Lactic Acid Isolated From Jalapeno Pepper
Lactic Acid Isolated From Jalapeno Pepper
Lactic Acid Isolated From Jalapeno Pepper
Abstract: The microbiota associated with spontaneous fermentation of vegetables in a saline substrate may represent an
important group of bacteria in the food industry. In this work, the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Weissella cibaria, Lactobacillus
plantarum, Lactobacillus paraplantarum, and Leuconostoc citreum were identified by partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. In
addition, entophytic bacteria such as Pantoea eucalypti, Pantoea anthophila, Enterobacter cowanii, and Enterobacter asburiae were
detected, but they were irrelevant for the fermentation process and were inhibited after 12 h of fermentation when the
pH decreased from 6.5 to 4.9. Moreover, 2 species of yeast were isolated and identified as Hanseniaspora pseudoguilliermondii
and Kodamaea ohmeri by their partial 26S rRNA gene sequence. The growth of LAB was evaluated at different sodium
chloride contents. L. citreum was the most halotolerant species followed by L. plantarum and W. cibaria with a concentration
index to obtain a 50% population reduction (IC50 ) of 7.2%, 6.6%, and 5.2%, respectively. Furthermore, the growth of
LAB and Escherichia coli O157:H7 was evaluated in the presence of the main phenylpropanoids from chilli peppers such
as p-coumaric and ferulic acid. It was determined that LAB can grow in both acids at 4 mM, unlike E. coli O157:H7,
whose growth is inhibited in the presence of these acids.
M: Food Microbiology
Keywords: capsicum, fermentation, jalapeño pepper, lactobacillus, leuconostoc, weissella
& Safety
Practical Application: Fermentation of the jalapeño pepper occurs spontaneously in traditional Mexican cuisine practices
and adds new flavors while reducing the initial pungency of the pepper. The primary bacteria isolated from chilli
fermentation are lactic acid bacteria. These bacterial species exhibit a high resistance to phenolic acids and sodium
chloride concentrations and can therefore be used for the fermentation of many other food products. In addition, chilli
pepper fermentation has antibacterial and antifungal properties that enhance shelf life and help to avoid subsequent
contamination with pathogenic or saprophytic microorganisms.
doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.12498 Vol. 79, Nr. 8, 2014 r Journal of Food Science M1545
Further reproduction without permission is prohibited
Halotolerance and survival kinetics of LAB . . .
Table 1–Phylogenetic approach and nucleotide similitude for the species identified from spontaneous fermentation of (Capsicum
annuum L.).
pathways. LABs are acidophilic and can grow in low pH environ- Rogosa-Sharpe (MRS) and Yeast Peptone and Dextrose (YPD)
ments whereas other competitor bacteria are inhibited (Granito media. Plates were incubated at 32 °C for 48 h; each colony type
and Alvarez 2006; Gálvez and others 2007). was categorized and counted. Axenic cultures of 5 isolates of each
The objectives of this work were to determine the microbial colonial morphotype observed were obtained and stored in 30%
succession during the spontaneous fermentation of the jalapeño glycerol at −70 °C for further analysis.
pepper and to examine the isolation and molecular identification
DNA extraction
M: Food Microbiology
main phenylpropanoids present in the jalapeño and the halotol- 24 h at 37 ˚C were collected by centrifugation. DNA extraction
erance for the predominant LAB identified in this work were was performed as described by Morales-Jiménez and others (2009).
