MABS Multicast Authentication Based On Batch Signature

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7, JULY 2010

MABS: Multicast Authentication

Based on Batch Signature
Yun Zhou, Xiaoyan Zhu, and Yuguang Fang, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Conventional block-based multicast authentication schemes overlook the heterogeneity of receivers by letting the sender
choose the block size, divide a multicast stream into blocks, associate each block with a signature, and spread the effect of the
signature across all the packets in the block through hash graphs or coding algorithms. The correlation among packets makes them
vulnerable to packet loss, which is inherent in the Internet and wireless networks. Moreover, the lack of Denial of Service (DoS)
resilience renders most of them vulnerable to packet injection in hostile environments. In this paper, we propose a novel multicast
authentication protocol, namely MABS, including two schemes. The basic scheme (MABS-B) eliminates the correlation among packets
and thus provides the perfect resilience to packet loss, and it is also efficient in terms of latency, computation, and communication
overhead due to an efficient cryptographic primitive called batch signature, which supports the authentication of any number of packets
simultaneously. We also present an enhanced scheme MABS-E, which combines the basic scheme with a packet filtering mechanism
to alleviate the DoS impact while preserving the perfect resilience to packet loss.

Index Terms—Multimedia, multicast, authentication, signature.


M [1] is an efficient method to deliver multi-

media content from a sender to a group of receivers
and is gaining popular applications such as realtime stock
of the signature with the sender’s public key, which is
called verifying. If the verification succeeds, the receiver
knows the packet is authentic.
quotes, interactive games, video conference, live video Designing a multicast authentication protocol is not an
broadcast, or video on demand. Authentication is one of easy task. Generally, there are following issues in real world
the critical topics in securing multicast [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], challenging the design. First, efficiency needs to be
[7] in an environment attractive to malicious attacks. considered, especially for receivers. Compared with the
Basically, multicast authentication may provide the follow- multicast sender, which could be a powerful server,
ing security services: receivers can have different capabilities and resources. The
receiver heterogeneity requires that the multicast authenti-
Data integrity: Each receiver should be able to
1. cation protocol be able to execute on not only powerful
assure that received packets have not been modified
desktop computers but also resource-constrained mobile
during transmissions.
handsets. In particular, latency, computation, and commu-
2. Data origin authentication: Each receiver should be
nication overhead are major issues to be considered. Second,
able to assure that each received packet comes from
packet loss is inevitable. In the Internet, congestion at
the real sender as it claims.
routers is a major reason causing packet loss. An overloaded
3. Nonrepudiation: The sender of a packet should not be
router drops buffered packets according to its preset control
able to deny sending the packet to receivers in case
there is a dispute between the sender and receivers. policy. Though TCP provides a certain retransmission
capability, multicast content is mainly transmitted over
All the three services can be supported by an asymmetric
UDP, which does not provide any loss recovery support. In
key technique called signature. In an ideal case, the sender
mobile environments, the situation is even worse. The
generates a signature for each packet with its private key,
instability of wireless channel can cause packet loss very
which is called signing, and each receiver checks the validity
frequently. Moreover, the smaller data rate of wireless
channel increases the congestion possibility. This is not
. Y. Zhou is with Microsoft Corporation, 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA desirable for applications like realtime online streaming or
98052-8300. E-mail: stock quotes delivering. End users of online streaming will
. X. Zhu is with the National Key Laboratory of Integrated Services
Networks, Xidian University, PO Box 106, 2 South Taibai Road, Xi’an, start to complain if they experience constant service
Shaanxi 10071, China. E-mail: interruptions due to packet loss, and missing critical stock
. Y. Fang is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, quotes can cause severe capital loss of service subscribers.
University of Florida, 435 New Engineering Building, PO Box 116130,
Gainesville, FL 32611, and with the National Key Laboratory of Integrated Therefore, for applications where the quality of service is
Services Networks, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China. critical to end users, a multicast authentication protocol
E-mail: should provide a certain level of resilience to packet loss.
Manuscript received 28 Jan. 2008; revised 30 Jan. 2009; accepted 17 Oct. Specifically, the impact of packet loss on the authenticity of
2009; published online 23 Feb. 2010. the already-received packets should be as small as possible.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:, and reference IEEECS Log Number TMC-2008-01-0026. Efficiency and packet loss resilience can hardly be
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TMC.2010.37. supported simultaneously by conventional multicast
1536-1233/10/$26.00 ß 2010 IEEE Published by the IEEE CS, CASS, ComSoc, IES, & SPS
Authorized licensed use limited to: GOVERNMENT COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on May 31,2010 at 01:51:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

