Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles With Different Shapes: Arabian Journal of Chemistry
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles With Different Shapes: Arabian Journal of Chemistry
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles With Different Shapes: Arabian Journal of Chemistry
Department of Chemical Engineering, Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran
Department of Chemical Engineering, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran
KEYWORDS Abstract Today the synthesis of silver nanoparticles is very common due to their numerous appli-
Silver nanoparticles; cations in various fields. Silver nanoparticles have unique properties such as: optical and catalytic
Shape; properties, which, depend on the size and shape of the produced nanoparticles. So, today the pro-
Synthesis duction of silver nanoparticles with different shapes which have various uses in different fields such
as medicine, are noted by many researchers. This article, is an attempt to present an overview of the
shape-controlled synthesis of silver nanoparticles using various methods.
ª 2015 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1824
1.1. Investigating the shape of synthesized silver nanoparticles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1824
2. Different shapes of silver nanoparticles synthesized by various methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1824
2.1. Synthesis of cubic silver nanoparticles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1824
2.2. Synthesis of silver nanorods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1826
2.3. Synthesis of silver nanowires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1826
2.4. Synthesis of silver nanobars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1829
2.5. Synthesis of triangular (pyramid) silver nanoparticles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1829
2.6. Synthesis of silver nanoprisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1830
2.7. Synthesis of flower-shaped silver nanoparticles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1830
2.8. Synthesis of Spherical silver nanoparticles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1830
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (B. Khodashenas).
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
1878-5352 ª 2015 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
1824 B. Khodashenas, H.R. Ghorbani
2.9. Effective factors on the shape of produced silver NPs ......................................... 1832
3. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .......................................... 1835
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .......................................... 1835
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ .......................................... 1835
Figure 1 (a). TEM images of truncated triangular Ag nanoplates (left), near-spherical (middle), and cubic (right) silver NPs supported
on Cu-TEM grids and their structural models. The insets show scanning electron microscopy images (top left corner) and electron
diffraction patterns from selected areas (top right corner).(b) Specific reaction rate of styreneconversion over Ag NPs with different
shapes. Reaction time: 3 h (Xu et al., 2006).
In polyol process, alcohol containing hydroxyl groups such 2Agþ þ 2CH3 CHO ! CH3 CO–OCCH3 þ 2Ag þ 2Hþ ð2Þ
as ethylene glycol and pentanediol act as both solvent and
Once the concentration of silver atoms has reached the super-
reducing agent. A capping agent, poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)
saturation level, they will begin to nucleate and grow into sil-
(PVP) was used to build the cubic shape. Finally, molar ratio
ver nanostructures in the solution phase (Siekkinen et al.,
of the repeating units of PVP and silver ions determines the
2006). Siekkinen et al. (2006) found a faster method for the
morphology of the product (Tao et al., 2006). High molar ratio
synthesis of silver nanocubes. In this method, adding small
is used for nanocubes and low molar ratio is used for nano-
amounts of sodium sulfide (Na2S) or sodium hydrosulfide
wires. In addition, very small amounts of chloride ions due
(NaHS) to the conventional polyol synthesis decreased the
to precipitation of the low-solubility of AgCl salt prevents
reaction time significantly (from 16–26 to 3–8 min). By simply
the rapid reduction of metal ions, it eventually leads to the for-
adjusting the reaction time monodispersed silver nanocubes
mation of nanocubes (Wiley et al., 2004). Tao et al. came to
with the edge length of 25–45 nm, with numerous biomedical
synthesize silver nanocubes using an experimental procedure
applications, were produced in large-scale and short time
(Tao et al., 2006), in which silver nitrate acted as precursor,
(Siekkinen et al., 2006).
