Irrigation Quality of Underground Water in District Multan

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ISSN 1023-1072

Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2015, 31 (2): 211-220


1 1 1 2 1
N. Ahmed , M. A. Ali , M. K. Rashid , S. Noreen and B. Butt
1 2
Department of Soil Science, Institute of Pure and Applied Biology,
Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan


Water is the basic resource for agricultural production to provide food and feed
to humans and livestock and ultimately to livelihood of the people. The
productivity of agricultural crop depends on water quality. The irrigation water
containing hazardous and higher concentrations of salts affects the crop yield
to a far greater extent than any other environmental factors. Therefore, a field
survey was conducted in three tahsils of Multan to determine the quality of
underground water being pumped. In total, of 2686 water samples were
collected. The water samples were analyzed for their salt constituents. Data for
quality of irrigation were categorized, from electrical conductivity (EC) point of
-1 -1
view : fit [(EC < 1000 µS cm ), marginally fit (EC = 1000-1250 µS cm ) and
unfit (EC > 1250 µS cm )]; from residual sodium carbonate (RSC) point of
-1 -1
view, fit (RSC < 1.25 me L ), marginally fit ( RSC=1.25-2.5 me L ) and unfit
(RSC >2.5 me L ) and from sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) point of view, fit
-1 ½ -1 1/2
(SAR< 6 mmol L ) , marginally fit (SAR=6-10 mmol L ) and unfit (SAR >10
-1 1/2
mmol L ) . The results indicated that water samples in the percentage of
72.0, 62.7 and 54.4 in tehsils of Shuja Abad, Jalalpur Pir Wala and Multan,
respectively were found unfit for irrigation purpose. Maximal percentage of 32.4
and minimal 11.6 of water samples were classified as fit samples in tehsil
Multan and Shuja Abad, respectively. Thereby, 58.86 % water samples were
considered unfit for irrigation purpose. Overall 64.4% and 5.1% water samples
had EC and RSC above the permissible limits. The deleterious effects of salts
could be mitigated by mixing of brackish water with surface canal water in
various proportions and/or intermittent flushing of soil profile with good quality
irrigation water. This practice may be carried out periodically to avoid economic
yield losses.

Keywords: Brackish water, district Multan, EC, RSC, SAR, underground water.


Water resource is a basic input for successful cultivation of crops under an arid
and semi-arid environment. The agricultural production areas are consistently
subjected to continuously or intermittent non-availability of water during the crop

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Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2015, 31 (2)

growth. Pakistan is also facing the similar situation, as its most part lies in an arid
environment (Khalid et al., 2003). During the most part of the season, sufficient
quantity of water is not available for exploiting the potential yield of crops.
Thereby, underground water resources are utilized to meet the wholly or partial
demand of crop. Chaudhry (1996) reported that in most of the cases, the quality
of underground water resources for irrigation purpose is un-fit for crop
production, and produces negative impacts on productivity of crops. Hussain et
al. (1994) enumerated that 75% of the tubewells installed in the Punjab province
are extracting water, which is unfit for direct application of irrigation water and
needed appropriate treatments to reduce the deleterious effects of salts for
sustaining crop production. The salinization of soils is a major threat to
agriculture, which is being further compounded by irrigating the soils with
hazardous groundwater. There are reports that underground waters being
pumped in district Kasur varied greatly in its chemical composition and 70%
water samples were found unfit for irrigation purpose (Shakir et al., 2002).
Analogous to this, the proportion of quality of irrigation water varied in terms of
20% unfit, 9% marginally fit and 71% fit for irrigation use in district Rawalpindi
(Khalid et al., 2003). Various researchers reported that out of the total, 48% and
76.6% installed tubewells in districts Gujrat and Lahore, respectively, were
pumping water unfit for irrigation use (Pervaiz et al., 2003; Ali et al., 2009).
Similarly, Mehboob et al. (2011) reported that underground water being pumped
in Chunian, Pattoki, Kot Radha Kishan and Kasur areas was 60%, 90%, 90%
and 86%, respectively, classified as unfit for irrigation. This study further showed
that 97% water samples were unfit with regard to EC (1250 µS cm ), 63% (SAR
-1 -1
> 10 mmol L ) and 97% (RSC> 2.5 me L ) among the lot. The irrigation water
containing excessive amounts of chloride, sulphate, bicarbonate, sodium,
calcium, magnesium, potassium and nitrates results in not only reduction of the
fertility of soils, but also lowering the economic yield (Ashraf., 1994; Rhodes et
al., 2002). The reduction in yield is in proportionate to alone and/or combined
action of these ions on stage of plant growth and crop varieties (Zhu, 2002).
Ashraf (1994) reported that yield may be reduced by two-thirds of yield potential.
The reason being that excess salts reduce the ability of plant to absorb water and
causes slowed vegetative and root growth. Various researchers (Yang et al.,
1990; Francois and Maas, 1994; Burman et al., 2003) reported that yield of most
of crop plants may be reduced by 50-70 %, because of higher amounts of toxic
salts. Apart from surveys conducted in other parts of the province, a little
documented data are available about the quality of water being pumped in district
Multan. The farmers resort to apply tubewell water during the short supply of
water from surface canal system. Therefore, a survey was conducted to
determine the quality of water being pumped by the tubewells in district Multan.