Polymerase chain reaction
Materials and Methods Specific gene fragments of the 16S rRNA-coding region of
the bacterial isolates were amplified by polymerase chain reac-
Conditioning and optimization tion (PCR) using the primers 8 forward (5 GCG GAT CCG
Fresh, ripe jalapeño peppers were bought in a supermarket CGG CCG CTG CAG AGT TTG ATC CTG GCT CAG 3 )
in Mexico City. They were washed with sterilized water, de- and 1492 reverse (5 GGC TCG AGC GGC CGC CCG GGT
stemmed, and then cut into uniform slices. The optimization of TAC CTT GTT ACG ACT T 3 ; Morales-Jiménez and others
jalapeño pepper fermentation was carried out using a central com- 2009). In addition, the D1/D2 26S rRNA regions of yeast were
posite design with 5 replications of the central point varying salt amplified using the primers 26S-A1 forward (5 CAT ATC AAT
concentration and temperature; the central point values for salt AAG CGG AGC AAA AG 3 ) and 26S-A2 reverse (5 CAG TTC
concentration and temperature were 5.75% and 35 °C, respec- TGC TTA CCA AAA ATGG 3 ), which were designed for this
tively. Response variables were pH and titratable acidity reported study. In both PCR procedures, a total of 25 μL per reaction was
as lactic acid. The optimal conditions obtained with the software mixed, which contained 10 ng of DNA, 0.8 pM of each primer,
Design-Expert R
Version 7.0.3 software (Stat-Ease, Minneapolis, 0.2 mM dNTPs, 2.5 mM MgCl2 , 1U of Taq polymerase, and 1×
Minn., U.S.A.) were 8.42% sodium chloride at an incubation Taq polymerase buffer (Invitrogen Life Technologies, Sao Paulo,
temperature of 31 ± 1 °C, to obtain a final pH of 4.27 (González- Brazil). The reaction conditions were 94 °C for 7 min; 35 cycles
Quijano and others 2012). of 60 s at 94 °C, 60 s at 55 °C, and 60 s at 72 °C; and a final
extension at 72 °C for 7 min. PCR products were purified using
Fermentation kinetics the DNA Clean and Concentrator Kit (Zymo Research, Irvine,
Fermentation was carried out at the optimal conditions listed Calif., U.S.A.) and sequenced in an ABI PRISM 310 genetic an-
above. Uniform slices were placed into flasks and covered with alyzer (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, Calif., U.S.A.) using the
sterile saline solution (8.42%). The pH drop was measured with a same specific primers described above.
pH meter (Smart monitor Milwaukee SMS110) every 2 h in the
brine until the pH was 4.2 ± 1 after 116 h of fermentation. Microbial identification by phylogenetic analysis and
nucleotide similitude of bacterial 16S rRNA and yeast 26S
Isolation of microorganisms rRNA genes and phenotypic tests
The isolation of microorganisms from both chilli pepper and The identification of the isolated bacteria and yeast was per-
brine was carried out by sampling every 2 h in the first stage formed using a phylogenetic approach and nucleotide similitude.
of fermentation when the pH decreased rapidly (0 to 12 h) and Sequences from isolated bacteria and yeast were compared in Gen-
then every 8 h when the pH was less variable (20 to 116 h). Ten Bank using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) avail-
grams of each sample were homogenized in flasks with 90 mL able at
of sterilized water. Ten-fold serial dilutions were performed and A collection of taxonomically related sequences was obtained
0.1 mL of 10−6 , 10−7 , and 10−8 dilutions were spread on Man from the Natl. Centre for Biotechnology Information Taxonomy
M: Food Microbiology
numbers are in brackets. Bootstrap values are
indicated on each node of the tree (percentage of
1000 pseudoreplicates).
& Safety
Phenylpropanoids effect on growth of LAB ple comparisons by Duncan and Tukey’s tests were conducted to
The effect of phenolics on LAB growth was performed in tripli- determine the differences between samples and controls.
cate. LAB growth was performed in tubes containing MRS broth
supplemented with 4 mM phenolic salts for one isolate of each Results
species. Escherichia coli O157:H7 was used as a pathogen control
and cultured in soy trypticase broth containing 4 mM phenolic Isolation and identification of bacteria and yeast from
salts. The inoculum was at 1 × 105 CFU/mL and the growth ki- fermented jalapeño peppers and brine
netics were monitored using optical density (OD560 ) for 36 h and A total of 38 microorganisms were isolated from fermented
by measuring total viable counts in the mentioned solid media. peppers and brine, all of which were identified by PCR. LAB
only grew in MRS, but gram-negative bacteria and yeast were
isolated from YPD medium.
