Admission: Duet Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology Department: Mechanical, Cse

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The key takeaways from the passage are that quadratic equations can be solved by factorizing and using the quadratic formula, and the different types of bonds are ionic, covalent and metallic bonds.

The key steps to solve a quadratic equation are: 1) Write the equation in standard form ax^2 + bx + c = 0. 2) Factorize the equation if possible. 3) Use the quadratic formula x = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac))/2a if it cannot be factorized.

The different types of bonds are: 1) Ionic bonds which are formed between metal and non-metal due to transfer of electrons. 2) Covalent bonds which are formed by sharing of electrons between non-metals. 3) Metallic bonds which are formed by sea of electrons between positive metal ions.

,J,t � Admission Tech

Dhaka University of
Engineering & Technology

Question 2017

Department: Mechanical,
" Admission Tech

WM «41' fii � • ��l'IR1 q1fl,. 2. (a)Writc down tho namo and chemical formwao 0
-'11\'ifl I �0).,\0)C\ \\ three Fr�oo pse!? � ftlJ;l 'lnoti � • 11\tff,... c)
"•Ph 01•ifil•lfll �lllfn '"'- �-�II 'IRG'I '4\S (06)
(l)�Cllt"4T�CJPTt"4tfi!N;r [CC[iF1 (R-12)]
(ii)�c,rm._� [C1,fl2F4 (R - 134))
(iii)�(lltll�c,ttllT� [CCl3F (R-11)]
2. (b} How many grams of HCI solution are needed
)�O 10 co,npletely ncutraliu15 sm of Na,z C03 , ()�
)(11111 )� .itf'l1 Na,zC03 r� � 'lP'M «r� � w � f-(CI
-4" cr:1"1Clli olt ,tTt "1111�,l (OS)

Sol•: Na 1.C03 + 2HCl -• 2Nacl + H2 C03

106 2 x 36.S
f«u: 'll>IIC;:i, <1'11�Wt�, fff't� ,a "-o1lf
106 9n1 Na,_C03 � �rfw� 73 9m HCI
11'.t<:51¥� 'IIRISR '!lt"f �� <:iiR( I � � � �Tll"ffil
• • • _ 73X1S ,.
ffl �I(�� I �C!llef1c�R� ��� <'1t't � � .', 15 9m ,.

'{8l <1JlUIJl1 � � I �l'ftl! � � �C-i �l:l� � = 10.33 9m (Ans.)
3. Filling in lhc blanks: [,:U�!4' ��:] (10)
Chemi. tn• (PITTR} (a) Ao 3lloy is a homogeneous mixture of........ ..
[�� �� � <trft� � �]
I. Complete the fotlo,ving reactions. [� ��
(b) 1ne oxidation number of Mo in Mno]- ion is
O{'!t 'f"'a<R) (09)
(i) 2-Butene is treated ,.,;th 07.onc [�-�-i .!l7J � (MnO;- l.!l � �'{JT� +6 1)

"<J<QA��ill�) (c) lnc n1inimum an_1ount of energy required to start

a chcn1ical reaction is called Activation energy
Ans: CH9 CH = CHCH3 + 03 -+
I� �OR!r l:ri!' �ll� � 'l'IJ\?i17 � �cmq-1 � '6lt<1<
CH3 - CH - 0 - CH - CH3 -, >
Zn.H1 0
'lf'...c-lI�� <It'll)
I I (d) Nom1:ility of a solution is the number ___
of solute per liter of the solution.
2CH3 - CHO + ZnO
�,:fJITTI' �5llt"f,t �11 lfi1� 'W'I IJ
(ii) Ethanol is treated ,vith cone. H2 S04 at l 70 C °

()<\o°C �m �ff fTlV H2SO,. ,a7J � RJFDI ���) (c) The p0u and pH of 0.1 M aqueous HCI will be
H2 S04
Ans: CH3 CH2 0H --- CH2 = CH2 + H20
(iii) H2 S gas passed through Ferric chloride solution.
� (§Ill� �'lt<l �1C'3!-l "Wm� IUT'l 61'1-il � 1)
Ans: 2PeCl3 + H2 S = 2FeCl2 + 2HCI + S

