ratio are 0.33, 0.23, 0.28, 0.30, 0.28 and 0.21 respectively. The average ratio
shows the ratio of 23.00%. Between NABIL, HBL and NIBL, HBL shows highest
ratio which means NIBL has higher amount of capital financed by long term debt.
0.03 NABIL
0.02 HBL
0.01 NIBL
The Table 4.3 shows Debt to Total Assets ratio of NABIL is in fluctuating trend. In
2001/02 its ratio is 0.02 where as it increases to 0.06 in next year. The ratios are
0.06, 0.01, 0.03, 0.04 & 0.04 in following respective years 03/04, 04/05, 05/06,
07/08 & 08/09. The average ratio is 0.03 i.e. 3%.
Debt to Asset ratio of HBL is quite steady in last five years still the ratio is very
low. In F/Y 2001/02 its ratio is 0.03 and it remains constant for three years which
then decreases to 0.02 in following year. The ratio again increases in year 2006/07
then follows same in year 2007/08 & 2008/09 in decreasing phase for last two years.
The average ratio of HBL is 0.04 i.e. 4%.
By the above calculation we can say that Debt to Total Assets ratio of NIBL is
in fluctuating trend as that of NABIL but not as fluctuating as that of NABIL.
In F/Y
2001/02 Debt to Total asset ratio of NIBL is 0.02 which means only 2% of total
fund is provided by the creditors. In the following year it decreases to 0% and
then again increases to 0.03 in the F/Y 2003/04. The LTD to TA ratio is 0.02 and
0.03 in the year
2004/05 and 2005/06 respectively and stand constant upto year 2007/08. The LTD to
ratio decreases in year 2008/09. The average ratio for the period is
The debt to asset ratio of NABIL, HBL and NIBL is insignificant because long term
debt is negligible compared to total asset.
However, average Debt asset ratio of HBL is higher than NABIL and
0.03 NABIL
0.02 HBL
The trend analysis of the company reveals that NABIL has quite fluctuating trend
of LTD/TD ratio. The above calculation shows that the ratio of LTD/TD of NABIL is
0.03 in F/Y 2001/02. This means contribution of long term debt is 0.03 and
remaining is contributed by current liabilities. The ratio is 0.06 in year 02/03 which
decreases to 0.02 in F/Y 03/04. Then after it decreases to 0% in the following year and
then again increases to 0.01 in the year 2005/06 and stable to 0.04 till the year
2008/09. The average ratio is
Similarly, HBL has constant trend of LTD/TD ratio .In the fiscal year 2001/02 the
ratio is
0.03 that indicated contribution of long term debt in total debt and remaining portion
is contributed by current liabilities. It remains constant for three years and then
decreases to
0.02 for the last two F/Y and again 0.03 and 0.01 in year 2007/08 &
2008/09 respectively. The average ratio is 2.4%.
Similarly, NIBL also have the fluctuating trend of LTD to TD ratio for the five
sample years. It is 0.02 for the F/Y 2001/02 which indicates contribution of long
term debt in total debt is only 2% and remaining part is current liabilities. The ratio
then is 0.0, 0.03,
0.02, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03 and 0.02 for the F/Y 2002/03, 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06,
2007/08 & 2008/09 respectively. The average ratio is 2%.
From the above calculation we can say that NIBL is low levered firm with
comparison to rest two firms since it has used less long term debt than that of NABIL
and HBL.
1.5 HBL
In the table 4.5 the average ratio of NABIL is 2.97 which imply no. of times of
interest covered by its EBIT. The interest coverage ratio of NABIL shows increasing
trend beside last F/Y. The ICR of NABIL in year 2001/02 is 1.89 times which
increases to 2.94 times in F/Y 02/03 and 3.33 times in 03/04. Then it increases to
4.12 times in 04/05 and 3.52 times in the year 05/06 then in the decreasing trend of
2.97, 2.58 and 2.41 in F/Y 06/07,
07/08 and 08/09 respectively. It shows that NABIL is capable and it is good
indication because higher ratio is preferable.