Fluorescence microscopic analysis of bacteria viability in Table 1 shows the identification of isolated strains using a phy-
phenylpropanoids logenetic approach and nucleotide similitude. The clustered phy-
The effect of phenolics on bacterial viability was determined logenetic analysis of the LAB isolates for the sequences of the
by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) using a selective strains showed the following bacteria: Weissella cibaria, Leuconostoc
fluorescent dye. Low concentrations of acridine orange (AO) and citreum, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Lactobacillus paraplantarum. Both
propidium iodide (PI; 3 mM; Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, Mo., Lactobacillus species are closely related, and their identification was
U.S.A.) were used to visualize living and dead cells simultaneously. confirmed by API 50CHL tests. In addition, the Gram-negative
AO is a weak base that readily enters living cells and functions bacteria were identified as Pantoea eucalypti, Pantoea anthophila, En-
as an inclusion dye. At a low concentration, AO causes live cells terobacter cowanii, and Enterobacter asburiae (Figure 1). Finally, the
to fluoresce green. In this assay, PI functions as an exclusion dye yeasts Hanseniaspora pseudoguilliermondii and Kodamaea ohmeri were
that cannot penetrate living cells but readily enters dead or dying identified (Figure 2).
LAB cells with damaged membranes and causes cells to fluoresce
red (Bank 1988; Yániz and others 2013). In the CLSM assay, Microbial diversity changes during jalapeño pepper
cell suspensions were incubated with phenolics and collected by
M: Food Microbiology
centrifugation at different times of incubation, 100 μL of the cells
The total LAB count of the morphotypes identified in jalapeños
were mixed with 1 μL of each dye for 15 min on ice in the
& Safety
mobilized by the brine during fermentation to reach 7.87 ± 0.03 Table 2–Parameters for the behavior of LAB in the presence of
log CFU/mL at 60 h because the isolation of these microorganisms sodium chloride.
at higher concentrations was possible. However, the population of D−C
LAB in the brine was lower than in the pepper matrix itself (Fig- Microorganism C (OD560 ) (OD560 ) IC50 (%) b R2
ure 3B). L. plantarum 0.16 1.14 6.60 9.88 0.98
W. cibaria 0.31 1.52 5.20 3.14 0.98
Halotolerance assay L. citreum 0.43 0.97 7.20 9.79 0.98
L. plantarum, W. cibaria, and L. citreum had a notably reduced
growth and an extended lag phase in the presence of sodium chloride. However, all isolates exhibited a significant growth in 6%
NaCl, confirming their halotolerant character. L. citreum displayed
a larger lag phase and the highest tolerance to NaCl by growing
even in 8% and 16% NaCl. The maximum growth of the strains at
different concentrations of NaCl was modeled and their behavior
was described as a decreasing logistic curve. Lactobacillus spp. and L.
citreum had similar growths and their range of tolerance was from
6% to 8% sodium chloride whereas W. cibaria was less tolerant with
its limit at 5.2% (Figure 4). The values of the modeling are shown
in Table 2.
M: Food Microbiology
growth but only after a longer incubation time (36 h). When
p-coumarate was added to the culture medium, the maximum
growth for L. plantarum was 7.09 ± 0.01 log CFU/mL after
& Safety
36 h (Figure 5A). L. paraplantarum was inhibited after 36 hours
of incubation with p-coumarate reaching a growth of 5.11 ± 0.03
log CFU/mL, and both strains demonstrated similar behavior.
Both bacteria reached maximum growth with a longer incubation
time (data not shown).
Likewise, L. citreum exhibited a maximum growth peak at
8.93 ± 0.05 log CFU/mL after 24 h, but when ferulate was
present its maximum growth was 6.7 ± 0.05 log CFU/mL after
24 h of incubation, reaching the stationary phase. The compound
p-coumarate displayed a bacteriostatic effect against L. citreum by
inhibiting its growth after 36 h and reducing the population by
5 orders of magnitude to 2.62 ± 0.33 (Figure 5B), which was
significantly different from control (P < 0.05).
Although W. cibaria exhibited the highest growth among LAB
(10 log ± 0.02 CFU/mL), this maximum growth was not reached
Figure 3–Microbial growth of LAB during fermentation: (A) in jalapeño when phenolics were present in the culture medium. In the pres-
chilli pepper matrix and (B) in pepper brine. ence of ferulate, its maximum growth was 8.90 log CFU/mL, and
with p-coumarate it was 6.78 ± 0.03 log CFU/mL (Figure 5C).
However, when the data of the control curve was compared to
the sample curves when ferulate and p-coumarate were added,
there was not a significant difference between the control and the
samples (P < 0.05).