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f Admission Tech

;;.;;;� ir -----, ,... - -
V• 1 1 • ·
4. tho correct aoswer of tho following: 4. � Vac torllfilr ,ffl •• "'' 1\IITWf
(10) 0 -.:t"f... .... . �(115(1"' 1114tacffiil�I
ro tates in a circular orbit
(i) An alpha puticlo ls-('1iji\C,I '"'�-) 6. If Bangabondhu Satellite
th a speed of 7.8 tcms-1,
(a) Ao clccixoo of radi� 6400 km wi
determioe the height of the orb and time for one
(b) Two p(O!oos 3nd two neutrons
(c) Ooc elecuoo and one pro1ron complete revolutioo. [� <llt<l1 Olt't:11\� 6400 Ian
<Jt'IK« �t•HI tft'lt 7.8 kms· "11t«t'ff '\t'.�fl '!NI
(d) An X-ray emission
Am: (b) Two protoM 4Dd two ocucron.s b'6l -o '""ii" � 'l'Mll '11(1141'1 f.t,lfw � 1] (08)
Sol": Given Data,
(ii) The atoms which have lhe same mass number but
R = 6400 X 103 m
different atomic number called·(« ollc11TI115'l"l\101
V = 7.8 X'103 ms- 1
>illA fq 'Ill�. "l\'<JT�l51t<J �-]
/ g = 9.81 ms-2
(a) Isobar (b) Isotoncs /: h =?
(c) Isotopes (d) Isomers ....,
T =?
Ans: (a) Isobar
(iii) The disappearance of the purple colour of We K.oow, v =�
K.MnO, iJl its reaction ,vith alkene is kno,vn as- r-----
r��f.wle¥ ��-
_ 7.8 X 10
3 __
� � i<iJfi!IU
� K.MnO, oJ!lI ��
(1�1 G't �
l'l'l't -
, 6400x1o>+h
\ :) h = 2.045 x 10 m (Ans.)

(a) Markovnilcov test (b) Grignatd test . T

A gam, = 2n(R+h)
(c} Baeyer test (d} Wurtz test
= 2n(640ox10'+2.o•sx1o ) s

A.os: (c) Baeyer tesl 7.8x101

(iv) MSJSh gas mainly contains- ['llFf 11JT'f�-] = 5320.166 sec (Ans. )
(a} Cfu = Cfu (b) Cl-L 7. Three resistors of resis1ance 30, 40, and 50 are
(c) fuS (d) CHCh connected in parallel \vitb the terminals of a cell. rf
Ans: (b)Cfu the electromotive force oftbe ceU is 1. 5 y and the
(v) The Compouod.s which contain both ionic and internal resistance is 0. 50 then find the potential
covalent bond are- (tlf � �oo <sitof.l<i '<l '!14C<II� m difference across each resistor. (30, 40, � 50,
rnM f?s-1� � l!l� C<:llC<lll ,fjT4�C!ll! '11N >t�Rl�&.t<l
� � I C<51C1l'll � 61'1<, � 1.5 V �� l'l'&J'fSl'!-1 mt
(a) CHCIJ and CCu (b) KCI and AICb
(c) KCN and NaOH (d) H.2 and Cl-L o. sn W'! �re1-1 � Ma<i � m � 1) (08)
Ans: (c) KCN and NaOH Sol":
Rr (3 11 4 11 S) + 0.5 = 1.776 n.
I Physics (�f«IH} I E
r = ii;: 1.S= .
= i.776
O 844 Amp
5. Write down the physical meaning of divergence = =
V Ir x r 0.844 x 0.5 = 0.422 volt
(div.ii} for a fluid. (� '3i1t'fll C1l>(jJf \S�liltm>iflf = = =
·: Vi V2 V3 1.5 - 0.422
(div.ii)• lfif �1'1'� 1] (08) = 1.078 volt (Ans.)
Ans: \S�Bl"31C'li1 .. �� �l 8. A simple pendulum ticks in every 4/5 second. Find
I. �olilcGM cl� C'$lllil ilffef 1
_ _
its length . [� � Clil.,4 4/5 C>lt41:'5 <!l�lll � 011 I
2. V . V mT � -- ll·R�il ,,,;A,...
..,..- =n.=
:l'f14?:!l �<11� �<IG� � 1 �� � "fl i) (08)
3. tffe Vector A '<18 ell'"'°"' A - 8- 8- · A� a·
Sol" : 1ven data, T 2 s.. s- sec
= x - =