PVP was used to control the shape, and pentanediol (PDO-
Young synthesized silver nanocubes with a diameter of 30–
1.5 H) was used as both solvent and reducing agent.
50 nm using the polyol process in which, ethylene glycol acted
Wiley et al. (2006) synthesized three different shapes of sil-
as both the reducing agent and the solvent. In their study silver
ver nanoparticles using polyol chemical method, in which eth-
nitrate was reduced by ethylene glycol in the presence of a cap-
ylene glycol (EG) acted as both solvent and reducing agent.
ping agent, poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PVP) (Young et al., 2007).
The interesting point was that the reduction ratio could be
Skrabalak et al. (2007) could synthesize silver nanocubes with
controlled by changing the reaction temperature. In the exper-
a rapid method (reaction time <15 min) by sulfide-mediated
iment, PVP acted as a stabilizer to prevent the aggregation of
polyol method in which Ag(I) was reduced to Ag(0) by ethyl-
nanoparticles, as a reducing agent and also as a substance to
ene glycol in the presence of PVP and a trace amount of Na2S.
control the shape of nanoparticles. The group was able to syn-
When the concentration of silver atoms reaches supersatura-
thesize silver nanocubes with controllable corner truncation
tion, they agglomerate into seed shape and then grow to the
using Cl (NaCl) (Wiley et al., 2006).
nanostructures form. Presence of PVP and Na2S facilitate
It was proved that in polyol synthesis, silver atoms are
the formation of silver nanocubes (Skrabalak et al., 2007).
formed by reducing AgNO3 with ethylene glycol through the
Rycenga et al. (2008) synthesized Ag nanocubes by reduction
following mechanism:
of Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) with ethylene glycol (EG) in the
2HOCH2 CH2 OH ! 2CH3 CHO þ 2H2 O ð1Þ presence of PVP and HCl. Following synthesis, the Ag nano-
cubes were isolated by centrifugation, washed with water to
1826 B. Khodashenas, H.R. Ghorbani
Figure 4 Growth mechanism of Ag nanorods during sputtering process (Hu et al., 2012).
of branched nanowires strongly depends on the molar ratio of Liu et al. (2006) found a simple aqueous route to synthesize
PVP to AgNO3, reaction temperature, polymerization degree silver nanowires in large-scale at room temperature through
of reducing agent and PVP (Cong et al., 2012). Hsieh et al., the reaction of AgNO3 and sodium diphenylamine sulfonate.
produced Ag NWs at 160 C using a microwave-assisted The advantage of this approach was that it did not require
(MA) approach from AgNO3 and using PVP as the capping nanoporous membranes, surfactant, seed, and heating. It can
agent in the presence of ethylene glycol(EG) (Hsieh et al., be used for the synthesize of metallic nanoparticles with differ-
2012). Fu et al., synthesized Ag–Au bimetallic nanowires by ent shapes, due to its simplicity (Liu et al., 2006). Research
a wet chemical method at room temperature. The nanowires results have shown that adding small amounts of salts such
were obtained by the reduction with vanadium oxide (V2O3) as NaCl, Fe(NO)3, CuCl2 and CuCl could affect on the shape
nanoparticles. Diameter of produced silver nanowires was of nanoparticle. Usually, salt-mediated synthesis is a simple
20 nm and their length reported to be up to 10 lm (Fu and effective method for the synthesis of silver nanowires
et al., 2013). Chen et al. could synthesize silver nanostructures (Korte et al., 2008; Wiley et al., 2005a). For example, some
including silver nanowires using microwave-assisted polyol researchers (Korte et al., 2008; Wiley et al., 2005a) synthesized
method by adding sodium sulfide (Na(2)S) into the solution. silver nanowires by reduction of AgNO3 with EG heated to
The results showed that increasing the concentration of 148 C in the presence of PVP and a small amount of NaCl.
