041.QTRE407 - Cross-Cultural Management

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Course title: Cross-cultural management

Course code: QTRE407
Department: Faculty of Business Administration
Credit hours: 3
Prerequite(s): KETE307 (Financial Management)

No. Instructors’ name Email Phone number
ThS Hoang Thi Thuy
1 duonghtt@ftu.edu.vn 0989891205
2 ThS Hoang Anh Duy duyha@ftu.edu.vn 0915 922002

This course addresses the complexities and challenges associated with international
management by emphasizing both organizational behavior and human resources management in
terms of cross-cultural implications and applications. This course covers issues related to
managing people in the international workplace and interacting effectively in an international

* Knowledge
1. Identify the multicultural 'big picture' in which global trade and government forces
cooperate; and summarize the major culture-based challenges faced by international
managers (political, legal, economic and technological).
2. Explain a range of culture-based arguments concerning the need for social
responsibility and ethical behavior in multi-national enterprises.
3. Identify major cultural characteristics, including communication styles, that
characterize regions, nations, communities, organizations, groups and individuals
4. Contrast major cultural differences in views on organizational framework.
5. Evaluate particular leadership styles in given situations; and for varying motivational
techniques depending on circumstances
* Skills
6. Developing global management skills
7. Build self-learning and self-study skills
8. Build and enhance problem-solving and decision-making ability in management
situations in general, and in human resource management in particular.
9. Improve human skills such as teamworking, communication and presentation.
* Attitude
10. Be cooperative and active in teamwork
11. Develop greater sensitivity and confidence to effectively impact the HRM process
when working across cultures.
4.1. Text book
1. Charlene M. Solomon, Michael S. Schell, (2009), Managing across culture- the seven
keys to doing business with a global mindset, McGraw-Hill Irwin.
4.2. Compulsory Readings
2. Richard M. Steers, Carlos J. Sanchez-Runde, and Luciara Nardon (2010)
“Management Across Cultures - Challenges and Strategies”, Cambridge University
3. Hodgetts Richard M., Luthans, Fred, Doh, Johnathan P. (2011) “International
Management – Culture, Strategy, and Behavior”, McGraw-Hill
4.3. Optional references
1. Dowling, Peter J. Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle (2013). International Human
Resource Management (6th Edition), Hamshire, Cengage Learning
5.1. Course content
Time Allocation
Hour(s) on the class Essays,
No. Content Self-study with
Practice, exercise,
Lecture teacher’s tutorials
Seminar Assignments
Chapter 1: Global realities and
1,2 5 1 10.5
Management challenges
3 Chapter 2: Culture environment 2 1 4.5 4.5
Chapter 3: Organizational
4 2 1 4.5 4.5
Chapter 4: Cross-Cultural
5 Communication and 2 1 4.5
Chapter 5: Ethics and behaviors
6 1 2 4.5 3
Across Cultures
7 Midterm exam 3 0 0 6
Chapter 6: Leading global
8,9 5 1 4.5 10.5
Chapter 7: Motivation Across
10,11 5 1 10.5
Chapter 8: Human Resource
12,13 Selection and Development 5 1 4.5 10.5
Across Cultures
14 Group Presentation 0 3 1.5
15 Group Presentation 0 3 1.5
Total 30 15 22.5 67.5
(*) Group presentations may be held individually or in combination with theoretical lessons
from the 9th session.