In case of HBL the ICR is 1.61, 1.65, 1.86, 1.93, 2.04 times in the year 2001/02,
03/04, 04/05, 05/06 respectively and constant of 0.24 times till year 2008/09. Here
the ratio shows increasing trend. The average calculated ratio is 1.90 times. This
implies company’s available profit can meet the debt amount.
In case of NIBL the ICR is 1.60, 1.90, 1.71, 1.94, 2.03, 2.16, 2.13 and 1.85 times in
the year 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08 and 08/09 respectively.
Here the ratio shows slightly fluctuating trend. But it is in increasing trend in year
2009/07 and slowly in decreasing phase in year 2007/08 and 2008/09 and also the
available profit can meet the debt amount.
The ratio between three banks shows that there is enough profit to meet the claim of
the creditors. Between three firms the ICR of NABIL is greater.
Figure: 4.6
Comparative Return on Shareholder's Equity
0.4 Ratio
Similarly, HBL shows decreased ratio at the beginning then it remain constant at 12%
04/05 that means shareholders earn Rs112 investing one hundred. After that
increased up to 16% in F/Y 05/06. Then in increasing trend of 17% & 25% in
06/07& 07/08 respectively. And in the year 2008/09 ROE is 24%. Its average
ratio is
In case of NIBL, ROE is in increasing trend for first two years and then it reaches to
0.21 in the F/Y 2003/04. Then it decreases to 0.20 in the following year. ROE of
NIBL then again increases to 0.25 and 0.27 in year 05/06 and 06/07
respectively. And again decreases to 0.26 & 0.23 in the last two year of sample
period 07/08 & 08/09. The average ROE is 21%. By analyzing the above
calculation, it is found that the return
earned by shareholders of NABIL is highly
0.015 NABIL
The Table 4.7 shows the comparative position of return on Total Assets of NABIL,
and NIBL. From the table ROA of NABIL in the F/Y 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05
05/06 are 0.02, 0.03, 0.03, 0.03 and 0.03 respectively. And decrease in constant ratio
0.02 in year 06/07, 07/08 and 08/09. Its average ratio is 0.03. The overall trend
is first increasing then remains constant.
Similarly, ROA of HBL in the year 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07 is
0.01 and 0.02 in last two years respectively and the average return is 0.03. The overall
trend is first decreasing then constant and increased in last two F/Y.
In case of NIBL, ROA in the F/Y 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05 are 0.01, 0.01, 0.01,
0.01 and in year 05/06 to 08/09 remains constant to 0.02. The average ratio is
0.02. The overall trend is constant for first four financial years and then increased
by 0.02 in last 4 yrs F/Y.
The averages return of NABIL & HBL is equal and higher compared to
NIBL. Earning Per Share (EPS) Analysis
Table: 4.8
Comparative Earning Per
Fiscal Year Earning Per Share (In Rupees)
2001/02 55.25 60.26 33.59
2002/03 84.66 49.45 39.56
2003/04 92.61 49.05 51.70
2004/05 105.49 47.91 39.50
2005/06 129.21 59.24 59.35
2006/07 137.08 60.66 62.57
2007/08 108.31 62.74 57.87
2008/09 106.79 61.90 37.42
Average 102.43 56.40 47.70
Source: Annual
Figure: 4.8
Comparative Earning Per Share
Fiscal Year
The Earning per share of NABIL are Rs 55.25, Rs84.66, Rs 92.61, Rs 105.49, Rs
129.21, Rs 137.08, Rs 108.31, Rs 106.79 in the F/Y 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05,
05/06, 06/07,
07/08 and 08/09 respectively. The average EPS is Rs 102.43. The overall trend
increasing. The highest EPS is Rs 137.08 in F/Y 06/07.
Similarly, the earning per share of HBL in the years 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05,
06/07, 07/08 and 08/09 are Rs 60.26, Rs 49.45, Rs 49.05, Rs47.91, Rs 59.24, Rs
60.66, Rs 62.74 and Rs 61.90 respectively. The average EPS is Rs 56.40. Here the
overall trend is fluctuating. EPS decreases from Rs 60.26 in the F/Y 2001/02 to Rs
47.91 in the year
The Earning per share of NIBL are Rs 33.59, Rs 39.56, Rs 51.70, Rs 39.50, 59.35,
57.87 and 37.42 in the F/Y 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08 and
08/09 respectively. The average EPS is Rs 44.70. Here the overall trend is fluctuating.