Na(2)S up to 750 microM in 400 W leads to the production In order to obtain silver nanowires, oxygen must be removed
of silver nanowires (Chen et al., 2010). Y. Chang et al. synthe- from the reaction mixture in the presence of Cl anions. In
sized silver nanowires using ethylene glycol and the diameter of the synthesis of silver nanowires by Korte et al., the reduction
synthesized nanoparticles can be controlled by addition of reactions were performed using CuCl or mediated CuCl2 in the
chloride ions. Synthesis process consists of two distinct steps: polyol process, but it was done without introducing any inert
nucleation and growth. The final diameter of nanowires which gases (Korte et al., 2008). Wiley et al., used iron for polyol syn-
was in the range of 55–100 nm, became smaller by adding thesis of silver nanoparticles. By adjusting the concentration of
more chloride ions to the second phase of synthesis (Y. Fe(II) or Fe(III) in the polyol reduction of silver nitrate, by
Chang et al., 2011). Zhang et al. (using a steel-assisted polyol simply varying the concentration of iron ions, they could pro-
SAP method could synthesize silver nanowires at high concen- duce either silver nanocubes or nanowires. They showed that
trations of silver nitrate (up to 0.5 M). The average diameter of high concentrations of iron ions prevented selective oxidation
products could be adjusted from 100 to 300 nm by increasing of twinned seeds and led the formation of nanowires. Fig. 6(a)
the synthetic concentration (input concentration of AgNO3) shows the role of Fe(II) in removing atomic oxygen from the
(Zhang et al., 2008). Bhattacharyya et al. (2000) synthesized surface of silver nanostructures (Wiley et al., 2005c).
silver nanowires with a diameter of 340 nm and length of Fig. 6(b) shows the role of Cu containing salts in the polyol
0.3 mm. These nanowires were synthesized by electrodeposit- synthesis of Ag nanowires. Cu(I) can remove adsorbed atomic
ion in silica gel pores that were heated (in a temperature range oxygen from the surface of silver seeds and leads the growth
between 523 and 823 K) and then soaked in a silver nitrate and formation of silver nanowires. A trace amount of Cl as
solution (Bhattacharyya et al., 2000). Zhu, et al. synthesized an important role in the polyol synthesis of silver nanowires:
silver nanowires using polyol method at different molecular (1) provides electrostatic stabilization for the initially formed
weights of poly vinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) as capping agent. silver seeds and (2) reduces the concentration of free Ag+ ions
The results of this study showed that the yields and aspect in the solution through the formation of AgCl nanocrystallites
ratios of silver nanowires could be controlled by PVP chain (Tang and Tsuji, 2010).
length so that increasing the molecular weight of PVP, Synthesis of metal nanoparticles (such as Ag nanoparticles)
increased them. The proposed theory is that the chemical using template method is cheap and easy to operate and can
absorption of silver ions on PVP chain in the early stages leads produce nanowires. Generally, various template methods for
the production of silver nanowires (Zhu et al., 2011). synthesizing multishaped nanostructures include (1) using hard
Figure 6 (a) The proposed mechanism by which Fe(II) removes atomic oxygen from the surface of silver nanostructures. Reduction by
ethylene glycol (EG) competes with oxidation by atomic oxygen to form an equilibrium between Fe(III) and Fe(II) (Wiley et al., 2005c).
(b) A schematic illustration depicting the role of Cu-containing salts in the polyol synthesis of Ag nanowires. Molecular oxygen present
during initial seed formation can absorb and dissociate on the (Oa) Ag seeds. Cu(I) rapidly scavenges this absorbed atomic oxygen (Tang
and Tsuji, 2010).
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles with different shapes 1829
2.4. Synthesis of silver nanobars A photochemical route was the first reliable and high yielding
method for making solution-phase triangular Ag nanoprisms
Wiley et al. (2007) in another article synthesized silver nano- in which, the edge length can be controlled with excitation
bars. The method used in this study was the polyol method, wavelength (Jin et al., 2001). Yamamoto et al., synthesized tri-
in which ethylene glycol (EG) acted as both solvent and reduc- angular silver nanoplates using the microwave promoted
(MW) reduction of silver nitrate in aqueous solutions contain-
ing PVP (Yamamoto et al., 2004). Wiley et al., synthesized
right bipyramids shaped silver nanoparticles using chemical
polyol method, in which ethylene glycol (EG) was the solvent
and reducing agent applying (NaBr) Br (Wiley et al., 2006).
