Scale-Up of Flotation Processes
Scale-Up of Flotation Processes
Scale-Up of Flotation Processes
January 2010
© 2010
Scale-up of Flotation Processes
Dr. Mikhail BURSTEIN, Computational Science Research Center, San
Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA,
Professor Lev FILIPPOV, Laboratoire Environnement et Minéralurgie,
LEM UMR 7569 CNRS, Nancy, France, Lev.Filippov@ensg.inpl-
1 Introduction
Flotation is the core separation stage in mineral processing for base metal ores; it is
also widely used in coal fines preparation, waste water treatment, and other
applications where the difference in the bubble-particle (or bubble-droplet)
attachment ability (i.e. hydrophobic properties) can be the basis for separation. In the
vast majority of applications, the three phases are present in the machine: liquid
carrier (typically, water-based), phase to be separated or removed (solid particles or
insoluble liquid droplets), and the gas phase onto which the attachment occurs (most
commonly, air).
Due to the wide range of systems utilizing flotation separation, the equipment used
for the process varies. It can be classified based on the method to generate and to
introduce the gas bubbles (dissolved-air, forced injection, suction), the level of
turbulence (impeller or impellerless), relative direction of phase movement (reactor-
separator, bank of several cells, countercurrent column). Capacities of the machines
can be as little as a portion of a cubic centimeter or as large as several hundreds of
cubic meters.
All of the above makes creating the techniques for flotation scale-up particularly
In addition to that, unlike many other separation processes, increased duration of the
flotation separation does not necessarily improve its metallurgical results. While this
is generally true for waste water treatment, raising the time of bubble/particle
exposure in mineral flotation typically increases the recovery of component to be
collected with the froth, but leads to product grade deterioration. Therefore,
determining the correct arrangement and size of the flotation cells based on batch
and pilot test results (scaling-up) is extremely important for the overall results.
Scale-up should also include a methodology to optimize the flowsheet which (in case
of mineral flotation) typically includes rougher, scavenger and cleaner stages with
recycling of intermediate products into the previous stage (optionally including
additional reagent treatment and/or regrinding).
Despite all considerations, the typical approach is to determine the “right” parameters
in lab-scale tests (including conditioning and separation time, etc.) and then to apply
them to the industrial-scale operation using an empirical “scale-up factor”.
Based on the complexity and multifaceted nature of the problem, hierarchical model
is required to analyze all the aspects and to propose a reliable scale-up approach.
This paper summarizes the major works done by the type of flotation machinery
The simplest approach is to consider flotation as the process following the first-rate
kinetics. Assuming that particles do not interact with each other and do not “compete”
for the space on bubble surface (in slurry and in froth), this approach is adequate
under steady-state conditions (i.e., the stable froth has been formed and is
discharging, gas holdup and velocity distribution reached the final pattern, etc.).
Rate of the first-order kinetics equation (often referred to as flotation rate K, min-1)
represents a probability of a particle (more precisely, a unit mass of the component in
question) transfer into concentrate per unit time. Change of the constant depending
of the scale of the flotation machine is the factor determining the scale-up
It should be noted that (unlike reaction rates in chemical engineering) flotation rate
depends upon particle composition and size as well as upon its surface properties,
reagent adsorption and other factors. Therefore, each component may be
represented by its continuous flotation rate distribution F(K). Formally speaking,
deformation of this set of distributions at scale-up is determining results of industrial-
scale process based on given pilot/batch results. Given the identical chemical
environments, this deformation can be attributed to the differences in aeration and
hydrodynamics between machines of different scale. Analysis of the differences
should be based on studying the physics of the flotation process.
R = ∫∫F(K)E(t)(1-exp(-Kt)dKdt (1)
If flotation rate distribution had a rectangular shape, batch flotation kinetics would
follow Klimpel equation
(Kmax is the highest flotation rate of the given component under the given conditions).
While simple to interpret, this equation represents another extreme case opposite to
an assumption that all particles containing given component have equal floatability. In
reality, the flotation rate distribution has a bell shape, similar to the gamma-
distribution. In addition to that, certain part of material (or its component) would not
float even at infinite separation time and is represented by the fraction of K=0.