'--- �-
tq-v. j7 * ii. V � Admission l ech
B 9.81 ms -2, L =?
f Admission Tech

Webaow. 10. If A• {l, 2, 3, 4, S} and B • {2, 3 S, 617} 1beo

T= 2,rl �� � �-B)u�-A)=�um-�n
8). �A= {l, 2, 3, 4, S} dm. B = (2, 3 S, 6,7} 1J
,::) 'fl = •.,, "l(t'I � C1r (A - B) U (8 - A) :: (A U 8) - (A n

, .. 8).] (08)
�l=--K. 41fl Sol•: Here. A -8 = {1,4}
8-A = {6,7)
A u 8 = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
= 0.636m (Ans.)
A n 8 = {2,3,S}
9. Tick(../) the correct answer of the follo,ving: [�toil L. H. S = (A-8) u (8 - A)
"�•�&,� (-1)"1'�:l (08) = {1.4} U (6,7}
(i) Which one is the magnitude of unit vector ij along = {1,4,6,7)
P x Q 1 {P x Q �l!Ril ��ii �'ll 11r, �l"llt'?] R.H.S =(AU B) - (An B)
=(1,2,3,4,5,6,7} - (2,3,S}
(a)l:x�I (b) ��
I = (1,4,6,7}
;; X
(C)11 xQj
(P xQ(
:.L.H.S= R.H.S(Sbowed)

PxQ 11. If the roots of lhe equation a2x 2 + 6abx +

Ans: (c) _ "'
1 ac + 8b2 = 0 are equal then show that the roots of
(ii) The temperarure at ,vhich a ferromagnetic the equation ac (x + 1) 2
- 4b2
substance becomes paramagnetic substance is: \'lill also be equal.[� a x + 6abx + ac +
2 2

('t<mla"lll� '"l>illf Clf� IIJ.!Hi "OillR6'q• '11\ft4 �'lilS � 1) 8b2 = 0 �<:Sllt1!1 ��>!Ill·<����.
(a) Neel Temperature ac(x + 1)2 - 4b 2x = 0 •!lt1it 1iJf � >lllH
(b) Curie �I) (08)
(c) Standadrd Temperature fN.B: 1l'l � x2 ��a� 1 "l'fit�a �'6!1(C'f
(d) Kelvin Temperature ���".IT)
Ans: (b) Curie Temperature 2 = 0 �lfft'!!I ��1114
N.8 : >it� t1f ISMlll.zilll C<l'lttta"lq,;s if'1� "13Rlltt'lq• .,.,IC� Sol": a 2 2
x + 6abx + ac + 8b
"1�'115'" '6ft4 � '"11flt(f Curie Temperature � 1 D 1 = (6ab) 2
- 4a (ac + 8b ) = O
2 2

� 36a2b2 - 4a2 (ac + 8b2 ) = O

(iii) When ice is heated from 0°C to l0°C, then the � 9b 2 - (ac + 8b2) = 0
volume ofwater : [ffl lllll1t� 0°C NC<:S l 0°C, \31"f'l1f.l11!1 � b2 -ac = 0
� �ltll' �� <:il!l\6il:) Again,
(a) Reduces (b) Increases ac(x + 1) 2 = 4b2x
(c) Become same � ac(x2 + 2x + 1) = 4b2x
(d) Reduce first then increases � acx2 + 2(ac - 2b2)x + ac = 0
Ans: (a) Reduces A-6t!I<" D2 = {2(ac - 2b2)}2 - 4ac. ac