Dong et al., 2010 could synthesize triangular silver nanoprisms
using a stepwise reduction method in the absence of surfactant
or special capping-agent. For this purpose, first small spherical
silver nanoparticles were prepared by the rapid reduction of
the precursor (silver nitrate) with NaBH4 (the strong reductant
which, acted at the low temperature) at ice-bath temperature.
The remaining precursor was further reduced by citrate (the
weak reductant which, acted at the high temperature) under
70 C to result in the formation of additional small spherical
nanoparticles and induce the transformation of the spherical
nanoparticles into the triangular nanoprisms. In this study it
was found that the formation of the triangular nanoprisms is
dependent on the molar ratios of two reductants (NaBH4
Figure 7 TEM image of silver nanowires, aspect ratio 100 and trisodium citrate) used in the reactions. The residual silver
(Murphy and Jana, 2002). ions after the formation of the spherical nanoparticles are nec-
1830 B. Khodashenas, H.R. Ghorbani
Figure 11 A: SEM images of flower-like silver NPs (Pourjavadi and Soleyman, 2011); B: TEM images of flower-like Ag-nanoparticles
(Zaheer and Rafiuddin, 2011).
dride are used as the reagent, stabilizing factor and reducing Moghimi-Rad et al., could synthesize pure silver nanopar-
agents respectively, spherical and monodisperse silver nano- ticles through wet chemical reaction in the presence of capping
particles of 9.0 nm sizes are synthesized (Kai et al., 2012). agent and surfactant under ultrasound radiation. In order to
Liang et al., could synthesize spherical silver nanoparticles produce silver nanoparticles, ascorbic acid reduced aqueous
using polyol method in which polyethylene glycol (PEG) acted solution of silver nitrate in the presence of dodecylbenzenesulf-
as both solvent and reducing agent and polyvinyl pyrrolidone onic acid sodium, polyvinylpyrrolidone and a mixture of
(PVP) as capping agent. Uniform nanospheres with an average organic and aqueous solutions. In this study, the branched,
diameter of 54 nm using molar ratio of 8 among repeating cubic, spherical and porous structures were formed by self-
units of PVP and AgNO3 at 260 C were produced (Liang arrangement of surfactant as a template under ultrasound
et al., 2010). Qin et al. synthesized spherical silver nanoparti- radiation. Analysis of scanning electron microscopy and trans-
cles using ascorbic acid as a reducing agent and citrate as sta- mission electron microscopy demonstrated that the morphol-
bilizer in aqueous bath with 30 C. It was observed that by ogy and size of nanoparticles was influenced by: (1) capping
increasing the pH from 6 to 11.5, the average size of produced agent, (2) presence of ultrasound radiation and (3) crystalliza-
silver nanoparticles declined from 73 to 31 nm. They also tion time (Moghimi-Rad et al., 2011).
found that heating at the temperatures of 100 C for 2 h chan- AL-Thabaiti examined the effect of surfactants and poly-
ged the shape of synthesized silver nanoparticles to more mers on metallic nanoparticle (silver). In this study, thiosulfate
spherical-like (Qin et al., 2010). Aguilar-Méndez et al. could was used as a reducing agent, and cetyltrimethylammonium
synthesize spherical silver nanoparticles with a small size (less bromide (CTAB) and poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) were used as
than 20 nm) by the reduction of silver nitrate solution using stabilizers. Their results showed that nano-materials having a
glucose in the presence of gelatin as a capping agent. The aver- range of optical properties can be prepared through careful
age size of produced nanoparticles was between 5 and 24 nm control over the concentration of sodium thiosulfate in solu-
and the colloidal solution remained stable for more than tion. As it can be seen in the figure, the presence or absence
3 months at room temperature (Aguilare et al., 2011). Pya- of stabilizers leads to the production of three different shapes
tenko et al. could synthesize spherical silver nanoparticles (rod, spherical and hexagonal plates) of silver nanoparticles
using a new method which was a combination of seed tech- (AL-Thabaiti et al., 2013). Fig. 12 shows the sculpturing effects
nique and laser treatment. The size of spherical silver nanopar- of CTAB and PVA in shape transformation of silver nanopar-
ticles ranged from 10 to 80 nm (Pyatenko et al., 2007). ticles (AL-Thabaiti et al., 2013).