EPS first increases and reaches to Rs 62.57 in 2006/07 and then it decrease in the
following year.
Between all three banks EPS of NABIL has the highest Rs 102.43 average which
NABIL is most
The dividend per share of NABIL are Rs 30, Rs 50, RS 65, Rs 70, Rs 85, Rs 140, Rs
& Rs 85 in the years 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08 and
08/09 respectively. The average DPS is Rs 78.13 The highest DPS paid is in the last
financial year 06/07.
Similarly, HBL shows a DPS of Rs 25, Rs 1.32, Rs 0.00, Rs 11.58, Rs 30, Rs 40, Rs
45, and Rs 50 in the F/Y 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08 and
08/09. The average DPS is Rs 25.36. HBL has paid a highest dividend of Rs 50 in
the year 08/09 whereas it has paid no dividend at all in the year 03/04.
The dividends per share of NIBL are Rs 20, Rs 30, Rs 15, Rs 12.50, Rs 55.46, Rs 30,
40.83 and Rs 20 in the F/Y 2001/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08 and
08/09 respectively. The average DPS is Rs 27.97. The highest DPS paid is in the last
financial year 05/06.
The table shows that NABIL has paid the highest average dividend of Rs
It shows that the more investors are likely to be attracted in investing at
Either dividing percentage change in EPS by percentage change into EBIT or
dividing percentage change into EBT by EBIT can calculate degree of financial
leverage. In this analysis of financial leverage second method is chosen. High the
financial leverage, high will be the financial risk and also high will be the
shareholders’ return. The degree of financial leverage of Sample Company is
presented below:
Table: 4.10
Degree of Financial
Fiscal Year Degree of Financial Leverage (times)
2001/02 2.13 2.66 2.67
2002/03 1.52 2.54 2.11
2003/04 1.43 2.17 2.41
2004/05 1.33 2.08 2.06
2005/06 1.40 1.97 1.97
2006/07 1.47 1.86 1.86
2007/08 1.54 1.75 1.88
2008/09 1.61 1.64 2.18
Average 1.55 2.08 2.14
Source: Annual Reports (Refer Appendix 5)
Figure: 4.10
Comparative Degree of Financial
DFL 1.5
0.5 NIBL
Above calculated DFL of NABIL has decreasing trend in first four years of
sample period and is increased in last F/Y. In the fiscal year 2001/02 the DFL is
2.13 times. In second year the DFL is 1.52 times in the fiscal year 2003/04, 04/05,
05/06 the DFL is
1.43, 1.33 and 1.40 times respectively. And DFL is 1.47, 1.54 & 1.61 in year
07/08 & 08/09 respectively. The average DFL is 1.55
The trend of HBL is quite constant .The DFL of HBL in the fiscal year 2001/02,
03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08 and 08/09 are 2.66, 2.54, 2.17, 2.08, 1.97, 1.86,
1.75 and 1.64 times respectively. The average DFL of HBL is 2.08 times.
The trend of NIBL is also quite constant. In case of NIBL, DFL in the fiscal
2001/02, 02/03, 03/04, 04/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08 and 08/09 are 2.67, 2.11, 2.41,
1.97, 1.86, 1.88 and 2.18 respectively. The average DFL of NIBL is 2.14
Analyzing the above data, it is found that the DFL of NIBL is greater than NABIL
HBL. It shows that NIBL has greater burden of financial
4.2.3 Correlation
Correlation analysis enables us to have an idea about the degree and direction of
the relationship between two or more variables. The correlation is a statistical tool
which studies the relationship between two or more variables and correlation
analysis involves various methods and techniques used for studying and
measuring the extent of the
relationship between two or more variables. It is denoted by ‘r’. However it
fails to reflect upon the cause and effect relationship between the variables.
Although there are three types of correlation i.e. simple, partial and multiple but
here the focus is on simple correlation based on ‘Pearson’s Coefficient of
Correlation’. In the following section correlation between different variables are
calculated and presented of the sample companies.