schemes. As is well known that existing digital signature and DSA, respectively [38]. An enhanced scheme is
algorithms are computationally expensive, the ideal ap- discussed in Section 4. After performance evaluation in
proach of signing and verifying each packet independently Section 5, the paper is concluded in Section 6.
raises a serious challenge to resource-constrained devices.
In order to reduce computation overhead, conventional
schemes use efficient signature algorithms [8], [9] or
amortize one signature over a block of packets [10], [11], Schemes in [8], [9] follow the ideal approach of signing and
[12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], verifying each packet individually, but reduce the compu-
[24], [25], [26] at the expense of increased communication tation overhead at the sender by using one-time signatures
overhead [8], [9], [10], [11] or vulnerability to packet loss [8] or k-time signatures [9]. They are suitable for RSA [33],
[12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], which is expensive on signing while cheap on verifying. For
[24], [25], [26]. each packet, however, each receiver needs to perform one
Another problem with schemes in [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], more verification on its one-time or k-time signature plus
[13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], one ordinary signature verification. Moreover, the length of
[25], [26] is that they are vulnerable to packet injection by one-time signature is too long (on the order of 1,000 bytes).
malicious attackers. An attacker may compromise a multi- Tree chaining was proposed in [10], [11] by constructing
cast system by intentionally injecting forged packets to a tree for a block of packets. The root of the tree is signed by
consume receivers’ resource, leading to Denial of Service the sender. Each packet carries the signed root and multiple
(DoS). Compared with the efficiency requirement and packet hashes. When each receiver receives one packet in the block,
loss problems, the DoS attack is not common, but it is still it uses the authentication information in the packet to
important in hostile environments. In the literature, some authenticate it. The buffered authentication information is
schemes [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32] attempt to provide the further used to authenticate other packets in the same block.
DoS resilience. However, they still have the packet loss Without the buffered authentication information, each
problem because they are based on the same approach as packet is independently verifiable at a cost of per-packet
previous schemes [10], [11], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26]. signature verification.
Recently, we demonstrated that batch signature schemes Graph chaining was studied in [12], [13], [14], [15], [16],
can be used to improve the performance of broadcast [17], [18], [19], [20], [21]. A multicast stream is divided into
authentication [5], [6]. In this paper, we present our blocks and each block is associated with a signature. In each
comprehensive study on this approach and propose a novel block, the hash of each packet is embedded into several
multicast authentication protocol called MABS (in short for other packets in a deterministic or probabilistic way. The
Multicast Authentication based on Batch Signature). MABS hashes form a graph, in which each path links a packet to
includes two schemes. The basic scheme (called MABS-B the block signature. Each receiver verifies the block
hereafter) utilizes an efficient asymmetric cryptographic signature and authenticates all the packets through the
primitive called batch signature [33], [34], [35], [36], [37], [38], paths in the graph.
[39], [40], [41], [42], [43], [44], which supports the Erasure codes were used in [22], [23], [24], [25], [26]. A
authentication of any number of packets simultaneously signature is generated for the concatenation of the hashes of
with one signature verification, to address the efficiency all the packets in one block and then is erasure-coded into
and packet loss problems in general environments. The many pieces. Erasure codes make each receiver be capable
enhanced scheme (called MABS-E hereafter) combines of recovering the block signature when receiving at least a
MABS-B with packet filtering to alleviate the DoS impact certain number of pieces.
in hostile environments. MABS provides data integrity, All these schemes [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17],
origin authentication, and nonrepudiation as previous [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26] are indeed
asymmetric key based protocols. In addition, we make the computationally efficient since each receiver needs to verify
following contributions: only one signature for a block of packets. However, they all
increase packet overhead for hashes or erasure codes and
1. Our MABS can achieve perfect resilience to packet the block design introduces latency when buffering many
loss in lossy channels in the sense that no matter packets. Another major problem is that most schemes [12],
how many packets are lost the already-received [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24],
packets can still be authenticated by receivers. [25], [26] are vulnerable to packet loss even though they are
2. MABS-B is efficient in terms of less latency, designed to tolerate a certain level of packet loss. If too
computation, and communication overhead. Though many packets are lost, other packets may not be authenti-
MABS-E is less efficient than MABS-B since it cated. In particular, if a block signature is lost, the entire
includes the DoS defense, its overhead is still at the block cannot be authenticated.
same level as previous schemes. Moreover, previous schemes [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13],
3. We propose two new batch signature schemes based [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25],
on BLS [36] and DSA [38] and show they are more [26] target at lossy channels, which are realistic in our daily
efficient than the batch RSA [33] signature scheme. life since the Internet and wireless networks suffer from
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: We briefly packet loss. In a hostile environment, however, an active
review related work in Section 2. Then, we present a basic attacker can inject forged packets to consume receivers’
scheme for lossy channels in Section 3, which also includes resource, leading to DoS. In particular, schemes in [8], [9],
three batch signature schemes based on RSA [33], BLS [36], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21]

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are vulnerable to forged signature attacks because they They do reduce the computation cost, but also introduce
require each receiver to verify each signature whereby to new problems. The block design builds up correlation
authenticate data packets, and schemes in [22], [23], [24], among packets and makes them vulnerable to packet loss,
[25], [26] suffer from packet injection because each receiver which is inherent in the Internet and wireless networks.
has to distinguish a certain number of valid packets from a Received packets may not be authenticated because some
pool of a large number of packets including injected ones, correlated packets are lost.
which is very time-consuming. Also, the heterogeneity of receivers means that the buffer
In order to deal with DoS, schemes in [27], [28], [29], [30], resource at each receiver is different and can vary over the
[31], [32] were proposed. PARM [27] is similar to the tree time depending on the overall load at the receiver. In the block
chaining scheme [10], [11] in the sense that multiple one- design, the required block size, which is chosen by the sender,
way hash chains are used as shared keys between the may not be satisfied by each receiver.
sender and receivers. Schemes in [28], [29] combine erasure Third, the correlation among packets can incur addi-
codes with one-way hash chains to detect forged packets. tional latency. Consider the high layer application needs
Unfortunately, these schemes [27], [28], [29] are still new data from the low layer authentication module in order
vulnerable to DoS because they require that one-way hash to render a smooth video stream to the client user. It is
chains are signed and transmitted to each receiver and desirable that the lower layer authentication module
therefore an attacker can inject forged signatures for one- delivers authenticated packets to the high layer application
way hash chains. at the time when the high layer application needs new data.
PRABS [30] uses distillation codes to deal with DoS. In In the per-packet signature design it is not a problem, since
particular, valid packets and forged packets are partitioned each packet can be independently verifiable at any time. In
into disjoint sets and erasure decoding is performed over the block design, however, it is possible that the packets
each set. BAS [31] simply retransmits each signature buffered at the low layer authentication module are not
multiple times to tolerate packet loss and uses selective verifiable because the correlated packets, especially the
verification to tolerate injected forged signatures. LTT [32] block signatures, have not been received. Therefore, the
uses error correction codes to replace erasure codes in high layer application has to either wait, which leads to
schemes [22], [23], [24], [25], [26]. The reason is that error additional latency, or return with a no-available-packets
correction codes tolerate error packets. These three schemes exception, which could be interpreted as that the buffered
[30], [31], [32] are resilient to DoS, but they still have the packets are “lost.” This latency, which is incurred at the
packet loss problem. high layer when the high layer application waits for the
Some other schemes [45], [46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51], buffered packets to become verifiable, is different from the
[52], [53] use shared symmetric keys between the sender and buffering latency, which is required for the low layer
receivers to authenticate multicast streams. Though they are authentication protocol to buffer received packets.
more efficient than those using signatures, they cannot In view of the problems regarding the sender-favored
provide nonrepudiation as the signature approach, and they block-based approach, we conceive a receiver-oriented
require either time synchronization or trustful infrastruc- approach by taking into account the heterogeneity of the
tures. In this paper, we focus on the signature approach. receivers. As receiving devices have different computation
Though confidentiality is another important issue for and communication capabilities, some could be powerful
securing multicast, it can be achieved through group key desktop computers, while the others could be cheap
management [54]. In this paper, we focus on multicast handsets with limited buffers and low-end CPUs. Mixed
authentication. with various channel loss rates, this heterogeneity poses a
demand on the capability of adjusting the buffer size and
authenticating buffered packets any time when the high
layer application requires at each receiver.
Our target is to authenticate multicast streams from a sender In order to fulfill the requirement, the basic scheme
to multiple receivers. Generally, the sender is a powerful MABS-B uses an efficient cryptographic primitive called
multicast server managed by a central authority and can be batch signature [33], [34], [35], [36], [37], [38], [39], [40], [41],
trustful. The sender signs each packet with a signature and [42], [43], [44], which supports simultaneously verifying the
transmits it to multiple receivers through a multicast routing signatures of any number of packets. In particular, when a
protocol. Each receiver is a less powerful device with resource receiver collects n packets:
constraints and may be managed by a nontrustworthy
person. Each receiver needs to assure that the received pi ¼ fmi ; i g; i ¼ 1; . . . ; n;
packets are really from the sender (authenticity) and the
where mi is the data payload, i is the corresponding
sender cannot deny the signing operation (nonrepudiation)
signature, and n can be any positive integer, it can input
by verifying the corresponding signatures.
them into an algorithm
Ideally, authenticating a multicast stream can be
achieved by signing and verifying each packet. However, BatchVerifyðp1 ; p2 ; . . . ; pn Þ 2 fT rue; F alseg:
the per-packet signature design has been criticized for its
high computation cost, and therefore, most previous If the output is T rue, the receiver knows the n packets are
schemes [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], authentic, and otherwise not.
[20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], To support authenticity and efficiency, the BatchVerifyðÞ
[32] incorporate a block-based design as shown in Section 2. algorithm should satisfy the following properties:

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the same cost of single signature verification, no matter how

large the batch size is.
MABS-B uses per-packet signature instead of per-block
signature and thus eliminates the correlation among
packets. The packet independency makes MABS-B perfect
resilient to packet loss. The Internet and wireless channels
tend to be lossy due to congestion or channel instability,
where packets can be lost according to different loss
models, such as random loss or burst loss. In MABS-B,
however, no matter how many packets are lost, the already-
received packets can still be authenticated by each receiver.
This is a significant advantage over previous schemes [10],
[11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22],
[23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32]. Mean-
while, efficiency can also be achieved because a batch of
packets can be authenticated simultaneously through one
batch signature verification operation. The packet indepen-
dency also brings other benefits in terms of smaller latency
Fig. 1. Normalized time cost of Batch-BLS signature verification. and communication overhead compared with previous
schemes [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19],
1. Given a batch of packets that have been signed by [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31],
the sender, BatchVerifyðÞ outputs T rue. [32]. In particular, each receiver can verify the authenticity
2. Given a batch of packets including some unauthentic of all the received packets in its buffer whenever the high
packets, the probability that BatchVerifyðÞ outputs layer applications require, and there is no additional hash
T rue is very low. or code overhead in each packet.
3. The computation complexity of BatchVerifyðÞ is Next, we present three implementations. In addition to
comparable to that of verifying one signature and the one based on RSA [33], we propose two new batch
is increased only gradually when the batch size n signature schemes based on BLS [36] and DSA [38], which
is increased. are more efficient than batch RSA. We must point out and
The computation complexity of BatchVerifyðÞ comes will show later that MABS is independent from these
with the fact that there are some additional cost on signature algorithms. This independency brings the free-
processing multiple packets. As we will show later, those dom to optimize MABS for a particular physical system or
additional computations are mostly modular additions and platform as much as possible.
multiplications, which are much faster than modular
exponentiations required in final signature verifications. 3.1 Batch RSA Signature
Theoretically, a concern comes when the cost grows higher 3.1.1 RSA
than the final signature verification if the batch size is too RSA [33] is a very popular cryptographic algorithm in
large. However, it is not the case in reality. The merit of many security protocols. In order to use RSA, a sender
batch signature is that the batch size is chosen by each chooses two large random primes P and Q to get N ¼ P Q,
receiver, which can optimize its own batch size, so that the and then calculates two exponents e; d 2 ZZN such that
batch size will not be unmanageably large. Most important, ed ¼ 1 mod ðNÞ, where ðNÞ ¼ ðP  1ÞðQ  1Þ. The sender
we will show later that in the implementation of batch publishes ðe; NÞ as its public key and keeps d in secret as its
signature a technique called signature preaggregation can be private key. A signature of a message m can be generated as
used so that the additional processing of multiple packets is  ¼ ðhðmÞÞd mod N, where hðÞ is a collision-resistant hash
shifted from the time of final batch verification to the time function. The sender sends fm; g to a receiver that can
of each packet reception and thus the cost of final batch verify the authenticity of the message m by checking
signature verification is exactly the same as that of original
e ¼ hðmÞ mod N.
signature verification.
In order to show the merit of signature preaggregation, 3.1.2 Batch RSA
we implemented batch signature by using our Batch-BLS To accelerate the authentication of multiple signatures,
(will be discussed later) as an example. We measured the the batch verification of RSA [34], [35] can be used. Given
normalized time cost of batch signature verification with n packets fmi ; i g; i ¼ 1; . . . ; n, where mi is the data
the batch size growing from 1 to 1,000, and recorded the payload, i is the corresponding signature and n is any
results for two scenarios, with and without signature positive integer, the receiver can first calculate hi ¼ hðmi Þ
preaggregation. The result is shown in Fig. 1. We can see and then perform the following verification:
that the time cost of general batch verification (without !e
signature aggregation) is still less than that of two single Y n Yn

signature verifications when batch size grows up to about i mod N ¼ hi mod N: ð1Þ
i¼1 i¼1
270, which validates the third property of batch signature.
The other curve in Fig. 1 shows that if the signature If all n packets are truly from the sender, the equation holds
preaggregation is used, then the final batch verification has because