E. coli O157:H7 had a maximum growth peak at approxi-
mately 9.96 ± 0.23 log CFU/mL in the control medium. With
this bacterium, ferulate and p-coumarate exerted a severe bac-
teriostatic effect by 24 h of incubation. After 36 h of incu-
bation in the presence of phenolics, its growth decreased to
2.87 ± 0.11 and 2.48 ± 0.36 log CFU/mL for ferulic and p-
coumaric acid, respectively (Figure 5D). These effects were signif-
icantly different from control according to Duncan’s test (P < 0.05)
and among E. coli and LAB isolates according to Tukey’s test
(P < 0.05).
In the fluorescence assay, we observed the same trends in LAB
and E. coli O157:H7 kinetics. L. plantarum had 77% viable cells
Figure 4–Modeling of halotolerance of LAB isolated from fermented after 3 h of incubation in the presence of ferulate, but E. coli
jalapeño chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum L.).
O157:H7 had only 37% viable cells. Similarly, the inhibitory effect
of p-coumaric acid on L. plantarum was weaker than on E. coli have been broadly recognized as rice, citrus, sugarcane, and potato
O157:H7, which retained 58% and 8% viable cells, respectively plant endophytes (Asis and Adachi 2004; Andreote and others
(Fig. 6A and B). 2008; Brady and others 2009; Quecine and others 2012). To our
knowledge, none of these endophytic species have been previously
Discussion isolated from chilli peppers, but related species of both genera
The fermentation of the jalapeño pepper was performed at high have been isolated from chilli pepper species (Kang and others
sodium chloride concentrations (8.42%), which is an environmen- 2007).
tal condition that, combined with anoxic conditions, may induce It is possible that the endophytes isolated from the jalapeño
the growth of anaerobic, aerotolerant, and halotolerant LAB. Stud- pepper fermentation play an important role in plant growth but
ies have reported that some LAB have the ability to survive under no relevant participation in chilli pepper fermentation, as demon-
stress conditions in different environments (Bautista-Gallego and strated by the growth kinetics in saline conditions. Endophytic
others 2008). isolates of Pantoea spp. are potentially capable of fixing nitrogen as
In this study, fermentation is a dynamic system that results in endophytes (Feng and others 2006), but apparently no relevant ni-
changes in the microbial populations due to the diffusion of nutri- trogen fixation occurs under fermentation conditions. Pantoea spp.
ents and the accumulation of primary metabolites. Once the chilli were detected a low populations at the beginning of fermentation,
matrix loses stiffness, sodium chloride is able to move into the tis- but eventually were not detected further along in the fermenta-
sues and the nutrients begin to spread to the medium, becoming tion process. Possibly, these bacteria were unable to compete as a
more bioavailable. This allows mobilization of LAB from the chilli result of the synergic effect of the free phenolic acids, high sodium
pepper to the brine. chloride concentration, acidic pH, and competition with LAB for
In this work, we isolated and identified some enterobacteria nutrients. In addition, some LAB are able to produce antimicro-
such as P. eucalypti, P. anthophila, E. cowanii, and E. asburiae at bial metabolites as bacteriocins (Rodrı́guez-Pazo and others 2013).
the beginning of the jalapeño fermentation, suggesting that all When fermentation conditions are supplied, the proliferation of
those bacteria are pepper bacterial endophytes. All those species LAB quickly overcomes the growth of endophytic enterobacteria,
M: Food Microbiology
& Safety
Figure 5–Survival kinetics of bacteria isolated from jalapeño pepper fermentation in the presence of ferulate and p-coumarate (4 mM). (A) L. plantarum
1M; (B) L. citreum 6M; (C) W. cibaria 3M; (D) E. coli O157:H7.
a cluster of nonhalotolerant microorganisms poorly adapted to typically differentiated by the L. plantarum fermenting capacity
high NaCl conditions (Betts and others 2000; Di Cagno and oth- of α-methyl-d-mannoside and melezitose (Pot and Tsakalidou
ers 2008). 2009).