(iv) What is the SI unit of luminous flux? (cq,t.,ft- SI = {2(ac - 2b2

)} 2
- 4a 2c2

..,,�t\6�lt'ltll ,,c�ll �<RI?J = 4a2c 2 - 4a2c2

(a) Lumen (b) Lux =O
(c) Phot (d) None :. � >l��m 1{_'1•Hl >111111 (Showed)
Ans: (a) Lumen

' f Admission ·..ech

:-, Admission Tech

12. Find� Cancsian cqulioo of rl a a2 cos29 (ii) A = ((:r,y): 3x + 4)' = 14), 8 •

IDd 1(1�8)• 2t,a • o� cos 2 o � f(I •cos9 ) ((x,y): x + y • 4) then what is A n B? (� A •
a 2 -a wA, Jil¥...W A'ff � 1) (08) ((x.y ): 3x + 4y:: 14), B = ((x, y): x + Y = 4} 'O
Sol-: Oivc:D Om. ,, ,.. a1 cos l 9 Wt((i'j A n B nt)
� r• = a>,1 cos20 (•)(2, 2} {b) {I, 3)
n r• = a2 r1(cos 10 - stnio) (c)(O, 4) (d) {3, I)
� r' = a>(, :,os:o - r) s(11lO) Ans: (a){2, 2}
:. (x2 + yl): IC' o:(x 1 - y2) • r> 2ircu [J' :tird.K ·""'
(iii) \Vhat lS the value of J 1 i+xJ ? 1 i+x, "'" 'llR
��, +P�I alW:f , (Aoi.)

Aa•iD. r(l + cos6) � 2 (a) In 2 (b) In e
� r+ rcos8 2 (c) In 5 (d) In S
:O Jx"i + )'1 + X = 2 Aru: �) lnS
� Jx: + yi : 2-X (i ,�Vbnt is the period of tan x? [tan x-6 'llrtli41'1'
= 4 - 4.x + x·.
' '
x· + y·
= )'' = ,i-4x ;
(n) 0 (b)n
� y? = -.).(x - 1) (c) 2rr (d) 90°
I� f-'t<fe: -.�, ,,,_14,t (An.. ) Ans: (b) rr
13. Buildins bricks m closet} sm.:kcd m -1 pile of36
1 loog. 12 ft wide IUld 7 Ji beighL If the bricks are 9 Ene,lish�
inch by 4 inch by 2 inch respectivtfy thtn bo,v roa.oy
bricks arc in the pile?� It�� 36ft. � 12/1. 1S. (a) Fill in the blanks ,vith appropriate
��'31 7ft � .;?t, & � A:t. � �� �� �1JRl7 9 preposition: (05)
inch, 4 inch.�� 1 �. ��" � � 'Sft'(JT �,] (i) He advised us co desist fi9.m that attempt
(08) (ii) You must cut 22,vn your expeoditure.
Sot•: 4M 1$.JC\5-i, V = x� � (iii)Shehjad \Vas engrossed m his studies.
= 36 X 12 X 7 = 3024 fc 3 (iv) The water supply at last gave Q.lll.
� �lfRA. V = t;;,;f x� �sci (v) I resigned mysclfl>efore/ to fate.
ii 1
= X � X = 0.041667 ft 3 15. (b) \Vricc meaningful sentences ,vith the i
follo,ving idioms and phrases. (05) �
� � � : r."t Tn>I
= 302,4
�� 0041667 (i) Bottom line: - >;>�i'\ " \�""
= 72576 r.-(A.os.) Aos: The bottom line is that there is not enough time.
14. Tick (./) the correct answer in the follo,vings: (ii) Chase your tail: - �< � f:> "�v
Ans: l have been chasing my ta.ii all day but haven't
(>1� � � ../ �(J:) ) (08)
got anything.
(i) The sum of I.he two roocs of a quadratic equation (iii) Dead \vood: � l 1.< (->1 I
is S a.od cbeir product is 6 which one oflhe follo\viog Ans: Many universities are full of dead ,voo<l.
could be the equation? {�Ii: >t�"1ltcnt � � (iv) Over heads and ears:
cq1>1,s.., s � 01t11ll � 6 wr, "*tbll clf'F!� ��ll<f1J Aos: My friend is over head and ears in debt.
(a) x2 - Sx - 6 = 0 (b) x2 - 6x + 5 = 0 (v) Black and ,vhite:
(c)x 2 -S x+6=0 (d)x3+5x-6=0 A.os: We have all the terms in black and white.
Ans: (c)x2 - Sx + 6 = 0
f Admission T h
f Admission Tech
16. Oengc die voice ofchc follo,vin3 scotcnctS. ( I 0} Gl{-1 �� X3 .�Ji'lii. ,,,.,.
(I) It w
to be dooc by me. � f:'f.WJ : �O)��O)C\ .(
Alu: I bavc co do it. �. �\f�v,>�tf.\of.h � �ldilCM
(ia) let not tht poor be lool:cd down upoo �� <tm�"R ��1:fh
AIU: Oon'c look doYtn the poor.
(iii) � the 1cacb� \\etc simplifying the
tcchniw ,oc.abulll')' in lb: peer tc.1chin�
Alu: The tc�b�� vocabullt)' ,v35 being
simplified b} both the Cele.he� in the peer
ccacruns se$Sion.
(iv) The g.vdcncr is ,,-atcring the pla.ntS in the :)�O
garden. ')fli'g: 0) �

Ans: The pl3n!S being \\,l.te� in the garden .al� o:O. ,tTir )qlt' �
b)• the swencr. ��I
(v) £nslish i$ spokm :ill o,cr lhc ,,·ortd
Aru: People spc:.k Engli.,h 3ll over the \\'Orie l
�: P!Tl::t, �:-i, �XI W�
17. TrMSlote lhc follo,ving scntcccts i.nto
��t!t$1-i:;m� ���, ����m;
Eoglish/Bengali. ( I 0)
m �,;(Q5 �� I �lJ:i;=it•1R� �"100 C1tlf -R\6 �
(i) •..,�ti:,::,.l'l't:t
-:1o �··t;s �t� � AA�.31 ?? � � � I �t'ml � � ,-<l�tvl �� t{bt(
�I ��I
Ans: Self rcli� means relia.oce on one's ov.'ll
Ch.emistry (11111!1:Q

(ii) til«ct� � l:il1 ::.i� � � �
I. Tick (../) the correct noswer in the follo\viog: (�
� � (../) lii(l:] ( I0)
Ans: The Robotix team of DUET bas \\'On
national aod international awards. (i) \Vhich one of the follo\ving is oot a strong bond?
(iii) !il�6;':t-11 �>,,,\IQ , "� m-1 � ,;ir I (a) Vaoder \vaUs bond (b) Covaleot bond
(c) Metallic bond (d) Ionic bond
Ans: said to the driver. "Don't drive so fast"
Ans: (a) Vander walls bond
(iv) The clouds rolled a,vny.
Ans: tm�wn, (ii) The gas used io the manufacrure of v(ll)aSpnli
(v)Thc roao is off his head. from vegetable oil is- �� � � �'<�
Ans: c•11�turiirn •m11-11 �� �ll!j\'S '1Wl]·
(a) Hydrogen (b) Oxygen
(c) Niuogeu (d) Carbon dioxide
Ans: (a) H}1d.rogen
(iii) The Smallest p:in ofao element tb3t cannot exist
as a free state is- [cQ'lc<'\·1 '{.5Zll �'If!� '::li��ll '::lill�-<
<$\l� �-=n]-
(a) Ion (b) Charge
(c) Atom (d) Molecule
Ans: (c) Atom

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