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n Y
The BLS signature scheme consists of three phases:
i mod N ¼ ei mod N
i¼1 i¼1
1. In the key generation phase, a sender chooses a
random integer x 2 ZZp and computes y ¼ g1 x 2 G1 .
¼ hed
i mod N ð2Þ
The private key is x and the public key is y.
Yn 2. Given a message m 2 f0; 1g in the signing phase, the
¼ hi mod N: sender first computes h ¼ hðmÞ 2 G1 , where hðÞ is a
i¼1 hash function, then computes  ¼ hx 2 G1 . The
signature of m is .
Before the batch verification, the receiver must ensure all 3. In the verification phase, the receiver first computes
the messages are distinct. Otherwise batch RSA is vulnerable h ¼ hðmÞ 2 G1 and then check whether eðh;yÞ ¼ eð;g1Þ.
to the forgery attack [35]. This is easy to implement because If the verification succeeds, then the message m is authentic
sequence numbers are widely used in many network because
protocols and can ensure all the messages are distinct. It
has been proved in [35] that when all the messages are eðh; yÞ ¼ eðh; g1 x Þ ¼ eðhx ; g1 Þ ¼ eð; g1 Þ: ð3Þ
distinct, batch RSA is resistant to signature forgery as long as One merit of the BLS signature is that it can generate
the underlying RSA algorithm is secure. a very short signature. It has been shown in [36] that an
In some circumstances, an attacker may not forge n-bit BLS signature can provide a security level equiva-
signatures but manipulate authentic packets to produce lent to solving a Discrete Log Problem (DLP) [39] over a
invalid signatures. For example, given two packets fmi ; i g finite field of size approximately 26n . Therefore, a 171-bit
and fmj ; j g for i 6¼ j, the attacker can modify them into BLS signature provides the same level of security as a
fmi ; i g and fmj ; j =g. The modified packets can still pass 1,024-bit DLP-based signature scheme such as DSA [38].
the batch verification, but the signature of each packet is not This is a very nice choice in the scenario where
correct (that is why batch RSA verification is called screening communication overhead is an important issue.
in [35]). However, the attacker can do this only when it gets
fmi ; i g and fmj ; j g, which means the message mi and mj 3.2.2 Batch BLS
have been correctly signed by the sender. Therefore, this Based on BLS, we propose our batch BLS scheme here.
attack is of no harm to the receiver [35]. Given n packets fmi ; i g; i ¼ 1; . . . ; n, the receiver can verify
the batch of BLS signatures by first computingQhi ¼ hðmi Þ;
3.1.3 Requirements to the Sender i¼ . . . ; n and then checking whether eð ni¼1 hi ; yÞ ¼
In most RSA implementations, the public key e is usually eð i¼1 i ; g1 Þ. This is because if all the messages are
small (e ¼ 3 for instance) while the private key d is large. authentic, then
Therefore, the RSA signature verification is efficient while !
the signature generation is expensive. This poses a Yn Y n
e hi ; y ¼ eðhi ; g1 x Þ
challenge to the computation capability of the sender i¼1 i¼1
because the sender needs to sign each packet. Choosing a Y
small private key d can improve the computation efficiency ¼ e hi x ; g1 ð4Þ
but compromise the security. If the sender does not have i¼1
enough resource, a pair of fe; dg with comparable sizes can Y
achieve a certain level of trade-off between computation ¼e i ; g1 :
efficiency and security at the sender part. If the sender is a i¼1

powerful server, then signing each packet can be affordable We can prove that our batch BLS is secure to signature
in this scenario. Next, we propose two efficient batch forgery as long as BLS is secure to signature forgery.
signature schemes based on BLS [36] and DSA [38], which
Theorem 1. Suppose an attacker A can break the batch BLS by
can reduce the computation complexity at the sender.
forging signatures. Then, another attacker B can break BLS
3.2 Batch BLS Signature under the chosen message attack by colluding with A.
Here, we propose a batch signature scheme based on the Proof. Suppose B is given n  1 messages and their valid
BLS signature in [36]. signatures fmi ; i g; i ¼ 1; . . . ; n  1, B can forge a signa-
ture n for any chosen message mn , such that fmn ; n g
3.2.1 BLS satisfies the BLS signature scheme, by colluding with A
The BLS signature scheme uses a cryptographic primitive in the following steps:
called pairing, which can be defined as a map over two
cyclic groups G1 and G2 , e : G1  G1 ! G2 , satisfying the 1. B sends n messages mi ; i ¼ 1; . . . ; n and n  1
following properties: signatures i ; i ¼ 1; . . . ; n  1 to A.
2. Because A can break the batch BLS scheme, A
1. Bilinear: For all u; v 2 G1 and a; b 2 ZZ, we have generates n false signatures i 0 ; i ¼ 1; . . . ; n that
eðua ; vb Þ ¼ eðu; vÞab .
Q BLS verification, then returns to B a
pass the batch
2. Nondegenerate: For the generator g1 of G1 , i.e., value V ¼ ni¼1 i 0 . Q
gp1 ¼ 1 2 G1 , where p is the order of G1 , we have 3. B computes n ¼ V = n1 i¼1 i as the signature for
eðg1 ; g1 Þ 6¼ 1 2 G2 . mn , because

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The receiver can verify the signature by first computing
e hi ; y ¼ eðV ; g1 Þ
h ¼ hðmÞ and then checking whether
! !
n Y
n 1 1

)e hi ; y ¼e i ; g1 ððgsr yhr Þ mod pÞ mod q ¼ r:

i¼1 i¼1 ð5Þ
! ! This is because if the packet is authentic, then
n1 Y
)e hi ; y eðhn ; yÞ ¼ e i ; g1 eðn ; g1 Þ 1 1

i¼1 i¼1
ððgsr yhr Þ mod pÞ mod q
) eðhn ; yÞ ¼ eðn ; g1 Þ : ¼ ððgðsþhxÞr Þ mod pÞ mod q
¼ ðgk mod pÞ mod q
¼ r:
Since BLS is forgery-secure under the chosen message
attack [36], our batch BLS scheme is also secure to forgery 3.3.2 Harn Batch DSA
under the chosen message attack.
Also like batch RSA, an attacker may not forge signatures Given n packets fmi ; ðri ; si Þg; i ¼ 1; . . . ; n, the receiver can
but manipulate authentic packets to produce invalid verify the batch of signatures by first computing hi ¼ hðmi Þ
signatures. For instance, two packets fmi ; i g and fmj ; j g and then checking whether
for i 6¼ j can be replaced with fmi ; i g and fmj ; j =g and  Pn Pn  
1 1 Y
still pass the batch verification. However, it does not affect g i¼1 si ri y i¼1 hi ri mod p mod q ¼ ri mod q : ð7Þ
the correctness and the authenticity of mi and mj because i¼1
they have been correctly signed by the sender.
This is because, if the batch of packets is authentic, then
3.2.3 Requirements to the Sender  Pn 1
Pn 1
In our batch BLS, the sender needs to sign each packet. g i¼1 si ri y i¼1 hi ri mod p mod q
Because BLS can provide a security level equivalent to  Pn 1
conventional RSA and DSA with much shorter signature ¼ g i¼1 ðsi þhi xÞri mod p mod q
[36], the signing operation is more efficient than the RSA  Pn  ð8Þ
signature generation. Moreover, BLS can be implemented ¼ g i¼1 ki mod p mod q
over elliptic curves [55], [56], which have been shown in the Y
literature to be more efficient than finite integer fields on ¼ ri mod q:
which RSA is implemented. Therefore, we can expect that i¼1
our batch BLS is more affordable by the sender than batch
RSA and also achieve computation efficiency at the receiver. 3.3.3 The Boyd-Pavlovski Attack
Boyd and Pavlovski [44] pointed out an attack against the
3.3 Batch DSA Signature Harn batch DSA scheme [43], where an attacker can forge
DSA [38] is another popular digital signature algorithm. signatures for any chosen message set that has not been
Unlike RSA, which is based on the hardness of factoring
signed by the sender. The process is:
two large primes, DSA is deemed secure based on the
difficulty of solving DLP [39]. A batch DSA signature 1. Choose B and C, calculate A ¼ ðgB yC mod pÞ mod q.
scheme was proposed in [40], but later was found insecure 2. For any message set mi , i ¼ 1; . . . ; n, randomly
[41]. Harn improved the security of [40] in [42], [43]. choose ri , i ¼ 1; . . . ; n  2.
Unfortunately, Boyd and Pavlovski pointed out in [44] that 3. Compute rn1 and rn to ensure that
Harn’s work is still vulnerable to malicious attacks. Here,
we propose a batch DSA scheme based on Harn’s work and Y
counteract the attack described in [44]. ri mod q ¼ A mod q ð9Þ
3.3.1 Harn DSA X
hi ri 1 mod q ¼ C mod q: ð10Þ
In Harn DSA [43], some system parameters are defined as: i¼1

1. p, a prime longer than 512 bits.