During lactic acid fermentation of the jalapeño pepper, In addition, obligate heterofermentative bacteria such as Weis-
some enterobacteria are not desirable because of their potential sella and Leuconostoc species were isolated from chilli fermentation.
pathogenic impact on the human population (Brady and others In other foods, both bacteria produce desirable exopolysaccharides
2009). However, although several Enterobacter species are recog- that improve the rheological and physical properties of the dough
nized as important pathogens, E. cowanii and E. asburiae isolated (moisture, hardness, volume, and crumb color), sensory properties
in the initial fermentation have not been recognized as relevant and shelf life of bread. In addition, these genera are commonly
human pathogens. used as food additives for bread production (Di Cagno and others
In addition, low populations of H. pseudoguilliermondii and K. 2006; Bounaix and others 2010).
ohmeri yeasts were identified in the fermentation of the jalapeño In particular, the presence of W. cibaria has been reported in
pepper. Hanseniaspora and Kodamaea species have been reported baked products and other vegetable fermentations such as green
in spontaneous alcoholic fermentations of wine, cacao seeds, and smoothies (Russo and others 2010; Di Cagno and others 2011a).
apples (Granchi and others 2002; Daniel and others 2009). The However, L. citreum is not commonly reported in vegetable fer-
interaction between yeasts and LABs present in jalapeño fermen- mentations, where the main strain present is L. mesenteroides as
tation was not studied. However, the isolation indicated that fer- shown in kefir fermentation (fermented milk product), shalgam (tra-
mentation conditions were not adequate for their growth despite ditional Turkish fermented beverage), and sweet cherry (Di Cagno
the fact that they are often reported as fermentable yeasts. and others 2011b; Gulitz and others 2011; Tanguler and Erten
Among the LAB isolated, facultative heterofermentative bacte- 2012).
ria L. plantarum and L. paraplantarum were detected during fer- In the case of kimchi (fermented cabbage product), L. citreum was
mentation. Both phylogenetically related species can be pheno- the predominant bacteria during the first stage of fermentation
(In-Kwon and others 2003), whereas in jalapeño pepper fermen-
tation, the main microorganisms were Lactobacillus spp.
M: Food Microbiology
In this work, L. citreum was the most halotolerant bacterium,
so this strain harbors a potential application for salty food prod-
& Safety
ucts such as fermented meat and cheeses. These products have
high concentrations of NaCl, the biochemical changes are related
to the proteolytic activity and they also have a ripening process
where flavor and aroma are developed. One potential use for L.
citreum could be fermented sausage (comminuted meat and fat,
mixed with salt, nitrate and/or nitrite, sugar, and spices), which
is stuffed into casings and subjected to fermentation and dry-
ing. Another potential application may be in ripe cheeses such
as cotija, where halotolerant bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidipis-
cis, Tetragenococcus halophilus, Weissella thailandensis, and Lactobacillus
pentosus are present (Hugas and Monfort 1997; Morales and others
LABs isolated in this work followed behaviors similar to those
of different species of Lactobacillus and yeasts when upon exposure
to high salt concentrations. The tolerance to chloride salts is im-
portant for future applications in foods as mentioned by Bautista-
Gallego and others (2008). They found that L. pentosus was more
sensitive to NaCl and CaCl2 than MgCl2 and KCl, which are salts
commonly used in fermented products.
LABs tolerate hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives such as p-
coumaric and ferulic acid release into the system. It has been
reported that some species of Lactobacillus display the capabil-
ity to produce specific enzymes such as tannase, phenolic acid
decarboxylase (PAD), and benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase (Cavin
and others 1997; Landete and others 2008; Rodrı́guez and others
2008). In particular, PAD of L. plantarum transformed p-coumaric
and ferulic acid substrates into 4-vinylphenol and 4-vinylguaiacol
derivatives, which are approved by the Joint Expert Committee on
Food Additives (JECFA) as flavoring agents (JECFA 2000; Lorca
and De Valdez 2009; Rodrı́guez and others 2009).
LAB tolerance to phenolic compounds is a selective advan-
tage over sensitive enterobacteria like E. coli O157:H7. In Gram-
negative bacteria, inhibition due to phenolic acids is associated
with the competitive inhibition between phenolic acids and pro-
Figure 6–Confocal laser scanning microscopy images of bacteria viability line because phenolics act as proline analogs for the proline-
assay in the presence of p-coumarate after 3-h incubation. (A) L. plantarum dehydrogenase enzyme and are responsible for growth-inhibiting
1M and (B) E. coli O157:H7.
effects (Lin and others 2005).
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M: Food Microbiology
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