Problems A. Problems Encountered
Problems A. Problems Encountered
Problems A. Problems Encountered
A. Problems encountered
In implementing the On The Job Training in Radin Inten II Airport for 3 months writers
got some problems, one of which is the lack of facilities for disaster relief in the form of an
emergency exit and escape slide in Control tower ADC (Aerodrome Control) Radin Inten II
Airport Lampung. Based on these problems, the authors raise the issue of "Emergency Exit No
availability and Rescue System For Safety and Security Unit ADC / APP at the Airport Control
tower Radin inten II Lampung".
The main factor is the reason why the authors taked this issue because at control tower
Aerodrome Control Radin Inten II Airport to the unavailability of facilities for disaster
management at the control tower. In case of a disaster situation at the control tower aerodrome
control tower unit supervisory personnel will be experiencing difficult to the evacuation process
so that it can threaten the safety of personnel at the control tower aerodrome control.
The facility for disaster management at the control tower aerodrome control is a basic
standard of the ICAO aiming for the safety of personnel control tower aerodrome control unit to
make safety of the personnel if a disaster and emergency situations happen. Air Traffic
Controllers Personel must obtain adequate workplace and standards in order to get comfort in
guiding air traffic at Radin Inten II Airport Lampung.
According to ICAO standards workspace ATC should be designed in order to comply all
the needs of ATC both comfort and safety as well as full facilities to support the performance of
ATC in the control tower aerodrome control, workspace ATC should also be comfortable and
laid out to accommodate all the people who to work on it , both at the level of the staff including
drivers, assistants, supervisors and those with other functions. Arrangement of equipment and
facilities at the aerodrome control tower supervisor must be appropriate so as not to interfere in
guiding air traffic.
B. Analysis of Incidence Problems
Control tower aerodrome control is one unit that has the task to maintain and regulate the
safety and smoothness of air traffic. To ensure the safety of personnel units in the face of a
disaster situation, aerodrome control tower supervisor should have emergency facilities to
disasters such as fires, earthquakes. However until now the control tower aerodrome control
Radin Inten II Airport not have such facilities which according to the authors observed this
problem arising from the structure of the control tower aerodrome control and location of the
space it currently is not enough to be held facility emergency and this is due to lack of awareness
and a concern of the company or the airport on issues related to emergency facilities that still do
not complied the international standards of ICAO, which in AIR TRAFFIC
SERVICESPLANNING Dot MANUAL 9426-AN / 924 section 2.2.4:
“ The material used for the structure of a controltower should be fireproof and all
internalmaterial shouldbe fire resistant. In addition, the structure should providefor emergency
exit especially from the tower cab and theupper shaft levels. Emergency exit points could be
achievedby permanently affixed steel ladders to the outside of thestructure or a safety cage on
the inside. The structureshould also be provided with a smoke detection and alarmsystem and an
ample supply of pre-positioned fire extin-guishers which are periodically checked. All
stairwaysshould include a hand rail. An elevator should be providedwhere the cab floor is 15 m
or more above the ground. Ithas also been found that the provision of a central vacuumcleaning
system with outlets in each room and blower unitsremote from normally occupied areas help
appreciably inreducing noise.”
In the section explaining that the materials used for the structure of the control tower
aerodrome control must be fireproof and all internal materials must also be fireproof. In addition,
the structure must provide emergency exit, especially from the tower and the top level of the
shaft. Emergency exit points can be achieved and permanently attached to at a steel stairs to the
outside structure or safety in the control tower. The structure also must be equipped with a
smoke detection and alarm system .all stairs must include hand rails. The lift must be provided
on the floor of the top is 15 m or more above the ground.
170 060 UDARABagian namely ATS Operational Requirements section ATS 170 061 on
Structural Requirements:
1. Special buildings or parts of buildings used by the ATS must be designed to the specific
needs related to ATS unit.
2. The building must be sufficiently durable that are expected to accommodate and to be able
to accommodate all personil material and visitors. At each level must be strong enough to
support all the equipment and people and fire resistant structures.
3. The design needs to consider the flexibility in accommodating facility controller working
position and / or telephone. Need to consider the ability of the expansion in order to
accommodate new equipment, administrative or operational or additional
4. The power to anticipate equipment (radars, automation of data, etc.), lighting, heating,
fentilasi, etc. Includes radio and telephone equipment, must be able to connect to the
powersupply, backup electrical generator and / or the power source. What is important
work, the window must be provided. In all cases, the window must be provided in order to
create a normal working environment. High building structure, by providing elevators that
function is used for personnel and other cargo. Room suitable for use or place large enough
for the equipment. Must provide the emergency door of all the personnel area. In addition,
the building should be equipped with lightning protection, emergency lighting, fire alarm
and extinguisher and safety systems.
Figure 1. aerodrome control tower Radin Inten
II Airport Lampung
Pictured above is the control tower aerodrome control Radin Inten II Airport Lampung
where the unavailability of the emergency exit and facilities for disasters such as fires and
earthquakes that are useful for the safety of the working personnel of ATC when needed and in
case of disasters such as earthquakes and fires, the evacuation of personnel into faster, easier and
natural disasters that can threaten the safety of workers in the control tower aerodrome control
Radin Inten II Airport.
Based on the translation of the above problems, the authors offer solutions to problems as
Control Aerodrome control tower shall have facilities and procedures for disaster
management, in which the current conditions in the control tower aerodrome control Radin
Inten II Lampung such facilities are not yet available. To avoid differences in perception
between the personnel and the lack of understanding of the rules and standards in the face of
disaster situation that will potentially lead to internal conflicts in the control tower aerodrome
control unit, the authors offer the following steps:
a. Making the Standard Operating Procedures for disaster management in the form of
procedures air traffic control service specifically to deal with the earthquake and fire, so
that all actions and measures taken by the official air traffic in accordance with the rules
(standards) exist.
b. Provision escape slide to disaster management facilities in the short term and where
ordinances mobile use should be socialized to all supervisory personnel Manara Radin
Inten II Airport so that each person in charge knows prseodur escape slideyang correct
2. Procurement facilities and Rescue Emergency Exit System Radin Inten II Airport Lampung.
In the manufacture of emergency exit and rescue system in the control tower aerodrome
control Airport Air Radin Inten II Lampung writer makes the concept of procuring emergency
exit and rescue system in the form of emergency stairs and rescue system which is based on
height control tower aerodrome control Radin Inten II Airport as well as by structure wake
aerodrome control tower supervisor Radin Inten II Airport that had been impossible in flatten
in the short term it is for the emergency stairs should renovate the building watchtowers and
coordinate with the airport management to hold an emergency stairs and rescue system.
Emergency stairs in the control tower is the path of the emergency exit in the form of stairs
structure fire resistant and shock and Rescue System which is at the top of the tower is a steel
rope that extends from top to bottom and have the advantage of mobile, which can easily take
care of the condition and has the advantage of evacuation time fast and secure.
Figure 8. Example Escape Slide
Figure 9. Example
Rescue System at Hasanuddin Airport Makassar
Procurement escape slide and rescue system should work together with third parties that
provide tools and installation as well as for the procurement and quality and the best standards in
both the mounting unit control tower aerodrome control, and should be held counseling Standard
Operating Procedures Emergency exit escape slide and rescue system so that its use must be
understood by all personnel of the control tower aerodrome control so that the safety of
personnel control tower aerodrome control unit is assured in the face of disasters both fires and