2. q, a 160-bit prime divisor of p  1. 4. Randomly choose si , i ¼ 1; . . . ; n  1 and compute sn
3. g, a generator of ZZp with order q, i.e., gq ¼ 1 mod p. to ensure that
4. x, the private key of the signer, 0 < x < q.
5. y, the public key of the signer, y ¼ gx mod p. si ri 1 mod q ¼ B mod q: ð11Þ
6. hðÞ, a hash function generating an output in ZZq . i¼1
Given a message m, the signer generates a signature by:
The probability that fmi ; ri ; si g, i ¼ 1; . . . ; n are forged
1. randomly selecting an integer k with 0 < k < q, messages satisfying the batch verification is 12 [44].
2. computing h ¼ hðmÞ,
3. computing r ¼ ðgk mod pÞ mod q, and 3.3.4 Our Batch DSA
4. computing s ¼ rk  hx mod q. In order to counteract the Boyd-Pavlovski attack, our batch
The signature for m is ðr; sÞ. DSA makes an improvement to the Harn DSA algorithm.

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We replace the hash operation hðmÞ in the signature

generation and verification process with hðr; mÞ. All the
other steps are the same as those in Harn’s scheme.
Though it is simple, our method can significantly
increase the security of batch DSA. In the Boyd-Pavlovski
attack, the attacker can compute ri values according to (9)
and (10) because parameters A, C, hi values are known. By
introducing ri into the hash operation, the hash values hi in
(10) are unknown to the attacker. Therefore, the attacker
cannot compute ri values and the forgery attack discussed
in [44] is defeated.
Like the cases in batch RSA and our batch BLS, the attacker
may manipulate authentic packets fmi ; ðri ; si Þg to produce
invalid signatures fmi ; ðri 0 ; si 0 Þg, which can still pass the
batch verification. The attacker can keep ri unchanged,
Fig. 2. An example of Merkle tree. Each leaf is a hash of one packet.
randomly choose si 0 , i ¼ 1; . . . ; n  1 and solve sn 0 satisfying Each internal node is the hash value on both its left and right children.
n X
si 0 ri 1 mod q ¼ si ri 1 mod q: ð12Þ 4 ENHANCED SCHEME
i¼1 i¼1
The basic scheme MABS-B targets at the packet loss
However, this attack does not affect the correctness and problem, which is inherent in the Internet and wireless
authenticity of messages because they have been really networks. It has perfect resilience to packet loss, no matter
signed by the sender [44]. Therefore, the receiver can still whether it is random loss or burst loss. In some circum-
accept them because the batch verification succeeds. stances, however, an attacker can inject forged packets into
a batch of packets to disrupt the batch signature verifica-
3.3.5 Requirements to the Sender tion, leading to DoS. A naive approach to defeat the DoS
In batch RSA and our batch BLS, the sender needs to attack is to divide the batch into multiple smaller batches
compute one modular exponentiation to sign each packet. and perform a batch verification over each smaller batch,
In our batch DSA, the sender needs to compute one and this divide-and-conquer approach can be recursively
modular exponentiation to get r and two modular multi- carried out for each smaller batch, which means more
plications to get s. However, r is independent on the signature verifications at each receiver. In the worst case,
message m. Therefore, the sender can generate many the attacker can inject forged packets at very high frequency
r values offline. When the sender starts a multicast session, and expect that each receiver stops the batch operation and
it can use reserved r values to compute s values. In this recovers the basic per-packet signature verification, which
way, only two modular multiplications are necessary to may not be viable at resource-constrained receiver devices.
In this section, we present an enhanced scheme called
sign a packet. Therefore, our batch DSA is much more
MABS-E, which combines the basic scheme MABS-B and a
efficient than batch RSA and our batch BLS at the sender,
packet filtering mechanism to tolerate packet injection. In
while also achieving computation efficiency at the receiver.
particular, the sender attaches each packet with a mark,
3.4 Preaggregation of Message Hashes and which is unique to the packet and cannot be spoofed. At
Signatures each receiver, the multicast stream is classified into disjoint
sets based on marks. Each set of packets comes from either
If we take a closer look at batch-RSA and batch-BLS, we can the real sender or the attacker. The mark design ensures that
notice that they use exactly the orignal RSA and BLS a packet from the real sender never falls into any set of
algorithms, respectively. The only difference is that the packets from the attacker, and vice versa. Next, each receiver
batch algorithms Q take theQaggregations of message hashes only needs to perform BatchVerifyðÞ over each set. If the
and signatures f ni¼1 hi ; ni¼1 i g as the parameters to the result is T rue, the set of packets is authentic. If not, the set of
original signature algorithms. This aggregation is indepen- packets is from the attacker, and the receiver simply drops
dent of the final signature verification. Therefore, each them and does not need to divide the set into smaller subsets
receiver can compute and update f ni¼1 hi ; ni¼1 i g after for further batch verification. Therefore, a strong resilience
receiving every packet. When the time of batch verification to DoS due to injected packets can be provided.
comes, each receiver needs just one signature verification. In MABS-E, Merkle tree [57] is used to generate marks.
For batch-DSA, the aggregations of message hashes and An example is illustrated in Fig. 2. The sender constructs a
P P Q binary tree for eight packets. Each leaf is a hash of one
signatures f ni¼1 si ri 1 ; ni¼1 hi ri 1 ; ni¼1 ri g are inside the
packet. Each internal node is the hash value on the
signature verification. Therefore, the cost of the aggregations
concatenation of its left and right children. For each packet,
is incurred with the final signature verification. However, if a mark is constructed as the set of the siblings of the nodes
we modify the original DSA so that it takes fsr1 ; hr1 ; rg along the path from the packet to the root. For example, the
instead of fh; s; rg as parameters, then batch-DSA can take mark of the packet P3 is fH4 ; H1;2 ; H5;8 g and the root can be
the advantage of preaggregating message hashes and recovered as H1;8 ¼ HððH1;2 ; ðHðP3 Þ; H4 ÞÞ; H5;8 Þ.
signatures, just like batch-RSA and batch-BLS. Constructing a Merkle tree is very efficient because only
Obviously, the computation cost at each receiver can be hash operations are performed. Meanwhile, the one-way
more manageable no matter how large each batch is if property of hash operation ensures that given the root of a
signature preaggregation is enforced, as shown in Fig. 1. Merkle tree it is infeasible to find a packet, which is not in