Table 4.11 represents that debt equity ratio of Nabil bank is positively
correlated with long term debt to capital employed ratio, Debt assets ratio and
long term debt to total debt ratio whereas it is negatively correlated with interest
coverage ratio, return on equity and return on assets. Similarly long term debt
to capital employed ratio is positively correlated to Debt assets and Long term
debt to total assets ratio but negatively correlated with return on assets and return
on equity. Debt assets is positively correlated with long tem debt to total debt
ratio and negatively correlated with Interest coverage ratio, ROE and ROA.
Long term debt to total debt ratio is negatively correlated with Interest
coverage ratio, ROE and ROA. Interest coverage ratio is positively correlated
with ROE and ROA. Finally ROE is also positively correlated with ROA. Correlation of Himalayan Bank
Table: 4.12
Correlation of Himalayan
LTDCE 1 .977(**) .908(**) .908(**) -.619 -.039 .029
DE .977(**) 1 .877(**) .877(**) -.533 .053 .099
DA .908(**) .877(**) 1 1.000(**) -.622 -.368 -.311
LTDTD .908(**) .877(**) 1.000(**) 1 -.622 -.368 -.311
ICR -.619 -.533 -.622 -.622 1 .556 .475
ROE -.039 .053 -.368 -.368 .556 1 .901(**)
ROA .029 .099 -.311 -.311 .475 .901(**) 1
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-
Source: SPSS
From the table 4.12 it can be concluded that the debt equity ratio of Himalayan bank
is positively correlated with long term debt to capital employed ratio, debt assets
ratio and long term debt to total debt ratio whereas it is negatively correlated with
interest coverage ratio, ROE and ROA. Long term debt to capital employed ratio is
positively correlated with debt ratio and debt to total debt ratio but is negatively
correlated with interest coverage ratio, ROE and ROA. Debt ratio is perfectly
positively correlated with long term debt to total assets and negatively correlated
with interest coverage ratio, ROE and ROA. Long term debt to total debt ratio is
negatively correlated with interest coverage, ROE and ROA. Interest coverage
ratio is positively correlated with ROE and ROA. Finally ROE is perfectly
positively correlated with ROA. Overall
Table: 4.14
LTDCE 1 .984(**) .936(**) .946(**) -.234 .248 .024
DE .984(**) 1 .944(**) .948(**) -.130 .334 .113
DA .936(**) .944(**) 1 .967(**) -.182 .159 .022
LTDTD .946(**) .948(**) .967(**) 1 -.111 .241 .101
ICR -.234 -.130 -.182 -.111 1 .749(**) .828(**)
ROE .248 .334 .159 .241 .749(**) 1 .856(**)
ROA .024 .113 .022 .101 .828(**) .856(**) 1
Source: SPSS
Looking at the overall correlation of the bank, we can conclude that Debt Equity
Ratio is positively correlated with Long term debt to capital employed, Debt asset
ratio, Long term debt to total debt ratio, ROE and ROA where as it is negatively
correlated with Interest coverage ratio. Long term debt to capital employed ratio is
positively correlated with Debt asset ratio and Long term debt to total debt ratio,
and negatively correlated with Interest coverage ratio, ROE and ROA. Debt asset
ratio is positively correlated with
long term debt to total debt ratio and negatively correlated with Interest coverage
ratio, ROE and ROA. Long term debt to total debt ratio is negatively with Interest
coverage ratio and ROA and positively with ROA. Interest coverage ratio is
positively correlated with ROE and ROA. ROE is positively correlated with ROA.
4.2.4 Simple Regression
Table gives the result of simple regression analysis, in which ROE, ROA and
Dividend payout Ratio are dependent variable and debt equity ratio is independent
variable for all the banks.
Table 4.15 shows that there is positive effect of debt equity ratio in ROE in NABIL,
HBL and NIBL. The constant value represents that if debt equity is zero the value of
ROE will be .311, .156 and .150 for NABIL, HBL and NIBL respectively.