5.2. Dchedule of lectures

Lecture 1: Chapter 1: Global realities and Management challenges
Hour(s Students’
Teaching Activities Content
) preparation
Lecture 2.5 1.1. Globalizations Read
1.1.1. What is globalization? Chapter 1 -
1.1.2. Globalization drivers Textbook
1.1.3. Challenges facing global firms.
1.1.4. Challenges facing global managers
Seminar 0.5 Case: Global training at Google
Essays, exercise,
Self-study with the 5.25
teacher’s tutorials
Assessment (….) Challenges facing global firms and global managers
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business
Administration, 2nd Floor, Building B
Lecture 2: Chapter 1: Global realities and Management challenges
Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 2.5 1.2. Global managers: Challenges and Read Chapter 1 -
responsibilities Textbook
1.2.1. Traditional management models
1.2.2. Context of global management
1.2.3. Rethinking management models
1.2.4. Diversity in global assignments
Seminar 0.5 Case: Two expatriates
Essays, exercise,
Self-study with 5.25
the teacher’s
Assessment (….) Global management skills
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration,
2nd Floor, Building B
Lecture 3: Chapter 2: Cultural environment
Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 2 2.1. Culture, socialization and normative Read Chapter 2 -
behavior Textbook
2.2. Characteristics of culture
2.3. Descriptive models of culture
2.3.1. Hostede model
2.3.2. Hall model
2.3.3. Trompenaar model
2.3.4. Globe project model
2.4. Culture and institutional environment
2.5. Cultural complexities and
2.6. Cultural diversity and
Seminar 1 Case: Anna Håkansson – From Sweden
to Bahrain
Essays, exercise, 4.5 Comparing cultural dimensions in some
assignments selected countries
Self-study 4.5
with the
Assessment (….) Definition and characteristic of culture
Descriptive models of culture
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration, 2nd
Floor, Building B
Lecture 4: Chapter 3: Organizational environment
Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 2 3.1. Organizations and environments Read Chapter 3 -
3.2. Stakeholders and global strategies Textbook
3.3. Organizing for global business
3.4. Regional organizing models
3.5. Control, participation and decision –
Seminar 1 Case: Co – determination at Volkswagen
Essays, exercise, 4.5 Case study discussion
Self-study 4.5
with the
Assessment (….) Regional organizing models
Influence of culture on control, participation and decision making
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration, 2nd
Floor, Building B
Lecture 5: Chapter 4: Cross – cultural communication
Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 2 4.1. Interpersonal communication Read Chapter 4 -
4.2. Cultural screens on interpersonal Textbook
4.3. Culture, cognition and
4.4. Culture and Communication
Seminar 1 Case: Roos Deker, Global Healthcare
Essays, exercise,
Self-study 4.5
with the
Assessment (….) The influence of culture on communication style
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration, 2nd
Floor, Building B
Lecture 6: Chapter 5: Ethic and behaviors across culture
Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 1 Ethic and behaviors across culture Read Chapter 5 -
Seminar 2 Confilct in the ballroom
Essays, exercise, 4.5 Case study discussion
Self-study 3
with the
Assessment (….) Culture influence on ethic and behaviors
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration, 2nd
Floor, Building B
Lecture 7: Midterm exam
Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 0 Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – Textbook Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 -
Seminar 0
Essays, exercise, 0
Self-study 6
with the
Assessment 3 Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – Textbook
Lecture 8+ 9: Chapter 6: Leading global organization
Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 5 6.1. What is leadership? East and west Read Chapter 6 -
6.2. Dimensions of organizational Textbook
6.3. Contemporary approaches to cross-
cultural leadership
6.4. Cultural and leadership: A model
6.5. Women leaders: Challenges and
Seminar 1 Case: Emerson Electric - Suzhou
Essays, exercise, 4.5 Case study discussion
Self-study 10.5
with the
Assessment (….) The influence of culture on leadership style
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration, 2nd
Floor, Building B
Lecture 10 + 11: Chapter 7: Motivation Across Cultures
Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 5 7.1. The world of work Read Chapter 7 -
7.2. Culture, motivation, and work Textbook
behavior: A model
7.3. Culture and the psychology of work
7.4 Incentives and rewards across cultures
7.5 Gender, compensation and
Seminar 1 Case: Samsung’s maquiladora plant
Essays, exercise,
Self-study 10.5
with the
Assessment (….) The influence of culture on motivation method
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration, 2nd
Floor, Building B
Lecture 12+13: Chapter 8: Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures
Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 5 8.1. Source of international human Read Chapter 14 –
resource Required document 2
8.2. Selection criteria an procedures in
international assignment
8.3. Returning from oversea assignment
8.4. Training for international assignment
Seminar 1 In class discussion
Essays, exercise, 4.5 Design training program for expatriates
Self-study 10.5
with the
Assessment (….) How to select employee for international assignment
Training program for expatriates
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration, 2nd
Floor, Building B
Lecture 14: Presentation
Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 0 Presentation
Seminar 3 In class presentation
Essays, exercise,
Self-study 1.5
with the
Assessment (….)
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration, 2nd
Floor, Building B
Lecture 15: Presentation
Teaching Students’
Hour(s) Content
Activities preparation
Lecture 0 Presentation
Seminar 3 In class presentation
Essays, exercise,
Self-study 1.5
with the
Assessment (….)
Tutorial - Content: Answering, consulting on content and learning
methods; instruction to exploit the resources
- Time: office hours
- Location: Office of the Faculty of Business Administration, 2nd
Floor, Building B
5.3. contribution to Course Learning Outcomes
Topic Content CLO
Knowledge Skills Attitude
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1,2 Chapter 1: Global realities 1 1 1 1 1 1

and Management challenges
3 Chapter 2: Culture 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 Chapter 3: Organizational 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 Chapter 4: Cross-Cultural 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Communication and
6 Chapter 5: Ethics and 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
behaviors Across Cultures
7 Midterm exam 1 1 1 1
8, 9 Chapter 6: Leading global 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10,11 Chapter 7: Motivation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Across Cultures
12,13 Chapter 8: Human Resource 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Selection and Development
Across Cultures
14 Group Presentation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 Group Presentation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