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Fig. 4. Verification rate under the burst loss model with the maximum
Fig. 3. Verification rate under the random loss model. burst length 10.

the set associated with the Merkle tree and from which underlying signature algorithm. The discussion of signature
there is a path to the root. This guarantees that forged algorithms is in Section 5.3.
packets cannot fall into the set of authentic packets.
When the sender has a set of packets for multicast, it 5.1 Resilience to Packet Loss
generates a Merkle tree for the set and attaches a mark to We use simulations to evaluate the resilience to packet
each packet. The root can be recovered based on each loss. The metric here is the verification rate, i.e., the ratio
packet and its mark. Each receiver can find whether two of the number of authenticated packets to the number of
packets belong to the same set by checking whether they received packets.
lead to the same root value. Therefore, the recovered roots We compare MABS with some well-known loss tolerant
help classify received packets into disjoint sets. Each schemes EMSS [14], augmented chain (AugChain) [18],
receiver does not need to wait for a set to include all the PiggyBack [16], tree chain (Tree) [11], and SAIDA [23].
packets under the Merkle tree, and it can batch-verify the These schemes are representatives of graph chaining, tree
set anytime. Once the set is authentic, the corresponding chaining, and erasure coding schemes and are widely used
root can be used to authenticate the rest of packets under in performance evaluation in the literature.
the same Merkle tree without batch-verifying them, which For EMSS [14], we choose the chain configuration of
saves computation overhead at each receiver. 5  11  17  24  36  39, which has the best performance
An attacker may inject small sets of forged packets or
among all the configurations of length 6 as is shown in [14].
even inject single packet that does not belong to any set. In
For AugChain [18], we choose C3;7 chain configuration. For
this case, each receiver has many small sets and each of
PiggyBack [16], we choose two class priorities. For Tree
them has only a few packets. Doing the BatchVerify
algorithm on each small set compromises efficiency. Since chain [11], we choose binary tree. For SAIDA [23], we choose
the sets from the sender can have a large number of packets, the erasure code ð256; 128Þ. For all these schemes, we choose
each receiver can choose a threshold (say t) and start batch the block size of 256 packets and simulate over 100 blocks.
verification over one set only when the set has no less than We consider the random loss and the burst loss with a
t packets. If a set has less than t packets and the root value maximum loss length of 10 packets. The verification rates
recovered from the set has not been authenticated, the under different loss rates are given in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4.
receiver simply drop the set of packets without processing We can see that the verification rates of EMSS [14],
them and thus save computation resource. For each augmented chain (AugChain) [18] and PiggyBack [16] are
receiver, the threshold t can vary according to the receiver’s decreased quickly when the loss rate is increased. The reason
computation resource. In this way, the impact of DoS due to is that graph chaining results in the correlation among
packet injection can be reduced by a factor of t. packets and this correlation is vulnerable to packet loss.
SAIDA [23] illustrates a resilience to packet loss up to a
certain threshold, because of the threshold performance of
5 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION erasure codes. Our MABS and Tree schemes [11] have perfect
In this section, we evaluate MABS performance in terms of resilience to packet loss in the sense that all the received
resilience to packet loss, efficiency, and DoS resilience. As packets can be authenticated. This is because all the packets
we discussed before, MABS does not assume any particular in MABS and Tree schemes are independent from each other.
underlying signature algorithm. This is also true for all the As we will show later, however, Tree [11] achieves this
literature multicast authentication schemes referenced in independency by incurring large overhead and latency at the
this paper. Therefore, all the discussions and evaluations of sender and each receiver and is vulnerable to DoS, while our
MABS and the literature works in Section 5.1 and Section 5.2 MABS-B has less overhead and latency and MABS-E is
are under the assumption that they are using the same resilient to DoS at the same level of overhead as Tree [11].

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within several hash operations. If we set t > 1, which is not
Notations the best choice for the lossy channel, MABS-E can tolerate up
to n  t lost packets for each set of n packets, which shows a
threshold-based loss resilience, similar to SAIDA [23].

5.2 Efficiency
We consider latency, computation, and communication
overhead for efficiency evaluation under lossy channels
and DoS channels. The notations used here are defined in
Table 1. All the evaluations are carried out over n packets.
The results are depicted in Table 2 and Table 3.

5.2.1 Comparisons over Lossy Channels

Table 2 shows the comparisons between MABS-B and well-
known loss-tolerant schemes tree chain (Tree) [11], EMSS
[14], PiggyBack [16], augmented chain (AugChain) [18], and
SAIDA [23]. We also include MABS-E and three DoS
resilient schemes PRABS [30], BAS [31], and LTT [32] in the
table just for comparisons even though they are not
designed for lossy channels.
Previous block-based schemes introduce latency either at
the sender [11], [16] or at each receiver [14], [31] or both [18],
[23], [30], [32]. The latency is inherent in the block design
due to chaining or coding. At the sender side, the
correlation among a block of packets has to be established
before the sender starts sending the packets. At each
receiver, the latency is incurred when the high layer
application waits for the buffered packets to be authenti-
cated after the correlation is recovered. This receiver side
latency is variable depending on whether the correlation
among the underline buffered packets has been recovered
or not when the high layer application needs new data, and
its maximum value is the block size. MABS-B eliminates the
One thing needs to be pointed out is that we do not correlation among packets. Each packet is independently
differentiate between MABS-B and MABS-E in Fig. 3 and sent out at the sender. At each receiver, the high layer
Fig. 4. MABS-B is perfect resilient to packet loss because of application does not need to wait because the low layer
its inherent design. While it is not designed for lossy authentication module can deliver authenticated packets at
channels, MABS-E can also achieve the perfect resilience to any time when the high layer application needs new data.
packet loss in lossy channels. In the lossy channel model, This makes MABS-B pretty suitable for realtime multimedia
where no DoS attack is assumed to present, we can set the applications. MABS-E introduces latency at the sender
threshold t ¼ 1 (refer to Section 4) for MABS-E, and thus because it includes a tree construction to counteract DoS,
each receiver can start batch-verification as long as there is at but it still preserves the merit of instantaneous authentica-
least one packet received for each set of packets constructed tion at each receiver as MABS-B.
under the same Merkle tree. Once the received packets are Both the block-based schemes and MABS require one
authenticated, the extracted root of the Merkle tree can be signature verification operation on a block or a batch of
used to authenticate the rest of packets in the same set n packets at each receiver. In addition, the schemes using

