Mirpur University of Science & Technology, MUST Mirpur AJ&K: Instructions
Mirpur University of Science & Technology, MUST Mirpur AJ&K: Instructions
Mirpur University of Science & Technology, MUST Mirpur AJ&K: Instructions
I. There is no ambiguity in the paper and Teacher / Instructor will not be available for any queries
/ clarifications. Make and write relevant / necessary assumptions if required.
II. All Questions are compulsory. The paper is open book.
III. Abbr. CLO (Course Learning Outcome), BTL (Bloom’s Taxonomy Level)
IV. Your file name should be your roll no. in the given format. FA16-BSE-000
3 Please draw a Gantt Chart for your final year project (assume that is a software 4 A3 15
product). A few steps should be followed properly:
You have total time of 4 months
You have to give proper time to each of the phase of SDLC (software
development life cycle).
4 Using the above description now you have to draw the LOAD CHART of your 4 A3 15
final year project.
One thing you need to keep in mind is;
You have three members in a group
Work should be divide equally among three members
Department of civil Engineering, Mirpur University of Science & Technology (MUST). Allama Iqbal Road, 10250, Mirpur 1/2
Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
Mirpur University of Science & Technology, MUST Mirpur AJ&K
Department of Software Engineering
5 Please read the PERT Chart below and answer the given questions ; 4 A3 10
For example: what is meant by; speed is moderate in chain communication but
fast in other two channels?
7 Suppose you are running a software house. What are the potential 15
stakeholders of your business?
Good Luck 😊
Department of civil Engineering, Mirpur University of Science & Technology (MUST). Allama Iqbal Road, 10250, Mirpur 2/2
Azad Kashmir, Pakistan