Table: 4.16
Debt Equity (DE) is Regressed on Return on Assets
Variables Constant (a) Coefficient (b) Bank
ROA=a+b1 DE .029 -.010 NABIL
ROA=a+b1 DE .011 .005 HBL
ROA=a+b1 DE .011 .014 NIBL
Source: SPSS Programs
Looking at table 4.16 coefficient beta means that ROA will decline by -.010 with
every unit increase in debt equity ratio for NABIL and HBL respectively whereas
the value
.014 of NIBL represent that ROA will increase by .014 with increase in one unit of
equity ratio. Similarly, the constant value .029, .011and .011 represents the value of
for NABIL, HBL and NIBL in the absence of debt equity ratio.
Table: 4.17
Debt Equity (DE) is Regressed on Dividend Payout Ratio
Variables Constant (a) Coefficient (b) Bank
DPR=a+b1 DE .678 1.62 NABIL
DPR=a+b1 DE .618 -.767 HBL
DPR=a+b1 DE .655 -.233 NIBL
Source: SPSS Programs
In the table 4.17 the relationship between DPR and DE ratio is analyzed. Debt
equity ratio of all the banks has negative effect in dividend payout ratio. It means that
as the debt ratio increases by one unit dividend payout ratio will decline by -.162,
-.767 and -.233 for NABIL, HBL and NIBL respectively. Similarly, the value of
constant .678, .618 and .655 are the value of dividend payout ratio when debt equity
ratio is zero.
Long term Debt to capital employed ratio highlights the portion of fund
financed by long term Debt in the capital employed by the firm. The data
shows NABIL has fluctuation trend. Its average ratio is 19.5%. Similarly, trend
of Long term Debt to capital employed ratio of HBL shows a decreasing trend.
Its average ratio is 20%. And in case of NIBL the ratio is in fluctuating trend. Its
average ratio is 23% which implies portion of fund financed by long term debt
in the capital employed is 23% in average for the sample period.
The Debt to Asset ratio of NABIL, HBL and NIBL is insignificant because
long term Debt is negligible compared to Total assets. Overall debt asset ratio of
NABIL is low. Its average ratio is 3%. Similarly, Debt asset ratio of HBL is
quite steady even their ratios are low. The average ratio of HBL is 4%. On the
other hand the average Debt to Asset ratio of NIBL is similar to NABIL which
is 2%.
Long term Debt to Total Debt ratio indicates what percentage of Total
Debt is covered by long term debt of the firm. The trend analysis of
NABIL shows fluctuating LTD/TD ratio. LTD/TD in 2001/02 is 0.03 that
means contribution of LTD is 0.03 and the remaining portion contributed by
current liabilities. NABIL has
3% of average ratio. HBL shows constant ratio. Its average ratio is 2.4%. NIBL
also shows the fluctuating trend of LTD/TD ratio. Its average ratio is 2%. In
these cases the total debt is contributed by current liabilities to large extent.
The average interest coverage ratio of NABIL is 2.97 which imply no. of
times of interest covered by its EBIT. The interest coverage ratio of
NABIL shows an decreasing trend besides last F/Y. It shows the capabilities
of NABIL. In case of HBL, the average ratio is 1.90; this implies company’s
available profit can meet the debt amount. The interest coverage ratio of NIBL
shows slightly fluctuating trend and its average ratio is 1.92. ICR of NABIL is
found to be greater than HBL and NIBL.
Return on shareholder’s equity of NABIL has fluctuating trend. The average ratio
32%. Similarly, HBL shows decreased ratio in first two years then it
increases in last two fiscal year. Its average ratio is 17%. ROE of NIBL shows
fluctuating trend. Its average ratio is 21%. Analyzing between three
companies return earned by shareholders of NABIL is highly greater.
Comparative position of return on Total Asset of NABIL shows average of
The overall trend is first decreasing then constant. Similarly, ROA of HBL is
first decreasing then constant and increased in last F/Y .Its average return is
0.02. In case
of NIBL its average return is 0.012. Its overall trend is first constant and
then increased to 0.02 in the last F/Y. The average return of NABIL & HBL
is higher compared to NIBL.
The average dividend per share of NABIL is Rs 78.13 .Similarly, HBL shows
an average DPS is Rs 25.36. And that of NIBL is Rs 27.97. Between three of
them, NABIL has paid higher dividend.
