PMLS 2 Samplex - Prelims
PMLS 2 Samplex - Prelims
PMLS 2 Samplex - Prelims
2. The following statements are true, EXCEPT: 8. A plastic red-top tube undergoes ____ inversions,
A. Humans during the stone age era used crude while a glass red-top tube is mixed by inverting the
tools to cut blood vessels and drain blood from tube ___ times
the body. A. 0, 8
B. In 17th and 18th century, phlebotomy was B. 5,8
viewed to be a major surgery C. 0,0
C. Honey or blood is dropped on the skin of the D. 5, 0
patient before introducing Hirudo medicinalis
D. According to Hippocrates, excess humor should 9. The following statements are true EXCEPT
be removed through the procedure of I. Neoprene gloves and non-sterile gloves are among
bloodletting the approved gloves that a phlebotomist can use
during routine venipuncture.
3. It is the meaning of the Greek word tenmein. II. An Evacuated Tube System is considered to be
A. to cut more efficient and preferred method of collecting
B. to trim blood specimens
C. to puncture III. Sodium fluorite is an antiglycolytic agent, in which
D. to scratch are substances that prevents glycolysis
IV. A light blue top tube is a trace element-free tube and
4. It is the variation of shape among red blood cells. is usually utilized for toxicology studies or nutrient
A. Anisocytosis determination.
B. Poikilocytosis
C. Hemochromatosis A. none of the above
D. Hemolysis B. III and I
C. III and IV
5. This practice is strictly prohibited if a blood sample is D. I,III, and IV
not yet collected and inside the tube.
A. Labelling samples 10. Which of the following is true regarding the needles
B. Pre-labelling used in venipuncture.
C. Centrifugation of samples A. The diameter of the bevel is used to classify the
D. Transport of samples gauge of the needle
B. A lower gauge number indicates a bigger
6. It is a section in the clinical analysis area where diameter
blood typing and cross-matching procedures are C. The recommended length of the needle used in
performed. venipuncture is 1-1.5 in
A. Blood Bank and Immunohematology D. A and C
B. Hematology and Coagulation
C. Clinical Chemistry 11. The type of needle/s being used in Evacuated Tube
D. Immunology and Serology System
A. Hypodermic Needle
B. Multi-sample Needle
Samplex 2nd Year MLS
Principles in Medical Laboratory Sciences 2
Topic: Understanding Phlebotomy, Blood Collection, Infection Control Safety and First Aid, Circulatory System,
Equipment, Additives, and Order of Draw,
Prepared by: Charlemagne Mojica & Nataly Nakazawa
C. a and b
D. None of the above
12. These are used in killing microorganisms on the 18. It is a liquid component of blood that is separated
body surface. from cells after centrifugation and is treated with an
A. Disinfectants anticoagulant
B. Antiseptics A. Serum
C. both a and b B. Plasma
D. none of the above C. Fibrinogen
D. Platelets
13. It is the most commonly used needle in venipuncture
A. gauge 20 needle with a yellow colored hub 19. A type of precaution that identifies patients to be
B. gauge 21 needle with a yellow colored hub potentially infected with blood-borne pathogens.
C. gauge 20 needle with a green colored hub A. Universal Precautions
D. gauge 21 needle with a green colored hub B. Standardized Safety Precautions
C. Universal Health Precautions
14. Which of the following statements is correct about D. Standard Precautions
A. spray-dried and in powdered form, inside glass 20. Which among the choices are the most common
tubes volumes used for collecting blood?
B. spray-dried and in powdered form, inside plastic A. 21 gauge
tubes B. 23 gauge
C. in liquid form inside glass tubes C. 2, 5, and 10 mL
D. in liquid form inside plastic tubes D. 2.5 and 10 mL
15. Which of the following statements is correct about 21. Which of the following are NOT included in the
K3EDTA analytical phase of blood collection?
A. spray-dried and in powdered form, inside glass A. Identifying the patient and the test requested for
tubes them
B. spray-dried and in powdered form, inside plastic B. Placing the needed equipment at a safe and
tubes easily accessible place such as a tray or a
C. It is in liquid form inside glass tubes trolley.
D. It is in liquid form inside plastic tub C. Reassuring and positioning the patient.
D. Labelling of blood collection tubes immediately
16. The supposed amount of time the tourniquet should after extracting the blood.
be left tied to the patient.
A. Only for 30 seconds 22. Which of the following is not included among the
B. none, you can leave the tourniquet on and choices?
remove it until you are done withdrawing blood A. Bevel
C. for at least 1 minute B. Shaft
D. for at most 1 minute C. Plunger
D. Hub
17. The extreme immune response of the body against
infection caused by bacteria in the blood 23. The following statements are true, except:
A. Septicemia I. The median cubital vein is the vein of choice
B. Sepsis because it is the most stable.
C. Bacteremia II. Winged infusion set lessens one’s exposure to
D. Aseptic blood as compared to the syringe method.
III. Slight hemolysis may be observe when the
serum displays a pink color.
IV. Hematoma formation can be caused by using a
needle that is too small for venipuncture.