This study was conducted to collect underground water samples for analyzing
their quality for irrigation use. During the survey, 2686 water samples were
collected from underground resources from three tehsils during 2001 to 2010. Of
the total 2686, 1877, 549 and 260 samples were collected from Multan, Shuja
Abad and Jabalpur Pirwala tehsils, respectively. The water samples were
Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2015, 31 (2)

gathered from the running tubewells in plastic bottles. On an average, the depth
of tubewells was about 120 feet. The map of district Multan showing GPS (Global
Positioning System) of the locations of the tubwells is shown in Map 1. The
chemical constituents of the waters such as electrical conductivity (EC), Ca ,
2+ + 2- - -
Mg , Na , CO3 , HCO3 and Cl were analyzed as described by Page et al.
(1982). The values of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and residual sodium
carbonate (RSC) were calculated according to the method proposed by US
Salinity Laboratory Staff (1954).
2- 1- 2+ 2+
RSC = (CO3 + HCO3 ) – (Ca + Mg )

Ca  Mg

Criteria for assessing the quality of water for irrigation purpose were followed
those of Malik et al. (1984). The data was statistically analysed as proposed by
Steel and Torrie (1980).


Electrical conductivity of underground water

Out of 2686 groundwater samples, 608 samples of Multan tehsil, 64 samples

from Shuja Abad tehsil and 71 samples from Jalalpur Pirwala were considered fit
for irrigation purpose. The mean values of fit samples were 32.4%, from Multan
tehsil, 11.6 % from Shuja Abad tehsil and 27.3 % from Jalalpur Pirwala tehsil,
respectively. Out of total, 13.1%, 16.4% and 10 % were found marginally fit for
irrigation purpose collected from Multan, Shuja Abad, and Jalalpur Pirwala
tehsils, respectively (Table 2, Figure 1). While 631 number of samples from
Multan tehsil, 267 number of samples from Shuja Abad tehsil and 120 from
Jalalpur Pirwala samples were extremely unfit for irrigation purpose on the basis
of salt content data (Table 3).

Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of underground water

Out of the total unfit (1023) water samples in Multan tehsil, 133 were unfit
because higher of levels of EC and SAR (Table 3). The values of SAR ranged
-1 1/2 -1 1/2
from -0.30 to 94.13 (mmol L ) with a mean value of 4.72 (mmol L ) in Mul-
tan tehsil (Table 4). In case of Shuja Abad tehsil, out of 395 unfit water samples,
42 were unfit due to high SAR. The values of SAR ranged from 0.10 to 38 (mmol
-1 1/2 -1 1/2
L ) with a mean value of 5.66 (mmol L ) . While in tehsil Jalalpur Pirwala, out
of 163 unfit water samples, 34 were unfit due to high SAR. The values of SAR
-1 1/2 -1 1/2
ranged from 0.10 to 27.10 (mmol L ) with a mean value of 5.16 (mmol L )
(Table 4).

Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2015, 31 (2)

Map 1. Locations of tubewells identified with GPS.

Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2015, 31 (2)

Fit(%) Marginally Fit(%) Unfit(%)


Number of samples (%)

Multan Sujaabad Jalalpur Pir wala


Figure 1. Underground water quality in Multan district.