Figure 12 Formation of rods, spherical and hexagonal plates of silver nano particles in the absence and presence of stabilizers (AL-
Thabaiti et al., 2013).
1832 B. Khodashenas, H.R. Ghorbani
Tsuji et al., could synthesize silver nanoparticles with differ- concentration (Wiley et al., 2005a; Wu et al., 2008), surfactant
ent shapes using microwave irradiation and glycol-H2 [PtCl6]- (Sau and Murphy, 2004), pH (Xue and Mirkin, 2007), temper-
poly(vinylpyrrolidone) ethylene – silver nitrate solution. In this ature (Sun et al., 2003a; Jiang et al., 2011), metal ion (Métraux
study a mixture of different shaped silver nanoparticles consist and Mirkin, 2005), and even dopant concentrations (Millstone
of: nanorods, nanowires, spherical, cubic, and triangular bipy- et al., 2008) can have drastic effects on the shape and size of
ramidal nanoparticles were prepared by reduction of Ag+ ions the anisotropic product. Shervani et al. (2008) showed that
in ethylene glycol by the addition of H2[PtCl6] and poly-(vinyl- by adjusting the capping and reducing agents Ag(0) colloids
pyrrolidone) (PVP) within three minutes. Although, it was pre- with various shapes can be prepared. PVP and PVE as capping
viously believed that 1-D Ag nanostructures can only be agents also played an important role in the formation of differ-
produced in the presence of a capping agent like PVP, Tsuji ent shaped Ag(0) nanomaterials like: pure cubes, stars, and
et al. in their study found that different shaped (Ag 1-D nano- mixed geometry. Spherical particles were prepared by reduc-
rods, nanowires, cubic and triangular-bipyramidal) silver tion of aqueous starch solution of AgNO3 precursor salt by
nanoparticles can be produced without the addition of PVP D(+)-glucose and NaOH (Shervani et al., 2008). Taguchi
in the presence of Cl (Tsuji et al., 2008). et al. (2008) in their study found that the shape of silver nano-
particles during the polyol reduction of silver ions can be con-
2.9. Effective factors on the shape of produced silver NPs trolled by adjusting the flow rate of the oxygen gas. They
proved that by adjusting this parameter different shapes of sil-
As it has been shown in various studies, the shape and size of ver nanoparticles include: nanocubes, right bipyramids, nano-
produced silver nanoparticles depend on the experimental con- wires, and spherical nanoparticles can be obtained.
ditions such as: temperature, the concentration of silver pre- Tang et al., in their experiment investigated the shape-con-
cursor, pH of the solution, the molar ratio between PVP (the trolled synthesis of silver NPs using a simple PVP-assisted
capping agent) and AgNO3 (silver precursor) (PVP:Ag+ sonoelectrochemical technique. It has been proved that the
ratio), the strength of chemical interaction between PVP and shape of the produced silver NPs depends on the current den-
various crystallographic planes of silver (Wiley et al., 2005b), sity (J) and the molar ratio (R) of PVP monomer to Ag+.