Comparisons over Lossy Channels

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Comparisons over DoS Channels

chaining also require many hashes, and the ones using Schemes in [30], [31], [32] are designed for DoS defense.
coding require multiple hashes and one or two decoding They can alleviate the impact of packet injection by a constant
operations. MABS-B is more efficient since there is no more factor to reduce the computation cost at each receiver.
hashing or decoding operations. MABS-E requires nlog2 n MABS-B is vulnerable to packet injection as schemes in
hashes, which is comparable to previous schemes using [11], [14], [16], [18], [23] since they are designed only for
hashing and coding. lossy channels. MABS-E has the same level of DoS resilience
In MABS, a trade-off for perfect resilience to packet loss as those in [30], [31], [32].
is that the sender needs to sign each packet, which incurs
more computation overhead than conventional block-based 5.3 Comparisons of Signature Schemes
schemes. Therefore, efficient signature generation is desir- We compare the computation overhead of three batch
able at the sender. Compared with RSA [33], which is signature schemes in Table 4. RSA [33] and BLS [36] require
efficient in verifying but is expensive in signing, BLS [36] one modular exponentiation at the sender and DSA [38]
and DSA [38] are pretty good candidates as we will show requires two modular multiplications when r value is
later. Moreover, in multimedia multicast, the sender is computed offline. Usually one c-bit modular exponentiation
usually a powerful server and thus the per-packet signature is equivalent to 1:5c modular multiplications over the same
generation can be affordable, and the advance of computing field [35], [44]. Moreover, a c-bit modular exponentiation in
technology makes it easier in the long run. DLP is equivalent to a 6c -bit modular exponentiation in BLS
For n packets, Tree [11] require an overhead of n signature for the same security level. Therefore, we can estimate that
and Oðnlog2 nÞ hashes, schemes in [14], [16], [18], [23], [30], the computation overhead of one 1,024-bit RSA signing
[31], [32] require one or more signatures and up to operation is roughly equivalent to that of 768 DSA signing
Oðn2 Þ hashes. MABS-B and MABS-E require n signatures operations (1,536 modular multiplications) and that of
and MABS-E requires additional Oðnlog2 nÞ hashes. If long 6 BLS signing operations (each one is corresponding to
signatures are used (like 1,024-bit RSA), MABS-B and MABS- 255 modular multiplications).
E have more communication overhead than those in [14], According to the report [60] on the computational over-
[16], [18], [23], [30], [31], [32], which is the same case as Tree head of signature schemes on PIII 1 GHz CPU, the signing
[11]. However, BLS [36] generates short signatures of 171 bits, and verification time for 1,024-bit RSA with a 1,007-bit private
which is comparable to most well-known hash algorithms key are 7.9 ms and 0.4 ms, for 157-bit BLS are 2.75 ms and
MD5 [58] (128 bits) and SHA-1 [59] (160 bits). Therefore, 81 ms, and for 1,024-bit DSA with a 160-bit private key
MABS can have the same level of communication efficiency (without precomputing r value) are 4.09 ms and 4.87 ms. We
as conventional schemes when BLS is used. can observe that for BLS and DSA the signing is efficient but
the verification is expensive, and vice versa for RSA.
5.2.2 Comparisons over DoS Channels Therefore, we can save more computation resource at the
DoS is a method for an attacker to deplete the resource of a sender by using our batch BLS and batch DSA than batch
receiver. Processing injected packets from the attacker always RSA. It is also meaningful to use our batch BLS and batch DSA
consumes a certain amount of resource. Here, we assume an at the receiver to save computation resources.
attacker factor , which means that for n valid packets We also compare the length of two popular hash algorithm
n invalid packets are injected. The computation overheads MD5 [58] and SHA-1 [59] and the signature length of three
at each receiver for different schemes are depicted in Table 3.
For schemes in [11], [14], [16], [18], which authenticate
signatures first and then authenticate packet through hash TABLE 4
chains, the attacker can inject n forged signature packets Computational Overhead of Different Batch Schemes
because signature verification is an expensive operation.
For SAIDA [23], which requires erasure decoding, the
attacker simply injects n forged packets because each
receiver has to choose a certain number of valid packets
from all the ð1 þ Þn packet to do decoding, which can have
a significant number of tries. E-modular exponentiation. M-modular multiplication. P -pairing.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS [21] D. Song, D. Zuckerman, and J.D. Tygar, “Expander Graphs for
This work was partially supported by the US National Digital Stream Authentication and Robust Overlay Networks,”
Science Foundation under grants CNS-0916391, CNS- Proc. 2002 IEEE Symp. Security and Privacy (S&P ’02), May 2002.
[22] J.M. Park, E.K.P. Chong, and H.J. Siegel, “Efficient Multicast
0716450, and CNS-0626881. The works of Fang and Zhu Packet Authentication Using Signature Amortization,” Proc. IEEE
were also partially supported by the 111 Project under Symp. Security and Privacy (SP ’02), pp. 227-240, May 2002.
Grant B08038. The work of Zhu was also partially [23] J.M. Park, E.K.P. Chong, and H.J. Siegel, “Efficient Multicast
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of Stream Authentication Using Erasure Codes,” ACM Trans.
China under grant 60772136 and supported by the Funda- Information and System Security, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 258-285, May 2003.
[24] A. Pannetrat and R. Molva, “Authenticating Real Time Packet
mental Research Funds for the Central Universities. Streams and Multicasts,” Proc. Seventh IEEE Int’l Symp. Computers
and Comm. (ISCC ’02), pp. 490-495, July 2002.
[25] A. Pannetrat and R. Molva, “Efficient Multicast Packet Authenti-
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[31] C.A. Gunter, S. Khanna, K. Tan, and S. Venkatesh, “DoS [57] R. Merkle, “Protocols for Public Key Cryptosystems,” Proc. IEEE
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vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 120-126, Feb. 1978.
[34] L. Harn, “Batch Verifying Multiple RSA Digital Signatures,” IEE Yun Zhou received the BE degree in electronic
Electronic Letters, vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 1219-1220, June 1998. information engineering and the ME degree in
[35] M. Bellare, J.A. Garay, and T. Rabin, “Fast Batch Verification for communication and information system from the
Modular Exponentiation and Digital Signatures,” Proc. Advances in Department of Electronic Engineering and In-
Cryptology (EUROCRYPT ’98), pp. 236-250, May 1998. formation Science, University of Science and