Residual sodium carbonate (RSC) of underground water

Out of the total unfit (1023) water samples in Multan tehsil, 52 were solely unfit
due to higher values of RSC (Table 3). The values of RSC ranged from 0 to
-1 -1
27.46 me L and a mean value of 0.91 me L in Multan tehsil (Table 4). In case
of Shuja Abad tehsil , out of 395 unfit water samples 30 were unfit due to high
-1 -1
RSC (>2.25 me L ).The values of RSC ranged from 0 to 9.50 me L with a mean
value of 0.82 me L . While in tehsil, Jalalpur Pirwala the values of RSC ranged
-1 -1
from 0 to 15.83 me L with a mean value of 0.25 me L (Table 4).

Table 1. Criteria for quality of irrigation water.

-1 -1 1/2 -1
Status EC (µS cm ) SAR (mmolL ) RSC (me L )
Fit < 1000 6 <1.25
Marginally Fit 1001-1250 6-10 1.25-2.5
Unfit > 1250 >10 >2.5
Source: Malik et al., (1984)

Table 2. Underground water quality of district Multan for the years 2001 to 2010.
Tehsil Fit Marginally Fit Unfit Total
Multan 608 246 1023 1877
Shujabad 64 90 395 549
Jalalpur Pirwala 71 26 163 260

Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2015, 31 (2)

Table 3. Classification of unfit underground water samples in respect to EC, SAR and
RSC in Multan district for the years 2001 to 2010.
Multan 631 (61.7) 52 (5.1) 133 (13.0) 121(11.8) 86 (8.4) 1023
Shujabad 267 (67.6) 30 (7.6) 42 (10.6) 42 (10.6) 14 (3.5) 395
Jabalpur Pirwala 120 (73.6) - 34 (20.9) 6 (3.7) 3 (1.8) 163
Figures in parenthesis are percentage of total.

Table 4. Descriptive statistics for underground water quality characteristics of

district Multan (2001-2010).
Parameters Tehsil Multan Tehsil Shujabad Tehsil Jalalpur
EC (µS cm )
Minimum 5.60 (10.68 kg salt 290.0 (565.2 kg salt 400 (779.5. kg salt
-1 -1 -1
ha )* ha ) ha )
Maximum 180009 (14201 kg 159759 (33718 kg 11618 (22640.5. kg
-1 -1 -
salt ha ) salt ha ) salt ha )
Average 1894.2 (3690.5 kg 2661 (5185.4 kg salt 3028(6251.5 kg salt
-1 -1 -1
salt ha ) ha ) ha )
1769.6 2106.9 2434
Coefficient of
93.42 79.18 80.38
Variation (%)
-1 1/2
Sodium adsorption ratio [(mmolL ) ]
Minimum -0.30 0.10 0.10
Maximum 94.13 38.00 27.10
Average 4.72 5.66 5.16
4.45 4.49 4.54
Coefficient of
94.13 79.28 87.95
Variation (%)
Residual sodium Carbonate ( me L )
Minimum 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maximum 27.46 9.50 15.83
Average 0.91 0.82 0.25
1.92 1.50 1.18
Coefficient of
209.67 182.38 478.47
Variation (%)
-1 -1
*EC (dSm ) × 640 = mg L and 1 acre foot irrigation water = 198 × 220 × 1 = 43560 cubic feet One
cubic feet = 28.3 liters, 1 acre foot = 43560 × 28.3 = 1232748 liters Parts per million (ppm) = 1mg
or10-6 kg L-1. So, 1 acre foot irrigation = 10-6× 1232748 = 1.23275 kg salts, OR I hectare foot irrigation
=3.04488 kg salt ha-1.


This field survey revealed that majority of water sampes taken from underground
water resources of the area was not suitable because of higher electrical
conductivity values, however, causing no sodicity problem insight. The reason
being that soils of district Multan are medium textured, lower depths are well

Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2015, 31 (2)