For capture to occur between a bubble and a hydrophobic particle, they must first
undergo a sufficiently close encounter, a process that is controlled by the
hydrodynamics governing their approach in the aqueous environment in which they
are normally immersed [3]. Should they approach quite closely, within the range of
attraction surface forces, the intervening liquid film between the bubble and particle
will drain, leading to a critical thickness at which rupture occurs. Movement of the
three-phase contact line (the boundary between the solid particle surface, receding
liquid phase, and advancing gas phase) then occurs, until a stable wetting perimeter
is established. This sequence of drainage, rupture, and contact line movement
constitutes the attachment process. A stable particle–bubble aggregate is thus
The particle may only be dislodged from this state if it is supplied with sufficient
kinetic energy to equal or exceed the attachment energy; thus a process of
detachment can occur.
The collection (or capture) efficiency Ecoll of a bubble and a particle is often defined
Ecoll = EcEaEs
It should be noted that this approach ignores two important factors: (1) flotation is a
kinetic process and most of “efficiencies” should be considered as “rates” or
“intensities”; (2) all of the processes are reversible, i.e. particle can repeatedly
undego attachment/detachment stages in slurry and in froth (most profound for
coarse particles and for impeller machines with intensive mixing and columns with
deep washed froth layer and cleaning zone) before it eventually is removed into the
concentrate launder. Based on that, the structure of subprocesses can be considered
as Markov chain and the overall rate can be calculated accordingly [6].
Particle retention time in froth tf also affects kinetics, and, therefore, the metallurgical
results as particles can drop from the froth due to drainage in Plateau canals as well
as due to syneresis. According to [10], K decreases exponentially with tf and raises
linearly with bubble surface area flux but the relationship is dependent on the cell
size and, therefore, not directly useful for scale-up. When tf is divided by a typical cell
dimension to take into account the effect of froth transportation distance in cells of
different sizes, the relationship between K and the "specific froth residence time" fits
the data better and is found to be independent of cell size.
During the last 100 years, this type of machines has been the main equipment for the
flotation of ores and coal. They are manufactured by several leading vendors which
are developing their own phenomenological recommendations for selecting the type
and sizes of cells for a given task.
The cell in these machines can be divided into two distinct zones: within the impeller
(mechanism) and outside it. There is no single opinion whether “stable” flotation
attachment occurs inside the impeller. While the probability of collision in this zone
with intensive turbulent mixing is high, the contact time between particle and bubble
is very short. The relationship between the contact time and “induction time”
necessary to form the “three-phase wetting perimeter” determines the probability of
particle attachment to a bubble following their collision.
Also, flotation attachment is reversible for relatively coarse particles. The gradient of
liquid velocity in the vicinity of the bubble surface determines the magnitude of shear
forces. Balance of these forces, gravity, particle inertia, and attachment forces
between particle and bubble results in stability of the flotation aggregates.
Based on that, mechanism of the flotation attachment may differ in the impeller zone
and outside it, as well as for fine and for coarse particles of different specific gravity.
Obviously, the differences in impeller geometry, size and its tip speed between
laboratory, pilot and industrial cells are the major reason for discrepancies in
metallurgical results at identical nominal retention time.
Intensity of collisions and contact time and its dependence on particle and bubble
sizes as well as local air holdup and turbulence parameters are used by Koh et al as
the input parameters for CFD modeling [6]. They found that the limiting factor is often
not the collision or attachment rate, but insufficiency of the bubble surface area for
attachment of all material to be recovered into froth. This is even more important for
the flotation of ultrafine particles having high specific surface area when bubble
carrying capacity is lower (the mass of particles which can be attached to and carried
by the unit bubble surface is smaller).
For N continuous perfect mixers-in-series, with a total residence time τ, the following
equation has shown a good agreement to represent the residence time distribution of
the rougher plant [13]
This expression can be substituted in equation (1) where F(K) is the flotation rate
distribution in the industrial-scale machine.
If (though no physical grounds for the assumption can be given) flotation rate
distribution is uniform from K = 0 to K = Kmax (see eq.(2) above) and that the recovery
after infinite flotation time is Rmax, Yianatios, et al. [13] found that following simple
relationships allow adequate prediction of plant results from batch tests:
where t, T – flotation time in lab and industrial cell at the point of optimum separation
at identical flotation regime, r, R – recoveries at that time in these cells, rmax, Rmax –
recoveries in infinite time in both cells [1].