[36] D. Boneh, B. Lynn, and H. Shacham, “Short Signatures from the Technology, Hefei, China, in 2000 and 2003,
Weil Pairing,” Proc. Seventh Int’l Conf. Theory and Application of respectively, and the PhD degree from the
Cryptology and Information Security Advances in Cryptology Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
(ASIACRYPT ’01), pp. 514-532, Dec. 2001. neering, University of Florida, Gainesville, in
[37] S. Cui, P. Duan, and C.W. Chan, “An Efficient Identity-Based 2007. He is currently with Microsoft Corporation.
Signature Scheme with Batch Verifications,” Proc. First Int’l Conf. His research interests include security, cryptography, wireless commu-
Scalable Information Systems, 2006. nications and networking, signal processing, and operating systems.
[38] FIPS PUB 186, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), May 1994.
[39] T. ElGamal, “A Public Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Xiaoyan Zhu received the BE, ME, and PhD
Based on Discrete Logarithms,” IEEE Trans. Information Theory, degrees from the School of Telecommunications
vol. IT-31, no. 4, pp. 469-472, July 1985. Engineering at Xidian University, Xi’an, China, in
2000, 2004, and 2009, respectively. She is now
[40] D. Naccache, D. M’Raihi, S. Vaudenay, and D. Raphaeli, “Can
a visiting research scholar in the Department of
D.S.A. be Improved? Complexity Trade Offs with the Digital
Electrical and Computer Engineering at the
Signature Standard,” Proc. Workshop Theory and Application of
University Florida, Gainesville, on leave from
Cryptographic Techniques Advances in Cryptology (EUROCRYPT ’94),
the School of Telecommunications Engineering,
pp. 77-85, May 1995.
Xidian University, Xi’an, China, where she is a
[41] C.H. Lim and P.J. Lee, “Security of Interactive DSA Batch
lecturer. Her research interests include wireless
Verification,” IEE Electronic Letters, vol. 30, no. 19, pp. 1592-1593,
networks, network security, and network coding.
Sept. 1994.
[42] L. Harn, “DSA-Type Secure Interactive Batch Verification Proto-
cols,” IEE Electronic Letters, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 257-258, Feb. 1995. Yuguang Fang received the PhD degree in
[43] L. Harn, “Batch Verifying Multiple DSA-Type Digital Signatures,” systems engineering from Case Western Re-
IEE Electronic Letters, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 870-871, Apr. 1998. serve University in 1994 and the PhD degree in
[44] C. Boyd and C. Pavlovski, “Attacking and Repairing Batch electrical engineering from Boston University in
Verification Schemes,” Proc. Sixth Int’l Conf. Theory and Application 1997. He was an assistant professor in the
of Cryptology and Information Security Advances in Cryptology Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer-
(ASIANCRYPT ’00), pp. 58-71, Dec. 2000. ing at the New Jersey Institute of Technology from
[45] Y. Desmedt, Y. Frankel, and M. Yung, “Multi-Receiver/Multi- 1998 to 2000. He then joined the Department of
Sender Network Security: Efficient Authenticated Multicast/ Electrical and Computer Engineering at Univer-
Feedback,” Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, vol. 3, pp. 2045-2054, May 1992. sity of Florida in 2000 as an assistant professor,
[46] R. Canetti, J. Garay, G. Itkis, D. Micciancio, M. Naor, and B. got an early promotion to an associate professor with tenure in 2003, and
Pinkas, “Multicast Security: A Taxonomy and Some Efficient to a full professor in 2005. He holds a University of Florida Research
Constructions,” Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, vol. 2, pp. 708-716, Mar. Foundation (UFRF) Professorship from 2006 to 2009, a Changjiang
1999. scholar chair professorship with Xidian University, Xi’an, China, from 2008
[47] L. Lamport, “Password Authentication with Insecure Commu- to 2011, and a guest chair professorship with Tsinghua University, China,
nication,” Comm. ACM, vol. 24, no. 11, pp. 770-772, Nov. 1981. from 2009 to 2012. He has published more than 250 papers in refereed
professional journals and conferences. He received the US National
[48] N.M. Haller, “The S/Key One-Time Password System,” Proc.
Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Award in 2001 and the US
ISOC Symp. Network and Distributed Security, Feb. 1994.
Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award in 2002, and is the
[49] F. Bergadano, D. Cavagnino, and B. Crispo, “Individual Single-
recipient of the Best Paper Award from the IEEE International Conference
Source Authentication on The Mbone,” Proc. IEEE Int’l Conf.
on Network Protocols (ICNP) in 2006 and the IEEE TCGN Best Paper
Multimedia and Expo (ICME ’00), vol. 1, pp. 541-544, July 2000. Award from the IEEE High-Speed Networks Symposium, IEEE GLOBE-
[50] A. Perrig, R. Canetti, D. Song, and J. Tygar, “Efficient and Secure COM, in 2002. He is also active in professional activities. He is currently
Source Authentication for Multicast,” Proc. Network and Distributed serving as the editor-in-chief for IEEE Wireless Communications and
System Security Symp. (NDSS ’01), 2001. serves/served on several editorial boards of technical journals including
[51] A. Perrig, “The BiBa One-Time Signature and Broadcast Authen- the IEEE Transactions on Communications, the IEEE Transactions on
tication Protocol,” Proc. Eighth ACM Conf. Computer and Comm. Wireless Communications, IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine,
Security (CCS ’01), pp. 28-37, Nov. 2001. and ACM Wireless Networks. He was an editor for the IEEE Transactions
[52] Q. Li and W. Trappe, “Reducing Delay and Enhancing DoS on Mobile Computing and currently serves on its steering committee. He
Resistance in Multicast Authentication through Multigrade has been actively participating in professional conference organizations
Security,” IEEE Trans. Info. Forensics and Security, vol. 1, no. 2, such as serving as the steering committee cochair for QShine (2004-
pp. 190-204, June 2006. 2008), the technical program vice-chair for IEEE INFOCOM 2005, a
[53] S. Xu and R. Sandhu, “Authenticated Multicast Immune to Denial- technical program symposium cochair for IEEE GLOBECOM 2004, an
of-Service Attack,” Proc. ACM Symp. Applied Computing (SAC ’02), area technical program committee chair for IEEE INFOCOM (2009-2010),
2002. and a member of the technical program committee for IEEE INFOCOM
[54] S. Rafaeli and D. Hutchison, “A Survey of Key Management for (1998, 2000, 2003-2008) and ACM MobiHoc (2008-2009). He is a fellow of
Secure Group Communication,” ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 35, the IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society and a member of the ACM.
no. 3, pp. 309-329, Sept. 2003.
[55] N. Koblitz, “Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems,” Math. Computation,
vol. 48, pp. 203-209, 1987.
[56] V. Miller, “Uses of Elliptic Curves in Cryptography,” Proc. Int’l
Cryptology Conf. (CRYPTO ’85), pp. 417-426, 1986.

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