6.1 Requirements for final examination
Students are allowed to take the final exam only if the following conditions are satisfied:
- Students must attend at least 70% class periods (11/15 sessions)
- Attendance is also required for all examination/ assignment periods. Students are
expected to pass at least 50% of those examinations. For courses those only requires one
examination, students are expected to earn at least 5 points out of 10.
- For an absence to be excused, the absence must be accompanied by a written excuse
from a doctor or other competent. If a student is absent for more than an allowed number of
sessions for the university’s mission, the instructor then can consider and decide, but must ensure
that no more than 60% of the sessions are taken and additional instruction is required under the
supervision of the instructor.
6.2 Bonus point policy
- Students who contribute in class discussions and are recognized by the teacher
(enrollment cards) will be credited to the attendance, mid-term and final scores.
- Students can propose and get the consent of the lecturer to write the subject matter. If
the essay is of good quality, it will be considered bonus points for mid-term or final exams.
6.1 Assignment policy
All assignments must be the result of the students own work and effort.
- If 40% similarity is detected; the assignment’s score will be deducted.
- If more than 40% similarity is detected; the assignment will be zero-scored.
- Late submission will result in 10% deducted from assignment score for each day
- Missed work or more than 3 day late submission will be zero-scored.

7.1. Type of Assessment
* Formative assessment: Attendance (10%)
* Summative assessment (90%)

Assessment Rate Form of Time

Assessment allowance
Class participation 10%
Mid-term assessment 30% Multiple 45 minutes
Final assessment 60%
Assignment 20% Presentation 20 minutes
Final exam 40% Multiple 60 minutes

7.2. Assessment Criteria

 General rules for all written documentations
All works are presented on A4 sized paper, size: 12, font: Times New Roman or VnTime;
margin settings as follows: top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 3.5 cm, right 2 cm; spacing 1.5.
 Group work
- Form: Group presentation
Assignments/problem sets/reports
Instructions for cross cultural training research project - Students will be responsible for
the following:
A. Choose both a country and specific city within that country as the location for the
CANNOT BE A COUNTRY THAT YOU’RE A CITIZEN OF. (i.e., if you’re from Mexico, then
you cannot choose Mexico as your country for the location of the foreign assignment)
Country option choices will be assigned on a first-come-first serve basis.
B. Assume that you are responsible for presenting an initial cross-cultural training
session for a group of managers/employees who are to be sent on a foreign assignment. Then
develop an orientation training manual that addresses such issues as:
1. History, cultures, and values of the hosting country
2. Religion and role of religion in daily life
3. Social and business etiquette
4. Geography and weather factors
5. Political structure and stability
6. Practical matters such as currency used, transportation, standard of living, cost of
living differences, food, educational systems, etc.
7. Other issues relate to leadership, motivation, ….

C. The format for the training orientation session will be as follows:

Develop an orientation training manual that addresses relevant factors noted on the
cross-cultural training project sheet. There is not a minimum length for your training manual.
The guideline I will give you is that it should be long enough to answer the questions of a person
that is being transferred tomorrow with no notice. This will be their guide to operations until
they can do their own research. (What would you want to know if this were you?).
Training manual will be presented at the final week
- Criteria:
+ Clear and feasible topics 1 points
+ Logical analysis, straight to the point, practical refection 5 points
+ Use of variety of references, vivid examples 1 point
+ Coherent writing, precise citation 2 points
+ Good presentation skill 1 points
Total: 10 points
 Final examination:
- Form: Written test
- Content: all materials covered in the course schedule.
- The test is composed of two parts:
- Multiple choice questions (40-50 questions) : true-false, multiple-choice (account
for 60% of final score)
- Essays: 2-3 questions (account for 40%)
- Criteria:
+ Giving precise MC answers: 6 points
+ Clear, structured, informative essays: 4 points
Total: 10 points

Head of department Dean

Ngô Quý Nhâm

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