Recovery into froth by the true flotation in the commercial flotation apparatus can be
predicted based on laboratory test results using the technique which includes the
1. Conduct a kinetic test in a laboratory apparatus.
2. Evaluate particle size distribution in the feed f(dp) and in the products of the kinetic
3. Evaluate the dependences of recovery and yield in batch processes upon the time
for each size fraction (Rld(t)) and Yld(t)).
4. Using the chosen formula of the function, assess Kl(dp) for laboratory and Kc(dp) for
commercial apparatus. It requires estimation of the aeration characteristics of
laboratory and commercial apparatus and calculation of average relative velocities of
particles and bubbles.
5. Solve the following equation for fd(Pa)
and calculate the expected values of recovery and yield under commercial
According to some studies, non-selective entrainment of fines into froth in the wake
of bubbles or by upward local flows in highly-mixed impeller cell cannot be neglected.
Share of true flotation vs. entrainment is determined in [14] .The entrainment of the
fine particles can be directly related to the water recovery and can be estimated by
mineral recovery in the absence of collector (providing natural floatability is small).
Feed slurry after reagent conditioning enters the column generally at the
froth/slurry interface or below. This area serves for the contact of froth, slurry, wash
water and rising bubbles. Bubbles are generated at the sparger (2) located near the
column (1) bottom. Loaded bubbles are accumulated above the slurry forming froth
(5) which overflows to the launder.
Column diameter (dc) determines the machine capacity and flotation
efficiency. Diameter increase leads to a rise in the dispersion number D (D ≅ dc1/3).
This causes change of metallurgical results at scale up from lab or pilot columns to
industrial units [20].
Columns of large diameter can have slurry circulation of larger scales
caused by the following :
- particle settling at the wall part of the column due to lower aeration of the
slurry there;
- high air holdup in the axial portion causes upward slurry movement and fine
particle entrainment;
- profile of liquid velocities caused by slower flow near the walls.
Superficial feed velocity Jl is the ratio of the volumetric feed flow rate to the
column cross-section Ac. It is expressed in cm/s:
Figure 2. Effect of superficial air velocity upon recovery in the collection zone for
3.8m dia. column (adapted from [21]).
Sharp increase in air flow can cause formation of large bubbles due to
coalescence, intensive slurry mixing and bursting and, as a result, steep
deterioration of flotation process. Reduced superficial gas flowrate at constant gas
holdup can cause lower recovery despite of increased particle/bubble collision
efficiency. This is explained by high mineral load on fine bubbles and their sinking.
Bubble diameter depends on sparger type and column feed composition and
properties. Bubble average diameter and size distribution are key factors of
successful column operataion. Photogrpahic measurement and modeling of bubble
sizes can be conducted for liquid/gas systems, but not for three-phase flotation
slurries. It can be estimated in Flotation Columns from Drift Flux Analyses [22]. For
two-phase sustems, one can assume that for identical spargers, initial bubble size
distribution is the same for pilot- and industrial-scale columns.
Retention time. All factors described above affect particle residence time tp, which
determines recovery in the collection zone. Slurry retention time can be calculated
based on volumetric tailing flow Qr and collection zone volume [18, 19, 23]:
Particle residence time τp is higher for smaller particles [20]. For countercurrent
flow, the following expression can be derived:
where Usp is the particle settling velocity in slurry calculated from Maslyah [24]
equation, and Jl is the superficial slurry velocity. The difference of slurry retention
time and particle residence time is more profound for coarse particles. According to
the experimental results Dobby and Finch at superficial slurry flowrate of 1-2 cm/s,
the retention time for particles of 120 µ m size is just 60% of that of slurry [20]. For
fine light particles, retention time is close to the one of the liquid.
Axial dispersion model is largely used for flotation in columns. This theory is based
on the assumption that the fluid transfer in cylindrical cell is determined by the phase
relative velocities and the dispersion coefficient. Radial flow loops are considered
insignificant. The column is assumed to behave as a non-ideal plug flow reactor.
Under this approach, equation for particle concentration C in the collection zone can
be presented as
If the intensity of the elementary flotation process is considerably higher than the
particle detachment and entrainment rates, equation (1), having an analytical solution
(2), can be used to describe the steady state conditions for particles with K value of
the kinetic constant. Under the assumptions made, the right part of the equation
presents the separation characteristic of column flotation. It shows the dependence
of material distribution between the products of the operation upon the separation
criterion K.
For practical use of equation (2) Levenspiel’s diagram has been modified (Figure 3).