reducing agents (citric acid, L-ascorbic acid, and NaBH4), the Fig. 13 shows the effect of density on the morphology of silver
used method (chemical, physical or biological). Studies have NPs. In this experiment the current density varied from
shown that by using seed particles with a particular morphol- 0.75 mA cm2 to 1.25 mA cm2 and 2 mA cm2, while C, t
ogy (e.g., multifaceted or twinned), the final architecture of (reaction time) and R (molar ratio) in all of the prepared sam-
anisotropic nanoparticles can be controlled in some synthetic ples were the same. As it can be seen by increasing the current
approaches (Liu and Guyot-Sionnest, 2005; Jiang et al., density the shape of NPs has changed from irregular agglom-
2011). Also, by modulating the chemical and redox environ- erates (Fig. 13(a)) to flower-like (Fig. 13(c)) (Tang et al., 2009).
ment of the initial seed particle in situ, the shape of the pro- Effect of the PVP as another influential factor is shown in
duced nanoparticles can be changed. A change in seed Fig. 14. Tang et al., for studying this effect, prepared samples
Figure 13 TEM images of the produced silver NPs at various current densities of (a) 0.75 mA cm2, (b) 1.25 mA cm2, and (c)
2 mA cm2 when C, t and R were 3.0 · 103 mol L1, 10 min and 50, respectively (Tang et al., 2009).
Figure 14 TEM images of the products prepared at different PVP to Ag ratios R: (a) 10, (b) 80, and (c) 100 (Tang et al., 2009).
Synthesis of silver nanoparticles with different shapes 1833
with differing R while other parameters remained. They dem- shapes (like: cubic, rod, triangle, hexagonal and spherical)
onstrated that, PVP leads the formation of side branches and can be synthesized (Rivero et al., 2013).
leaves and promotes the formation of finer, more hierarchical Various studies have shown that, the morphology of crys-
microstructures (Tang et al., 2009). tals depends on the distance of the formation conditions from
Fig. 15 shows samples synthesized at a low thermodynamic equilibrium (Tang et al., 2009; Meng et al.,
J = 0.5 mA cm2 and various PVP concentrations. 2010). It has been shown that increasing the driving force for
Fig. 15(a) shows spherical silver NPs with a narrow size distri- crystallization leads the formation of polyhedrons NSs such
bution (7–10 nm) at R = 100. Fig. 15(b) shows spherical silver as octahedrons, truncated octahedrons, cubes and pyramids
NPs with diameter of 15 nm which prepared at R = 50. (Tang et al., 2009; Meng et al., 2010) (see Fig. 16).
These NPs have multiple domains, as shown in the HRTEM Dong et al., investigated the growth of silver nanoparticles
image of a typical particle (Fig. 15(c)). Fig. 15(d) shows by the citrate reduction of silver nitrate under the range of pH
TEM image of synthesized NPs with little PVP (R = 5). The from 5.7 to 11.1. They showed that pH of the reaction solution
size distribution of nanoparticles is shown in Fig. 15(e) affects the size/shape of the produced silver nanoparticles. It
(Tang et al., 2009). was observed that under high pH, the product was composed
Rivero et al., studied the effect of poly(acrylic acid, sodium of both spherical and rod-like silver nanoparticles as a result of
salt) (PAA) and dimethylaminoborane (DMAB) as the protec- the fast reduction rate of the precursor while, under low pH,
tive and reducing agents respectively. Their results showed that the main product was triangle or polygon silver nanoparticles
by means of a fine control of the PAA and DMAB molar con- due to the slow reduction rate of the precursor (Dong et al.,
centrations, silver nanoparticles of different colors, sizes and 2009).
Figure 15 TEM image of Ag NPs at (a) R = 100, (b) R = 50 and (d) R = 5 when C, J, t remained at 3 · 103 mol L1, 0.5 mA cm2
and 10 min, respectively. The inset in (a) is a typical HRTEM image of an individual Ag particle. (c) HRTEM image of an Ag nanoparticle
in (b). (e) A high-magnification TEM image of the Ag particle in (d) (Tang et al., 2009).