developed and containing high lime content. The presence of lime in the parent
material, lower water table, and decreased infiltration rate from the surface flow
of water might have resulted in increased electrical conductivity, and thus leaving
water unfit for irrigation use (Rashid, 1996). There are estimates that presence of
higher EC may result in the buildup of salts from 565.11 to 31,131.0 kg salts ha
(Bennett et al., 2007). The application of brackish water without prior appropriate
treatment is the major cause of salinity. However, the impact of brackish water on
the productivity and quality of crop plants could vary greatly under various
climatic conditions and management practices (Singh et al., 1992). Pervaiz et al.
(2003) suggested that irrigation water having EC up to 1025 µS cm could be
used safely on heavy textured soils by avoiding any significant reduction in most
of crop plants. According to the reports of WWF (2007), the quality of water
-1 -1 1/2 -1
containing EC < 3000 µS cm , SAR 10 (mmol L ) and RSC < 2.5 me L could
be used safely in coarse textured soils, whereas, the water having EC (2300 µS
-1 -1 1/2 -1
cm ), SAR (8 mmol L ) and RSC (2.3 me L ) may be considered suitable for
medium textured soils. On the other hand, the water having EC 1500 µS cm ,
-11/2 -1
SAR (8 mmol L ) and RSC (1.25 me L ) is fit for fine textured soils. In general,
water containing EC less than 750 µS cm may not cause any problem of
salinization and is suitable for irrigation purpose. The findings of this study agree
with results of many other researchers (Shakir et al., 2002; Khalid et al., 2003;
Pervaiz et al., 2003; Ali et al., 2009) that quality of underground water was quite
variable with regard to irrigation purpose. About two thirds of tubewell water in
the Punjab province is unfit for irrigation use.

The application of brackish water directly causes buildup of salts to an

unacceptable limit with concurrent heavy reduction in crop yields. This scenario
could be alleviated by proper management of irrigation water before its usage.
The agronomic measures including deep tillage practices, addition of soil
amendments, use of salt-tolerant varieties, growing crops on ridges, alternatively
proper mixing of brackish water with quality graded water and/or alternate
watering of crops with brackish and quality water. The salt tolerant crops, for
example wheat, rice, barley, sorghum and fruit trees for example guava, jujuba,
dates, and blueberry could be irrigated with marginally unfit waters. The poor
quality irrigation water may also be used for growing timbers fruit e.g. trees
Eucalyptus, Acacia and Atriplex spp. for grazing purpose (Waheed et al., 2010 ;
Mehboob et al., 2011). The water containing higher SAR and RSC may be
avoided for irrigation purpose. The reason being that underground water
containing higher contents of sodium, carbonates and bicarbonates accelerate
the process of salinization, and simultaneously deteriorating the soil hydraulic
and permeability (Ghafoor et al., 2002). In certain cases, where the source of
irrigation water is solely dependent upon the brackish water, then special water
treatments and farm management practices sought to be done to mitigate the
deleterious impacts of salts (Ashraf et al., 2005; Keshavarzi et al., 2010). The
impact of various constituents and their composition is variable due to their
inherent toxicity levels, viz, reduction in permeability and infiltration due to high
SAR and RSC; reduction in biological and economic yield due to higher content
of sodium and higher values of RSC cause increase in sodium content.

Pak. J. Agri., Agril. Engg., Vet. Sci., 2015, 31 (2)

The negative effects of RSC and SAR containing irrigation water could be
alleviated by addition of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O), commercial sulphuric acid
(H2SO4) and acid forming amendments either in soil or water (Ali et al., 2009;
Mehboob et al., 2011). The application of organic material (pressmud, poultry
manure, farmyard manure), deep ploughing and cultivation of salt-tolerant crop
varieties are being employed and advocated to ameliorate the toxic effects of
brackish water (Ashraf et al., 2005; Mehboob et al., 2011). Apart from this,
adoption of biosaline agriculture, rearing of sheep and goat and aquaculture (fish
farming), growing of trees (Eucalyptus, Acacia) for timber and fuel purpose, and
Atriplex species for grazing purpose offer profitable strategies for subsistence
farming and livelihood under stressful environment of brackish water in most of
the regions. The deleterious effects of salts could be mitigated by mixing of
brackish water with surface canal water in various proportions and/or intermittent
flushing of soil profile with good irrigation water. These practices may be carried
out periodically to avoid economic yield losses.


The field survey conducted in Multan district revealed that a greater proportionate
number of tubewells extracted marginal to unfit water for irrigation purpose. The
underground water is considered unfit due to higher values of electrical
conductivity, and sodium adsorption ratio. The brackish water may be used in
conjunction with adoption of certain strategies, (i) agronomic (deep ploughing,
growing on raised beds, cultivating salt-tolerant crop), (ii) soil amendments
(organic: farm yard manure, poultry manure, pressmud; inorganic: gypsum,
sulphuric acid), (iii) biosaline agriculture (growing of Eucalptus, Acaia, Atriplex)
and cyclic irrigation and/or prior mixing with canal water. The direct application of
brackish water warrants for successful and profitable agriculture in Multan


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(Accepted: September 23, 2015)


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