Admission: Duet Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology Department: Mechanical, Cse
Admission: Duet Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology Department: Mechanical, Cse
Admission: Duet Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology Department: Mechanical, Cse
Dhaka University of
Engineering & Technology
Question 2017
Department: Mechanical,
" Admission Tech
WM «41' fii � • ��l'IR1 q1fl,. 2. (a)Writc down tho namo and chemical formwao 0
-'11\'ifl I �0).,\0)C\ \\ three Fr�oo pse!? � ftlJ;l 'lnoti � • 11\tff,... c)
"•Ph 01•ifil•lfll �lllfn '"'- �-�II 'IRG'I '4\S (06)
(l)�Cllt"4T�CJPTt"4tfi!N;r [CC[iF1 (R-12)]
(ii)�c,rm._� [C1,fl2F4 (R - 134))
(iii)�(lltll�c,ttllT� [CCl3F (R-11)]
2. (b} How many grams of HCI solution are needed
)�O 10 co,npletely ncutraliu15 sm of Na,z C03 , ()�
)(11111 )� .itf'l1 Na,zC03 r� � 'lP'M «r� � w � f-(CI
-4" cr:1"1Clli olt ,tTt "1111�,l (OS)
'{8l <1JlUIJl1 � � I �l'ftl! � � �C-i �l:l� � = 10.33 9m (Ans.)
3. Filling in lhc blanks: [,:U�!4' ��:] (10)
Chemi. tn• (PITTR} (a) Ao 3lloy is a homogeneous mixture of........ ..
[�� �� � <trft� � �]
I. Complete the fotlo,ving reactions. [� ��
(b) 1ne oxidation number of Mo in Mno]- ion is
O{'!t 'f"'a<R) (09)
(i) 2-Butene is treated ,.,;th 07.onc [�-�-i .!l7J � (MnO;- l.!l � �'{JT� +6 1)
()<\o°C �m �ff fTlV H2SO,. ,a7J � RJFDI ���) (c) The p0u and pH of 0.1 M aqueous HCI will be
H2 S04
Ans: CH3 CH2 0H --- CH2 = CH2 + H20
(iii) H2 S gas passed through Ferric chloride solution.
� (§Ill� �'lt<l �1C'3!-l "Wm� IUT'l 61'1-il � 1)
Ans: 2PeCl3 + H2 S = 2FeCl2 + 2HCI + S
f Admission Tech
f Admission Tech
;;.;;;� ir -----, ,... - -
V• 1 1 • ·
4. tho correct aoswer of tho following: 4. � Vac torllfilr ,ffl •• "'' 1\IITWf
(10) 0 -.:t"f... .... . �(115(1"' 1114tacffiil�I
ro tates in a circular orbit
(i) An alpha puticlo ls-('1iji\C,I '"'�-) 6. If Bangabondhu Satellite
th a speed of 7.8 tcms-1,
(a) Ao clccixoo of radi� 6400 km wi
determioe the height of the orb and time for one
(b) Two p(O!oos 3nd two neutrons
(c) Ooc elecuoo and one pro1ron complete revolutioo. [� <llt<l1 Olt't:11\� 6400 Ian
<Jt'IK« �t•HI tft'lt 7.8 kms· "11t«t'ff '\t'.�fl '!NI
(d) An X-ray emission
Am: (b) Two protoM 4Dd two ocucron.s b'6l -o '""ii" � 'l'Mll '11(1141'1 f.t,lfw � 1] (08)
Sol": Given Data,
(ii) The atoms which have lhe same mass number but
R = 6400 X 103 m
different atomic number called·(« ollc11TI115'l"l\101
V = 7.8 X'103 ms- 1
>illA fq 'Ill�. "l\'<JT�l51t<J �-]
/ g = 9.81 ms-2
(a) Isobar (b) Isotoncs /: h =?
(c) Isotopes (d) Isomers ....,
T =?
Ans: (a) Isobar
(iii) The disappearance of the purple colour of We K.oow, v =�
K.MnO, iJl its reaction ,vith alkene is kno,vn as- r-----
r��f.wle¥ ��-
_ 7.8 X 10
3 __
� � i<iJfi!IU
� K.MnO, oJ!lI ��
(1�1 G't �
l'l'l't -
, 6400x1o>+h
\ :) h = 2.045 x 10 m (Ans.)
(iv) MSJSh gas mainly contains- ['llFf 11JT'f�-] = 5320.166 sec (Ans. )
(a} Cfu = Cfu (b) Cl-L 7. Three resistors of resis1ance 30, 40, and 50 are
(c) fuS (d) CHCh connected in parallel \vitb the terminals of a cell. rf
Ans: (b)Cfu the electromotive force oftbe ceU is 1. 5 y and the
(v) The Compouod.s which contain both ionic and internal resistance is 0. 50 then find the potential
covalent bond are- (tlf � �oo <sitof.l<i '<l '!14C<II� m difference across each resistor. (30, 40, � 50,
rnM f?s-1� � l!l� C<:llC<lll ,fjT4�C!ll! '11N >t�Rl�&.t<l
� � I C<51C1l'll � 61'1<, � 1.5 V �� l'l'&J'fSl'!-1 mt
(a) CHCIJ and CCu (b) KCI and AICb
(c) KCN and NaOH (d) H.2 and Cl-L o. sn W'! �re1-1 � Ma<i � m � 1) (08)
Ans: (c) KCN and NaOH Sol":
Rr (3 11 4 11 S) + 0.5 = 1.776 n.