Figure 16 Correlation between the distance of the formation conditions from the equilibrium and the shape of the produced Silver NPs
(Tang et al., 2009).
Table 1 Synthesis of Ag nanoparticles with different shapes through chemical, physical and biological methods.
Method Reducing agent or solvent Stabilizer or surfactant Particle size Shape Ref.
Chemical method Trisodium citrate Trisodium citrate 30–60 nm Spherical Rivas and Garc (2001)
Chemical method NaBH4 Dodecanoic acid (DDA) 7 nm Spherical Lee et al. (2006)
Chemical method Ethylene glycol PVP 17 ± 2 nm Spherical Kim et al. (2006)
Chemical method Paraffin Oleylamine 10–14 nm Spherical Sato-Berŕu et al. (2009)
Chemical reduction Hydrazine hydrate Bis(2-ethylhexyl) (sulfosuccinate AOT) 2–5 nm Spherical Zhang et al. (2007)
Photo chemical reduction X-ray – 28 nm Spherical Remita et al. (2007)
(X-ray radiolysis)
Electrochemical Electrolysis cathode: Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) 11 Spherical Lim et al. (2006)
(polyol process) titanium anode: Pt
Physical synthesis Electrical arc discharge Sodium citrate 14–27 nm Spherical Ashkarran (2010)
Physical synthesis TX-100, UV TX-100 30 nm Spherical Ghosh et al. (2003)
Biological synthesis Bacillus sp. Bacillus sp. 5–15 nm Spherical Pugazhenthiran et al. (2009)
Biological synthesis Lactobacillus Lactobacillus Proteins 6–15.7 nm Spherical Sintubin et al. (2009)
Biological synthesis Shewanella oneidensis Shewanella oneidensis 2–11 nm Spherical Suresh et al. (2010)
Biological synthesis Fungus T. viride Trichoderma viride 5–40 nm Spherical Fayaz et al. (2010)
Biological synthesis Cassia angustifolia Cassia angustifolia 9–31 nm Spherical Amaladhas et al. (2012)
Biological synthesis Daucus carota Daucus carota 20 nm Spherical Umadevi et al. (2012)
Biological synthesis Bacillus strain CS 11 Bacillus strain CS 11 42–92 nm Spherical Das et al. (2013)
Biological synthesis Aspergillus niger Aspergillus niger 1–20 nm Spherical Sagar and Ashok (2012)
Biological synthesis Arbutus unedo leaf extract Arbutus unedo leaf extract 3–20 nm Spherical Kouvaris et al. (2012)
Chemical method Ethylene glycol PVP – Cubic Sun and Xia (2002a)
Chemical method Pentanediol (H-1.5 PDO) PVP – Cubic Tao et al. (2006)
Chemical method Ethylene glycol PVP 30–50 nm Cubic Young et al. (2007)
Photochemical Carboxymethylated Carboxymethylated 2–8 nm Cubic Huang et al. (2008)
chitosan (CMCTS) chitosan (CMCTS)
Biological synthesis Leaf extracts from Leaf extracts from 10–50 nm (mean Cubic Poinern et al. (2013)
Eucalyptus macrocarpa Eucalyptus macrocarpa crystallite size = 38 ± 2 nm)
Wet-chemical Sodium borohydride in the – 4 ± 2 nm Nanorods Aslan et al. (2005)
presence of sodium citrate
Chemical method Potassium tartaric PVP – Nanorods Gu et al. (2006)
3. Conclusion Acknowledgments
This article aimed to investigate the possible methods for the Authors have no competing Acknowledgements.
synthesis of silver nanoparticles with specific shapes. This will
facilitate the selection of appropriate methods for the synthesis References
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reducing agents such as ethylene glycol and pentanediol (H- Aherne, D., Ledwith, D.M., Gara, M., Kelly, J.M., 2008. Optical
1.5 PDO) were used (Young et al., 2007; Wiley et al., 2006; properties and growth aspects of silver nanoprisms produced by a
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