The diagram was complemented by the isolines of equal values of the modified
Peclet number
Figure 3. Modified diagram for evaluation of collection zone height based on axial
dispersion equation (mass transfer model) and first-order kinetics (flotation model).
The modified diagram allows the evaluation of the required height H from the
calculated Hl value. The practical use is as follows: Material recovery to tailings is laid
off as abscissa. The ordinate is the ratio of the column volume to the volume of plug
flow apparatus (column of a rather small diameter) providing the same recovery. To
estimate the necessary height of the collection zone Hc, the intersection of R(t) = R0
line (R0 is the specified recovery) with the line corresponding to Pe value in a
commercial column should be found. T
The plot cannot be used to estimate the height of the collection zone as in the
formula for the Peclet criterion Pe=(Up + Ul)H/D the value of H is unknown.
The next stage of the scaling is the calculation of total recovery in the column R,
taking into account material recirculation from the cleaning to the collection zone.
Dobby and Finch proposed the two-zone model to estimate the total recovery in
collection and froth zones [15,21]
where Rc, Rf are the recoveries in the collection and froth (cleaning) zones,
The recovery in the collection zone was estimated from Levenspiel equation. The
actual values of the Rf estimated from pilot column tests ranges between 40 and
80% of total recovery [30].
The same authors concluded that collection zone recovery at industrial scale is less
(down to 20-50%) [31].
Several models have been developed to describe Residence Time Distribution (RTD)
and dispersion coefficeint D in columns. All of them are based on axial dispersion
model and are similar to the equation derived by Laplante et al. 1988 linking D to
the geomtery of the industrial column (dc) and air flow reate. One of such
approximations can be derived from Kolmogorov’s equation
D = 0.35 dc4/3·(g·Jg)1/3
Relative phase velocity (interstitial velocity) can be derived from the expression
Dobby and Finch propose the following equation for dispersion coefficient and vessel
dispersion number [15, 20]
Flotation rate can be evaluated by kinetic tests in pilot column to deterimne recovery
vs. slurry retention time taking into account wash water rate (or tailings superficial
velocity, cm s-1) [15]. Retention time can be changed by varying feed flowrate or
collection zone height.
But the reproducibility of the results using this technique is low, therefore, the scale
up recommendations are not sufficeintly accurate (see O’Connor et al., 1995). Also,
slurry/froth transfer and particle/bubble detachment cannot be ignored in the
industrial flotation. Changing the feed flowrate effects all process intensities/rates. If
flotation rate cannot be found from pilot or lab-scale column results, it can be
estimated using the following aproximations:
where db is the mean bubble size estimated by the drift flux analyses [35].
Estimate of axial dispersion model applicability using Dobby and Finch technique is
given by Alfrod, et al. [36] and Tuteja, et al [37]. As the result, the new formula for
flotation rate has been recommended:
The technique developed by G. Dobby and J. Finch has the following drawbacks.
The effect of hydrodynanic parameters (slurry and air flow rates, type of aerator, etc.)
upon the elementary flotation process and stability of flotation aggregate is not
estimated, whereas it is one of the main reasons which accounts for difference in
commercial process results compared to laboratory test data. As was already
demonstrated, the diagram proposed by Levenspiel [38] can not be used to calculate
the column height necessary to achieve the specified recovery. The technique does
not include calculation of the rise velocity of flotation aggregate. It is known that in
countercurrent operation loaded small bubbles are entrained to tailings which results
in the reduction of recovery. Froth zone recovery Rf values for the recovered and
suppressed components are not assessed from experimental results in the
considered work.
Scale-up procedure based on separation mass transfer for free and attached
particles has been developed and validated. Instead of a single flotation rate, it
includes intensity of attachment and detachment processes [27, 29, 30, 40, 63]
- µ Cp+ν Cb - div (Up . Cp) + div (Dp . grad Cp)
Cp ≠ 0 ; Cb ≠0
0 = - µ Cp + ν Cb - Up - Cp + Dp + + Q/Ac
0 = µ Cp - ν Cb + Ub - Cp + Db +
Expression Q/Ac is attributed to the return of certain flow of particles Q from froth
back to the collection zone over column cross-section Ac.
Assumptions are that the column has incoming streams of gas, feed slurry and wash
water. Particles are discharged into the concentrate with the gas phase and with the
slurry and into the tailings only with the slurry. If column is subdivided into N zones
with the increment of h (equal to a height of the volume element with ideal mixing
within), then the collection zone incorporates zones from 2 to N – 1. In these zones
all transfers between slurry and bubbles are allowed. The transfers define the
separation process.