A. only I
Samplex 2nd Year MLS
Principles in Medical Laboratory Sciences 2
Topic: Understanding Phlebotomy, Blood Collection, Infection Control Safety and First Aid, Circulatory System,
Equipment, Additives, and Order of Draw,
Prepared by: Charlemagne Mojica & Nataly Nakazawa
B. I and IIV
C. II and III
WHY? K2EDTA is a powdered anticoagulant that are I. The median cubital vein is the vein of
spray-dried and contained inside plastic tubes. choice because it is the most stable. –
15. C. It is in liquid form inside glass tubes II. Evacuated Tube System (ETS) lessens
one’s exposure to blood as compared to
WHY? K3EDTA is a liquid anticoagulant contained the syringe method.
inside glass tubes. III. Slight hemolysis may be observed when
the serum displays a pink color. - TRUE
16. D. for at most 1 minute IV. Hemolysis can be caused by using a
needle that is too small for venipuncture.
WHY? The tourniquet should only be tied within 1
minute to prevent hemoconcentration 24. A. IV, III, I,
WHY? The proper sequence of removing your used
17. B. Sepsis gloves are:
WHY? It is the extreme response of the body from 1. The wrist part of one glove is grasped by the
the infection caused by the bacteria’s endotoxins opposite hand.
2. The glove is pulled inside out and off the hand
18. B. Plasma 3. The gloved hand holds the removed glove from
the other hand.
WHY? It is a liquid component in blood that is a 4. The non-gloved fingers are slipped under the wrist
straw-colored substance which is separated from of the remaining glove to and pulled inside out until
other blood cells after centrifugation. completely removed.
21. A. Identifying the patient and the test requested for 27. D. The biohazard symbol was created by Charles L.
them Baldwin, an environmental engineer at Dow
Chemical Company in 1966.
WHY? Patient identification and securing the request
WHY? Charles L. Baldwin was an environmental
form before blood collection is a part of the pre-
HEALTH engineer.
analytical phase
28. B. Schistosomiasis
22. C. Plunger
WHY? Zoonosis is an infectious disease wherein it
WHY? All of the choices are parts of the needle can be transmitted from animals to humans under
except for plunger, which is a rod-like part of the natural conditions. Schistosomiasis is zoonotic
syringe that pulls fluids into the syringe when drawn because it can be transmitted by the parasitic blood
back and forces fluids out when drawn in. flukes of the genus Schistosoma, with snails as its
intermediate hosts.
23. D. II and IV 29. C. Hands
WHY? WHY? All of the following are considered mucous
membranes except for hands.
Samplex 2nd Year MLS
Principles in Medical Laboratory Sciences 2
Topic: Understanding Phlebotomy, Blood Collection, Infection Control Safety and First Aid, Circulatory System,
Equipment, Additives, and Order of Draw,
Prepared by: Charlemagne Mojica & Nataly Nakazawa
30. A. Collection of data should be done to those who D. Vasoconstriction constricts the blood
are at risk of infection. vessels which result in a decrease in blood
flow. - TRUE
WHY? Collection of data should be done to those
who were already exposed to the risk.
36. A. Tricuspid valve
WHY? The tricuspid valve, also known as the right
atrioventricular valve, closes as the right ventricle
contracts to avoid backflow to the right atrium.
31. C. Percutaneous
WHY? Needle-stick injuries are an example of
37. C. Ischemia
percutaneous biohazard exposure route because it
is an injury that goes through the skin. WHY? Ischemia is defined as the inadequate supply
of oxygen in the blood.
32. D. II and IV
38. B. Sinoatrial (SA) node
I. The B in the ABCs of CPR is “Breathing” WHY? The Sinoatrial (SA) node is the heart’s
II. After 30 chest compressions, one must give two natural pacemaker and is included in its electrical
rescue breaths. - TRUE conduction system.
III. The minimum detectable dose for a body badge
is 10 millirems. 39. A. Aortic stenosis is when the heart produces a
IV. Class A fires can be extinguished with water. – murmuring sound because the aortic leaflet fails to
TRUE fully open during diastole.
WHY? Aortic stenosis occurs when the aortic leaflet
33. A. Pericardium fails to fully open during systole.
WHY? Pericardium encloses the heart and the roots
of the great vessels. It is then followed by 40. D. Angina pectoris
WHY? All of the choices are disorders of the
lymphatic system except for Angina pectoris which is
34. A. Hypothalamus
a heart disorder characterized by chest pain due to
WHY? Once the hypothalamus reports the reduced blood flow to the heart.
temperature changes to the hypothalamus, it will
initiate certain mechanisms to regain the safe 41. B. Plasma
temperature range.
WHY? The plasma is the yellowish liquid that is
35. D. Vasoconstriction results in a decrease in blood separated from the whole blood. It is seen to sit on
flow. top of the buffy coat.
44. B. Leukocytosis
WHY? Leukocytosis is a blood disorder that causes
the body to have too much white blood cells during
an infection and is also considered as an
inflammatory response.
45. B. Lymphadenitis
WHY? Lymphadenitis is an inflammatory disease
affecting the lymph nodes while the remaining
choices are considered as cancers of the lymphatic
46. A. Fibrinolysis
WHY? Fibrinolysis removes previously formed blood
clots from the bloodstream to prevent blockage and
reopen intact vessels.
49. A. O-
WHY? O negative is the universal blood type that
can be received by anyone, as it does not contain
any proteins that can cause agglutination.