I Physics (�f«IH} I E
r = ii;: 1.S= .
= i.776
O 844 Amp
5. Write down the physical meaning of divergence = =
V Ir x r 0.844 x 0.5 = 0.422 volt
(div.ii} for a fluid. (� '3i1t'fll C1l>(jJf \S�liltm>iflf = = =
·: Vi V2 V3 1.5 - 0.422
(div.ii)• lfif �1'1'� 1] (08) = 1.078 volt (Ans.)
Ans: \S�Bl"31C'li1 .. �� �l 8. A simple pendulum ticks in every 4/5 second. Find
I. �olilcGM cl� C'$lllil ilffef 1
_ _
its length . [� � Clil.,4 4/5 C>lt41:'5 <!l�lll � 011 I
2. V . V mT � -- ll·R�il ,,,;A,...
..,..- =n.=
:l'f14?:!l �<11� �<IG� � 1 �� � "fl i) (08)
3. tffe Vector A '<18 ell'"'°"' A - 8- 8- · A� a·
Sol" : 1ven data, T 2 s.. s- sec
= x - =
'--- �-
tq-v. j7 * ii. V � Admission l ech
B 9.81 ms -2, L =?
f Admission Tech
, .. 8).] (08)
�l=--K. 41fl Sol•: Here. A -8 = {1,4}
8-A = {6,7)
A u 8 = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
= 0.636m (Ans.)
A n 8 = {2,3,S}
9. Tick(../) the correct answer of the follo,ving: [�toil L. H. S = (A-8) u (8 - A)
"�•�&,� (-1)"1'�:l (08) = {1.4} U (6,7}
(i) Which one is the magnitude of unit vector ij along = {1,4,6,7)
P x Q 1 {P x Q �l!Ril ��ii �'ll 11r, �l"llt'?] R.H.S =(AU B) - (An B)
=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7} - (2,3,S}
(a)l:x�I (b) ��
I = (1,4,6,7}
;; X
(C)11 xQj
(P xQ(
:.L.H.S= R.H.S(Sbowed)
('t<mla"lll� '"l>illf Clf� IIJ.!Hi "OillR6'q• '11\ft4 �'lilS � 1) 8b2 = 0 �<:Sllt1!1 ��>!Ill·<����.
(a) Neel Temperature ac(x + 1)2 - 4b 2x = 0 •!lt1it 1iJf � >lllH
(b) Curie �I) (08)
(c) Standadrd Temperature fN.B: 1l'l � x2 ��a� 1 "l'fit�a �'6!1(C'f
(d) Kelvin Temperature ���".IT)
Ans: (b) Curie Temperature 2 = 0 �lfft'!!I ��1114
N.8 : >it� t1f ISMlll.zilll C<l'lttta"lq,;s if'1� "13Rlltt'lq• .,.,IC� Sol": a 2 2
x + 6abx + ac + 8b
"1�'115'" '6ft4 � '"11flt(f Curie Temperature � 1 D 1 = (6ab) 2
- 4a (ac + 8b ) = O
2 2
Ans: The pl3n!S being \\,l.te� in the garden .al� o:O. ,tTir )qlt' �
b)• the swencr. ��I
(v) £nslish i$ spokm :ill o,cr lhc ,,·ortd
Aru: People spc:.k Engli.,h 3ll over the \\'Orie l
�: P!Tl::t, �:-i, �XI W�
17. TrMSlote lhc follo,ving scntcccts i.nto
��t!t$1-i:;m� ���, ����m;
Eoglish/Bengali. ( I 0)
m �,;(Q5 �� I �lJ:i;=it•1R� �"100 C1tlf -R\6 �
(i) •..,�ti:,::,.l'l't:t
-:1o �··t;s �t� � AA�.31 ?? � � � I �t'ml � � ,-<l�tvl �� t{bt(
�I ��I
Ans: Self rcli� means relia.oce on one's ov.'ll
Ch.emistry (11111!1:Q
(ii) til«ct� � l:il1 ::.i� � � �
I. Tick (../) the correct noswer in the follo\viog: (�
� � (../) lii(l:] ( I0)
Ans: The Robotix team of DUET bas \\'On
national aod international awards. (i) \Vhich one of the follo\ving is oot a strong bond?
(iii) !il�6;':t-11 �>,,,\IQ , "� m-1 � ,;ir I (a) Vaoder \vaUs bond (b) Covaleot bond
(c) Metallic bond (d) Ionic bond
Ans: said to the driver. "Don't drive so fast"
Ans: (a) Vander walls bond
(iv) The clouds rolled a,vny.
Ans: tm�wn, (ii) The gas used io the manufacrure of v(ll)aSpnli
(v)Thc roao is off his head. from vegetable oil is- �� � � �'<�
Ans: c•11�turiirn •m11-11 �� �ll!j\'S '1Wl]·
(a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen
(c) Niuogeu (d) Carbon dioxide
Ans: (a) H}1d.rogen
(iii) The Smallest p:in ofao element tb3t cannot exist
as a free state is- [cQ'lc<'\·1 '{.5Zll �'If!� '::li��ll '::lill�-<
<$\l� �-=n]-
(a) Ion (b) Charge
(c) Atom (d) Molecule
Ans: (c) Atom
f Admission Tech