Zone 1 is the interface between slurry and froth. Particles are transferred from slurry
into concentrate due to the following:
- Displacement of loaded bubbles towards the concentrate;
- Transfer of particles with the liquid and bubbles by dispersion transfer;
- Recycle of particles form the froth as a homogenous phase.
Zone N corresponds to particles leaving the column into tailings stream. Dispersion
exchange here exists only with the previous zone N – 1.
Change of gas holdup with the column height affects all major processes in flotation
due to shift in the average bubble size. Therefore, equation to estimate Dp based on
gas and slurry velocities in addition to the dc/Hc ratio is used [34]:
Another parameter influenced by the average bubble size is the attachment rate m.
Ir is the number of events when particle is getting into bubble vicinity (Ir = number of
particle–bubble “collisions” per unit time and volume in flotation cells), it depends
upon relative particle/bubble velocity and can be determined as
Relative particle velocity in the slurry can be calculated by hindered settling equation
by Masliyah [24]:
For intermediate bubble Reynolds number in the range of 0.2 < Reb < 100, the
equation proposed by Yoon et al for the collision probability can be applied [54] :
where the bubble Reynolds number based on Reb = dbUb/µ is used. The equation is
valid for particles smaller than 100 µm and bubbles smaller than 1 mm with surfaces
immobilised due to adsorbed surfactants.
The parameters µ, ν and Kb (drop back probability describing the Qr) are estimated by
a preliminary tests in lab scales [42,43]. Values of parameters (µ, ν and Kb) were
taken as the first approximation for modelling. The comparison of the calculated
recovery of tin for each class (28, 56 and 100 µm) of particles and the distribution of
the losses of cassiterite in the tailings product allows to validate the intensities
obtained by the model. The results of the validation are presented in Table 1.
Thus, the model validation results demonstrate the applicability limits for the axial
diffusion model related to the qualitative changes on considered basic phenomena.
This allows to adjust finite elements calculations based on process intensities (rates)
as well as on gas holdup changes and, therefore, dispersion number fluctuations.
To assess bubble load (the fourth stage of scaling procedure), formulas were derived
to calculate the mass of solids per unit air volume. Collection rate is assumed to be
constant in the period when loading is below 80% of the bubble surface.
The major limitation of flotation kinetic models is considerations for free bubble
surface and maximum bubble carrying capacity. Fuerstenau and Sastry [17] used
two-phase separation mass transfer approach including attachment K1 and
detachment K2 rate coefficients.
Dр - Up - =0
Db - Ub + =0
The most common technique to estimate bubble load by particles is column carrying
capacity calculation developed by Canadian researchers [45-47]. Carrying capacity is
expressed as Ca, g/(min cm2). It can be estimated using the approximation formula .
The fact that the collection of mineral particles by bubbles greatly depends on the
amount of bubble surface available was criticized by Bouchard et al. (2009) They
note that the more adequate way to take into account the influence of gas to the
flotation process is to use bubble surface area flux - the amount of bubble surface
per unit time and unit of column cross section area instead of the gas hold-up. This
becomes obvious when comparing the flotation performance of similar volumes of air
in the form of a swarm of small bubbles (large specific area) or a swarm of fewer
larger bubbles (smaller specific area). The expression for bubble surface area flux Sb
can be derived from the definition and includes the superficial gas velocity and mean
bubble diameter db as follows:
Yoon and co-authors used Peclet number and vessel dispersion number Nd to
evaluate mixing. Their approach is also based on axial dispersion model [52, 54, 55,
57] and lead to development of a static simulator based on hydrodynamic principles,
aiming at predicting the recovery of a column flotation operation. Peclet number
estimate included effect of the column geometry (Hc, dc) and flow rates (Jg, Jl) as well
as gas holdup εg [56].
In their initial papers, these researchers proposed using the following formula for
flotation rate depending on bubble diameter and gas holdup to calculate collection
zone recovery
Later, maximum carrying capacity has been calculated as a product of free bubble
surface and bubble load presented as
4.2.6 Conclusions Conclusions on the considered models
where Ca is determined from the tests, Mf is the capacity by solids, Y is the flow of
the concentrate and N is the number of machines.
Column diameter is determined based on the volumetric feed flow rate and the
solids content in the feed s:
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