Individual value of the firm trend of NABIL shows increasing trend. The
average value of NABIL is Rs 6441.498 million. Similarly, value of HBL has
decreased in first financial year and increased gradually. Its average value is Rs
5850.97 million. The average value of NIBL is Rs 3985.064 and it shows an
increasing trend of value of firm. NABIL has optimum capital structure
compared to HBL and NIBL.
When the company employs debt or other fund carrying fixed charges in the
capital structure, financial leverage exists. From the degree of financial
leverage, it can be concluded that HBL is bearing high financial risk because
it has used more long term debt. NABIL and NIBL have employed lesser long
term debt than that of HBL so they have lesser financial risk.
The correlation between debt equity ratio with ROE and ROA is negative
NABIL and HBL whereas it is positive for
The regression analysis shows debt equity ratio has negative effect on ROE
and ROA in NABIL and HBL whereas it is positive for NIBL but all the
banks' dividend pay out ratio has negative effect from debt equity ratio.
This is the concluding chapter of this study. This chapter is divided into three
sections; Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations. In this chapter, the
study has been summarized in brief and some recommendations have been given
which could be useful to stakeholders and to concern companies as well.
5.1 Summary
The capital structure of a firm involves the choice of an appropriate mix of
different sources of funds i.e. owner funds and outsider funds. The selection of the
capital structure will obviously depends on the bearing that it has on the firm's
objectives of maximizing of shareholder's wealth. A financial mix which leads to
maximization of shareholders wealth as reflected in the market price of share is
termed as an optimal capital structure. An ideal capital structure should be
determination of proper balance between borrower's fund, i.e. debt capital and
owner's fund i.e. equity, which maximize the shareholders wealth and minimizes
the composite cost of capital.
This study, to analyze about capital structure, three commercials banks; Nabil Bank
Ltd, Himalayan Bank Ltd and Nepal Investment Bank Ltd have been taken. To
make the study more reliable, the whole study has been divided into five
chapters. This study endeavors to evaluate capital structure of commercials banks
with reference to the sample companies. The main objectives of the study are to
evaluate and analyze capital structure ratios of commercials banks under study. For
the realistic study, review of various books, research studies and articles have
been used. Various sequential steps to adopt a systematic analysis have been
explained in the third chapter. Most of the data used in this study are secondary in
nature. Eight years data are taken as sampled years, which are analyzed by using
financial and statistical tools such as Ratio analysis, Leverage analysis, Correlation
analysis and Regression Analysis etc. It employed simple regression model to evaluate
the relationship between debt equity ratio with Return on Equity, Return on
Assets and Dividend Payout Ratio. Calculation was done by using Excel and
software which are presented in the appendix. Finally, Summary, Conclusion
and Recommendations of the study are presented separately to understand instantly
about the whole study.
5.2 Conclusion
It’s a renowned fact, whether we like it or not, the globalization of JVBs /CB is a
reality. The growth and increasing integration of the world’s economy has been
parallel by expansion of global banking activities. Nepal, though a developing
country couldn’t deny the fact that JVBs/CB has running potentially, which is
responded by extending loans and developing new, highly innovative financial
techniques that laid the foundation for totally new approaches to the provision of
banking services. On the basis of entire research study, some conclusion has been
On an average NABIL constitutes 0.35 times of D/E ratio compare to 0.25 times of
D/E ratio of HBL and 0.30 times of D/E ratio of NIBL. The ICR shows that all the
three banks are able in paying interest but in comparison NABIL is operating
efficiently. The average ROE of the NABIL, HBL and NIBL are 0.32, 0.17 and 0.21
times respectively. The debt ratio of NABIL and HBL is found to be negatively
correlated with ROE and ROA whereas it is positively correlated with NIBL.
Simple regression analysis between debt
equity ratio with ROE and ROA also showed the similar results and the Dividend
Ratio was found to be negatively affected by debt equity ratio for all the
5.3 Recommendations
In this section of the study, it endeavors to recommend few points that can be
helpful to stakeholders as well as to the company. These recommendations are
based upon above calculations and drawn conclusions. These recommendations are
guidelines which would be helpful in taking prompt and appropriate decision about
capital structure.
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Appendix 8